#sammy does the cooking in the house
apricote · 1 year
why does fame decay SO FAST like bro you don't do anything fame related for ONE DAY and you're already a nobody
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
The Way of the Househusband: Lookism and HTF hc
You, the working spouse. Them, trying to be the best malewife.
(Making up for my Eli crap).
Throws money at the problem
Look. They did not work their lil bussy off to build up an empire then to spend it all day looking after the household. You will be employing help around the house, that is non-negotiable.
Expect a half burnt, hand made lunch most days though. It's the thought that counts, you tell yourself as you swallow down a lump of charcoal.
+ Eugene
+ Goo Kim
This idiot. Tries his best until he gets bored. And he gets bored very easily.
Half mopped kitchen, half made bed. Everything he does is done well until he just. Nah. Cannot be bothered anymore.
Good job you have a routine cleaning service and whatever other help you need as he takes instead the title of trophy husband.
Greets you coming home like an overexcited puppy. Lord bless him with some other social groups and hobbies so he doesn't rely completely on you for all his interaction needs.
+ Samuel Seo
If our Sammy isn't in therapy already, then get him in. Starve if you have to, just get him on his journey.
There is no way this man would be happy just being a househusband with his inferiority complex, slight delusions of grandeur and ambition.
When he eventually comes to terms with it, will always have little side projects going on to keep his inferiority/superiority at bay.
Likely one of those bastards that power trips from heading up some sort of Househusband/housewife social group, PTA, or on the board of a charity (he's in it for the power, not the cause) in his spare time.
Natural born homemaker
Natural may be a stretch for some of these boys.
Whether by choice or as a victim of circumstance, they have had to pick up very quickly how to be completely self sufficient. So stepping into house husband role? Easy!
+ Jace Park, Warren Chae, Jibeom Kwak, Daniel Park, Hudson Ahn, Baek Seongjun
+ Eli Jang
Oh my god. There is nothing that he loves more than being a househusband.
Never in his wildest dreams thought he would end up in this position.
Creating a loving home for you and Yenna, being the caretaker and provider. By far the best and most favourite role he has undertaken.
Joins in on the gossip at the school gates, with the other parents fawning over him. Melting hearts when Yenna toddles out and gives her dad a smooch.
Makes the absolute bento lunch bar none. Wakes up at the crack of dawn, practically leaping out of bed to make something delicious, healthy and cute for you and Yenna.
+ Johan Seong
Clueless vibes but that is absolutely wrong.
With his mother and leaving home from a young age, he has absolutely had to be self-sufficient.
In addition to taking care of two dogs too, this guy knows how to run a household and how to run it with 100% efficiency.
Knows the best time to visit the market for the freshest meat and veg to cook dinner. Also will visit 10+ stores to make sure he gets the best deal for his money. It's a matter of pride.
+ Ji Yeonwoo
Never had to really lift a finger around the home, instead dedicating all his time to studying. Vibes that his father also thinks housework is woman's work.
But not this guy! Whatever you need, he will make sure he fulfils it to the best of his abilities.
Study scheduling skills carry over to running the household. Runs an extremely tight ship, and meticulously plans everything. You want a doctor appointment? Dentist? Plumber. He is ON it.
In between sessions of Kyokushin Karate training of course.
+ Han Wangguk
Um hello? Does this even need explaining? It just fits.
Forced into being the carer and head of the household from a young age after his home life completely went to shit. Looked after Gyeoul to the best of his ability until he couldn't. Tried to be the best big bro/father figure since his stint in juvie.
Absolutely perfect as a househusband. Nothing to fault.
Will spoil you too. Small gifts he has come across that reminds him of you - a snack you like from the store, booking movie tickets for a lil date night together, a book he thinks you'd be interested in.
Clueless idiot tries their best
It's a 50/50 chance whether you will have a home and a husband to return to at the end of a day. It's also a 50/50 chance whether your home made lunch will give you food poisoning.
Sure, it's gotten better the longer they've been at it, but you're still wary. Especially since they have also gotten better at hiding any messes they cause too.
You can never stay mad though, especially when they get so cute when they're frustrated at having failed you as a househusband. Which is complete nonsense, by the way.
+ Vin Jin, Jihan Kwak, Jay Hong
+ Vasco Tabasco
How can this category exist without our resident cinnamon roll?
Fortunately for him, Jace has added himself onto Vasco's speed dial. Unfortunately for Jace, he gets 20+ calls and frantic messages a day asking how to get things done.
Nonsense includes asking how to revert the clothes after accidentally dying them pink. Can he put out a frying pan oil fire with water. How burnt can something be before someone will likely get food poisoning.
It gets better over time. Lucky for you and lucky for Jace.
COMPLETE househusband Tatsu vibes. Everyone is terrified of Vasco, intimidated by his thuggish looks and tattoos. (Until they find out he is the biggest sweetheart and himbo ever.)
+ Ryuhei Kuroda
Relishes being a househusband! Like a silly little roleplay and doesn't get tired of it. After, all it took him so long to find someone that keeps the interest of Ryuhei and lil Ryuhei.
A shameless flirt with the ajummas and all the other housewives. Getting the best gossip, the best offers and deals, best tips.
Unfortunately, his attention span is short. Listens with good intentions, then starts daydreaming about when you get home and how he will ravish you.
In the end, he falls short in some aspects of being a househusband, but will make it up to you in the bedroom.
Bulldozes their way forward until they are Househusband Extraordinaire
You cannot fault them for their effort.
Initially a struggle at first for them to come to terms with being a househusband. Look at this list for crying out loud. Consisting of killers and fighters and crime bosses.
But if they commit, they're going to give it all. Their tenacity means they will absolutely get things done. Every time they fail, they will keep trying over and over again. Whether that's to make you happy or for their own pride, they will keep going until it is perfected.
+ Xiaolong, Zack Lee, Xiaolong, Sinu Han, Seong Taehoon, Kim Munseong
+ Gun Park
There is nothing Gun Park cannot do if he sets his mind to it. That includes whatever the hell is his life right now.
Which he doesn't mind, per se. It's just... unexpected.
And he never thought there would ever be anything in his life that matches the thrill of fighting to the death.
But getting the pick of fresh fruit and veg when he's first at the farmer's market? Beating some old ajumma (almost literally) to grab the best head of lettuce? Unveiling your dinner like he used to with his masterpiece?
Ok. It's not bad. He'll still sneak off to beat up minors when he has spare time though.
+ DG/James Lee
Drops the K-pop persona pretty damn quick, reverting back to James Lee.
Because can you imagine how little he would be able to get done if people saw DG around trying to run errands?
But honestly. Look at him. This man, like Gun, does not have a domestic bone in his body.
He's not a genius for nothing though.
Dishwasher? Washing machine? Tumble dryer? How to iron in the most efficient way? He will work it out, don't worry.
+ Jake Kim
Anything, anything to make you happy.
As the Big Deal no.1, worrying about the street running smoothly is only his problem in so far as the protecting, the fighting, the money.
Clothes used to just turn up washed and ironed. Would live on a diet of ramen or just eating at one of the restaurants.
Jake is not initially cut out for being a househusband... But he learns quickly.
Eagerly gets to any household chores and errands with gusto. Sometimes even recruiting the Big Deal boys to help out when things get a little too hectic and out of hand.
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angelsdean · 1 year
dean "the angry man in the house" winchester ??? WRONG. dean is the HEART of the house. he always has been. he became the fictional mother that never was, he pushed himself to fill the role of the mythical mother mary. he played mediator between the two who were always butting heads. he was quiet and seemingly obedient and when on the rare occasion he rebelled he was cast out by the Real angry man of the house. and while dean was gone, the metaphoric house was without heart. without joy. because dean did more than just take care of sammy, he was there. he made sure sam didn't feel alone or neglected. when sam says he was a lonely kid and dean feels it as a slap in the face that's because to dean, they weren't lonely because they had each other ! like "what do you mean you were a lonely kid you had me?" so dean, he tried. as the heart of the house, he tried to make sure sam felt cared for and then later, with every found family member, dean dotes on them and tries to help them however they can and he wants them to stay where he can see them and care for them and keep them safe. and when they finally have their first permanent home since lawrence, dean nests. and he cooks and decorates his room and keeps photos of his loved ones nearby and he likes a clean house. and does he get angry and upset sometimes ? yes. because those are human emotions and he also has decades of unresolved trauma and few healthy coping skills bc he's never been given a chance to just stop and take care of himself and address these issues and the only emotion he learned was allowed to be expressed was anger so often what is fear and worry gets filtered and comes out as anger. but HE is not the angry man in the house. that will always, always be john. john's ghost looming over them. john's influence like a shadow. john's ways ingrained in them but that they both (hot-headed sam, esp early seasons hello remember him !!) need to unlearn. but neither of them are that angry man. that man is always going to be john. people misunderstand and misuse that "angry man" quote all the time. it's not about becoming the angry man that was once there. it's about being haunted by him, even when he's gone. and both of them, but dean specifically, are haunted by john.
the quote appears in the short story "Cut" by Cathrine Lacy and it's a poem within the story that goes like this:
if you’re raised with an angry man in your house, there will always be an angry man in your house. you will find him even when he is not there. and if one day you find that there is no angry man in your house— well, you will go find one and invite him in!
and in the story one of the characters asks the meaning of the title which means ‘womanly qualities’ or ‘womanhood’ and in the context of the poem the "angry man in your house" is meant to be this recurring male figure. you're raised with an angry man in your house. then you're haunted by that figure, "you will find him even when he is not there." and then when you are finally free of him, you will go out and find someone just like him and invite him inside. it's about cycles. and in the context of the poem it's about women mirroring and repeating patterns of their mothers, dating men that are like the angry men they grew up with, because it's all they know. it's not about becoming the angry man. and dean does not become that angry man either. he's haunted by john. he's internalized certain things about john but he's still a victim of john's abuse. and when he lashes out, that's more about unresolved trauma and needing better ways to express his emotions that aren't actually anger than it is about him becoming anything.
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diamondzoey · 2 months
Rules of the bug army house!
Marco walks into their house: Alright bugs sorry to bother you but- *Sees a whiteboard* umm… what is that in the wall?
Korey: umm.. So that, that’s a white board
Emerald: of all the rules we have for the house
Marco: you guys made rules for yourselves?
Chester: Uhh yeah.. We realize we needed it, after a lesson a day of living with each other sooo.. have that
Raine: Yeah and as the time goes on we add to the list, sooo
Calix: it’s been growing
Marco:….Let me see that
-a few seconds later-
All of the bugs and Marco are sitting down
Marco looking at the list of rules: Rule No.1 No sparing, training, fighting, etc.. after dinner, seems fair enough
Duarte: See, it’s not that bad
Marco: Rule No. 2 Lamia and calamity are not allowed in a room together unsupervised.. also understandable..,
Jemma: see, that was made after they almost blew up the house after the first night
Lamia huffs: I said I was sorry, also he started it *While pointing at calamity*
Calamity: you little-
Marco: Rule No.3 neither Jemma nor Korey are allowed in the kitchen unsupervised…why?
Easton: Well Korey would burn the kitchen and jemma can’t cook and will burn the food she’s making into a crisp
Marco:…Okay, Rule No.4 Duarte is not allowed to babysit the baby bugs unsupervised..what?
Chester: Well when she does she teaches the baby bugs curse words
Marco shrugs his shoulders: Fair, Rule No.5 if you hear one of the bugs playing in someone’s room, leave them alone. Okay, I don’t understand this one
Malachi: basically means that they are going through it and they need to be left alone
Easton: No question asked
Marco: Rule No.6 Sunday brunch is mandatory- what are these rules!?
Emerald: Sunday brunch is necessary for team bonding, come on Marco
Azren: besides the rules get better trust me
Marco looks at the list: Rule No. 7 if any one dyes their hair red they must only do it in their bathroom
Calamity: Yes, so that was from when I dyed my hair in the kitchen, apparently I got red dye everywhere..
Victor: And it looked like a crime scene
Jemma: Sammy and some of the other bugs was traumatized for days
Marco: Oh my..Okay, Rule No.8 Jemma or Lamia needs to wear gloves every time they sleep
Vincent: yeah we found out after night 3 that they both sleep walkers
Jemma: I’m NOT a sleep walker!
Chester: Okay then explain why the couch lit on fire last night?
Jemma: I don’t know maybe you were dreaming??
Korey: it wasn’t a dream if all of us saw it
Marco: Okay moving on..Rule No.9 if anyone hurts one of the bugs or the gator boys, the bugs are allowed to beat that person up
Easton: yeah we made that rule when Jemma almost rip Sammy’s bio mom’s hair out
Jemma: 😊
Marco: Alright..Moving to rule no.10
Vincent: Oh my divines, this one is my favorite!
Marco: If someone picks up a nerf gun…? Everyone in the same room must immediately pick one up and participate in a nerf..Battle…Is that why there are so many nerf guns lying around?
Duarte: Yup and you pretty much keep going until there’s only one person left standing!
Calix: it’s very intense
Marco: oh okay.. Rule No.11 Sammy is not allowed to have weapons near him
Azren: yeah that rule was made when he accidentally fired a tranquil dart at victor and he was out for days
Marco: Okay, Rule No.12 Azren is not allowed to sleep outside when it’s winter?
Joan: yeah that was after the many times he almost turned into a human shaped ice cube many times
Azren: Hey!
Marco: Alright, Rule No.13 twister is not allowed to be played in the house, why?
Easton: that was because after few games of twister some of us got turn into a human pretzels and took hours to get unstuck
Marco:…Rule No.14 every week everyone gets to pick a activity to do that week
Amber: me and Lucy made that rule because we thought it was be a fun experience to do everyone’s activity UwU
Marco: Alright… Rule No.15 Jemma is not allowed to use her fire power in the house
Jemma: Yeah that was after I accidentally burned the kitchen because I thought if I use my fire power it would cook the food I was making faster
Duarte: it didn’t
Marco: Okay… Rule No.16 Monopoly is banned, that’s a rule?
Chester: Monopoly ruins friendships, Marco
Emerald: Basically Raine way too good at it
Malachi: there’s also been times when the board had been broken too many times
Vincent: first instance being calamity and the second time Jemma almost beat Raine in monopoly and Jemma accidentally lit the board on fire
Amber: So…
Azren: The last time we played calamity throw the board game out the window
Marco:…Okay, Final rule- Rule No.17 always remember that we’re a team/Family, Aw that’s pretty sweet
Duarte: that is correct Marco, we have to remember to work together in times like these
Marco: Times like these?, what do you-*Sees that all of the bugs have nerf guns*
Marco: Well is that a nerf gun in your hand…?
Nash: refer to rule No.10 Marco
Sammy: if someone picks up a nerf gun, everyone in the same room must pick a nerf gun and participate in a nerf gun battle
Marco: You- You’re not being serious…?
Let’s just say a nerf gun battle begin
A/n: am finally done, this took me three hours to write , also what would you add to the rules?
The bugs in this
Korey- @rozeliyawashereyall
Emerald- @aspenm00n
Chester- @not-5-rats
Raine- @willowve01
Calix- @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid
Duarte- @puffin-smoke
Jemma/Lamia- @diamondzoey
Azren/calamity- @strayharmony943
Sammy- @ccstiles
Easton- @itsargyle
Victor/Vincent- @littlesiren79
Nash- @lightdragon789
Amber- @astralbulldragon13
Malachi- @stxph-artist
Joan- @rustycopper4use
Lucy- @castbracelet240
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mymxnfgh · 2 years
Lookism boys living together HCs
Ft. Daniel, Vasco, Jay, Zack, Jake, Johan (<33 ahem-), Eli, Warren, Samuel, Gun and Goo (because why not?) if I forgot to add someone maybe i’ll add it later
Overall HCs for them
DG is the Boss at home, why? Because I say so and he just gives me that kinda vibe😌
Vasco does most of the work in the garden 🪴
Zack doesn’t do anything at all but he will clean up if he’s told to
Daniel tried to help out here and there, wherever he can
Gun and Goo make money so they’re excused from doing housework
Eli takes care of Yenna so he doesn’t have to do a lot of work but he’ll still help clean
Warren helps Vasco in the garden 🪴
Johan cleans the clothes (guys he knows how to use a washing machine 🥹)
Samuel takes care of finances and all the paperwork 📄
Jake cooks and cleans
Everyone (except Jay)plays with Eden and Miro much to Johans distress
My HCs for Gun & Goo and Gun & Samuel
* Gun and Goo share a room (obviously-)
* They always argue so DG had to separate them
* Now Gun shares a room with Samuel (because Samuel practically begged DG to put the two of them together)
* Goo sleeps in the basement…alone. (no one wanted to be in a room with him for safety reasons)
* Gun visits Goo‘s room in the basement from time to time
* Gun‘s room is extremely minimalist and organized
* Goo sleeps in the basement but it doesn’t look like a basement at all… his room is very…flashy
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My HCs for Jake & Sammy and Jake & Johan
* Samuel used to share a room with Jake
* They literally had the „You can’t cross this line…here…this is my territory, there…that’s your territory“-thing (people who used to share a room with siblings will understand)
*you know this meme? that’s how their room looks like
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* After Samuel moved to Gun‘s Room Jake now shares a room with Johan
* Jake always tries to start a conversation with Johan but Johan usually ignores him
* From time to time they hold some conversations though and I feel like Johan would rant a lot and Jake would listen
* Johan would feel bad for ranting though so he’d probably do something for Jake in return like fold his clothes
* Jake likes to play with Eden and Miro a lot and although Johan didn’t want it at first he doesn’t care anymore
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My HCs for Danny & Zack
* Daniel and Zack share a room
* Zack often visits Johans room but Johan always tells him off
* What more can I say about Zack and Danny? They’re bffs
* Daniel cleans Zacks things from time to time
* They sleep on a bunk bed because bunk beds are cool
* Sometimes they talk until deep into the night until the people next to their room tell them to shut the fuck up
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My HCs for Vasco & Warren
* Vasco shares a room with Warren
* They hardly talk
* Vasco always tells Warren a lot of things and Warren listens
* Vasco somehow managed to completely misunderstand the things Warren says since he leaves out a lot of words
* They still get along well
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My HCs for Eli & Yenna (and Yenna & everyone else)
* Eli is in a room with yenna
* he always tries his best to fulfill her needs
* whenever yenna cries everyone comes rushing into the room (because yenna is the queen and everyone should love her 💯 …except Sammy, Goo and Johan they just put on headphones)
* Yenna runs around in the house a lot and everyone tries their best to take care of her (even Sammy, Goo and Johan try not to hurt her and sometimes take care of her as well)
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My HCs for Jay
* Jay! I forgot Jay!
* he sleeps alone because he’s rich 💵
* but he visits danny in his room a lot
* sleeps over in danny’s room too
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My HCs for DG
* DG sleeps alone in a big no huu~uge bedroom
* his room is like four times as big as the others rooms (and just twice as big as Gun‘s and Sammy’s room)
* I imagine his room to be like royalty style if you know what I mean
* he rarely leaves his room
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I’ll do some more HCs next time maybe and writing is not my forte but i’m still glad if you read until now! tysm for reading! 💖💕
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archer-kacey · 3 months
Unofficial Shally Bullet Points Round 1;
Shawn is gay, Wally is bisexual.
Met through work. Wally routinely did maintenence on the machinery on the factory floor. They ended up hitting it off in passing conversation.
Wally is a huge dog lover and has three dogs (that he's not allowed to have) at his place of residence.
Said dogs are Zeus (border collie mix), Lady (mutt, looks like a black collie), and Shep (Old English sheepdog mix.) All are former strays.
Lady loves Shawn and does tricks for him, Shep ignores him whenever possible, and Zeus is just happy to see anyone.
Shawn is an excellent painter and if you sit him down with a brush he can do a pretty damn good landscape portrait.
Shawn has permanent inkstains on his fingertips from detail work on the toys. This is partially due to his refusal to wear gloves.
Shawn swears up and down that there are a few "real" superstitions- mainly walking under ladders, broken mirrors, and ghosts.
Shawn never confronted the Gent worker who stole his belt, and when asked always dismissed the situation saying the belt "wasn't worth the trouble." In reality, he hated Gent's guts and didn't want to start a fight on studio grounds.
Wally can't hold a tune and neither can Shawn.
Shawn fell first (immediately, not thinking anything would happen between them) Wally fell harder (started standing way too close and practically knocking Shawn over.)
The first night out drinking together they both came back to Wally's apartment and passed out on the couch together. Ever since then they had no qualms with sleeping on or around each other.
Shawn's coworkers knew about them and tried playing cupid a few times.
First successful time playing cupid was peer pressuring them into dancing together during a pub crawl.
Second successful time was whatever the hell happened at a mutual friend's house on Christmas Eve
Wally has a scar in the center of his chest from falling off a balcony when he was young. It's a sensitive topic (and a couple past partners didn't help with the self-consciousness,) so he kept it from Shawn for as long as possible. Of course Shawn doesn't care, and often comments that it makes him look like a "Gaelic Warrior."
Shawn was raised Irish-Catholic but holds mostly agnostic beliefs. Wally was raised Christian and generally believes in the "important stuff", though has his own LONG set of questions about several biblical events (mainly Noah's Ark...don't get him started.)
Shawn has a single mom. Wally has a mom, dad, and two sisters.
Wally leans more towards "classic American" foods (AKA give him a burger and he'll be happy) but he knows how to cook (thanks to his mom) and he appreciates good food more than the average person.
(Wally's sisters cannot cook to save their lives LOL)
Shawn has found on several occasions that he's able to one-up Wally in the kitchen. Lucky for him, Wally deeply appreciates food coming from people he loves.
Shawn can stomach seafood, Wally cannot (it makes him sicker than a dog on a rollercoaster.)
Shawn smokes and drinks, Wally drinks socially but never alone. Wally doesn't smoke because he has a relative who smoked waaay too much and they now sound like a dying rat.
After evaluating why his past relationships never worked out, Wally eventually figured he wanted to find someone like Shawn to spend the rest of his life with, but knew it probably wasn't possible to find a girl like him (so close babe! That's called having feelings for a man <3 you'll get it next time)
Wally is into people who can make him laugh, Shawn is into people who can throw him around by the leg like a shot put ball.
Wally never realized he was bi until Shawn came along, but in retrospect there was probably a reason he kept a select handful of baseball cards in the same drawer as his pinup gals.
Wally did have a crush on Susie. Nothing ever came of it, but they did become great friends. (This is part of the reason Sammy hasn't strangled him yet.)
Despite a streak of clumsiness and forgetfulness, Wally is actually skilled at his job and surprisingly hasn't blown anything up yet.
Shawn hides gifts. Any gifts. He makes the whole affair a damn treasure hunt. NEVER do Easter with this guy.
The longer the joke, the more likely Shawn is to tell it.
Both are animal lovers in general, though Wally considers it a sign of bad character for someone to hate dogs, and Shawn considers it a red flag for someone to hate cats.
Shawn made a custom Boris doll for Wally, which of course is on display out of reach of the dogs.
Wally values physical touch in general- firm handshake, wrestling/playing with his dogs, etc, but also as a love language.
Shawn is an angry/flirty drunk, Wally is a giggly drunk.
Shawn had one boyfriend when he was younger and has more experience with intimacy, and Wally is the inverse, having gone on his fair share of dates, but pulling the brakes when it comes to anything further.
Shawn has slightly crooked teeth.
Idk where to put this but they ended up toweling each other off after a hose fight at a Fourth of July cookout and definitely felt some things
Their first kiss started an argument. It did not end in an argument btw.
Shawn started calling Wally "baby-doll" and "sweetheart" somewhere along the line of their friendship. Wally upgraded Shawn to "honey" or "dolly" after they made things more official.
Wally thought it would be a good idea to get Shawn a puppy for their second anniversary and he was right the puppy was adorable and Shawn cried profusely
They had a backyard wedding with close friends and family. Allison was invited and of course attended, dragging Thomas along in the process. (He can't stand either Shawn or Wally so this is a fair punishment for his crimes against humanity I think.)
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tiredflowercrown · 1 year
So I don't know if anyone knows this already or wants to know. Buuuuuuuut
Pirate Postions Explained
Using the pirate crews as my examples
When most people think of pirates, they think of a Captain and a First Mate. The captain however isn't an automatic position, it's an elected one; with the only time they have absolute power being in combat or chasing someone. Any other time they could be overruled by a majority vote.
In terms of the Isle, this means both Harriet and Uma were put into power by those around them who have no reason to remove them from said seat. Uma because all of her crew would die for her in a heartbeat. Harriet because despite all her anger and problems, she's good at what she does. (and no one wants to put up with the amount of bs that she does)
First Mate:
First Mates typically didn't exist on pirate ships, instead being a term for navy or commercial ships as the captain's apprentice or right hand. Pirate ships had a quartermaster instead fill that position.
However, Captain James Hook started as a navel officer not a pirate, so his ships had a bit more in common with structuring with navy than other pirate ships. His children followed his lead with how they set up their respective crews. Harriet making Sammy her right hand. Harry making himself Uma's.
The quartermaster, in the absence of a first mate, is the next highest ranked position. Often being the one that pirates went to with problems, disagreements, or requests. When not in combat, they held the exact same authority as the captain. As the name suggests, they were in charge of making sure everyone's living quarters was figured out as well as managing food and water supplies.
Harriet, having known him her whole life and trusting his abilities, chose Big Murph as her quartermaster to use both him and Sammy to even out her temperament. Uma went with the most stable and friendly person on the crew, Gil, who everyone agrees was needed to be objective in terms of Harry and other issues.
Master Gunner:
The master gunner is a bit what it sounds like, they are the person in charge of cannons and overall combat if the captain is unavailable for that specific task.
Harriet chose Jade for her quick and out of the box thinking, she can quickly spot a weak point in order to disable a ship. Uma chose Ivy because one way or another, Ivy was going to be using the cannons; might as well teach her and let her be in charge of them.
A pirate ship typically didn't have a trained medical practitioner at all. If they did have one, it was because they pressed them into service.
The Isle, however, doesn't have any trained medics. Everyone is just figuring it out from discarded books, stories, and practical experience. Harriet chose Mayra due to her force of will and cool head when it came to people being hurt. Uma chose Bonny because she was the daughter of the Jolly Roger's surgeon, and had a semblance of medical training in that aspect.
Boatswain are junior officers who reported back directly to either the captain or quartermaster. They made sure the ship was in top shape, keeping track of any damage, making sure the deck is being swabbed, and other small but necessary tasks. They also were the one who would typically lead parties ashore to restock or find materials for repairs.
Harriet chose Diego to keep him close to her because he is very good at keeping track of multiple projects and activities all at once. Uma chose Desiree because of her attention to detail.
Cook/General Positions:
A cook was typically just a random crew member who had been put in charge, this along with other general positions would have been decided by one's talents or other skills.
Harry Badun was chosen via straws for the position of cook, he hasn't done a bad job so why remove him. Claudine was chosen due to her both working in her father's shop and consistently being the only cook in that house. Desiree fills in as cook when Claudine is incapacitated (or banned.)
Hope you might have learned something!
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fill-me-with-dirt · 11 months
Fnaf headcanons 💪💪
Disclaimer: I use a mix of game lore and book lore along with me just making shit up
William can not tell the difference between Charlie and Sammy
Michael grew his hair out and dyed it black to piss William off (it worked)
Michael has a different mother than Elizabeth and CC. She and William met and had Michael freshman year college and she left them when Michael was around 2
Henry is AUTISTIC and so is Charlie
Elizabeth adores Charlie and thinks they’re hanging out whenever Charlie babysits her
Michael liked gory/shock movies until the Bite. He can’t watch anything bloody/gory without being reminded of it
William knows fuck all about technology. Michael had to set up their vcr. The only reason he could make the sister location animatronics is by bastardizing Henry’s work
None of michaels friends ever spoke to him again after the bite
Henry became drinking heavily after Sammy’s death
After a particularly bad fight w William, Michael “ran away” to Henry’s house. This was when Henry started thinking maybe William isn’t a great person
Henry and Michael are both gay
Michael smoked a lot of weed as a teenager
Michael calls Freddy’s “freadbears” because he grew up with the diner while Charlie calls it Freddy’s because she grew up with Freddy fazbears
Fredbears family diner was shut down and rebranded after Sammy’s death
The Afton kids call Henry “uncle Henry” but Charlie calls William “mr. Afton”
Charlie does not like/trust William at all, she will do everything in her power to not be alone with him
William moved to the us from London for college. He naturally lost his accent pretty fast but he faked it for a long time because he thought it made him seem smarter
Michael is an avid reader
William can’t cook for shit. After Clara died all they ate was fast food and premade food until Henry found out and started feeding them.
Charlie is in stage crew every time there’s a school play/musical
Michael gets into fights at school constantly (including fighting someone for making fun of Charlie)
Michael never had a meaningful relationship after the bite of 87 because he figured everyone he cares about will die and it’s not worth getting close to someone just to lose them again.
Henry called both Michael and Charlie before he killed himself. Neither of them answered. He left them each a voice mail
William was so fucking mad when he found out about Chuck E. Cheese
Henry was widely blamed for the disappearances, even after it was proved that william did it, to the extent that people said his suicide was an admission of guilt and there were true crime documentaries that blamed him for it.
Henry found Williams journals and completely cut off william, going so far as to move to a new town. he never told the police what william did because he was afraid.
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kiszkatism · 2 years
headcanons #2
love languages - fluff
warnings: none!
headcanons number 2!! woooo!! feel free to send any prompts or ideas you wanna see to my ask :D just a little note—if part of jake’s seems familiar, i did recently send someone an anon ask that was pretty similar!
physical touch is josh’s love language. skin on skin contact is something that boy needs to get through every day. everywhere you go, he’s holding your hand or wrapping his arm around you. constant kisses and hugs. he loves to play with your hair, and he absolutely melts when you play with his. he could just fall asleep with his head in your lap as you play with his cults, lightly scratching his scalp. after you’ve had a long day, he’ll always massage your shoulders or back to make you feel better. when he’s had a bad day, all he wants is shirtless cuddles just to feel your skin against his.
jake has a couple love languages. he loves gift giving. every time you see him he’s handing you a gift. flowers, candy, jewelry, even just something as simple as a little note or doodle. he loves giving. when he stays at your house with you, he leaves little things hidden on shelves and in drawers. “i love you” notes stuck on the mirror or crumpled into a little ball in your shoe. jake loves to see the smile on your face every time you find something he hid. his other one may not necessarily be a love language, but he does it to show he loves you. he’s pretty big on biting. not in a sexual way necessarily, but a “you’re so cute, i’m going to bite you” type of way. biting your cheek after a kiss, biting your shoulder when he hugs you from behind, your arms when you cuddle. he never bites hard enough to hurt you. just a soft bite, barely applying pressure.
sammy is an absolute sucker for quality time. he doesn’t care when, where, or what you’re doing. he just wants to be with you all the time. he loves taking you on little dates to restaurants you’ve never been. he’ll help you find something on the menu he thinks you’ll like and then he’ll taste test it with you. he’ll go to the park with you, a quilt and a book in hand. he’ll lay the quilt out in a pretty, secluded spot and read to you while you lay your head in his lap. sometimes he follows you around the house while you do chores just to be with you. it’s very rare to get alone time when sam is around. you can’t even shower alone, he’ll either get in with you or sit on the bathroom floor to talk to you.
danny loves doing acts of service for you. you can never do anything around the house because he’s always volunteering—and insisting—to do it for you. he wants to make sure life is easy for you, no matter how much that puts on his own plate. danny is constantly doing little things for you. picking up your favorite snacks at the store, cooking for you, drawing a bath, massaging your shoulders. he just does everything he can to show you that he loves you.
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bisamwilson · 2 years
When Sam pulls into the driveway, Bucky’s on the roof.
It’s still warm in Delacroix, warm enough he’s got on a short sleeved shirt with his tight skinny jeans, and both the sun and the already plugged in Christmas lights sitting in a jumble around him glint off his arm.
“Thought you said November 1st was too early for Christmas decorations, baby?” Sam calls out once he walks up closer to the house. He puts a hand across his eyes to keep the sun out of them while he looks up at his boyfriend. “You were literally complaining about it at the store just yesterday.”
Bucky finishes untangling the lights and starts clipping them up, and Sam’s a little impressed he even went so far as to get clips instead of just using nails. “Putting up Christmas lights this early is ridiculous—we haven’t even gotten to Thanksgiving yet, Sammy, and Sarah’s cooking deserves a higher place of honor than the fake Santa on our rooftop,” he half-yells, half-grumbles back, still hanging the colorful lights with care. “But you love the way they look, and I heard you humming that All I Want for Christmas Is You song while you were making coffee with peppermint creamer this morning.”
Sam’s smile softens, and he waits for whatever grumpy follow up Bucky’s going to finish his answer with since he only ever allows himself to be all lovey-dovey and sweet in the middle of his sentences.
“Besides, if I didn’t do it today, you would’ve tried, and we would’ve ended up with twelve strands of lights irreparably tangled together instead of on our gutters.”
There it is, Sam thinks, rolling his eyes and wondering how Bucky can sound both so grumpy and so very fond at the same time. “I had that situation completely under control last year, Buck,” he lies, as if he weren’t halfway to throwing out all the old lights and buying new ones himself before Bucky came home with a dozen more boxes of them unprompted.
Bucky laughs as he finishes hanging his strand of lights, walking back over to the ladder and starting his descent back to the ground. Sam grabs the ladder for support on autopilot.
He waits until Bucky’s close to the ground to cheekily ask, “Does all this mean you’re going to turn the AC down to absolutely freezing levels and put up our cute fake tree with me while I turn on a Christmas movie and make some hot chocolate?”
Bucky gives him a droll look for only a moment before hopping off the ladder and pulling him in. He takes some mistletoe out of his pocket and dangles it above their heads before kissing Sam as deep and slow as he dares while they’re still very visible in their front yard. “Best part of Christmas, the mistletoe,” he says when he pulls away.
Sam lets himself be playfully dragged to the front door and patiently waits as Bucky hangs the mistletoe just inside the front landing, just far enough in that they can close the door.
And he does, promptly, before pushing Bucky up against it and wrapping his arms around his neck. He glances up at the mistletoe. “Merry Christmas, Buck.”
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” Bucky replies against his lips.
The tree can wait a few hours, Sam thinks.
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changanomaly · 2 years
an assortment of unorganized total drama headcanons I have (some probably contradict the timeframe when the td timeline takes place in but whatever):
Courtney and Heather pretend to have refined taste in music but blast Mitski full volume when they're alone
Heather and Harold are still actually really great friends after TD and find that they have a lot in common. Exhibit A: Their MLP phases
Noah's 15th birthday gift from his mother was a Miku binder. Also yes Noah's transmasc keep scrolling
Izzy, Eva, Owen, Noah and Emma are all in a polycule and currently live in a big apartment. (for more info um here)
Prior to it, they'd been kicked out of 4 consecutively for 2 straight months due to a fire break out from an 'undetectable source'. Surprisingly none of them were caused by Izzy, but Owen repeatedly cooking/reheating food at 3 in the morning
The ROTI cast in comparison to the rest of the casts are incredibly tight knit and go out of their way to meet up and keep in contact with each other. Anne Maria and Dawn are definitely the mom friends of the group.
Scott can be slimy, but he sure do loves his family a whole lot, and even though there's a lot of them, they're all really close. Initial reasoning to going back on TDAS was to help them cover what the entire family had given to get him to recover from being attacked by Fang
After a recording of a season is over (other than TDI), all contestants- former, current, the ones who aren't arrested- are all invited to stay at Playa Des Losers for a week (a shitty excuse to get all generations of cast members to interact to each other in my head...why yes)
The pinnacle of wealth to Scott was watching Shrek the Musical live and his first thought in what to do with the million in ROTI after the vague idea of investing in stocks was to bring all his family (and briefly in TDAS as a date with Courtney) to watch it
Duncan has a soft spot for Izzy. She's one of the only people who visit him while he's in prison. She drags along Team E-scope (+ Owen and Emma) to her visits sometimes
Shawn's first exposure to zombie related media was Plants vs Zombies. He has several sunflowers, pea plants, potatoes and a couple of walnut trees outside of his house that he says will mutate alongside the zombie virus pandemic to protect him. He owns and plays a lot of zombie video games in general alongside his huge collection of zombie movies and other zombie related media- other than PVZ, his favorite's The Last of Us
At Playa, Courtney and Gwen talk. It's one of the rare times Courtney owns up to her faults genuinely. And she tries to do the same thing with Scott but she can't bring herself to knock on his door. The prospect of things turning out like Duncan- even vaguely- made her blood grow cold.
Jo, Lightning and Brick meet Sky while they're hanging at Playa after the TDPI finale and chat her up while she seemed really down abt it all. After some chatting, a bit of insults thrown (thanks Jo), Brick's understanding sympathy, seldom seen empathy from Lightning, and a lot of racing and competing with each other, they become quite close. They keep in contact with each other afterwards- which is more than Sky can say about most of her relations on her own cast.
Speaking of; Sky keeps in contact with Ella, Jasmine (and since they're kind of a package deal, Shawn), oddly enough- though they weren't in the same team and didn't talk much on the island- Sammy, even more oddly enough Beardo- who she finds out just had a hard time opening up, and most oddly enough Leonard- who she finds out doesn't actually think he's a wizard and was just playing up one of his characters since he wasn't skilled in much anything else and wanted to see how far he got into the show with his whole wizard act. He even went out of his way to try it again alongside his friend Tammy in TDRR.
The small group does online DND campaigns that Sky occasionally joins in on in between juggling Olympic training, but they're mostly dominated by Sammy, Ella, Shawn, Beardo and some of Leonard's irl friends. Leonard DMs.
Eva knows how to crochet. Beth finds out in one of the Aftermath shows backstage, and they actually bond together over it. Well, after Eva threatens to kill her if she tells anyone
Courtney's really into musical theatre (won't admit to it but love West Side Story and Heahers). So are Mike (who's fav musical is Les Mis and Hadestown) and Ella (duh) (her favorite musical is Robert and Hammerstein's Cinderella)
Ella and Gwen are close cousins (as seen in TDR, but is otherwise not canon), and most are kind of shocked to find out. Ella would often bring up how Gwen would always gladly play the Evil Queen to her Princess when they were younger, where Gwen would retort by bringing up how bad Ella's tantrums were when she didn't agree.
The Best Friends subplot was scripted. Carrie is a lesbian, and Devin's aroace. A couple of d-list actors who also coincidentally are best friends
The Drama Network (as I'll call it) gets sued hard after Pahkitew airs. Not only for what happened in the season but a lot of prior incidents that weren't brought up in court- like Dakota's mutation, Scott being attacked by Fang, and the general endangerment of minors that happened in ROTI. Ditto with Pahkitew. Since TD was still a big hit, it didn't make much of a dent with the Network but still made it so they were weary of bringing the show back- which is why there hadn't been a new season for more than a decade in universe
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coachbeards · 7 months
married tedbeard things:
beard cooks ted breakfast while wearing ted's apron
ted routinely breaks his oven, and texts beard to come fix it for him. his own personal handyman
they always get dinner together + most of the time, i'm pretty sure we see them getting the exact same meal??
they play wordle together, and ted tries to get beard to give him the answer, and beard just messes with him
beard scolds ted for playing tetris on the toilet (why...does beard even know ted plays tetris on the toilet, and how often does it happen for beard to scold him for it)
secret sandwich switcheroo
ted calls him honeybunch + sweetie pie
they communicate a lot by just Looking at each other
beard is someone that ted can be quiet around, and doesn't really seem to feel the need to fill the space around
when they first get to richmond, beard leaves to talk with higgins about their housing, and ted tells him "wifi password, wet wipes-" and beard cuts him off with "humidifier. way ahead of you, coach."
beard always seems READY TO BRAWL for ted, and ted just "down boy" every time
they're each other's translators, mostly seen when ted says something midwestern and people look at beard all ???
beard is very touchy with ted and smiles around ted so much
episode two when ted is starting to get anxious, beard notices and tells him a story to help calm him down
ted can read all of beard's faces and never seems confused by him, because he knows him so well. ex. "now, don't give me those eyes." and "i can see you're happy now." when beard was just looking at him all 😐
see 1x06 when they're sitting in the bleachers. why does beard lean against him like that . ok.
ted KNOWS that beard is very opinionated, and will correct himself because he knows...aka that scene in 1x07 when ted says that sammy hagar is the best lead singer in van halen, and he knew to follow it up with "in a post david lee roth era" for beard
beard is very close with ted's son AND ted's mom. very step-dad / son-in-law coded of him tbh
beard picks him up for work almost every day, coffee in hand
beard getting really worried when ted doesn't talk for five whole hours, because beard likes it when ted talks. even brendan said that beard lets ted talk and that that's a gap he fills aka providing ted with room to talk
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selttiks4313 · 1 year
If I were smart or patient enough I would write the best spn/house au and it would be so so so good you guys.
Imagine if you will…
Non spn/human au
Dean takes care of Sammy (obv) and whenever he’s sick they go to the free clinic. John brings them once or twice. House clocks John as an alcoholic probably. Knows he’s ex military (the way Dean calls him sir etc.) and feels for the boys because we all know houses dad was a pos too. Treats John like shit but good with Sam. (Good in deans eyes, even better in Sam’s)
Eventually John stops coming around (dead? Lost custody? Idk idc) and it’s just Dean at Sammy’s apts. (maybe Bobby or Ellen in an emergency?? House could ask Sam where his brother is etc.)
House and Dean vibe even when he’s young. Dean just wants to get in and get out and not waste his or houses time. Sammy doesn’t complain either which is unlike most kids. House is an ass but Dean enjoys those visits more than when he sees other providers.
(I feel like Dean comes in one day (an adult at drinking age atp) and house wants to kill time to piss off Cuddy and Dean doesn’t wanna go back to work. This is when the primary bonding happens.)
They watch general hospital together in the exam room and talk about dr sexy. They leer at nurses and Cuddy. They talk about deans car and houses bike. Having shitty dads. Music, bad horror movies.
Dean likes Wilson too. He comes around sometimes and seems nice enough. Dean notices something is kinda up with those two but it isn’t his business. Wilson’s third wife sounds unbearable.
They don’t ever hangout or anything. (Unless? Maybe they run into each other at a bar a few times? Moody drinking and talking music or something equally them. But never intentionally hanging out) Their worlds don’t blur that much. I’m thinking more like random hijinx leading them to having several interactions (10+?) over the years.
Charlie breaks an arm or something. Benny needs stitches and won’t let Dean do it. Bobby’s been sick for two months and refuses to be seen until Dean makes him go in. STD check up (House would have a field day with this) IDK just random instances to where they have a bit of familiarity with one another.
I feel like House would call Dean “the ken doll” Winchester. Dean would flirt with Cameron and House would be delighted. Etc etc. Just random instances through out the years where they recognize and respect each other. Nothing more.
Cas gets sick. Weird sick, needs houses expertise sick. No one at the clinic is taking Dean’s concerns about Cas seriously. (I feel like Cas having major personality changes would be Interesting maybe?? Like combo of godstiel/insane Cas. Maybe a seizure or two?? Idk something!) Until Dean sees House in the hallway. House agrees to see him because he likes Dean and he’s bored.
Normal medical malpractice ensues blah blah blah
Deans reaction to Cas being sick is unsettling to house. They’re just friends right? This is the guy Deans mentioned to him in passing before?
But why does Dean look at him (Cas) like that? Why is he holding his hand? Why did he brush the hair out of his eyes?
Dean once referred to this Cas guy as his own Wilson. But House doesn’t look at Wilson like that, does he?? *Insert House spiral here*
Wilson also gets nervous watching them together or hearing them talk about each other. I think he and Cas need to bond. Both in love with grumpy men who are too afraid to allow themselves to love.
Oooo Cas reprimanding Dean for being rude in almost identical fashion to how Wilson did to House before they entered the room. That would be hilarious.
Speaking of hilarious. Very funny to imagine the ducklings searching Deans place. (Not the bunker. Maybe Bobbys? Maybe an apt above the roadhouse?)
I just know they would have lots to say. Forced masculinity comments with the nudie magazines/calendars etc. Surprisingly good/healthy ingredients/food in the house? Dean cooks apparently. Books on mechanical engineering and fantasy/sci-fi novels.
I feel like he and Cas need to be roommates for some reason in this 🤔. Maybe Cas has just moved in? Escaped his family’s religious extremist right wing bs. Maybe he doesn’t even have a room yet??? Maybe he and Dean share.
Ducklings taking bets on if Dean and Cas are dating, besties, or in love but repressed. “Sounds like two other men best friends that we know” *foreman voice*
House saves Cas because of course he does. Dean cries and rests their foreheads together and House feels uncomfy watching this and skedaddles.
Something about seeing them together will push him and/or Wilson to make a move finally. Not sure who or how yet.
I want to write this soooooo bad but I know I’ll never finish it. Someone want to write this for me?? It would be so good I just know it!!!!
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creepling · 2 years
dating sammy fabelman headcanons
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can be read as gn!
you definitely star in a lot of his short films. you are his muse
the way the light hits your face, the way you look on camera... oh he gets carried away
you're probs shy to be in his films and ask him to give you small parts -- or just cut you out entirely. but he says "no, nooooo you're amazing"
you'll be like "sammy i'm not an actor, give the part to someone who wants to do it"
and he hits you with the "you should be an actor! what, you just wanna have a normal, boring job like everyone else?"
and you're like "...yes, sammy. normal is fine"
you admire his creativeness, and he loves how straightforward you are. you can't think outside the box like him, but when he's getting too carried away with ideas, you're there to ground him.
he likes to film you doing mundane things. doing homework? cameras on. styling your hair? smile!
"sam, put the camera away"
"why? you're gorgeous"
"enough with the romantics, romeo"
his parents actually found out about your relationship because of the abundance of film he has of you. one day he was showing one of his movies to his family, but put the wrong film in by accident. then your face projected onto the screen and sammy can be heard saying behind the camera "there they are, the love of my life"
sammy's sisters erupt in shocked laughter "you're DATING someone?"
mitzi gushes "who is that, sammy? do they go to your school?"
sammy is fumbling with the film that refuses to shut off, his face crimson, "MOM STOP"
sammy's a hopeless romantic. before you become official, he was smitten by you and found it difficult to not gawk at you
and now he's dating you?? good golly, he feels so lucky
he makes it mandatory to take you on a date every weekend. your favourite spot is the beach, sitting on the shore and watching the sunset.
i see his love language being words of affirmation. he constantly wants to remind you how much he loves you, and likes the favour returned, but doesn't get butt hurt when you're not as intense as him. he's tries his best to refrain it but.... oh he loves you too much
you hate to admit it, but you like it when he's clingy. because on the days and weeks where he's too busy making his movies, he can't spend as much time with you (hence why he always wants you starring in them)
so when you meet him after a week of not seeing each other, and he just hugs you and splatters kisses all over your face, it makes you feel so happy.
when you don't have classes together and past each other in the corridor, you brush your hands in passing, taking in each others faces, before you have to go off again.
you love watching sam when he's concentrated. the way his lip is tight and eyes hyperfocused, it's a derpy face, but you think it's cute
he likes it when you play with his hair and sing songs softly in his ear. he thinks you have a lovely voice.
when sam is prone to have a panic attack, you're always there to comfort him. you get him a glass of water, sit with him silently and rub his back. now and then you'll say to him "everything is okay" "i love you" "i'm here for you, always". you seem to be the only person that can help him surpass it.
whenever you're having a bad day, sam knows you don't like the extravigants, so he does small things for you. when you graduate and live together, he cleans the house, does the dishes, makes the bed; and cooks your favourite meal for you coming in from work.
he'd just be an amazing partner, and you'd be high school sweethearts grown into loving, supporting relationship later in life. you're there for each other, thick and thin.
he really makes an effort, considering he seen how his parents ended up. he doesn't want the same happening to your relationship. if you were to leave, he'd have no idea what to do with himself.
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s41nt-b3rn4rd · 1 year
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Tumblr won't let me put a read more on the orginal ask but, HELLO? HI?? I THOUGHT I HAD ANON OFF????? Yes hi I have ocs. My current favorites are like- 5 out of... so many. They'll be under the "read more" because there's alot about them. I'm normal I prommy.
Also potato if you see this, hi. {remember to read the tags for sillies}
In order of who im (SADLY) Hyperfixated on, it goes;
* Sasha {Bulleteer Aaron} , in canon she's an ex-boxer that now works at a tattoo parlor and shares an apartment with a demon she summoned while on a wine binge. She's mixed with Russian+Irish+Icelandic+Mexican heritage but grew up mainly with her Irish and Mexican heritage. She's a disaster panace who can't be picky at this point- Sasha just wants someone who she can come home to at the end of the day, and talk to like a normal person. Does she count as a villain? I hope so. She killed a small family in nebraska once. In a story/rp, she used to be the ambassador for a kingdom but settled down as a butcher. She got burn scars from it for being a #girlboss and they stayed canon. * Sydney {Witherstone Appleton} , in canon their a demon that got summoned BY Sasha. She works at a diner, but mainly lives to annoy Sasha by giving her "water curses" and "sleepy spells" which is just him staring at Sasha until she takes care of herself. Notice how Sydney has multiple pronouns! Because in my lil' oc universe- demons don't have genders. Hell is seperate by everyones own depiction and in mine- it's just.. bland. normal. Sometimes the current ruler throws parties, that's fun. You can get a gender if you want, healthcare and stuff is free. ANYWAYS- Sydney is so normal it HURTS me. It just wants to fucking get groceries, pay bills and leave. BTW they commited tax fraud but shhhh we don't have to talk about that. BTW 2 THEY ALSO KEEP IN CONTACT WITH THEIR FAMILY- HER FAMILY * Matthew {NO MIDDLENAME NOR LASTNAME}. You know that funny meme of what happens if a centaur and a mermaid have a kid?? Yeah he's that. He's basically like, a generic guy- minus his bull ears and the horn's he's growing and his ability to speak underwater and breathe underwater. In canon he used to be like- a leutanint general but now he works at a light-house. He's a weed smoking girlfriend despite being a gnc acearo man with chronic leg pain. also lung pain. In the rp he was made for, he was surprisingly the least problematic. All he did was stress knit- I'm pretty sure he got the job BECAUSE he was just! some guy! He does have horrors though. And by "horrors" I mean he grew up (and out of) the orphanage so he has little to no knowledge about his parents, chooses to stay silent/nonverbal throughout his life so his sentence forming SUCKS- he lives is life in a cycle, can barely cook nor fold laundry. To cope though, he knits and likes to sneak into gardens and revive dead/dieing plants via necromancy. BTW he grew up in the same orphanage as Sasha and they have a blood pact. If one gets hurt, so does the other. * The Asker {that's it's name}. Me and my bestie for life have an ask game with eachother, where our ocs ask eachother questions, and that's my silly little guy for it!! Funnily enough, it was based on anon asks, but eventually evolved into it's own thing. It used to live in an empty black void- with bright computer lights illuminating it's small area of safety, and a single keyboard with oh so many letters and such. But RECENTLY, that fuck ESCAPED!!! JAIL BREAK!!!!! And is currently living in the basement of a motel because "oh my god is this the outside why is it bright why is it loud oh my god oh my god [THEIR] going to [DECOMMISSION ME]." #slay, y'know? Don't worry though, it'll get a job at like- walgreens or walmart and live in a normal ass neighborhood soon. * Sammy {Picture}. Once again, another oc made for an RP that I absolutely FELL IN LOVE WITH!! He's an object-head with one of those rotary phones for a head, but more pathetic looking and kinda like a bug, but it's okay. He's a preschool teacher and admires his job. He has a situationship thing with the person who he shares an apartment with- a soap rabbit humanoid named Bob, that is also a substitute history teacher. Anyways remember the bug thing? Yeah. Sammy used to be a catipillar centaur but someone fucking robbed its grave when he died. BTW Sammy was a catipillar in this sense
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and therefor he's very colorful. he's a pathetic meow meow but he's also said the most ominous insults ever. He's my favorite bc I like to imagine him doing the most boring tasks like drinking water. He does his taxes btw. Their my only oc who willingly does its taxes.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Ginny Gothel Headcanons revised;
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Trigger warning for child abuse and near death experiences.
Her full name is Ginerva Flower Gothel in honor of the flower her lost because of Rapunzel's birth. She hates it with a passion.
It's also kind of ironic considering the fact that she's allergic to most types of flowers.
Ginny is tall and slim with frizzy black hair and grayish-blue eyes.
She is a couple months older than Harriet.
She also DOES NOT get along with her mother like AT ALL.
No, seriously, they are constantly fighting and the fights get violent 70% of the time.
Ginny has two younger brothers named Mason and Glenn . They're twins. As well as an older sister named Cassandra (from Tangled the series), who she loves dearly despite the fact they drive her mad half the time.
She also gets along well with her sister's two friends, Hugo and Varian. And the Stabbington twins surprisingly.
She cannot say the same about Cassandra's ex, Andrew. She does NOT like him at all.
Varian, Cassandra, Hugo, and the Stabbington brothers taught her everything she knew.
She and Cassandra are as close as siblings can be on the isle.
Despite giggling about Harriet's ugly dress, she does consider the pirate captain a friend . She's even apart of her crew.
She gets sea sick, which is funny considering she is almost always on the ship.
She is the chef mate of the Queen's Fury because she's one of the few people who know how to cook on the ship and the only one who is willing to do so because she thinks it's easy.
She is a member of Diego's band, unaware /maybe just not caring about Diego's role in the Antiheroes' club.
Ginny plays the tambourine as well as the harmonica and she also sings occasionally.
She's also friends with Anthony Tremaine, Big Murph, the Gaston twins, Lefou Deux, Claudine Frollo, Jade, Mad Maddy, Clay Clayton, Diego de Vil, Sammy Smee, Rick Ratcliffe, and just about every crewmate of hers.
She and Clay Clayton have a thing going on-- they're still not sure what to call it. They think it's dating but aren't quite sure.
Ginny's good at singing, sailing, sailing, apple bobbing, dagger tossing, dagger juggling, dart throwing, gymnastics/acrobatics, dancing, chemistry, sword-fighting, cooking, potions, and swimming (Harriet taught her how to) but she's terrible at cards and dancing.
Ginny also likes to read very few things. Usually Gothic tales and music sheets.
She loves toad shots and apples.
She has a seemingly unlimited amount of daggers that seem to come out of nowhere. No matter where she is, no matter who she's with, she always has a dagger. Even if you've already taken one from her.
Unlike her mother, she doesn't care about staying young and beautiful forever. She thinks it's dumb.
Ginny, like everyone, doesn't like being crossed and can hold a grudge for a very long time. A bad habit she is trying to break.
Maleficent isn't the only villian she has stolen from or who's house she has ransacked.
She has the following weapons-- a longsword with a red and black handle, and a golden dagger that also has a red and black handle.
She swears ALOT which annoys the hell out of her mother. Which is why she does it.
She doesn't respect alot of adults on the isle with very few exceptions.
Ginny often pushes /scares people away because she's scared of rejection, being replaced, failure, being abandoned, being locked away, and turning out like her mother (Despite her sister assuring her that she won't).
Ginny is a bit of a smart ass and mouths off to people alot. Even though she really shouldn't since she is almost as bad as Anthony and LeFou Deux are at fighting.
Her favorite color is Burgundy, black, and gold.
She was one of the 1st to ransack Maleficent's place after d1. She stole several of Maleficent's cloaks.
After the barrier is brought down, Ginny joins band and choir at Auardon prep and after ALOT of nagging from her sister, she apologizes to Mal.
Rapunzel and Flynn immediately reached out to Cassandra, Varian, Hugo and the Stabbington brothers along with Nuro and Yong when the barrier was brought done and were surprised to find that Gothel had more kids.
Mason and Glenn end up getting along splendidly with Nuro and Yong, and to Cassandra's dismay, Flynn and Lance.
Ginny begrudgingly gets along with them and their kids quite well after a couple of months.
They are also horrified to find out that Gothel use to lock Ginny and her brothers in the attic as a punishment, and make sure everyone knows that Gothel isn't allowed near them anymore.
She has suspicions on who her father could be but she doesn't have any solid proof (Captain Hook for one).
She actually goes to school alot more than the other kids do because It's one of the few things she enjoys.
The scaredest she has ever been is the day she found Clay almost dead after he was found face down in the pool at Mal's Hellraiser party.
She's also allergic to most flowers.
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