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starmailnews ¡ 1 year ago
SPRM reman perunding geran DIDR, Syarikat AFCL Bioscience Sdn Bhd tuntutan palsu lebih RM 400 ribu hari ini
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Selepas dibalun kiri dan kanan. Dinafi Datuk Phoong Jin Zhe  Menteri Kementerian Pembangunan Perindustrian dan Keusahawanan selain Setiausaha Perhubungan Awamnya, hari ini terbukti rasuah Tse Kei Yue Pengarah Pengarah Department of Industrial Development & Research (Jabatan Pembangunan Perindustrian & Penyelidikan)  dan perunding Kenny Ang Ka Fat @ Dr Fazli Ang Pengarah Urusan AFCL BioScience Sdn Bhd bersama isterinya Anita binti Mohamed menyeleweng dana BAIKS.
Sekian lama perkara ini ini berlaku Kerajaan Sabah silih berganti tetapi pegawai tetap orang sama dan konsultan terus membodohkan Menteri.
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Kenny Ang Ka Fat @ Dr Fazli Ang bersama isterinya penama syarikat AFCL BioScience Sdn Bhd
Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Sabah semalam menahan Kenny Ang seorang perunding dana geran DIDR kerana mengemukakan tuntutan lebih  RM400,000 menggunakan dokumen mengandungi butiran matan palsu kepada Jabatan Pembangunan Perindustrian & Penyelidikan (DIDR).
Pengarah SPRM Sabah, Datuk Karunanithy A/L Y. Subbiah ketika dihubungi media mengesahkan tangkapan tersebut.
Menurutnya, suspek lelaki berusia 50an (Dr Kenny Ang) mengemukakan tuntutan palsu membabitkan pembekalan mesin kepada usahawan membabitkan dana Program Bantuan Industri Kecil Sederhana (BAIKS),
“Perbuatan berkenaan telah dilakukan suspek sekitar tahun 2023 sedangkan mesin tidak dibekalkan oleh syarikat suspek.
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“Suspek telah ditahan kira-kira jam 12.30 tengah hari tadi ketika hadir bagi memberi keterangan di SPRM Sabah.
“Kes disiasat di bawah Seksyen 17 & 18 Akta SPRM 2009.
“Suspek akan dibawa ke Mahkamah Majistret Kota Kinabalu bagi tujuan permohonan reman esok pagi,” katanya.
Kenyataan SPRM itu mengesahkan apa yang didedahkan oleh  Sabahbigmouthss sebelum ini.
Semoga dengan reman dan tangkapan ini lebih ramai pegawai MIDE, DIDR dan syarikat terlibat ditangkap SPRM. Ini termasuk syarikat penyamaran dan rakan subahat Kenny Ang iaitu Intelect Training And Services.
Terdapat dakwaan perunding dan Syarikat AFCL BioScience Sdn Bhd cuba memulangkan wang itu kepada DIDR. Namun terlambat kerana ia mengesahkan lagi penerimaan dana itu dan tidak diberipun kepada syarikat yang mendapat geran.
Syarikat AFCL BioScience Sdn Bhd merupakan antara syarikat yang berjaya memperolehi geran DIDR sejak sekian lama. Kini AFCL BioScience Sdn Bhd menjadi konsultan kepada DIDR untuk memilih usahawan yang boleh mendapat geran BAIKS di Sabah.
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suara-rakyat-blog ¡ 2 years ago
Annuar Musa & Shahidan Kassim adalah Pengkhianat UMNO
Malam ini akan ada banyak kenyataan yang dikeluarkan, termasuk kenyataan daripada Shahidan Kassim, Annuar Musa, dan rakan-rakan mereka. Kemarin kita membincangkan kenyataan dari Ketua Penerangan PAS, dan hari ini kita akan membincangkan kenyataan Annuar Musa dan beberapa pemimpin lainnya. Malam ini kita akan membuka peluang bagi kawan-kawan untuk menyumbangkan idea dan bertanya soalan dalam sesi Tanya-Jawab kita. Hari ini kita akan memberi ruang kepada semua orang untuk berkontribusi dan memberikan soalan berhubungan dengan isu-isu semasa. Insya-Allah.
Annuar Musa, sebagai bekas calon timbalan presiden UMNO, telah mengkritik presiden UMNO yang mendakwa Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi mengarahkan akar umbi UMNO untuk menyokong DAP. Walaupun Annuar Musa telah kalah dalam pemilihan dan digugurkan sebagai Setiausaha Agung UMNO, beliau kemudian dilantik sebagai Setiausaha Agung Barisan Nasional. Sebelumnya, Tengku Nan merupakan Setia Agung sebelum menukar peranan menjadi bendahari Barisan Nasional. Annuar Musa juga telah disiasat dalam kes rasuah di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah, di mana beliau tidak dibenarkan untuk pergi ke luar negara. Contohnya, beliau tidak dapat merasmikan masjid yang dibinanya di selatan Thailand kerana dihalang di pintu keluar negara.
Annuar Musa mencari peluang untuk membolehkan dia keluar, tetapi terdapat sekatan yang tidak dapat diluluskan. Apabila dia memeriksa dengan pihak Imigresen, mereka memberitahu bahawa sekatan itu dilakukan oleh pihak SPRM. Hal ini menyebabkan Annuar Musa berubah.
Sebelum ini, Annuar Musa adalah setia kepada Presiden dan ramai menteri yang diangkat menjadi Menteri. Beliau adalah salah seorang yang terdapat dalam senarai presiden. Walaupun Muhyiddin banyak melantik individu di luar senarai yang dicadangkan oleh presiden, Annuar Musa, Samsul Anuar Nasarah, Ismail Sabri, dan Nuraini Ahmad adalah individu yang terdapat dalam senarai presiden.
Beliau terlibat dalam perhimpunan maruah Melayu di mana beliau membantu Tun Dr. Mahathir dan mewakili UMNO dalam perhimpunan tersebut bersama pemimpin PAS, Haji Hadi. Datuk Seri Zahid tidak terlibat. Setelah Annuar Musa membantu Tun Dr. Mahathir dalam perkara ini, beliau tiba-tiba dapat pergi ke luar negara dan membawa isterinya ke Eropah.
Annuar Musa memiliki reputasi sebagai seseorang yang setia kepada pihak yang berkuasa. Ketika menjadi menteri dalam kabinet Muhyiddin Yassin, beliau memberikan sokongan kepada Muhyiddin, dan setelah Ismail Sabri menjadi Perdana Menteri, beliau beralih menyokong Ismail Sabri. Kini, beliau mengkritik Presiden UMNO kerana UMNO terpaksa bekerjasama dengan DAP.
Beliau disalahkan kerana didakwa memberikan nasihat negatif kepada Ismail Sabri untuk menangguhkan pilihan raya, yang mengakibatkan UMNO mengalami kekalahan yang teruk. Beliau juga dituduh terlibat dalam sabotaj terhadap calon UMNO. Pada pilihan raya terdahulu, beliau sepatutnya bertanding atas tiket PAS di Ketereh, tetapi akhirnya calon dari parti BERSATU dipilih sebagai calon PAS di Ketereh.
Annuar Musa didakwa mengguna pakai Muafakat Nasional untuk kepentingan peribadinya, dengan harapan dapat menarik penyokong UMNO untuk menyertai parti yang beliau pilih pada masa depan, sama ada PAS atau BERSATU.
Annuar Musa diingatkan bahawa tindakan dan pengkhianatan beliau tidak akan luput daripada tindakan undang-undang. Walaupun mungkin ada orang yang melindunginya pada masa ini, tetapi pada masa depan, situasi boleh berubah dan dia mungkin dihadapkan dengan tindakan mahkamah. Beliau sepatutnya tidak memperlihatkan kesombongan yang berlebihan.
Tindakan pengkhianatan yang dilakukan oleh Annuar Musa dan Shahidan Kasim telah membawa UMNO ke dalam situasi yang mencabar, di mana UMNO hanya memenangi dua puluh enam kerusi dalam pilihan raya. Jika bukan kerana mereka, keadaan tidak akan menjadi sebegitu teruk seperti sekarang.
Kedudukan parti kita saat ini sangat teruk, dengan hanya memenangi dua puluh enam kerusi, dan BN hanya memenangi tiga kerusi. Orang-orang yang tidak jujur dan mementingkan kepentingan peribadi serta keinginan berkuasa telah menyebabkan situasi ini. Mereka lupa bahawa faktor pertumbuhan adalah penting dalam membuat keputusan dan mengadakan pilihan raya.
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melawatigomeat ¡ 1 year ago
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unofficialgossip ¡ 1 year ago
'Daim tidak gentar hadapi dakwaan SPRM meskipun berada di hospital' - Naimah.
Tun Daim Zainuddin, bekas Menteri Kewangan Malaysia, dihadapkan kepada kemungkinan pendakwaan oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), meskipun beliau sedang dirawat di hospital. Toh Puan Naimah Khalid, isteri beliau, menegaskan bahawa suaminya sebelum ini hanya diminta untuk memberikan keterangan kepada SPRM dan bukan diadili di mahkamah. Beliau menyatakan bahawa mereka dan pasukan…
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the-disemvoweler ¡ 9 months ago
The vowel god shall reign Supreme. The consonants shall fall.
Th vwl gd shll rgn Sprm. Th cnsnnts shll fll.
I disagree
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logs-pods ¡ 1 year ago
Baby isopod alert!!
My single Amadillidium vulgare that I caught last fall just had babies. This species usually only gives birth once a year or less, but there are so many mancae in one batch.
It's really amazing how long they can hold onto sprm before actually fertilizing and carrying their eggs.
I recently moved this individual into a different container, so I wonder if the conditions being better made her finally feel like it was time.
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cowboylikesel ¡ 9 months ago
i just watched an edit with the caption „s6 buck u can be my sprm donor too!!!!“ and what can i say except real
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quinnlarrabee ¡ 1 year ago
Are you a vibe?
If listening is more your vibe, feel free to play the audio recording of this post:
Who hasn’t stared into the mirror after a long night in Williamsburg, Silver Lake, or Hackney, wiped from their left nostril a light dusting of powder that they hadn’t noticed in dim candle lighting, and asked themself, “am I a vibe?” Other than getting an invitation to a private play party, there is no greater achievement for younger, nomadic residents of California, the Northeast (except Boston), and bits of Europe who have joined the 1% through family money or the proceeds of a company acquisition and consider themselves polyamorous and spiritual – let’s call them Spiritual Poly Rich Millennials, or SPRM – than being called a vibe. Having a fellow SPRM call you a vibe is a life affirmation nonpareil. It means that you have achieved a unique frequency that people want to tune into, an energy that others strive to emulate, and a social media presence that people high-key stalk. Because none of these are quantifiable metrics (except looking at who has viewed your stories, which is not a vibe), and because one must be called a vibe by someone else who is universally agreed to a vibe, it’s hard to know your score on the vibe-o-meter. I’m going to help you determine for yourself your exact caliber of vibe and even help you optimize your vibe, because anxiously waiting for your vibe coronation is not a vibe. 
You may be wondering what exactly a vibe (včb, noun) is. 
Despite the efforts of other publications to intellectualize and politicize its meaning, there is no concrete definition of a vibe, but when ~vibes~ (vībs, plural noun) are present, people feel that the odds are high of having sex with one or more people they have just met. ~Vibes~ can be created any time of day and anyplace in the world (except Boston), and ~vibes~ can be generated by a combination of candles, expensive functional elixirs that don’t actually function, bland vegan food decorated with edible flowers, deep house music that originates from someone wearing a flat-brimmed hat pressing a button on an Apple laptop, the stench scent of palo santo, and gratuitously sincere connection activities, such as staring into a total stranger’s pupils for a literally eye watering amount of time. The vibe of any location (except Boston) can be elevated when the majority of people are dressed in capes, kimonos, or culturally appropriated ethnic clothing that makes white people look like they shopped at Goodwill in a foreign country, because United1 lost their luggage, which is still covered in Playa dust. 
There are certain experiences where the vibe is likely to be particularly high or low. For example:
~Vibes~ are high at Brooklyn floor parties. ~Vibes~ are low at Midtown happy hours.
~Vibes~ are high at European football games. ~Vibes~ are low at American football games.
~Vibes~ are high in Southern Europe. ~Vibes~ are low in Northern Europe (except Copenhagen). 
~Vibes~ are high on the Upper West Side. ~Vibes~ are low on the Upper East Side. 
~Vibes~ are high in Topanga. ~Vibes~ are low in Calabasas. 
~Vibes~ are high in the Apple store. ~Vibes~ are low at the Samsung store.
~Vibes~ are high at Torrisi. ~Vibes~ are low at Carbone.
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~Vibes~ are high at the new La Guardia Airport. ~Vibes~ are low at LAX. 
~Vibes~ are high in a bathtub. ~Vibes~ are low in a shower (unless it’s an outdoor rain shower in Bali and you’re on molly).
~Vibes~ are high when you’re summering. ~Vibes~ are low when you’re “on vacation.” 
~Vibes~ are high after a bump of K. ~Vibes~ are low after a shot of Jaeger. 
~Vibes~ are high on Delta. 1~Vibes~ are low on United. 
With these inanimate examples as the foundation of your vibe education, let’s progress to notable people who are a vibe and vibe-nots:
The Dalai Llama is a vibe. Deepak Chopra is not a vibe. 
RBG was a vibe. Amy Coney Barrett is not a vibe. 
Tommy Lee Jones is a vibe. Tommy Lee is not a vibe. 
Albert Einstein was a vibe. Robert Oppenheimer was not a vibe. 
Haruki Murakami is a vibe. Stephen King is not a vibe. 
Ai Weiwei is a vibe. Damien Hirst is not a vibe. 
Venus Williams is a vibe. Serena Williams is not a vibe.
Han Solo is a vibe. Luke Skywalker is not a vibe. 
David Remnick is a vibe. Anna Wintour is not a vibe. 
Art Garfunkel is a vibe. Paul Simon is not a vibe.
Cockatoos are a vibe. Parrots are not a vibe.
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Oprah Winfrey is a vibe. Ellen DeGeneres is not a vibe. 
Johnny Cash was a vibe. Garth Brooks is not a vibe. 
Johannes Brahms was a vibe. Pyotr Tchaikovsky was not a vibe.
Barack Obama is a vibe. Actually Barack Obama is the only living politician who is a vibe.  
Sergey Brin is a vibe. Elon Musk is not a vibe.
Queen Elizabeth was a vibe. King Charles is not a vibe.  
By now many of you are probably wondering, “am I vibe?” 
If you have to ask, you are probably not a vibe. Most people who are a vibe were born a vibe – with a vibe trust fund, so to speak, or endowed with vibes through vibe nepotism (vibepotism), only vibes are usually passed on from the maternal side, like Judaism, which is a vibe. There are, however, things you can do to improve your intrinsic vibe. 
Some people need only a bit of tuning to become a vibe, and others require an entire vibe overhaul. For example, if you are a hedge fund manager living on the Upper East Side who spends summer weekends in East Hampton, goes to St Tropez for New Years and Aspen for a week in late February, shops at Vineyard Vines, considers a four-day weekend of golfing at Shadow Creek and strippers in Vegas with HBS buddies a good time, and will quietly vote for Trump in 2024, it will take extreme measures for you to have even the slightest chance of becoming a vibe. These measures would include quitting your job, doing a 2-year silent vipassana, attending every regional Burn in the world for three years, getting a masters in sustainable agriculture, adopting a three-legged rescue cat, learning to surf blindfolded, becoming pansexual, suffering from and recovering from a mild meth addiction, and moving to a communal fruit farm in Topanga. 
You must frame the process of becoming a vibe as less of an end and more of a means to an end. Think of it like physical fitness (which is a vibe), where training is the means and activities that require fitness are the end. Once you have achieved the means of being a vibe, the end is getting away with openly dating a lot of people at once even if they are not polyamorous, being entirely hosted at all manner of costly experiences (e.g., Burning Man, the US Open, and peak experience trips), and getting tagged in Instagram stories even if you are not in the photo in the hopes that you will re-share the story to elevate the vibe of the person who originally shared the story. Note that you will not re-share the story, because that’s not a vibe.
Like fitness, becoming a vibe is a long, slow process. For example, if you were to try to do an ironman triathlon (which is not a vibe) without any training, you would definitely lose and probably die. Attempting to accumulate a vibe too quickly will reveal you as someone who is trying to be a vibe, and the appearance of trying is antithetical to being a vibe. Foundational to becoming and staying a vibe is not giving a fuck about being a vibe. If this seems counterintuitive, you will never be a vibe. 
Now that you have a baseline understanding of what a vibe is and can associate ~vibes~ with a variety of experiences, places, and famous people, you are ready to discover your own personal level of vibe. To facilitate this important leap of self-awareness, I have created a vibe-rater. Use it on yourself, or use it on a friend. 
Does a semi circle form around you at parties (before everyone sits on the floor)? Yes: +1, No: -1 
2. Can you single handedly initiate a cuddle puddle? Yes: +7, No: 0
3. Are you sat at the end of a table at dinner parties? Yes: +3, No: +1 (for being invited at all)
4. Are you often made a co-host of a party even if you aren’t paying for it, doing any work to prepare for it, or providing any kind of tangible value? Yes: +13, No: 0
5. you on the permanent GA list at Gospel after going 3 or more times? Yes: +1, No: 0
6. Are you on the permanent GA list at Gospel but you have never once been to Gospel? Yes: +11, No: 0
7. Which text you are more likely to receive? “Are you around?” +3, “Are you in town?” +8
8. Has the date of a party ever been changed because you are not in town? Yes: +6, No: 0
9. Do people ask if you have a dealer in random foreign countries? Yes: +12, No: +12
10. Do people ask what fragrance you’re wearing when you aren’t wearing anything? Yes: +4, No: 0
11. Do people ask what fragrance you’re wearing when you’re wearing Baccarat Rouge 540? Yes: -54. This is a trick question. Baccarat Rouge is not a vibe.
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12. Do people you don’t even follow watch your stories on the reg? Yes: +2, No: 0, I don’t know: +15
13. What is your text / DM response time?
1 second: 0
1 minute: +1
5 - 15 mins: +2
15 - 60 mins: +3
1+ hour: +4
1+ day: +10
14. What is your attachment style? Anxious: +2Avoidant: +9Secure: 0Anxious avoidant: +10
15. How many DJs phone numbers do you have under their real name? None: +6 One: +2 Two: +4 Three: +6 Four: +10 Five or more: -10 (you are a club promoter) 
16. Are you a DJ?Yes: +5No: +10
17. Do you have “a fund”?Yes: -3, No: 0
18. Where do you summer?
In the US: +2
In Europe: -1 (summering only in Europe = new money)
Europe in July, US in August: +12
Summer is not a verb: -12
19. How many times can you say you’re not going to Burning Man and people still totally know that you’re definitely going to Burning Man?
Once: +1
Twice: +5
Thrice: +15
Four times: +30
Five or more: -30 (you are Eric Schmidt, and the people who are asking are your second-string girlfriends)
20. Do people ask you to DJ when you don’t actually know how to DJ and have never had any kind of DJ training other than creating a Spotify playlist?Yes: +20, No: 0
21. Where do you live?
Please refer to the National Vibe Distribution map for scoring if you are American (if you are a New Yorker, you are not American – skip to #22), and the Global Vibe Distribution map if you pay 80% tax and drive a weird version of the cars we have here. Note: anyone living in Lisbon for the vanity passport and tax evasion who isn’t Portuguese gets -10.
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If you live in NYC, use this more nuanced map, which shows Vibe Distribution by neighborhood:
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22. Has anyone ever given you a vinyl record as a gift without knowing you have a record player?Yes: +5, No: 0
23. Do you go to Barry’s Bootcamp?Yes: -18, No: +20
24. Did you dress up for Halloween? Yes: +15, No: 20
25. Where do you keep your party costumes?I just order shit from Amazon and then throw it out the next day: -20In a drawer: +5In an entire dedicated closet: +8People just give me stuff to wear: +10
26. Are you 100% straight?Yes: -15, No: +15
27. How many plants do you have?None: -12One: +6Two to six: +12Seven or more: -20 (you are agoraphobic)
28. Do people often ask you if you got a haircut when you haven’t gotten a haircut remotely recently?Yes: +2, No: 0
29. Do designers ask you to wear their clothing?Yes: +5, No: 0
30. Do designers pay you to wear their clothing?Yes: -15, No: +20
31. Do you wear sunglasses at night?
Yes: -8 No: +8 So I can, so I can watch you weave then breathe your story lines: +30
Corey Hart was a vibe, RIP J/k he’s fine, but he’s Canadian so..
32. Do you have an aquarium? Yes: -20, No: +20
33. Do you do yoga? Yes: +5, No: 0
34. Do you talk about yoga?Yes: -50, No: +15
35. Are you vegan? Yes: -75, No: +20
36. Do you work?Yes: -3, No: -8, “I have projects”: +10
37. Do you own more than once vest?Yes: -30, No: 0
38. Are you a subscriber?Yes: +30, No: -100
Did you actually add all of this up? Yes: -30, No: +30
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Should you feel drawn to vibe coaching to improve your score, I am available at the rate of $1,100 per hour.
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ratsoh-writes ¡ 2 years ago
I know. I also want to make sure he's at an age if he asks about his *sprm donor* that he's old enough to handle the answers. Many reasons.
Very true.
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blogtheshah ¡ 2 days ago
Tarawih Night 1
Just completed the Tarawih prayers. It’s a special prayer only during the month of Ramadan. I am amazed at myself. The strength bestowed by Allah to me. With my hectic schedule any other time I would just collapse with exhaustion. Not now. After the event felt a little whoozy I took a nap. Woke up performed the daily prayers then took a refreshing shower to prepare to go to the masjid.
Then I was all ready. Now preparing for bed. Waking up at 4 am.
Before turning in I’d like to share a tale. At the event just now i sat with a few gentlemen. Among them was the Kelantan chief for the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission or SPRM. He was telling about the house he stays here. It shares a wall with the surau. Surau is a smaller masjid with a smaller congregation. So he prays in a congregation or jemaah all the time. He also walks to his office as it’s so close.
I truly envy him.
But that’s not the story. This is the power of Allah when He wants to convey a message. As we chat the conversation went towards faith. He said, to achieve and obtain anything especially from Allah we need absolutely faith that He will provide. He said that’s our failure. And that’s my failure too. We pray to him seeking his assistance and intervention yet we don’t seem to put our absolute faith in Him.
I hear you Ya Allah Ya Rahman. Thank you for your message.
I’ve even cooked my porridge for sahur tomorrow morning. Got the recipe from my wife. We shall see if it works.
Good night to the great universe.
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axiilotl ¡ 1 month ago
Lolz spy being lowky creeeep jus come out an claim ur sprm
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Just a wholesome couple having a date! <3
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newsdesksg ¡ 2 years ago
Peguam ‘Scammer’ Kington terlibat skandal Fountain View Dato’ Chin Chan Leong kini dalang cuba rampas Jetson Berhad
Setakat ini belum ada tindakan khusus mengenai kumpulan Mafia Korporat Victor Chin ini. Mereka menangani siasatan polis, SPRM, Suruhanjaya Sekuriti, Bursa Malaysia dan Pejabat Peguam Negara. Mereka punya wang untuk membayar rasuah pegawai.
Kali ini TCS akan mendedahkan seorang Ahli Perniagaan yang juga Peguam ‘Scammer’ menyertai beberapa Lembaga pengarah syarikat senarai awam dan melakukan cubaan untuk merampas syarikat. Kelibatnya tidak seperti Mafia Korporat yang menguasai penguatkuasa SPRM tetapi ‘acah-acah’ berkuasa merampas syarikat.
Bagaimana seorang peguam boleh melakukan penipuan, pecah amanah dan melakukan perjanjian menjahanamkan pemilik syarikat? Ini menyalahi etika guaman malah dalam perniagaan boleh dilaporkan kepada Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia dan Bursa sebagaimana kesalahan beliau tahun 2007.
Dalam tempoh itu Dato’ Chin Chan Leong, Datin Yam Yuet Chew, Kington Tong Kum Long dan Lembaga pengarah banyak kali melakukan penipuan, kekeliruan dan manipulasi saham.
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melawatigomeat ¡ 1 year ago
Video News For Malaysian
Berita Video Untuk Malaysia
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newsadvertiser ¡ 2 years ago
Ditangkap SPRM tahun 2020, bagaimana Datuk Chew  Ibraco Berhad  dapat projek bina jalan Utama Kedua Sarawak bernilai RM529.8 juta?
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IBRACO Berhad melalui anak syarikatnya IBRACO Contruction Sdn. Bhd. pada 31 Julai 2023 telah menerima Surat Setuju Terima (LOA) daripada Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) Negeri Sarawak berjumlah RM529.8 juta. Tempoh kontrak bagi projek ini adalah selama 48 bulan (4 tahun) bermula 8 Ogos 2023 sehingga 7 Februari 2027. Perkara ini dimaklumkan dalam Bursa Malaysia pada 31 Julai lalu.
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Kontrak ini adalah melibatkan pembinaan jalan raya berkembar empat lorong JKR R5 Standard baru sepanjang Sembilan kilometer (9km) dari Batang Samarahan ke Batang Sadong beserta satu Jambatan Batang Samarahan.
MENJADI KERAGUAN bagaimana JKR Sarawak boleh menganugerahkan projek tersebut kepada IBRACO Berhad sedangkan Syarikat ini mempunyai kes SPRM pada tahun 2020 melibatkan seorang Pengarah Urusannya bernama DATUK CHEW CHIAW HAN yang DITAHAN SPRM DAN DIDAKWA di atas kesalahan mengemukakan TUNTUTAN PALSU berjumlah RM6 juta di antara tahun 2017 dan 2018 melalui pemilik syarikat yang sama, MICROSITE SDN BHD melibatkan projek jalan negeri di pedalaman Sarawak di bawah Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia atau dikenali dengan ‘Projek Jiwa Murni’ yang keseluruhannya bernilai RM800 juta.
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RASUAH: Chew Chiaw Han dan Barry Tan direman SPRM
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Sehingga kini, KES yang melibatkan Pengarah Urusan IBRACO Berhad DATUK CHEW CHIAW HAN tersebut TERGANTUNG dan tidak diketahui statusnya. Adakah SPRM telah TUTUP KES atau DATUK CHEW CHIAW telah DEAL PINTU BELAKANG dengan pihak SPRM berkaitan supaya kes digugurkan?! SPRM PASTINYA lebih tahu.
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Ibraco Contruction Sdn. Bhd. melalui projek STR ini juga telah MEMANIPULASI HARGA dan MENGAUT KEUNTUNGAN TIDAK MUNASABAH dan melampau. Wang yang diperuntukkan oleh Kerajaan sebanyak RM529.8 juta untuk projek ini adalah TERLALU TINGGI. Mengikut rate atau kadar yang ditetapkan oleh JKR adalah RM13 juta/km bersamaan RM117 juta bagi 9 km. Manakala jambatan pula adalah RM100 juta. Jumlah keduanya adalah RM217 juta sedangkan Nilai yang diluluskan kepada Ibraco Contruction Sdn. Bhd. adalah RM529.8 juta.
Adakah baki RM312 JUTA adalah komisen atas angin untuk pelobi dan ‘orang dalam’ JKR?!
Bagaimana PENGARAH JKR Sarawak, IR. TS RICHARD ANAK TAJAN boleh anugerahkan lagi projek melibatkan pembinaan jalan raya di Sarawak kepada Syarikat yang terangan-terangan terpalit dengan pemalsuan tuntutan dan penipuan?
SILA JAWAB! Memang ada bukti pembayaran RM 5JUTA sebagai GANJARAN telah dibuat oleh Datuk Chew Chiaw Han kepada Pengarah JKR Sarawak, IR. TS RICHARD ANAK TAJAN pada 17hb Ogos 2023 minggu lepas. BUKTI PEMBAYARAN akan didedahkan kemudian!
Cukup-cukuplah WANG RAKYAT disalahguna untuk mengkayakan SYARIKAT kroni yang mempunyai ‘kabel’ dengan pihak kerajaan dan JKR begitu senang diperbodohkan oleh satu syarikat yang terpalit dengan TUNTUTAN PALSU. Kerja kotor DATUK CHEW CHIAW HAN dari IBRACO Berhad yang terkantoi MENIPU! Semua orang dia bayar, termasuk Deputy Premier Sarawak, Datuk Ammar Douglas yang memang tahu tentang skandal ini!
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stocksreview ¡ 2 years ago
Relax., Hold on to your tits.. apparently Kington use many proxies like his family member in KAB already show Kington is trying to hide his shares.
Got news Kington is bringing CCP money again into KAB to buy matahari suria. The only on make money is Kington.
This Jetson counter as good as dead also still got people wishing to fly. Aiiyoo…
By the look of it. As long Kington is in KAB. This counter going to have same fate as Jetson.
As long the investments is come from a clean source and authorise by the authority. Then is okay. We not need to have another corporate espionage like Kingston.
Tanfooxuan. No lah. Or maybe you Kington? Where you hiding now? SPRM and LHDN is looking for you.😄
Moneymore. Fatso Kington is being investigated.
Yes. Jetson is free now without Kington.
Kington is shitting Jetson. Now authority investigate KAB also.
👆Fatso Kington is in deep shit. Being investigate now. Biggest corporate espionage I ever seen..
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qualityengineeryouth ¡ 2 years ago
Rasuah lebih RM13 juta: SPRM reman Sobri Osman CEO MBI Kedah, Datuk Liana Khalid Pengarah Jangka Bakat Minerals
Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) menahan reman Haji Muhammad Sobri Osman ketua pegawai eksekutif (CEO) Perbadanan Menteri Besar (MBI) dan Pengarah Syarikat Jangka Bakat Minerals Sdn Bhd Datuk Liana Binti Mamat @ Khalid bagi siasatan berhubung rasuah dan salah guna kuasa dalam sektor perlombongan melibatkan jumlah rasuah melebihi RM13 juta.
Perintah reman selama tiga hari bermula 19 Julai sehingga 21 Julai 2023 terhadap kedua-dua suspek masing-masing dikeluarkan oleh Majistret Wan Shahida Abd Rahim di Mahkamah Majistret Alor Setar dan Majistret Norsyakirah Che Hashim di Mahkamah Majistret Shah Alam selepas permohonan reman dibuat SPRM.
Kedua-dua suspek yang masing-masing berusia 63 dan 40 tahun itu ditahan sekitar lewat petang Selasa di Alor Setar dan Kuala Lumpur.
Tambah sumber, aktiviti perlombongan dijalankan secara haram oleh sebuah syarikat yang mendapat perlindungan pihak berkuasa tertentu sejak tahun 2020.
Hasil siasatan SPRM yang dijalankan mendapati beberapa pembayaran disyaki sogokan berjumlah lebih RM13 juta diberikan syarikat terlibat bagi melindungi kegiatan perlombongan haram ini dalam tahun 2020 hingga 2023.
Syarikat Jangka Bakat Mineral Sdn Bhd milik Datuk Liana Khalid yang ditahan reman itu dipercayai mendapat kelulusan untuk menjalankan projek pembangunan ladang hutan pokok getah klon balak (TLC) di dua kompartmen di Kedah dalam tahun 2016.
Projek tersebut bertujuan untuk menanam semula pokok-pokok getah klon balak di kawasan pembalakan yang terlibat.
Pada tahun 2020, syarikat yang sama telah mengemukakan permohonan kepada Kerajaan Negeri Kedah bagi menjalankan aktiviti perlombongan unsur nadir bumi (REE) dalam kompartmen yang sama.
Namun, setakat ini tiada kelulusan diberikan oleh Kerajaan Negeri berhubung permohonan syarikat tersebut bagi menjalankan aktiviti perlombongan itu.
Haji Muhammad Sobri Osman ketua pegawai eksekutif (CEO) Perbadanan Menteri Besar (MBI) merupakan bekas calon PAS di Parlimen Padang Serai namun tewas kepada PH-PKR. Dilaporkan beliau bakal calon PAS di Dun Pantai Merdeka. Nampaknya terpalit kes rasuah jika benar mempunyai transaksi lebih RM13 juta pasti akan menyukarkan dipilih sebagai calon Dun.
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