#scam norway
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bluevallery · 6 months ago
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argido · 6 months ago
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retrieve-the-kraken · 2 years ago
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I think about this scene every single day.
One of my favorite conversations in the entire series.
This applies to everything: race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, disabilities... everything.
Screenshots by me. Forever grateful to @skamenglishsubs for providing the full series for download/viewing.
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pjharvey · 7 months ago
i literally don't understand being patriotic what kind of person gives a fuck about their country. but especially if you're american. our was built on chattel slavery dude. most of our country's founders owned other human beings. like let's start with that
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callmespikey · 1 year ago
Recently, I have been reading a lot of Kevin Lordi's analysis guide of each episode of Ed, Edd n Eddy, and I must say it has been enlightening.
Some of you may be familiar with the character Kevin voiced by actress Kathleen Barr.
It might come as a surprise to some that I am originally from Norway. Interestingly, in the Norwegian dubbed version, Kevin's name was not used in show. This could be due to either his name being unpopular or was uncommon among Norwegian viewers. Instead they opted for the most common Norwegian name at the time "Kjetil," which means "kettle," "cauldron," or "helmet" in Norwegian.
I am both amused by the fact that my name coincides with a character's in a way that bears my own name. Jep that’s right my name is also Kjetil.
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amandabe11man · 1 year ago
bobby was based on tania head and cecilia was based on richard olsson/ringheim, calling it now. hope this helps
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fjordfolk · 2 years ago
doodle debacle aside,
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tabrisangel · 2 months ago
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denmark is really really dumb and falls for 850k ai medical scam. Also wife (SHE/HER FOR NORWAY ONLY)
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odinsblog · 6 months ago
Zuckerberg says he's a Libertarian. What's that?
A new profile of mega-billionaire Mark Zuckerberg in last week's New York Times identifies America's richest millennial — he owns one-fiftieth of all millennial wealth in the U.S. — as a libertarian.
Privately, Mr. Zuckerberg now considers his personal politics to be more like libertarianism or classical liberalism, according to people who have spoken to him recently. That includes a hostility to regulations that restrict business, an embrace of free markets and globalism, and an openness to social justice reforms, but only if it stops short of what he considers far-left progressivism. Zuck, of course, isn't the only one.
It's high fashion across the GOP to claim your libertarian credentials. Ron and now Rand paul turned it into a money-making scam, and most all of the Putin caucus in the GOP love to talk up libertarianism, as do multiple right-wing billionaires. Senator Mike Lieber claims himself a libertarian and has for years.
We see it writ large in the rhetoric of Republican members of Congress and conservative pundits who argue that shutting the government down is a good thing because most government functions are unnecessary or woke. So let's take a look at how libertarianism would work out in America and where it came from in the first place.
Generally speaking, libertarians don't believe in democracy, which they say is mob rule and should be replaced by the magic of the market. Or at least the magic of people made rich by the market place, running the country's essential services.
Here's the one question that always stops libertarians dead in their tracks when they come on or call in to my radio TV program to proclaim the wonders of their political ideology: Please name one country, anywhere in the world, anytime in the last 7,000 years, where libertarianism has succeeded and produced general peace and prosperity.
There literally is none, nowhere, not a single one.
It has never happened, ever.
If it had, that country would be on the tip of every libertarian's tongue, the way democratic socialists talk about Norway or Denmark, where the full-on social democracy and regulated capitalism experiment has succeeded for generations.
—Thom Hartmann: But where did all this ‘greed is good’ as a political philosophy that Zuckerberg is now embracing start?
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halfagonyandhope · 4 months ago
ignite the stars │epilogue
first chapter (x); previous chapter (x)
Satine Kryze is an internationally-recognized scholar in genocide studies who recently resigned from the Department of State over her concerns regarding the agency's ethics. Ben Kenobi is a tenured professor at Georgetown University studying the use of religion to justify military conflicts. Once high school sweethearts, the two haven't spoken since parting ways for university. That is, until Satine accepts a research fellowship - at Georgetown.
Almost two weeks later, Satine and Ben sit on the floor in their section of the library at Georgetown, leaning back against a stack of books. His shoulder is warm against hers.
“You okay?” he asks, knowing what had happened one of the last times she’d been here.
Satine nods. “I need to reclaim this space,” she says. “A lot of good memories happened here. I don’t want to let one bad one drown out the rest.”
It’s a Friday afternoon, and they are both skipping the weekly department seminar. They figure the department owes them at least that.
Serenno, as it turns out, hadn’t even needed to be fired: enough of the faculty voiced their opinions - and loudly enough - that he’d resigned. His resignation had ensured he wouldn’t receive a severance package, and Satine knows he’s currently being investigated by the FBI. The investigation is a rather public one, and he will not be hireable again.
This is enough for Satine.
Malek, too, is now unhireable - he is currently behind bars, awaiting the justice system. Satine will eventually need to testify, but she will do so with half a dozen other women. So even though she’s still anxious about the testimony, she will speak. She's also in the process of suing for damages based on the police's inability to respond to her emergency call and administration's failure to process her Title IX complaint. She's using a lawyer that Padma had recommended, who is taking her case pro bono. Padma's friend does not anticipate an outcome in which Satine doesn't win.
Palpatine, as an appointee of the current conservative government, had become a rather early October Surprise for the upcoming election. Recent polls have suggested a five percentage point shift to the more progressive candidate in what once was a neck and neck race. Satine is optimistic, but she doesn’t put absolute faith in the polls, knowing how data can sometimes be twisted to misrepresent reality.
While the fallout of her speech had settled, Satine and Ben had taken refuge in Norway, staying with her parents. Ben, of course, had charmed them, and Satine thinks her parents might like him even more than they do her.
She smiles.
“Oh,” she says, remembering. She digs in her pocket for her phone, navigating to her email app. “I have something to show you.”
And she hands him the phone.
Ben’s eyes widen as he reads. “You’re a citizen?” he murmurs, almost in disbelief.
She nods, grinning. “Turns out I didn’t fail the exams after all. As part of the investigation, they went back and checked. The ceremony is this weekend. And right after, I’m going to register to vote.”
He whistles, clearly counting the days in his mind. “You’re cutting it very close.”
“It’s really a scam that you have to register in advance to vote in America,” says Satine. “Or, really, that you have to register at all. So many countries have automatic registration!”
Ben reaches for her hand, one finger tracing the lines on her palm.
They both look down at their joined hands. “Can I propose one last thought experiment?” Satine asks. “For real this time. Not like when you label your manuscript FINAL DRAFT in all caps and then keep making new versions that end up being FINAL FINAL REALLY FINAL DRAFT.”
Ben chuckles quietly. “One last thought experiment,” he says.
Satine pulls their hands into her lap. “I don’t want this to be fake anymore,” she says. Feeling braver now that the words are out, she continues. “I don’t know if I ever wanted it to be fake.”
“I know I didn’t,” says Ben immediately. “But I couldn’t imagine a world in which you said yes if I proposed it for real.”
“You were right,” she admits.
His face lights up. “Where’s your voice recorder? Can you say that again so that I have it on record?”
“Hush,” she says.
He quirks an eyebrow up. “You know how to make me.”
So she rolls her eyes and brushes her lips to his, and his words from long ago echo in her mind.
Darling, this is how we begin.
It’s the first day of term in January.
Or rather, it's the end of the first day of term. Satine watches as her students pack up their bags. She’d been concerned she would be a little rusty at lecturing, but she finds she needn’t have worried.
The Department of International Relations is down two instructors since last term - Anakin had indeed decided not to return - and they’d offered Satine a nice lump sum to take on a course at the last minute. She still has her NSF grant, of course, but she figured a one-course commitment would be a good way to test the waters, to see if maybe she’d come to enjoy teaching more than she had before.
As the students clear out, Satine looks up, toward the top of the lecture hall. Ben is waiting by the door clad in his peacoat with his bag on one shoulder, a soft smile on his face, her jacket slung over his arm.
The last student exits the room. As the door falls shut, Ben glides down the stairs and comes to rest at Satine's side, holding her peacoat open for her so she can slide her arms into the sleeves.
“You looked like you were enjoying yourself,” he says as she logs out of the computer.
Satine puts her flashdrive into her bag. She’s surprised to find she agrees with him. “I was,” she admits, and Ben chuckles. “What is it?” she asks.
He shrugs. “It’s just…all those years, and now…here we are,” he says softly, holding out his arm.
She threads hers through it.
“Here we are,” she echoes.
Together, they walk up the stairs, and Satine Kryze is finally home.
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bluevallery · 5 months ago
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vileacademyofficial · 1 year ago
Vile, there is one thing I think you are continuously asking yourself:
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Like, here's what we know-
-Well she sneaks around the world from ~Kiev~ to ~Carolina~
She's a sticky-fingered filcher from ~Berlin~ down to ~Belize~
She'll take you for a ride on a slow boat to ~China~
Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Steal their ~Seoul~ in ~South Korea~, make ~Antarctica~ cry ~Uncle~
From the ~Red Sea~ to ~Greenland~ they'll be singing the blues
Well they never ~Arkansas~ her steal the ~Mekong~ from the jungle
Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
She go from ~Nashville~ to ~Norway~, ~Bonaire~ to ~Zimbabwe~
~Chicago~ to ~Czechoslovakia~ and back!
Well she'll ransack ~Pakistan~ and run a scam in ~Scandinavia~
Then she'll stick 'em up ~Down Under~ and go pick-pocket ~Perth~
She put the Miss in misdemeanor when she stole the beans from ~Lima~
Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Oh tell me where in the world is... Oh tell me where can she be?
Ooh, ~Botswana~ to ~Thailand~, ~Milan~ via ~Amsterdam~,
~Mali~ to ~Bali~, ~Ohio~, ~Oahu~...!
Well she glides around the globe and she'll flimflam every nation
She's a double-dealing diva with a taste for thievery
Her itinerary's loaded up with moving violations
Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
i know this is the OG version but did you know that originally i had a recorded part in this dance but they cut it out because i sucked at it so bad 😔 nobody appreciates intern caramelldansen
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rabbit-flaying · 3 months ago
Genuine question, how do the Palestinian GoFundMe pages work if GoFundMe only supports a handful of countries* and Palestine and Israel aren't on their list?
I understand some fundraisers, where someone in a supported country who has family in Palestine sets one up and sends them the money. But I'm not understanding the logistics here. And I know some of them are scams and bots. But I don't think they all are.
Does anyone know how this works? Genuine answers only please. No, I don't have an agenda.
*According to their website, the only countries they support are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States (With the exception of American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and U.S. Virgin Islands.)
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forensic-b1tch-aiden · 3 months ago
hi can I ask what scam France is because it looks really cool but I don’t know what it is
(also accidentally pressed the unfollow button instead of the ask button IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO)
you may ask what it is
it is a French remake of a Norwegian show called Skam
all the remakes are amazing in their own way, but they all follow the same story line
it’s an amazing franchise. I highly recommend watching them all, starting with Skam Norway and then going in whatever order you want
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 years ago
Idk if you know anything about Ice from dc, but I believe she is also a Romani character? Since you’ve shared thoughts on Dick Grayson and Zatanna, I was wondering if you had any on her.
I do have thoughts, and they're not kind. With DC Comics, it seems like Romani identity is something that is only ever applied retroactively to validate a character's exoticness, mysticism, or sexualization-- sometimes a combination of all three. I'm not going to say that Marvel is necessarily better, but their inclusion of Romani characters is definitely founded on a better understanding of our realities, particularly in the Silver and Bronze Age. When you look at characters like the Maximoffs or von Dooms, you get a sympathetic portrait of European Romani history that actually makes valid and helpful points, in spite of the problematic imagery. Characters like Ice, Zatanna, and Nightwing generally only make shallow references to a gypsy heritage that confirms certain stereotypes about their upbringing, but has no bearing on their adult lives.
DC also has a stronger tendency to portray portray Romani groups as organized crime families, as we see in Ice's revised backstory, first told in Justice League: Generation Lost #12. In my mind, this is a much more dangerous stereotype than the usual witches and fortunetellers. Romani communities are heavily impacted by racial profiling and over-policing, in Europe and in America. It's one thing for media to present gypsies as a fictional race of fairy-tale spellcasters; it's quite another thing to validate very real state violence against a very real people by parroting racist propaganda.
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Anyways, Tora Olafsdotter, formerly known as "Icemaiden", now known as simply "Ice," was originally depicted as a member of a reclusive tribe of magic wielders from Norway. I don't know how overt this is in the original material, but I would hazard that she is actually based on stereotypes about the Sámi people. "Fixing" this backstory by making her Romani-- just in time to maker her family into overt villains-- is very similar to what happened with Magneto in the 90s.
The Romanifolket are a real Romani group, based primarily in Norway and Sweden. DC gets points for naming an actual vitsa-- most Romani characters don't have one at all, or if they do, it's fictional, like Doom's "Zefiro clan." The name "Is Bygd" is made-up, though, as are the clan politics of Tora's family. DC loses what little credibility they'd earned by representing the Romanifolket as an extensive crime ring who uphold scamming and thievery as a cultural practice. That's completely fallacious, and extremely harmful.
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In her revised origin, Tora is a metahuman, meaning her powers are a genetic quirk, similar to that of X-Men's mutants. Her fanatical forebears believe that she is a reincarnated goddess, and they wish to use her powers to, you guessed it, do more crimes. This reinforces the narrative that Romani people are ruled by their arcane superstitions and pagan beliefs, as well as the pervasive notion that we abuse children and force them into early labor and/or marriage for profit. Sound familiar? Everyone's favorite X-Factor writer loves that one. [x]
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Ultimately, Tora denounces her entire community as "very bad people." Generation Lost frames her Romani upbringing as a traumatic experience Tora wishes to distance herself from, and Romani culture as an inherent evil for which she seeks redemption. In that regard, she's not unlike Marvel's Amanda Sefton, but unlike Amanda, Tora's story is told without an ounce of nuance, and it was written recently. In the age of digital research, there's no excuse for this level of ignorance. The story of Ice is probably the worst Romani narrative I have ever witnessed in a superhero comic.
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eddsverse · 8 months ago
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Eddsverse is an AU created by @the-starprince. Eddsverse or "EV" is short for "Edd's Universe."
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Tord Herm left his home in Norway to get away from his overbearing mother. He moved to England and is renting a house where he spends most of his time. He doesn’t hardly leave, scamming random men on the internet into giving him money. Tord has acne all over his face, neck, and shoulders due to his greasy nature. He often smells bad since he neglects his hygiene needs to work on other projects that aren’t nearly as important. He forgets to eat, and makes himself stay up. He sometimes goes days without sleep, causing him to be agitated a little easier and that leads to emotional meltdowns.
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Tom came from an entire galaxy away and is unable to speak. He chooses not to make any sounds unless he’s agitated or upset. He understands English and can communicate through writing if he wants to, he just chooses not to. Tom’s behavior pattern is similar to Earthly Felines. He sleeps all day and is more active during the night. He gets very agitated easily and often takes out any pent up energy by scratching up the curtains or the couch. He’s very fond of Edd and Matt, spending most of his time around them. Tom also has a strange addiction to cheese, often raiding the fridge, taking the cheese, and hiding it somewhere so no one else can have it.
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Matt is a very sensitive creature. He’s a selective mute and has a harder time understanding English and has picked up a bit of Norwegian from Tord. He spends a lot of his time around Tord, often following him around like a lost puppy. Matt likes Tord a lot and often sleeps on the floor in Tord’s room when he gets lonely. Tord has made Matt a special jacket that cushions his claws so he doesn’t hurt anyone. Matt often only eats the blood left over from any meat Tord cooks, even if he doesn’t like it. He hates normal food and prefers blood over anything else, even if it is cold, store bought meat blood. If he does eat ‘normal’ food, he’ll consume raw pork or beef.
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Edd is a larger creature built to withstand below freezing temperatures. He has a lot of fur so he has to get trimmed regularly. He’s heavier and doesn’t need to eat as often since his body stores fat for energy. Edd portrays feline-like behaviors like Tom does. He found an interest in doing art to pass the time while he’s in Tord’s home. He’s learned English from watching TV and loves drinking Cola more than anything else. He willingly wears clothes to try and fit in, and he finds Hoodies to be the most comfortable.
All art is made by Grimothy @the-starprince. Go follow them if you wish ^^
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