my name is bucky.
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jbbarnes · 6 months ago
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It could be a complete toss up as to whether Bucky slept soundly or whether the slightest whisper of sound could wake him up. It had been one of the nights where the case was the former, trained from a young age by the general noise of a busy family and neighbourhood, then to grab sleep wherever he could get it in the war. But there was one noise that would always bring him around eventually, and that was Steve.
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"Sh, Stevie," he mumbled sleepily, not having cracked his eyes open as he tugged Steve to him, bringing their faces close together. "I've gotcha. 'S okay."
He pressed a few kisses to his forehead and cheeks, eyes still closed but hand running up and down his spine.
"Y're okay, 'M here."
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steve doesn't have nightmares often ------- he used to , when he first came to the modern world. crashing that plane was traumatic in itself , but now the nightmares were something so more intense ---- aliens &* bucky &* thanos &* the snap &* tony &* natasha . . . it was all too much for his brain to wrap around. tonight is one of those nights. the bed is too soft as he tosses &* turns , soft little noises leaving him as his brows knit together. his struggle is clear , especially as it goes on &* on. he usually sleeps better with @jbbarnes beside him , but it doesn't prove to be enough this evening.
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jbbarnes · 8 months ago
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from the camera roll of one steven grant rogers
inspired by these tags because i, too, love beefy bearded bucky in loose soft clothes (and the occasional skimpy shorts)
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jbbarnes · 8 months ago
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A bust commission for @jack.ad.astra and @buckybarnessssss Thank you for share with me a special moment 🧡and for share the love for prewar babies.
COMMISSIONS OPEN (in my bio)🧡 Support my art on Ko fi ���
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jbbarnes · 8 months ago
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Alpine the cat in Falcon & Winter Soldier (2020)
Art by: Frederico Vincentini
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jbbarnes · 8 months ago
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Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes Captain America: Civil War
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jbbarnes · 8 months ago
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you used to love me on my bad days, when the sun wouldn’t come out
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jbbarnes · 8 months ago
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He'd dove back under when the four legged one had licked him, but the two legged one had him stilling in the water. Even from below, the sunlight caught his hair and made it look like gold, like the treasures they'd find in wrecks and carry home. His grandmother had had a golden statue of one of the two legs, and he used to make up stories in his head to explain just who the figure was, why he had deserved the honour.
His fingers itched to comb and braid, even if half of the two legs kept their hair strangely short, including this one. He wanted to gather pretty shells to decorate that golden hair, and he wasn't really sure where the impulse was coming from. It was a regular occurrence that family and friends would tend to each other's hair — he'd braided his sisters' often enough and had the same done in return — but to want to do so for a complete stranger? For someone who wasn't even mer?
Flattening his back against the far side of the rock pool, he surfaced again. The distance wouldn't really do much, but it helped him feel safer. The two legs' voice was rough, different from a mer voice, but he knew to expect that from hearing sailors on one of his other forbidden trips. He also knew he would be able to understand, some quirk to allow their ancient ancestors to sing two legs into the ocean. A lot had been lost in the intervening years, and they had their own words for many things, but he understood what the two leg had said.
"What... is he?" he asked, pointing at the four legged creature, now under control. It was an asinine question to ask, given his life was currently at risk, but he couldn't think of anything else to say.
"Oh, hey. Don't worry, he's friendly. A little too friendly sometimes," he huffed sheepishly, grabbing hold of the dog's collar and hauling him back a little before he decided this stranger needed a full-body bath. "I'm sorry if we scared you. You can come out. I promise he doesn't …bite."
The words trailed off as he finally got a good look around the dog and into the tide pool. The water was clear down to the bottom, and his breath caught at the sight of fins and tail fanned out beneath the water. It was a few long seconds of staring while he tried to convince himself he wasn't seeing what he was seeing. It was just a trick of the light, had to be, except it wasn't.
"You're…" he breathed, awestruck. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen. There was no universe where Steve actually finished that sentence out loud. It was a totally unacceptable thing to say to a stranger, especially one that probably feared for his life right now.
Every story he'd ever heard was running through his head. He'd begged his mother to read them again and again as a child. He'd gotten the shit kicked out of him numerous times for insisting that they were real, until he'd grown up and learned to keep his mouth shut. (Not that Steve had ever really learned to keep his mouth shut, but he had gotten better at choosing his battles. Mermaids are real was no longer the hill he wanted to die on.) He'd filled whole sketchbooks of drawings. "I thought I saw one of you, when I was a kid… But I convinced myself it was just a dream."
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jbbarnes · 8 months ago
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jbbarnes · 8 months ago
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jbbarnes · 8 months ago
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jbbarnes · 8 months ago
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jbbarnes · 8 months ago
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jbbarnes · 8 months ago
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Sun and Moon
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jbbarnes · 8 months ago
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Steve had a great time at the party Tony set up at the Avengers Tower for his birthday, he really did… but all the fanfare and attention had him drained by the end of the night. What he wished for was to be in bed - with a good book, some familiar music, and his best guy.
(A bit belated to post, but I did start this piece on July 4th to celebrate Captain America’s birthday! I wanted to draw him happy… T^T and yes, he likes being the little spoon, lol.)
My Art /// My Marvel Art
*Please don’t repost(?) or use my art elsewhere without my permission, and don’t delete my captions, thanks!
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jbbarnes · 8 months ago
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jbbarnes · 9 months ago
oh my god, i swear i'm alive, i've just been fiendishly writing for a prompts challenge later in the year and my fingers are about to fall off
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jbbarnes · 9 months ago
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Bucky Barnes and the Huge Pile of Puppies
The Winter Soldier faces his greatest battle yet! After a stressful day spent shopping for some respectable civvies with Steve and Natasha, they took Bucky to the local pound and released the [tiny] hounds. Will the Winter Soldier be able to defeat this army of squiggling furballs?
Based on this post. I’ve been drawing depressing stuff all day so I jumped at the change to overload everyone with adorableness.
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