#sam is unlabeled
zer0expektation · 5 months
My take on Sastiel
Part 2:
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<part 1
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sleepymrshmllow · 2 years
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a quick sastiel sketch <3
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andthetapeworms · 4 months
IT'S AROMANTIC VISIBILITY DAY !!!!! aromantics demiromantics aroaces aroallos non sam aros aromantics who are seen as "not aro enough" by the community love positive aros loveless aros aros who like qprs I SEE YOU you're so visible to me rn. 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀��👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
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hot take but just because i ship characters doesn’t necessarily mean I think they would or should ever kiss or be an official romantic item. or EVEN a sexual one as such. it’s a spectrum.
some of my ships are very exclusively in a specific sexual context, or a specific dynamic, and it actually feels OOC to think about them being traditionally a couple or domestic at all.
sometimes i ship characters because i think they find eachother attractive, but they would NEVER act on or even admit it, and I think it should stay that way to be true to the character— i just enjoy thinking they have those feelings!
we should have more terms and community for ships we just see as a fling, or always unofficial.
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veryqueermovies · 2 years
Queer Characters Spotlight: Australian TV Show.
The Newsreader (1 season, Renewed).
Dale Jennings is Unlabeled.
Dale is played by actor Sam Reid (his sexuality, to my knowledge, is unknown).
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Tim Ahern is Gay.
Tim is played by actor Chai Hansen (his sexuality, to my knowledge, is unknown).
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Show Synopsis:
"Set in 1986, the show follows the unlikely bond between a young TV reporter and a 'difficult' female newsreader, as they cover events such as the shock of the Challenger explosion, the hype of Halley's Comet and complexities of the AIDS crisis."
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child-ofdust · 6 months
ive become more comfortable referring to my s/i / persona as me and i think it has genuinely fixed me. anyways
if i had a nickel for every time a celestial being fell in love with me, i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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arjwrites · 3 months
In The Stillness (To Love is To Hurt)- Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: A glimpse into the ways you've impacted Dean.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, brief reference to sexual activity. Fem!Reader <3 (but like barely)
A/N: Hi!!! This story is a product of me wanting to try writing a one shot in the kind of writing style I use in my personal works! I write a lot of poetry and drabbley stuff outside of this blog and I felt like some of it would pair well in a one shot like this, based largely in narration rather than dialogue. I am worried it might veer a little bit too far into poetry territory in a few spots- I want to make sure it retains its clarity. Let me know what you think!
There were very few moments of true stillness in Dean’s life. Part of him was always moving somehow- legs carrying him to and from danger, hands absentmindedly cleaning guns and filling shotgun shells with salt, or perhaps the most restless of them all, his mind, always racing and always bearing the weight of the world. Dean’s brain was a machine, programmed all his life to carry out a list of simple tasks. Follow orders, protect Sammy, kill the monster, save the world. While the true meaning of these functions had changed wildly over the years, they always manifested in the worries that kept him up as he lay in bed at night, or ate at his soul during long, quiet stretches of the road.
There was nothing that could completely shut Dean’s thoughts off. Many of his younger years had been spent with a drink in his hand or a girl on his arm, picking his poison and hoping if he tried it often enough, it would become his antidote. Sure, these things sometimes helped, but only ever briefly- he would always wake in the morning, mind racing, head pounding, and searching for a quick getaway. These things were just another excuse to fill the gaps between cases, to keep from ever being still. 
Dean was always running from the quiet. When there wasn’t a task at hand, there needed to be something to fill the space. If he lingered in his own mind for too long, he would close his eyes and his thoughts would take off, always landing somewhere where Dean should have been better. Somewhere he should’ve cracked the case sooner or saved the day quicker or protected someone- usually Sam- better. And sometimes, he could swear he felt himself strung up in the pit again, all of the suffering ever inflicted upon him concentrated in the knot that formed in his stomach and pulsing through his body via the racing of his heart. But Dean could never let his mind wander that far, because that far was dangerous. So he kept busy, kept compacting the memories and tucking them away in unlabeled boxes in his head in hopes that he would misplace them. Besides, the wars of the world took precedence far above the violence waging in his own head. It made sense to keep busy. 
Dean had been a soldier for years, but the most difficult battle he ever fought was against his own feelings. When you stumbled into his life, magnetic and miraculous, he wasn’t quite sure what to do. He knew if he kept you close, his heart would force him to love you, his duty would force him to protect you, and his fear would force him to bear you as yet another burden. Another person in his life for him to love and to lose. In a desperate act of preservation- both for himself and for you- Dean fought tooth and nail to keep you at bay. He holed himself away at the brink of the darkest corners of his mind. But your warmth and light radiated through the cold world he had made for himself, drawing him in like a moth to a flame. And he couldn’t help but fall. Like much of his life thus far, he had been given no choice in the matter. He felt like you were his destiny. 
Dean didn’t believe in much. He had no faith in religion or philosophy or science or himself. Nothing in his life thus far had ever made him feel at peace with his pain and his mortality. The world was chaotic and terrifying and there was no such true thing as heaven or holy or even good. But then there was you. Dean worshipped you, prayed to you, heard your word like gospel. You were the God he had always denied himself. You made sense of his suffering and lit the path to his salvation. It was always for you.
“To love, is to hurt,” you had told Dean one day, and he had looked back at you as if you had three heads. Though he hummed in tentative response, studying your words and the way your mouth moved to create them, he couldn’t bring himself to agree- and yet, he couldn't ask what you meant. He feared that he wouldn’t like the answer. 
You would say these things to Dean from time to time, sharing tidbits about love, life, things you had learned in your years and carried with you wherever you went. It felt nice to have something to offer to him in exchange for the labor of loving you. His responses were often full of praise and piety as he kissed down your body in a practiced map of places, rhythmically, as if speaking in a secret language that only you two could decode. 
Dean loved you during late nights and early mornings when you were your most peaceful and soft. In these moments he would look outside to see the silent moon or the rising sun, and smile to himself- as if it had been you who hung them there, just for him. Dean loved you on the drive home after finishing a hunt, when he kicked Sam to the back seat just to have you close, to feel your fingers bless his knuckles with your touch as he gripped the gear shift and hummed along with a melody. The lyrics never mattered anymore- to him, every piece of music was a love song he wrote to you. 
Dean would watch you. He took you in like a piece of art- one he had waited in line for years to catch a glimpse of, just to be told that he could take the exhibit home. All the velvet ropes had fallen and the warning signs were painted over. Please, do not touch the art. And so he would. His fingertips would trace over your brushstrokes and he would compliment the artistry, always grateful to have been given a closer look. 
Your gravity was enough to pull him in from wherever he wandered, though he never wandered far if he could help it. It felt as though you were what rooted him to time and space. Early in your relationship, silence was rare, but in times when the two of you would sit and share slices of it like an orange, he swore he could hear the buzzing of your life force. After a while, he could hear his own, too. And eventually, he would revel in the way your energies would harmonize and dance around each other in a well-rehearsed routine, swirling together and swaying to their own silent rhythm- two beings in love and intertwined in their own right. 
He was scared to lose you- of course he was. He would beg for you to stay behind on hunts, or fling himself between you and the monsters you’d encounter. But in some ways, Dean felt you were most likely invincible. You were made of sunlight and stardust, how could anything kill that? And he felt you were too tied into his life to ever lose you- as if he had already peered through a window into his future and seen you in it, waving back at him. You would be there, he didn’t have to worry. It was a feeling that was so strikingly out of his nature that it grabbed hold of him and didn’t let go. He told you about this feeling once, and it comforted and worried you all at the same time. But the next hunt rolled around and he remained your fierce protector, taking on many of the injuries that would’ve befallen you had he not stepped in. As you stitched him up in a peaceful quiet, he mused- 
“I think I’m starting to understand that whole “to love is to hurt” thing. You laughed. Dean beamed. The hunting, the fighting, the saving the world. All of it was worth it. He would do it all, just so you would patch him back up afterwards with a kiss and a smile. Sometimes you would play soft music and hum to him- in these moments, he would close his eyes and if he hadn’t known any better, he would’ve thought he was in heaven. If it was his heaven, why was he in pain? As he watched you work, he came to an easy decision. He would cut himself open, over and over again for eternity, just for the chance to see your eyes narrow in focus and your mouth purse in concentration as your nimble hands worked to stitch his wounds. Just to feel the vibrations of your lips as they planted a kiss to his cheek mid-melody. He felt his pain was an offering that you rewarded with your presence, and it was an exchange he would happily make throughout his life and far beyond his death. 
Dean cherished the moments when the world outside his door faded into insignificance. You were the master switch that shut off the chaos, leaving him to bask in the warmth of your body and soul. But it took a while for Dean to realize the indelible mark you had left on him. He hadn’t spent more than a moment without you since you had first met- a hunter’s life didn’t leave much room for privacy, but that worked to his advantage in the early days. But you had left for a night, having to take care of a family obligation, pressing him a tender kiss and a don’t miss me too much as you rolled out the door that afternoon. And that night, tucked into your side of the bed in an effort to feel closer to you, Dean couldn’t sleep. Things that hadn’t crossed his mind in years went racing back and forth, round and round on a track until he couldn’t breathe- as if they had been chasing him every lap. When he closed his eyes, all of the memories he had stuffed in the closet and under the bed had spilled into a great big room and he was buried in the rubble. And when he opened his eyes and looked out at the moon, it seemed distant and cold, like it belonged to someone else. So he picked up the phone and called you, his body softening at the sound of your voice and falling asleep to the murmur of your words. He woke early, busy researching a case with Sam, but in a brief moment of stillness in the morning, he realized this was what she really meant. I get it now. Thankfully, you were home by dinnertime with a slice of your grandmother’s pie and a few crazy family stories to tell. Dean practically floated to you and wrapped you in a hug you had to beg him to release you from. 
It hadn’t been until your absence that Dean realized how much still lurked below the surface. While your presence gilded every facet of Dean’s life with a warm, glowing gold, he still hurt, ached, withered when you were gone. And it wasn’t until this realization that Dean understood the labor it was to love him. And it made him want to be better. 
The first time Dean opened up to you was a rainy spring evening. Then again one summer afternoon. He spent August feeding you breadcrumbs from his childhood. And he told you about his time in Hell in late October. You remembered this because you had looked out the window and resonated with the way the leaves trembled and fell from the trees. You raised a shaky hand to his cheek and wiped a tear and swore to Dean that he would never go through that pain again. And Dean, who had just relived each excruciating moment all over again, just for her, spoke. 
“I- I get it now. To love is to hurt because it forces you to be better. And it hurts because you take on a whole second person’s pain, wanting to spare them from it. And to love is to hurt because-”
You raised a finger to his lips and then replaced it with a kiss. And you smiled. And you leaned into his chest. And you let things be still. And so did he. 
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margotw10bis · 10 months
Crashing On Crush. JJK 4 [m]
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crush!Jungkook x reader
Genre: smut; series; romance; angst
Words: 4.9k
Synopsis: What happens when your first encounter with your crush is Jungkook seeing your ass?
Warnings: alcohol consumption; protected sex; oral sex (f. receiving); praising kink; mention of passed harassment
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Jungkook left a few minutes after because he had to wake up early the next morning. You were disappointed because after sharing such an intimate moment, you would have liked him to stay. You have felt so close to him. And you had the feeling that your connection disappeared with his absence. You have felt so alive, and the next moment you are completely alone, and not so much alive. It was kind of terrifying how your mood changed because of him: you were beyond clouds when he was next to you, and completely in the darkness when he left. This emotional rollercoaster made you cried that night. You were too lost in your own feelings. You felt closer to him and at the same time so far away.
The whole next day, you kept making mistakes at work, your brain overthinking the last night. You were thinking about Jungkook and wondering if he were thinking about you too. The possibility of it not being the case and of you being just another girl he had fun with squeezed your heart.
That's why, heading out of the art gallery, you thought like you could finally breathe. The pure fresh air of Seoul filled your lungs like it was your very first breathing. That's when you saw him, leaning against his black Mercedes.
Jungkook smiles at you when he notices you. A genuine smile, that makes you smile equally. A pure wave of happiness wraps your body and you wish you could jump in his arms. Once again, a little word with huge meaning starting with 'L' pops in your mind and warms your heart.
"What are you doing here?" You ask him, trying to not sound as cheerful as you are
"To see you"
The simple but so sweet respond attacks your heart. It should be illegal to be such a flirt.
"I was thinking I could cook for you"
"Oh, you know how to cook?" You tease him
"Are you questioning my cooking skills?" He replies, a brow lifting up suspiciously
Jungkook's smile is so pretty. When he smiles, he looks like the happiest man alive and, oddly, seeing him happy makes you happy too. You realize that you want to make him happy.
"Prove me wrong then" You say, opening his car door.
You didn't know what to expect from Jungkook's apartment but it surely looks like him: a big living room with a huge TV screen, a large black leather couch, some paintings on the walls ; a modern open kitchen and a dark wood diner table making the transition between the cooking area and the living room. You see some photos of him, his family and his friends. It's like Jungkook has brought all his memories from his brain and materialized it into his place. You feel good here, at peace, like in a cocoon, protected from the outside world. It's the same feeling that when he wraps his arms around your frame.
As Jungkook washes his hands with soap in the kitchen sink, he speaks up:
"Do you want some ramyeon?"
You immediately burst into laugher and Jungkook follows you.
"I mean, real ramyeon but if you want that, I will love it too"
"Real ramyeon is okay" You say, blushing
Jungkook starts boiling water in a saucepan and grabs two packs of Shin Ramyun, the less spicy ones after you told him that you were sensitive. It doesn't take long for the noodles to be ready and you two sit down at the dinner table.
The conversation goes smoothly. You talk about you two, your childhoods, the things you like and don't like. You just get to know each other. Despite being unlabeled, it looks like the beginning of a relationship. Few memories of how it started with your ex-boyfriends come back to you and you realize that what you are leaving now with Jungkook is like that, but way better because you get along on so many things. You laugh at the same jokes, you are upset about the same things, you care about the same subjects. However, you don't want to rush things. It's been a long time since you were in a relationship and you want to take your time. You don't have to put a name on what you and Jungkook are.
"Do you have nicknames?" You ask him at some point
"Actually, I have a lot of them: JK, Kook, Kookie" He pauses and a sparkle of playfulness brightens his doe eyes "Daddy..."
"Jungkook!" You blush and choke at the same time, which makes him laugh.
"You can call me whatever you want"
"What's your favorite nickname? And don't say Daddy" You ask him, genuinely wanting to call him by a name he likes
Jungkook takes the time to think and then, gets a tiny closer to you. When he talks back, his voice is way deeper and you feel a change in the air around you.
"Call me yours"
You don't understand what happens next because in just one second, your lips are on Jungkook's. He grabs your waist to pull you closer, basically putting you on his laps. Your hands are in his smooth, long hair. Your kiss is messy, eager and your panties gets quickly soaked. Then, Jungkook pulls you up and leans you on the table, the tableware pushed aside carelessly. The cold and hard material in your back contrast with the fire in your body and the softness of Jungkook's lips on your neck. His hands struggle to unbutton your pale yellow blouse and he is too impatient to wait. With a sharp movement, he pulls over both sides, causing all the little buttons to pop and fall around you.
"Jungkook!" You scold him
"I'll buy you a new one"
He even seems amused and kisses your breasts. It's enough for you to forget about the ripped clothes. Jungkook sneaks a hand on your back and undoes your bra. He quickly takes off both your messed up blouse and your bra. Then, he cups your boobs with his large and warm palms and takes the time to admire your picked nipples - caused by the cold air on your burning skin and your horniness. His mouth dives onto your nipples and he rolls his tongue around it, sucks on it and gently bites it. The simulation of this sensitive zone causes you to moan his name. You tell him to take off his shirt - honestly, who will say no to sneak on his perfect body?
You flick his firm chest and abs. He is way too handsome with no shirt on. But Jungkook doesn't give you too much time to enjoy the show because he unzips your black slacks and slides them down with your panties. Completely naked, you feel his glaze on you and you blush when he licks his lips, ready to eat you out.
"You are so beautiful" He whispers before he kneels down to kiss your pussy.
A choked whimper escapes your mouth. Feeling Jungkook's lips on you, and especially on your wet pussy, is electrifying. A wave of arousal washes over your body. He eats you out like a starved man. You feel your juice mixed with his saliva dripping down to your ass and your pussy clenches on nothing until Jungkook hears your silenced prayers and enters you with two fingers.
"Oh my god!" You exclaim at the sudden and delightful stretch
"I love how tight you are, babe"
You barely hear his voice because his mouth is glued to your clit but the pet name drives you crazy. You're losing your head, trying to grip the corner of the table not to lose your sanity under these perfect tongue flicks. Jungkook enhances the pace of his fingers, hitting your g-spot every time. You can't take it any longer and you feel your orgasm building up in your body so fast that you can't even tell Jungkook - not that he needs you to speak because your walls around his fingers getting tighter tell enough. You scream his name when you reach your climax, spams of pleasure all over your body.
You look literally fucked up and it's what Jungkook wanted. Seeing and even feeling your pleasure makes him horny. He can feel his hard cock completely squeezed in his pants, it's uncomfortable. You naked is a view he wishes to see everyday. At this thought, he can't help but caressing his dick through the fabric of his clothes and he kisses your inner thighs, he even bites them gently. The contact of his teeth on your sensitive skin makes you flinch. He knows damn well how to use his pretty mouth... He ends up sucking on your inner thigh skin to leave a mark. He loves thinking that you're his, even if it's just for a moment. His possessiveness doesn't just turn him on, it does the same to you. Someway, you are proud he wants you the same way you want him, and you do want to be his. And you want him to be yours.
You are out of breathe, slowly reaching down on Earth after being beyond clouds. You don't think straight and that's why your mouth speaks without consulting your brain.
"I want you" You hear your raspy post-orgasm voice says
Jungkook kisses you, some of your juice mixing in your mouth with your and his salivas. He leaves you just a few seconds and comes back with a metallic square packet in his hand.
"Are you sure?" He asks you
You have no doubt. You want Jungkook. You want to feel the closest you can, you want to feel him in you.
He kisses you, more gently than before, almost in a romantic way, before taking off his pants and underwear. The sight cuts your breathe: his cock is already hard. You can't deny that a new wave of wetness shakes your pussy. You wonder how stretching will his thick length be, you know he will fill you completely.
He puts the condom on, and gives himself a few pumps before placing his body closer to yours, right between your opened legs. The few seconds you have to wait to feel him are like torture. The emptiness of your pussy and the beautiful view of his hard cock so close to you makes you shiver in an impatient horniness. You're losing your mind, but it's even worse when Jungkook takes his length and slides upon your dripping pussy. You moan and then whine in pleasure when you feel it rubbing your swollen clit, causing a spam in all your body. His hard cock on your sensitive bud is the most delightful thing in the whole world.
"Jungkook, please" You beg
Once again, you don't know how much you are turning him on with your plea. "What a good girl", he thinks when he finally enters you. Slowly. Making you feel each inch stretching you and causing your mouth to open. It's so big, painful. It's so good. You don't really know if it's his cock or the realization of him filling you up but you are, once again, on the edge of your orgasm. However, you want this delightful sin to last as long as possible. That's why, when he is deep inside you, all his thick dick swallowed by your cunt, you put a hand on his firm abs to stop him from moving. You need to control yourself and take deep breathes. He is standing up, having the greatest view of your entire perfect body. Even though his position makes him dominant, on the inside, you are shaking everything in Jungkook. You could ask him anything, he would say 'yes'.
"You're so good" Jungkook says in a raspy voice before pecking you, this small gesture squeezes your heart with sweetness
When you begin to whimper from the lack of the now needed sliding, Jungkook gets the message and starts bumping. He begins quite slow but enhances the pace at each single bang. Your breasts bounces at the same rhythm and it's a call for him to grab your boob with his tattooed hand. His skin is even hotter than yours and the feeling is so damn good. His touch is like a delicious burn on your skin. His left hand keeps you in place while he penetrates you again and again. He enters you with all his length each time, hitting your g-spot. The pace is the perfect one: just providing the good amount of pain before it's unbearable. But what is unbearable is the arousal growing even bigger in your body.
"Oh my fucking god!"
"You're taking me so good, Y/N. So fucking perfect"
His head spins by the amount of pleasure. It's the pleasure of stretching your tight pussy but also of being the one in you. He keeps telling to himself how beautiful you are and how perfect your pussy feels around his cock, just like you were made for him. He wants each pounding to remind you that, at this moment, you're his and he's yours. There is nothing in the world but your two bodies being one.
He leans down to kiss you messily. You grab his hair and moan his name in his mouth. How can you survive so much pleasure? It's not just his perfect cock, Jungkook exactly knows how to move. He seems to know what you like, what you want and he gives it to you at the exact right time. That's why it's the best, best, best sex in your life.
"Are you so wet just for me?" His voice is full of cockiness and it makes you crazy, even his possessiveness creates a wave of arousal between your legs and makes your walls clench around him. "Answer me" He orders, giving a slap on the side of your ass, tightening your pussy even more and Jungkook mentally notes that you like that.
"Yes! Yes!" You repeat the only words you manage to say
"You're such a good girl" You can hear his smirk in his breathless voice, and it's fucking hot
You are so close, his cock stretching and pounding your dripping cunt. Jungkook feels your pussy clenching and he smirks. His inked hand leaves your breast to rub your clit, tightening your walls even more. It begins to be hard for him to enter you smoothly when you're so tight.
"Oh my god, Jungkook!" You moan, fighting to keep your eyes open just to see his face full of horniness and his messy-fuck hair sticked on his forehead. He is so perfect, so handsome. His puffy lips are slightly open and you swear that when he looks into your eyes, you can see his soul for a second.
"So fucking tight" He says with his jaws clenched, trying to not cum before you "Cum for me, babe. Cum around my cock"
His puzzling possessiveness towards you pushes him to fuck you harder. Eyes closed by the overwhelming wave of arousal, you have no idea that Jungkook is still watching you. So beautiful with your face torn by pleasure. He wishes to be the only one to witness it, the only one to provide you such an orgasm. And in fact, you've never cummed this hard. You get choked up, unable to make any noise, when you feel the most alive than you've ever felt - you don't even know if you're still on Earth - but Jungkook keeps fucking you through your orgasm. The overstimulation is almost too painful. Almost.
"Please, please" You groan
You don't know if it's for him to stop, to continue or to urge him to feel how good cumming right now is. Anyway, just a few poundings are enough for Jungkook after your little begging to fill the condom.
You are both panting and sweaty. Jungkook almost collapses on you and your burning skins melt into each other's. You feel so... overwhelmed. You don't even know what you're feeling right now except that you want to feel him closer. Not physically because you can't be closer than that - especially when Jungkook is still inside you - but emotionally. Your shaky hands - caused by the orgasms or your emotion - caresses his sticky hair. Jungkook throws his strong arms around you and rests his head on your breast, listening to your pounding heart. The feeling of your fingers playing with his black strands is soothing, he likes it. No, he loves it. He has never felt like this, in complete peace. He knows he is where he is to be.
You're happy Jungkook can't see your face because two big tears escape your eyes for an indeterminate reason. Well, actually, deep down, you know the reason but you're not ready to accept it just yet. Thankfully, you have time to dry your eyes before Jungkook lifts his pretty head and kisses you. A real, beautiful, perfect kiss. A kiss that says everything, every truth of the world and even more. Or is it your imagination because of your foggy post-amazing-orgasm brain?
Jungkook straightens up slowly and pulls out from you. The void between your legs is unpleasant, like a piece of you is missing. He grabs your hand to help to get off the table. Your weak and shaky legs abandon you but Jungkook's quick reflexes prevent you from hitting the ground.
"Wooh, easy cowboy" He laughs, kissing your temples
Why does he have to be so cute right now? Your legs are not the only part of your body to be weak at this moment: your heart is too. And his bunny smile, his adorable doe eyes and his scrunched nose are a huge threat.
You try to push this thoughts away and concentrate on stabilizing yourself. When you feel like you won't directly drop, you carefully let go of Jungkook's support.
"I should go take a shower" You say with a still raspy voice
"Sure, I'll give you a towel. And a t-shirt" He tells you playfully, glancing at your yellow once blouse.
You try to clean yourself quickly to give way to Jungkook but you still take the time to appreciate the smell of his body wash. It's not the usual strong and manly scent but a sophisticate amber and lemony fragrance. You realize it's perfect for Jungkook: mannish but soft at the same time. Okay, your brain is definitely not working well if you think his body wash is a mirror for his personality...
Out of the bathroom with the clean oversize black t-shirt and a pair of boxers that Jungkook gave you, you see him cleaning the diner table dressed only with his underwear. The mesmerizing view makes you blush. You don't say anything to enjoy the show a little longer. But Jungkook eventually notices you and gives you a genuine smile.
"You can choose a movie while I go shower, if you want"
He says that so naturally. Does that mean he expects you to stay over? Not that you complain but last time he left, so you kind of supposed you'd have to leave too. You are in fact really happy to stay and to spend more time with Jungkook after this intimate moment. Does he feel like something changed too? It was not only the sex but the few minutes after, while you were pressed against each other. You know what aftercare is but it was more than that.
"What are you doing this weekend?" Jungkook asks you
The movie has been going on for almost a hour now. You were surprised - but so happy - when Jungkook sat next to you and pulled closer, his arm around your shoulders. The fact that you smelled the same kind of made your heart beat faster. Silly, you thought. It was so good that you didn't want to think it was anything more than after-sex moment because if Jungkook decided to not see you again, you knew it would hurt you.
But now, he is asking for this weekend. So maybe, just maybe, he wants to see you again. Maybe to start something more serious?
"I have a thing Saturday. But I'm free Friday night and Sunday" You try to control your smile. "What about you?"
"I was thinking we could go to the Lotte aquarium. Have you been there?"
"Never" You answer, remembering that Suzi and you always talked about visiting it but always ended up doing something else. "I'd love to go"
You bite your lower lip to prevent you from asking "Is it a date?".
"Great" Jungkook smiles at you with his cute bunny smile, relieved that you agreed to go out with him. "What are your plans for Saturday, if it's okay for me to ask?"
"One of my friends is graduating from high school"
"You have young friends!" He jokes
"Yah, I'm not that old! You, on the other hand, can't say the same" You tease and he looks falsely offended
"Come on, Y/N, I'm like three years older"
You don't really think before kissing Jungkook. It's only when you pull your lips apart that you realize that you got carried away by the flirty situation and that you might have crossed a line.
Seeing the panic in your eyes, Jungkook reassures you by kissing you. Himself can't get enough of your pretty lips. Being with you, watching a movie, having you in his arms seems so natural to him. As it's always have been like that. He doesn't know why, and he doesn't even try to understand. He just wants to enjoy it.
And he does. All night. You sleeping in his bed is a blessing, almost a dream. That's why he wraps your body with an arm: he makes sure that you won't disappear. He can't deny that this fear comes with old demons that he tries to push away.
"Jongseob!" You scream your friend's name like a proud mom
He is wearing his high school uniform and, something unusual, he has styled his caramel hair - and yes, he has been punished for dying his hair. However, you can't yell at him when he is this cute.
He immediately jumps at you and you notice that he has grown since the last time you saw him a few month ago.
"I'm so, so proud of you" You tell him, hugging him tightly. "I have something for you"
Jongseob grabs the bag you hand him and takes a look. His almond eyes sparkles and his lovely smile gets bigger. He looks genuinely happy to discover the new video game he told you about and a full box of donuts from your favorite coffee shop.
You are moved to see him happy. It's a drastic change from your first encounter and each time you think about it, your heart is painfully squeezed. It was three years ago. Suzi had sent you a text to tell you that she would be late. Grumbling, you decided to start shopping for the weekend party without her. You were strolling in Myeongdong when you heard some strange noises coming from a narrowed alley. A small group of high schoolers were having fun. Or that's what you thought at first. But watching carefully, you noticed that four of them were, indeed having fun from bullying a younger boy. You felt panicked, sad and angry. You didn't think a second before rushing toward them and yelling at them. They might have think you were crazy.
"If you touch him again, I swear to God that I will make you regret being born" You told them
It was not really your threat but the fading amusement that made them leave. When you turned around, you saw this scared but cute boy. You hugged him tightly and told him that he'd never be alone again. After that, you both sat at your now favorite coffee and you payed him a donut. Since then, Jongseob is like your little brother. You really, purely love each other. And you are so, so proud of him: he is more confident now and he graduates with special mention.
You can see in Jongseob's eyes that he is also thinking about your first encounter. Both of you have watery eyes now. He's never told you that he thinks you're his guardian angel. You helped him so much that he made a promise to himself: he will work hard and will give everything you want. He will take care of you the same way you took care of him. You're the person who knows him the most, like a big sister, his Noona.
You let him go join his classmates and you sit on the bleachers to follow the graduation. Pride brightens your eyes and warms your heart. When the headmaster calls 'Kim Jongseob', he stands up, takes his diploma and looks for you in the crowd. When his eyes meet yours, he waves at you with his certificate, a perfect sign of success after all he's been through.
"Noona, I'm not a kid anymore" Jongseob complains when you hand him a hot chocolate
You roll your eyes. After the ceremony, you invited him at the coffee shop and ordered the usual: a hot chocolate for Jongseob, a latte for you and two glazed lemon donuts - you told him to bring back home the ones you gave him earlier.
"Yah! It's not because you're not in high school anymore that you can't drink hot chocolate. Come on, I know you love it"
With a sigh, Jongseob gives up the protest and takes a sip. The sweet flavor makes him forget why he wanted anything else.
"I'm so proud of you"
"Stop! You said that a hundred times today"
"I know but it's true"
You can't control your emotion. Like you said earlier, you look like a proud mom and you are not going to be sorry for that. Moreover, you know that Jongseob is secretly happy to know how you feel about him, his own parents are not very supportive.
Jongseob's phone rings and he immediately jumps on it. He reads the text, blushes and answers. You squint and wait for him to put down the device. Jongseob notices the suspicious and amused expression on your face.
"What?" He asks, blushing harder
"Don't you have something to tell me?" You take a sip of your latte, trying to act detached while you're dying to know all the details
"There is this girl, Jiwon, she is so pretty and nice. We-we talk, that's all"
"You like her?"
"I-I think"
Jongseob is too cute when he is shy. He is a good guy, you have no doubt that Jiwon will see it too. You are also happy that he found someone, a friend, to talk to. After being bullied, it was hard for him to trust other people and you were the only one he talked to. But you have noticed a slight change in him: he is more open to others and, even if they can't be described as 'friends', he spends some time with them.
"What about you, Noona?"
"There is this guy, Jungkook, he is so pretty and nice" You tease him and Jongseob gently slaps your arm to make you stop. "I'm kidding! But for real, there is a guy. I don't really know what we are"
Actually, you are glad to talk about Jungkook to someone. You know you can talk to Suzi but she is too implicated so Jongseob can help you see things differently, especially when he doesn't know Jungkook.
"What would you like you two to be?"
It's a simple question. And yet, you never thought about it. When you're with Jungkook, you feel so good. He makes you happy, alive and it's more than just sex. The physical attraction you've had for him for months became something deeper when you started spending time with him. It's also scary how such a short time was enough for your heart and your brain to be full of Jungkook.
"I... want him" You whisper "I feel alive when I'm with him. I don't know how to explain but I want to be with him"
"What are you wanting for?"
You look at Jongseob with a surprised and confused look. He looks so confident - you don't know that it's thank to you that he can be.
"Go tell him. You have nothing to loose. And honestly, if this Jungkook guy doesn't want to be with you, he sucks"
Jongseob's cute smile gives you courage. He gives you a 'go girl!' look. You grab you bag, kiss Jongseob on his chubby cheek and waves him goodbye.
The bus ride allowed you to organize your speech. You feel so fucking stressed. Your heart beats loudly in your chest. You know that it's not easy to lay yourself bare and confess your feelings but you also know that you shared something real with Jungkook. You can't be the only one to feel this way, he must feel it too.
You arrive at the closest bus stop to Jungkook's. You place your hand on your crazy beating heart and take a deep breathe. It's okay, nothing can go wrong. You walk to his building and you are surprised to see him, standing up next to his Mercedes. You are ready to call him out but you throat goes dry when you see a girl hugging him.
What the hell?
You are close enough to hear them talking. But this can't be happening. It's all a misunderstanding, like in movies. The girl took him for someone else, or Jungkook is going to push her away. But no. The ground is opening under your feet, swallowing you. However, it's even more painful when you hear what they are saying.
"Kookie, I need you" The girl says in Jungkook's chest
"I'm here, I'm not leaving you"
Each word coming from his mouth is a dragger in your broken heart.
He wraps his arms around the fragile girl's body, an awful reminder that he's done the exact same thing to you just a few days ago.
"I love you" She says
Please, don't. Don't say it.
"I love you too"
previous ← 4 → next
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hallowedmistress · 6 months
stardew sexuality hcs!
bachelors + bachelorettes
definitely gay
grew up in a homophobic, religious family
first time he saw gay people was on tv on a news program about same-sex marriage being legalised
george immediately turned it off in disdain and evelyn distracted him with some food, but the thought lingered at the back of his mind
as he grows up, he collects sports magazines. more often with lean, muscular men on the covers than not
he suppresses it for years but it comes to a head when the cute new farmer moves in
and the rest is history
knew he was into men since he was very young
his family wasn't pleased to say the least. their only son, gay and a writer? the blasphemy.
didn't dare confess to any of his childhood crushes because he grew up in a pretty old fashioned area
instead wrote letters and stuffed them into used cans and threw them into the sea
lived in zuzu city for a short while before moving to stardew valley, had a relatively unhealthy lifestyle of drinking and hookups and no sleep. the cabin on the beach helped with his insomnia
very rarely attracted to women; usually into the type of women who mistake him for a lesbian
leans more towards men
vincent called him weird at first but wrapped his head around it pretty quick
jodi doesn't talk about it but she just wants him to be happy and not hide any part of himself
kent absolutely flips when sam brings the farmer, his boyfriend, over
they make it work. kent warms up to the farmer, and the strict military rules drilled into his head slowly come undone
he reluctantly tells sebastian he likes guys at the saloon one night while abigail isn't around. sebastian just says 'huh', and beats him at pool.
queer, on the aromantic spectrum
never really thought about romance. he has enough to deal with by himself, why should he want someone else?
has a little crush on sam when they're kids
only realises it was romantic when sam tells him that he likes guys. and sebastian realises oh, i can do that.
he doesn't really tell anyone but he blurts it out to his mother one afternoon
robin is supportive, and curious at first
demetrius... doesn't say much.
after kissing sam for a dare, he huddles inside a blanket with a red face for a whole day
he likes women, but likes the occasional buff man
he's vocal with his support of the community, and pins up a pride flag on the clinic's wall
he lost a trans girlfriend to suicide back in the city. it sticks with him, and he makes sure to respectfully inquire about all his patients' mental health and if they need anything
he likes the farmer for their cool, confident demeanor regardless of their gender.
never thought about his sexuality
kissed a few of his homies back in college before he dropped out
hasn't really "fallen" for anyone before the farmer
this girl is so, so bi
she definitely read manga on sites named stuff like yaoiparadiseheaven growing up
always shipped the protagonist and rival in pokemon games
has a few bi pride pins. pierre hates it and wants her to tone it down, but she refuses. loud and proud
caroline chides her, but is secretly proud of her and even buys her some sapphic movie dvds
it's complicated. she knows she has some sort of comphet, and she hates it
she wants to be out to the whole town just to prove a point, but she wants to present as straight at the same time just to feel more accepted
she flirts with guys and then feels like throwing up
she tries to flirt with girls and ends up insulting them
she and abigail have some sort of sapphic jealousy thing going on
when the farmer comes to town, abigail knows she's head-over-heels for the butch immediately despite her previous insistence that she only likes femme women
definitely a lesbian
chill about it. she doesn't tell anyone, but she doesn't hide it
she has a vase painted the lesbian colours
her ex from the city is non-binary
she doesn't expect to fall for the farmer at all, but ends up yearning for months
boldly sculpts a messy piece of two women kissing
she and male!farmer would talk about women together
her labels keep changing
she's into women, and into pretty guys.
she used to always keep an eye out for the woman who worked the jojamart counter
pam catches her reading a lesbian romance once, and penny fears the worst
instead, pam just nods and mentions she went out with some women herself and penny just stops in her tracks wide-eyed
when she first meets the farmer, she can't stop blushing around them
she never really fathomed being attracted to men in the first and doesn't get why demetrius is so against her having male friends
demetrius is obnoxiously supportive once he finds out. the farmer sighs every time they walk in on an overly large display of support
he celebrates her coming-out anniversary every year
lesbian in stem
she's also on the asexual spectrum. something like demisexual, maybe. she doesn't have it figured out yet
pansexual, and open about it
every time someone asks if she has a boyfriend, she corrects them to 'significant other'.
romance doesn't work like 'normal' to her
every friendship has a little romance, and every romance has a lot of friendship. isn't that the best way to live?
she's very affectionate. with friends, family, s/o's, anyone.
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sereh624 · 17 days
poly shaw pack hcs 🐺
i don’t know if these have been said, i kind of just ,, dump everything i think so if it’s been done take this as my agreeance!! i also don’t personally follow this headcanon but content is content sooo
ib : @polydamnory ( i love ur hcs sm !! ❤️❤️ )
sam took to making everyone lunches before they wake up to take to work, having little else to do with his time if everyone is sleeping and he’s not busy.
asher and angel both make a huge deal out of spiders. when nobody but them is home with a spider, there’ll be thirty minute screaming “you get it!” “no you get it!” matches until someone decides to just call david deal with it.
whenever there’s an important event, milo will “dress up” the worst-dressing members of the group, laying out suitable outfits on their bed. it’s a silent “you suck at clothes.”
darlin’ first opened up to angel about their past during a coffee shop date, where they both meet up when they’re on break during work.
in their pantry, there’s a shelf with designated areas for everyone’s personal snacks. they’re unlabelled, which asher uses to his full advantage whenever someone confronts him about him eating their snack.
there’s a schedule for who cooks dinner on what night (if they aren’t feeling it, they can ask someone else to cook or just get takeout). angel and asher are NOT on this schedule. crazy. on saturdays they all cook together (the competent ones).
angel, baabe, and sweetheart all decorated the house when everyone moved in together. there’s little trinkets and thingamabobs all over the house, and you can usually tell who put what where.
darlin’ and david spend a lot of nights on the porch, just talking to eachother about everything, making sure that there’s nothing left unsaid.
short!! whoops
@skunkox @definitelynuwonhere
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zer0expektation · 5 months
My take on Sastiel
part 1:
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part 2>
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barnesafterglow · 2 years
only the two of us
summary: stuck together, you and bucky find yourselves in an unfortunate position (or maybe not)
pairing: tfatws!bucky x fem!reader
word count: 2.5k
warnings: dubcon (very much consensual but it's sex pollen so yk just being safe), unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), fingering, pining bucky (just a little), one computer was harmed in the writing of this fic
a/n: here is my next prompt: sex pollen with tfatws!bucky. i really liked writing this one! i'm sorry i haven't posted hardly any prompts but i'm trying not to pressure myself. please reblog and comment so i know you liked it!
you can join my kinktober taglist or follow @theafterglowlibrary to get updated when i post 🤍
kinktober masterlist ─ main masterlist
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The sound of your fist hitting against metal echoed through the empty room. It would be your luck that you’d get stuck in a metal bunker the same night you had your first date in months.
“I know you’re feisty, but I don’t think even you could break down that door.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Barnes.” You spun to face him, your back pressed against the cool door. “We wouldn’t even be in this mess if it weren’t for you.”
He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, casually leaning against the metal shelf on the other side of the room. You looked away from his stare - god that man could stare - and took in your surroundings.
It was a fairly small room, two shelves lined without unlabeled chemicals across from the door, a desk with a computer older than you and then some, and what looked like a lab table - cool black countertop littered with beakers and metal instruments. 
“If saving your ass counts as my fault then sure, I’ll take the blame.” You could hear the sarcasm dripping from his voice, which only irritated your situation.
“I didn’t need help,” you said, voice raising a few octaves, as you threw your hands in the air in frustration. “I was totally fine.”
“Maybe you didn’t need help, but it wouldn’t kill you to take it every once in a while.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes. He was in the same position as he was before, looking entirely unbothered despite his tone matching your own annoyance. You knew he was right, not that you would ever tell him.
Two enemy agents had you backed towards the room you were currently in, though you could tell they were not in fighting shape. You had one down when Bucky rounded the corner, taking your attention away just enough for the agent to swing his knife at you, slicing through the thick material of your Kevlar suit. He went in again, this time aiming for your jugular, and Bucky pushed you out of the way, getting off a shot as the two of you careened into the room, the metal door closing shut.
The same door you now pushed off of, pacing back and forth in front of the door, trying to strategize your next move. The comms were out, so you had to hope that Sam would notice when the two of you missed your checkpoint. But your checkpoint wasn’t for another hour, and then he would have to send a team, and then they would have to figure out where you were and how to get you out. You guessed it would be at least three or four hours before you were free from this tiny box.
“I want to get out too, but you don’t have to pace like that. We’ll just wait for Sam. It’s not like we have anywhere else to be.”
“I do,” you replied. “I was going to- I had plans tonight.”
“What kind of plans?” You threw your hands up in the air at his question.
“Plans that are none of your goddamn business, Barnes!” He blinked, not fazed but shocked nonetheless. He held his hands up in surrender.
Of course he would be able to make you feel bad for snapping him without saying a single word. The effect he had on you was not one you had ever examined closely, nor would you want to.
“I just,” you took a deep breath, deciding if you really wanted to share something so personal with him, of all people. “I was supposed to have a date tonight and… it’s been a while.”
You wrung your hands together, waiting for the pieces to click into place for him. It only took a moment - damn him and his incredible brain - before he nodded knowingly. Then a lazy grin spread across his face and you immediately regretted ever opening your mouth.
“I’m sorry you’re gonna miss your date. Try Tinder when we get back, I’ve heard it’s great for fulfilling your needs.”
It took all your willpower not to throw your boot at him, but you managed to keep from doing any bodily harm - for now. Instead, you turned away from his amused stare and began making a slow circle around the room, you trailed your fingers along the way, searching for any kind of groove or crevice that could be hiding your escape. When you reached the shelves - where Bucky still stood - you avoided eye contact, instead examining the shelf for anything out of place. If you were being honest, everything was out of place, but for the sake of being optimistic, you carefully examined the glass vials and beakers.
Bucky, who had been following your movements, zeroed in on the gash on your arm. It wasn’t deep, and the blood had dried, so you weren’t concerned. But apparently had turned into a field medic or a mother hen, and gripped your arm to look at it.
“Just let me -” “Quit that -” The two of you spoke at the same time, and you pulled your arm away from him.
Not realizing just how close you were to the shelf, your elbow knocked against it, shaking the rack just enough for a vial that was too close to the edge to fall towards you. Even with his supersoldier instincts, Bucky couldn’t stop it.
You tried to grab it, and the thin glass shattered in your hand. Tiny cuts bloomed across your palm, and whatever the hell liquid was inside seeped into your wounds. You tried in vain to wipe the liquid off on your pants, but you knew it was useless. The mystery chemical took effect almost immediately, heat spreading through your chest and face.
White hot pain flashed through your entire body, bringing you to your knees. Bucky shouted your name, picking you up and setting you in the old desk chair. He had to keep his hands on your shoulders to keep you upright, the pain still coming in harsh waves.
“What was that?” Each word was broken by a heave; even talking was a painful task. You looked at Bucky and for the first time, you let yourself truly take in just how beautiful he was. You had always known - anyone with eyes knew that - but the thought of even acknowledging the feelings that bloomed in your stomach every time he looked at you was terrifying.
Your relationship with Bucky was tumultuous - sometimes coexisting in sync, as if you had been friends for years. Other times, you got under each others’ skin so bad that Sam would have to scold you like children. It was an odd dynamic, and you could never decipher his feelings towards you.
Now, though, none of that anxiety stirred within you. Instead, you could feel the imprint of pure fire where he touched you, and he was closer than he had ever been before.
You took in the small details of his face, the ones you would never see unless you were so intimately close like you were now. The dip in his chin, the small scatter of freckles across his nose, the flecks of darker blue in his icy eyes. The heat in you increased tenfold, this time spreading through your core, and when Bucky moved one to lift your chin towards him, a small whimper left your lips.
His brow furrowed, then he frowned - his thoughts obviously circling rapidly - before his eyes finally widened in understanding.
“Buck, do you know what it is?” Your voice came out small, trying to dampen down the arousal that pressed between your thighs.
“Yeah it’s -” He looked down, biting his lower lip. Whatever it was, it was clearly hard for him to explain it. “I’ve only ever seen it once, with HYDRA. I don’t even remember what they called it, but basically it creates an intense sexual desire. They used it to torture traitors of the institute. The gist is, you have to have intercourse or it will burn you from the inside out. Fry your brain.”
“Oh.” It made sense now, why your body felt like it was on fire, why Bucky’s touch unleashed rampant feelings.
His eyes fell to your thighs, where they were squeezed together, trying to stamp down the waves of arousal. You knew he had hypersensitive senses, but you prayed to the gods that he couldn’t smell how wet you already were from his slight touch. You knew your hopes were in vain when he met your eyes again, his own so dark and intense that you had to look away before you did something stupid.
Then another spike of pain struck your abdomen and you doubled over in pain, burying your face in Bucky’s neck as he steadied you.
“Please.” Your voice was a whisper, a whimper, a plea. “Help me.”
“I can’t -”
“You can. You always lecture me about how I never ask for help. Well I’m asking for it now.”
More pain rolled through you, and you pushed closer to him.
“I didn’t want it to be like this.”
You didn’t have time to question his words before he was cradling the sides of your face and drawing you to him for a kiss. You could tell he was trying to keep it chaste, free of passion, but that wasn’t what you wanted. Needed.
You grabbed his hands, moving them down your body until they rested on your chest. He pulled away, looking into your eyes, and your small nod of consent snapped something within him.
He pulled you up from the chair, lips finding yours again, and pushed you onto the desk. Except there was something blocking his movements - the old computer - and he gave no thought as he pushed it out of the way. As it crashed to the floor, he settled you farther back on the desk, stepping between your legs.
Your moans echoes through the small room as he undid the buckles and zips of your tact suit. When he finally managed to slip the top from your body, his mouth immediately trailed downwards, nipping at your jaw, snapping open your bra as if it were second nature. Once you were bare to him, he took one of your nipples in his mouth, his left hand circling your other, and the cool sensation of the metal nearly took your breath away.
He looked up at the sound of your gasp, a look of concern that melted away as he took in your debauched state. You gripped the short strands of his hair, pulling his mouth back to yours. As you worked off his own tact suit, he pulled back for only a moment to slip off your boots and his own, then easily slipped your pants from your body as his mouth attacked yours again.
In a matter of minutes, you were both bare to each other and you had never wanted anyone more than you did him in that moment. Maybe it was the drugs coursing through your veins, maybe it was the feelings that had been hidden and buried since the moment you met him. All you knew was that you were going to die if you didn’t have his body pressed to yours.
“Buck,” you said, reaching your hand out for him. “C’mere”
He was more than happy to oblige you, gripping your hand and marrying his lips to yours again. The kiss was short, too short, and you whined as he pulled away until his knees hit the concrete floor, spreading your legs even wider.
You gasped when his tongue circled your clit, and you clenched around nothing when he groaned at the taste of you. Feeling your distress, his eyes bore into yours as he easily slid two fingers into you.
“Bucky please.”
“Gotta make you feel good, baby.” You could swear your intermingled moans rattle the metal surrounding you as he buried his face between your legs.
Your body still felt as if you were burning alive, even as you came around his fingers, drenching his face. It wasn’t enough. Nothing would be enough until he was buried deep inside you.
And he knew that, because he stood - grabbing your hair and tilting your head back so he could kiss you again. You pulled away just enough to speak, opening your mouth to beg again - you would get on your knees and beg if you had to - but he bit your lip, effectively shutting you up.
“I know,” he soothed. “I know what you need, honey.”
You cried out as he slid into you, the stretch present even with his preparation - even though your body was more than ready to take him in. He pushed and pushed, and you thought he may never bottom out, but then his pelvis was pressed against yours and you threw your head back in pleasure.
“Look at me,” he whispered, gripping your hair again and pressing your foreheads together. The look in his eyes only heightened your pleasure. “Wanted this for so long.”
You were hearing things. This drug was making you crazy. Even though you could feel the heat dissipating with every thrust, you were sure your brain was already fried, because you could never have imagined hearing those words from Bucky.
But even as your mind cycled through surprise and denial and confusion, you knew that you felt exactly the same, even if you had never let yourself admit it.
Your foreheads were still pressed together, breaths heavy against the other’s mouth, when he finally spilled inside you, and the feel of that alone pushed you over your own edge.
He fell forward, still inside you, and began scattering small kisses along your shoulder. You shivered at the gentle touch juxtaposed with the arousal still lingering, and you felt everything crash around you.
“Bucky, I’m so sorry.” The panic was evident in your voice now that the drug had fully left your system. And even though your revelation still rang true, you felt a pit in your stomach at the thought of you forcing yourself on him. It was like he could see the thoughts racing through your head, because he gently pressed the pad of his thumb against your lips.
“Don’t apologize. You’re okay. I’m okay.” From the pile of clothes on the floor, there was a crackle of static before Sam’s voice rang through. 
“Guys? I got Parker to fuck around with your comms when I saw you went offline. Are you okay?”
“We’ll talk about this later,” he said before pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
He searched through his suit until he found the small device, and described your location to Sam as best he could. 
As he talked, his eyes found yours, and a small smile tugged at his lips. You could feel a blush creeping across your face, but you still smiled back at him anyways.
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kinktober taglist *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@treatbuckywkisses @sgt-barnesveins @bucky-barmes @opheliastark @sweetascanbee @writing-for-marvel @sophiejay @christywantspizza @hi-sarahh @highlyintelligentblonde 
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rincewinds-hat · 4 months
Happy Pride month to:
-vetvimes shipers
-pterry fans
-ineffable husbands and their supporters
-jedtavius shipers
-destiel fans
-sabriel (or gabriel in general) fans
-sam girlies (gender neutral) (yes, you're all gay)
-supernatural fans (is there a single straight person here?)
-the entire mcyt fandom
-those who celebrate
-those who can't celebrate for whatever reason
-the allys
-the lgbtqia+ people
-those labeled and unlabeled
-veteran gays and baby gays
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sundewhasaudhd · 3 months
I'd love to hear your dsmp headcanons when you have the time!
I have multiple notes on my Notes app for this moment
TW: mentions of suicide, mentions of starving oneself, mentions of self harm
Tommy: aroace, he/him, 17, 6’1”, AuDHD, anxiety, depression, PTSD, prosthetic leg. No voice claim yet. Very skinny and scrawny, like he would struggle to lift a gallon of milk. But also insanely fast. Demi god (through Kristen).
Tubbo: queer, trans ftm, he/bee, 18, 5’7”, AuDHD, dyslexia, PTSD, half blind. Voice claim: David from Hilda. Pretty buff, I’ve also been seeing I good amount of chubby c!Tubbo designs, so I might do that as well. Goat hybrid.
Ranboo: pan, enby, they/them+neos, 18, 8’5”, AuDHD, anxiety, depression, body dysphoria. Voice claim: Freckle from Lackadaisy. The most twink to ever twink, y’know, on account of being half enderman. Half enderman, half love god.
Wilbur: bi, he/him, 23, 6’6”, AuDHD, anxiety, depression, PTSD. Voice claim: Red Guy from DHMIS. Another twink. Doesn’t help that he barely eats most days (most of the time it’s just because of the ADHD, but he has tried to starve himself as an [unsuccessful] suicide attempt). Demi god (through Kristen).
Techno: aroace, he/him, 23, 6’3”, AuDHD, social anxiety, depression. Voice claim: Sun Wukong from LMK. Buff. That’s all I have to say. Piglin.
Phil: bi, polyamorous, he/him, immortal, 5’11”, damaged wings. Voice claim: Bandit from Bluey. Again, same as c!Techno. Buff. Human that was gifted immortality, pointy ears, crow wings, and stick antler thingys.
Jack: bi-curious, probably not cis, he/him, 19, 5’9”, AuDHD, probably physically disabled as well, I need to think about my c!Jack design some more. Voice claim: Gyro from DuckTales 2016. Cyborg.
Niki: bi, demigirl, she/they, 29, 5’6”, AuDHD, anxiety. Voice claim: Bubblegum from Adventure Time. Fat and buff. Half demon, half human.
Fundy: gay, trans ftm, he/him, 16, 6’3”, AuDHD, anxiety, dyslexia. Voice claim: Steven from Steven Universe Future. Half fox hybrid, half siren.
Eret: bi, polyamorous, genderfluid, any pronouns, immortal, 6’3”, AuDHD, dyslexia dyspraxia, depression. Voice claim: Aaravos from Dragon Prince. Pretty curvy. Semi god (child of a demi god, that demi god being Herobrine).
Foolish: pan, agender, he/they+neos, immortal, 7’8”. Voice claim: Raine from The Owl House. Buff. Demi god.
Charlie: aroace, agender, he/it, immortal, 5’9” AuDHD. No voice claim yet. CHONKY :D. Plus sized c!Charlie my beloved. Walking piece of goo Normal human.
Quackity: gay, ambiamorous, trans ftm, he/him, 21, 5’8”, depression, PTSD, half blind. Voice claim: Whizzer from Falsettos 2016. Duck hybrid.
Purpled: ace, polysexual, enby, they/he/star, 18, 5’8”. Voice claim: Louie from DuckTales 2016. Alien.
Punz: bi, agender, he/they, 25, 6’0”, ADHD. Voice claim: Zane from Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. Gold hybrid.
Ponk: gay, transfem, genderfluid, any pronouns, she/he preference, 34, 5’7”, ADHD, prosthetic arm. Voice claim: Mikey from ROTTMNT. Half lemon fairy, half human.
Sam: omni, male preference, bigender, he/they, 35, 7’4”. Voice claim: Raph from ROTTMNT. Creeper hybrid.
Dream: unlabeled, he/they+neos, 23, 6’2”, ADHD. Voice claim: Macaque from LMK. “Powerless” god.
George: gay, transmasc, any pronouns, they/he preference, 24, 5’8”, autism. Voice claim: Philip from The Owl House. Half mushroom fairy, half human.
Sapnap: pan, ambiamorous, he/him, 21, 5’10”. Voice claim: Finn from Adventure Time. Pretty buff. Half demon, half human.
Karl: ace, polysexual, ambiamorous, he/swirl/pop, 21, 5’11”, AuDHD. Voice claim: Bow from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power reboot. Time noodle (idk wtf to call it).
Bad: bi, demisexual and romantic, he/they/it, 36, 9’6”. Voice claim: Moxxie from Helluva Boss. Demon.
Skeppy: gay, transmasc, demiboy, he/it, 34, 5’7”. Voice claim: Percy from Lightning Thief the Musical. Diamond hybrid.
Puffy: bi, transfem, any pronouns, she/her preference, 31, 6’9”, OCD, prosthetic leg. Voice claim: Annapantsu. Goat hybrid.
Hannah: lesbian, trans mtf, she/her, 22, 5’4”, damaged wings. Voice claim: Katara from ATLA. Rose fairy.
Aimsey: lesbian, enby, any pronouns, 20, 4’11”, AuDHD, uses a walking stick. Voice claim: Hilda from Hilda. Bunny hybrid.
Boomer: bi, trigender, he/they/she, 23, 5’9”, ADHD. Voice claim: Ed from The Owl House. Frog hybrid.
Connor: ace, gay, he/zap/blast, 22, 5’7”, autism. Voice claim: Sea Hawk from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power reboot. Time noodle (still don’t know what to call it).
Schlatt: gay, he/him, 36, 6’3”. Voice claim: Haymitch from The Hunger Games. Goat hybrid.
Michaelmcchill: bi, he/him, 33, 6’2”, autism. Voice claim: Jake from Adventure Time. Panther hybrid.
Eryn: bi, demiboy, he/they/sharp/it, 16, 5’10”, ADHD. Voice claim: Leo from ROTTMNT. Half demon, half human.
CPK: pan, genderfluid, he/they/she/it/swish, immortal, 6’4”. Voice claim: Terry from Dragon Prince. Kitsune.
Callahan: gay, he/him, immortal, 5’7”, mute. Voice claim: no one. He’s mute. Demi god.
Alyssa: lesbian, she/it, 24, 5’5”. Voice claim: Sasha from Amphibia. Some sort of hybrid, I haven’t decided yet.
Tina: bi, trans mtf, she/her, 23, 5’3”. Voice claim: Candy from Gravity Falls. Half demon, half human.
Antfrost: gay, he/him, 29, 5’7”. Voice claim: Adrien from Miraculous Ladybug. Cat hybrid.
Hbomb: gay, he/she, 17, 5’8”. Voice claim: Launchpad from DuckTales 2016. Cat hybrid.
Vikk: bi, he/him, 38, 5’8”. Voice claim: Mr. Boonchuy from Amphibia. Parrot hybrid.
Lazar: probably queer in some way, he/him, 63, 5’10”. Voice claim: Fergus McDuck from DuckTales 2016. Gingerbread man.
Miscellaneous headcanons:
Cuddling with Quackity helps Wilbur sleep.
Whenever Tommy or Wilbur think about death, they play with the white streak in their hair 
When Dream was little, he used to draw his smile (TM) on stuff to “claim it”. Like, toys and shit like that.
The Syndicate gave each other hair styling tips.
The reason Quackity always wears a beanie is to cover his ears. For trauma reasons.
Tommy’s cardigan is made of Friend’s wool.
Sometimes Fundy, Foolish, and Sam spend the night at Las Nevadas, so they all have their own rooms there.
When Purpled winks, he winks both eyes on one side.
Karl has a bunch of those goofy ahh socks with like, fruit on them. You know want I’m talking about.
Dream’s birth name is Clay but he changed once more people started arriving in the SMP.
Techno plays violin and is teaching Ranboo.
Dream’s walking speed is the same as the speed walking of everyone else.
Bee duo wears their rings on their horns because Tubbo’s ring finger is busted and they wanted to match.
Fundy calls Eret dad, but not Wilbur. (Rip)
Ranboo’s a soprano.
Aimsey’s hair turns white in the winter.
Burger duo have to keep an eye on each other when they use knifes at the van. For… reasons.
Peer pressure duo practice controlled breathing together.
Techno’s bruh is a vocal stim.
Little Fundy used to jokingly bow at Eret.
Techno has reading glasses.
Techno’s hair gets really tangly if he doesn’t brush it after a day.
Callahan uses ASL to communicate and Alyssa’s his translator.
All of the fandom songs are written by the characters.
Ghostbur put stickers on his guitar.
Tubbo played softball/baseball growing up.
When Dream was in prison, he tallied the days he was there in the shape of a smile.
Wilbur sings and plays guitar to help Tommy fall asleep.
Charlie cries “human bits”.
Bad became really against swearing after he adopted Sapnap.
Wilbur taught Quackity how to play guitar.
Sam just saw George and Quackity all alone on the street and just adopted them.
Dream wears contacts.
Purpled’s UFO crashed on Earth when he was a little, so they don’t really remember anything about his home planet .
Tommy watches Bluey.
Tommy mainly listens to audiobooks.
Aimsey draws on their arm.
Kristen gave Phil immortality so they could always be together, but that caused him to only have one live.
Puffy and Schlatt are half siblings.
Quackity has a Medusa tattoo .
Before Quackity gave everyone in Las Nevadas rooms, Purpled slept in the van with Wilbur.
Boomer watches MHA.
Dream got a spider web tattoo on his elbow after prison break.
Hannah watches Miraculous.
Jack made Tommy and Wilbur matching chats.
It doesn’t matter how much sleep he actually got, Wilbur looks tired no matter what.
Fundy listens to the High School Musical soundtrack.
Karl was/is in the WoF and Warrior Cats fandoms.
Tommy sings Welcome Home and My L’Manburg to himself to help him fell asleep and/or destress.
Niki taught Tommy how to sew after Exile.
Every time Jack loses a life, he becomes more cyborg.
Phil started growing his hair out after Techno died.
Wilbur is that one annoying ass person that sings happy birthday well (everyone knows you’re not supposed to sing happy birthday well).
Wilbur masked for most of his time on the SMP (especially during the elections and Pogtopia) and only really unmasked after the people he was really close with.
Dream has retractable fingernail claws because of his limited shapeshifting abilities.
Sally and Milo are besties.
That’s it. I hope you like em :3
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diealittlesometime · 5 months
Touch of Ruin
──── 003. The Catalyst
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pairing ☆ natasha x reader, wanda x reader
chapter summary ☆ As you grow accustomed to the security and companionship Natasha provides, the arrival of Wanda introduces new complexities. Her enigmatic presence and intriguing powers draw your attention, stirring a mix of fascination and apprehension.
word count ☆ 1.5k
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Life at SHIELD had settled into a comfortable rhythm, marked by the security and companionship that Natasha provided. The days were long, filled with rigorous training sessions and debriefings, but the evenings were yours. They were spent either in the quiet of the library, poring over mission reports together, or in the more secluded corners of the SHIELD facility, where you two could share meals and stories away from prying eyes.
Your relationship with Natasha, though still unlabelled, had deepened into something both of you treasured. There was a mutual understanding that what you shared surpassed typical workplace camaraderie; it was intimate, built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect that few could claim to understand. The gentle touches, though always through the barrier of clothing or gloves, the shared glances across a crowded room, the soft laughter in the privacy of quiet corners—all these were manifestations of a bond that was uniquely yours.
One evening, after a particularly simulation exercise, you found yourselves in the small garden outside the base. The area was dimly lit, the stars overhead just bright enough to illuminate her features.
“You’re getting better at controlling your reactions under pressure,” Natasha commented, her voice soft, a slight smile playing on her lips as she watched a night-blooming flower gently sway in the breeze.
“It’s easier when I know you’re there,” you replied, allowing yourself a moment of honesty. “Knowing you have my back changes everything.”
Natasha looked at you, her eyes reflecting a warmth that made your heart flutter in response. “I’ll always have your back,” she affirmed, reaching out to squeeze your arm gently through the fabric of your jacket.
These moments, simple yet profound, had become the highlights of your days. They were reminders that amidst the chaos of life at SHIELD, you had found a sanctuary in each other.
However, the comforting routine you had both come to rely on was about to change. It happened after you returned from a solitary mission, one that had taken you away from the base for several weeks. You had been sent to intercept a potential threat in Eastern Europe, a mission that, while successful, left you feeling the acute absence of Natasha’s presence.
When you returned, you were greeted by the news of new additions to the Avengers' roster—Sam Wilson, Vision, and Wanda Maximoff. Natasha, who had just returned from a harrowing mission of her own in Sokovia, was part of the welcoming committee. You watched from a distance as she interacted with the newcomers, her demeanor professional but warm.
It was Wanda who caught your attention immediately. Natasha introduced her last, her tone taking on a softer edge. “And this is Wanda Maximoff. She’s had a rough time of it but she’s with us now. Her abilities are… unique, and quite potent.”
You observed Wanda, noting the hesitance in her posture, the way her eyes darted around, taking in her surroundings with a wariness that you recognized all too well. It was the look of someone burdened by powers that they hadn’t fully come to terms with, powers that had perhaps caused more harm than good.
Later, Natasha shared more about Wanda’s background with you, her voice low as you both sat in the quiet of your shared quarters. “Her powers, they’re not unlike yours in a way. Destructive, hard to control. She’s struggling with them.”
Something in Wanda’s story resonated with you deeply. The sense of kinship with someone else who understood the weight of having dangerous abilities was deep. It stirred a mix of fascination and apprehension within you.
In the days that followed, you found yourself watching Wanda from afar during training sessions. You observed her attempts to control her powers, the frustration and occasionally the despair that crept into her expression when things didn’t go as planned.
It was during one of these sessions that your paths finally crossed directly. Wanda caught you staring, her gaze locking with yours across the room. There was a flash of something unspoken, a recognition perhaps, that passed between you. She nodded slightly, a gesture of acknowledgment before turning back to her training.
Not long after, Wanda approached Natasha. Though you couldn't hear their conversation, it was clear from their gestures that they were talking about you. Later, Natasha relayed the conversation. "Wanda’s curious about you," she said, her voice neutral. "She feels a connection, I think. She’s asked if you might be willing to help train her, to share your approach to managing your powers."
The request was reasonable, yet it stirred a mix of emotions in you. Helping Wanda could be an opportunity to connect with someone who might truly understand your challenges. However, it also brought a slight twinge of apprehension about how this might affect your relationship with Natasha.
As you mulled over this, Natasha seemed to sense your hesitation. "It’s just training," she reassured you, though her voice lacked its usual conviction. "But it’s your call."
Deciding to help Wanda wasn't just a practical decision about training a fellow team member; it felt like extending a hand to someone who was traversing a path you knew all too well. You nodded slowly, making up your mind. "I'll do it," you said, meeting Natasha’s gaze. "Everyone deserves a chance to understand their power, not fear it."
Natasha’s expression softened, a mixture of relief and something else—perhaps a hint of concern—flitting across her features. "Thank you," she murmured. She knew better than most how much this decision cost you, the memories it dredged up.
This new dynamic began to alter the comfortable routine you had established with Natasha. You couldn’t help but feel drawn to Wanda, compelled by the shared understanding of your respective curses. However, this growing connection did not go unnoticed by Natasha, who watched with a complex look in her eyes that you couldn’t quite read.
You still shared meals and mission briefings, but the unspoken tensions, the silent acknowledgments of the shifting sands between you, began to accumulate. Natasha seemed more withdrawn, her smiles a little too timed, her glances a little too guarded.
One late evening, after a particularly intense training session with Wanda, you found Natasha waiting for you outside the training room. Her posture was casual, but her eyes betrayed a hint of something unresolved.
"You're doing good work with Wanda," she started, her voice even. "She’s improving remarkably."
"Thanks, Nat," you replied, sensing there was more she was holding back. "She’s strong, has a lot of potentials. Reminds me a bit of someone else I know." You tried to lighten the mood with a smile.
Natasha returned the smile, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. "I’ve noticed you two have been getting along. It’s good… good that she has someone like you to guide her."
Her words hung in the air, weighted with an unspoken emotion you couldn't quite decipher. It was clear that Natasha was trying to maintain her usual supportive demeanor, but something about her tone suggested she felt more conflicted than she let on.
You paused, searching her expression for clues to her thoughts. It was rare for Natasha to show vulnerability, and even now, she was guarded, her professional facade barely cracking. But you knew her well enough to recognize the slight tension in her posture, the way her eyes avoided yours for a fraction longer than usual.
"I want to make sure you’re okay with this," you said gently, addressing the elephant in the room. "With me training Wanda, I mean. I know things have been a bit different lately."
Natasha took a deep breath, her gaze meeting yours with a mixture of resilience and softness. "I am," she finally said. "I really am. It’s just been… a lot. With everything that’s happened—Sokovia, the new recruits—it feels like the ground is shifting under our feet. And maybe I’m just trying to find my footing again."
Her honesty broke through the last barriers of awkwardness between you. "I get that," you acknowledged, stepping a bit closer. "And I’m here, Nat. Whatever changes, that’s not going to."
She nodded, her usual composure regaining its foothold. "I know. And I’m grateful for that. It’s just not easy, seeing you connect with someone else over something that… that I can’t fully understand. But I know it’s important—for both of you."
You felt a pang of guilt for the inadvertent distance your new bond with Wanda might have created between you and Natasha. "Listen, nothing changes the fact that you’re the most important person to me here," you affirmed earnestly. "Helping Wanda doesn’t change what you mean to me."
Natasha smiled, this time a little more genuinely, though the complexity of her emotions still played at the edges of her expression. "I know," she said softly. "And I’m proud of what you’re doing for her. Just don’t forget, you have people who care about you too. Don’t lose yourself in someone else’s problems."
Her advice was heartfelt, stemming from her own experiences of getting too involved in the missions and the lives of others to the detriment of her personal wellbeing. "I won’t," you promised.
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sharks-are-queer · 2 months
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ID: a set of 24 images in 12 pairs, the left image of each pair has an image of the listed Stardew Valley characters over their corresponding flags, the right image of each pair is of the flags without the character over them END ID
Abigail from Stardew Valley is a Bisexual Ambiamorous Woman who uses She/Her pronouns
Alex is a Gay Man (in denial lol) who uses He/Him
Elliott is a Demisexual Trans man with an unlabeled romantic orientation who uses He/Him pronouns
Emily is a Queer Polyamorous person who uses She/They pronouns
Haley is a Lesbian who uses She/Her
Harvey uses He/Him and is questioning his sexuality
Leah is a Bisexual Butch Woman who uses she/her pronouns
Maru is a Lesbian Asexual Demigirl who uses They/Them pronouns
Penny is a panromantic woman who uses She/Her pronouns
Sam is a bisexual polyamorous genderqueer/genderfuck person who uses any pronouns
Sebastián is an Ambiamorous Omnisexual Greyromantic Man who uses He/Him
Shane is a Gay Man who uses He/Him pronouns
Requested by no one!! These are just my own hcs lol
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