#scootch raccoon
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Human Pinch and Scootch
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What a great summer trip for you guys!
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#OnThisDay: Dec 11th, 2017
Title: Pinch's Embody Shade Activated
It seems one thing and by that I mean a one special feature that I should've add on her Qubeley Papaillon's armor is the "Embody System". 🤖 Also, I make a unique look compared to the anime which is involve of wearing battle suit of Aila Jyrkiäinen 👩🇫🇮 in Gundam Build Fighters. Unlike the anime counterpart, Pinch's 🦝🎀 Embody System was build-in V-fin shape (which, the shade was hidden) on her forehead. 😁😎
You see, when the V-fin reveals two shade-like glasses her Embody system is activated, among with her armor and the stripe markings on her armor became glowed. Increasing her ability and focus/sense on her right time depending on her movement for attack(s), though the counterattack is her best mastered. But there's a limit on using her Embody System - if she using too much or getting negative emotional her system becomes off-the-chart/overload causing her out-of-control berserk and all out violate to everyone, including her teammate(s). I guess, she'll take responsibility of using the system as a best solution, including her little clumsy brother Scootch Raccoon 🦝👦. I mean, what could possibly go wrong, right? 🤔🤷♀️
Previous: • Cuteness Girl Member - Pinch (Dec 10th, 2016) • Cuteness Member - Flick Duck (Jun 26th, 2017) • Cuteness Member - Munchy Beaver (Jun 24th, 2017)
Pinch - PB&J Otter © Disney, Jim Jinkins Armor (Gundam Build Fighters) - Gundam series © Bandai Namco Filmworks, Inc. (SUNRISE), Sotsu
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17th September 2020
Scootch Raccoon
Scootch Raccoon is an infant raccoon who appears on PB&J Otter. He is the younger brother of Pinch Raccoon. Being of such a young age, Scootch is not a fluent speaker and has a limited vocabulary and is mainly limited to his catchphrase of ‘sorry, my fault’. He has a lot of energy and typically expends this by running around and playing, more often than not, knocking items over and breaking them. His closest friend is Butter Otter.
#background disney characters#scootch raccoon#pb&j otter#p b & j otter#peanut butter and jelly otter#disney channel#playhouse disney#disney jr
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Inktober #16 For today, I wanted to draw a tender drawing of Walter Raccoon and his son Scootch, from the TV show "PB&J Otter". Their father-son relation is soooo tender! Walter and Scootch Raccoon © Jim Jinkins and Walt Disney Studios
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Taken from; The Dollhouse (Season 2, Episode 2a) Good thing I saved the beginning episode of “The Dollhouse” and it’s absolutely my fave.
#pb&j otter#peanut otter#jelly otter#baby butter#pinch raccoon#scootch raccoon#the dollhouse#disney#playhouse disney#disney junior#jim jinkins#video#national peanut butter and jelly day#otters#raccoons#national pbandj
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Curtis could feel you stirring next to him, fretting back and forth and had been all night. "Y/n? Whats wrong?" He mumbles sleepily, his hand going to tug at you gently to face him.
"It's my bee's... What if something gets into the hive?" You roll to face him, actual genuine worry on your face. Curtis makes more of an effort to wake up at 2 am since you have obviously been wide awake this entire time.
"What? Honey... It's bees. They are going to be fine." He tries to make sense of it as you wrinkle your nose a bit in distress.
"The high school science teacher just lost his whole hive recently to a bear and what if that happens to mine? We worked so hard on it." You couldn't help but nervously pick at your fingers. "The kids were going to harvest the honey this coming week and do there presentations about the hive and..."
Curtis in a moment of being overwhelmed tugged you closer to him and pressed fingers to your lips to get you to stop. "Honey, no bear is coming into the yard without us knowing. They have to get over the fence. Also it's bees, they can defend themselves." Sure he lived just outside of town but still saw plenty of wildlife crossing through. Including the occasional bear trying for the garbage cans. But his back yard was secure he was pretty sure.
"Bees against a bear? My bees don't stand a chance." You still fretted though, going to play with the chain around his neck and whispered. "Well what about something like raccoons Curtis? They can get over the fence."
There was no way he was going to get back to sleep, he could already tell. Even when you backtracked, tried to play it off like you were being silly and rolled back away from him. His head dropped in defeat for a second, knowing he couldnt just let this go when it was so important to you. Scootching over closer, he laid an arm around you and kissed your shoulder. " How about tonight... We go camp out by the beehive? And tomorrow I can hang a security light on the back of the garage, aimed right at the hive? Any critter go back there to mess with it and I will know."
"You would really do that for me?" You asked almost timedly while looking over your shoulder at him. Curtis gave a crooked smile and nodded, which made you roll back over into his arms and hug around him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
You almost immediately got out of bed and started scooping up the blankets to take outside. Curtis following behind you half asleep with a whole pile of pillows.
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waddles in. stares saix in the eye. reaches blindly up onto end table. scootches his book off the edge. picks it up. waddles away.
Saix.exe is processing this information. Staring. Blinking. Only when he’s alone in his room again does he finally react.
“Who the FUCK let a raccoon into the castle?!”
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Roman and Neo meet a Raccoon, it ends pretty much how you expect.
"Heh... Neo, the good guys are hunting us, the bad guys are hunting us, just like old times when huh?" Roman pointed out. Neo smiled and nodded, the thought of it brought her nostalgia. She remembered when she was just a street thug and he was a spoiled valefia (Vale mafia) boy making a break with his fathers dust. He had such a cute hat. And he still does, Neo thought.
The two of them were sitting down, their backs against the ruins of a house that had an Atlesian drone fall into it. They were still both handcuffed unfortunately, and had basically no idea what to do next. The whole area was under lockdown so they could not leave, and it was unlikely anyone would want to save them. A young dog faunus boy with brown hair sat nearby on a sandbag, playing a video game. Roman tried asking him where he parents were but he just said they would be back soon and started crying so he left the boy alone to play his video game.
Just then, a Raccoon Faunus girl about the same age as Neo walked in. Her face and hands were marked by ink-black skin and her nails were like little claws. She was wearing trendy albeit dirty and worn clothes and had fake raccoon ears and a belt that made it look like she had a Raccoon tail. The black mask-like marking make her eyes seem very big and bright, and she grinned at them with her pointy little canines. "Oh mein gosh! Tis Roman and Neo, I am ze big fan! Please, tell me what nefarioux plans you dous have been cooking up!"
"Currently we are planning to cheat, lie, steal, and survive. To do that we need to get out of these handcuffs." Roman said, smooth as ever.
"Hm... I just so happen to have a lockpick on me!" The raccoon girl said, pulling one out. "I can totally let you free, for a price~"
"And what price would that be?" Roman asked. Neo let him do the talking, however contrary to popular belief it was not because he was a man, but because she was physically incapable of speech. And even if this girl knew sign language, Neo was handcuffed.
"I want ze kiss!"
Roman smiled smugly. "Of course, I should have known. Neo? I would never think to ask you to do something like this, but can you please take one for the team?"
Neo nodded and puckered up.
"No no no, xaxaxaxaxa! I meant a kiss from you Roman!"
Roman blinked in surprise. "You what?"
"Come on, you know you are gorgeoux!"
"Yes I am," Roman agreed. "but I guess I was not expecting you to be into men."
"Vat is ZHAT supposed to mean?? You damn baque fool!" The raccoon girl pouted. "I am not ze lesbian! I am a thief and scoundrel! Like you!" her strange accent got stronger when she was annoyed.
Roman looked over at Neo. "May I kiss the wannabe villain?"
Neo nodded, although she did not look too happy about it.
"Mea-diocre legs maybe." Roman commented snidely.
Her cheeks went pink and the raccoon girl looked like she was about to scratch Roman. "Do you VANT to be let out of ZE CUFFS or do you just want to BE TEASIN'?"
"Of course, of course. Go ahead, do the evil thing and kiss and let us go." Roman said.
"You still dont think I am a real villain."
"I mean, you dont seem very evil..."
"I kick puppies!"
"Sure you do."
"Looksy! Watch me!" The raccoon girl walked over to the dog faunus boy. She lightly put her foot against him with all the force of talking a step forward. Mistaking this move as an attempt to play fight, he fake snarled and bit her foot. The raccoon girl yelped and grabbed his nose too force him to release her so he could breath. He would have let go anyway as her sneaker did not taste all that good.
Neo was silently giggling at the display.
"Yes, quite the villain you are."
"Are you going to kiss or nah?" She growled.
"Okay, come and get it." Roman licked his lips and made an exaggerated flirty expression. The raccoon girl blushed. She came up but got nervous at the last moment and kissed his cheek instead. Neo rolled her eyes.
"Is that all? Okay." Roman said. Something clattered behind Neo, and she was looking down at it before facing the raccoon girl again.
"Xaxaxaxaxa, your cheek is soft Roman Torchwick!" The raccoon girl said with a shy grin.
"Thats what Neo would say, if she could." Roman said.
"Xaxa! I really am a big fan though, even when you give mockings. I can just imagine it now, me and you together ruling the Holy Roman Empire, you the Emperor and me your right hand partner!"
Neo scootched forward and kicked her in the shin. "Yow! That was joke!"
"Are you going to unlock us now or what?" Roman asked.
"Nope, I have fooled and scammed you! Who is evil and bad critter now hmmmm~?" The raccoon girl giggled and ran off singing about how she is a villain.
Neo smirked and picked up the lockpick she had swiped with her teeth while the raccoon girl was kissing Roman and entirely focused on that.
Using it first to free herself and then Roman, they got up.
"You are truly amazing, Neo." Roman said in awe. "I was about to ask what that clattering was. But now I am happy I didnt bring attention to it."
Neo spawned them both some ice cream and they ate their dessert together.
"You know neo, about what she said... I HAVE two hands you know." And he held out his ice cream covered gloved hands. Since they had not dishes, they ate out of cupped hands. Technically it was only Roman who got sustainance out of it, as Neo had to use an equivalent amount of her aural energy to make the ice cream in the first place.
Anyway, apon hearing this joke Neo smiled in her sweet/creepy way and held both of his hands in hers. They then kissed, and they lived happily ever-
"Stop right there criminal scum! You have violated the law, now pay your fine or its off to jail!" A Huntsman shouted. He was decked out in medieval looking armor and was holding a crowbar that was also a gun.
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Scootch Raccoon from PB&J Otter
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Two in one Post from my A-Pal’s on this day posts
For the Pokémon post
It looks nice of Maxwell, Sam and Cheddars as different Pokémon. But normally a lot of people like Fennekin. Especially my friend, Nate. And with More Pokémon gens coming, I had to have Maxwell, Sam and Cheddar’s Pokémon a little different. Like Maxwell will be a mix between Scorbunny and Raboot, Sam as a Vulpix, and Cheddars to use any mouse Pokémon depending on which one. He can still be Pikachu and use a Cosplay since a lot of OCs got to use Pikachu. Even some chose Libre, Belle, Pop Star and Rockstar. But if Cheddars got to still use Pikachu, I bet Ph. D would be an excellent choice since Cheddars like the brains to Maxwell and friends. So Pikachu Ph. D would be fitting. Especially if he tagged with the Pokémon Investigation team Or the Pokémon Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad. (S.E.E.S). Since Maxwell and Sam got to join in with the Pokemon Phantom Thieves. Same for Luna and Deev since Deev will use Bunnelby.
And for the pic of Stripes with Pinch Raccoon.
I remember that gag from PB&J Otter, Scootch is always likes getting into people’s way when bashing into someone’s way. But when I watch a lot as a kid, that gag is so wacky. Even if Speedy were to tag along with Stripes, it’s something. And much messed up if Lighting, Penny, Riya and May went to Lake Hoohaw for a heist.
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Session Recap 2/10/19: Divide and Bonkers
As Erwyn, who’d been the party’s primary source of planar information throughout the trials thus far, was still most decidedly out of it, Voski addressed the raccoon to ask what plane they were in now. The raccoon responded that this was a simulation of Bytopia, and designed to mirror the dual nature of the plane itself. Kriv and Voski looked up to see another stretch of land floating directly above them -- along with a fat pigeon, waiting in front of another portal.
The raccoon introduced herself a Berylbimbedon Greatgullet and Voski politely introduced herself in return. Ditto had to be prodded, but wearily gave her lengthy full name as well. Kriv introduced himself as well as Amaranth and Erwyn, who weren’t present enough to chime in with their own names.
When the party asked what their trial on this plane would be, the raccoon stood on her two hind legs and recited:
“On two pages this story is writ To one column you gotta commit You’ll need someone on high On the ground that’s the sky To move forward, your pathway must…”
She trailed off at the end. “Split?” Ditto asked. Berylbimbedon confirmed that was it -- she was just cursed to never be able to finish her limericks.
She explained that there were actually two keys, one on each side, which would have to be grabbed simultaneously for them to proceed. The group was allowed to split themselves how they wanted, as long as they had people on both sides. Ditto suggested that they should make sure they had a healer in both groups. With Amaranth and Erwyn not offering any input (or seeming entirely there at all), however, it was hard to have a group discussion. Kriv asked if they could take stock of what exactly had happened in the last simulation, as their separate cells had kept him from gauging the situation completely.
The group considered jumping to the other side of the plane for a bit to talk, as it seemed more pastoral and less dangerous, but Erwyn proved too wobbly for them to help over. They sat in a circle in the woods instead, though Voski remained up and paced around the others. Ditto summoned Tiktik back to let them know she’d gotten out of the last simulation okay. After their relieved response to her explanation, they wandered over to Amaranth and Erwyn, too, to lick them. Kriv tried talking to the others and offered his scale of Bahamut if anyone needed it, but said he needed to know what was going on, as this wasn’t the first time some of them had gone near-catatonic and they couldn’t keep doing this.
When no one answered right away, Voski commented that the simulation must have used some kind of divination magic that could extract and project the things they’d heard back at them. Ditto mentioned she’d heard the voices of people she’d known before.
“I don’t like feeling weak... trapped,” Amaranth said, finally speaking, with Kriv’s arm slung around her. She stiffened and moved a bit away from the group, pulling out her flask and drinking deeply.
“You know you might be upside-down in a while,” Voski said.
Amaranth kept drinking.
Voski went on, saying that dismissing the experience by saying it wasn’t real was pointless because the memories it drew on were real, but nothing about it was actionable, either. In the meantime, Ditto scootched over to Amaranth and, noting she had drained more than half her flask already, gently pushed it down. Amaranth reacted to this by saying that she needed it right now, causing Ditto to sigh and tell her to be careful.
At this point, Kriv got up and starting poking around the area somewhat, looking for any sort of clues as to how to proceed. Voski pulled out her lute and asked if, with four simulations to go, everyone felt like it was worth it to keep going--pointing out they didn’t have to work with the organization that had, technically, done this to them if they didn’t want to. Amaranth and Ditto said they’d come too far to give up now. It took Ditto shaking Erwyn’s shoulder to get him to respond to the vote at all. Quietly, he said he wanted to continue -- but didn’t seem like he was about to get up and move anytime soon.
Kriv cast Locate Object to try to find the portal key on this side of the plane and, on getting a ping, told the others he’d see them in a bit and got up and started walking. Even when Voski and Ditto told him to hang back, he stubbornly kept walking, brushing off their concerns. Ditto tried to shake Erwyn to see if he was ready to get moving yet, but he was still too shaken to get up. She tried casting Levitate on him but he resisted, giving her a sharp look.
“That not cool?” Ditto asked. He shook his head, and she added, “Ok, see, now I know it’s not cool.”
Amaranth started drunkenly staggering after Kriv. As the dragonborn moved onward through the forest, his foot slipped through a leaf pile, which was revealed to be illusory, and he looked through it into what appeared to be some kind of pit below. The two of them continued forward together until Amaranth slipped and fell through another illusory pile of leaves herself, managing to pull herself up out of it by wrapping her tail around a tree. Kriv asked her if she really wanted to come with him in this state, and she insisted she did.
The two of them continued onward and came across a small ravine with a strain of some kind of ore running through it. Kriv leapt over it and Amaranth followed, barely making the leap and pinwheeling once she reached the other side. Eventually they reached the point where Kriv’s spell seemed to be leading them, but there was nothing there, and something didn’t seem quite right about it. Kriv deduced that they were likely on top of wherever the key actually was, and that it was located somewhere underground.
Kriv put on his Blindsense scarf to try to spot if there was another illusion hiding a hole nearby, and was able to find one fairly close. On poking his head in he determined it was actually some sort of tunnel entrance. He and Amaranth both entered, Kriv having to try his hardest to keep the drunken Amaranth mostly-upright. At the end of the tunnel was a stone door with a plaque on it. However, Kriv was able to see through this as well, revealing it to also be an illusion -- and that something large with a serpentine limb was moving on the other side. His Divine Sense didn’t reveal any information. Amaranth approached to read the plaque and Kriv warned her not to move forward.
“Are you really confident in your sneaking abilities right now?” Kriv asked, skeptically.
“I’m always confident in my sneaking abilities, Kriv,” Amaranth said.
“Yeah, I bet you are,” he sighed.
She moved forward, wobbling down the corridor, but still fairly stealthily, and read aloud the limerick on the false door, which said:
“Adventurers, heed and beware! You must pass through the Grizzlegump’s lair With some pluck and a hop You can come out on top If you placate the beast with a....”
As she snuck, Kriv caught a better view of the creature, which appeared to have many long, snake-like, fuzzy arms, and a bear head.
The two of them decided to head back and find the others and climbed back out of the tunnel, Kriv’s armor making some noise as they did so. As they walked past another one of the pits on the surface, two giant, fuzzy arms emerged and tried to grab both of them. Kriv escaped the grapple, but Amaranth had less luck and was snatched off the ground. Kriv began frantically yelling possible solutions to the limerick to try to soothe the monster (while struggling to come up with rhymes in Common, which was really more like his third language).
Back in the clearing, Voski heard Kriv’s shouts and informed Ditto -- and Erwyn, who was still fairly dazed -- that she was going to see what was going on. Ditto got up to assist too, telling Erwyn to stay close before she ran off into the woods. Erwyn tried to pull himself up as well, but shakily sunk back to the ground. Berylbimbedon offered him some water.
Suspended in midair by the Grizzlegump, Amaranth added to the chaos, trying to help Kriv by shouting out any rhyming word for ‘lair’ she could think of. It latched another long, fuzzy tentacle arm onto her before dragging her back down into the tunnels. Kriv gave chase, shouting at Amaranth to try to placate it. Voski and Ditto approached the scene themselves, the latter casting Expeditious Retreat on herself to try to get there faster. Erwyn tried again to follow as well, but was too dizzy on his feet to do much more than crawl.
Voski stumbled into one of the illusion pits and Ditto, watching her fall into the ground, realized what they were. She shouted to ask if Voski was okay or needed to be Levitated out, but Voski urged her to keep moving above ground.
Amaranth just kept yelling and cursing at the Grizzlegump, unsuccessful at either getting it to stop or escaping herself.
“Fucking let go of me, you giant noodle demon!” she shouted.
Kriv caught up to her and told her to stop yelling. He started to sing a jaunty Draconic herding song he remembered from back home, in the hopes that the solution to the limerick might be “air” -- as in a song.
Voski put on her Goggles of the Night to try to see underground and started moving in the direction of the now very audible commotion. Up ahead in the tunnels, Amaranth wriggled an arm out from the Grizzlegump’s embrace. She then pulled out a dagger and stabbed it, causing it to let out a loud, angry roar. It tried to bite her and missed, giving Kriv an opportunity to heal her using the scale. He urged them both to calm down, and for Amaranth not to attack it. She stopped struggling and dropped her dagger. With Amaranth no longer stabbing it, the Grizzlegump seemed slightly calmer, and Kriv started to sing a different song, this time more of a nighttime lullaby he recalled from his childhood. It set Amaranth down and started climbing upwards towards its nest.
Erwyn, who had been pursuing slowly, realized that he was unlikely to reach the others all that quickly and got a different idea in his mind. He slowly made his way back to Berylbimbedon and asked to confirm that this was a simulation of Bytopia and get an explanation of the trial here, as he had missed much of the information before in his haze.
“Alright, can you at least tell me if it would be really, really stupid to go over to the other side myself?” Erwyn asked, after hearing the full instructions.
“Kid, this whole set of trials is stupid.”
“You have to understand,” he said. “I’m not very smart.”
He then asked the raccoon to send him to the other side, so he could try to find the other portal key quickly and hopefully help his friends out in that way instead of his seemingly ineffectual pursuit earlier.
By the time Ditto and Voski finally reached the tunnel chamber where the Grizzlegump was (Ditto had started reading the sign on the illusory door, but Voski was unfazed and pushed through it), they found Kriv singing to the creature, and a battered-looking, but free, Amaranth. Kriv pulled one of the previously-collected keys out from his bag and tried to gesture for the others to start looking for the one in the Grizzlegump’s lair.
“You must be joking,” Voski said, on seeing the creature.
On being told what it was, Ditto explained excitedly that the Grizzlegump was a nonsense creature from stories that were told to young gnomes growing up, whose only consistent feature was that it had to have at least one part that looked like a bear.
Ditto, Amaranth and Voski discussed what they should do next, since they weren’t supposed to take this key until someone had found the one on the other side as well, while Kriv, who was still distracting the Grizzlegump by singing and couldn’t join the conversation, grew frustrated. Eventually, Voski spotted the key overhead and pointed it out, but as they couldn’t grab it just yet, Ditto and Voski decided to head back and search for the second one. They agreed that Ditto would Send a message to Amaranth to let her know once they had it--and that they should hurry to check up on Erwyn as well, as they were concerned about leaving him sitting alone in the clearing.
Erwyn, in the meantime, had stepped through the portal to the other side of the planar simulation with Berylbimbedon, and had a difficult moment of trying to adjust to the weird switched gravity before it all settled and seemed natural. He told the raccoon to inform the others where he’d gone if they came looking for him, and she headed back to her original side. He then took stock of his surroundings and noticed a settlement in the distance, which he started heading towards through the pastoral fields immediately surrounding him.
One building in the settlement appeared to be larger than the others, and Erwyn approached it to knock on the door. A gnome-sized man greeted him and invited him in, offering to make him something to eat if he would sit down and listen to some stories. Erwyn tried to impress upon him that he really needed to figure out how to find the other portal key, as he was very worried about his friends, but the more he insisted he couldn’t stop and sit for a while, the angrier with him the man seemed to grow, telling him he was very rude. When Erwyn explained that his friends were on the other side, there was an odd glint in the man’s eyes.
“Then you’re all alone here?” he asked.
Nervously, Erwyn started to backpedal, saying he really needed to get looking and trying to brush over the fact that he’d come over alone. Before he could move towards the door, however, the strange man’s long beard started to move as if of its own accord and surrounded him, trapping him and pinning his arms to his sides -- and preventing him from leaving.
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Living on the Streets (Sam Alexander, Pt. 2)
Sorry this part is kind of short. But I found a good place to end it, hope you enjoy.
“Get your dirty paws off.” Sam growled shoving the raccoon away, though that was a very childish move. Rocket though had grown kind of fond of the kid and his sass, bared his claws and glared at Sam.
“That’s mine, kid.” Rocket grumbled, spreading his feet apart, getting ready for a fight. Sam shook his head.
“No, my fath-” He stopped himself, he was surprised that he was even about to say the word. He was going to call the Titan his father. He had never felt as if he was his father, though he was a fatherly figure, he wasn’t and would never be his father.
Though Rocket didn’t know what Sam was going to say, he knew it had stunned him and he easily grabbed the helmut. Sam saw the glint off of the helmut as the raccoon snatched it up and he did the first thing he thought of and brought out his foot to trip the racoon. In any other case, Rocket would have been able to avoid that but he had gotten the helmut and let it go to his head.
The helmut fell from his claws and fell to the ground making a loud clunk on the marble floor, Sam leaped over the small rodent and picked up the helmut. He picked it up and didn’t wait for anything before he was darting back the way they came.
It didn’t take much for Rocket to recoil, he grabbed the gun from it’s holster on his back and he skidded after the kid. Sam turned the corner and abruptly skidded to a stop as he saw a line of soldiers. He heard the scrape of Rocket’s feet running up behind him and he took a deep breath. He gently set the helmut down and grabbed the knife from his pocket, though it didn’t seem like much, Sam was pretty skilled with it. He knew if he went after the line of guards then there was a chance Rocket could get the helmet, which wouldn’t be too hard to retrieve, that’s what Sam told himself at least.
When one of the men noticed Sam, they thought he was a joke before Sam threw the knife, having an exact angle that perfectly punctured the mans hearts, when the rest of them realized that meant bad news, they pulled out their weapons.
Sam used his smallness as an advantage and by the time he used the last two men to accidentally shoot each other, he wiped a stray piece of hair from his face and looked to where he originally was standing. The helmet wasn’t there and he knew Rocket had it and he had to get it back. He ripped his knife from the first man's chest and stomped down the hallway towards the entrance. He saw the swish of the raccoon's tail as he climbed into his spaceship and Sam quickly but stealthily ran and then snuck onto the ship, making sure to quickly hide behind a box, out of sight.
“-got it, Groot.” Rocket’s voice spoke and a clunk was heard, Sam assumed that he placed the helmut down.
“I am Groot.” A new voice answered, Sam couldn’t help but glance around the box, where he saw a six foot tree, head tilted, eyes blinking softly, staring intently at the raccoon.
“Yeah, I know, ran into a kid. Nice boy- but annoying.” The raccoon squinched his nose and jumped into the pilots seat, moving the steering wheel up, the ship jolting up. Causing Sam to fall back, hitting the wall, hitting his head on the wall, biting his tongue to keep from groaning. But the bang caught the attention of the tree.
He tilted his head and his circular feet, thumped forward, trying to stay upright as the raccoon swerved. Sam cursed in his head (The worst he could with being so young) and scootched over behind some crates full of knick knacks. He heard the tree continue his journey and he saw his hand press on the crates as he looked over.
Sam scooted as close to the wall as possible and straining his neck a little bit he could see the helmut. The tree, Groot, knelt farther, closer to the wall, if he would have just scraped his head on the wall, he would have seen the small boy hunched down below him. Though he might have if Rocket didn’t call for him.
“GROOT! Get your roots up here, don’t want your leaves catching on anything.” He screamed to the back of the ship. Groot rolled his eyes and huffed, mumbling to himself, “I am Groot.”
Sam chuckled quietly, biting onto his knuckle from imagining what Groot could have said, he had heard about the ‘Groots’ he didn’t quite understand them as a living thing. He had always wanted to learn the language but never had. Though he didn’t quite understand the talking raccoon either.
Sam made sure neither of them were looking when he eased himself from behind the crates and very furtively grabbed the helmet. But Sam figured the Raccoon didn’t have his pilot license because he jerked again and Sam fell to the ground, though the helmet stayed in his grasp. Groot looked back, exclaiming that he was groot.
Sam scrambled to his feet and ran to the back of the ship, trying to open up the hatch but this ship wasn’t like Hexi, he had no idea how it worked.
“Groot, that’s the kid. Get him!” Rocket screamed as he glanced back to see Sam. The tree-man looked at his smaller friend, seeming more sincere now. He spoke quietly, “I am Groot.”
“Yeah, so? He’s a stowaway? I can’t leave the whe- ju-agh-get him!” Sam could hear them having a conversation, the raccoon used his outside voice though, for sure. Sam heard another voice and he stopped to look around but there was no one.
“Sam… put on the helmet.” It swayed through the wind, Sam looked down at the helmet, surely it wouldn’t fit him. But as the voice insisted again, he did as it said and slipped it on, it wasn’t too big. Or small, it fit just right and he would find out that as he gets older, it would always seem to fit perfectly.
“Put your hand out, blast the door.” The voice soothed again and Sam hesitantly held out his hand. Which was the first time he noticed know that the helmet had also put on a suit for him. He thought for a moment of blasting it and then a light beam shot from his hand. Though he didn’t quite think about how he would get back to his ship.
Though he heard the raccoon bark from behind him and he glanced back before jumping from the ship, not thinking twice, though, amazingly he didn’t start not being able to breath like any normal person. They were in space, so he didn’t fall though. The voice cooed for the last time, he had never heard it again, not until present day.
“Fly, Sam.” Sam looked around but still found nothing but darkness. He looked at his hands and put them by his sides, which then like the voice had said he was.. In a way, flying.
He was shaky and hesitant at first and thinking how he better not mention how he wore the helmet to the Titan and he went back to Nova Corps. Though his first landing didn’t go 100% as planned, considering he fell on his face, though it was okay. He stood back up and ran over to his ship, just dropping to his knees. Finally having the helmet back and being safe in his ship.
His arms lifted up and he watched the new material from his body disappear and he moved the Nova Corps helmet too look at him. The red star was staring deep into his soul as he inspected it, he thought it was supposed to be black, but it wasn’t. Perhaps it held stages and he needed to unlock them.
“Hexi, please take me back too Thanos.” Sam said, wiping away his slightly leaking nose. He got up and placed the helmet on the pilot seat and took his own in the passenger one too watch the planets go by.
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Taken from: The Funky Band (Season 3, Episode 2a)
Almost of Lake HooHaw Kids are being hypnotized from something. BTW, I wanted to add Scootch, but he doesn’t have hypno eyes. Luckily I edit it.

#pb&j otter#disney#playhouse disney#disney junior#pinch raccoon#flick duck#munchy beaver#scootch raccoon#the funky band#hypnotized#eyes#jim jinkins#cartoon#animals#raccoon#beaver#duck
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Scootch and Pinch Raccoon from PB&J Otter
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Pinch: Come on, Scootch! Let’s help each other taking apart this beautiful kite.
Scootch: Okay.
Taken from: Baby Butter’s Bankie (Season 2, Episode 19)
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