#same with characters like you will rarely catch me making hate posts for the characters i dislike
musicalmoritz · 1 month
It’s totally fine to dislike ships but I will never understand how some ppl make it their entire personality. You can’t ALL be the “#1 skk hater”
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c0ld0utside · 19 days
Summer Camp Slasher
Shoutout to @foundfamyanderes for the idea in this post here
Keeping this short! Might go more in-detail if I make another part. 
Warnings: Mentions of bullying, Reader almost drowned, Character death, violence, Gore, Chasing, Reader gets injured, Rushed fic
You hated Summer Camp. Hated it since you were ten years old and was finally able to piece together that you were here because Mom and Dad didn't want to bother with you over the summer. Hated it since the girls in your group and the older ones started disliking you for being close with one of the popular boys; Travis. 
Travis was your rock through it all. He was the first person you met when you started going to camp at six years old. He was thirteen then- a fellow camper and one of the favorites. A natural leader. A nice kid who could befriend everyone. Nonjudgmental to the kids who had a rough time. A kid who loved summer camp so much he came back as one of the counselors. A rare find in times like these. Though there was a negative to his charm. 
You’ve seen it enough time at school; girls desperate for attention and popularity. The lows they’d go to over a boy. The shade and rumors that’d be thrown around. “It’s crazy,” you had told him when you were fourteen. “How did you deal with all of it? Or- well, deal with it. That Naomi chick practically froths at the mouth when she sees you.” Travis had snorted then. “To be honest…I don’t know. It makes me just as uncomfortable…remember that one year with that Deseray girl? Don’t get me wrong, I love taking care of kids but I have never been happier to know she wouldn’t be coming back.” He says, fiddling with the bracelet you gifted him when you were seven. You had made it during arts and crafts after learning one of his favorite animals were turtles- letter beads spelling out “U-R-A” with a star and turtle charm. 
Ugh, you remembered her- the girl who watched with her friends as your kayak tipped over and nearly let you drown. You had nightmares for weeks- hearing the muffled laughter under the water. Had it not been for Travis, you would’ve died. It was satisfying watching her burst into tears as he chewed her out (it was the first time you heard him yell, too) and wrap you up in a towel. It was a miracle you came back this year (It wasn’t, your parents made you come back anyway).
This year was the breaking point. Especially when one of your bullies, Layla, was found dead, an axe buried in her back and one of her legs chopped clean off. …The leg was found in her friend Isabella’s bed. All of you found that out when she woke up screaming. Which was joined by the rest of the girls in her cabin. Immediately the blame went to you- but Travis, ever the angel, shut those ideas down. “ [Name]’s group cabin is on the other side of the camp. The tool shed isn’t accessible to someone without a key and that key is kept in the office.” 
At first your torment got worse, the girls calling you a murderer and obviously following you around, trying to “catch you in the act.” They freaked out when you were at least eight feet away from them and left “gifts” on your bed. Landon, Isabella’s boyfriend, was found floating in the water, tied up, gagged, and thrown out into the lake the night after you came back to deer droppings. Arianna was found with the back of a hammer lodged into the side of her head after your clothes were dumped into the same lake. That was the last straw (for some reason. It should’ve been the last straw when Layla died) and the camp leader, Mr. Madden, told the rest of the kids to pack up their things. A bus would be coming to bring them all home. 
At least, that was the plan. Halfway through backing the driver was found with a stab wound and slumped against the driving wheel. The tires had been slashed as well- the loud noise drawing you and the other camper’s attention. The phone line had been cut in the office, so you and Naomi went to grab the mobile phones in the small office safe. 
You stuck the key into the lock, twisting as Naomi stood by the door. “Can you hurry up? This is freaking me out,” she says, a twinge of fear in her tone. “I am also freaking out in case you haven’t noticed,” you shot back. “Look- my hands are shaking.” Naomi scoffed. “So are mine, you’re not specia-” Her words turned into a scream when she was harshly pulled out of the room. 
“NAOMI!” Abandoning the phones and shifting the key around in your hand, you rushed out to the hall. It was all so quick- a masked man in a dark blue hoodie plunging a machete into Naomi’s stomach as she clawed at his shoulders, trying to push him away. Blood splattered onto the wooden floor and in an instant you were moving, stabbing the key into the attacker’s shoulder. 
With a grunt, he shoved you to the ground, masked face staring down at yours. A cartoony, toothy smile was drawn on it, black circles around the small eyeholes. Naomi whimpered and sobbed in pain on the floor, the stranger looking at her over his shoulder. You shoot upward for a messy takedown and instead he grabs you by the collar of your shirt. Your gaze flicks to his wrist and your heart sinks.
He’s wearing Travis’ bracelets. The ones you made for him over the years. All of them. Had he killed him and taken them to taunt you? Why you? What did you do to deserve this?!
“You weren’t supposed to see,” he murmurs softly, voice unrecognizable. Pushing you back, he opens the door to one of the closets and shoves you inside, slamming the door shut afterward. “NO!” You shout rushing over to the door and throwing it open. 
It’s too late. The killer has the blade stabbed through Naomi’s cheek and is kneeling over her. All she can do is scream as he pulls it out. “Quit. Moving.” He growls, stabbing it through her head. Blood flies and splatters everywhere, getting on his mask, clothes, the wall, and the floor. “Good girl…ah- I told you not to look!” The man snaps, voice muffled by the mask. 
…His voice…
“See? I told you. You’re smart.” He says sadly, getting up from his kneeling position. He lets the blade fall from his gloved hands- black latex gloves from the kitchen- and begins to walk over to you with his hands to his sides. He tsks when you back away. 
“You don’t need to be scared, [Name]. I’m doing this all for you!” He explains. “...And a little for myself. Whew, she was annoying. It’s okay, though. I’d never hurt you. After all,” He holds up his wrist, holding it out to you. The very first one is the one you made him recently. “B-I-G-B-R-O” in the largest letter beads you could find- a mix of cubes and spheres decorated with green, blue, and yellow beads. “I’m your older brother, am I not?”
“Why?” You choke out, taking another step back. “Oh come on, bud! You and I both know your parents don’t care about you. I do, though! Who kept in touch with you online? Who reminded you to drink water and eat? Who stayed up late with you on a call to help you fall asleep? Who helped you with your homework? I’m not complaining, by the way. I loved doing that with you and I still do because I love you!” Travis rambled, moving closer and closer. You reach the door and grab the handle.
“[Name], don’t do it.” He warns, tone dropping. “I’ll be disappointed if you do.” Travis sighs as you throw the door open and book it into the night. “Alright. We’re doing this, then.”
You don’t look back. If you look back you might see him and looking back will slow you down. The path is getting harder to follow, narrowing out as it reaches the end. Maybe you should go off of it? Maybe Travis got tired. You hope that’s the case. …Though it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Heading off of the path, you push your way into the trees and through the greenery. You hiss whenever a thorn or low hanging branch scrapes against your arms, leaving ugly red lines and small dots of blood. It goes on for a while- pushing, pulling snagged clothing free, stumbling on rocks or awkward dips in the ground…the grass is long and it gets harder to see the forest floor. What if you get lost-
You don’t want to look down. You can feel something warm and wet soaking your sock. Don’t look down. Your gaze shifts downward, anyway. A bear trap is snapped shut around your foot, blood already starting to stain your shoe. It clicks in your head and the pain is quick to come.
A choked scream leaves you as you try to kneel down, the pain worsening and flaring. Hot tears fill your eyes as you desperately try to open the trap, wincing and crying out in agony all the while. Your chest feels tight yet it heaves like it’s weightless. Someone’s screaming your name, heavy footsteps getting closer as they force themself through the greenery.
“[Name]?! Oh, shit!”
They hurry over to your front, pulling down their hood and throwing their mask off. “Hey, hey hey shh, shh you’re okay, you’re okay, I’m here now.” They soothe, hands hovering in the air. “Don’t look at it, bud. Look at me, please. Look at me.” You force your gaze up to the person.
Travis gives you a weak smile. “Hey, bud. There you are. What did I tell you about going off the trail?” Sniffling, you speak. “N-not to do it.” He nods. “Mhm. Not to do it. I didn’t mean to scare you so bad. Now look where we’re at, hm?” Travis lets out a sigh.
“I’m gonna pry it open, okay?” Travs says, frowning at the whimper you let out. “I know bud, I know. Hurts bad, doesn’t it? That’s why we gotta do this. Take a deep breath and breathe out on ‘three,’ okay?” You give him a small nod and he grabs the sides of the trap. “Breathe in.”
Travis watches you take in a deep breath. “Good. Ready? …One!” He roughly pulls the trap open, earning a startled cry from you. “Travis-” you sob out. “Sorry, sorry,” he mumbles, pulling your leg out of the trap and setting it aside. Pulling off his sweater, he rips off one of the sleeves and ties it around your bleeding ankle. “You’re lucky it wasn’t one of the bigger traps. We’d have to cut your foot off.” He grumbles, scooting closer to scoop you up into his arms. 
“It’s definitely broken,” Travis announces, “but no worries. We’ll get you all fixed up at home, okay?” Home? Was he seriously bringing you back to your actual home? Your parents would freak out! What was he-
“Not your home. Our home. The one I made for us. Well, I bought it and made some changes. I’m a little hurt you didn’t tell me this would be your last year,” Travis rambled. “I heard you telling Mr. McCarthy in the office when you arrived. Don’t worry, we’ll talk about it later. This is more important right now.”
“Oh- are you falling asleep? Don’t do that [Name], stay with me please…”
When you wake up, you’re in a new home, in a clean room with your big brother holding a breakfast tray. 
“Rise and shine,” He croons. “Welcome home.”
Aggh sorry everyone I hoped to get this done sooner and flesh it out better but alas school started and takes up the majority of my day. Maybe I'll rewrite it. Remember to drink water and be kind to yourselves!
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dxstopiaa · 1 year
Language of Love
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Synopsis: No linguistic expression could describe his love for you, how does he show affection? ♡
Characters: Genshin Impact Men x Fem! Reader.
Warnings: None, just fluff. (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ [ i am trying to post shorter updates as i’m busy, i hope it’s alright? My posts aren’t getting as much attention anymore *sobs*]
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Words of Affirmation
If there was one way that your lover thought would express his feelings the best was with cryptic metaphors he left you to decipher. Whether it was in poems, haikus or scriptures— he’d always find the time to communicate with you. Feeling unmotivated recently? Never fear, your husband welcomes you into his open arms whilst he sings you praises and monologues declaring how you were enough, no matter your mental state. He liked your outfit and hair today? Prepared to be showered with compliments and comparisons to the most priceless jewels.
“I adore you, my love. Your voice, your smile, your personality. Everything. Now how does going out for a meal later sound? Or would you rather stay in my solitary company?”
Zhongli, Kazuha, Venti
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Gift Giving
Whether it’s expensive or priceless—it wasn’t rare at all to find all sorts of items infront of you. Did you openly state how much you liked that jade ring the other day? Well, expect to see the every same one on your finger when you wake up in the morning. Even if he finds a flower on his way back from work, he’ll collect a bouquet and a vase to decorate your home with. To him, it’s the most ideal way to express his adoration for you when he struggles to do so directly. Your boyfriend is always open to pampering you and making your life as exquisite as possible. After all, what’s a man to do other than spoil his wife?
“I saw this necklace yesterday and i couldn’t help but buy it for you. Hah, please do not worry about my spending dear. It’s all under control.”
Childe, Ayato, Pantalone, Dottore, Diluc
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Acts Of Service
Expressing love does not come naturally nor easily to your boyfriend, so he resorts to actions rather than words. If he sees you struggling with an essay for instance, he’ll research the topic and make some notes for you instead. He adores seeing your eyes light up with his help, you may be able to catch the faintest wisp of a smile on his face. Of course, you reciprocate his efforts with a light kiss, one that drives him further into that love spell you have casted upon him. Your reliable lover tends to think extensively about anything he could do to ease your predicament, he just hates that distressed glance over your pretty face. So if you ever need help, don’t be afraid to ask him for a helping hand.
“I’ve noticed you’re fond of this dish, so i made it for you, i hope it’s the way you like it? Hm? How long did it take me? That doesn’t matter.”
Xiao, Dainsleif, Thoma, Al Haitham, Albedo.
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Quality Time
Simply laying your head against your shoulder whilst he reads to you— your fingers in his hair, massaging his neck or giggling when he recounts a recent incident is enough to have him thinking about you for the entire day, to leave him longing to be in your company again. He buzzes with concealed excitement to get home and leisurely talk to you about how your day went over your favourite drinks or snacks. He values the time you put into your relationship above all and he’d do anything to spend another minute with you even if it meant neglecting his other duties.
“I’m going to be late for work? No issue, that comes last compared to you. For now, just enjoy the calm before the storm of a day ahead.”
Kaveh, Baizhu, Cyno, Tighnari, Wanderer.
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Physical Touch
A prompt cuddle before he heads off or a passionate kiss, even the brief touch of your hand on his cheek confirms his love for you and vice versa. He’s always there to leave marks of affection on your body, it’s the easiest way to remind you of how much you mean to him and the most exclusive. He doesn’t have to fear or calculate how suited a gift or his words are to your taste, for his contact proves it. It’s his way of making your mind rotate around him, and it most certainly works. It’s something only he will ever have the luxury of experiencing with you, which is exactly what makes it special.
“What was that, love? I’m hugging you too tight? Nonsense, there’s no such thing!”
Heizou, Itto, Kaeya
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shipmansflannels · 4 months
the alchemy | shauna shipman x reader
what if I told you I'm back? see what I did there? :) anyway, I'm back. this week I'll probably update for more days in a row (tonight, maybe tomorrow and sunday too), because tomorrow is a holiday here in brazil and, as I have more time to post than on regular days, I decided to reward you. better prepare, because this is my first oneshot with shauna and I really hope you like it (I put my best effort into it because shauna is my favorite character, so that's it, I hope it turned out good.) obviously the whole thing is a reference to "the alchemy" by taylor swift, so I also hope you managed to convey what I meant by interpreting the song. enjoy!
sorry for any grammatical or coherence errors, english is not my first language and I'm trying to improve!
the alchemy | shauna shipman x reader
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-> prompt: you and the midfielder are secretly dating. <-
warnings: non cannon, no crash, most fem!reader but it works for gender neutral readers too, some swear words, jock!shauna, sub!reader, soft dom!shauna, jealous!shauna, very subtle smut (because I still don't know how to write one), secret relationship, platonic!jackie x reader.
Honestly, you could get used to it.
It wasn't like it was the worst thing in the world to not be able to admit that you and Shauna were properly together to your friends, even your closest ones. In fact, it was even exciting for you to be in a secret relationship. As an extremely private and intense person, you would hate someone noticing while you and your girlfriend were kissing in any corner and feeling entitled to have an opinion about it.
Honestly, it was much better this way. Just the two of you. And your parents. The only ones who knew you were getting to know each other better.
The whole thing started that same year, after the boring science fair proposed by the most boring teacher in the world, in which you had to stand in front of your booth with a failed attempt at a volcano that worked with detergent and bicarbonate. Shauna was at the booth next to you, also with an attempt at a ladybug that worked using a cell phone battery to get around, and she was kind enough to praise your botched project, unlike the other colleagues.
But you didn't really talk until days later. You started to notice her more, of course, more than before - because the idea that the Yellowjackets were extremely popular because of their victories over the other teams at school wasn't enough - but you didn't catch her attention until the day you were walking across the field to deliver a piece of homework to Coach Martinez and one of her kicks accidentally hit you in the face.
When you woke up, in the infirmary with a broken nose and horrible-tasting medicine, Shauna Shipman was next to you, in the worn yellow armchair next to the infirmary bed, and began pouring every apology possible in your direction, while your head was spinning and you were still groggy, looking like you were asleep.
It was the worst night's sleep you had in your life. And honestly, after that, nights of sleep were rare for you, so it didn't matter.
The thing is, Shauna was unintentionally becoming popular, and she couldn't blow the opportunity by publicly dating someone who wasn't even overly well-known - even though the kick and the broken nose had made you pretty famous in the hallways for a few weeks -. Not only because of that, but also because of the gossip and intrusions, which always happened, and which was a little more serious than the growing popularity of your girlfriend.
"Excuse me, can I steal Shauna for a few minutes?"
The girls on the team were sitting in the stands, after an electrifying game that brought them closer and closer to entering nationals, and Shauna hadn't come to celebrate with you as usual. Usually, whenever the Yellowjackets won, she would come running into your arms in the stands, and then you would be making out in the locker room, hiding in the small bathroom stalls, trying to escape the concentration of girls in the place.
But this time, probably to keep up appearances and for the sake of euphoria, Shauna hadn't run to you, even though she knew you were there watching her and cheering for every pass. It wasn't taken personally, of course not, because you knew that Shauna and all the students were having chaotic exam weeks and their heads were full of more important things than relationships.
She smiled as soon as she saw you put an arm around her, and, faced with the incredibly provocative looks of the other girls, with expressions of someone who already knows everything, Shauna stood up, following you, her foot limping a little from the wear and tear of running so much around the field for ninety minutes.
You checked out less-observed places and found the closest tree, and then she pressed you against the trunk and, with her hands on your face, kissed you passionately, like she always did. The butterflies in your stomach were having a party, coming and going every time her cold lips touched yours.
"You were great, baby-"
You tried to speak, but she interrupted you by pressing the kiss further.
"Shut up, let me enjoy you for a little while, then you can talk to me all night, okay?", she whispered, kissing you again, before breaking the kiss after a few seconds, to breathe. You were trying to balance yourself and placed your hands on her shoulders, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry I didn't come to you when the game ended, beautiful, my head was… a mess."
"It's okay, love. I'm proud of you for winning."
"The merit is not just mine, but I can live with it." She laughed, hugging you around your waist and resting her head on your shoulder. "So? What do you want for today? Movie night? Bar? Pizza?"
"It's your turn to choose…"
"Ah, right… I guess I have some great plans for us, then."
Her look was suggestive, and you pulled her a little closer just for the grace of kissing her again, amidst your smiles and laughter. This time, however, the kiss didn't last long. They were interrupted by Lottie calling for Shauna.
"See you on the way out, baby…", she murmured, before giving you one last peck and leaving, sweating, panting, leaving you with only the taste of mint, sweat and a silly smile, as you slid your body through the trunk, melted.
Honestly, just the two of you knowing what was going on there was the best thing you could have asked for. Because you were a good match, after all.
The topic of "Jeff's party" never became more talked about than weeks after the Yellowjackets won yet another title. You weren't that good friends with Jackie's boyfriend, and if you had to choose, you'd rather stay at home drinking and watching movies with Shauna, but there wasn't much choice. The Yellowjackets were a reserved seat in the venue, and there was no way to deny the invitation after so long.
Also because Shauna and Jackie were best friends, and you couldn't let your girlfriend make the mistake of hurting her best friend over a secret she could "never" tell her about. It wouldn't be that bad, despite the idea of ​​staying away from Shauna so as not to flag you up. It was an easy problem to solve.
The huge balcony of the Sadecki house. The luxurious bathrooms. The bathtub was big enough and the walls were even bigger to muffle the sounds of your laughter and kisses and moans. There would be no problem.
Except it was tempting to formulate an escape plan that actually worked.
And, of course, you couldn't escape the blandishments of Jackie Taylor, who, as Shauna's best friend, demanded to know why the two of you were always together, and why you were reluctant to come - and bringing the brunette along with this idea - and why you didn't know how to dance like her.
Well, you had never been close enough to Jackie to talk about interesting things with her, but now, at the full party and with the bunch of teenagers shouting over the loud music, it was easy to start a conversation. And it's not like she doesn't also have high marks in charisma to bring up the best topics and take you along with her.
But if you could stop to notice the looks on all the teenagers' faces dancing and drinking to Britney Spears, you'd be able to find Shauna's brown eyes fumming as she watched Jackie put her hand on your shoulders and make you sway to her rhythm.
It was as if you were harmless fucking prey living your ordinary life, and she was the hungry, desperate predator imagining imminent scenarios of how to hunt you down and take out all your flesh in one fell swoop.
Her eyes were covered by the red plastic cup that contained the liquid she needed to numb herself so she wouldn't see the rest of that humiliating scene and end up ruining Jeff's party, but things didn't get much better for you and Jackie because, at the very least, as you waited, the room started chanting "Hips Don't Lie", and you had to deal with the most intimidating scene of your entire life.
Jackie started holding onto you in the pre-chorus and, probably without meaning to, began to sway more deeply to the beat of the song, her arms around you, her lips firm on your ear near your neck, her cool breath making you shiver.
Shauna rolled her eyes, biting herself with jealousy and trying to control the urge to take Jackie away from you. Of course, half of all things were caused by drinking, but still, she was sure that you should pay for what it was doing to her.
Without thinking twice, Shauna simply stepped into the middle of the dance floor and wrapped her arms around you, taking Jackie out of the picture by taking you a little further away from her.
"What the fuck, Shauna?"
First name. Calling by nickname even with the sound turned up at the highest volume at a party full of people would not be helpful.
She glanced at you and took another sip, her brown eyes deep into you for a while.
"Shauna, what did I do wrong? We were just dancing!", you defended yourself, when you didn't get a response, and that didn't help either. The silence hovered and continued until it became torturous enough for you to want to leave, taking her by force, in a state that was a bit too worrying for both of you.
"I told you we could have stayed home, but you insisted on coming."
"And that doesn't mean I need to drag you everywhere I go, (Y\N)."
"We're going to fight, then, is that it?"
Taking your eyes off the road, crossing the street of her house - which you already knew by heart -, you faced Shauna, who snorted, crossed her arms and stared at the landscape in the passenger seat window, without responding. After seconds of silence and Johnny Cash's low voice filling the room, she whispered, whimpering.
"I'm sorry, baby, I don't know what came over me, it's just…", Shauna sighed, and whimpered again. "Damn, she was practically having sex with you in front of everyone, and I couldn't let my best friend take advantage of the person I'm dating like that!"
You sighed too, realizing that, despite her drunken state, Shauna still had a modicum of sanity to admit that every now and then she went overboard with excessive jealousy. Now, still, you could forgive her, and you did, sliding your free hand up her thigh, your eyes quickly turning to her face.
"I'm sorry, too, I should have watched myself more."
"Okay, anyway", the brunette whispered, clicking her tongue on the roof of her mouth. "Stop the car."
"Do what I'm asking, (Y\N), stop the fucking car."
Her tone. You closed your eyes and felt your legs tremble as you swallowed down all your fear and tension.
Obligingly, you stopped the car on an empty road and, while the other cars and pedestrians did their best to ignore you, Shauna ripped off her seat belt and climbed into your seat, sitting between your legs with a mischievous smile. Her hands snaked around your neck and she pushed herself closer as she felt your hands trail down to her hips.
"Hm, I like that. Now… I'm going to show you how to bounce for someone for real."
Your eyes widened, surprised by Shauna's malicious response, but you didn't reprimand her, much less retort. And when she began to truly bounce on you, even in the awkward seat of the car, her breathing became labored the moment the first movement began. Your nails pressed into her thigh, and Shauna moaned in satisfaction, very softly, leaning down to kiss your neck and nibble a little, because she knew you loved it.
In fact, post-fight sex was a recurring thing between you.
Your nails went down a little, squeezing her ass as she kissed you, and then you repeated the same action, hearing even more of your girlfriend's satisfying moans. Thinking about how good it was to fuck her like this, without anyone knowing, without anyone noticing. It was the best feeling ever. You wouldn't trade it for anything.
And you knew that, deep down, neither did she.
Shauna soon left her fancy clothes thrown in the backseat, and you did the same. Shortly after, you jumped into the backseat and started doing what you regularly did, without shame, without fear. Your hands slid down to take off her bra, and she did the same thing to you with the intention of leaving you completely naked in front of her.
With kisses, nibbles, touches and silly hands, you enjoyed that night like no other, before leaving again and returning to your homes as if nothing had happened.
"Are you waiting for someone, baby?"
Shauna whispered, startling you, as you sat waiting for her in the locker room after another of the electrifying games in which the Yellowjackets had come out on top once again. It wasn't even new anymore now.
Her laugh felt good in your ear, but you didn't have time to appreciate what she could give you in return, because you were soon pushed into the bathroom stall again, and Shauna resumed the trail of kisses she was trying yesterday along your face and body, trying to remain as silent as possible so as not to alarm any of the girls.
You responded, but it was impossible to hold back, especially when she lowered her kisses to your neck and made you want to scream by holding back your moan. Shauna was loving it, on the other hand, and just kept pushing more and more, for the grace of being able to play with you and your sanity without fear of what would come.
Or at least, who would come…
"Shauna, would you have a tampon- WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!"
Jackie shouted, making you pull away from your girlfriend instantly, eyes rolling back and a sigh of almost relief escaping your lips. Shauna laughed mockingly and scratched her forehead, shaking her head.
"Can one of you explain this to me?", Jackie demanded and, instinctively, you noticed that the other girls were also with their little heads stretched towards the bathroom stall, trying to see something.
Shauna rushed in, pushing you out of the way and going to her best friend, her brown eyes downcast, dilated, the expression of someone who had just been defeated. "I've been fucking (Y\N) for a while now. That's basically it, if you haven't figured it out yet."
"Shauna!", you scolded her, even though you didn't know what to say to fix that mistake. Even more defeated, you nodded, pursing your lips. "Yeah, it is what it is, there's nothing more to say."
"You two better have a good explanation for all this, or I'm going to turn your heads into mobiles for my house one by one, I swear to God."
Jackie shouted, and, realizing that there was no longer any way to hide it from anyone - not even from yourselves -, you nodded, leaving the bathroom and going after the girl captain, trying to correct that mistake.
Well, now it was done. You had been discovered. And honestly, maybe being caught in the act just made this whole secret relationship thing even better.
You didn't even care much, to be honest. If you could still kiss and make out with Shauna as much as you wanted — even with her teammates whispering all over the place —that would be enough.
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tenpintsofsundrop · 1 year
What would Dick Grayson be like in bed? (Titans Kink Headcanons)
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A/N: So originally I was going to publish all of these for all of the characters in one long post, but I got tired/creatively stalled out about halfway through, and it's just been sitting in my drafts unfinished for weeks now. So I have decided to post them for the characters one at a time so that way I can catch up on them and have the energy to complete them really well. The reader is meant to be completely gender neutral, and I don't really know how to put warnings on this, because there is mentions of kinky topics throughout, but it's basically just a list of kinks? Like, the content itself is like a warnings list for a fic. Main warnings are for kinky topics, Daddy kink, and discussions of BDSM.
DC Titans Masterlist
So... one of those things that is totally obvious to me from the source material is that Dick Grayson is Daddy.
Not just when it comes to Daddy kink (although he definitely does enjoy being called Daddy for sexual gratification). He is the living embodiment of the title of Daddy. And tbh, I think he would love being called Daddy in a non-sexual context - which might sound weird if you've never been in that kind of relationship before. But when you try it out with him, you would probably love it.
It's something he would find comforting. You calling him Daddy in completely non-sexual contexts when you have no sexual intent behind it - it would make him feel good because it brings the joy of having a long term partner who feels comfortable calling him that. And he would definitely also love the casual dominance of it. He would love feeling owned by you because he gets to wear that title 24/7.
But he would be likely to say that it's something the two of you can only do in private - like in text messages or when nobody else is around to hear it, because he holds the title very sacred and he doesn't want others to mock him for it, because it is like a safe space for him. Even if he would 'laugh off' any mockery of it, he would feel hurt deep down inside.
But anyway, speaking of casual dominance - it's something he is obsessed with. I think he loves BDSM as a lifestyle, and for him, when he has a partner, it definitely doesn't stop in the bedroom - he loves setting lifestyle rules for you as a way of taking care of you.
He will set rules about when you eat (to make sure you never miss a meal), what you eat - he wouldn't ban you from eating junk food, but he would limit your intake of sugar and make it mandatory for you to eat a certain amount of healthy foods, and if you have a bad habit of consuming too much caffeine or soda, he is sure as hell gonna use sexual punishments to curb it.
His goal with casual dominance and the rules he makes will always be to take care of you and improve your quality of life - including your physical health and your mental health.
Is he always dominant?
I think that he vastly prefers being dominant because he is a control freak who hates giving up any kind of control, and funnelling those feelings into a BDSM relationship can keep him from exerting his intense need for control in other areas of life - like having emotional fits when other people don't do what he wants and violently beating up criminals. And on very rare occasions, when he is with someone he knows very well and trusts, he will play the submissive role. But I don't think he would ever be a submissive in a long term relationship.
If his sub misbehaves, I think he would avoid using pain as a punishment. I genuinely think he wouldn't be into spanking or any other type of painplay, because at the end of the day - even if he's strict about rules, it really makes his soul ache to hurt you.
One of his favourite punishments is overstimulation. He loves giving oral simply for the fact that he loves overstimulating you with his tongue for hours, and he loves vibrators and even fuck machines for the same reason.
He would use attention denial or ignoring you as a punishment - denying you of affection, or going as far as to ignore you completely if you want to talk to him at all (unless it's an emergency, of course).
He would also use this punishment in combination with overstimulation - setting you up with a vibrator pinned between your thighs and leaving you alone until you're whining and desperate, begging for his attention and ready to apologize for whatever rule you have broken.
I can also see him being into semi-public sex. He would be the type of dom to enjoy putting a remote control vibrator in your underwear just to push the button and watch you squirm at the most inconvenient times. He would also love taking you out to dinner somewhere nice and teasing you under the table, living to see you squirm and become desperate for him.
He would love any kind of bondage - tying you up in different complex ways, blindfolds, gags, all of those kinky things. As long as it doesn't hurt you, he would love seeing you vulnerable and wanting - he would love seeing rope against your skin. (And he would absolutely have the patience and intellect to learn complex shibari just to tie you up.)
And lastly (one that is obvious to me from the show) - Dick has a breeding kink.
He wants to be a father so badly, even if it's unconscious for him - it would come out when he feels you squeezing around his cock. And whether you can get pregnant or not (and whether you want kids or not), he would be obsessed with roleplaying the act of knocking you up. He would be obsessed with seeing his cum leak out of you, and telling you how he's gonna knock you up while he's deep inside of you. The first time you tell him to ditch the condom while having sex, it drives him insane, and it's the best sex of both your lives.
(A/N: I think that's a good round-up of all my headcanons for him lmao.)
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nonbinarypirat · 1 month
I’m catching up on Bungou Stray Dogs and I got to chapter 39 and wow… what a bad chapter. Or I should say, I VERY purely written, mishandled chapter. So I wanted to talk about why I hate this so much (even though so many people have probably talked about this here and other platforms.) Get ready for a rare known Iruma breakdown. But also I’m so mad about this chapter so this is going to be more of an unhinged rant then a well written post. Warning: child violence, abuse, abusive cycles, and sympathizing an abuser
This chapter is somehow a thousand times worse than what the anime did? I wonder if the people in charge of the anime also didn’t like this part and decided to cut it short and get through it as soon as possible and move on. Though it could also just because of how fucked up it is. No matter the reason, I went into this chapter hoping that maybe there was some context lost from the anime to manga but nope! In fact the manga goes further with trying to make you sympathize with a literal child torturer? It honestly makes me appreciate the episode just a tiny bit more for not including his oh so tragic backstory 🙄. Look, no matter what you have gone through, you don’t get the right to abuse a child. Plain and simple. Just because you were abused doesn’t give you the right to do it to someone. I get that the abuse cycle is not easy to break but once you fall down the same path you are ALSO a fucked up person! And you deserve to suffer for your actions. I wished he got a worse death than a car accident tbh 🤷.
Anyway, I hate how every character in this chapter acted like Atsushi was being irrational about not wanting to know why the headmaster was around? That’s his torturer, the man that literally made his life hell? If he doesn’t want to know, don’t force him. Like, could it give him closure, I guess. But he should be the one seeking that out. Quite frankly, once it was found out the headmaster was involved Atsushi should have been pulled from the case. Give him some distance to process everything rather having to learn about his abuser’s life story or whatever. Like I said, if he wanted to learn that info he should but only if he wanted. Idk why it treated him not wanting to know as acting irrational. I feel like every character treated him like this, from Tanizaki to Akutagawa to Dazai. Instead of comforting him in this difficult time they just… didn’t do anything? Obviously Akutagawa wouldn’t but why didn’t the other two do anything to make him feel better? Only Dazai did really and it was shitty. Full stop bad.
Which leads me into the crutch of it, I hate how they made the headmaster out to be a father figure or mentor. He’s not?? What the fuck are you on about. Like, I could see it if there was fake comfort, subtle or advert manipulation by being nice sometimes. Then it would have been a situation of, he’s the only father figure I ever had but he hurt me in the worst ways. And that’s where the ending could be. Not to say it would still be a well written depiction of abuse, it still tries to get you to empathize with the man, however, I could get where all the complication in Atsushi would lie. But this man was literally the worst human being to walk the face of the Earth the entire time we see him in the manga. So it makes ZERO SENSE. I guess that’s the angle they were going for, he’s the only adult man I know but it does NOT work at all. How is he a “mentor.” Just because he said to hate me not yourself? Fuck that shit, Atsushi does not need to feel bad for that man just because he was trying to make him strong or whatever bs excuse he has. Oh wow, he got him flowers. How ‘bout you pay for his therapy bills?!
If they really wanted to have some nuance, instead I feel like the conflict should have centered around Atsushi still not feeling safe or like he isn’t really dead. Like he can’t allow himself to relax despite the fact that he knows the facts. Especially since the headmaster was a big threat throughout his life, having him suddenly die would be a large shock to the system and go into denial mode. Thus, Dazai or someone else could help him move on and he could finally breath a sigh of relief. Or maybe he’s scared that other workers of the orphanage will try to find him. Maybe he tries to go back to normal, doesn’t give himself time to process, and it all comes crashing down and he has to grapple with the fact that he will never know WHY the headmaster treated him like this. Honestly, not having it answered would have been better because often people don’t get an answer why abusers act the way they do. This idea could add another reason why Atsushi is conflicted between happy and deeply upset because the headmaster is gone but now he’ll never understand why he was treated so horribly. And grappling with the idea that maybe he will never know or understand. Which is tragic but would be a better written and understandable conclusion.
BSD just really dropped the ball with that chapter. It had a great opportunity to bring a nuanced perspective onto why Atsushi may not be elated with his death and get further perspective on him as a character. But instead it focused too much effort on making a child abuser sympathetic because he also faced abuse in an orphanage and some people died and so he tried to make Atsushi strong or whatever. Atsushi deserved a better end in than chapter that Dazai calling that gross piece of shit his father.
Edit: I wanted to add that as much as I hate this chapter I liked the parts where we got to see how bad Atsushi’s life really was at the orphanage. I mean, it hurt for sure but getting to see this put into perspective fully why Atsushi has a hard time pushing through his trauma and past. Like, PTSD is no joke and that was reason enough, but seeing how far it got really showed that. Which makes me mad when people imply he should have gotten over it already or similar statements. Like, dude if that was me I wouldn’t have made it to 18. It’s actually impressive his resolve to live despite everything. Kind of wished we saw that in the anime as dark as it was but once again, I think it was not included specifically because of how poorly it handled this topic. Not gonna lie, it would piss me off enough to not finish the show (not that it’s too much of an improvement but it at least is like, bad writing but a pass).
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
mix of a bunch of stuff, probably going to be writing random stuff while waiting for requests to come in so i have something to do side note i never actually felt a knot in my neck form, only wake up with them after getting them in my sleep... until today, felt one form right in the back of my neck while i was just. standing and oh my god it sucks so much i hate knots but actually feeling it. develop. right there. sucks more i think anyways this is a mixed bag of just basic jax hcs + stuff that can tie in with other characters or the reader, we'll see since i write these notes before doing anything else
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would this really be a jax hc post by the silly corner if i didnt mention the fidget headcannon? literally the hc that i bring up the most in my posts when theres readers who have accessories or tails or what have you?
i think hes going to mess with anything he can get his hands on; usually passing them between his hands or perhaps tossing them around in the air and catching them.. if its something bouncy hes going to be bouncing it along the ground while he's walking.. i think sometimes with other characters, he does try to mess with them out of habit (plus given how he snatches zoobles arm it kind of. shows hes comfortable doing that sort of thing, you know?)
sometimes messes with ragathas bow, or zoobles antennae (though with zooble its more on purpose and to annoy them).. i think you get the idea
speaking of ragatha i think they would be good friends, i mean i personally think if ragatha didnt like jax she would keep her distance from him (though to be fair we still only have the pilot so far + i think ragatha would still be polite if she didnt like him)
as for his dynamic with zooble i think they kind of egg each other on, but on the rare occasion they do agree on something they do so begrudgingly
i think his ears twitch when hes thinking or when hes irritated, not huge movements... mostly little... twiks, you know?
i dont think he really has fur personally, and if he does its really short and smooth... in my opinion he looks like he would be made of the same material as those small squishy animal toys
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these ones, i got a handful of them and theyre genuinely so soft and squishy, me thinks jax would feel like these things
on the off chance he needs to cook for whatever reason, hes a terrible cook. like i think he can make one meal but outside of that hes a disaster in the kitchen... also doesnt make a good kitchen partner because hes going to think its funny to hand you the wrong thing when you ask him to pass something
malicious incompetence but hes doing it to annoy you and will probably give you the right thing after a few rounds of messing with you
no one is safe from his antics, assuming he and ragatha are good friends, shes still subject to his jokes at the bare minimum
so.... if youre friends with him youre at least going to go through the same thing
i dont think he would be a good secret keeper most of the time. like yeah sure if its something serious and important i think he would put aside his douchbagie-ness for once and keep it
but if its something outside of that? yeah no you're have more luck confiding in caine, who imo would pounce on the opportunity to gossip
probably shouts random stuff, like "hey caine, (reader) thinks youre (insert outrageous lie)!" just to mess with you. does this to other people, usually ragatha or gangle... sometimes does it to kinger, i think... only reason he doesnt do it to zooble is because they will get his ass, and hes giving pomni a 'grace period' before he decides to drag her into his shit
hes an ass but i dont think he would just jump on someone/j
speaking of, while he can be mean to some people i do think he has his limits, like hes not going to kick you while youre already down or make fun of you for something you cant really control or manipulate you by hanging something over your head (see the secret keeping thing, while he will tease you about more basic stuff if its something serious hes not going to do it imo)
you know?
though i do think hes the type to steal something from someone in order to make them talk to him; especially if he has a crush on someone... hes just a little shit like that
has this LOOK on his face when the person comes to retrieve their thing, and tbh... i can also see him waving it around over their head (hes tall, and if they can still reach it he probably jumps.. gets on his toes.. stumbles away and holds them back ect) just to keep them around for just a little longer
whether this is actually successful in getting with the person romantically depends... personally it wouldnt work for me but hey, some people find that behavior endearing and/or will be able to eventually pick up on what hes doing
does not like being vulnerable, this goes for really anything regarding feelings as he thinks it ties in with weakness (spoiler, it doesnt)... probably has a "eeeewww feelings..." mindset (though might still let you vent to him... will act uninterested but if he really didnt care hed just walk away.. more actions than words, this one is)
rarely talks about how he actually feels about things if the feeling in question is anything less than indifference or amusement... though hes not opposed to expressing anger or annoyance... will let you do what you will with that information...
naturally because of him being weird about his feelings, romantic feelings fall into the "eeeeeewww feelings..." category so hes not going to be blunt, again, actions over words here... and even then the actions here are mostly him messing with the person and trying to get them to spend time with him as a result (even if its not... hanging out..)
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transingthoseformers · 5 months
Something wholesome to wake up too :D. I remember stumbling upon your post about both Megatronus and Orion being clerks/librarians/archivist thanks to the TF One movie making them both miners sooo have like my spin on it/headcanons based on the idea? -Megatronus and Orion met when Megs was still D-16 aka a miner. When Terminus managed to get a break from the mines, which was so rare, he would sneak Megs with him so the young miner could experience more. He took him to the Iacon Hall of Records since D-16 mentioned being curious about the history of Cybertron, there he met a young Orion.
-Orion and him would bond over data pads Orion managed to smuggle to the mine site, lots of them being old poetry and history that excited D-16. It is also how D-16 gets his name of Megatronus
-At some point, Alpha Trion catches on, and instead of being anger, decides "Eh fuck it, Orion needs someone around his age to talk to" //proceeds to yoink the young miner and giving him a better life
-Now a proper clerk for the Hall of Records with Orion, it is kind of chaos. It's basically "An introvert and ambivert become friends and they have to play rock, paper, scissors on who deals with people". Megs always loses, he hates it.
-Orion has def snuck Meg's poetry and writings into the records because he is so proud of Meg's work. Megs gets flustered.
-I lowkey just picture this AU being more chill. Yeah, Megs still wants the caste system gone, but is less violent about it, trying to use his words and peaceful protests first before being forced to go to more extremes. Orion maybe backing it up too because maybe the council just straight up ignored Megs because they see him as low-caste still and he's just "Ayo wtf".
-When maybe Orion becomes Optimus, Megs backs him up, helping archive everything while helping him connect with the low-castes who are wary of OP. Also def acts as OP's scary dog without realizing it lol
-Honestly i cant see clerk!Megs becoming the con tyrant warlord we know him as, I feel like he would be more calm and chill, preferring to spread his message while also like keeping OP in check so he doesn't become a tyrannt
-Would still call OP "Orion", and no one can stop him. Not even OP. As revenge OP scatters Megs poetry. In summary: Megs helps break the "serious and cold" prime act alot and helps a lot of the team connect with Optimus on a personal level
Sorry that this is long, but these ideas plagued me i hope that is okay!
Ooo on Terminus and Megatron sneaking to the surface, and that being how Orion met him
Yes on the smuggling of datapads to D-16, and makes sense he'd get his new name from them
Alpha Trion just... Taking Megatronus has to have consequences, significant consequences
Sfsgd yes, "you do it" "no you do it" "you lost, you do it" "🤬🤬🤬"
Yes on Orion and Megs sneaking the poetry into the records, preserve it yes
100% this is a more chill au idea, always was meant to be a more chill au idea
Interesting way it changes Megatronus
We really "the power of friendship"-ed this up, it's v cool. Megatronus has grown into himself in a different direction, and I bet their friendship being earlier and arguably closer effects Orion in an interesting way
I am a SUCKER for characters calling Optimus "Orion" as a sign of closeness, oh it's gotta have fun moments
OO on the team part? Does the war still happen and Op and Megs are on the same side, or does the team unite in a different different way?
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captainremmington-13 · 5 months
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓
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show!Luke Castellan x daughter of thanatos!reader
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own the image above or any of Rick Riordan’s characters/world-building.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: swearing, lots of kissing and making out, mentions of insecurities, violence, scars, arguments, petty revenge
A/N: the part that’s all-italics is a flashback. I’m SO SORRY i forgot to post this last night, i fell asleep 😭
“You’re fucking dead to me, Connor.”
Travis Stoll stifled a laugh, but his grin disappeared when you shot him a harrowing look. “You too, Travis. Don’t think you’re gonna get away with the bullshit you’ve pulled today.”
You were in the Hermes Cabin, pointing your weapon at the Stoll brothers. They were truly on your last nerve, and as a result, you were extremely tempted to turn Cabin 11 into a slaughterhouse. 
They had been purposefully pushing your buttons all day. Stealing your eyeliner, taking things off your lunch plate while you weren’t looking, and teasing you whenever you and Luke were together (which was almost constantly). 
The final straw had occurred mere moments ago, when they had decided to take your stuffed animal bat hostage. You’d been able to retrieve it quickly, prying it out of Travis’s hands and giving him a shove for good measure. His brother barely had time to catch him before he hit the ground. 
Now, the two Stolls were practically frozen in place, afraid of what you’d do to get even with them. 
Before you could open your mouth to chew them out further, the door of the cabin swung open. 
“Woah, what’s going on?” 
You suppressed a grin. You didn’t even need to turn around to know who had spoken.
Luke walked over to where you stood, a concerned look on his face. He could read you like a book, always noticing when you were upset or distressed. 
He leaned in to press a greeting kiss to your forehead, eliciting scoffs from both of the Stolls. He turned to look at his brothers, the annoyed glint in his eyes making them look slightly less sure of themselves.
“Explain yourselves,” he said curtly. 
Travis cleared his throat. “We were just…having fun.”
“Maybe you two were,” you muttered, instinctively curling a hand around Luke’s forearm.
Luke glared at the Stolls. “Stop messing with her. It’s clear that she doesn’t like it, and she has important shit to do. She doesn’t have time for you two brats.”
Connor shot Travis a look. The Stolls weren’t stupid, they knew that continuing to defy Luke would probably land them a chore that nobody ever volunteered for.
The two sons of Hermes slunk towards the cabin door, defeated. You assumed they’d decided to go bug someone else. 
Luke’s body relaxed, turning to you and promptly resting his forehead on your shoulder. You ran a hand through his curls soothingly, enjoying the feeling of his arms wrapped around your waist. 
“You alright?” you asked quietly.
“Mhm,” he murmured, his voice muffled by the cloth of your shirt. “Just tired. Don’t want to be around anyone else right now.”
You hummed understandingly. You knew how short Luke’s temper could get, and that he often felt like the other demigods at camp were wasting his time. You felt the same way quite often.
“Did something specific happen that frustrated you?”
Luke sighed. “Little kids wouldn’t stop asking about my scar.”
You held him closer, guiding him to his bed. It was essentially both of yours at this point, however. You rarely slept in your bunk, only using it to hold your prized stuffed animal, pillows and some blankets. 
He sat down, pulling you into his lap so you were facing him. 
“I’m sorry,” you said after a moment. “I hate when they do that to me. They always demand to hear the full story, as if it’s some fairytale instead of the most terrifying experience of my life.”
Luke nodded. “Even worse, it reminds me that my scar is…there, you know? I’m usually able to forget about it during the day, but when someone points it out or mentions the quest, I can almost feel the poison returning to it. Gods, I wish I could back in time to before I got scratched by that fucking dragon.”
You frowned, a small pit forming in your stomach. “Luke, be honest: do you think that your scar makes you less appealing somehow?”
Luke’s eyes bore into yours, his pupils filled with sorrow and frustration. He nodded ever-so slightly, and you felt like your heart was shattering into about a million pieces. 
“Let me ask you this,” you said slowly, reaching up to cup his face. When your fingertips brushed against his scar, he flinched instinctively but didn’t pull away. You were the only person who could touch it without getting their limbs snapped. “Do you think my scar makes me ugly?”
“No, of course not, angel.”
“Then that means yours doesn’t make you any less handsome.” Luke opened his mouth to protest, but you placed a finger over his lips. “You know I’m right, Castellan.”
“I completely understand why you’re insecure about it, believe me. Fuck, it took me weeks to get comfortable with looking at my reflection again. But then I realized that it didn’t really change me at all. It’s not pretty to look at, but the rest of me sure is.”
Luke blushed slightly, and you could tell that your confidence had caused it. You smirked, bringing your face closer to his.
“So trust me, Luke,” you said lowly, caressing the back of his neck gently. “You’re still fucking gorgeous. Personally, I think it makes you look even hotter.”
Luke didn’t respond. He just stared at you, unblinking.
Before you could ask what was wrong, Luke’s lips were pressed to yours. 
Your noise of surprise was muffled by the heated kiss he’d pulled you into. All of the anger and bitterness he had been feeling seemed to have morphed into intense romantic passion. Luke’s hold on you tightened possessively, digging his nails into your waist. It was a rough gesture, and you knew it would leave marks on your skin. 
But it only made you feel more euphoric. 
You groaned as Luke’s teeth bit down on your bottom lip slightly, instinctively tightening your hold on his hair.
“Sorry,” Luke murmured. “Didn’t mean to.”
“It’s fine,” you replied, giving him a cheeky grin. “It’s nothing compared to how rough you get while we train together.”
Luke rolled his eyes, but when he quickly pulled aside the neckline of your camp shirt to start kissing your collarbone, you knew he wasn’t annoyed in the slightest. 
You were just about to reach down to start tugging his shirt off when you heard a series of loud curses just outside of the cabin.
Luke huffed. “This always fucking happens. Just when things are about to get fun.”
You laughed, pecking him once more on the lips. “Let’s go see what’s happening. Then we can try to sneak away to an empty arena.”
Luke gave you a slight smirk, which you matched immediately. He gathered you in his arms to carry you bridal-style towards the door.
“That sounds lovely.” 
You let out a long sigh, your eyes half-closed as you reached blindly for the bottle of soda you’d been drinking from. The campfire sing-along’s were never your favorite, as most of the campers were horribly off-key. You preferred to watch from afar, waiting for Luke to finish helping the younger demigods make their s’mores. 
Besides, the cheery vibes really got on your nerves. You knew it was “mood-killing” to not participate, but you didn’t see what there was to be so happy about.
You rested your chin on your fist, watching Luke as he sat by the fire. The flames, which were a golden hue and at least five feet high, gave his skin a beautiful glow. He looked more divine than any immortal you’d ever seen. 
Finally, after two more annoyingly cheesy songs, Luke’s eyes met yours. He picked up a paper plate with a s’more on it and headed your way. Sitting down next to you, he placed the plate in your lap and wrapped his right arm around your waist. 
“Tired?” he asked, taking a sip of your soda.
“Yeah,” you muttered. “After being here for more than ten years, I’m really sick and tired of campfire sing-alongs. I’ve asked Chiron to let me skip them, but he always says no.” Your expression morphed into one of disdain.  “‘They’re good for morale,’ he said. As if they actually really do much to boost our spirits.” 
Luke let out a noise of irritation. “Well, you know that his judgement isn’t always as sound as everyone thinks.”
You nodded, closing your eyes and leaning against his shoulder. 
You knew exactly what moment Luke was thinking about.
“I am glad you have both recovered,” Chiron said, closing his office door behind you and Luke. “However, now that you are up and about, we need to have a serious conversation.”
He gestured for you to sit down, which you did. You took Luke’s hand, giving him a reassuring smile. 
Chiron stood behind his desk, his hooves tapping against the wooden floor. “Because your quest was not given to you by the Oracle, you did not have a third companion. This put the odds against you both, even more so than they were initially. Though you fought bravely, you failed to complete the task given to you by Lord Hermes.”
Luke’s face flushed, and he let go of your hand. “Thanks for the reminder.” 
Chiron sighed, avoiding both of your gazes. “Your lives are more important than achieving glory.” 
“Sure, but being constantly reminded of our defeat ever since we returned a week ago isn’t exactly pleasant,” you said bitterly. 
Chiron elected to ignore your comment, which only put your more on-edge. “The brush with death you both experienced rattled the entire camp. If things had gone just a bit differently, we would have lost you. There are already so few demigods here because so many who are guided by satyrs have been attacked and killed recently. Mr. D and I agree that we cannot have campers going on such dangerous journeys and losing their lives. Therefore, we have concluded that we will not permit anyone to go on a quest, unless it is absolutely necessary or the will of the Olympian Council.” 
Your jaw fell open. “Are you fucking serious?”
Chiron nodded gravely. “I’m afraid so.”
“That’s fucking ridiculous,” Luke spat. “You’re going to rob everyone of their chances to collect glory just because you think it’s too dangerous? Our lives are filled with danger, we’re constantly being hunted! What’s the point in training so hard if we don’t get to actually use our skills?”
“My mind is made up,” Chiron said firmly. “I am sorry that it upsets you, I understand how important glory is to young demigods-“
“No, you don’t understand,” you shouted, standing up. “For millennia, going on quests have been he only way to become a true hero. And now you’re telling us we have to just…stop?” 
Chiron opened his mouth to respond, but three sharp knocks on the door interrupted him.
“It’s me,” Mr. D’s voice declared. “What’s all the loud yelling for? You’re disrupting my peace and quiet!” 
“I am discussing our decision to ban quests until further notice.”
“Ah,” Mr. D said, clearly uninterested. “Tell whoever you’re talking to that we’re not changing our minds.”
And that was that.
When the other campers found out about the new rule, they were furious. The Ares cabin was especially bitter, threatening to hold you hostage until it was revoked. Fortunately, Mr. D (who had an odd soft spot for you) discouraged them from doing so by threatening to turn them into grapevines. 
Still, this didn’t prevent other demigods from giving you and Luke a hard time. They blamed you for ruining their shot to become renown heroes, and made sure you knew how upset they were. Some of them marched right up to you both to shout at you, which usually ended with them getting shoved to the ground by your boyfriend while you told them to fuck off. Others preferred to use slightly more subtle methods of revenge. After a two-hour archery session, you had decided to take a shower to cool off. Had you not been paying close enough attention, you would have rubbed a handful of shampoo that was dyed neon orange into your hair. 
You were utterly shocked someone could do something so immature and petty. But that didn’t stop you from finding out who did it it was Reylynne from the Aphrodite Cabin and getting even during the next Capture the Flag game. When you encountered her on the battlefield, you sliced half of her light brown hair off, giving her an awful, unflattering haircut.
Eventually, the ruckus died down. People stopped harassing you, and you were able to get back to your “normal” camp routine. 
However, the damage had already been done. You had crawled back into your shell.
At least you had Annabeth, who you saw as a little sister. She never judged you, or blamed you for what happened on the quest.
You also stayed close to Chris Rodriguez. After sharing a cabin with him for years, you’d developed a close platonic bond that you knew wouldn’t waver any time soon.  
And of course, you still spent every waking moment with Luke. 
“You know what I just realized?”
Luke raised an eyebrow, turning his face so that he was looking directly at you. You were laying on Luke’s bed, your limbs intertwined and your bodies pressed together. It had to be close to midnight, as it was pitch black outside.
“Turning eighteen tomorrow really isn’t that big of a deal.“
Luke brushed a lock of hair out of your face. “Why do you think that?”
“We’re not normal mortal teens. It’s not like being eighteen gives us any special privileges. In the eyes of the gods and Chiron, we’re still just average campers.”
“Yeah,” he said slowly. “But isn’t being able to say you’re officially an adult a little exciting?”
“I guess,” you said reluctantly. “I suppose I’ll see how I feel tomorrow morning.” 
Luke hummed in agreement. “Close your eyes, angel. You need the rest.”
You rolled your eyes. “You always say that.” 
Luke didn’t reply, but gave you a smug grin when you yawned. You just glared back.
“Don’t give me that look, Lukey. You don’t have to tell me ‘I told you so’, I’ll go to sleep, alright?”
He snorted quietly, burying his face in the crook of your neck and practically climbing on top of you. “Lukey? That’s a new one. Don’t tell me you’re going soft on me, angel.” 
You barely held back a groan as he placed a tender kiss on your jawline. “You know I’m only like this for you.”
Luke gave you a smile, his eyes sparkling despite the darkness that enveloped the cabin.  “I love when you’re like this. Your vulnerability is priceless to me, and I love seeing a side of you that you rarely show others. Besides, you’re so fucking adorable when you’re sweet to me, and only me.”
You shot him a fake glare. “You’re making it really hard to want to sleep.”
Luke sighed. “Fine, fine, I’ll stop. Sorry for keeping you up.”
You shook your head. “It’s alright, I really don’t mind.” You brought your stuffed animal to your chest, and wrapped an arm around your boyfriend’s torso. “Goodnight, Lukey.”
He leaned towards you, and gave you one last kiss. “Sweet dreams, angel.”
You fell asleep looking forward to your birthday for the first time in your entire life. 
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taglist: @orionspaperwork, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @marvelescvpe, @lovingjasontoddmakemewanttocry, @louweasleymalfoy, @stars4birdie, @stargurl-battleship, @daughterofthemoons-stuff, @have-a-nice-day-k, @felinows, @i-am-me-and-you
Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think in the comments!!!
I will be posting a poll tomorrow morning, please vote when it comes out, it’s VERY important!
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added to the taglist!
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bosskie · 8 months
Continuing the Sketchbook
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I felt inspired by that 'old Molluck' and I feel like I love that Molluck more now than I used to... I noticed more differences between the AO Molluck and NnT Molluck while working on this but I also did remember again why I dislike NnT... I'll write about that later in this post.
Man, I'm not even sure when was the last time I drew something like this... It's so rare that I draw 'full settings', I mean, a background, multiple characters, something that has a story etc. I'm just used to draw portraits because well, I have felt like I just cannot draw anything else... So, I took the challenge and especially when I didn't have direct references, I had to make this perspective by myself. I tried my best and hope that it looks alright. Also, I'm sorry for the quality of these. All these look better and smoother IRL. I only take a photo and edit it, so some details are lost too. But you can see the main thing, somehow, and the main details are there, like Abe's lil hand tattoo.
I actually planned something different for the second page but I wanted to draw this way too much ... I'm not sure why but this image was just stuck inside my head. This is kinda random too since I just added some stuff that came to my mind around the drawing. I basically just drew this all day since I felt like I do need a day-off... I barely keep any holidays, even for a day... I just keep feeling more and more tired...
But yes, man I just feel like I keep loving this Gluk more and more... I just noticed how this AO Molluck gives that certain feeling SoulStorm Molluck has.
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(I love what like AO Molluck looks in this cutscene...) The same situation in NnT doesn't give me this feeling, so yeah, frankly, NnT Molluck is the worst version of him in my opinion. I had forgotten how artificial voice NnT Molluck has... I hadn't seen any NnT cutscene for like two years. NnT Molluck makes different sounds too, like AO Molluck makes some 'random murmur' sounds while NnT one growls. I love that murmur he makes, it's adorable... He kinda does it in SS too!
I also noticed that NnT cutscene doesn't have that 'Molock suckz' text, just now... I wonder why. I personally love that lil detail and the fact that the Gametee's RuptureFarms hoodie has that printed on it! Well, I still don't agree on that, though it depends on how we define 'suck' here; he does smoke a lot!
Oh, and I also realized how they changed what Molluck says in that cutscene in NnT too! He doesn't say 'Kill 'im!' anymore but something like 'Get toast!', if I hear right... Man, Molluck truly got softer there. But that toast thing tickled my dark humour... Yeah, when Molluck manages to catch Abe, he wants to make a good sandwich from him, put him between a bread, and before killing him, he asks from Abe: 'Whadda ya are?'. Abe replies: 'I'm a weak, pathetic, uneducated, shmuck of a slave sandwich'. Those were Abe's last words. The end.
I cannot help myself that I enjoy dark humour like that... Oddworld is just perfect for my humour! I have been joking after making that joke that welp, maybe being like all day with Molluck makes me be more like him too... Yeah, I don't hate Abe but for some reason, the only character I care about is Molluck. He just means so much to me... After all these years, I finally found a character that is 'perfect' for me. Well, I only like a few characters in general too... But none of them (but Molluck) feel 'right' for me, at least in the same sense as Molluck; it can take some time to realize it. I can like count with one hand the characters that feel somehow special to me; like one of them is like me as a villain, feels like my alter ego.
It's just kinda odd to think how 'the one' for me was Molluck... No one else has made me feel like he does... It's just so interesting but I love to have him as that one. When I saw him, in both AO and SS, before really getting into him, I felt nothing special toward him, didn't see anything special in his appearance either; I only liked Gluks in general. But then, that SS Molluck just started to feel like me as a Gluk and here I am!
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toaarcan · 5 months
I mentioned in my Bold New Moebius post the other day that Miles is one of my favourite Archie Sonic characters, so I thought I'd elaborate a bit more on that.
Bear in mind that the more I talk here, the more likely I am to go into pure "I made it the fuck up" territory, because he was a very underutilised character in canon, and that means I'm going to be doing some heavy interpreting and stretching. This is how he appears to me, after all.
The obvious first point (one I even made in the previous post) is that he's a Starscream-type, and that's one of my favourite villainous archetypes. Some little shit of a bad guy who sits there going "I could do better" and often has kind of a point, because the main villains they're working for tend to be a bit... dim.
Miles usually working for Scourge is a prime example of this. He's a genius, and Scourge is... not. Remotely. They work in very different ways, Scourge being loud and explosive and prone to self-sabotage, while Miles is more sneaky and subtle.
But what gives Miles so much potential is actually something unexpected: His fear.
Miles is often regarded as a coward, and I used to hate this. After all, being afraid of Super Scourge is a fairly reasonable stance to take. At the same time, framing Miles as someone who talks a big game but is kind of a wimp when cornered does fit as an inversion of Tails' lacking confidence and braver centre.
But the main reason I think this is actually a fairly good trait for a villain is that it compounds with his intellect.
If Miles is a genius who really, really doesn't want to get punched in his smug face, then he should be very cautious in his schemes. He has the intelligence to make his plans in such a way that he's always safe. His plans have contingencies. His contingencies have contingencies. Even if you thwart and foil the first six layers, maybe the seventh will catch you out. Even if you stop him from achieving his objective, he's already escaped.
Miles isn't a villain who can show up every few weeks with another crazy scheme and get foiled. He's the sort of villain that only shows up rarely, but when he does, strap the fuck in, because even getting close to stopping him is going to be a challenge.
And despite the Sonic series' propensity for genius antagonists, none of them have ever really tried the "Master planner" angle. The most genius plan we've seen from other villains in Archie is Mogul going "I'm immortal and you're not, so I'm just gonna wait until you 80 and then win."
Finitevus is a genius, but while his plans are good, they're not hugely intricate. He tends to resolve his problems by way of overwhelming force, and his ultimate goal is worldwide genocide by way of burning the entire planet to the ground.
Eggman... look, as much as I dislike Ian Flynn's version of Eggman, whom I find an incredibly confused character, I do think he's got a good point about Eggman being a fuckup. The SEGA game version of Eggman is the guy who responded to one Gizoid going into murder-mode and nearly killing him by immediately building another one, which then proceeded to go into murder-mode and nearly kill him. He constantly unleashes other threats that he cannot control (Chaos, Shadow, Emerl, Gemerl, Dark Gaia, Zavok) and then acts surprised when it blows up in his face.
The guy is a scientific and mechanical genius with the foresight and planning skill of a cranefly. It's weirder when his plans don't backfire on him.
And that means there's a niche! There's a type of villain that Miles can fill, a character who uses his intelligence not for the creation of doomsday weapons, but to concoct a plan that will take every last scrap of Sonic and co.'s determination to overcome. Additionally, Miles has another trait that works in his favour: Who he's a counterpart to. After all, in Archie, Tails has a grand destiny and unmatched power that is simply... never used. For anything. Gallagher introduced the idea, and Penders waffled on about it and dragged it out and changed his mind about what it was meant to be, and then Flynn ended it in a really weaksauce way.
So basically, Tails had a big role to play, and ended up fulfilling his destiny about three times, and with the final one it was mostly done for him, by a machine, that he was being used to power, but he was mostly unconscious, and he had help from Shadow. And then Flynn said he lost all of his powers except flight off-screen, but it was never shown and that's intensely lame so I ignore that part and so should you.
But... Miles is an evil counterpart to Tails, and the antiverse appears to have just as many Emeralds (or Beryls) as the Prime one has. There's no reason Miles can't also be a Chosen One. In fact, it stands to reason that he is one. And while Tails briefly had all the power of all the Chaos Emeralds in the universe, and gave it up... what would a villain do with that kind of power? Certainly nothing good.
On Moebius, the Great Harmony is a doomsday prophecy, and Miles is at its centre. And that feeds into another one of my favourite villain tropes, "The Chosen One exists and it is explicitly a bad thing."
And we'll round this out with another villain trope example, because Miles is an absolutely amazing candidate for the Villainous Breakdown.
I love it when a bad guy reaches the end of their rope and just fucking loses it. Maybe they start begging for the mercy they never showed others, maybe they lose control and just start viciously attacking everything in sight, determined to take the hero down with them. Whatever form it takes, it can be immensely satisfying.
And Miles, a genius schemer who really, really does not want to get the crap kicked out of him, would play out this trope beautifully.
Now if only they'd actually done something with him in Archie. Or maybe it's a blessing in disguise that they didn't, given the standards most Archie villains were at by the end-stages of the preboot.
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13eyond13 · 7 months
Hi I have a question was there any deathnote ship wars (misalight vs lawlight or something) when the anime came out?
Hmm! I was not in the fandom early enough to see the very earliest stuff going on. I got into it close to 2008, and by then the anime was already out (though the English dub was not available to me to watch yet); the volume 13 behind-the-scenes book was out, the two novels L: Change the WorLd and Death Note: Another Note were out, and the first two Japanese live action movies were also out, too.
HOWEVER from what I recall the same main ships that are popular now were the most popular ones back then (Lawlight and M²/MattxMello), and the "wars" were usually more around whether or not people liked characters or even wanted to see them shipped at all, or even included at all in stuff? Misa was probably the one who got the most hate and most pointed exclusion from fan content, followed shortly by Near. People often said they didn't like Misa or didn't want to see her included in fan content because she was annoying and got in the way of Lawlight. It was almost like you were just asking to be flamed by even daring to put her in a fic – you didn't even have to be shipping her with one of the guys in it. And many didn't like Near because they thought he was a more boring version of L, or not hot enough to ship.
I guess M² was probably at odds with Meronia even more back then than it sometimes is now, too – Meronia content was very rare to find in comparison to M² content back then. And I distinctly remember an email from my first fandom friend in 2008, who had been in the fandom a while longer than me and was explaining some of that drama to me – both of us were mostly into Lawlight and not that interested in the successor arc, but even she told me she secretly found M² and Matt's immense popularity in the fandom a bit stupid, because she thought Matt was too irrelevant of a character for all the fuss he gets, and that Meronia at least seemed more interesting to her based on how the story goes. I would say I see the most "shipping war" type behaviour over whether people like shipping Mello with Matt more or with Near more still even now.
People also liked to argue a lot over whether or not they saw the characters in gay ships as tops or bottoms (though they'd usually say "seme" or "uke" back then instead) - in the 2000s you didn't have catch-all ship nicknames like Lawlight, and you had to tag the top/bottom very carefully in fics by the order you tagged the names in the ship (eg. "LxLight" if L is the top, and "LightxL" if Light is the top - they were treated almost like separate ships, and I don't think there was an easy way to talk about the ship without making a statement about their position preferences when you did). You can probably see what I mean in the older fics in the fandom that are still available on fanfiction.net (as this fandom pre-dates AO3 by quite a bit, so many of the fics from the height of its popularity in the 2000s were posted on fanfiction.net or LiveJournal and other such sites instead).
Overall I'd say though many things now are still vaguely similar in the fandom to how they were back then, people have gotten a little less dramatic and more "to each their own" about not telling other people off for being into DN characters or ships that they personally don't enjoy. And I feel now there's a lot more rare pair appreciation and appreciation of the female characters and more minor characters, and of ships that are interesting to explore more because of the writing possibilities than just because they make for the hottest stereotypical yaoi, if that makes sense. 😆
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tuesday again 3/7/2023
soooooo there's another classic Dad Movie character ive adopted bc ive decided he's bisexual
Black Hole Baby by Superorganism. i would put a marker down and say this is the sound of the summer but this came out last summer :/ the very flat (slightly chiptune?) delivery of the lyrics combined with the hyper bouncy...squelchy??? lasers? is extremely fun. this song is neither creepy nor wet but it is viscous bc u are on a spaceship partying as a black hole is Getting You
listen. anything that starts off with subway chimes and the following lyrics is going to be good. these are good song choices in my mind.
I've been eating fruit I've been sleeping well when I can
the bridge in the middle with bits and pieces of radio hosts shouting them out-- i could take it or leave it. i do like how this band namedrops themselves constantly. it's like an oil painting at an estate sale with a huge legible signature at the bottom.
i have read about three-quarters of raymond chandler's oeuvre (hardboiled detective/film noir author and screenwriter of note) this week. i cannot in good faith recommend these books because they contain some of the worst excesses of their time, which is good bc this is not a review series.
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sometimes, i'm watching or reading something and i decide it would be a good tuesdaypost candidate. i hate the term consume but it's the quickest descriptor here, so bear with me. if i am consuming a work based on the recommendation of a friend, it changes how i consume the work-- i'm on the lookout for the elements they used in their pitch. if i'm consuming a work to write an article or paper (rare these days) i'm stopping halfway through to take notes, i'm rewinding to catch details, i'm delving into interviews, i often fully rewatch or reread. if i'm liveblogging something i am mostly on the lookout for humorous and/or gay bits. if in the middle of something i catch myself thinking "ooh this would be good to talk about for the tuesdaypost" that introduces another like, film or lit crit level to the rest of my time with the work. it's very difficult to turn that part of my brain off.
when i am reading things just for me, none of that is there. i am fully immersed, my disbelief is suspended. i am not thinking about anything else but the story that is being told to me. ive spent a great deal of time with these books this week and it feels weird not to talk about them, but they are something i really enjoyed that was just for me.
i honestly don't know how to unpack my enjoyment of works that (at times) reflect the quite extreme racism of their author-- the one that grabbed me the most, Farewell My Lovely, contained some of the most callous and exceptionally cruel shit i've ever read. it also contained some of the most fascinatingly complex inner workings of an extremely closeted bisexual guy with ptsd i've ever read. i don't know how to talk about these books in an interesting or balanced way.
even if i did know how to unpack these things, the brief and light weekly roundup post on goddamn tumblr dot com (home to no nuance whatsoever) would not be the venue. this is an anti-review, in a way.
a fuck of a lot actually bc i'm really trying to crank out this baby blanket and podcasts aren't really doing it. same username on letterboxd if u want to see early drafts of this tuesdaypost section.
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i watched many films that came on two vhs tapes when i was little, bc charlton heston was one of my mom's favorite actors. i did not see spartacus when i was little but i did see the entirety of ben hur AND the ten commandments before i was eight. i can't make that make sense either.
anyway i have a soft spot for epics but only when i am actively doing things with my hands. this one has a more interesting making-of story than the actual movie, imo. this one also had oddly christian overtones, for being set in a time where christ and christianity did not yet exist. like many critics of the time, i have no strong feelings about mr douglas' acting. i really, really liked the soundtrack-- a delight to hear the love theme in context after hearing it in a thousand different soundtrack theme compilations!
nothing that wasn't a phone game i've already talked about
five and a half repeats!!! i am aiming for ten repeats plus some sort of i-cord border so this is roughly halfwayish
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i took this in broad daylight after a meeting like "if i knit more tonight i'll take another photo" and then i didn't knit any more tonight i read a bad western and halfheartedly liveblogged it
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incendiorum-arch · 1 year
io's hard (to say the least) to romantically ship with so I thought I'd make a post talking about it. io has a very specific type. innocence, pacifism, and positivity will never attract them (in fact, it's very likely to do the opposite). io desires confidence and deadliness above all else. someone who can kill, who can hurt, and despite their feelings on the matter, can, would, and most likely will do it again. people who have trauma tend to appeal to them more, too - as often those people understand why io might act the way they do. to sum it up, io is attracted to people who have gray morals. skewed morals. people who can embrace violence, whether they like it or not. although... io does tend to favor those who like it. [don't be terribly discouraged though, as lucius did not like embracing violence but io loved him beyond words.] I would also like to mention really quickly here that io is also attracted to banter/snark/sass, fiery personalities, and powerful (physically/magically) people. strength of character is something that is fantastic at catching their eye.
speaking of trauma - io carries a shitton of it. they were abused mentally, emotionally, and physically by their parents for 23 years. eighteen centuries has done a whole lot in terms of trying to recover, but io still deals with fits of anger, dissociation, and flashbacks. they're also extremely dependent on alcohol (high functioning alcoholic) and despite their desire to quit, will not seek the help needed for it. love and trust do not go hand in hand with io. like I've said I hate to say it but I genuinely think io is incapable of 100% trust. I trust you... is always followed by the ultimatum, as much as I can. io's concept of trust has been irreparably shattered. there is no fitting the pieces back together no matter how badly either party want it. asking io do you trust me? is perhaps the worst question you could ask. you don't want to hear the answer, unless you're willing to accept io's reasoning. io also does not experience romantic attraction immediately, and when they do finally experience it, it's very rare and only in an already established relationship - they're demiromantic. now you might be going, hey adair where's the good stuff? love and trust do not go hand in hand, yes. but io loves hard. they can easily fall into devotion to an unhealthy degree. they want to help their partner, they want to comfort, they want to cook meals and share kisses and embrace every bit of physical affection they can. inter mundos becomes something that io can use to show their partner the world. week-long vacations wherever they want to go. dinner in another country. io embraces violence. io likes it. they'll fight tooth and nail for their partner. io lets their softer, more playful side show around partners. their humor may be deadpan, but there'll certainly be more of it. they embrace their childish side and let it show around loved ones because they know they can expect acceptance. joining them in childish pursuits only makes their love grow. io's own trauma lends them experience and intimate understanding for those who do have it. this doesn't take away the fact that sometimes things hurt and lashing out at them upsets and hurts them but... they get it? they will, most likely, end up doing the same thing at some point or another (when they don't immediately leap to self isolation). io will always come back and apologize, though. in short, io is complicated and hard to be with. they have enough baggage to fill an entire plane's luggage compartment and then some. but god, they love with every ounce of their being.
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hikaririnku-blog · 2 years
Tag Game
Rules: tag 9 people (or so) you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below! — I was tagged by @cizzle-freezy !
(Quick disclaimer from me (Hikari), I am a HUGE paragraph writer, so bear with me.)
A lot of my favorite songs tend to be related to video game soundtracks, and rarely do I expand my horizons. But, when I do, I gravitate towards a variety of genres, specifically ones akin to rock/metal/hard rock, EDM/future bass, and synthwave/vaporwave. Finally, after all these years, I have a favorite song that alligns with a multitude of my tastes.
When my partner introduced me to Devil May Cry series, the music from the games was really amazing to me. But then, they played Devil May Cry 5, got to the part where I see Vergil, and I hear his battle theme... It was over from there. Bury the Light is my Absolute All-Time Favorite™️ in my mind, something that I can repeat without getting tired of it, and, ironically, it gives me motivation, keeps me going without anyone or anything getting in my way, and makes me feel like I have the power to do anything.
Ships I typically keep on the down-low, since they're OC-related 90% of the time, and out of that 90%, a good majority are OC x OC ships with a friend's OC or my partner's. I'd get nervous sharing them, and if there is a fandom ship, nine times out of ten they're OC x Fandom, another thing I keep on the down-low. Cringe culture scared me out of sharing any of it for a long time. But I will throw fear out of the window for today, and tell my top Fandom X OC with an explanation as to why.
Dark Link x OC: Link is the main character of The Legend of Zelda game series, and you can portray either yourself or a different personality into him. None are exactly "incorrect", as Link is a very flexible and versatile character, especially with responses you can choose towards NPCs in the modern Zelda games post-SNES era (i.e. Breath of the Wild, Wind Waker, Skyward Sword, etc.). Similarly, Dark Link would be treated with the same flexibility and versatility. This opened a lot of possibilities for me, and I loved both Link and Dark Link for this trait. My personal favorite interpretation is that Dark Link, being around for as long as Link was (more or less), remembers a lot of his hardships throughout the past incarnations, and he can either be just as vengeful as who created him in the first place, or make a change to become his own person, and either hating Link for even being a catalyst for his own existence, or learning to work with Link and help him save the day in his own way. With this kind of interpretation, I have wondered if a special someone in his life will help hit the nail in the coffin for either result, or even create a new problem where he is internally at war with himself to go with his ideal partner or continue on his current path. It is also a good writing practice for a lot of hurt/comfort friendship and/or romance writings, too, so there's a perk in that.
Not sure if comic books or manga count, but I just got done with Volume 1 of Solo Leveling and I am in LOVE with it. I refuse to go into detailed explanation of the story for this in case someone wants to read it for themselves eventually (if you actually want details, I recommend finding someone that helps explain or reads the story to you, or even get the book yourself and give it a try), but I will say, this book is a visual inspiration. I love the colors, the action details, and everything feels flowy when winds are present, and just... so angle (affectionate). And when things feel dangerous, they feel dangerous. I got severely hooked and I hope to continue reading it.
Much like the friend that tagged me, I very rarely watch movies. If I do, I must watch it with friends. The one that very much so lives rent-free in my mind was recently watching Howl's Moving Castle with my college friend. This would be my second Studio Ghibli film (first one being Ponyo) and oh my god.
Oh my god.
Somehow, this gorgeous movie made me cry with the main character Sophie. I felt her emotions, understood her. This film made me feel like I was the character. I want to read the book it was based off of so bad. It really surprised me when I discovered it was a film from 2004. Everything is so clean in animation, the backgrounds, the animation for the moving castle itself, just... everything. Granted, I shouldn't expect anything less from a Studio Ghibli film, but it's still so phenomenal. I felt like this should have been my first film, since I felt so in-tune with it more than I did with Ponyo.
I severely crave a good hurt/comfort RP. Life isn't always chaos and despair, and, inversely, life isn't always sunshine and rainbows. It could be lifetime enemies or rivals becoming best friends because they share a tragic past that taunts them and hurts them every single day. It could be complete pessimistic strangers on a long and painful journey that helped them teach them empathy, compassion, and love. It could be anything... so long as it shows one thing.
Healing. I love a theme of healing in my RPs. It's something I connect with as well, having been a person that has been hurt before, alongside with a lot of people. The pain lasts long, but, you heal.
... I also crave a good, fresh, medium rare steak.
@jessebizarreart @juan-o-clocks @jorgedrawssomethings @risty90
Get tagged, nerds, lol.
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intothewickedwood · 1 year
1, 3, 7, 11, 19, 20, 21, 23 for Kathryn!
Yay, Kathryn! Thank you, Maria! <3
My first impression of them
I can't 100 percent remember. I think I was a little confused about who she was and thought she was David's demanding sister, or something. I thought they kinda looked alike. I don't think I warmed up to her until I saw her as Kathryn. But when she showed up in the hospital scene, I was so touched by how much she cared about David and how kind and sweet she seemed. I think I was questioning whether Henry's book was real but was also kinda wary in case she was a Regina minion. But I didn't wanna believe it because she seemed so nice.
Her bringing a basket of muffins was the cutest gosh darn thing I've ever seen in my entire life and I was fully sold by then. But I also loved that she stood up for herself and knew she deserved to seek and find her heart's desires- all while being incredibly generous and forgiving in Storybrooke and the EF.
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3. A song that reminds me of them
I know she doesn't have hazel eyes, haha, but I came across this fan vid. and I just love it so much. It's on my favourite fan vid playlist (which I listen to, like, every other weekend). It's 'Behind These Hazel Eyes'.
7. A quote of them that you remember
"No, you're not. A friend wouldn't do this. A friend wouldn't lie. Everyone is lying to me!" - It just tears my heart out. Poor woman got caught in the middle of a mess that had little to do with her, and it almost ruined what she thought was her whole life. She must have felt so alone and like she could trust no one. My heart really went out to her. She deserved so much better. But the way she chose to look at things from a different perspective for her own sake, and tried to pursue real happiness, was so admirable. It's a shame she got drugged and locked in a basement afterwards! That'd must have been really horrible and terrifying. Poor Kathryn couldn't catch a break!
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11. What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
I get the warm fuzzies. Season 1 nostalgia to the max! My favourite season is not my favourite season without Kathryn. It just wouldn't be the same. She has a very special place in my heart and I just want her to have all the happiness and I cry and I am baking her cranberry muffins as we speak, even though I really freaking hate cranberries. That's how awesome I think she is! I am willing to touch dried fruit with my human hands just for her!
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19. The most random ship you've seen people have with them
I tried to look for a blog I thought I saw a rare Kathryn pair on a while back that I couldn't remember, but found Kathryn x Ingrid on another blog instead. I feel like I kinda get it, as to me they have similar vibes a.k.a they're both pretty regal. I gotta read it! It's here if anyone's interested!
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20. A weird headcanon
One thing I've always thought deep down is that, despite essentially psychologically torturing her, Gold tried to be nice about it, if that makes sense. I think he maybe got her nice food, maybe sat with her, and tried to calm her – not that she knew what was going on. Don't get me wrong, Gold can be very cruel, but that cruelty is usually directed at people who have wronged him or those who made a deal with him without reading their contract properly, like poor Anna. Kathryn was completely innocent and likely made no deals, so I don't think he would hit her with his cane or anything (at least, I hope not!). He could have killed her like Regina wanted him to, but he didn't. Whether that was to ensure things would work in his favor, an act of mercy, or something in between, I suppose is a bit of a mystery. Nevertheless, what he did was still terrible.
21. When do you think they were at their happiest?
I think with Frederick pre or post curse. She seemed to have very fond memories of her time with him before he turned to gold, so probably then. But I like to think she'd find even more happiness after the curse, whether she ended up with him or not. Now I think about it, I wonder if she tried to cross Lake Nostos to save Frederick. I can't remember if she said she did. Did the siren seduce her too?? Where's that scene at?!
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23. Future headcanon
I don't mind a happy ending where Regina doesn't end up with a love interest, although goodness knows I would have loved to see her end up with Facilier. But since canon won't let us have him back (not without more time travel, at least!), I think it would be nice if Kathryn and Regina reestablished a relationship and it maybe developed into something more. Maybe things didn't work out with Freddie (sorry, Freddie!) and things end up coming full circle, where they both end up at some sort of celebration party together. Maybe they're both feeling a little lonely, and Kathryn sits next to Regina, and they just talk and reconnect. Oh snap, this was more of a wish than a headcanon before I wrote it out, but I'm totally adopting it as an official headcanon now!
I like to think she is good friends with the Charmings too!
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