Top 5 Animated Scooby Doo Movies 
Scooby-Doo On Zombie Island
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What happens when the monsters are real? The Scooby-verse is flipped on its head in this one, as we discover exactly that. And what an amazing soundtrack! Seriously, “It’s Terror Time Again” is an absolute banger! 
2. Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost
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Three Words…The Hex Girls! This is the debut of the all female, goth rock group we all know and love! So for that alone, it’s a MUST for me. But I also really love the story of Sarah Ravencroft and the Autumn theme. It’s a delightfully witchy good time! And let’s be real, Ben Ravencroft is totally Stephen King inspired! 
3. Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase
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Full disclosure, this one is probably only one of my most favorites because of nostalgia. It is the Scooby film that my family and I watched religiously. I recall when it was coming out, and how excited we were .Scooby was (is) kind of a big deal in my family. This one is a fun, cyber filled adventure where the gang has to progress through a computer game in order to defeat a phantom virus. It’s complete with cool Scooby Gang cyber versions, and an eventual face-to-face. 
4. Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School / Scooby-Doo! and the Reluctant Werewolf
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I put both of these together because I love them both for the same reason…their inclusion of the classic movie monsters! The Wolfman, Dracula, The Mummy, The Frankenstein’s Monster, etc. Or in the case of Ghoul School ,their daughters (with small appearances from them). I’m Dracula obsessed, and to see the character in the Scooby Doo franchise makes me so happy! Ghoul School has its moments. Any time it focuses on the ghouls, it’s fantastic. I just think it has a pretty wonky, all over the place plot. As for the Reluctant Werewolf, I love the Wacky Racers-esque story. And shaggy himself becomes a werewolf! How cool is that! 
5. Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders
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Shaggy and Scooby get abducted by aliens! And they both fall in love with a hippy girl and her golden retriever (who turn out to be the aliens). It’s just really fun to see how this all plays out, and how those two handle it. As well as how Velma, the brains of the group, copes with the idea of alien life existing. 
(I moved one of these around as I was typing this, because I realized as I reread it that maybe I liked some others just a bit more. Either way, these are still my most favs from my childhood!)
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starclast · 11 months
About my experience with Scooby Doo
Okey, if you have seen some of my fanart carefully, you may have noticed that...I'm a Scooby Doo fan. And honestly: who isn't? No matter in what year you were born, you pretty much grew up alongside (at least) one of the many- MANY series and movies from the Scooby Doo franchise. So, even if you are not really a *fan*, you certainly know about this famous gang with a talking dog and the *meddling kids* phrase is probably stuck on your head. Aaand so, as a fan, I just wanted to talk about my experience with some of stuff from this franchise!!
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To be honest, my first REAL interaction with the franchise is...pretty blurry. Like, I honestly cant remember which one was the true beginning!! O__O But still, I can say a couple of guesses. First, I own a vhs of the *first* and one of the best Scooby Doo movies in existence: Scooby Doo on Zombie Island. When I saw this movie for the first time I was confused about why they were separated and other things so...I think I wasn't really aware of the gang before that?? Still, I really enjoyed this movie and it remains as one my favorites till this day (P.S: And surprisingly, I didn't get scared at all!? :o)
My second guess is that I saw an episode of the old series (one from the 60s to 90s) on TV one day, though...I cant really say what episode exactly, hehe.
Still, I (kind of) remember when I saw the first live action Scooby Doo movies for the first time! I think...before I saw the first movie, I already watched a scene from the second one, specifically: the one where the gang is knocking at the door of the *villain*s haunted house. Buuut well, back to the first one! I saw (the full movie) on TV one day and I really, REALLY loved it! It had some kind of charm and atmosphere which I can't really describe, but it caught me immediately!! And ooh boy, the Latin Spanish dub was incredibly funny!! XD This movie also remains as one of my favorites of all time!
It took a couple of years (but not really too long) for me to see the second movie. I also liked it, but not as much as the first one, which is curious, considering that aesthetically, this movie is more Scooby Doo like than the first one. Oh, and as a side note! I didn't ship Shelma back then. Actually, I didn't ship anyone inside the gang. I mean, I saw Fred and Daphne kissing and all but I didn't think much about it =__=
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Years passed and I grew up seeing all the Scooby Doo animated movies that came year after year. Back then there was also the *What's new Scooby Doo?* series (which theme song still remains in my head), but aside from one or two episodes which I was lucky to see on TV, I couldn't see much of it. That's why the movies were my only Scooby Doo related entertainment.
More years passed and then it came out: Mystery Incorporated, one of the best (if not the BEST) Scooby Doo series of all time. Sadly, I wasn't really interested in it back then. I was in my teen years and since I had *grew up*, it would be very childish of me to watch a Scooby Doo show now. Still, I was lucky enough to watch some episodes on TV. One of the episodes I saw featured Shaggy and Velma as a couple and then I was like *Wait- they can date??*. I stood silent for a few moments, then I was like *Cool* and kept viewing the episode like noting. I still didn't think much of it, but the vision I had of their characters had already changed a little.
Some time later, I found a place where they sold DVDs and along the many of them, I found one with Scooby Doo movies which I hadn't see before. I bought it and then I finally got to see movies like *Scooby Doo and the witch ghost* for the first time. A few months later, I also found two DVDs with the two seasons of Mystery Incorporated, so I said *why not?* and bought them. And Oh-MY, I LOVED IT!! Sadly, the episodes weren't exactly in order and the second DVD didn't have all the episodes of the second season so, I couldn't finish it, but still, it was worth it! here, I kind of started to actually ship Shelma.
Many-MAAAANY years later (now in college), I finally got the chance to see the series as it was supposed to be, and I just have to say: I loved it even more! Although the series itself *broke* the ship, I still liked it and couldn't *move on* from it as I was supposed to...and so, here I am, still shipping it!
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Aand finally, we come to the fanmade live action Scooby Doo series. I never heard or saw anything about this project until last year, when I stumbled upon the pilot on Youtube. I was curious so I watched it. I didn't have any expectations, but I was gladly surprised with what I saw. I had such a good time that I immediately showed it to my friends! And still now, I'm eagerly waiting for the next episode! (...While creating my own fantasies already, as you know XD)
One thing I wasn't sure when I was first sawing the pilot, was about Chris Villain, who takes the role of Shaggy in this series. As he have said, he doesn't look like Shaggy at all (physically speaking, of course), so I was a little out of place at the start...But as the minutes passed, I got to care and actually SEE this version of Shaggy functioning (it even made me cry at one point for how rough his situation is TT w TT). Now, he is definitely my favorite out of the cast (about both, actors, and characters) and I'm excited to see what else will come across him ^w^/
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So yeah, as you can see, I ship Shelma in almost all its forms. It may not be the *right* ship for a lot of people, but I still like them and think they can work together as long as someone cares to do them right.
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To be honest, I NEVER saw the TV movies before. If it weren't that one day I stumbled upon them out of pure luck, I would probably continue to know nothing about these movies. At first, I didn't want to watch them because...lets be real: it didn't look good to me. The cast, the scenery, even Scooby look kind of weird. But well, I decided to give them a chance anyway. The first one was okey, nothing really extraordinary, but enjoyable still. The second was...*particular* to say the least (so much that I had to close my eyes out of embarrassment sometimes). Still, it was nice to know this version of their characters because I think they would be funny to work with!
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vector-art-bundles · 22 days
Scooby-Doo Vector Art: Premium Vector Graphics for Creative Projects
Scooby-Doo, the beloved Great Dane with an insatiable appetite for mystery and adventure, has been an iconic figure in pop culture since the late 1960s. From animated series to feature films, Scooby-Doo and his gang of friends have entertained audiences of all ages with their thrilling escapades and comedic antics. Now, with the rise of digital art and design, Scooby-Doo is taking on a new form through vector graphics, offering endless possibilities for creative projects.
Vector graphics have become increasingly popular in the realm of digital art due to their scalability and versatility. Unlike raster images, which are made up of pixels and can lose quality when resized, vector graphics are based on mathematical equations, allowing them to be scaled to any size without losing clarity or detail. This makes them perfect for a wide range of creative projects, from web design to merchandise production.
With Scooby-Doo vector art, fans and artists alike can bring their favorite canine detective to life in stunning detail. Whether you're designing a poster for a themed party, creating custom merchandise for a fan convention, or simply expressing your love for the classic cartoon in a unique way, Scooby-Doo vector art provides the perfect canvas for your imagination to run wild.
One particularly notable example of Scooby-Doo vector art is [insert your vector art description here]. This meticulously crafted illustration captures the essence of Scooby-Doo with vibrant colors, crisp lines, and intricate details. From his floppy ears and expressive eyes to his trademark collar and goofy grin, every aspect of Scooby-Doo's personality shines through in this stunning vector artwork.
But the beauty of Scooby-Doo vector art lies not only in its visual appeal but also in its practicality. Whether you're a professional designer or an amateur enthusiast, Scooby-Doo vector art can be easily customized to suit your specific needs. Want to change the colors to match your branding? No problem. Need to resize the image for different applications? Piece of cake. With Scooby-Doo vector art, the possibilities are endless.
In addition to its aesthetic and functional benefits, Scooby-Doo vector art also offers a sense of nostalgia and nostalgia for fans of the classic cartoon. For many people, Scooby-Doo holds a special place in their hearts, evoking memories of Saturday morning cartoons and childhood adventures. By incorporating Scooby-Doo vector art into their creative projects, fans can pay homage to this timeless franchise while adding a modern twist.
In conclusion, Scooby-Doo vector art is a valuable resource for anyone looking to infuse their creative projects with a sense of fun, excitement, and nostalgia. Whether you're a seasoned designer or a passionate fan, Scooby-Doo vector art provides the perfect combination of visual appeal, practicality, and nostalgia for all your creative endeavors. So why wait? Dive into the world of Scooby-Doo vector art today and unleash your imagination!
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dylanconrique · 6 months
what's my roman empire you ask?
that's easy, my roman empire is the day scooby was adopted by the gang.
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spooky-kakashi · 7 months
with so many movies and tv series the mcu still hasnt achieved what scooby doo did with less budget
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friendofthecrows · 1 year
I feel like those hbo velma ppl should have done a chronological rewatch/reread of as many scooby-do series + related materials and taken notes. Yes, it would have taken a while and made it harder to churn out for a profit, given that it would mean genuine love and care would now have to go into it, but the way they mischaracterize EVERYONE, even Velma, their main character, or even Shaggy, the easiest one to characterize in the whole series,,,,,it just speaks volumes about how what they REALLY had, was an idea of what a modern, edgy, young adult audience might want in a series, and a SEPERATE knowledge of scooby-do content selling like hotcakes due to the love so many people have for the franchise. It's almost funny to watch them try to mash together modern ideas of marketability and scooby-do, and lose the entire (enormous) scooby-do fanbase with it.
Imagine if they made a star trek remake with Kirk as an example of toxic masculinity and Spock selling ketamine and none of the bridge crew actually like each other
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candycorncandle · 1 year
I am SO pissed about velma like why did they do that
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dduane · 2 years
Well, a film had gay Velma, then four days later Mindy Kaling confirmed her Velma TV series would have a bi Velma involved in a ‘love quadrangle’.
It's fabulous, isn't it! :) Plainly things have changed a lot since I was writing Velma at Hanna-Barbera (Gods rest it...) in 1979, and none of what's been happening in this century was, as far as I can tell, even dreamed of. ...After I get some of the current projects off my desk, I'm really looking forward to having time to settle in and get caught up on what's been going on in the Scoobyverse since, oh, 2010 or so.
A funny memory comes up in conjunction with this whole subject, though. In 1990 or thereabouts I was the lead writer on a BBC Schools Television series called "Science Challenge". (Its logo seems to be all that's left of it now, alas. But then the Beeb's historically had a tendency to be cavalier about preserving archival material...*) When the series was first mooted and my UK agent got me in through the door to pitch to its producer**, the single thing on my CV that appeared to have impressed him and his colleagues more than anything else was... having written for Scooby-Doo. "What was it like?" they kept asking me in fascination and wonder. The general tone was as if somebody kept asking Galadriel what the Silmarils and Fëanor were really like back in the day.
Anyway, they hired me, and the thought persists to this day that one of the most enjoyable TV-writing experiences of my career—because they really were effortless to work with, those folks—might have been due to having written for Scooby and Scrappy. :)
*You want to embarrass somebody at the Beeb? Remind them about the time they accidentally (so it's claimed) recycled/taped over their copy of the Apollo 11 moon landing ("long thought lost", is how they describe it these days, in an admirably blasé-sounding attempt at erasure [ah, the irony...] of how they screwed up) and only much later got a copy of it from a viewer who taped it.
**This is the same gent on whom it was so vital that The Hiccup Cure should work. Fortunately it did.
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rose-of-pollux · 11 months
1 & 4 for vincent on the comfort character ask meme!!
How long have I known about them? Oooh, a very, very long time; I have such vivid memories of watching 13 Ghosts when I was 4 and thinking that it was the coolest thing in the world that the gang had a Warlock Dad now. I did not understand the concept of a voice actor until I was around 7 or 8, and it was at that point I assumed that Vincent Van Ghoul was just Some Guy they came up with for the series. And then, when I was around 10, I found out about Vincent Price and my reaction was basically "He's real!?!?!?!?" (I mean, for real... there is only the thinnest of veils between Scoobyverse Vincent and the real Vincent, but that's an essay for another time).
4. What about their personality I like? He is the Dad Who Stepped Up and he didn't even realize he did it. We only got 13 episodes, but you can pinpoint the exact moment he went from "These Meddling Kids" to "MY Meddling Kids." The moment in question? "Me and My Shadow Demon" again, when he drops everything and flies from the Himalayas to Kyiv (he specifies Bald Mountain as where Befuddle Manor is--according to legend, it's right outside of Kyiv in the Ukraine) because he knows they're going to need his help.
At that point on, he's literally their Adopted Warlock Dad. Someone impersonating him via telegram to trick the gang into traveling somewhere? He's there to help. The gang is having movie night? He's there to bring the drinks. The gang is on a cruise? He attempts to get there to enjoy a family vacation, and then looks into things when he can't teleport in. He lets them stay in his castle and eat his food. The man literally starts to come out of a love spell because the gang starts screaming for help, I mean--
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Look at his face; it hasn't struck midnight yet (when the love spell was supposed to break) and he's already waking up from it because his kids and dogs need him, gatdangit!
(I have So Many Emotions about this, and that is also another essay for another time.)
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victusinveritas · 5 months
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shannon-blake · 1 year
My favourite part of Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated is the concept of there being other mystery gangs and the idea of there having been multiple gangs just like them in the past. In my opinion, this concept should be explored more in the Scoobyverse.
Alternatively, we could have another multiple "timelines" version where the gang that experiences real monsters are videogame characters who are sentient by their own right, but haven't yet figured it that they are in fact videogame characters.
And the best part about the Scooby Doo fandom sect that has seen mystery incorporated is them somehow forgetting that Fred, canonically, has stolen a body.
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adhdzagreus · 5 months
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watched scooby doo: mystery incorporated with my roomies as my first proper foray into the scoobyverse and it was good stuff
[img ID: a screenshot of the YouTube search results for Brian David Gilbert’s Unraveled video on Castlevania. The title has been edited to read “I wasted 3 weeks of my life finding Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated’s hottest monster | Unraveled”. The thumbnail has been edited to read “Mystery Inc’s Sexiest Enemy” and the image of the Bone Dragon has been replaced with Obliterix. BDG appears to be holding it and grinning.]
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starclast · 11 months
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The charming one ✨✨✨
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Okay. Why is Bill Nye explaining to the kid that Aquaman isn't real in a universe were Scarecrow exists? And isn't the only supervillan!! Is Batman the only hero in the Scoobyverse? Are only the villans a thing? We know the villans are a thing cause Velma says Crane is only the 53th more dangerous villan out there and she also mentions Arkham. But what about heros?
Does the Batman: The Bold and The Brave Scooby Doo crossover exists in this universe? Because if that's the case at LEAST Batman, The Question, Martian Manhunter, Plastic Man and Detective Chimp are a thing.
I know it's just a silly movie (a very fun one btw) but I'm a cronical overthinker and I need answers!!!
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thenexusofsouls · 1 year
Stephen, I'm sure the new Scooby Gang show has NOTHING to do with you saying Scooby Doo this shit without using please first, creating a chain of events in the Scoobyverse where somehow humanity ends up in this one timeline, doomed to coexist with media where well known characters are used as background for an author writing a very obvious self insert of themselves as the new Velma... RIGHT?
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"Are you accusing me of catalyzing a nexus event involving... Scooby Doo? Because I didn't say please?" He didn't know whether to laugh, be insulted, or be confused. "That's not possible." He thought for a second. "I'm assuming it's not possible. Scooby Doo is fictional, he doesn't just become nonfictional because I don't feel like being polite. If that was all it took to make the imaginary real, we'd all be in a lot of trouble."
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renthebarbarian · 2 years
I don’t think it’s contradictory canon? Just different continuities.
Into The Scoobyverse lmao
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