#sansan is canon
bighound-littlebird · 5 months
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tired--fangirl · 6 months
Thinking about how sandor would fall into the trope of being so terrified to hold his child when they're born. He'd watch sansa be a fantastic mother, he'd support her during her labors, he'd rub her hair, hold her hand and let her dig her nails into his skin to try and lessen the pain. And when the baby was born, and Sansa asked him if he wanted to hold it, he would protest, his hands were to big, to calloused, to deadly to hold something so innocent and pure. But she'd insist that he held it, so he'd gingerly take the baby. And he'd be so awkward at first, but once he found his rhythm he'd be such a good father
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hello-nichya-here · 10 months
Sansan unpopular opinions.
Literally the only "unpopular" Sansan opinion is "No, buddy, Martin did not have a Beauty And The Beast inspired fanart of them framed in a wall at his house for you to claim he doesn't ship them and didn't absolutely make them have a ton of romantic subtext and full on text in his books."
Seriously, the fact that people still try to pretend Sansan is a ship without any canon basis when the freaking writer went "There's something there and I've played with it" is insane. You'd think people would understand that the guy who wrote two twins fucking next to their son's corpse, while the woman was on her period, would absolutely be bold enough to go "This child and this adult are gonna fuck when she's older." For God's sake, in Daenerys's case he didn't even bother to age her up.
George R.R. Martin is one hell of a pervy writter and Sansan is REALLY tame by his standards, and that's the hill I'm gonna die on.
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dr3adlady · 9 months
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✨Fires I'd Touch Willingly ✨
A piece I did a few months ago of Sansa and Sandor sharing their first kiss. It became the inspiration for Wolfswood, but I changed the scene a lot in order for it to fit in the story. I still love it, tho 🥰
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vriska-martell · 2 months
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— “LET THE WORLD BURN” by Chris Grey
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Book Sansa: Lord Sandor :).
Book Sandor: I'm no lord, Girl.
Book Sansa: My Lord :).
Book Sandor: Stop it.
Book Sansa: Sandor :).
Book Sandor: I SAID STOP IT!
Book Sansa: SAN :) DOR :).
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ilynpilled · 1 year
a lot of this fandom is like oh no stop shipping these ships involving these underage girls yucky yuck but when it is with jaime it is suddenly met with cheers like im fucking crying that man is older than both sandor and tyrion????
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g0lightly · 1 month
tinfoil-encrusted brienne/sansa "foreshadowing" that makes me feral
so i love the blog @jonsaforeshadowing bc i think it's such a fun look at shipper goggles in this fandom regardless of your thoughts on that particular ship. while i do not ship j*nsa i think it's healthy to remember how absurd shipping in asoiaf is even if (especially if?) you are a shipper! largely bc like... what do we even think of as endgame in this series? being married? we know not everyone who marries in a feudal system even likes the person they're married to. also... pretty much anyone could die! and so many characters are thematically linked in significant ways that aren't necessarily romantic! so i think there's a ceiling on how sure anyone can be of any ship being endgame. especially since we may never get another main series book lmfao! so just want to be clear that i'm not coming at this from an angle of knowing better than people who prefer other ships, we are all equally right and wrong unless/until the series is completed IMO.
in that spirit i wanted to post my own niche shipper theories in wildly varying degrees of seriousness about brienne/sansa because i believe in gay ships' right to be as delusional as straight ships. mostly for fun but i'd being lying if i said i don't hope you read this and think "oh i never thought of them together but this eats! i should start shipping the one true pairing briensa and also read tumblr user g0lightly's post-canon fanfic mostly about them on AO3 🤔" while they’re my otp, I want to be clear that I only ship them as adults.
starting strong with the dumbest one: brienne's ancestor dunk has a romance with rohanne webber, a redheaded woman who has had several husbands/betrotheds die on her and eventually marries a lannister like sansa. i know ppl say this is about jaime bc rohanne is his great-grandmother but in the spirit of getting silly with "foreshadowing" jaime is now a sansa stand-in for the purposes of this post 🙂‍↕️
in AGOT sansa i, sansa says that joffrey is "so gallant, she thought. The way he had rescued her from Ser Ilyn and the Hound, why, it was almost like the songs, like the time Serwyn of the Mirror Shield saved the Princess Daeryssa from the giants..." as ned later points out, joffrey is nothing like the knights of the songs sansa dreams of. littlefinger's sigil is a giant. serwyn is one letter off from selwyn, brienne's father's name. perhaps brienne will help sansa get away from littlefinger.
mirroring (ha) the above point, in AFFC brienne vii, randyll tarly gives a whole speech to brienne about how he thinks her father would rather have a living daughter than a "shattered shield." while i think the shattered shield imagery in this text (also in F&B when jaehaerys has saera's lover executed and in ACOK sansa vi when cersei talks about highborn ladies' "golden shield" against SA) represents a "ruined" woman, i think the imagery is also evocative of a mirror shield.
in AGOT sansa vi, sansa reads about aemon the dragonknight, florian and jonquil, lady shella and her rainbow knight. sansa is related to lady shella whent and in ACOK brienne becomes a rainbow knight for renly's kingsguard. i can see brienne mirroring aemon the dragonknight in the sense that she and sansa would have a forbidden love like aemon and naerys but for different reasons.
in ACOK sansa ii, sansa prays for a true knight and a friend to champion her. of course, she gets dontos as her "florian" instead and learns that life is not a song. later in catelyn ii, catelyn meets brienne who later swears herself to bringing sansa to safety. catelyn notes her similarities to sansa. brienne is also connected to jonquil through her maidenpool chapters; does this mean sansa will end up with a jonquil rather than a florian? perhaps a jonquil darke type? idk but i want to believe!
also in ACOK, both brienne and sansa hang onto bloody kingsguard cloaks that were technicaly supposed to belong to barristan selmy. i have written about this in far greater detail here and here.
jaime is a sansa stand-in because they are both maiden-coded and called kingslayers (this is a deeply unserious point btw)
speaking of jaime, his attraction to brienne mirrors sansa's possible attraction to mya. both sansa and jaime are conventionally attractive characters used to being praised for conforming to their gender roles reckoning with the beauty of a gender-nonconforming woman when they have come to understand their own beauty through a conventional framework. i have also written about this in greater detail.
both sansa and brienne are paired up with a lannister twin who holds the gendered societal role they aspire to (queen and knight of the kingsguard, respectively). their respective lannister twins show them the dark reality of those roles while brienne and sansa fight to remain hopeful.
famous lesbian rhaena targaryen was too gay with larissa velaryon so larissa got shipped off to marry the second son of tarth. she also had a favorite from the vale named alayne royce. she also had a red-haired, mail-wearing favorite named melony piper - kind of like an inverse of brienne and sansa visually. her true love, elissa farman, was from fair isle which is kind of like the west coast version of tarth; they also had the same age difference as brienne and sansa. rhaena was the eldest sister, like sansa, and dealt with a lot of loss in her life due in no small part to the strength of her claim making her a sought-after bride. i am aware this proves nothing but i do seriously think rhaena is the in-universe historic figure sansa is most like. gay sansa confirmed!!!!!!!! (jk... unless...)
and finally, i present what is either my most tinfoil hat theory or my oh-shit-i-cracked-the-code theory: brienne is foreshadowed to be the next bearer of the hound's helm so when GRRM said there's "something there" with sansa and the hound, he was actually talking about brienne and sansa :) if you enjoy the idea of sansa finding love and beauty in a brave, gentle, strong protector figure with low self-esteem whose face is covered in scars but you also (very reasonably!) hate the idea of her ending up with a man who held her at knifepoint and tried to SA her when she was a child, may i suggest hound!brienne x sansa? again, on an age appropriate timeline!
and if you're curious what i mean by hound!brienne foreshadowing and shattered shield references, i've included my running list of quotes, an analysis of those quotes, and a conclusion below the cut bc this post is long! TW for canon-typical references to sexual violence.
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i think the references to brienne being "the hound with teats" and later references to the hound cutting off women's teats may connect to pretty meris, a sellsword with the windblown who is theorized to represent what GRRM had planned for brienne after the five year skip. quentyn notes that it's said that men cut meris' breasts off. if this hardened sellsword is some version of GRRM's original five year gap plan for brienne, who's to say that she won't be the hound instead of a sellsword in the forthcoming books? but that's assuming we'll get more books lmao.
the threat of SA is uncomfortably present in brienne's AFFC chapters. whether or not brienne experiences the types of gendered violence mentioned above, i think that the hound's helm would provide brienne with safety from that threat of SA on the road. for male characters, on the other hand, it may just draw more attention from people who wish to kill the hound for (mostly) rorge's crimes. there is a lot of talk across the books and across POVs about the hound being dead. you get tyrion describing him as dead after the blackwater when we know that's not true, septon meribald (which kinda sounds like meris now that i think of it 🤔) tells brienne that he is dead, jaime talks a lot with the freys and lannisters about killing the hound. there's also a lot of talk about the hound killing other people, namely brienne and sansa.
since it's all but confirmed that sandor clegane is now the gravedigger on the quiet isle rather than the hound, i think that "death" in the context of the hound is about letting your old self die so that the new you may be born. brienne needs to let her rigid ideals about what it means to be a knight die and sansa needs to let her rigid ideals about what it means to be a lady die. i think that lady's death at least partly symbolizes the fact that sansa can be a perfect lady and still face dire consequences through no fault of her own. and for brienne, she will most likely learn through lady stoneheart that not all oaths can be kept.
some people take the below quote as romantic foreshadowing for sansa and sandor. i take it to mean that to sansa, sandor and his cloak represent the opportunity she had to escape the life of a dutiful lady in a castle. perhaps brienne will wear the hound's helm when she rescues sansa, and sansa will give her the hound's cloak -- brienne's very own kingsguard cloak -- to complete the "uniform" of the hound.
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i also want to offer my debunk to the idea that sansa keeping sandor's cloak is marriage imagery. sandor does not give his cloak to sansa, he does not put it over her shoulders as is done in a wedding ceremony. he leaves it on the ground because he does not want to be a member of the kingsguard anymore. sansa chooses to wrap herself in the kingsguard cloak. to me, this signifies her growing disillusionment in the systems set up to keep her safe and the autonomy she has to leave that system. perhaps she will be brave enough to ask brienne to take her away from the eyrie (or wherever she ends up) when they meet (again, assuming we get more books lmao).
i think it's relevant that sandor's place in the kingsguard - and by extension, the cloak as a symbol - had originally belonged to barristan selmy. i did a thread on this in relation to true knighthood and brienne if you're interested in reading more. sansa has a heroic deed in common with barristan selmy that also involves the hound in ACOK: like barristan, she saved dontos hollard from execution by a cruel king that she was sworn to. sansa was sworn to joffrey as his betrothed and barristan was sworn to aerys as a member of his kingsguard. i'm not even anti-sandor, i just don't think that his redemption arc needs to or should include the girl he held at knifepoint falling in romantic love with him.
to conclude with my point about characters having deep ties within the text not necessarily equaling romantic foreshadowing, i want to acknowledge that i don't think brienne and sansa need to have a romantic relationship for these textual connections to be meaningful. one way another i think these two are meant to be important to one another's stories. however i think that putting these two together romantically would be a beautiful way to tie together some key themes (gender, true knighthood, romanticism, idealism) and set up some really interesting character development.
however the romantic in me loves the idea of the aemon the dragonknight figure in sansa's life being a woman, specifically brienne who has sworn to defend her without even knowing her. they're both women, so there's nothing for brienne to gain from sansa's claim and nothing for sansa to gain from brienne's claim. brienne is the gentle, brave, and strong person ned wanted for sansa and catelyn sent her in sansa's direction and i think that's beautiful okay :')
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esther-dot · 1 year
BNF will dissect each interaction or thought regarding Sansan to look the underneath meaning behind them. Despite writer is much more clear about their role and show how much Hound abused Sansa. BNF has no problem in shipping Willas and Harry with Sansa. Even when Willas never appear in books or met Sansa. And Harry appear in only one chapter in TWOW still people are expecting him to be Lord of Vale. Yet thinking that Jon and Sansa could be potential couple they feel it's crackship or people shipping them are delusional. Sansa being home safe and queen is absurd to them.
It is very, very amusing which ships are considered canon or noncanon by the fandom, and how, to them, certain things like say, verbal abuse, threats of violence, attempted rape, aren't an issue for a potential romantic relationship, but cousin marriage (in a story in which cousin marriage is unremarkable) is forbidden.
I think perhaps the problem is, we have read the story so differently, we look at the relationships / potential relationships in incompatible ways. For Jonsas, we look at this quote:
Sansa stared hard at his ugly face, remembering how he had thrown down her father for Ser Ilyn to behead, wishing she could hurt him, wishing that some hero would throw him down and cut off his head. But a voice inside her whispered, There are no heroes, and she remembered what Lord Petyr had said to her, here in this very hall. "Life is not a song, sweetling," he'd told her. "You may learn that one day to your sorrow." In life, the monsters win, she told herself, and now it was the Hound's voice she heard, a cold rasp, metal on stone. "Save yourself some pain, girl, and give him what he wants." (AGOT, Sansa VI)
and we think Sansa's story isn't that she should listen to the men who abuse and molest her. We think, that despite the horrors she faces, her belief in knights and heroes is already being validated by Jon and Brienne, that it is only a matter of time before her despair, "no one will ever marry me for love" will be answered by someone who does love her.
That conclusion means that men who marry her to rise to power, men who molest her, insult her, attempt to rape her, men who want her to give in and give up, that they can't be the canon romantic pairing Martin has for her, because for one of them to be, is contrary to the story he is writing. The monsters will not win.
Some of us ship Jonsa for funzies and don’t think it was ever going to be canon (books or show), but for others of us, Jonsa is meant to happen to allow Martin to end the sentence he began in AGOT.
There are heroes, there are true knights, Sansa will be loved.
Jon beheaded Slynt, Brienne exists, we've have reason to be optimistic!
As for the rest of it, there are Sansa fans and Jonsas who don't think she will be queen, but calling people delusional for believing she will end up in Winterfell when we have a prophecy about her ending LF there...I don't see the point in denying it. Most of us would be thrilled with KitN Rickon, so you can’t even argue her being queen is wishful thinking on our part. It isn’t necessarily anyone’s dream ending, it’s just the ending some of us think Martin is heading towards. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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ownsariver · 1 year
fic stats game!
Saw this floating around the fandom today, and I wanted to play, too!
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most bookmarks, fourth most comments, fifth most words, and your fic with the least amount of words.
Most hits: Northern Lights and Midnight Sun - Chapter 1 - Ownsariver - A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin [Archive of Our Own]
Atm: 106633 hits.
Summary: Sansan, Braime. Picking up where GRRM left us. A certain four-clover ends up escaping the Vale, but at which costs, personally and politically? What has happened in Westeros since they got lost in the mountains, and how will Sansa navigate her role in life as the Targaryens strive for the Iron Throne?
A story about personal trials and growth. Of slow-burn hotness, love, friendship, humour, and politics that include both religion and the hidden fight for female, queer, and indigenous rights.
Two books' worth of fic is already finished, and the story is now nearing the end of book three.
Second most kudos: Release on Horseback - Chapter 1 - Ownsariver - A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin [Archive of Our Own]
Summary: Sansan. In answer to a prompt in a comment fic meme a long time ago: 'One of them makes the other come while riding together on horseback. No, I do not care how impractical it is :D'
The horse also got to have a say.
Third most bookmarks: Already listed, so I'll do second most bookmarks: The Grand Tourney of the Tub. - Ownsariver - A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin [Archive of Our Own]
Summary: Sansan. My contribution to VISUAL PROMPT MEME NO. 2 at sansa_sandor a good while back. http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/the_moonmoth/4080038/21261/original.png
Sansa walks in on Sandor on his way into that steaming copper tub, which quickly turns into an unofficial competition in embarrassing each other.
Fourth most comments: Already listed, so I'll do third most comments: Mistress of a disrespectful dog! - Ownsariver - A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin [Archive of Our Own]
Summary: Sansan. BD/SM, porn, pegging. Do not read if you can't handle it.
Fifth most words: Also already listed, so I'll do fifth most hits. Thrice the Pleasure for the Price of One - Ownsariver - A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin [Archive of Our Own]
Summary: Sansan smut. What to do when you need to keep your maidenhead intact, but also want to fuck a Hound.
Fic with the least amount of words: Smug report from the dazed dog to the envious Lion - Ownsariver - A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin [Archive of Our Own]
Summary: Ouff... old, horrid one. The day after Thrice the Pleasure. Will be edited sharply one day.
#this was fun#just to look at the different stats!
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amplifyme · 10 months
The path that leads home
They are alone again, Howland Reed having left shortly after his pronouncement, offering Sansa time to absorb the news he has presented. Sandor finds he needs time as well. Thoughts scurry like rats inside his head and he cannot keep track of any of them, does not know which to grasp first to begin to unravel this development.
They both keep quiet. He isn't sure what to say and so waits for her to break the silence. Sansa eventually sighs and rises from the chair, crossing to the window. She pulls back the drape, looking out on the village surrounding them. Sandor turns to watch her but remains where he is.
"Do you believe him?" she asks after a minute. "You once told me you could smell a lie. Is he telling the truth?"
"I think he is."
"He cannot force me to go if I do not wish it."
"No, he can't. Nor will he try."
She glances back at him just as his hand curls round the grip of his sword and their eyes hold through a lengthy, mutual appraisal. He sees in her a calm and sober approval and basks in it for a brief moment before she looks away again.
"Bran is the true heir to Winterfell. And in his absence it is Rickon who sits as Warden of the North. I have no claim to any of it, not anymore. I may still be viewed as valuable commodity to some men, but none can directly gain the Stark home or lands by way of marriage to me."
"That won't stop the suitors from lining up to court you. Don't think otherwise, little bird."
"They may line up as they please, it will make no difference. I have already chosen."
He barks a sharp laugh. "Imagine their faces when they get a good look at the bloody cur you've brought home to warm your bed."
She laughs in turn, goes somber, and states definitively, "Bugger them all."
And then he is behind her and wrapping his arms round her, pulling her close. He rests his forehead on her slender shoulder for a moment and then sets his chin on the crown of her head. "The day comes you grow weary of the unwanted attention, you can leave as easily as you came. I'll make certain of that."
A silence falls over them again. He is content to simply hold her and feel her breathing against him. He senses in her the contradictory emotions, same as his, and knows she is not yet firmly decided. He wonders at his own conclusion despite his conflict, the resolution which has settled so swiftly upon him. And then he thinks perhaps it was never for him to have any real choice. Perhaps every moment since he first saw her has led him to where he is now, that this path was chosen for him.
"What am I to do, Sandor; pray tell me?"
"It's not my decision to make. Only you know what is it you ought do." He can almost hear her in his head, prodding him to say it for her. Might be she needs someone else to utter the words, so they can become a solid thing that she can take hold of, measure against what she is feeling and what she knows. "Go home, Sansa," he dips his head and whispers close to her ear. "Go home where you belong."
She turns until her smooth cheek is resting against his ruined one. "And you? Will you stay with me?"
His arms tighten round her before he answers.
"Until my last breath."
She wheels in his embrace, holding on to him with fierce intent, and he knows it is done. They will make their way to Winterfell and whatever future awaits them there. And they will do it together.
Bugger them all, indeed.
These Scars We Wear, Chapter 21
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branwinged · 15 days
you're doing that thing jonsas also do where you conflate 'i do not like this ship, the idea of these characters fucking does not spark joy' with 'i am blind and unappreciative to any dynamic at all between these characters'. (obvious caveat is obvious but a
is this about that sansan post.... it was about their canonical dynamic, those angrily opposed to sansan were obviously implying there is no textual basis for anyone's interest in it beyond general moral depravity(!) and most of them were also j onsa shippers who think there's a possibility of their ship going canon, hence the tag ("#i just think it's funny to ignore all that and then turn around and ship J ONSA"). now that you have context ->
yea okay, statistically speaking, there is at least one fic out there which manages to write j onsa in a way i will find compelling, but that's true for all ships. i'm allowed to have a general opinion on a ship based on the fact that i neither like the popular interpretation of their dynamic nor do i care about them in a shipping context because those two don't have enough (any!) interactions or thematic overlap. and the defining thing about sansa's chapters for me is the examination of the lie of chivalry, that the role of the perfect lady waiting for her true knight is simply another form of entrapment. it is no coincidence that the two men who offer her even a little bit of compassion (it's not enough) in king's landing are tyrion and sandor, characters who will never be proclaimed as heroes under the chivalric paradigm because of their disablity, and in sandor's case, the disfigurement. because in the songs all knights are able bodied and handsome and all maidens are dutiful and fair. they are the 'beasts' to her beauty and the beastliness is their ableist rejection by society, a rejection which has fostered feelings of cynicism and nihilism in them. sandor's monstrosity also manifests outwards, he doesn't recognise the value of kindness. he must mock and torment sansa, which is his way of educating her, because he was never subjected to kindness. not until sansa.
sansa dreams of a fair knight within the constraints of the chivalric paradigm, but she's beginning to see through that lie. true knighthood in these books will not arrive in the form of an aemon the dragonknight (who was too wrapped up in his vows to protect naerys from their brother), but the earnest belief that despite the unjust structures of the world, we have a responsibility to make the hard choices to one day fulfill the dream of a better future. i expect she will find a true knight in the form of an unconventional hero such as brienne (or sandor, after his moral transformation), but they won't play the role of shining knight to her docile, helpless maiden either. she will have a measure of self-reliance first. anyway those were a lot of words to say that i don't like this framing of jon as her handsome true knight (he is a knight, but not necessarily sansa's) who swoops in to rescue her in winds, and i think it plays into ideas her chapters are deconstructing.
and these are just my thoughts on the ship (in a canonical setting, people can do whatever they want in their AUs), i don't have a problem with anyone shipping any characters. also my fav ship for jon is jonsam greatest jon ship of all time jon and satin don't have what they have. okay that's it 👍
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tired--fangirl · 6 months
The beauty and the beast
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hello-nichya-here · 2 years
Gotta love how Jonsa fans try to downplay Jon’s connection with Arya, as well as Sansa’s with Sandor, yet the second they want to pretend their ship ever even crossed Martin’s mind, they immediatelly take moments that are EXPLICITLY about Jonrya and Sansan, pretend it was “secretly” Jonsa foreshadowing, and then hope no one notices.
“Different roads often lead to the same castle” it was said by Jon to Arya, when they were saying goodbye and he gave Needle to her, and the only time Sansa comes up is when they say at the same time “Don’t tell Sansa.” This moment shows their love for each other and their DISTASTE for Sansa.
Sansa is repeatedly made upset by the thought that no one will ever marry her for love, only for her claim - and Jonsa’s try to spin this as Jon being the guy who will prove her wrong, even though he never thinks of her, while Sandor won’t shut up about her. 
She is in trouble and wishes for a friend, a hero to come save her, and Sandor tries to do just that. Meanwhile, Jon straight up thinks that women that are just up in a tower waiting to be rescued are pathetic, and how he much prefers the warriors. 
“What do you know of my heart? What do you know of my sister” again, explicitly about Arya - aka the sister Jon died for, because he couldn’t stand the thought of her being forced to be with Ramsay, and he even becomes obsessed with the line “I want my bride back” which is very telling. At no point does Sansa even come up. Hell, when he found out Sansa was married to Tyrion? He didn’t give a shit and thought it served her right, and hoped it’d make her less shallow. 
Like, she was literally being forced to marry into the family that killed their father, and Jon didn’t waste more than a second of his life thinking about it, and even then it was with no sympathy for Sansa. Meanwhile, Sandor was so outraged by those news that he went nuts, picked up a fight witht he first motherfuckers he saw, and was “mortally” wounded - now, where did we see that before?
And when Jon is having sex with Ygritte, a ginger, which sister does he think of? Arya, because the fact that their personalities are simmilar is what made Jon attracted to Ygritte. Martin even went as far as having Ygritte straight up ask Jon if he’d have sex with his own sister - again, there is no doubt about which sister this is talking about.
Meanwhile, Sansa is having dreams about her wedding night, and Tyrion, her actual husband, is replaced with SANDOR. We even have him wrap his cloak around her, a wedding tradition, twice.
It is already ridiculous to pretend none of this happened, but to act like it was somehow a sign that JONSA was going to be a thing is just sad.
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dr3adlady · 10 months
Excerpt from my fic "Wolfswood"; Sandor climbs a tower to meet Sansa in her room [Sansa pov]
His grey Stark cloak was dancing in the wind like a proud banner. He looked up at her and rasped lowly, “Hush, girl, you want to rouse the whole castle?!”
“You might just fall!”
“I won’t. You go inside and wait if you can’t bear to look.”
She couldn’t. She climbed off the window and paced the room, her heart beating madly. She was worried sick, but strangely, there was still a certain appeal to what he was doing for her. It was like a song and thinking about it made her blood run faster. When he finally stepped into the room and closed the window, she rushed to his side.
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janiedean · 1 year
@starrology101 Sansa’s going to end up with two grown men who assaulted and harassed her because they’re ugly?
I'm just
not counting this was in reply to a post I wrote in 2021 and like... it's been two years whatever but not counting that if you read it you missed like the entire point and I'm not gonna get into it again but like
nor tyrion nor sandor have ever assaulted or harassed her, like sandor lit saved her from a mob and didn't beat her when joffrey ordered it, tyrion actually tried to stop that and after he was also forced to marry her by his father (when he absolutely did not want to either but hey that wedding was apparently coercitive just on one side??) he made a point of not having sex with her when technically it was within his rights so like........ dunno where you got that notion but that shit didn't happen in either books nor show so idk what to tell you
blackwater being assault is like..................... if you see it like that you can but he absolutely didn't do anything to her, he was drunk, he left and she thinks he kissed her when that never happened so like again everyone is free to be as uncomfortable with blackwater as they wish and I absolutely will not be the person saying you have to find it romantic or suck it up or whatever but it was meant for it to be what makes sandor want to get better and she romanticized the shit out of it after make out of that what you will
'two grown men' tyrion in the books is 24 and sandor is like 27 and no way sansa gets with either of them before wow which means she'll be at least 16 which makes it an entirely reasonable age gap within westeros customs and norms like lit no one thinks sansa should have been with either of them in the actual canon so you do you
'because they're ugly' my pal idk how to explain it anymore when it's obvious in the text but grrm has a thing for beauty and beast narratives, the entire point of that trope is that one of the two isn't stereotypically good looking and certainly that ain't sansa out of whoever else it is and sansa in the beginning thinks marrying a pretty guy is the bee's knees and then the narrative goes like 'yeah all the pretty guys you thought were great are also horrid people inside' and in this kind of narrative the point is realizing that what you thought was a+ in the beginning isn't what you actually want/need so yeah two **ugly** guys that everyone treats like shit because they're not standard attractive and have trauma and so on will be more likely endgame options for sansa's bc her entire shtick is falling in love with someone who's **ugly** outside and not so much inside which neither sandor or tyrion are so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
idk if you read the books but all of sansa's asos chapters + affc ones are her basically thirsting after sandor and convincing herself he kissed her first so she can like tell herself a narrative where *she* picked the guy who was her first kiss and so on when everyone else is basically exploiting her and fucking littelfinger took that like............ that's basic romance novel 101 idk what to tell you take it up with grrm not me
tldr: sandor or tyrion (not both) are the only two characters that are viable for sansa as love interests looking objectively at the narrative, you don't like that go take it up with grrm but I can 100% assure you that either of them is way more likely than the guy she thinks is her brother and is the only one of her siblings she wasn't close to while she was the only one of his siblings she wasn't close to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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