#sci fi prosthetics
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zealfruity · 5 months ago
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I love my slay disabled emo cyborg murder spec-ops boyfriend
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atlas-hope · 26 days ago
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Finished a commission for @mnkjango! This is his character, Penn!
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lucky-lucky-dog · 8 months ago
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i never posted this, did i? delta and their service dog, malyshka <3
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madcat-world · 11 months ago
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Photobashing Cyborg Style in 18 Minutes - BenedickBana
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jellisdraws · 1 year ago
WIP Whenever
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It’s been a while since I posted anything from my Cyberfantasy WIP so…
The helm was a vision straight out of the last century of star cruisers , retrofitted into something more functionally modern. It's dated darksteel panels were accented with rust red ironwood, and a full suite of leather chairs and stations sat vacant on either side of the conically shaped room. In the middle of the room where an old timey captain's chair may have sat, a 12 foot tall, 8 foot wide inky black egg shaped pod was welded into the floor, it's sleek sides seamed with glowing strings of runes. Past the navigation egg, the circular front viewport glowed with the purple hue of the light spilling from the Gate, the traffic ahead of them mere dots of black with their own aetheric glow of main thrusters, slowly idling their way forward, waiting their turn to warp. Wires and cables humming with magic running out of the base of the pod disappeared under the floor panelling - Was that… mahogany? - and reappeared where they linked into the various navigation and control stations across the bridge. Advancements in cognition-enhancing alchemy, magics, and technology like Jack’s own implanted cyberbrain now allowed the entire suite of operating systems for a starship like this one to be controlled by one person- a fact not lost on the starlining corporations.
Now that Automaton Intelligences were calling for equal treatment as kith, and even the corporate funded governments were having to give way in order to appease their constituents both organic and manufactured, it was far cheaper to just maintain the fewest employees possible and focus on guild busting tactics. Paying for stimulants, overtime and legal payouts when things went wrong was far cheaper than paying a living wage and hiring Shipboard AI to supplement helmsmen. The pilots guild was more or less a full fledged insurrection anymore, hijacking, blockading and destroying Corpo ships across the Unified Systems. They supposedly maintained sleeper representatives across the various starliner companies, those willing to quietly recruit new guild members or crash starships into trade hubs in firey protest. Split between the Corpos bearing down on them and the Guild’s aggressive recruiting tactics, every pilot and helmsman Jack had ever met had been either stupefyingly boring or batshit insane. She hoped this one counted among the former.
(Rest under the cut)
A voice floated out of the Comm rune on the egg, “Hey, just a heads up we’re about T minus 16 minutes to warp. Not to put too much pressure on you, but non essential systems will be going down as we warp, standard procedure, and they wont be back on till we’re headed into final approach.”
“Right.” Jack said, edging around the pod, trying to get a view of the person inside
“It's weird you know, I don't remember logging a request.”
Jack froze, waiting for alarms, waiting for the doors behind her to open, but the voice continued, “ Sometimes I forget about the small stuff though, or maybe it's an old one- glad they're finally sending someone to deal with stuff like this,” The voice was dreamy- like their attention was largely elsewhere- which Jack supposed it was; flying large scale starships was consuming work.
She finally scooted in front of the navigation egg, peering through the layers and layers of projected information and glowing sensor displays on the glass of the viewing window into the beautiful reflective eyes of a mermaid. She smiled dreamily at Jack as she floated gracefully in the suspending fluid of the egg. She was around 4 feet tall, with a slender feminine torso covered in opalescent white scales that shifted into a curling, ridged neon yellow seahorse tail. Her pale green curls were trapped beneath a pair of headphones she had pulled around her neck- the cord of which disappeared into the top of the egg. Her eyes were the color and quality of mercury, sitting prettily in a heart shaped face. She had a prominent tattoo of an incredibly buff orcish man in a navy cap and not much else along her sternum. Down the sides of her neck and collar Jack could see her gills filtering. Jack had to remind herself to look the woman in her eyes.
“Hi there,” Jack said.
“Yeah, hi,” returned the dreamy voice through the pod, though Jack couldn't see the Mermaids lips move, “Feel free to do what you need to do, We got about- oh… just under 14 minutes now.”
“Right. I don't suppose we could speed that up?” Jack asked
“Speed it up how?”
“Most ships have thrusters I believe, they are used to provide thrust. I would like there to be more thrust.”
Jack unfolded the titanium blade from her hand and pressed the tip into the glass of the navigation egg with what she hoped was a menacing click, her black eyes meeting the Mermaids mercury ones, “Im hijacking the ship.”
“Oh, Okay.”
“‘Okay?’ What the fuck do you mean, ‘Okay’?”
“I was acquiescing.” the mermaid said.
“I just told you I was stealing the ship. Why would you acquiesce to that? Who says acquiesce anymore?”
“I dunno. Protocol I think.”
“Protocol says to agree to hijacking?”
“I need to be through the Hyperlane gate as fast as you can get us there…?”
“Madolyn.”said Madolyn the mermaid.
“Madolyn, hi. My name is-”
An explosion rocked the cabin as the doors in the rear blew open with a wild squeal and cracking of metal and ceramic, with a shower of blue and purple arcane sparks. The Corprobots began to force their way through the exploded doors, kicking and twisting burning out of their way.
“JACK GATHOWAY YOU HAVE BEEN FOUND NON COMPLIANT.” came a loud tinny voice followed by a short burst of gunfire.
Jack yelped and ducked behind the egg as bullets ricocheted around the cabin, struggling to flatten herself against the convex surface.
“Now please Madolyn!” She yelled
“Just feel free to call me Maddie!” she said cheerfully, righting herself in the tank and pulling her headphones back up around her ears. She began to wave her hands fluidly though the fluid, and the ship responded instantly. Jack felt herself pressed firmly into the smooth hard surface of the egg as gravity shifted in response to the acceleration. An echoing crash and the sounds of cursing revealed a corprobot had fallen off of it's feet and tangled the legs of the others.
Jack looked frantically in front of her, the aetheric glow of the gate was huge and all encompassing, trying to stay stuck behind the egg as Maddie swung the starliner in and out of traffic, avoiding the ships trundling there as she continued to accelerate towards the gate.
“Stay where you are!” came a corprobot voice, and then more gunfire, Jack hissed as a ricochet skimmed past her forearm, slicing the skin like a red hot razor. The bots were spreading out, making the precarious cover she had found increasingly tenuous. Between the shouting and gunfire she could hear Maddie cheerfully speaking to someone,
“Thats right Raxxus Control we have been spacejacked, and the culprits are accelerating us directly into the Gate!” A pause, “Nope, it does not seem like re-establishing control of the vessel will be possible.” She gave Jack a thumbs up, and Jack returned the gesture with a weak smile.
A Metallic hand grabbed Jack by the ankle and ripped her out of her hiding spot and she yelled, swinging and kicking, slamming her knife repeatedly into the torso of the corprobot holding her, the aetherium infused titanium sinking into the thick ceramic armor over and over until the bot fell in a shower of purple sparks. More gunfire from the bots- TING! A bullet lodged itself in her metal leg, she almost could have laughed until another one took her in the shoulder and she spun over the controls landing with a bone rattling THUNK on the other side of the defunct console. Maddie was still speaking,
“That's right, we are a passenger vessel, so firing on us is out of the question unfortunately. Eject them? I don't have the authority to do that sir, Im so sorry. Listen we’re about to hit the Gate, it's been lovely to talk to you- what was that? Collision?”
Jack’s eyes widened as she turned to look out the front viewport to see the prow of Starsailer emerge from the gate, followed by its masts and sails, a huge galleon from the ancient days of spacefaring, it's Draconic figurehead looking as surprised to see the Starliner as they were to see it. Maddie hewed the ship hard to port, but it was too late. Jack felt it shudder beneath her before the impact came and she was thrown across the room. She slammed hard into the ceiling, navigation egg, floor, egg again. As the starliner bounced off of the hapless Starsailer’s shields and directly into Raxxus Station itself, metal and glass and ceramic buckled as the momentum of the ship ground it further and further into the Gates’s superstructure. Jack felt the shuddering reverberations of arcane explosions before she saw them, massive roiling purple flames being ejected out of the gate with increasing intensity as the starliner crashed into it before the momentum of the spinning structure caught them and flipped the disintegrating ship entirely and the purple aetheric glow overtook all.
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ouroborosorder · 1 year ago
witch from mercury genuinely reads like
Gund Format Cons
A weapon that kills its pilot will fundamentally be used by the rich forcing the poor to pilot them, because if there's one thing the rich love more than killing poor people in proxy wars, it's forcing disposable soldiers to do it.
The only way to offload the severe cognitive load of Gund Format tech is to literally throw corpses at it, producing clones of Newtypes and killing them repeatedly again and again until their consciousnesses are strong enough to offset the load of the machine. This mech is piloted by the ghosts of children, and they all are forced to kill.
Gund Format Pros
You can make a robot arm with it
it makes suletta super happy (canonically unhealthy attachment)
calibarn is cool (hard to refute)
So that's three reasons to two, meaning gund format is good actually. we did it, everyone. our series' ideology is solved
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1960z · 1 year ago
it feels like a lot of star trek’s interactions with the emmys are almost mocking. like threshold won an emmy, move along home was nominated for an emmy, it’s very funny to me
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rat-beanie · 6 months ago
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Another outfit design for a friend's OC! The campaign she's in is gonna have a time skip, so gotta get some cool new threads and a fun hairstyle
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jbbarnes · 10 months ago
i was just reminded that everyone involved with g/otg thought it was hilarious to have a joke revolving around stealing the prosthetic from a disabled tortured pow!! haha, disabled people being assaulted is so funny right. haha. i’m definitely laughing.
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zoethehead · 5 months ago
And here's some roblox Clive, post-awakening
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briebo-art · 2 years ago
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redesigned my oldest OC, Max (Formerly Brianne/Bridgette), to be more butch because it's simply what she deserves, and butch transfems are great
she's my longest running character, with probably the most drawings of any of my OC's, so i thought i'd do a timeline of all the times i've drawn her :)
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(2nd to last one is before she realized shes trans hence the miserableness,)
there's a timelapse under the cut, as it can get pretty flash-inducing when it comes to colors
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jellisdraws · 2 years ago
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Keep coming back to Jack and my Cyber Fantasy WIP. Gonna keep rendering and playing with this one, test how far I can try pushing the background, maybe try going for a lineless render.
I’m having a blast with art recently and I’m so keen to try stuff and really push what I can do and learn everything I can (mostly by trial and error lmao) my official commission list keeps getting pushed back but I am accepting commissions right now so I guess hit me up if interested?
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annaoi · 2 years ago
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Was commissioned by Melly on Discord to design a prosthetic arm for a character. The 2nd version has a slight gray colored parts.
art (c) me / annaoi
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midnightechoes · 1 year ago
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This is Youmi Nakamori, an OC of mine that I've had for... damn, decades at this point. She's gone through many iterations, including a minorly successful webcomic years ago, and this is her in her current form. I don't know if I'll ever get to do anything with her, but I'm hoping to someday hit on the right idea for her.
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unholy-fabray · 1 year ago
i've been missing RimWorld lately and i had a thought. what if i made the original ND members and just... let them loose and see what happened
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soph1e-png · 1 year ago
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sequel to the iteration...the final design of mitra's arm, glad it looks good since it took me LITERAL HOURS
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