#samhain oracle
tarotindabox · 10 months
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thesirensoracle · 2 years
Weekly Tarot!  Dec 12 - Dec 18, 2022
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Card of the Week: 7 of Cups reversed ✧☾゜・。
Bonus Oracle: Ancestors reversed
This week’s theme is tantalizing desire.
To stop admiring from afar and finally following the siren’s lullaby. After times of sadness, anxiety and regret, where rationality has reigned for more than it should, we find ourselves at a crossroads and with the need to make a choice. Should we stay where we are, even if it leaves us unsatisfied? Or should we go after our dreams and finally make them a reality?
This week we are being asked to be assertive and go after our desires. Creativity, beauty, and pleasure are present and welcoming us with open arms to heal the numbness we’ve been feeling lately. If in the past weeks we’ve denied ourselves of these energies, they are going to present themselves in very seductive and alluring ways, encouraging us to bite the juicy red apple that ignites our inner fires. However, we must consider two warnings before willfully drowning in the sea of desire:
A lot of options lie ahead of us, some are offering us the opportunity to plant the seeds to make our dreams a reality, others are just offering us a temporary gateway to pamper ourselves with pleasure, and some others are pure poison disguised as sweet candy. Choose wisely.
Like Cinderella, the opportunity we have here is temporary. It’s in our hands to take advantage of this energy to later create something that leaves lasting rewards later… so don’t hold on to things too tightly! If you do, you might poison the blessing, turning it into a curse.
Overall, this week is great to indulge in dreams and desires that genuinely make your soul shine brightly, and not to follow meaningless pleasures to scape reality. 
You must remember, if you don’t follow your heart’s calling and indulge in false illusions… you’ll be left unsatisfied, with a never-ending hunger for true pleasure.
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The week starts with moon in Ashlesha. (Speaking of desire lol). The moon at the birth of Mercury makes today and the rest of the week especially good for going after our true desires, but with the enough discernment and skill that allows us to choose the right way to do it. Being the height of femininity, Ashlesha asks you to pursue only what truly makes you shine, otherwise you take the risk of being paralyzed by unfulfilled cravings.
☾ Blessings: Never-ending options and opportunities to make your dreams come true! If you choose wisely, you might set the foundations for those dreams to become a reality.
☾ Warnings: Beware of illusions! Follow your gut, if something seems too good to be true, it most likely is. Also, don’t overindulge in pleasure, for this card is one of the significators in tarot for addiction.
☾ Random messages/tips: 
Ask your ancestors/guides for help when in need! If you’re not sure which path to go, the universe is there to show you the way.
Some of you’ve been working hard, please rest.
Go for a walk in nature, whether it’s in the sea or the forest, the wisdom of the ancient earth is ready to be delivered to you by the whispers of the wind.
Wear something orange this week for good luck.
Appreciate the beauty around you. Recognizing the bliss in simplicity and everyday life will bring you abundance this week.
If it doesn’t make you dance internally, don’t pursue it.
Pamper yourself by watching your favorite movie about female manipulators lmao I recommend Jennifer’s Body.
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#cardoftheday is from the #seasonsofthewitchsamhainoracle and is #rooted.
Yet again I got #apple as my first draw. In combination with Rooted, this is a warning to literally ground myself. Make an #earth centered #practice. Now, yesterday I shared that I have started working with #Danu and she is a Earth deity. So that does make sense.
Beynd that, I feel like the biggest take away from this #journey thus far is th reminder to reach back to my #ancestors. As a #Samhain deck that makes sense. The season has always been about ancestors and roots and connections to the past for me.
So, go get grounded and #haveamagicalday #tarot#tarotcards#tarotreadersofinstagram#pagan#paganwitch#witch
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allhailkingsquest · 6 months
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Magic Map Studio’s remastered soundtrack, King’s Quest VI – An Ode to the Isles, is available now on digital or vinyl. Art by Bruce Brenneise and Say Mistage.
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lethalpotions · 11 months
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verochekan · 11 months
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therosewitchcottage · 1 month
𝕴𝖌 𝕮𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘…
For those of us that still enjoy a little spooky with our summer and want to collect and capture those fleeting summer moments before we dive into the best time of year, I would like to offer some fun little captions to use not just on instagram but also for scrapbooking, journaling, planning, and maybe even in our books of shadows.
Let's dig in!
Sunkissed & Spooky
The Witch is Melting
Midsummer Spooky Vibes~
Getting Lit This Weekend (perfect for a candle haul or showing spell/ritual candles)
Spice up This Summer (cold brew spice'd drinks, recipes for delightful spiced beverages, etc)
Eat, Drink & Be Scary (great for summer cookouts and evening gatherings)
Boo-tiful (day/afternoon/evening/feeling/person/scene/ etc etc)
As always you can check pinterest for collections of fun captions and ideas. I love taking pictures, but since highschool art class I've always felt the need to add descriptions rather than just a caption. I do love the idea of a October daily scrapbook journal type thing inside my book of shadows where I keep seasonal photos and memorabilia tucked in between the pages, like the giant Practical Magic Grimoire, but just for each season and Sabbat. As a side note, just this week at the Shop I work at we got our Tarot order in and I happened to get my hands on these
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These two decks are lovely and I couldn't be happier!
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noxnymora · 2 years
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Halloween/Samhain Free Oracle & Tarot Readings
To request a one card reading:
Choose a deck -- The Seasons of the Witch Samhain Oracle deck OR the Occult Tarot deck.
2. Choose a topic -- general, love, career, question, etc...
3. Submit an ask - here!
4. Donate or tip if you can. $noxnymora on cashapp
🔮To see past readings visit here 🔮
🖤 Please like/share/follow 🖤 Not required for readings 🖤
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megmoonoracle · 11 months
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melancholyholiday · 2 years
Hi I would love a reading, My initials are N.V.W., I was little confused on you're rules, :) Umm for my current reading to be in October? This reading is to be directed to my Guides who are my Ancestors, I'm currently going through a tough rebirth or denial of acceptance, in myself, what I can have in this life time, Love, ect, ego is taking a toll like I'm constantly under it's soal of a shoe, My Solar and Sacral, and Heart are taking it the hardest, so much so that if I have really bad thoughts that are unloving my hands with ache and my stomach will burn on fire. Thank you if you can answer it! 5 card spread pls :)
Hello! I'm pleased to tell you that you have a lot of energy, and it's very strong. As I'm sure you've guessed, this can come as more of a blessing than a curse, as it often accompanies pretty extreme highs and lows. Hopefully this reading helps, your cards are as follows.
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Your first card for this reading is Surrender, an incredibly significant card given your situation. This card encourages you not to control what is manifesting in your life, but rather give in to it. I also sense that there’s a lot of resistance within you regarding your current circumstance.
Your second card, a transitional between the first and third, is The Temple of Earth (Inverted). This is a space where you learn to ground yourself, where you come to familiarize yourself with your connection to the spiritual realm. Perhaps the inversion here indicates that this is a space you’re not familiar with. The following days will be a good time to meditate and explore this space, so to speak.
Your third card is Domnu. She is the goddess of the sea, the deep, and the shore where land and water meet. Interestingly enough for the concept of a rebirth, she also reigns over the land of the dead. I think this suggests that during your current rebirth you should spend as much time as you need mourning your prior self. These changes sound massive, and if they’re only exacerbating the stress put upon you by your extant responsibilities then it may be time to commit yourself to them and begin going with the flow.
Your fourth card, a transitional between the third and fifth, is The Mirror (Inverted). Luckily, The Mirror is one of the easier cards to read. It is your responsibility to reflect upon yourself, your identity, and your actions. View yourself not just from the inside, but also the outside. Take time to study yourself, to familiarize yourself with this new version of your identity.
Your final card for this reading is Cailleach. This card is telling as well, Cailleach is a teacher and a purveyor of oracular talent. Perhaps a new connection to your own abilities as an oracle may develop. People in transitional phases in life often have prophetic dreams, or find that their abilities to manifest are more powerful.
From the looks of it, you’re uncomfortable with the changes taking place in your life. By accepting change and utilizing it to further the development of yourself post-rebirth, you can come to a deeper understanding of who you are and who you want to be.
Of course, times are already tough and change never comes easy. Be cautious about how you approach these changes and the way you respond to them. Foreign territory means you won’t always know when a reaction is appropriate or just familiar. Be careful developing your new identity, and be sure to find plenty of places and people who are willing to stand by and support you.
Yours truly, Gossamer Goodnight.
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tarotindabox · 2 years
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greenthey · 1 year
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I'm back on my Instagram bullshit @ creatomancy for my friend's Halloween tarot challenge 🎃
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A message from Spirit this Samhain . . .
This turn of the Wheel of the Year brings us to a point where we must go inward; this is not a time to tiptoe into the waters of the soul, but to dive deep. The Ruby card asks us to consider what or who we are passionate about, as well as what or who brings the most joy into our lives. As we consider, it is important to open the heart to new possibilities. The Movement card tell us that once we know what our passions are, we should use them as the purpose to continue along our paths. The Eight of Cups is assuring us that these passions are our soul’s missions, and that we should listen to our inner voices, for our hearts will propel us to trust these callings.
Mookakite helps to reawaken the inner spirit; it can also be used to help discern all options and choose the best one. Ammonite assists with positive motion. Prehnite with epidote encourages perseverance, aids with times of transformation, and bridges the heart and solar plexus chakras.
Sage clears what no longer serves, frankincense provides purification, and palo santo brings blessings.
Deck credits: Eternal Crystals by Jade-Sky, Spirit de la Lune, Tarot Mucha
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#cardoftheday is from the #seasonsofthewitchsamhainoracle and is #pumpkin in reverse.
THank you for being patient while I was away. Today the card is a powerful reminder that I have the #creativity and the #tools within me to do what I need to do for #security and #prosperity. Which frankly, considering that I am writing as much as I can this morning... appropriate.
I was out of town and I am sick as all get out. But I think I am back to regular posting.
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amieravenson · 2 years
How to Have a Conversation with your Tarot or Oracle Cards
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I've been reading tarot for quite a long time. But the one thing that I've learned is that the more I think I know, the more there is to learn. In all honesty, that's what I love about tarot more than anything. I love that I can study it for years and years, and still have more to learn. It keeps me excited and engaged with my practice. For example, while I have studied tarot from a Jungian perspective, looking at archtypes and the like, I've never really paid attention to the astrological or Kabbalistic associations of the cards. And while I love the RWS system and the Thoth system, I really haven't worked on learning the Marseille system. I could spend a lifetime (and I already HAVE spent my lifetime) learning about tarot and never get bored. And when it comes to oracle cards, forget it. All the decks are a system of their own, and while I tend to read them intuitively, I also like having the book nearby in case I need to consult get more information. So imagine my delight when I found a new way to read the cards. I was watching a YouTube video (I wish I could remember who it was or provide a link), and the woman showed how she used her cards for journaling. She would start journaling until she came to a stopping point, and then draw a card to see where to go from there. For example, say I was writing about my frustration at not being able to find a job I love that pays well. I would write about my frustrations until I got them all on paper. Then I would draw a card. And say I got Death reversed. So then I would write about how maybe the reason that I'm not finding that job is because I'm afraid of the change that it would require. Then I would draw another card. And say I drew the 5 of Pentacles. Then I could write about how I was afraid of being broke, and how that might be a limiting belief, etc. It sounds so simple. But I've never used my cards that way, and now I really want to. I've drawn cards for a reading on questions I'm having, but to have a continuous journaling session while drawing them is brand new to me. It's truly like you're having a conversation with the cards, with your subconscious. So I'll be trying this soon. Perhaps on Samhain, when the divination is really good due to the thinning of the veil. I'll probably make some mugwort and wormwood tea for receptivity to drink while I do. I'll report back in the comments! Blessed be. Read the full article
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rswitchery · 11 months
10/29 - Full Moon, pre-Samhain reading
Recently, I've been feeling the energy change in the air. This Samhain feels special to me. The full moon is very close to date, a perfect time to release from old energy going into the witches New Year. I've been having more visits from local crows and cats. I've also been having more thoughts towards concentrating on physical and spiritual growth and my connection with nature - along with nurturing my daughters connection with nature. Something is shifting, and at every turn, I am being told to look within my practice. Due to these feelings, I was compelled to do an oracle reading with my Earth Oracle deck. This is my one and only deck at the moment, but I'm partial to it due to my stellium in Capricorn and heavy earth attributes.
I didn't take pictures of my spreads, but this was the general final reading. I did do one before this, but I had so many unanswered questions, and this second reading gave me more answers. My main intention with this reading was to better understand the direction my life is taking at the moment. The first reading essentially said that, yes, I am going through a time of growth that may not be along a path I'm expecting.
Mulitverse/Concealed - Combustion - Reflection/Gifts
Combustion --> Source, fertility, evolution
Multiverse/Concealed --> Dreams
Look towards nature and self for growth. A time of progression is upon you. This is a period where emotional outbursts are highly probable. Look towards your dreams for answers. Answers in dreams can change reality, and those dreams can be reflected in reality and vice versa. Be truthful and forward to those around you to avoid harming them.
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