#saw a scene that was so beautifully lit I cried
After going to 5 productions of Punchdrunk/Emursive shows in the span of 14 months I finally got a 1:1! I remember going my first time being so scared of getting one thinking they would run up out of nowhere and grab me (yes I have anxiety)
But the last few times I've gone I've been trying to get one. I'll never forget the time I was following Sexy Witch; she looked me dead in the eyes and proceeded to sprint up 3 flights of stairs to her 1:1 room. I ran with her only to get cut off by someone at the last minute. Thats just how the show can be sometimes, I still love her.
Slight Spoiler Warning for L$T, I'll keep it breif and vague, no character names!
Moving onto my 2nd viewing of Life and Trust just a few days ago, I was following one of the many characters of the show and suddenly he asks for my hand! I eagerly take it and he sits me down and hands me some photos to look through. This was infront of a few people so I was very nervous. After writing down something I couldnt see in his journel he asks for the pictures back, puts everything away and leaves.
Now you'd think this is where my story ends but it gets better! I end up losing him but after a little frantic searching I found him. After a bit more following, some very wonderful scenes and beautiful choreography, he asks for my hand again.
I am shocked as I'm wearing a very distinct shirt so I know he knows he's choosing me again. Honored I take his hand once more and after some gentle guidance he leads me up the ledge he's on and takes me to a private 1:1 area. He performed an amazing monologue and leaves me with a parting gift before he guides me back to the public space again. We are alone and he says a few more things to me before he breaks away to contine his loop. I was and am in awe. Unfortunately I did not get to see the end of his loop as I lost him again, that's alright though, it was basically time for me to find another character to follow anyways :)
This is a very long winded way of saying thank you for making me feel special, thank you for being so gentle and making sure I was safe. Im so glad you were my first 1:1 it was at the level of intensity I was hoping for. I know you probably treat everyone that way and I'm glad you do because I can't wait to come back for more, I feel really confident about 1:1s now.
And yes this has sealed the deal for me. I love this show and I am absolutely itching to get back, darn my expensive hobbies!
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sorenflyinn · 6 days
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IM BACKKKKK (i lost where my requests went 💔 send me new ones)
Tsuchigomori x GN!Reader
CW: mentions of blood
As Tsuchigomori looked at the scene in front of him, it felt as if everything in his body froze, tears running down his face.
Is why I don’t have relationships with humans.
The face of his lover was pale, a stark difference from how they used to be. The blood that would rush to their cheeks from his teasing was now anywhere but their body. The car that had hit them drove off immediately, the driver not wanting to be responsible for the accident. Their eyes got more clouded as onlookers called for help, but he knew there was no way to get them back now. He had seen eyes like that many times before.
When emergency services arrived and he saw as they pronounced them dead, it was like someone covered his ears. The only thing he could hear were his ragged breaths and all he could feel was the strangling feeling around his neck as he held back his sobs.
Stumbling back into the school building and into his library, he finally let it all out. His sobs echoed throughout the bookshelves and he fell to his knees, holding his head in his hands.
The memories he made with them was all he had left.
The way they comforted him through his struggling moments, how they made him laugh, their own laugh. How, although a brief moment of shock, they still loved him after finding out about him being an apparition.
Pushing himself up, he looked up at a painting they made for him. He got up from his position on the floor and approached it slowly. It was a gorgeous gouache creation of lavenders, the purple standing out compared to the dull background, which they had intended. He remembers how their face was lit up when Y/N brought it to him, saying it was their best work yet and how they wanted him to have it.
That was a week before their untimely demise.
Knowing that they would no longer be there caused a nauseous feeling to fill him. He turned to his desk, his breath quickening before he started crying again, punching his desk over and over with the banging causing butterflies to erupt and flutter through the air.
Three Months Later
When Hanako, Nene, and Kou dragged him out of his library, he complained.
A lot.
He heard them talking about a new apparition they found, the hallway, and a supposedly haunted painting.
”And why are you bringing me with you?” He grumbled.
Hanako simply grinned and responded with his usual cheerful tone, “Because last time we found a new apparition we barely made it out, so we need adult supervision now according to Nene.”
“I am not about to become ghost chow!” She cried out, hands trembling at what this next one might contain.
“They’d go after you because of your daikon legs, not because you were there.”
The librarian watched as she slapped number 7’s arm, thinking back on how Y/N would tease him in a similar way before.
Kou, Nene, and Hanako bickered back and forth as they walked to their destination, Tsuchigomori taking out his pipe before pausing, putting it back in his coat’s inner pocket. Y/N hated whenever he used it, even after he tried to explain he was already dead and nothing bad would happen from him using it.
“Here we are!”
Looking up, they all looked at the huge painting on the wall that they hadn’t noticed before. It was as if it both existed and didn’t at the same time, only existing when the viewer wanted it to. The painting had dazzling shades of purple and magenta, the image of an arch drawing them in.
Reaching out to it, Hanako’s hand went through, the paint warbling around him as he walked through, lending his hand to Nene and pulling her through before she could protest. Kou and Tsuchigomori followed in, and as they did they heard something- no, some*one*, repeatedly hitting a wall which echoed through the huge empty white room. The only things that stood out were a multitude of paint buckets, beautifully painted landscapes - including the one they walked through - and a figure hunched over the bare floor.
When Tsuchigomori glanced around at the paintings, Hanako walked up to the figure, “You must be the new apparition we’ve been hearing about.” The apparition whipped their head up at his voice, “Although, you’ve been much calmer than most I’ve met.”
They looked at Hanako before their eyes trailed behind him and widening. Tears graced their eyes before speaking, “Is that you.. Ryuujirou?..”
His breath got caught in his chest after hearing their voice, his own eyes widening before turning to look. He gasped when he saw it was them.
They stood up, and as they walked they left behind a trail of different colors of paint. He walked closer to them too, and with just a few more steps to go, he used his other four arms to brace himself as they ran into his arms.
They held each other close as tears started streaming down their faces. Pulling back, Ryuujirou gently put his hand on Y/N’s cheek and caressed it with his thumb, staring lovingly into their eyes.
“I-” His voice came out strained, making him cringe a bit, “I’ve missed you.. so damn much.”
As they stared into each other’s eyes, they closed the gap between them with a soft kiss. Warmth filling them with a fuzzy feeling inside as they pulled away shortly after, resting their foreheads against each others as they simply held the other in their arms.
The students and the ghost watched on nearby, Nene whispering, “We should leave them be,” to which the boys nodded, walking to the portrait they came through before.
Ryuujirou and Y/N stood there holding each other, making up for lost time.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Can't Always Get What You Want
cw: choking, Volo wins, bad end essentially, short piece
Volo supposed he should have expected that becoming god was not going to be without resistance from Arceus. Giratina easily overpowered the being and gifted him the power he so desired, but the god sought to mock him once more.
You had become precious to the blond, despite his best efforts to not allow you to become so.
The time spent observing you throughout the quest had left him fairly intrigued by you. Your confidence and ability to face situations that screamed certain death was something that he would begrudgingly admit he admired. (Even if it was simply for the fact that he could use you to do the tasks he was unwilling to do himself.) The way you appeared so helpless after Jublife kicked you out for his actions was something that left him giddy, yet hurt. The desolate expression on your face as you sat in the wilds with absolutely no support outside of the pokemon that had been on you at the time of your banishment was something that he could understand. It was genuine when he offered you a place to turn to. How afraid and desperate you were struck him in a strange place.
It was as you both worked together to stop the seeming end of the world, watching you work through puzzles and tricks to obtain the red chain in order to stop the pokemon that would be spit from the rift. You did so much to stop everything he did, but continued to help him with his plans unknowingly. Your skirmished to find the plates brought him closer to you. Camping together and speaking about things, left him a bit vulnerable to you, but you never spoke a judgemental word towards him. It was in his nature to tease, yet your kindness hit him in a strange place. The blond would even dare state that you cared for him. This was furthered by your confession to him before you cleared the final plate hunt. His heart raced for your words as true emotions bled through him.
He cared for you, too.
In the sad, abandoned you that remained without a soul to care for them, he saw himself. You were like him, but without the drive of curiosity that continued to bring him forward in his life. That brought him to your tear-filled pleads for him to stop. It hurt to hear you cry, so he resolved the problem by rendering you unconscious. You were leaned against a destroyed pillar as the sun lit the scene of the ruined temple beautifully. A kiss was pressed to your lips before he turned to the brilliant blue above. Arceus's power was his.
The old god would not go down easy.
While everything else could be change to his whims, you remained the same. His precious lover was forced from his arms to view him as some sort of monster. You opposed him still, but were powerless to actually do anything. It was a cruel mocking that forced him to sit upon his throne while you fruitlessly tried again to stop him. His power pinned you to the stone walls of his temple with ease.
Would you never grow tired of this? He certainly was. His strides were lazy as he approached your bound form. Struggling against them, you failed to even partially free yourself from the will that held you. His hands cupped your face, forcing you to stare into his grey eyes. White robes obscure his body while a golden ring floated above his head. Distantly, his Togekiss cried out, hungry for food. “Do you not want to end this?” Volo asked, “I would allow you to be at my side, you realise. My angel, I never lied when I said I cared for you. Just give in, rest with me.” His next was not going to be a pretty one.
“Arceus speaks to me still,” you laughed, “His will shall overpower your own one day, Volo. You're not a true god, and we both know that.” The bindings around your neck tightened. Did the old god truly still speak to you? How annoying. The denial of such a simple pleasure was enough to drive certain men mad. Unfortunately, he was one of them. He wanted you, yet he could not have you. You were allowed gulps of air as he pondered how to fix this. Freeing you from your bindings, he sat back down on his throne. Volo observed as you ran out of his temple with heavy breaths.
How many years had it been since this all started? Neither of you were truthfully keeping track of it any more. Volo's gift of immortality had clearly gone unappreciated by you, but it gave him more time to wait for you to give in.
Until that day, the blond would patiently wait for you to return to his side.
You would sit in his lap on his throne and pledge yourself fully to him, disregarding the old god's name from your tongue and solely using his.
Togekiss sat in his lap with soft chirps while he closed his eyes.
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rainydayotomes · 3 years
Reddened Love (Tsukuyomi x Reader)
This story was requested by anon a couple days ago, and I accidentally wrote waaaay too much for this so it became it's own fic ;P
I really enjoyed writing this, so I hope it was to your liking anon! <3
The request can be found here.
Notes: This story takes place after the events of Akaza's good ending. And- you are not Olympia! There are next to no story spoilers, except for a non-important scene featuring Tsukuyomi at the end of the game. -------------
"(Y/N), are you going down to Yomi today?" "Lord Jigen! Yes, I am. I am in need of more... supplies." You fidgeted with your somewhat darkened red hair to imply what you meant. You sighed when you saw the colour come off on your fingers, and hid your hands within your long sleeves once more. Jigen gave you a kind smile, knowing what you meant. "Of course. Enjoy your walk." Every 3 months, the colour that had been painted into your (h/c) hair started to fade and come out, much to your dismay. It had already been 4 months since you last got the dye needed for your hair, so today you needed to make your annual trip to visit the lone man that lived deep underneath Yomi. (Why am I the only one who has to do this...? Jigen, Douma, and Tokisada don't have to go through the same thing....) You heaved out another sigh at your predicament. As usual, Tsukuyomi had never told you why you had to do this- why you had to hide your real identity- that you were an outsider. None of the other outsiders had to hide. So why did you? The scarf you had gently and elegantly wrapped around your deep red locks swayed in harmony with the cold autumn breeze. You shivered as the wind pierced your sweater, the cold seeping deep into your bones. "A-Ah, good afternoon Riku." "May I see your pass?" You gave a hurt smile at the blue haired soldier. "Always the perfect soldier, huh? You always act like you don't know me even though everyone knows we've been friends for a long time." "......" Riku averted his eyes. "Well, whatever. Here's the pass, soldier boy." "...Go ahead." And with those words, your feet carried you down the steps and into the depths of the underground world. You rubbed the tips of your hair to shed the old dye that clung to you, as to not appear quite as.... red, to the residents with no "good" colour. You pulled the scarf around your hair closer to you, and kept your reddened eyes cast downward. Another 'gift' from Tsukuyomi to help you blend in with the red. You hurried down the main street, thankfully blending into the crowd of various colours easily enough on your way to the spa. "Oh! (Y/N)! Here to see Tsu again?" Camellia cried out to you from the front steps. You nodded, smiling at the doll. "Yep. I know I'm a month late, but I was being invited to date after date.... so many suitors that I can't take." "I'm sure one of them wouldn't mind your colour! Hey, what colour do you even think you-" "That's enough, Camellia. Let her see him; he's worried." Yosuga's voice interrupted the doll, and it was then that you had noticed he was standing with the doors open. "Oh! That's right! (Y/N)- Tsu was worried about you!" Your brows furrowed in confusion, unable to picture the always calm and serene Tsukuyomi actually worried about you. "Really? Tsukuyomi?" Yosuga laughed at your reaction. "Yes, I know it's hard to believe so you better hurry down." "Uhh... right. Excuse me then..." You said, walking past both friends and towards the back rooms. The cold, stagnant air of the deepest part of Yomi hit you like a brick- it always did when you came to see him. But today, it seemed so much colder then usual. You never understood how the things down here could grow like they do- the grass, the trees... even the spring that sat in the center of this weird cave-like area shone like it reflected the brilliance of the moon. You walked up to the lone house that sat far from the entrance to the lonely cave, and moved the curtains to the side to enter the home. "Tsukuyomi?" You called out, placing your bag down beside the door. Whenever you came for the hair dye, Tsukuyomi asked you to stay for tea- but he had never not been present when you arrived. What was he doing? "Ah- (Y/N)!" A smile erupted on his face the moment he saw you, as he stood in the doorway to the rest of the building. "It has been a while. I am very glad to see you are alright." He held his arms out, and you already knew what he wanted. You nodded, giving him a smile as you walked up to his embrace. "It has been. Sorry I couldn't come sooner,
there was never a good time to step away from the red for a day.... everyone wants me for some reason, and apparently this month it was all of the bachelors in the district..." His arms were wrapped around you protectively, and upon finishing your sentance you swore you could feel them tighten ever so slightly around your form. The mysterious man didn't say a word in response. Instead, after a few more moments in his warm embrace he pulled away, looking down at you. His hand, hidden by his sleeve, came up to push away the scarf from your hair. He looked troubled. "I was worried about you. I feared that you had been discovered." You shook your head, pulling the scarf from your head and folding it up neatly in your hands. "No no, nothing like that. I'm sorry to make you worry." His troubled look didn't disappear, however. His white sleeve stroked your sideswept hair, seeing the colour powder leave it's traces on the bright cloth. You felt him hover my your cheek, before he lowered his hand once more. "Come. You must remove the colour immediately." "Huh?" Suddenly, he turned and vanished deeper into the building- which you could only presume was his house. You had never been inside it before- and you doubted anyone else had either. Your heartbeat quickened as you followed his fleeting figure down a hallway before watching him dart into a room. You took in a deep breath, before following him into the only room who's door was open. .......... "...Huh?" Tsukuyomi was bent over something that reflected the candles that surrounded it. A container of water? But upon hearing your shock, he stood up straight and turned to you with his usual gentle smile. You could see his sleeve was wet- where he had watched the powder stain the pristine white cloth beforehand. "The water is comfortable. I assume this will be sufficent for you to cleanse yourself?" You blinked. Once. Twice. "Huh???" "I will find you spare clothes. You may leave your current clothes next to the water." And with that, he walked right past you and left before you could say a word, shutting the door swiftly behind him. .....Did he really want you to bathe? Here??? Why so suddenly???? The container of water- a deep brown coloured circular bathtub- sat in the center of a large room lit with lanterns. Candles adorned the perimeter, giving a beautifully peaceful atmosphere to the scene. Potted plants lined the area, making it almost seem like the bath was instead a beautiful spring in the middle of a forest. Perhaps that was what it was meant to look like. You stepped up to the... bath, seeing the beautifully clear and shining water rest still within the tub. You met your reflection in the liquid, ....... (.......HE WANTS ME TO GET NAKED!?) The revelation hit you like a stray dodgeball- and your face erupted into a deep scarlet. The thin wooden door shifted to the side behind you, and you turned to see Tsukuyomi carrying neatly folded clothing, placing them on a nearby bush that stood out from the rest of the greenery- almost like it was meant to hold things. "Do not worry, my (Y/N). The water is taken from the spring on Tennyo island, and is blessed by Amatersau herself." "T-Tennyo island?! I-I really don't think I s-should be... uh..." You stared at the beautiful reflection of the room in the water, trying to figure out what this ever-mysterious man was thinking. "You must cleanse yourself, my dear. This water is safe for you. As is this place." "U-Uh...." You stiffened immediately as you felt Tsukuyomi's sleeved hands on your shoulders, slipping your sweater off your shoulders. "....." You seriously couldn't understand what was going on in his head. Why did you have to 'cleanse' yourself? Why do you need to remove the dye from your hair so urgently? Usually you just did it once you got back home and then reapplying the fresh dye he gave you.... You had let him take the sweater from your cold body, but upon feeling the soft cloth of his sleeves on your waist, you instantly pulled yourself away from him, turning to him with a
blush. "I-I can do it myself!" He looked downward, a smile on his face. "So be it." The two of you stood there for what felt like an eternity, as you waited for him to leave. Clearly, he wasn't about to let you get out of this. "U-Uh...? Tsukyomi? Aren't you going to.. uh... leave?" "Ah, that is what you are worried about." He looked upwards with a smile, and you still couldn't tell what was going on behind that deep golden eye of his. "I will not do anything you are uncomfortable with." "But I'm not comfortable taking off my clothes here....!" "That, I am afraid, is not a choice." He looked downward again, a troubled look crossing his features for a moment before he looked back up at you. "Would you prefer me to help-" "-NO!" Your voice reverberated around the room, your resounding decline of his offer coming out a bit louder then intended. "...No." You reaffirmed, but calmer this time. "I-I'm ok." You took in a deep breath, your hands going to the hem of your shirt as you turned away from his gaze. ...Was he seriously going to stay here??? Why????? You turned around again, intending to voice your questions to the man who insisted on your bath. "Why do I have to-" His sleeve suddenly came to your lips, and you narrowed your eyes on his outstretched arm before looking back up at him. All he did was give you his usual, beautiful smile.... and that's when you felt it. Gentle, but cold fingers on your hip. They curled under the hem of your shirt and lifted it up slowly, his other hand pulling away from your lips and revealing itself to meet the other side of your shirt. Your breath felt caught in your throat, as all you could do was stand there and blush as Tsukuyomi disrobed you. (....ok. There's no use fighting this. He's always been... a little weird like this. He probably... doesn't mean anything.... by this... right?) You steeled yourself, and allowed him to do as he wished. You gave in, and lifted your arms above your head. The hair on your neck raised at the feeling of his cold, pale fingers grazing the sensitive flesh of the top of your breast. Finally, your shirt was discarded, and Tsukuyomi took the fabric and folded it neatly, placing it on another bush close to the bath. As he did so, you moved to turn your back to him, swiftly taking off your pants and panties in one motion, but the man turned back to you before you could fold the denim. You could feel his gaze pierce your back, and you couldn't help but shudder. You went to move your hands to your back, standing awkwardly, but instead you felt Tsukuyomi's cold fingers graze against the top part of your back, right underneath your neck. You froze. "You haven't taken the proper precautions to prevent staining of your skin." His voice was soft, but there was a hint of something almost.... sinister, angry- in the way he said it. "I-I uh.... I tried. But it's difficult to-" Before you even realized it, your bra fell away from your chest, and you could feel the intense heat burning away at your cheeks. "Get in." Was he... angry? You assumed that you had accidentally gotten dye on your neck when you had last used it, but shouldn't it have washed out by now? And why would he be mad over that? He sounded like he always did when he spoke, but you couldn't help but feel something buried beneath the calm of his voice. You moved swiftly into the water, sinking your cold flesh deeper and deeper into the clear bath. The water was surprisingly warm and comforting. Tsukuyomi watched as you submersed yourself, his piercing gaze eyeing your every move. You sat down on the rounded protuding edge at the bottom of the bath, your body tense under Tsukuyomi's stare. (.....he's still here.) You turned to meet his gaze, finding him taking off his robe. ....WAIT WHAT!? "U-Uh- wait a second-!" You cried. What the hell was he doing!? He wasn't seriously going to get in with you was he!? Your face burned with heat, as you realized just what you got yourself into. But.... the pale man stayed quiet, and the only thing he took off were his
robes.... underneath, he wore a simple tank top. His skin was unbelievably pale. You averted your gaze quickly- realizing you were staring right at him. Your cheeks maintained their reddened state. Your thoughts raced, trying to figure out what was going on and if this was really the Tsukuyomi you knew. He... definitely wasn't acting like it. The man walked up to the edge of the bath, bending over slightly to dip his hands into the warm water. "Did you think I was going to join you?" He spoke huskily into your ear. You felt a shiver go down your spine as you felt his breath on your skin. You were sure the look on your face said it all, and you knew that your eyes were as big as saucers. "Tsu... this isn't funny..." You felt water run down your shoulders, your neck, your back.... and realized that Tsukuyomi was moving to cover the areas of your skin that had yet to touch the water. 'Tsu' remained silent, even after your objection. You tried to break the awkward silence. "I-I.... uh... can do it myself..." You said, but he made no movement to stop. He was gentle, and all you could hear was the steady pouring of water as it fell from his hands and onto your skin. You could see the water slowly turning red, no doubt from the dye that had apparently stained your skin. You felt his hands rub into the muscles of your shoulders, his fingers nimble and experienced. His hands slowly moved up your neck, and you felt your hair shift from his presence. With his other hand, he poured water over your head, and stroked your hair to pull out the remaining red powder that clung to your locks. Finally, your natural hair colour was revealed once again- something that nobody but you and him had ever seen. "This red does not suit you." "Huh?" "No colour of this island would suit you." "Uh...." He seemed to pick up the pace a little bit, working swiftly yet ever gentle to remove the dye. "I much prefer your natural appearance." Ah... that's what he was getting at. Maybe... now you could ask him why you had to dye your hair? You voiced your question to him, and for a moment he stopped. His hands remained on your head and in your hair, and suddenly he removed himself from you. But- soon after your face was covered in water that had been poured over your head. Tsukuyomi had been careful to not get water in your face before... until now, that is. "Hey!" You swiftly turned around and shot him a glare, water dripping from the hair that now covered your face. But he simply gave you a playful smile. "Your natural beauty had to be hidden." The glare that painted your expression swiftly disappeared, and was replaced with shock and a little bit of embaressment. "What?" Tsukuyomi continued to smile. "You needed to be protected from the people of this island. And in order to do so, you had to become one of them." Your brows furrowed. "Wait... why? Why did I need to be protected? The other outsiders were fine...." Your question was simply left unanswered- but Tsukuyomi's smile seemed to widen just a little bit. The water around you glimmered with a dull shade of deep pink from the dye that you had been freed from. Orange flickered on the surface from the candles that surrounded you... and infront of you, the only thing you could see in the pale man's deep golden eye was your reflection. "Recent events have made me realize that you are no longer safe from the people of this land. So I shall be taking you into my care permanently." He said with a look of concerned thought, his eye lowering to the ground for a moment. "Huh!?" Water splashed around you at your sudden movement, as you turned your entire body towards the man; making sure to keep your chest below the edge of the bath. Tsukuyomi turned his eye back to you, and it seemed to almost shine in the candlelight. "I do not wish for others to defile you. Here, I can protect you, and ensure that you are treated with love." "...love!?" That damned ever-present smile. The one that never betrayed his thoughts. That damned, beautiful smile. His hand came up to your
cheek, still wet from the water. "I do not wish for anyone else to touch you... I shall be the only one to do so. And I shall be the only one to know your true beauty." His hand was still cold, but.... it felt warmer then it did before. Your heart pounded away in your chest- it felt like it could burst out at any moment. Too soon however, Tsukuyomi pulled his hand away, and he looked down once more with a look of deep thought, his hand now on his chin. "I know I am being selfish..." He mumbled so quietly you almost didn't catch it. And you almost missed the flicker of sadness within his eye as well, but it lingered for just a moment too long. He looked back up at you, his smile returned. "Camellia informed me that I had to find something to live for." And there it was- his hand back upon your cool cheek. It didn't feel cold anymore. His hand was warm and comforting; and you could feel the gentle care behind his touch. "At first, I had resigned myself to looking after a sapling that had sprouted. But... then you appeared." Ah... that day that you had washed ashore. Tsukuyomi had found you, and brought you back to his home to nurse you back to health. You barely remembered that time- but you know it was soon after that that he decided you needed to hide your identity. "I do not wish to lose you.... I want to protect you from those who would do only harm to you." The blush returned to your cheeks, and you averted your eyes from his. You... had no idea he felt this way. Was this why you had to hide your true identity from everyone? Surely some people could be trusted, but.... Tsukuyomi didn't think so. "Tsu..." You mumbled; a start to a thought unfinished. Before you could process what was happening, Tsukuyomi leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. It was light- a true ghost of a touch. And as swiftly as he had kissed you, it ended. He pulled himself away from you, and turned away to do something. You looked down at the dull reddish-pink water around you, and your hand came up to your lips. It was as if you could still feel his cold touch. Your hand reached up into your hair, running through your wet head before bringing it back down to look at your palm. Sure enough, not a trace of the powdered dye was left. And from the looks of it, the dye was dissolving rapidly in the water around you. When you looked back up at Tsukuyomi, he had returned to wearing his robes, and was holding out the spare clothing he had brought for you earlier. Your eyes came to rest on the cloth in his hands, and.... it seemed to be similar to his. Red on white, with bits of yellow here and there. The smile he gave you felt different then before. Like.... it was filled with love. His eye was gentle as well, looking at you with affection. "Dry yourself, and I shall help you into your clothing." Again with the whole 'being naked infront of him' thing... You took a deep breath, giving in to him as you pulled your body up on shaky legs. You swiftly stepped out of the bath, and grabbed a nearby towel that the man before you had laid out for you. The white towel was quickly stained red from the remaining water and dye on your skin, but Tsukuyomi didn't seem to mind. You took a portion of the towel that hadn't been stained quite as much and ran it through your hair, trying to put it into it's usual place as much as you could. All the while Tsukuyomi watched you with that loving, affectionate smile. When you finished drying your body, you continued to hold the towel close to you, covering your naked form. Tsukuyomi moved to unfold the cloth he had prepared for you, placing it over your shoulders. It was warm, and... smelled like him. His face was suddenly next to yours, his breath hot on your ear. "I will take care of you. Whatever you desire, I will provide." His lips, warmer then they were before- pressed against your cool, damp cheek.
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mylkys · 4 years
ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ, ɪ ᴀᴍ ᴀ ʟɪᴇ
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nanami kento x f!reader
MAJOR SPOILER WARNING. do not proceed if you’re not up-to-date in the manga.
a request from @daikon-dishes​. hope you all enjoy.
word count: 1,841
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warnings: major spoilers for chapter 120. character death. angst.
Everything hurts.
Every part of his being ached and for release, and the only thing that could cross his mind was is this was she felt, in her last moments? Did it feel like her bones were seconds away from ripping out of her skin? Could she feel her heart pound uselessly in her chest?
An image of your smiling face came to his mind's eye. The sunlight filtered through the trees, the golden rays illuminating your shining eyes. The apples of your cheeks were sunkissed, and the gentle wind tousling your hair.
It was the day Nanami proposed to you. He could almost feel the weight of the ring box in his pocket, or how his heart was close to exploding in his chest as he watched you laugh at your own joke. Nanami didn't understand it, but he didn't mind. Your childishness was one of the things that drew him to you.
Nanami pulled the box from his pant pocket, and he could see you watch him with bated breath. You'd asked him what he was doing, but he simply answered by opening the box, revealing the ring. 
It was simple- a thin band with a single diamond- but it suited you. The simplistic design matched your simplistic beauty. Your eyes lit up as you slapped a hand over your mouth. You told Nanami that if it was a joke, it was a shitty one, to which he chuckled.
"Am I the type to pull pranks, dear?"
You cried as you lept onto him. Your arms held him in a chokehold as your bawled your eyes out, weeping a loud and shaky yes. Yes, I'll marry you.
Nanami guided you away from his chest and enveloped you in a kiss. But, he couldn't feel you. There was no pressure of your lips on his, no taste of your tongue. 
Nanami broke the kiss and looked at your face. He could see tears streaming from your crystal eyes, your kiss-swollen lips. You were beautiful.
Yet, it was... off. Unclear. Nanami could see you, but your face was lacking details. Like how one side of your smile was higher than the other, how one eyebrow was arched while the other was rounded. You were there but washed out. Your skin was off, your clothes were off, you were off. 
He was forgetting. 
Nanami couldn't remember the shape of your hands, the slope of your nose, the part of your hair. He remembered how you'd say your left side was your good side, and he remembered how he never understood. Now, he realized he couldn't, because he couldn't even remember what you looked like.
The scene changed, fading away to a dim phone screen. Nanami scrolled through the different necklaces, but none were catching his eye.
A hand clasped on his shoulder, and Nanami turned to see Gojo smiling at him. 
"Gift shopping for the missus?"
"Leave me alone."
Gojo pouted as he complained about Nanami being so mean to him. Nanami's chest ached when he noticed that Gojo's face was crisp, clear. How could he forget the face of the love of his life, but not his? Why would his mind let the details of you wash away, but let Gojo's remain?
Gojo bent over Nanami's shoulder and poked to the screen. "If I know Missus Nanami, which, I do, she'd like that one."
It was a thin silver chain, with a small starfish charm. It was simple, not too long or flashy. It reminded him of you.
Nanami remembered how you hated him calling you simple, how you would take it as an insult. You thought he was calling your ordinary or boring, but he disagreed. Though there was nothing wrong with extravagance, it was also complex and complicated. It took effort.
But with simplicity, the need for detail washes away. The additions and improvements are gone, and what's left bare is true and raw. Simplicity ignores the unneeded aspects, allowing one to just exist. That's how Nanami felt when he was with you.
Any time with you wrapped in his arms, all thoughts and worries of work and curses just... drifted away. In those moments, Nanami wasn't a sorcerer. 
He was a man in love. 
Nanami remembered Gojo's smug grin when he added the necklace to his chart, and he remembered ignoring it. When it came in, your face lit up like thousands of stars, and Nanami had to console you as you sobbed.
"It not even our anniversary!"
"It doesn't need to be a significant date for me to give you a gift."
Any time Gojo saw you wear the necklace- which was every time he saw you since you wore it every day- he would smirk knowingly at Nanami and would tease him about knowing his wife more than he did.
But that stopped after you died.
One thing that is guaranteed when you're a sorcerer, is dying with regrets. Nanami's was losing you.
By most standards, it had been a normal day. You had kissed him goodbye as he left for work, and he called you during his lunch break. If Nanami had known that would be the last time he spoke to you, he would have told you how much he loved you. 
But, it wasn't a normal day. When he came home, he could tell something was wrong. Your house was reeking of cursed energy, and he could see the residue of a curse creature trail to the front door. 
His heart pounded in his chest as dread bubbled in his stomach as he drew his weapon. He opened the front door, and the strong heady scent of blood overwhelmed him. 
Nanami screamed out your name, panic freezing his blood. He was frantic as he tore apart the house, looking for you. 
Maybe you fled, maybe you got away, he chanted in his head over, and over, and over again. You weren't a sorcerer- hell, you could barely even see curses- so there was no chance you could have defended yourself. Nanami prayed that your instincts protected you, got you away from the curse, got you safe.
His world crashed around him as he bolted into your shared bedroom. The smell of blood was strongest there, and when he pushed open the door, he almost gagged. The stench of blood and cursed energy was so thick, it made it hard to breathe, but what took his breath away was you.
You were lying upon the bed, curled up tightly on Nanami's side, your head buried deep in his pillow. The right side of your body was heavily mutilated, wounds and malformations bleeding profusely.
Nanami cried out your name as he ran to your side. He shook you violently, screaming at you to Wake up! Please, wake up!
He hated how stiff your bod- no, not your body- how still you were. How cold you were. 
Nanami could barely see through the tears, but he noticed how you had your hands cradled near your neck. He choked as he pried away your fingers to see what you were holding, and what little control he had left crashed when he saw that even in death, you protected the necklace he gave you. 
While the rest of your body was drenched with drying blood, your necklace had remained clean and beautiful.
Nanami looked to your face and saw the soft yet pained smile on your lips. He had pressed his mouth to yours and prayed he would feel your lips move against his, feel your hands cup his face as you deepened the kiss.
You never did.
Gojo found Nanami cradling you in his arms later that night. 
They held a funeral two days later. 
The casket was closed.
Gojo didn't joke about your necklace anymore.
A new memory, one with Itadori, came to mind. He had the necklace and a photo of you that he kept in his wallet.
"Who's that?" he had asked.
Nanami could feel his throat tighten. He had planned on scolding Itadori on snooping, but instead of doing so, he indulged him.
"That was my wife."
"Whoa! You're married? I didn't know you were married!"
"I'm not anymore."
Itadori paused. "Was? Did you get divorced?"
Itadori looked at Nanami, confused. "Then how...?"
Nanami felt tears burn his eyes, so he turned away. "She's," his throat closed a little as he choked back a sob, "she's no longer with us."
"Oh." Itadori wouldn't look at Nanami. The pair sat in silence for a few minutes as Nanami fought away his tears.
"What was she like?"
Nanami's eyes widened a bit, and he turned to Itadori.
"Kind. Gentle. Playful." He paused, trying to think of how to describe you. "Simple."
"She sounds like a good person," Itadori said. Nanami could see that he felt uncomfortable- not because he didn't like talking about you, but because he didn't know what to say.
"She was perfect," Nanami whispered to himself. Itadori heard him but didn't say anything.
Nanami turned to him once more. "She would have liked you."
Nanami could feel his body begin to fail him. He couldn't hear, and his sight was beginning to wither away. With what little will he had left, Nanami pulled his wallet from his pant pocket and took out the dainty necklace and photo. 
He could barely see your beautifully simple face or the shining necklace, but he could feel then. As his world faded to black, the last thing he wanted to see was you. 
Everything became dark as pain enveloped him, yet he clutched the necklace and photo tight. He refused to let go. 
It was hard to breathe, and Nanami began to panic. His chest ached for relief, for relaxation, and when that pain increased in intensity, he began to panic. Hot flames burned at his body, and if he could still hear, he would have heard his cries of pain.
It was unbearable now, and as Nanami walked the line of unconsciousness, he heard a small noise. It was far off, muffled, faint, he almost wasn't sure if he had heard anything at all when he heard it again, but loud this time. 
Nanami could hear it now, and the voice was so painstakingly familiar, he was confident he would recognize it anywhere.
It was you.
He tried to call out, but his voice wouldn't let him. The panic from the pain melted to the panic of you not finding him. 
"Ken!" you cried. Nanami was never fond of nicknames, but he adored anything you would call him. "Kentooooooo!"
A soft touch caressed his shoulder, and the pain washed away like the waves at sea. Nanami found himself able to move again, and he whipped around to see you standing behind him. 
You were dressed in the same sundress you wore when he proposed, ring on your finger. Around your throat was the dainty chain of your necklace.
Nanami whispered your name, to which you smiled.
"Hey, you," you giggled. 
"I missed you."
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julie1706 · 4 years
Julie’s incredibly aesthetic incredibly autumny list of movies that she maybe recommends (part 2)
Oh sweet joy! It turns out that there are many more great, fantastic, cosy movies (and tv-series!) just absolutely perfect for autumn. By popular demand, I return with even MORE autumny recommendations, and this time, there might even be spell-checking. (Looking at you, “Silence of the Lamps”) (I won’t edit that, because that’s just funny.) 
Thank you for reading the previous one, and I hope you’ll enjoy this one too! We have some GREAT ones coming up. I hope! Maybe! But what I believe will really perfect this second list, is the fact, that autumn is close to being at its peak right now, with it being October! Woohoo! 
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Pumpkins, Jack’o’lanterns, spooky movies, Halloween, tricks and treats, fog, rain, candles lit in the dark, delicious tea, and scarves, because the chill is back in the air! Amazing! The aesthetics are to die for! 
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I’m on a small break from university, and have actually been having some allowed free time, to do autumny stuff. By this I mean I can do autumny stuff with my family and friends, and not feel guilty, because this time I’m not procrastinating. Well, I’m a little behind on some books, but it’s not that bad. You’re allowed free time on breaks! They’re supposed to be mostly free time, anyone knows that. I refuse to be a good student on breaks! 
This free time means that I have actually had time to watch some of these movies and tv-shows myself, and so I can feel a little better about recommending most of them, since I’ve actually seen them. Hehe. Still. I do have other, boring stuff to do, like reading for uni, emptying the dishwasher, cooking, vacuuming, etc., so there will be some of these I’m including, I have not watched, and those will be, again, backed by the power of optimism. Yay! Anyway! You’ve read enough not-halloween recommendationing, and is getting bored - Let’s get to it! (Also, these are still in random order, and I will put warnings at the end, again <3)
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I remember watching Coraline when it came out in theaters, years ago. I also remember that we had a little closet-thing in the wall, small and closed-up, but still very similar to the one she goes into, in the movie. Needless to say, this was not a favorite for little Julie, who was absolutely scared shit-less by this movie. I remember button-eyes, decaying puppets, and a very scary mom. Now, I have not watched the full movie since, but from bits and pieces through the years, I can wholeheartedly recommend this one. It’s stop-motion, the details are incredible, and wow, this movie is great. If you, like me, are no longer 9 years old, watch it! It’s wonderful, and surprisingly, very feel-good in the family aspect. A great movie!
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Official synopsis: 
An adventurous 11-year-old girl finds another world that is a strangely idealized version of her frustrating home, but it has sinister secrets.
//Warning: do not watch this, if you are around nine years old. It will absolutely traumatize you about small closets in old houses. If you are not nine years old, I think you’re good! Just the right amount of spookyness, I believe!
Sense and Sensibility
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I watched this with a good friend in february, I think. So I’m not sure why I think this has to go on an autumny list, but I stand by it! Maybe it’s the beige and brown, beautiful clothing, the many shots of nature, and the relationships between these characters, that fits very well with the cold and chilling air, we find ourselves in, here in lovely October. I don’t know. Food for thought. But this is a great movie, and I really think you should try watching it under a blanket, with tea and a good friend. We didn’t know the story before we saw it, and it had us guessing! And there is a part my other friend Sif told me, always makes her dad cry, and I think that should be taken as a compliment to this movie! It’s great! Love, sisters, crisis and period drama (and great clothes), this movie has it all! (also - Emma Thompson!)
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Official synopsis: 
Rich Mr. Dashwood dies, leaving his second wife and her three daughters poor by the rules of inheritance. The two eldest daughters are the title opposites.
//Warning: It might make you cry. But I promise, it will be a good experience, in the end. It’s not scary, though.
Over the Garden Wall (animated series)
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Well, this one, I’ve been dreading to add to my list. Now, you must not misunderstand, it’s not because I don’t like it. It’s because this series is so great, so weird, so beautifully drawn and made, that I’m afraid I could write a whole blog post dedicated only to Otgw, and still not feel that I have done it justice. It's just so good. It’s like the someone just decided one day, to make a series, that absolutely, perfectly encompasses autumn and halloween, and then did just that. The storyline is good, the art is good, the soundtrack is good. God, the soundtrack. I’ve also made sure to listen to this show’s soundtrack, since we left summer behind, and it’s just so good. There’s a reason tumblr went wild, when this show was first released. But since this is an AUTUMNY list, let me focus on those aspects. Big dark woods, scary noises in the dark, red and golden leaves, fantastical beings - this show has it all, and trust me, it WILL get you in the mood for autumn. I almost started puking leaves and pumpkins when I watched this with my friends, that’s how pumped it got me. This show has a special place in my heart, and if you promise not to tell all the other movies and shows on the list, I’ll admit something: this might be a favorite of mine. Maybe THE autumny favorite. 
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Official synopsis:
Two brothers find themselves lost in a mysterious land and try to find their way home.
Warning: May be a little spooky, but I have it on good authority from a friend that is a true scaredy-cat, with nerves of whipped cream, that’s it’s fine. She  could handle it, watches it every year, and she’s fine. Good levels of scary.  
Corpse Bride
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Believe it or not, that same scaredy-cat of a friend, I just mentioned, actually instructed a musical, based on this story. Is she a horror-fan or not? I have no idea, but her show was so well-done, that it actually made me like this movie a bit better. I have seen it before, but she convinced me, by telling me the original story behind this movie, that it’s pretty great. And by association, this movie became pretty great, too. It’s been some years since I saw this, but it’s a pretty good halloween movie, I think. Dead people tormenting the living. Classic autumn stuff, I would say. And it’s pretty well-made, I think, stop-motion again! I like the aesthetic of a corpse bride, though you have to admit the actual thing is pretty sad. The premise is haunting and scary, but it’s more morose, melancholic and depressing, I think. Poor Emily. But a good movie! Sorry, maybe that wasn’t a very enticing description, but I promise, it will do you more good than bad, to watch it. And then go google the original story, the movie is based on! 
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Official synopsis:
When a shy groom practices his wedding vows in the inadvertent presence of a deceased young woman, she rises from the grave assuming he has married her.
//Oops, nearly forgot a warning! Warning: some people are dead, and therefore rotting a bit. If you’re squeamish, don’t watch. If you love sad love stories, definitely watch!
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
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Yeah, I’m not sure why this has to go on my Autumny List either, sorry. It just has to. I know it takes place over an entire year, but in my head, it jut fits very well with the whole magic, supernatural, foggy halloween times we find ourselves in. I mean, look at the cover! Maybe it’s the iconic scene, right before the troll is discovered in the girls’ bathroom (sorry, spoiler), with the floating jack’o’lanterns, and tables almost crashing undet the weight of candy and cakes, that convinced my brain, that this is a halloween movie. I don’t know. Just trust me on this, and watch the first Harry Potter movie. It’s pretty good. 
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Official synopsis: 
An orphaned boy enrolls in a school of wizardry, where he learns the truth about himself, his family and the terrible evil that haunts the magical world.
//Warning: Nah, you’re good ;-)
Little Women (Important: 2019 edition)
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Alright girls, we’re hopping genres again! This is another period-drama (sort of), about sisters, and wow, I cried to this. I bawled, I sobbed, I choked on snot, and was a little inconsolable, when I watched it with friends, at the cinema. One of the best experiences this year, and one of the greatest movies I have watched in a long time. I love everything about this movie: the family-bonds, the clothing, the many nature-shots, the developments of characters, (almost) all the characters, and just, wow. No good way to end that sentence, because I want to just keep describing all the good parts of this movie, because it's everything. It’s amazing, and yes, i’m exaggerating, but I can’t help it. I forgot to eat my popcorn or drink my water, when we watched this, that’s how mesmerized I was by this movie. I love Jo, I think I can empathize a lot with her, and if I could talk to her, if she was real, I would thank her for telling her story. This movie is great, you should watch it, because it makes you feel so warm inside. 
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Official synopsis:
Jo March reflects back and forth on her life, telling the beloved story of the March sisters - four young women, each determined to live life on her own terms.
//Warning: Might make you break down crying. But in a good way. Very cathartic, actually.
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I watched this for the first time last year, when I decided I was going to watch the classic older horror movies, and not freak the fuck out. I mostly succeed. And this movie was a joy to watch. That’s maybe weird to say about an alien horror movie, but wow I just love Sigourney Weaver, and the aesthetics of this movie. The story is thrilling, and I really did not like most of the characters, I thought they were hysteric and annoying, but I still rooted for them. It’s a different kind of horror movie, that’s for sure! But when I watched it, I totally understood why it has become such a classic.
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Official synopsis: 
After a space merchant vessel receives an unknown transmission as a distress call, one of the crew is attacked by a mysterious life form and they soon realize that its life cycle has merely begun.
//Warning: Uh, yeah, Sif, this is not one for you. It’s gross and scary. Malin, I think you’ll like this one! Go ahead! Maybe we should see it together?
Edward Scissorhands
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Haven’t seen this one! I want to, though. I think I’ve seen one scene, where this man accidentally pokes a water-bed, and younger me felt that was a very tragic thing, on more levels. Johnny Depp yet again, so it has to be good, right? I know this poor guy, Edward, has it rough, and was given some really not that practical hands. Man, he looks sad, huh? So maybe more sad than scary, yet again. Dont know! But I really do want to watch it. Winona Ryder is in this, too, so really, it’s a no-brainer!
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Official synopsis:
An artificial man, who was incompletely constructed and has scissors for hands, leads a solitary life. Then one day, a suburban lady meets him and introduces him to her world.
//Warning: I don’t know? Maybe not that spooky? I think it’s more sad, to be honest.
Pride + Prejudice + Zombies
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I mean, why the hell not - right? I love Jane Austen. I love Pride and Prejudice. And I really like halloween, so OF COURSE, I’m including this one. I’ve seen it, too. My friend Malin and I watched it a couple of years ago, and yeah, it’s good. It’s not high cinema, no, but I don’t need that. It was a fun, weird twist, and sometimes, that’s all you need. There is a very interesting scene with a corset, that was NOT in the book, and I think it really added something to this story. And Lily James. Whew. Great movie. Great for autumn. I will be watching this one again.
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Official synopsis:
Five sisters in 19th century England must cope with the pressures to marry while protecting themselves from a growing population of zombies.
//Warning: I can’t really remember, but I think there’s some pretty gross scenes with zombies. Rotting flesh is NOT pretty. But just close your eyes for that, and  you’ll be good!
The Haunting of Hill House
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I first watched this series when i came out some time ago. I never finished it, I don’t think my heart was in it, but by no fault of the show. Now, that the same creator has made another show, which my mom and I are hooked by, and almost through, I think I’ll be returning to this one - it deserves another chance! A great old house, ghosts, family secrets and INCREDIBLE aesthetics, mean there must be something here! Also, I think it’s based on a novel by Shirley Jackson, and it’s supposed to a classic horror novel, and Stephen King tweeted that he liked it, so yeah, it’s promising! The series I’m watching with my mom is spooky, but tumblr says the Haunting of Hill House is supposed to be much more spooky, terrifying, even, and I really want to find out if that’s true!
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Official synopsis:
Flashing between past and present, a fractured family confronts haunting memories of their old home and the terrifying events that drove them from it.
//Warning: Very Scary! Faint of heart - Beware! Just enjoy this beautiful gif of Nell dancing by herself, and move on <3
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Another old classic! Woo! Have not watched, but really, I feel like that’s almost a crime by now. I HAVE to watch it. Soon, I’m planning to. Sadly, It’s old, and I grew up with the internet, so I’ve been spoiled oh so dreadfully, and knows all the bloody details and plottwists of this oldie but goldie. But I still want to watch it! It must be a classic for a reason - right? Also, I’ve never seen the full version of the famous shower scene, and that’s just embarrassing. Shame on me.
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Official synopsis:
A Phoenix secretary embezzles $40,000 from her employer's client, goes on the run, and checks into a remote motel run by a young man under the domination of his mother.
//Warning: It’s a horror classic! It’s gotta be scary. Then again, it DID come out in 1960. Be careful about this one! Sorry, I have no idea, have never watched it.
Hannibal (the TV series)
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It’s gross, it’s scary, it’s aesthetic, there is a danish elegant man eating people in snowy Baltimore, and you really shouldn’t pay him to be your psychiatrist. Hannibal! I first watched this as a young, edgy teenager, and all the blood and gore didn't get to me at all - I just enjoyed the cat-and-mouse game between Will Graham, our main character, very mentally unstable, and a dog-lover, and Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a renowned psychiatrist, elegant, high-society - and also, he talks like a mixture of the bible and an old greek sonet. What I'm trying to get at is that this show is weird. Good weird. But also, now no longer an edgy teenager myself, it’s really gross. A man’s leg is cut off and served to himself. That’s gross. I didn’t like that, and I definitely covered my eyes. Other than that, it’s a very vivid show, with great focus on presentation and symbolism. I would love for someone to analyse each episode, because there's so much attention to detail. It’s honestly impressive. And after having watched many, many shows about crime and murders, I must say, this show has THE most buckwild, creative, never seen before ways of killing people. How the hell do you come up with a murderer using people’s different skin colors to make a mural? I don’t know. It’s disgusting, but man is it different. I’m halfway through season two, and there is a lot to unpack! Also, have to mention, very homoerotic - that’s a plus. Don’t think I could’ve stomached all the blood, otherwise. I hate blood, and wow is there blood in this show.
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Official synopsis:
Explores the early relationship between renowned psychiatrist, Hannibal Lecter, and his patient, a young FBI criminal profiler, who is haunted by his ability to empathize with serial killers.
//Warning: Yeah. You read how many times I wrote ‘gross’. Just trust me on this one, it’s gross. It’s good, but maybe don’t watch it. You don’t need to introduce your brain to this.
The Haunting of Bly Manor
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Ooh boy. Ooooh boy. This series is very good. VERY good. I’m watching it with my mom right now, I think we’re at episode 7, and wow are we hooked. It’s spooky, it’s haunting, it’s thrilling, it’s mysterious, and wow is it scary. We both agreed to go together, the first night we watched this, and our dog had to be taken out on his night-walk. She didn’t want to go alone, and i didn’t want to stay back at the house, alone. So we went together, and I was so freaked out that I nearly peed my pants, when some kids screamed in our neighborhood. It’s so very much what I want a ghost-story to be, but it’s also a lot more, and much greater for it. I love all the characters, they’re all so well-rounded, and most of them are good. The big manor is spooky, and the woods surrounding it are foggy and dark, and yes, this is really a great series for autumn and halloween. It’s the second series made by Mike Flanagan. There are some similarities between the two shows, and surprisingly, some of the same actors! I think that’s very interesting, and it also made me very confused, as I watched the first episodes of the Haunting of Bly Manor, and could not, for the life of me, figure out where the hell I had seen these people before. It made it even more eerie in a way, and I appreciate that. I love this show, and I think I’ll be very sad when we’re through with it. I guess the natural thing to do, will be to follow up with Flanagan’s previous horror series, The Haunting of Hill House! Also, there’s lesbians in this one. Very nice. I appreciate that. Also, surprisingly - I love the children! They’re so cool and brave, and it would be very nice if especially Flora could go with me, the next time I’m going to a haunted house. Such a badass.
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Official synopsis:
After an au pair’s tragic death, Henry hires a young American nanny to care for his orphaned niece and nephew who reside at Bly Manor with the chef Owen, groundskeeper Jamie and housekeeper, Mrs. Grose.
Warning: It’s spooky. It’s the perfect halloween series, so of course it’s very spooky! This gif I chose is spooky, and I promise the show itself is worse. But if you can handle dead people creepily staring in the background, and maybe has someone to watch it with, I think you’ll be fine!
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Alright! We made it! Another spooky, aesthetic, autumny list, for us to enjoy this crispy season! Woohoo! Also, I’m sorry if there’s any spelling mistakes or whatelse, I hope you enjoyed reading anyway! Thank you! Now go drink some tea and relax, you’ve earned it. I recently tried chili-tea, and damn, that’s another recommendation from me! It was amazing!
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Hope you have a great Halloween, it’s close now. Watch out for the cold weather, remember to bundle up, and don’t let the impending darkness get you down. Light some candles! And also, watch some of these spooky tv-series and movies with your family and friends! And have a great fall! <3
Love, Julie
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
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Pairing: Kai “Overhaul” Chisaki x Reader
Summary: When the holidays come around even a Yakuza leader needs to take some time off. It’s a time for family and Christmas is no exception. Even the big, bad Shie Hassakai leader likes to spend a little quality time with the people that he loves. With the company of his S/o and his daughter, Overhaul has one of his best holidays yet. 
A/N: This is piece two of three for my contribution to the Konoha Simps Server Collab. You can find the rest of the amazing works right here! If you want to be involved in future collabs or even just be in a place to meet new people and talk about anime feel free to join us. 🥰
Konoha Simps Discord Server
Warnings: fluff, fluff, and more fluff
Word Count: 1.7k
The one holiday that you loved the most every year was Christmas. It was the one time of year that you were able to spend with just Kai and this year it would be something that you would get to share with the little girl you shared together. The little girl that had entered your life only three months ago.
If there was one thing that brought life into Kai Chisaki it was the birth of his little girl. And getting to share the holidays with the two of you was going to be something that he cherished forever. This little girl had brought more light into his life than he had ever thought imaginable. If there was one thing that people were sure of, it was that Kai Chisaki would do anything and everything for his daughter. 
The soft cries of D/n woke the two of you. You stirred until you felt Kai’s hand place itself on your hip. “I’ll get her, don’t get up.”
You rolled over onto your side to face where Kai had just been laying as he stood from the bed and made his way to her crib. Just looking at the little girl that could have been his twin was warming his heart.
As he lifted D/n into his arms the smile that spread across her face made the same grin spread across his own. The cold air outside of the bedroom was slowly drifting through the panes of the windows. He grabbed the blanket from the bed and placed D/n on his chest, covering the two of them. She rested her head on his chest and watched you, still barely able to lift it herself, but always happy to take in the sight of her parents. 
As your hand touched her back you saw the little girl smile. “Our first Christmas together.” You saw the same smile spread farther across Kai’s face as he placed his hand over his forehead, closing his eyes slightly. 
“Our first holiday as a family.” He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you toward him. “I’m so glad that I found you Y/n.” The sincerity in his voice made you blush and he chuckled at it. 
* * * * * * 
You don’t know when it happened, but you had fallen asleep again. As you opened your eyes for the second time Kai and D/n were both absent from the room. You slowly threw the blanket from yourself and grabbed a pair of shorts from the dresser before smoothing out your baggy t-shirt. 
You followed the hallway and walked down the stairs to see D/n resting comfortably in her swing while Kai sat on the couch, sipping from a warm cup of coffee and reading his book. You cleared your throat as you came into view. 
Kai placed his book down onto the couch and approached you. “You fell back asleep so I figured I’d come downstairs and get everything ready.” He reached for another cup of coffee off the counter and held it out to you. 
You took the cup from him and held it in your palms, the warmth filling your hands. “Ready for what?” But as you looked around you got your answer. 
Lights filled the living room, the Christmas tree was lit up and beautifully decorated. Snow fell outside the sliding glass doors that led to your porch and the sun glared off of it. You hadn’t seen a scene this beautiful in a long time. The fireplace held stockings that had been stuffed full. One held your name and the other held D/n’s. And under the tree was more full than you could have ever imagined. 
You looked over at Kai in awe. “You really didn’t have to do this Kai.” You walked toward your daughter’s swing and smiled at her before turning back around. “It’s beautiful.”
He placed a hand behind his head and laughed nervously. “I’ve never had a real family before that I could spoil like this. I guess I went a little overboard. It’s mostly for her if that helps any.”
His dedication to the people he loved had always been something that had drawn you into him. As big and bad as he tried to look, being a Yakuza leader, he had a soft side to him that was absolutely intoxicating. If you were lucky enough to see it, you weren’t disappointed. “I have something for you upstairs. I’ll go and get it.”
You had been waiting for weeks now to give him this gift. You had known that he was going to love it. A new addition to his gear for when he was working. As you reapproached with a box and a stocking for him as well he let himself fall back onto the couch, turning so that you could rest between his legs. 
As your body pressed into him you felt his arms wrap around you, holding you tightly. His presence had always made you feel safe. You had never felt like you were in any harm around him. You knew that he would die before he let anything happen to you. 
You tilted your head and looked up at him after taking another sip of your coffee. “Do you wanna do the presents now?”
He smiled as he ran his hand through your hair. “I’m ready whenever you are, my angel.”
You sat up and turned to him, pushing your lips out for him. He placed a soft peck to your lips and watched as you slowly lifted D/n from her swing. He admired the way that you were with her. How good of a mother you were. How much you cared for anyone and everyone around you. 
He leaned forward and grabbed one of the gifts from under the tree, handing it to you. “Might as well start with her stuff, there’s plenty of it.” He chuckled and stood from the couch, placing himself on the ground in front of you to watch as you helped her open her presents. 
Over and over again presents were passed to you. It felt like you had been unwrapping them for hours when he finally told you that he was done with the ones that he had gotten for her. Two presents remained under the tree. One was the package that you had bought for Kai, the other was one for you. 
He grasped the smaller box and handed it to you. “I know you’re always saying that you want to help me with my work. So I think I’ve found a way to keep your identity a secret when you’re out with me. The last thing that I want is for people to find out who you are. They don’t need to lump you in with me.”
As you unwrapped the box and ripped open the paper box inside the paper you couldn’t help but smile. A sweater sat in the box, the same green shade as his own that he wore, just missing the purple fur trim. But that wasn’t the part he was referring too. A small mask sat on top of the sweater. You reached for it and held it in your hands. You had been telling Kai for months that you wanted to help out the Yakuza, but he kept telling you that he needed permission to bring you into his level. 
He grabbed the mask from you and placed it on your face, smiling as he let go. “Perfect.” He grabbed D/n from you and walked her back to her swing, gently placing her down and setting it in motion. “I finally got permission for you to join me on my missions and such… so welcome to the Shie Hassakai, Y/n.” 
You took the mask off and placed it back on top of the sweater before placing the box on the couch beside you. You hopped off the couch and into his arms, knocking him backward onto the floor. You both laughed and your thoughts turned to the present you had for him. “This is perfect.” You grabbed the box and sat on the floor in front of him. “Open this.”
He grasped the box and slowly tore the paper. He was curious, to say the least, about the contents that could be inside it. But as he opened the top of the box and pulled it out his eyes widened. It was perfect for him. The plague doctor mask that he held in his hands was unlike anything he’d ever seen before. His eyes lit up as he placed it over his face. “It’s perfect. No… it’s beyond perfect.” He took it back off and stood, running to the bedroom. “I have one more thing for you. But you might want to stand up for this one.”
As he disappeared you stood, waiting for his return. When he came back into view it didn’t look like he had done anything but take his mask off. He stood in front of you and the grin that he wore showed no signs of fading. “Angel…” You watched his movements and felt your heart beating faster as you saw him do what you never thought Kai Chisaki would do. 
With one knee to the floor, he held a box out toward you. “Every good Yakuza leader needs a woman by his side that can keep him grounded.” He opened the box and showed a ring. It shined against the sunlight that came through the windows. “Will you make me the happiest Yakuza leader there is?”
Just by the look on your face, Kai could tell your answer. As a tear slid down your cheek he stood and took your hand, placing the ring on your finger. You wrapped yourself into his arms and held him tightly. Not wanting to let him go, never wanting to let the moment pass you by. “I love you, Kai.”
Kai breathed in the familiar scent of your perfume and spoke softly as he gripped you with his strong arms. “I love you too.”
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“It made me think of you.” for the prompt!! and maybe wolfstar for the pairing if you don't mind?
YES OF COURSE!!!! Thank you so much for the request!! Here it is!!
Remus tiredly threw himself onto his bed. His body ached in preparation for his upcoming transformation. He had a massive headache and his senses were in overdrive. He hated this part of the process, but he usually had Sirius there to help him.
Speaking of Sirius, where is he? Remus asked himself. Thinking back, he hadn’t seen Sirius all day or the day before. He had been in classes, but he disappeared as soon as the bell rang. James had been the one to help Remus through his day. Immediately feeling bad, Remus started to get up to go look for Sirius. He didn’t have to look for long, though. Two strong hands had gently pushed Remus back in bed.
“Sirius,” Remus said softly as he saw his boyfriend. “What’s wrong? Did I do something?” Remus asked nervously.
Sirius looked confused, so Remus elaborated. “I haven’t seen you for the last two days. Have I done something?”
Sirius’s face shifted from confusion to comprehension, then to amusement. “Come here,” Sirius quietly whispered as he motioned for Remus to hug him.
As Remus nestled into Sirius’s chest, Sirius whispered, “I have a surprise for you. But if you’re too tired, we can stay here and fall asleep together.”
Remus loved surprises, and especially Sirius’s surprises. Remus silently nodded, and Sirius led him out of their shared dorm.
Before they stepped out of the common room, Sirius spoke up nervously. “Um, Remus. Before we move on, I’m going to need to put a blindfold on you, if that’s okay.” Remus silently nodded with an amused expression that Sirius didn’t miss. “Oh, I know what you’re thinking. Hush you kinky werewolf.”
Sirius put the blindfold onto Remus and led him to an area that wasn’t too far from the Gryffindor Common Room.
“Can’t you just tell me what’s going on?” Remus asked. He was really curious now.
Sirius chuckled and said, “If I told you, it would ruin the surprise. Just trust me on this. I’m going to walk into the room. I need to get something. Then, when I tell you to, take off the blindfold. Ok?”
“Ok” Remus nearly whispered. He was confused, amused, and excited.
Remus felt Sirius’s hands leave him and heard him walk away. After a few seconds and some shuffling noises, Sirius spoke, “Ok, you can take off your blindfold now.”
Remus slowly took it off and nearly cried at the sight in front of him. Sirius looked stunning in a muggle blazer and jeans. Next to him was a beautifully prepared meal complete with flowers on the table, and the room was lit with candles.
Remus was too speechless to say anything for the first few seconds. Once he had gotten over his shock he said, “Sirius, what?”
That appeared to be all that Sirius needed to speak up. “Well, I know that you’re really stressed with everything, and I wanted to make you feel a little better for at least a night. Over the summer, James and I went to a muggle cinema to see a movie and there was a scene like this. It just reminded me of you. You’re a huge sap, so I thought you’d like it”
“I’m the sap?” Remus asked incredulously. “I”m not the one who set up a room like this. Though, I really do love this. You did this for me?”
“Well, yeah,” Sirius said quietly. Though it was hard to see, Remus could tell that Sirius was blushing. After a few seconds in comfortable silence, Sirius spoke up again, “Let’s eat.”
Remus was even more pleased by the fact that Sirius had brought Remus’s favorite food, alfredo pasta with shrimp with sourdough bread on the side. Remus was in awe of how amazing the boy in front of him was. After everything Sirius had gone through in life, he was still the most kind, considerate, and thoughtful person Remus knew.
As Remus opened his mouth to say what he was thinking, Sirius interrupted him. “Wait, before you speak, I have one more thing for you.”
Sirius reached under the table to get a small box and handed it to Remus. Curiously, Remus opened it up to find a beautiful necklace with a small wolf pendant on it.
“I know you don’t like the wolf, but you don’t see it the way I do. You’ve gone through so much in your life, but you never let it bring you down. On the contrary, you’re stronger. You’re brave. You’re kind and you’re mine. And I love that about you.”
Remus was speechless. He didn’t know what to say. He truly didn’t deserve Sirius. Instead of speaking, Remus lunged across the table and kissed Sirius. They both fell to the floor, but neither of them noticed. They were too busy wrapped up in each other’s arms.
When they both ran out of air, they separated and Remus said, “I truly don’t deserve you. You, Sirius Black, are the most amazing, bravest, most thoughtful, and kind boyfriend I could have ever dreamed of. And that is why I love you.”
Remus had never the L-word before, he realized. Sirius apparently realized the same thing, and after a questioning look, Remus repeated it. “Yes, you crazy mutt. I love you.”
Yes, the world was burning outside the walls of Hogwarts. Yes, there was a war raging, but Remus and Sirius both had everything they needed: each other. And it had never felt so right.
Thank you so much for reading!! If anyone has any other prompts, please ask! I really enjoy doing these
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gabbrolet · 4 years
He Cries In Front of You For The First Time (Hyung Line)
P.S, This is a pretty long scenario!
WARNING!: Mentions of anxiety attacks!
Kim Seokjin
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You had woken up to the other side of the bed being empty. As the usual warmth of your partner was nowhere to be found, the cold temperature of the room had started to get to you, making your shoulders begin to shake. This wasn't normal...
As you looked over to the neon red digits on the night-stand, you furrowed your eyebrows in concern.
2:56 A.M
He didn't mention if he was going to stay late at his studio today, so where was he? Even if he were to be staying in his office, he should have been home by now.
So, with that thought in mind, you quickly kicked the heavy sheets off of you before putting on your slippers and opening the door to the hallway. The first thing you heard was the sound of Treadmill, it seemed as though it was on a high setting.
Why would he be working out at this hour? you thought as you jogged down the stairs and stopped at the front of the fitness room.
There he was, gripping on tightly to the two handlebars with his smooth hands, his breaths fast-paced and strained. His hair was slicked back as it glistened with sweat from the light above you two.
His breathing froze as he rapidly started lowering the speed on the machine until it stopped. When the Treadmill was finally finished moving, Jin stood there, staring only in front of him.
You were about to call out to him once more but stopped yourself before you could speak. His fast-paced breaths weren't from the workout, but from him crying. He...was really, crying...
You jogged up to him and pulled him off the Treadmill and hugged him tightly, as you move one of your hands on his back in circles in an attempt to comfort him.
"I'm sorry. Its j-just, the man-manager gave me and the others a week to lose a small p-portion of weight. B-but tomorrows the last day and, and, I didn't e-even lose one po-poun-d." He shoved his face into your neck as he began to wail.
His hands bunched up the material of your shirt as your shoulder began to feel wet. His back jolted up in a messy pattern with his loud gasps and hiccups for breath. It surprised you, of course, you had never seen Jin so vulnerable before.
"Hey, hey its okay baby. How about we leave this for tomorrow hm? I can work out with you too if you want." You gently whispered into his ear as you kissed his trembling shoulder.
He lifted his head and looked down at you with puffy red eyes, tears were still rolling down his face as he sniffled.
"Y-yes ple-please."
With that, you lead your boyfriend back to your shared bedroom as you then slept peacefully in each other's arms.
Min Yoongi
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The day had started calm and quiet. Nothing, in particular, had caught your interest, resulting in you roaming about the silent and empty house sluggishly. All you had done today was, cook a small breakfast of bacon and eggs, watch Netflix on your couch, take a quick nap, and take a quick shower.
Yoongi had stayed over-night at Namjoon’s place, along with J-hope, leaving you alone in the morning. You weren’t angry though, as your boyfriend had informed you of the other house before he left the next day. You had, of course, tried to convince him to either go another day or have you tag along with him, but he wasn’t one to budge so easily.
So, here you were, sprawled out over your bed, wearing only your underwear and your boyfriend’s shirt. The comforter felt cold against your skin, but you had no other way to keep yourself warm. The sheet itself was extremely messy as half of it was hanging off the bed, collecting dust as it dragged on the floor.
Sighing, you look over your arm towards the window. The sky had started to become a variety of colors, ranging from reds and oranges to blues and dark purples. The colors blended beautifully, causing you to jump up and grab your sketchbook from the nearby night-stand.
You grabbed a nearby blanket and laid it over the surface of some of the lamented wood on the ground. You smacked it with your hand a bit to get it leveled out and comfy before sitting down with a thump. You flipped to a blank page before getting to work. You drew the houses nearby along with a few trees. You roughly shaded the sky to add in detail.
Although when you finished, you looked down at your sketch and began to laugh. It was extremely messy and hard to look at but, you understood it, and you only needed the memory of the scene before you as you were going to complete the drawing later.
Just as you were about to get up and clean up your little setup, you heard the front door open. You jumped, surprised at the sound, before getting back to cleaning, Yoongi would probably come up the stairs looking for you.
And you were correct, with heavy footsteps, you heard him slowly make his way up the stairs. The floorboards creaked as he walked towards your shared bedroom. You could hear him sighing as he continued.
Maybe he's tired...
When he finally made it to the bedroom, he stopped in the door-frame, looking for you with squinted eyes within the dim light. He looked over towards the window, breathing out a puff of air before sluggishly moving towards you.
He wrapped his arms around your waist silently while burying his head in your neck. Yoongi grabbed one of your hands, bringing it up to his face to caress it. His face showed a brief moment of relief before cramping up again.
“Hey Yoonie, how was your nigh-”
You cut yourself off when you felt wet drops rolling onto your hand, accompanying the feeling of your boyfriend’s scrunched up face.
You whipped around, turning to look at your boyfriend but found it difficult, he was trying to avoid your eyes. He turned his head, but you could still see him roughly biting his lip, an indicator that was most likely going to breakdown soon.
You brought your hand up to his face, grabbing his chin and gently turning it towards you. 
“Oh Sugar, what happened?” Your eyes were filled with sympathy as your eyebrows turned slightly upwards.
“I, we, I just-,” he clasped his hand over his mouth as he crouched to the ground, curling into himself. 
He wasn’t loud, no, not at all it was as if he had muted himself somehow, the only things you could hear from him were the spontaneous gasps and hiccups that fell from his mouth.
You tapped his shoulder and pulled on it lightly, encouraging him to get up and lay with you on the bed. He stood up and slowly crawled onto the mattress, proceeding to flop on his side. When you laid down next to him, he moved up closer to you shoving his head into your chest, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
You weren’t sure what had happened, but you knew that you’d both talk about it tomorrow. As, for the time being, you hugged him back, whispering sweet nothings into his ears until he fell asleep.
Which didn’t take very long...
Jung Hoseok
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When you realized that J-hope was late for dinner, you knew something was wrong. He always made sure to come home from the dance studio on time, and even if he came home late, it’d only be the max, about 10 minutes. But it had now been an hour, and you were starting to get worried.
You covered both your dinners with a paper plate before going to the couch and turning on the TV. You grabbed your phone frowning, you had sent him over 15 texts by now. Each one saying a slightly different message like, ‘Sunshine where are you?’ or ‘Are you okay? Why aren’t you responding?.’
You felt a cold sweat run over your body, 
Was he hurt?
Had you done something wrong?
Where is he?
You breathed in deeply in an attempt to calm yourself down, maybe his phone died! Yes, that could be a reasonable possibility, it has happened before.
Still a bit tense, you turned your phone to vibrate before setting it down beside you on the comfy couch. You grabbed the Mang plush from the side of the couch before laying back.
It wasn’t too long before you felt your phone begin to vibrate. You jolted up, cursing under your breath as your phone bounced off the couch, onto the floor.
Snatching it from the ground, you looked at the caller ID. It was Jimin, specifically hosting a face-time as you saw his chin above the phone’s camera before you answered.
 “Hello?,” Jimin’s face snapped down in an instant, his eyes staring at your face through the phone screen.
“Yah! Y/N, I need your help! Hobi hyung told me to call you!” His face contorted into one of concern when he looked away from the phone and focused on something.
Your throat closed up, what could be the emergency? Was Hoseok okay? 
“What happened!? Is he okay?!” You slightly rose your voice at the phone in your hand, you were starting to get scared.
Hoseok only rarely got into trouble, and when he did he would take it face first and deal with the situation with the best of his abilities. So if he was in desperate need of your presence, that means he's struggling.
You asked Jimin to hand the phone over to your boyfriend before widening your eyes,
“Sunshine what happened?” you cooed.
He was wiping at his eyes repetitively, causing them to become red and agitated. His eyes were a colored red as tears streamed down his face. He occasionally sniffled, trying to voice words to finally talk to you. But, his mouth automatically closed whenever he tried to open it. Just then, Jimin’s face popped up next to Hoseok’s.
“What he wants to say is that, well... We were practicing later than the rest of the members for a new performance that’s coming up next month. But, hyung has been training the most out of everybody, and, I think he got too stressed,” Jimin finished. He then patted Hobi’s shoulder before going out of the camera’s view.
You looked back at your boyfriend, his tears had slowed down but were still running down his face. His expression was more relaxed now as he stared at you through the phone, waiting for you to speak.
“How about you come home okay? We can go to sleep and relax when we get here, I even made your favorite!” His eyes lit up when you mentioned the dinner you made earlier. But, you could see that he was about to open his mouth again,
“Yes, there’s sprite as well.”
He flashed his signature heart-shaped smile, chuckling a bit as he forgot all about his stress,
“Th-thanks Jagiya, I’ll be home in a couple of minutes.”
Kim Namjoon
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You felt all the air leave your lungs when someone flopped on top of you. The couch cried out as your body was forcefully smashed into it.
“Hey! What was that for!?” 
You struggled to look behind you, as your hand smacked at the leg of the person on top of you.
“Namjoon!,” you scolded while you tried to shake him off of you.
Usually, he would have rolled off of you by now and showed you his smile as he laughed on the floor. So, what made him act so differently now?
You went silent as you realized that he’d tell you what's wrong when he's ready. So, you took this time to contemplate what could have happened.
Well, this morning he seemed fine, as he gave you the usual morning kiss and compliments before leaving to go to Big Hit’s Company building to work on his songs.
He called you at 4:00 P.M like any other day, mostly talking about how he missed you even though he sees you every day. 
He sent you the normal text as well, asking if you were okay in the house by yourself and if you had eaten yet.
Lastly, he had come home at the routinely 7:30, the only thing different this time was his mood.
Suddenly you felt the weight on your back being lifted off of you, followed by the sound of a thud on the floor. 
Looking over your shoulder, you could see Namjoon staring down at the soft rug of your living room floor. His posture was hunched over, his legs crossed in an uncomfortable position. His elbows dug into his lap as his hands covered his face and became tangled within his hair. 
“Joonie? What's wrong baby?” you gently spoke out, but Namjoon didn’t seem to respond.
“Namjoon,” you said in a louder voice in hopes of gaining his attention. He didn’t respond this time either.
You slowly slid off the couch to sit in the spot next to your boyfriend. You slightly cringed at the friction the couch had against your legs as you moved but ignored it and proceeded to plop onto the ground.
You nudged Namjoon’s shoulder in an attempt to get his attention, but it was as if he was in a different universe where he couldn’t see you. 
Growing more and more worried by the moment, you decided to try and pull down his hands from his face for him to notice your presence. So, you gradually caressed his large hands, maneuvering them so that your fingers were weaved in with his. But you gasped when you saw the state he was in.
He was breathing rapidly, his eyes were wide and trained on the floor, his hands shook violently within yours as you tried to steady them. Namjoon looked at you, his mouth wasn’t moving and instead hung open to let the air around him fill in his lungs. Although, his eyes were begging for help.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, breath for me all right?” you said as you brought him in for a tight hug.
It wasn’t long before his breathing had slowed down a bit but it didn’t go back to normal. 
From the placement of his head on your shoulder you began to feel him shake and jolt in an irregular pattern. A growing patch of moisture grew on your shoulder while he began to hiccup and gasp. You could tell that he was trying to hold back his tears with every forceful breath he took.  
“Mi-mianhae Y/n, I’ve j-just been str-stressed out late-ly.” He whimpered into your ear.
You immediately shushed him, reassuring him that there was nothing for him to be sorry for. Your speech seemed to have caused his sobbing to go down a couple of notches as he now only shook in your grasp, sniffling every couple of seconds.
It was quiet in the large house as you pondered on what you could do to make your significant other feel better at this time.
And that’s when it hit you.
“Baby?,” He hummed and turned his head towards you on your shoulder,
“Do you want to go to the beach tomorrow? And yes, we can go looking for crabs.”
He was already smiling when you had offered him the adventure to the beach, but after you had mentioned that you’d go searching for crabs with him he let out a chuckle.
Namjoon gave his signature smile to you, showcasing his dimples before speaking,
“Yeah, I’d, love to.”
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fallinallincurls · 5 years
Baby’s first Christmas blurb please x
thank you for the prompt/idea omg!! dad!shawn really gets me & i hope you love this little blurb!
Shawn woke up to Sky’s loud cries ringing through the house and as much as he wanted to stay in the warm bed and cuddle you the whole morning, he didn’t want to wake you. So reluctantly, he slipped out from under the covers, pulled a tshirt over his head and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before slowly walking down the hall.
Opening the door to the nursery, he saw his ten month old daughter standing in her crib, tears flowing down her rosy cheeks. At the sight of her father, her cries became whimpers as she stretched her arms up for him.
“Hi there, lovebug. Merry Christmas.” Shawn whispered softly, lifting the little girl up and holding her against his hip. He pressed a warm kiss to the top of her head and felt his heart soar as Sky nuzzled her face against his neck, snuggling in closer to him. “Let’s go make Mommy her favorite hot chocolate and maybe I’ll sneak you one of your presents.” He chuckled while rubbing her back soothingly and wandering down to the kitchen.
With the baby on his hip, Shawn carefully put the kettle on the stove and began playing a Christmas music playlist which instantly made Sky smile as she moved in Shawn’s arms. He couldn’t help but grin at her, unable to believe this beautiful baby was his.
Getting lost in moving around the kitchen to dance with Sky in his arms, Shawn didn’t hear you quietly pad down the stairs as you watched on in adoration. The Christmas decorations were all lit up beautifully and you couldn’t help but be in awe of the scene unfolding in the kitchen. Sky was wearing her new Christmas onesie and Shawn was only a pair of gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips with a tshirt and it seemed so unreal that you were lucky enough to live this life.
The kettle squealed and when Shawn turned around towards the stove again, he spotted you. A boyish smile played at his lips before he started speaking to Sky.
“Look babygirl, it’s Mommy! Wanna go open presents now?” He questioned playfully and Sky responded with a clap of excitement. After preparing your hot chocolate just the way you like it, he handed you the hot mug and pressed a warm kiss to your forehead. “Merry Christmas, my love.”
Before you could repeat his words, Shawn grabbed your free hand and led you to the living room. Sitting next to you on the couch and gently placing Sky on the ground, he pulled you in for a proper kiss, his soft lips moving with yours in an action full of pure love. Pulling away with a smile, you ran your hand through his curls, taking in the moment with him before glancing over to see Sky sitting next to the presents under the tree.
“Aren’t we eager today?” You giggled happily, rising to sit next to her on the floor. Sky crawled into your lap as you handed a gift to Shawn who looked at you questionably before ripping the wrapping paper off. Your daughter was fascinated by the process and used your hands for balance as she stood up, eyes focused on her father and what he was doing with the colorful paper. 
Suddenly, the little girl placed one wobbly foot in front of the other before letting go of your hands. You could barely register what was happening, but somehow found your voice to get Shawn’s attention. 
“Shawn! Babe!” You called out in joy and Shawn looked up to see Sky slowing inching her way towards him. Not hesitating a second, he dropped to the ground and held out his arms as she continued slowly walking towards him.
“Sweetheart, she’s walking. Her first steps.” Shawn whispered in disbelief and love as Sky giggled while regaining her balance and reaching her father. Falling into his strong arms, she looked up at Shawn who was grinning widely with tears in his eyes. He met your gaze, which was also watery, and you felt your heart melt for your little family. Crossing the room to wrap the two most important people in your life up in a warm hug, you knew there was no better way to spend Christmas.
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jumoonjae · 4 years
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Pairings: Ji Changmin (Q) X Reader X Jaehyun (Hyunjae) Ft Kevin Moon Genre: Fluff x Angst Word count: 6,619 words
Summary: A talent show will take place in three week times and you still struggling with putting emotion in the song that you choose, a masterpiece by Lady Gaga, ‘I’ll never love again’. You meet Changmin who you fall for instantly after he jumps in to help you figuring out how to perform the song. Will he manage to help you? Or will he be the one who cause you to sing the song for him?
 Image are not mine. Credit to Google.
p/s: i will recommend you to listen to lady gaga’s ‘I’ll never love again’ while reading this one. thank youu.
You clutch your chest as the lump inside you throat that you had swallowed turned into a boulder, aching every inch of you chest. You close your eyes so you wont cry again because you’re tired of it. God knows how much you missed him throughout the week. How much you’ve been longing for his touch, his kisses and his voice. You couldn’t call him because it all went to the voicemails so does Kevin’s. You’ve been crying the whole week but none of the tears would bring Changmin back. None of if. And as your shoulder starts shuddering when your tear was about to fall again unconsciously, you felt a hand touches the skin on your shoulder gently then squeeze it to calm you down. You look over your shoulder to see your best friend smiling at you and you force yourself to smile back, that’s the least you could do to him.
“Thank you Kev, for doing this.” You touch his hand and turn to him leaning your head on his chest just for assurance, that somebody was there for you. That you’re not entirely alone. You were thankful that he helped you for the last few days even when you cried embarrassing yourself during practice while singing the song. Maybe you finally knew what the song really means and how it supposed to feel.
“Relax okay.” He pull you into his embrace and stayed for a moment helping you fighting back the tears.
“I’m sorry I didn’t know what to do that night. I just thought I should wait for you to tell them yourself. I am so sorry Y/N.” He heaved a long sigh making you almost burst into tear every time you recalling the night that you lost Changmin, you inhale deep to take control over tears. Only this once, just for this performance. You wanted to tell Kevin that it was never his fault again and again, it was yours. But you just stay silence because maybe the lesser you talk, it will lower the possibility of you crying. You saw your coach giving you a cue to start making you pull away from him and watch as he sit on the piano bench and lift the lid before placing the music sheet carefully right in front of him. You close your eyes to the scene trying to control the quiver on your lips and the never ending tear that brimmed on your eyes from falling.
If only you’re brave enough to be honest to Jaehyun about your feeling for him that is none, Changmin should have been the one who will play for you tonight.
If only you’re mean enough to reject Jaehyun from the start.
You have nothing left but regrets.
You inhale deep as the light dimmed and the curtain strides open revealing the crowd, cheering and clapping. But you couldn’t even smile as your eyes tries to look for him in the crowd when you know you wont find him. You grab the microphone stand nervously when the spotlight begin to shine on you, only you. You tighten the grip on the mic stand and fight the urge to run but when Kevin hit the first note on the piano, the memory of Changmin came crushing one by one to the surface of your mind. You shut your eyes and inhales then exhales a shaky breath that could be heard by the crowd silencing them at once. You need to tell him through this song even if he’s not watching now, he’ll know later maybe from someone else how you long for him. How you griefs for him.
Wish I could, I could've said goodbye
The image of him inside the train came back as you couldn’t make it in time to stop him. He saw you but then look away as if you’re stranger making you fall into your knees crying shamelessly for him to come back. You force yourself to smile fighting away the frown that you know it will lead your tears to fall.
I would've said what I wanted to Maybe even cried for you If I knew it would be the last time I would've broke my heart in two Tryin' to save a part of you
Don't wanna feel another touch Don't wanna start another fire Don't wanna know another kiss No other name falling off my lips Don't wanna give my heart away To another stranger Or let another day begin Won't even let the sunlight in No, I'll never love again I'll never love again, oh, oh, oh, oh
You look up when the spotlight dimmed and the whole stage lit up revealing the orchestra together with Kevin. You took another deep breath mustering every strength inside you to carry on. You bit your lips hard as it kept quivering before you continued.
When we first met
You then unconsciously smile to the memories of him sitting next to you playing the piano for you beautifully.
I never thought that I would fall
No matter how hurt you are right now, you never regret falling for him over and over again.
I never thought that I'd find myself Lying in your arms
You close your eyes again try to remember the way he touch your skin gently. The way he explore every inch of your body showering it with love and you miss the night and every second you spent with him making your heart ache more and more.
And I want to pretend that it's not true Oh baby, that you're gone 'Cause my world keeps turning, and turning, and turning And I'm not moving on
Don't wanna feel another touch Don't wanna start another fire Don't wanna know another kiss No other name falling off my lips Don't wanna give my heart away To another stranger Or let another day begin Won't even let the sunlight in No, I'll never love
I don't wanna know this feeling Unless it's you and me I don't wanna waste a moment, ooh And I don't wanna give somebody else the better part of me I would rather wait for you, ooh
Don't wanna feel another touch Don't wanna start another fire Don't wanna know another kiss Baby, unless they are your lips
Don't wanna give my heart away To another stranger Don't let another day begin Won't let the sunlight in Oh, I'll never love again Never love again Never love again Oh, I'll never love again
You hear the crowd cheers louder and louder as the music stop and you bit your lip to hide your frown and force a smile. You close your eyes and finally giving up to the tears and let it fall then bow your head to the crowds the curtain close. You straighten your back cupping your mouth before leaving the stage in tears ignoring Kevin who was calling your name.
Your sky blue long dress that Changmin picked for you flowed as you ran and so does your hair. You bump to almost everyone on the corridor before you stop on your track because your blurry eyes catch a silhouette that belongs to the person you’ve been longing for, but you know it was just your eyes trying to play trick on you. You close your eyes and hide your face with your both palm crying and wishing how he could come back to you. But all the hustling inside your head went silent when your name was called. Turning your frown into a smile.
“Y/N ah.”
 A/N: This one kind of short, its already the ending but the last chapter still ongoing. I think the last one is quite important too but i’m not going to spoil it now. I actually unintentionally deleted the last chapter on my file. I’m so sad and pissed, i need to write it all over again and it slightly differ from the original. But still. Thank you again for reading this fics and i hope you really enjoy it. Please, feel free to tell me how do feel about my writing, it’ll help me and give me more excitement to write more. 
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when the music died by spanouillette
“when the music died” is a short, alternative and more emotional look at Louis’ death scene in ep4.
She noticed his sickly complexion, tired bags under his eyes and the bite still bleeding out.
"I'll miss you." He announced as tears dripped.
Her lower lip trembled. "I'll miss you too..." She cried.
He leaned in for one last kiss, wrapping their hands around each other for comfort.
Not gonna lie, I avoid dead-Louis fics because that’s a level of angst I don’t like to acknowledge. I can handle angst much better when I’m the one writing it, but I have a REALLY hard time reading it. 
However, today I put on my big girl panties and opened this fic up because I love this author’s blog, writing, and artwork. This story’s been on my TBR list since it was first posted and it’d be a sin for me to skip over just because I’m a wimp. 
One thing a lot of people complain about is how shitty and sudden the deaths of Louis and Violet were, and this explores the idea of Louis getting bit but making it across to the other side of the bridge in the most heartbreaking way.
This fic is rather short, only a little over 1k, but I believe that works in its favor. It’s written emotionally and in character, and I’m not gonna spoil it, but there’s something incredibly special about this fic that, when I first saw it, I had to pause and take a deep breath to calm myself down.
Because @spanimator really did that and it’s as beautiful as it is painful. 
If you’re looking for a small piece of clouis angst, I highly recommend this. 
Dark Places & Safe Places by WolfOfTheDead @wolfofthedead
A jamitch fic??? That no one told me about??? How come no one told me????
[unless they did and that’s why it was on my tbr and i just forgot oops-]
“Dark Places & Safe Places” is an ‘angst with a happy ending’ fic about James, his past with the Whisperers, and Mitch being a good boyfriend. 
Small warning, this story does have some violence in it, like slapping, punching, mentions of blood, and whatnot, so be warned if that’s something you avoid. It’s nothing super strong, but it’s there. 
This story is an absolute delight. That’s the short of it. I fucking love this story. This is another one that I read, loved it so much that I scrolled back up to the top and reread it all over again. 
The writing style is a treat to read and the dialogue is both chilling and sweet, depending on which part you’re reading. The beginning is so tense until it transitions into this soft and comforting feeling as James and Mitch interact. 
“I can’t lose you, Mitch…”  He whispers. Mitch sighs softly, his brows knitting together and a soft chuckle leaving his lips. 
James raises a brow, his gaze questioning. Mitch leaned close and presses a kiss on his forehead, “It takes a lot to kill me.”  He whispers, and James glares a bit at that.
It’s a great contrast without feeling like two separate pieces of writing, which is something that can be pretty hard to do. This story, or rather, the Mitch and James section of the story has this soft intimacy to it that I adore. It's the little details that get me, like Mitch rubbing James' back or first kissing his cheek and then his lips, and James doing everything he can to keep in his emotions. 
Again, this is another story that I highly recommend.
Even if you’re like “James and Mitch...? Really?” 
Trust me, it’s so good that you may even fall into jamitch hell, which isn’t so bad- we have an all-you-can-eat cookie buffet and we all wear matching walker masks. It’s a grand ol’ time, so read this story and join us. 
Look At The Moon by  GoofyGomez @goofygomez 
The fact that this story had ZERO reviews when I found it is just flabbergasting because this short story is downright gorgeous and someone needs to say it. 
“Look at the Moon” is a sweet little fic about Louis and Clementine looking up at the stars together. Simple, fairly short, but damn. 
I am obsessed with this story. 
I don’t know how to describe it, but there’s something so calm yet enchanting about the way it’s written. It really is a simple concept; Clementine and Louis look at the stars together, but the style of which it’s told makes the whole idea so much more powerful. Louis pointing out constellations and how they take this moment to soak in the sky and the moon is so peaceful and beautifully written. The way Clementine and Louis express themselves to one another, the way Louis sees her-
Louis admired the way her face lit up as she stared peacefully at the stars. He studied her features in detail, basking in her beauty: the subtle blush that crept up her cheeks when she was relaxed, the small dimples that formed beside her lips when she smiled, the shine that her golden eyes held when she let herself enjoy the moment rather than dread it.
He could go on about the anthology of Clementine, but he feared he would be there all night if he tried.
-and the way she opens up to him makes me say, “These two are in love” and that’s something I cannot get enough of. 
Once more, this is a quick but incredibly sweet read and if you haven’t already checked it out, you need to. It’s a beautiful little one-shot. 
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tbzhours · 5 years
sharing is caring
haknyeon x you, enemies to lovers au, fluff
[summary] when things change, so do your feelings [words] 2.8k [a/n] this was so fun to write :((( thank you for requesting! i have a cute hyunjoon/hwall fic coming soon ♡
“There you are, caramel.” You shot a glare when you heard your new seatmate’s voice behind you. You waited until Haknyeon sat next to you, catching a slip of his playful tongue then his face lit up upon the sight of the caramel candy on his desk you that fell from your bag a minute ago. Right before he could grab it, you took it away, hiding it in your palm under your desk because it shouldn’t have landed there in the first place. You quickly faced the board where your teacher finally walked in, you ignoring his astonished stare with a sneaky smirk.
Haknyeon tapped onto your desk, obvious to what he wanted. After the second knock, he rolled his eyes away to pay attention to class when you didn’t give him a look.
What were the odds of him being your new seatmate? You were wondering as you were eating lunch in the cafeteria with your friends. You honestly didn’t know how you started to become enemies with Haknyeon but somehow every time when you look at him or even at the thought of him, your mind just explodes.
Your friends felt your little curses by the way your face wrinkled and they laughed when you finally noticed, giving a weird look at them.
“Can’t you let me enjoy this sandwich without thinking about that idiot?” You huffed and took a rough bite of your sandwich.
“Of course, we can.” There was a sarcastic look in Changmin’s eyes and his mouth stayed opened like he was joking. Your eyes were still sharp when he stayed smiling and continued, “When five times of that sandwich is taller than you.”
All of your friends laughed again as your cheeks flushed in pink. Your eyes rolled when you dropped your sandwich back onto the wrapper and sighed away. You were so done with them.
“Seriously though. This war is getting deep already.” Hyunjoon joined, shrugging a little.
There was sigh coming from the side and you turned to see Juyeon shaking his head at you. “Day six of your worst enemy being your seatmate. Stay tuned how it will last.”
“Hey, (Y/N)!” You heard someone calling your name from behind and your friends followed your eyes where Haknyeon stood, standing behind the sunlight beaming from the windows through the courtyard. He was smiling; you couldn’t stand that look. His eyebrow furrowed cooly, “Don’t be late to drama club later and don’t forget to wipe floor for me.”
“That’s not my job!” You screamed across the room, watching him beam the most annoying smile as he turned away with his waving hand. You glared at him one last time before turning back to your food, not caring about the stares you got from everyone.
You were cursing again. Haknyeon did not have the right to tell you what to do.
You didn’t forget about going to drama practice after school. You weren’t a part of the show. You were rather the technical person or the person who does all of the behind the scene duties, which you didn’t mind until that afternoon when he had told you your “job.”
You wiped the floor once more and set the broom away when you heard some giggles through the loud stage. You saw Haknyeon talking to his dance team which your lunch friends were a part of. He was smiling and you rolled your eyes, not wanting to know what they were laughing about.
You were now at the side where all of the technical things were: your laptop, the light and curtain switches, and more. You played the music and the dance team started to dance on the stage.
Despite it being rehearsals, you couldn’t look away, especially at Haknyeon. He danced so beautifully that you wished he wouldn’t look your way.
You didn’t realize that the song had ended and Haknyeon was actually looking at you. He was huffing from the dance and he winked, making you turn away quickly. He didn’t catch you staring, right?
Later as you were packing up, Changmin and Juyeon had bidded their goodbyes to you and Haknyeon was making his way to you. You put your backpack on and waited until he reached you where his name slipped from your lips.
“You were pretty… cool, dancing like that today.” You confessed, almost shyly then you gave him a thumbs up. His smile was wide and he leaned in closer, watching your eyes get bigger.
“Is that so, caramel?” He giggled a little and teased you. “Well, you weren’t when you were staring at me like that.”
“What?!” Your voice became louder, echoing in the stage room. You grabbed his cheek at the pinch of your fingers with your chin close to his face. “Maybe if you stop stealing my snacks then I’ll stop.”
“O-okay! Let go please! Caramel!” Haknyeon cried in pain, trying to pull your hand away, but you shook your head.
“No! Never!” You pinched harder and thought this was a good revenge. “And stop calling me that!”
Hyunjoon was watching from the side and thought it was a good idea to send a picture of this scene to Changmin and Juyeon before you let go and walked out with a victorious smirk on your face.
Hyunjoon thought it was funny how you and Haknyeon weren’t close like how you were with Juyeon and Changmin when Haknyeon was also close to them. He never understood it. Maybe that’s why he left a piece of your favorite candy on Haknyeon’s desk to spark something.
You were confused, not remembering about dropping that candy on his desk when you took your stuff out from your backpack. You shrugged, getting ready for class when Haknyeon appeared and sat next to you.
He looked at the candy, giving you a look afterwards. “Is this yours?”
“No.” You didn’t even look at him with your nonchalant voice. You sighed quietly, not wanting to mettle with him today.
“Then you can have it.” He set it over your notebook and you finally looked at him, your widen eyes flashing at his little smile.
“No, you have it.”
Haknyeon tilted his head and moved the candy closer to you. “Nooo, you have it.”
“Seriously, you have it.”
“No, you.”
And he defeated you with his smile that stayed beaming since he sat down. Your hand reached into the silent air and grabbed the candy, unwrapping it before you threw it into your mouth. You turned away from him and faced the front, hoping that he didn’t see how red your face was as you let the candy roll around your mind.
Maybe he didn’t need to see your rosy cheeks when Hyunjoon brought you up to Haknyeon when they were on their way to the cafeteria with Changmin and Juyeon.
“Something is definitely up with you and (Y/N).” Changmin played along, walking backwards with his hands at his back. His dimple was showing and Haknyeon laughed and shook his hand.
“Nothing is up with us, I swear.”
Changmin gasped, covering his lips. All of them looked at him with shook faces until he spilled, “He used the word ‘us’.”
“Hey!” Haknyeon glared at him quickly then he slapped his arm. Changmin let out a short breath of pain as Juyeon and Hyunjoon laughed at him.
“Yeah, I wonder why you both are enemies in the first place. It’s so funny.” Hyunjoon added, chuckling at the side.
“Right?” Juyeon’s hand came out, trying to make a point. “Things were less connected.”
“What do you mean by connected?” Haknyeon asked with a weird look but the rest gave him an obvious look. Hyunjoon and Juyeon were laughing quietly at the side and Changmin just grinned widely, shaking his head. Haknyeon gave it a quick thought, facing forward with his soft eyes looking at his steps. “You’re right. Maybe I just… love them.”
“You what?!” Changmin screamed suddenly. All of their eyes widened at the loud sound of his voice. Juyeon almost choked at his own spit and Hyunjoon’s mouth was opened in shock.
“I love (Y/N) too, as a friend but y-you sound serious.” Hyunjoon stuttered, his lips curving in surprise.
“That’s not what I mean, guys.” Haknyeon was flustered at the sound of his giggling voice with his shaky hand but he blushed when they all gave him that lovely annoying smile.
“Sure, since (Y/N) is soooo sweet.” There was an exaggeration that everyone knew what Juyeon meant. Haknyeon just blinked and ran away from them, all running after him with their teasings.
That night, you were in the middle of doing your school work when you got a text from the group chat you had with your friends. You quickly replied and set it down so you could focus again.
hyunjoon: i have a secret to tell you @(y/n) you: what changmin: don’t tell them!!! juyeon: do what you gotta do hyunjoon: shut up, let me talk changmin: then send a voice message idiot hyunjoon: you wanna fight? changmin: come at me bro juyeon: shut up guys, they’re not replying hyunjoon: (y/n) hyunjoon: (y/n) hyunjoon: (y/n) hyunjoon: (y/n) hyunjoon: (y/n) changmin: they can’t hear you hyunjoon: (Y/NNNNNNNN) changmin: haknyeon you: what juyeon: whoa changmin: the magic word hyunjoon: haknyeon
*(y/n) have left the group chat*
hyunjoon: nice going guys changmin: wasn’t me juyeon: i’m just shaking my head at you both
*(y/n) has been added to the group chat*
You saw the notification and that Hyunjoon was making a group video call. You shook your head, wondering what they were up to.
“What?” You were so done with them that Juyeon laughed as soon as he saw your annoyed eyes.
“Heyyyy.” Changmin awkwardly greeted you, feared from the way you looked at them.
“Make it quick. I’m in the middle of working on something important.”
“So are we.” Hyunjoon laughed as he came closer to his camera.
“Okay???” You blurted out after a second of silence.
“So why weren’t you there at drama club?” Changmin asked, shrugging after. Then a smirky smile slipped from his lips. “Haknyeon wasn’t there too.”
Your eyes widened at them and your phone slipped from your phone, falling flat down on your opened textbook.
All of them were calling for your name and all you could think of was: what were they speculating? Nothing was going on with you and him.
“So it’s true that you both hung out?” Changmin asked, his voice rolling into a higher pitch.
“More like, ditched drama club to do that.” Hyunjoon shrugged, playing along. You were so shock at their words that you finally picked your phone back up to see all of their smiling faces on the screen.
“You guys got it all wrong.” You shook your head swiftly, a chuckle gliding your words. “There’s nothing going on with me and Haknyeon.”
“See. They didn’t use the magic word.” Juyeon commented, his honesty deserved all of the glare from Changmin.
“What magic word?” You asked, an eyebrow rising up to your forehead.
“Nothing.” All three of them shook in sync. You eyed them, knowing they were hiding something. Whatever that was, you didn’t care much to say anything else.
“My god, shut up, Juyeon.” Changmin rolled his eyes but Juyeon just smiled and continued.
“Anyway, I think Haknyeon’s in love with you. He confessed it today.”
“What are you talking about?” Your eyebrows now furrowed at them, even more confused at whatever secret they were telling you. It didn’t sound like a secret now, you thought.
“He said he loves you.” Hyunjoon announced and there was a moment of silence as you tried to comprehend what he said.
“You guys are ridiculous.” You shook your head, quickly ending the call and knew you wouldn’t be able to stay focus now that Haknyeon had stolen your mind.
It’s been almost two weeks since Haknyeon became your seatmate. Maybe your interactions were making you think of him more these days. It was driving you nuts but you told yourself today that you weren’t going to think of him one second unless he’s in your sight.
You walked into the theatre room in morning since you couldn’t go last night. You weren’t expecting anyone there, especially Haknyeon when he turned around from the stage.
“Why are you here?” You asked out of the curiosity as you walked slowly, closer to him though he was still a few feet away.
“No, why are you here?” Haknyeon blinked, surprised as you were. He walked toward you, his lips turning into a smirk with his arms crossed.
“Why would I tell you?” You crossed yours too as you turned your head and glare at him with those sharp eyes of yours. Your lips copied his and he had his chin up.
“Because I asked.”
“Well, I don’t like you.” You turned your head away from him, not seeing his shocked opened mouth beaming at your words.
He closed his lips and frowned. “I don’t like you either, Caramel.”
“Stop calling me that.” You turned to him, glaring back at him.
“No.” He did the same then he followed you when you turned away again.
You both walked away from each other, still doing your job around the theatre. Haknyeon went back to dancing and you were setting things at the technical side of the stage. It went on until it was almost time to go to your first class where you both would have to sit by each other. That thought didn’t come through your mind as you stood up, not seeing that Haknyeon was walking the way until your hands brushed against each other.
With you standing by his side, your eyes met within a second. You were about to say something but you saw how shy his eyes looked and how his lips was at ease.
In the moment of silence, Haknyeon suddenly moved closer but it was slow, not that you mind. You were a little hesitant too, noticing his small moves but it didn’t stop you from letting him do that.
You closed your eyes, staring at his lips last until he overlapped his lips with yours, his fingers tickling at the bottom of your chin. They pushed your head up a little, deepening the kiss for a few seconds as your cheeks burned up at the touch.
Haknyeon pulled back and he was breathing hard, though it was quiet and soft. His eyes were now sparkling and you couldn’t tell if he was crying but they were watery like he rushed his emotions into them.
“What was that?” You broke the silence, whispering with his hand still at the tip of your chin.
Haknyeon’s head twisted slightly, his eyes almost winking at you when he replied, “We kissed?”
“We kissed?” You did the same, turning your head as you blinked quietly. Your eyes widened at him at the thought of what he said when your loud voice echoed through the room. “We kissed?!”
Your hand quickly moved his hand away as you took a step back and before he could say anything, you ran away, leaving haknyeon laughing there. There was a thought in him that you were kinda cute by the way your face blushed.
It didn’t take long for Haknyeon to reach you when you got to class. There was another snack there, a carton of your favorite juice on his desk and you sighed right when he came to stand there.
“Okay, who keeps doing this?” You asked, hearing Haknyeon giggling beside you. You looked at him, a smile forming quickly on your face before you joined him. You grabbed the straw and stuck it into the carton before you reached it to your lips. You took a sip, your shy eyes looking away for a second before handing it to him.
He took it and sipped onto it when he sat down. You were jittling your fingers at your lap and your face was turning red since you couldn’t look at him, remembering what just happened a few minutes ago.
Haknyeon handed the juice carton back at you, setting it over your desk before he took his stuff out for class. He knew somehow that you felt the same way as him when you let him sip your drink just now. He was excited to hold your hand now that you both were comfortable were each other. He took another look at you, admiring your rosy cheeks as he thought, who could really be leaving all of these snacks on his desk.
Little did you both know, there was Hyunjoon standing by the door, trying to peek in to sneak on you both. He was taken by surprise at the scene as he grinned and walked through the hallway, feeling accomplished.
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odinsonsobsessed · 6 years
Beautifully Complicated || Chapter 7: VIP
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A Tom Hiddleston x OFC Matchmaker AU series by @odinsonsobsessed and @mrshiddleston-uk
Kate Rees just wants some romance in her life, but she hasn’t had the most pleasant dating history. After yet another date gone wrong, she nearly gives up until her work colleague mentions a matchmaking website she’d seen an ad for. Little does she know, the mystery man she’s been matched with is handsome, rising star, Tom Hiddleston. And that’s when things get complicated.
Rated M (18+) || Word Count: 5.1k || Warnings: Swearing, NSFW
You can also find us on AO3:
@odinsonsobsessed - Mischievousbellerina
@mrshiddleston-uk - Crimson_peak
Likes, Comments and Reblogs are always encouraged and appreciated! Enjoy!
Series Masterlist
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When the opening night for Tom's play came, Kate could hardly contain herself. She ended up requesting to get off a couple of hours earlier as she wanted to make sure she got home in enough time to dress herself up and get through the Friday night traffic. She took a taxi to the theatre and she had been right, she was inching toward her destination. The amount of people within a few blocks of the theatre was absolutely nuts and the line to get inside the building was long enough to make her teeth chatter before she even made it close to the door.
She’d never been to that particular theatre before, so when she presented her ticket and got through security, she looked around until the show was about to start.
Kate settled into her seat and anxiously awaited for Tom to appear on stage. And when he did… oh boy, did he look amazing. When his eyes swept over the audience as he delivered a solo dialogue with his character's thoughts, his gaze lingered on her once he spotted her. When their eyes locked, Kate's breath hitched and she shifted in her seat.
Watching him perform live was something else. It was mesmerizing and the way he portrayed his character was proof that he worked incredibly hard for this role. He was great in every scene he was in and she was enjoying herself immensely until it came time for Charlotte to appear onstage.
Kate watched her closely, feeling uneasy at first. She thought Charlotte was a decent actress so far, but this was the first thing she’d seen her in. And when Tom had his arm around her, pulling her in for a brief kiss, she couldn't help but tense up. She reminded herself it was just for the play, but when their foreheads touched and their eyes closed, watching their chests heave with frustration, Kate just didn't like it. Even if it was part of the show, she was allowed feel uncomfortable.
Regardless of how Charlotte made her feel, she focused on Tom's performance through the rest of the show. She was here for him and it would be a waste for her to worry over a costar that was probably harmless.
Tom was really good at making you feel things for his characters. Kate wanted to laugh when he laughed, cry when he cried and she felt angry when he was. It was so entertaining to watch him, she didn't want the play to end.
By the time the show was over, Kate was itching to see Tom. She watched as the entire cast came out to bow, they all stood in a line and out their arm around the one standing next to them. When the other members of the cast stepped back, Tom and Charlotte lingered by themselves and took their own bow, and when they came back up, Tom smiled at her and kissed her cheek, making the crowd grow even louder, clapping and cheering.
Kate was clapping, but she wasn't cheering. She forced a smile when Tom looked her way. She was so proud of him and thought he did an exceptional job, but Charlotte made her anxious. It made her feel silly for being so wary of her. It wasn't like she didn't trust Tom, and she didn't even know this woman. She was probably really sweet if Tom got along with her.
She waited patiently to be taken backstage, purposefully lingering until she was last in line out of all the VIPs for the evening, so she wasn't rushed out for the next one in line. When she was brought backstage, Tom was standing with Charlotte in a navy blue striped suit. He always looked gorgeous in blue, especially when the suits were so fitted and she hated him for it. It always made her want him, probably more than she should.
When Kate approached, Tom’s face lit up with a smile and he removed his arm from Charlotte's waist so he could slip his arm around her and greet her with a lingering kiss on the cheek. “Hi Kate.” He leaned down to murmur in her ear, “You look beautiful.” He squeezed her hip and she felt warmth spread from the touch.
Tom turned his attention toward his costar, “Lottie, this is Kate. Kate, this is Charlotte Harper.”
Lottie? She wanted to cringe from the nickname and the fact that he had one for her. Were they that close? Sure they were, they'd been rehearsing all day, every day, for weeks.
Kate smiled and shook Charlotte’s hand. “Oh Tom,” She briefly touched his arm, “This is your girlfriend?”
Tom grinned widely, “Yes, she is!”
Kate's heart jumped at his confirmation. Sure, he had told her that she meant more to him than just a friend, but they hadn't had a proper conversation about titles or anything yet, so this was quite the surprise.
“She's lovely, Tom. So adorable.” The sweetness in her tone and her smile didn't reach her eyes, and she wondered if her honeyed words were just for show for Tom. And he seemed to be eating it all up. “Did you enjoy the show?”
Kate nodded eagerly, “I did. The two of you did an amazing job! Brilliant.” Two could play at that game.
“Aw, well that's because Tom here was so dedicated and had to make sure everything was perfect. Even made us redo a scene if he felt it was necessary, didn't you Tom?” Charlotte giggled, grabbing hold of his arm and patting his chest playfully.
After Kate's fingers curled into fists at her side from the way Charlotte seemed to touch Tom so openly and casually, her mind wandered to their kiss and she wondered how many times they had to ‘practice’ that scene.
He looked at Charlotte and laughed, “Yeah, I suppose I get carried away sometimes.”
Kate watched their exchange and wanted to pull Charlotte away from him, tell her to kindly back the fuck off of her boyfriend. But when Charlotte’s name was called, she didn't have to.
Kate felt relieved when she let go of Tom's arm, “I hate to cut this short, but it looks like I'm needed elsewhere.” She leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek. “I'll see you tomorrow?”
Tom nodded with a smile, “Tomorrow. Have a good night, Lottie.” There was that name again. She hated how it sounded when it rolled off of his tongue.
Charlotte gave her a glance as she walked away, a smirk playing on her lips. “It was nice meeting you, Kate.”
Kate returned her smile half heartedly and turned her attention back to Tom, who was sliding his arm around her waist. He leaned down to speak into her ear, “Did I mention how good you look tonight?” She shivered when his breath caressed her ear, “There’s a couple of people that I'd like you to meet. Then we'll take the VIP tour to its final destination; my dressing room.”
Kate nearly moaned at his suggestive tone. She'd been so frustrated and there were times she even amused herself with the thought of showing up at his doorstep with lingerie under her coat… She’d been wanting him all week and surely she could wait a few more minutes…
However, it seemed to take longer than either of them thought. His cast mates wanted to talk and pal around. Tom was getting as antsy as Kate was, when her arm rested low on his waist, squeezing his bum when no one was looking. He tried focusing on the conversation so that his pants wouldn't get tight on him, ignoring the subtle brush of her breast at his side and the circling of her fingers on his back. It was all too distracting and he took the first opening he saw to excuse them.
The moment Tom closed the door and locked it, Kate was on him, kissing him hard when he turned around. His back collided with the door and his hands slid around to her back, holding her tight against him. “Pretty bold of you to tease me like that… in front of all those people.” His voice was deep and breathless when he pulled his mouth away.
Kate giggled, “How else was I supposed to get you in here?” She moaned as he kissed on her neck.
Tom smirked against her skin, loving the sounds he could draw out of her. “Look, if we're going to do this in here, we have to be quiet, okay? There are people outside in the hallway.”
Kate drew back to look into his eyes, “Then shut up and kiss me.”
Tom switched their positions, pushing her up against the wall next to the door and thrusted his tongue into her mouth, tasting her as his fingers curled around the fabric of her dress. “Like this?”
Her moan came out muffled as his tongue caressed hers. “Just like that.” She panted, undoing his tie so she could get his shirt open. Sliding the jacket down his arms, Tom took it off the rest of the way, tossing it on the nearby chair. Kate worked quickly, desperate to feel him under her fingertips. The shirt ended up on top of the jacket when she tossed it and her hands were on his chest, sliding up and down as Tom yanked down the zipper of her dress, shoving it down her body.
His lips met her neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses along her collarbone and back up, his hand sliding across her breasts, groping her over her bra. The feeling of her curves in his hands and his lips on her soft, heated skin was liberating and it had him moaning against her. Tom was hungry for Kate, his cock painfully restricted in his pants and he voiced his discomfort by groaning and tugging at his belt with his other hand.
Kate slid her hands down his stomach, helping him in unfastening his belt and pull his zipper down, letting his pants sink down to his thighs. She placed his hand on her ass and he squeezed, bringing her flush against his body. Moving her hips as she grasped his, she ground herself against him, eliciting another quiet moan from his mouth. “You're supposed to be quiet.” She giggled, failing in suppressing a soft moan of her own as he nipped at her neck with a chuckle.
Tom reached around, unsnapping her bra and pulled it down her arms quickly. He lowered his mouth to her breast, swirling his tongue around her nipple. He slipped his hand down underneath the soft silky fabric of her underwear and ran his fingers along her slickness, Kate ran her hands through his hair and closed her eyes, biting her lip to suppress her whimper.
Part of her wished he would just tug her panties down and fuck her against that wall already, but his mouth was doing wonders, licking and sucking on her sensitive skin while his fingers worked into a rhythm that had her head spinning.
Tom felt himself slipping further and further into his arousal as her harsh breaths and her tiny moans seeped into his ears. The way she rolled her hips against his hand told him she was just as ready for him as he was for her. He slid his hands around to take fistfuls of her bottom before slipping her panties down her legs. The rest of their clothes followed hastily until they were completely naked.
They were past the point of waiting for anything now as Tom lifted Kate, pressing her against the wall as her legs wrapped around his waist. He buried himself inside of her with a mutual gasp as he felt her walls tighten around his shaft. Slowly he began to move, establishing a steady rhythm. It had only been two weeks but he missed the feeling of her. She felt so perfect and warm and so soft.
Kate held onto him around his neck tightly, exchanging sloppy, opened mouth kisses. She’d missed him just as much. When Tom rolled his hips even harder, her back bumped against the wall with each thrust and if Tom wasn't muffling her moans with his mouth, she was sure anyone outside of that door would hear her.
Sweat was beading on Tom's forehead and his arms were beginning to grow tired from supporting her, but he couldn't stop. He pulled back to look at Kate. God, she was beautiful. Her eyes glazed over, staring back at him with her mouth half open. He was so close, the tension about ready to snap. Kate was right there with him, her walls tightening, squeezing him as he moved to moan into her ear, “Kate, I'm gonna…” His mouth dropped open and he gasped, screwing his eyes shut as his cock pulsed inside of her. He closed his mouth, silencing the loud moan that threatened to escape.
“Oh God, Tom!” Kate buried her face into his neck, her breath stuttering as they came together. Tom took a few moments to collect himself as they panted before he gently set her back down on the floor.
Kate leaned back against the wall, trying to steady her breathing. Tom pressed his hand against the wall, dropping his forehead to rest against hers. His other hand went to her back, pulling her forward to embrace her gently. She wrapped her arms around his back, holding onto him. When their breathing returned to a calm and steady rhythm, he sighed and moved to cup her face in his hands, placing a brief kiss on her lips.
Kate tilted her head to meet them again, kissing him softly and slowly as her hands came to rest on his chest. Her fingers lightly traced the lines of his chest, wondering how in the world she got so lucky. She couldn't believe she was here, kissing this amazingly sweet and sexy man after having had another round of phenomenal sex.
This is your girlfriend?
Yes, she is!
And this man was hers.
A grin formed on Kate's face and Tom pulled back, smiling. “What?”
“So, I'm your girlfriend, huh?”
One thumb stroking her cheek, his smile widened. “Well yes, I mean what else should I refer to you as around my friends?”
“So… you talk about me, then?”
He chuckled, “Well, yeah. How could I not? You talk about me to your friends, don’t you?”
“Well yeah.” She repeated with a giggle, nudging his nose with hers. “It's not every day that you get to date a famous actor like Tom Hiddleston.”
“So that's what you brag about, then?” He teased, sliding his hands around to get a squeeze of her backside.
She glanced up at him with a smirk playing on her lips. “That and the incredible sex.” Kate bit her lip, holding back a moan when he pressed her tight against him.
“It is pretty incredible, isn't it?” He mumbled, backing her up against the wall again. He dipped his head down to trail kisses down her cheek to her neck.
Kate gasped as his hands fell to the back of her thighs, hoisting her up again. She wrapped her arms around his neck, squealing when he turned from the wall and walked over to the nearby couch, laying her down as he hovered over her.
He brought her hand to his mouth, placing kisses down the insides of her fingers, down to her palm, working his way along her arm. Kate shivered, squeezing her legs together as the familiar ache she felt not too long ago returned.
Tom stopped at the inside of her elbow, moving to her lips as he gently trailed his fingertips down her side. “What are you doing to me?” He mumbled and kissed her again, running his tongue over hers. He felt drunk on Kate, losing himself in the silky feel of her skin, the soft wetness of her tongue, the seductive sounds that she made when he touched her. “You have witchcraft in your lips, Kate.”
Her cheeks grew warm again and her heart hammered in her chest as she imagined him walking towards her with that affectionate look in his eyes, lifting her chin and placing the gentlest of kisses on her lips. Drawing back, breathless and wanting.
Kate let out a breathy moan as Tom slid down her body, kissing and sucking on her flesh on the way down. Warmth followed him, chased him as he moved to kneel on the floor, as he wouldn't fit on the couch if he went any further. He pushed her thighs apart, kissing the inside of them as he settled between them. Grabbing hold of her hips, he slid her forward as he glanced up, licking his lips in a suggestive manner.
Her eyes rolled back when he flattened his tongue and dragged it upwards. His finger slid inside of her with ease, from the combination of their juices. Oh God it was like magic, the way his tongue and fingers worked together to bring her this pleasure.
Her hands found their way into his hair as she rolled her hips gently against his mouth, moaning softly in appreciation, whispering his name repeatedly. He had Kate biting her lip hard as she came, careful not to get too loud. She shook and her breath stuttered, her toes curling as her walls convulsed around his fingers.
“That's it, there you go.” Tom praised softly, admiring her with a smile. He kissed around the tender spot softly before he rose back to kiss her mouth.
There was a knock on the door and they both shot their head in its direction. “Yeah?” He called after clearing his throat.
“Tom, there’s someone out here wanting to ask the star of the show some questions if you aren't too busy in there.” Luke's smug voice came from the other side of the door and Tom cursed. Always bad timing with him.
Kate widened her eyes. Had he heard them? Was she too loud?
Tom looked back at her with a chuckle when he saw the look on her face. “Relax, I don't think he heard us, but I'm sure he had to assume. Like I said before, I do talk about you.”
Kate giggled, taking his hand when he got off of her and reached out to help her up. They cleaned themselves up and gathered their clothes, slipping them on.
“Wait here for me. I shouldn't be long.” Kate slipped his tie around his neck, working to fasten it while he gazed down at her. “I probably just need to do a brief interview and that's it.”
Kate nodded with a smile and tightened the tie, smoothing out his collar afterwards. “Handsome.” She smiled.
“Thanks, love.” Tom grinned at her and gave her lips a quick kiss before he left.
Kate sat back on the couch and checked her phone, seeing a message from Zack, to which she sent a quick reply. She moved on to a couple from Roxy asking how Tom's play went.
Roxy: Hey Kate, how's the play going? God I wish I could have come along, how dare my sister get married when Tom's opening night is tonight! I wanted to meet him so bad!
Roxy: Hellooooo earth to Kate! Did his performance kill you? I imagine it COULD be that good, enough to kill you. Answer me when you're alive again!
Roxy: Okay now I'm a little worried. And I'm dying over here. I need details!
Kate: Geez Rox, I'm fine! The play was… ugh, it was fantastic! Seeing him act in person is just… incredible. Sorry it took me a long time to respond. I got the VIP meet and greet with Tom after the show. ;)
Roxy: The VIP treatment??? Oh my God GIRL, seriously, you're so fucking lucky. And so bad!! You better spill those details on Monday!!
Kate: I don't kiss and tell ;)
Roxy: So are things better with the whole friendship thing?
Kate: I would say so. He referred to me as his girlfriend in front of Charlotte.
Roxy: That's great!.... Who is Charlotte?
Kate: Charlotte Harper, she’s Tom's costar… I really don't like her, Roxy… Her and Tom seem really close and I get the feeling she isn't a good person. She gave off bad vibes and it felt like she likes Tom.
Roxy: God, I'm sorry Kate. That sounds awful. Look, the BF is whining for me to get off my phone. Can chat about it over coffee tomorrow?
Kate: Sounds great. Good night!
Kate sighed and dropped her phone on the couch next to her. Her mind swirled with thoughts about Charlotte, wondering just how close they were and it didn't settle with her. Maybe she'd play it by ear and if it became a problem, she'd talk to him about it.
Tom came back about twenty minutes later, apologizing for taking so long. He had his driver drive to Kate's house so he could see her home. Kate resisted the urge to invite him inside, knowing he had to go home and get some rest for another long day tomorrow. They wouldn't see each other for a few days, between Tom's busy schedule and Kate having made plans to do a few things this weekend with her friends.
It took them a few minutes to say goodbye at the door, lingered kisses and long hugs, until neither of them could stand the cold any longer. “Good night, Tom.” She smiled, letting go of his hands.
“Night, Kate…” He kissed her cheek one last time and headed back to the car.
Kate watched the car drive off before she went inside. She crawled into bed and lay in the darkness, smiling to herself as Tom’s words played over and over in her head.
She was Tom Hiddleston’s girlfriend, and she still couldn’t believe how lucky she was.
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As Kate made her way to the tube station the next day to meet Zack for dinner, she glanced at the Metro stand, stopping to do a double take as the headline caught her attention. It was a review of Tom’s play. She backed up and grabbed a copy, tucking it into her bag as she descended the steps onto the platform. Once she was seated on the train she picked the paper up and flicked through it until she reached the page with Tom’s review. She scanned the words as the article raved over his performance, smiling proudly. It seemed she wasn’t the only one who had thought Tom’s acting was faultless.
But, her face dropped as she continued to read, the critic praising Charlotte and gushing over her chemistry with Tom. Kate shut the paper abruptly without finishing the paragraph and huffed angrily. She knew she shouldn’t let a stupid newspaper article get to her so much, but she just couldn’t shake this feeling she had about Charlotte and she didn’t need some damn theatre critic adding fuel to the fire. She chucked the paper on the seat next to her and when she got off the train, she left it behind.
She met Zack outside Pizza Express and he greeted her with a hug, before smiling sarcastically, “No paps following you today, then?”
Kate shot him a look as they walked into the restaurant and he laughed. They were shown to their seats and ordered some drinks whilst they looked at their menus, discussing what to have. Once the waiter had returned with their drinks and taken their food orders, Kate pulled her phone out of her bag and checked it quickly.
“Waiting to hear from loverboy?” Zack asked.
Kate glared at him, “Can you please stop calling him that?”
“Sorry, I meant your friend.”
Kate sighed, “He’s my boyfriend, Zack.”
Zack raised his eyebrows, “So it’s official now?”
She nodded, “That’s how he introduced me to everyone on Friday.”
“Oh yeah, you went to Tom’s play, didn’t you? How was it?” Zack gasped, “Shit, I’ve just remembered his co star is Charlotte Harper!” He blew out a breath, “Damn, she’s gorgeous!”
Kate smiled through gritted teeth as she nodded. She would tell Zack about Charlotte, just not now. She didn’t want to think about that woman anymore today. But apparently Zack had other ideas.
“Can you take me along to the theatre? Introduce me to her? Get loverboy to put in a good word for me?”
He winked at her and Kate shook her head slowly, looking down to her lap.
“Kate? I was only joking… What’s wrong?”
Kate sighed, “I wouldn’t let you anywhere near her. I don’t trust her, Zack.”
Zack’s face softened as he realised his best friend was genuinely troubled about Charlotte. He reached across the table and rubbed her arm comfortingly, “Hey, talk to me. What’s going on?”
Kate explained what had happened at the theatre and how she just had this feeling about Charlotte. Zack listened attentively but couldn’t offer her a lot of advice as in all honestly Charlotte hadn’t actually done anything wrong… yet. So he did his best to cheer Kate up by telling her some stories of his latest dates, soon having her smiling again.
By the time they’d finished eating and paid the bill, it was getting late so they said their goodbyes and Kate headed home, knowing she had another busy week at work. And when she passed the Metro stands on her way out of the tube station, she glared at them disapprovingly, just because she could.
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Kate was at work early the next morning having had an awful nights sleep, tossing and turning and giving herself irrational anxiety about Charlotte. Eventually she’d given up on sleep and dragged herself out of bed and into the shower, arriving at work much earlier than usual, meaning that she was the first one there and she had to unlock the museum to let herself in. When Roxy finally arrived an hour later and deposited a large takeaway coffee cup on her desk in front of her, she moaned gratefully and looked up at her friend,
“I love you.”
“Guessed you might need this today.” Roxy replied, sitting down opposite her, “How’s things? You look stressed.”
Kate winced, “I’m winding myself up, Rox. I can’t stop thinking about Charlotte and the way she was with Tom. I don’t like it.”
Roxy smiled at her sympathetically, “He called you his girlfriend, Kate. Remember that.”
Immediately Kate smiled at the memory, “Yeah, he did.”
“There we go.” Roxy replied with a wink, “You’re smiling again. Now come on, we have to finish this exhibit before tomorrow. We can go grab some lunch and talk more later, okay?”
Kate was glad of the distraction of the museum being so busy as finally she was able to forget about Charlotte for a while and focus on her work. When it was time for their break, they headed back to the office to collect their bags and coats and were about to leave when Kate’s office phone rang,
“There’s someone named Tom in reception for you.” The receptionist announced.
Kate’s eyes widened, “Thank you! I’ll be there in just a minute.”
Putting the phone down, she turned to Roxy, “Tom’s here!”
Roxy clapped her hands together and bounced up and down on the balls of her feet excitedly, “Well, let’s get going then! You have to introduce me, Kate!”
When they walked into the waiting area a few minutes later, Tom was standing in the corner, reading one of the information posters on the wall. Hearing them approach, he turned around and smiled cheerfully as Kate rushed towards him and flung her arms around him, “Tom!” She breathed as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.
“Hi gorgeous.”
“What are you doing here?” She asked, pulling back so she could look at him.
“I had a bit of spare time before I have to be at the theatre, so I thought I’d come and take you out for lunch!”
Kate’s face dropped, “Oh… I’d already made plans with Roxy.”
She turned to see Roxy standing nervously in the doorway and beckoned her forwards, “Tom, this is Roxy… Roxy, this is Tom.”
“Hi!” Roxy stammered, and Kate smirked. She could tell she was a bit star struck.
“Hello Roxy!” Tom replied, flashing her one of his killer smiles, “I’ve heard a lot about you. Why don’t we all go out to lunch together?”
Roxy looked excitedly between Kate and Tom, “I wouldn’t want to get in the way…”
“I think that sounds like a great idea.” Kate replied. She could see Roxy was desperate for a chance to get to know Tom a little and as much as she wanted Tom to herself, she couldn’t deny her friend the opportunity to chat with one of her favourite actors.
They headed out of the museum and along the road to one of Roxy and Kate’s regular lunchtime haunts. It was a quiet little coffee shop along a side street and it served the most amazing toasted sandwiches and cakes.
Once they’d placed their orders at the counter they took a seat in the corner and Kate let Roxy lead the conversation as she asked Tom questions about his films and the other Marvel actors. Kate sat quietly next to him, her hand on his thigh as she watched him engage with Roxy. She squeezed gently and his concentration faltered for a second as his breath caught in his throat. He glanced across at her and smiled, reaching down to place his hand on top of hers.
Soon their food arrived and the conversation slowed down as they all ate, Kate and Roxy telling Tom about the exhibition at the museum that they were working on. Suddenly, Tom’s phone started to ring from its place on the table, the display lighting up with Charlotte's name. Kate’s body tensed immediately as she looked from the phone to Roxy, and then to Tom.
Tom put down his sandwich and grabbed his phone. “Sorry, I just need to take this” He mumbled, his mouth still full of food as he stood and walked away from the table, answering the call as he stepped outside. Kate and Roxy both watched him go before Roxy turned back to her, raising her eyebrows, “Well… okay.”
Kate sighed and ran her hands down her face, groaning. She was starting to feel like she was in competition with Charlotte for her own boyfriend's attention. She didn’t want to become a jealous possessive partner, but Charlotte was making it so damn hard.
After a few minutes Tom returned, apologising profusely as he sat down and continued eating. But for the rest of their lunch, Kate felt uneasy. When she kissed him goodbye to head back to work, she hated the fact that she was sending him off to see Charlotte.
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zellybelly · 6 years
Shaken To The Core
Ello! On a clouis high, but then, when am I not? They are so fucking cute. I’m sorry Vi! I love you both! <3
Warnings: Angst, Death, Tears. Lots of tears. 
Summary: What happened after the bomb blew?
Side note: In a universe where Clem and AJ stayed with them for a few months before Marlon turns full asshole. Just cause it would make more sense for all of the emotions flying.
You can skip this, but I changed up the timeline a bit so it would fit better.:
The car crash, all of the beginning of the episode until the second morning they were there. Clem went hunting with Aasim and Louis. She hunted, wanting to be able to catch some food but eventually joined up with Louis for some batting practice. Seeing that they had a greenhouse, Clem pushed for them to restore it, offering to take charge of it, since everyone else seemed hesitant. She got it up and running again with Brody and Ruby’s help. One day, while hunting, more like batting around with Louis, who she had grown close with, they found out someone fucked with their traps. And that’s where the rest of the episode kicks off. However, when the confrontation happens in the courtyard, Ruby and Louis were on Clem’s side, to begin with, knowing her to not be that kind of person.
Episode 2 kicks off. And everything is pretty normal, plot-wise, except when Clem and AJ are brought to the edge of the safe zone, she had a heartfelt goodbye with Louis, giving him one final hug. When they get back, Louis and Clem talked while AJ recovered, eventually sparking in a romance one night. (I moved the Louis romance scene to before the 2-week flash forward).
After that... everything is pretty much the same. Lily is dead in this. AJ shot her.
Well, got all that? Okay, let’s get started. 
I might just rewrite the series, with this, I dunno
The river looked like it was on fire. From the opposite bank, where the dock was, it was like the water had been lit ablaze. Many walkers were attracted to the sound, but many of them ignored the kids, only a few caught sight and those that did were taken care of. 
Louis was the only one still there on the shore. Ruby, with Aasim and Omar, had gotten the horses and hay, taking them back to the school. And according to the plan, they burned some of the supplies, while they took the rafts when they were distracted.  
As soon as they had heard the bomb, Louis just had to go back. He wanted to make sure they were okay. When he got there, he didn’t see anyone. As he waited, Tenn and AJ had shown up, helping each other make it to the shore. 
But there was no sign of Clementine. He looked everywhere, but there was no sign of his girlfriend, not her amber eyes, not even her signature hat. 
“Clem!” He resorted to calling out. The fire on the boat blazed to life, the large metal floaty sinking into the dark waters. “Clem!” His voice was cracked and hoarse.
Eventually, he couldn’t take it, he ran into the water, up until his knees. The water splashed against his waist. It chilled his skin, feeling like it sunk to the bone almost instantly. “Clementine!” He cried out into the empty air, only to get no response. 
He saw movement. He couldn’t see who, but he ran towards them, ignoring the stinging pain of the chilled water. He grabbed them, and help to pull them up. They had someone else with them. Louis, being well, Louis, helped them get to the shore. They were coughing, both of them. To his relief, but also his disappointment, it was Violet and Minnie. They were soaked to the bone, no doubt freezing. “Vi!” He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. He felt her do the same, but also quickly pulled back. “Violet?” He whispered, looking into her pained green eyes.
“The fuck did she do...” Violet looked behind her, towards the boat, which was almost fully sunk. But her gaze wasn’t mournful, but filled with hate and disdain. “She almost got us all fucking killed.”
“No, she didn’t.” Louis defended. “She tried to get you all back, and she did. You’re all fine. No one from the school died.”
Violet looked away. “Yeah. Look at what has happened around us. She let us be taken.” Her voice was bitter, though it was wavering. 
“She couldn’t save everyone. At least she didn’t willingly trade people away.” He snapped. Marlon was his best friend, but what he had done left him feeling bitter about his actions.
“What’s the difference?”
“She at least tried to prevent them from getting in.” His voice was weak and tired now.
“And look how that turned out.” (I’m making Violet an asshole. I’m sorry. I love her, but this is going off Louis’ route. And she was pretty bitter, even admitting that she would kill Clem if it came down to it.)
He just stared at her. Then back to the boat. “You’re not even sad?” He couldn’t look at her. “After all that she has done, in an effort to keep us safe... you’re not even somewhat sad?” His voice rose.
When Violet looked up at him, her eyes sparkled with surprise. Louis’s eyes were full of pain, he was biting his lip to keep the tears from flowing. “Maybe.” She admitted, “but-”
“Clem!” Louis cried, seeing another person emerge from the water. It was James, and in his arms was the dark-skinned girl he loved. He dashed forward, back into the water, towards them. He stumbled, getting his shirt wet, but he didn’t pay any mind to it. 
She was pretty beat up. Bruises, and small cuts on her arms. One scratch was under her cheek, surrounded by a purple bruise. She still had her hat on, the D showing off in pride. He took her in his arms, holding her limp body to his chest. 
“Oh god, Clem.” He whimpered, leaning his forehead against hers. She was breathing, but it was weak. He walked back to the shore. Louis crouched down, setting her on the ground, kneeling beside her. Her hand was in his, stroking his thumb over her bloodied knuckles.
The others joined by her, even Violet and Minnie. Though Minnie only probably came because Violet did. 
AJ sat on her opposite side, looking down in horror. Tears were streaming down his face. Never before had he looked more like a young boy then he did at that moment. 
Her eyes were barely open, but from what he could see, they were dull. Though she was breathing, they were shallow, and it was like they were shortening and becoming more shallow. 
She coughed, her body jerking with the gasps and chokes. Louis slipped a hand under her back, bringing her closer to him, in an effort to keep her warm.
“She won’t make it.” James' voice was hollow. They all looked to the young man in horror. His back was turned, his dark hair dripping. He turned to them, and his face was scrunched in emotional pain. He knelt by her, fishing out duct tape from his pocket. Without any words he wrapped a decent amount around her wrists, binding her. 
“What are you doing?!” Louis cried, pulling her closer.
“She’s going to turn.”
“No!” Louis wailed. He looked down at her. He could barely see her chest move. She was... she was dying. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He whispered, looking at his girlfriend in panic.
That was nothing compared to AJ though. Once it was heard, he had fallen to his knees, in shock. His eyes were just locked on Clem. His protector. His family.
Violet and Minnie moved away, giving Louis and AJ, who was being comforted by Tenn, to say their goodbyes. 
“What will you do?” Louis looked up to James who was looking down at the woman in his arms with sorrowful eyes.
“Excuse me?”
“Are you going to let her turn?” Louis’ eyes widened in horror. He looked down at his girlfriend. Her breaths were almost none. She didn’t have much longer.
“I... I...” He couldn’t answer. He didn’t want her to turn, but he didn’t think he could... put her down.
“She doesn’t have much time, you need to say your goodbyes,” James spoke the obvious, though if he hadn’t, Louis probably wouldn’t have done anything. 
The dark skinned man leaned his forehead against hers. He placed his lips on hers, in one final kiss. The last goodbye. Her hand weakly moved up to his chest, gripping the material.
That was it for him. Tears fell down his face, his sobs echoing, striking everyone to their core. “I love you... your Majesty.” He cracked a pained smile, affectionately calling her by the nickname they’d given each other. 
He stood, and backed away from her body. Her breathing had slowed, until her body gave a shudder, before going limp. Louis placed his hand on AJ’s shoulder, bringing him back too. The small group of people stared at the body. The once lively and expressive girl, ready to defend anyone she cared for, was gone. 
He closed his eyes once he saw her body shifting again, gurgled groaning filled the night. 
He pushed AJ towards the group, finally opening his eyes. 
He wished he never did.
Her once beautifully dark skin, now pale and gray. Amber eyes glazed over in a milky haze, unable to focus on anything. Her mouth moved around, awful sounds erupting from her throat. When her eyes made contact with his, her efforts to stand doubled snapped her jaws at him. He just stared down at her. A burning tear fell down his cheek, onto hers. It caused her to pause momentarily. She groaned, staring up at him. Almost like she was admiring him.
His bit his lip to hold back his whimpers. He dug out the knife from his pocket, holding it tightly. He kneeled down by her, and avoiding the teeth, caressed her cheek one last time. “I’m sorry...” He whispered.
He plunged the knife down, and the groaning stopped. It was silent.
Yep. Clem dead. This is my sick twisted mind, but I always like finding an ending where the character died, just to see what would happen.
Now, I don’t want Clem to die, obviously, but I do want to seem some sort of reaction when say... death scenes happen. Especially if it’s right in front of other people or something.
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juconix · 7 years
Carlisle x Reader - Centuries Passed
Can you write something about Carlisle x reader. Maybe where they met when Carlisle is with the Volturi? No prob bob, Carlisle is one of my absolute favorite characters! I hope this is good, I wrote it at 3 am when I couldn’t sleep. By the way in this he finds his vegetarian ways differently than he does in the movie, rather than forcing himself to feed from a deer he meets the reader, who became a vegetarian after her transformation.
[y/f/n] - your full name
Word count: 891
Trigger warning: Volturi/ murder 
Carlisle sat in his office, watching the paintings on his walls intensely. Portraits of people who were once apart of his day to day life. He could not say he missed everybody he had met in his time in the volturi, though he could reminisce on one of the women he had met.
A vampire who’d been turned when she was in her late teens, or maybe early twenties, he couldn’t quite remember what she had told him all those years ago about her human years, and he could not ask her about it now.
[y/f/n] had worked within the volturi as a guard, not as important of a ranking as Carlisle, which amazed him as she had a gift that he remembered rendering him awestruck.
Carlisle’s shoes clicked against the ground quietly and at a quick pace as he glided elegantly through the halls with high arches and beautiful carvings in the marble, a scene he had the privilege to see everyday, and for that alone he had been grateful.
Aro and Caius had felt a strong energy from across the building, reluctantly sending Carlisle, as they had other business needed to be tend to at the time. And so, like the obedient servant he had saw himself as, he began to swiftly move through the long halls, feeling no need to run. He reached a grand opening, a room larger than most others in the castle-like building, larger than all but the throne room that three pale man sat at. The blonde vampire’s jaw went slack, gaping at the sight, a girl wearing the cloak of a small guard floated in the middle of the room, candles and gauntlets and other items floating amongst her.
She looked at piece her skin glistening and glimmering in the sunlight shining through the ceiling, her eyes fluttered shut with long eyelashes that glinted in the sunlight. Her hair that peaked out from under her cloak was bathed in sunlight.
Though when she peaked open her eyes another shock went through him. The mysterious girl’s eyes were a golden color, beautiful and bright like the suns.
End of Flashback
He didn’t quite remember what they’d talked about, he just remembered promising not to tell the volturi about her “vegetarian ways” or about her powers. [y/n] did not want to become a henchman for the volturi, she did not want to harm anyone. Carlisle couldn’t remember what else had happened that night, but he did remember the meetings her had with her afterwards, though so few there were. He had only seen the girl two more times, one of which he did not wish to remember, so his mind grazed and dwelled on one peaceful night that they spent together.
It was dark out now, and the streets of Italy were vacant, except for two people, man and woman who seemed to waltz elegantly through the cobblestone street. Carlisle and [y/n] walked side by side, there eyes and skin seemingly glowing under the bright colors of the moon. Red and Gold glowing together.
Carlisle noticed she had been smiling the whole time, a brilliant smile that lit up her whole face beautifully with an emotion he rarely saw anymore. And he found it contagious, laughing and smiling with her as they talked and talked about anything and everything, while still nothing at all.
[y/n] had finally made a friend in her time working for the volturi, and it felt like she could finally trust, and that there was someone around who wasn’t cruel and senseless, Carlisle, she said was smart, loving and compassionate. She had never met a vampire like him. That night she taught him how to feed from animals, how to control his thirst for human blood. She taught him how to hunt animals, which he thought for some reason was harder than killing humans.
It was nearly sunrise when they returned to their coven, going in different entrances, as to not raise suspicions with the leaders.
End of Flashback
That was the last time he saw her as she really was, beautiful, charming, and happy. He couldn’t stop his mind as he kept remembering her face, but not all the things she had said to him. Carlisle couldn’t stop the thoughts from spiralling into her death and all he could hear now were her cries and wails of agony as the volturi tore her apart. He felt human in that moment, panic truly running through him as he became trapped in his thoughts. Luckily Edward and Jasper were out hunting with Emmett, or he would have to explain to Jasper while Edward watched the scene play out.
He felt so trapped, he felt so guilty. They had found her unprofessional, irrational, and executed her for her ways. All he could do was watch her be torn apart and burned as a familiar smell burned his nose, and continue her lifestyle through himself and his family. If only he had told them of the powers she had they would have deemed her too useful to kill. But he could not go against her wishes, and now all he had was a painting of her, a painting that did not show her true beauty. So he covered it with a gray cloak that he had kept for all those centuries.
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