#scheduled for 4pm 2/15/25
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 1 month ago
Seth: Sucks to suck.
Dean: *raises chair*
Roman: Yeah, okay.
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dystini · 11 months ago
2024 Indy 500 Month of May Schedule
All times Eastern and subject to change per weather conditions
9-11am, Practice, all cars
1-6pm, Practice, all cars
12-6pm, Practice
12-6pm, Practice
FRIDAY, MAY 17 (“Fast Friday,” engines set to high turbo boost for teams to work on qualifying setups)
12-6pm, Practice
6:15pm: Qualifying order draw, base of the pagoda.
SATURDAY, MAY 18 (First day of qualifying, positions 13-30 set, top 12 carry over to Sunday to run for the pole, slowest four carry over to Sunday to fight for the last three starting positions)
8:30-9am, Group 1 Practice
9-9:30am, Group 2 Practice
11am-5pm, Qualifying
SUNDAY, MAY 19 (Pole Day, Bump Day)
12-1pm, Fast 12 Practice
1-2pm, Last Chance Qualifying Practice
3:05-4:05pm, Fast 12 Qualifying, positions 7-12 set
4:15-5:15pm, LCQ Qualifying, one entry will be bumped
5:25-5:55pm, Fast Six qualifying, pole and positions 2-6 set
1-3pm, Practice
No on-track activity
No on-track activity
No on-track activity
FRIDAY, MAY 24 (Carb Day)
11am-1pm, Final Practice
2:30-4pm, Pit Stop Competition
4:00pm, Concerts: George Thorogood & The Destroyers, Gin Blossoms, Kid Quill
No on-track activity
9-10am, Drivers Autograph Session, behind the pagoda
12-1pm, Former IndyCar Drivers Autograph Session, behind the pagoda
1:30-2:30pm, Former IndyCar Drivers Autograph Session, behind the pagoda
SUNDAY, MAY 26 (Race Day)
9am-9:20 am, Cars to pit lane
10:30-10:55am, Cars to grid
10:37-10:58am, Indy Winners and Historic Indy 500 Cars laps
11:47am, Driver Introductions
12:38pm, Drivers Start Engines Command
12:45pm, Race Start, 200 Laps, 500 Miles
Source: Racer.com/Marshall Pruett
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mjikthize · 2 years ago
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Beginning Thursday evening 6 pm Pacific Time on http://twitch.tv/MjikThize
Alzheimers Society Canada Forget Me Not
Join me May 25 to June 17 for a fundraiser to benefit Alzheimer's Society Canada. Help us reach our goal of $5000. Milestone prizes courtesy of Digital Extremes
Grand Prize upon reaching $5000, Warframe Kitgun Prop or other prop from past and upcoming project lists. (winner to cover shipping)
All Prizes awarded by random draw.
Stream Schedule below: Thursday May 25, 6-10 pm Pacific Time. Friday May 26, 6-10 pm Pacific Time. Sunday May 28, 8am to 12pm Pacific Time. Wednesday May 31, 6-10 pm Pacific Time. Thursday June 1, 6-10 pm Pacific Time. Friday June 2, 6-10 pm Pacific Time. Sunday June 4, 8am to 12 pm Pacific Time. Wednesday June 7, 6-10 pm Pacific Time. Thursday June 8, 6-10 pm Pacific Time. Sunday June 11, 8am to 2 pm Pacific Time. Monday June 12, 6-10 pm Pacific Time. Tuesday June 13, 6-10 pm Pacific Time. Wednesday June 14, 6-10 pm Pacific Time. Thursday June 15, 6-10 pm Pacific Time. Friday June 16, 6-10 pm Pacific Time. Saturday June 17, 8am to 4pm Pacific Time.
Projects I'll be working on during the campaign. Magnus (secondary), Nova (cosplay) Snipetron Vandal (primary) refining the Parazon.
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SUBMISSION by 4pm on Canvas:
1) Proposal & contextual resources (Divergent Practice and Creative
2) Schedule of Work (Divergent Practice only
Finalise sketches with detailed analysis of materials, size, etc
Materials: Fruit, flowers, Leaves, Branches, Grass, Dirt, Candles, Wax, Wool Thread, Wire, PVC pipes, Wood, Metal, Clay, Plaster, Spray-paint
Source materials required for projects
Creating and adjusting as required through experiments with materials so far and look to have all sculptures ideally completed by beginning of December and ensure Tumblr blog is all up to date and make necessary changes.
Proposal /Schedule: Formative Assessment Tutorial
Expand on current work with wool by placing around house and outside
Find PVC pipes and make varied cuts and joins to see how they could be made into a more rigid structural piece.
(photograph and document on Tumblr blog)
Proposal /Schedule: Formative Assessment Tutorial
Work on Memory Loss Sculpture (experimenting with organic materials such as flowers, fruit, veg, etc and document their decay throughout the week)
Create another head piece sculpture from insulating foam and carving accordingly, making it hollow to allow extra material be added such as lights, wax, organic materials, etc
Use candles and experiment with the results of waxing them from varied heights and on to different surfaces to see how they could be used for final display work along with the sculptures
(photograph and document on Tumblr blog)
Work on hand sculptures (letting go) using plaster, clay, acrylic sheets, string, wire
Experiment with varied techniques for creating lanterns using materials such as wood, wire, lights, paper
(photograph and document on Tumblr blog)
Experiment on making a bright light appear faded through transparent materials (Forgetting someone gradually after they’ve passed)
Materials to consider – light bulbs, light strips, glow in the dark paint, acrylic sheets, tracing paper
(photograph and document on Tumblr blog)
Group Crit of Divergent Practice work (may continue later than
Work on creating a piece on loneliness after someone’s death
Creating a box shape to capture the feeling of vast emptiness
Materials to consider would be string, wire, wool, light sources
(photograph and document on Tumblr blog)
Reflection on group crit.
If not done so by now, settle on final work for exhibition and get producing these asap
(photograph and document on Tumblr blog)
Planning for final phase of Divergent Practice.
Making and preparing to exhibit work.
Indicate nature of final work
(photograph and document on Tumblr blog)
Class meeting: Curation/Placement in gallery
Preparing of final work to exhibit.
(photograph and document on Tumblr blog)
Preparing of final work to exhibit.
Discuss with lecturers, students and technicians to discuss space required, lighting and support fixings to ensure work is displayed correctly and safely
(photograph and document on Tumblr blog)
Meet at 9.30am in 7th floor Gallery Space to install final work.
All work should be installed by 4pm, be on time and prepared with a
variety of hanging solutions as they are not provided.
(photograph and document on Tumblr blog)
*All Divergent Practice work to be available and clearly visible in the
studio for assessment (unless it’s in the exhibition)! This includes all
Tumblr/Padlet links which should be submitted on Canvas.
Show Opening 4-6pm
Record work in gallery space and prepare for Assessment Crits.
10.00am – Assessment Crits in the gallery space with Celia, Lorna
and Louise.
De-install and tidy the space (checking floor, walls etc.) ensuring the
space is left in good order for the next exhibition. All students MUST be
involved in the de-install process.
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harleiquina · 2 years ago
I fully understand the situation and how it looks but sometimes we don't have other choice 😭 (I'm also taking 3 days off this week after working pretty much non-stop for 2 years)
In my case I work as an English/Spanish interpreter over the phone. I get paid 4dls the hour (6 hours shift/ 5 days a week) I used to work an 8 hour shift. There was a decrease in the amount of calls we receive so I was asked to change my schedule and hours on the line.
Still I can do Overtime (something I couldn't do in the prior agency where I was working) but I have to disconnect if I don't receive calls within 15 minutes on the line.
Every 30 days of work I have 1 paid day off (that didn't existed on my prior agency). When I started working in this new company, they had two choices: you take the day off or we pay the day (kinda like a bonus) so I started to accumulate them unless I needed to run an errand (like trying to get my health care up and running). There was a week where I couldn't work due to a massive power outage (4 days without power in the worst week of Summer 🙄) so I was like "ok, I'll ask them to pay me those days off so I won't lose money if I can't recover those missing hours". They changed that politic, they no longer pay for those days off (reason why I decided to start using them) so I had to work against the clock to have my full month pay.
In addition to all of it. If you work more than 47 hrs a week, the rest of the hours are worth 25% more. It was easier to achieve when I worked 8 hours (if I worked every day with 2 hours of OT I had 3 hours -a misery, I know- that were slightly better paid). Now OT is limited to only 2 hours - between 5PM and 7PM central time- (with the prior exception) so I can only work 8 hours if I'm lucky (I work from 10AM to 4PM).
I'm the sole bread winner of my family in a country that has a very sh'tty economy. Even if I hate my job I have to suck it up and try to work as much as possible because every cent counts. I am looking for other posibilities and I've sent my resume to multiple places, but nobody answers 😔
Remote work is great because I can work for USA companies and get paid in dollars... but, at the same time it allows a new form of slavery because there isn't a International Regulation that could protect us.
USA companies take advantage of this because if their worker is based in USA they are forced to pay at least the minimum wage... they are not obligated to do it with workers overseas. We are cheaper and cannot ask for other stuff like health care or workers comp or even unemployment/retire funds.
Still, there is a chance that some companies don't know that they have people working for them that are outside the US. I can say that because the whole how I got hired is kinda shady.
With my first agency (based in Mexico) I got hired after 2 tests (for Social and Medical calls) that were rather simple. I did the training (basically how to behave in a Call Center, absolutely nothing about Interpretation), they checked my PC remotely and I was ready for the line. Still, let's say that the agency was named A... the portal had the name B on it. And if you check B's website, you'll see that nobody can work for them unless they have all kind of certifications and actually studied Interpretation as a career. Their interpreters got paid about 15dls/hr (in 2021) and I was getting 3,50/hr (I assume that B pays A the full amount or even more and the CEO, managers and supervisors take "small" bites out of our pay. Something that also happens in the agency where I work now).
So maybe this agencies present themselves as cheap options that the larger companies see as a good investment and then we have to lie for them:
- We cannot say where we are located and if we are forced to do it we have to choose a random state and change the subject.
- When I had court calls the Judge would ask me if I was certified to interpret in their state (I had calls from Alaska, Washington and Connecticut most of the times) and I had to say that I was... under oath 🤦🏻‍♀️
- Technically my current agency did certified me on HIPPA and other stuff... but through a learning platform called Wizer. I don't know how valid those certificates are.
Anyway... that's our life...overworked and underpaid.
Dear Mr Gaiman,
I have not taken a single day off work for over two years. I have worked 7 days a week, 24-hour availability for the whole time. I have requested off on the 28th to enjoy the re-watching of Good Omens S2. This is the first thing I’m doing for myself in years, and I thank you.
My question is: How long are all the episodes? It’s released at 8 PM EST, so how long will I need to be awake to watch the whole series the first night? I need to know these things.
Just budgeting my time and caffeine — not looking for spoilers! I hope you know how happy you make your fellow humans. You’re an amazing person. Anyway, thank you!
Ms. A. Tombée
Until about 1 am.
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velvet-cupcake-games · 2 years ago
Made Marion Big News Bulletin!
Don't TL:DR this one, folks!
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So Much Big News!
Why are there party sparkles on our logo today? Because we've got a ton of cool stuff coming up at the end of March.  Here we go!
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We have been selected as a participant in the The Storyteller's Festival on Steam from March 25-April 1!  There are a lot of super cool-looking games featured in this festival (both visual novels and other kinds of narrative-focused games), and we're proud to be part of it all. We're taking this opportunity to do some major stuff for the project!
The Enhanced Demo & Enhanced Demo Beta
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We will be releasing our enhanced demo for the festival. What's different from our current demo?  Tons, including our all-new Sherwood Chapter 2 content!  This will make the entirety of our two common routes available to play for free (but we're still keeping the prologue a secret that only our beta players will experience before release).
New sprites
Ambient sound
Additional backgrounds
Cut-ins and animations
Accessibility options like text resizing and the ability to disable different kinds of animations
Some preview CGs (Nottingham side - final CGs for both sides added later)
All-new Sherwood Chapter 2!
We'll be holding a brief beta test before the demo goes live. It should start sometime between March 15-20.  Beta backers, keep an eye on your inboxes!
Storyteller's Festival Stream
I will be joining fellow Canadian and awesome streamer OhThatNatalie to stream Sherwood Chapter 2 and have a casual interview during the festival. We are scheduled for 4pm Pacific time on March 26, and I'll be posting links to the stream on our socials!
Pre-Orders Opening!
We will also be opening pre-orders on Steam and itch.io.  The pre-order price will be 10% off the final price. The base release price will be $30 USD (so pre-order is 10% off that). It will be set manually on itch and will use Steam's automagic regional pricing, so non-US customers can feel free to compare and see who nets you a better deal - I don't mind!
Tell your friends, tell your family, heck, be like my dad and tell your model railroad club! Links incoming (I will need to make a new itch.io page for the final game and its pre-orders) in the March Development Update.
Early Access Is a Go!
After running polls on our Discord (nearly all Kickstarter backers) and Tumblr (our general fan community), there was plenty of interest in an early access release - 75% of our Tumblr voters, in fact.  That means that all backers and pre-order customers will have access to our Early Access builds. The first one will feature the completed Sherwood paths: Robin, John, and Will. We are aiming for an October Early Access release, more on that in the coming months!
March Development Update Timing
I will be delaying our March development update to March 24. That way I can post all the relevant links to this good stuff when it's released!  See you then!
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sugarcyanide · 2 years ago
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Merry Mardi Gras! 2-21-23 That means Gentle Yoga and Dance Core Basics! Gentle Yoga 6pm Today our Affirmation is " I am learning to grow into a better person." We are currently studying Patanjali's Yoga Sutras Ch1 Vs 25. We will be focusing on Hips, Hearts, and Core strength in our Asana Practice. Gentle Yoga is for all abilities and mobilities with a gentle blend of meditation and physical practice.. $25 Drop In and $80 for the 4wk session Dance Core Basics 7pm Dance Core Basics teaches basic dance techniques for new or new again dancers. Each week we practice new and different techniques and break down different dance moves from various dance cultures. This class is a prerequisite for my Burlesque Classes. $25 Drop In and $80 for the 4wk Session Only at Utopia Studios We are also raising money for Scholarships and our Student Showcase if you donate you can get some really cool swag including T-shirts and stickers! This Fundraiser will end on March 15 Order while you still can. https://gofund.me/1ab8df3f March Class Schedule! Pre Order by March 3 to Save! Monday's Vamp! 1 and 2 6pm & 7pm 6,13,20,27 $25 Drop In $80 for the 4-week session ( $70 Early Bird) Tuesday's Gentle Yoga and Dance Core Basics 6pm & 7pm 7,14,21,28 $25 Drop In $80 for the 4-week session ( $70 Early Bird) Sunday 19 The Awakening The Flow Workshop 2 to 4pm $45 ($35 Early Bird) (at Utopia Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co8HID_OebP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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untitlednottitled · 4 years ago
Pre-Event plannings
I had a grand plan, to be lawfully wedded to my bby on our 10th anniversary, 1 year after proposing to her on our 9th, in Jeju, in front of a field of flowers with a fantastical view of the sparkling sea. I even rushed and got the engagement ring ready before our planned trip to Korea in April! But alas, covid-19 had to happen and all was foiled. After the initial plan was foiled in Apr’20, we held out hope that we would still be able to travel by the year end.. but yeah covid gave us a great big middle finger, as yet again, cases skyrocketed and we were all but grounded in sunny Singapore. 
Finally, in Dec’20, I decided to propose before July’21! Since the ring and the JannPaul box has been hiding at the back of the closet for the past year, and i didnt want to put it off any longer.
i began to scout for and collate decor items bit by bit on carousell, shopee and other shopping sites. It was a painful process because my initial plan was to recreate “Venezia”, which was an ice cream cafe we went to at Sixth Avenue, back in our JC days before it bowed out of Singapore a few years ago. There was next to no mention of Venezia on google and I was also unable to find any useful logos of the establishment either! So that idea was scrapped. Next, there was the plan to create big cut-outs of either Monsta X or VIXX members who would seem ‘genuinely happy for the proposal’.. but once again, let down by google, as the images I managed to find were either too pixelated or not relevant enough. Sadly, that idea flopped too. In the end, I decided to go for a more normal but personal decor to surprise bby :)
Truthfully, there were many chances to surprise-propose bby, especially our most recent staycation at Park Royal Marina Bay, but I didn’t feel that I was ready to do it.. so I delayed it till our big dinner on July 10th. Why July 10th? SAF had the brilliant idea to schedule my ICT during our actual 10th anniversary date, so we decided that we would have our anniversary dinner earlier. Furthermore, after Gyu Bar, we decided that we could and wanted to try more fine dining. After much research and deliberation (between Whitegrass and Buona Terra), we finally went for Whitegrass, which had decidedly nicer deco and ambiance. 
The weekend before the 10th, bby suddenly suggested that after our big dinner, maybe we should go for a drive. This gave me a great idea - if i drove, this meant that she would have to come stay over, and then I would definitely be able to surprise-propose to her! I very easily agreed with her suggestion and went for a slightly higher-end car, an Audi. Thankfully, this rental was not far from my place and the rental wasn’t that much higher than the Honda Fit before. So far, all was going to plan. Then, we also decided that since we would be getting a car, we could travel slightly further out, eg. the East. We decided to go to Playground Ragdolls, which would be our first interactions with our dream pet for our new house! 
I ordered a huge preserved flower bouquet beforehand as well as a tiny flower-box, to be delivered on the July 9th, which was also my mum’s birthday. She requested to have chilli crabs for dinner, which my bro bought from Jumbo seafood. We had a scrumptious dinner that night, but extremely regrefully, I couldn’t invite bby to come over, because it would mean that she would see all the flowers and thus ruin the entire event. 
On the day itself
On the 10th, coincidentally, I had to take up a mover role, to help my bro move some of his guo-da-li stuff to his fiancee’s place in Pasir Ris in the morning. It was a very simple job that took up the bulk of my Saturday morning. After lunch, he sent me back and I quickly completed the deco and freshened up before leaving at 4pm to collect the car. 
Leaving at 4pm was an overestimation of the travelling time, but also to prevent any lateness. I reached the rental car location at about 445pm but could not find the car at all. Confused, i called the host and she was quite pekcek to inform me that I was 15 mins early.. i went ‘oops’ and apologised for my kiasu-ness. At least she wasn’t overly judgey about it. I took over the car and quickly got on my way to Lakeside. Along the way, the aircon vent handphone holder kept dropping everytime I made my way over a particularly high bump as the Audi aircon vent was different from the normal aircon vents i was used to, with horizontal panes. Other than the handphone holder dropping from time to time, the drive to Jurong was pretty smooth. 
I picked bby up at about 5pm and she surprised me with another street branded shirt, endorsed by Hyungwon of Monsta X. She even gifted me with a picture of him wearing the exact same shirt! I gifted her with the small flower-box and inwardly laughed as she whined about receiving another flower.. inside i was like ‘lol, wait till you get the one at night’. We drove off from Jurong to City Hall, which was supposed to get us to Chijmes in 25 mins? 
Oops, we will be so early! But in the end we spent more than 35 mins on the road, because google maps was being a bitch and not giving the correct directions and we had to circle round Chijmes twice because we couldn’t enter the place! Finally, we decided to follow the signs strictly and we managed to enter the Chijmes carpark at last. We wandered around Chijmes for awhile and took some pictures. I helped her take some pictures that she was actually satisfied with!!!! SDNJIADBNAIKFAUFAKLFDNA!!! 
After inwardly celebrating alone, we entered Whitegrass. Overall, the food was nothing to brag about, though the service was very good. Like what bby has said, the best things about the meal were the breads and the specially made financier by the Japanese Chef. The Chef came out to greet us and even wished us a happy anniversary followed by a picture of us hehe. 
Full af, we decided to drive to Sentosa cove to sneak a peek at the rich people but nope, not allowed to ba long long go in, so we rerouted to Palawan beach instead. well well well, no entry into the beach. hur. oh well, time to head home. Inside my mind was running in all directions, almost 1.5y in the making, it’s finally gona be time!!
We reached and parked in less than 30 mins and quickly made our way back home.. only upon reaching my doorstep that i realised i left my keys in the flower-box inside the car.. luckily my dad was still awake to open the door for us.
Once in, we discovered my room door was closed and i let her enter first. Once she sweeped her eyes around the room, i panicked a little and just grabbed the ring and knelt down. I was entirely FLUSTERED and my mind was blanked out. haha, i lost all sequence of events. i knelt at an awkward angle and i wanted to switch knees, at which point, bby looked down and saw me kneeling on both knees (facepalm ttm). but okay, eventually it got sorted out and we took some pictures, with creative advice from my fiancee (^^). i also told her the entire journey from the ring all the way to present time, honestly, without hiding anything. Tbh, i wanted to make it hella grand but I missed out on some deco and by the time i discovered, it was too late to order again. UGHHH. When we went off to bathe, it was already about 1am and we had an early morning ahead. We both went to sleep happy hehe. (i got myself a ring catto)
Ragdolls all day, err’ day
I woke up next to bby catto who suddenly wrapped me up in the blankets and took a picture of me -.-
anyways, after a quick breakfast, i wore bby’s present and went out. We went some place first, before heading to La Fez in the East. It was a Morrocan restaurant which had a very pink and cutesy exterior. The food was not bad as well, the bby ordered Shakshuka while I ordered the Lamb Shwarma. Not entirely filling but good enough for me!
 Next we set off for Playground Ragdolls.. but i think i missed a turn somewhere so we just parked at a nearby carpark instead. We wanted to walk to Tigerlily Pattiserie but changed our minds to head to Birds of Paradise nearby instead, since bby has been wanting to eat it. and hohoho, dark skies ahead started to thunder and shortly after rain poured down. We didn’t bring umbrella and neither were there any umbrella in the rental car.. so we decided to brave the rain. The initial rain was pretty manageable, a slightly heavy drizzle but manageable. The moment we were halfway to the next shelter however, it poured. and poured. and poured. Needless to say, we were both drenched.. and bby was wearing her Tory Burch too... nevertheless, we persevered and reached Birds of Paradise and got our ice cream too! (along the way we passed a mama shop and bought a $6 umbrella) We got roasted sesame and sea salt hojicha. Tbh, both were good but as we were practically wolfing the ice cream down and the quantity was really alot, the ice cream became pretty jelat after awhile. For the first time in a long long while, we threw away ice cream. Yes, bby was pretty horrible for throwing away ice cream, especially when she was the one who proclaimed she loved it. 
With our new umbrella, we eventually made our way back the way we came, dry this time, towards Playground Ragdolls! Since we were pretty early, we waited outside for a short while, before the host let us in. and wow, once in, we were greeted by 2 curious little Singapuras. At first glance, they looked like regular strays but on a closer look, they had a kind of refined quality that really separated them from typical strays. And then as the host continued her briefing, our eyes strayed to the ragdolls. OMGGGG all so floof and cute!! Bby and I settled down near the couch and started playing with an 8 month old female kitto. and omg she was so playful!! Immediate want! While playing, we didn’t forget to enquire more about the purchase process and also listened in on the other customers’ queries as well. 1 hour passed all too quickly, and it came time to bid farewell to the cattoes. 
On the way back to the car, bby remarked that she was a little peckish, so we decided to head to a drive-thru at marine parade.. but once there, no drive-thru to be seen!!! We stopped at the passenger waiting area for awhile to research but to no avail. Eventually we gave up and I drove her back to her house.
At her block, I helped to carry all the barang barang back up and I remarked to her that I was going to call her parents ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ to hint them that I proposed. And I did, but apparently, only her mum caught it. Her dad didn’t, sadly. Unfortunately, I needed to rush back to return the car, so i couldn’t stay to explain further (Sorry Father, i will explain the next time i’m there!)
Anyways, I drove back to return the car and swiftly parked. The owner ‘received’ back the car without much incident also. Aaaaand that concludes mine and bby’s eventful weekend, in which we both had our relationship statuses changed from boyfriend-girlfriend to fiance-fiancee ^^. 
Honestly, I do regret not getting actual flowers for you back in 2011.. but lol, the virtual flowers confession did make our relationship more interesting though haha. Yet another interesting tale that we can tell our kids next time also. I feel so happy as I recount the entire experience and am so glad that it succeeded. This sat, we will be going to re-size the engagement ring so that bby will wear the ring for events soon!! can’t wait!!
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turbobuckeye · 4 years ago
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It’s Race Day Tomorrow!!! 🏁 AMMO #WolfpacRacing event will be during Friday Night Test N Tune on Friday, July 2, 4pm-11pm.⁣ ⁣ Wolfpac is about YOU versus the clock, meaning the closer you can run to your dial-in time the better. There is a 1st, 2nd, 3rd place all the way to 10th. Points given for all of those positions, you also get points for just showing up. Extra points for the fastest reaction time!⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ Event Schedule:⁣⁣⁣ Gates Open: 4 pm⁣⁣⁣ Test & Tune: 6 pm to 11 pm⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ Racer Fees: Tech Card: $25⁣⁣ Spectator/Crew Fees: Adults: $15 Kids (Age 6-12): $5 ⁣ Dragway 42 9161 Rainbow Hwy West Salem, OH 44287 ⁣ 🏁🏁 Support Your Local Drag Strip! 🏁🏁⁣⁣ ⁣ ammocarclub.com #Ohio #ammocarclub @byersauto @dodgeofficial @chrysler @jeep @stellantisna #Mopar @officialmopar @jaxwaxcarcareproducts @vics_body_shop @hotshotssecret @thetintlabusa @toxsickcreations #OH #Dodge @ciaperformanceohio @moparsandrealestate #HEMI @honestspeedshop #dodgegarage #painlessfleet @automedicssouth @muleskinnercustoms #modernmopar #ohiomopars #ohiomopar #racing #dragrace #dragracing @dragway_42 #WolfpacRacing #AMMOracing (at Dragway 42) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQyRfoZlkWg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rhinoswriting · 4 years ago
5, 4, 3, 2, 1! (Luke Hemmings One Shot)
Summary: Told from an unnamed, female-presenting character's perspective. Luke and the reader confess that they have feelings for one another at the New Year's Eve party she hosts.
3.3k~ words • Fluff
I was frantically mixing my cake batter together when I heard my doorbell ring. I wasn't expecting Michael to turn up until 4pm. So either he was uncharacteristically early or I was running further behind schedule than I thought. I glanced at my watch as I trotted from the kitchen to the front door. It was 4:07pm. I could feel the stress and panic expand in my body. I was stressed enough when I thought I was just 20 minutes behind schedule. I was actually running over an hour behind. I knew hitting snooze would be a mistake.
"Hey!" Michael greeted me with his usual Labrador level of cheer when I flung the door open.
"I'm so glad you're here," I confessed, the words tumbling out of my mouth as fast as I could form them, "I'm running so, so far behind schedule."
"Chill; it's fine." Michael chuckled while pulling me into a friendly hug, "I'm here to help set up, so we'll make up time."
"You're stealing precious seconds," I mumbled into the front of his shoulder as I tried to end the hug, "I needed my cake in the oven 15 minutes ago. It won't have cooled enough to ice properly before people arrive now."
Micheal unwrapped his arms from around my torso to let me run back to my cake batter in the kitchen. He followed behind with an amused smile and calm energy.
"What can I do to help stop you freaking out? Decorate? Set up the bar? Pour snacks into bowls?" Michael asked as I searched a cupboard for a cake tin.
"AH-HA!" I exclaimed, grabbing a cupcake tray and grinning manically, "Cupcakes don't take as long to bake! We've got 15 minutes back!"
"Shit, I didn't realise you were stressed to the point of deranged." Michael half-joked.
"Shut up and prep the bar." I ordered while starting to spoon batter into paper cases, "Please!" I added as an afterthought behind him.
Just as I'd put the cupcakes in the oven and set a timer, Michael reappeared in the kitchen.
"Right, the bar is all set. I've also put anything that look potentially breakable in the nearest cupboard or drawer." He informed me, "Also Luke texted me, so I talked him into coming over to help too."
"You are a life saver, Cliffo." I smiled, now feeling a bit more relaxed.
The two of us then went about checking off various tasks to get my house party-ready. About 25 minutes in my doorbell rang.
"That'll be Luke!" I called out to Michael as I made why way to the door, "Heya! Come on in." I greeted Luke as I pulled the door open.
Luke walked through the door, his duffle bag hung off his shoulder, and smiled down at me,
"Everything going okay? You look more flustered than Mike let on."
"I'm great. I'm great." I assured him, "We've made up some time and now we've got you too. So it's fine. I'm fine."
"Whatever you say," he chuckled, "Let me go dump my bag in your room so I can get changed later and then I'll be your devoted servant ready to follow orders."
"I'm going to need to head off," Michael announced after checking the time of his phone, "It's nearly 6 and I've gotta go walk to dogs, eat and get ready. I'll see you guys at 8."
"See ya in a bit!" Luke called after us as I walked with Michael to the door.
"Thanks so much for helping, Cliffo." I said as I hugged him goodbye, "The place looks great and I feel a lot more relaxed now. See you later."
I waved him off down the front path. Once he reached the gate I closed the door and headed back to the lounge.
"So what's left to do?" Luke asked when I re-entered the room.
"We're going to the kitchen to ice those cupcakes. And after that it'll just be a case of getting ready ourselves." I smiled at him gratefully, "We should even have time to start pre-drinking now that we've regained some time. Thanks for your help."
"No worries," he said returning my smile and then headed to the kitchen, "Now let's get icing."
After such a rushed, blur of a day it was unbelievably calming to methodically ice and embellish cupcakes with a friend I had such a comfortable connection with. It made me imagine the two of us playing out homely scenarios in romantic bliss. But that was an ideal world. In the real world we were just two friends with natural chemistry, so I tried to curb my imagination.
"Are you bothering with any new year's resolutions?" I asked, knowing that conversation would keep my mind from wandering back to its dream world.
"I always break them and only half-heartedly make them in the first place." He responded as he dropped little, silver sugar balls onto the lilac icing I had just swirled onto a cupcake, "Getting in shape is always one; listening to critics less; getting at least one full night of sleep next year would be nice too."
I laughed at his last resolution as I placed a loveheart sweet on another cupcake.
"What about you?" He asked.
"Getting in shape would be one of mine too if I weren't so lazy," I began, "I'm thinking of going vegetarian, so maybe that too. I might start dating too, now that I'm settled in the city, but it's still a bit terrifying."
"Yeah, the dating scene here is rough." Luke responded flatly.
"Well, it looks like we're done here." I chirped as I placed the last of the 20 cupcakes back on the counter. I smiled down at the four rows of cupcakes, with their lilac icing, silver balls and carefully centered loveheart toppings, "We did good! Now let's get ready so we can get drinking!"
Luke followed me into my bedroom, where he had dumped his bag earlier. As he began pulling out the crumpled clothes he had haphazardly stuffed in the bag earlier, I opened my closet door and began picking our various items. In the end I had four potential outfits draped over my left forearm.
"How dressed up are you meant to get for a New Year's Eve party in your own home?" I inquired, not knowing which outfit to go with.
"It's your house and you're the host, so get as dolled up as you want I guess." He answered; his hand hovering between a shirt and a t-shirt he'd laid out on my bed, not sure which one to go with.
"That's not the helpful answer I wanted," I teased before continuing, "What are you wearing then? I'll gauge my outfit off of yours."
"It's currently between this vintage Guns n' Roses tee or the pale yellow shirt. Which d'you think?"
I walked over to my bed for a closer look at his two options. I told him to go with the vintage GnR t-shirt as it went better with his black skinny jeans and wouldn't show alcohol stains as easily as the pastel lemon shirt. He then proceeded to carelessly stuff the shirt back into his duffle bag and switch the t-shirt he had on for the Guns n' Roses one. He was so used to dressing rooms that a quick shirt change in front of someone wasn't a big deal. Nevertheless I still politely attempted to avert my gaze and turn my attention back to my outfit for the night.
Using his outfit as guidance, so I was at least on the same level as someone that night, I opted for my distressed Metallica t-shirt and my favourite leather-look mini skirt. As I wasn't as comfortable getting changed in front of people, especially those I had bottled up feelings for, I told Luke to go and grab the denim jacket I knew he kept in his car.
"It'll complete the look." I told him when he questioned why I was telling him to get a jacket for a house party, "I'll get changed and started on my make-up while you get it. Then we can concoct some cocktails."
Once Luke had left my room I slipped out of my bike shorts and loose v-neck and into my chosen outfit for the night. I looked at myself in the full length mirror attached to the closet door and did a few little half spins to check out how I looked from various angles. I loved the look. I particularly liked the subtle flash of my bright red triangle bra through some of the little holes and tears in the black fabric of my Metallica t-shirt. It gave me an added touch of confidence.
I already had make-up on; but it was just foundation, mascara and the nearest brown eyeshadow I could find to fill in my brows. I pulled my liquid eyeliner pen from my make-up bag and began outlining a wing. Just as I was finishing up my second eye, Luke entered my bedroom again.
"Jesus! You made me jump!" I exclaimed when I first caught a glimpse his reflection behind me in the mirror.
"Sorry," he laughed, "I left the front door ajar while I ran to the car. Didn't want to disturb you and get you all stressed again."
"Aww, well thanks I guess," I said awkwardly while applying my berry red liquid lipstick, "Right, I think I'm done." I announced turning to face Luke who was leant up against my doorframe.
Luke straitened up to standing and unfolded his arms, moving his hands into his pockets.
"You look great," He smiled sweetly down at me, "Really great."
I thanked him as I approached him and linked my arm through his. Arm-in-arm I led him to the bar area Michael had set up at the far end of my lounge.
We were both on our third cocktail, sprawled out on my corner sofa and listening to Nimrod when guests started arriving.
"Ayyyy! Cool Guy Cal!" I greeted Calum at the door, who was shortly followed by Roy, Ash and Sasha.
Michael, Georgie, Joel and Christina were next to arrive. Shortly followed by Rian and Bailey. Then Alex, Lisa and Jack turned up and the guest list was complete.
By 10pm everyone was suitably drunk, my carefully crafted playlist was being appreciated and the party was in full swing. Like all good house parties, the kitchen was nearly as crowded as the lounge.
"Coming through! This lady wants a snack!" I declared as I tipsily weaved through Jack, Ash, Christina, Luke and Georgie to get to the snack bowls.
"Really? Tiny pretzels?" Ash asked with a mischievous grin, "I thought Luke over here would be your first choice snack."
"Aha, you're funny." I said sarcastically. I hoped my cheeks already had an alcohol flush so no one would notice that his sly comment had made me blush.
"No, no, she said she's ready for the dating scene here. So I'm just those bar peanuts that have been left out for a questionable amount of time." Luke jumped in, randomly gesticulating with the cup in his hand.
"Oh shut up; you are not. You know you're just as good as tiny pretzels." I scolded him before turning to Ashton with the cupcake I had just picked up with the loveheart that read 'Bite Me', "This is specially for you, Ash."
"'Bite Me', ooh that cuts deep." Ashton chuckled before taking a bite, "I stand by what I said though." He spoke through his barely chewed mouthful.
I simply rolled my eyes at him and made my way back to the lounge to pour another drink.
I was still at the bar area, sipping my cocktail, while chatting to Alex and Lisa when Acting Like That began to play.
"Oh, oh my god, okay, I'm sorry but you guys are going to need to excuse me a sec." I apologised as I dashed into the middle of the crowd in my lounge, where I hoped to convene with the four 5SOS boys.
None of them disappointed me. Hearing their call to arms (a.k.a. the opening bar of the song) we formed a tight circle of five and went crazy. As we sang passionately and jumped around I noticed where Luke had positioned himself in relation to me and remembered Ash's comment from earlier in the kitchen. I never thought Luke would like me back, but here he was closer to me than anyone else. And what was comparing himself to stale peanuts earlier meant to mean? I shook the thoughts out of my head. It was New Year's Eve, I should be having a great time with my friends, not fixating on the behaviour of one of them.
"Want to grab a refill?" Luke called into my ear as Acting Like That transitioned into Afterglow.
"Sure," I responded while also trying to catch my breath from all the jumping around. I hooked my arm through his, did a little skip-step and headed back to where I'd run off from Alex and Lisa moments ago.
"Too cool to dance to your own song?" I teased Alex when I saw he was still stood by the bar.
He just laughed my comment off as he stepped to the side to let Luke and I access the whole array of bottles and their potent liquids. As Luke was busy pouring mixer into his cup Alex caught my eye, raised his eyebrows dramatically and looked in Luke's direction. I mouthed the words 'don't you start' at him and shot him a warning look. Alex raised his hands, palms facing me to signal defeat and gave a small nod before swivelling on his heel and disappearing into the crowd of my sweaty, drunk friends.
"Sooo, I'm like a pretzel to you?" Luke asked with a sly grin as he looked down at me and placed a cocktail umbrella in my refilled cup. I couldn't tell if he was mocking me or not by bringing that remark up.
"Yet you think you're a stale peanut to me. I'm not having the conversation I think we're about to have if we keep using salty party snacks as an analogy." I chuckled before taking a huge gulp of my drink. I had a feeling I was soon going to need all the liquid confidence I could get.
"Want to go somewhere a bit more private then?" Luke asked leaning down to make sure only I could hear him above the music. Which meant I was also the only one to hear the nervous quiver in his voice. I found his apparent nervousness both sweet and incredibly reassuring, considering my own nerves.
I responded by nodding coyly, suddenly too nervous to even form words. I couldn't believe I was about to have this kind of drunk chat with Luke. I was so scared of having my heart ripped out half an hour before midnight on New Year's Eve. I genuinely couldn't say with confidence which way this was going to go.
Luke took my free hand in his and led me to my bedroom. It was a good call. We'd have no privacy in the garden because of the guests who were smokers, as well as my huge french doors all the non-smokers could watch through. And we couldn't have a drunk bathroom chat, because I only had one bathroom so an impatient line would form within minutes of locking the door.
I shut the door once we were back in my room and pressed my back against it. Luke was stood in the middle of the room, a few steps from the foot of my bed. He had his fingers pressed together so his hands formed a triangular shape which he held up to his face, covering his nose and mouth. He took a breath in and as he released it, his hands slid from his face up into his hair to push his curls back. Then he finally made eye contact with me.
"Look, party food aside, I've got to know how you feel about me." Luke stated, with a hint of pleading in his voice, as he took a few steps closer to me.
"Honestly," I started, "Whoa boy, I am not drunk enough for this. Crap," I took a second and exhaled deeply, "Okay. Luke, despite my best efforts to bottle up my feelings and just see you as a friend's like the others, I can't. I really fucking like you."
"So you do have feelings for me too?" Luke tried to clarify.
"Too?" I queried, meeting his gaze for the first time since admitting my feelings. I wanted clarification as well; I wasn't going to let my heart soar based on a drunk assumption.
"Yes, too. Of course I have feelings for you." Luke admitted, stepping further towards me. He placed a cupped hand on my cheek as I took a step away from the door and closer to him, the distance between us now almost completely gone, "Since you came into my life you've made every day better. How could I not fall for you when you're you?"
My heart now had permission to soar as high as it damn well pleased.
"Knowing you has made me happier too," I beamed.
Luke mirrored my beaming smile upon hearing those words. Then, with his hand still cupped on my cheek, he tilted my face a fraction higher before our eyelids fluttered shut and the gravity between our lips took hold.
It was an incredible kiss. And not just because Luke was a great kisser. It was incredible because, in a strange way, it was such a relief. After all the time spent pinning and denying my feelings, it was such a relief to feel Luke's soft lips on mine and realise what a fool I had been.
After a solid minute of kissing someone cleared their throat behind us. Luke's hand slid from the small of my back to the side of my waist; I loosened the arm I had draped around his neck; and our lips parted as we turned to see who had just announced their presence behind us.
"While I'm sure as shit glad you two are finally hooking up, we've got a countdown to do in a matter of minutes." Alex said before wrangling us out into the garden with everyone else, "I FOUND THEM MAKING OUT!" He declared to everyone as he came out into the garden behind us.
Some people wooped, some people awwed and then there was the almost in-sync "fucking finally" from Michael, Calum and Ashton. Seeing their reactions made me so happy and let me know that whatever this grew into, it was right.
Luke took my hand again, interlocking his fingers with mine, and we walked to the back of where our group of friends had congregated in the garden to view the myriad of fireworks soon to be set off across the city.
"One minute to go!" Christina called.
Luke placed a soft kiss on the top of my head before raising our linked hands over my head so they came to rest on my hip, with his arm wrapped around the back of my waist and my arm around the front of my waist.
"Thirty seconds!" Christina chimed again, "Twenty seconds! ... Eleven!"
Then we all joined in together,
"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! HAPPY NEW YEAR!"
As our friends cheered the new year in and fireworks began popping in the sky above us, Luke's lips found mine again. It was a brief kiss. Luke pulled his lips away and then pressed his forehead against mine,
"Happy New Year" He whispered in the softest voice.
I grinned up at him,
"Happy New Year, Luke." I whispered back before returning my lips to his.
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lawrenceop · 4 years ago
Homily for St Charles Borromeo with First Communions
Phil 2:12-18; Ps 26; Luke 14:25-33
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In 1576-77, plague struck the city of Milan in Italy. And the bishop of Milan at that time was today’s Saint, Charles Borromeo. He has much to teach us today, and his example is still relevant to us particularly at this time. As he ministered to the sick and dying of Milan he told his people: “We have only one life and we should spend it for Jesus Christ and souls, not as we wish, but at the time and in the way God wishes.”
As a bishop, St Charles was attentive to the science of his time, and he accepted that the gathering of people for public worship could be a danger to public health. So, he closed the churches of Milan for up to two years as the city struggled to bring the plague under control. I don’t think the situation is anywhere near as severe in our times, and the medical sciences are more advanced today, but St Charles’s example reminds us that what we are facing – the closure of our churches for public worship – is not historically unprecedented.
But St Charles didn’t simply close the church doors. What he did was to celebrate the Mass outdoors and on street corners so that people could watch from their windows. The practice of not receiving the Eucharist in Holy Communion, and of only making a spiritual communion, was then a common practice for the majority of people. And for many of us at this time, it is a practice that we need to learn anew. St Thomas Aquinas reminds us that before we receive the Eucharist we should be spiritually united to Jesus, we should already love him, desire to receive him, and be trying to live a life pleasing to him. If we do so, in those times when we are prevented from receiving the Sacrament itself, then we are assured that God comes to us, and makes his home in us through charity, through the infusion of his sanctifying grace. Thus Jesus says in St John’s Gospel: “If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” (Jn 14:23) This is not the fullness of sacramental communion that we may wish for, but the reception of spiritual communion is a practice that the Christians of Milan in St Charles’s time knew well.
However, for six of our children tonight, the fullness of communion, of receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist is something that they shall enjoy for the first time. They have been preparing for this moment when Christ will come and make his home in them. So as to receive Jesus well, they will have been making a place for him in their souls, first by confessing their sins, and then learning more about the Lord Jesus, and trying to love him more. For the more we love Jesus, the more ready we are to receive him in Holy Communion, to offer hospitality to Jesus, our divine Guest who come to make his home in us. This is why spiritual communion is important, and I believe that the Lord has allowed all of us to undergo this period of Eucharistic fasting again because, all too often, people have received Holy Communion without being truly prepared, without having repented of their sins, and without having due reverence and love for the Eucharist.
Therefore, to facilitate spiritual communion if the Bishops agree to stop public Masses for the next four weeks, then, this church will be open for private prayer, from 4pm – 5pm from Monday – Saturday. On Sunday, the church will be open from 2pm – 3:30pm. During that time, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed on the altar for adoration. Go to him, speak to the Lord: pray, do penance, and invite the Lord to come into our hearts and to give us his healing and strength. In addition, there will be scheduled confessions from 4-5pm on Saturdays and from 2-3pm on Sundays. And during the week, anyone who needs confession can ask for it. As St Charles said to the people of Milan in 1576, during a time of pandemic they need all the more to pray, repent, and do penance.
St Charles then rallied the priests of his diocese, and he led them in going out to visit the sick and administer the Sacraments to the sick. Hence, I ask that anyone who is in need of a priest to visit them at home or in the hospital because of illness should contact me. My details are all on the parish website: rosaryshrine.co.uk
And just as St Charles called for Masses to be said at stations throughout the city so that people could adore the Blessed Sacrament and watch the Mass from their windows, so I have had a web camera and livestreaming system professionally installed in this church so that, even if we can’t come together for Mass and can’t receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist, we can still watch the Mass live, and be united spiritually. Mass will be livestreamed to our YouTube channel: youtube.com/c/RosaryShrineUK at 6pm (Mon – Sat), and at 12 noon and 4pm on Sundays. Please take note of the YouTube address - there are posters on the doors.
I realise that this is hard, and deeply disappointing, and not at all satisfactory, but, again, it is not historically unprecedented. St Charles Borromeo’s people had to do this for almost 2 years. However, during this coming lockdown, what we can do for our own good and for the common good of our nation and our world is to pray, do penance, and continue to write to the authorities. Let us bear the cross that Jesus asks us to take up in today’s Gospel, and let us be confident that the Lord does not leave us alone. For he always carries the Cross alongside us, leading us to Calvary and beyond to eternal life with him. In all circumstances let us remain united in faith, and ask for the grace of fortitude and patience at this time. For as St Paul says: “Do all that has to be done without complaining or arguing and then you will be innocent and genuine, perfect children of God among a deceitful and underhand brood, and you will shine in the world like bright stars because you are offering it the word of life.” (Phil 2:14-15)
Through our example of hope and faith and of love, as Christians in our country, therefore, let us shine. Let us spend this one life that God has given us to give glory to God. As St Charles said: “spend it for Jesus Christ and souls, not as we wish, but at the time and in the way God wishes.”
May St Charles Borromeo pray for us!
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bangtanitalianchannel · 5 years ago
2 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.7 (13 🇮🇹)
5 - Golden Disc Awards
6 - Uscita di “WINTER FLOWER” di Younha feat. RM (10 🇮🇹)
7 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.8 (13 🇮🇹)
9 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.8 (13 🇮🇹)
10 - [MAP OF THE SOUL: 7] Comeback trailer: SHADOW  
14 - [MAP OF THE SOUL: 7] CONNECT, BTS: ONLINE [MAP OF THE SOUL: 7] CONNECT, BTS: LONDON [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.91 (13 🇮🇹)
17 - [MAP OF THE SOUL: 7] Rilascio primo singolo & Art Film interpretato da MN Dance Company
21 - [MAP OF THE SOUL: 7] CONNECT, BTS: BUENOS AIRES [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.92 (13 🇮🇹)
26 - GRAMMY Awards (Los Angeles)
27 - iHeartRadio Live (Los Angeles)
28 - [MAP OF THE SOUL: 7] CONNECT, BTS: SEOUL [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.93 (13 🇮🇹) The Late Late Show (James Corden)
3 - [MAP OF THE SOUL: 7] Comeback trailer: EGO
4 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.94 (13 🇮🇹)
10 - [MAP OF THE SOUL: 7] Concept Photo #1
11 - [MAP OF THE SOUL: 7] Concept Photo #2
12 - [MAP OF THE SOUL: 7] Concept Photo #3
13 - [MAP OF THE SOUL: 7] Concept Photo #4 17 - [MAP OF THE SOUL: 7] Tracklist
18 - Compleanno di J-Hope
21 - [VAPP] BTS Comeback Special (4am 🇮🇹) Uscita MAP OF THE SOUL: 7 & Kinetic Manifesto Film: Come Prima (10am 🇮🇹) The Today Show (New York) (1pm 🇮🇹)
24 - The Tonight Show (Jimmy Fallon) (5am 🇮🇹) Conferenza stampa “MAP OF THE SOUL: 7″ (6am 🇮🇹)
25 - The Late Late Show - Carpool Karaoke (James Corden) (6am 🇮🇹)
28 - [MAP OF THE SOUL: 7] Video musicale ufficiale per il singolo principale
6 - Uscita di “Who” di Lauv feat. BTS
7 - Talk show per l’uscita di Map Of The Soul: 7 (Seul) [ANNULLATO]
9 - Compleanno di Suga
10 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.95 (13 🇮🇹)
13 - Uscita di “Sweet Night” - OST di Itaewon Class (V) (10am 🇮🇹)
17 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.96 (13 🇮🇹)
24 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.97 (13 🇮🇹)
31 - The Late Late Show - Speciale Homefest (4am 🇮🇹) [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.98 (14 🇮🇹)
7 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.99 (14 🇮🇹)
14 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.100 (14 🇮🇹) 
18 - [YouTube / Weverse] BANG BANG CON (5 🇮🇹)
19 - [YouTube / Weverse] BANG BANG CON (5 🇮🇹)
21 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.101 (14 🇮🇹)
28 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.102 (14 🇮🇹)     
2 - Kids Choice Awards 2020 (2 della notte tra 2 e 3 maggio 🇮🇹)
5 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.103 (14 🇮🇹)
6 - Uscita del singolo di IU feat. SUGA (11 🇮🇹)
12 - [Weverse] BREAK THE SILENCE: DOCU-SERIES - Ep.1 e 2
22 - Uscita del mixtape “D-2″ di Agust D
1 - [2020 BTS FESTA] Cerimonia di apertura
2 - [2020 BTS FESTA] 7° Anniversario dei BTS - Foto di famiglia (Foto)
3 - [2020 BTS FESTA] Choreography Video 1 (Video)
4 - [2020 BTS FESTA] Collezione di foto dei BTS 19/20 (Foto)
5 - [2020 BTS FESTA] Still With You 
7 - [2020 BTS FESTA] Profili 2020 dei BTS 1 (Immagini) [YouTube] Dear Class of 2020 (21 🇮🇹)
8 - [2020 BTS FESTA] Choreography Video 2 (Video)
9 - [2020 BTS FESTA] Answer : BTS 3 UNITS (Foto e video)
10 - [2020 BTS FESTA] Profili 2020 dei BTS 2 (Immagini)
11 - [2020 BTS FESTA] MAP OF THE SONG : 7 (Video)
12 - [2020 BTS FESTA] We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal 
13 - 7° Anniversario [2020 BTS FESTA] Festa di compleanno dei Bangtan (Video)
14 - [Weverse] BANG BANG CON in diretta (11 🇮🇹)
16 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.104 (14 🇮🇹)
19 - Uscita in anteprima di “Stay Gold” (11 🇮🇹) "SUMMER SONIC" - Replica del 2015 (14 🇮🇹)
23 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.105 (14 🇮🇹)
26 - Uscita del MV di “Stay Gold” (11 🇮🇹)
30 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.106 (14 🇮🇹)
7 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.107 (14 🇮🇹)
13 - Anteprima di "Your Eyes Tell" a CDTV Live Live
14 - Esibizione a Sukkiri [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.108 (14 🇮🇹)
15 - Uscita di MAP OF THE SOUL: 7 ~ THE JOURNEY ~ (11 🇮🇹)
17 - Esibizione a BUZZ RHYTHM 02
18 - Esibizione a NHK Songs
21 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.109 (14 🇮🇹)
28 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.110 (14 🇮🇹)
4 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.111 (14 🇮🇹)
14 - [YouTube] Partecipazione a I-LAND (16 🇮🇹)
20 - [Weverse] BTS IN THE SOOP - Ep. 1
21 - Uscita di “Dynamite”
24 - Uscita del MV “Dynamite B-Side” 
25 - [Weverse] BTS IN THE SOOP - Ep. 1 Behind
27 - [Weverse] BTS IN THE SOOP - Ep. 2
30 - BTS @ VMAs 
1 - Compleanno di Jungkook [Weverse] BTS IN THE SOOP - Ep. 2 Behind
2 - Rilascio canzone BTS x Hyundai “IONIQ” 
3 - [Weverse] BTS IN THE SOOP - Ep. 3 BTS @ ‘Press Play’ della Recording Academy 
8 - [Weverse] BTS IN THE SOOP - Ep. 3 Behind
10 - [Weverse] BTS IN THE SOOP - Ep. 4 BTS @ NBC Today Citi 
12 - Compleanno di RM
14 - BTS @ programma radio Bae Cheol-Soo
15 - [Weverse] BTS IN THE SOOP - Ep. 4 Behind
17 - [Weverse] BTS IN THE SOOP - Ep. 5 BTS @ America’s Got Talent 
18 - Uscita del singolo di MAX feat. SUGA “Blueberry Eyes”  iHeart Radio Music Festival 2020 [YouTube] Partecipazione alla finale di I-LAND (16 🇮🇹)
19 - iHeart Radio Music Festival 2020
21 - BTS @ ‘Tiny Desk’
22 - [Weverse] BTS IN THE SOOP - Ep. 5 Behind
23 - Discorso dei BTS alle Nazioni Unite 
24 - [Weverse] BTS IN THE SOOP - Ep. 6
26 - Uscita del MV “Dynamite Choreography Version” 
27 - Concerto Lotte Duty Free
28 - BTS @ Fallon Week, Giorno 1
29 - BTS @ Fallon Week, Giorno 2 [Weverse] BTS IN THE SOOP - Ep. 6 Behind
30 - BTS @ Fallon Week, Giorno 3 
1 - BTS @ Fallon Week, Giorno 4  [Weverse] BTS IN THE SOOP - Ep. 7
2 -  BTS @ Fallon Week, Giorno 5  Rilascio remix “Savage Love” feat. BTS 
6 - [Weverse] BTS IN THE SOOP - Ep. 7 Behind
7 - BTS @ Radiodotcom 
8 - [Weverse] BTS IN THE SOOP - Ep. 8
10 - Concerto online ‘Map Of The Soul ON:E’, Giorno 1
11 - Concerto online ‘Map Of The Soul ON:E’, Giorno 2 
12 - Inizio mostra online ‘MAP OF THE SOUL ON:E (오,늘)’
13 - Compleanno di Jimin [Weverse] BTS IN THE SOOP - Ep. 8 Behind 
14 - BTS @ BBMAs 
20 -  [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.112 (13 🇮🇹)
22 - BTS @ 2020 Asia Game Changers Awards 
27 -  [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.113 (13 🇮🇹)
3 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.114 (13 🇮🇹)
8 - European Music Awards (BTS solo nominati)
10 -  [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.115 (13 🇮🇹)
11 - Comparsa ai ‘Wall Street Journal’s Innovator Awards’ (1am 🇮🇹)
12 - Termine mostra online 'MAP OF THE SOUL ON:E (오,늘)' 
14 - Apertura shop online europeo ‘MAP OF THE SOUL’ Intervista durante la puntata di ‘Immortal Songs’ dedicata a Pdogg (10am 🇮🇹)
15 - People’s Choice Awards (BTS solo nominati) 
17 - [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.116 (13 🇮🇹)
20 - Conferenza stampa in occasione del rilascio di “BE” (3am 🇮🇹) Rilascio del nuovo album “BE” (6am 🇮🇹)  Diretta su VLive ‘Live Goes On’ in occasione del comeback (9am 🇮🇹) 
23 - BTS @ AMAs (2am 🇮🇹)  BTS @ Good Morning America (13 🇮🇹)  BTS @ GMA3 (20 🇮🇹) 
24 - Late Late Show with James Corden (6.35 🇮🇹)  [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.117 (13 🇮🇹)
25 - Late Late Show with James Corden (6.35 🇮🇹) Esibizione dei BTS @ festival musicale di Nippon TV ‘Best Artist 2020′
28 - Asia Artist Awards (BTS solo nominati)  Intervista con Zach Sang (11pm 🇮🇹) 
1 - BTS @ Disney’s Holidays Singalong (2am 🇮🇹) [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.118 (13 🇮🇹) Intervista dei BTS per ‘Mini Masterclass’ dei GRAMMYs (9pm 🇮🇹) 
2 - BTS @ FNS Song Festival 2020 (13 🇮🇹)
3 - Rilascio di “Abyss” di Jin (2pm 🇮🇹) 
4 - Compleanno di Jin 
5 - BTS @ Melon Music Awards (11am 🇮🇹) 
6 - BTS @ Mnet Asian Music Awards (10am 🇮🇹)
7 - Intervista pre-registrata dei BTS per il canale giapponese TBS (6pm 🇮🇹) 
8 -  [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.119 (13 🇮🇹) 
10 - Rilascio di “The Song That Will Make You Smile” di Lee Seunggi ft. RM e J-HOPE  Intervista BTS @ Amazon Music (4pm 🇮🇹) 
11 - BTS @ iHeartRadio Jingle Ball 2020 (3am 🇮🇹)  Performance di “Dynamite” per il Time: Person of the Year @ NBC (4am 🇮🇹) Rilascio “Dynamite Holiday Remix” (6am 🇮🇹) 
12 - BTS @ The Fact Music Awards (red carpet 8am 🇮🇹, cerimonia 10am 🇮🇹) 
13 - Most Requested Live: Ask Anything Chat (1am 🇮🇹) 
15 -  [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.120 (13 🇮🇹)
16 - ‘Break The Silence: The Movie Persona’ disponibile su Weverse
18 - BTS @ Gayo Daechukje (12.30pm 🇮🇹)  Rilascio rivista coreana ‘D-ICON vol.10 : BTS’ 
19 - ‘Break The Silence: The Movie Persona - BTS Commentary’ disponibile su Weverse On Air (in diretta) Intervista pre-registrata dei BTS per il canale giapponese TBS (1.30pm 🇮🇹)
21 - Replay Film + Commentary su Weverse Esibizione con “Dynamite” @ CDTV Live! Live! Christmas Special
22 -  [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.121 (13 🇮🇹)
24 -  Rilascio di “Christmas Love” di Jimin (4am 🇮🇹) Rilascio di “Snow Flower” di V (4pm 🇮🇹)
25 - BTS @ Gayo Daejeon a Daegu (9am 🇮🇹)   
29 -  [VAPP / Weverse] Run BTS! 2020 - Ep.122 (13 🇮🇹)
30 - Compleanno di V Rilascio MV “Life Goes On ARMY Ver.”  I BTS ricevono il premio ‘International Music Award’ @ 62esimi Japan Record Awards 
31 - BTS @ Concerto di fine anno della BigHit (13.30 🇮🇹) 
La schedule può essere soggetta a modifiche in qualsiasi momento.
201 notes · View notes
lovemesomesurveys · 4 years ago
1 - What’s your preferred way of keeping fit? Is it something you make time to do on a regular basis? I don’t do anything.
2 - Do you have fairy lights up anywhere in your home? No, but I put up some Christmas lights in my room last night.
3 - Have you ever raised a puppy? Would you want to or would your prefer to adopt an adult rescued dog? Yes, my doggo was 4 months old when we got her. She still had her baby teeth. That was our first experience raising a puppy and it was quite the experience. They really are like toddlers running around, full of energy and wanting to get into everything. Plus, you have to potty train and teach them. She was a handful and it was kinda rough in the beginning. But there was fun times, too, and lots of cuteness. I liked seeing her grow and progress. Just know that it does take a lot of time and energy. 
4 - Have you ever up-cycled any furniture? Did you keep it for yourself or sell it on somewhere? Nope.
5 - Do you recycle? Yeah, we recycle plastic bottles and cans.
6 - When was the last time you were in a vehicle that wasn’t your own? Where were you going and who with? Anytime I’m in a vehicle because I don’t have one of my own since I don’t drive. The last time was with my mom when she took me to my doctor appointment.
7 - Who was the last person to come to your house? Were they an expected visitor? One of my aunts a few months ago.
8 - Who is your last missed call from? Did you ring that person back? It was an unknown number, so no.
9 - If you work, is your job the same everyday, or does it vary depending on what you have on? -
10 - Would you ever be interested in owning your own business? Why or why not? No. I just don’t have any interest or desire to do so. I don’t have any experience or expertise at all regarding running a business either. It’s just not something I’d be interested in doing.
11 - What did you buy the last time you went to the grocery store? I personally haven’t been to any store (in person) since March. I have my usual requests whenever my mom goes; though, such as coffee, coffee creamer, Maruchan pork ramen, and shredded cheese. Very important items haha.
12 - Are you wearing anything that’s your favourite colour right now? No, but I’m wrapped up in my rose gold blanket, which is one of my favorite colors.  13 - When was the last time you cut your nails? I’m constantly picking at/clipping them, soo.
14 - What did you wear the last time you went out of the house? Where were you going and what did you do there? I wore leggings and my long sleeve Disneyland shirt to my doctor appointment. 
15 - Do you have your drivers license? If so, did you find it easy or difficult to learn and pass your test? I don’t have my license. 
16 - What time would you consider to be a lie-in? Do you sleep in that late very often or would you rather get up early? My sleep schedule has been messed up for years, but this year it’s been especially bad and all over the place. For the longest time I was staying up until like 7 or 8AM and sleeping until anywhere between 2 and 4PM, sometimes almost 5. The last month, however, I fall asleep around like 3AM and get up around like 8AM, sometimes waking up a few times in between. Then I stay in bed for several hours, usually falling back asleep at some point, until like 3 or 4PM. I don’t know, man. It’s super weird. I don’t know how I’m functioning even a little at this point. Gee, I wonder if that plays any part at all as to why I have like no energy ever. It’s taken me like an hour at most to drag myself out of bed and to my Keurig, but now like I said I just stay in bed for hours after waking up. I think the fact that it’s finally cold here plays a part in it cause I just stay wrapped up in my blanket all cozy and it makes me even more tired and the thought of moving and being cold holds me back. The fact that coffee doesn’t even get me out of bed for a long time is crazy, though. Ha, although I have been fortunate in that my mom or brother has often brought me a Starbucks or coffee from somewhere, so that’s been nice. Then I really see no need to get out of bed, though ha.
17 - When was the last time you painted a room in your house? What colour did you pick? Never. 
18 - If you have pets, how often do you buy them new treats and toys? We get her treats regularly. As for toys, it’s less often because it’s hard to find toys that she won’t just chew right through and destroy. She has a few that have managed to hold up well, though, that she plays with all the time.
19 - If you had to work a job that required you to do shifts, would you rather work the early, late or night shift? Probably the late shift. Although, it’d be kinda nice to do the morning shift just because it’d get me up and around and doing something and then by late afternoon or evening when I get off I feel like I’ve been productive with my day and can enjoy the rest of my night. Getting up would be the hard part, though :X I don’t know how I did it throughout school for so long.
20 - Is there any job you’d never consider, no matter how desperate you were for money? Yes.
21 - Do you have a favourite type of survey to take? I like ones like this with random questions. I really like ones with interesting questions that allow me to elaborate or vent if needed.
22 - If you’re home alone, would you rather have background noise or are you happy to sit in silence? I don’t like having it ever be completely silent whether I’m home or alone not, but especially if I am. I always have the TV on at least for background noise.
23 - On a typical day, how long do you spend out of the house? Since the pandemic really hit back in March and the lockdown started (and even when it was lifted) I don’t leave the house except for my doctor appointment once a month. Soo, that’s maybe a couple hours out of the house on a busy day at the doctor office or less than hour. Even prior to COVID, I spent most of my time at home. I did at least get out a little more than once a month, though.  24 - Would you rather eat in at a restaurant or grab a takeaway? Get takeout.
25 - When was the last time you went out for a meal somewhere? What did you order and was it good? Back in February. I got breakfast at Denny’s, which was was good.
26 - Do you live in a close-kit community? No.
27 - Do you find that if you drink a lot of caffeine, you need to pee more than normal? Coffee, yes.
28 - How many times a week do you go and visit other people? See the question 23. And again, even before COVID I didn’t visit other people on a regular basis like that. Honestly, I didn’t go to other people’s houses that often, it really just varied. 
29 - Who was the last person to add you on Facebook or another social media account? Did you accept? I think it was some random person, in which case I denied the request. Also, it bothers me that this is 29 questions instead of 30.
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hoppipollaitalia · 5 years ago
Schedule 2020
11 -  Superband Top 3 Concert - Suwon Convention Center
21 - 2° Anniversario del rilascio di “Last Winter”
4 - Youngso registra la versione 2020 della canzone “If You're Gonna Be Like This” insieme a Ivy
6 - Cellist Hong Jinho Recital -  Seongnam, TLi Art Center, 20:00 KST (12:00 🇮🇹) [CANCELLED]
7 - Youngso - Cerimonia di diploma dalla Hanlim Art School
16 - Concerto di Youngso per il 25° anniversario di Rolling Hall (vol.15) - Rlling Hall, 17:00 (9:00 🇮🇹)
23 - 100 giorni dal debutto degli Hoppipolla
2 - Registrazione dell’intervista e delle clip con Shinsegae International
8 - Messa in onda di King of Masked Singer con I’ll - MBC TV, 18:20 KST  (10:20 🇮🇹)
10 - Messa in onda dell’episodio di Music Hall con gli Hoppipolla - Mnet, 18:00 KST  (10:00 🇮🇹)
14 - 2° Anniversario dal rilascio di “To My Dear”
15 - Primo concerto degli Hoppipolla [POSTPONED] //  Messa in onda di King of Masked Singer con I’ll - MBC TV, 18:20 KST  (10:20 🇮🇹)
16 - Rilascio del singolo di “You and Me” di I’ll - 12pm KST (4:00 🇮🇹)
21 - Jinho recital, Seoul Civic Orchestra 3rd Regular Concert 'Meeting with Dvorak' -  Yeouido KBS Hall, 17:00 KST (9:00 🇮🇹) [CANCELLED]
28 - Passaggio all’ora legale (la loro mezzanotte corrisponde alle nostre 17:00)
21 - Registrazione KBS Open Concert
5 - 4songs2 Live Clip Teaser - Golden Brother Music, 18.00 pm KST (11:00 🇮🇹)
7 - I’ll sarà una guest di Park Won's 'Kiss the Radio' - KBS Cool FM, 23:00 - 24:00 (16:00 - 17:00 🇮🇹) // Preview Live Clip Shinsegae International x Hoppipolla - Canale youtube 449tv // Rilascio della cover di  "I'm so Tired" [4songs2] - Golden Brother Music, 18.00 pm KST (11:00 🇮🇹) 
8 - Diretta di Jinho per Credia meet the Artist LIVE! in L’Escape - Credia TV youtube channel, alle ore 22:00 KST (15:00 🇮🇹)
9 - Rilascio MV della cover “Today, I” per [Movie-ginAgain] Shinsegae International x Hoppipolla - Canale youtube 449tv, 15:00 KST (8:00 🇮🇹)
12 - Messa in onda del KBS Open Concert con gli Hoppipolla - KBS1, 18:00 KST (11:00 🇮🇹) //  4songs2 Live Clip Teaser - Golden Brother Music, 18.00 pm KST (11:00 🇮🇹) // 1 anno dall’inizio di Superband 
14 - I’ll sarà una guest di Park Won's 'Kiss the Radio' - KBS Cool FM, 23:00 - 24:00 (16:00 - 17:00 🇮🇹) //  Rilascio cover di "Before You Go" [4songs2] - Golden Brother Music, 18.00 KST (11:00 🇮🇹) // Behind MV [Movie-ginAgain] Shinsegae International x Hoppipolla - Canale youtube 449tv, 15:00 KST (8:00 🇮🇹)
19 - 4songs2 Live Clip Teaser - Golden Brother Music, 18.00 pm KST (11:00 🇮🇹)
20 - Compleanno di Jinho
21 - Jinho sostituisce I’ll come guest di Park Won's 'Kiss the Radio' - KBS Cool FM, 23:00 - 24:00 KST (16:00 - 17:00 🇮🇹) // Registrazione di I’ll della puntata di King Of Masked Singer come giudice 
22 - Rilascio canzone originale degli Hoppipolla [4songs2] - Golden Brother Music, 18.00 pm KST (11:00 🇮🇹) // Hoppipolla 1st Mini Album “Spring To Spring” Release - 6pm KST (11:00 🇮🇹) //  Registrazione privata per All that Music TV
24 - Gli Hoppipolla saranno guest di Park Won's 'Kiss the Radio' - KBS Cool FM, 23:00 KST (16:00 🇮🇹)
26 - 4songs2 Live Clip Teaser - Golden Brother Music, 18.00 pm KST (11:00 🇮🇹)
27 - Gli Hoppipolla saranno guest del programma radiofonico “Before 6:05” - Naver NOW - 17:55 KST (10:55 🇮🇹) 
28 - I’ll sarà una guest di Park Won's 'Kiss the Radio' - KBS Cool FM, 23:00 - 24:00 (16:00 - 17:00 🇮🇹) //  Rilascio canzone originale degli Hoppipolla [4songs2] - Golden Brother Music, 18.00 pm KST (11:00 🇮🇹)
03 - Messa in onda di King of Masked Singer (I’ll partecipa come giudice) - MBC TV, 18:20 KST  (10:20 🇮🇹)
05 - I’ll partecipa come guest a Park Won's 'Kiss the Radio' (Play Room)- KBS Cool FM, 23:00 - 24:00 (16:00 - 17:00 🇮🇹)
10 - Gli Hoppipolla saranno ospiti del programma radiofonico "Jeong Sewoon's Listen" - EBS RADIO, 19:00~21:00 KST (12:00~14:00 🇮🇹)
12 - I’ll partecipa come guest a Park Won's 'Kiss the Radio' (Play Room)- KBS Cool FM, 23:00 - 24:00 (16:00 - 17:00 🇮🇹)
14 - Messa in onda dell’episodio di All That Music - KBS1, alle 11:40PM KST (4:00 🇮🇹) 
15 - I’ll sarà ospite di GITV dei GIFT - Canel Youtube GIFT, alle 7PM KST (11:00 🇮🇹)
16 -  Cellist Hong Jinho's Fanmeeting <Prelude> - Yonsei University Centennial Hall, 17:00 (10:00 🇮🇹) [CANCELLATO] | “Prelude” Live - Credia TV (youtube), 17:00 (10:00 🇮🇹)
19 - I’ll partecipa come guest a Park Won's 'Kiss the Radio' (Play Room)- KBS Cool FM, 23:00 - 24:00 (16:00 - 17:00 🇮🇹)
26 - I’ll partecipa come guest a Park Won's 'Kiss the Radio' (Play Room)- KBS Cool FM, 23:00 - 24:00 (16:00 - 17:00 🇮🇹) // Kbs Open Concert recording, KBS studios 
27 - Concerto 2020 Chuncheon Cultural Foundation 'A Cultural Day' - KT&G Sangsang Madang Outdooor Concert Hall, 19:30 KST (12:30  🇮🇹)
29 - Aperte le prevendite per il 2° EP di Hyunsang “The Edge” - 15:00 KST (8:00 🇮🇹)
2 - 200 giorni dal debutto
3 - I'll sarà ospite  di "Wonkira's Family Week - Song for You" - KBS Cool FM, 22:00 - 24:00 (15:00 - 17:00 🇮🇹) 
4 - Photoshoot di I’ll per Hi Air (di cui è testimonial)
5 - Primo Concerto “Spring to Spring” - Blue Square iMarket Hall, 8pm KST (13:00 🇮🇹) [POSTPONED]
6 - Primo Concerto “Spring to Spring” - Blue Square iMarket Hall,   6pm  (11:00 🇮🇹) [POSTPONED]
7 - Messa in onda di KSB Open Concert registrato il 26/05 - KBS1, 18:00 KST (11:00 🇮🇹) // Online Busking di Hyunsang - Canale youtube di Hyunsang, 17:00 KST (10:00 🇮🇹)
8 - Rilascio del 2° EP “The Edge” di Ha Hyunsang - Portali Musicale, 12:00 KST (5:00 🇮🇹)
11 - Hyunsang @ MCountdown ep 669 - Mnet, 18:00 KST (11:00 🇮🇹)
12 - Online fansign // Rilascio del video per 3x6=LIVE, 6pm KST (11:00 🇮🇹) // Hyunsang @ Simply kpop ep 418, 13:00 KST (6:00 🇮🇹 )
13 - Hyunsang @ Music Core  - MBC, 15:30 KST (8:30 🇮🇹)
14 - Hyunsang @ Inkigayo, ep 1051 - SBS 15:50 KST (8:50 🇮🇹) // Hyunsang Online Busking #2, 19:00 KST (12:00 🇮🇹)
15 - Rilascio dell’album  "part 01 안부" di Lee Sunhee (Youngso ha partecipato alla canzone 청춘(Youth)) - 18:00 KST (11:00 🇮🇹)
16 - Hyunsang @ SBS MTV The Show, ep 228, 18:00 (11:00 🇮🇹) //  Hyunsang ospite di VIP Access" di Music Access di Arirang Radio, dalle 2pm alle 4pm KST (7:00 - 9:00 🇮🇹)
17 - Hyunsang registra un’esibizione per All That Music | Hong Jinho diretta su youtube, 21:00 KST (14:00 🇮🇹)
18 - Hyunsang @ MCountdown, ep 670 - Mnet, 18:00 KST (11:00 🇮🇹)
19 - Hyunsang @ Simply K-pop ep 419, 13:00 KST (6:00 🇮🇹) // Hyunsang @ Music Bank, 17:00 (10:00 🇮🇹) // Online Fansign di Hyunsang, 20:00 KST (14:00 🇮🇹) // Rilascio del singolo “From Paris With Love ” di Melody Garsot a cui ha partecipato JInho 
21 - Hyunsang al programma radiofonico “Cultwoshow" di SBS Power FM, dalle 14:00 alle 16:00 KST (7:00 - 9:00 🇮🇹) // Hyunsang Online Busking #3, 20:00 (13:00 🇮🇹) // Hyunsang @ Inkigayo ep 1052 - SBS 15:50 KST  (8:50 🇮🇹)
22 -  Hyunsang al programma radiofonoco “Jukjae's Midnight Workroom” di Naver Now, 24:00, (17:00  🇮🇹)
23 - Hyunsang @ SBS MTV The Show, ep 229, 18:00 (11:00 🇮🇹)
24 - Hyunsang @ Show Champion ep 359 18:00 KST (11:00 🇮🇹) //  Hyunsang al programma riadiofonico  This Beautiful Morning con  Kim Changwan SBS PowerFM, alle 9:00 KST (2:00 🇮🇹)
25 - Hyunsang registra per il Nanjang Concert // Messa in onda del documentario per la Guerra Coreana del 25/06 - MBC, 22:05 KST (15:05 🇮🇹 ) // Messa in onda di All That Music con Hyunsang registrato il 17/06
26 - Scelta del nome del fandom (Fandom birthday Party vlive)
1 -  Prima diretta “Centro di Counseling di Hyunsang” - Vapp, 22:00 (15:00 🇮🇹)
4 - Hyunsang ospite di Volume UP Radio di - KBS CoolFM, dalle 20:00 alle 22:00 KST (13:00 - 15:00 🇮🇹) //  Hyunsang sarà guest di GITV della band GIFT - GIFT youtube channel, 19:00 KST (12:00 🇮🇹) 
6 - I'll sarà ospite del programma radiofonico Ravi's Question Mark di Naver Now, alle 19:00 KST (12:00 🇮🇹)
7 - Hyunsang @ The Show, 18:00 KST (11:00 🇮🇹)
8 - Hyunsang @ Show Champion, 18:00 KST (11:00 🇮🇹)
9 -  Messa in onda dell’episodio di All That Music - KBS1 TV, alle 24:10PM KST (5:10🇮🇹) 
9 - Hyunsang @ MCountdown, 18:00 KST, (11:00 🇮🇹)
10 - Hyunsang @ All That Music, alle 12:10 (5:10 🇮🇹) // @ Simply K-Pop, 13:00 KST alle 6:00 🇮🇹) // Online Fansign Event alle 20:00 (13:00 🇮🇹)
12 - Hyunsang @ Inkigayo, 15:50 KST (8:50🇮🇹)
14 -  Hyunsang sarà ospite del programma radiofonico Idol Radio - Vlive, alle 21:00 KST (14:00🇮🇹)
15 - Hyunsang @ Show Champion alle 11:00
17 - Hyunsang @ Simply K-pop alle 6:00 
18 - Music Core alle 8:30 // Online Fansign alle 13:00 
19 - Messa in onda dell’episodio 7 di Begin Again con Jinho- JTBC, alle 23:00 (16:00 🇮🇹)
26 - Hyunsang partecipa al K-Music Livetrip per il K-Culture Festival - canale youtube The Kpop - canale youtubbe THE KPOP, 16.00 - 17:00 // 19:00 - 20:00 (9:00 - 10:00 // 12:00 - 13:00 🇮🇹)
16 - Summer Breeze - Hong Jinho solo concert, Lotte Concert Hall, 17:00 (10:00)
21 - Concerto “For Ludwig van Beethoven” - Perigee Hall, 19:30 KST  (12:30  🇮🇹) (Jinho) [CANCELLATO]
22 - FunFun Festival - Yonsei University Outdoor Theater, 15:10 - 15:50 KST (8:10 - 8:50 🇮🇹)
13 -  Chamber Music Festival “Night of Piazzolla -  Vamos Tango!” - Seongnam,  TLi Art Center, 20:00 KST (13:00 🇮🇹)
La schedule può essere soggetta a modifiche in qualsiasi momento.
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rovalent · 5 years ago
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And so, the time has finally come.
When March 15 comes, it’ll be the official date of their debut.
Their debut showcase will start at 7pm, an hour after their album release on March 5th. The members will walk to the stage one by one when the MC in charge for the night, Kang Jaekyung, calls their name. They’ll do their first official greeting as a group and give their individual introductions. The first performances will be of ‘Wake Up’ followed by ‘Gorilla’. Once the performances are done, the MC will ask them questions about their first album as well as some that may help the public get to know each of them better. They’ll sing to ‘Stay With Me’ while sitting on their chairs before they stand up for their final performance of ‘Look At Me And Smile’.
From this day on, the nine boys will be known as DE:CODE, the newest boy group of ROYAL.
The following is the music show promotion schedule for DE:CODE’s ‘Gorilla’ activities:
03/17, 03/24, 03/31, 04/07: MTV The Show
03/18, 03/25, 04/01, 04/08: MBC Show Champion
03/19, 03/26, 04/02, 04/09: Mnet M!Countdown
03/20, 03/27, 04/03, 04/10: KBS Music Bank
03/20: Arirang Simply K-Pop
03/21, 03/28, 04/04, 04/11: MBC Music Core
03/22, 03/29, 04/05, 04/12: SBS Inkigayo
During the first week of promotions, DE:CODE will use ‘Wake Up’ as their intro and performing its short version alongside the title track. For any day that you do not have to perform or have any other schedules, you may have a break at the dorms unless said otherwise.
Music show promotions will last for a total of four weeks this time. Programs will begin pre-recording early in the morning and groups are expected to stay at the broadcasting station until the live broadcast takes place later in the day. Although music shows in real life follow varied recording schedules, for IC writing purposes, the schedule for every music show will follow this consistent pattern:
06:20AM: at broadcasting station: basic first rehearsal on stage; no makeup, casual clothes.
06:45AM: head to salon: get makeup and hair done.
07:45AM: return to broadcasting station: eat breakfast, nap in dressing room/space.
09:00AM: dress rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
09:20AM: return to dressing room/space: rest, eat, nap.
11:00AM: final camera rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
11:15AM: greet senior artist groups at their respective dressing room/spaces, accompanied by a manager. you may not sleep during this time, up until the live broadcast.
07:00PM: live broadcast; when not performing, must stay in dressing room/space until the ending stage of the show.
08:00PM: line up in waiting room area to formally greet producers, director, and senior staff.
09:00PM: meeting time with fans who attended the recordings.
10:00PM: return to dressing rooms to clean up, change back into casual clothes.
11:00PM: arrive back at dorms.
On applicable Fridays, members leave the KBS building for recording Arirang Simply K-Pop which airs 1PM ~ 2PM.
On March 17th, all the members of DE:CODE will go together to Super K-pop Radio at 4PM where they’ll answer to questions as well as sing their own songs. On March 23rd, they’ll go to MBC Idol Radio starting at 9PM. The boys will all go together on March 25th to a recording of After School Club at 1PM as based on this episode. 
Their dance practice video for ‘Gorilla’ will be uploaded on March 22nd to Royal’s YouTube channel.
Seoul’s Fashion Week will start on March 16th, going until March 21st. All of the members were invited to watch the show on March 21st for the designer BEYOND THE CLOSET. On they way to the event, they’ll all stop for photos on the ramp leading up to the blue carpet, and on the carpet itself.
The Season of Spring will start this month and, to commemorate it, Music Bank canceled its usual airing on March 27th in favor of a special concert—and DE:CODE is invited! The group will perform one song: ‘Gorilla’. They’ll wear the clothes as based on this image.
B.Mil — Jinho
Milo — Shinwon
Sinjae — Yeo One
Nox — E.Dawn
Magnus — Yuto
Reno — Wooseok
Vici — Yanan
Shion — Hui
A.C — Hongseok
Apart from their group stages, DE:CODE will also take part in a special stage along with other idols. They’ll do a performance of the song ‘This Love’ from the sunbae Shinhwa. They’ll record the song beforehand on March 19th. A line distribution for the stage can be found here!
B.Mil will also take part in a special stage along with other idols. He’ll do a performance of the song ‘Trouble Maker’ along with Ella from Luxe. They’ll initially learn the choreography apart, but, since they’re from the same company, will be able to meet up on certain dates to practice together with the presence of their dance coaches. They’ll record the song beforehand on March 20th.
On March 23rd, the group will go to a recording of After Mom Is Asleep for the S-POP Channel. You may use this video as a reference.
Congratulations! Starting with month, DE:CODE will begin the IDOL SCHEDULES and are eligible to participate in the IDOL SHOP and all that’s included. More information can be seen below and on this guide, as well as the new requirements and points reward methods.
You will gain +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH, +3 DEBUT POINTS and +2 ACHIEVEMENTS for completing the written requirements explained on the idol tier page. As this is a song promotion month, one of your chosen achievements must be relevant to the above schedule and all required content should be written about activities listed on the above schedule for the month of March. There is a capped maximum of five solos, sets of starters and/or partnered threads you may write to collect this month’s points.
To clarify, the only form that needs to be submitted at the end of the month is a verification form for your debut points and achievements. Any SP points earned can be collected as soon as you finish the requirement for them. At the end of the month, as you did with your previous evaluation forms, you will submit the following form to the Points Verification Blog:
IDOL’S NAME - ROYAL ENT - MARCH SCHEDULE (for the April 1 verification form)
POINTS: +00 SP [ distribute these however you like ]
**** Their music show performances give 24 EXP. Their radio shows appearances give 2 EXP, and their variety show appearance gives 1 EXP. For their group appearances on the fashion week, the group will receive 1 EXP. Their appearance in the S-POP channel gives 1 EXP. Their performance on the Spring Concert gives 1 EXP. The group special stage gives 1 EXP and B.Mil’s special stage gives 1 EXP, making it a total of 32 EXP. For more information regarding GROUP EXP, refer to the idol tier page.
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prorevenge · 6 years ago
My job is super-easy? Okay. YOU do it.
This is pretty long. Smartass TL;DR at the bottom.
I was telling a Buddy about this sub, and he related this story, I tell it to you with his permission.
Buddy is a very charismatic guy, great friend, and probably a great co-worker. He’s the type of guy that everyone is fond of. Easygoing, and seems to have a knack for personal relationships. Always remembers birthdays, if he hears that a band you like is coming to town he’ll text you the news, that sort of guy.
Buddy works for a company that services industrial machinery. It was a small operation, there was Buddy, GoodBoss, Owner, The Kid in the warehouse, a couple of Technicians, and some Office Ladies who handled administration. Buddy was the pivot man in the operation, he was the point of contact for the Technicians and had great relationships with the Clients and the Vendors who supplied the parts. He knew his job inside out, and everyone likes dealing with him. He gets things done.
Now the way this place worked was that the Technicians would send in their reports for the day after 4:00pm. Buddy would look them over, looking for “Rockets”, these were high-priority jobs that needed to be done ASAP, as opposed to routine maintenance issues. He would then email The Kid a list of parts to be picked. Buddy worked 9am to 5:30pm, and was on-call for emergencies. If a “rocket” came in after-hours, Buddy would email The Kid to add it to the morning order.
The Kid arrived for work at 7:00am, and would pick parts orders for the technicians. These would be picked up by a local courier at 9:00am, and taken to a depot. There were 2 major industrial areas in town, and the “depot” wasn’t more than a large mailbox in a post office in each area. The technicians could avoid city traffic by going directly to the depots, which were very close to the clients. The couriers would get these boxes to the depots about 9:30. Buddy would schedule a call for the technicians, and when they finished the first call, they would head around the corner to the depot to pick up their parts.
Things ran smoothly for years, and then GoodBoss decided he wanted to move on. He was grooming Buddy for the move up, and Buddy learned most of the managerial duties GoodBoss covered, in addition to his own duties, things like QuickBooks and scheduling, etc.
GoodBoss leaves, and Buddy takes over these responsibilities, again things run smoothly.
Until Owner tells Buddy that he’s getting a new supervisor. BadBoss. This guy came from a Sales background, had no experience in operations, and was basically there to help Owner bid on big jobs, but his title was Operations Director, and he was Buddy’s new boss.
Buddy was angry that he had been denied the chance to move up, which in a small operation, doesn’t happen often. Add to that the fact that BadBoss was a jerk, but not a dumb jerk, and quickly figured out that Buddy was a threat. And so the lines were drawn. BadBoss had it in for Buddy, and Buddy wasn’t taking any of his shit.
One day BadBoss comes in about 8:45 and sees Buddy shooting the shit in the coffee room with one of the Office Ladies, and lays into him. “Why aren’t you at your desk? I don’t pay you to stand around talking. Get to work.”
Buddy starts to protest that he’s actually at the office 15 minutes before his shift, but BadBoss cuts him off, “I don’t listen to bullshit excuses. I want you at your desk at 8am sharp, and I want you to send me an email every morning to prove it. Now get going.”
Buddy sends him an email, BCC to Owner, asking BadBoss to confirm that he wants Buddy working 8-4:30. There was also a previous email saying “no overtime”. BadBoss sends a tersely worded confirmation.
Now Buddy comes in just before 8am, sends an email right at 8, confirming he’s on duty, and BCC to Owner. But here’s the problem.
The Technicians send their reports in after 4pm. Buddy lets it be known on the down-low that closer to 4:30, the better. So the parts requests come in at 4:25, and Buddy leaves at 4:30. He doesn’t get a chance to review them until 8 the next morning. He sends the order pick to The Kid, who doesn’t have enough time to assemble the order before the courier comes at 9am.
So what used to be next-day service ends up taking an extra day. If a Technician requests a part on his Monday report, he gets it Wednesday, not Tuesday, the way things worked before.
The customers start to revolt, loudly and energetically. These are industrial production machines, and when a “rocket” is delayed, it means a machine is down for an entire extra day. The customers are losing production and they are NOT happy.
Buddy gets called into a meeting on a Thursday with Owner and BadBoss demanding to know what the hell is happening. BadBoss is in full form, and says that Buddy’s job is super easy, and these delays are unacceptable.
Buddy explains exactly why the delays are occurring, it’s all because BadBoss changed his hours. Owner gives BadBoss the stink-eye after confirming that he ordered the schedule change.
“Okay, fine.” BadBoss concedes. “You go back to your old hours, starting Monday”
“I won’t be here Monday,” replies Buddy.
“What are you talking about?”
“I am on holiday for 2 weeks. Didn’t you check the vacation schedule?”
BadBoss goes red in the face. “I never approved any holiday request from you. You are NOT on holiday.”
“Yes, I am. The request was approved by GoodBoss before you were hired. Do you want to see the emails?”
“I don’t give a shit. Your holidays are cancelled.”
“Sorry, but my brother is getting married, and I am in the wedding party. I fly out to The Dominican on Saturday. I will be back in 2 weeks.”
“Who have you trained to take over your duties?” asks Owner.
“Well, back in the day GoodBoss would cover. I guess it’s up to BadBoss to cover while I am gone.”
BadBoss is stuck. He can’t very well claim that Buddy’s job is super easy, and then claim later in the same meeting that he can’t do it.
Oh, my Lord. What a shitshow.
The Technicians requested, say, a front sensor for a BoomStomper Model 31. BadBoss would ask them for a part number, and the Technician would reply, “I don’t know, Buddy knows all the part numbers.” Then he would go to The Kid, and say he needs to send a sensor to the Technician, and The Kid would point to the racks, where all the parts were labelled by part numbers. “I need a part number if you want to add it to an order”.
Buddy had an exhaustive Excel folder with all kinds of parts lists in it on his desktop. He also had a massive collection of manufacturers binders on shelves behind his desk. The Excel folder was already named something obscure, BadBoss couldn’t find it, so BadBoss was forced to look parts up in the binders. No CTRL-F in Excel to find a part number for BadBoss.
Buddy had bookmarks on his Chrome browser for manufacturer’s and vendor’s websites. He removed all the bookmarks so BadBoss, if he wanted in to log into any of these sites, had to create his own login. Buddy’s were on LastPass, but BadBoss didn’t have the LastPass password.
Buddy was also the adept with computers, so he had been given the access to the phone system portal. He set it up so that any calls to his desk phone or work cell would get “I am on vacation, in my absence, please contact BadBoss at Extension 123.” And then the call would forward to BadBoss’s desk phone, and if unanswered, to his work cell. After hours emergency calls went directly to BadBoss’s work cell, and if unanswered, to his HOME phone.
Buddy set up his Outlook with an autoreply that said to contact BadBoss, and copied Owner in.
Then Buddy shut off his work phone and took two weeks off.
BadBoss found out in a hurry that Buddy’s job wasn’t so super-easy after all. He was getting calls from irate clients, Technicians with the wrong parts, and calls in the evening that he had no way to handle. Remember that they repaired industrial machinery, and some facilities were 24-hours.
When Buddy got back BadBoss was waiting for him by the door and went ballistic. It was a screaming match that drew everyone, even Owner, who literally had to step between them.
Finally Buddy just screamed, “Fuck this shit. I can’t work with this guy.” He turned to Owner and said, “You saw how this place ran when I was doing HIS job, and now you see what it’s like when he’s doing mine. I am going back home, right now, before I do something I regret. So you have a choice to make.
“I’ll come in tomorrow and clean out my desk if this asshole hasn’t cleaned out his first.”
When he arrived on Tuesday, all the staff were grinning and BadBoss’s office was empty. Owner called him into his office and told him that BadBoss was gone and Buddy could get back to work.
“Nope,” said Buddy. “His office is empty, and I want it. I want his job, I want his pay, I want his perks. I have been here for years and you know what I can do. Put me in charge.”
And that’s how Buddy got his promotion. Since then the company has grown, and Buddy has grown right with it. There are now branches in 3 cities, a huge staff, and Buddy is in charge of it all.
And he still reminds me when my favorite band is coming to town.
TL;DR Grow an attention span.
(source) (story by PJMurphy)
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