30 ~ Fire and burlesque dancing Boheiman, that likes cats, Tarot, make up and Witchey things.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Update! Luigi's Attorney Dickey confirms that his "outburst" where he tells the cameras that this is unjust, was because he was never read his miranda rights and was under the impression at that time that he was being denied the right to a fair trial, an attorney, or any legal representation.

He is angry and terrified in that footage because they have failed to follow basic procedure to inform him that he has any rights at all. This is a major red flag of police corruption. This is UNACCEPTABLE and further means any interrogation they did of him is unlawful, and inadmissible in court.
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I absolutely love this photo of me by Waterbearer Photography.
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Ginger tumeric tea. I spent the day working on things but more chasing my own tail then getting anything actually accomplished. It be's like that sometimes.
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You have to grow older, but you don't have to grow up. It's been since I was a small child since I made a snowman, And because I can't do anything normally I made a snow Goulie. Snow Goulie says make fun every chance you can and find joy in all the little things! Also, eat the rich and hail satin and or he's going to devour your soul or something. I'm a little rough on my ghoulish....
Ooh then I gave him a small pp. Lmao 🤣😂
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Figurine of a girl holding a kitten
New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1550-1292 BC. From Abusir el-Meleq. Ägyptisches Museum, Berlin. ÄM16400
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someone who fundamentally doesn’t respect you will never care about what you have to say
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Netflix, literally what are you even doing? Why not just start making mini-series meant to tell a full story in eight episodes, instead of making first seasons that end in cliffhangers and then axing them? I'd pay for that, I really would. If Dead Boy Detectives or Kaos had been mini-series, I would have been so happy with them and come back to rewatch them over and over again.
I know this sentiment has been repeated by zillions of people before me. I know I'm screaming into the void. And I know I'll say I'm gonna cancel my subscription but in two months when one of my Netflix-specific hyperfixations swells again I'm just gonna resubscribe and honestly that makes me complicit.
But like. Fuck. C'mon, Netflix. Stop it. We neurodivergent folks are fucking tired.
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Sorry to break it to you but you literally have to face your fears and slaughter them. Otherwise you will live a small life that you do not want. You literally have to view your biggest fears and attack them head on. You have to fall into the abyss to find your way out. The easy path does not exist. There is no get out of jail free card. You have to allow yourself to die a spiritual death over and over again in order to reinvent yourself into the person you are actually supposed to be. And you have to be painfully honest with yourself and the people around you. It’s horrible but it’s truly the only way.
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Youngin': I wish we had more options for president. I hate having to decide between Trump and a dude that can't form a complete sentence.
Me: ... you do know tgat Biden has a stutter, right?
Youngin': ...no, no one told me that.
Me: he has a stutter, he's always had one. His pauses and filler words are consistent with someone who has received coaching on stutters. If he loses a few words in a sentence, it's likely his stutter.
Youngin: everyone said it was dementia.
Me: I worked in an old folks home. Dementia doesn't typically look like that. I'm not going to tell you want it looks like right now because I promised not to linger on politics too long. So that is what I'll say.
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i don't care about the fact that i'm aging because i've been alive almost 40 years and that's just how this works, but boy it can throw me off when i have moments like a grown-ass adult telling me they've been a fan of my work since they were a child. like what??? how is that possi-- oh nooo. oh no. that pesky Time thing happened again didn't it, noooo
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Too many ignorant progressives trying to tear Biden down because they're not happy about things Biden has no control over or he's not doing their bidding or acting fast enough to keep them happy.
Here is a list of everything anti-Biden progressives are helping to bring into reality by their support of Trump or by voting 3rd party which is the same as voting for TFG:
1) Abortion will be banned nationwide.
2) Contraception will be banned shortly thereafter.
3) The Supreme Court will be locked hard-right for the next 30+ years.
4) The climate crisis will significantly worsen, beyond our ability to mitigate it.
5) More tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, spiking the deficit.
6) Trump will not leave office.
7) There will be a recession (there's been a recession during every Republican presidency for the last 100 years -- Google it).
8 ) Prices will NOT return to 2019 levels.
9) 50,000 federal workers will be fired and replaced with Trump loyalists per Project 2025. The lack of checks on his power will make it more likely he will remain in office beyond his term.
10) Similarly, the Department of Justice will shift to being under the direct control of the White House, allowing Trump to arrest anyone who's been mean to him.
11) Russia will annex Ukraine then move to invade other eastern European nations, probably Poland first—with Trump's support.
12) America will leave NATO.
13) Trump will, as promised, close the pandemic preparedness office.
14) Millions of citizens will be swept up in Trump's deportation blitz.
15) Trump will use the military to arrest peaceful protesters and charge them under the Insurrection Act. Pro-Palestinian protesters will be deported as Hamas sympathizers.
I cannot imagine having so much privilege as to believe this is okay would not affect me.
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Dealing In Death: A Quick Guide To Death Magick
On the surface that might sound kind of scary, even downright evil, but I assure you it’s the farthest thing from. In this blog I will attempt to give you an in-site into the basics of death work. Please know that every witch does things their own unique way, so for the purposes of this work I will be trying to explain things in as unified a fashion as I can. This is intended to essentially be a starting point to bounce off of.
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• Death Energy •
Death energy, simply put is energy called from death and death symbols. It’s about stillness, endings, and the deconstructing and reconstructing processes. It’s about using what’s in the past to fertilize what’s new and grow something that has purpose in the next step of your life. It’s about the acceptance of inevitability and what we can’t change to bring about what we can. Many practitioners call on death energy in everyday spell work the same way you would any other energy. In that sense it’s not to different from life energy.
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• Cemetery Work •
For a lot of death witches, doing work in a cemetery or graveyard is a must, although there are those that don’t, a great deal more either do or will do when they get the chance. Lots goes into this type of work though and a thorough study on the subject should be done before pursuing this type of magick. However, some key points to remember are to always be respectful, obey the laws and rules of your land regarding the resting places, and listen to what the dead tell you.
It’s very important to recognize that there are always going to be practitioners that have their own unique rules on this subject, but the best way to know if the dead favor something or not is to ask them. What rules you inevitably believe should revolve around what the dead are comfortable with. That said, some of these rules are shared amongst practitioners. I have compiled a list below with some of them. Remember, this is very basic and what a practitioner adds or changes is up to them.
Typically these are the oldest spirits in the cemetery and are in charge of maintaining order. Most offerings include things like coins, drink, bread, or apples.
It’s important to let the spirits know what your intentions are. Will you be doing magick at the crossroads, magick at a grave, or foraging? The gatekeeper should let you know through energy what is acceptable. Remember each Cemetery is different and has different rules over all.
Gifts on a grave belong to the spirit dwelling there. It’s okay to pick up things like trash, or moldy flowers in still water but, rocks, dried or fresh flowers, feathers, etc should be left alone.
Try not to walk near the headstone of a grave (you’re walking on their body. Try to stay near the feet and always say excuse me politely if you have to step on it), always ask for a spirits help never demand it, and always bring them an offering as a thank you.
If you’re gathering dirt, sticks, or plants from a cemetery, even if it’s not on a grave, and you get a feeling like you shouldn’t touch it, then don’t. Spirits will always let you know what they want to keep. Obey that or it’s theft.
Being polite and thanking your hosts is always a must in general and can bring good energies between you and the dead. Especially if you intend on going back to work at that Cemetery.
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• Necromancy •
Another common staple amongst death workers and arguably one of the most misunderstood practices. Simply put, this practice is divination with the dead. It’s all about connecting to and asking the dead for answers from the beyond. Lots of that used to be done in the cemetery and as a result many wild and fantastic rumors about zombie creation were formed, but that’s far from the truth. There were indeed many radical understandings within the practices history however but as science matured so did the knowledge on what this practice actually was.
While necromancy is still done in cemeteries even today, it’s not a must. Calling fourth a spirit can be done a number of ways and will definitely alter and change based on the witch. Some working maybe more cultural than others, and some may be more complex. The uniqueness of these practices can number well into the double digits and is always interesting to learn. Some of the most common spirit summoning techniques (aside from going directly to someone’s grave) are the spirit board, a mirror, and the pendulum. As for how these spirits are called, that too can differ from witch to witch. Most often though, it can involve candles or crystals as an energy source, a personal item or favored item like food, and/or the spirits name. It can be as simple as physically calling out to the abyss, beckoning the spirit forward or as elaborate a ritual as calling in the four directional guardians or a guide to lead them to you.
Regardless of how it’s done, it’s always a good rule of thumb to be respectful to them. Don’t demand from them, ask instead, and offer gratitude and an offering when you end the session.
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• Deity and Spirit Guides •
Lots of death workers may worship deity just like any other practitioner. However the deity they are generally more drawn to are often either associated with the underworld or a psychopomp, like Osiris, Hades, Anubis, or Hecate. However they may also be a deity tide in some way to the personification of death, much like Thanatos.
Even if the witch chooses not to utilize deity they can still conjure up spiritual guides of some sort. These guides can be something as common as ancestral spirits or even animal spirits. Most common animal guides often have some death association and symbolism to them. So animals like Black cats, bats, vultures, owls, crows and ravens are quite popular.
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• Bones & Body Parts •
Its not uncommon to see bones on the altars of death witches. Many beliefs around these tools and what they represent circulate within the community. For some specific animal bones it’s believed you can use that animal spirit and energy. Other beliefs revolve not around the animal itself but rather the type of bone, as each one has its own unique symbolism attached to it. The possibilities are near limitless and for most death practitioners they are a very necessary tool within the craft. Some practitioners even collect additional things like insect exoskeletons, animal skins, and preserved body parts like a rabbits foot.
DISCLAIMER! People should be made aware that it’s always encouraged for all materials to be ethnically sourced. Any form of unlawful collection or cruelty is frowned upon and not condoned within the community.
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• Conclusion •
As started above, these are just some of the basics of death work within the pagan community and serves as a starting point to bounce off of. It’s very important to do your own research and come to your own conclusions regarding this craft and always remember to obey your local laws. Death work can be very fulfilling but not when it’s done under illegal circumstances.
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Ancient Egyptian amethyst pendant in the shape of a cat, dated to the Late to Ptolemaic period, or 664-30 BCE. Image found on flickr.
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Real observations since I started wearing a wizard hat daily:
- Brim is so wide that I stay BONE DRY taking walks in the rain
- Brim can be positioned to block the sun from ever getting in my eyes AND keeping it off the back of my neck
- The pointed top part creates an air pocket, keeping my head from getting hot or squishing my hair as it might in a ball cap
- Hat can easily be pulled down over the tips of my ears without looking dumb, protecting them from wind chill
- Strangers say they like my hat, giving me the chance to tell them that I am a wizard
- When you’re wearing a wizard hat, ALL OTHER FASHION CHOICES become secondary, allowing you to branch out with style
Embrace ego death. Stay protected from all elements. Wear a wizard hat.
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