#saw the black ones on twitter and was immediately reminded of the brown ones
attentiondealer · 20 days
for your consideration: dead boy detectives where everything is the same except the gloves edwin (left) and charles (right) wear are these vivienne westwood ones
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anawrites3 · 1 year
For the 3 words writing game I got "cat coffee desk" from @poiverine on twitter and I figured I can post it here as well 🤗💕
You can read it on ao3 too
It was quiet when Slade walked inside the room. The curtains weren't fully closed, which allowed rays of the setting sun to sneak inside and settle onto Dick's hair, making it seem more brown than black. Dick himself was asleep, still sitting by the desk where Slade last saw him; snoring quietly with his head resting on folded arms. The book he was going through was serving as a pillow for his elbow.
Slade sighed. Dick always was so damn stubborn. Slade told him to take a break, maybe nap a little but no, why would Dick do that? "I'm fine", he said even as he rubbed at his eyes, "Just a little more and then I'm done anyway" as if he wasn't aware that Slade knew it was a lie. So Slade let him be, because it wasn't like he could force Dick to rest (he could, he just wasn't in the mood for dealing with upset Dick Grayson) and went out to get some much needed coffee for the both of them.
"Little bird." Slade carded his fingers through the kid's hair. He wrapped one strand around his finger to tug at it gently. "You're going to ruin your back like this."
Dick blinked up at him, not moving otherwise. He woke up slowly, without any hurry, and something warm pooled inside Slade's stomach at the thought that Dick trusts him so much to protect him that he doesn't feel the need to wake up quickly, like he used to do. Like Slade still does.
When Dick did finally woke up and realized that Slade was standing over him, his lips curled into a smile.
"Slade." He said and it sounded so damn happy. He shifted to get more comfortable but didn't move his arms from under his head or even sit up.
"If you tell me falling asleep like this was a conscious decision I'm walking back out through that door." Slade deadpanned. He rested his hip against the desk. "And I'm taking my coffee with me."
Dick shot up to sit straight, hitting his head against Slade's hand that was still buried into the mess of his hair. Slade just sighed again.
"You brought me coffee?!" Dick made sure, rubbing at his eyes again. "Where is it?"
"I brought myself coffee and I'm willing to share if you deserve it. It's in the kitchen." Slade crossed his arms over his chest. "Where that awful beast is sleeping."
Dick gasped dramatically, more awake now at the thought of caffeine. "Do not call my cat a beast!"
"That thing is more feral than your little brother."
"Maybe to you." The kid showed him his tongue. "He would like you more if you weren't such an asshole to him."
"I'm an asshole to you too but you still like me." Slade said with a shrug but a small smile climbed onto his lips. "Aren't animals supposed to become similar to their owner or something like that?"
"I don't think it works that way." Dick mused. He finally stood up from that desk and threw his arms over his head to stretch a little. Slade watched the way his shirt rode up, uncovering a patch of golden skin.
"I suppose not." Slade hummed. "That demon tries to claw my other eye out whenever I'm near you."
"That's so not true!" Dick protested with a laugh.
"Mhm. Tell me that when he'll succeed."
"He won't! Whatever, let's just go get that coffee."
"It's still mine." Slade reminded him even as he walked towards the kitchen.
Dick followed him like a puppy. Slade could almost see his tail wagging.
"Oh?" Dick hummed. He eyed the cups but didn't reach for them immediately - instead he jumped up to sit on a countertop. He seemed to favor table-like objects today. "Is there anything I could do to make you share?"
"There might be." Slade smirked. "You're a smart boy, I'm sure you can figure something out."
Dick answered the smile and wrapped his arms around Slade's neck. His legs opened temptingly in invitation that Slade had no intention of turning down.
With Dick sitting on the countertop they were almost the same height so when he leaned forward-
An awfully loud hiss sounded.
"I fucking hate this cat." Slade muttered, banging his head against Dick's shoulder.
Dick just laughed.
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justfangirlthingies · 4 years
Caught my eye (Corpse Husband x reader)
Soulmate AU: In which everyone has one eye in their own eye colour and one in the colour of their soulmate. However, when you are close to meeting each other, your vision will change to the soulmate's one, letting you know you are close. When your eyes meet they will change their colour to their original eye colour.
Word count: 4189 words
Warnings: cursing because that is automatically given when writing about Corpse
Another Soulmate AU from my Wattpad account let's go!
Staring into the camera were a pair of, colourwise mismatched, eyes, one iris a deep brown and the other one a shimmering (e/c).
It was not unusual for someone to have two different eye colours in one set of eyes, it simply meant one had yet to find their significant other.
Pressing record on your camera you let your eyes stay right in front of the lens for a second before rolling backwards on your chair, your torso now in frame as well "Hello all of you beautiful individuals! I'm (y/yt/n) and as always I welcome you here!" You waved at your camera, a warm and welcoming smile gracing your lips. "In case this is your first time stumbling over this channel" you paused a second and giggled "Hi, welcome to this chaos!" Slowly you neared the camera again "Leave while you still can" you whisper shouted into your microphone.
"No hold on don't leave please! I was just kidding" You joked at your camera.
A happy sigh escaped your mouth as you leaned back in your chair "Today is q & a time isn't it?" You wiggled your eyebrows at the blinking light in front of you "Well let's get to it then...hmm...lemme see. Youtubetrash asks 'how old are you (Y/n)?' Do you always have to ask that question guys?" You scold playfully "I'm 19, but I really don't get why this is so important to you that I have to answer it in every video, like do you want to know the exact amount of days and minutes? Will you stop asking it every goddamn time then?" You chuckled as you ran a hand through your (h/l), (h/c) hair. "Right, next question! SusanIsAFish wants to know which eye colour my own is. I can easily answer that with either 'both are' or 'hell if I know' I've always had two eye colours like how am I supposed to know." A grin spread on your face as you continued to interact with your community's questions...
"Alright alright these are the last two questions guys. Nightmaresscareme...honestly same" you laughed as you read the users name out aloud. When you calmed down again you cleared your throat and continued "Ahem, anyways they wanna know if I found my soulmate already and who it is....Do I look like I found my soulmate?" You asked smiling as you approached the recording device once again and pointed a finger at each eye. "I have no Idea who it is but maybe you find whoever it is because all of you people are little Sherlock's I swear, you find out everything." Laughter erupted from your throat once again as you pointed at your camera.
"Last but not least, (y/n)stan asks 'when will you collab with Jack again? The two of you promised to make a video or something together?' Woah calm down, honestly I don't even think he remembers that, it was years ago. How do you even remember that (y/n)stan? I swear to god that's exactly what I meant with ya'll being Sherlock's." You wiggled your eyebrows again "But if you do remember, Seán and you magically happen to see this video. What happened to our collab plans dude?" You giggled "Alrighty guys that's it for today's video. Stay awesome my dudes, dudettes and in betweens and I'll see ya in the next one!" You winked and waved before stopping your recording and going straight to editing your video.
Just as you were about to upload your piece of work, your phone rang, scaring you in the process and causing you to delete your video. You groan in frustration holding your head in your palms.
"This better be important..." you mumbled to yourself as you went to check your phone. Seriously?! It was a Twitter notification. You sighed and ignored it for now, saving your video was a priority right now.
After hours of retrieving and re-editing your footage you finally uploaded the video to the worldwide known platform and picked up your phone to see what Twitter wanted from you.
As you opened the app you saw that it was a private message from none other than Jacksepticeye. What a freaking coincidence you thought, a smile now appearing on your face as you read the message. All your frustration was gone and instead replaced with confusion and laughter.  "What kind of message is that?" You muttered as you shook your head laughing.
Hey (Y/n) what colours are your eyes again?
What kinda question is that? Lmao
Just answer my question dum dum :)
A raven haired male was on a discord call with his online friend that he had just revealed his face to. "Jack what are you doing now?" The young man laughed at his friend.
"Hold on, I'm texting someone."
The dark haired man sighed and waited "that's not very polite you know" he smiled.
"Pschh I'm finding your soulmate, what's impolite about that?" The Irish man looked up from his phone and back at his Computer screen. Only to start laughing at the other's reaction.
"Corpse? You good?" He kept on laughing at the dumbfounded expression on Corpse's face.
Who as a reaction turned off his camera, suddenly feeling very insecure towards his friend again.
"What do you mean?" His deep voice asked cautious.
"Don't worry man I'm not leaking your face or any info to anyone" he smiled reassuringly. "Your eyes just reminded me of someone else with the same or very similar ones. At least I hope I remember their eye colours correctly" He rambled on.
"Oh..." came from the other line, which was now more quiet than usual.
Seán noticed the change in his friend's behaviour and immediately stopped what he was doing. "I'm sorry Corpse..." the Irishman scratched bis neck awkwardly "I should've asked you first"
"I-it's fine. I just can't imagine anyone wanting to be my soulmate" the male sighed.
His friend flashed an encouraging smile at the screen "Dude! Anyone would be happy to be your soulmate. I know I would be! You are great, I know you probably don't believe me but I mean it bud. Besides, your soulmate is your other half, it's like they were made for you"
One could hear a sigh coming from the black screen as Corpse turned his camera back on, his pink tinted cheeks now showing up on screen as well. He had put his eye-patch on, leaving only his brown eye visible. "And you're really sure?" He asked quietly.
"100% sure! Anyone with half a brain would know how lovable you are" the blue eyed male grinned. "Besides, the person I'm thinking of also has a YouTube channel, I think I still owe them a collab, sooo I could maybe invite them to play some kind of-"
He cut himself off. "They answered!"
Well they're like brown and (e/c), it's such a weird mix though.
Hey (Y/n), how about we do that collab? You could fly out and we meet up
You still remember that? XD
Yeah sure I'd love that, I just had someone ask me about that collab today.
But seriously dude why are my eyes interesting to you all of a sudden? You found my soulmate or smth 🧐😂
So when are you coming?
You literally just asked me if I even wanna come! Like come on, you think I've booked a flight already? Just like 10 minutes after you asked me to travel there?
As a matter of fact I don't just think so, I know it ;)
So when do I have the honors of picking your jet-lagged ass up at the airport?
This weekend
Time skip
A happy sigh escaped your lips as you felt the plane reaching the ground of its destination. You swiftly grabbed your bag and left the plane to get the rest of your luggage.
A yawn escaped your mouth as you grabbed your stuff, staying awake during the whole flight probably wasn't your best idea, but you couldn't help it. To you it was simply impossible to fall asleep on a journey by plane.
Your eyes skimmed the airport as you were searching for your friend.
After a few minutes of looking around you decided to sit down and wait, he was probably still on his way to the airport.
Just as you decided to open up your phone you got smacked in the face... With a balloon? "What the hell?" You whispered as you were pulled up from your seat and embraced. "(Y/N)! Hey! I haven't seen you in forever"
You looked up a little confused as you reciprocated the hug. "Well hello to you too Seán"
He chuckled and grabbed one of your bags before dragging you with him. "How can you be so motivated and energetic?" You giggled and tried to keep up with your Irish friend. "That (Y/n), is simply because I'm not sleep deprived like you"
Setting up his stream was a curly haired nervous mess. He was always nervous when he had to stream. But today was somehow worse.
The half Mexican ran his fingers through his hair. It was just a game with friends right? However, he had never played this game before.
His nerves getting to him caused Corpse to cancel the idea of a stream. "I'll just be there and play along, that's fine too. I don't need to stream every time I'm playing a game with my friends..." he muttered to himself.
With a bottle of water beside him he started the game and went through the tutorial. "Man this game is fucking cute" he laughed before joining the discord call, just to be engulfed in a complete chaos of voices.
"Hey Corpse is here! Hi hi!" A Swedish voice boomed through his headphones along with the rest of the group greeting him. "Hey guys" he replied as he joined their server in the game. "So what are we doing? Why is no one starti-" the deep voice started but was cut of by someone else.
"HOLY FUCKING- Who the hell was that?! Hello by the way" The whole call erupted in laughter at the reaction of the (h/c) haired individual.
"Uhh hi, that was me" Corpse answered laughing as he scratched his head nervously "and you also just answered my question for me thank you, whoever you are" Everyone laughed once again.
"Okay but seriously who are you?" Dave asked.
"Jack! You said you told em that I'd join" you huffed as you glanced At your friend next to you, you were sharing one discord account for this call as you sat right next to each other and didn't want the quality of the call to go down because of an echo. Both of you streamed online on twitch.
"Whoops! I thought I did" he chuckled once more as he introduced you to the party. "Well then..." he coughed in an attempt to clear his throat "Drum-roll please! this is (Y/n), they came to visit me this weekend. (Y/n), that's Dave, Felix, Joel, PJ and Corpse."
"Hi" you said suddenly a little nervous because you thought everyone knew you'd join.
Luckily no one seemed to mind that you were here as they greeted you. In fact, they seemed ecstatic to meet you.
"So have any of you not played this before?" Pewds asked the group. "Uh yeah, me" Yours and the deep voice said simultaneously. "But I did the tutorial" Corpse added. "Well I didn't" you laughed. "Great then we're all set, shame on you though (Y/n)!" Seán shouted.
"Jeez man, you told me to skip it and I can hear you! I'm right next to you and not deaf in case you didn't know" you sassed back, causing laughter to bounce through your headset once more.
"(Y/n) and Corpse you two haven't played before that means you count as one person for the group things cause both of you are noobs and if you count as one we have even team numbers" The swede joked.
"We're the Meowfia" Jack laughed, starting off with his puns for this game.
(Y/n) snorted at that as everyone chose the animals of their teams. Corpse chose the cat with an eye-patch along with his team. "Maan this is peer pressure!" Your voice called out "lucky for me I like cats"
"That is the truth" the Irish voice boomed through the call once again, "I mean you should see, even their headphones have cat ears"
"I wanna see that!" Dave shouted.
"Can we see them in your cam Jack?" PJ asked.
"Not completely, they're streaming on Twitch though, its at (Y/YT/N) on Twitch and YouTube" Seán smiled as he pat your back.
"You can't just expose me like that!" The cute voice answered panicking.
"I gotta see that, hold on!" Felix shouted as he opened up your stream smirking as he followed you. "Corpse, they'll ruin your life" he continued as your cheeks flushed a bright red, suddenly feeling so exposed and put on the spot "why...why am I ruining his life?" You asked, cocking an eyebrow.
Corpse had also opened up your account as he stared in awe at the enchanting individual now on his computer screen. Were you the one Jack had meant? No it couldn't be.
"Well you see, he wrote a song about cat girls ruining his life. Right Corpse?" This statement made him come back to reality and quite flustered at that "Huh? What-  ...ohhh uhm- uh- yeah" he responded in a stutter, the pale skin of his cheeks heating up and turning red.
"Corpse are you alright?" you asked, concern not only laced in your voice but also written all over your face, which he saw. This whole ordeal just made him blush more. There was a short pause "...Yeah.." the raven haired responded. But not even a second later a laugh erupted in the call "Did we just catch you right handed?" The voice belonged to Dave. "What do you mean?" Corpse asked confused. While he waited for a response from his friend, he started fiddling with his rings as he kept his eyes on (Y/N)'s stream which was still pulled up on his screen. "Well, did we catch you watching her stream?" Dave replied trying to hold in his laughter.
Your expression changed as your eyes went wide and you looked right at your camera "Is that true?" Your voice chimed in as a hint of pink spread across your cheeks, one of your eyebrows arched. "Well..." The man with the username 'CORPSE' cleared his throat "I had to see if Jack and Felix were speaking the truth..."
A smirk spread across your face "And? Were they honest?" you laughed as your Irish companion moved his face into the frame of your camera wiggling his eyebrows. The only answer you got to your question was silence before the deep voice continued "Alright let's start this game." Yet another laugh escaped your throat when you noticed the lack of a reply to your question. However, one could say that silence was an answer on its own.
The young guy sighed loudly after the game had ended, rolling back, away from his table, in his gaming chair he ran his hands through his curly hair. The game was fun, but it was exhausting for the man to concentrate on a game this long. Just as he was about to get up, turn all devices off and leave, he heard a familiar sound coming from his computer screen.
A discord call and video call at that was incoming from none other that Jacksepticeye. So, Corpse rolled forward in his chair again as he checked if his camera was turned off and covered. After reassuring himself that his face was hidden he accepted the call. "Hey whaddup?" He greeted his loud friend who immediately responded with a "Hey my man". His mismatched eyes widened as he looked at the screen, it was not only Jack on the call...they were there as well, a shy smile plastered on their face as they kept their eyes closed "Hey Corpse, tell me when your camera is off. Sean told me it might be on and I don't want you to accidentally expose yourself to me." "Oh yeah, it's off. You can open your eyes it's fine." Just as he finished his sentence their eyelids slowly fluttered open as they stared at the black screen and waved. There was no way to describe the feeling that went through him as he admired you in awe. He seemed starstruck and without thinking he blurted out "You have to visit San Diego sometime, but like soon"
Your eyes widened slightly not knowing how to respond to that "Umm...yeah I dunno, maybe someday?" Jack gasped dramatically "You never invited me over even though I'm the one you trusted enough to show your face to!"
Yet another time today, the male behind the black screen felt a blush grow on his face. "Well i-it's your fault for introducing me to your friend. And umm sorry if I was a bit too blunt there" He stuttered. "No it's fine. I'm a very spontaneous person ya know." You replied an embarrassed smile gracing your lips once more "But you could be a killer for all I know...sorry you probably hear that one a lot haha. Also, would you even be comfortable enough to meet up..." slowly you started drifting off with what you were saying. As soon as you realized you were trailing off of the topic at hand, you tried to get back to the conversation "ahem.. yeah, anyways as I was saying...someday sure. I mean...I am traveling around at the moment because I flew to Brighton. Maybe you know, we could get to know each other a bit better first" you smiled nervously as you replied.
"Ah yes...of course. Though I do have a question for you Seán. Is (Y/n) the one we spoke of a few days ago?" came back as a reply. He had a plan to gain their trust if they really were his suspected soulmate. The man next to (Y/n) nodded and gave a wink to the camera they used for the call. This action just confused you even more and it must have shown on your face because your loud friend started laughing at you. "Don't worry it was nothing bad" Jack reassured. "Hold on, is this about the random-" there was a lot of shuffling coming from the black screen. The noise had startled you a bit, causing you to stop mid sentence. "the random question about my eyes?" You continued your question, looking at that Irish friend of yours, but you didn't get a reply for there was another loud noise coming from Corpse's side of the screen. You shifted your attention back to the screen in front of you again just to be met with more shuffling and a sudden colour change of the screen. Your eyes widened as you saw a face only briefly for a split second before your vision suddenly changed. You looked around to see an unfamiliar room and as you saw the sight before your eyes you felt as though they were going to pop out of their sockets at any moment.
No fucking way...
"Holy shit" you heard the words leave both your mouths. You just stared at the screen in front of you to see yourself, who apparently sat on the other side of the screen next to Seán. And you also saw the live view of a young man with black curly hair, dressed in black in a small window of the computer. You felt really dizzy all of a sudden and the light before your eyes went black briefly before returning to more used surroundings again.
Realisation dawned on you as you blinked a few times and spoke aloud "I-I just imagined that right? There's no way. C-Corpse you didn't happen to experience that right now, did-did you?"
"Holy fuck..." you heard a low mutter coming from the speakers.
Jack looked at you, eyebrows raised in confusion for a second before realization dawned on him and a knowing smirk appeared on his face as he shouted "CALLED IT!"
The two of you could not yet comprehend what was happening, let alone listen and realize what your mutual friend had to say.
After a few minutes of complete silence you tore your eyes away from the pen on Jack's desk, which had become the most interesting thing and perfect staring partner for the past minutes and shifted your gaze back to the young raven-haired individual before you, a small smile and a huge blush grazing your facial features as you spoke up, voice quiet and soft, but also full of nervousness "soo...umm...Corpse, are you gonna give me that address in San Diego?"
The question stood in the room for a few moments as silence engulfed you once again. Corpse's expression on his bright red face however, showed he was pondering."Y-yeah of course...sure...I-I'll text it to you if you give me that number of yours..." Then there was a pause. "Whe-When can I expect you then?"
This time it was your turn to think. "How about directly when you leave Brighton?" Jack chimed in. "But th-that's like in two days..." you stuttered in response. It was a nice idea and you did feel a pull to meet this handsome stranger as soon as possible. "Well yeah, that's the point is it not? I already checked for flights while you two where staring off somewhere....Sooo? Should I buy the ticket real quick? You can thank me later." Your mismatching eyes kept switching your gaze from your friend who had made this crazy suggestion and your apparent soulmate who now wore an eyepatch and was watching you expectantly while patiently awaiting your answer. A small sigh left your lips as you made your decision. When you tried to verbally answer though, your voice had left you, so you made eye-contact with the man also known as Corpse Husband, who had trusted you enough to reveal his face to you, and just gave him a small nod. He seemed to understand and gave you a reassuring smile.
"It's final then?" Seán, who had watched this whole ordeal unfold asked smiling happily as you just nodded once again "Y-yeah"
Two days later you found yourself on yet another plane ride, but this time it was not to England, nor was its destination your home. You sat on your seat in silence, music which you couldn't concentrate on, blasting through your headphones while you  twiddled with your fingers, bouncing your leg up and down quickly. What were you gonna say? He would pick you up outside of the airport in order to avoid bumping into things when the view-switching-thing would happen.
Meanwhile, the faceless YouTuber had finished tidying up his apartment and prepared everything for your arrival. He would be lying if he said he didn't look you up on the socials to learn more about you.
About half an hour before the plane would land he drove off to your designated meeting spot. He arrived there 10 minutes early so he could mentally prepare himself. About 5 minutes later he put on his black face mask and exited his car. At first he was gonna wait for you here, but his nerves and heart got the better of him, so he made his way closer inside the airport building to meet you halfway. What he didn't know was that your plane would land early. So, as he made his way through the people, which was way out of his comfort zone already, he started to see black dots clouding his view, but suddenly he came from the other side. Oh no. The body kept walking until he saw himself in the crowd.
Your eyes met as you tried to navigate through the crowd of people, it was hard as you had to control your own body somehow even though you could only see what your soulmate would usually see. Finally you had gotten somewhat closer to one another and as you came to a halt, your bodies mere inches apart as your eyesight returned to your own again. You looked up at the man in front of you in awe. Your eyes were fixated on his as you noticed the (e/c) in his one eye fade away, just to be replaced by this beautiful shade of brown that was in his other eye. The colour you knew so well because you had seen it in the mirror in one of your own eyes everyday. "Your eyes" you whispered. He smiled in return "yours too..it's nice to meet you (Y/n). My soulmate. You are even more dazzling in person" he complimented. "I can't say anything else besides the same applies to you" You smiled in return as your face went red. "Well then...Shall we?" he grinned as he took one of your backpacks and started walking. "Hey! Wait up!" You laughed as you ran to catch up to your soulmate...
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eutxrpe · 4 years
painting a picture
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—there is no color combination that could ever paint a picture like you. izuku (with the help of his students) still tries to capture your essence on a canvas though.—
pairing: elementary schoolteacher!izuku x gender neutral!reader word count: 2.1k words warnings: fluff, izuku being a simp for you, a bit of second-hand embarrassment the art in the banner belongs to @/hanabiy_chan on twitter!
song inspiration: picture perfect (freestyle) - jhene aiko
a/n: this is both dedicated to and caused by @whipped-cream-writings​. you know what happened for this to be a thing. thank you for being you and inspiring this.
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if there was ever a time to be embarrassed about something that deku’s students have said to him, it would be now.
“mr. deku? are you dating someone?” izuku’s head snaps up to see hina, one of his most extroverted students. many other students come over to his desk, intrigued by the question that hina had asked. their little heads surround the table, and eyes peer at him over the height of his desk. 
“yea, are you?”
“tell us! tell us!” tiny voices chant in unison before izuku shushes them all gently. he internally reminds himself that they are innocent six-year olds that were not trying to purposefully embarrass him before answering.
“y-yes, i am dating someone,” the class erupts into cheers before quieting down again. they don’t disperse and head back to their tables like izuku had hoped, because hina looks at him with bright, brown eyes and continues the conversation.
“what are they like? do you love them? do youuuu?” her hair bounces as she drawls out the last syllable of her statement.
“hina, isn’t it time to go back to your seat?” deku asked, cheeks flushing a deep pink at the questioning. shaking her head, she only giggles.
“it’s free time, isn’t it?” she pouts. “also you didn’t answer my question. i...i could always make you, though!” and izuku watches as the brown of her eyes turns a deep black to the point the iris matches her pupils. one of the oldest in her class, hina had already manifested her quirk: the ability to make anyone do what they she wants when they make eye contact with her but only when her eyes were fully black.
“hina.” he makes his tone more strict, catching her attention and making her gaze drift down to the floor. “no quirk usage in the classroom, okay? it’s not fair to your other classmates who don’t have theirs yet.”
“yea, i know it’s a power imbalance or somethin’… but please? tell me?” and when izuku sees her eyes again, they’re back to the umber they usually are and hold only truth in them. he sighs. 
“after this, you’ll go back to your seat?” with an enthusiastic nod, deku catches his lip in between his thumb and pointer finger, trying to figure out how to describe you: the love of his life.
“they’re… amazing. i don’t know any words that could describe the way that i love them. but they’re that feeling when you have your favorite drink for the first time in forever! or-”
“you’re gonna ramble, mr. deku.” hina’s straight-forwardness could be taken as rudeness eventually... he’d have to take her over to bakugo’s or todoroki’s class one day to see what she does in other people. “i know that if i were in love, i’d show them what i couldn’t tell them!”
hina’s reply sparks an idea for a long-term project for his students… and for the both of you. izuku stands up, clapping his hands to get their attention. brushing his hair away from his face, the students see the glee in his emerald eyes and know that it’ll be an interesting project.
“what do you guys think of doing some painting over the next few weeks?”
“izu, you’re home!” at the sound of his footsteps, izuku sees you turn around and smile at him and his heart flutters. you’re wearing one of his oversized sweaters and mismatched socks that soften the noise of your feet padding down the hallway to kiss him.
“hi, angel.”
your hands cup his freckled cheeks, and he hopes that you don’t feel the amount of heat that crosses them. from your laugh, he knows that the opposite is true. your expression suddenly changes from content to focused, and midoriya feels your thumb rub away some pink paint.
“paint?” you step back and arch your eyebrow at him, walking away to the kitchen to wash your hands. taking off his blazer and folding it over his arms, izuku follows you, the baritone of his voice floating over to you across the island that separates the two of you. 
“i started a new art project with them,” izuku explains while he plays with his fingers, a habit he’s never really gotten over since his high school days. “their assignment is to supposed to paint something, someone —anything really— that brings them happiness. and then they asked me to do it with them.”
“and you just couldn’t say no?” after drying your hands, you turn around to face him, eyebrow arched and mouth curved into an amused smile. he feels heat race across his cheeks as he nods bashfully. “then i assume you’re painting all might.”
“well… you’ll see.”
“you’re so forgetful when it comes to your health, you know that?” your unforgettable voice can be heard from across the room to deku, holding the lunch that you reminded him to take three times in total. the students, including one excitable hina, turn their heads up at the noise and gasp.
“mr. deku, is this (y/n)?” after shy confirmation from him, the class cheers and deku raises both of his hands to turn the shouts to hushed whispers.
“p-please go back to what you were doing! you guys wouldn’t want to wake up kacchan, would you?” the bunny that sat on the counter was taking a short nap, his expression relaxed which was the opposite of his hostile behavior. at the mention of the angry bunny, the students went back to work, dipping their fingers in the paint as they continued to talk about you. you shyly smiled and rolled your eyes at the excitement that your arrival caused.
“do you want me to go over to you? or…” your sentence causes deku to blush and stand up quickly, striding over to where you were at the door.
“no, it’s fine… i know that it was hard to take this time out of your schedule. thank you, sweetheart.” he murmurs, trying not to take the children’s attention off of their project. izuku takes the lunch from your hands, giving you a smile and squeezing your hand softly.
“of course! i’ll see you at home later?” he enthusiastically nods, and you kiss as a farewell, lips slotting against each other lovingly. it seemed like you were about to deepen it, but hina’s voice causes you two to part.
and deku has never felt so embarrassed about showing his love for you. heat streams across his cheeks and down his neck while you laugh innocently. slinging your arms around his neck to pull him into a hug, you whisper your goodbyes into his ear, knowing that he would be mumbling about this into your lap at home tonight. in a sort of apology, izuku presses kisses into your neck. (knowing that his back was to hina, of course.) and like the angel you are, you giggle lightly at the sensation, and midoriya knows he’s been forgiven, even if there was nothing to forgive.
afterwards, you turn away, and midoriya sighs at the sound of your shoes against the hallway flooring. clutching the bento you brought him in his hands, he walks back to his desk and back to what he was trying to encapture in his painting. that was until he heard what hina mumbles —or tried to mumble— in the relatively quiet room.
“so that’s what love looks like…”
for once, deku lets out a sigh of relief at work. it was peaceful, and seeing all of the proud smiles on his (they were his at this point; he cared for them that deeply) children’s faces made him proud as well.
all was calm, and so before kacchan woke up from his nap, deku clapped his hands together and stood up, attracting the students’ attention.
“guys… i’m going to need your help with this plan i have, okay?”
you had been surprised when izuku called you while he was at work one day. he was almost religious with the amount of dedication and attention into his students and put his phone on silent everyday. so when he asked you to come to his classroom, you were shocked but quickly rushed over.
your heart skipped a beat with every step you took forward to the door, mind conjuring the worst scenarios every time you thought of izuku’s nervous, high-pitched tone.
“just c-come over as soon as possible please, angel!” you loved this man, but sometimes you just didn’t know what was in his mind. 
and with bated breath, you opened the door to his classroom and gasped.
the room formerly had circular tables on top of an area rug with all might memorabilia on the walls and children running havoc around it. 
but this room had fairy lights around it, giving it this safe haven aura, and there was a pathway to the other side of the room by separating the tables. someone squeezed your hand, so you tore yourself away from the look of the new room and made your eyes look downward. by the excited look in her eyes and proud smirk on her face, you assumed that this was hina, the same girl who had squealed in disgust during your kiss with izuku. 
“follow me, (y/n)!” and although it was a very small distance, you took her smaller hand within yours and let her lead you to the other side of the room where you saw izuku, who was beside an easel. before walking away to another room, hina narrowed her eyes at your boyfriend, telling him to “man up and do it or i’ll do it for you!”
“what’s happening, izuku? is something wrong?” you let him take your hands and he immediately told you everything was okay.
“i just… n-needed to tell you something before i lost the courage to do so. you know that project i told you about earlier?” you nod, trying not to say anything as you saw him fight for the right words. “well… for someone who brings me happiness, i chose you.”
izuku walks behind you to envelop you within his arms from behind, hiding his face in your neck. you tear the paper hiding his work from you away and gasp at what you see.
“i’m not a very good painter! the sketch was much better…” and you know that he wasn’t being modest.
your features were there, but blobs of paint were astray in different places. your eyes were too far apart and your hair was just a touch different than it usually is. but you let yourself fall into the colors that he chose.
the background was pink and you remember that one morning, izuku had told you that you reminded him of the color of a carefree love: baby pink.
you were wearing the same outfit that you were on your first date, and you can’t help but tear up slightly at the amount of detail that he put into this painting.
“izuku… it’s bad but good at the same time, you dork. i love it. i love y-” you turn around to find him on one knee and his own eyes watering. “-ou.”
“i- um, bare with me, here.” you run your hands through his soft locks of hair and sniffle, and he just knows that you’re always going to listen to him. 
“i could never put into words just how much you mean to me. which is probably why i put off this for so long. hah, i- you’re perfect, angel. perfect for me. i’ve always been in love with you even before we started to date… and just seeing you take care of me because i’m so forgetful when it comes to my health and always being there for me in the mornings has made me fall for you again and again everyday. i call these kids my world, but you’re my universe, my love. a picture so perfect that i tried and failed to encompass you.”
you sniffle again, and he presses soft kisses to the top of your hand, trying to compose himself to ask the damn question once and for all. he looks up and into your eyes, and finally… he’s determined to make you his.
“it would make me the happiest man in the world if you could marry me, (y/n).” he lets go of your hand to crack open the velvet ring box to reveal the prettiest ring you’ve ever seen. although you sometimes don’t know what goes through izuku’s head, it’s like he was in yours picking out this beautiful moonstone. 
you get down on the ground too, resting your forehead against his as you whisper out a yes.
“yes… yes, i’ll marry you, ‘zuku. any day, any time, because it’s you. i love you.” you kiss his lips over and over again, making him giggle and pull you even closer on this kindergarten class floor.
and you’re not sure if the moment is ruined or made better by bakugo opening the door to his class and letting hina & the other students loudly rush into the room.
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illyaana · 3 years
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Homebound to you - Sasha Blaus
I can't find the artist on Tumblr (again (>人<;)) but this is the twitter post!
Synopsis: You are childhood friends with Sasha. This part is on how you grew up with Sasha and how she told you how she's joining the Training Corps. (if I tell anymore, it isn't a synopsis welp-)
Tags: Sasha x Binaural Reader, Fluff, SFW
Word Count: 2226
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Fanfiction Masterlist
The lush meadows of Dauper Village - the place both you called home.
It wasn’t one that you’d see written in the papers about its beauty. It was a hidden gem known by those who were willing to venture out and seek it. The forest welcomed you - the sounds of the woodland creatures and the wind against the bushes reminded you of life when you believed the world was much more peaceful than it was. The scene of an ocean blue stream of water surrounded by small animals was vivid in your memories.
“You don’t want to join me? It isn’t that dirty, trust me,” a 6-year-old Sasha said, gripping tightly onto the ends of your shirt.
Sasha Braus - the girl you’ve known ever since you were a kid.
No one could imagine the daughter of a hunter being friends - close friends - with the child of a scholar, but you both proved them wrong.
Sasha was your first ever friend. She was the one who made the introverted you more social with others.
She was the first person you truly cared for - nothing could’ve changed that.
Sasha played along a stream of water right beside the willow tree you both found the first time you ventured into the forest. She’d jump feet first into the stream, diverting the flow of water into multiple small streams before converging in the front of her feet. She loved seeing the small fishes play with each other as if they were racing to meet a bigger water source.
She’d beg you to join her in the small game - but you never did.
You wanted to steal every single moment with her in your eyes - to let it sink into the deepest parts of your brain.
“I’d rather stay dry, Sasha. My mom would kill me if I go back home with my clothes all wet,” your younger self said, trying to reason with her.
Sasha’s face immediately paled the minute you finished that sentence. She looked to her now soaked trousers. A ring of dried mud formed on the top half of her trousers decorated with dried leaves and vines.
“Why didn’t you warn me earlier?” she said, anger stricken on her face, “Mama is going to kill me now. I didn’t expect it to be this dirty.”
You chuckle at the red-faced girl in front of you.
This girl was meant for greatness - no one could deny that.
The adventurous side of hers could never be tamed.
It was wild and relentless - and you loved it to bits.
“You’re wearing shorts underneath, right?”
She nodded.
You sighed.
“Take off the trousers. I’ll wash them as best as I can and you sling it on your shoulder so that it can dry. That’s the best I can offer,” you told her.
In an instant, she ran to the bushes, took off her trousers and tossed them to you.
“You’re only 6-years old - how can you think like an adult at such a young age?” she said, an inquisitive look painted on her face.
“I grew up surrounding playful 6-year-olds, that’s why,” you said, teasing her, “I basically became their mom - looking after them, making sure they behaved well in public - I did it all.”
As time passed, Sasha became more than just a friend you used to look after.
You both became each others’ rocks - the very thing that kept each other from falling.
Sasha learnt how to hunt - to survive in the harsher world of the forest.
You learnt knowledge - to create and to move the world with a pen and paper.
You never saw Sasha hunt but you’ve pictured it billions of times.
You pictured her hazel-colored hair dancing in the air as she rode her horse. Her golden-brown eyes would focus solely on her target - they would force her victim to shudder and slow down, to become hers. Her muscles would flex under her thin shirt as he pulled the arrow in her hands against the bow - the tip fixed exactly at the weak point of her target. Then, with one swift release, her victim would fall and a rush of happiness would surge within her.
You could only draw it and picture it in your head, but how you wished to see her in action.
She’d always bring a huge portion of the meat she gained for your family. She’d say she caught more than she expected, but you could hear the rumbles from her parents.
Eventually, your families decided to move into one house to reduce the problems faced by the Braus family.
Your family would provide the income - the money to buy resources. The Braus family would help in gaining food and rationing out how much from the resources to use.
Even though your parents hated the idea of moving in with hunters, you were ecstatic.
You imagined a life with Sasha, and you were going to get a glimpse of it.
Every night, she’d come into your room with a cup of tea and talk about her hunt. You, on the other hand, would talk about what you’ve learnt for the day. Even though she never understood what you spoke on, she’d try her best to listen and even ask questions when she didn’t understand.
You taught Sasha how to use a quill while she taught you the wonders of the wild.
Sasha entered your room in the middle of the night. She had her blanket wrapped around her as she held two mugs of tea.
She saw how you continued to study throughout the night. You’d use an oil lamp as a light source as you crammed for all the future tests and exams you were going to face.
She hated the sight of you slowly losing energy. The eyebags under your eyes intensified each day. You didn’t smile as much as you used to. You lost the energy you had when you were younger.
Yet Sasha managed to keep hers, just like you wanted.
“Tea break?” she suggested, pushing a mug into your hands, “I caught a deer today! Tomorrow, you’re eating venison - get ready!”
You shook your head in denial as you placed the mug on the table.
“I swear, Y/N,” she started, agitation clear in your voice, “I will burn all your books if you don’t stop and drink tea with me right now.”
You knew Sasha’s threatens were to be taken seriously. She seriously once burned an essay you needed to hand in the next day.
You immediately closed your book and placed the hot cup of Chamomile tea in your hands. The mug itself gave you warmth, making you sigh in content.
Sasha hopped on your bed, dropping the blanket to her sides. She closed her eyes as she brought the cup of hot tea to her nose, taking it in.
You swear that she almost looked like an angel at that moment.
Her soft locks now reached her shoulders - messy and tousled. The pale moonlight against her skin highlighted her features. The gold flecks in her eyes against the hazel shined - it even showed against the steam wafting from the cup. The scar on her left shoulder from one of her hunts showed through the almost see-through shirt, showing how strong she was as a warrior.
You smiled, leaning against your chair while taking in the beauty in front of you.
“Y/N?” Sasha called.
“When are you free?”
“I should be free by this Friday, my exams end then.”
“Oh...” she said, trailing off.
You walk to sit beside her and place your head on your shoulder. You felt her relax as he placed her head on top of yours.
“Is everything good?”
She begins rubbing her head against yours.
“I’m good. I’m just worried about the future, that’s all.”
“The world must be ending,” you joke, “You’re actually thinking ahead.”
Sasha flicked your forehead, “Stupid - of course, I need to!”
A silence formed between the two of you as you both stared at the sky from your windows. It was pitch black. Stars twinkled against the black canvas, dancing to a song only they knew. The clouds tried their best to hide the beauty of the night, but their efforts were in vain.
“I’m thinking of joining the Training Corps,” Sasha said, cutting the silence.
Your face paled.
“What?” you froze.
“I hate hiding in fear, Y/N. I hate the fact we stay hiding away from the thing that threatens our lives. We should be killing it rather than just killing animals for meat,” she said with a serious voice.
You put both of your finished mugs on the floor and grab Sasha’s hands, forcing her to face you.
“Sasha, you might die. You might never see your parents again, you might lose everything,” tears form in your eyes, “I can’t lose you, Sasha - not now, not ever.”
She smiles while wiping the formed tears in your eyes.
“Bold of you to assume I’ll die the minute I see Titans,” she says.
She pulls you out of the bed, dusting off her shirt.
“We’re going out for a while. Get ready for an adventure after so many years, Y/N L/N.”
You both snuck out of the house and got on her horse. With one nudge from her, you both rode off into the forest. Through the dark greens emerged fireflies that lit the view before you. You spotted the eventful stream, the sleeping woodland creatures and the plants that reminded you of your childhood.
You turned to face the back of Sasha, and you were in awe.
She looked exactly like how you pictured her to look.
Her dancing hair, her flowing skirt, her smile - everything - it was what you imagined.
You wrapped your arms around her waist, pulling yourself closer to you. You pressed your head against her back, earning a chuckle from the horse rider.
“You better come home to me, Sasha Braus. I will never forgive you if you don’t.”
“As if I won’t.”
She signaled the horse to stop at the willow tree you used to spend most of your childhood days at.
She gets off the horse and runs to the tree. Her fingers slowly graze the tree, reminiscing all the memories you both have made right here.
“You know,” she started, “I used to stare at you reading those books of yours under this tree. The wind would blow softly for you when you perched yourself under the tree, but the vines of leaves at its branches would move so much. It was as if they were dancing for you. Even if I brought a drink or a snack, you’d just give me your portion and continue to read those books, but when I wanted you to talk to me, you’d instantly put the book down and give all your attention to me.”
“Well,” you say, “I’d always look up once in a while and see you play with the animals in that little bush there,” you point at the bush covered by fireflies, “I’d see you try picking up squirrels and capture butterflies wondering what goes on in your head.”
You get off the horse and walk towards Sasha.
“I’ll miss this the most when I leave, I think. This small haven we made from trees will always be my first home.”
You hug Sasha from behind, gripping onto her loose shirt.
“It’s happening, isn’t it? I can’t talk you out of it, can I?” you say, sniffles stopping you from speaking clearly.
She shook her head and you sigh, feeling defeated.
“Y/N, pass those exams and get into the Royal Capital. I will enter the Military Police and I’ll meet you within Wall Sheena.”
“I’ll try to get everyone to move. Then, we all will be together again,” you say, building your resolve.
Sasha turns to face you. The minute she sees you, she begins to laugh hysterically.
“You look like a lost puppy,” she says as she touches your cheek, “I’ll miss you, Y/N.”
You press your foreheads against each other. You both instinctively close your eyes, enjoying the small moment you two were sharing.
You couldn’t imagine how your life was going to be without the bubbly presence only Sasha could give. To think there would be no more random rendezvous, no more jokes and no more stories from the girl in front of you made you feel the pain you didn’t want anyone to feel.
But you knew that Sasha had aspirations and dreams - you were in no place to stop her, even if her life was on the line.
The only thing you could do was to cherish this little moment with her before years without her begin.
Soon, a swarm of fireflies surrounded the two of you, giving you a clear view of the woman before you. The bright, flickering lights enhanced the raw beauty only Sasha exemplified. Her eyes stared into yours, begging you to say something.
It was only fair to do this now. If it didn’t happen now, you don’t know when you’ll have the chance again.
“I love you, Sasha Braus. Ever since I was kids I-”
“I love you too, Y/N.”
Your lips met under a firefly-lit forest under the willow tree in your safe haven.
Wanna request something or just wanna talk? Go ahead and send me an ask here! If you want to send a request, please check my guidelines to see what I am comfortable with. Thanks for reading <3
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alolanrain · 4 years
Raihan taking pictures with ash having fun with friends, raihan social media followers didn’t know who’s that person with raihan, many followers thinks that raihan best friends just like Leon and others just ship it with raihan and ash as a joke/fanfic
This honestly got away from me very quickly, so have this basically fic that does really keep to the ask.
They were out on some camp sight, Ash’s property he got through his grandpas will that he never touched until last summer when his mom reminded Ash about the property. it was just Ash, his closest friends, their significant others, and Raihan.
Over all it was good. He couldn’t remember a time when he went camping-camping. Like without constant training and devising a way to kick Leon’s ass which he never ended up doing but that’s besides the point. They even brought three awesome Malibu Boats between the semi large group. Most people were paired off into to their respective partnerships or friends pairing up for the night. Raihan was with Ash and they had a good system down.
Raihan is usually placed on the supper side of the two sleeping bags that were dipped together to creat one large one because then Ash wouldn’t accidentally open it up while they were sleeping and stumble off the air mattress and onto the cold floor. Raihan also cornered him to the side of the tent and the past two nights they’ve been essentially cuddling, which they didn’t mind since both were naturally warm and Unova nights can get pretty cold out in this dessert... forest?
Over all they started to slowly stick more around each other. Raihan taking a bunch of pictures and Ash happily joining him when ever he asked. It got to the point where Ash would either slide into Raihans lap or side without prompting when he saw the Rotom Phone flying around Raihans head. It honestly felt good holding Ash by his side and Raihan refused to look at May and Misty’s pointed eyebrow wiggles as they cuddled through the trip. It’s also gotten to the point where, at night by the fire, Ash would pad over with the s’mores stuff and happily sit his cute little butt down in Raihans lap.
Internally Raihan is freaking the fuck out slightly, wanting to either pull Ash closer and kiss the top of his head all over or kinda push him away and go to their tent because Raihan is definitely sure a boner is gonna pop any second, outwardly Raihan keeps his face in his phone and raises a hand to hold onto Ash’s hips as the shorter male kept wiggling about. Getting comfortable while also setting s’mores crackers, chocolates, and peanut butter cups on one of his legs Liz neutral look on his face forced on, especially when Ash did a hard grind against his hips as he wiggles about to get even more comfortable. Inside Raihan was dying, though that didn’t stop him from raising his phone a little and pointed the super HD lense at the smaller one in his lap.
“Hey Ash?” Raihan rumbled. Keeping his voice down because it looked like Brock was dozing off with Olivia happily tucked in his side and fast asleep as well.
“Whu?” Ash spluttered. Desperately trying to swallow the mouthful of a s’mores that he just made and turned to look at Raihan.
“Smile.” The gyn leader grinned. Trying to not sound dreamy as Ash gave Raihan one of his most stunning and happiest smiles Raihan had ever gotten out of him. “Thank you.” He reached out. Gently caressing Ash’s back and smiling a little when Ash lent back a tiny bit, arching his spine to press more into Raihans palm before returning to his s’more that Pikachu had tried to steal without its trainer noticing.
Raihan was angled enough that neither anyone sitting besides him on lounging chairs would be able to see his phone screens. Not like they would anyways because Zoey is trying to silently argue with Dawn that four s’mores is already enough and Gary was sleeping in Tracey’s side, one of the firsts to go down and even before the sun had set.
Raihan looked back at the photo he just took of the Champion in his lap. Ash looked absolutely stunning with the almost twisted almost side profile he gave Raihan. Brown eyes and white teeth lit up by the roaring bonfire behind him and Raihan could easily pick out where Marshmello stuck to his upper lip and chocolat at the sides of his mouth. Half of his freckles on his nose lit and looked like golden specks flicked on while the others were darker but could still be seen by the faint mini lap that was held on by a branch a little up ways and behind the two. Raihans signature hoodie was big and loose on Ash, gathering at Ash’s elbows and exposing his back and fluffy black hair that was a little greasy. Raihan didn’t hesitate posting that picture to almost every sight he was on. Insta, Facebook, Twitter, both private and public Snaps, you name it and it was on there. Captioned it all with;
“Can’t believe I’m out here with him and everyone. such a blessing to know Ash and the gang ❤️”
He did something he normally didn’t do unless he was at home and was one hundred percent certain that he wasn’t gonna be headed for the day and told his Rotom to go have some fun and charge up as well. The shiny little electric Pokémon zoomed off to where Ash’s Charizard and Raihans Flygon was. Hopefully the little bugger won’t make anyone mad. Setting down the now rotom-less phone Raihan leaned back more into the reclining camp chair. Being careful not to knock Ash back or off the chair entirely. Soon enough though some telekinesis snatched the box away and sent it back into the main trailer where they soley keep their utensils and food cold and dry, also because Gary had hurt his back a week prior before the planned trip so they had to be accommodating as much as they could because Gary refused to be left behind.
Ash glared at Zoey and her new Gothorita and the two stuck their tongues out at him before turning back to Dawn and squishing her under her quite complaints. He shrugged and looked back at Raihan. eyeing his chest and bitting his bottom lip like he wanted to ask a question, that sight sent more blood down south because Arceus dammit that was a sinful look and Raihan really wants to cover Ash’s face so he can either calm his dick down or not see Ash’s realization on what’s going on.
“Can I...?” Ash waved his hand and pointed to Raihans chest where one of his arms were crossed over. A hopefully look in his eyes and he leaned down while giving Raihan a look.
“Su-sure!” Raihan coughed into his fist. Thankfully his face was a little to far from the fire and skin to dark for anyone to notice his raging blush. Raising the arm over his chest Ash gladly sunk down. Moving and wiggling about, much time Raihans enjoyment and torture, until he tucked his head a little under Raihans head and had one of his arms reaching across and up to cling to the light jacket Raihan was wearing at the upper shoulder area.
“Comfy?” Raihan couldn’t help but chuckle. His own hands falling back down to curl Ash closer and shift him slightly so that he was hurting each other in anyway like this.
“Mhmm,” Ash sighed, deflating slightly and closing his eyes in bliss, “you’re warm.” Punctuating the last part by Turing his head up and nosing along Raihans lower neck before stilling and enjoying the heat he was getting from both the fire and Raihan.
Raihan really couldn’t move his head much because of how Ash was laying on him and he was thankful. No doubt by the prickly feeling in his spine everyone else, who was awake, was wiggling their eyes at him or giving Raihan a pointed glare. Choosing to take the moment he started running one of his large palms up and down Ash’s back slight. Tipping to the side and not his hip so that he didn’t rub Ash’s ass and and going as far down Ash’s thigh that his long arms could allow without jostling Ash to much.
Said trainer his his arms was practically purring as Ash was becoming putty in his arms. Arching and leaning his back a little into every touch before soft snoring could be heard and Ash didn’t move anymore. Sighing Raihan moved both arms over Ash again and tilted his head back, looking at the stars above and trying to find some constellations to pass the time before someone calls bed time and the rest follow afterwards.
Raihan didn’t post anymore pictures after that one surprisingly, it was only the third night there out of the week stay, though that doesn’t say he didn’t take a lot of pictures.
Most of them just happened to be of Ash or Ash with him or Ash with everyone pokemon. Especially of Ash in his swimsuits.
Raihan drove the biggest Malibu boat, not very keen to know what kind it is or power it had just that it could go fast and faster then the other two boats piloted by Gary and Brock. Everyone was happy that there was a public boat launch not to far from Ash’s property and that they’ve been out in the sun and taking dives into the cold water that had come from a nearby mountain.
Back to the phone, it was flying everywhere and being careful not to attract a lot of bird Pokémon, Rotom was currently near the back of the boat. Catching videos of Ash and Dawn surfing separately on the waves the boat made. He had to be careful and not go to fast if he didn’t want to automatically sink Ash and or Dawn. Ash was currently the one who was surfing. Dawn had quite two sessions ago and held onto the green rope that they use to get up and into the wave.
Zoey did her call, “flag up!”, and Raihan immediately slowed down to boat even more as he turned to the right. Letting the giant waves crash into the haul head on and grunted at the up and down motion as the boat bobbed.
“You good?” Raihan called. Motioning first Zoey to keep the bright orange flag up just in case Ash wanted to go again.
“Little sore,” Ash called from the lake water, grinning up at Raihan before squealing when Dawn all but hurled the green rope at his face when he came into launching distance, “I’m hungry though.”
“Yeah,” Zoey piped up, “Lunch sounds good.”
“I agree,” Dawn yawned into her hands, “and I actually want to get some tanning done today.”
“Sounds good!” Raihan directed his lazy smile at the three, the only ones who wanted to do some water sports as the others just wanted to swim and play with water squirter‘s and chillax, “I’ll call Brock and see how far we got away from the other boats.”
He quickly turned back to the control panel at the steering wheel. Not keen on catching a glimpse of a happy and wet Ash out in the bright sun. That would K’O his ass right then and there and nobody needs that since Raihan is the only one on the boat with a legal driving license.
“This is Big Dragon calling to Hot Chef and Country Gay, where’s your guys’s location? Over.” Raihan had to keep himself from chuckling. Both Gary and Ash were insistent to use fake names over the clip on radio and nobody knows why. Raihan also didn’t have to wait long.
“This is Hot Chef, Country Gay is currently in the water and we’re by the Deschutes side of the lake. Over.” Bricks voice was a bit staticky but it was all good.
Raihan also didn’t bother answering. Just telling everyone to hold on as he slowly ramped up the speed until they were shooting across the water back near to where the boat launch is.
Rotom had fluttered near a holder that the boat had for phones before the take off and decided to be a little shit and show him all the photos it took. Especially all the ones of Ash’s. It only took one look and a sharp under the breath curse to note that Rotom tried especially hard to get some absolutely stellar pictures of Ash. If he was honest with himself and Ash even had a social media account, the smaller trainer would have girls and guys just begging on their knees to take him out on dates.
That irked Raihan a bit much then he was expecting. Hot searing jealous flashed in his chest until a smaller hand came out of no where and gently settled, as much as it could with the wind that was buffing everyone, on his bicep.
“You good?” Ash called over the wind.
The jealous settled down. Content to know that all the photo’s Raihan room were his and that no one else had the exact same pictures as the one in his phone, except for the one he had already posted before. “Yeah.” Raihan answered. Not wanting to bother anyone with his own emotions at the moment.
Ash nodded from the corner of Raihans eye and went to sit back down. A hard wave hit them and Raihan cursed a bit more loudly and quickly apologized before continuing off.
At least he has those pictures.
Which he uploaded when they got to the airport after their stay. Olivia and Dawn were particularly happy about the air conditioning and so was Tracey who had to carry most of his and Gary’s luggage because Gary’s back still hurt a little.
Ash and Raihan were almost always together as they waited for their flights. Raihan was going back to Kanto with Ash, Tracey, Gary, and Brock while the rest were saying good byes to each other.
Raihan, which hes finding a common reoccurrence this week, ignored most of his other media to focus on posting a few more pictures on his accounts. Slightly arguing with himself not to post to many pictures of just Ash and also sprinkle in some other candid shots of a few other friends and a group picture they took at the entry way into the park that they had to drive through to get to the property. Though most of his pictures still ended up being dominated by Ash.
His favorite was the one one, that he didn’t take but Zoey did by snatching his phone out of the air as quick as she could before Raihan noticed, of him and Ash. Shoulder to thigh as much as they could with their feet on the backboard and letting water wash over the hot tips of their feet. Zoey at the time was on another boat during lunch, helping Misty take out the drinks from a cooler in Gary’s boat, and had a perfect clear view of just Raihan and Ash in Raihans boat of the two. Raihans head was ducked down more towards Ash, his original hat was long gone in favor of one of those straw sun hats with some cool orange colored fabric on the bottom to keep more of the sun from his eyes from shining through the little holes of the weave. Ash had a more sturdy floppy sun hat, pushing the brim up to he could smile at Raihan. Cheeks rosie and brown eyes soft.
It competed with the fire and s’mores picture Raihan had taken the night before that day happened. Putting his phone down Raihan focused back on Ash and Gary who were joking easily together about buying each other some touristic Unovian hats just to give to Ash’s Mom and Gary’s Grandpa. An easy smile glittered over Raihans lips as he came over and sling an arm behind Ash as they both asked him what hats should they get.
Raihan didn’t look at his phone, after posting yet another picture of the gang before they had all split up, until after he and the other three had touched down in Kanto.
Gary kept giving Tracey jaw kisses in apology for not being a big help this trip around. Tracey didn’t object to much as he was enjoying the extra treatment that he was getting from his Fiancé.
Raihan was lazily pulling Ash along. Pikachu decided long ago that Raihans shoulder was better then his trainers and had tucked his head against his jaw. He didn’t mind but it did make it a little hard to keep track of Ash who stumbled and grumbled behind Raihan, clinging to his large hand, until they got to the front where Daisy and Professor Oak were waiting. Two separate cars because Ash had warned ahead that Raihan is a tall bastard and is gone need a full back seat to himself.
He was to tired to fully freak out over meeting two very high end Professors, he just wanted to get to Ash’s place and take a three day nap. Raihan gently pushed off Ash and nudged him over to the front of the car where Daisy caught him in his stumble and helped him sit down in the front passenger seat. Raihan placed their luggage in the back of the trunk and cursed under his breath as he awkwardly climbed into the semi small car and tried to situate himself the best that he could with his lanky ass body. Raihan waved away Daisy when she made a wounded noise as she looked how scrunched Raihan was as he took up the whole back seat with his legs and his shoulders were still slouched down with his head to avoide hitting the roof of the car.
It was an hour drive home. An hour where Raihan couldn’t look anywhere without hitting his head but directly at Ash. Who, for the love of Arceus, woke up from his slumber to look back at Raihan with the most sappiest looks Raihan as ever received in his life and shifted so he could reach out a hand to Raihan. Wiggling his fingers until Raihan’s slow moving brain caught up and he reached out his own hand to grasp Ash’s. Who then promptly fell asleep seconds after. Their hands still connected.
Daisy made a snorting laughing sound. Raihan could barely see her goofy smiling reaction through the review mirror as she eyed him and Ash. “You like him.” She quietly sang. Eyes moving back to road again after taking one last look at Ash.
“Uh. Wrong,” Raihan slurred, head not really catching up to what his mouth was saying, “I love him.”
“Even better.” Daisy replied.
“Damn right.” He sniffed before shifting his hand that was holding Ash’s a little.
Next thing Raihan knew he was waking up in Ash’s small childhood bed. Legs cramping horrible and back aching from the way it was arching and how Ash’s elbow is digging into his stomach. His Rotom Phone was right above his face, bright light shining down in his eyes, and displaying over fifty different text messages and calls and stuff from his social media apps.
Raihan blindingly reaches up and snatched his phone out of the air with an angry half growl. Lips curling in a sneer when he noticed that it was only five in the morning. Lazily looking through his messages Raihan only garnered that his fan base was blowing up about his pictures that he posted and that it’s causing the league to freak out as well for some reason.
For all Raihan cared that was the normal with his fan base, even his more normal chillaxed fans, so he didn’t even see a reason why anyone would be calling him this early in the morning.
“Mute all calls and messages unless it’s a complete dire emergency.” Raihan mumbled loud enough for his Rotom to hear before letting go of the phone and trying to gently shift about without waking Ash up. It was an impossible mission to find a better sleeping position with how small the bed was compared to him so Raihan just let it go and slung an arm over Ash curled up body. Feeling the tinnier trainer shift more into Raihan’s chest at the motion.
Eyes falling shut with a heavy sigh. Raihan went back to sleep. Completely and blissfully unaware of the storm that was raging over Galars social media for the last week.
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Moriarty 5 - 7 | HypMic 10 - 11
Moriarty 5
Saito’s Moriarty and Gentaro voices are quite similar, now that I compare them.
“…he’s a good egg at heart.” – LOL, never thought I’d be reading subtitles that said that.
Oh, so that was Frida on the bridge?
I wonder, is Moriarty like Bon and nursing a weak leg with that cane? Or is the cane just a symbol of nobility?
Moriarty 6
The Titanic? Wasn’t there a Black Butler arc based on it?
LOL, these people in the foreground are CGI.
…is that the grapefruit guy? (Beats me, I haven’t watched this in weeks and am only returning to it because Scott keeps mentioning spoilers. The only thing I’m keeping up with properly is HypMic and my Kanon watch with #AniTwitWatches…and soon I’ll add the final episodes of Sailor Moon to it.)
Found him! Sherlock Holmes! I sort of triangulated from buzz around me that he appears in this episode.
What’s with the skull ring Holmes wears?
…ah, the golden ratio!
…Oh, this is gonna get interesting! You can tell this Holmes is adept in fighting due to his build, but…how did Moriarty figure out Holmes played the violin? Calluses on his hands?
Is this Holmes a womaniser…? I thought the guy was often characterised as an asexual, or at the very least aromantic. That’s part of what makes the guy so intriguing to me - because he still has Irene.
A colliery is a coal mine. It’s been a while since I heard that word.
Moriarty 7
The anime’s sense of colour is probably one of the most striking parts of this. Not just red, but blue and green where it counts too.
Not a fan of the 1st person cam…
That knife came out pretty clean for something so blood-stained.
I wanted to say “’Right,’ said Fred”…but Fred didn’t talk, so I can’t do that. (Dangit!)
I somehow found it slightly funny that France was ahead of Britain (America?) in forensic pathology, although I dunno what made it funny exactly.
I squealed (…just a little bit) when the iconic quote came up: “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” I have it memorised from my Detective Conan days still, see?
Next time: A Study in S (according to stuff I read, the S stands for Sherlock this time).
HypMic 10
…I can’t believe it’s almost over already. I’ve basically been in a dream this entire season…but then what happens once the anime is over…? Waiting for the 2nd DRB to happen, I guess.
I didn’t even realise, but Jiro’s varsity jacket has an owl on the bottom of the logo.
…”[H]it the head”? Wassat mean? *checks up* Oh, so it means to go to the bathroom…Right. It’s US slang, which might explain a thing.
Notice Ramuda uses “Jakurai” and not “jijii” or something like that during his time with Ichijiku. Also, there’s a lot of his deep voice going around…
You can see MTR on the poster behind Ramuda at one point.
*anguished noises* Ramuda!!! Please don’t do this!!!
LOL, Sadamezuka and Kazuha.
Is “bum-rush” even an appropriate word for this situation…? US slang is weird…
…Doppo’s performance almost seems like a Rosho foreshadowing. Also, I love how Doppo’s screens disappear with his motivation.
…I saw a spoiler today on Twitter regarding Dice and meat…now I get it.
“detarame” – I know this word means “nonsense”, but for some reason I memorised it as meaning “s***” at one point due to the context of Scenario Liar. I find it interesting Hifumi used a word from Scenario Liar in the first place, even though it’s not necessarily meant to be taken in that context.
“the King of Normies” – For some reason, that made me laugh pretty hard. That is an accurate translation of “riajyuu no ousama” though.
Gentaro’s smile puts a smile on my face as well.
“colours you’ve dyed” – Note Shibuya is constantly referred to by colours, including how PCCS (in the Shibuya 1st DRB team song) apparently means “practical colour coordinate system”.
I find it interesting that Saburo was the one who mentioned holding hands as a sign of camaraderie first in the anime and then the Funi translation makes Ramuda use the same symbolism here. It may have been unintentional, though.
…the subbers keep using “OMG” and I’m like ????. Is OMG outdated slang in 2020?
…wow, that holy imagery…they really went all-in on Jakurai’s godliness there.
…even when knocked down, Jakurai’s hair is still 100% gorgeous.
I noticed one of the lyrics the translators cut out of Doppo’s rap was “borderline”.
Ahhhhhhhhhh! This anime just kicked me where it hurts! (<- As in, it used the trope I love so much – where the underdog causes a sudden turn-around in the battle and they’re not even aware of it!) This is why I love you, Doppo!
LOL, FP spent their countdown gossiping. That’s such a FP thing to do.
Hifumi seems to carry the beat in MTR’s Kizuna. Jakurai gets drowned out quite a bit, although Riou (who has a similar voice) was less drowned out.
“No pain, no gain.” – That’s a good saying.
HypMic 11
2 episodes until the end! (Yikes!)
I still take some issue with subbing the laughing. Well, then again I’ve been half-deaf lately with my ears being clogged (accidentally clogged my ear up again…), so I guess I shouldn’t complain.
If I’m hearing it right, Ramuda goes “nee-san” and not particularly anything to do with “Beauties” or “Beasts”, which seems to be exclusive to the subs.
Stone guardian? I guess this has to do with jizo in Japanese. Hifumi does go “namu” (short for “namu amida butsu”) towards Doppo at the end there.
That bed is…why is it so empty if it’s meant to be the room someone’s staying in?
Is Jyuto’s hair black or brown? I’ve been colouring it a deep brown because I think that looks nice, but it might actually be black…
I have a newfound respect for Komada ever since I found out his birthday is [secret censored – maybe if you follow the hints I leave behind, you might find out what I mean].
LOL, I spotted the fire extinguisher in one corner and was immediately reminded of how someone once translated “fire extinguisher” to “hand grenade”.
…how does Jakurai’s hair work from the back? There’s this coil of hair that seems to go places it shouldn’t be…
For some reason, the subbers keep translating “sensei” as “the good doctor”…or is that the first and only time it happened?
I think it’s appropriate they discuss bonds on the day Kizuna (the ED) goes out on streaming.
…*thinks about 2nd DRB, where BB vs. DH is going to happen next month* …Yeah, you better pay attention or your daddy’s gonna come spank you boys.
Jakurai summoning his mic is always freakin’ cool. Aspire to be like this elegant man.
The wolf hand sign again.
There’s a pun between kizukizu (wounds) and kizuna (bonds). Update: The phrase is actually gisugisusa (stiffness, unsociability, coldness [of atmosphere] etc.), but...there’s the same rhyming scheme, so it’s not wrong.
Doppo’s bit about Jakurai(-sensei) being a kasugai (hemostat) is, surprisingly, quite faithful, as you can tell from how those words rhyme. Hifumi’s verse mentions a monkey wrench, though.
…kasumitai ore ga yoi… - that translates to “…[Jakurai is] better than us, who are like scum…” It’s a very Doppo sort of line, noting that kasu literally means “residue”.
I didn’t realise this until now, but Riou has a piercing in one ear (his right). It’s just in an unconventional place in the upper curve, so I never spotted it.
Samatoki’s death aesthetic really contrasts against Jakurai’s healing one. I can see why people really liked the MTC vs. MTR fight now.
It seems the strategy to win in this series is to keep spamming your attacks. It seems hugely suitable for my pseudo-Pokemon AU, which emphasises attack over defence.
Oh! I never noticed the blue gem on Jakurai’s mic!
Note how Samatoki said “lightning rod” – Jakurai’s name means “lonely thunder”. It’s one reason why I fell head over heels for the guy – his stupidly awesome name.
“horse/rabbit/bush warbler” – These refer to MTC. Samatoki, Jyuto, Riou. On that note, ARB currently has an event where Ramuda hangs out with MTC and he calls Jyuto “usa-chan” as a pun. I find that so darn cute!
“And the winner is…Matenro!” - *cue the song, The Champion*
Notice how they put BB and FP before MTC and MTR in the ED…it’s foreshadowing!
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ericsonclan · 3 years
A Fox in the Henhouse
Summary: Sophie and Minnie go to meet the new transfer student when things suddenly go awry.
Word Count: 2083
Read on AO3:
The wind blew lightly through the wind, shifting the feathers on Nurgul’s arms. Her black webbed feet softly whacked against the pavement as she made her way to Ericson High. Nurgul’s eyes traveled up to the sky and noticed the fluffy white clouds that slowly moved through the sky. The sight made the cygnus’ heart settle down. She didn’t know exactly why, but she’d always loved the clouds. Maybe because of how soft and peaceful they looked. Or maybe it was because they were the same color as her feathers and always reminded her of them. First days were always nerve-racking but this was beyond what instituted a normal first day. She had recently moved to West Virginia and had learned pretty quickly that humans around here didn’t like monsters of any kind. Where she was from her kind were viewed as good and respected highly. It was hard to adjust to being hated.
The swan monster's eyes wandered around when she stood in front of the high school building. She had tried her best to study up on all different types of monsters so she wasn’t thrown completely off guard. Nurgul had grown up for most of her life at the same small pond so this - going to a school filled with all types of monsters and dealing with all the craziness that came with humans - was really overwhelming. Nurgul could feel her feathers ruffling; she lifted her arm and began preening them with her face. She knew that some monsters were due any minute to show up and give her a tour of the school. All she could do was wait.
“Okay, I have to go,” Sophie squeezed Marlon’s hand and captured his lips in a quick kiss. That made the dullahan’s head slightly shift to the side. With a small panicked tweet the harpy helped her boyfriend, asking if he was okay before she turned to run down the hall. Her talons clicked against the tiled floor as she searched for Minnie.
They were supposed to be outside in front of the building by now to introduce the new transfer student. To think that another bird monster was going to arrive today and join Ericson High… The very thought made the harpy let out a small series of chirps and twitters. Her eyes shot back and forth as she scanned for her twin. After a few minutes she came across Minnie who was in the middle of showing a love song to Renata. The huldra smiled brightly, her teeth poking out as she got on her tiptoes and kissed the harpy. Minnie’s face heated up and she let out a really dorky sounding chirp.
“Minnie! We’re late! We have to meet the new monster!” Sophie skidded to a halt, a few loose feathers falling off her arms and drifting to the floor.
Minnie’s eyes grew large. “Oh, shit! I forgot!” The harpy placed a quick kiss on the huldra’s cheek. “See you later, Ren.”
“Wait, I’m coming with! I wanna see this new cool bird monster!” The huldra jogged up to join the harpies.
“I can’t believe we're getting another bird monster here,” Minnie smiled and let out a small, excited tweet.
“I know right? The principal said she’s a cygnus.” Sophie placed her hands behind her head and casually strolled forward.
“A sickness?” Renata tilted her head slightly to the side in confusion.
“No, babe, a cygnus. She’s a swan monster.” Minnie explained and Renata nodded along in understanding.
“Well, I’m sure she's gonna be super cool!” The huldra’s teeth poked out slightly as she grinned.
“Yeah, I think so too! I’m so happy we got to be the welcoming committee!” Sophie’s talons clicked against the front steps of school.
“There she is,” Minnie motioned with her head and the trio looked over to see a girl with short black hair and warm brown eyes in the middle of cleaning her white feathers. Her black webbed feet shone in the morning sun.
“Yo! Sorry we’re late!” Sophie’s bright voice made the cygnus stop her task and look up. Her eyes sparkled lightly when she saw Minnie and Sophie. It was clear she was just as excited as they were about seeing a fellow bird.
“It’s no trouble at all,” The monster smiled warmly.
“My name’s Sophie,” The harpy pointed to herself with her thumb then gestured over to her twin. “This is Minnie, my twin and second coolest harpy at Ericson High.”
“Hey! I’m the coolest harpy!” Minnie gave a frown over to her sister that quickly turned into a playful smile.
“It's nice to meet you. My name is Nurgul,” The cygnus moved forward and gave Sophie a hug that made her twitter in surprise before she returned the kind gesture. Nurgul walked over and gave Minnie a hug too who seemed just as surprised and happy as Sophie was for the friendliness.
“Don't forget about me!” Renata poked her head out and strode forward in between the twins. “The name’s Renata, rhymes with frittata if that helps your noggin remember,” She beamed over at Nurgul, her little sharp teeth poking out. The swan monster looked a bit shocked by the sharp teeth but still held out her arms to give the huldra a hug when suddenly she noticed Renata’s fox tail that was currently curled into the shape of a question mark. A frightened honk escaped the cygnus’ lips which made the twins and Renata glance over in alarm.
“A fox!” Nurgul exclaimed and stretched her arms out like sails, her white feathers ruffling roughly. She gave her most intimidating look to Renata who looked absolutely lost. Nurgul continued busking to scare off the huldra even though she knew it was all a bluff; she wasn’t the strongest fighter.
“You okay there, buddy? I’m a nice monster, I swear,” Renata reassured and took a step forward only for Nurgul to continue to puff up to make herself look bigger.
“Ummm, Ren… maybe you should take a step back,” Minnie held out a hand in front of her girlfriend.
“Nurgul, it's okay. Renata is cool. She can be a bit mischievous but she’s a real sweet softie.” Sophie tried to soothe the swan monster.
“Yeah, I don’t bite. Much,” Renata gave a playful grin that dissipated when she saw the joke had backfired.
“Aha! A trap! Is she threatening you two? Has she used her trickery or some form of monster blackmail to force friendship?” Nurgul’s feathers were super puffy now and she was breathing rather heavily.
“What? No! I give my friendship and love freely!” The huldra tried to walk forward.
“Ren, maybe it would be a good idea to go and hang out with some others for a bit.” Minie looked over at her girlfriend whose tail fell flat.
“Okay,” Renata began to walk off before she suddenly turned around. “I’m still gonna be your friend though, Nurgul. Just watch - by the end of the week we’ll be bros!”
The twins looked at the huldra then back at the cygnus who took that more as a serious threat than a playful one. This certainly was going to be an interesting next few days at Ericson High.
Nurgul sat at the table and stared at her lunchbox case. Each compartment held a different tasty food. Different types of fish rolls, seafood and algae stood proudly in the different spots. It had taken Nurgul some time to make the box look so nice but she was really proud of it. She was sitting beside Brody and Ruby who was busy telling about a cool pond that she had found.
“I figure it could be a little slice of home to you,” The dryad smiled warmly over at the cygnus.
“I’d love that,” Nurgul returned the smile then dug into her lunch.
It had only been a few days at Ericson HIgh but she had already made friends. Ruby and Brody had immediately bonded with her and helped her feel more at home. The twin harpies also made the whole experience better, although usually the huldra hung out with them and the fox tail always made Nurgul a bit nervous. Foxes were known for being deceivers who attacked cygnuses.
“Nurgul, if you ever wanna hang out by the pool that could be fun too,” Brody pulled the sealskin closer around her shoulders. “I also know a really friendly monster that had webbed feet too.”
Nurgul’s eyes grew large.
“Really? I-” She paused when she saw Sophie stroll over with a grin.
“Hiya, Nurgul! Brody, Ruby.” The harpy sat down and began to dig into her fried worm and peanut butter sandwich. A small series of twitters and chirps escaped her lips.
“Whatcha eating today, friends?” Sophie looked around the table.
“Nutrient infused water,” Ruby lifted up her water bottle and took a sip.
“Tuna fish sandwich, although Nurgul and I traded so I got some of her fish rolls.”
“I have some algae and other seafood too,” Nurgul added.
“Cool, cool. Just got my classic PB and W. Oh!” Sophie exclaimed, nearly choking on her sandwich. “Nurgul, Mr. Everett wanted me to get you, said something about an assignment.”
A shocked soft honk escaped the cygnus’ lips. “I should go!” She got up and started to move forward when she realized she had forgotten which room Mr. Everett’s class was held in.
“I can walk with you,” Sophie hopped up, flying slightly and landing by the swan monster.
“Thanks, “ Nurgul smiled softly and began to walk beside the harpy. The two talked about this and that when Sophie cleared her throat lightly.
“Um, Nurgul, I know you and Ren got off on the wrong foot, but my best friend is really nice.”
The cygnus pursued her lips and thought about those words.
“I know you thought at first that me and Min were, I don’t know, some sort of posse forced to follow Renata, but I think that’s pretty clearly not the case. I heard from Mr. Bailey too about the whole dealio with foxes and swans, but Renata is different.”
Nurgul was silent for a few seconds then gave a short nod. “Okay. I know I’m probably just getting my feathers ruffled over nothing. After all, it's not like I ever saw Renata do anything threatening to any of us bird mo-” Nurgul froze in place and honked when she saw Renata by the lockers, her mouth rather aggressively locked with Minnie’s. But that's not what it looked like from the cygnus’ point of view. “She’s eating her face!” Nurgul clutched the sides of her head then sprinted over.
“Wait, Nurgul! They’re just making out!” Sophie sprinted after her friend who was already preparing to busk again. It was a chaotic mess. Tons of feathers of white and red covered the hallway of Ericson before Sophie was able to step in between and explain.
“Wait. So Renata, a fox monster, is dating Minnie, a bird monster?” Nurgul looked confused.
“And loving every second of it,” Renata held Minnie’s hand proudly.
The cygnus felt her head spin slightly. There really were a lot of things she didn’t know about different monsters. She had never even heard of interspecies dating before yet here it seemed super prevalent.
By the end of the week things had calmed down and Nurgul had given Renata and her friendship a chance. As it turned out the harpies had been right. The huldra, while mischievous and playful, was kind and caring.
Nurgul walked beside the twins who were excitedly talking about a new spot for the three of them to check out when suddenly they heard Renata’s bubbly voice.
“Guys!” The huldra skidded to a halt, her tail curling into a question mark once more. “Glad I caught up. Nurgul, I was right!”
“Hmm? About what?” The cygnus looked genuinely confused.
“About us being bros by the end of the week! To celebrate our friendship, I snuck us in worms!” Renata smiled proudly and held out her hands which were full of wriggly worms. The three bird monsters looked at the pile in awe. Twitters and chirps escaped Sophie and Minnie’s lips while a few feathers fell from Nurgul’s arms due to her excited wiggling.
Maybe it was weird to be friends with a fox, but Nurgul didn’t care. Everyone here was weird in their own special way. Ericson High was a place that was anything but ordinary. Nurgul loved that about her new school.
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comeback-tomy-home · 5 years
The Appointment
pairing: doctor Seokjin x patient reader
genre: smut, PWP, doctor!Jin, medical fetish, medical AU
word count: 6.1k
warnings: this isnt gonna be for everyone! if you like medical fetish stuff then read on :) includes: fingering, cmnf, nipple stimulation, use of sex toys (?), clit clamp, breast exam, squirting (?), slight edging, a dash of angst
You had been putting it off for weeks, convincing yourself alternately that you were too busy for the appointment and that you didn’t really need it anyway -you were pretty healthy, weren’t you? But after a long, boring day at work saw you arrive home to another nagging letter glaring up at you accusingly from the doormat,you resigned yourself to the fact that, sooner or later, you’d have to go to the hospital and have your state-recommended check-up. Ignoring the sinking feeling in your stomach,you glanced over the letter and sat down at the kitchen table. For some reason, these things always made you nervous; rationally,you knew there was nothing to worry about, that it was a perfectly ordinary procedure that everyone had to endure once they reached a certain age. But you couldn’t shake the feeling that it would somehow be embarrassing, that something would go wrong, that it would hurt...you tapped the number from the letter into your phone keypad and held it to your ear.
After an agonisingly long time (was it a long time? You couldn’t tell; it took all your willpower not to cancel the call as the line rang and rang), a female voice with a soft accent answered. ‘Good afternoon, Parsons Clinic. How can I help?’ You swallowed. ‘Hello?’ ‘H-hi, sorry. I’d like to make an appointment?’ Your voice rose into a high-pitched squeak and you cursed your nerves. It was just a phone call! ‘That’s fine. Surname and date of birth, please?’ You gave your details, hearing the clattering of a keyboard on the other end. You imagined the woman consulting a database of hundreds of patients, clicking through to find your record and scanning your notes, which probably said the medical equivalent of ‘nervous flier’. She had probably had training to deal with problem patients. Your palms started to sweat. ‘Y/N? I’ve got your record here, and I can see it’s your first appointment. We’ll need to make it for ninety minutes. I can offer you an slot…’ She paused, clearly scanning her electronic schedule. ‘Tomorrow at ten AM.’ You dropped the phone. Hastily wiping your hands on your jeans and scrabbling to pick it up again, you heard her say, ‘Hello?’ ‘Sorry, sorry, I’m still here. That’s a bit short-notice…’ ‘The next appointment is in two months’ time, I’m afraid.’ You were silent. Could you wait another two months?  ‘Miss Y/L/N?’ ‘That’s - that’s fine.’ Your voice was shaking and you could feel your pulse racing. ‘Alright. We’ll see you tomorrow morning then.’
You stuttered a hasty ‘thanks’ and cut the call off, then dropped the phone on the table and rested your head in your hands. It was only a routine appointment. It would be fine. Ninety minutes wasn’t that long. After a few deep breaths,you tapped out a message to your boss:
Hi, fyi I won’t be in tomorrow. Got an appointment. Will work from home PM.
Your phone beeped almost straight away - Seth was annoyingly efficient. You worked for a start-up tech business, one of these trendy places that didn’t believe in business attire and gave its employees free smoothies at lunchtime, so you knew that you could easily skive off for the day as long as you kept up with your emails.
Fine by me. See ya Monday, take care x
Inwardly sighing at the over-familiar sign-off, you put the radio on Channel Six and started to get the ingredients ready for dinner, distracting yourself by throwing an onion in the air and catching it again. You had just started experimenting with backspin when your phone buzzed, the vibration amplified by the wooden table - you jumped violently and the onion rolled away under the dresser. 
Your appointment at Parsons Clinic has been confirmed for 10.00 tomorrow with Dr Kim Seokjin.
Shit. There it was. You couldn’t forget about it now. You scooped up the onion, paused for a few deep breaths and started to make dinner, telling yourself that everything would be fine tomorrow. Why shouldn’t it be? The doctor would ask you some questions, poke around a bit, and send you on your way. 
You tried to forget about it for the rest of the evening; after gulping down your dinner, you answered a few emails, then played a couple of levels of Spade Champion when you could no longer focus on work. Your mind kept wandering back into worries about the next morning, even when you curled up on the sofa with a sitcom and over-full glass of wine. Eventually you turned in, having resigned yourself to a night of broken sleep, punctuated by fretful, half-waking dreams about the appointment. Lying in the darkness, you probed your memories for some event which would give you a reason to be quite so nervous, but as far as you could remember, every visit to hospital (few and far between, fortunately), every dentist trip, every visit to the doctor had been utterly mundane. And, you reminded myself for the hundredth time, tomorrow’s appointment would be exactly the same.
The clinic was spacious and spotlessly clean, wedged between a pharmacist on one side and a dry cleaner on the other, the only new building on the bustling, grubby high street; you were half an hour early. After delaying as long as possible at home (loading the dishwasher, making the bed, scrolling through Twitter), you were unable to sit around any longer and had walked the twenty minutes into town, hoping the fresh air would clear your head. Of course, this had been unsuccessful and you felt your pulse accelerate as the glass doors slid open in front of you. You took a deep breath, stepped inside and were immediately blasted by a gust from the air conditioner directly overhead. The reception desk faced the door and you stumbled towards it, noting as you did so that the woman sitting behind it must have been the one you spoke to on the phone; she was sitting down, wearing a headset over her long, curly hair. The sparkling glass tiles behind her made her look like a mermaid, you thought dimly as she smiled at you, still talking to the person at the other end of the line, then returned to tapping at her keyboard. You stood there awkwardly while she ended the call and turned to you.
‘Sorry about that. How can I help?’ ‘I, er…’ you swallowed. You knew you were blushing and prayed she wouldn’t notice. You tried again. ‘I have an appointment. At ten.’ ‘Is it Miss Y/L/N?’  You nodded, unable to say anything else. She smiled at you again and directed you to the hard-looking grey sofa pushed against one wall, clearly meant to look sleek and professional, its matching coffee table scattered with glossy magazines.  ‘Help yourself to water. I’ll let you know when Doctor Kim is ready.’  You sat on the sofa for twenty minutes or so, trying to distract yourself by flicking through the vapid fashion articles. You chanced upon an article about women in tech and quickly became engrossed - so engrossed that you didn’t immediately hear her say your name ten minutes later. ‘Miss Y/N? Doctor Kim will see you now. Exam Room four, please, just down the hall and on the right.’ She pointed to the door to the left of her desk and smiled at you again. ‘Thanks,’ you croaked, your throat dry. You stumbled through the door and down the hall, took a moment to compose yourself a little, and knocked on the second door on the right. There was a pause, then a muffled voice said, ‘Enter.’
Pushing open the door, you slipped inside and glanced around. The room was far larger than you were expecting, roughly square, with a curtain drawn across the middle, and (in your opinion) far too warm. The doctor was sitting behind a desk angled slightly towards the door, scribbling on a notepad. He didn’t look up, but gestured to the chair in front of the desk and said, in a mildly accented voice, ‘Sit down please, Miss Y/L/N.’
The doctor had smooth golden skin and shiny black hair badly in need of a trim, thick eyebrows and a generous mouth - he was strikingly, breathtakingly handsome, and all the breath in your lungs evaporated. Brilliant. The most handsome man I’ve ever seen is my doctor. Just fantastic. He was also quite a lot younger than you had expected. You watched him writing his illegible notes and tried to breathe normally, clenching your fists in your lap. 
He finally looked up at you and said, ‘Sorry about that. Just finishing up some notes. Now, this is your first check-up, isn’t it?’ You nodded shyly.  ‘No need to be nervous, Miss Y/L/N. This is a routine sexual health appointment. First, a few questions.’ He pulled a clipboard towards him. Upside down, you could read your first and last name at the top of the page.  ‘I have some of your details here… Do you smoke?’ You shook your head.  ‘Good. How many units do you drink per week?’ you cleared your throat to buy a couple of seconds, then said quietly, ‘Ten?’ Really, you had no idea. Who really counts these things, anyway? ‘Are you sexually active?’ asked the doctor, his deep brown eyes on the form in front of him. ‘Now and then,’ you joked feebly, but the doctor said nothing and ticked a box on the form. That bombed. Note to self: no more jokes.
Doctor Kim asked you several more questions - whether you were on the pill, whether you used condoms, if you had experienced any problems during sex - and jotted down your answers on the form.  ‘So - your answers give me no cause for concern, but I need to make sure everything is normal with a physical exam.’
As he was saying this, he got up from the chair and drew back the curtain crossing the room. In the middle of the room was something that looked like a cross between a dentist’s chair and a sun lounger, but clearly very high tech; the chassis was cream-coloured with pale pink padding and concealed, you were sure, some sort of machinery - there was no other reason it would be so self-consciously over-designed. The bed was attached to a large monitor, which was currently blank, along with some wires and other bits of medical equipment you didn’t recognise. A small trolley was slotted squarely underneath the monitor.
‘I’ll ask you to get undressed and lie down on the bed, then I’ll talk you through each step. Nothing to worry about, but do let me know if you need to stop at any point.’  He smiled briefly and continued, ‘Just step behind the curtain so you can get undressed, then. Alright?’
You nodded, dumbstruck. Trying to ignore the trembling in your legs,you walked over to the bed and drew the curtain behind you with a smooth whizzing noise. You undressed as quickly as you could, as if you would lose your nerve otherwise, balled up your clothes and dropped them onto a nearby chair. Thank fuck I shaved yesterday, you thought, then immediately berated yourself for thinking it. He’s a doctor. He doesn’t care if I have hairy legs.
You called, ‘Ready!’, trying to sound confident and unfazed. But you were uncomfortably aware of the fact that you were stark naked and about to let a complete stranger see everything. ‘Lie down on the bed and put your feet in the stirrups, please. Let me know when you’re ready,’ the doctor said from the other side of the curtain.
You awkwardly clambered up onto the bed, which was set at waist-height and very stable - it didn’t shake at all when you shuffled around to position yourself as the doctor had asked. The bed was slightly tilted so that the head was higher than the foot, with padded arm rests and a curved cushion to support the neck of the occupant. It was actually very comfortable. You took a deep breath, noting the trolley of instruments discreetly placed to the side, and told the doctor you were ready to start. 
Doctor Kim drew back the curtain all the way and snapped on a pair of gloves from a box on the trolley, not looking at you as he said, ‘Now, Miss Y/L/N, this is a routine check, so I’ll explain the procedure first and then we’ll get started. Is that alright?’ You nodded, eyes fixed on the ceiling. ‘The first part of the check is on your whole body, so that means I’ll be using a couple of the instruments on this trolley to look at your nervous reaction, your receptiveness, so naturally that means I’ll be focusing more on some areas than others.’ Nervous reaction is right, you thought, your heart hammering. ‘Afterwards, we need to make sure everything is working as it should, so I’ll perform a few simple tests on your genital area. That might mean some internal examination. Does that all sound okay?’ You nodded again, unable to speak.  ‘Just relax, Miss Y/L/N,’ said the doctor with an encouraging nod. Damn it, you thought. Clearly your nerves were showing again.
Doctor Kim stood next to the bed and pulled the trolley closer to him, slinging a stethoscope around his neck. Instantly your whole body stiffened as it struck you that everything was exposed. He would see the scars, the moles - everything! You took another deep, steadying breath. He was a doctor. He had probably seen hundreds of bodies, and after all, it was his job. 
Your skin rose in goosebumps all over, the tiny hairs on your arms lifting and you were very aware of your nipples stiffening a little in response. You were glad the room was heated. He’s a doctor. This is his job. you thought loudly. ‘Ready?’ He asked.  ‘Ready,’ you tried to speak normally but your voice came out as a whisper. Turning to you, Doctor Kim kept his eyes fixed on your face, straight-faced and almost stern. He was extremely professional, and his cool demeanour did help soothe your nerves somewhat. He was an expert, doing the job he had done for countless people before you, having been trained for years and years - you were just another patient in his office. 
‘Right, then - I’ll just check your vital signs. This will be a bit cold...’ He stood over you, and having inserted the stethoscope into his ears he pressed it against different points on your chest, directing you to breathe in...and out, and in...and out again. You couldn’t help but notice your breasts moving slightly with the rhythm of your breathing, and tried to ignore the goosebumps rising on your skin again when the cold metal of the stethoscope touched you. 
‘Very good. No obstructions in your lungs, heart sounds healthy’, he said, putting the stethoscope down on the trolley and fixing a small, blue plastic clip to your finger. ‘That will check your blood oxygen levels, heart rate and blood pressure.’ He was looking at the screen again, reading the apparently comprehensible numbers, pulsing lines and rapidly flickering letters - you sneaked a look at the trolley. A row of shiny steel instruments were laid neatly in a line, along with a box of gloves, a plastic bottle with a pump handle and something sleek and black. You hadn’t the faintest idea what any of them were.
‘Blood oxygen is at 98%, heart rate and blood pressure are slightly up, but that’s to be expected.’ He had turned back to you and you quickly looked up. He had seen you looking at the trolley, and you both knew it - he smiled wryly. ‘So far, so good - next part of the check-up, now. I’ll leave this on for the time being, just to keep an eye…’ He picked up a tool that looked something like a rake, with long, thin tines bent into right angles and finished with rounded tips. ‘This is to check that the nerves in the skin are all working properly. Let me know if it’s painful or uncomfortable.’ You gripped the arm rests involuntarily. Painful?  ‘Try to relax, please. Close your eyes if that helps.’  Forcing yourself to breathe deeply, you unclenched your muscles. You hadn’t even realised you had been so tense. Relax, you told yourself firmly, and closed your eyes. 
Doctor Kim touched the little rake to your forearm, just above your wrist, and moved it slowly up your arm with delicate precision. It tickled, but not in the usual way - you didn’t feel any urge to squeak and squirm - it was like tiny fingertips on your skin. The doctor moved the rake to your other arm and repeated the action, saying,
‘How does that feel?’ he asked, drawing the rake over your chest, above your breasts, and stomach in a well-rehearsed pattern of straight and curved lines. You tried hard not to twitch when the rake was dragged over your thighs.
‘Fine,’ you muttered. It was actually quite tolerable, now that you had (mostly) got over how naked you were; lying there, on the comfortable bed, in a warm, dim room...Why was I so worried? You asked yourself. This isn’t that bad. In fact, you realised with dawning horror, being stroked all over was very nice indeed - so nice that you had started to enjoy it rather more than you should. The doctor repeated the pattern of lines on your body and you fought to keep your face impassive, but couldn’t help the occasional twitch or pause in your deliberately even breathing. Up the inside of your right arm, over the sensitive skin of your wrists, over your shoulder and down your chest, circling your nipple, a row of straight lines over your ribs and stomach, then tracing over your hips and all the way down your thighs. It’s a check-up. I’m in a clinic having a routine medical procedure, you told yourself again. But you wanted him to keep stroking you with the little rake. Your skin seemed to grow more sensitive with the passing moments, and finally you knew you would have to say something to the doctor - but how could you tell him? On the one hand, you wanted him to continue moving the little rake all over you - maybe focusing a little more on the upper thighs, you thought as another shiver raced through you - but on the other, you couldn’t humiliate yourself by getting turned on in front of him.
Your internal struggle seemed to have shown on your face, as Doctor Kim stopped moving the rake and said, his tone neutral: ‘Arousal is normal, Miss Y/N. In fact, it tells me that your nervous reaction for this section of the check-up is healthy, so we can move on to the next part.’ How did he know? You thought desperately, keeping your eyes clamped shut. How did he know I’m turned on? And then you realised that the clip on your finger must have picked up how much faster your heart was beating now and shown up on the screen next to the bed.  ‘I just didn’t…’ you started to say. ‘Not to worry. Now, shall we move on?’ He said briskly, replacing the rake on the trolley with a faint clatter. You nodded silently, wondering how many people had laid on this bed before you, fighting their growing arousal, not sure what to do or say.  ‘Very good,’ he said, ‘The next thing is to check the reaction to stimulation of your erogenous zones.’  My…? Your eyes snapped open. ‘I’ll combine it with a breast exam. Two birds with one stone, see? Do you perform checks on yourself at home?’ You stared at the ceiling and heard yourself saying, as if from a long way away, ‘In the shower, sometimes. Not very often.’ ‘Well, that’s better than nothing. Arms straight above your head, please.’
You were expecting the same rough pulling and squeezing you had had from the practice nurse that time you thought you had a lump; she had kneaded you like wet dough, leaving you sore for days. Doctor Kim, in contrast, was extremely gentle, employing the same practiced delicacy he had used before; he cupped your right breast in one hand, pressing firmly but gently on the soft tissue under the skin. His hands were warm, even through the latex gloves, and you felt your nipples swelling in response as he moved to examine your left side. Your foot twitched slightly as a finger brushed the very tip of one stiff, pink peak.
‘Seems okay…’ he muttered, ‘Nothing to worry about here. I see you’ve started to respond already. You can put your arms back on the rests, now.’ You didn’t say anything. Were you supposed to be aroused? He said it was normal, healthy even… Maybe you were overthinking it. That would be about right; closing your eyes again and settling back on the bed, you decided to stop fighting and just let it happen. The doctor had probably seen it all by now. Still holding your breast, he moved his thumb gently and deliberately over your nipple and you barely stopped myself gasping as a wave of pleasure rushed through you, starting where he had touched you and finishing in the valley between your legs. ‘How does that feel?’ he asked, now rolling it slowly between his fingertips. ‘F-fine,’ you stammered, not opening your eyes. It was more than fine. Being touched there always turned you on, and the familiar warmth was kindling. Let it happen, you reminded yourself.
The doctor moved his hand to your other breast and flicked his thumb over your other nipple in the same firm, practiced motion, over and over again until you couldn’t help but shift a little on the bed, your breathing shallower. You knew you were starting to get wet and pressed your thighs together. Doctor Kim stopped abruptly and said. ‘Your sexual response to this type of stimulation appears to be normal. I need to ensure that your level of arousal doesn’t drop for the remainder of the check-up.’ There was a clatter of something like beads on the trolley and you opened your eyes to see him picking up an object that looked like two pairs of large, rubber-tipped tweezers attached to two ends of a steel chain. ‘Why?’ you said, eyeing the tool nervously. ‘It’s very important that the results of the next tests are accurate. A drop in arousal could mean that I get an incorrect reading from the rate monitor.’ That doesn’t explain much. What is he going to do? ‘I’m going to attach these to your nipples,’ he held the tweezer-like clamps up so you could see them, ‘they’re clamps which are automatically calibrated to stimulate the nipple depending on readings from the rate monitor. Let me know if it becomes uncomfortable.’ What on earth does that mean? you thought, slightly alarmed. Those clamps looked scary. Is it going to hurt?
You tensed up again, gripping the arm rests hard as the doctor stood over you, opening one clamp wide and holding your breast firmly with the other hand. He lowered the clamp onto your nipple so that it was directly between the two rubber-tipped arms, then you felt a sharp, almost painful squeeze which diminished as the doctor adjusted the clamp. ‘How’s that?’ he said, fixing the clamp to your other nipple.  ‘Fine, thanks,’ you almost gasped again at the pressure.  ‘I’m going to turn them on now - ready?’ He pressed a button on the remote control, and instantly the clamps started vibrating slightly, almost imperceptibly, in a slow, regular pulsing pattern. It wasn’t like the cheap vibrators you had used in the past, overpowered and noisy, but low, deep and utterly silent. Your pussy tightened at the now-constant pleasure; you were definitely wet.
‘Feet in the stirrups, please,’ said Doctor Kim, walking to the foot of the bed with the trolley and pressing another button on the remote. You opened your eyes in surprise as in one smooth movement, the stirrups swung away from each other and bent like concertinas, and the bed curved to raise your hips, exposing your pink slit as your legs were spread wide, knees bent. You had to force yourself not to try and press your thighs together to hide how turned on you were, reminding yourself that this was the point of the check-up. Doctor Kim positioned himself between the stirrups, pulling the trolley closer. ‘Good, it looks like your reaction is normal,’ the doctor said, gently pulling back your lips in turn with one fingertip, making you twitch again as the clamps continued to pulse on your nipples. ‘Just a quick external exam now, Miss Y/N…’ 
You felt him place one gloved hand on your mound, fingers spreading your outer lips apart, and start to probe your slit gently with the other. He ran the tip of one finger slowly up the length, starting beneath the slick entrance and finishing just below your clit - you tried not to sigh in frustration. You wanted him to touch you there, to tease and press and flick his fingertip over it, and the clamps on your nipples pulsed more quickly.
‘I’m going to put another clamp over your clitoris,’ he said, and picked something small up from the tray. He held it up - it looked like an overgrown bobby pin. ‘It won’t hurt. It’s simply to optimise sensitivity by trapping blood in the erectile tissue.’
Despite his reassurance, you were fully expecting it to hurt and held your breath. With one hand, he pushed back your lips and with the other, he swiftly opened the clamp and slid it over your clit, releasing it so that your clit was held securely between the arms. It took two seconds. You breathed out in relief; it didn’t hurt at all, just ensured a constant squeezing pressure that wasn’t at all unpleasant. 
‘I’ll leave that on there for the time being, just to make sure your clitoris gets fully erect,’ he said. ‘Your vulva appears to be in perfect shape, but I need to do an internal exam as well. I’m going to put my fingers inside you - is that alright?’ 
Your pussy tightened again at his words and you nodded silently, allowing the rush of anticipation to dissipate. Opening your eyes,you felt calm, your brain somehow tranquilised - you were no longer worrying about what the doctor was doing or what he thought as he pumped something clear and viscous onto his fingers from the bottle on the trolley. Your body didn’t tense up when he spread the cold gel over the lower part of your slit and began to press gently against your opening, slick from arousal and lubricant. The pressure on your clit seemed to increase as the doctor slid what felt like two fingers easily into you, and the vibrations from the clamps came faster and stronger. 
‘Try to breathe normally, Miss Y/L/N,’ Doctor Kim said, looking at you with his dark brown eyes. ‘I’m going to put pressure on your G-spot now. It might feel a little strange.’ You hadn’t realised how uneven your breathing had become and forced yourself to take slow, regular breaths as the doctor pushed his fingers deeper into you. His fingers were strong and well-practised, probing and then curving upwards to press firmly against the upper wall, and you couldn’t help but let out a small groan as he began to rub his fingers rhythmically against it. He was careful not to touch the clamp but you could feel how swollen your clit had become from the pressure inside you and the regular pulsing of the clamps on your nipples, and you had to force yourself not to buck your hips in time with the doctor’s fingers. It was a delicious tease, and you wanted him to keep going, to flex his fingers inside you until you couldn’t take it any more.
‘How does that feel? Not uncomfortable?’ You didn’t trust yourself to speak without gasping, so you shook your head and suddenly he withdrew his fingers with a soft sucking noise. Is that the end? You thought desperately, and was surprised to find that you were disappointed. Is he finished? Doctor Kim had his back to you, busy with something on the trolley, and didn’t speak for a few seconds. ‘Is - is there…?’ you stuttered. ‘Not finished yet, I’m afraid. Nearly there, now - just a couple more things before I can let you go. Lift your hips, please.’  You obeyed, waves of goosebumps washing over you as your stomach jolted. What now? The doctor deftly slid a square of fabric underneath you, saying, ‘Just a precaution against the bed getting wet. Your natural lubrication is rather effusive.’ The doctor turned back to the trolley.
Never had any complaints, you thought, but he was right - several of your lovers had commented in the past on how wet you got during sex. One had even made you squirt, and as the memory suddenly flooded your brain, the clamps tightened on your nipples, your clit starting to throb. The increase in stimulation made you draw your breath in sharply and the doctor looked around at you.  ‘Everything alright?’ he asked dispassionately. You grunted a shaky affirmation and the doctor turned back to you, holding what was unmistakably a long, curved, matte black dildo with a complicated-looking port on the other end. Your eyes must have widened in surprise, because he glanced down at it and smiled slightly. ‘It’s an automated speculum. We’ve just started using these in the clinic, and I’m pleased to say that they’re very effective. They measure the contractions of your Kegel muscles by ensuring constant stimulation to the vagina and G spot. It can also be used to take an internal ultrasound and a cell sample,’ he said, clearly proud of his new toy. 
‘So, I just plug it in...here,’ There was a click as the doctor screwed the base into a port on the bed, ‘and then insert this end…relax, please,’ Doctor Kim spread your lips gently, applying a little more gel on the tip of the speculum with the other hand. A quiet whirring sound and a series of ticking noises, then the rounded end of the speculum slid smoothly inside you, making your muscles involuntarily clench around it as you gasped in earnest. It was thicker than you had expected, and your pussy already felt pleasurably stretched after the doctor’s fingers. The doctor fiddled with the remote control, muttering something about automatic calibration, and the speculum shifted inside you, vibrating slightly - a very odd sensation while it was happening, but after a few seconds it stopped moving and you could feel a bump on its surface pressing against your G spot. It felt so good to have the smooth shaft buried deep inside your pussy that you began to shift your hips backwards and forwards a little, hoping the doctor wouldn’t notice as you started to ride it, craving more stimulation.
The doctor did, of course, notice. He chuckled and said, ‘There’s no need for that, Miss Y/L/N. Lie still please - like I said, the speculum is automated.’ As if to prove a point, he pressed a button on the remote and the speculum instantly started sliding deeper inside you, achingly slowly. ‘See?’, he said as it began to pull out again, the bump grinding against your upper wall as it did so. ‘I’m going to take the clamp off now. The final check is on your orgasm - strength, duration, bodily response, et cetera.’ 
You opened your mouth, but nothing came out except a quiet groan as the machine continued to pump inside you. You almost felt close already, as if it would take only a few seconds for the doctor to bring you to climax once he started touching your clit. With one swift movement, the doctor released the clamp and the throbbing in your clit lessened to a pulse, thought it felt just as swollen as before. You wanted desperately to come, the clamps on your nipples almost too tight, now sending shocks of pleasure through your body with every slow thrust of the speculum inside you. You felt a trickle of something warm dripping down your slit and onto the fabric covering the bed. 
The doctor said nothing, but with a little more of the lubricant gel on his finger, he tapped your clit lightly, once. Immediately your body twitched and your pussy clenched - the clamp had made it so much more sensitive than you had expected. ‘Very good. Now, I’m going to stimulate your clitoris, but try not to orgasm too quickly. The speculum still needs to collect some data - I’ll tell you when it’s finished.’ You nodded to show you understood, then gripped the arm rests in anticipation. With one finger, the doctor began to stroke your clit slowly, starting just underneath it and moving upwards over the swollen flesh to finish on the very tip, repeating the motion over and over. Your breath was ragged and sharp, stifling little moans of pleasure as the speculum continued to thrust into you. Your mind seemed frozen, all thoughts and feelings gone, focused solely on the ache that was now building deep inside you and the doctor’s fingertip sliding over your clit. 
The speculum started thrusting into you faster, still grinding firmly against your G spot as it pushed deep inside you in time with the doctor’s movements; you knew it wouldn’t be long now. Your head was tilted back, hair hanging over the back of the chair, your mouth open and eyes closed, panting groans issuing uncontrollably from your throat as the machine fucked you. It felt so good to have the speculum stretching your tight hole that you almost forgot the doctor’s instruction not to come too fast, feeling the ache growing in your chest and cunt with the passing moments. You concentrated hard on the sensation of being pounded, goosebumps all over your body and the clamps on your nipples sending shocks through you, trying not to let yourself go yet. You wanted so desperately to come and you knew you wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer as the doctor’s fingertip circled your clit, making your pussy twitch. 
There was a sudden click and a musical tone, and you looked down towards the doctor standing between your legs - his movements slowed, but did not stop as he glanced up from your slit to the monitor.  ‘It’s finished, Miss Y/L/N - you can come now,’ he said quietly, the corner of his mouth lifting as he took in your flushed face.
You let your head fall back onto the padding of the chair and tried to say something, but only a gasping moan came out as the speculum started pounding you, fucking you faster and harder than before, ramming deep inside you. The doctor rubbed your clit firmly, holding back your lips with a hand on your mound and you writhed on the bed, bucking your hips with the motion of the speculum, riding it hard and feeling your orgasm building inside you, your inhibitions gone, shaking and groaning and gasping. Your body tensed, your head lifted off the table and the wave of pure, burning, rushing pleasure suddenly broke over you - you were coming harder than you ever had and cried out uncontrollably, every spasm of your cunt ripping through you as you lost yourself in ecstasy. 
Several minutes later, once you had recovered enough to sit up, shakily drink a cup of water and pull on your clothes,you dazedly sat back in front of the doctor at his desk.
‘So, Miss Y/L/N, how are you feeling?’ Doctor Kim asked, professional as ever. You had no idea what you said in response, and zoned out so completely that the next thing you remember was your phone beeping in the taxi home (you weren’t up to walking, after the morning you’d had), with a text which read:
Thank you for attending your appointment at Parsons Clinic. We look forward to seeing you next year.
a/n: phew. this is an adaptation of a smut i wrote a couple of years ago for my ex, and i gotta say that jin slotted in nicely as the gorgeous, professional gynecologist of my filthiest dreams. as always, thank you so much for reading, i hope you enjoyed it! feedback is welcomed~
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omi-ohmyimagination · 5 years
Sweet memory
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Themes: Johnny x Female Reader (+ Lucas as Reader’s bestfriend), Cafe owner AU, Mature, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Romance, Old love, (okay and hear me out with this one) there’s a conflict between adopted child and her family + fight b/n sisters (might be triggering, I’m not sure but I’d rather warn you)
Word count: ~8k words
Description: You were sure that Johnny would remain only a sweet memory for the rest of your life. Sweet memory of a week full of laughs, kisses and moans during a hot weather in Barcelona. But then you met him again.
OMI’s note: I know I was supposed to write Undercover but I got kinda inspired by such a good fic, oh damn, and this happened. And well, it's about Johnny 'cause he and his cute ass are all over my twitter for a few weeks now and I love this content (he's my ult, kay). What's more, fever is playing with my head and I wanted to write something kinda cute? But I'm working on Undercover, I promise! So yeah, I'm leaving you with this fic.
You've never thought that you would see Johnny ever again. After you've parted your ways on an airport in a distant country, you were sure that he would remain only a sweet memory for the rest of your life. Sweet memory of a week full of laughs, kisses and moans during a hot weather in Barcelona. His existence alone was supposed to be buried deep down in your heart, be your little secret which would pull at your heart strings from time to time, reminding you that you indeed fell for him in that short span of time.
But now he was standing in front of you, in nothing more than black briefs, with blushed cheeks and brown hair stuck to his sweaty forehead.
Just like three years ago.
“Johnny,” you muttered, confused. Your widened eyes scanned his body, painfully remained about delicious feeling of his skin against your skin.
“Y/N... you...,” he stammered equally, or maybe even more, bewildered as you. He dreamed of seeing you again many, many times but not like this, not when he was in other's woman house. “I...”
“John, who is it?” Woman's head peeked through the door on the left and you glanced at her with disgust. Her appearance made you forget about the lingering feeling of nostalgia right away. She noticed you and her face twitched in irritation. “Fuck.”
You passed by puzzled Johnny and pushed the woman on the wall with more force than you intended. She hit it with a loud thud and whined. “What the fuck are you doing, you psycho bitch?”
“What do you mean?”
“Stop playing dumb! Why did you tell mum that you're dying?” You poked her with your finger, anger boiling in you.
“Ow, so it's about this,” she rolled her eyes and you needed to gather all your strength to not hit her.
“Are you serious? She's not eating or sleeping, constantly crying her eyes out and you don't answer her calls! Why, for fuck's sake?”
“She's not my real mother, Y/N.”
“But she fucking raised you!” Your scream echoed through her apartment and slowly faded into silence. Meghan rubbed her eyes and pushed you out of her way to the kitchen, where she grabbed a bottle of water.
“And what about it, huh,” she said finally, folding her arms in front of her. “I'm moving out of the country and I don't want her to call me all the time to ask about bullshit. Jesus, I'm sick of her nagging already.”
You looked at her in disbelieve, your hands itching to slap her. “So you want her to think that you're dead? Are you crazy?”
“Cut it out. I don't care anymore.”
You leant your arm against the wall, trying to stay on your feet. You were disappointed in her, more than you've ever been. You knew she was fucked but never expected it was this bad. You took a deep breath. “She always treated as equally, you're as much of a daughter to her as I am.”
“I said, cut it out,” she yelled, throwing the bottle on the floor.
You laughed sadly. “You're worse than I thought. I can't believe that I'm saying this but... maybe it's better if you die for her.”
“You will get fed up with her, too,” she stated.
“Even if I do, I would never hurt her like that. Unlike you, I have feelings.” You shook your head and bounced off the wall. It was useless after all. You knew it from the beginning and still had some hope that maybe, just maybe, she was a bit grateful to your mum. That wasn't the case. When you turned around you met Johnny's wild eyes, focused on your face. Just then you remembered that he was there and your heart skipped the beat. You moved to the door but stopped in front of him. You hesitated for a moment but in the end put your hand on his shoulder with weak smile. The spark run through your body, reminding you once again of his warmth and light touches under summer night's sky. “You really don't have a luck with women, Johnny.”
Meghan gasped and when you closed the door behind you, you heard her frustrated scream. You took a few steps and leaned against the wall too overwhelmed with what happened. You were mad at yourself because as much as you wanted to think about your mother, your mind drifted back to Johnny constantly.
You couldn't believe that it was him, it was so unreal. Everything about him was the same as you remembered — his voice was still honey-like, gaze as piercing as before, skin hot and silky. Maybe he was fitter and more tanned but it only made him more charming than three years ago.
You glanced at your hand, still warm from the contact with him. You clenched it into fist, trying to imprint it in your memory. “Shit,” you cursed, trying to take out pack of cigarettes from your pocket. When you drew on it for the first time, door to Meghan's apartment flew open.
You raised your head and blinked a few times in confusion. Johnny stood there with his shirt still opened and jacket thrown over his arm. He sighed, relieved that you were there.
“Get back here, John,” Meghan yelled, trying to grab his hand. He moved away from her without breaking eye-contact with you.
“Y/N, can we... talk,” he asked with hope in his voice.
You inhaled the gray smoke again, looking away from him. “Maybe. But not now, I need to talk to mum.”
“Of course. Just tell me where I can find you.”
“You can come to my coffeehouse. It's called Sweet memory.” As soon as the name left your mouth, your eyes widened and you almost dropped your cigarette. You looked at him, terrified that he could guess why it was called like that.
He smiled. “So after all, you've opened your own cafe.”
“Yeah, I did.” His soft gaze still had the same effect at you, you were so close to melting that it scared you. You shook your head. “I need to go. I will... see you around, Johnny.”
He watched as you disappeared through the door with warm feeling inside his chest. It was you, it was really you. After three long years, he was finally able to see you again. He found you and no matter what he didn't want to lose you this time.
“What the fuck was that, Johnny?”
He turned rapidly to Meghan. “Don't call me that.”
“Oh, so she can but I don't?”
“I've told you that there's only one person that can call me Johnny.”
She opened her mouth but closed them immediately, not knowing what to say. She looked at the door and back at him. “Are trying to tell me that she's that person?” He nodded which only made her laugh. “You've got to be kidding me. You don't even know her!”
“I do. I know her better than you think.”
She scanned his face in search of... something. Anything that could indicate he was lying but there was nothing. Only this annoying expression of joy. Rage filled her when she slapped him across the face. She lost to you once again, and she didn't even think it was possible. “Get the fuck out of here.” He massaged his cheek and hissed, “With pleasure.”
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When you stepped outside the apartment complex, you took a phone out and dialed your mother's number. You were greeted by her voicemail right away and your heart stopped. With trembling hands you rang her again. And again, but the result was still the same. Your breath sped up when you grabbed the nearest fence to steady yourself. “No, please.” Your mind raced with the darkest scenarios possible and tears sting at the corners of your eyes. You searched through contacts and called your best friend, the only person you've trusted.
“Lucas, I... I can't reach mum, she's not answering.”
“Hey, calm down. She's...”
“How can I calm down? What if...?”
Lucas interrupted you, “She's here, Y/N. You don't need to worry.”
“Here?” Your voice was just a mere whisper.
“She's at the cafe, and she's fine. Right?” You heard yours mum's confirmation from the distance and lonely tear of relief rolled on your cheek. “We are waiting for you, okay?”
“Yeah, thanks Lu. I... I will be there in a few minutes.”
You weren't aware that Johnny was watching you from a far, when you wiped your face and sped, pushing through people. You couldn't know that worry clenched his heart at the sight of your tears, bringing back the most painful memory he had. You couldn't know how much he wanted to run after you to make sure everything was okay.
When you finally reached your cafe, relief flooded you as soon as you saw your mum — safe and sound with cup of tea in her hand. You sighed and came closer to her.
“Why are you not answering my calls,” you asked, sitting next to her.
She looked at her phone laid on the table and smiled with guilt written all over her face. “Seems like my battery died. I'm sorry, honey. Were you worried?” You nodded. “I'm so sorry.”
“No, don't be. As long as you're okay, it's fine. You look... better. What...”
“You were at Meghan's house, right,” she cut in, stirring brown liquid in her cup with spoon.
“I... yes.”
She slowly shook her head with weak smile on her lips. She was looking at passing cars mindlessly. “You know, I always felt that this day will come. She has never acknowledged me as her mother, I'm aware of that. I tried my best to give her decent life, but she didn't want it. And I hated the way she treated you, honey, but what I could have done? She's my daughter too, even if she doesn't want to admit it. She will always be. I tried to convince myself it's going to be all right but I guess it's finally time to let her be.”
“Mum,” you whispered but she hushed you.
“I know that she lied to me, I'm not that stupid. I was just... I don't know. Disappointed? Yeah, it's probably the right word. Maybe I wasn't the best mother after all.”
“Don't think like this. She's the problem here.”
She glanced at you with warm smile this time. “Knowing you, you made quite a fuss, right?”
You scratched your neck, averting her eyes. “Maybe.” You hesitated for a moment but then you remembered Meghan's face when Johnny ignored her and you couldn't hold a grin. “Like hell I did.”
You spent some time with her, chatting and laughing at Lucas' lame jokes. It was almost like everything was back to normal, she was smiling brightly, full of life again and that sight made you more than happy. You were still a bit concerned about how she felt, but she seemed genuinely happy and you hoped that the guilt she had towards herself would finally disappear. Just like Meghan.
When she gathered her things a few hours later, she assured you around million times that she was fine, that she would answer your every call, and that there was nothing to worry about. Hesitantly, you believed her and promised to visit her soon.
“Isn't it kinda... weird,” you asked when you said goodbye to the last customer, closed the cafe and sat on the counter, watching the way Lucas stretched his arms.
“What exactly?”
“Her attitude. She was so heartbroken yesterday and today? It was like she was born again.”
He threw a white cloth at you, encouraging you to help him clean with a nudge. “I talked with her a bit before you came and yes, she's still hurt. But, you know, when she understood that Meghan lied to her, everything became clear to her, and she decided that she can't upset you again. She's just sad that this bitch can't love her the way she does.”
“This piece of shit,” you mumbled, wiping a stain off of one of the tables.
Lucas stopped, leaning on a broom. “Actually, you didn't tell me how it went with her.”
You spun on your heel with wide eyes. “Holy shit, true. Dude, you won't believe me.” He sat on the nearest chair and put his head on his interlocked hands. “Screw her, you can guess how she reacted. Usual. But as soon as door to her apartment opened I was eye to eye with Johnny.”
“Johnny? This Johnny,” he gasped, coughing hysterically.
“Man, he's still as gorgeous as he was back in Spain,” you trailed off, remembering the way his chest raised and fell with every breath, how his skin glistened with thin layer of sweat. “He ran out after me, asking if we can talk sometime, and... boy-oh-boy, if you could see Meghan's face.”
Lucas stood up and grabbed you by the shoulders. “Quoting you, screw her. What did you tell him?”
“That he can come here, if he wants.”
He screamed with excitation and hugged you tightly. “Good job, my girl!”
“You think what I would say, huh? I missed him every fucking day for the past three years. It's not like I was going to ditch him.”
Lucas glanced at you, and with loud laugh hugged you once again.
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Johnny stopped confused, looking around. He didn't really know where he was, he strolled around the town mindlessly, still too overwhelmed with his emotions. He felt as if he was on cloud nine, but at the same time his mind was shaking in fear for what have made you so devastated.
He took a deep breath, ready to call a cab when he noticed glowing sign at the other side of the road. Sweet memory. The small building was painted blue and white with light-brown fence around it. Candles flickered on rounded tables and flowers scattered all over the place moved slowly because of light breeze. He smiled lovingly at the sight, it looked exactly how you've wanted.
His smile faded when he noticed you inside, tightly hugged by a tall man. He watched as you pushed him lightly with a smile on your lips, and then chased him with a cloth in your hand around the room. He didn't know if it was his imagination or not, but he could almost hear your laugh. That beautiful sound he loved from the first time he heard it. You were happy.
Of course, you were. Why the hell he thought you wouldn't be? Maybe he had unrealistic expectations, but he wished that you missed him as much as he did. Delicate sound of a bell brought his attention back to the cafe. You got outside and blew out one candle after another. Your face looked tired but there was a small smile on it. Beautiful.
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“Hey, Lucas,” you called, looking up. “You have shift tomorrow, right?”
He leaned over the door with folded arms. “Yeah, why?”
“Open for me and I will change you around 3, okay,” you proposed.
He squinted his eyes suspiciously. “Are you doing what I'm thinking about?”
“Fuck off, dude. I'm giving you a day-off and you complain. Take Lily somewhere 'cause I know she wants to spend more time with you.”
“First of all,” he put his finger up, “I'm the boss here, too, and I can take a day-off whenever I like to. And second, what does it even mean? She told you this?”
You came closer to him, put your hand on his shoulder and glanced around with fake caution. “Take care of your wife, man, because she might be hiding something from you.” Your laugh resonated through the cafe when you got inside and disappeared at the back.
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“Y/N, come back here! What does it mean? Hey!” The guy yelled, chasing after you. The bell rang again when the door closed itself after you.
Johnny's head was hanging low and the pain inside his chest spread throughout his body. You sure were fine without him. He was stupid, wanting something that was out of his reach from the beginning. You were not his.
You've never been and never be.
And that made him feel even more lonely than he was already.
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That night, when you parted your ways with Lucas, you were sitting at your balcony the whole night, surrounded by lavender scent and cigarette's smoke, thinking about your most precious memory. The sweetest memory that ended way too fast and left you pathetically lovesick.
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You met him for the first time in a hotel's elevator when he held the door for you. His smile was so mesmerizing that every little thought left your head instantly. Nothing mattered to you. Heat, tiredness and hunger were not important anymore. There were only his beautiful brown eyes and plump, rosy lips.
You thanked him after few seconds, embarrassed at your behavior. Your cheeks burned and you weren't sure if it was because of your awkwardness or his presence. Small space of elevator suffocated you and warmness of his body only worsened it. He was too close, yet too far.
When he got out on the same floor as you and headed to the room next to yours, you both knew it would not end with only that one meeting.
And it didn't.
Hours later knocking on your door interrupted you while you were planning where to buy food. Confused, but also weirdly excited, you opened the door and stood eye-to-eye with him. He smiled at you with hint of embarrassment and your heart skipped a bit.
“Hey, I know it might sound a bit creepy but would you like to go out with me?” His voice was sweeter than any candy you've ever had. It was soft, honey-like almost, and you wanted to hear it more.
“It looks like I don't mind the creepiness of it because I would love to,” you answered, your heart flattering in your chest and cheeks burning.
His smile grew bigger, shoving your thoughts out of your head. “I'm John,” he said, extending his arm. You grabbed it and sparks flew from your fingers through your whole body.
“Y/N. Would you... would you mind if I call you Johnny?” His hand squeezed yours a bit tighter.
“Not at all.”
During the first day of your stay in Barcelona you learned more about him than you even wished for.
You didn't even know when listening to his voice became your favorite thing in the world. He was sweet, caring and made butterflies in your stomach rose to life. You wanted to know his every secret, every dream, learn about all his good and bad points. You wanted to know everything about him, and he was ready to give you answer to every question. On condition that you would do the same. During the second day you were too immersed in watching how light danced on his prettily sculpted face, how wind ruffled his brown hair to remember any of the buildings you've passed.
You were strolling through the city, occasionally brushing your bare arms and giggling every time it happened. The thin layer of sweat made his skin glisten under the hot sun and you couldn't bring yourself to stop staring at him. You were consumed by his presence to the point that you didn't notice the way his eyes followed your every curve, every small move you did. He was as mesmerized by you as you were by him.
“So beautiful,” he whispered from behind you. It was so quiet, almost inaudible, and you didn't know if he really said that or if your mind was playing with you. But then he repeated it, right into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. “You're so beautiful.”
During the third day you learned that his touch was all you wanted to feel for the rest of your life.
Johnny took you for a walk around the city, saying that visiting local market would be a nice experience. Indeed, it was. You were excited, looking at all the things you've never had a chance to see, observing how people behaved and how cheerful they were.
You didn't pay attention to your nearest surrounding too consumed with absorbing all fragrances and colors, and it ended with you tripping over basket full of fruits. You gasped shocked and closed your eyes ready for a fall.
But it never came.
Johnny wrapped his arm around your waist in no time and pulled you close to his body. Your hands landed on his chest clad in a thin tee. Every inch of your skin burned and you were too embarrassed to look up, painfully aware of the color of your cheeks.
“Are you okay,” he whispered into your hair. His hand was rubbing your back and you wanted both run away and stay like this longer. Unable to make a sound, you simple nodded.
Before he let go of you, his lips barely grazed the top of your head. Your heart was racing and with his hand on the small of your back, it didn't calm down for the rest of the trip.
During the fourth day you saw him without a shirt for the first time.
You spent the whole day walking around the city again and when you were about to part your ways on the long corridor in the hotel, Johnny proposed going to the beach. You agreed happily and your smile fell from your lips only when you finally arrived at the shore, and he took his tee off.
His body was slightly tanned and sculpted like a real statue. You were able to see every muscle when he came closer to you. Everything you wanted was to touch him, to feel every inch of his perfect body. You had to stop yourself from doing this and Johnny seemed to notice it.
Trying to push this thought from your head, you slipped from your dress and headed to the water. You hoped that it would cool you off a bit but it was impossible. Not with Johnny's eyes on your body. And he was staring, oh he was. He was mesmerized. He followed your every move as if he was in a trance, and he didn't care if you notice or not. Maybe he even wanted you to notice, to know how much you affected him.
You looked at him with the same dreamy eyes. His skin was glowing in the moonlight and wet hair that stuck to his forehead begged to be brushed away. It all felt so right.
When it came to part ways again, you couldn't bring yourself to do it. You wanted to spend more time with him and that was why you invited him to your room. He followed you with a smile on his lips and trembling hands.
You didn't know what to say, not to mention what to do. You run through your wet hair with shaky fingers, trying to gather any coherent thought.
As if he sensed your uneasiness, he proposed in a hushed voice, “Can I dry your hair?”
Breath got stuck in your throat and you nodded, turning to him with wide eyes. His touch was hotter than the air that blown your hair all around your face. He gently combed through them with his long digits, touching your neck from time to time. You weren't sure if he did it on purpose or not, but you hoped it wasn't an accident. Every little touch sent shivers down your spine and you loved that feeling more than anything.
During the fifth day he kissed you for the first time.
A festival that snatched everyone's attention was the best thing you've ever experienced. People dressed in colorful clothes in happy, maybe a bit drunken, states surrounded you everywhere. It was loud but you didn't care at all. Music filled every cell of your body and you couldn't stop yourself from joining a group of beautiful girls in their dance. They welcomed you with big smiles on their lips. One of them shouted something you didn't understand and when she noticed your confusion, she put her hands on your hips and helped you move them to the rhythm. You laughed slightly embarrassed but continued to move your body, following her instructions.
Your eyes searched for Johnny in the crowd, and when you locked your gaze with his, your mouth became dry instantly. He was staring at you with eyes dark and full of hunger. He followed your every move like his life depended on it and it only stirred you more. You slid your hand on your chest and shudder at the way his mouth parted.
Before you even registered what was happening, he was by your side. He grabbed your face in his hands and kissed you with so much force that you gasped into his mouth. Your arms flew around his neck and you buried your fingers in his hair.
His lips were hot and needy, matching yours perfectly as if they were made just for you. He slipped his tongue inside your mouth when you moaned and your head started spinning because of that. He tasted sweet, sweeter than honey, and you couldn't get enough of him.
You were in heaven, and you didn't want to come down to earth ever again.
During the sixth day you lost the last bits of sanity in you.
Whatever happened during the daylight was not important to you. You couldn't remember what you were doing or where were you. The only thing that matter was the fact that Johnny knocked on your door shortly after you said goodnight to each other.
He didn't say anything. As soon as you opened the door, he connected his lips to yours and pushed you inside your room. His lips were much more greedy than yesterday and you welcomed them with the same power. His hands slid down your arms and grabbed the hem of your dress. He broke the kiss and looked into your eyes, as if asking if he could undress you. You reached for the waistband of his shorts and pulled him closer, standing on your toes at the same time.
“Don't stop, Johnny,” you whispered into his ear. He groaned and yanked the dress off of you. Even though he saw you like this before, he couldn't stop staring. You were hypnotizing, to say the least. He was going crazy because of you and he wanted this feeling to last forever. You touched his chest, trying to bring him back to his senses. “This,” you said, tugging at his tee, “I want it off.”
“Anything you wish.” His lips stretched in cocky smile, and he took the shirt off.
In a heartbeat his mouth were back on yours in a heated kiss. Your teeth clashed and you moaned, feeling that delicious taste all over again. Your hands brushed over his nipples, making him groan in response. This time you broke the kiss, trying to catch your breath. Johnny's lips moved down, leaving wet kisses all over your jaw and neck. His hands struggled with the clasp of your bra, but he finally got rid of it, taking in the sight in front of him.
He gently grabbed one of your breasts in his large hand and slowly traced his thump over your hardened nipple. You moaned loudly, leaning in his touch.
“So beautiful,” he purred, guiding you to the bed finally. He pushed you lightly and dropped on his knees, setting himself between your legs. You propped yourself on your elbows, not wanting to miss any of his moves. Looking directly into your eyes, he planted a few kisses on your thighs and hooked his fingers on your undies. He took them off in one swift move and threw somewhere on the floor, too amazed by the new view. “Fuck,” he cursed, dipping between your legs.
As soon as his lips touched your clit, you dropped down on the bed with a loud moan. Your fingers tangled themselves in Johnny's hair and yanked them hard. He groaned, sending vibrations through your body in a delicious way. He licked his way from your opening up, humming in satisfaction, and pushed one of his digits into you, smiling at the sound that left your mouth.
He loved it, he loved every of your little whimpers.
“Johnny,” you moaned, tugging at his hair again. He hummed in response, gaining another sweet sound from you. “I want you.”
He looked at you — sweaty, out of breath and with lust in your eyes. He gave you one final lick and stood up. He slipped from the last pieces of clothing and sat beside you, patting his thighs. When you sat on him, legs on both sides of him, he took your face in his hands once again. “You have me, baby. I'm all yours.”
Feeling of Johnny buried deep inside you was so perfect, so thrilling that you couldn't even believe it was real. Every thrust he made, sent you deeper into wonderful bliss, ripping loud moans from your parted lips. His hand, placed gently at the back of your neck, kept you from falling onto him. It also gave him a chance to watch your face closely. And what he saw, was the best thing is his life.
“Johnny,” you whined, gripping his biceps.
“What is it, baby?”
“Fuck, I...,” you cried, opening your eyes and regretting it almost immediately. His gaze was filled not only with need but also with so much love that your heart cried in happiness. You bit into your lower lip, trying to suppress the smile.
“Tell me how it feels,” he said, thrusting in you harder. You digged your nails into his skin with a cry.
“It feels so good, you...” you stammered, “you feel so good. I fucking love it.”
Johnny smiled and pulled you closer, leaning his forehead against yours. “I love it, too. More than I probably should.”
After few harder thrust you came undone, screaming his name until you lost your voice. The knot in your belly unwind itself, sending waves of pleasure through your whole body. White dots danced under your lids and you trembled violently. He groaned when you squeezed him, and leaned his head on your shoulder, unable to hold any longer. You yanked him up and attached your lips to his neck, trying to help him reach his high.
“Come on, Johnny. I want to see you cum because of me.”
He moaned loudly and you smiled. His lips attacked yours in despair when he finally reached his orgasm.
During the seventh day reality shattered your world into pieces.
When you woke up, Johnny was already awaken and looking at you with admiration. His hand traced circles on your naked shoulder, and he smiled.
“Good morning.”
“Oh, it definitely is good. Hey,” you laughed, planting a kiss on his exposed chest.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better than ever,” you answered genuinely.
“That's good. Do you want to eat something?”
You shook your head. “Nope, let's stay like this a bit longer.”
“Anything you wish, love.” Your heart skipped a beat because of the pet name and you buried your face into his neck, trying to hide a blush. You felt delighted surrounded by his smell and warmth. You were sure that that was how heaven would be described. At least, your heaven.
You didn't know when you fell asleep again but when you opened your eyes Johnny was no longer around you. You sat on your bed and glanced around. “Johnny?” Your question was met with silence and you panicked. Did he ditch you? Did he only want your body?
You bit your lip, trying to stop tears from falling down your face. It couldn't be true, right?
When you stood up, the door to your room opened and Johnny came inside with small, brown bag in his hand. You ran up to him and hugged him tightly.
“Hey, did something happened,” he asked, rubbing your back.
“I thought you left me,” you sobbed. His body tensed and even though it was only for a second, you felt that.
“I'm still here, baby.”
And then the reality crushed you. You moved away from him on shaky legs. Your hands were trembling and tears streamed down your face. “You're still here... But you're leaving soon.”
Johnny dropped the bag on the floor and took you in his arms. He didn't say anything, there was no need.
There was nothing any of you could do.
During the eighth day you decided to leave your heart in Johnny's hands.
You couldn't stop crying when you got into the elevator, pressed tightly to Johnny's body.
You couldn't stop crying when you arrived at the airport.
You couldn't stop crying when Johnny begged you to stop.
“Please,” he whispered, kissing your tears away. His hands were pressed to the sides of your face and his thumbs stroked your skin. “Please, don't cry. How can I leave you in such state?”
“Then don't do this,” you begged. “Don't leave me.”
He sighed. “I don't want to leave you, baby, believe me. Fuck, there's nothing I want more than stay with you but I can't. And you also need to go home now. You know it.”
“I do, I know it. But it hurts... it hurts so damn much, Johnny.”
He pulled you closer and rested his chin at the top of your head. His throat tightened and tears started rolling down his face. He tried so hard to be strong, but he couldn't hold it anymore. He never imagined that within just one week he would get attached to someone this badly. He didn't want to leave you. Thought of hurting you tore his heart apart. But what could he do?
When they announced your flight, he had to walk you there because you didn't want to leave his side.
As soon as you disappeared behind the door, he lost all the strength in his legs. He slumped against the wall with face hidden in his hands and swallowed the scream that wanted to escape his lips.
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You wiped the lonely tear from your face and laughed. Maybe things would have been different if you hadn't lost your phone back then. Everything disappeared, including the most important thing — his number. You didn't have any other way to contact him and it made you even more depressed than you've already been. If it wasn't for Lucas and Lily you would have wasted your life, locked in your room.
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You entered the cafe with a bright smile. You nodded to a few customers inside and got behind the counter.
“Hey Lucas, how's going?”
“Fine, I guess,” he grunted. He was definitely sulking.
You looked at him with squinted eyes and whispered, “The fuck is wrong with you?”
“What does Lily hide from me?”
You laughed loudly and patted his head. “Chill. You will be more than happy, believe me.”
“So she's not cheating on me,” he leaned against the counter with folded arms.
“Are you serious? Lily? Cheating on you? You're fucking crazy, dude. Think before you speak.” You were about to go at the back to change your clothes but you stopped midway. “Did he come?”
Lucas shook his head, turning around ready to take an order from a young girl in front of him.
That day was longer than any other. Whenever the bell above the door rang your head shot up but every time you were met with disappointment.
He didn't come.
Your heart, which was in one piece after seeing him again, trembled painfully. It was dangerously close to breaking down all over again and that scared you more than anything. You didn't know if you would be able to handle it once more. You thought that he was as eager to see you as you were but it seemed not to be the case.
You sat outside the cafe for more than hour, shivering from cold, but he didn't come.
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Johnny watched as you stood up from the sidewalk and walked away. There was only one thing he wanted to do. His only dream was to run up to you and take you into his arms again, but he couldn't.
The memory of you in someone else's embrace was squeezing his heart in the most unpleasant way. He wished to be in that guy's place, he wished to be the one who made you laugh. But it wasn't possible. He didn't want to hurt you again.
Not when you were finally happy.
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When Lucas appeared at the cafe, you could have sworn you've never seen him this happy.
“Good morning! Free coffee for everyone,” he sang. With big grin on his lips, he continued full of pride, “You're currently looking at the happiest man on earth. I'm going to be a father!”
With warm smile, you watched how he thanked for every congratulation, and when he came closer you hugged him. “Told you.” He spun you around, gaining a high-pitched scream from you. “Put me down, dude. You're happy, I understand.”
His good mood lifted yours a bit but no matter how much your mind wanted to enjoy this moment, your heart couldn't. Your smile faded when another wave of sadness ran through your body. Lucas caught the change in your attitude and lowered his head, trying to look you in the eyes.
“What's going on? Is it about your mom?”
You shook your head. “No, she's fine.” Then you glanced at him with eyes full of tears. “He didn't come.”
“Oh sweety.” His arms pulled you in another hug, more comforting this time. “Maybe he had something to do first?”
“You think so?”
“Of course. From what you've told me, he was as in love as you were. He wouldn't miss such chance. And if he had a nerve do to this, I will find him and beat the shit out of him, okay?”
You laughed faintly. “I hope you're right.”
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As it turned out after a long, painful week, Lucas wasn't right.
Much to the annoyance of Lucas, you spend every single day at the cafe. You were exhausted not only physically but also mentally. Johnny didn't come and it was as if he took your heart away once again. Everything became dull and pathetic, especially you.
Your only consolation was your mother's state of mind.
“Y/N, go home,” Lucas begged for the hundredth time, stroking your hair.
“He ditched me, Lu. I'm so stupid.”
“He's stupid, not you. He was the one to ask about meeting and never came.”
“There's no but, for fuck's sake,” he swore, pulling you up on your feet. “He's a fucking idiot and as I've said, I'm gonna kick his ass. Nobody hurts you, I won't allow it.”
“Too late,” you whispered.
Lucas growled, frustrated. “He's dead, he's fucking dead.”
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Johnny wasn't sure if what he was doing was a good idea. Yes, he decided to leave and let you live your life in happiness, but he couldn't go away without final goodbye. He wanted to be selfish this one last time, make sure that he was doing the right thing. Even though it hurt like hell, he wanted to see you.
He came inside the cafe with a heavy heart, and seeing your sad and gloomy expression made him feel even worse. You were talking with a small girl and the guy from before, trying your hardest to smile. He didn't understand why you were so depressed, until he noticed that the couple in front of you was holding hands. His blood started to boil and every thought he had in his head disappeared.
“Johnny,” your weak voice caught his attention immediately. He looked at you with eyes full of pain and froze. The guy turned around and Johnny could have sworn that he felt his anger from where he stood.
“It's him,” he asked.
“Lucas,” you said, trying to grab the guy's hand, but he was faster. He stormed through the room and grabbed Johnny by his collar. “Lucas, stop.” You moved in their direction with widened eyes.
Lucas turned to you. “Didn't I tell that I'm gonna kick his ass?”
“You did, many times, but...”
“No buts, girl. I was forced to fucking look at you, crying your eyes out for the second time because of him and you expect me to do nothing,” he snapped, clenching his fists around the thin material.
“Lily, please, do something,” you begged, looking at the girl.
Johnny kept his mouth shut. He didn't know what was happening.
“Lucas, honey, listen to her.” The girl put her hand on Lucas' shoulder and squeezed it lightly.
“Not a chance. I can't let him hurt her like that. She's like my sister, you know it, baby.”
“Let them settle it by themselves and when she decides that punching him is the best idea, you will do it.” Lucas looked at Johnny with squinted eyes and let go of him.
“You will call me, right,” he asked, turning to you.
“I will,” you told him, grabbed Johnny's hand and pulled him to the door. “Come with me before he changes his mind.” Johnny followed you without a word, too confused with the whole situation. Before he had a chance to open his mouth, you wrapped your arms around his waist. “I thought you won't come.”
He hugged you back instinctively, closing his eyes and inhaling your scent. He missed it more than he actually thought. It felt so right to have you in his arms, and he didn't want to stop it ever again. But he had to, he had to know what was going on.
He pushed you back slightly but still kept his hand on your shoulders. “He's not your boyfriend?”
“Who?” You tilted your head in confusion.
“That guy... Lucas?”
You laughed. “Good lord, no. I would rather be single my whole life than be with him. I don't know how Lily puts up with his ass.”
Johnny whined, lowering his head. “I'm an idiot. Holy shit, I was about to let you go again because of my stupidity.”
“What are you talking about?”
He glanced up at you with tired smile. “I was here, you know? In front of your cafe. I saw you with him, laughing and hugging and... and I thought that he's your boyfriend. That's why I didn't come.”
“So why did you come today?”
“Because I wanted to say goodbye. I didn't want to hurt you again, so I decided to leave.”
Your eyes widened in shock and you hit his chest. “You're plain stupid, Johnny.”
“I know,” he agreed. “But I hope you can forgive this idiot.”
You smiled lovingly and hugged him once again. Johnny's heart swelled with happiness, and he couldn't stop the smile that formed on his lips.
“Do I need to beat him,” Lucas asked, sticking his head through the door.
You turned your head in his direction. “Don't even try, dude.”
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For the first time in a long time, way to your house didn't feel as bad. Johnny's fingers were interlocked with yours and his gaze was coming back to you constantly. You were both radiating with excitation and love, and you couldn't hide your smiles.
“You're gonna trip over something if you don't stop looking at me,” you said finally, leaning against him.
“I don't really care.”
“But I do. I don't want you to hurt your pretty face.”
His hand sneaked around your waist, and he planted a quick kiss on your temple. “You're adorable.”
You knew your cheeks reddened when the warmth spread all over your body. Butterflies in your stomach fluttered and you squeezed yourself closer to Johnny. When you finally reached your apartment, you invited him inside and spun around. “Welcome home. Do you want to drink something?”
His smile broadened. “Water would be fine.”
“You haven't change, huh,” you joked, heading into your kitchen. Johnny leaned against your fridge with hands pushed into his pockets and eyes focused on you.
“Can I ask you something?” You nodded, searching for a clean glass. “Why didn't you call me back then?”
You froze, feeling of embarrassment filling you. “I lost my phone at the airport,” you said, clenching your hand on the edge of the counter. “I fucking lost it and no one wanted to help me.”
Johnny came closer and hugged you from behind. “And I thought you gave up on me.” You were ready to protest but he shushed you. “You know, I came back to Barcelona every year, hoping I would meet you again.”
You turned in his hands with tilted head. “And yet, I met you here, in my sister's house. In nothing more than a pair of briefs.”
Johnny swallowed loudly and he blushed. “I...”
“Chill, Johnny. I was joking,” you stopped him.
“No, I think I owe you an explanation.”
“Johnny, really, I'm not sure if I want to be remained that she had her hands on you.”
“But we didn't do it, okay? You interrupted us and that was the first time I was there. True, I was seeing her for some time but I couldn't bring myself to have sex with her.”
“Why,” you asked, playing with the collar of his shirt.
He pulled you even closer and whispered right into your ear. “Because I knew it won't be a match for that one time in Barcelona.”
“Oh really,” you purred in a playful tone. “And what was so special about it?”
“You,” he answered, catching your gaze. He leaned in and with lips almost touching yours, he whispered, “I missed you, baby.”
“I know, me too, Johnny.” You connected your lips with his in a long awaited kiss. It felt exactly the same as you remembered — he still tasted like honey, sweet and tempting.
He broke the kiss and laughed at your pouting face. “There's one more thing.”
He brushed your hair away, and staring into your eyes, he said with seriousness, “I love you.”
“I love you, too, Johnny.”
He was yours.
He was finally yours.
After all this time, your sweet memory turned into reality.
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serpienten · 5 years
Divine Intervention (II/VI)
Chapter Title: Three Time’s a Charm
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Could things possibly get any worse than a horrifyingly embarrassing meet-dumb with a handsome, flustering, and flirtatious stranger? Well – it probably will.
Last Chapter: In a sleepy haze, you almost steal someone’s car. Instead of being mad at you, he buys you coffee.
This Chapter: While working as a checkout girl, you’ve seen a lot of things. But you’ve yet to see a customer twice in one day. Or three times. Or... you get the gist.
Prompt: You’re the cute cashier at 7/11 and I keep going to buy one thing at a time as an excuse to talk to you.
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Part two for my series with @kentuckybarnes for @chillingbucky and @revengingbarnes ‘s fic wars! The prompt I had is listed above. I hope this is alright! As always, feedback, reblogs, likes, etc. are very very much appreciated.
Divine Intervention - Masterlist
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Two weeks had passed since you almost drove off in the car of one of earth’s mightiest heroes, and where you previously hadn’t paid much attention to either of them and had managed to live your days without seeing their faces plastered all over social media and what not, it seemed that you couldn’t escape them now. When you opened Twitter, almost every second tweet was about the Avengers or at least used a reference to them. You saw heaps of pictures on Instagram and neither on Pinterest or Tumblr were you safe from them. Well, from one of them especially. It didn’t exactly bother you. You had nothing against the Avengers, they seemed like nice people and of course, they’d saved the world and probably your ass more than once or twice, but by seeing Bucky Barnes’ face, you were constantly reminded of the embarrassment that had resulted from your sleepy mistake.
He was everywhere. Everywhere.
While he was absolutely gorgeous and muscley and overall just so. nice. to look at, he stressed you the heck out. He looked at you while getting you that coffee and you got flustered. You saw a picture of him looking into the camera and you blushed. And not only weren’t you safe from him in the social media space, but he also invaded your thoughts. His slate blue, one of a kind eyes, the smile and husky laugh he’d gifted you with a bunch of times, the way his shirt and jacket had stretched over his broad shoulders and the sculpted muscles of his chest, the slight stubble covering the sharp line of his jaw and his smell. Sandalwood, leather, cologne and just a hint of smoke that would normally have bothered you but on him... It fit. To Bucky, it fit perfectly. You hadn’t realized it like this while you were with him since you were tired out of your mind, but when you’d woken up the next day, it all came crashing down on you like a tsunami.
You desperately wished to turn back time and re-do your first meeting with Bucky. Partly because you wanted to embarrass yourself less, and partly to enjoy the time you had with that man more. Because as it was looking at the moment, you weren’t going to meet him anytime soon if ever at all. God, why hadn’t you asked for his number?
“C’mon Y/N, look alive.”
Tilting your head to the side, you looked at your co-worker, Alex. She was right behind you, handling the second cash desk, sliding products over the scanner nimbly and swiftly, checking out customer after customer, while you were waiting for an old lady to dig out her debit card. You grimaced at her and Alex grinned back at you, before looking back towards her customer.
When you turned back around as well, you were met with the lady’s debit card expectantly extended in your direction. Taking it quickly, you muttered out a thank you. While the woman packed her stuff and left, you got to the next customer. You could feel the people in the queue getting a little irritated by the wait, so you hurriedly greeted the next in line and reached for the three products on the counter. After swiping all of them over the scanner, you looked up and opened your mouth to announce the price.
Then, your breath stalled.
There he was. Bucky Barnes. The Winter Soldier. An Avenger. In a 7/11. Right in freaking front of you.
“Hey,” he said, giving you a lopsided grin and lifted his hand to wave a little.
“Hi,” you breathed out. 
He was wearing the baseball cap again. It suited him, but at the same time, it covered a lot of his face that you would really like to see. You allowed your eyes to roam over his form. All in all, he didn’t look very different from the last time you saw him, and that was just fine by you. 
“So, how much is it?”
“Hm?” Your eyes snapped back up to his and you looked at him wide-eyed, before realizing that you were in the middle of “checking out” a customer and had a line of people that were starting to switch over to Alex because of how long you were taking.
“Crap,” you swore, “sorry.”
Bucky let out a little, hoarse laugh and shook his head. “It’s fine, doll.”
You let him know the price and he took out a black credit card to pay. The look of the card alone made you feel strange about seeing it in a 7/11 like the one you worked in.
“Well,” he said, grabbing the cans of root beer, “it’s really... really nice to see you again.”
“You too.” You smiled at him, fiddling around with your fingers as you looked at him. He wore a soft smile that almost made your knees weak. The embarrassment you’d felt the past two weeks while thinking about him and the car incident disappeared immediately as soon as your eyes met. All you could think about was how good it felt to have him in front of you. It felt like being near a close friend. Comfortable. Familiar. Relaxed.
A chuckle stole its way onto his lips and you were hoping for him to say something else, but just when he was about to open his mouth, someone behind him cleared his throat.
You were met with the glare of a very, very angry man, a hand stemmed in his hips and his foot audibly tapping below the counter.
Bucky threw a glance over his shoulder and then looked back at you with an apology shining in his eyes. “I’ll leave ya to it, doll.”
You nodded at him, waving slightly as he turned and left. However, not without shooting you another smile. Already, not even two seconds later, you were yearning for him to return.
Two hours later, the lunchtime storm was over, and you could finally take a deep breath again. Alex and you were sitting in your little space between the cash registers, slouched in your seats.
“So. Tell me. Who was the guy you were making heart eyes at?” Alex asked, a cheeky, teasing undertone to her voice. 
Bucky. You could feel your cheeks heat again, coloring in a rosy shade. Damn it. Damn Bucky. You tried to scoff and brush her comment off by brushing your hair back over your shoulder nonchalantly. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. I wasn’t making heart eyes at any guy.” You made a show of looking down at your nails before your brows furrowed. “Also, you were sitting with your back to me. How did you even...” you trailed off, biting your tongue. You’d almost said too much. Maybe you already had.
Alex laughed and shook her head, her shoulder length, brown curls flying into her face. Lifting her hands, she brushed the strands out of her face. “Oh, please. You were staring him down and he held up the entire line because of it. I noticed that even with my back turned to you. And you know why? Because you gave me a whole lotta work. At least he was nice to look at when I turned around to reprimand you.”
“Why didn’t you? Reprimand me, I mean?” You cocked an eyebrow at Alex.
“Because he was nice to look at. Really nice,” she said, shrugging. “I understood.”
Breathing in deeply, you chuckled lightly and rolled your eyes. “You’re awful.”
“Oh, come on. I’ve been your friend since what, four years? The guys you’ve gone out with since I’ve known you have sucked. Sucked, Y/N. And this one’s delicious. And he’s into you too.”
You scoffed at that. “I’m not gonna go out with him. Nothing’s gonna happen. And he’s not into me. Nothing is going to happen. Zip. Nada.”
She raised an eyebrow at you, grinning. “You sound disappointed.”
You almost hit your head on the shelf next to the cash register when you whipped around in your chair. Damn it. Damn Bucky.
“Hi.” You pushed out a breath.
He grinned. “Déjà-vu?”
Your lips pulled wider into a grin that mirrored his. “Did you forget something?”
Bucky nodded, pointing at the bags of chips laying on the counter. “Night out with the guys. Can’t forget the snacks.”
Looking at the three bags, a crease formed between your brows. “How many guys are we talking? Because I’m not sure that’s enough.”
“Do you want me to buy more?”
“Do you want to eat more?”
Bucky rolled his eyes, a playfulness evident in the movement. “I’m good, dollface.”
You lifted both your hands and shrugged. “If you say so.”
He chuckled. You swiped the bags and told him the price. Again, he pulled out the black card and paid.
“Uh...” you said, “It was nice to see you. Again.”
“Yeah, yeah it was. Again.” The bags crackled as he picked them up and paused. He opened his mouth and closed it again. “Y-” he started, cutting himself off. “Yeah. I’ll see ya, doll.”
You nodded as you watched him turn around again. Just like the first time, more than anything you wanted to call him back and keep talking to him. And you almost did, ready to open your mouth and call out. But you didn’t. Because when Bucky was hardly five feet away from you, Alex behind you scoffed. “Yeah. You’re so not into each other. Doll. Dollface. Sweetiepie. Honeycak-”
“Alex,” you hissed, a scandalized expression on your face. Had he heard her? God, hopefully not. Please, not.
She rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” A moment passes before she speaks up again. “Whatever.”
You slumped back down into your chair and propped up your elbows on the checkout counter and rested your chin on your hands.
Not even five uneventful minutes pass before Alex nudges you roughly. “Y/N! Y/N, look.”
When you turned to look at you, she grabbed the back of your chair and twirled you around to the direction of the entrance.
You let out a surprised breath. “As if.”
You watched Bucky as he walked towards the Chips Aisle, picked up a bunch more bags and came towards the checkout counter for a third time in three hours. When he arrived in front of you, you couldn’t help but say something.
“You do seem good.”
Bucky shook his head, rolling his eyes and grinning in the process.
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goldenlukelit · 6 years
Bridges// Calum Hood
You know that feeling when you’re lying in bed and it’s raining heavy outside and the wind is rattling your windows, but none of that matters because you feel so safe and secure in the worth of your bed. Calum was the human embodiment of that feeling for you, he was the warm duvet pressing tight to your body warming up your cold bones, he was the windows protecting your from the storm of the world. Until, one day he didn’t love you anymore, no real reason just everything he once found cute, and endearing about you he now hated. The way you scrunched your nose up just because he used to find that so cute it just irritated him now, the way you never knew where to eat he lost patience for it. You had spent weeks crying over the break up, searching twitter for any new photos of him, searching for a sign that he was as low as you. Your friend Courtney had her birthday party this week and you know Calum was going to be there, you’d spend the weeks leading up to the party desperately trying to think of the right things to say when you saw him again, but now here he stands all of 6 foot away from you. He’s wearing tight fitted smart casual black trousers and his green empathy hoodie you loved so much. He looked really good smiling brightly, skin glowing and it killed you to know that maybe he’s been doing okay and doesn’t miss you. You decided to slip outside the smell of weed filling your nostrils, you glance up and spot Calum leaning against a wall in a hushed conversation with Ashton. Ashton hands Calum a small package most likely to be LSD or Ecstasy they were always Calum’s go to. You weren’t a fan of his drug use and made it very clear it was the cause of most arguments the two of you had, broken promises about quitting or not being high when he obviously was, it was just lie after lie when drugs were involved. Ashton walks off leaving Calum stood alone, the wind blows sending shivers over your body and Calum pulls his hood up to protect his ears in a way that reminds you of an infant. You take a sip of your drink focusing on a game of beer pong happening in the corner “want to join in?” A familiar voice asks you, you glance up and see Calum stood next to you now , his deep brown eyes reflecting the fairy lights outsides, you always admired the way his eyes reflected whatever they were looking at, a bit like a chamomile they adapted to their environment. “I don’t like beer” you purse your lip a tiny bit annoyed he didn’t remember a basic fact about you. “I know, I just wasn’t sure how to start the conversation” he smiles lips pursed a hopefully look in his eyes. Silence falls between the two of you, Calum lights up a spliff in this time inhaling deeply, he doesn’t bothering offering you any knowing you’d refuse. “How you been Calum?” “Alright, tours kept me busy which is good. Everyone always has loads of parties and nights out when we’re home so even though we’ve been home it’s been busy...struggled to find time time to sit down, relax and have a think to be honest” “You haven’t thought about us?” You ask him your eyes slightly glassed over at the thought that Calum hasn’t thought about you once. “Of course I have, I thought I’d be so busy I’d have no time to but when I was on stage I’d think about especially when playing Valentine, I mean that song was written for you” Calum scoffs dropping his spliff and lighting another immediately. “What about you? You thought of me much?” Calum asks with morbid curiosity his voice timid all you can do is nod, “all the time”.  You shuffle away from Calum a little bit the smoke that’s clouding him becoming a little too much for you. “Do you drink now?” Calum gestured to the plastic cup in your hand “no it’s lemonade” you smile at him “someone’s got to look after everyone else” “You don’t have to look after everyone else all the time, you know that?” “I know...but after my dad I can’t help but think that if I’m sober I can do more to help” “Your dad was an addict. No one here is” “You don’t know that, people are very good at hiding addictions” “Not me” Calum holds up the cigarette in his right hand “plain as day” he offers you a sad smile. You laugh lightly looking back down at the floor, “polar opposite we are” Calum grins up at the night sky. “You can say that again” you both laugh this time. Calum is sweet honey, sunshine and fresh strawberries all things sweet and nice, whereas you are more like a rough tide, a loud voice refusing to be silent,in a different time you would have balanced one another out but there was too much extraneous variables for it to work out this time. the two of you glanced one another out for a while, you glance up at the night sky trying to think of something to say. “I love how you type “ahaha” instead of “hahaha” it’s far more accurate.” Calum speaks up “what?” You respond confused “When you text. Ahaha sounds far more close to someone actually laughing, I miss your grandma texting” You laugh and Calum joins in remembering the way you’d joke about your old woman texting, it’s been a while since you heard Calum’s laugh and you think about the last time you heard it. You’d come home from Luke’s birthday party and had been up talking for hours, it was one of the rare weekends he got home in LA neither of you having to work, you’d almost forgotten what it sounded like till that moment. “I miss you Calum, I’m through lying and the other day a guy at a bar told me he liked my ring, the one you bought me and I realised that despite everything you’re the only person I want to be around.” You immediately regretted speaking “fuck I shouldn’t have said anything, we shouldn’t talk.” “I miss you too, but sometimes love isn’t enough” “Love isn’t enough, then what is Calum” her voice raises slightly. 
“Damnit I don’t know, but that’s the thing with the one who don’t need to know what it is you just need to know. But I don’t know. You deserve someone who doesn’t know why they love you, butt they do it anyway not someone who spends most of his time searching for reasons to love you”. her gaze lowers to the floor tears welling in her eyes “I want you though” she whispers quietly but Calum still hears her, he scoffs before speaking “no you don’t. Trust me. One day you’l meet a boy and he’ll make you feel so whole that you’ll forget all about how empty you’re feeling right now. You don’t want me, you just want someone to love, you’re so used to having people rely on you, you don’t know how to function if you’re not looking after someone else. I don’t need you to look after me. Love yourself, spend time focusing on yourself rather than searching for empty bodies to force your love on” Calum speak soberly taking a drag of his cigarette as the brunette chews on his words. “I don’t know how you feel y/n I’m just offering you the only advice I know”. She takes another sip of her lemonade nodding slowly “thanks Calum”. Calum puts his arm around her pulling her closer, the warmth and comfort Calum brings envelopes her silencing her racing mind but it’s very quickly pulled away and she’s back in the rain again, the weight of the world without Calum pressed against her side. “It’s all a process of moving on and getting over it” Calum speaks so matter factly, she wants to scream at him, hit him, hurt him just because he doesn’t understand but she could never do that Calum she instead she nods smiling softly at him and heading inside, driving home crying the entire way home. 
A/N: sorry about the ending I really struggled with knowing how to end it. Hope you like it, feedback is appreciated. 
Main Blog: @lrhgolden (I am close to my next hundred) 
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zoocross0vers · 6 years
Raspberries Challenge #4: Bambi
Just apologizing in advance, this one’s actually pretty long. Guess I got too excited with this one, hehe ^^”
Oh yeah, there’s a cameo in this one too from too previously seen Disney characters! Yay! xD
Enjoy! :D
Raspberries Challenge #4: Bambi
Spring was always such a lovely time in Zootopia. The sun was shining bright with life, the flowers were blooming, and everywhere throughout the city young couples were singing a chippery little spring song!
Let’s sing a gay little spring song,
This is the season to sing
So I’d like to suggest
That we all do our best
And warble a song about spring,
Spring, spring, spring
Let’s get together and sing,
Yes, all over Zootopia couples of all shapes and sizes were getting into the spring spirit. Young couples to be exact -- whether they be of the same gender, same species or mixed species, everyone was showing love toward their significant other in one way or another.
Let’s sing a gay little spring song
Just like the bird on the wing
Things always seem right
When you’re chipper and bright
So let’s get together and sing
Sing, sing, sing
Let’s sing a song about spring,
Spring’s influence resonated everywhere throughout the city, but most evidently at the park. Couples at the park were expressing their love for each other in their own unique ways.
There were two pigs snuggling snouts. A couple of elephants walked along the concrete path, holding trunks. And a teenage racoon gave a teenage vixen a flower. She gave him a peck on the cheek and the young raccoon sighed.
Let’s twitter and tweet,
A young male wildebeest literally tweeted his girlfriend a kissy face emoji with a heart. His girlfriend, who sat on the opposite side of the bench received his tweet and sent him a kissy face emoji as well. They looked back over to one another with a loving gaze.
Practically everyone was falling victim to spring’s influence...
Like the birdies in May
Get into the mood
And be merry today
Forget all your troubles and warble away,
That is...everyone except Bogo, the middle aged water buffalo that served as the Chief of Police in the city’s Precinct 1. It was his day off and the tired old water buffalo napped at one of the park benches. He thought to get away from all the lovey dovey attitudes going on around his neighborhood and assumed the park would be the perfect quiet place to get away from it all -- boy was he wrong.
He took one last snore before sputtering awake. “Wha--? Who-Who's ther--” Bogo looked around to realize that spring truly was everywhere! Nowhere was safe, not even his usual quiet spot in the park. “Oh what now?” he groaned, annoyed with it all.
Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do
Let’s sing a gay little spring song
Music’s a wonderful thing
He looked around. There were chippery and merry young couples all around him. It was like a plague! “Hey! Hey!” yelled the grumpy water buffalo, “Stop that racket! Scat! Shoo! Shoo!” His angry shouts fell on deaf ears as everyone continued to sing and act lovey dovey toward one another.
Come on and rejoice,
At the top of your voice
Oh, let’s sing a song about spring
Spring, Spring, spring
“I’ll show them.” He cleared his throat with a very polite, “Ahem,” spoke as gently as he could, “Excuse me, but could you all just please be a little more...QUIET!!!” he shouted at the top of his lungs. That finally got a reaction as all the young couples at the park immediately flinched and grew quiet, greatly intimidated by the buffalo.
“There,” he huffed triumphantly, “That's more like it.” He resumed his nap. Only to be awakened from it two seconds later when everyone resumed their singing again.
Let’s get together and sing
Let’s sing a gay little spring song
This is the season to sing,
Ah, ah, ah
Bogo sputtered awake again. He covered his ears, while simultaneously gripping his head in frustration, “Oh, what's the use?” He got up and left. Opting to seek out a quieter section of the park to continue his nap.
He moved to a quieter, less occupied area and found a lone bench. The grumpy buffalo plopped himself down, “Same thing every spring,” he grumbled annoyedly. “Let's sing a little song about spring,” he mocked, “ Love’s sweet song,” he cupped his hooves and batted his eyes. “Bleh! Pain in the tail is what it is.” Bogo crossed his arms in a huff and yawned. With his eyes growing heavy, he resumed his nap and snored for about five seconds when--
“Flowers sir?”
“Aah! Wha--?!” Bogo awoke in a shock, waking up to the sight of flowers pressed against his face. He looked down to the mammal holding the bouquet of flowers -- it was a somewhat familiar looking red fox with emerald eyes dressed in a green Pawaiian shirt, brown khakis, and a red and blue tie. “What is this?”
“Flowers! It is spring! Care to buy some for your sweetheart? This pretty little number right here is going at half the price you’d pay for it at the store.”
“Swee--? Look fox, I’m not interested in buying flowers!” Bogo shoved the flowers away from his face.
The red fox held on tightly to his flowers, ensuring that they didn't fall from his grasp. “Boy, I’ll bet the ladies just go crazy for you with that irresistible charm--” The fox said, before taking a good look at the buffalo. “Bogo?”
The grumpy buffalo’s eyes widened. “How do you know my name?”
“You really don't recognize me?” the fox scoffed casually, “And here I thought I made more of an impact given how angry you used to get whenever I played in your yard.”
Bogo’s jaw dropped, “Wilde? Nick Wilde?!” the buffalo exclaimed in surprise.
“The one and only!” Nick stated casually.
“My, my you haven't changed a bit! ...What a shame,” he muttered at the end.
“Ha! Glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humor there Buffalo Butt.”
“Shut your mouth Wilde!” Bogo rebuked in a huff.
Nick gave him a cocky smile, missing this type of banter from his old next door neighbor.
“What are you doing here anyway?” Bogo inquired curiously, “I thought you moved away ever since your mother…”
Nick's ears fell back in sadness. Bogo’s words reminding him of the day he lost his mother years ago when he was a nine year old kit. She had been taken from him when a vengeful criminal stalked and followed them on their way home from school. He could still remember the terror in his mother’s eyes when they reached a fenced alleyway. She had managed to create a hole for him to crawl through and once she was sure he was on the other side, she had told him to run to the neighbor’s home and call his father. Nick initially refused until his mother promised him that she would meet him there. Nick trusted her and fled. The last thing he remembered was seeing her running back out the opposite end of the alleyway, luring their stalker away from him -- and desperately shouting to him to run and not look back.
After that, he could only very vaguely recall hearing a single loud piercing sound...then silence…
His mother never arrived to Bogo’s home as she promised she would.
Bogo called Nick’s father, Jonathan Wilde, who was the highly respected Chief of Police of Zootopia’s precinct one at the time. His father arrived some hours later to pick the boy up from Bogo’s home and told Nick the sad, terrible news that his mother couldn’t be with him anymore.
Given his father’s position, Nick hardly ever saw him during his first few years of life as he was always busy ‘protecting the city from bad mammals’ -- as his mother would put it. Heavy responsibility was hardly the only thing his father had to worry about however, as his position also brought forth many risks -- particularly the risk of crime lords and other criminals vowing revenge on the chief reynard for putting them away behind bars.
After his mother was killed, Chief Wilde had spend countless hours, days, weeks, and months to capture his wife’s murderer, but he was ultimately unsuccessful. Though he never openly expressed his grief, Nick could still see the hurt in his father’s eyes whenever he would ask him about his mother’s killer. The last time he had asked, Nick was ten years old and the only answer his father had given him was that he had asked for a transfer to a different precinct in another district.
Nearly twenty years had passed since then and Nick decided to finally come back to Zootopia. For what purpose he had no idea, he simply felt the need to come back to his old childhood home.
Bogo noticed the fox’s sudden silence and felt a wave of guilt for having reminded him of such a tragic memory. “I-I’m sorry,” Bogo said apologetically, “I probably shouldn't have said anything.”
“No, it's alright.” Nick replied, forcing a sympathetic smile as silence fell on them both.
Bogo cleared his throat, hoping to clear the depressing awkwardness in the air. “Well, in any case... it's good to see you again.” Bogo smiled sincerely.
Nick returned an appreciative smile, then returned to his usual cocky bravado. “Come on, don’t go getting soft on me buffalo butt. Being friendly doesn’t suit you.”
“And there he is again,” Bogo said annoyed.
Nick chuckled, “It’s good to see you too my literal old friend.”
Bogo huffed, once again annoyed.
“Hello there Nick!” a striped gray hare called out from behind the two. He wore a black suit and tie. Very formal looking and had piercing icy blue eyes. “Remember me?” he asked with a large welcoming smile.
“Stripes!” Nick called out happily, immediately recognizing his old childhood friend.
“Right-O!” the hare replied with a chuckle.
Bogo peeked behind Nick, also recognizing the striped hare. “Young Jack Savage, is that really you?”
“Ah, I see you’re here as well Commissioner Bogo. It’s an honor to see you once again sir,” replied the hare politely.
“Nice to see you too Savage. At least it’s nice to know you grew up to be polite, unlike some mammals,” Bogo huffed, glaring at Nick, who simply shrugged nonchalantly.
“Well I suppose I owe that to my mother. She was always quick to remind me of my father’s teachings,” Jack turned to Nick, “How have you been Nick? I haven’t seen you since we were children.”
“Eh, I just moved to a different city with my dad, got bored of it so I decided to come back. Start my own life back home,” Nick replied casually.
“And how goes it?” Jack inquired curiously.
“Well, I just got back yesterday, but I recently got in touch with Finnick and we’re going into business together.”
“Business?” Bogo echoed surprised, “You mean you’re not going into police work like your father?”
“Nah,” Nick brushed off the suggestion with a wave of his paw, “I’m not really cut out for the cop life like him. Not with all the trouble it brought him.”
“I’m surprised as well,” added Jack, “You always seemed so adamant about growing up to be just like him when we were children. To be a ‘Great Chief of Police’ as you would put it.”
“Yeah, well...things change.” Nick brushed it off, attempting to hide the fact that his reluctance stemmed from his mother’s incident. “ Besides,” he grinned coolly, “With my smooth talking skills, I think my skills are best put into business.”
Jack noticed the flowers in his paw, “Are you planning to become a florist?”
“Until Spring ends, you betcha!”
Bogo raised a curious brow, “Why only until Spring?”
“Because,” Nick replied confidently, “Finnick tells me flower sales tend to go up during this time of year here in Zootopia. So we’re gonna strike while the iron is hot.”
Jack scratched his chin pensively, “Yes, I see. That’s actually rather smart. Do you think I can enter into this business venture with you? Father actually wanted me to take over his farming industry, but I told him I wanted to venture out into the city to try my luck with my own business and this sounds like an excellent starting point.”
“Sure,” Nick agreed, “We could use someone with some math and flower skills. Although just so you know, we plan on shifting to selling pawpsicles once summer rolls by.”
“That’s fine. The more experiences the better. Though I must ask who is your supplier for the flowers? Must we look into forming a connection with botanists or farms?”
“No need,” Nick answered without a care in the world, “Our supplier is right over there.” Nick pointed to a flower patch on the park’s grass.
Jack looked on at the patch, confused, “But that’s just a barren patch?”
“Exactly!” Nick replied.
“Wilde, for your mother and father’s sake, I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear you just confess to stealing those flowers straight from the park’s flower patches,” Bogo stated with his usual gruffness.
“Well if you know a better place to pick wildflowers then by all means let me know,” Nick replied with a cheeky grin.
Bogo face-palmed a hoof on his face, “How are you your father’s son, I’ll never know.”
“Hey fellas!” called a gruff, heavy voice from behind them. It was a small fennec fox with a black and red bowler shirt and black shorts. He pulled a red wagon full of flower bouquets.
“Finnick!” Nick called out happily to him, excited to see his best friend after so many years. “You…” Nick paused, taking a good look at him. He snickered lightly, holding back his desire to laugh, “Looks like you haven’t changed a bit there buddy!”
“I’ll say,” Bogo said equally shocked at his short height.
“Ha,ha. Funny. Like I don’t know you’re talkin’ about my height.” Finnick gruffed annoyedly.
“Sorry about that buddy,” Nick offered him a friendly paw, “Good to see you again old pal.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Finnick shook his paw. “So we ready to do this Nick? We’re burnin’ daylight .”
“Sure. By the way, Jack here says he wants to join us.”
“You?” Finnick scoffed, “I thought your dad had a business plan for you?”
“He did, but I don’t want any part of it,” answered the hare, “I’d rather venture into business with you two.”
“Alright then,” Finnick gave in, “You deal with the money, Nick and me ‘ill work the crowd.” He handed Jack the black cash box.
“You boys never change,” Bogo muttered. The three younger mammals turned to face him, “You’ve been doing this since you were kits. Don’t any of you remember? Nick and Finnick here would come up with troublesome schemes...normally involving my lawn in some way...and then poor Jack would somehow end up getting dragged into them.”
“Hey it’s not our fault Jack is a literal dumb bunny,” Nick said casually.
“True, it’s not my fault I’m a--hey!” Jack frowned while Nick simply gave him a cheeky grin.
Out of nowhere, a young interspecies couple consisting of a tigress and a panda sauntered in front of the four mammals -- waltzing with a weightless grace.
The four stared at them dumbfoundedly, but more so the three younger mammals. “Huh, what’s up with them?” Finnick asked confused once the couple passed them by.
“Why are they behaving that way?” Jack added, just as equally confused.
Bogo chuckled, “Don’t you know?” Bogo leaned closer, as if to whisper to them, “They’re twitterpated.”  
“Twtitterpated?” the three young mammals echoed.
“Yes, nearly everybody gets twitterpated in the Springtime,” Bogo continued, shifting his gaze left and right as if fearful of others listening in to their conversation. “For example,” Bogo stood, walking in place. “You’re walking along, minding your own business. You look neither to the left, nor to the right. Then all of a sudden...you run smack into a pretty face.” Bogo jumped, letting out a scream to scare the three.
Jack jumped into Finnick’s arms, scared by the buffalo’s sudden scream and terrifying tale. “Get off” growled Finnick, dropping Jack on his tail.
Bogo jittered his knees, continuing with his terrifying description of love, “You begin to get weak in the knees. Your heads in a whirl! And then you feel light as a feather,”  Bogo cups his hoofs and bats his eyes, leaping ever so weightlessly into the air, “And before you know it, you’re walking on air. And then you know what? You’re knocked for a loop!” Bogo punched himself on the cheek, spinning in place. “And you completely lose your head!”
“Gosh! That’s awful!” Jack gasped fearfully.
“Dang,” added Finnick.
“Terrible,” Nick said.
“And that’s not all,” Bogo said, stalking slowly towards them, hiding his face behind his hooves, “It can happen to anybody. So you better be careful. It could happen to you!” He pointed at Nick, “And you!” He pointed at Jack, “And…” Bogo stopped, hesitating with Finnick. Would any girl really be interested in a small, child-looking fox like him? Well, he is an adult regardless of his size and face...Bogo reasoned.
“Yes, it could even happen to you!” Bogo said, pointing at Finnick. Finnick merely frowned in annoyance, knowing why Bogo would doubt any female could ever fall in love with him.
“Well, it’s not going to happen to me,” Jack stated after growing terrified of how enslaving love sounds.
“Me neither,” Nick stated as well, equally terrified of love’s hold.
“Me neither. There’s no way I’m lettin’ some filly control my life,” Finnick stated in agreement.
“There you have it,” Nick replied with his cool, confident bravado, “So if you don’t mind, we have a business to run.” Nick gave a confident wink and a two finger salute to the buffalo, leading his two friends with his head held high. His two business associates followed suit, walking away with their backs straight and chins up.
The three poised mammals walked through the park, keeping their prideful strides in tact and pulling their wagon of bouquets.  
 Not too far ahead of them, a beautiful Gazelle sat beside a flower bush covered with white flowers. With a flower in her hooves, she picked at the petals in a “he loves me, he loves me not” manner, until she was left with only one petal, causing her to sigh with a smile -- surely ending at “he loves me”.
The gazelle’s ear flickered, hearing the footsteps of approaching mammals. She glanced back to catch sight of Nick, Jack, and Finnick approaching in her direction. The gazelle smiled wide when she saw the three young males, but more so when her eyes landed on Finnick.
She blushed at the sight of him, for as tall as she was, there was always something about short males that immediately called to her. Perhaps it was because they tended to have this weird combination of handsome, yet a plushie adorableness to them -- and the fennec in her sights, certainly had both those qualities -- along with an air of confidence to him.
Eager to meet him, the gazelle plucked another flower from the flower bush and placed it in her tuft of blonde hair and then hid behind one of the taller flower bushes.
The three males rolled by. First Nick, then Jack, and last but not least Finnick who immediately stopped in his tracks the second his large ears heard a flirtatious giggle emanate from the bush. He turned to face it and spotted what looked like feminine light brown colored eyes peeking at him from between the flowers. Finnick’s own light brown eyes widened. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. Was he seeing things? Or did this flower bush have eyes?!
Finnick looked back at the flowers only to spot the source of the eyes peeking her head out from the flowers. He took a few steps back when he came face to face with the mystery gazelle’s pretty face. “U-Uh...hey,” he stuttered nervously with a brief smile and looked back at his friends who were still marching, unaware that he had broken off from their group. Finnick tried to walk away and regroup back with the guys when the gazelle giggled again.
Her giggle, it was like a pan flute to mice to him. He stopped in his tracks and turned to face her again. Only now she had finally stepped out from behind the flowers and he managed a full view of her. She was tall, much taller than him and she had a very curvy physique. Finnick’s jaw dropped at the sight of her and his mouth felt fry. She wore tight blue jeans and a white t-shirt that accentuated her lovely figure.
The gazelle sauntered over to him, moving her hips side to side. “Hi I’m Gazelle. What’s your name cutie?”
Gazelle giggled, noticing the tiny fox’s nervousness. “That’s a strange name.”
“I mean, I’m a fennec fox!” Finnick immediately shook his head, only now noticing that he messed up on his own name. “Sorry, let me start over,” He took a breath, realizing he’s been acting like a moron. Seriously what’s wrong with him?! A girl is flirting with him! He’s gotta put those smooth moves to work! He stuffed his paws into his pockets and cleared his throat to start over, “Hey, how ya doin’ girl? The name’s Finnick.”
“Charmed to meet you Finnick,” Gazelle extended her hoof down to him. The flower perched in her hair falling to the ground as she crouched down, “Oops!”
“Don’t worry I got it,” Finnick immediately ducked down to grab the flower like a gentlemammal, “There ya g--” The second he lifted his head up to offer the flower back to her, she also happened to look up to him, causing both their lips to meet in a kiss.
The second he felt Gazelle’s lips on his mouth, Finnick’s golden fur immediately grew redder than a red fox’s and his body stiffened as did his upright tail. Finnick fell back like a slab of concrete, landing first on his back, then head, then face and belly first. He peeked up at her. She smiled.
In the distance, Nick and Jack continued onward. “So how much farther till we reach this sweet spot Finn? Finn?” Nick turned back only to realize that Finnick was no longer with them. Jack crashed into the red fox not noticing that he had stopped in his tracks. The hare turned back to look where Nick’s attention was and saw that Finnick was casually walking away with a tall pretty gazelle beside him.   
Finnick glanced back and realized that his friends were glaring at him from a distance. Not knowing what to say, Finnick simply shrugged and chuckled as if saying ‘c’est la vie!’ Finnick placed a paw on Gazelle’s calf and continued on his way with her.
Jack huffed offended, “Twitterpated.”
“I’ll say,” Nick scoffed, equally upset at their friend. Nick went over to grab their abandoned wagon with the bouquets. “Great, this was all Finn’s idea and he’s the one to abandon ship. Talk about not letting some ‘filly’ control his life.”
“Fear not, Nick old boy. I still know where most mammals tend to gather during this time of the year. Do you still remember the 'the watering hole’ fountain where we used to play during the summer?”
“You mean the one we used to collect wish coins from to buy ourselves some pawpsicles? How could I forget!”
Jack frowned, “You know mother was quite angry with me when she realized I was doing that.”
“Eh, so was mine, but you gotta admit it was worth it. Now come on we got flowers to sell,” Nick said as he slapped Jack on the back, ushering him forward. The two mammals continued on their way, Nick at the forefront pulling the wagon of bouquets and Jack following close behind him.
Ahead of them in the nearby distance, sat a pale-yellow furred vixen with sapphire colored eyes underneath a tree. She wore beige colored khaki overalls and a striped black and white elbow length top. The vixen sat eating yogurt covered strawberries and reading a romance novel titled, The Business Mammal and the Inventor, a novel about a male business rabbit who gave a young struggling inventor her first big break. She didn’t know what she loved better -- the scientific innovations the female protagonist would conjure up or the depiction of the gentle, yet strong no nonsense attitude of the male rabbit who served as the head of the company and was the only one kind enough to give the protagonist's inventions a chance.
The vixen sighed, bringing the book to her chest. She had just finished reading the best part where the male rabbit shared a kiss with the leading lady, thanking her for his company's success. Though she was a vixen and therefore the natural enemy of rabbits and other lapins, she couldn't help but feel deeply attracted to the male rabbit and the novel. Plus the writer’s descriptions of him -- gentle, adorably naive in a certain way, soft, cuddly, yet strong, proper, brave, classy, a bit uptight and conservative but in a good way -- it had her curious about perhaps crossing the line and dating outside her species. If only she could find someone like him...with those tall ears…
Just then, the vixen heard the sound of approaching footsteps. She turned to see a somewhat scruffy --- yet to be fair -- handsome looking male fox and right behind him she saw just what she was looking for! Behind the fox was a gorgeous male hare in a black business suit! The vixen’s jaw immediately dropped, “Oh!” she let out a dreamy gasp. She just had to get his attention!
The vixen hid behind the tree trunk and waited for the fox to pass. Once the hare was about to pass her by too, she immediately let out an attention grabbing “Ahem.”
It worked! The striped hare immediately froze in his tracks. He turned to see the beautiful vixen curling her long fluffy tail in a coquettish manner. Jack’s cheeks burned red and his eyes bulged at the sight of her. The vixen hid her face behind her tail, then moved it to bat her eyes at him.
Jack felt his gaped mouth grow dry. Strange. He had spend most of his life around foxes both in his neighborhood and even at school and he had always been fine around them. So why was it then that this vixen had such a hold on him?
But perhaps it was that. He had spent so much time around them that there were times he felt like he was one of them. Not to mention, there were times when he felt attraction towards some of his vixen classmates in the past. What with their long fluffy tails and their cunning natures and this vixen was no exception. She was the absolute most beautiful creature he had ever seen.
The female fox coquettishly made her way toward him, humming a light little tune, “La, la, la, la-la, la”. Once right in front of him, she batted her eyes once more to him, “Hello,” she said in a sultry voice, “I’m Skye and you are?”
Jack couldn't say anything. He merely took a deep gulp and felt his bulging eyes pulse as his ears twisted into one another. He was like a deer in headlights. Skye giggled at his shyness, “I don't know if you can tell, but I really like stripes on a mammal. I think they make you look...cute.”
That made Jack finally react, “O-Oh? Thank you, although you really shouldn't call a bunny cu--” As he spoke Skye slowly moved her muzzle toward his and placed a soft kiss on his lips, causing the shocked hare to immediately thump his foot to the ground in excitement.
Skye pulled back realizing his foot has yet to stop thumping. She pressed a finger to his nose, causing the hare to stop thumping his foot.
With an love dazed expression on his face, Jack continued with his previous statement, “But you may call me cute if you like,” he fell forward on his belly during his elated haze, while Skye cupped her paws together and wagged her tail happily.
In the distance, Nick reached the fountain. He turned back to talk to Jack only to realize the hare was no longer with him. Nick’s ears perked in surprise. Where could he have gone? He looked further back and saw Jack curled up on a vixen's tail.
Jack had a goofy smile on his face all the while Skye played with one of his ears. She flicked at it with her paw while once again singing, “La-la, la, la. La, la,laaaaa…” She held onto that last note, flicking his ear even faster. The sensation to his sensitive ears and the excitement of it all caused his foot to thump again.
Nick frowned and shook his head, “Traitor,” he grumped under his breath. Great, now he was all alone on his business venture. Though it was Spring, it was still a fairly warm day so Nick decided to pull his wagon to a nearby water fountain to drink some water before setting up camp to sell.
He started to drink when he suddenly heard a feminine voice speak to him, “Hello Nick.” Nick spit the water back down in shock. He looked up and saw a drop dead gorgeous gray rabbit with the most beautiful yet somehow familiar amethyst colored eyes he had ever seen. Nick gulped and his jaw slacked as the smooth talking fox felt his brain shut off at the mere sight of the pretty rabbit. The mystery bunny giggled, “Don't you remember me, Slick? I'm Judy.”
Judy?! Nick thought, at last feeling his brain function once more. It was no wonder he recognized her! How could he ever forget her? The two met as children when his mother used to work at the neighborhood bakery shop. He remembered that Mr. and Mrs. Hopps used to come all the way from Bunny Burrow to deliver fruits to the bakery. And every time they came they would always bring their little spitfire five year old daughter Judy along with them. Ugh, how much she would annoy him back then. Especially when she gave him his first kiss -- the one he had never asked for! I mean he was only eight at the time. Yuck!
Regardless of that kiss however, he’d always look forward to seeing her every chance he got! He never wanted to admit it, especially not to her, but he actually really liked that kiss.
And now, years later...he was finally meeting her again…
“Carrots…” Nick quietly uttered the nickname he had given her as he took in the sight of her full grown curvy figure that was well complemented by her pink flannel shirt and blue jeans. This wasn't the cute little dumb bunny he remembered. No, this was that same little bunny but now blossomed into a beautiful young lady.
Judy giggled at his stunned behavior and took a few steps forward, causing the nervous fox to take a few steps back. “I'm glad to hear you remember me, slick Nick.”
“H-How could I not remember a pretty--I-I mean dumb bunny like yo--ahh!” Nick fell back, tripping on his wagon of bouquets.
Judy gasped as the fox was covered in flowers and petals. Nick looked up at her, severely embarrassed by what just happened. Who was he kidding...anybody could see through his ‘sly, uncaring’ ruse. He was smitten by the bunny and she was forcing him to display a vulnerable side that no one had ever seen before.
An air of awkwardness lie between them, until Judy snickered a light-hearted giggle. Despite his embarrassment, Nick found himself also snickering a chuckle. In an attempt to play it cool, Nick grabbed one of the bouquets that was still in tact and offered it to the bunny, “For you Carrots.”
Judy’s eyes widened and she smiled. She took the bouquet in her paws and smelled them. She blushed, “Thank you Nick. They’re beautiful.”
Nick felt his heart beat wildly in his chest at the mere sight of her gentle smile. He felt himself blush as he chuckled nervously. Then without warning, Judy moved her muzzle close to his cheek. Nick gasped quietly and closed his eyes as he felt the bunny place a soft kiss on his cheek.
Nick’s eyes immediately popped open as he felt his head spin in a heavenly daze. The corners of his mouth rose in a goofy grin. The red fox sighed, his eyes practically rolling to the back of his head. Bogo was right. The second he felt that bunny kiss him, he felt light as a feather! And he could swear he was literally in heaven, with nothing but clouds surrounding him as far as the eye could see! And there hopping amongst the clouds and enticing him to follow, was a beautiful bunny shaped angel named Judy Hopps.
“Nick…” He heard her heavenly voice echo. “Remember when we used to play cops and robbers? Think you can catch me now?” She said, batting her purple eyes at him.
Nick smiled and without a word, sat up from the ground and made chase for the giggling bunny. It was a classic scene -- a fox chasing a rabbit. Or rather a predator chasing his prey. But in this case it wasn’t for food, but to woo over the prey in question to be his mate.
Nick chased after her through the heavenly clouds he had conjured up in his mind. The two of them leaping weightlessly, practically dancing amongst the soft clouds. Judy giggled and gleefully hid behind a bush shaped cloud. Nick chuckled and peeked through the cloud with a playuful grin, “Oh, Carro---”  
He was cut off, as his nose butted against another male fox’s. His heavenly daze was over and was brought crashing down into the real world.
“Nick? Nick Wilde?!” said the other fox, somehow recognizing Nick. Nick stared at him in shock and confusion. A brown cat popped his head out from the bush behind the intruding male fox. “Why look who it is Giddy! It’s good old Nick Wilde!” the taller fox chortled and grabbed Nick in a noogie, “You old rascal! Thought you could get away from us could you?”
“Remind me how I know you?” Nick groaned, struggling to break himself free from the taller red fox.
“Why, don’t you remember me?” the fox elbows his associate as Nick breaks free from his grasp, “He doesn’t remember us Giddy. It’s us! Your old pals Honest John and Gideon.”
Nick’s eyes widened as he massaged his neck, “Honest John?” Memories immediately flooded the fox’s mind. He knew the so called ‘honest’ fox since they were both kits. The other fox was a couple years older than him and he would see him around the neighborhood a few times. Honest John was a bully to Nick growing up and he would constantly tease the younger fox for wanting to grow up to be a cop like his father -- more so because Honest John was constantly getting in trouble with the law and was always quick to remind Nick of their lot in life as no good, sly foxes.
“Ha,ha,ha good to see you remember me old friend!” laughed Honest John with a slap to Nick’s back. “So tell me, is your old fox still failing at being a fox? Or did he finally decide to quit the force?”
Before Nick could answer, Judy called to him, “Nick?” Judy resurfaced from a nearby grove of trees. “Nick,” she looked beside him and immediately frowned at the sight of Honest John. She too remembered the older fox and of how he would torture poor Nick with his demeaning words.
Honest John’s eyes widened and he whistled while his feline associate adjusted his raggedy top hot, wanting to look presentable in the presence of a lady. “Do my eyes deceive me or is that little Judy Hopps all grown up?”
“Hello ‘Honest’ John,” Judy said apathetically with her ears pushed back.
“Well, well! So I see you remember me,” Honest John adjusted his cheap suit’s collar and shoved Nick back on his tail. Judy’s jaw dropped and she glared at him as he swaggered over to her, “I guess I must’ve made quite the impression on you, didn’t I?”
“Oh, like you wouldn’t imagine…” Judy practically hissed under her breath.
Honest John scanned his eyes over her and smirked flirtingly, “My, my. You really have grown haven’t you? Say,” he wrapped an arm over her small shoulders and shoved the bouquet of flowers Nick had previously given to her from her paws, “Given that it is Spring and l’amour is in the air,” Honest John made a rose pop up in his gloved paw via a sleight of hand trick. He offered it to Judy, “What do you say we take a little stroll in the park? Hmm? If you’d like I can even get Giddy here to pull us on a nice romantic carriage. Isn’t that right Giddy?”
His feline associate nodded in agreement.  
Nick glared at the taller fox in jealousy. His fear were put to rest however when Judy said, “Sorry ‘Honest’ John.” She pulled away from his arm and dropped the rose he gave her, instead picking up the bouquet Nick had given her. “But Nick and I already had plans for this evening. Isn’t that right Nick?” She looked over her shoulder to him.
Nick smiled. That sly bunny, he thought. She always was quick at thinking on her feet. Nick stood back up with a confident grin. “That’s right!”
“Nick?!” Honest John said with a bad taste in his mouth. “You may have grown Judy, but your taste sure hasn’t. Honestly, a pretty farm girl like you going for a disgraced cop’s con artist son.”
Nick gulped. How did he know that he wasn’t living an honest life?! Was he spying on him and Finnick when they were picking the wildflowers from the park?
Judy crossed her arms defensively, “For your information, I’m not a farm girl anymore. I’ve come back to the city to become a cop myself.”
“What?” Nick gasped quietly underneath his breath. Honest John meanwhile just laughed.
“What? You’re joking right? A bunny cop?!” he guffawed, “I’m sorry to laugh at you my dear, but that it the most ridiculous thing I ever heard! Hahahaha!” Gideon joined him in silent laughter.
Judy scoffed offended, “It’s not funny! A bunny can be a cop! Just look at Nick’s father, many mammals didn’t believe a fox could ever be a cop yet he proved you and everybody else wrong!”
“Right! Next thing you’re going to tell me is Nick there also came back to the city to become a cop too! Hahahahaha!” He and Gideon continued to laugh boisterously.
Judy turned to Nick for an answer, here eyes hopeful. Staring deep into her caring amethyst eyes and glancing back at Honest John and his incessant laughing, Nick took a deep determined breath. “So what if I did?” he asked the fox with his chest puffed out.
“Ha!-Huh?” Honest John and Gideon seized their laughter as Judy smiled wide with happy, cupped paws toward Nick.
“I...uh…” Nick glanced at the happy bunny. He smiled, decided. “I did. I’m going to become a cop just like my old fox and before you know it, I’m gonna be Chief of Police. That is, if a certain bunny doesn’t beat me to it.” He gave Judy a wink, causing her to blush.
“You? Chief of Police? Don’t make me laugh. Judy, you can’t possibly believe a sly fox like him could ever make an honest living when he’s off picking wildflowers from the park’s flower patches.”
Nick’s ears fell back in humiliation while Judy stood defensively for him. “That’s not true!”
“Oh no?” Honest John took the bouquet from her paws and unwrapped it, “Then why do your flowers still have roots and bits of dirt on them? Not to mention if you look around the park, you’ll find some bald flower patches. Care to add some input on a possible explanation to that Wilde?”
Nick’s face flushed in embarrassment as Judy turned to face him with a disappointed look on her face. “I…” Nick was at a loss for words. How could he lose her like this? Over a stupid con that he didn’t even manage to execute. Nick glanced up at Honest John who smirked victoriously at him. The older fox’s cocky face incited a furious fire in Nick.
No...he won’t lose Judy like this. Not because of him! Nick took the disappointed bunny’s paw in his and gazed into her eyes with sincere regret. “I’m sorry Judy. Honest John is right. I did take those flowers from the park and I was planning on selling them to others.” Judy’s gaze dropped in disappointment once more. “But...but then you came along and I managed to give them a better purpose. I promise I won’t ever do something like this again. And I promise you that I will become a cop and do what I can to make right by you and this city.” Nick gave her a sincere smile and she returned his smile. Her faith in him growing again.
Judy pressed against Nick’s chest and stood on the tips of her toes to rub her head affectionately underneath at the crook of his neck. “I forgive you, you dumb fox.” She smiled up at him with a boop to his nose. Nick smiled in relief and he reached down to give Judy a soft kiss on her cheek.  
Honest John’s jaw dropped, “What?! You’re going to forgive him just like that?!”
“He at least had the courage and true honesty to tell me the truth and apologize for what he did. When have you ever done anything to live up to your name? Dishonest John.”
Nick chuckled, “Good one, Carrots.”
Honest John growled in anger.
“Sorry Johnny boy, but the lovely Judy and I have a date to get back to. So see ya around, old pal.” Nick gave him a two finger salute.
Honest John huffed and turned around, “Come Giddy. Let’s get out of this dump!” The brown feline immediately rushed to the rejected fox’s side. Both of them leaving the park in utter humiliation.
Nick offered an arm to his new bunny girlfriend, “Officer Hopps.” Judy took his arm.
“Why thank you, Officer Wilde.” The two left together, arm in arm as the sun set on the horizon making way for a romantic evening in their wake.
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Social Media:Guilty in the court of public opinion. The problem with cancel culture and its toxic nature and why I have a major problem with it
DISCLAIMER: If you read parts of this and not the whole thing and type a “rebuttal”. Just save your time and don’t do it because you don’t the smoke
Ok before I start, I would like to say this. 1. If you are an ignorant person who cannot accept the opinions and thought of others then don’t read this. 2. If you don’t take the time to look at facts, then don’t read this. I don't have time for you and 3. If you are to crucify people then you can just go. I just gave you some warnings already so why is your ass still here?! Ok I have a love/hate relationship with social media. I think social media can be great in terms of communicating with others and making friends online and of course sharing memes and funny videos because those are fantastic. Social media can be great for displaying people’s interests and talents. I myself have a photography blog alongside this one and some people have made a career from social media. However like all good things, it has its ugly side. In the last year or so, a trend has appeared on social media and that's cancel culture. I myself have never taken part in cancel culture myself as I thought it was toxic, immature and petty in most circumstances. I'm definite that cancel culture will come to an end (hopefully this year) but for now, we have to deal with it on our timelines. Anything that is either taken out of context, blow out of proportion or is a simple mistake will face the court of public opinion. The social justice warriors of the internet, the holier than thou folks will decide your fate.
First and for most, we all need to remember that we are all human. We make mistakes and we learn from it. I am not better than the next person as I have made my fuck ups at the end of the day but we all grow and evolve. I have several problems with cancel culture. If a person makes a mistake or has made a mistake in the past, that does not give you the right to ruin them. By doing so you are no better than the person who’s made a mistake and you are ruining a person’s life. Prime example, Kevin Hart and the Oscars. Kevin Hart was forced to step down as the host for this year's Oscars ceremony due to some homophobic tweets from 2009. Whilst I believe that homophobia is wrong, Kevin has moved on from a tweet that he made almost a decade ago in which that comments probably wouldn’t have taken as seriously. Kevin has grown and evolved but the court of public opinion has forced him to step down from the role due to the mass controversy. If you are searching through old tweets from 2009, you clearly have an agenda to ruin a person’s life because you are blinded by your hatred and do not want to see someone have success. This role was an amazing opportunity for Kevin but because of this toxic era of being overly PC, it was taken away because people wanted to hold his past against him and not acknowledge his evolution. 
Now let’s get to how cancel culture is effecting the legal system. We’ve all heard the term “innocent until proven guilty”. In terms of the legal system, this is still true but for social media, this isn't the cause. Cancel culture has pronounced people to be guilty into proven innocent. People are no longer reading the facts, they are immediate to jump to conclusion, therefor inspiring this title “guilty in the court of public opinion” This is extremely dangerous. Social media should have no influence in the judicial system WHATSOEVER unless the person has committed the crime on Instagram Live (a man who raped someone on Instagram Live was recently found not guilty, just letting you know. What a fucked up world we’re living in huh?). When it comes to a case, people need to look at the evidence that has been presented and not from outside influences especially if it turns out shock horror that the person is actually innocent and then they’ve been sentenced to 25 to life. 
This leads perfectly leads into my next point. So if you've been on Twitter in the last 24 hours then you would have seen that Chris Brown was detained in Paris for several hours on a rape complaint. Now before I go into this and break this down, if you are expecting me to drag Chris and call him a piece of shit and xyz, you can stop reading this now because I’m happy to let you know that I am a fan of Chris and have been since his debut. Now when this report broke out, I immediately went and read the whole report because we look at facts in this household. As soon as I saw that the “accuser” had done an interview with Closer Magazine France and went to The Shade Room, I immediately raised an eyebrow because why would you go to a tabloid before going to the police? This rang some serious bells and red flags and reminded of another incident involving Chris.
 Back in 2016, a woman went to TMZ to say that Chris had held her at gunpoint. Again if you were held at gunpoint, then why are you going to a tabloid? Eventually LAPD found out that this was a false allegation and Chris was released from jail and the charges were dropped. Another thought that popped across my mind is that “I don’t think Chris is that stupid to do something like with the amount of negative press he's had in career over the last decade and I can’t see him doing something like especially since he has a daughter who is his life and who has helped him grow up significantly” . Bear in mind Chris has not made a public appearance since October when he attended Diddy’s Halloween party and his public appearance are few and far between now within the last few years with Royalty in his life. He mainly stay at home or is on the road. Paris fashion week is the first public appearance from him in months. 
The accuser then went on to Instagram to say that she was not raped by Chris and he was not even present at the club that it was claimed that they met. Several eyewitnesses also went to social media to confirm that the allegations were false and that Chris never had an encounter with this woman and that he has never been alone at one point during this Paris trip. (PSA can we you know go to the fucking police to give statements to prove someone is innocent or guilty instead of going to social media because you are screwing with someone’s livelihood here!). Of course the court of public opinion came and gave their two cents on the situation and they pretty much proclaimed that Chris was guilty without looking at the facts. 
Now if you are about to say “well look at 2009?” Yes Chris made a mistake which I don't agree with but we also need to remind/enlighten ourselves that the Rihanna incident was A FIGHT and both parties were wrong. She should have not hit him and he shouldn’t have retaliated. (side note: can we hold women accountable of when they are abusive towards men because there is a serious gender bias when it comes to abuse in relationships and we need to remind ourselves both genders can be abusive). He has also evolved from that and showed genuine remorse for the situation. The majority of social media were on Chris’ side in regards to this situation and he was eventually released from police custody when the French police found out the accusations was false and issued an apology to Chris and told him that he was free to leave the country. Chris’ lawyer has said that he intends to sue for defamation of character rightly so and Chris has also gone to social media to deny the allegation. Chris’ situation sparks several different issues. The first being in regards to social media. It is extremely dangerous and toxic to contribute to a false narrative without looking at the fact especially with a charge as serious as rape and even more the silence upon it being revealed that accusations were false just shows how DISGUSTING people can be since many people wanted this accusations to be true. 
This shows the type of world we live in that people WANT a woman to be raped all the expense of not liking someone. I cannot associate myself with people who think like this when they are actual rapists such as R Kelly who is yet to be charged for his NUMEROUS crimes against underage black girls despite concrete evidence and a tape but yet we can arrest Chris on a false accusation and several eyewitness and hotel footage to show that he didn't commit this crime? Kevin Spacey and Matt Lauer are also rapists who careers have ended but have yet to be charged for the crime despite once again having concrete evidence and eyewitnesses. The president of the United States is also guilty of sexual assault and is on a recording bragging about his crimes like its a badge of honour. Brett Kavanaugh is walking a free man despite also having concrete evidence and eyewitness confirming his crime. Asia Argento, a victim of Harvey Weinstein was discovered to be guilty of sexual abuse after a young man came forward about how he was abused by Asia as a teenager. Harvey Weinstein is awaiting trial for his numerous crimes. Why can't the court of public opinion keep the same energy they had for a man who was innocent for those who are guilty. Secondly in light of the Me too movement, to accuse someone of a crime as serious as rape is extremely dangerous to their career and their character, a person’s life can be destroy at the expense of an opportunist. Additionally to lie about rape is DISGUSTING! This is what stops ACTUAL rape victims from coming forward because we have people who lie about it and the true victims aren't taken as seriously as a result. I would also think in light of the Me Too movement and Surviving R Kelly, people would pay more attention to the facts now before we “cancel” people.  Personally I think that if you lie about a offence as serious as rape, you should go to jail and get sued because you are evil and karma will come to you. What if this your brother or your son or uncle or dad etc who was being accused of this crime? How would you feel if everyone thought they were guilty because of a mistake they made a teenager that has nothing to do with what they were currently accused of? Just think about that for a moment. 
To end this I think Chris deserves an apology, one of them being from Eve after her comments on The Talk and that he should not only sue the women who lied but should sue media outlets such as TMZ and The Shade Room for defamation of character and let's remember this: innocent until proven guilty and look at the facts (in this day and age we really need to do this)
Update: Malibu Dollface made a video pretty much explaining everything I feel about cancel culture. Please watch and support him because he’s amazing
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keelywolfe · 6 years
Summary:  Edge wasn't sure when he became the diplomatic one but he did know that mistakes had been made.
Notes:  This is set after they've gotten to the surface, maybe a couple years after?
The building itself was unremarkable. Plain brick with odd, narrow windows and in front of the building near a set of flagpoles was an engraved sign declaring it the Ebott County Police Station.
Edge took a moment to note the different entrances and exits, an old habit that he had no inclination to break. Several police cars were parked out front and from the distance he could see humans walking in and out of the building, some in uniform and others not. He closed his sockets for a moment, breathing evenly, readying himself. For a brief moment, he missed his usual clothing. The human sense of fashion wasn't unappealing, per se, but Edge simply could not feel as threatening in a suit and tie.
Then he got out of his car, carrying a small leather briefcase, and walked to the front entrance.
There were a few glances his way, curious or wary, he wasn't sure. Interpreting Human expressions hadn't come easy to him, although he'd learned 'angry' and 'afraid' quickly enough. To be fair, 'happy' hadn't been difficult to puzzle through, either.
A bored looking man in a uniform waved him through a metal detector and Edge stepped through readily. He hardly needed to carry a weapon when he was one. It was likely not an observation that would go over well if he pointed it out but it was hardly his fault if humans were too ridiculous to take such things into account.
He followed the appropriate signs with their helpful arrows to a reception desk, where another officer, this one a woman, was working. She looked up at his approach and her smile only faltered briefly.
"Hello, can I help you?" she asked, politely.
Edge stepped up to the desk, setting his case on the ledge. "I’ve been informed that there is a monster in holding here."
"A monster?" She turned to a computer, hands posed over the keyboard. "Name?"
She hummed faintly. "Last name?"
Edge sighed inwardly. "We don’t have last names. I suppose if he was being a smart ass, which is likely, he used Font."
Another hum, this one perplexed, "I don’t have anything under that."
Edge took a long, slow breath, already weary of this idiocy. Bureaucracy was never going to agree with him; he should have taken Blue up on his offer to come along, he was always better at tolerating the Human's stupid insistence on their endless variety of paperwork. But no, his nerves would never have allowed him to bring a Sans into this place; bad enough that Stretch--
"Is it possible that somehow you have a second monster in holding with the name Papyrus?" Edge asked coolly.
"Well, I…no," she faltered, clearing her throat, and visibly rallying her courage. Lovely. "But I need to find the name in the computer for you to post bail."
"Then please, allow me to interrupt you," Edge told her calmly. He opened his case and took out a stack of papers. "You don’t need to worry about me posting bail because that isn't why I’m here. He doesn’t have bail because he’s no longer under arrest."
"Sir…" she began, clearly flustered, as he began laying papers down on the desk.
"This is my identification, which you may note lists me as an official Liaison for Monsterkind," Edge slapped down his ID and peeled the first sheaf of papers from the pile. "This is from the Secretary of State confirming Papyrus's release conditions. Please note the notary seal. This is a statement of a civil suit we are filing against your department for violating his rights by arresting and holding a monster without contacting the embassy. Unfortunately for you, your department decided to arrest a monster who is part of the King's court. He has diplomatic immunity. Which it clearly states on his ID, exactly as it does on mine."
He set his hands on the counter, deliberately looming over her as she shrank back. "What you should have done was immediately contact the embassy and hold him in a private room. What you did was arrest him and allowed him one text, which he sent to me."
A text that had been a particular delight to receive, Edge thought sourly.
in jail. help. bring snacks
At least he'd included a map link to the station.
He took one last thing out of his case before closing it with a decisive snap. "And here’s a business card for you to put right by your phone, so next time you can call before you people do something else to cause a diplomatic incident."
He held it out to her between two fingers, deliberately forcing her to lean forward to take it. The poor woman looked close to tears. It wasn’t her fault, he reminded himself, it wasn't.
The reminder did nothing to soothe his anger.
"Now, will someone please take me to Papyrus?"
Another officer took him downstairs, this one a man, and from his surly silence, Edge gathered that bad news traveled quickly. He was led down a flight of stairs into a corridor lined with cells, most of them with people in them.
"…so then i told him…"
Through the cluster of noise and the sounds of people moving within the cells, Edge clearly picked out one distinctive voice. He could have picked it out of any crowd, that well-abused, whisky-sweet voice.
"…if this is my thermometer, then where's my pen!"
A roar of laughter overshadowed the dull cacophony of a dozen conversations and Edge closed his eyes, pained. The officer led him to a cell at the end of the corridor and Edge could already see him, the glaring orange of his hoodie better than a neon sign.
The low burn of anger he'd felt since he'd gotten that text flared hotter and it took considerable effort to keep a scorching glow of magic from illuminating his eye. Stretch was sitting at the back of a cell. A cell that contained several other humans and considering that they were in a jail cell, it wasn't likely they were of high moral character. Edge swallowed back the acid burn of anger and nausea. If any had had ill intent, if even one...
Stretch saw him before he could say a word, a lazy smile brightening his face, "hey, see, guys, didn’t i tell you a handsome prince was coming to rescue me?" He raised a hand in a wave that would have done justice to a prom queen. "hey, handsome, slay any dragons on your way in?"
"Only paper ones," Edge said. He could hear the roughness in his own voice, knew that Stretch had heard it. His smile didn't so much as falter but his eye lights flicked down the floor for the briefest second, then back up to meet his.
"welp, i’m short of hair to let down for you so you’ll have to let me out the door," Stretch said cheekily. "but i gotta tell you, prince charming, i’m not leaving without my friend andy here."
He slung an arm around the human closest to him, a young man with messy brown hair and what looked like the beginnings of a spectacularly colorful black eye.
"I keep telling you, it’s Jeff," the human, Andy/Jeff, said. He sounded long-suffering but amused. Edge could relate.
"i know you keep telling me but hear me out! andy is so much better. you can go by handy andy and be helpful and vulgar at the same time. jeff doesn’t rhyme with anything and jeffry sounds like a brand of peanut butter. Go with andy, you won’t regret it."
The human grinned and shook his head. "Thanks but I think I’ll stick with Jeff, I wouldn’t be able to stand all the paperwork."
"Excuse me, is he leaving or not," the officer said impatiently.
"He's leaving right now," Edge gritted out, glaring at Stretch. Who looked ready to continue his earnest protest, although whether it was about if he was staying or his ongoing pursuit of the name Andy, Edge couldn't be sure. "The attorney for your friend is enroute right now; he should be here any time now."
"who did you get?" Stretch asked. His smile, his posture, were lazy and relaxed, fingers drumming lightly on the top of Andy/Jeff's head. His eye lights were razor-sharp, assessing.
"Who else?" Edge snorted. "Antwan."
Stretch closed his sockets briefly. "good. good, he's…he'll take care of you, andy."
"Jeff," he correctly amicably.
"okay, kid, I get the feeling if i don't leave, prince charming is going to morph into the evil queen and none of us want that visual." Stretch shuddered. "he's got great legs but that dress does no one any favors. you gonna be okay?"
"I'll be fine." Andy/Jeff gave Stretch a shove in the direction of the door and gentle as it was, Edge tensed, a faint shower of crimson sparks dancing at his fingertips. He curled his hands into fists, struggling for control.
"take care, kid. i got your twitter handle, we'll get together for lunch and chaos again some time, yeah?"
"Less chaos and more lunch next time?" Jeff/Andy said wryly and Stretch laughed.
"no promises, but it sounds good. laterz!"
He stepped through the door, hands in pockets, and followed the officer and Edge upstairs to the reception desk. The young woman seemed to have decided to let someone else handle their departure and in her place was an older woman, her graying hair pulled back into a bun. She was briskly efficient, a large manila envelope in her hands.
"Here's your personal effects," she said, evenly, and Edge put out a hand, forcing Stretch to keep two paces back. Out of reach.
"Open it," Edge said curtly. Her nostrils flared, whitening with annoyance but she did as he said, naming each item as she set it out. A wallet, with identification and twenty-seven dollars inside. A handful of change, American, monster gold and for some reason, a Canadian loonie. A cell phone. A pack of cigarettes with a lighter.
The latter Stretch leaned in over Edge's arm to scoop up, fishing a cigarette out of the crumpled pack. He flicked the lighter with practiced ease, inhaling deeply.
"Sir," the woman said it like an epithet, glaring at him, "this is a nonsmoking building."
There. The first dregs of anger, a flare of orange in his left socket before it guttered out. Stretch took a long drag, exhaling a cloud of smoke, and met her glare with a sharp-edged grin. "arrest me again for smoking," he said, biting off each word with bitter precision. "please. i’m begging you."
A tense silence fell over the room. No one moved.
Edge reached out and gently rested a hand between his shoulder blades, smoothing it down his back. "Calm down," he murmured. He could feel Stretch trembling.
"we aren't leaving until antwan gets here," Stretch muttered back and Edge nodded. He took Stretch's wallet and cell phone, gently stuffing them into the pocket of his hoodie. Antwan was one of the first humans they'd met when they'd come to the surface. Young and fiercely intelligent, he was also one of the few humans they both trusted. He'd done his time in the courtrooms to earn that trust, helping Monsters secure a place in this world. He couldn’t think of a better person to help Andy/Jeff with what would surely be a frustrating and expensive legal battle.
Price was not going to be an issue for that young human. He'd helped a monster and put himself in the way of bodily harm doing it. Andy/Jeff had no idea of the debt that Edge owed him and likely never would. Edge was never going to forget it.
Stretch smoked his cigarette, the tremble in his hands easing and no one protested when he lit another. He was halfway through it when Antwan walked in, neatly dressed in a suit and his sunglasses still perched on his nose. He was shaking his head before he even got to them.
"Stretch, this is a nonsmoking building." Did everyone sound like that when they talked to Stretch? Resigned and yet amused, Antwan grinned at them both.
"eh, so it is," Stretch shrugged, "my mistake." He pinched it out with his fingertips and stuck the butt into his pocket. "you gonna help out my new best friend?"
"Always leaving me with the problems," Antwan said, shaking his head. He proved he was far more adept at reading Monster's behavioral cues than Edge was at human ones because he kept his hands to himself, only holding out a fist for Stretch to tap. "Don't worry, I got this. Edge, get this fucker out of here before someone else takes a swing at him."
Edge nodded curtly. He kept a hand at the base of Stretch's spine, guiding him like a lost, bony little sheep, herding him out the door and to the car.
Stretch was silent on the ride home, his sockets closed and his head leaning against the window. Not really pretending to be asleep and Edge only turned on the radio, keeping the music low. The embassy was downtown but he and Stretch lived just outside of the city in the community that monsters had formed at the base of the mountain. Fenced and guarded, Humans didn't often try to cause trouble in New New Home. It was safe, safer, even living amongst Fell monsters.
Stretch didn't speak as Edge pulled up in front of their house. Not a joke or a word or a pun as they walked up the sidewalk, not a single snide remark or a hint of sarcasm. Edge held open the door for him and Stretch walked inside, Edge at his heels.
The moment the door shut, Stretch shoved him against it. Hard enough to knock the breath from him, his fists clenched in the fine pressed cotton of his shirt. His teeth were hard against Edge's, rough and fierce and Edge let him, parted his teeth to let Stretch's frantic tongue tangle with his own.
"please," Stretch whispered, thin and reedy. He was shaking, hard enough that Edge could hear the rattle of his bones. "please, tell me if you want me to stop…if you don't…"
"Shut up," Edge breathed it into him, "and just take it. Anything you want, anything you need."
The sound Stretch made was guttural and lost, "fuck, don’t write me a blank check like that."
He pulled Edge away from the door, pulled him staggering through their living room to the sofa and shoved him down on it, straddling his lap. His slight weight was always a faint surprise; he looked solid, sturdy beneath his hoodie and baggie shorts. Instead, beneath them he was delicate, clean bones, tall and slight, and his HP so painfully low.
Stretch pulled at Edge's shirt, fumbling with the buttons and Edge only held his wrists in a loose grip and let him, let him take whatever he wanted, whatever he needed, fuck, he loved this idiot so much, he loved him and--
A drop of wetness fell. They both looked at it, a droplet of watery orange on Edge's white shirt.
More tears fell, Stretch's shoulders quivering as he struggled to hold them back, fought against the sobs that were trying to escape even as he kept trying to kiss Edge, tried to open his belt with shaking hands.
Edge took him by the shoulders, gently. "Stop."
"no," Stretch said stubbornly as tears streaked their way down his cheekbones. "i want...i just…"
"I’m here," Edge told him, softly, pulling him down despite his struggles, pressing Stretch's face into the curve between his neck and his shoulder. "I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere."
Stretch tried to resist even as he faltered, sagging into Edge. Who only held him as he shuddered and wept, abruptly burying himself into Edge's shoulder, hiding his face in clean cotton, wetting it with his tears.
"Shhh, it's all right," Edge crooned to him. His soul ached, throbbing in time to those hoarse, wracking sobs. His lover was hurting and there was nothing he could do but hold him and ache with love and overwhelming sorrow, "You're home, you're safe. It's all right."
He shifted on the sofa until he was lying down, tugging Stretch down to curl against him. "Come on, come down here."
"why?" Stretch's voice was thick with darkly bitter amusement, "so you can see how weak i am?"
"don’t," his voice cracked, "don’t be kind to me, please."
Edge pressed a gentle kiss to his temple. "Why wouldn’t I be kind to you?"
A raw chuckle, "to begin with i'm pretty sure i ruined your shirt."
"Fuck the shirt," Edge growled. He traced his fingertips down Stretch's skull, across his cranial sutures. "What happened today?"
Stretch shifted against him in a strange combination of discomfort and yearning. "you know what happened."
"I read the police report, yes. Now I want to hear it from you."
Stretch was silent for a long time. Edge waited.
"…i was taking the bus." So softly.
Taking the bus because he didn’t drive and hated harassing others for a ride. There was a bus stop just outside New New Home and buses stopped every twenty minutes to take Monsters into Ebott. For work, for shopping, for whatever simple reason a monster might simply need to go into the city. When he was in a good mood, Stretch frequented coffee shops and old books stores like a ridiculous hipster and he was an easy friend to make, on the surface-level at least. He had several thousand followers on Twitter and if he'd actually been the amiable monster he appeared, the King would have hooked him into public relations.
That idea had been quashed when the amount of swearing in his Twitter had nearly given the former Queen an aneurysm.
"You were taking the bus," Edge prompted.
Stretch shrugged, his bony shoulder rubbing painfully against Edge's clavicle. "this guy…this human. he didn’t like my face, i guess, i’ve always thought i was handsome kinda fella in an evil dead sort of way but—"
He felt Stretch swallow, felt him curl a little harder into himself. "he took a swing at me and i…i could have teleported and i didn’t. i couldn’t believe...i didn’t want to...he could have killed me and i couldn't—andy stepped in and…"
"jeffry stepped in, they shared a few fists, and we all ended up in jail," Stretch finished roughly. "the end."
"He was in that cell with you?" Cold fear tightened around his soul and he was going to gut that police station, he could taste his own anger, bitter-sharp and clear, and he was going to--
"nah, they weren’t that stupid. no idea what they did with him."
His anger didn't ease and Edge breathed through it, wrapping his arms around Stretch and holding him tightly, moving to tangle their legs together. Stretch only pushed harder into him, molding his lean body against Edge. Skeletons weren't particularly designed for cuddling, all hard angles and edges. They made it work.
Edge pressed a kiss against the top of Stretch's skull. I can't lose you, he didn't say, I couldn't bear it.
Stretch didn't reply, i know. i know, i'm sorry, i'm so sorry
In the end, Stretch did manage a grumbling, "you know, if you crack any bones, you get to fix them."
"Shut up and cuddle," Edge muttered back.
"Whenever you want, lover," Stretch sighed, burying his face into the damp ruin of Edge's shirt. He drowsed, his breathing going slow and even, while Edge stroked his skull, staying awake and keeping watch.
Read The Next One
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arckook · 7 years
oh no - three
Tumblr media
one - two
pairing: jung jaehyun x reader
au: high school
warnings: none
word count: 2.1k
description: you accidentally snapchat the gorgeous Jung Jaehyun instead of your drunk friend, and now things are a little more complicated than you’d have liked.
You get off work at nine pm, and that's your nearest opportunity to open the snapchat Jaehyun sent you. You have others you need to open too, blue boxes you're assuming are commentary on your eventful story containing a picture of CVS with the caption: ready to kms at work as per usual!!! But those are less important. Because Jung Jaehyun actually snapchatted you.
You're out the doors of CVS the second the clock turns to nine, calling out a bye to Seungkwan and your manager before you practically sprint to your car, jumping in and turning the engine on for some heating as you pull your phone out from your bag.
You ignore the text, twitter, and instagram notications, reminders you set to finish that essay for English, missed call from your mom who probably forgot you had work and wanted to know where you are. You open snapchat and swipe to the chat page, practically shaking with a mix of nerves and excitement to see what Jaehyun sent you.
Your friend feeling any better this morning?
You break out into a fit of nervous giggles after reading the caption. Or maybe they were caused by yet another selfie– his light brown hair sweeping flawlessly over his forehead, eyebrows raised with a slightly questioning smile. Jesus, how can someone be that handsome? It doesn't make sense.
Do you take the risk of sending a selfie back? Is it weird that he's sent you three and you've only replied with black screens? It's just past nine right now, so a black screen would probably make sense given that it's dark out, but is that unfriendly?
You consult the group chat, and Joy tells you that you should obviously send a very flattering selfie. Lisa says to show only a part of your face so it doesn't look like you're trying that hard. That seems smart.
You retake the picture seven times before it looks appropriately careless, captioning it with a response.
haha he was passed out in his bathtub this morning but im sure hes alright
You send it before you can have second thoughts about any part of the picture, and finally pull out of the CVS parking lot to get home.
You don't check your phone while you're driving, but you do have bluetooth connected to it, so when Johnny calls you as you're about to turn into your neighborhood, you answer.
"What?" you say aloud, reaching over and clicking up the volume on your phone so you can hear him through the car speakers. "You should sleep over at my place tonight," he says simply, sounding significantly better than he did this morning. "Why?" you ask, rolling your eyes. "...Because why not?"
You sigh deeply. "Johnny, I have work tomorrow and I don't think my parents will want me to sleep over at a college guy's apartment. Regardless of if I've known him since I was twelve." "Hey, listen," Johnny says, his tone indicating that he's about to try to convince you. "Seulgi and Jisoo are coming over too, so you won't be the only girl, and Mark is coming so you won't be the only one in high school. It'll be fun, I promise!"
You pull into your driveway next to your mom's car, parking and grabbing your stuff quickly before you get out, pressing your phone to your ear so you can respond to your friend while you open your front door.
"That does not mean my parents will be okay with it," you argue, stepping into your house and shutting the door behind you. "Hey little sister," you say to your younger sister, who is sitting on the couch playing some sort of video game.
"Hey," she says back. "Mom and Dad went out." "Did I just hear Naeun say your parents are out of the house?" Johnny asks mischievously. "That means you can come!" "Come on, Y/N!" you hear Ten shout from faraway on Johnny's end of the phone call. You sigh. "Nobody's here to watch Naeun, I can't leave." "I'm thirteen, you don't need to 'watch' me," your sister snaps, death glaring at you from the couch. 
Eighth graders, man.
"Everyone'll be here in like an hour, so get going if you're gonna come," Johnny says.
You sigh, dropping your stuff on the counter and rolling your eyes. "Fine," you say, and you hear Ten cheering in the background. "Yes!" exclaims Johnny. "See you soon!" "See you," you reply, and hang up. "Tell mom I'm sleeping over at Rose's if she asks, kay?" you instruct Naeun, and she brazenly nods.
You forgot to see if Jaehyun ever replied to your snapchat. You realize this as you're sitting in a circle waiting for the bottle you've just spun to land on someone. Yeah, you can't believe college kids play spin the bottle on weekends either, but here you are surrounded by them, doing just that.
You probably should've understood that when Jisoo, Seulgi, and Mark were all mentioned to be 'sleeping over' as well, that Johnny was actually just having a small party, and that things were not going to be simple and sweet. But you hadn't. So that's why you're playing spin the bottle, hoping it doesn't land on Mark (he is like sixteen and you're pretty sure Yeri is into him), Johnny (you have kissed him before and it was regrettable), or Taeyong (because he's a scarily gorgeous man and you are not prepared for that emotionally).
You haven't checked to see if Jaehyun replied to your snapchat. But you guess that doesn't really matter, because the bottle lands on Taeyong, and you think you might pass out as he leans out from behind Seulgi who's sitting to your left and sends you a somewhat apologetic smile.
"Record this, she's gonna flip her shit," you hear Johnny say, laughing, and someone picks up your phone that you'd unlocked a minute prior when you realized you needed to see if Jaehyun replied.
Taeyong scoots over, his dark eyes seeming much more friendly than they had in the past when you'd briefly seen him over here, and he leans in closer to you so that nobody else can hear you talk. "You can back out if you want," he offers, shrugging lightheartedly. You glance over at Ten and Johnny who are cracking up at your obvious internal struggle, and then at Seulgi who gives you an encouraging smile, and you shrug back. "Nah, let's just do it so they don't nag," you say, and Taeyong nods.
He reaches up and places one hand on the back of your head, thumb in front of your ear, and tugs you a little closer. You shut your eyes because he's just really, really handsome, and even if you have no feelings for Taeyong at all, your heart is racing at his proximity. You hear the sound of multiple iPhone cameras start recording, and then his lips are pressing onto yours, his fingers wrapping slightly into your hair to keep you from leaning too far back. It's short, just that few seconds, before he's pulling away and you immediately drop your face into your knees, groaning in embarrassment as you hear the others laugh.
"That was too good," Johnny laughs through his words. You lift your head up and Yuta, the guy who's sitting to your right, hands you back your phone, off and locked this time. Seulgi to your other side laughs (a pretty smile and sound) and rubs your back comfortingly. "You and Taeyong look good together," she comments, still smiling almost in a motherly way at you. You shake your head adamantly, knowing you're probably blushing. "I don't know about that," you say, waving the statement off. Seulgi raises her eyebrows. "Really," she says, tilting her head ever so slightly to her left to indicate to Taeyong, who'd returned to his place over there. "I think he has a soft spot for you. He seemed glad when Johnny said you were coming."
You find that hard to believe, but just nod, giving in before Seulgi looks away, it being her turn to spin. You unlock your phone, returning to the task of checking snapchat. Sure enough, when you swipe to the right, there is a filled box by Jaehyun's name, which you promptly tap on.
It's another selfie, where he is looking perfect as usual.
Your friend leads an interesting life.
But the box is still full when the timer runs out, so you open the second snap too.
How about you? Feeling okay?
He asked about you? He actually asked about you? But why? You hadn't been the one drunk and wondering about the functions of life. You should've actually gone to Rose's so she could have helped you figure this out.
You snap another 'careless' looking selfie, trying to avoid showing too much of your location in the background.
im ok i guess, how are you jjh?
That's what you call him in class when you say hi to each other every day. Your name for him is JJH, and he calls you sunshine, so he can say "Mornin', Sunshine!" in a terribly cringey southern accent every morning.
Not a full minute passes before he replies, and you completely tune out what's going on around you to focus on the conversation at hand.
A picture of the wall, and a caption.
Sure you're okay? You looked pretty stressed on your story, lol
What? What does he mean by that? All you have on your story is the picture of CVS.
Nonetheless, you swipe over twice on the app to tap on your story, watching the picture from this morning last a few seconds, and then– And then the video of Taeyong kissing you playing.
Yuta (who you're guessing took this since he's the one who handed you your phone back) must've started it a bit late, because Taeyong is only close to you for a half a second before he pulls away from the kiss and sits back on his heels, smiling shyly as you duck your head down and groan, everyone else laughing heartily in the background before the video ends.
Jaehyun saw you kissing someone else. He saw, and he wasn't upset, which means he doesn't care, but either way, he saw you kissing someone else– It's the only thing you're thinking, and suddenly the party feels too loud and your head is hurting and your heart is tugging in an aching way, and you have to get out.
You stand abruptly, muttering an 'I have to go' to Seulgi before you pivot and stride towards the door, ignoring Johnny calling after you to ask where you're going. You feel your eyes watering, and hastily swipe at them with the back of your hand as you open the front door and shut it behind you, sitting on the carpeted ground to it as you breathe in deep. You rest your face in your knees once again, trying to keep yourself from crying so you don't embarrass yourself if you decide to go back in there. It feels like a while has passed when you hear the door click open and someone settle down next to you.
"I dont feel like listening to your bullshit, Johnny," you mutter, knowing your friend had to have come out here to try and tease you into a better mood. "It's me, actually," You snap your head up to meet Taeyong's dark eyes. He chuckles lightly, turning his face away and resting the back of his head on the wall, letting his eyes shut. "Oh," you say, cringing at yourself. "Sorry." "You alright?" he asks. "You know we're not friends, right?" you say, then bite your lip as you realize how harsh that sounds. Taeyong chuckles again. "Yeah, sorry," he says. "I kind of like you, though, so I just wanted to make sure you're okay."
The fact that he phrased it that way bothers you because its just the same way Jaehyun asked you if you were okay. You try to remind yourself that it's not his fault, though.
"I'm okay," you say simply, sighing. "Good," Taeyong replies. "Want to come back in, or should I let Johnny know you went home?" You think on it. If you go home, you'll just stress about whether or not to reply to Jaehyun, probably end up crying, call one of your friends and try hopelessly to explain why you're upset. If you stay here, you can force yourself to have fun and forget about the issue currently at hand. And maybe distract yourself with how handsome Taeyong is. You like Seulgi, too.
You get to your feet, extending a hand to Taeyong as he opens his eyes. "Come on then," you say, and he smiles.
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