#sausage goulash
petermorwood · 2 years
Sausage Goulash...
...as mentioned in passing here, and requested by @aqueerpolysocialist.
This was a recipe seen and transcribed nearly 30 years ago, back when dinosaurs walked the earth and German TV channels (here ZDF) were available on Irish / UK satellite.
I have a feeling it was originally a Very Economical Dish, mostly potatoes and onions with a lot less (but more strongly flavoured / smoked) sausage and lots of pepper or the hottest paprika available.
It also makes a very good soup by dicing the potatoes / slicing the sausages smaller and more suitable for a spoon, and increasing the amount of liquid to at least 500ml / 1 pint.
I haven’t tried making either goulash or soup with a dark beer like Guinness or Köstritzer, but my Mind Palate suggests it would be rather good.
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3 medium onions, chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 oz / 30g butter
1 lb / 500g smoked sausage (any type) sliced
2¼ lb / 1kg potatoes, cut into 1-inch / 2.5 cm cubes
2-3 Tbsp hot paprika (or regular paprika + cayenne to taste) *
2 tsp dried marjoram
2 tsp crushed caraway seed
12 f1.oz / 350 ml water, stock or beer
Salt & freshly ground pepper
* ETA - depending on what paprika is used, this dish can be very (or too) hot; check the heat of your paprika before using this much of it!
Melt the butter in a heavy casserole, add the onions and garlic and cook over medium heat until softened and just beginning to colour, then remove with a slotted spoon.
Put the sliced sausage into the casserole and sauté until brown, then remove with a slotted spoon.
Put the cubed potatoes into the casserole and sauté until the edges begin to brown.
Return the onions and sausage to the casserole, add the paprika, marjoram, caraway and liquid and stir well. Cover and cook over low heat for about 40 minutes, or until potatoes are done. Uncover for the last 10 minutes so the sauce thickens.
Taste, then adjust seasoning with salt and pepper. Depending on the type of sausage and heat of paprika, little or none may be required.
Serve garnished with sour cream and snipped chives, either alone or over buttered noodles. Dust with extra paprika if desired. Depending on the thickness of the sauce, a spoon as well as a fork may be needed
Variations (besides using different types of sausage):
Fry chopped smoked bacon in the butter before adding the onions at step 1.
Add a seeded, chopped green pepper (or, as in the photo, some chopped pickled red pepper) with the other ingredients at step 4.
Stir the sour cream into the goulash at step 5 and garnish instead with croutons or fried onions.
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missoneminute · 1 year
Listen I love anything this band wants to give me but who let Carl get away with putting “he can eat more chicken than any man in the land” into a song I mean seriously who allowed this
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rjptalk · 1 year
I’ve been refining this recipe for months. Finally, I think I got it right. It came out pretty much perfect today. It’s an easy meal to prepare since the sausage is precooked and you can nuke the potatoes (halfway, not until they are really soft). So far, unless you’re a vegetarian, everyone likes it. INGREDIENTS 1-1/2 pound of sliced red or golden potatoes1-1/2 pounds smoked sausage,…
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morpheus-somnium · 3 months
Hungarian food headcanons [Skyrim]
As a Hungarian person, I am going to tell you what kind of Hungarian food would exist in the lands of Skyrim
[I am aware that these foods might and probably exist in a lot of other cultures, I'm just saying that they are also part of the Hungarian cuisine!]
[Most pictures are either from Wikipedia pages or Google!]
Chicken stew, aka csirkepörkölt
This food inspired the post, because i was eating it while writing the draft. It is so good.
You need chicken, grease, water, spices and either pasta or some kind of főzelék (see down) to eat it with.
It's pretty easy to make, and it tastes good, so not only adventurers make it, but it's also a popular food at inns.
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This is a vegetable soup-stew-pottage thingie. It looks like you mashed said vegetables into baby food and then stirred it into this weird stuff. You can eat it with any kind of meat, I guess. You make meatballs or sausage to pair it with.
This is a very controversial food; I, for example, only like potato főzelék that my mom makes.
I think most Skyrim residents eat it because they don't have anything else to eat?
Adventurers eat it, for sure. It's kinda easy to make (other than a special kind of stirring with flour?) and only needs a few ingredients, and you can eat it alone, too.
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Túró rudi (Curd snack?)
Cottage cheese in chocolate that is usually filled with some kind of jam. Stay with me. You might think that it sounds weird. It is. But it tastes so good!! It is sweet, and cold.
You might buy it from vendors in the city because it would melt or rot away quickly. The children of Skyrim love this snack!! Or anyone who loves sweets. I think mostly colder regions would eat this? Like Dawnstar, Winterhold, Windhelm
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Rakott krumpli (Potato casserole?)
You make it when you have time because it requires an oven and a bit of preparation. But your followers would LOVE it. Everyone I know loves it? So I guess the residents of Skyrim would love it as well. You would walk into 3 random homes, and you would find at least one family or person eating it.
It would also keep you warm:)
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Goulash, aka gulyás
This a pretty basic one?
I think a lot of people have heard about it before
Mostly hunters and adventurers would make it, in a small amount, at night.
BUT people would also make it at festivals or before them (we have city days in Hungary, and I guess the nation that were in the SU at one point? Or at least that's what I've read. So on these city days we used to make goulash in the garden when waiting for guests and I can kinda see it happening in Whiterun)
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Dobos torte, aka dobostorta
I am not a baker, so I don't know how hard it is to make this, but! Skyrim bakers would totally make it.
This is the cake served at Victoria Vitti's wedding. 💯. Believe me. Please.
It has caramelized pieces at the top and they are so good to crunch.
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Spritzer, aka Fröccs
This is wine with carbonated water
You might think that only poor people would drink this, but no. There are people here (and in Skyrim) that drink this instead of water. 😭
So average nords would drink this instead of water. They wake up, spritzer. They need to eat, drink, swallow medicine, spritzer. They have a headache, spritzer.
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Crepe, aka palacsinta
A lot of European countries have this type of pancake! So not only Skyrim but the majority of Tamriel would make it.
It is pretty easy to make, so if you and your followers crave something sweet for dinner, you would make it.
those dwemer pans are literally made for them.
You could use either some jam or some kind of chocolate cream to spread on it.
But!! Some places would have salty or sour crepes? Like a potato-filled one!
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Fisherman's soup, aka halászlé
My sibling absolutely loves this soup; they eat it almost every time we are at some kind of restaurant.
You need like fish, onion and paprika.
So the slaughterfishes better be prepared when someone hungry is near the water, because their slaughtering ass will be cooked.
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reallyinkyhands · 1 year
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Slovak mountain hut food: a collection
1. Chatárske raňajky (A mountaineer’s breakfast - Chata pod Rysmi)
2. Guláš (Goulash - Chata pod Rysmi)
3. Bryndzové halušky s klobásou a slaninou (Potato gnocci with fresh sheep cheese, sausage and selo bacon - Chata pod Rysmi)
4. Šúľance s makom (Potato dumplings with ground poppy seeds amd melted butter - Chata pod Soliskom)
5. Grog (Grog - Energy Bar Chopok)
6. Espresso a šiška s džemom (Espresso and jam sufganiyot - Chata Ponorka Martinské Hole).
ID in alt text.
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mspaintbrush · 4 months
Reinhardt Thoughts
• He doesnt just LIKE Currywurst, he LIVES Currywurst
• Will try every Currywurst he sees, jotting down criteria and rankings on a rugged piece of paper
• "This isnt even a REAL Currywurst!!" *proceeds to explain in excruciating detail what the ideal Currywurst is*
• Nobody has the heart to cut him off (and you couldnt if you tried, he is done when he is done)
• Im getting really tired of writing Currywurst so we'll end it there but you get the gist
• Is canonically from the Schwarzwald, which is full of Swabians and also has some lines with swabian dialect in the german dub
• I cant understand swabians at all though so in my headcanon he speaks normal german aka "Hochdeutsch"
• At least until he gets angry, then he switches to swabian
• Because if you thought german insults are one of a kind already, you havent heard what an upset Swabian sounds like
• An excerpt: "Ärschlesschlubbfr", "Sauhond", "Rotzaff" or "Arschbaggagsichd"
• Swabian culture includes a lot of special dishes with all kinds of meat, so he isn't picky about eating intestines or other unusual parts
• Generally not a picky eater, but needs meat on his plate
• Likes to eat often and a lot, still in the mindset to fuel his 30yo giant body even though he is much older now and needs less calories (but some more padding never hurt anyone)
• German dad cook; aka scrambled eggs, spaghetti with premade sauce and boiled potatos with quark
• He did inherit a giant traditional cookbook from his grandmother and begs the more experienced cooks around the base to help him prepare a goulash or svabian raviolis (i just looked it up and cant believe thats the english translation)
• Mercy, Mei and Brig try really hard to cook healthy vegetarian dishes, but Reinhardt can and will pull out a sausage from anywhere to put into his food (he gets em imported from home to assure the best quality)
• Adding an extra note here just to mention asparagus. I kid you not as soon as the first asparagus is barely grown the germans rip it out of the dirt and dont eat anything else for a month - asparagus for breakfast, lunch and dinner
• Reinhardt will not be an exception to that, as well as Mercy
• "Das einzig gute Bier ist Schwarzbier!" ('The only good beer is dark beer!')
• Brig and Mercy keep a close look on his alcohol intake, but he is allowed a "Feierabendbier" on the weekend
• Usually combines that with watching football/soccer on the couch
• Lucio joins him, even though he doesnt really understand the german commentators
• The living room fills up quickly with people who dont care about the game and just enjoy the company/some alcohol together (only bap and cass really drink as well, lets be real)
• Often found in the living room watching german quizshows or crime thrillers (there are so many you have no idea)
• Every sunday evening there is a new "Tatort" (cult classic german crime thriller since 1971), and woe betide you if you dare occupy the TV around that time
• He complains every single time how bad and repetitive they are but continues to watch of course
• Watching a Tatort is an event for family bonding time, so Brig has been joining him since they started traveling together
• Cassidy is amused by the bad writing and Mercy is familiar with the tradition, so the couch is full every sunday
• If not watching TV he is working on his Crusader Armor
• If it doesnt need repairs it needs to be polished and if it doesnt need to be polished it needs to be upgraded and if it doesnt need upgrades it needs to be repaired
• How to keep three people at the base constantly busy (Monkeys and swedish squires hate this trick)
• Because not all parts of his armor need to be changed or repaired simultaneously it tends to be scattered around the base during off-mission time
• Sometimes they are lying on the couch, sometimes in the hallway, all times inconveniently placed
• It drives Pharah mad but they are incredibly heavy and she cant always remove them herself
• So the only ones being able to effectively carry these parts from room to room are Winston, Zarya and Reinhardt himself (Zarya secretly loves it when people ask her to get the shoulder pad off the kitchen counter again) (its a good work out)
• Even though Reinhardt is creative with his armor placement he still seems to know exactly where each piece is and can quickly assemble it if needed
• Can drive a car
• Do not let him drive your car
• He is way to tall to ride comfortably and just sits there hunched over so his head doesnt hit the roof at every bump
• His driving style is... unsteady. Drives relaxed and slow on one road, going way over the speed limit on others, stopping way too early or way too late, sometimes rough, sometimes so careful as if there was a baby sleeping in the back
• At the same time road rages at others (the self-driving cars cannot figure out what the hell he is doing and react very confused)
• I figure most cars are already self-driving in the overwatch universe, but Reinhardt is definitely one of those people to still own an old model that doesnt have this yet (and refuses to get it upgraded)
• Dog person
• Grew up with at least two big family dogs and knows how to handle them
• Will inform you if he considers your dog poorly trained/socialized
• Murphy used to be his highlight of the day when Sojourn brought him to work
• Now there arent any dogs at the base anymore and he'd love to adopt one, but knows he couldnt properly give it all the care it deserves because of his job
• There IS a cat at the base now though (Brig brought Mitzi to Gibraltar in my head)
• Mitzi has known Reinhardt ever since she got adopted
• Do you know that saying "a cat always finds the one non-cat-person in a room" that person is Reinhardt
• Whenever Mitzi is not chasing Ganyemede, eating things she shouldn't or climbing around on delicate lab equipment in Winston's workshop, she is bothering Reinhardt
• Sleeping in his armor while he is trying to polish it, jumping on his lap during Tatort time (and immediately being lifted off again), stealing the salami off his sandwich when he isnt looking - Rhein will not know peace while others desperately try to catch Mitzi's attention
• There is nothing he can do besides moving the cat or shoo-ing her off for a while (knowing she is waiting behind the corner until he lets down his guard)
• Brig thinks this is incredibly cute and has a hard time keeping a straight face while Reinhardt complains to her
• Did you know that cats can be trained like dogs? Cool right?
• Rein eventually figures that out as well. And since Mitzi is very food-oriented, I think she would be easy enough to work with.
• He does it in secret first, but when Brig finds out she makes them both perform in front of the whole team
• Reinhardt starts boasting about it after that and the human-cat relationship increases steadily
• Loud sneezer, regularily-gives-Brig-heartattacks-loud
• You can hear them across the whole base
• Birkenstocks, Socks in Sandals you know it
• A good german dad runs around at home only with a shirt and his undies
• But in Gibraltar Reinhardt cant do that so instead he settled with a tank-top and gym shorts
• Forces Brig to use extensive amount of sunscreen but insists he doesnt need any for himself
• Therefore always sunburnt in summer
• Used to work-out but has toned it down a bit lately, instead using the Gym to do stretching and mobility-exercises with Mercy (only half-voluntarily), being joined by Mei, Genji and Echo (the latter more for emotional support)
• There is a big shelf full of giant heat pads for Grandpa at the gym
• Dont tell anyone but sometimes Cass and Mercy use them as well
• Lucio steals one for his hammock so he doesnt freeze during winter
• You bet Mitzi loves to sleep on them whenever they are in use
• Used to play soccer semi-seriously in his younger days
• If you ask him to play he gets up, rolls his shoulders, cracks his knuckles and says "You aren't ready for this" while taking out the most rugged soccer ball you have ever seen
• He isnt really in shape to run very fast or long anymore but whenever he shoots everyone leaps away to safety
• Lucio still really enjoys playing with him (he didnt really get the chance to do a lot of dad-activities in his youth)
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terrasu · 2 months
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What I made when I had/was asked to use/had leftover components bought for another meal that was to use up something...
I'm sad that Tom Thumb no longer does Monopoly, but I'm also not sad. However, "Buy Nothing" means a lot of too-expired-to-donate food ends up in my house...
Made July 24th, 2024
Spinach, feta, corn muffins
Greek Mac and cheese (add lemon, dill, and other Greek flavors)
(&filo) Saag Paneer Spanakopita
Strawberry pecan salad
Apple and honey challah (saute apples to soften)
Honeycrisp Salad
Apple Cheese Soup (not great leftover)
Apple Crumble
(& peach) Apple-peach crisp
Apple Pie
Sourdough Starter to use
Slow-rise challah (caution: has taken me 11 and 20+ hours the two times I've made it.)
Sourdough Pretzel buns
Strawberry scones
Almond milk/almond flour
(& bananas) Almond Banana bread
Pumpkin puree
Pumpkin mac and cheese
Pumpkin curry
More basil pesto than we had ice cube trays
Pesto lasagna (heavy, greasy, and rich. Find way to 'thin' with additions)
Rotisserie chicken
(& plenty of frozen basil pesto) Pesto chicken salad
Skillet Chicken Chilaquiles
Avgolemono Soup
Pizza Pasta
Pizza Quinoa
Bell Peppers
Peperonata (add acid to balance the sweetness from the tomatoes and watch all tomato amounts, can be overwhelming)
Burrata Stuffed Peppers
Sheet Pan Chicken Sausage Fajitas (our house is a chicken-apple or kielbasa house, which work fine)
Bhindi Masala (idk what to do about the mango powder.)
Vegan Tikka Masala
Potato and chicken with Dijon cream sauce (cook onions + green beans before making sauce)
Skillet Potatoes
Garlic Chickpea soup
Hungarian Goulash (life-changing)
(& potato) Aloo Gobi
Cajun Seasoning
Cajun Chicken Pasta
Green/Red Cabbage
Caramelized green cabbage pasta
Roasted green cabbage
Red cabbage soup
Bulgar Wheat
Bulgar Pilaf
Pineapple (fresh or canned)
Pineapple Ginger Chicken Stir Fry
Pistachio Pasta
Broccoli Pasta (strange.)
(& frozen edamame) Asian Broccoli Salad w/ peanut sauce
Parsley, red onion, chickpea sumac salad (cut onion paper-thin/mandoline and massage spices in well)
Salad dressing
Beet Salad (involved, looks like murder. Dangerous to eat)
Sweet Potato
Black bean burger
Chili Lime Chicken and Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato and Chili Casserole
Sweet potato and quinoa bake
Brussels Sprouts
Warm Brussels sprouts and Bacon Salad (don't at me)
Crisp gnocchi with Brussels Sprouts
Small tomatoes (grape, cherry, etc)
Pesto Chicken with roasted tomato
Bok Choy
Sesame Ginger Bok Choy
(& lime) Cilantro Lime Black beans and rice
(& lime, Salmon) Baked Cilantro Lime Salmon
Simple Sesame Asparagus
Misc. fruit excesses
Dump cake (have made with apple pie filling, so as long as proportions stay solid, I think it's good)
Cherry Chocolate chip bread
Blueberry pie filling
Clementine orange upside-down cake
Cranberry curd tart
Mango Lassi
Grape Sorbet
Jalapeno candy (this post is nearly crashing my computer, tilde another day)
Yogurt Cake
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jennifermeyering · 6 days
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This Creamy Sausage Goulash combines savory Italian sausage, tender elbow macaroni, and a rich, creamy sauce for a comforting and delicious meal that's easy to make. Get the Recipe Here!
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theofficersacademy · 2 years
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Midsommar 2022 : Prompts and Memes Part 1
The sun begins its evening descent, bathing the sky in hues of pale yellow and gold. After a long day of collecting firewood and arranging the burning piles, your hard work is finally rewarded with the sight of a festival truly coming together. Merchants set up their wares and prepare their treats, filling the air with fragrant smoke and the warm scent of fried sweets.
Priests strike matches over each of your wood piles. Fires burns brightly. ‘tis the beginning of Midsommar!
The bonfires are burning….
[ ROAST ] Food over the fires, from meats to marshmallows. Each house has their own representative bonfire, and each fire has a large pot with their representative soup. Add something to it or try out what your classmates have been cooking.
[ EAGLES SOUP ] Black Eagles: Thick goulash, hearty, enough to feed a thousand soldiers. “Thousand Soldiers’ Soup” made with dried ingredients and reconstituted on the roads
[ LIONS SOUP ] Blue Lions: White fish, leeks, potatoes, heavy cream, keeps you nice and warm.
[ DEER SOUP ] Golden Deer: Broad beans, spiced sausages, seasonal vegetables, red hot with paprika imported from Dagda.
[ DANCE ] While Midsommar traditions began in the Empire and spread gradually across Fódlan, each country has its own Midsommar song and dance around the fire. Follow your house’s traditions, or bring in a little something from home.
[ BURN ] Burn different plants as offerings to the Goddess. Herbs and powders are sold by local vendors to change the scent and color of the smoke.
[ LEAP ] All around the hills outside of town, the people of Fódlan light bonfires to scare away evil spirits. Leaping over them is said to bring good luck, and many challenge each other to see who can jump the highest. Young couples link hands and try to jump together, hoping for prosperity in the year to come.
[ TELL ] Share stories around the fire. Lately, children have made a game out of whispering a story into their friend’s ear, who has to retell the story to the best of their ability to their friend, and so on. When the story finally reaches the end of the “convoy,” it’s often a completely new story.
[ TASTE ] Away from the noise of the festivities, the Chefs of the Round Table (the cooking club) has set up a mostly-private bonfire to test out some of their new creations. Their latest masterpiece? Something called a “marsh mallow,” a recipe from the Sreng region sweetened with vanilla and sugar. It’s supposedly delicious when toasted over a fire…
The Garland Moon begins...
[ CROWN ] Make a flower crown, or bestow one upon another.
[ GARLAND ] The Garland Moon is upon Fódlan, and garlands are being strung up all around Garreg Mach. Among the shop stalls selling handmade trinkets and knickknacks are florists with the last of the spring flowers, already woven and made into garlands and corsages. This may be your last chance to confess to your special someone before the season changes!
[ PAIR UP ] Single people get dressed up and paired off with other single people, this is the season of love and baby animals and the older adults won’t tolerate a humbug Singleton. If you already have a special someone, then dive right into the singing and dancing together!
[ SHOP ] The festivities draw merchants from all across the world to sell their wares, but beware: the crowds are ripe for pickpockets, and unscrupulous potion sellers take advantage of anyone who looks confused and gullible.
[ MUSIC ] There is no shortage of music or food. Join in with hymns around the cathedral, find the bards singing old folktales by the river, or try to swipe as many free samples as you can in the market.
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rolandrockover · 3 months
Rock and Roll from Nine to Five
WARNING! This entry explicitly aims to compare rock music with sausage products.
I can't help but think I have to resign myself to being a victim of my impressions and my imagination, because now I'm already picturing Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons as butchers behind the counter, trying to sell their bologna.
And inevitably linked to this, I also imagine them making these cold cuts all by themselves in the back room of the abattoir. But there's no real reason to worry, because these sausages and hams aren't made from animals, but from old Kiss songs, however not quite exclusively.
The question I asked myself beforehand was what ingredients were needed if they wanted to write a rock anthem like Stand from Sonic Boom (2009), for example. And if they were more or less shamelessly stealing from their own repertoire the whole time anyway, why not directly from their two best-known anthems? And well, what could that be other than Rock and Roll All Night (1975) and God Gave Rock n' Roll to You II (1992) ?
If you wish, you can now imagine Paul and Gene in a blood-stained butcher's smock with meat cleavers in their hands, preferably with a somewhat nasty smile in their faces. Ready to do what they have to do. And that means first of all chopping off Rock and Roll All Night's main riff and verses without further ado, and then cutting them into a goulash laid out in very generously sized chunks. Its precious chorus they leave in one piece.
And poor God gave Rock n' Roll to You II awaits the same fate and also gets mercilessly separated from its verses with hard cuts, while most of it ends up in the garbage can, because it is the chorus that is of particular interest to them. Which nevertheless they cut into two large pieces, and only the harmony part in the chorus at the end, remains in one piece. Just like the chorus of Rock and Roll All Night.
And let's not forget the secret ingredient, or as I call it, the red herring, namely a nice fillet strip of Alice Cooper's No More Mr. Nice Guy's (1973) catchy solo hook between the intro and the first verse, which is presumably intended to prevent Rock and Roll All Night from being recognized too quickly. Who knows?
Now watch them throw the whole lot into a pot, stir it roughly, and then add some of this stuff which uses an enzyme to fuse the proteins in the pieces of meat together to form a new, almost homogeneous whole sausage-like piece. Just like the ham from the supermarket refrigerated counter. It would probably be silly to imagine how they press all this stuff into a casing to give it a wonderfully oversized sausage shape, but it has to be done now, otherwise something would be missing. But let's just leave it in the refrigerator for a while to work. We can always save it for later to cut it into nice big round slices and then put it on a sandwich.
We can of course have a chat about all the offal, the pieces of bone used for the gelatine and all the binding agents I haven't mentioned so far another time.
No highlighted links today. It was crackbraining enough to write it:
Stand (2009)
Rock and Roll All Night (1975)
God Gave Rock n' Roll to You II (1991)
Special Guest Appearance: No More Mr. Nice Guy (1973)
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petermorwood · 2 years
I used the sausage goulash recipe you recently posted for dinner tonight (alas no photos, as it was consumed with alacrity) and the household is in concurrence that it should be added to the regular rotation of hearty winter meals; thanks for taking the time to write it up!
Thanks for the feedback (heh) and I'm delighted that you and your household enjoyed it. :-D
@dduane suggested I make it for us tomorrow (36th anniversary) as a cosy homey sort of thing. *
I might, and if so, I'm thinking of adding some sausages we bought from our local butcher at the weekend, and which featured in the Ulster Fry photoshoot.
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They're a version of Cumberland style, with black and white pepper rather than traditional sage and parsley, and should add a nice additional layer to the paprika / caraway spice of the goulash, while contrasting with the smokiness of the Continental sausages.
Hint: most Irish-British sausages are made with finely-minced meat and are a bit "squishy" in their raw state; a few minutes of frying or grilling makes them firm enough for slicing.
The problem with really good ones like these is having enough restraint that they survive to become an ingredient.
Hint 2: cook a couple of extra sausages for nibbling, so the rest are (hopefully) left alone...
* On the other hand, we might just go to a restaurant and let someone else do all the work - including the washing-up.
Originally we'd intended to get married on St Valentine's Day, but Boskone had programmed DD to teach a writer's workshop.
This has turned out for the best on many occasions - a snap decision to go restauranting (if it wasn't a word before, it is now) without a reservation on St Val's is likely to end in disappointment, while the day after...? No problems!
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pagan-stitches · 1 year
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buřtguláš (Czech sausage and potato goulash)
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angelpuns · 1 year
Another food suggestion from RA, goulash, it's Hungarian but is common all over that area of Europe (I'm a lil Polish from my moms side so that's where I know it from-) no idea if you've ever had it before but it's really good! Kielbasa sausage is also pretty good! That's like all I know about polish food but I wanna go to Poland one day, they apparently aren't big fans of gay/trans people though- so that sucks, but still really good food! :3
Goulash used to be a huge staple at our house and unfortunately I'm not a fan ( generally not a fan of foods that are things I like all mixed together ) but I think the idea of it is appealing!
Rip to that, but maybe one day you can go on a food trip!!!
Side note: you'd probably really like stroganoff! Beef I think is the usual meat, but my family has always made it with chicken!
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otthonzulles · 2 years
rules tag 10 people you want to get to know better
@fenudel is responsible for this post. thx :)
relationship status - a trainwreck.
favourite colour - audi's riviera blue i guess
song stuck in my head - nothing now
last song i listened to - 3DMG — «Ruffneck Ting» MiX / [S03E02]
three favourite foods - i have a very conservative hungarian stomach. chicken goulash (made my me), pancakes, a good sausage at a flea market's food stand, lángos (filled lángos called "Hunter" at this place :D )
last thing i googled - female trouble movie (no thats really not chloe sevigny in that tumblr post)
dream trip - any trip if i would have any free time :((( i like small roadtrips, just driving around here in the country, finding restaurants or very-very low category bars, stop at interesting abandoned castles... i would love to revisit my favoruite places around here and there, the last autumn-winter-and seems to spring too were horrific.
i would like to revisit switzerland maybe one time... or watch some football matches in germany anything from erste to regionalliga.
anything i want right now - FREE TIME, and some fucking success @ my new workplace in austria :(
not tagging anybody i'm tired.
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enbysiriusblack · 10 months
Your favourite winter food/drink and your favourite character's favourite winter food/drink?
my fav: sausage casserole or my neighbour's goulash. drink wise, def irish coffee
dorcas meadowes' fav: beef stew and apple cider
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🎮 — favorite video game(s)?
🍝 — favorite food(s)?
I've never really been one for video games, other than the few that my dad dabbled in here and there, which I enjoyed mainly as opportunities to do something together. Same deal for computer games; I was a World of Warcraft player for pretty much all of my teenage years, questing with Dad and joining his friend group's weekly dungeon run, and we'd show off our Rollercoaster and Zoo Tycoon maps to each other. These days, though, I pretty much stick to just Hearthstone, Blizzard's card game version of WoW.
I rotate snacking on apples, nectarines, and roma tomatoes throughout the year, I love certain brands of plain cheese pizza, no toppings, and my favorite comfort meal when I want something warm to eat is Kraft macaroni and cheese, with half a bag of frozen fresh peas dumped in, and one of three meats mixed in: a can of tuna, a pound of ground hamburger, or a Hillshire sausage cut into slices. Debate is still ongoing amongst my coworkers if that counts as a casserole, stroganoff, or goulash.
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