#scabies home treatment
healthhub123 · 4 months
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watermelllonarchive · 2 months
Blogs On Tumblr
These accounts have reached out and requested I share their Tumblrs and Go Fund Me campaigns. So once a week, I will try to post a list of blogs here on Tumblr that are documenting their lived experiences in Gaza. I'll be updating this post weekly but if you're seeing an older version, .
Posted: July 29, 2024; updated September 8, 2024.
Check my tag #on tumblr to see the latest
Check out these Tumblr blogs and Campaigns:
@siraj2024 - shares frequent updates from Gaza on his blog. There is a GFM for helping him and his family rebuild. (Link)
@alaakh99 - is a mother of two who has been sharing updates on the conditions she and her children are experiencing. She has a to raise money to evacuate. (Link)
@mohammed-atallah - is in northern Gaza. He suffered a major injury to the hand and wrist in February when going to pick up aid from a relief truck. His GFM is to afford surgery and to rebuild his home. (Link)
@israa-elazaiza - and her family are trying to evacuate Gaza. You can donate to their GFM (link.)
@amjadshiltawu - shared that his wife Suha lost her parents and siblings in the genocide. You can donate to their GFM to help them evacuate (link).
@marwanalhabil is fundraising to help his family evacuate Gaza. (link).
@ahmedabuyamin - Ahmed and his wife welcomed a baby girl this summer (2024). He is trying to get his children, his wife, and himself to safety. You can help them here. (Link)
@mahmoudkhalafff - Mahmoud is a doctoral student in Ireland whose family is trapped in Gaza. He is raising funds to help his them escape to safety. He shares his story here. You can donate to help his family here. (Link)
@tamer200333 - Mahmoud's sister Maysaa is suffering from advanced fibroids in her lungs and desperately needs treatment. You can donate to their Go Fund Me here. (Link)
@fahedshehab-new : Fahed and his wife Reem are parents of 5 children with the oldest being 14 and the youngest 18 months. They, along with Fahed's mother, are trying to evacuate and have a Go Fund Me (link)
@free-gaza : Doaa is a seamstress specalizing in traditional Palestinian agriculture embroidery. She has evacuated to Egypy but needs a sewing machine to re-start her business and keep this cultural practice of embroidery alive. (Link)
@abdullahgaza - Abdullah Salem Alhabil's family is trying to evacuate Gaza and his father, who is suffering from heart disease, is in need of an urgent operation. Their Go Fund Me can be found here. (Link)(Campaign has been verified by Operation Olive Branch master list line 81; Project Butterfly Effect line 625)
@supportmyfamily - Ahmed AlSaidi has recently started his Go Fund Me to evacuate his wife, children, and parents. (Link)
@rem096 - Reem, her husband, and their sons Malik and Hassan are trying to evacuate. They plan to move abroad and for her husband to pursue a doctoral degree. (Link)
@save-salam-family - Salam is raising funds to help family escape. She and her husband Ahmed have two young children. (Link )
@noor-y-ashour - The focus of Noor's campaign is her young son Muhammad. He is disabled and unable to walk. They are raising funds in hopes he can evacuate for medical care. (Link)
@aya2mohammed - Mohammed and his family (wife, 3 kids, and his parents) are trying to survive. Their tent burned down recently and the children have contracted scabies. (Link)
@yousefbanna - Yousef and his family are struggling to endure the war. He lost his home as well as his business. (Link)
@helplamyaafamily - Lamya, her husband Mohammed, and their infant daughter Hoor are raising funds to evacuate to Egypt. They hope to go once the borders are open (Link)
@ahedalshaer - Ahed is a dental student from Rafah. She and her family are raising funds to evacuate and for her to continue her education. Campaign verified by The Butterfly Effect Project, line 407. (Link)
@Mahmoud-Sharif - Mahmoud and his wife Soha are parents to 4 young children. The youngest child was born this August (2024). They have a GFM to evacuate their family (Link)
Disclaimer: The purpose of this blog is to archive social media (at this point just Instagram) posts from everyday (not journalist, celebrity, or large influencer) Palestinians in Gaza sharing their day to day life experiences (things we don't typically see on the news, how they are living). Though I share Go Fund Me accounts for creators whose content I post to this page, the core purpose of this account is to serve as a digital archive. I am not able to independently vet and verify blogs shared in this list but most have been verified by other Tumblr users.
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beldaroot · 28 days
palestinian funds requests
@hayanahed and her family of 8, two members who have allergies to medicine, are trying to evacuate from gaza after fleeing from north gaza. their gofundme campaign is verified by operation olive branch (€77,787/€100,000 goal)
@nesmamomen and her family of 12, several members who are in critical condition and facing skin infections, are trying to evacuate from gaza. their gofundme campaign is verified by @/el-shab-hussein ($111,969/$150,000 goal)
@salem-baker, his wife, and two kids had their home destroyed in north gaza and are trying to evacuate from gaza. their gofundme campaign is verified by @/90-ghost (€6,016/€38,000 goal)
@ayaalanqarsblog, her husband, and three kids had their home destroyed and have already been displaced 13 times within gaza. their gofundme campaign was shared by @/90-ghost (€9,453/€15,000 goal)
@aya2mohammed and his family - his parents who both have diabetes and his three kids have now contracted scabies - are in urgent care for treatment and evacuation from gaza. their gofundme campaign has been vetted by @/nabulsi (€25,452/€50,000 goal)
please donate if you are able to!
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mcatmemoranda · 4 months
Scabies treatment:
Permethrin 5% safe for those age 2 months and older; safe in in pregnancy/breastfeeding; apply from the neck down; leave on 8-12 hours, repeat x1.
Kenneth Mellenby did tests on scabies and most people have only 10-20 mites on them. It does not mean the person is dirty. It is just bad luck! It can be considered an STD. These conditions are common and pts should not be stigmatized.
Other scabies treatments:
Ivermectin 0.2 mg/kg/dose; repeat in 2 weeks; works better with permethrin; not for pregnant women or children < 15 kg
Lindane 1% (AEs: neurotoxicity; not safe in peds or pregnant pts)
Can treat intimate contacts if they want treatment, but it’s not necessary. Wash clothes & bed sheets; no need to decontaminate the exam room; just do routine cleaning of exam room.
Crusting scabies – more serious scabies; large, asymptomatic crusting lesions; thick keratotic material on pt’s skin, little pruritis. Found in immunosuppressed pts; pts with dementia, and pts with nutritional disorders. This is much more contagious than typical scabies. If it’s at a nursing home, everyone should be treated.
Three types: capitis (head), corporis (body), or pubis (pubic).
Nits are the eggs. You may not see lice. Usually can see nits ~0.25” from the scalp.
Pediculosis corporis (body louse) live on the person’s clothes. These can spread diseases like typhus, trench fever.
Pediculosis pubis (crabs) are the most contagious STD. Maculae cerulea are seen on the body.
Treatment: lice combs
Body lice: Permethrin 1%; get new clothes or wash clothes in really hot water, can wash clothes with permethrin. Body lice can spread disease.
Pubic lice treatment: Permethrin 5% and repeat in 1 week. Can consider ivermectin. Launder clothes in hot water; abstinence x1 week.
Head lice: permethrin 1% (don’t use conditioners/cream rinses during treatment because the medication needs to stay on the hair/scalp); ivermectin 200-400 mg/kg; comb hair; vacuum everything and wash everything. Kids can return to school after first application of treatment.
Bed bugs (cimex lectularius):
Red, erythematous and itchy papules; generally in clusters of 3-5 and can be in a linear pattern.
Treat symptomatically with steroid creams and antihistamines. The bugs are not on the patient. They are in the bed. No need to decontaminate the exam room.
Myiasis/botfly: So gross! Seen in pts traveling to South America. Clinically looks like an abscess with clear, serous exudate. Treatment is removal of the thing!
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mariacallous · 2 years
Actions have consequences. Britain’s political elite has for a long time decided to pander to – or deliberately stoke – bigotry against migrants and refugees. This is a joint enterprise with rightwing media outlets that have sought to portray some of the world’s most vulnerable people as a marauding mob, undeserving drains on resources and incompatible with British culture. It has reaped rich political dividends: justified public anger at a lack of affordable housing and secure work, declining living standards and austerity has been redirected, crudely, at the caricatured foreigner. To achieve this aim, it has been necessary to strip migrants and refugees of their humanity: after all, most human beings do not tolerate harm being committed against those we see as “people like us”.
This brings us to the Manston migrant processing centre, in Kent, and the petrol bombs that were lobbed on Sunday at a Dover Border Force immigration centre. Most people would find the conditions at Manston intolerable if it were housing cats and dogs, let alone people. Around 4,000 people seeking asylum – way more than double the official maximum capacity – sleep on blankets on floors. It is supposed to be a short-term holding facility, where checks are conducted before the people there are moved on to detention centres or accommodation. But these human beings are being effectively imprisoned for up to four weeks. In these bleak overcrowded conditions, there has been an outbreak of diphtheria, while scabies is said to run rampant.
You may ask yourselves whether this can possibly be legal. The answer is no, it isn’t. The home secretary, Suella Braverman, stands accused of ignoring advice that it is against the law to detain asylum seekers for so long in these abhorrent conditions. (The Home Office claims Braverman “has taken urgent decisions to alleviate issues at Manston and source alternative accommodation”.) She accordingly faces being taken to court by refugee charities.
That this pantomime rightwinger is farcically unsuitable to hold one of the great offices of state should now be clear to all but those afflicted with ultra-partisan bad faith. We now know that she sent official documents six times to her personal emails – a wanton violation of the ministerial code. Civil servants tell me they would be sacked for such egregious behaviour, but different standards apply to our senior politicians. Rishi Sunak put her there for two reasons: first, because her endorsement helped keep Boris Johnson from standing for party leader again; and second, because a government intent on renewed unpopular austerity measures will seek to deflect public anger by pressing a big red button labelled “culture war”.
But however much justified condemnation Braverman receives for her email misconduct, it is her treatment of human beings that deserves most ire.
Indeed, Sir Roger Gale, the Tory MP who represents the constituency in which Manston is situated, has condemned the government’s policy. He has suggested that a deliberate decision had been taken not to book space in local hotels, leading to disastrous overcrowding and inhumane conditions. (A Home Office spokesperson later told the BBC: “Claims advice was deliberately ignored are completely baseless.”)A local refugee campaigner, Bridget Chapman, puts to me that the authorities learned cynical lessons from another holding centre, the Napier barracks in Folkestone, where campaigners and journalists were able to talk to asylum seekers and learn about the conditions there. I myself visited: people who had fled violence and persecution in countries such as Iran and Afghanistan were living in conditions that violated basic sanitary and hygiene requirements. But such access has been largely denied in Manston, where conditions are accordingly even worse.
Manston is shrouded in other myths, too. “Lots of establishment media outlets are pushing the idea that everyone is from Albania and largely adult men who are economic migrants,” says another local refugee campaigner, Benny Hunter. “I wouldn’t want to pander to the idea that men aren’t vulnerable or [that] Albanians aren’t potentially refugees, but when we went, we saw families with young children, who shouted over the fence that they were from Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq – places with war, conflict and despotism.”
While the circumstances behind the Dover petrol bomb are yet to be uncovered, there are some things of which we can be certain. Public hostility to desperate people fleeing to our shores has been systematically ramped up by politicians, newspapers and broadcasters. With legal routes closed off, asylum seekers arriving on small boats are portrayed as a sinister invading force. Local citizens languishing on social housing waiting lists (because of politicians’ refusal to build council homes) or stuck waiting weeks for GP appointments (because of an underfunded health service) are led to believe that the problem lies with desperate newcomers. The likes of Braverman are there to shield the political elite from their failure to provide the citizens of a wealthy nation with a comfortable standard of living and adequate public provision, refocusing resentment on all the wrong targets. In the process, they have inflicted cruelty on often already traumatised people. That there is finally, at least, some outcry at this travesty is to be welcomed. But until we stop allowing politicians and their media allies to scapegoat asylum seekers for problems caused by the powerful, these scandals will happen again and again.
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eaglesnick · 2 years
101 Things You Should Know About the UK Tory Governme
Thing 15
Eight days ago, Rishi Sunak made this pledge to the nation:
“This government will have integrity, professionalism and accountability at every level."
Well, a week is a long time in politics. Despite the ministerial code-breaking Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, being accused of blatantly breaching national security procedures, there is to be no investigation into her actions.  
“Civil Service chief won't investigate Braverman appointment amid doubt over her version of events” (Guardian: 27/10/22)
Equally disturbing is Braverman’s treatment of asylum seekers. As Home Secretary she is responsible for immigration and has promised to reduce net immigration down to “tens of thousands”. Leaving aside the fact that Boris Johnson gave over 3 million Hong Kong residents the right to come to the UK over a five-year period, thereby making this promise totally unrealistic, Braverman is fervently anti-immigration,
Braverman is on a mission.
“Suella Braverman says it is her ‘dream’ and ‘obsession’ to see a flight take asylum seekers to Rwanda”. (Guardian: 05/10/22)
Braverman’s right wing “obsession” with migrants has led to illegal over-crowding and detention at Manston Immigration centre where conditions are so bad outbreaks of scabies, diphtheria and a variety of infections caused by anti-biotic resistant bacteria have broken out.
Whatever one’s views on immigration, a civilised country should always treat people with a level of respect and human dignity that does not violate their human rights.  Illegally detaining men, women and children, exposing them to avoidable illnesses and diseases is anything but the action of a civilised country.
Where is the accountability and integrity promised by Sunak in the inhumane treatment of asylum seekers by his Home Secretary Braverman?
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catpeek · 2 months
Understanding Cat Mange and Scabies: Symptoms and Treatments
Dealing with your cat's skin issues can be daunting! If your feline friend is scratching excessively and you're not finding fleas or ticks, it might be time to consider the possibility of mange. In this post, we'll explore what mange is, its causes, types, symptoms, and effective treatments. Let’s ensure your kitty is happy and itch-free! 🐾💖
Understanding Cat Mange: What Every Pet Owner Should Know
Mange is a contagious skin condition caused by tiny parasites that can burrow under or bite your cat's skin, leading to redness, v itchy patches, and hair loss. Although less common in cats than in dogs, it can occur in any pet, so vigilance is key!
What Causes Mange? 🔍
The root cause of mange are mites, often coming from wildlife or other exposed pets. It's essential to know what triggers mange so you can prevent future infestations.
Types of Mange in Cats 🐱
Sarcoptic Mange: Caused by Sarcoptes scabiei mites, often resulting in intense itching and inflammation.
Demodectic Mange: Caused by Demodex mites, typically seen in young or immune-compromised cats.
Cheyletiella Mange: Commonly known as "walking dandruff," caused by Cheyletiella mites, leading to flaky skin.
Symptoms of Mange in Cats 🩺
Look out for: - Excessive scratching - Hair loss - Inflamed or red skin - Scabs or crusts on the skin
Effective Treatments for Cat Mange 💊
Treatment options may include:
Topical Treatments: Medications like shampoos or creams specifically designed to exterminate mites.
Oral Medications: Prescribed by your veterinarian to eliminate mites from within.
Home Remedies: Natural solutions are available, but consulting your vet is crucial for effective and safe remedies.
Explore more about cat mange treatment options for your furry friend!
Prevention Tips 🛡️
To protect your cat from mange: - Keep your cat's living environment clean. - Regularly groom your cat to check for signs of skin issues. - Limit exposure to wildlife or unknown animals.
Mange is manageable; with vigilant care and timely treatment, you can restore your cat's comfort and happiness! 🌟
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24hrdoc · 3 months
Common Misconceptions About Scabies and Its Treatment
Scabies is an increasingly prevalent yet misunderstood skin condition caused by microscopic mites burrowing into the skin and producing intense itching and rashes, often with contagious potential. Due to this illness's contagiousness and discomfort, many myths persist regarding treatment strategies; we hope to dispel some of them here and provide clear, factual details.
Misconception 1: Only Dirty People Get Scabies
A common misperception about scabies is that only people with poor hygiene are affected, yet this is simply untrue, its mites can infest anyone, regardless of cleanliness levels. Prolonged skin-to-skin contact is especially at risk in schools, nursing homes, and households prone to outbreaks.
Misconception 2: Scabies Can Be Treated Over-the-Counter
Many people believe that over-the-counter creams and lotions can effectively treat scabies; however, prescription medications must be used to eradicate mites. Topical permethrin cream and oral medication like Ivermectin can kill mites effectively but must only be obtained through healthcare providers.
Misconception 3: Symptoms Disappear Instantaneously
While prescription medications can effectively kill mites, their waste products and any subsequent itching and rash can continue to cause itching for several weeks after treatment has ended. To ensure successful results and safety from treatment's potential side effects, complete all courses as directed and consult your healthcare provider if symptoms continue.
Misconception 4: You Can Catch Scabies From Pets
Human scabies mites (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis) differ significantly from pet mites. While pets may experience mange-like symptoms caused by different mites, human scabies cannot be contracted from dogs, cats, or other animals.
Misconception 5: One Treatment Is Enough
Unfortunately, one treatment alone may not be sufficient to eliminate scabies. In cases of severe infestation or reinfestation, multiple topical treatments or oral medication applications may be necessary; additionally, all household members and close contacts should receive treatment simultaneously to reduce reinfestation.
Misconception 6: Home Remedies Are Effective
Many home remedies for scabies have been marked as cures, yet no scientific proof supports their effectiveness. Essential oils, vinegar baths, and other natural treatments might temporarily alleviate symptoms but won't kill scabies mites; professional medical help must be sought to eradicate an infestation.
Benefits of an Online Doctor
Consulting a scabies online doctor can save time and provide immediate access to expert medical advice without needing to visit a clinic. This convenience ensures that treatment can begin promptly, reducing the duration of symptoms and the risk of spreading the infection.
Understanding the facts surrounding scabies and their treatment is vital in effectively managing and eliminating this condition. Scabies is an infectious itch that can affect anyone, regardless of hygiene. For those searching online, reliable medical sources and healthcare providers must be consulted in order to receive timely, accurate treatment. Dispelling common misconceptions related to this uncomfortable condition will reduce stigmatization while improving management strategies more efficiently.
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ahopkins1965 · 5 months
Home Come a Person Have Problems That They Can’t Solve?
        This is an essay that ask a very important question.  How come a person have problems that they are not able to solve?  The reason why I ask this question is because I have a mental illness for going on 22 years now.  My primary diagnosis is Schizoid Affective Disorder Bipolar Type.  I will admit that earlier in my life, I did not have a mental illness.
        Next, I want to inform everyone that mental illness does not run in my family.  How come people have problems that they cannot solve is because of pride. 
        Further, I will also admit that I have always wanted to solve my own problems; at least try.  I know that God is the ultimate problem solver.  It is God that is doing for me more than I am doing for myself.
 I also will say that I have to allow God to solve my problems for me.  I will say that I am not perfect.  How come I am hearing voices that normal people do not hear?  The answer is I really do not know.  According to 2nd Corinthians 12: 8-10 says: (8.) for this thing I besought the Lord thrice; meaning 3 times: that it may depart from me.  (9.) And He said unto me.  My Grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness.  Most gladly therefore I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  (10.) Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. I say that to say this, what makes me weak physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically makes me strong.
In Addition, I will have to admit that I have experience a great deal of physical and mental trauma throughout my life.  When it comes to these voices that I hear every single day of the week, I have to admit that I was involved in a car accident on April 18, 1984.  I was riding inside of a car with someone that I did not know, and we crashed the car into a trussle.

I also experienced whiplash during the accident.  The next thing that happened to me is that I had a stroke on November 8, 2008.  I was not able to use my right side of my body for 3 days.  This occurred during the time that I was living in Charlotte, NC.
Moreover, I also suffered from grandmal seizures from July 25, 1982, April 5, 1985, October 8, 2009, January 24, 2010, and on February 6, 2010.  My very first seizure occurred during the time I was playing an arcade game at my grandmother’s house.  My life was completely messed up.  I also endured sports injuries as well as concussions.  I would like for everyone to please keep me in your prayers.
James 5:16 says confess your faults to one another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.  The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.  I also admitted to telling the doctor to prescribe me Risperdal for 4 years.  I was not hearing voices during that time.  I had visual hallucinations from contracting the scabies.  I suffered from the scabies for a total of 49 days.  If I did not receive Quell Shampoo treatments, I would have died from dementia.
        Currently, I am hearing voices from the same people who scammed me out of $16,977 dollars in western union funds.  Obviously, these individuals did something bad to hurt me.  I have been hearing voices since November 5, 2009.  I have asked God to remove these voices over and over again, but nothing has not happened yet.  Therefore, this is not a laughing matter this kind of things exist online.  I have not erred from the truth because this really happened to me. 
        Also, I recently had a total of 5 consecutive abnormal EEGs.  During the past 10 years, I have had an abnormal EEG and it is simply because there is something wrong with my left frontotemporal lobe of my brain.  I have problems with my left side of my brain.  I have been trying to request for a MRI of the brain to find out what is really going on.  My neurologist called it a dysfunction of my left frontotemporal lobe of my brain.  I am trying to resolve this before I die.
        According to 1st Peter 4:16 says: Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.  How come people have problems that they cannot solve?  There are times that current sins tend to get in the way.  I might be suffering physically and mentally as well as emotionally, but spiritually I am intact.  I am trying to find out where these voices are coming from.
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miraridoctor · 6 months
Scabies, a highly contagious skin condition caused by the human itch mite, affects millions worldwide. While treatment is crucial, prevention and proper aftercare are equally important to stop the spread and prevent reinfestation. In this comprehensi... #Mirari #MirariDoctor #MirariColdPlasma #ColdPlasma
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drsamahfouad · 7 months
This is an article about home remedies to treat scabies in humans. Try it , it is effective home remedies
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hairstyleforteen · 1 year
The Mystery of Itchy Pubic Hair: Nighttime Woes Unveiled
The Mystery of Itchy Pubic Hair: Nighttime Woes Unveiled Itchy pubic hair can be a source of discomfort and embarrassment. It can make it difficult to sleep at night and lead to irritation and inflammation. Many people are too shy to seek medical help, but this issue is more common than we think. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why pubic hair can become itchy, how to treat it, and when to seek medical attention. What Causes Itchy Pubic Hair? There are several reasons why pubic hair can become itchy, including: - Pubic lice or scabies: These are tiny insects that feed on human blood and can cause intense itching. They are easily transmitted through sexual contact. - Fungal infections: These are caused by yeast or other fungi and can occur anywhere on the body, including the pubic area. They cause redness, itching, and a rash. - Ingrown hairs: These occur when hair grows back into the skin instead of outwards. This leads to inflammation, redness, and itching. - Dry skin: The pubic area has delicate skin that can easily become dry and itchy. This is especially true in winter when the air is dry. - Allergic reactions: Certain fabrics, soaps, and detergents can cause an allergic reaction leading to itching and rashes. How to Treat Itchy Pubic Hair The treatment for itchy pubic hair depends on the cause: - Pubic lice or scabies: These require prescription medication that kills the insects and their eggs. Your doctor may also recommend washing all clothing and bedding in hot water and vacuuming to prevent reinfestation. - Fungal Infections: Topical antifungal medication can be applied to the affected area. In severe cases, oral antifungal medication may be prescribed. - Ingrown Hairs: They can resolve on their own. However, if they are causing discomfort, gently exfoliating the area and using a warm compress can help. If the ingrown hair becomes infected, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. - Dry skin: Moisturizing the area with a fragrance-free lotion can help soothe itchy skin. Avoid scratching as it can further irritate the skin. - Allergic reactions: Identifying and removing the cause of the allergic reaction is key. Using fragrance-free soaps and detergents can help. Your doctor may also recommend an over-the-counter anti-itch cream. When to Seek Medical Attention If your itchy pubic hair is interfering with your sleep or is not improving with at-home remedies, it is best to seek medical attention. Additionally, see your doctor if: - You notice lumps, bumps, or sores in your pubic area - You have pain or a burning sensation when urinating - You have a fever or chills - You suspect you have an STI Prevention Tips There are several things you can do to prevent itchy pubic hair: - Always use a clean towel and never share towels - Wash your pubic area every day using a mild, fragrance-free soap - Avoid tight-fitting clothes made from synthetic fabrics - Use a fragrance-free, hypoallergenic laundry detergent to wash clothing and bedding - Trim your pubic hair to reduce the risk of ingrown hairs and irritations - Avoid using scented products such as sprays, feminine hygiene products Conclusion Itchy pubic hair is a common issue with multiple causes. By understanding what causes it and what you can do to prevent it, you can take steps to reduce the problem. Remember that prevention is always key, and it is essential to seek medical help if the condition persists. Don't let itchy pubic hair ruin your sleep or your confidence. FAQs Q: How do you know if you have pubic lice or scabies? You may see tiny insects or notice itching and a rash around your pubic area. It is best to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis. Q: Can sex cause itchy pubic hair? Sexual contact can transmit pubic lice or scabies, which can cause intense itching. However, it would help if you also were aware of any allergic reactions that you or your partner may have to genitals. Q: How often should you trim pubic hair? It depends on personal preference, but trimming pubic hair once a month may help prevent irritations and ingrown hairs. Q: Can untreated pubic lice or scabies lead to complications? Yes, untreated pubic lice or scabies can cause secondary infections and skin irritation. Read the full article
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certifydelhi · 1 year
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About Ivermectin medicine
Ivermectin 12mg tablets are a type of medication that is commonly used to treat parasitic infections in humans. These tablets contain the active ingredient Ivermectin, which is a type of anthelmintic medication that works by paralyzing and killing parasites. Ivermectin 12mg tablets are a highly effective treatment option for parasitic infections, including strongyloidiasis and onchocerciasis. If you believe you may have a parasitic infection or have been diagnosed with one you should speak to your healthcare provider to determine if Ivermectin 12mg tablets may be an appropriate treatment option for you.
Ivermectin (Ivermectol) Medicine Uses
One of the primary uses of Ivermectin 12mg tablets is in the treatment of strongyloidiasis, a type of parasitic infection that is caused by the roundworm Strongyloidesstercoralis. This infection is commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions and can cause a range of symptoms, including itching, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
Another common use of Ivermectin 12mg tablets is in the treatment of onchocerciasis, also known as river blindness. This is a parasitic infection that is caused by the worm Onchocerca volvulus, which is transmitted to humans through the bites of blackflies. Symptoms of onchocerciasis can include itching, skin rashes, and vision problems, including blindness in severe cases.In addition to these uses Ivermectin 12mg tablets are also sometimes used to treat other types of parasitic infections including scabies, head lice, and certain types of mange in animals.
Generally, the following types of parasitic infections are treated usingIvermectin medicine:
Onchocerciasis: Also known as river blindness, this is a parasitic infection caused by a worm that's transmitted by black flies. Ivermectin is effective at killing the worms that cause this disease.
Strongyloidiasis: This is an infection caused by a type of roundworm that lives in the soil. Ivermectin is used to kill the worms in the body.
Scabies: This is a skin infection caused by mites. Ivermectin is used to kill the mites and relieve symptoms such as itching.
Head lice: Ivermectin is sometimes used as a treatment for head lice, although other medications are more commonly used.
How to use Ivermectin (Ivermectin 12mg)
It is important to note that Ivermectin 12mg tablets should only be taken under the supervision of a healthcare provider. 
The medicine should not be used by individuals who are allergic to Ivermectin or any other ingredients in the medication. 
Additionally, certain medications and medical conditions may interact with Ivermectin 12mg tablets and therefore it is important to discuss any medical concerns or conditions with your healthcare provider before taking this medicine
If you have any concerns or questions about Ivermectin 12mg tablets or their use, speak to your physician to learn more.
Precautions Before Taking Ivermectin:
Before taking ivermectin, there are a few precautions you should take to ensure your safety:
Inform your doctor if you are allergic to ivermectin or any other medications.
Inform your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as ivermectin can be harmful to unborn babies and infants.
Inform your doctor if you have liver disease, as this may affect how your body processes the medication.
Inform your doctor if you are taking any other medications, as these may interact with ivermectin and cause unwanted side effects.
Do not take ivermectin if you have a history of alcoholism, as this may increase your risk of liver damage.
Side Effects of Ivermectin:
While ivermectin is generally safe and well-tolerated, it can cause side effects in some people. The most common side effects of ivermectin include:
Loss of appetite
Stomach pain or bloating
Loss of energy
Shakiness in the legs, arms, hands or feet
Muscle aches
If you experience any of these side effects while taking ivermectin, contact your doctor immediately.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can I take ivermectin if I am pregnant?
A: Although ivermectin is generally safe and well-tolerated, it should not be used by pregnant women without proper consultation with your doctor.
Q: How long does it take for ivermectin to work?
A: The effectiveness of ivermectin depends on the type of infection being treated. In some cases, a single dose may be enough to cure the infection, while in other cases, multiple doses may be needed.
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If you want to buy Ivermectin 12mg medicine online, you can go to the www.kitmeds.com, find your medicine click on the order button, and order your medicine online.
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vinod12raina · 1 year
Can PEP Treatment Effective on HIV
The disease is quite hazardous. Like termites, HIV eats its victims. The end outcome is that he gradually becomes hollow inside. Man must take care of himself and make every effort to be healthy.
Several factors, including the ones listed below, may result in HIV: sever the connection by having your parents give you blood that was HIV-positive ever when you were a small child receiving an injection from an HIV-positive individual having many infections at once. But don't worry, you can avoid getting HIV by following these instructions. Always use high-quality condoms once you start dating and keep in mind that your partner is HIV-negative. Before having an HIV test done to be sure before establishing a family, confirm your status and that of your partner. Your unborn kid won't be at risk for HIV.
Before extracting blood from another individual, be sure it is clean and HIV-free. When getting an injection in a clinic or lab, make sure the syringe is sealed in front of you, and the person taking your blood should handle it properly and wear gloves. To prevent blood pollution, take care to avoid contracting many ailments at once.
What occurs if conditions exist that result in HIV infection?
HIV can be cured and its symptoms can be reduced using the techniques outlined below. Speak with a medical professional who focuses on HIV and acquire the appropriate advice from him. Verify if you have an HIV infection before treating it or hiding it. Please let anyone into your home.
Follow Don't rely on others to take your prescription;
follow your daily instructions. When travelling, use additional caution to avoid damage and to make sure that no one unintentionally comes into touch with your blood. Maybe A person with HIV should hide their belongings from prying eyes. Watch what you eat very closely, eat more protein-rich meals, and avoid fried foods if at all possible. The sick individual must also understand how important it is to control their weight and keep it steady. be in any manner out of all proportion to his body.
One of the things that can prolong someone's life and improve their quality of life is HIV treatment. Helping People who struggle with HIV or other sexual difficulties are our target demographic. We are focused, however, on our work and our diligent team. We are looking for papers on a variety of topics, including diet, food nutrition, and exercise for sex and HIV difficulties. A thorough treatment plan may be used to treat any disease or illness, including HIV/AIDS, Testosterone insufficiency, STDs, Syphilis, Gonorrhoeic, Herpes, Hepatitis B, Human Papillomavirus, Chlamydia, Genital Warts, Pubic Lice, Scabies, and Trichomoniasis.
Every business has been influenced by the present global health issue of HIV, regardless of Tens of thousands of deaths and sufferings are caused by characteristics including gender, age, region, style of life, and nationality. The world's conditions have changed as a result of the accessibility of preventative and therapeutic treatments. therapy techniques of varying degrees have been used recently. Our immune system safeguards us through recognizing and quickly responding to invading pathogens (bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites) in order to avoid sickness. Immune system elements involved in the control and eradication of antigens consumed T lymphocytes.
When HIV is present in the circulatory system, it targets CD4+ cells. the best HIV physician for you Pollution took place. The initial HIV contamination is a primary infection. (HIV 1). Due to their high viral load, primary plasma or blood donations from HIV-1-positive people may contain more than 1 million viruses per millimeter. The signs and symptoms that characterize this stage are known as SERCONVERSION ILLNESS, and they include headache, sore throat, prolonged diarrheic, vomiting, drowsiness at night, weight loss, and skin rashes. The typical duration of this SEROCONVERSION ILLNESS is 25 days. He often conducts CMEs (continuing medical education) and seminars on the causes of HIV/AIDS, Pep Treatment and Sexual Dysfunction Treatment, and diet weight-reduction plan Nutrition to update medical experts on the field and increase his expertise.
One of the things that can prolong someone's life and improve their quality of life is HIV treatment. We are fixated on this We strive hard to shield individuals from STDs like HIV with the aid of our committed crew and captivating artwork. We are looking for articles on topics including diet, food nutrition, and exercise for sex and HIV problems. In addition to Trichomoniasis, Genital Warts, Pubic Lice, Scabies, Hepatitis B, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Herpes, HIV/AIDS, Testosterone Deficiency, STDs, and Syphilis, The foundation for treating every disease or virus is a regimen of medications.
HIV has turned into a global health emergency that threatens tens of thousands of lives and causes misery in all parts of society, regardless of gender, age, location, lifestyle, or nationality. Access The situation has altered on a worldwide scale as a result of recently made therapy options that are available in varying degrees in addition to prevention. Our immune system defends us by spotting invading pathogens (bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites) and responding to them right away to keep us from getting sick. Immune system cells involved in the control and removal of antigens consumed T lymphocytes. While HIV is in the circulatory system, it targets CD4+ cells. The foundation for treating every disease or virus is a regimen of medications. the ability of the thymus to create T cells.
Participation of Patients in PEP for HIV The greatest clinic in New Delhi for HIV, AIDS, and STD treatment is Dr. RAINA'S SAFE HANDS. Our dedication is supported by our finest medical practices, which have been used in the healthcare sector for more than 19 years. We do provide 100% of effective treatment with ART and PEP medicines. We can all agree that dating is the most significant and enjoyable activity a person can engage in. The majority of individuals, regardless of gender, are uninformed of HIV and AIDS and do not know if they are infected with either of these diseases. We urge you to get frequent HIV testing if you having had sex with multiple partners without employing any safety precautions.
Why does PEP affect HIV's mode of action?
In medicine, the term PEP, or post-exposure prophylaxis, is employed. It is a particular kind of medication that is used to prevent HIV infection after exposure to the virus. PEP, a combination of antiretroviral drugs, is given to people who may have been exposed to HIV through sexual contact, sharing needles or syringes, or other exposures. does not guarantee that no one will get the disease. The only course of action that is anticipated is a prophylactic one to reduce the likelihood of HIV transmission following a prospective interaction. Keep in mind that there are several HIV strains, some of which might mutate and evolve over time.
strains throughout the world. The way that HIV variations or strains spread, develop inside the body, and respond to antiretroviral drugs may vary genetically.
If you are concerned about HIV variants and treatment, I would suggest contacting with a medical professional who can provide you the most latest advice and information on HIV prevention. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) can be brought on by the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).
PEP is commonly administered as soon as it is reasonably practicable after exposure, usually within 72 hours, even though it can still be helpful if administered up to 36 to 48 hours afterwards. To achieve the optimum outcomes, it is essential to take the medication for the whole 28 days. It is essential to keep in mind that PEP is not an HIV medication, and if left untreated, it might result in IDS). It aims to weaken the immunological system. However, because to improvements in medical research and medication, living with HIV is now manageable and offers a high quality of life. In this piece, we'll discuss a few of the most current HIV treatments.
ART stands for anti-retroviral therapy. A combination of medications known as antiretroviral treatment helps to control the virus and prevent it from infecting more body organs. The ART has three or more medications from at least two different drug classes. The ART therapy regimens are created while taking the patient's viral load, CD4 count, and other medical considerations into consideration.
ART reduces the viral load significantly in an effort to A virus cannot be detected in blood. Once the virus is under control, the immune system may recover itself and the patient may live a long and healthy life. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), a daily anti-exposure medication, is available to those who have a high risk of developing HIV. Emtricitabine and tenofovir are the two medications that make up PrEP.
PrEP prevents the virus from spreading throughout the body after exposure. It's critical to strictly adhere to the instructions since PrEP is most effective when used often. Preventing Exposure (PEP) A medication that can be taken by those who have been exposed to HIV is called After Post-exposure Prophylaxis. Within 72 hours of a viral infection, PEP must start and endure for 28 days after exposure. at least 3 prescription medications At least two different medication classifications apply to PEP. PEP stops the virus from spreading within the body after exposure. PEP works beautifully when applied as instructed. Conclusion Living with HIV is tolerable with the assistance of the available medications.
As soon as a diagnosis is made, therapy must begin to prevent the virus from affecting immune function. ART is the major treatment option for those with HIV, and it must be taken exactly as directed. For persons who are particularly vulnerable to HIV infection and at risk of HIV transmission, PEP and PrEP are medications that may be helpful. With the help of your doctor, you should choose the best course of therapy for you. and endure for 28 days after exposure. at least 3 prescription medications At least two different medication classifications apply to PEP.
PEP stops the virus from spreading within the body after exposure. PEP works beautifully when applied as instructed. Conclusion Living with HIV is tolerable with the assistance of the available medications. As soon as a diagnosis is made, therapy must begin to prevent the virus from affecting immune function. ART is the major treatment option for those with HIV, and it must be taken exactly as directed. For persons who are particularly vulnerable to HIV infection and at risk of HIV transmission, PEP and PrEP are medications that may be helpful. With the help of your doctor, you should choose the best course of therapy for you.
and endure for 28 days after exposure. at least 3 prescription medications At least two different medication classifications apply to PEP. PEP stops the virus from spreading within the body after exposure. PEP works beautifully when applied as instructed. Conclusion Living with HIV is tolerable with the assistance of the available medications. As soon as a diagnosis is made, therapy must begin to prevent the virus from affecting immune function. ART is the major treatment option for those with HIV, and it must be taken exactly as directed. For persons who are particularly vulnerable to HIV infection and at risk of HIV transmission, PEP and PrEP are medications that may be helpful. With the help of your doctor, you should choose the best course of therapy for you the disease. 
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pharmacyfromukraine · 2 years
Are Online Pharmacies More Cost-Effective Than Traditional Pharmacies
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In the modern world, online pharmacies have become increasingly popular. With the convenience and flexibility of shopping from home, many people opt to purchase their medications online.
One of the main reasons people choose online pharmacies is the cost-effectiveness of their services.
Using online pharmacies has several cost-effective advantages over traditional pharmacies, and this article compares the prices of both types.
Comparison of Prices
When buying medication, price is a significant consideration for many people. A comparison of prices between online pharmacies and traditional pharmacies shows that online pharmacies tend to be more cost-effective.
For example, Ascoril Syrup, which is used to treat respiratory conditions, is generally less expensive when purchased online. There's also a slight price difference between online and traditional pharmacies for Glimepiride Tablets, which treat type 2 diabetes.
However, the price difference is often not significant enough to outweigh the convenience of shopping online. Benzol Benzoate is a medication used to treat scabies and lice. It is also more cost-effective when purchased from an online pharmacy.
In most cases, the medication cost is lower online due to various factors such as bulk purchasing, discounts, and lower overhead costs. Customers can also compare the prices of different pharmacies to ensure they get the best deal.
Additional Cost-Effective Advantages of Online Pharmacies
Online pharmacies offer several cost-effective advantages that traditional pharmacies do not. One of the main advantages is that customers can save time and transportation costs.
Instead of taking time off work or making a trip to the pharmacy, customers can order their medication from their homes. This saves them money on transportation costs, such as gas, parking, or public transportation.
Another cost-effective advantage of online pharmacies is that they often offer discounts for bulk purchases. Customers can order multiple months of medication at once, which often results in significant savings.
Additionally, online pharmacies can offer lower prices on over-the-counter medication, which is beneficial for people who need these medications frequently.
What online pharmacies mean for the pharmaceutical industry
The growing popularity of online pharmacies has impacted the pharmaceutical industry. Online pharmacies have increased competition and lowered the cost of medication.
This is beneficial for customers who can purchase medication at a lower cost. Online Pharmacy Drugstore has also helped to improve access to medication, particularly for people who live in rural or remote areas.
Taking Online Pharmacies to the Next Level
The trend toward online pharmacies is set to continue in the future. The increasing demand for online pharmacy services will drive growth and innovation in the industry.
This will result in more options for customers and increased competition between pharmacies. The challenge will be maintaining the medication's quality and safety while keeping prices low.
Telemedicine allows patients to receive consultations and treatment from healthcare professionals remotely. With the expansion of telemedicine services, online pharmacies will likely become even more accessible to customers.
As the industry continues to evolve, the integration of telemedicine and online pharmacy services will likely become even more commonplace.
How to Maximize the Cost-Effectiveness of Online Pharmacies
To maximize the cost-effectiveness of using an online pharmacy, customers can take several steps. One way to save money is to compare prices between different online pharmacies. Customers should also look for discount codes or coupons that can help lower the cost of their medication.
Another way to save money is to order medications in bulk. Online pharmacies often offer discounts for customers who purchase several months' worth of medication at once. Finally, customers can consider generic versions of medications, which are often significantly less expensive than brand-name drugs.
The Role of Prescription Medications in Healthcare
Prescription medications are a vital aspect of modern healthcare. They can help treat or manage a variety of conditions, including chronic illnesses and acute infections. However, the high cost of prescription medication can be a barrier for many people.
Online pharmacies offer a cost-effective solution that can help increase access to medication for people who cannot afford to purchase it through traditional pharmacies.
The availability of prescription medication through online pharmacies can help improve health outcomes for people who might otherwise go without necessary treatment.
Online pharmacies offer a cost-effective and convenient option for customers who need medication. While prices may vary between online and traditional pharmacies, online medical shop generally offers a better deal.
With the additional cost-effective advantages of online pharmacies, customers can save time and money on their medication purchases. As well as increasing competition, online pharmacies have reduced the cost of medication. The growing popularity of online pharmacies will continue to drive innovation and growth in the industry. With more options for customers and increased competition between pharmacies, the challenge will be maintaining the medication's quality and safety while keeping prices low.
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24hrdoc · 4 months
Dealing with Scabies in Daycare Environments
Scabies infestation in daycare settings is an ongoing challenge due to the close contact and shared environments typical of young children. Scabies is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei mite infestation of the skin, which spreads rapidly through direct skin contact and bedding, clothing, and furniture contamination. Addressing an outbreak requires swift action by staff members and cooperation among parents to control further spread and effectively stop it altogether. Here's a comprehensive guide for dealing with daycare settings where there may be outbreaks.
Early Identification and Take Action
Recognizing Symptoms
Scabies is an especially prevalent infection among children attending daycare facilities, and early identification is critical to protect young lives from itching that often worsens at night and results in pimply rashes, blisters, or scales on various parts of their bodies, such as their head, neck, shoulders palms or soles of feet.
Immediate Response
As soon as scabies is suspected or identified, it is vital to: 
Isolate the affected child to minimize spread. 
Notify their parents immediately and advise them to seek medical diagnosis and treatment immediately. 
Consult a healthcare provider for specific advice tailored specifically for daycare settings. 
Effective Communication
Informing Parents
Notify all affected child's parents immediately of the scabies case while maintaining the confidentiality of all parties involved. Provide information regarding its symptoms, transmission, and the importance of prompt treatment.
Staff Education
Provide daycare staff with training on recognizing symptoms of scabies and using hygiene practices that prevent its spread. Involve them in handling potentially contaminated materials safely.
Treatment and Cleaning Protocols 
Coordinated Treatment
Encourage simultaneous treatment for all involved, such as family members, other children in daycare settings, or staff in the facility who may or may not show symptoms themselves.
Environmental Cleaning
Launder all washable items (e.g., bedding, towels, and soft toys) in hot water before drying at high temperatures. 
Vacuum carpets and furniture frequently and thoroughly. 
Disinfect toys and surfaces with an appropriate cleaner that is safe for children.
Prevention Strategies
Conduct Regular Screening Checks
Implement regular checks for signs of scabies, especially after a recent case, to detect early and prevent widespread outbreaks.
Hygiene Practices
Encourage children to develop good hygiene practices:
Frequent handwashing. 
Use of Individual mats, cots, and blankets.
Do not share personal items like hats, scarves, or coats.
Develop and Maintain a Health Policy
Draft and execute a health policy that covers procedures for dealing with infectious diseases in children. Policies should establish exclusion/re-admission criteria based on medical clearance for affected kids and criteria to exclude/admit affected kids based on.
Monitor and Provide Support
Once an outbreak has been effectively addressed, continue monitoring it closely and stay in close communication with parents and staff regarding the effectiveness of control measures implemented and any new cases that arise. Healthcare professionals can offer guidance regarding long-term prevention and control strategies.
Effective management of scabies outbreaks within daycare environments requires swift, coordinated actions, with a strong emphasis on education and preventive measures. Adopting stringent hygiene standards, effective communication channels, and appropriate treatment protocols is key to maintaining an environment safe for both children and staff members. If you suspect a scabies infestation, consult with our Scabies Online Doctor today. Get expert advice and treatment options without having to leave your home, ensuring quick and confidential care.
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