#this was supposed to be posted tomorrow but I officially think queue bot hates me
After going to 5 productions of Punchdrunk/Emursive shows in the span of 14 months I finally got a 1:1! I remember going my first time being so scared of getting one thinking they would run up out of nowhere and grab me (yes I have anxiety)
But the last few times I've gone I've been trying to get one. I'll never forget the time I was following Sexy Witch; she looked me dead in the eyes and proceeded to sprint up 3 flights of stairs to her 1:1 room. I ran with her only to get cut off by someone at the last minute. Thats just how the show can be sometimes, I still love her.
Slight Spoiler Warning for L$T, I'll keep it breif and vague, no character names!
Moving onto my 2nd viewing of Life and Trust just a few days ago, I was following one of the many characters of the show and suddenly he asks for my hand! I eagerly take it and he sits me down and hands me some photos to look through. This was infront of a few people so I was very nervous. After writing down something I couldnt see in his journel he asks for the pictures back, puts everything away and leaves.
Now you'd think this is where my story ends but it gets better! I end up losing him but after a little frantic searching I found him. After a bit more following, some very wonderful scenes and beautiful choreography, he asks for my hand again.
I am shocked as I'm wearing a very distinct shirt so I know he knows he's choosing me again. Honored I take his hand once more and after some gentle guidance he leads me up the ledge he's on and takes me to a private 1:1 area. He performed an amazing monologue and leaves me with a parting gift before he guides me back to the public space again. We are alone and he says a few more things to me before he breaks away to contine his loop. I was and am in awe. Unfortunately I did not get to see the end of his loop as I lost him again, that's alright though, it was basically time for me to find another character to follow anyways :)
This is a very long winded way of saying thank you for making me feel special, thank you for being so gentle and making sure I was safe. Im so glad you were my first 1:1 it was at the level of intensity I was hoping for. I know you probably treat everyone that way and I'm glad you do because I can't wait to come back for more, I feel really confident about 1:1s now.
And yes this has sealed the deal for me. I love this show and I am absolutely itching to get back, darn my expensive hobbies!
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