#sassy theo
theodoradevlin · 1 month
*Winks at you while walking by.*
Greetings! Samuel Summerbottom is my name, and I like my brooms like I like my ladies - sturdy and ginger.
Well, Summerbottom, with lines like that it's a wonder even your brooms will give you a ride.
*winks back*
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deadghosy · 2 months
slytherin boys reacting to reader doing that hand thing where they are like "hold on" and its like very very sassy
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Tom Riddle
Slaps your hand out of his face and leaves.
You felt bad but continued talking to the person. But after you ended your conversation, Tom appeared with his neutral look
“Hey Tom I’m so—” immediately he puts his hand up to you and narrows his eyes.
“How does it feel.” He says with a low voice. He secretly looked like an angry puppy. You didn’t want to lower his ego so you just nodded.
Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo…is a special kind of Slytherin to either be high fives the hand or interlocks it with his own.
He probably interlocks it to flustered you and it works as you feel the cold sliver ring against your own finger
You shivered making him laugh at you.
And now he always teases you with his cold rings against your neck if you’re ever sassy to him again
Draco Malfoy
Scoffs in shock at what you did to him
He literally gives you the silent treatment to be petty. But he can’t help but want to give you an earful about what you did in public to him.
He literally points it you like a sassy aunt himself and starts to rant on how disrespectful you are to him.
Now you can’t help but wish you never put your hand up to him ever again
Blaise Zabini
High fives the hand you held up
He doesn’t care because he knows he’s more important than the person you’re talking to.
So when you laugh and start to talk to him.
He knew won your attention easily.
Theodore Nott
Interlocks his hand just like mattheo.
You both found it funny, but then when you tried to take your hand out.
He held it tighter with a smirk.
Yeah..your hand is stuck to his forever now.
Lorenzo Berkshire
He’s sassy back and roll his eyes and goes to face his other friend.
He understands that you are talking to another person, but he hates when you use the “talk to the hand.”
So now when you want to talk to him.
He does it backs
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theostrophywife · 1 year
Reader getting her favorite drink EVER LIKE SHES OBSESSED WITH IT AND SHE FINALLY GOT HER FAVORITE THING A PUMKIN SPICE LATTE and it’s just super cute and fluffy and Mattheo or Theodore x Reader and he really is in love with the reader and she’s in love with him and they haven’t confessed and the reader says how she loves pumpkin spice lattes so so so much and she eventually calls him her pumpkin spice latte and she jokingly tells him that her future husband someday better write down in his vows to get her one every day of the year and he confesses to her and it’s super fluffy and cute? (Idk I probs made it WAYY to specific.
hi love, wow this is such a cute request! i might write a little blurb about it later on, but for now i thought you'd appreciate a sneak peek from a theo fic i'm working on that captures the pumpkin spice latte essence.
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All that hard work disappeared before your eyes as Theo devoured the muffin in seconds. The bloody git had the audacity to swipe your thermos off the table and tipped its contents directly into his mouth, crumbs and all. 
His face immediately contorted into disgust. “What in the bloody hell is this?” 
“Pumpkin spice latte.” 
“Pumpkin what?” 
“It’s a muggle thing.” 
“It’s an abomination, is what it is.” 
You snatched the thermos back. “No one told you to drink it. Do you even know how long it took for me to collect enough instant coffee packets to last the whole term? And here you are wasting it.” 
Theo looked properly scandalized. “Why on Godric’s green earth would anyone drink coffee from a packet? You don’t have one of those—what do you call them—expression machines?” 
“Espresso,” you corrected. “No, Theodore, I do not have an espresso machine because that would require electricity, which doesn’t really fit this castle’s medieval aesthetic.” You paused. “How do you even know about those?” 
“I’m half Italian. How would I not know about espresso?” 
“You called it expression.” 
“Yeah, well, my nonna doesn’t have all of her teeth so sorry for pronouncing things incorrectly. If you don’t like it, take it up with that crazy old strega.”
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trashbag-baby666 · 4 months
My Husbands Name- Clegan
Casper FD au
Summary: I wanted to write a little Drabble based off this post! Gale and Rosie are at an annual work convention and Gale's missing his John.
WC: 915
C/W: None!
mota masterlist! | ao3 link
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The autumn leaves crunched under his shoes, the early morning breeze nipping at his ears as he pulled the collar of his jacket up. Well…it was actually John’s jacket, the dark chocolate, brown leather one.
He and Rosie had spent the last two days at the annual Doctors of Wyoming conference in Cheyenne. A crisp four days of sitting in a stuffy banquet hall staring at a projector and slides of how to better treat patients.
Gale didn’t know if he really believed it was more beneficial rather than just a way to spend hospital funding on pointless tickets to a conference for their doctors.
Really, he just wanted to go home to John and the girls. Last night he didn’t want to hang up on John but he knew Rosie needed his white noise to sleep. So, instead he laid there in the dark hotel room staring at photos on his phone of his family. The sound of Rosie’s artificial waves and the occasional whale noise filled his silence. Normally, Rosie’s white noise would bother some, but Gale was used to it from years of sharing a dorm.
“Can’t wait to go home,” Gale grumbled, letting the sliding doors of the hotel open for them.
“Me too, this morning Benny texted me saying Freddie stress ate all of his food and was sick all night.” Rosie’s hand went up running a stressed hand down his face.
The two flashed their lanyards to the door guy by the conference center to be let into today’s torturous babbling and team exercises.
“I know, I’m about to tell Maxine to give my ticket to a younger, more eager doctor for next year.” The pair sat at their table readying to meet new people as the conference liked to mix the seating arrangements up daily.
Across the circular plastic fold-out table draped in a dark blue tablecloth, sat a younger set of three doctors. Two women and a man, he sat between the two women and looked the slightest bit uncomfortable. The two gossiping over him like he was just some centerpiece of the conversation.
“Good morning,” Gale cleared his throat, setting his cup of coffee on the table. He knew these kids probably looked at him and Rosie as elderly, Gale peeking over the frames of his glasses at them.
“Morning,” the two girls said at the same time before talking amongst each other again.
“Hi,” the man squeaked out, looking tense as ever. Gale noticed the way he seemed to sit stick straight and as still as a rock.
“I’m Doctor Gale Cleven,” Gale reached his hand across the table for the man to shake. His eyes flicked between Gale’s hand and then up to his ocean blue eyes.
“Uhm, uh, Doctor in training, John Mayfield.” He shook Gale’s hand. Gale observed his stiff handshake and the other's sweaty palms of nervousness.
“My husband’s named John!” Gale's eyes lit up, practically sparkled and turned into hearts if you asked Rosie. Gale's hand instinctively went to his ring finger and began turning the gold band.
"Trust me Doctor Mayfield, you do not want to get this guy started on his other half." Rosie clicked his tongue and shook his head.
Gale dropped his head, his cheeks heating up pink in pure bashfulness.
"Oh, how long have you been married?" The naive young doctor asked.
"Ten years, together for fifteen." Gale smiled, mostly to himself, honestly. He took in a deep breath, pulling the scent of John off the jacket, the familiar piney cologne leaving a residue smell along with the familiar burnt smell John had. Not like a bad kind of burning, more like a campfire kind of burning.
“Wow, that’s impressive,” Mayfield said, his eyes wide with a mix of admiration and curiosity. “You must have a lot of stories.”
“Oh, we do,” Gale said, his voice warm with affection. “John is a firefighter captain, so we have quite the mix of hospital and fire station tales. Keeps life interesting.”
Rosie chuckled, shaking his head. “Interesting is one way to put it. Between the two of them, there’s never a dull moment.”
The young doctor seemed to relax a little, his shoulders loosening as he leaned in, clearly intrigued. “How do you manage it all? The work, the family, everything?”
Gale thought for a moment, his fingers still absentmindedly turning his wedding band. “It’s not always easy. We’ve both had our fair share of challenges, but we’ve learned to support each other through everything. Communication, trust, and a lot of love. That’s the secret.”
Rosie nodded in agreement leaning in a bit further, “And a good, healthy sex life.” he winked causing a small eruption of laughter from the three, but knowing when to take a break, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Like now, chatting before listening to the same presentation as yesterday but by a different doctor.” 
As the conference began, Gale’s mind drifted back to his family, the thought of returning home to John and the girls giving him a sense of peace. He glanced at the young doctor beside him, hoping that he too would find the kind of love and support that made even the toughest days bearable.
And as the speakers droned on, Gale’s thoughts were 200 miles away, nestled in the warmth of home, wrapped in the scent of pine and vanilla, and the arms of the man who made every struggle worth it.
taglist: @storysimp @austeenbootler @executethyself35 @coastiewife465 @slowsweetlove reply to be added to the tallest :3
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aprilblossomgirl · 2 years
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Book Kasidet as Cher Saran in A Boss and a Babe (2023) | ep.1
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mason: *sneezes*
mason: aren't you gonna say bless you?
theo: i'm standing right next to you i think you've already been blessed
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platform945 · 6 months
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Don’t let this darkness fool you (all lights turned off can be turned on) D.M
Pairing: Dramione
Draco has the perfect life, a beautiful fiancé, a huge mansion and a position as a head auror, but all of that is taken away from him when a building comes crumbling down on him and he looses use of his legs. He could deal with that, but the worst part? Hermione fucking Granger is his physical therapist.
A story in which Draco Malfoy finds hope in the form of a know it all swot.
Chapter warnings: Crude Humor, Hospitals, Paralysis
word count: 3.3k
Chapter 2
The next morning dawned with a dull ache permeating Draco's body, both from the physical injuries and the emotional turmoil of the previous day. He found himself staring at the ceiling of the hospital room, the sterile white walls offering little comfort.
Honestly they might as well send him to Azkaban, it would probably be more comforting than this room.
Astoria had left in a fit of anger the night before, her sobs echoing down the hallway. Draco couldn't blame her for her reaction; his condition had thrown their plans into disarray. He didn’t even get to wank (i mean he could..but doing it in a hospital is slightly above his moral complex)
As he lay there, contemplating whether or not he will ever have sex with something other than his hand again he hears the door to his room open and the clack of heels make their way to him.
This time Granger was dressed in a light blue blouse which strained slightly at her chest area (not that he was looking, because he definitely wasn’t) and another pair of muggle jeans.
“Good morning, Draco," she greeted him, her tone gentle yet resolute. "Ready to start your first session of physical therapy?"
Draco's response was a noncommittal grunt as he shifted uncomfortably in the hospital bed before grabbing the pillow from under his head and tossing it towards her.
“I told you i don’t need any fucking physical conditioning granger, and it’s fucking three in the morning”
Hermione blinked at him, looked at her watch, then back at him.
“it’s two in the afternoon”
Hermione didn't seem deterred by his lack of enthusiasm. With practiced efficiency, she began outlining the day's agenda, detailing the exercises they would be working on and emphasizing the importance of consistency and determination.
Draco didn’t understand a word of what she had explained to him as he may or may not have been staring at her arse everytime she turned around. He’s only a man.
“so!” Hermione starts as she puts down her clipboard “We are going to practice sitting up”
“No” Draco stated flatly
Hermione pauses and furrows her eyebrows “no?”
"Draco, I understand that this may be difficult for you, but sitting up is a crucial first step in your rehabilitation," Hermione explained. "We need to start rebuilding your core strength and coordination."
Draco rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest defiantly. "I don't see the point. What difference does it make if I sit up or not? I’ll still have limp spaghetti noodles for legs”
Hermione took a deep breath, maintaining her composure despite the frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "It makes a difference because every small victory matters in your journey towards recovery. Sitting up may seem insignificant now, but it's laying the foundation for regaining mobility and independence."
“wow” he says looking at her
A smile spreads across Hermiones face, thinking he finally understood-
“you really are still a fucking swot”
The smile disappeared and she grabbed her clipboard and smacked his arm with it
“OW WOMAN! Fine! we'll do your stupid sitting up exercise. But don't expect me to enjoy it."
Hermione nodded, hiding a small smile of satisfaction. She knew that gaining Draco's cooperation wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to help him progress, one step at a time.
“Alright, let's get started then," Hermione said, her voice laced with determination and optimism. "I promise I'll make this as painless as possible."
That optimism didn’t last very long.
Hermione soon discovered that convincing Draco to do the exercise was indeed the easy part. Getting him to cooperate, however, proved to be a much more challenging task.
As Hermione began demonstrating the proper technique for the sitting up exercise, Draco remained stubbornly resistant, his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl etched on his face.
"Come on, Draco, you can do this," Hermione encouraged, trying to mask her frustration with patience. "Just follow my lead and try to lift yourself up."
“you sound like a fucking fortune walnut or whatever the muggles eat” he says, his gaze fixed defiantly on the ceiling. Despite Hermione's best efforts to guide him through the exercise, he seemed determined to make it as difficult as possible.
Hermione rolls her eyes choosing to ignore his quip.
With each repetition, Draco's efforts became slightly less resistant and slightly more cooperative. Hermione could see the determination flickering in his eyes, buried beneath layers of defiance and pride.
"Almost there, Draco," Hermione urged, her voice steady and unwavering. "You're doing great. Just a little bit more."
Despite his grumbling and occasional scowl, Draco continued to push himself, his muscles straining with effort.
“stop with the fucking-“ he grunts as his forearms strain “encouragement porn, it’s giving me the opposite of an erection. actually i think my dick disappeared”
Hermione couldn't help but let out a surprised snort at Draco's comment. "Alright, no more encouragement porn," Hermione replied, trying to suppress a smirk. "Just focus on the exercise, Draco. You're almost there."
With renewed determination, Draco pushed through the discomfort, his muscles trembling with effort as he struggled to lift himself up further. Despite his colorful commentary, Hermione could sense his genuine effort and determination to succeed.
As Draco finally managed to complete the exercise, Hermione offered him a small nod of approval. "Well done, Draco. You did it."
He grunts as he stares at his legs, a hint of something passes over his face but he’s quick to hide it. "You're making progress, Draco.” Hermione starts in a soft voice “It may not feel like much now, but every step forward counts."
Draco huffs and gives a stiff nod, his expression guarded.
With that, they moved on to the next exercise (which lasted approximately five minutes before Draco was threatening to curse the witch), both silently acknowledging that they still had a long journey ahead of them.
At a round five o’clock, Hermione lightly knocks on the door and says “you have a visitor”
Draco looked up from where he was sitting in his hospital bed, surprised by Hermione's announcement. Visitors weren't exactly common occurrences for him, especially given his current circumstances (and also maybe the fact that he was once a deatheater)
"Who is it?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.
It better not be his mum
“Oh Draco!”
it was his mum.
It’s not that he didn’t love Narcissa, he did. It’s just that emotionally, physically, and mentally, he can’t put up with the million questions she will have about the wedding. Narcissa had been planning this wedding everyday since Draco had told her about Astoria.
"Mother," Draco greeted her, forcing a polite smile onto his face as she entered the room.
Narcissa's eyes lit up with concern as she approached his bedside, her expression a mix of worry and maternal affection. "Oh, Draco dear, I heard about what happened. Are you alright? Do you need anything?"
Draco sighed inwardly, knowing that his mother's concern would only be the beginning. "I'm fine, Mother, really," he assured her, though he knew she wouldn't be satisfied with just that.
Narcissa's gaze drifted to the various medical equipment in the room, her worry deepening. "And what about the wedding? Is everything still on track? Have you made any decisions about the venue?"
Draco resisted the urge to roll his eyes, knowing that once his mother got started on wedding planning, there would be no stopping her. "Mother, please," he said, trying to keep his tone patient. "Can we discuss this later? I'm not exactly in the best condition for wedding planning at the moment."
“But Draco! We have to figure out how to get you up and walking as soon as possible, i will not be having my son crippled and in a muggle chair at his wedding! Do you know how humiliating that would be for poor Astoria?”
“Miss Malfoy if i may-“ Hermione starts but is quickly cut off by his mother
“You may not”
This is how Draco’s life has always been, he’s always had to be the top student, the best at potions, and the best at quidditch. Now that he was London’s top bachelor (well not bachelor anymore but there are bets amongst the public on how long him and Astoria will last) He has not only his smarts but only his looks to uphold.
“I don’t have time for this right now mother” he huffs laying back down “if you must discuss wedding plans bring it up with Astoria”
Narcissa grumbles out a “i can’t believe i have a broken son” before walking out of the room with not even a goodbye
As the door closed behind her, he let out a sigh and sank back onto his pillow, a throws his arm across his eyes.
“Draco..” Hermione starts and Draco holds up a hand to her.
“I don’t want to hear anything out of you”
“I just-“
Hermione lets out a frustrated huff and slams her clipboard on the table before storming out of the room. She rarely lost her cool, but then again this is Draco Malfoy, the same boy who made her so mad that she punched him.
After a few minutes, Draco let out a heavy sigh and removed his arm from his eyes. He knew he couldn't avoid Hermione forever, especially since she was his physical therapist, but fucking dammit he could try.
With a resigned sigh, Draco slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position, wincing slightly at the discomfort in his legs…or really the lack thereof. As much as he would never admit it. He’s fucking embarrassed. Draco, the most eligible bachelor, star quidditch player, fucking hot, is now having to get sponge baths but fifty year old healers and piss in a fucking pan. The press would have a fucking field day with this.
He can already hear the comments now
“well he was hot while he lasted
Fucking Deatheater got what he deserved
I wonder if his amazing beautiful dick still works.
Okay maybe not the last one but it is a very valid question.
As Draco stared down at his legs, a wave of sadness and frustration washed over him. His legs, adorned in grey sweatpants were the same legs that had carried him to victory on the quidditch pitch, the same legs that had once been his greatest asset. Now, they lay motionless and powerless. But amidst the despair, Draco also felt a glimmer of determination stirring within him.
Draco vowed to fight with every ounce of strength he had to regain the use of his legs. As he continued to stare at his legs, Draco made a silent promise to himself: no matter how long it took or how hard the journey, he would find a way to rise again.
Fuck now he sounds like a fortune walnut.
Over the next two weeks, Granger had worked relentlessly with him regaining his upper body strength and he knew the dreaded day had come when she wheeled in the wheel chair.
As Hermione positioned the wheelchair beside his bed Astoria let out a choked gasp. She had been there with him once a week trying to figure out wedding plans. Is it bad to say that he hopes his fiancé breaks her ankle so she can’t come see him anymore. As Astoria hovered anxiously nearby, Draco couldn't bring himself to meet her eyes. He knew that she deserved an explanation, a reassurance that everything would be okay, but he couldn't find the words.
Instead Draco used his hand to shove the wheelchair away.
Hermione furrows her eyebrows and shoves it back towards the bed which he had moved to sit up in witch his legs hanging limply off the side.
He shoves it away again.
“Draco Malfoy if you shove this chair away one more time i will shove your pill bottle so far up-“ she stops herself and takes a deep breath reminding herself that she would rather not get fired for harassment “Just- don’t shove the chair away” she says as she pushes it back towards the bed.
He shoves it away again
She responds with smacking the clipboard against his arm.
“Will you stop doing that, woman! I'm already injured!" Draco exclaimed, his voice laced with irritation and pain.
Hermione sighed heavily, her own patience wearing thin. "I'm sorry, Draco, but you need to understand the importance of this. Refusing to use the wheelchair won't help your recovery," she replied firmly
“If he doesn’t want to do it he doesn’t have to” Astoria cries as she rushes to Draco’s side “just teach him how to walk! he doesn’t need a bloody chair”
“Unless you want to carry your fiancé around everywhere Astoria, he needs the chair, and having that ableist mindset won’t help any of you”
“Well i will not be married to someone who has to use a bloody chair!” she screams out causing Draco to flinch.
"Draco needs to progress at his own pace," Hermione said, her tone firm but empathetic. "Using the wheelchair is part of that process, whether he likes it or not. It's not about what he wants; it's about what he needs to recover."
Astoria's eyes filled with tears as she looked at Draco "But he's strong, he can do it," she insisted, her voice trembling.
Draco remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor as he wrestled with his own emotions. Truly deep down he knew that Astoria no long looked at him the same way, there was no longer that longing in her gaze or the warmth in her smile. Instead she looked at him with resentment and a hint of disgust. He feels the bed move as Astoria stands up and drops her wedding ring in her previous sitting spot.
“Well i refuse to marry a man who can’t even walk me down the aisle”
Draco's heart sank as Astoria's words hung heavily in the air as she walked out. He felt a lump form in his throat but quickly swallowed it down. Malfoy men don’t cry.
Hermione placed a comforting hand on Draco's shoulder, her touch a silent reassurance amidst the turmoil. "I'm here for you, Draco," she said softly. "We'll get through this together."
He swats her and away and pulls his legs back onto the bed and laying down turning his back to her “Don’t fucking touch me mudblood”
Hermione freezes, not have heard that term in at least two years now. Her jaw clenched as she turns on her heel to leave the room, leaving the wheel chair in the middle of it.
As she exited the room, Hermione couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal that lingered in the air. She was so stupid to believe that somehow Malfoy had changed. As she made her way down the corridor, Hermione couldn't help but chastise herself for her naivety.
Draco didn’t see her for the next three days, instead a new physical therapist joined him.
Draco's interactions with the new physical therapist were strained at best. The fucking incompetent wombat couldn’t figure out how to help Draco into his pants much less teach him how to get into his chair (which he was still refusing thank you very much) As the days turned into weeks, Draco couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that lingered in the absence of Hermione's presence.
He was laying in his bed, Blaise and Pansy were supposed to come but their two year old girl, josie, got sick and they had to stay home with her. So there Draco was attempting to imagine the pages of his “2 Witches Daily” magazine but their body came out weirdly contorted in his mind, That’s when he smelt Grangers signature perfume enter the room (not that he knew what it smelled like haha..)
As Hermione entered the room, Draco turned to face her, his expression guarded yet hopeful. Hermione's expression was unreadable as she approached Draco's bedside, her gaze fixed on him with a mixture of apprehension and determination. For a moment, neither of them spoke, the weight of their unspoken words hanging heavily in the air.
"Draco, I...I wanted to apologize," Hermione began, her words tinged with regret. "I shouldn't have left things the way I did. I let my emotions get the better of me, and for that, I'm truly sorry."
Draco scoffs and crosses his arms “yeah no fucking shit, you left me with a fucking incompetent physical what ever the fuck you are! i’m pretty sure weasley would be a better one and that’s saying a lot!”
Hermione's smile faltered at Draco's sharp words, a pang of hurt flashing across her features before she regained her composure.
"I understand that you're upset, Draco," she replied, her voice steady despite the sting of his words. "And I'm truly sorry for leaving you with someone you're not comfortable with. But I'm here now, and I want to help you get through this."
Draco all but grunts and points at the wheelchair.
“Help me get into the fucking chair, I’m tired of this bed”
The wheel chair had been magically fitted to his exact body type, it had a low back with removable handles, a patted bottom and two big wheels (obviously)
Hermione nodded, understanding the urgency in Draco's tone. She moved to his side, carefully assisting him as he shifted from the bed to the wheelchair. As Draco settled into the wheelchair, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. Despite his stubbornness, he knew that being confined to the bed was only hindering his progress.
Hermione watches him with close eyes as he tries to figure out the wheels, he pushes them forward and backwards. Easy enough. He tries to get them to move to the side and he doesn’t move. He looks at Hermione with a blank face.
“you gave me a broken chair granger”
Hermione sighed, realizing her mistake. She approached the wheelchair and examined it carefully, trying to identify the issue. After a moment of inspection, she discovered that the locking mechanism for the sideways movement was engaged.
“Sorry about that, Draco," Hermione said, a hint of embarrassment coloring her cheeks. "Looks like I forgot to unlock the wheels for lateral movement. Let me fix that for you."
With a flick of her wand, Hermione disengaged the locking mechanism, allowing the wheels to move freely in all directions. “There you go, all fixed," she said, offering him an apologetic smile.
He hums and moves slowly around the room realizing maneuvering it was easier than to be expected. He was feeling real good about himself until he looked at Hermione and he groaned.
Hermione’s face grew with concerned as she looked at him “does something hurt?”
“You’re taller than me now”
Hermione couldn't help but chuckle at Draco's observation, her concern melting into amusement. "Well, I suppose I am," she replied with a playful grin. "But don't worry, I won't let it go to my head.”
“You better not Granger because i can still beat you in a fight”
Hermione laughed, shaking her head at Draco's competitive spirit. "I wouldn't doubt it, Draco," she said, a teasing glint in her eyes. "But let's hope it doesn't come to that. After all, I'd hate to have to resort to using my superior intellect to outsmart you."
After about thirty minutes in the chair Draco declared that he was in fact over it
Hermione helped Draco back in bed, who was not very helpful being that he used none of his upper extremities to help him get on the bed.
“Was a lightening spell really necessary Granger, you’ve wounded my ego”
“Draco im 5,3 and you’re 6’4, so unless you want both of us to be paralyzed i suggest you shut your mouth” Hermione pointed out with a blank face. "Now get some rest. We'll tackle the wheelchair again tomorrow."
Draco groaned and flipped back into his bed and started counting on his fingers
Day number 24 without a wank.
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bluebugsy · 5 months
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In the Dark
BlueBugsy on AO3
When she’s taken to Wiltshire after a medical procedure she has no memory of receiving, she is eager to be useful in fulfilling whatever Malfoy needs. She doesn’t question him, she doesn’t push back against his orders, and is perfectly subservient to him.
However, the longer she stays at the manor, the harder it becomes to remain the perfect servant that Draco is entitled to. The darkness begins to swallow her, and she sees how much of a stranger she’s become, even to herself. Will she uncover the truth of her identity? Or will she hold steadfast to being the servant that Draco tends to?
(Or the Ten Lives of Hermione Granger)
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papercorgiworld · 8 days
I don't need space, I need you
This is the requested Draco and Enzo version
Read the Mattheo and Theo version here.
I present you cuteness overload with needy Draco and Enzo and some sassy insults towards Matt and Theo, because I can't resist adding banter and jokes. To the person that requested this, thank you! ☺️ To the people that have sent in requests or casual small talk I'm slowly working through my inbox... I will get to it one day... just know that I love all you darlings and I'm very grateful for your messages. Now, time to get to some reading, I hope you enjoy it, sending you all lots of love! 💛
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“What’s the point of having a girlfriend if I can’t find her.” Draco complains, approaching his friends relaxing by the fireplace in the Slytherin common room. “Have any of you seen here?” Enzo looks up at the impatient blond. “I think she said something about studying with Granger.” Draco is about to start whining about you not being there and instead spending time with Hermione Granger of all people, when he’s interrupted by a snorting Mattheo. “Finally a moment of peace for my fallen brother. Sit and enjoy your freedom before miss clingy returns.” Theodore and Enzo chuckle and Draco feels forced to at least smile at Mattheo’s comment. “Yeeah-, finally peace.” Draco tries his best to sound convincing, but to him peace was cuddling with you, not hanging out with mister mommy and daddy issues, the Italian manwhore and Enzo. The latter picked up on Draco’s reluctance to sit down. “If you miss her so much, maybe you should go look for her?” Theo laughed at Enzo’s suggestion thinking it was a joke and Draco feels the need to make it absolutely clear that he doesn’t miss you at all. “No! If she gets any more cuddly and clingy I’m gonna need to hide from her. And she’s always so nosy, why does she always need to know how my day was? I'll tell her if she needs to know anything.” Mattheo chuckles and offers his friend a drink, but to Draco that did not make up for missing out on time with you.
Your excitement to tell Draco about your day was replaced by a wrecking sadness that made your tears well up. Clingy. Too cuddly. Nosy. As you turn on your heels to leave the common room before anyone notices you, you almost bump into someone because your eyes are getting blurry. Worried that you had been the most annoying girlfriend ever you decided to do better. Draco had been a wonderful boyfriend so far and you really didn’t want to screw this up by being overwhelming. 
“He’s a guy and it’s Draco. I’m just giving him some space.” You explained to Luna and Hermione, who both frowned as you joined them in the stands of the quidditch stadium without wishing your boyfriend luck as he left the barracks. Normally you would kiss him passionately in front of everyone and he would hug you tight before he hopped on his broom, but today you wished him luck at breakfast and that was it. You thought you were giving him space as you smiled at him from the stands, but instead you were giving your boyfriend a heart attack as he spotted you so far away. “Hey, Malfoy! The game is about to start. Get on your broom.” Theodore yelled annoyed. “But- but-” Draco’s eyes moved from you to Theo and back to you. The game could not possibly start without you wishing him luck. Confused Draco eventually got on his broom, but his head was nowhere near the game. 
Fred and George cheerfully ran up to you and George even picked you up for a moment, making you laugh. Gryffindor had won and the boys were convinced you aided in their victory. “Never wish Draco luck anymore!” Fred yelled and George put you back down as he noticed how confused you were. “I’ve known chickens who fly better than he flew today.” You frowned at the statement. “You think it was because I didn’t wish him any luck before the game?” Both nodded and then left as they were distracted by other people cheering. 
A little worried you slowly made your way in the direction of the changing room. Most of the slytherin team had already made their way to the common room, mainly to keep a pissed off Mattheo from throwing punches, but Draco wasn’t with them so you guessed he was sulking by himself.
You gently push the door open and it reveals a defeated, sweaty and shirtless Draco sitting in an empty room. He hadn’t even made it to the showers yet, his head resting against the wall behind him like it would fall off if it didn’t have any support. His eyelids slowly open and he ssees your worried figure standing at the door. Why is she not rushing to be by my side? Why is she being so distant? Is she going to break up with me? His head was spinning and his heart was aching. “Bad game, huh.” You eventually speak up and Draco just huffs in response. “If you’re going to break up with me just do it already. I’m having a bad day, but I can handle it.” Draco’s eyes look dull and his voice sounds soulless. He gets up and takes a few steps towards you, studying you as you look absolutely shocked. Once you process his words you immediately rush towards him, your eyes pained at the idea of breaking up with the man you so love. 
“I’m not breaking up with you!”. Your voice is surprisingly loud and there is a hint of fear in your words as you worry he was going to end things with you. Your hands rest on Draco’s arms and he shakes his head, not understanding why you were so distant earlier. “Then why didn’t you wish me luck?” You're baffled at the question, it was obvious to you why and you didn’t expect him to care for it. “You said I was too cuddly and too clingy. So I thought it best to give you some space and not overwhelm you before a game. I wished you luck this morning.” 
Draco looks at you like you had just said the dumbest thing ever. “Space? I don’t want space! I want you. I need you! I love you.” Your eyebrows knit together. “But I clearly heard you say-” Draco shakes his head. “When did I ever say you were too clingy… or cuddly. It’s why I love you so much.” You take a step back from your boyfriend. “Yesterday, in the common room, you were talking with Riddle, Berkshire and Nott.” Draco opens his mouth in realisation and then clenches his jaw as he curses himself. He takes a step and closes the distance you had created between you two. “Yeah… I said that… but I didn’t mean it. I said it because I felt that the truth was a bit embarrassing.” You look at your boyfriend with questioning eyes. “Not really cool to tell your mates that you’re looking for your girlfriend because you want to snuggle and watch the stars from the astronomy tower.” You give him a soft smack on the head and he looks at you with apologetic eyes. “I felt horrible after hearing you say those things.” Draco pulls you into his chest. “Shouldn’t have listened in.” He jokes, but you don’t think it’s funny at all and you try to push free from his arms. However you are unsuccessful but Draco apologises. “I shouldn’t have said those things, because I’m just one big softy for you. Nothing tough about me when it comes down to you.” Gently his lips search yours and you’re hesitant at first to kiss your idiotic boyfriend, but when he apologises again you let his lips meet yours for a sweet kiss. 
“So next game, kisses and hugs?” You ask and Draco nods. “Yes. And I don’t think a single slytherin is going to mock us for being too clingy since the only chance we have at winning the quidditch cup is with you by my side.” Nothing tough about Draco at all. Just a needy boyfriend. You think to yourself as you kiss him. 
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“Pans!” Enzo squeals dramatically as he enters the slytherin common room. “Where is the future missus Berkshire? Can’t find her anywhere.” Before Pansy can answer Enzo’s question Mattheo puts his book down grinning at his friend. “Can’t be without her for even a second?” Enzo’s excitement drops as he notices everyone is looking up now, curious what Enzo’s answer will be. Enzo was always a bit different from his nonchalant and stoic friends. He knew the tough act didn’t suit him and he was confident enough to just be himself, but right now he was a bit worried. He felt himself get nervous and chuckled at Riddle’s question. “Told you, he’s absolutely whipped.” Draco says with an arrogant tone as he raises his eyebrows, challenging Enzo.
“She was at the Library with Luna, but I’m sure she’ll be here any minute.” Pansy finally answers, after rolling her eyes at Draco’s arrogance. “Good, that gives me a few more minutes free of her… because I am not whipped. She’s the one that always wants to be near me.” Mattheo leans back and nods along, pretending to believe Enzo. “Oh really, so why do you keep putting up with it?” Enzo sits down, lounging casually. “I like her so I put up with her clinginess, but honestly I don’t need her around all the time. The hugs and kisses… that’s all her… not me.” 
You had only taken three steps in the common room before stopping. You felt your legs get wobbly at your boyfriend’s words. You take quiet steps backwards and hurry out of the common room. Obviously you were not wanted there.
However, you missed out on Pansy’s loud snickering. “Oh please, Enzo! You liar!” Enzo is absolutely shocked at Pansy’s accusations, but no one else is as all his friends start laughing. “You couldn’t go a day with her.” Draco says, shaking his head at Enzo’ sad attempt at trying to act indifferent towards you. “Alright, alright. I can’t stand being without her! I love her. I need her.” Mattheo laughs, satisfied with Enzo’s confession. “There’s the real Berkshire I know.” Enzo lets his head fall back, bracing for days of mocking and jokes about his attachment to you. 
“Oh yeah! Sounds fun. I’ll be there.” Enzo overhears you agreeing to go to Hogsmeade with the golden trio and leans over his desk towards you. “Hey, hey! You can’t go to Hogsmeade with them on Saturday, we were going.” You turn in your seat towards your boyfriend and kiss him on the cheek. “You can go with your friends. We don’t have to do everything together.” Your answer hurts Enzo and his eyebrows knit together. Yes we do, what else is the purpose of a relationship. But before your boyfriend can protest out loud the professor enters the classroom.
“Look at her.” Enzo complains to an uncaring Theodore Nott. “The entire week she’s been distant, always better things to do than being with me and now this.” A frustrated Enzo gestures your way and Theo shrugs. “What am I supposed to do?” Enzo whines.
“Kidnap her and lock her up, then you have her all to yourself.” Mattheo suggests, making Theo frown and offer his own advice on the matter. “No, don’t listen to abandonment issues over here. Just get a new girlfriend.” Blaise just facepalms at the realisation he is the only sane one in his friend group. “Ignore both abandonment issues and attachment issues and just go talk to your girlfriend like a normal person.” Blaise emphasises the last words as he glares judgingly at Mattheo and Theo who both act offended. Enzo nods, realising that Blaise was right.
You notice your boyfriend strutting over to you and your friends from across the street and excuse yourself to meet him halfway. “Hey you.” You whisper and Enzo immediately smiles, feeling relieved that you're still your sweet self. “I miss you.” Your boyfriend blurs, even surprising himself with his honesty. “You wanna have dinner together tonight?” You offer, but Enzo shakes his head making you frown. “No. I mean yes, obviously I would like that, but it’s not just that I want to do just one thing with you. We’ve barely spent time together this week.” An uncomfortable laugh escapes you, but you repress it when you notice how sad Enzo’s eyes are. “We’ve spent plenty of time together, besides you’re a guy, you need your space. I don’t want to suffocate you with hugs and kisses all the time.” 
Enzo is baffled at your words. “I’m a guy so I need space. What’s that supposed to mean?” There was a slight tone of agitation in his voice that made you take a step back, but he was quick to close the distance by taking a step closer. “Who put all these crazy ideas in your head of needing to give me space and suffocating me with love?” Your face falls at his harsh tone, but you bite back. “It was you. You were the one that said you wanted to be free of me for a few minutes and that I was the needy one and you had to put up with my clinginess. It was you, Enzo Berkshire, you idiot. So you have no right to complain about me giving you space, since you asked for it.” Enzo’s jaw clenches at your accusation. “I did not!” You cross your arms and raise your eyebrows. “I heard you with Pansy, Matt and Draco.” 
Enzo frowns for a moment, but when he remembers his eyes widen and a laugh escapes his lips. “You believed that?” He asks and you just stare at him in confusion. “They didn’t believe any of it. I was trying to convince them I wasn’t some whipped guy that couldn’t be without his girlfriend for a second, but they saw right through me.” You unfold your arms and Enzo takes your hands in his. “I don’t need space, I need you. So please don’t force me to go days without your hugs and kisses. You don’t suffocate me, if anything I suffocate without you.” You kiss him tenderly and out of excitement Enzo picks you up, making you squeal softly. “Please spend the day with me?” You nod and kiss your boyfriend’s pouty lips. 
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artytaeh · 4 months
the way i just know that theodore nott raises an eyebrow at EVERYTHING.
someone made a comment that he thought it was stupid? raised eyebrow + side-eye combo.
someone called his name or asked for his attention? theo raises an eyebrow so he doesn't have to take the cigarette from his lips to ask, what? or to say anything at all; a silent question.
playful banter and you did manage to say something that kept him on his toes? looks at you up and down, almost checking you out, with that raised eyebrow that shows amusement.
a professor scolds him? the sassiness is silent, in the form of a raised eyebrow, once more.
he might not be having the final word now, as you scold him (or try to reprimand him), but he surely is raising an eyebrow at you and keeping on the sassy-man-apocalypse safe and sound.
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theodoresprincess · 5 months
🦋 Theodore Nott as boyfriend 🦋
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Song playing :
Until I found you ~ Stephen Sanchez
Reading together
Touching 24/7 - once Theo gets used to physical touch and feels comfortable around you , he clings to you
Playing with his brown curls absently or while being lost in thoughts and not catching him staring at you with a soft look in his eyes
You're the talker in the relationship. While Theo did open up more and responds to you, you're usually the one who leads the conversation. However he does show that he listens to you by making small comments and making eye contact
Talking and planning your future together. Once Theo knows you love him *almost* as much as he loves you ( cause this man loves you. A LOT. ) he is completely committed to you and your relationship. There is no one else for him. It's either you or nobody.
Getting him to smile more by making sassy comments, playing around with the gang or simply by being yourself
Being close to the gang ( Draco, Mattheo, Blaise, Enzo, Pansy, Daphne ) y'all are literally a found family by now
Study dates. Hear me out! Theo is really smart, like damn. But he ( like the biggest part of the gang ) doesn't study that much and tend to skip classes. He would also help you study in your weakest subject
Holding hands. He needs to feel you there with him. You ground him.
Italian nicknames. His main nickname for you would be principessa ( I will die on that hill ) bc you are his princess and he treats you like one - princess treatment
Theo being protective over you. And yes, he did got into fights more than once because of protecting / defending you. What do you expect him to do when this jerk talks bad about his girl?
Patching him up after those fights and showering him in kisses which results into Theo smiling
Theo being possessive. You're his and he is yours. End of discussion
( I might add some more headcanons later )
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~ princess 🦋
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sminiac · 8 months
hii can u write something for p1harmony members and how they act when they’re jealous? whenever ur free no rush of course thank u ^^
💌 — Hi sweets! I love this concept, I gotchu <3
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⋆ Y. Keeho
He’s definitely comfortable in his own skin so he wouldn’t doubt for a second that someone else couldn’t snatch you up. Being the one to raise your standards by miles, years even, he’d be so offended… on your behalf, because no way is someone else getting your number with such weak game, the type to walk up to you when he picks up on what’s going on, his hand sliding it’s way to your lower back, “Mm- you should ask for her instagram instead, Snapchat these days is a little childish, right baby?”
When he’s jealous and you’re clearly not entertaining it nor instigating then he’s absolutely not going to be out for your throat, it’s the person pursuing you that should be worried. Purposely makes himself taller, bigger, probably even lets his voice drop a few octaves with direct and unwavering eye contact. He’s just so ‘mineminemine’ that suddenly he couldn’t care less about attracting the attention of any surrounding eyes.
It’s absolutely different when he sees you’re doing it on purpose, he knows right away that you’re just trying to rile him up, and fuck does it work. But through all of this I could only name one thing I’d see him doing, and that’s smirking, watching you with an entertained expression on his face that you know explains: “Keep going.” Because just wait and see what he’ll do when he’s got you alone.
Remainder of members under the cut!
⋆ C. Taeyang
Sassy, but he does it in a humorous manner, like he’s so “You want me to pass the salt? Mm.. I don’t know, are you sure you don’t want your other boyfriend to?” And the encounter would literally be from so long ago you don’t even remember it off the top of your head. Theo would also be someone who doesn’t take things directly to heart so quickly, so for the most part he’s only bringing up the encounter for a laugh, because I mean… he’s Theo.
He’d be more offended if someone wasn’t complimenting you, he takes your compliments as his own in a way. The person isn’t talking about how pretty your eyes are? He’s immediately pointing it out like someone kind of cliche TV game show, probably even makes the incorrect buzzer noise like “Eeeeh! Next feature, maybe try her lips? Or even her hair?” But when the compliments start getting a little too good then it’s suddenly not so funny and he wants to leave asap. If he could, he’d have it so no one else could admire you the way he can, because even the thought of it has him tweaking.
⋆ C. Jiung
The most open and communicative out of all of them. If the flirting is a little too serious, even touchy in the slightest he’ll admittedly have to walk away for a little while, but he’d take the time to explain to you why he needs a minute to himself. When he’s ready he doesn’t approach you with any biting accusations or a hostile edge to his voice, he’s so calm and responsive, the sour taste in his mouth still slowly easing away but he perseveres through it and any negative notions about the situation.
Once you fully explain to him what happened on your end he’s very understanding, even laughs a little if you admit you had no idea that what just happened was flirting. Calls you cute with a grin on his face as he rubs at the back of your hand.
“My sweet, clueless girl.” Kisses you in a way that speaks for itself.
⋆ H. Intak
I think initially he’d be very hesitant about vocalizing his feelings in fear of being laughed at, but you manage to work through it with lots of physical affection and reassurance! Once he’s settled he’s so. Loud. Like- y’all know how loud this man can be? He’s absolutely gonna be yelling his pretty head off if he sees something he doesn’t like. “What’s this?! What is he saying? That’s craaazy!” He’d love to embarrass the fuck out of someone if they dared come up to you trying to be all suave.
With this hopefully no one ever touches you in a way you didn’t permit because he’s also the most likely to start throwing punches without a mind for the repercussions.
He’s so confident that you wouldn’t start something with someone else that his immediate reaction is to always make fun of the person who tries to pursue you, becomes incredibly touchy and he makes sure that it’s perceivable. When he’s got you alone he’s so clingy, keeps contact with you in anyway possible, not afraid to start whining and complaining aloud with a pout whenever you pull away for even a second, “I wish my girlfriend wanted to hug me, especially after I saved her from being hit on by a creepy guy with a horrendous outfit on!”
⋆ H. Shota
Such a bitter person dealing with jealousy, it sneaks up on him easier than he can fully comprehend, leading the nasty feelings to fester into outwardly targeted spite nipped through laughter and teasing, like: “You look really good, you know who else thinks you’re pretty…?” He’d try to entertain it as him just being funny, but you can see the way his smile curls into a soft grimace at the thought of another person trying to hit on you.
You’d probably notice his discomfort before he does. Going out of his way to make as much contact with you as possible, the tips of his fingers creeping under your shirt around your waist/stomach, making the hand holding incredibly unavoidable from anyone’s eye, and if its really getting to him he’d start coming up really close to your ear just to talk to you, pushing your hair back, smiling through his words at the warmth you’re engulfed in by his closeness.
When it’s just the two of you his personality does a complete switch, he’s quiet, distant. Just needs time to think over why exactly he’s feeling this way. He usually comes to the conclusion that it’s in fact not that deep and reverts back to his normal self, it’s a paced transition but by the end of it he’s completely normal, maybe a little more affectionate but there’s never any sour notes strung in the air. He’s not confident in a lot of things, but one of them is that he knows he has you, I think it would be incredibly hard to not show the extent you’d go to for his love and time, and it’s very reassuring and stabilizing.
⋆ K. Jongseob
He would pretend to be nonchalant about seeing another guy who was clearly, very painfully and obviously into you + making horrible attempts at flirting, he’s no stranger to the eye contact, the excessive amount of times he’s said your name in his sentences, the fleeting touches- because that’s literally how he managed to snag you! How dare someone else try to pull the same moves?
His answers would be short anytime you ask him something after the horrendous loss at getting even so much as your number, his attention caught by whatever game he’s playing, refusing to look away from the small screen. Usually his intense focus would be something you’d brush off, but he wouldn’t so much as carry a conversation with you, he’d cut it short as fast as he could, choosing to instead sink further into his own jealousy, because if he looks at you now he knows all of his efforts will be in vain.
When he’s ready to stop pouting he’d silently decide to put aside his game, making his way to you, your arms, cuddling into your chest, his eyelids flickering shut as he explains that: “I didn’t like the way he was interacting with you, made me upset seeing someone else touch you the way I do.” The tender kisses pressed into his forehead as he explains to you the reason why he was ignoring you make his once tense body slacken, he’d be vocal whilst simultaneously figuring out his feelings, appreciative of your guidance and understanding, the validation of his feelings. Just wants to be held and loved on, keeps extending his neck out every time your kisses come to a stop, “Jus’ one more, then I’ll know you love me for real.” He’d say with the most unserious tone ever, a grin on his face that highlights his cute canine tooth that pokes into his lip.
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ᰔ sminiac’s P1Harmony M.list
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theostrophywife · 8 days
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brother's bsf! mattheo who you've had a crush on for years.
but he's only ever seen you as theo's little sister (or so he says).
it doesn't matter that you and theo are only a year apart. your older brother is extremely protective of you and so are the rest of his friends — especially mattheo.
you grew up around the boys, which was a blessing and a curse in and of itself. on one hand, you grew super close to mattheo, but on the other hand, he's seen you through your awkward braces and pigtails phase.
lately though, brother's bsf! mattheo starts to notice you. really notice you.
suddenly, you didn't seem so little to him anymore.
but over the years, your infatuation with your brother's best friend calmed to attraction instead. you've come to accept that while mattheo would always be your first crush, that's all it would really ever amount to. a harmless little childhood crush.
thanks to theo, you hadn't gotten much of a chance to date when you were younger, but now that you were starting uni with the rest of the boys, you were determined to push those silly little feelings for mattheo away and start putting yourself out there.
granted, you had a lot to learn given your sheltered upbringing.
boys had taken a liking to you. why wouldn't they? you're pretty, you're smart, and you're the perfect combination of sweet and sassy, but you were also extremely naïve.
brother's bsf! mattheo had to protect you.
it was his responsibility.
theo trusted him to keep an eye on you. so he did.
・❥・ brother's bsf! mattheo glares at any boy that dares to look at you.
・❥・ brother's bsf! mattheo revs his motorcycle and comes in hot when he sees anyone talking to you, handing you the pink helmet he keeps on him at all times without a single word.
・❥・ brother's bsf! mattheo gives you rides to your dorm and takes you out for ice cream after a particularly hard exam.
it's clear that mattheo has a soft spot for you. no matter how vehemently he denies it.
until the night that everything changed.
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it was a chilly friday evening when you happily skipped out of your dorm building, eager to attend your first frat party.
the cute boy in your history class asked you to come with him and you immediately said yes despite not knowing what to expect. it seemed fun and exciting and a little bit dangerous.
as luck would have it, you ran into none other than mattheo on your way out. his sleek black motorcycle was parked on the curb, smoke wafting from his lips as he took a lazy drag of his cigarette. leaning against his bike, mattheo raised a brow as you strutted onto the sidewalk.
"where do you think you're going, nott?"
"to a party, matty."
"with who?"
"a friend."
mattheo narrows his eyes at you. "I know all your friends and they're busy tonight. so which friend is it?"
you sigh in frustration. "just a friend from class. god, you sound like theo right now."
"you're not going anywhere wearing that."
"what's wrong with my dress?"
you smoothed down the front of your red minidress self-consciously, shying away from mattheo's intense gaze. his chocolate brown eyes scanned your body, the heat of his stare dragging along your skin.
"for starters, that dress barely covers anything and knowing you, you'll be cold within the first few minutes."
"I'll be fine, mattheo. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself."
mattheo crosses his arms, huffing at your statement. "so you told theo where you're headed off to tonight?"
you shrugged. "what my brother doesn't know won't hurt him."
"yes, but he might hurt anyone stupid enough to ogle you in that dress. as will I. maybe I should tell him what his baby sister is up to. better yet, maybe I should come with you to this party, hm?"
"no please," you pleaded. "I just want one night where I'm not being treated like a little kid. can you give me that, matty? please?"
you flashed your best puppy dog eyes at him, knowing that he couldn't possibly resist when you asked so nicely.
mattheo considers it for a moment before sighing in defeat. "fine, princess. but text me when you get there and call me when you're home. don't even think about turning your location off or else I'll send a brigade after you."
"yes sir."
"good girl."
before brother's bsf! mattheo could think better of it, you kiss his cheek and promise to call him later that night.
brother's bsf! mattheo watches you strut away in your tight little dress with a soft smile on his face, fully knowing that you had him wrapped around your finger.
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by the time you arrive at the party, it's in full swing. music is blaring, drinks are flowing, and the frat house is packed to the brim with people.
you send a quick text to mattheo to let him know you've arrived before spotting aiden.
clearly, your date was already a few drinks in. he greets you with a lingering hug before handing you a red cup. "cheers, y/n."
"cheers," you respond, clinking your cup against his and taking a generous swig. the liquor burns your throat and aiden chuckles as you try to hide your wincing.
still, it does the job.
you loosen up after a few sips. aiden introduces you to his friends and you smile politely, trying not to squirm out of his hold as he pulls you in by the waist.
it's fine, he's just keeping you close in such a packed crowd. he doesn't mean any harm by it.
at least that's what you told yourself.
until aiden tries to make a move on you in the middle of the dance floor. you already told him that you didn't want to dance, but he insisted.
you could smell the liquor on his breath as he grabbed your hips, moving them along to the rhythm of the song. you tried to put some distance between you, but aiden didn't seem deterred by it. in fact, his wandering hands slide down to your lower back until they're planted firmly on your ass. you attempted to pry them away, but he slurred "relax" into your ear before giving your ass a squeeze.
that was the tipping point for you.
with all your strength, you shoved aiden off while he cursed after you. the lights were blinding as you made your way through the crowd, fleeing to the bathroom.
you had brother's bsf! mattheo's number dialed before you even closed the door.
surprisingly, he picks up on the first ring.
"hi matty, are you — are you busy right now?"
"I'm with the boys. how'd the party go, princess?"
"um, I'm still here and I just really want to go home."
you hear shuffling on the other end. presumably mattheo finding somewhere more private to speak with you. "I thought your friend was your ride home?"
"well, aiden's drunk and he's been getting a little handsy the whole night so I don't really feel safe going home with him."
"what?" mattheo hisses. "you didn't tell me you were with a guy. I never would've let you go off alone with some random prick."
"please don't be mad, matty. I just wanted to have fun without worring about my brother hovering over my shoulder. don't tell theo, please. I'll — I'll figure it out. I'll find another ride."
"like hell you are! drop your location. the boys and I are coming."
"no, please. I don't want this to be a whole thing. if theo finds out, he'll never let me out of his sight again."
you could feel mattheo grappling with the situation. part of him wanted to tell his best mate, but all he truly cared about was getting to you as quickly as he could. after a few moments, he sighs. "fine, I won't tell your brother, but I'm still coming to get you. stay where you are, princess and don't hang up the phone. I'm on my way, okay?"
"you really don't have to —"
the argument dies in your throat when you hear the sound of mattheo's motorcycle starting up. he wasn't going to let you talk him out of this. mattheo was coming, whether you wanted him to or not.
"too late. be a good girl and stay on the line with me, sweetheart. I'm coming for you."
brother's bsf! mattheo pays no mind to the boys as they joke about him meeting up with a booty call.
the only thing that matters to him is getting to you.
brother's bsf! mattheo weaves through campus, revving and racing his motorcycle as fast as it can possibly go.
it's too noisy to talk while he rides, but he stays on the line anyways, listening through one earphone as you quietly hum to help calm yourself. mattheo smiles to himself. it's one of his favorite quirk of yours. half of the time, you don't even notice you're doing it. but he does. he notices everything about you.
mere minutes have passed since you first called him, but it feels like an eternity to mattheo when he finally pulls up to the decrepit frat house at the edge of campus.
mattheo parks his motorcycle on the curb, glaring at the prying eyes trained on him. it's not every day that the mattheo riddle, resident bad boy pulls up to a party looking like he's absolutely ready to kill someone with his bare hands.
he has half a mind to burst into the bloody house and pummel that stupid prick for daring to touch you, but the sight of you approaching stops him cold.
you look flustered and fearful, lower lip trembling as you spill out into the sidewalk. mattheo instantly sees red. he vows to make that motherfucker pay for this.
"where is he?"
"mattheo —"
"where. the. fuck. is. he?"
"probably somewhere inside drunk off his arse. I don't know and I don't care. can we please just go?"
despite his anger, you don't balk from him. in fact, you've got both hands pressed firmly against his chest to hold him back.
brother's bsf! mattheo grips your hips, your noses pressing together as he carefully inspects you. making sure you were alright is the only thing keeping him from committing violence.
"tell me where he is."
though mattheo's words are tinged with fury, his tone remains soft and sweet. his voice is nothing but a whisper because even at his angriest, mattheo would never raise his voice at you.
“give me a name, sweetheart. just give me his name."
"it's fine, matty. he's not worth the trouble."
“he left you alone, at a party where you don’t know anyone, got too drunk even though he knows he’s your ride home and got handsy with you even though you weren’t into it. give me one good reason why I shouldn’t fuck him up right now?”
“I can handle him later. can we please just go home? I'm tired and I just want to be in bed now.”
the cold air makes you shiver as you mentally curse yourself for picking such a skimpy outfit when hours ago you felt foolishly confident in your dress.
brother's bsf! mattheo softens when he sees you trembling. without a word, he takes off his jacket and drapes it over your shoulders. the scent of amber and cinnamon envelopes you all at once, lulling you into a calmer state.
"okay, princess. let me take you home."
once mattheo secures the baby pink helmet over your head, he tells you to hang on tight before taking off.
you hug his midsection, resting your chin on his shoulder as mattheo drives slow through the sprawling campus. the streets are empty, but he drags out the ride, wanting to spend as much time with you as possible.
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at the strike of midnight, the two of you finally reach your dorm.
although you insist that you're fine, brother's bsf! mattheo walks you all the way up to your door.
the fluorescent lights flicker overhead as you shift your weight form one foot to the other, suddenly feeling shy.
"thanks for picking me up, matty."
"of course, y/n. you know I'd do anything if you're the one asking."
you smile, trying your hardest to hide the blush on your cheeks. "I hope I didn't ruin your night."
mattheo shrugs. "not at all. before you called, I was watching berkshire stuff marshmallows down his throat while the boys cheered him on. trust me, you weren't interrupting anything important."
"still. I appreciate you coming to my rescue and not ratting me out to my brother."
mattheo smiles. "it's our little secret, princess."
the double meaning of the words causes tension between you and the pull that you've always felt towards mattheo feels stronger than ever, tugging you closer.
maybe tonight is the night that you finally feel brave enough to fall.
"goodnight, matty."
brother's bsf! mattheo watches as you get on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek like you always do. except this time, you lean in for a proper kiss.
as soon as mattheo's lips touch yours, you feel your entire body erupt like fireworks. it's everything you imagined it to be and more. his lips are soft against yours, supple and inviting. the kiss takes him by surprise, but once he realizes what's happening, he groans into your mouth, the sound of it filled with need.
dazed and confused, you look up as mattheo pulls away, his big brown eyes scanning your face. "we shouldn't do this, princess."
despite his words, mattheo's hand rests itself on your hip, his thumb brushing gentle circles against your exposed skin. you gulp as he stares at you, your lips brushing, your bodies gravitating towards each other no matter how hard you try to fight the pull.
"is it because of my brother?"
"no," mattheo growls. "we shouldn't do this because I don't know if I'll be able to stop once we start."
"I don't want you to stop, mattheo."
as soon as the words leave your lips, mattheo is kissing you again, and this time, he isn't holding back. you cling onto his shirt as he kisses you hard, the force of it hitting you all at once. his fingers dig into your hips as you bend at the waist, desperately kissing back.
his head is reeling and his heart is pounding. mattheo is drowning in your taste, your touch, your smell. you're every drug rolled into one; seductive and sinful. he's addicted and he can't get enough.
brother's bsf! mattheo doesn't want to pull away. he wants to stay here and live in this moment forever, but he knows that if he does, he'll end up taking everything.
foreheads pressed together, mattheo leans in for one last kiss. this one is sweet and gentle, enough to satiate him for the moment.
"sleep tight, princess. I'll see you in the morning."
"see you in the morning, matty."
brother's bsf! mattheo can't help but take one last look at you, a soft smile on his face when he sees your flushed cheeks and kiss bitten lips.
in that moment, he knows he's fucked. you're his best mate's little sister. he shouldn't have kissed you. he shouldn't feel this way for you. he should've stopped before it was too late, but you were both way past that now.
now that he's had you, he won't want anything else. it's you he'll always crave. it's you he'll always long for. and he doesn't give a fuck what it takes to get you.
brother's bsf! mattheo won't stop until you're his and his alone. *✧・゚:*
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rotthepoet · 2 months
More Bsf!theo
Pt 2 where he sneaks you into his common room too talk bcs your still friends but when you fall asleep on him and everyone questions it he's just very smug
Im a little bit obsessed with bsf!theo 🫣
Everyone knows to leave you and Theodore alone when you have common room gossip time. Theo is a sassy Italian man, and you are a sassy you, and together your side eyes could send a grown man to his grave<3
So lets say you’re not a Slytherin, not a problem. Theo’ll dress you up in his spare robes and pronounce you an honorary Slytherin for the night. And no one dares question him. The green robes help with the narcs(prefects) trying to do their jobs, but Theo will pay off anyone who tries getting in the way of the two of you hanging out.
If you are a Slytherin, no worries, but it’ll be harder to separate you two. Practically conjoined at the hip, in class together, in the dining hall, and its not even the littlest bit suspicious because you’re both in the same house! Duh! (Its really suspicious, rumors are spreading like wildfire)
Nevertheless, it’s really not uncommon to find you and Theo chatting on the couches in front of the fireplace, or even tucked away beside one of the stained glass mirrors looking into The Black Lake. You’ll sit there for hours on end running your mouths, playing chess, or even just sitting in comfortable silence as you both work on schoolwork. Theo’s friends may come by time to time, eyeing you suspiciously, glancing back and forth at your every micro-expression. Blaise and Lorenzo have a 10 galleon bet on whether or not you’re exclusive.
When the hangouts lead far into the night, when the fire burns until it’s nothing but embers, when the last prefect had been paid off to leave you alone, Theo feels adventurous. He gets handsy, his lips attached to your neck, warning you to keep still and quiet.
“Wouldn’t want us getting caught now, hm?”
He lets you squirm against his chest while he stuffs his hands into your robes, playing with you. He’ll whisper sweet nothings in your ear, humming about how obedient and sweet you are. He’ll talk you through orgasm after orgasm until you’re shaking and begging him to stop in a quiet, broken voice. He’ll lick his fingers clean of your cum, tracing his warm and wet hands under your shirt to rest on your stomach.
He just wants to hold you. To feel you. Theo craves skin-to-skin contact. Helps him to ground himself, to focus on shoving down and stomaching the feelings fluttering in his heart. It always comes back up, and he often bites his tongue to stop the word-vomit from falling from his mouth. To stop himself from ruining everything. To stop himself from losing you. You’re just a friend. A friend he sleeps with. A friend he wishes would hold his face and tell him he’s loved. The feelings never stay buried for long, and Theo’s learned to accept that.
So, while he forces each confession of love down, he traces soft circles into your skin, humming a song he remembers his mother used to sing when he couldn’t sleep. He doesn’t move when you do slip into peaceful slumber, and he won’t move until you wake up again. It would be unfair to stir such a lovely thing.
Naturally, as all good things must come to an end in Theodore Nott’s life, his jaw clenches when Mattheo walks into the common room, quite loudly I must add. He walks with a stupid smirk on his face, sitting down on a chair opposite of Theo.
“Really? Nothing going on here?”
“Not a thing.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it.”
Don’t get me wrong, Theo and Mattheo are like pb&j. Best friends since the beginning. Theodore knows everything about Mattheo. And Mattheo thought he knew everything about Theo. He doesn’t like this secret-keeping.
“I would tell you if there was something, Matt.”
“Really? So you don’t care that I overheard someone saying he was going to ask them out?”
Theo looks down at you, still sleeping in his arms, stomach still wet with the mixture of your own arousal and Theo’s saliva. In that moment, you were completely Theo’s, and no one could take you away from him. Not now. And nothing else matters right now. Not when you look so happy. Not when you look so comfortable. Not when he knows no one can bother you while you sleep in his arms.
“Nah, doesn’t bother me.”
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bubblegump-1-nk · 4 months
Lost in Translation
pairing: Fem!Reader x Theodore Nott
summary: In which you and Theo are best friends, and secretly in love. But when Theo accidentally overhears a conversation between you and Enzo, he realizes you might not feel the same way…
Note: Ok y’all I’m sorry I PROMISE this will be my last Theo fic in a little while, I’m really going to try to write for other characters (and dw I won’t cheat and write for Lorenzo’s other characters ;)). On that note, I am going on many trips this summer and don’t know how much I’ll be able to write so I just want to get this story out before I leave for my trip tomorrow. Update: I didn’t finish in time and I’m currently halfway across the world writing this, having been awake for 23 hours straight, so if it stops making sense towards the end, pls forgive me 🙏🏼
It was a particularly warm day in March, so you and your friends decided to carry out your free period by the Black Lake. The sound of the waves lightly crashing onto the shore and the light breeze dancing through the trees was enough to make you want to fall asleep on the plush grass beneath you, but Pansy’s voice brought you out of your dreamy state.
“Y/n?” She spoke again, when her voice didn’t get your attention the first time.
“Mhm.” You muttered from where you were laying in the grass, a smile small placed on your face as the sun hit your skin so nicely.
“Dreaming of Theo?” Hermione inquired, causing Daphne to giggle due to your friendship with Theo being a little too “friendly”.
You shot up and glared at the girls. “How many times do I have to tell you, we are only best friends.”
This caused Daphne and Hermione to laugh even harder, and your cheeks flushed a bright pink.
“Ok, ok, whatever. Y/n, do you have the charms work?” Pansy asked, annoyed that her question had been ignored thrice.
“Yeah, I have it here.” You said, shaking your head to forget the altercation as you rummaged through your satchel.
“Speak of the devil.” Daphne said, causing you to look up.
Class must have gotten out already, hence why Theo, Enzo, and Mattheo were walking your way now.
You gave Pansy your homework and went back to resting on your makeshift grass bed.
“Forgot our invite?” Mattheo said, as the boys reached your group.
“You had class, idiot.” Pansy said, scribbling down your work.
“When has that ever stopped us.” Mattheo said, as he sat down and threw his tie off and gave Pansy a sassy look.
You felt your body being moved by strong hands you immediately recognized as Theo’s.
“Hey, you.” Theo said, as he looked down at you. He had moved you so your head now rested on his lap, a much more comfortable pillow.
“Hi Teddy.” You said, your eyes still closed.
“Theres other people here too, y/n”. Enzo joked, his mouth full with food.
“I know, I just don’t tend to say hi to people I don’t like.” You joked, making a face at Enzo.
He threw a piece of candy at you, but it was intercepted by Theo who put it in his mouth.
“What’s in the bag Mattheo.” Hermione asked, changing the conversation topic and drawing attention to Mattheo’s bag which was slowly and quietly jumping up and down.
“These idiots spilled some of our potion into my bag and it hasn’t stopped jumping since. You should have seen it before though, it’s calmed down a lot since then.”
Theo and Enzo began to laugh, and the rest of the group followed suit.
Theo’s hands were playing with your hair, like second-nature.
Enzo’s gaze burned down on the both of you, and you slowly made eye contact with him. You had drunkenly told Enzo about your feelings towards Theo after a party a couple weeks ago, when he brought you back to your room (a job that was usually taken by Theo).
“Careful, y/n, watch your step.” He had said, as he helped you back into your room from the Slytherin common room.
“Your the best Enzo, you’re really my best friend.” You had responded, turning to face him as you said it.
“Yeah you’re mine too y/n.” He said with a small chuckle. You two had known each other for ages, and your bond was like no other.
As he was helping you out of your clothes, you started to explain your feelings.
“Enzo, I can trust you right?” You asked, biting your lower lip.
He stopped momentarily, nervous. “Of course you can trust me, y/n.” He said, taken aback by your silly question.
“Ok, because what I’m about to tell you, you cannot tell anyone about. And I mean it. Not even your cat.” You said, turning to face him, your expression completely serious.
“O-ok, yeah. Of course.” He said, surprised by your quick change of tone.
“I mean seriously. If you told anyone it could ruin everything.”
Enzo gave you a skeptical look, what the fuck were you scared to say he thought to himself.
You took his silence as an invitation to speak again.
“I’m in love with Theo. And I mean really in love with Theo. I’ve thought about it for some time now and I just had to tell someone about it.” You rambled.
Enzo was silent for a moment, a small smile forming on his lips.
“Fucking finally you realize!”
“Mattheo, stop it! Do it yourself!” Daphne’s voice brought you and Enzo out of your shared daydream. Daphne snatched her potions essay out of Mattheo’s hands and slapped him with it, causing him to yelp out.
“Will you two stop it? Anyways, we better get going y/n.” Hermione said, collecting her stuff and getting up.
“Where to?” Theo asked.
“Harry and Ron are meeting us at Hagrid’s in a bit. We have to help him with some baby dragon he found.” You explained, getting up from Theo’s legs.
“Ok, see you at dinner then.” He said softly, helping you put your things away.
“See you.” You said to him, and then loudly to the rest of the group as you walked away with Hermione.
Theo stared at you as you walked away, his being consumed with you.
Dinner was quick, and as you made your way out of the Great Hall, you detached yourself from Hermione, Harry, and Ron, to grab Enzo.
“Come with me.” You said, pulling him by his arm and giving him no time to ask questions.
You pulled him into your dorm room and closed the door.
“What’s going on?”
“I’m gonna stop being a pussy and confess! I’m tired of being hopelessly in love and I want to do something about it.” You explained.
“Fucking finally!” He said, repeating the words he had said that fateful night.
“And you’re going to help me practice.”
What..?” Enzo asked, a confused expression on his face.
“I need you to help me practice what I’m going to say. Please.” You said, throwing the last word in there to make it sound more like a question than a command.
“Ok yeah. Anything to finally get you two together.” Enzo asked, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Ugh, I can’t do it! What if he doesn’t like me back, and then I ruin our friendship and I lose him completely. I’ll tear the group apart. I-I can’t do this.” You say, sinking down to the floor, your worries consuming you.
Enzo follows you down to the ground, and grabs one of your shoulders gently. His other hand lifting your chin to look him in the eyes.
“Y/n, I love you, but you’re being so fucking stupid right now. Of course he loves you, it’s so painstakingly obvious. I mean everyone knew before you two realized it. He practically crumbles at the sight of you talking to other boys. So please, just do this.” He explains, putting emphasis on the last sentence.
“You’re right. I- wait, he gets jealous when I talk to other guys?” You ask, diverging the conversation.
Laughter erupts out of Enzo, and it vibrates through out the entire room.
Little did you know, Theo had had a similar conversation with Mattheo the night of that party a few weeks ago, which was the reason for his absence in taking you to your room
He was sitting on the astronomy tower, smoking a cigarette when Mattheo appeared.
“Party’s down there, mate.”
“I’m not interested.” Theo had said, watching as the smoke from his cigarette mixed from the smoke created by his voice in the cold air.
“Why’s that?” Mattheo asked, sitting down next to Theo and taking a cigarette from the open pack on the ground.
“I can’t stand it anymore. Seeing her with other boys.”
“Y/n?” Mattheo asked, in which Theo confirmed with a small nod.
“My chest physically hurts when I see her flirt with other people. I’m physically hurting knowing I can’t be with her. Knowing I can’t love her.” Theo explains, tears brimming in his usually stole cold eyes.
“Then tell her. I assure you she would much rather flirt with you than those tossers.”
So now, Theo was on his way to your dorm, excitement and fear teeming inside of him. He was repeating the speech he had prepared earlier with Mattheo over and over in his head, but he knew it was useless. He knew he would forget all of it the moment he looked into your angelic face.
He ran up the stairs to your dorm room, pushing people aside and muttering apologies as he did so.
He ran down the hallway, excited to get to your door. He finally reached the dark oak, but was surprised by the laughter he heard inside. That wasn’t your sweet laugh. It was loud and boisterous, a boys. Theo waited outside your door, listening in. Had he misread the signs?
“Enzo stop it. Stop laughing.” You said.
Enzo? Theo thought, confusion clouding his mind.
“Ok, ok, yep, sorry.” Enzo said, laughter still slipping out of his lips.
“I love you, ok?” You said, after slapping the side of his head.
“Finally you realize. I’ve been in love with you since we were kids!” Enzo responded, and Theo’s heart dropped. It dropped and dropped until he was sure it was laying on the floor somewhere. His throat closed up and mouth got all dry.
You were in love with Enzo? How could he have missed that? How could he possibly have missed that? Tears threatened to spill, and he was damned if he let anyone see him cry. He ran out of there as soon as he regained feeling in his legs.
Theo wanted to crawl into the Black Lake and drown. How could the girl he’s been in love with since he was a child love someone else? One of his best friends for that matter. Why was his life always so unfair?”
“Ok, ok I’m ready.” You say, after having finished your little improv love confession with Enzo.
“Ok, so what are you waiting for?”
“Now? You want me to go now?” You ask, your eyebrows shooting up and eyes widening.
“Yes, now! Stop wasting time!”
“O-ok, ok, fine, I’m going now.” You say, reaching for the door. “Will you wait for me? In here, please.” You say, turning back to face him.
“Of course.” He said, a smile small on his lips as he crashes down onto your bed.
You finally reached Theo’s dorm, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you knocked on the door.
It was strangely silent on the other side, until you heard footsteps reaching for the door.
You fought back the urge to walk away, your stomach was flipping and your palms were lightly sweating. Wtf am I doing? You thought.
You were taken aback by Mattheo’s presence, even more so by his face. He looked almost, unhappy to see you. Something you had never experienced.
“Is Theo here?” You asked, eyes trying to dart around Mattheo’s body to see inside the room.
He gave you a look you couldn’t quite understand, but it seemed angry.
“Nope. I’ll pass on a message if you want.” He said, uninterested.
“Er, no it’s alright, I’ll just come back later.” You explained.
“Or maybe not.” He said, closing the door in your face.
You stood there shocked, had he really just done that? What was going on? Where was Theo?
You concluded that he had probably been with a girl, thus his urgency and blocking you from seeing inside. Whenever girls got with the boys, they were typically jealous of your friendship with them (although you never understood because they were all practically your brothers), so perhaps he wanted you out before the girl got angry.
You left, walking back to your dorm. The confidence dissipating out of you, and you decided you would just do it tomorrow.
Unbeknownst to you, Theo was actually in the room, wallowing over his lost love.
The next morning you slowly got out of bed, rolling around in your comfortable sheets as the sunlight seeped into your room. It was a slow Saturday and you had nothing planned other than a Ravenclaw party you were debating attending.
You slowly got yourself out of bed, reminding yourself of the large task at hand: tell your best friend your in love with him, no big deal. You got dressed and made your way down to breakfast, and you kept finding yourself wiping your sweaty palms against your shirt.
As you walked into the Great Hall and made your way over to the table, you noticed immediately that Theo was absent, and Mattheo as well. You quickly scanned the table to find Enzo and when you locked eyes, he gave you a sympathetic look followed with a shrug. You went over to your table and quickly ate breakfast.
The rest of the day was just as strange. You didn’t see Theo all day, which never ever happened. You two were practically attached at the hip. It was strange not having his presence around you, and you swear you were having withdrawal symptoms.
The strangest thing occurred towards the end of the day, when you were walking down the hallway and you saw Theo walking a ways away in your direction. But as soon as he saw he, and you swear he saw you, he turned sharply into the boys restroom, looking down.
“Cmon y/n, please come!” Pansy said, trying to drag you out of your bed to go to a party with Daphne and her.
“I’m sorry, Pans, I’m just not feeling it.” You stated. You had been crying for a while, coming to the conclusion that not only does Theo not love you, he hates you.
“Ok, ok. But, if you change your mind, you know where we are.” She said, finally giving up and leaving your room.
Enzo was leaning on the arm of a couch, drinking fire whiskey and laughing along to Draco and Blaise’s remarks.
The Ravenclaw common room had been expanded, yet it still felt stuffy with the huge amounts of people inside. Blue lights were dancing around the room and music was pumping loudly throughout.
Theo and Mattheo were sitting somewhere else, Theo stating he couldn’t stand even looking at Enzo or he would kill him. But eventually, he got enough drinks in his system, trying to numb the pain of his heartbreak, and got up to make his way to him.
“Wow, mate. Where you going?” Mattheo asked, grabbing Theo’s forearm.
“I’m not gonna lay a hand on him.” Theo said, glaring at Enzo and shaking his arm out of Mattheo’s grasp.
He took long strides over to Enzo, Draco, and Blaise, and his cup sloshed back and forth, liquid spilling over the sides.
“Hey mate.” Blaise said, him and Draco both unaware of any drama.
Theo nodded to him and Enzo shared a tight lipped smile, and looked down at his cup. The air was so tense it could’ve been cut in half with a pair of scissors.
“Where’s your girlfriend?” Theo asked, after beats of silence and staring daggers at Enzo.
“Uh- I- my girlfriend?” Enzo asked, taken aback. The fear emanating from his voice at Theo’s violent look.
“Yeah, your girlfriend. Y’know, y/n.” He said, his voice laced with brutality.
“Y/n? What are you talking about?” Enzo asked, his brows knitted in confusion.
“I heard you talking to her. Saying how much you loved one another. Ringing any bells?”
“Wait, Theo, what the fuck are you talking about?” Enzo asked, Blaise and Draco listening in intently.
“Wow, you are a shit boyfriend. I fucking heard you saying how much you love each other when I was outside of her dorm. It was two fucking days ago and now you can’t even remember?” Theo said, his face fuming with anger.
“Holy shit, that’s why you started acting all weird? Mate, that’s not even close to what was going on.” Enzo explained, Blaise and Draco were watching like it was a reality tv show.
“Oh, so your love confessions were just pretend, or?” Theo said, talking to his best friend as if he was scum.
“Yes, you idiot! She was practicing what say to you!”
“What?!” Blaise said, covering his mouth when he realized it was out loud.
Theo blinked, looking around to all the boys. Mattheo had appeared when he heard the commotion getting rowdy.
“What..?” Theo asked, looking intently at Enzo.
“She’s in love with you! She asked me to practice what to say to because she was going to tell you. But then you got all weird and stopped talking to her. Now she’s sure you hate her and she’s been crying for hours.” Enzo explained.
Theo looked at him with blank eyes, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Well? What are you waiting for? Go!” Mattheo said, pushing Theo towards the door.
Blaise and Draco cheered, and Enzo sat back releasing a breath, thankful that he hadn’t just been beat to death by Theo.
“Go away Pansy!” You said, after a knock was placed on your door.
You had been laying in bed practically all day and were wallowing over your lost love.
“It’s not Pansy.” Theo said shyly.
“Can I please come in.”
“Uhm, yeah.” You said, quickly sitting up and trying to make yourself look more presentable.
The door opened slowly, and Theo walked in, his face was soft and kind.
“Can we talk. Please.” He begged.
“Yeah.” You said quietly, eyes searching his face for a clue of what was to happen.
“I’m so sorry y/n. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I thought you were in love with Enzo and I- I just couldn’t handle seeing you.”
“What? Why would you think I’m in love with Enzo?”
“I came round to your dorm last night to talk to you, and I heard you and Enzo inside. You were talking about how much you loved each other. And I just, my heart broke. Because I’m in love with you y/n. I’ve loved you ever since I have known you and I couldn’t bear to be around you after hearing that you loved my best friend and that I would never have a chance to love you.” He ranted, tears coming to his eyes as he stood before you.
“Theo, I- I don’t love Enzo.” Was all you managed to get out, because your throat was closing in quickly now and tears were threatening to spill if you said anything else.
“I know that now.” Theo said, with a light laugh. “And I’m sorry if I’ve ruined everything between us but I want to make it up to you and if you still have any feelings for me at all, please, please tell me because I can’t go on pretending I wouldn’t burn the entire world for you if you asked any longer.”
You smiled, tears falling from your eyes.
“Of course I fucking love you! I’ve been in ruins thinking that you hate me, Teddy.”
He melted at the nickname and made his way over to you, sitting on your bed and wiping your tears from your cheeks. You both were smiling at each other, and after gathering yourselves for a minute, he asked, “Can I kiss you?”
You laughed at the silly question, because, of course you wanted to kiss him and answered by smashing your lips onto his.
GOD SORRY THIS IS SO LONG and the ending is super rushed because I didn’t want to keep writing
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peachesofteal · 1 year
Part of the Sassy series.
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Simon Riley/female reader 6k words - AO3 Warnings-tags: 18+ Minors DNI. No smut but this fic contains mature themes. PTSD. Emotional hurt/comfort. Relationship issues. Feelings of sadness, anxiety, fear. Mention of attempted suicide. Alcohol use. Tenderness. Simon is soft for you. Simon is a good dad. The 141 is a found family trope. Angst with a happy ending. The gang's all here. Lots of crying. Home.
>You need to come down to the pub.  >What? >Simon’s in bad shape.  >It’s hardly noon?  >Just get down here, Sassy.
The text from Price has you walking briskly down the street within a minute, jittery with nerves and heart racing in your chest. The pub is not a long walk, the shortest route is east two blocks, south two blocks, and a quick left turn into the pedestrian alley that runs between two large brick buildings, to where the red painted door is nestled in off the street.
It’s not a long enough walk at all, because it hardly gives you enough time to collect your thoughts. Your feet fly over pock marked asphalt, anxiety shifting around in your mind, finding the softest pieces of your brain to sink its teeth into and derail you. He’s okay, he’s just drunk. He’s okay, he’s just drunk. He’s not hurt. He’s fine. 
You’re practically vibrating with nerves. Your body feels uncontained, unbound by laws and physics, like you could fall apart completely at any moment. Rip apart at the seams and disappear into nothing, never to be seen or heard from again.
It was a struggle, in the next moment, to not follow that previous thought up with ‘maybe it’d be better.’ 
You weren’t allowed to say those things out loud anymore. Or, so says your therapist. You weren’t supposed to think your family would be better off without you, this shell of a human that is neither a mother or a wife now, just a skeleton, just a nervous system, just a heart and a brain.
You grit your teeth.
You are still you. You are strong. You are a mother. You are a wife. You are loved. You are worthy of being loved. 
You fight the eyeroll and repeat it on top of your other mantra for good measure.
Theo is okay. Simon is okay. You’re home. There is no danger. There is nothing to fear.
When you get to the pub’s front door, you stop for a second and stare at it.
Your hands shake on the handle.
There is no danger. There is nothing to fear. You are still you. You are worthy of being loved. 
“What’re you doing ‘ere?” Simon slurs, and you chew on the inside of your cheek while Price stands opposite you, adjacent to the drunk man’s shoulder.
“Sassy’s going to take ya home.” Price explains gently, and Simon shakes his head furiously, eyes slamming shut like he’s suddenly been blinded by the sun.
“No.” He vows. You fight to keep your voice even when you try to reassure him.
“Si. Hey, it’s okay, you’re just-“
“No, Sass.” His fingers curl around the small glass that’s filled to the brim with bourbon, before he throws it back and wipes his lips on his sleeve. “Price’ll take me home. Go on.” The directive cuts, but you swallow the hurt down. You put him here. You did this. 
“I can’t, mate. Got to meet the wife down the street for an appointment.”
"I can't go with 'er." He snaps, and you try not to choke the saliva that's building in the back of your throat with your nausea. Price looks at you over Simon’s slumped posture, mouthing something that looks like: ‘it’s okay, call the cab’, and you manage it in record time, the tracker on the screen showing a black vehicle pulling down the street a minute later. Your hands are still fucking shaking, and you can’t stop them, can’t do anything with them except hold them together in hopes they’ll keep you from falling apart.
“Okay Si, come on.” You’ve managed to get him out of the car, and into the house, but he’s fading fast. The irritation from earlier settling into drunk sleepiness, draining some of that tension that he’s always carrying from his body. You shift him so that he’s leaning on you, his massive weight nearly bowling the two of you over as you encourage him to take the step up. “Help me out.”
“Wy’re you here?” He slurs and you grimace, pressing your thigh into the back of his knee so it bends forward and then up to the next step.
“This is ou- my house.” Our house. It wouldn’t have been a lie, wouldn’t have been anything but the truth, if you had said it. Instead, you bit your tongue just in time. “Can’t take you to yours because you’ve drank the city dry of Kentucky bourbon, and I don’t want you to be alone.”
“Always ‘lone now.” He mumbles and you feel the burn of tears in your nose, under your lashes. Don’t fucking cry. “Ya shouldn’t be here.” He protests as you walk next to him, step by step, your arm wrapped as much as it can be around his waist.
“It’s okay, come on.” You heave him up the last stair to the landing, where you keep your hands on his hips and steer him towards the bedroom.
For a split second, you consider trying to push him towards the guest room but disregard the notion as soon as it comes. He won’t be comfortable in there. The bed’s too small. Don't want him to wake up confused either. He grunts when you herd him towards the master. Master bathroom is better. That way he won’t wake Theo if he gets up in the middle of the night to puke. 
You manage to nudge him into the bed, heaving his legs onto the mattress and stripping his giant boots off, throwing them haphazardly in the corner while you glance at the bedside clock. Almost time for pick up. 
“Our room.” He blinks, arm stretching across towards the middle, towards the side you always sleep on, the side you still sleep on.
“Yeah. Thought you’d be more relaxed in here.” You explain, tugging and pulling at the sheets. He’s so heavy, like dead weight against the fabric, but you don’t want him to be uncomfortable, and the sheets are knotted together under his back. His head lolls, body full of slack, blissfully unaware, floating high on a river of Kentucky bourbon and he looks like he’s about a minute from falling asleep. A tidal wave of longing sweeps through you, everything yearning to curl up into his side, bury your face in his neck and listen to the sound of his breathing.
You can’t. You ruined it. You ruined everything. Again. 
“My sweet girl.” His thumb sweeps across your cheekbone and you can’t help but lean into it, close your eyes and take a lungful of air. “Don’ cry.” He croaks and you manage a smile, a small one, mostly for his benefit.
“I’m okay.” You try to reassure him, his brow crinkling in the center like it does when he knows you’re lying and he’s about to call you out on it. You wipe your face with the back of your hand and glance at the clock again. Shit. “Si, I have to go get Theo, I want you to try to get some rest.” He stays quiet for a while, eyes drooping before he agrees half-heartedly.
“Right, I’ll be ‘ere then.” He shifts, rolling partially on his side, and yanks your pillow into his arms, folding it down into his body until his chin is resting on it. You don’t move from his side until his eyes start to slip closed, the dizzying rhythm of drunken sleep pulling him under, and when you finally stand so you can go get Theo, you can’t help but lean over his shoulder and press a feather light kiss to his temple. I love you; you think. I’m sorry I fucked it all up. 
Theo is, as always, pleased to see you on the sidewalk after the bell rings, his voice vibrating with excitement as he goes through his day, telling you about the things his friends did and the stuff his teacher said.
When you get about two blocks away from the house, you stop and he looks up at you in confusion, face creased in the center of his brows, the spitting image of his dad. You sigh, and squat down so you’re just about eye level. “Theo, I need your help with something when we get home.”
“Kay mum?”
“We need to be really quiet when we get home, okay? Dad is-“
“Daddy’s home?” He squeaks with glee, eyes wide and excited. Shit. Fuck. Shit. 
“Daddy’s home but he’s sick… so he’s asleep. To help him get better we need to be quiet so he can sleep, right?” He nods, and you know he understands. “Okay. Maybe we can watch a movie in the living room with our snack instead of playing in your room, yeah?” He agrees wholeheartedly, and you melt a little. He’s so kind, so patient. Such a sweet boy, and you don’t think it has anything to do with you at this point. You consider yourself lucky he’s so resilient, because you’ve already gone and screwed up half of formative years.
When he gets to the front door, he puts his finger in front of his lips and makes a ‘shhh’ sound, the little gesture showing you that he remembers what the two of you discussed and you melt even more.
He’s definitely getting ice cream tonight.
The morning comes too soon. You spent most of the night awake after managing to get Theo in a bath without causing a huge ruckus and putting him to bed, agonizing on having to face Simon, who may or may not even try to slip away undetected. Not to mention, the three of you have dinner at the Price’s tonight, since Johnny is in town, and it will be the first time you’ve seen Kyle in months. You’re already anxious about that, on top of everything. Your nerves feel rubbed raw.
Your brain didn’t let you sleep, not fully, instead choosing to free fall through memories like you were watching a movie, bits and pieces of your entire life playing out in your mind like you were sitting in a dark theatre with a bucket of popcorn.
The first time you met Simon, the confusion over the skull that seemed so familiar, your brain automatically linking it to Mace’s and dousing you in nervous fear. 
The first time he refused to show you his face. The first time you refused to give him your name. 
The moment you saw him in the bathroom, felt the magnetic pull like magic. The time you caught him watching you, standing outside of the safe house, face tilted up towards the rain. 
When he showed up at your house with a battered ultrasound photo and your name on his lips.
When you held his baby, your son, in your arms for the first time while he cried and kissed you over, and over. 
The day you said yes to marrying him, when he got down on one knee in the nursery, hands shaking with nerves. 
Sleep is brief. You’re half-awake on the couch, listening for any sound from either of them, staring at the floor while the rising sun casts shadow across the hard wood.
You hear the creak of heavy feet on the stairs, the hesitancy of someone standing at the top, unsure if they should come down.
What are you going to say when he does? What could you possibly say that would make any of this better?
Hey, I’m sorry I had a panic attack and abandoned you after we touched each other for the first time in almost a year. 
Hey, I’m sorry I freaked out and left which caused you to spiral into a bottle. 
Hey, I’m sorry I’m still a fucking nightmare that doesn’t actually deserve you. 
“Morning.” He calls, and you turn to see him at the bottom of the steps, walking towards the chair next to the couch, the giant one that’s got an imprint of his body in it.
“Hey, morning.”
“You get any sleep?”
“A little.” The living room goes deathly silent, and you sit up, crossing your legs in front of you to face him. Say something. Say anything. 
“Look, I-“ you start.
“Sass-“ and so does he. The two of you stop as soon as you realize you’re talking over one another.
“Sorry, you go ahead.” You follow up lamely, lip tucked between your teeth. He sighs, long and low.
“I’m sorry, you had to… deal with that. With me. Like that.”
“It’s okay. Not the first time I’ve seen you in rough shape.” You try to tease him, try to lighten the giant storm cloud that is bearing down on the two of you, but it doesn’t work. He grimaces instead. Smooth. You curse yourself. “I uh. Didn’t mind. It felt kind of… nice. To do something for you.” He raises an eyebrow, and you shrug. “You’re always taking care of me, you know?”
“You’re my priority-“ a bedroom door creaks upstairs, followed by the sound of little thundering footsteps, and you feel a pang of regret. Of all times to wake up early, baby. You can't fault him too much, he's so excited to see his dad. “you, and this guy.” He smiles across the room to where your baby stands with his blanket tucked in his hands, still in his pjs with a sleepy smile. “C’mere, bug.” Simon pats his thigh and Theo runs, scrambling up onto the chair and nestling into his dad, eyes still wearing their crust of sleep, hair all a mess.
“Breakfast?” you ask and Theo nods into Simon’s chest.
“Pa’cakes?” he asks hopefully, and you laugh.
“Sure, bug.” Simon looks at you over his head. “Will you stay?” you ask, trying not to let any emotion slip into your voice. It’s his choice. Don’t pressure him. He needs to be comfortable. 
“Of course.”
He stays all day. You don’t intend for it to happen, but it does, and you don’t complain. The two of you dance around the other night gracefully, but it doesn’t feel awkward or awful. It feels… okay. Normal. Without the elephant in the room, you could almost close your eyes and imagine this as before, and your willingness to relax and enjoy their company, together, without getting lost in your own head, is something you’ve been working diligently on thanks to Dr. C.
It feels good. It feels good, when you settle Theo in his room to watch a movie while you figure out his dinner before dinner, just in case he decides to be picky later. It still even feels good when Simon asks you if you want a glass of wine before you start getting ready for said dinner, because he can tell you’re nervous, and you actually say yes without feeling guilty. It all feels great, until it doesn’t, and your little bubble pops.
“Do ya want to talk about the other night?” Fuck. 
“Sure…” you taper off and he sits back in the chair, watching you with a scrutinous gaze, the one you’ve seen dozens of times, but not usually in your home.
“It’s important… that we’re honest with each other,” he says, and a knot twists in your stomach. He rubs the back of his neck anxiously, before taking a deep breath and continuing. “I need you to… acknowledge. What happened. I need to talk about it with you.”
“Okay.” You rush out. “I’m sorry… the other night, I- I made a mistake.” It’s the wrong thing to say. The words themselves are an error, and his face shutters, the beginning process of him shutting down taking over his body, his mind. No no no. 
“A mistake.” He repeats and you shake your head vigorously.
“No, no. Not like that I didn’t mean… please. I don’t… I don’t know how to feel or say things the right way anymore and my head has been so messed up, but I swear I… I want to try. I want… this marriage. I want us.” You’re crying earnestly now, tears dripping down your face, nails clenched into your palms so hard it burns. “And I… I wanted to take it slow.” He nods thoughtfully but stays silent. “I lost my head, the other night and rushed into things without really thinking.” Why isn’t he saying anything? “You were not a mistake Simon, I swear. You’ve never been a mistake to me.” You gasp the last sentence, throat raw with your tears and your eyes clench shut, hands going slack. Your chest is tight, it’s so tight and the air feels thin, and… you’ve completely ruined this, again, it’s all you ever do now, is ruin things. You ruined your family, ruined your son’s life, ruined Simon’s life, ruined everything. 
“Hey, hey.” You hadn't noticed, but his hand now curls around yours, pressure steady against where your pulse hammers under your skin. “Okay.”
“Okay.” He takes a deep breath. “But we need to talk, Sass. Actually talk. Talk about where you are, how you’re feeling. Talk about a way to move forward.”
“And I need to be honest with you about something. What happened the other night… it can’t happen again. I-“ He looks down to his feet. “I had a panic attack, after you left. I thought I was dying, I can’t… I can’t do that again. I have to be able to be present.” He doesn’t let go of your hand, but his grip slackens a little, and you feel your heart ripping into two pieces. Oh, Si. What have you done? “If I can’t be present, then I can’t take care of you, or Theo, or make sure nothing happens to the two of ya and I have to be able to-“ He abruptly stops, choking on the last sentence, and you watch as he straightens himself, twisting his back and rolling his neck. You stand, reaching for him, a tentative, seeking hand tracing along his forearm.
Asking for permission.
Asking for forgiveness.
Asking for everything.
He gives it to you. You fall into his arms easily, curling yourself into his lap, and he buries his face in your hair, shuddering breaths the only sound in the room, the only way you’d be able to tell he’s trying to compose himself. He dwarfs you, his embrace swallowing you up easily and you close your eyes, holding him as tightly as possible. You did this. You’ve let him down. 
“I’m sorry.” You whisper and he shakes his head. “I am, I… I am, Si. I'm so sorry.”
“I know.” He answers, a hand smoothing over your hair and then down your back. “I know you are, sweet girl.”
You check the door lock four times, while Theo jumps from crack to crack in the sidewalk and Simon watches him carefully. The sun is starting to set, casting a orange pink glow over the street, lamps just starting to flicker on across the way, the sound of people out and about in the nice weather bouncing off the brick.
“Ready?” he asks, reaching for the bag on your arm. You nod, but reach out to grab his wrist when he turns to head down the block.
“I uh. I’m-“ you think you might be sick, and faint at the same time. You feel too warm in clothes, cold in your skin. You feel unsettled. Volatile. Why is this so hard? 
“What is it?” He’s gentle, voice soft and coaxing, and you try to smile and reassure him, but it comes out wrong, lopsided and nervous. You can do this. Just ask him. Today was mostly great. He’s not going to reject you. 
“I… was going to ask if you… if you wanted to come home with us tonight? After dinner.” His eyebrows raise, and something dark flashes across his face, something guarded.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“Not for… that. Not for sex.” Jesus Christ. “I um… I thought maybe we co-could sleep together.” Oh my god. You’re blowing it. You feel like you might vomit all over his shoes. “Just sleep. In our bed. Together.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah… yes. I want to if you want to.” He’s silent for a long time, practically eternity, before he steps forward, and presses the lightest kiss to the top of your head.
“Okay, Sass. I want to.”
“Bloody hell. Feels like I haven’t seen ya in years.” Kyle pulls you into a hug and you laugh, head tipped back, pure joy on your face. You really did miss him.
“You look fit, Gaz.” You quip, and he preens just a bit. Simon scowls and raises an eyebrow from behind him. Price shakes his head like he’s already exasperated with the lot of you.
“Alright, alright. Stop hoggin’ the lass.” Soap shouts, elbowing him out of the way, and when he pulls you in for a hug, you’re not surprised there are tears smarting behind your eyes. Get it together. 
“Hey, Johnny.” You hold him back, arms wrapped around his waist, and he gives you a squeeze before pulling away.
“Hey Sassafras. You well?” He glances at Simon, and then back to you. It has not escaped anyone that the three of you arrived here together. You nod, and he smiles. “Where’s my nephew?” He half yells, because Theo is half hiding behind Simon’s legs, a little overwhelmed by the noise.
“He’s here.” You rub his head affectionately, and he peeks out, eyes landing on Johnny right away and glee lighting up his face.
“’cle Johnny!” he shrieks, and then flings himself at the poor man, barreling into him with the strength of a kid half his age.
“Oof.” Johnny gives you a bewildered look and you shrug.
“Why are you surprised? You know his dad.” Gaz barks a laugh, and Price’s wife rolls her eyes, before giving you a hug herself and dragging you into the kitchen. Gaz has got Theo up on his shoulders now, and you see Price handing Simon a beer out of the corner of your eye before you slip away, leaving them to their conversations.
“You look like you’ve been crying.” She motions to your under-eyes, and you tsk. You really did try to cover it up, but the puffiness is hard to hide.
“It’s been… a day.”
“A bad day?” She asks, and you consider it. Bad? No. Good? Also, not entirely. How would you describe it? 
“Not a bad day just… hard.” She reaches across the counter, squeezing your hand in a gesture of affection.
“If you need to chat…”
“Lunch this week?” you supply hopefully, and she readily agrees. It’s nice, having a friend. Having someone who gets it. Even though she’s a civilian, sweet as honey and soft as cotton, she’s still got an edge. She’s never shown fear, or disgust at the group of you. She married John, after all. And he loves her more than life itself. “So. What did you spend all day slaving away at in here?” you change the subject, and she giggles while popping a cork from a wine bottle.
“Fuck no.” She protests as she pours out two glasses. “I ordered catering. I’m not cooking for all you. You’re too picky.” She hands you a glass, and you chime your rim against hers.
“That’s fair.”
“How’s work, Sassy?” Kyle asks, bowl of salad extended towards Simon who turns his nose up at it.
“It’s good. Kind of dull.”
“What is it ye’re even doin’ now?” Johnny asks. He’s sitting next to Theo, who’s sitting next to Gaz, nestled between his two uncles like it’s a holiday, face beaming with happiness. They’re taking turns picking things off his plate too, since he’s already thrown a fit about eating vegetables tonight.
“I’m on a project. I’m just analyzing and compiling data for the DoD.” You try to keep it short, but Johnny raises an eyebrow.
“What kind of data?” You sigh.
“I’m tracking and analyzing the historical usage of Semtex.” You deadpan and his face lights up.
“Original compound?”
“Yes, Johnny.” You answer drily. Simon chuckles.
“You tryin’ to figure out how much is left floatin’ around out there eh?” You sigh again, louder for dramatic affect, and Price’s wife takes the cue.
“Okay, let’s talk about something other than bombs, hmm?” Gaz grumbles a protest, but she looks at Theo. “How’s school going Theo?”
“Oh yeah, sure use the kid!” Johnny playfully rolls his eyes, and you swing your toe into his shin. “OW!” He yells. You snicker. Price clears his throat. Whoops. 
“’Cools fun!” Theo supplies and Simon smiles softly at him from across the table. You watch him, the crease in the corner of his eyes, the gentle slope of his lips, the warmth and love that he exudes when he looks at his son. It makes you soft, so fucking soft and weepy and… in love. You feel the burn of a tear and rub your face subconsciously before looking down to your lap. Fuck. 
A heavy hand reaches for where yours sits, white knuckling the arm of your chair. A heavy hand wearing a gold wedding band, and you lean into it, hard, pulling his grip onto your lap, rubbing your thumb across his knuckles until you get your emotions under control.
“We’re gon’ miss you next week, Ghost.” Kyle says, cutting a piece of meat into a smaller portion and offering it to Theo who looks at it suspiciously. Simon coughs like he’s swallowed a fly.
“What?” you turn, and he grimaces. Price rubs his hand over his face, and Gaz looks between you and Simon like he’s confused.
“I’m taking some time off.”
“Well earned.” Kyle adds. “I’m sure Ale n’ Rudy ‘ll miss ya though.”
“You’re going to Las Almas?” Your head swings back and forth between the two of them.
“Wots lallamas?” Theo asks with a mouthful of food.
“Chew your food, baby.” You admonish. When no one else speaks, you raise your eyebrows and shake your head. “You’re going to Las Almas?” you repeat it, and Johnny shifts uncomfortably before answering.
“It’s just to help Los Vaqueros out.”
“With what?” you press, and now Simon is shifting nervously. “Soap.” You hiss and he holds his hands up.
“Valeria broke out-“ he starts.
“Someone broke Valeria out-“ Price tries to explain at the same time.
“Valeria’s on the lam and-“ Gaz uses air quotes around the word lam, and they all come to a stop when you laugh out loud.
“Oh my god.” You pinch the bridge of your nose. “You’ll be out of your depth. She’s too smart for you all, and you know it.” The table goes dead silent.
“Well, if you’re lookin’ for something to do lass…” Johnny trails off suggestively.
“That’ll do.” Simon barks, and Theo’s eyes go wide. Gaz looks down at his plate. Price frowns. Simon takes a deep breath, before cutting a glance to you, and you give him a reassuring squeeze. It’s okay. You try to communicate with the gesture. It’s alright. 
Price’s wife stands from the table, a hand on her hip, the other on John’s shoulder.
“Alright. Who wants dessert?”
Bugs chirp in the grass when you step up next to Price outside on the deck. Simon, Soap and Gaz are all in the living room with his wife, Theo asleep in his dad’s arms, cheeks squished together, sweet baby lashes laying softly on his face. Price taps his cigar once, twice, before clearing his throat.
“If you wanted too, Sassy, I could pull some strings. You could come to Las Almas.”
“Thanks, Price but uh. I wouldn’t pass the psych eval for field action? And I’m probably not able to be medically cleared either.” You point to your shoulder, the one that has the nerve damage in it, and he nods. “But, I appreciate the offer.” You sigh, turning around and pinning your hands against the railing, kicking your shoes together before blowing out a deep breath. “I never thanked you.” You say softly. “For taking care of him… during the- when I was- when we were separated. I know… I know he was in a bad place and you both really supported him.” Price nods, cigar pulling free from his lips. “And… I know we never really… talked it out but… I do forgive you.” His head tilts, eyes heavy with full of a world of things you can only imagine.
“What I did, what Simon and I did… it was a mistake. I made a judgement call based on the situation I was put in and… it was the wrong one.” He says lowly and you nod.
“It was, but I consider us square.” You close your eyes. “I remember you, that day. When you guys came for me. I remember… hearing you talk to Simon when the heli landed. When he thought I was already dead. When he-“ Your voice breaks, because it’s too much to try to remember, too much to pull to the forefront of your mind. The memory of Simon’s hoarse screams, his pleas, his hands stained with blood. Your own vision blurred red, Soap holding pressure against two of your wounds, Gaz wrestling a pistol from Simon’s iron grip, Simon trying to die alongside of you, refusing to exist in a world where you don't and Price’s shout, his command for Simon to stand down ringing out above it all. “You kept him alive, kept reminding him he had Theo at home, waiting for him, and I owe you for that.”
“You don’ owe me anything, Sassy.”
“Well, I like to think we’re even at least.” You smile and he nods, blue eyes twinkling under the porch lamp, cigar burning a red hole in the darkness.
“We’re even then.” He agrees, and you turn to look through the living room window, where Simon’s hand is resting gently on Theo’s back, rubbing a soft circle to soothe him as he sleeps fitfully.
“I gotta get them home.” You jerk your head in their direction, and he smiles.
“Goodnight Sassy.”
“Night, Captain.”
You are nervous as hell when you climb into bed that night. Theo’s asleep, locks triple and quadruple checked, water bottle filled and stationed next to your side of the bed. You’re half laying, half sitting up in a mound of pillows, wearing one of Simon’s too big t-shirts and a pair of cotton shorts, tucked under the blankets and staring at the ceiling when the bed dips beneath his weight, his body sliding under the sheet next to you. He’s warm, so warm, like he usually is, and you’re yearning to sidle over and tuck yourself into him, the feeling so strong it nearly saws a hole through your heart.
Breathe. Just breathe. Everything’s okay. You’re home. There is no danger. There is nothing to fear. 
“Sass?” His voice is even, gentle, calming, and you turn to face him a little more than eagerly.
“Hi.” You breathe. Don’t fuck this up. Don’t fuck this up. Don’t do anything stupid, or rash, or say the wrong thing, be cool, you can do it, you’re fine, you’re okay now, you’re-
“Talk to me.”
“I want to touch you.” you blurt, partially mortified, even though you can hear your therapist in the back of your mind telling you ‘It’s okay to ask Simon for what you want, if he’s okay with that’. “Sorry. I want- I want… you to hold me? If… you want to. Only if you want to. If you don’t that’s okay.” You frown, fingers twisted together. His gaze grows soft, softer than it was ten minutes ago or an hour ago, and he nods, opening his arm to lift the blankets so you can scoot closer.
When you do, he brings you into his chest, tucking your face into his neck and folding his arm along your back, heavy palm sliding up and down your spine.
Home. It feels like home. It feels like happiness, and being whole, and feeling like yourself. It feels like your bed, your husband, your son, sleeping peacefully within these walls. It feels like everything’s okay, feels like you’re safe, feels like you’re going to be alright. It feels like home, for the first time in almost a year and it shocks you, the emotional swell of your feelings pulling tears to your eyes because you realize, you finally see, that it was Simon all along. Simon is your home, Simon is your anchor, Simon is your sanity. The father of your child, the man you married, the love of your life. It’s always been him. How could you have been so blind?
You’re crying now, tears soaking his skin, the neck of his t shirt and he’s holding you tight, trying to soothe you, his hand now brushing away the rapid tears that are falling down your cheeks.
“You’re okay, Sass. It’s alright.” He tries to calm you, but it only makes you cry harder into him.
“I know!” you sob. “I know it’s okay.” You sound nonsensical, breaths coming in shorter bursts, and you can feel his muscles tightening, his own panic starting to build over the state you’re working yourself into. “I’m s-sorry.” You sputter. “I’m so sorry. I ruined everything. I ru-ruined us.”
“You didn’t, I promise.” He’s lying. He’s lying. He has to be, because how could that be true? After everything. After the hell you put him through. After the way you reacted the other night. After it all, how could he still be here, still want you? It didn’t make sense. You didn’t deserve him. You didn’t deserve anything.
“I don’t deserve you.” you cry, and he goes completely still, hand freezing on your skin, body frozen in the bed. You feel it, the stiffness, like he’s gone to stone, and it makes your heart race, makes you so nervous that your head spins until he speaks.
“I didn’t deserve you, for a long time.” He croaks. “I didn’t deserve to be in your life, didn’t deserve to be a father to Theo. Didn’t feel like I deserved to marry ya either. Could hardly believe it was happening, standin’ up there. Felt like I was in a bloody dream.” He leans back, tilting your chin upwards so he can look in your eyes, his own holding tears that match yours. “You gave me another chance. You forgave me. You showed me grace. Don’t you think you deserve a little bit o’ that yourself?” You take a shaky breath and consider his words. Do you? Do you think you deserve some grace? You close your eyes and count to ten in your mind.
You are still you. You are strong. You are a mother. You are a wife. 
You are loved. 
You are worthy of being loved. 
You are worthy of being loved. 
When you open your eyes, he’s staring at you intently, his eyes full of hope, full of love and understanding, carrying the weight of decades of pain, the strength of survival, the burden of everything. The burden that you too, carry alongside him. The burden that the two of you have always shared, even before this year, last year, before Theo was even born. A burden born out of trauma and broken homes and bloodshed; a weight that doesn’t feel so heavy when he’s by your side.
Two knuckles stroke along the apple of your cheek, and you turn your lips towards his palm, pressing a soft, gentle kiss against his skin.
“I love you.” you whisper it, eyes wide open, looking up at him through blurry and tearful vision.
“I love you.” He says back, pulling your hand into his, kissing your pulse point tenderly, and then folds you back into his arms, your own limbs tangling with his until all you can feel, all you can see, or smell is him. Simon, your person. Simon, Theo’s dad. Simon, your husband.
Simon, your home.
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