#samuel ball
gaynoblesix · 1 year
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owentxgue · 1 month
~ 𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐒 | Behind the scenes of « Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes » 🐒🎥
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ibetittering · 2 months
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Locus dump 😋
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melljam · 3 months
samuel’s staple move of kicking guys in the balls
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merlinmerlot · 9 months
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more discworld wips n sketches
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^ real oldies but i do draw the other characters sometimes maybe
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scenesandscreens · 1 month
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Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024)
Director - Wes Ball, Cinematography - Gyula Pados
"Are you familiar with the concept of evolution? In their time, humans were capable of many great things. They could fly, like eagles fly. They could speak across oceans. But now, it is our time... and it is my kingdom. We will learn. Apes will learn. I will learn. And I... will conquer."
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artbyblastweave · 2 years
Valentine from the first Kingsman movie is like if Thanos was written with a coherent understanding of why what Thanos is trying to do is morally bad. He’s a billionaire who dresses down and eats fast food out of an aesthetic appeal to being a reasonable, relatable, everyday guy- it is very important to his self image that he’s a quirky everyman- but his plan exclusively fucks over the people he’s emulating. Even beyond just the raw numbers, his booby-trapped sim cards are definitionally mostly going to those who can’t afford good phone and internet plans. His elevator pitch for his “save the world through mass murder” plan uses a tortured virus-host metaphor that’s patently unscientific but appeals to the elitist sensibilities of his backers; and he in fact sought out Mark Hamill’s character because his crank “Gaia’s Vengeance”-style theory of climate change flatters and provides moral backing to Valentine’s plan. He complains about politicians and heads of industry who stick their heads in the sand and refuse to act, but when it comes time to select people “valuable enough” to go out of his way to protect in his safe zones he almost exclusively pulls from the same pool of elites he was previously complaining about. He can’t stand the sight of blood or violence but chooses the most incredibly bloody and violent method of population control possible, insulating himself from the reality of what he’s doing through physical isolation and a test run performed on comically unsympathetic targets. He never takes responsibility for any deaths, even those that were patently his fault- the people in the church killed each other. He accuses Eggsy and Merlin of “killing innocent people” when they blow up the heads of his co-conspirators using bombs he himself installed in all of their necks- and they are the ones who register to him as “innocent people,” and not the millions and millions of people he’s trying to kill all over the world. Of course they are! If the proles he never talks to or looks directly at held moral value in his calculus the plan would never have gotten off the ground! He is the exact kind of real-life asshole who talks like this on the internet and at shitty comedy shows, except that he’s been given the resources and reach to make his facile elitist misanthropy everybody else’s problem. 
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turbomnstr · 6 months
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Afro Samurai (2007)
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poupeesdecirque · 3 months
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I was in need to take photos of a Samuel variant here and ... his child self wasn't out for pics in a while.
.... guess which other circus child got photos there.
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cookeybg · 5 months
Unexpected Cohabitation a JonDami fic
Title: Unexpected Cohabitation
Main Characters: Jonathan Kent and Damian Wayne (some of the others show up too, the list is too long)
Eventual relationship: Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne (my fave)
Stuff to know: No capes, reverse robins, high school AU, no smut, no Brucie Wayne, I know nothing about sports but it will show up, (aaand I think that's it, will add more if it comes up)
Word Count: 1,272
[Here's my table of contents]
Part 2 - Chapter 8
“This is Bat-Cow,” Damian said, patting a brown and white cow, “she’s a cow and gives milk.” “I know what a cow is, Damian.” Jon said exasperated. “My Dad’s Ma and Pa own a farm in Kansas.” After having tea in Damian’s balcony the boys had left the Mansion passing the kitchen where they saw Alfred prepping dinner. They were joined by a massive black dog named Titus as they walked past a small vegetable garden and through a wooden door attached to an old stone fence covered in vines. They continued walking through a grove of trees that, surprisingly, hid a barn surrounded by a fence. When they arrived a cow had gone up to the fence to greet them. “Why is it named Bat-Cow?” Jon asked looking around at the large fenced area. The barn was painted in dark muted colors so that it wouldn’t stand out and its doors were left open. Titus gave the cow its greetings, hopped the fence and disappeared into the barn. “Richard name her,” Damian sighed, “on account of the bat shaped spot on her face.” Jon could see it now, nodding he was about to ask why he had a cow when a white horse left the barn and galloped towards them. It stopped, neighing at Damian who petted it and took out a sugar cube from his pocket to feed it. It watched Jon wearily from the corner of its eye. “This is-“ “Let me guess Bat-Horse.” “No,” Damian responded, unamused, “her name is Lady. Jason named her.” “Why exactly am I here?” Jon asked after a pause. “It is time to bring them in.” Damian opened the gate the path had led them to, indicating Jon to follow. “You’ll be helping me muck out the stalls every morning.” “What! You’re rich, don’t you have someone else that can do that?”
Jon’s yell startled the horse causing it to buck and run into the barn. Damian glared at him and ran into the barn. Jon stood there for a second feeling bad for scaring the horse and cautiously approached the barn doors to look in. Damian was rubbing Lady’s neck, murmuring something to her. Light from the open windows shone in, casting golden rays on both Lady and Damian. It felt other worldly like an elf taming a unicorn. Damian’s ministrations seemed to soothe her and she calmed pretty quickly. Jon wasn’t sure what came over him but he took a picture of the intimate moment. He nearly dropped his phone when Bat-Cow mooed right behind him. “Oh, sorry!” Jon stepped out of the cow’s way as she plodded into her stall and laid down on a bed of clean hay. “These two are rescues.” Damian walked Lady to her stall and closed it. “Father’s condition for me to keep them was that I would be responsible for their well being.” Damian looked at Jon seriously, “I gave him my word.” There it was again, Damian’s intense stare and combined with his low voice it made something flutter in Jon’s stomach. He didn’t like the sensation, not one bit. Jon looked away gripping the hem of his shirt. His eyes wandered around the barn, trying to avoid staring at Damian and he yelped from seeing a pair of blue eyes staring down at him from the loft. Damian’s attention snapped towards him and followed Jon’s gaze. “Richard?” Damian called, looking up. The top of a black head vanished with a giggle and Jon heard soft padding from above. With a spray of hay and a yelled “catch me” a small body vaulted from the edge of the loft, flipping mid air, arms extended, a small stuffed elephant clutched in one hand. Jon felt his stomach drop, unsure if he should rush to catch the boy, but Damian took a couple steps back and expertly caught him. “Tt, I’ve asked you not to do that!” Damian admonished. “You can get seriously hurt.” “But, I didn’t get hurt!” Dick laughed hugging Damian around the neck, his hair was covered in hay and his clothes were rumpled and dusty. “Does Alfred know you were out here?” Damian glared at the boy. “What were you even doing up there?” “He knows I’ve been outside,” Dick hugged the stuffed elephant close and mumbled, “the hay reminds me of Zitka…” “Make sure to let someone know when you come out here.” Damian sighed, putting Dick down so he could stand on his own. Dick nodded and then abruptly turned to Jon smiling. He grabbed Jon’s hand pulling him out of the barn. Damian followed double checking the stalls, Titus close behind them. The sun had started to set causing shadows to elongate. Dick didn’t stop pulling until they were close to the gate, he then turned back to Jon with a mischievous grin. “I saw you.” He sang. “Saw what?” Jon stared at him puzzled. “You took a picture.” Dick continued to sing song. “He’s not gonna like that.” “Wait-“ Jon started. “I’m gonna go wash up!” Dick yelled towards Damian who was locking up the barn.
Damian waved back in affirmation. Jon stood there like an idiot watching Dick run away, Titus barking and chasing him. Damian walked up to him and gave him a strange look. Shrugging, he then poked Jon’s shoulder indicating for him to follow. “You will also be helping me collect eggs and feed the chickens.” He followed Damian to the side of the barn where a large chicken coop stood. The chickens were roosting in their enclosure. Damian walked up to a shed that was built against the coop and took out a baseball glove, a mitt and a baseball. He threw the baseball glove to Jon, who caught it. “Let’s see if you’re any good.” Damian smirked. “Isn’t it almost time for dinner?” Jon just wanted to go back to his designated room, maybe delete the pic he took before it could be used against him. “Tt, too afraid to play? I bet you aren’t any good” Damian challenged. “I’ll wipe that smirk off your face.” Jon gritted through his teeth. Jon took his place at the pitcher’s mound on the makeshift baseball diamond behind the barn. Damian stood in the catcher’s box waiting for him to throw. Jon narrowed his eyes at Damian’s casual stance, did a quick stretch to warm up his shoulders, wound his arm back and threw. The ball slammed into Damian’s mitt, his eyes widening slightly. “You’re passable,” Damian cocked his to the side to stare at Jon in thought, “but your technique could be improved.” Jon watched him wearily as he walked up behind him. “May I?” Jon nodded in response. Damian proceeded to explain a better throwing technique while also moving Jon’s body into step by step positions. His hands were warm through the jeans he was wearing, surprisingly calloused but gentle on his arms and his breath tickled the back of his neck. It was the first time that Jon was aware of Damian being a couple inches shorter than him. He took his instruction as seriously as he had that time in art class and Jon felt the strange fluttering in his stomach return. He tried to stamp it down by focusing on pitching. They continued playing even after the sun had gone down and Damian turned the outside barn lights on. A few minutes afterward Bruce came by to fetch them for dinner. The day had been busy and Jon fell asleep that night fairly quickly despite being in a foreign room. He dreamt of the color green and fast pitches.
Writing is hard guys.
I'm trying to improve, but not sure if I'm succeeding.
Still having fun though and I hope you are enjoying reading this as much as I am enjoying writing it! :D
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Vers 2328, environ 300 ans après la mort de César, le « Moïse » du peuple des singes, plusieurs clans de primates se partagent désormais le havre de paix où leur chef historique les a conduits. À l'extérieur, les humains ont régressé à l'état sauvage.
Noa est un chimpanzé d'un clan de singes dresseurs d'aigles. Koro, le père de Noa, est l’un des anciens et le chef du village. Avec ses amis Anaya et Soona, Noa se prépare à un rite de passage à l'âge adulte. Pour cette cérémonie très importante, ils doivent collecter des œufs d'aigle en prenant d'énormes risques pour accéder aux nids. La nuit précédant la cérémonie, Noa repère un humain à la recherche de nourriture. Un bref contact entre les deux casse par inadvertance l'œuf de Noa. Il est obligé d'aller rapidement dans la nuit chercher un œuf de remplacement. En chemin, Noa rencontre un groupe de singes guerriers se disant être au service de César et utilisant des armes à la technologie étrange. Les guerriers, masqués, ont tué l’éclaireur du village de Noa. Ils découvrent ensuite son cheval, alors que Noa reste caché. Ils utilisent le cheval pour retrouver l'emplacement du clan. Quand Noa rentre chez lui, à pied, il trouve le village en feu. Il aide son père à libérer les aigles et tente de riposter, mais le général singe Sylva tue Koro. Noa, inconscient après une grosse chute, est laissé pour mort.
Noa se réveille le lendemain et découvre que sa famille et son clan ont été enlevés. Noa enterre le corps de son père et se lance à la recherche des siens, suivi de loin par l'aigle de son père, Aigle-Soleil. Dans les ruines de l'aéroport international de Los Angeles, il rencontre un orang-outan nommé Raka. Ce dernier explique que la bande de pillards a perverti les idées de César et raconte à Noa les véritables enseignements de l'ancien. Il décide finalement d'accompagner Noa. Ils remarquent rapidement qu'ils sont suivis par une humaine. Raka lui offre de la nourriture et une couverture, malgré les réticences de Noa, et la nomme « Nova ». Dans un observatoire abandonné, Noa est subjugué par ce qu'il voit dans l'immense télescope. Au cours de leur voyage, ils rencontrent un groupe d'humains primitifs avant que les singes masqués les attaquent soudainement. Noa et Raka sauvent Nova, qui, à leur grande surprise, sait parler. Elle leur révèle que son vrai nom est Mae et que les singes ont détruit son village. Elle explique également à Noa où ont été emmenés les membres de son clan : dans une colonie autour d'un ancien bunker humain.
En route vers cette colonie, ils tombent dans une embuscade tendue par Sylva, alors qu'ils tentaient de traverser un pont au-dessus d'une rivière. Dans le combat qui s'ensuit, Raka sauve Mae de la noyade mais est emporté par le courant. Noa et Mae sont capturés et emmenés dans l'immense camp des singes sur une plage. Noa y retrouve son clan dont sa mère, Dar, et ses amis Anaya et Soona. On le mène ensuite devant le roi des singes, Proximus Caesar. Ce dernier cherche à « évoluer » en utilisant la technologie humaine apparemment enfermée dans le bunker situé sur la plage. Chaque jour, Proximus pousse ses singes essayer d'ouvrir les portes blindées du bunker, en vain. Proximus invite Noa à dîner avec Mae ainsi que Trevathan, un humain qui s'est allié aux singes et qui divertit le roi chaque jour. Proximus pense que Noa est utile et exige de savoir quel est le plan de Mae et comment ouvrir le bunker, informant Noa qu'elle veut seulement en profiter pour elle-même.
Noa s'oppose à Mae et exige de connaître la vérité et ses réelles motivations, en échange de son aide. La jeune femme révèle qu'elle connaît une entrée secrète pour pénétrer dans le bunker et qu'elle recherche un livre qui pourrait ramener la parole à l'Humanité. Noa espère détruire le bunker à la suite de cela et ramener son clan chez lui. Noa, Mae, Soona et Anaya placent alors des explosifs autour d'un barrage devant le bunker. Trevathan les interrompt et veut avertir Proximus, mais Mae le tue et jette son corps à la mer, à la grande stupeur des trois singes. Le groupe escalade ensuite une falaise verticale vers l'entrée cachée. À l'intérieur, Mae découvre une réserve d'armes et récupère son « livre », qui est en réalité une clé de déchiffrement d'un satellite. Pendant ce temps, les singes découvrent des livres d'images dans le bunker, qui décrivent les humains comme l'espèce autrefois dominante avant les singes, ce qui les amène à se méfier de Mae.
Alors qu'ils sortent du bunker, le groupe est confronté à Proximus et ses sbires. Il menace de tuer Soona, mais Mae tire et tue Lightning, le singe qui tenait Soona en otage. Proximus accepte de laisser partir Noa si elle leur dit où se trouvent les autres armes dans le bunker. Mae refuse et déclenche les explosifs, inondant le bunker avec Noa et les autres singes toujours à l'intérieur. Alors que l'eau monte rapidement dans l'édifice, les singes grimpent le plus vite possible vers la sortie. Noa affronte Sylva. Il parvient finalement à le piéger et le regarde se noyer. Lorsque Noa s'en sort, il est attaqué par Proximus. Alors que Proximus ordonne à Noa de s'agenouiller devant lui, le chimpanzé maîtrise enfin les chants d'aigle de son père et parvient à leur faire attaquer Proximus. Les aigles l'assaillent et le font tomber de la falaise.
Le clan des aigles revient ensuite sur ses terres et y reconstruit son foyer. Mae fait ses adieux à Noa, en cachant derrière elle une arme à feu, au cas où. Elle explique qu'elle pense que les Humains méritent à nouveau leur chance car ils étaient à l'origine l'espèce dominante sur Terre. Noa lui demande quelle liberté auront alors les singes dans ce monde. Au lieu de tirer sur Noa, elle s'en va. Elle se dirige ensuite vers un établissement humain situé dans une base satellite, où elle livre la clé de déchiffrement, permettant à son groupe de réactiver les satellites et de reprendre contact avec d'autres humains. Alors que l'établissement humain rétablit une connexion satellite, Noa et Soona regardent à travers un télescope fixant avec inquiétude un objet invisible dans le ciel.
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generalcrazyhorse · 6 months
Minute of Mae: Colt Old Model Improved Pocket Pistol
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owentxgue · 1 month
~ 𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐒 | Behind the scenes of « Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes » 🐒🎥
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kamehamehamlet · 7 months
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This afternoon Shalee and I attended a performance of Bill Irwin's "On Beckett" a 90-minute... Show? Lecture?... about the relationship the actor has with Beckett's work.
It was equal parts informative and brilliant, and will help guide and inspire elements of the rewrite.
Separately this week I read all of Dragon Ball (my first read through) and have moved into DBZ and am already nearing the Vegeta and Freeza fight!
It's been an emotional week revisiting Akira Toriyama's work in the wake of his passing. It still feels very unreal. He truly was a master of his craft and gone too soon. On Wednesday we'll get a new chapter of Dragon Ball Super, and I wonder how many more were penned before his passing, what last pieces he can share with us.
The Dragon Ball franchise has always had a complicated relationship with endings and now we enter a new era waiting for an ending that will likely never arrive.
I plan to return to some regular posts this week, eager to continue this work, and humbled to do so in the shadow of these creative giants.
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1: What "fictional place" would the duo act out when they play? Like medieval times with wizards & dragons, modern secret spy place (metal gear solid) or outer space defeating aliens. Etc
2: When playing cowboys (stand off), who gets shot first? Or since they are Star Wars fans, who's Han Solo & who's greedo? XD
3: What type of story and/or map(s) would you create for the duo, Jon & mar'i, in a COD zombie type game?
4: Who would be "uno" in a game of uno between the duo, mar'i, and the supersons?
5: You know how there is versus matches between popular characters for plot reasons (Batman vs Superman, Godzilla vs Kong etc) how would the duo get into a fight? Maybe mind control?
I would like to say thanks for answering my amazing questions for the past 9 months (wow, been that long). Really glad to see your universe improved (especially Chris and Jake)
For now, I’m going to stop (don’t worry I’m still around to chat and tag you in stuff XD) cause
1: kinda hard to ask what type of questions to say and remembering if I asked a question already
2: we kinda do chat about stuff almost everyday
Until I figure out more, see you later buddy! (Flies away on nimbus from dragon ball XD)
Sorry if it took a long time to get this my friend @pin-crusher2000 but after much looking over and consideration, here shall be my answers ;-)
1) Oh too easy; either ancient Kryptonian and Tamaranean warriors from their history, fighting against their numerous enemies whether it be the Gordanians played by their plushies or even each other as a fair duel, so basically Space warriors OR As a Royal Prince and his Bodyguard Knight against demons and enemy knights like in a fantasy world akin to D&D
2) Chris = Han Solo
Jake = Greedo
and yes Han Blasts Greedo First
3) Okay So, the Kents and Graysons would find themselves waking up in a corrupted and twisted version of Bludhaven, swarming with hordes of the red eyed Undead, hellhounds, Demoniac Bats, and even Three Headed Canines (functionally the latter two are akin to the Parasites and Margwas). They have their superpowers albeit severely dampened and diminished to which they can only take down at most the zombies at the same time before they need to strike again.
The basic story is that before being sent here, the four were tipped on what was a summoning ritual by some cultists who were trying to summon Trigon, likely led by Brother Blood and while they prevent Trigon himself from coming out, the spell was corrupted and activated anyways so now it’s up to our heroes to gathered enough of their strength and find the source of these demonic Zombies in order to escape this Hell. Guiding them though would be one young voice; a girl who sounds no older than Mar’i but intelligent and willing to help them as they traverse this hellish city in exchange for also helping her, wherever she may be. This ancient evil beyond their imagination summoned by those cultists and their sins was invited and she concludes there’s far more to them than this…how their very world maybe even their multiverse itself is now in danger and they can stop it with her…..her name is Samantha, she’s going to tell them how all of this really began.
While not exactly Wonder Weapons in the traditionally sense, the Mystery Box would grant our heroes gauntlets, capes, headbands like what Chris and Mar’i wear and other accessories which do grant them enhanced powers that function like them. One gauntlet Jake can equip on his gloves can cause a chain reaction electric shock to the Zombies he punches a la the Wunderwaffe DG2. The map itself while a sprawling city with a central hub in the City Square with branching areas including the Dockyards, Downtown, the Suburbs, Bludhaven Stadium and the Pack A Punch location being Titans Tower, has numerous Kino/Der Riese style walkways, barriers and corridors allowing players to vary their play styles whether it be camping, training or going with the flow.
So yeah basically a combination of Mob of the Dead, Shadows of Evil and Maur der Toten with a tiny pinch of Origins
I shall dub this Map;
Jugend der Untoten (Youth of the Undead)
4) Mar’i; she trounces all of the boys without any fail but doesn’t cheat. Her secret is to always get rid of her cards that have the lowest number first
5) hmmm……
Christopher Kent, Nightwing Phantom VS Son Gohan
Jakand’r, Jacob Grayson, Skybird VS Bailey Briggs, The Amazing Spider Boy*
Oh I say maybe Inter-dimensional Tournament which puts their respective worlds at risk of destruction should they lose. Naturally all these combatants would ally to overturn the rules and save their worlds together as a team
(Yes he’s a real character ;-) )
Thanks for the asks again Buddy
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Lucille Ball in a portrait for one of her earliest screen appearances as an uncredited Goldwyn Girl in 'Roman Scandals' (1933)
She's interviewed here by Dick Cavett about it:
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