#scott gem impulse tango bigb and scar as the cats
mcyt-cats · 9 months
Quick question, am I allowed to ask for a tally of how many life series people own cats to your knowledge?
If so, what is the ratio of cat owners to non-cat owners?
Grian: 2 cats, Maui and Pearl
Pearl: 2 cats, Olive and Nugget
Scar: 1 cat, Jellie
Impulse: 1 cat, Luna
Martyn: 2 cats, Kiki and Pascal
Jimmy: 2 cats, Norman and Flick
Cleo: At least 2 cats, Atlas and Glados
Skizz: At least 2 cats, Ginny and Ravenclaw
Scott: 1 cat, Elle
Mumbo: Technically no cats, as Benji lives with his mom. 1 dog.
Lizzie and Joel: No cats. Sadly, Buddy passed away. 1 dog of course, Meri.
Bigb: To my knowledge, no cats.
Bdubs: To my knowledge, no cats. (Edit: 1 dog)
Tango: To my knowledge, no cats. (Edit: 2 dogs)
Ren: No cats, 1 dog though (edit: no dog cries)
Etho: To my knowledge, no cats
Gem: No cats. 1 dog, though.
Final ratio: 9/18 have cats, so right at 50%!
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mentalisill · 7 months
Ranking every Life Series Member based on how much I could beat them in a fistfight to the death (But I'm overconfident)
Characters not Content creators because I think I would be able to beat up most of the ccs and always winning isn't any fun
Also: I'm basing this off of when they were most insane, so like Griand and Joel when they were red in LL and Pearl in DL, if they haven't gone batshit crazy then whoopsies their loss
Lizzie - I say fairies aren't real and she explodes easy
Etho Slab - I do not think for the life of me that Etho Slab would be able to defend himself against anyone
Mumbo - I don't think I need to explain this one
Martyn In Thy Littlewood - pussy queen cry baby wet cat man I would Punch him and he'd run away to Rendog crying, but also if he gets possessed by the watchers or whatever that as in LimLife I'm dead but I think I could beat him before that happens
Joel Smallishbeans - All I have to do is call him short and he crumbles, although it might take me a few punches to get him down
Jimmy Solidarity - Doomed by the narrative lil canary man
Impulse - You see, you would think "oh impulse is tall and broad he would beat you in a fight" NO! I'll bite his ankles!!!!!!!
Bdubs - He's sneaky!!!! He's my fave!!!!!! he's so amazing!!!!!!! but I would be able to beat him he might've killed the end dragon but he can't kill me
Scott Smajor - Now, this one is tricky, I think I'd be able to beat Scott but I have a fragile ego so if he insults me too much I'll start sobbing
Cleorrrr - I wouldn't be able to hit her at all nope she'd win
Tango - a cheeky fella, has fire hair, I would put up a good fight but since its a fistfight and I don't have a weapon or armor I'm getting cooked alive
Grian - He'd beat me up while making fun of me :(((((((( I'd be on the floor sobbing and it wouldn't be no "I'm sorry!!!!! Scar!!!!! No!!!!" moment no. I'd be crying and he would LAUGH! But if we also take into account WATCHER GRIAN??????? FUCK THAT NOPE IM DEAD
Pearl - She'd kill me no doubt in my mind I am NOT winning this
Scar - He'd swindle me to death ????????? also he's buff
Gem - Uh huh yeah okay no I'm not winning???? No????? I'm just???? not?????? Not only would she kill me but she'd insult me while doing so
BigB, Skizz, Ren - I wouldn't have it in my heart to beat any of them actually I think I would try to hit one of them and it would deflect and I'd hit myself instead
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bad-traffic-smp-ideas · 2 months
Okay I submitted a different idea a few days ago but part of it involved origins and I want to expand upon that idea
3rd life but everyone has an origin, they don’t all have the same origins but they don’t get to pick they get fandom assigned origins
Grian is a parrot, a pesky bird, the others are envious of him actually getting to fly this season
Scott is a vampire because this is inspired by afterlife and I liked vampire Scott
Mumbo is also a vampire because the fandom likes making him a vampire. He has to team up with Scott because of this
Joel is either a giant to play into his ego or an inchling to humble him into accepting he’s short
Jimmy is a cat because I liked cat Jimmy and if it’s the same mod he can’t break any blocks which I think is hilarious scar is also a cat because I feel like it suits him. They aren’t allowed to team up
Skizz is an angel and Impulse is a demon, they team up anyway because they’re like that
Cleo is a zombie for obvious reasons
Tango is a blazeborn because that seems like one of his more commonly accepted fandom assigned species
Bigb is a cookie born cus I feel like it suits him
Lizzie is an axolotl because no one has gotten over empires season 1
Gem is a butterfly and Pearl is a moth they’re best friends
Ren is a werewolf
Bdubs is an inchling cus he’s short
Martyn is an iceologer cus I liked icologer Martyn there are no mods other than the origins mod so he replaced the colins with goats
Honestly I would do anything to get Freezer Phil aka Philzer back.
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hybbart · 2 years
Rancher Apocalypse AU Directory
Here is organizational tags and information for the Rancher Apocalypse AU. If there is any other information you would like linked or added feel free to ask.
rancher apocalypse au - Reverse chronological
rancher apocalypse au - Chronological (Desktop only)
raau ask
raau notes
raau notes: art - behind the scenes process
raau notes: setting - setting, timeline, and plagues
raau notes: technology - machines and equipment
raau notes: character - characters and their side stories
raau notes: ranchers - Tango, Jimmy, Revy, cats, chickens, and horses
Power: Portable Generator, Portable Solar Chargers, Batteries
Ranchers: Tango, Jimmy, Rancher’s Revenge, Norman, Bullseye, Pancake, Big Chicky
Transportation: bike trailer/coop
Children’s Hospital (Sculk Infested) - Cub (Warden)
Gas Station - Keralis, xB, Hypno
Hunting Grounds - Katherine
Grove Park - Doc
Gem’s Cottage - Gem, Impulse, Pearl, Tilly
GGG’s Inn - Scott, Cleo
Scar’s Hospital - Scar, Grian, Zedaph, Oreo, Arrow, Pizza, Flick, Puddle, Dexter, Boop
Lizzie's Ranch - Lizzie, Joel, Sausage, Hermes, Tom, Mandy, Beandog, Bubbles, Adequate, Beatrice
Broadcast Station - Pixl, Lyarrah, Zloy
Downtown - Etho, False
Bdub’s Stables - Bdubs
Renchanting - Ren, Martyn, Bigb, Skizz
What caused the apocalypse?
The apocalypse was the result of a zombie disease and the sculk fungus which caused the death of approx. 80% of humanity. More Info
What is Jimmy wearing on his face?
Jimmy wears a portable oxygen concentrator during the day and a CPAP machine at night to help him breathe. More Info: 1, 2, 3
How do the ranchers power their devices?
The ranchers have accumulated various sources of power during their travels, including generators and solar chargers. More Info
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ivys-garden · 6 months
Dumb Life Series Idea, Opposite Life: same as third life, but everyone does the opposite of what they would normally do
Grian wants to team with Scar, whereas Scar does not
Scar doesn't try to scam anyone
Scott is murderous, betrays everyone and is constantly getting involved with everyone's plans
Cleo is nice to everyone they aren't allied to
Gem doesn't pick up a sword once
Etho overcomes being washed up
Joel is nice to Scott
Bigb doesn't gaslight anyone
Skizz is evil and betrays his alliance at every given opportunity
Tango doesn't allie with Skizz
Bdubs hates Etho
Pearl is actively playing to win and betrays everyone she's allied to, yet everyone insists that she's actually very loyal (also she has an army of cats)
Ren is very normal and does not subcome to Theatre Kid Energy
Mumbos machines actually work
Impulse is very bad at the game now
Lizzie is very trusting and nice to everyone on her final life and absolutely insane on her first two lives
Martyn is working for the Listeners now
Jimmy wins.
(Also, swap the colour order of the lives. Green is the last red is first)
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lusi-raul · 11 months
Secret Life Session 3 Alliances (so far…)
The Gem and the Scotts
Base: Cottagecore village on Cherry forest hill
Smajor (The smart scott this session - Gem)
The Mounders
Base: 3 mounds near the secret keeper and Joel’s fair ground on the big mound
Mumbo (The visionary - Etho)
Pearl (The Builder - Etho)
Bdubs (The Gofer - Etho)
Joel (The Muscle - Etho)
The Heart Foundation
Base: Love Island (This session’s lucky winner: Etho!)
BigB (new recruited member)
The Besties
Base: Etho’s roofless gravel house
The Big Dogs WOOF WOOF (furries confirmed)(New Alliance)
Base: The Big Dog House on the Big Hill (previously Jimmy’s big shack)
Still Riding Solo:
The Yellows:
Additional Alliances:
Secret Pupper Alliance
Cult of Perfectly Round Mound:
Joel (leader/founder)
Mumbo (member since session 2)
Martyn (member since session 2)
Pearl (member since session 3)
Bdubs (member since session 3)
The Task Force:
Other Yellows maybe
I think that Lizzie would fit right in with the besties specially with her and Cleo’s dynamic during session 1 and the hilarious moment of her attempting to make Etho and Cleo question her secret task during session 2. I know they rarely interacted this session but with Cleo and Lizzie both having this aura that intimidates people and Etho being our favorite wet cat in his weird and quirky arc, this could become a very interesting group of people to watch moving forward. Honestly if they group together they’d be this typical and iconic trio of best friends between two girls and one guy in tv shows.
Grian and Scar should join up with Jimmy and Martyn and they could upgrade the big dogs to a wolf pack. I know Scott interrupted this canon event earlier but with Grian and Martyn to babysit them its gonna be alright… I think? Also more Grian and Scar?? Yes please! Tbh it’s only a matter of time for scar to be on yellow so it’s perfect haha.
The Bog dogs might join the secret pupper patrol alliance with the invitation from pearl to also have a dog army. It’s very fitting and imagine the final battle. I feel like this season will be the one where having a dog army can really overpower a player and win the game for someone since there is no regeneration so moving forward I’ll add those who are planning to make a dog army in the list of possible winners this season. So originally I thought one of the Gem and Scotts might win this season and I still think so but I’ll add Cleo and Pearl to that. The Big Dogs too if they go through with having a dog army.
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smoozie · 5 months
tell me about your life series aa au 🙏
I'm so glad you asked!!
Let's begin with who I think could be a defense attorney
And of course, it's not an AA au if the defense doesn't have their weird girl co-counsel!
Mumbo gets Lizzie! I absolutely adore their dynamic (from what we get to see) and it is very reminiscent of Apollo and Trucy (for me). Lizzie would fake hold herself hostage and Mumbo would cry because he was worried abt her.
Gem gets Impulse! Again I love their dynamic. Gem is probably the one who screams defense attorney to me most, and considering her relationship with Impulse it seems fitting he supports her in court.
Scott gets Jimmy! Flower husband fans will be pleased. To be completely honest, this pair up was more a matter of these two being the last ones in their respective categories, but I think it offers an interesting dynamic. The cool and collected with the more wild co-counsel. Typically the defense is very uncool and never collected. This one is giving Kay and Edgeworth if u squint (a lot).
Scar gets Bdubs! Fun fact, Scar was originally also a co-counsel, but the idea of him and Bdubs on defense together was too good an opportunity to miss. Bdubs 100% is giving weird girl energy. His thing is moss. All the weird girls have a Thing (Maya is spirit channeling, Trucy is magic, Kay is thievery) and Bdubs's Thing is moss. I haven't figured out my other "weird girls" things yet tho. I am open to suggestions.
Now for the prosecution we have
I think the vibes here aren't as strong as the defense but they still make sense.
Grian might be the weakest on this list. I know he often gives himself the label of detective, but he just didn't seem the type in the AA universe. The reason he's on prosecution is because he is stubborn and impulse enough to accuse the most likely subject and stick with that till the end (ignore the Jangler incident in s6). Also all of Edgeworth's sprites give Grian. Grian fits the Edgeworth sprite gallery to a T
Etho just feels like a prosecutor. He's smart, prepared, calm, and smug. I could see some Blackquill parallels here. He would also bring a bird to court that might attack you.
Cleo is another that just feels right at the prosecutor's desk. She is witty and sarcastic. It would be difficult to persuade them. Cleo also loves a bit of corruption, a past time for most prosecutors.
Joel is abbrassive and head strong. He is SO Franziska Von Karma. He would attack in the middle of court. He would attack the judge. He would call you stupid in the exact mannerisms of Franziska's "fools". Joel is sooo an overconfident prosecutor who is actually so fun and beloved.
Finally, Pearl. She was especially hard to place. I had trouble deciding between defense or prosecutor for her. In the end I settled on prosecution, but I think it would be fun if she had a Godot situation. That is, she was a defense attorney but switched after some traumatic incident (maybe she worked with Scott before!). Pearl can be calculated when she needs to be and crazed when she wants to be. She would provide an interesting opponent. Especially given her connections to most of the defense attorneys.
Now for our detectives:
Bigb somewhat aloof but silly. He let's the defense into crime scenes because they gave him a cookie. He often works with Grian, who likes Bigb too much to scream at him abt anything. Bigb is also prob like Ema Skye with her snackoos.
I could see Tango similarly to Gumshoe. He often works with Pearl and Etho (PET Mail), and he trusts them to prove someone guilty if they really are. He also gets along with the defense attorney's well, so he lets them investigate, as long as they promise not to tell his superiors.
Ren is giving Gumshoe in a much more "pathetic wet cat" way. He is underpaid. He is running around constantly. He is too tired to stop the defense getting in. He often works with Cleo. They have a similar dynamic to Edgeworth and Gumshoe.
And Skizz. He is excited to do his job. He gets along with everyone. He lets the defense in because he trusts that they are doing the right thing. He doesn't think it's fair if they don't get to investigate!
And finally, the judge
Martyn. I can't explain why, it just is Martyn. Somehow it makes the most sense. Martyn.
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cagemasterfantasy · 2 months
3rd Life Remastered Irl Session 1 2/2
Before reading this it is recommend to read the other parts before reading this one. All characters portrayed in this story are real but used in a fictitious manor. Nothing they say or do is real this story is entirely satire. This story also talks about touchy subjects like Self Harm and Suicide. The whole purpose of this story is to bring attention to those struggling with mental health.
After my chat with doodl3 I head on back to my computer and log into discord genuine tears falling down my cheeks. Bdubs: Hey Slimer you feeling ok? Is Grian there with you?" "Grian's here but there's something I want to say to all of you" All of them look intent on hearing me out "I'm sorry for yelling at all of you. I was so overcome with emotions I just don't know what came over to me" Gem: I already forgive you Slimer I understand" Joel: And I'm one who believes in second chances" Scar: You're still my Scar Wars buddy Slimer till the bitter end" "I'm so sorry for what I did" The tears start streaming down my face now "Could we please forget about all of this and well enjoy Minecon together?" Everybody thinks for a few seconds before some people nod Mumbo: Water under the bridge but I do have something to say to cheer you up" "Oh yeah and what's that?" Mumbo: Aha" Everybody starts laughing Bdubs: Aha" "No not you too one is enough" Scott: Eh I'm normally not one to do this but eh screw it AHA" Jimmy: Aha" I log out of the discord and Grian is snickering "Don't you da- Grian: Aha" "Great"
The next day I am packing my clothes toiletries inhalers I'm packing everything. Rylee is wagging his tail as I'm packing his food. "Yeah you are going to get to meet my friends little buddy" Rylee cocks his head like HUh? "Everyone's going to love you"
I send doodl3 a text saying "on my way to the airport now" before packing my laptop and charger and waiting outside for Grian Rylee wagging his tail I trust him off his leash knowing very well he won't wander far away from me.
I see Grian arrive and place my bags in his car before getting Rylee in the back and sitting in the back seat after seeing his wife up front. "Is your wife coming with us Grian?" Grian: No she's going to be driving the car back after we leave and is taking care of the cats and my daughter while I'm gone" Rylee jumps into the front and lays on her lap "Traitor" Grian laughs Grian: He likes her"
As soon as we are at the Airport Grian has said goodbye to his wife and he guides me to where our gate is after putting our luggage on the carousel
As soon as we take our seats I look at Grian and say "Hey Grian thanks for saving my life yesterday I don't know what I'd do without you" Grian: I'm just glad I got there when I did and am glad you left your apartment door unlocked things could have gone very differently" Rylee lays in Grian's lap "Traitor"
Once we arrive we already see Scar Mumbo and Cleo waiting for us at the gate Mumbo: Aha" "Do not start that please I'm already in the states and I want to have a good time" Scar: Yeah leave my Scar Wars bro alone" The voices become intense "They are just using you" "They aren't friends" "Don't trust them" Cleo shakes me and snaps me out of it as Bdubs approaches alongside Martin Martin: Hey what's happening Bdubs: Voices again just play it cool like you didn't see anything Mumbo: Ah Bdubs AHA" "WILL YOU CUT THAT OUT?" Mumbo: alright alright sheesh" I pull out my phone and send doodl3 a text saying "have just arrived at the airport have fun"
After everyone else arrives we go out front to see 2 limos each with a driver holding a sign that says "Life Series players" The ballots take our bags and I decide not to get in the one with Mumbo having already had enough AHAS for one day and enter with Ren Joel Tango Impulse Tango Lizzy Bigb and Gem "Ayyy jump up Rylee" He jumps into the limo and immediately lays in Ren's lap "Oh isn't that funny Ren the dog just took my dog" Ren: He's my dog now Me: Rylee you are a traitor Tango: Aww lay off Puppo will you?" He starts petting Rylee who is wagging his tail happy Joel: Hey come on Ren give him his dog back I know you're Ren the dog but sheesh" Ren: No he's my dog now" He says playfully Lizzie and Gem are just laughing as the voices pick up "Grab that dog he does not belong to him" "He isn't going to give your dog back you shou-" I begin to feel a tight pain around my chest and the wheezing. Gem is looking real concerned Gem: Your inhaler Lizzie: Use your inhaler" I'm reaching for it but my vison is getting blurry. Ren goes over to me puts Rylee in Impulse lap reaches into my pocket to get my inhaler and uses it as I gasp at fresh air. Ren: Easy now" Impulse: Are you ok?" I hug Ren as a thank you Ren: Ow too tight loosen up will you?" "Sorry I'm a hugger" Ren: Yeah I can tell let go of me" I release him "S-sorry I love hugging" Ren: Just please don't choke me next time
Once we arrive at the hotel and check in I'm excited to find out I'm staying with Scar my Scar Wars buddy. Rylee is wagging his tail and sniffing around the Lobby "ey Rylee get over here there'll be time to explore in a bit" I lead Rylee on but he keeps sitting in the middle of the hallway as I pass by the luxury dining room I see a sign that says "Reserved for the Life Series Players" I smell food coming from the dining room. Scar: Oh boy" He cups his hands and says "Hey guys I'm going to lock Slimer in our room so he doesn't eat all of the food" Me: Shut up" I catch up with Cleo and Lizzie "So what are you 2 going to do? Watch the Walking Dead" Cleo: That show sucks" I raise an eyebrow Cleo: Alright fine I'm going to watch the Walking Dead and maybe go for a swim what about you going to watch Star Wars with Scar and eat all the food in the dining room?" Me: Oh my god Cleo let's hope there isn't a zombie apocalypse any time soon I'll use you as a decoy Zombie in front of my location to go NO HUMANS HERE ARARAHHAGAAAGHEA" Lizzie and Scar burst out laughing as me and Scar enter our room? Scar: So let me guess Star Wars and then food?" Rylee jumps on the bed and runs around having zoomies Me: Oh geez there he goes again" Scar: He's happy
The day of session 2 arrives and we are at the convention center after eating breakfast the host takes us to where we'll be staying in computer tents everyone is dressed as their avatar including me I'm glistening with green face paint all over my arms neck and face to resemble a slime. I go into my tent and the tv turns on to show my screen on there. I text my mod @doodl3 "You ready to mod?"
The rules sign is up in front of all of the tents as Rylee wanders to each of the other players tents sniffing everybody. It says do not tell the other players what others are doing is the biggest rule there. I feel myself coughing and use my inhaler texting doodl3 one finaly time "Good luck for the next 3 hours" as the live stream begins in my sound proof tent
To be continued in session 2
Previous part
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numbuh-7-knd · 11 months
Inspired by this post, where I was trying to come up with non-whump/angsty scenarios for
Character A holds Character B in their arms while kicking open a door.
Which quickly turned into Desert Duo/Mumscarian fluff which then transitioned into general hermitshipping fluff. feel free to elaborate on any of this if you feel like it, I'm probably not going to do much more than maybe upload this to AO3 as is.
Scar grabbing Grian (or Mumbo, or both) to watch disney movies. they're hanging out at Scarland and Scar talks about something he's building in Scarland and how it was inspired by such and such movie (maybe it's something for the adventure area of the park, inspired by a disney attraction that was inspired by Peter Pan) and Grian says he's never seen that one.
Scar gasps dramatically, before picking Grian up and flying to the Scarland Theatre, slamming the door open only to remember that it's only a facade, probably flying into something, rushes to the castle, he doesn't have a bedroom or sitting area, and then rushing them to Grian's base looking for a spot to watch a movie, only Grian doesn't have one either, rushes to Mumbo's.
He startles Mumbo, and Either Mumbo's vault is good enough for movie watching or they involve the rest of the hermits until they find a sufficiently comfy place for movie watching, all the while refusing to put Grian down.
Maybe for added hilarity he hands Grian to mumbo for a bit so he can get Jelly or snacks, or both.
Mumbo going along with it and Grian complaining about it while not actually fighting them on it, like my cat does when I hold her sometimes and she wants to pretend she's not a cuddle bug and verbally complains the whole time while snuggling and staying put in my arms even though we both know if she really wanted to get down she'd jump out of my arms or bite and scratch me.
Scar claiming it's "soulmate privilege" when Grian complains, and Mumbo jumping on that claiming "Soul Sharing" privilage. The other hermits jump on that with those amounts them with soulmates (the ones who participated in double life) joining with their soulmates while the ones who's soulmates aren't hermits complain and those without soulmates pout about it, until someone agrees to be "honorary soulmates" with them. Grian and Scar agree that Mumbo's a part of their soulmate trio no questions asked. Cleo offers to be Joe's honorary soulmate, saying that what's one more when she already has Scott, and Joe accepts but also wants Ollie as an honorary soulmate.
Impulse and Bdubs hang out, making Etho jealous, while Tango longs for Jimmy and Zedaph feels left out. Maybe Skizz can be his honorary soulmate.
Etho misses Joel at least a little bit, but he also does not like seeing Bdubs cuddling with Impulse. Does he wish he was cuddling with Bdubs instead? Yes No, he's just... bothered by them cuddling, for some reason. It's weird! double life was months ago now! they've completed a whole 'nother season of the life series and started another one! and besides look at Zed! look how sad he is! *Camera panes to Zed, busy trying to complete Zedvancements* Impulse and Tango should be doing stuff with him not worrying about something as silly as soulmates!
Gem offers to be Pearl's "honorary soulmate" since Scott didn't want her.
Maybe BigB visits for Ren, or maybe Ren spends it with Doc, who has to be talked out of having the entire Sci-craft server over.
The Hermits end up arranging a big sleepover/movie night to invite their various soulmates or soulmate adjacent people over to the server to hang out. They build a "drive in" movie theatre in the shopping district.
halfway through the "movie night" they have to move indoors because the area wasn't spawn proofed enough. They end up in someone's base or shop with lots of pillows and blankets on the floor. maybe they go to scar's bed shop, or they make a pillow fort in the iBuy lobby.
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fierysnowy · 10 months
I might draw all the secret life members as dogs, and im not quite sure what dog to make everybody. So uh, if you have any ideas please let me know.
What i've got so far;
Martyn - Yorkshire Terrier
Jimmy- Either a dalmation or a golden retreiver
Mumbo- Golden Retriver or Tuxedo Cat dressed as dog
Joel- Norwegian elkhound
Pearl- Samoyed
Skizz- Bernese Mountain Dog
BigB- Borzoi
Gem- Eskimo Dog
Lizzie- Papillion
Cleo- Shiba Inu
Etho- Husky
Grian- Austrailian Shepherd
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ever-after-mcyt · 4 months
(the sections they are in is who they are roommates with, and they have little notes off to the side as well)
Alice: Grian Scar: Cheshire Cat
Mumbo: Sleeping beauty Sam Gladiator: White Rabbit 
Ren: Beast Oli: The Mad Hatter
Scott: Snow White Martyn: The Red Knight
False: Goldielocks Cleo: Queen of hearts
Lizzie: Fairy Godmother Pearl: Red Riding Hood
Tiffy: Jack and the beanstalk Shelby: Maleficent/evil fairy (older sister)
Cub: Maleficent/evil fairy (younger brother). Bigb: Prince Charming (not related to Kath)
Katherine: Princess Charming Gem: Cinderella 
Bdubs: the huntsman Impulse: Little Bo Peep
Skizz: Cupid Jimmy: The Little Mermaid
Etho: Prince of Winter. Joel: the Frog Prince
Sausage: Pinocchio Xornoth: Evil Queen…?
Tango: Twelfth Dancing Prince Fwhip: Rapunzel
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sourinksoda · 9 months
Thinks my brain says about the life smp members (extremely silly)
Grian: a entity kinda guy, absolute creature of "oh shiny button! 👁️👁️"
Scar: Would complement you while sending a swarm of angy bees at you, snickering like muttley from wacky races
Mumbo: who put polite mr bean in a death game
Jimmy: hes a disco girl, comin thru that girl is you, ooh oooh ooh, ooh oooh oh!
Joel: WATCH THIS >: D *fails tec deck flip trick spilling his orange juice everywhere*
Gem: Like Joel but she actually does the tec deck kick flip off her glass of juice flawlessly, but spills the juice trying to take a sip after
Scott: upon finding you very obviously sneaking like a cartoon villan into his home "hellloooooo?!? Can you not?!??"
Cleo: at cleo > you burned their house to the ground!!?
: ]
Pearl: Mm, yes, sleepy slasher time
BigB: offers you a cookie while clearly eating the last cookie in front of you, when you question him he casually starts saying "oh yea fr if i had one i would tho : )"
Skizz: WOAH TAKIN OVER MIDNIGHT! OH WOAH TAKIN OVER TONIGHT! *While holding impluse and tango under each arm as he sings karaoke*
Impulse: He is vibing, he has snacks, the ac is on and hes listening to his favourite music
Tango: various noises, of which can only be discribed as the creature flourishing in his natural habit
Martyn: making his mischievous little plots, his little silly schemes, using a light up red glitter pen, before forgetting his list at home
Ren: Also writing silly little wholesome schemes with a pink lightup fluffy tipped gel pen adding ^0^)/ to the end
Lizzie: is walking through a Christmas village getting jumpscared by mall santas and candy canes, cat energy
Etho: that one etho drawing where hes so wide eyed tired and overstimulated, brain is soup looking (please someone help me find that image i think joel is yelling in the bg,,,)
Bdubs: omg hes becoming moss again! Its okay hes allowed a little moss entity embodiment as a treat, photosynthesise
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crows-junk-pile · 1 year
So..... Ever After High Au. I have this idea and I can't get it out of my head so I'm making it. Also if you've read "The Fairytale Au" then a lot of who's the hermits parents are should sound familiar, if you haven't you should read it it's really good
Here's what everybody is :
Edit : changed somethings
Lizzie : Cheshire Cat
Grian : Little Red Riding Hood(and the big bad wolf)
Pearl : Robin Hood
Ren : The Big Bad Wolf(and red riding hood)
Scott : Either the Snow Queen or Kay(from the snow queen)
Tango : Red Shoes Girl
Jimmy : Little Mermaid
Scar : Puss in Boots
Evil X : Dark Fairy(from sleeping beauty)
Zed,Doc : the Billy Goats gruff
Keralis : Alice in Wonderland
X : Fairy Godmother
Shubble : Either The Wicked Witch of the East,West or the Candy Witch
Katherine : Prince Charming or The Swan Princess
Wels : Sleeping Beauty
Etho : Rumplestiltskin
Iskall,Joel : Jack(jack and the beanstalk)
Joe : Ethire someone from wonderland,a narrator(somehow he's corporeal) or beauty(from beauty and the beast,i got this from the fairy tale au)
False : Queen of Hearts or Prince Charming
Cleo : Geppetto
Xoroth(he's not corrupted don't worry) : Evil Queen
Stress : idk suggestions needed
Joey : Captain Hook
Bdubs : The Princess from princess and the pea or thumbelina
Cub : King Midas (once again I'm taking it from the fairytale au)
Jevin : The Genie(more fairytale au stuff)
Sausage : idk suggestions needed
Beef : Golden Goose(jack and the beanstalk,more fairytale au)
Xb : Ugly Duckling(fairytale au)
Impulse : Some kind of dragon(ie: the dragon from st.george,hydra), suggestions needed
Gem,Fwip : suggestions needed
Pix : Brothers Grimm(?,suggestions needed)
Oli : Pided Piper
Hypno : Rapunzel (stolen from fairytale au)
Mumbo : Magic Mirror( from snow white,stolen from fairy tale au)
TFC : suggestions needed,teacher at EAH
BigB : Candy Witch(?,suggestions needed )
Martyn : suggestions needed
Skizz : suggestions needed
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neoflames · 10 months
In light of the most recent episode, here’s my list and categories of potential secret life winners:
Most Likely: (people who have either come close, have won before or are just likely)
Scott (although he may just do the suicide thing again and let someone else win he’s just like that)
Impulse (he’s come close before, I believe in him)
Gem (it’s Gem guys come on)
Grian (but like also maybe not because idk the idea of previous winners winning twice is a tad annoying)
Funniest Options: (people who probably won’t win but it would be funny if they did)
Skizz (unlikely based on his track record but he isn’t one of the first three out this time, he can do it I believe <3)
Martyn (he’s been such a pathetic wet cat the whole series itd be great if he won again but also the previous winners winning thing)
BDubs (BDubs)
People I want to win because of personal bias:
Cleo (she’s Cleo enough said)
Etho (probably should go in the funniest options category but I digress)
Joel (pleasepleasepleasepleaaaase he deserves it. Looking autistically at god you want Joel to win sososososoooo bad)
Scar(same reason as Joel but also he’s doing really well this series and nothing tragic has happened yet, plus he’s been one of the final players in one series so. Probably should be in both of the above categories actually)
BigB (silly fella, that hole changed him and he should win he deserves it I think <3)
Pearl (I believe)
Tango(all his final deaths have been so insignificant it would be great if he won)
Dead people I would have liked to win:
Jimmy (symbolic as shit, especially considering this is probably the last season it would have been great if he won)
Mumbo (while I do think his descent from yellow to dead in one session was funny, it would be funnier if he won)
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lavendertownsghost · 9 months
I have so many unconnected ideas for an Animorphs crossover with Hermitcraft/Life Series/Empires and since I know I'll never connect them into an actual story, I figured i may as well post them so anyone who wants to can try and piece them together or pick and chose what that want to use.
The characters are in no real order, and all of the 'younger' characters are in high school instead of middle school. I have no idea where this would be set.
Character stuff:
Doc is an Andalite and he has the same morphing allergy that Mertil had, and in a battle many years before the story starts he losses not only part of his tail, but an arm, leg, and two eyes (a main eye and a stalk eye). Instead of accepting his 'shame' and being outcast as is Andalite custom, Doc made his own prosthetics. This pissed off the vast majority of Andalites and he was exiled to some backwater planet (aka Earth). Doc was fine with this since he was a bit fed up with the Andalite's strict culture. He lives in a forest near whatever location is the main one for the story. There's also an alternate backstory where Doc is still morph-capable and left the Andalite homeworld on his own. In this version he uses the Frolis Maneuver to make a human persona and is a part time teacher at the school the other characters go to.
Ren is a human who recently graduated high school and friend of Doc's. He either found Doc in the forest or discovered he was an alien (depending on which version of Doc's backstory is used) and helped him learn more about humans.
Cleo is a fried of Ren's and a teacher at the school. Her younger cousin Scott lives with her. (She's possibly infested by Joe, a member of the Yeerk Peace Movement)
Scott is in high school and currently lives with his older cousin Cleo after his parent's sudden death in a car crash. Scott firmly believes his older brother Xornoth is responsible for their parents death, but he has no solid evidence so he can't go to the police.
Xornoth is Scott's older brother, and was infested by a Yeerk sometime before the start of the story. His parents noticed his behavior change and were about to look to deeply into the Sharing, so Xornoth's Yeerk cut their brakes and had them killed. Xornoth was old enough to live by himself so he doesn't live with Scott and Cleo. Xornoth was already naturally charismatic, so he ends up recruiting a lot of people for the Sharing. He hates it.
Joey was in the same grade as Xornoth before they graduated, and was seduced convinced to join the Sharing by him. Despite the fact that the only time the two of them can talk freely is when they're in the cage together at the Yeerk pool, they become good friends.
Sausage is someone else who was recruited into the Sharing by Xornoth, but I'm thinking of having his Yeerk be part of the Peace Movement (don't know if the Yeerk is an existing character).
Impulse is a teacher at the school, and is infested by Tango (official name Tangriss 373), a member of the Yeerk Peace Movement. The two get along really well, and Impulse is in the process of making a small portable Kandrona source in case he and Tango need to run.
Skizz is Impulse's childhood best friend, and knows about Tango (who has infested him briefly at Skizz's request). The trio is currently trying to decide weather it's safer for Skizz to be infested by another Peace Movent Yeerk so he's not pursued by the Sharing or remain separate so he's not under their scrutiny.
Scar is in high school and Jellie is his cat. I'm debating weather or not to make Jellie sentient, either as an Andalite refugee, someone stuck in morph somehow, or another alien species disguised as a cat. If she is one of these, Scar knows about it.
Jimmy and Lizzy are siblings in high school, and Lizzy is dating Joel.
Grian and Pearl are also siblings in high school. Their parents foster a lot of kids, and they consider Martyn and Bigb (both recent high school graduates) their brothers as well.
Gem and Mumbo are also students at the high school.
Bdubs and Etho are teachers at the school.
Xisuma is the principal of the school (possibly with EX as his Yeerk)
(I know there are some Empires people / Hermits not on here, I don't know enough about them to have ideas for them)
Plot Stuff:
The main Animorphs are most likely some combination of Grian, Pearl, Jimmy, Lizzy, Joel, Martyn, Bigb, and Scott.
Doc is probably the one to give them the morphing cube (no idea how he has one).
Part of me wants to be evil and have Ren get stuck in wolf or dog morph.
The Yeerk Peace Movement storyline starts MUCH earlier than canon, since several notable characters are Yeerks. Leading into that, several Yeerks and their hosts get morphing power.
Like I said, feel free to use any parts of these however you want! I'd appreciate if you could credit me and let me know if you're doing something with them so I can see it!
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cleocatrablossy · 1 month
What if the lifers were California fauna?? If you don’t know one of the species I highly recommend searching it up
Bdubs- Coast Range Fence Lizard
BigB- Grey Fox
Cleo- Cougar
Etho- Fisher
Gem- Bobcat
Grian- Tree squirrel
Impulse- Raccoon
Jimmy- Crow(one fell into the pool and irrevocably changed my perception of them lol, though I will also list Sharp-tailed snakes as a possibility)
Joel- North American River Otter
Lizzie- Ring-Tailed Cat
Martyn- Tule Elk(though perhaps a Marten because that would be funny)
Mumbo- Pallid Bat
Pearl- Smilodon(I know they’re extinct but she Has to be one okay??)
Ren- Turkey(have you ever seen a flock of turkeys?? They genuinely look the vultures at first glance and then you realize ‘oh it’s the funny birds’)
Scar- Coyote(alternatively Red-Tailed Hawk for reasons of swim team stuff)
Scott- Loggerhead Shrike
Skizz- Sea Angel
Tango- Spanish Shawl
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