#sbsp spoilers
zanefan123 · 3 months
I came up with an AU idea but the NU (Nicktoons Unite) discord server is probably still asleep so I'm gonna post it here first this time. I'll probably post it a bit later on the NU server (and send a link to this post for the additional info bc I'm way too lazy to write it twice and I find it hard to copypaste from Tumblr).
BB= Bikini Bottom
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Probably will be seen with more quality in the NU server.
Also scene where SB dies:
The (almost) same picture with no text If you can't read my handwriting + additional info :
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○ Died during the cloning in Saving BB
○ Only ghosts and his clones can see him
○ Doesn't automatically phase through walls
○ Came to life after the mini clones mushed together
○ Doesn't have the memories of OG!Bob
Additional info (didn't fit on the list) :
• Clonebob still goes by Spongebob
• Ghostbob is called Ghost by most people that know about him (not a lot of people)
• Ghostbob can fly
• Nicktoons Unite is canon for this AU
• The Spongebob musical is (kinda) canon for this AU
• The previous 3 movies are canon to this AU
• Spongehenge is not canon for this AU
• Danny can only see Ghostbob in Ghost mode, due to this fact the nicktoons gang find out about Ghostbob (eventually)
• Ghostbob and Clonebob are friends
• Ghostbob helps Clonebob with stuff he can't do yet (including cooking)
• Clonebob has all the personality of OG!Bob but not his memories
• Ghostbob is OG!Bob but dead (That one's kinda obvious)
• Ghostbob was a bit su¡cidal when he was alive (didn't commit because he had some genuine friends)
• Due to having no previous memories, Clonebob is more childish and also has less skill than OG!Bob for some things (Cooking) but more for others (Cheeks family whistle or whatever you call it)
• Ghostbob teaches cooking lessons to Clonebob to help him get better at it
• Ghostbob also tells stories to Clonebob about personal experiences to help him keep up the lie that OG!Bob isn't dead
• Ghostbob still has social anxiety from when he was alive
• Ghostbob always tries to reassure Clonebob when he's anxious about something
• Clonebob is kinda insecure about being only a replica
• Clonebob has also gained a lot of social anxiety from how most of the bikini bottomites treat him
• Due to the social anxiety Clonebob is just as bad as OG!Bob at driving
• Clonebob tries to act the opposite of what most people in BB describe him as (annoying) and is mostly really quiet, unless Ghostbob talks him into making small talk
• Everyone in BB started liking Clonebob much more than OG!Bob and they canceled National no Spongebob day (Ghostbob kinda broke down in private after that)
• Ghostbob is mostly overprotective of Clonebob
• Ghostbob can appear on cameras so any species with a PAK or a similar technology attached to their seeing holes can also see him
I'll add more later if I think of something additional for the AU.
• PlankBob (Plankton x SpongeBob) is canon in this au
• But the Bobs are still ace (asexual) like in the show canon
•The Bobs are not aro (aromantic) tho
The au name is "The Clone Chronicles".
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tragicclownwrites · 11 months
Stock Image Spoilers - "F" is for Family, Chapter 13
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persimmion · 6 years
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(Steven Universe: The Question, 2018)
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tjsbin · 7 years
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Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
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zanefan123 · 3 months
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tragicclownwrites · 3 months
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tragicclownwrites · 1 year
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tragicclownwrites · 1 year
Stock Image Spoilers - "F" is for Family, Chapter 8
(and 9... and 10... and 11... and 12)
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tragicclownwrites · 1 year
Stock Image Spoilers - "F" is for Family, Chapter 6
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tragicclownwrites · 1 year
Stock Image Spoilers - "F" is for Family, Chapter 5
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tragicclownwrites · 1 year
Introducing... Stock Image Spoilers: "F is for Family" edition!
(starting with Chapter 4)
So, I was trying to come up with a fun way to meme/tease chapters before they came out, and I got the idea of using stock images as little hints. Nothing like an out-of-context "spoiler." 😆
Now, without further ado, here's the Stock Image Spoiler for chapter 4!
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Tune in Wednesday to see if you were able to piece it together. 😉
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tragicclownwrites · 1 year
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tragicclownwrites · 1 year
A tragic clown's SBSP ship opinions
So I came across @shiba-deer's ship ranking post and I thought "fuck it. i'm gonna do one, too!" 😝 I tend to agree with most of their points with just a few differences including the addition of shitty Canva edits by me.
Disclaimer: As the title suggests, these are just my opinions. I know some folks may disagree and that's okay! I'm not trying to flame anyone or start any drama, so please keep it chill. We're all just clowns here. 🤡
Here's the scale I'm working with:
god tier - OMFG I LOVE them 💖🥰
top tier - I really like this ship 💜👍
mid tier - I'm neutral about this ship 😐
bottom tier - I really don't like this ship 👎😓
hell no tier - Get this shit off my dash immediately 🤢🚫
?? tier - I don't know enough about them to form an opinion 🤷
Anyways, here we go~
SQUIDBOB - god tier
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Ah yes, SquidBob. The only "god tier" ranked ship on this list. Are we surprised? There are just so many great moments between these two and so much that could be said. Alas, I'll spare the long monologue and just say that their dynamic is absolute perfection. It's literally the basis of a great, slow-burn romance - you can't make this shit up. I love "opposites attract" for the exact reasons that I disliked some of the other pairings on this list. It's notable that while Spongebob is mostly cheerful and exuberant and Squidward is mostly grumpy and reserved, that isn't all they are; Squidward very much has a fun side just as Spongebob has a serious one. They keep things interesting and bring out the best in each other (whether Squiddy wants to admit that or not), in spite of their differences. And per this post, they actually do have a lot in common as well! I could wax poetic about why a fucking sponge and octopus are literal soulmates, but idk. I just think they're neat. 💖
PLABS - top tier
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Now this was not a ship that was initially on my radar when I first joined the fandom. But I am happy to say that has definitely changed and it is now a favorite of mine! I love a good friends-to-enemies-to-friends-to-lovers ship, and Plabs is one of the best. I feel like they have such a "will they, won't they" thing going on that leaves me on the edge of my seat. I definitely want to look into them more. And who knows? Maybe I'll get around to writing a fic? 😉 As for canon, I could list various examples but there is just so much compelling evidence in favor of this for me not to ship.
KARENDY - top tier
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This is a ship that I have grown to really enjoy. While I would like to see more of them together in the show, the few interactions we have gotten are great fodder for a budding romance. I like how they have so much in common (ex. intelligence, interest in inventing), but not to the point where they clash (which I likely will talk about later in the list) and it actually benefits them and adds to their connection. They just have so much potential! They inspire my creativity the more I look into them. I mean, c'mon. Sandy literally said Karen was "beautiful" and Karen's wiki says her relationship with Sandy is "a purely positive one."
SQUIDLIAM - top tier (as exes)
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This list simply wouldn't be complete without this pairing. If you've read SquidBob fanfiction, Squilliam is the perfect villainous ex-boyfriend. 😈 It could be that I'm a sucker for villain redemptions (spoiler: i am) or perhaps @misslattesart has made me consider alternative possibilities for this character (probably both tbh), but I find myself increasingly intrigued by this dynamic - particularly Squilliam's motivation for constantly trying to outdo Squidward when he appears to have it all. While I'm part of the majority of fandom that headcanons them as exes, it's evident that they were definitely romantically involved at some point. But I do agree that they would inevitably find themselves in conflict eventually. After all, they broke up for a reason.
PLANKBOB - mid tier
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Fun fact about this ship: PlankBob actually got me into the fandom (more on that here), so there's a level of fondness for me there. However, it is purely on a crack-ship basis and I've more or less stopped shipping it since joining in favor of other ships on this list. But idk man, it's just a funny dynamic.
PATWARD - mid tier
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This is such a hilarious and chaotic match that literally no one would see coming. I think everyone probably knows about that one moment in Kamp Koral. I can't find the clip right now but, I mean, what the hell even was that?? Still, I'm only giving it a "mid tier" rank as, like PlankBob, it's more of a pairing that I'd ship ironically.
SQUIDVIA - mid tier
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I mean, Squidward went on a practice date with Spongebob, who was significantly more interested in him than Squilvia was. She didn't get all that much screentime, despite her being the girl Squidward was presumably trying to impress. I'd argue that Squiddy wasn't all that into her either, but rather the idea of her because they are so similar and he thinks that's the kind of person he should be with. I don't really feel any sort of way about this ship, but their relationship probably wouldn't last. SquidBob FTW.
PUFFKRABS - bottom tier but would be mid tier if not for their bullshit (very confusing, I know)
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Surprisingly, I do feel like this pairing has potential... if it weren't for a major Plankton-shaped obstacle holding them back. I've touched on this a bit in my fic, but apparently Mrs. Puff and Mr. Krabs have been/were secretly dating for 16 years. Now, 16 years is not a number to scoff at. However, the "secretly" part is giving me pause and sending up all the red flags. 🚩🚩Both of them are single/divorced/widowed/etc. They are not having an affair. So... why keep it a secret? As far as I'm aware, neither of them have any reason not to be open about it (assuming that I'm not off base about this whole secrecy aspect). Sure, not everyone needs to be in their business. But then it's implied that even Pearl doesn't know. I have no idea who made the call but if I was Mrs. Puff and everyone, including my boyfriend's daughter, was in the dark about our relationship and he made no moves to give me any sort of real commitment after over a decade... I'd start to wonder what the fuck was up.
PATBOB - bottom tier (sorry 😔)
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I was really conflicted on this ranking because PatBob has all the makings of a great ship - they're best friends, they look cute together, and they have a lot in common. However, the reason I ranked this so low is mostly because their friendship is so much stronger than any sort of romantic connection. I feel like whenever these two are put into a remotely romantic scenario (ex. when Spongebob they raised a baby scallop), that's when the cracks start to show. As friends, they have a great dynamic and are so funny together, even when they get into arguments/spats. However, as romantic partners, it feels unnatural. As shown in the episode I mentioned as an example, Patrick gets to be his silly, lazy self whereas Spongebob has to take the more serious, rational role - which is not his natural inclination, even if he has that side. I just can't help but feel like this would become a pattern if they were actually in a relationship. I live for best friends-to-lovers... but this ship is not the one.
PLANKAREN - bottom tier
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I was originally going to rank this "hell no tier" but it's not the worst thing I've ever seen - mostly just a prime example of compulsory heterosexuality (this was a great response on the topic). I still dislike the pairing quite a bit though. Like, are they even married? The two of them are so off-and-on, hot-and-cold together and there's just something so... forced about it. I just think they both would be so much happier if they weren't together, you know? I don't doubt that they support - and maybe even love - each other a bit, but to quote my own fic (not to plug lol): "you can love and care about someone without being in love with them."
SPANDY - hell no tier
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I've never liked this ship, even prior to joining the fandom. Hell, even when I was a kid and didn't know what shipping was, I still felt there was something off. As I've gotten older and wiser though, I think it really comes down to Sandy and Spongebob having virtually zero romantic chemistry. Nada. Zilch. Despite SBSP being episodic in nature, their dynamic consistently gives me sibling vibes - which does not translate well into a romantic connection at all. They're just miles better as friends and I don't see that changing in the slightest.
(And this is just a personal nit-pick vs. a solid point but I find myself put off by the frequently OOC portrayal in fanworks - particularly for Sandy, who is actually one of my favorite characters. I know as writers and artists, we're going to take some creative liberties. But if you have to drastically alter a character's personality and/or physical traits to suit your ship narrative, it's probably not a good ship. 🤷)
SQUANDY - hell no tier
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I do love seeing Squidward and Sandy getting along and being pals - I mean, look at this interaction (sorry, couldn't find a better gif)! However, any sort of romantic connotation gives me a serious case of the "ick" (SquidBob be damned, honestly). Hence the very low ranking. They are strangely more believable than Spandy, but that's probably the only redeeming thing about this as a ship tbh. Otherwise, it's a "hell no" from me.
(This sound effect is literally me when thinking about this lmao.)
MINDRICK - hell no tier
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Not to be that person, but even if there was genuine chemistry... let's just say Mindy doesn't just look young. I even Googled it for you. You're welcome.
SQUARRY - ?? tier
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Okay so I've heard lots of good things about this pairing and how they have some great, shippy interactions. However, it's not a ship I'm familiar enough with to form an opinion.
BUBBLERAY - ?? tier
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Not really super familiar with these characters' dynamic in general, let alone the ship.
SLAPFERATU - ?? tier
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I've seen this ship making the rounds as well, but definitely not familiar enough with them to make a judgment call. From what I've seen (including pulling this pic together), it is pretty hilarious. I will say that. 😆
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tragicclownwrites · 1 year
So, I was having a hard time articulating this in the tags but I already have another ✨squidbob fic idea✨ and I felt shouting it into the void would hold me accountable to write it so... here it goes. 🤡✍️
I haven't played it but I've seen some content for SBSP: The Cosmic Shake and Madame Kassandra really inspired me to write a soulmate/fortune teller fic. 🧜‍♀️🔮 More deets/potential spoilers below the cut.
I don't want to give too much away, but I'm thinking Madame Kassandra is a scarily accurate fortune teller (but not a villain) that shows up in Bikini Bottom in her caravan. Like she uses a crystal ball, tarot cards and shit.
Anyway, Spongebob and Patrick go see her and then try to convince Squidward to get his fortune told, too. Reluctantly, Squidward does. At first he's super skeptical and makes it known, but she accurately tells him things about himself that she wouldn't be able to figure out with a lucky guess. So Squidward starts to believe her - he even gets a bit enthusiastic about it - so he asks her about his future love life. Kassandra tells him all these great things about his soulmate/fated partner (i.e., his partner is a natural artist, they bring out the best in him, etc.). As Squidward asks more questions, like where he'll meet them, he soon figures out that his soulmate is none other than.... Spongebob Squarepants.
So he basically tries to brush it off as some "mystical nonsense" and spends much of the fic in denial. However, he slowly but surely comes to realize his true feelings. And maybe it turns out Spongebob found out the same thing but didn't say anything?
I probably won't get to it for a bit, but it's an idea I'm playing with and I think it'd be pretty cute & fun to write. Thinking it'd be a short multi-chapter as I don't want to rush the ending and I do love a slow burn. 🔥
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tjsbin · 8 years
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There really isn’t anything spoilery in it but I’ll tag it just in case. By the way, I made and completed this around 5AM.
I have no life.
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