#scan codes
millenianthemums · 2 years
i want a shirt that has a QR code on it for some kind of horrible malware so that if anyone ever tries to film me in public their phone will automatically scan the code and be reduced to a functionless brick
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humanjeff · 2 years
there are QR code posters here in Melbourne for reporting graffiti to the council - and someone has been printing their own and carefully placing them over the official ones
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they lead to a documentary on hip-hop/graffiti culture
it's perfect because the QR posters are uglier than any bit of street art
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shiny-eyed-corvid · 2 months
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metallic and monochrome NYC street finds 4.1.24-4.21.24
3 of 3
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yumeka-sxf · 6 months
Spy x Family CODE: White movie booklet - 8-page manga translation
I created a translation for Endo's 8-page manga that's included in the CODE: White Film Files booklet. A word of warning though, it parodies a few scenes from the movie, so it not only contains spoilers, but the jokes are much better appreciated if you know what scenes are being referenced - the first panel even has its own spoiler warning! So if you don't mind spoilers, you can read my summary of the movie if you want to know the scenes being referenced in this manga (also, apologies for my poor editing skills!)
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loremaster · 5 months
a snow day in kanai ward.
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geddy-leesbian · 8 days
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gummi-ships · 3 months
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Kingdom Hearts 3
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gros-chat-fait · 9 months
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CYOA: You are one of three promising young doctors working under a brilliant diagnostician, and you're also the narrative's stand-ins for the three structural agents of a man's psyche. One of you is destined to inherit the metaphorical throne. What do you choose to do?
Inspired by the weird promotional posters of the show. A quick study of the 3 original fellows of House.
I'm on season 4 right now, but the first 3 seasons were so good I can't get attached to anybody else except these 3.
*Updated version with some coloring and line adjustments.
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captain-rickbond · 1 month
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look who made the cover of Hot Rod magazine - it's Laz the Mechanic! 🔧
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again - nobody asked for it, but this guy takes up a lot of space in my brain so I had to do something about it
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fishbeanstew · 1 year
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what if his face isnt blurred, instead he has a big ass qr code on it
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taohun · 1 year
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found this betting slip in my pocket even though i’ve never been to the races; someone saw it and told me “you don’t know what you want, but you know that you had it once, and you know that you want it back”? anyone know what this is about? QR code doesn’t take me anywhere.
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chatter-crow · 2 months
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malon!!! malon!!! malon!!!
sorry that i havent posted art in like three weeks, finals + tech week are kicking my ass so i havent had much spare time to draw
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yumeka-sxf · 6 months
A couple scans from the Spy x Family CODE: White novelization
I recently got copies of the two versions of the Code: White novelization. One of them came with a character sheet and postcard that I felt was worth scanning! The character sheet features the outfits the Forgers wear throughout the movie, as well as their epilogue outfits seen in the Gen Hoshino music video.
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And here's the cute tear-out postcard that was included.
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Neither novelization came with any other notable pictures. The other version came with a pull-out poster of the movie key visuals that have been used a lot in the marketing, so nothing worth scanning.
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I'm going to try and read through what I can of the novelizations, at least enough to put together a reasonable summary of the movie from beginning to end! Might take me a while, but I should have it done before I'm able to see the movie myself 😂 Stay tuned~
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longlivetv · 4 months
Today I created my own holiday called “handle your shit saturday” in which I had to actually deal with all the shit piling up in my house and actually do the projects I’d been planning and it was so satisfying and made me feel SO much better. If you’re struggling rn, I highly recommend, even if you just handle a small chunk of your shit, giving it a name made it feel all official and whatnot and somehow let me trick myself into doing things I’ve been putting off since November.
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Oh, you're... green.
Hi, new slender. The name's LF.
Ohohohoho-ho! A newb!
Welcome to The Code, LF! I'm Mal! Good luck findin' your way out, toots!
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shirozora-draws · 2 years
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... so anyway, I'm a lying liar who lies about not drawing for the rest of the month. If I say I'm gonna "doodle something real quick and then write", grab my access to Clip Studio Paint and all my tablets, and run.
One is a sketch/color test based on a scene in the staircase fic and inspired heavily by Eyvind Earle's work for Disney's Sleeping Beauty. The other is me feeling a bit spicy and also letting my brain build up on a sliver of an idea. But it's mostly me feeling a little bit spicy, as a treat.
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