#sayonara nerds
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the-real-sasuke-uchiha · 4 months ago
Brace yourself guys, I come here today with official evidence that Sarada is not my daughter, and, in fact, she might even not be human.
I am talking about Boruto Ending 2 Sayonara Moon Town, accessible here <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V95jQXG5bI>. In this ending we see what appears to be Sarada's DNA:
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Now, let's talk about double helices. They can turn to the left or to the right, as this Wikipedia image illustrates:
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a) is right-handed, b) is left-handed. The double helix in the ending is the B, the left-handed.
But, thing is, except weird, transient forms, normal DNA turns to the RIGHT. Here is a DNA diagram from Watson and Crick's paper
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(Watson, J. D., & Crick, F. H. (1953). Molecular structure of nucleic acids: a structure for deoxyribose nucleic acid. Nature, 171(4356), 737-738.)
So, all in all, Sarada is an alien, her DNA is not from this planet.
Or our dear animators need some scientist advisor
Have a great day and sorry for the nerd.
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puppiesandnightlock · 2 months ago
some opinions based on the movie :D
i do have to say.
i was really disappointed that they got rid of like all the progress that they made in the first 2 movies with the found family/adoption angle because 1. there was no mom/dad and 2. the three of them firmly called each other friends and only friends, even when tom got hurt i was kind of expecting a "wake up dad" but there was also no specification like the other two movies that tom and maddie were purely sonic's "cool adult friends"
and also obviously the changes to shadows backstory kinda made me go 'ugh' because while some things were ommited tf you mean shadow wasnt created as a cure for maria
ig he can still be connected to the black arms through the meteor or whatever the fuck but i was still like ew why did you change that
(maria and shadow scnes were so sweet) SPEAKING OF MARIA there was no "sayonara shaodw the hedgehog" and she didn't get shot which made me go aw mannnn
it was still a pretty cool movie especially for my geeky self who was nerding out at every other scene :DDD
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gotta-pet-em-all · 1 year ago
....it's time for me to go home.
I miss my pokemon. I'll admit this was a stupid and selfish and terrible idea, spurred on by mental illness. But...
I dunno. I met some pretty cool people. I came her to figure out what her life was like, what went wrong with mine, but everyone... cared about me. Not jsut as a mistake version of her. Not damaged goods, not some role. Me.
Kinda scares the shit out of me. Kindness. But I've been scared for way too long. I'm going to do things I like and do them scared because I can't live like I'm stuck in a coffin anymore.
I've done everything I need to do here. Spoken to all the people I need to speak to. So... thank you guys. For showing me love and kindness and all the shit I forgot could still exist.
Anyways. I've had enough feelings for today, so I'm just going to drop this shit and run. Might see a couple of you again in the faller server, who knows.
Sayonara, nerds. <3
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imustbenuts · 2 months ago
NHK ends every year with a bang by getting lots of music artists together performing their pieces on TV live and its always interesting bc im a nerd
for 2024 they ended with some big hits of the year and some classics
kenshi yonezu's sayonara mata itsuka (popular bc its a bop and also the opening for Tora ni Tsubasa) plus lowkey very trigun-y in theme COUGH
they got vaundy who is getting ever more popular with each release but for some reason hes performing odoriko and not more recent stuff.... probly bc this is one of the least melancholic work he has lmao
theres kocchi no kento with hai yorokonde, which seems to have become a viral hit thanks to tiktok
creepy nuts with bling-bang-bang-born (maybe otonoke was too uhhh superstitious for ringing in the new year lmao)
theres a lot other more impressive artists performing but these above are more known internationally at the moment i think. anyway im saying that bc the legendary B'z was performing the just as legendary Ultra Soul released way back in 2001
i wish i could have watched this live aklsdjflksdajf
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liberationwasboundtohappen · 10 months ago
I will die on the hill that the Bakurae would be MSX nerds. Yami Bakura / TKB? Full-on YS fanboy. Brandish Enjoyer. Falcom games galore. Old-fashioned dungeon crawlers and roguelikes with complex mechanics that are notorious for making people rip their hair out. Ryou? You know that boy has grindhouse horror adventure games en masse. Dead of the Brain? Necronomicon? Those aren't just games to him: they're art. Other non-MSX games I think they'd be into: YB / TKB: Rogue (the original); Ultima (all of them, for different reasons); Baldur's Gate (all of them); Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura; Diablo 1 and 2. Ryou: Pretty much every classic Denpa title that exists (Sayonara wo Oshiete, Saya no Uta; please do not look these up if you are squeamish and/or a minor); the Clock Tower series (each for different reasons); Haunting Ground; World of Horror. (Note: TFW I would love to see a Denpa-style horror VN starring Ryou and using his relationships with the different versions of Bakura and other characters as metaphors for his slipping mental state)
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1ddyfckr · 10 months ago
The only way I will ever return to this miserable son of a bitch is if they get Norman Reedus back; aka never. Sayonara, ya nerds (:
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mudanonaito · 10 months ago
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌💜
hi ramsay!! this is my playlist i listen to everyday when im commuting and omg i say this all the time but sorry its all jpop sjgahsdj from anime too obv im a nerd sajkghsdj
Tatsuya Kitani - Where Our Blue Is
Eve - Fight Song
Amazarashi - Sayonara Gokko
SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki - Cry
Amazarashi - Kisetsu Wa Tsugitsugi Shindeiku
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animehouse-moe · 2 years ago
Manga Collection Update #2 (End Of) March 2023 - The 1000 Volume Milestone
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"Hey, this isn't your collection, this is a haul!" - people reading this. And those people would be correct, I just thought it'd be cool to save this haul here because it's what got me to 1000 volumes in my collection. Yeah, 1000 volumes of manga, LN, and art books. Really insane stuff when you stop and think about it (I beg you do not think about the retail value of 1000 volumes of manga).
Anyways, the point of me making a collection update post about is to sort of ramble aloud about some questions and preconceptions I had about what a 1000 volume collection would be.
Does It Seem Like A Lot?
When I tried to quantify what 1000 volumes would be, even just last year I wouldn't have thought it would be what I have. A thousand of something seems like an incredible amount that you wouldn't be able to visualize easily. Like shelves going on and on forever almost, but it's not. In total, it's only about three of Ikea's full size Billy shelves (due to space constraints I don't have full sized ones for every shelf). But when you think about that, "Only 3 shelves", 1000 volumes seems almost comical. Even more than that, when you think of listing 1000 volumes (or the series that comprise that number), it makes you think that it's a lot, so much that you wouldn't be able to name them. But when I stop and think about it, I'm pretty comfortable that I'd be able to name 90% or even a bit more of the manga in my collection.
I guess at the end of it, it really feels a lot smaller than the number "1000" makes it seem like it would be. It's all stuff I've read (or am reading), and it's all stories that I can remember to a somewhat decent degree. It's a ridiculous accumulation of money, but at the end of the day it's a hobby, I'd find something else to spend the money on.
Does My Collection Meet My Expectations?
A weird question to phrase, but it's all about whether or not my collection is like what I thought it'd look like at 1000 volumes. And I'd say, yes and no. There's things I figured would be here, but at the same time loads of things that end up missing. I would have swore up and down I'd have Love Is War in my collection by now, but I don't! I would have thought I'd have That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime or Overlord in here as well, or even something like Death Note or maybe Naruto. But they're just not here.
In terms of what is in the collection that I'd never have expected: older shojosei. I didn't think I'd ever have something like Wallflower or Kare Kano in there. Not that I'm not a fan of either, but that they're incredibly rare and typically exist outside of what I pursue. But when they're offered at 5 dollars a volume I'm not gonna say no. Further outside of that is stuff like Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei or all the NGE side stories. Some of these things cost an arm and a leg so they were pipe dreams for me, but stars have aligned for more than a few moments in my time collecting, and allowed me to have a shot at them.
It's hard to say what's in my collection that I would have thought odd, because I don't have any sort of hindsight on that and I think they're all perfectly normal and interesting now. Like Heterogenia Linguistico, a series about a linguist wandering a world full of different types of species with different forms of communication. Or Himouto Umaru-Chan, a peculiar slice of life about the unseen side of the class princess as she nerds out at home with her older brother. There's a lot of things that I probably didn't expect when I was beginning, but now they feel perfectly normal.
What's My Favorite Thing Out Of All 1000 Volumes?
Wow, what a loaded question me! Well, a bit of a boring but also somewhat uncomfortable answer is my Berserk Deluxe Volume 1 (which I'm still yet to continue collecting). I bought it slightly after my birthday, the day that Kentaro Miura died, which coincided with my great-grandmother's death. As many people receive from grandparents, I was given a card with some crisp bills inside, and was told to "spend it on whatever I liked, don't listen to your parents". I was undecided for a few days on just what I should get with it, a full set of Hunter x Hunter that I found used online, or a Berserk Deluxe edition? As it happened, Fate ended up choosing the latter for me. It's also part of why I've been apprehensive/slow about continuing to collect those deluxe editions. Right now it's 1 of 1 in my collection, something that stands out, but if I put it beside a bunch of other volumes that look almost the same I feel like it'd lose the value and sentiment it holds for me.
Where To Next?
I'm someone that always chases goals, I never really revel in my achievements or milestones. When I completed my degree and got it in the mail, I just sorta smiled before tucking it away neatly. There's never been anything that I've basked in. With my collection though, I feel slightly different. I want to show it off a little, I want to excitedly share it with my friends and swap notes and compare collections. It's not that I didn't choose most if not all of what I've done in my life, but this is something else. It's a part of my adult life, something that I'll carry forward with me, rather than it being done. You can only go so far with other aspects, only climb a corporate ladder so high, only go so far with post-secondary education. So maybe more than the elation of reaching so high, it's the excitement at the fact that I have so much more left to go.
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beddhead-red · 2 months ago
so now having seen sonic movie 3 twice i am now prepared to give my fuller opinion as an SA2 fanboy since age 9.
-it's good as a movie, good as a continuation of the first two, and good as a piece of sonic media. i actually enjoyed it much more on the 2nd watch, i think the 1st was ruined by my expectations not being met
-it is an okay adaptation of shadow's backstory, but deviates so significantly from what it usually is that it fundamentally changes some elements of shadow's character, and i don't like that.
-there are significant and not so significant things i would change but a lot of those would delve into spoiler territory. they have all of the necessary elements to make this a truly peak and unforgettable experience and missed out on some really easy moments that made me sad.
i will now proceed to detail a list of petty and inconsequential criticisms which don't really detract from the movie overall but i didn't like. this will include spoilers if you give a shit
-having the eggman tech for the breakout be a fakeout for gerald still being alive was actually a nice little touch but overall i still don't like the decision to have gerald be the "main villain" per se. you could really have tightened up the story and had the play of eggman realizing what his plan really was still be really impactful if you just kept to the original story. i also think gerald still being jim carrey as he does his final dramatic monologue would've been funnier than him just doing two jim carrey characters throughout the whole movie. AND the reveal that gerald's ultimate project was another hedgehog still wouldve been funny
-seriously, i find it super lame that they actually seem to be going in the direction that shadow's an alien. walters is already not telling the whole truth, and i was expecting (because i know shadow's backstory) for that to also be a fakeout revealing that he was actually made in a lab (especially given the line "i don't remember my home"). maybe based on something else which fell to earth. or the master emerald.
-the biolizard wouldve been so cool cmon guys bring him out make him part of the fight
-they didn't harp nearly enough on shadow being the ultimate lifeform. shadow didn't even say it once.
-on the subject they didn't let shadow be a dork enough in this movie. "revenge guac" was good but a fundamental element to shadow's character is that despite being the coolest he is also a big nerd.
-i know i said these didnt detract from the movie but genuinely keanu reeves not shouting "CHAOS...CONTROL!" to teleport the eclipse cannon away from the earth when they had every opportunity AND HAVE BEEN USING CHAOS CONTROL THIS WHOLE MOVIE EVEN IF THEY DIDNT NAME IT is so lame. unironically bumps the movie's rating down for me.
-also despite having ample opportunity the entire film (two hedgehogs...two eggmen...) not one time does anyone say the word faker. eggman calls him an imposter but he should've called him a faker. like having this while also having sonic just offhandedly give the "talk about low budget flights!" line makes me feel like they really don't get sa2 and are just including a line from it because they have to.
-also if they had the biolizard they wouldve had the opportunity to have shadow shout "HERE I COME, YOU CREEP" which would've been lit as fuck.
-i'm glad they had live and learn but that cinematic cover sucked. fundamentally what makes live and learn work so well as a hype song and specifically as a sonic hype song is that it's heavy rock. IT SOUNDS DIRTY AS HELL AND THAT'S WHY IT FUCKING RULES
-i personally wouldve had eggman shout out "SAYONARA" as part of his farewell address as a little nod but that's just me
-as an aside, i know the entire point is that they all use chaos energy but having sonic figure out chaos control as part of the story wouldve been neat because that's kinda part of their entire story in sa2
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maguro13-2 · 1 year ago
Shattered Hero ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Episode Maka Finale (4/11) ~
"Back about 3 years ago..."
[Downtown Salem, MA]
Ox (?) : Please, Kimial! Please! I just want you to notice me!
Kimial : No! I don't even know you and I hardly even not interested in a guy like you. When do you think that, I, a detective in the force, is interested in boys! Do you think that I wanted to date a nerd? I have no taste in boys!
Ox (?) : Look. I give you this box of chocolate and roses in my hand friends! And I even consider you a gift! How bout it!
Kimial : Plus. I already got myself a box of chocolates from someone that I met in Vermont. Someone that is "special" to me and I found pretty interesting type. So my heart belongs to another, someone that I even met at the beautiful hills of Vermont has the most gorgeous look on my face. So please, I have no intentions of being your girlfriend and would marry you! So, bye!
Ox (?) : Kimial, wait! I got something for you to make me your date and become your husband. But this...I have something useful for you to make me your date. (Holds out a Magikoopa's wand)
Kimial : Oooh! Shiny!
Kamek : Brother! What are you doing playing with that girl's heart!? Bowser had already you given demonstration to be demoted to the witch city of this here land to earn your education, but then you just had to go and became a lackey when you noticed about being naive and stalking about being bewitched by this Majo and I what did I find? You being a stalker to this detective and of course, a greasy freebooter.
Oxford the Magikoopa : Oh, Kamek! I'm so sorryI (Converts into his true form as a nerdy magikoopa) I didn't know! I didn't know I was stalking! But I wasn't stalking her, I just wanted "her" to get me to like me! I'm so sorry that I ever thought that I could trick by disguising myself as the bald headed guy name Ox and Ford. But he was no where to be seen in this state. But I do believe that he used to be in this state for a long period of time, but eventually he was killed by someone after being rejected by this girl that killed him with some strange kind of power!
Kamek : Power? What strange power that killed the real Ox Ford Meister guy.
Kimial : Brother? Kamek? Hold the phone. Who are you? Your names are not ox and Ford, but you forgot to spell it correctly! It's "Oxford" not "Ox" and "Ford". That name is one syllable that is spaced out of a real name. And I never thought that a Magikoopa was cleverly in a disguise to look like the one I killed. This Magikoopa has been stalking with me the entire time? I can not believe that I would fall for a phony like you. And you would've think that you would trick me by disguising himself as the one that I rejected fort a short period of time.
[The Past - Kenichi Tokoi]
Kamek : Hold the phone. If my brother was in a disugise as the Bald-headed meister Ox Ford...then the real Ox Ford was killed by you? How on earth did you do that? Why on earth would you kill him?
Kimial : Because he's not the warmth that I expected and Jacqueline is the one that is my warmth! And I feel her presence! So that's why I told him that would kindly to reject me and then...I had to killed him.
Kamek : Wait a sec, you...? You killed him? Wait a sec, that aura. (his visions shows Kimial in a red aura, knowing that she is the Shattered Meister) You! What are you!?
Oxford the Magikoopa : W-W-W-What is that tremendous amount of power!? And why is she crying...with her eyes bleeding?
Kamek : Holy Swiss cheese! She's no detective, she's...!!
Oxford the Magikoopa : Oh no! It's the Shattered Meister!
Kamek : It can't be. You're the one that caused the shattering in Tokyo. It was you! It had to be you!
Kimial Diehl : Sayonara...!
Kamek : No, witch! Stop this at once!
Oxford the Magikoopa : Brother! (Holds chest in pain) HELP ME, BROTHER!
"3 years later..."
Kamek : So that's what happened, your majesty. The one who really killed the "Real" Ox Ford and my brother was none other than the partner of Ashley in the force.
Bowser : I see. Now's who believing truth, and the real Ox Ford's partner from Paris and Quebec, Harvar D Eclair right?
Kamek : Yes, same goes to his murder. Ox Ford the meister from Soul World was betrayed by Kimial Diehl and then Harvar D Eclair, the Shikimaru-cyclops wannabe, was killed by not thunder cloud, but Kracko or Neo Metal Sonic, aka the real lightning kings.
Bowser : Perhaps it was that motherf**ker Shinra that keeping on hiding truth and spread the lying across the globe between Japan and the United States.
Kamek : Of course, Square Enix is much of a bigger fool than anyone else, the Japanese couldn't risk their lives taking all those lies from one author or one man, in fact that the planet will soon be covered by the darkness, and not the madness that is actually made up by the greeks.
Bowser : I know that, because there is no madness. Only darkness, and I'm not threatened to Shinra's likeliness. Put your hands on the Piano for just a second.
Kamek : Like what, sire?
Kamek : (yells in pain) My beautiful wand-wielding hands!
Bowser : That's exactly what the world of Soul Eater has to be, a world made of deception and letting the truth win to smite the devil's face! I always got a perfect plan to stop make Nintendo villains possible to set up an attack in a never-ending conflict called "War of Shadow Realm".
Kamek : When the Kusakabe Legacy can be overthrown, the lying will be stopped and for your information, that Maka Albarn girl was really such a deluded fool to Shinra, ain't he? She knew that she was never under directly to the inlfuence! So we villains of Nintendo must help the heroes and Villains of Square Enix stop the Kusakabe's spreading influence, the Ohkuboverse will be gone for good riddance! And you know what happens that we end the cursed legacy, DWMA will be cease function and go completely defunded for bankruptcy.
Bowser : Bingo! No more, Soul World! That will be the only thing that will make a universe that forever cease to exist, then the Shadow Realm shall never half to deal with crap from the Managaka industry.
Kamek : Now that will be very good to the point, but, uhhh, aren't you going to free me while my hands are being crushed on this stupid piano! I really need a bowl of ice cream, right now!
Bowser : Not yet. There's more than frozen dairy treats where that come from. Pain is the best teacher for the likes of Shinra Kusakabe! That will make him pay for his transgressions for spreading the influence on Real World AU.
Kamek : Oh my. I hope this would be a sudden fate that is going to happen to Real World AU. And I bet it's not safe for Nevada to be the home of a stupid manga with a crazy-weird story made by one man. I hope things will might get better this time before the world gets destroyed by genociders first.
"Before the Halberd's launch..."
[Galuga Archipelago, New Zealand]
[Islands (Stage 1 : Jungle) - Konami Music Center, Akira Yamaoka]
Seto : Wow, wow! So this is the infamous Galuga Archipelago. No wonder why that this exists within Real World AU. I better go find this Lance Bean person and to give me the information that he has, not sure that if I want to meet a player 2 guy that looks alike that action movie star that plays rambo. I better get moving. For the sake of the deathless, get out of my way!
(Seto destroys all the Blood Falcon Soldiers that are in her way, then she stops right next to an abandoned car)
Seto : Huh? What's this abanodned car doing in the middle of the jungle? And by the way, who's literally driving this thing? (suddenly a snail-like creature appears merging underneath the car) What the-? An alien was underneath that thing? A Cochlear Armored Car alien, huh? I hope that it gets the bites when I roast it alive by using this! (uses flame breathing technique to deflect the bubbles) It's trying to attack me with, bubbles? That's a weird suggestion. (the alien drives the car to the other side as Seto jumps over to get across) It can literally drive the car by merging it? I don't remember doing that!
*DBZ SFX : Energy blasts rapidly*
Seto : Shoot! I gotta destroy this thing now! And to make into a roasting marshmallow! (destroys the alien with a fire ball technique, causing it to vaporize into steam, leaving the car behind) Heh! Totally tasy for an alien marshmallow. Good thing that the abandoned car that merged didn't get destroyed. *DBZ SFX : EXPLOSION* Okay...Maybe not. I wonder if there was that last alien that was seen on this famous island from an arcade game. (cutaway shows Gromaides being alone)
Gromaides : (looks both ways to make sure anybody is her) Hello, is anybody going to fight me? Hello? Anyone? Someone coming to fight me? I am lonely. (cuts back to Seto)
Seto : Yeah, right. That I do about fighting aliens on the wrong side of the track! Now then, where can I find the entrance base? (sees the defensive wall) Yeah, I got no time for that. (Destroys defensive wall and enters inside the base) Alrighty then, time to pay Lance Bean a visit.
(door banging)
Seto : FBI OPEN UP! (Destroys door) Lance Bean, aka Player 2 or stallone-looking guy! Prepare to be...huh? Where is everyone? There's no one here. Oh no, he must've passed away all of a sudden. Well, I'm too late. (sees a doll that resembles a two tailed fox) Huh? A doll? Did someone leave this doll here or did someone dropped it from Amazon. (calls out) Hello! Did somebody leave a doll or something? Where in the heck did anyone leave a doll in the first place. I can't believe that I wasted my time of finding information about the planet being covered in darkness. (suddenly the doll activated himself) Humph! Maybe nobody has operated this place after all. (hears Tails Doll laughs sinisterly) Huh? What the-!? Huh? Who's there!? Show yourself, you bastard! This isn't funny! So, stop playing around! I dare you to speak yourself out to me!
Tails Doll : Congratulations, you found yourself quite noticed about me. You wanna know why, because Demon Vibe will have to take his dream somewhere else. I've got bigger things to worry about.
Seto : Hey, you are...(turns and sees something in shock) What the hell!?
~ Act 29 : Cry of a Witch~
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lazycowboynerd · 2 years ago
Love advice with nerd:
Welcome to the first and possibly only love advice post I'll make (lol)
Uhh, if you want to confessto your crush/ask someone out or even just befriend someone, give them food. Whether it's a rando you want to know better or someone you've known for years: food helps.
Give them a taco, a bag of chips, an ice cream, a little six pack of oreos, dumplings. Just give them sustenance.
If you're shy and want to leave a little note instead, sure, go for it. But make sure to wrap that little message around some candy before you give it!
Sayonara, fam
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too-many-warframes · 5 years ago
BLOG MOVED - > oh-mister-kane
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gemsandjunk · 3 years ago
hey i have some school stuff going on lately so i wont be back till mid december okay BYE
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shinyzango · 4 months ago
But jokes on you I'm going to sleep now
Sayonara nerds 🫡
.....fine. I guess I'll join the boop this time.
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ragemuses-moved · 5 years ago
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I finished Sayonara Wild Hearts yesterday and now im eating the soundtrack and considering whether or not I want to add The Fool and/or Little Death on here.
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adirtnap · 2 years ago
game tier list twenty twenty two
2022 was the year of every video game being five or more video games at the same time. games were deckbuilding AND basebuilding AND roguelite AND fishing AND farmingsims. i don't think this worked out TOO well but i can see the appeal and i hope we can make a good one sometime!
game of the year 2022:
celeste!! the best and only video game. video, space, game. this is the peak of the genre, which is understandable because it is also the only game that exists.
it's just so FUN. like, first i play celeste as a vocation AND THEN when i'm exhausted i turn off celeste, sit for a sec, and think, "ah, time for some light fun. let's play a bit of celeste."
S tier (video games of all time)
mm rando ("Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask Randomizer, allsanity settings") this shit is so fun?? it's so fun. i will play this every year
inscryption ohhhhh man did someone have fun making this game and it SHOWS. some guy that i bet really likes and appreciates magic the gathering made a video game about: what if you played magic the gathering and it mattered SO MUCH. what if everything in your world was to enable you having a good and terrible time playing (original and realllly well-designed?) trading card games. and he was RIGHT and i had a good and terrible time
dwarf fortress!!! i first played dorf fort in 2012. i learned to play it alongside a guy i'd just met on study abroad because we were bored nerds. he is now my best friend. i have loved this game for TEN YEARS!! i once met derek yu (spelunky etcetera) at a very nice party and extremely embarrassingly trapped him in a conversation so i could talk about how good dwarf fortress is. he was very gracious and understandably uncomfortable. i like this game a LOT a lot. but, for every year i've loved dorf fort, i haven't really been able to recommend it to anyone. "hey, do you want to play a game that is so fucking hard and annoying to learn?" the answer is not usually "oh yeah for sure"
everything about the new UI-remake is good. they took the "impossible to learn" out of the sentence that i have so many times said, "this game is brilliant and enchanting and also impossible to learn." (the game is now fully "and also.") they did a good one.
A tier (delightful games)
elden ring my computer was too sad to keep playing this, and i am sad about that. it was GREAT, everything about it was as delightful as the darksoul and more. i can't wait to finish it (and probably give it s-tier) when computer good
fortnite they finally made a good battle royale and it is fortnite. good job i like my friends and this game is what i did with them a lot.
super mario sunshine perfect nintendo-y game. filled with little guys of all kinds. i will play this every year
the barnacle goose experiment horror abiogenesis autoclicker!!
sayonara wild hearts GOOOOD soundtrack good game
B tier (really fun games)
vampire survivors this is the most video game ever. i've heard it described as "the best video game of 2003." i've also heard the developer used to program gambling-machine animations. i would have played this on the school bus on the way to highschool. it rules
neon white really fun, zøooomy. i don't have the patience to find microoptimizations in levels to beat my friends, but DANG is playing each level for the first time fun. the writing was cringe AND free, it made me smile
C tier (games i liked)
citizen sleeper to paraphrase shannon: a dnd-videogame except for friends at the table enjoyers. i really liked that every choice felt limited but intentional, rather than disco's fuck-you kinda dice rolls. but, the sell was: "things… are happening. hmmmm what could they be?" which was not strong enough to keep me deeply invested. i'll keep going back and playing little by little
helltaker it's like eight minutes long and it's full of newgrounds drawings of demongirls. it's not a good game. i liked it a lot
D tier (games i did not like)
loop hero. backpack hero. slice and dice. dicey dungeons these are all the same game and they are all different variations of boring
cult of the lamb ANOTHER five-games-in-one that added up to… one-half of a good game? the fighting is like worse hades, the farming sim is like worse dontstarve. the minigames are ok. it was fine
subnautica LOVE a shark! but the game was brought down by the "you have to find a tiny item in a huge ocean and if you do not you cannot progress or you will miss major parts of the story" and also "find that tiny item on a short clock with constant danger." i ended up using the wiki, and shortly after ended up reading the plot because that was more fun than playing the lategame
however, many good moments of "oh wow yikes that's a fuckoff big shark huh" which i DID enjoy
death's door not a bad time but not for me. i think i'd rather play tunic (i haven't played tunic)
F tier (i hate it)
the concept of a majora's-mask-plus-dishonored-problem-solving-shooter? quite good. this game? really sucks. this game is the sum of every boring-but-sells lesson internalized by marketing departments on the success of "the genius of environmental storytelling," but instead of genuinely funny bits (like left4dead2's graffiti!), they went for an utterly bland "THIS UTOPIA? DIDN'T WORK OUT HUH"
also the core mechanic just wasn't very fun, was it, it just didn't work. they made it a pretty good fps and also a ~nothing else~
the upside was the art direction which: was good enough to do environmental storytelling with! it makes me mad that some goooood art got wasted on this game
hon. mentions
madness in square garden, for having a good name watching someone else play outer wilds
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