#sam has various takes on 'creeper'
localsharkcryptid · 1 year
LARGEST of thank yous @waterloverextreme​ for asking to hear my thoughts. This is all about characters of course but I don’t feel like putting the C! before every name-
SO! *clapping hands together* Now a pretty lengthy explanation of Sam being classic dragon coded: First off there are two main portrayals of European style dragons: Benevolent & Malevolent, Sam in fact fits both.
Starting with the benevolent, ‘good’ aligned dragons are creatures who grant protection and often wisdom - Sam originally upon joining the server often went somewhat out of his way to help people, namely Tommy much to Tommy’s dislike, and it is noted that his immense building and redstone knowledge in general made him the kind of guy people would get to help them. Sam also keeps his offer to Tommy to protect or help him if he ever needs it throughout the server events, making Sam Nook and all that.
Though this changes, drastically, with the construction of the prison and Sam’s role as the warden - turning from the benevolent to malevolent interpretation. This take on dragons is the og classic fantasy style portrayal, a giant beast of fire and wrath known for their cavernous lairs, obsessive nature towards their hoards and their lethal ire. This is the warden. The warden is the dragon that guards the vault, a prison of blackstone and lava, traps and tricks, rare valuables built into it’s very foundation with netherite blocks. Sam as the warden is more serious, the kind nature gone almost entirely shoved away by sense of duty to protect- for the greater good, he knows everyone that enters, everyone that leaves, and if anything is ever amiss or stolen from his lair. His anger flares more so as the warden, he leaves nothing to chance and threats are to be dealt with. violently. While yes there are other guards of the vault but the warden never truly leaves, after all a dragon never leaves what it guards for long. Adorned in neigh impenetrable armor and armed with lethal weapons, his appearance does only aid the comparison considering dragon scales are said to be stronger than any metal and their teeth and claws sharper and more lethal than any weapon of man. Oh yeah and the whole hostage situation thing with Ranboo and Michael, kidnaping is another signature. Also it’s not uncommon in folktales for dragons to have been employed or utilized to guard something and ultimately being slain for it, which works with cannon and a personal idea of mine but I will save my tie in rant for a technical au scene/dragon slayer Punz for another day.
With how I see it, he is a benevolent dragon turned malevolent through drastic measures and his own need to protect- no matter the cost. The vault brings out a side of him that is far more brutal and cold- reptilian even- than his true nature.
Along with this, his technical immortality falls in line as well, while Sam’s is through body swapping it is still immortality- much like how most dragons are portrayed as almost ageless beasts that only become more powerful as they live. Considering my headcanons Sam follows that as well- every body being a better improvement from the last. Golden armor being apart of his base design usually, gold being eternally connected to dragons.
Both his deaths as well fall in line with methods from dragon slaying legends - struck through the eye [one of the few universal weakpoints on a dragon] and generally collapsing to numerous wounds after, left to die if you will.
Now falling into personal headcanon territory: Within my own take on them Creepers are an apex predator species that has in the modern era split off into numerous sub-species to adapt to the various biomes BUT they do have a common ancestor within the histories. Referred to as The Draken Spawn this ancient ‘origin’ beast was said to be a creature of fire and destruction, a spawn of dragons left to the world since it could not fly. With my personal design for Sam, his current body for the events of the dsmp is a genetically modified “hybrid” of numerous creeper variants: a botched Draken Spawn effectively. That’s more just design symbolism though.
There’s probably more notes I can’t remember at the moment but yeah, the creeper man is dragon coded and I swear one day I’m gonna make a cool comic thing with this concept.
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avephelis · 2 years
dsmp fighting game where the alt costumes are references to popular design trends and aus
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asfdhgsdkjhgb · 3 years
red banquet headcanons (about what happened at the event itself) bc the actual banquet was very short but i have lots of fun little ideas (all /rp!)
all of the guests met up above the banquet before it happened to help each other with last minute hair/makeup/wardrobe fixes and to share their concerns with one another
george wore a suit jacket over a supreme tshirt and jeans
sam canonically has a dumptruck ass
they all mingled in the banquet hall for a while before the eggpire did the little clinking-silverware-against-a-glass-to-get-attention to call everyone onto the dance floor
bad started the dance, choosing puffy as his partner, as an attempted display of peace between their sides
foolish taught eret how to ballroom dance
ponk and sam danced with various other people, but were staring daggers across the floor at each other the whole time
once the dance was done they played duck-duck-goose
puffy didnt remember when a creeper accidentally revealed the egg can protect itself because she was so sleep deprived at the time
the reason ponk was mocking the fact that eret was mad at the betrayal is because hes been on the server long enough to remember erets betrayal of lmanburg first hand
when foolish died, there was a big flash of white and green light, like when a totem of undying is used
quackity gave puffy the axe and the gapple because he knew it was likely they would try to kill her first
techno showed up in a suit. why? because i said so. and also because hes extra like that
niki knew that techno was going to show up because he had told the syndicate. she didn’t, however, know about quackity
based on what quackity said, purpled is up there with technoblade as one of the best fighters on the server?
techno was able to save two wounded dogs from the banquet hall which he tried to heal, but one of them didnt make it
tommy and tubbo werent there because they were in snowchester taking care of michael and foolish jr and making smores
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cdroloisms · 3 years
i love all your super angsty stuff, but sometimes i want to see dream go apesht and be powerful and confident and frightening again, y'know? maybe a little unhinged still but making everyone realize that THEY made this monster by putting him in the vault O_O
OH YEAH ,, unhinged c!dream my beloved (/lh) 
c!dream when he’s a hot mess, ever so slightly (or not slightly) off the rails is SO much fun to write and read ,, he’s so messed up to himself and others and makes me go like >:D the entire time 
im not sure if this is what you wanted, exactly, but boy was it fun to write. c!sam,, is not having a good day lmao 
tw: blood, violence, implied torture, offscreen murder, death threats, mental instability, emotional distress, dark content, prison arc/pandora’s vault, c!sam critical (not really? But I digress)
Ranboo is in the wrong place in the wrong time.
He thinks, halfheartedly, that that could be the name of his autobiography. What To Do If The Universe Hates You, an Advice Book By Ranboo T. Beloved doesn’t sound too shabby, all things considered - it’s applicable, at the very least. It’d been true with George’s house, true for the Butcher Army, true when he’d been the one that Techno found in search for his armor back, true now, with sirens blaring from the prison that he’s coincidentally probably the closest to out of everyone on the server. Part of him wants to just ditch the place for Snowchester, as he was originally planning to do; unfortunately, caring about pretty much everyone means caring about what’s going on with their greatest enemy, especially now that Wilbur’s been revived.
Ranboo hurries towards the prison, dunking water by his feet to activate his trident. It only takes him a few Riptides (what can he say - he did say he was close to the prison) for the beach in front of the giant, dark-walled structure to come into sight, two figures stood in front of the smaller box containing the Nether Portal. One of them, standing tall and wearing glinting purple netherite, is clearly, unmistakably Sam, which means he other stranger- well, not stranger, exactly, must be Dream.
Ranboo skids to a stop on the hillside, not wanting to jump into the fray until he knows exactly what’s happening; Techno’s voice rings in his head (the element of surprise is one of your greatest weapons in battle) then Phil’s (what he means is don’t be an idiot, mate) and he settles, silent, to observe with an enderpearl readied in his hand.
It’s no wonder he didn’t recognize Dream, at first - he looks nothing like the man that Ranboo remembers, almost doesn’t look like a person at all. His hair is long and tangled, hanging in clumps around his face. Even from the distance, he looks like a wreck, all sharp edges and skinny, shaking limbs, a heavy netherite axe hefted in one hand. Ranboo shudders at the sight of the blood already on the blade, at the various injuries painting the orange of his prison uniform more red than orange, and looks to make sure his sword is close at hand.
“Prisoner,” Sam’s voice is gravelly, tight with stress. He sounds the same way he did that one time he confronted Ranboo about the prison books he didn’t remember signing, the pages filled with strange runes that he somehow could understand- “Stand down.”
“Sam-” Dream laughs, high-pitched and grating, and Ranboo’s tail lashes anxiously. Dream’s hand raises to his face, his shoulders shaking as the other hand tightens over the handle of his axe, “Awesam. Sammy- I told you, didn’t I? I fucking told you what would happen.”
“Unless you want to end up like Quackity, I suggest you stop talking, Warden.”
It’s quite a sight to see someone in fully armored netherite cower from someone completely unarmored, looking more dead than alive, but well - it is Dream, and Ranboo finds himself cringing back at the words even though he’s not even in the area. He steals a look at his communicator; the rest of the server has noticed the sirens, it seems, but nobody seems to understand what exactly is going on, much less be ready for a potential fight, and a nervous shiver runs down his spine.
“Sammy,” Dream stalks forward, his axe braced in front of him, “Look at you. You’re so goddamn pathetic-” He spits the words like venom, back hunched, center of gravity pulled close to the ground - he looks more mob than human, watches Sam with the same wild-eyed desperation that Ranboo’s seen in a starving wolf chasing down prey, “Such a fucking coward that you couldn’t do shit yourself. Well- good for Quackity, isn’t it? It sure ended up well for him.”
Ranboo shivers, looking at the blood staining the netherite blade with ice rising in his chest. No- he didn’t-
“You know how good it felt to plunge this axe into his neck?” Dream laughs, the sound raspy and unsettling, making Ranboo shrink back in his hiding spot, “You know how many times he threatened to do the same to me? You know how many times he’s used this exact fucking axe to cave my ribs in?” He hurls the blade down and Ranboo reaches out with a wordless shout, watching as the axe strikes the earth in a spray of sand, “HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES, SAM?”
“Don’t- You don’t get to call me that,” Dream pulls the axe back, looks up with another round of breathless laughter. “You- don’t you fucking dare.”
Sam draws back- Ranboo can’t place the expression that flashes over his face, something a little like fear, something a little like guilt. He doesn’t seem to try and say anything, a sword appearing in his hand.
“So you want to try this too,” Dream’s voice pitches low, becoming something hysterical, almost amused, “Sure! We’ll play. Try to last a little longer than Quackity, will you?”
He flashes forward, much much faster than he should with the amount of injuries that claw over his arms and legs, brings the axe down in a heavy clang that is only barely met by Sam’s sword. Ranboo looks left and right, tries to find others coming to the Warden’s aid, finds none. Dream’s pace is ruthless, bringing down the axe again and again, hardly reacting when Sam catches him by the arm on his blade. Sam hisses in alarm as the axe handle is swung into the inside of his arm, loses his grip on the sword as the back end of the axe catches it at the base. Dream heaves in shuddering breaths, axe clanging against Sam’s armor and sending the creeper hybrid toppling to the ground with a sharp exhale of breath, presses the bloody blade beneath his chin.
“You know-” He smiles, pressing the axe forward further, making Sam lift his head as he falls back against the sand, “You were kind of useful, you know? You and Quackity, I mean.” Dream hisses angrily, words pitching lower, “Do you know what’s the easiest way to make someone hurt? Do you know where to hit someone for it to cause the most pain? Do you know how it feels to break every bone in your fucking body? Quackity said he’d make every fucking day of my life a living hell.” He raises his axe, foot ground down on Sam’s arm, “How about I return the favor?”
Ranboo throws his enderpearl.
He raises his sword, braces against the vibrations running up his arms as the axe crashes down on it with a grimace as he readies himself to fight. Dream draws back for a second- “‘Boo?’
“Ranboo, run,” Sam shouts behind him, pulling his arm to his chest as he moves to stand, “Get out of here-”
“No, no, I think he can stay,” Dream’s eyes flash, harden. “Figures that he’d play the traitor once again, doesn’t it Ranboo?”
“I was never your ally-”
“You and the rest of this damned server, ‘Boo,” He laughs dangerously, draws back as Sam gets to his feet. Ranboo watches as he kicks up Sam’s sword, catching it in his left hand. “Oh well. As much as I would’ve liked to take another life-”
A flash of blue-green, and there’s someone else standing there, a crossbow loosely held in one hand, smiling lazily through his hair.
“-it looks like my ride out is here.”
“You’ve made quite  the mess,” Wilbur drawls, rolling his eyes at the man beside him, “I have to say- I’m a little impressed.”
“Wil,” Dream breathes, shoulders visibly falling, looking at the other man with a sort of soft-edged reverence that makes Ranboo shift uncomfortably at the sight. It feels off, wrong, to see him go from a raging, frothing thing to someone docile, expression filled with a mockery of adoration.
“We’ll be off then, gentlemen,” Wilbur salutes with one hand, lips quirking up. “No hard feelings, Ranboo, Sam,” he nods at each of them with their names and tosses an enderpearl into the horizon, Dream doing so at the same time, “We’ll see you around.”
Ranboo watches, lungs heaving, as they disappear.
“...you know, Sam, I think we might be in a little bit of trouble.”
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Dream SMP Recap (April 8/2021) - Pranks
Ponk moves into Niki’s underground city and Fundy’s attempt to prank Ranboo goes awry. 
Captain Puffy
- Ponk meets with Niki at the Community House. He tells her that he’s lost everything recently, and wants to know if he can stay in her city.
- He shows her his lost arm, telling her that Sam used a blunt pair of shears on him.
- Niki says that he’s welcome in her city.
- As they go to the Nether Portal, a creeper shows up and Ponk is frightened by it.
Ponk: “It’s green so it’s evil, just like Sam! Yeah, he’s evil, Niki! Say he’s evil!”
Niki: “He is scary, he definitely is scary.”
Ponk: “Yeah, we’re gonna chop off his arm, aren’t we? And you’re gonna do it, Niki! You’re gonna do it!”
Niki: “Wait -- Ehhhhh we can talk about...that, but for now--”
- They travel through the Nether to the city. Niki lets him know that they aren’t sure what’s going on with Kinoko, as they are right above the city.
- Niki shows Ponk the rooms and gives him one to live in. She shows him around the city and the available supplies.
- Ponk says goodbye and Niki leaves him to move in. 
- Fundy logs in inside the diorite box from his mysterious bit with Badboyhalo from the day before. He doesn’t remember how he got there.
- He speaks with Niki. After messing with the Among Us statue at the Community House, they go to her underground city.
- Fundy tells Niki about his plan to turn Ranboo’s house into an aquarium. He thinks Ranboo is hydrophobic and dislikes water, and thinks showing Ranboo an aquarium would be good. But since there are no aquariums on the server, they could bring the aquarium to him. 
It will be fun! And only possibly a little deadly.
- Niki shows him her supplies to take.
- Fundy leaves and returns to his house. He makes sure to leave the doors open.
- He notices that his bed is missing and is confused. Who would steal a bed?
- Fundy replaces his three-wide bed. He doesn’t want to stay in this house too long.
- Fundy tells chat that ever since he upgraded his bed, he’s been having the weirdest dreams
- He talks about how, sometimes, when you have dreams, things happen, then you don’t remember them, but then two weeks later, stuff in the dream happens and you get deja vu. 
- He goes to Ranboo’s house to prank it. When he enters Phil’s house, he gets confused by chat spamming “S O N” when he sees the Wilbur picture.
- Chat switches to spamming “D A D” instead.
- Fundy sees Ranboo at his house, which gets in the way of his plans. He goes to hide while Ranboo hangs out in his home.
- He sneaks around, stashing his items and trying to remain unnoticed.
- He hides in Ranboo’s stable and breaks glass to make a noise. Ranboo looks, but doesn’t find him.
- Fundy sneaks back out and strategizes. He gets the idea to get Foolish to get Ranboo out of the area to give Fundy enough time to work.
- Fundy contacts Foolish and explains his plan to get Ranboo over his fear of water by showing Ranboo the beauty of the ocean. But since Ranboo is at his base, he wants Foolish to get Ranboo away.
- Foolish messages Ranboo, telling him to come to the mansion to talk plans over. Ranboo, instead of leaving, insists on talking through VC instead.
- Fundy hides. While Ranboo and Foolish discuss, he sneaks back to Ranboo’s house.
- He messages Foolish to tell Ranboo that he couldn’t find Michael. Foolish doesn’t in case Ranboo tells him to look.
- Ranboo then says that he has to leave and logs out.
- Fundy and Foolish chat. Fundy walks into Ranboo’s house briefly but doesn’t notice the signs there before exiting. Foolish says goodbye and leaves.
- Fundy goes back to read the signs and enters the house again.
“you thought I wouldn’t see?”
“I see a lot of things.”
- Ranboo logs on in front of him and the screen goes black.
Fundy: “...I see...holy shit....So he does see everything. Well...if I log on, I’m dead.”
- He then says that his Minecraft crashed. He ends stream, telling chat to be scared of Ranboo. 
- Ranboo creates a banner design for his new Endershield
- Ranboo then goes exploring for totems again
- Puffy auctions off various items and things around the server
Upcoming events remain the same.
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stellocchia · 4 years
Here’s an analysis of the “Tommy’s Plan To Kill Dream” stream (part 2)
Continuation of this here (though it really isn’t needed to read that one to read this as I will be recapping a bit as I go): https://stellocchia.tumblr.com/post/645995202162671616/heres-an-analysis-of-the-tommys-plan-to-kill
This is the less intense part of the stream. They already talked about their plans to kill Dream (well, Tommy’s plan that Tubbo is VERY reluctant about and Ranboo agrees with). We’re moving into the gathering resources for the surveilance post part now. 
As always moving forward I’ll be soley talking about the characters and, for the dialogue, this are the respective colors: Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Ghostbur.
Analysis under the cut as always
So let’s start off with the obvious: I absolutely love how protective Tubbo and Ranboo are of Tommy, I’m glad he has people who actually care in his life right now. We have various examples of this throughout the stream, but the first one is Tommy seeing a creeper, backing off immediatly (because of his hightened fear of pain, aslo known as algophobia apparently) and them immediately destroying the threat. Of course this is also because they don’t want Snowchester blown up, but it’s still sweet nonetheless. 
He also opens up about his algophobia right after to them and asks for some armour, which Tubbo actually provides.
“You’re wearing Dream’s armour, aren’t you Tubbo?” “Yeah” “Okay, I wouldn’t- I genuinely would advice not. Anything that that man’s fucking been too near you don’t wanna be using” Tommy’s fear of Dream by now is just all encompassing. It is also quite peculiar that he would say this while still using Dream’s trident (right? It’s still his right?), though that could simply be because he puts himself in the category of “things that have been too near Dream” by now and really can’t be affected more then he already has been, though this is just a theory. 
Same thing as with the creeper happens with a skeleton a couple minutes later.
“What happened? Holy crap” “Tubbo he beat me to death, he punched me to death” Bee duo starting to realize how serious Tommy’s situation is right after the scheleton encounter because Tommy was just genuinely panicking. 
“Pain it feels so much more real now, ‘cause I know what’s on the other side” “Surely doesn’t that give closure?” “No... no it gives quite the opposite Tubbo” And what a good choice that was narratively speaking! If death did give closure as us and the characters in the story themselves expected, with resurrection it would be meaningless. This way though, death has just as much narrative weight as if resurrection wasn’t there, which is what you want in a story. 
“On a side note for you two: Sam Nook great guy! Really lovely guy! Awesamdude is a bastard and does not deserve to be running that prison. If he let me die he failed his job” We can see that Tommy’s perception of the warden’s duty is strickingly different from Sam’s. To Tommy the top priority should be protecting others from Dream (even if it means compromising the security of the prison), while to Sam the top priority is keeping Dream locked up.
“My therapy update!” We all knew I had to include this one. It’s actually really great because: 
1) Him actually reacheing out to Puffy to get therapy means that he actually recognises that he needs help and is willing to ask for it, which is the first step towards healing
2) Him acting so happy about it is actually such a good message for the younger viewers to see that therapy is nothing to be afraid of and it’s not taboo
One more thing we had him wanting to remove his own statues as they’re a grim reminder of his death in a scene that is very similar to Tubbo on the 16th asking to remove the decorations of the day of his execution. 
“I don’t think it’s a particularly good idea to... try and kill Dream. I don’t know how canon lives work for you anymore, but I only got one left” As I pointed out in the other post the 2 main reasons why Tubbo is reluctant about the plan are that he’s on his last life and that he managed to build a life for himself with Snowchester and Ranboo that he doesn’t wanna loose. 
“Listen guys, I’ve experienced death now, it doesn’t matter how many lives I have left now, I’m NOT willing to go through that again” “Yeah that makes sense actually, that makes sense” This is an interesting question though of how many lives he re-acquired. We know Jack came back with 3 when he did it, but then again, normal rules don’t seem to apply to Jack Manifold. Also I wanted to include Ranboo’s quote there just because he’s literally been nothing but supportive and I love him for it. 
Also all 3 teens decide at once that ignoring the Egg will most definitely make the problem go away, because that has always worked in the past of course! (Also, honestly, good for them. Let the adults take care of something for once!)
“I’m not very god at smal- that’s not true” “Mhmm” “So eh... you guys heard The News?” “The news about what?” “The news about...?” “You know... what-what’s been happening...” “What’s been happening?” “About- about umm... George”  “About George? What happened with the Gogmeinster?” “Oh yeah, he got banned! Twice” “No no, he... he grew a third ear” “Really? Oh man!” “Oh yeah! I’ve seen a photo of that on instagram!” So, aside from this being so funny, the reason I’m highlighting it is because if there is one thing Tommy never struggled with in the past it was small talk. He could literally start blabbering with anyone about anything, no matter how dumb, with absolute confidence. Now he’s struggling with everything (both here and later in the Nether we have similar scenes for it). He is insecure about everything he says and socializing seems much harder for him. Regardless both Tubbo and Ranboo still go along with everything he says with absolute confidence, which seems to help him quite a bit. Considering that his biggest desire seems to be to be treated the same as he was before having them not pointing out his obvious insecurity (while still very obviously noticing it) is probably quite a big thing for him. 
“Why are Punz’s eyes red?” “Why? Oh- Where is Punz?” “Oh, that might mean we have to kill him, he might kill us on sight” “Yeah, he might try to kill you. Where are you Tommy by any me- where are you?” “Yeah, stay away from him” “No I can fucking take him man!” “No because you get scared of damage...” “Tommy... yeah” “I don’t get scared of damage!” “That’s not true” “Tommy where are you?” I loved this scene so much! Tommy didn’t actually even see Punz here, he only saw his face on the players tab, but the other two were immediately on the defensive. Also this is what I mean when I say that it’s not that they don’t acknowledge Tommy’s situation, they’re just trying to give him some normalcy, because, as soon as he is in any actual or perceived danger they’re immediately in high alert. 
“You’re like a living ghost” “I think that’s just called a human Tubbo” “You’re like a human” “That’s just called someone who is alive” “You’re treating me differently” So two things here: 
1) Tubbo still has a lot of confusion towards the whole revival process an that’s what he was trying to express. Ranboo was not particularly happy with his choice of words though and kinda got the defensive tone again
2) Tommy shuts down very fast any time any kind of change is mentioned. In this case the change being Tubbo’s perception of him.
That said they manage to recover the situation really fast with Ranboo making a comparison between Tommy and Jesus (they’re teenagers, what can I say?)
“Tubbo I feel like we’ve grown less close while I’ve been in prison and dead” “That’s ‘cause you’ve been gone for such a long time...” “Do you like me less?” “Nope!” “Well it feels like you do” “Well, that’s all in your head then!” “No” “Maybe you superpower is immagination” “Maybe my superpower is anxiety” Well Tommy, do my job for me, will you? But yes, these kind of thoughts (fretting about what others, especially your friends or family think of you) is extremely common for individuals suffering from anxiety disorders. Also what Tubbo did here was really important, even if it is the bare minimum, he still provided the ressurance his friend needed and that’s good of him. Also, while Tommy’s dependence on Tubbo does shine through quite a bit during this stream Tubbo does continuosly set up healthy boundaries for them (introducing and keeping firm on his relationship with Ranboo and admitting that they did grow apart a bit and he is still confused about Tommy for example), which is extremely good. Ranboo is also presenting himself as a viable option for emotional support, which will actually be good for Tommy in the future as this would mean breaking out of the habit that was ingrained in him of relying on one single person every time. 
“I’m not afraid of anything! The only thing I’m afraid of is, you know, waking up in the morning and...” “The- the thing your afraid of is waking up in the- are you alright? Are you- are you alright man? Are you good?” That’s concerning! But, again, very fitting with his newfound extreme anxiety he seems to be experiencing. Also ConcernedBoo, he just care about his friends and is worried. Pretty sure Tommy fits together with Michael and Tubbo in the circle of people he’s willing to protect.
Also, in case people were wondering, Ghostbur wasn’t handing out sugar because he was a fake Ghostbur, but just because Ranboo gave it to him and it was the only thing he had. Same goes for Tommy calling Ghostbur “Wilbur” and acting as if he was Alivebur and Ghostbur only correcting him after quite a while: it’s not because he’s fake, it’s because he gave permission to Tommy specifically to do so before. As I mentioned in the other post their relationship is complicated, but Ghostbur very much cares for Tommy a whole lot and he came back specifically because he heard Tommy needed help again, it’s not so weird he’d allow him to do stuff he doesn’t allow for others.
“Last time I spoke to you was like a few days ago...” Now, as some people pointed out this could simply be Ghostbur memory being sort of foggy and him not realizing how much time passed. But the OTHER theory is that he remembers talking to Phantommy (which we know happened thanks to Quackity’s lore, as they visited Glatt’s gym together). Honestly both are plausible (if the first one was true then meeting Phantommy may have simply made him upset and he could have forgotten about it, or perhaps he could have just forgotten that Tommy was dead). 
“Ghostbur do you want him (Wilbur) to come back? Because I- I don’t. I don’t think that I do ever” “It’s... I... umm, hm. The-the world needs structure and order and he- he was good at that. He did that-” “No. The world needs less villains and he was a villain if I’ve ever seen one” “But a- a villain is just- is- sometimes the line’s a little blurry. You could say a little blurry, a tiny bit, it’s like a- a villain it’s just a hero you haven’t convinced yet” Now, as much as I love Ghostbur he’s half wrong here. Let me explain: 
Simply put not all bad people can be redeemed for one thing (for example someone like Dream could never be redeemed because he hurt so many people in such horrible ways without ever regretting it), and secondly describing a villain as a “hero YOU HAVEN’T CONVINCED yet” puts the responsability of that persnon’s actions on their victims. As a matter of fact it’s most definitely NOT up to the ones who’ve been hurt to reabilitate the ones who hurt them (which is why Sam managing the prison now is considerable a conflict of interests). They shouldn’t even be forced to forgive that person if the person DOES change for the better. And here’s the crux of the issue: Wilbur hurt a LOT of people. He hurt Tubbo, he hurt Niki, he hurt Fundy, he hurt everyone who joined Pogtopia. And more then anything else he hurt Tommy. He was abusive and manipulative towards him and Tommy has every right to never forgive him. He has every right to be scared of him and regard him purely as a villain, because that’s what he was for him towards the end of his life. 
Ghostbur bringing him back in the hopes that he’s changed at all just means that, once again, the responsability of his possible reabilitation will be left entirely on the shoulders of the teens of the server and the same goes for if there is NO reabilitation. The destruction will, once more, be left for them to deal with. Tommy specifically will have one more person who abused him to deal with. Wether Wilbur will or will not ally himself with Dream doesn’t matter, because he was still a destructive individual on his own (despite of course being that way because of his own mental spiral, but that just makes him more sympathetic, it doesn’t justify his actions nor make them any less hurtful for those around him). 
Also Wilbur’s been dead for 10-12 years in Limbo time, I can’t imagine that doing wonders for his mental state...
There is a scene after that conversation where Tommy was talking about how being dead was, Tubbo asked a question about it and Tommy got upset. Of course the others got confused about his reactions since ha was already talking about, so, to clarify: the probable reason why anyone (aside from Ghostbur apparently) asking him questions about it upsets him is probably because of Dream. He mentioned multiple times now that Dream treating his death as a science experiment when he revived him was extremely traumatic for him. He hates the idea of being “just science” to the people around him. Ghostbur seem to be an exception to this, but that may be because Tommy seems predisposed to just trust Ghostbur more from an emotonal stand-point (perhaps because he reminds him of how Wilbur used to be before he spiraled). 
“I love monster energy” “Monster energy is kind of scary...” “Mhm, it’s for monsters...” Man the very low-key constant self-deprecation sure it’s kinda worrying... I really do hope that someone will help him with his very obvious sef-esteem issues at some point.
“He (Wilbur) spent a lot of time around a bad guy. He spent around a decade, you said, around Schlatt and Schlatt- Schlatt’s the bed guy, Right?” “I don’t think Schlatt’s the only bad guy” “Him and Eret are the bad guys, right?” Once again Ghostbur’s view of things is very naive and still very much stuck in the past. It’s been so long now since Eret betrayal, and they tried to redeem themselves since. Meanwhile it’s also been months since Schlatt died, and, even back when he was alive, he was far from being the only arguably bad person, Wilbur being right there along with him if we consider what his actions caused. And now we have Dream and the Egg, we have Quackity indulging in torture, we have the syndacate having a gestapo arc, we have Jack back on his goal of killing a teen. We can be sympathetic toward many of this people, but this doesn’t change the fact that they hurt others a lot or that their objectives or actions are objectively morally wrong in some cases. By now it’s honestly pretty hard to draw the line of who IS and ISN’T a bad guy.
“Cobble is GOOD, people don’t like it when I use cobble though...” Again, the usual self confidence is completely lacking. This is worse then post exile: back then he still had the full confidence to build an ugly cbblestone tower on Techno’s front lawn, now even using a bit of cobblestone makes him self-concious. 
Also apparently Sam instructed Sam Nook to keep Tommy specifically away from the prison for his own safety. Man’s still looking after him even if he probably won’t manage to do it directly for a while (at least until Tommy forgives him, if he does).
That’s pretty much it! It’s everything I’d consider important that I could find in the stream!
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cregla · 4 years
Part One link is found at the end of the post.
Of course, I had it considered it obvious, but it makes sense to put it down: Technoblade kills Ranboo. He kills him once, and then again, and again. But Ranboo, despite his surprise, always goes back - resetting the timeline to a "save point" and thus managing to move forward by understanding what the future holds.  No one seems aware of this, but the ghost boy follows him in his resets and has knowledge of all past timelines, even if he forgets some details every now and then.
Ranboo and the ghost boy enter the Badlands, where they become acquainted with various inhabitants and are attacked by other members of the Royal Guards, sent by the "Warden": Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Antfrost and Puffy - the latter however is not Ranboo's antagonist, she doesn’t try to capture or kill him like the others as she goes against her own allies to bring him to safety and tries in every way to hide him from them. While traveling through the Badlands, Ranboo begins to discover more and more about the Dream SMP. - Puffy tells of a much happier time, where players from other servers like him were welcomed, not rejected. Although Ranboo tries to ask more questions, Puffy doesn’t answer further. Ranboo compares her sad look when she speaks to one of someone’s grieving. - During a dinner with Karl, the latter warns Ranboo of a "masked person" whom the boy recognizes as "Dream". Ranboo asks Karl why the server is named after this person and Karl confirms that it's the opposite: the server was created hundreds of years ago by an entity named "DreamXD" and over time, the inhabitants of the Underground either named their children by that name or tried to assume the identity of the creator for one reason or another. So many have taken on the name "Dream" and its mask - good people, bad people. Karl's friends, enemies.
No matter how hard he tries to escape, no matter Puffy's intervention - at one point, Ranboo is forced to face the Warden - Awesamdude, the Dream SMP prison’s keeper and new Captain of the Royal Guard. The creeper hybrid is surprised to see Ranboo so young, but he’s resolute in his intentions and still tries to capture the boy.  Using the power of reset, Ranboo manages to save himself multiple times and eventually escape, but is caught up again. As they fight, however, Sam realizes that he is indeed facing a child, and makes the decision to put his weapons away and "get out" of the role of the Warden, having also learned that Ranboo hasn't hurt anyone in the Underground.  Sam convinces the other members of the Royal guard to stop fighting and takes Ranboo (and the ghost boy) to his home. When Ranboo wonders if the King will blame the Royal Guards for letting him go, Sam says he will completely take the blame and not to worry. The two become friends and Sam gives his phone number to Ranboo to accompany him on his journey - then, learning that Sapnap and Quackity still intend to capture Ranboo, accompanies him to their house to talk.
Quackity and Sapnap are not at all friendly, but the presence of both Sam and Karl prevents them from attacking Ranboo. The five spend an evening together and slowly, the two members of the Royal Guard seem to open up - Quackity more slowly, but in the end the two admit that Sam is right. Sapnap explains that as much as he wants revenge, he cannot regard Ranboo as anything other than an innocent person like someone else who came before him. Ranboo notices a photo in Sapnap's house - a group of friends in front of the “Community House”, smiling. Sapnap explains that most of them left a few years ago the known lands of the Underground (but not the Underground itself, since they’re stuck there), following the tragedy that marked the beginning of their hunt for the inhabitants of the outside, and that Sapnap did not follow them only because of Quackity and Karl and for his desire of revenge. When Ranboo asks what he is talking about, he gets no answer. In the end, Sapnap and Quackity also give Ranboo their numbers and direct him to the “Greater Land”.
As they enter the new area, the ghost boy hesitates as they pass by a hill - looking sadly at a rotting wooden bench and a broken jukebox. Remaining silent, when Ranboo continues on the path the ghost follows him sadly.
While escaping from mobs (who still spawn in the Underground, yes), Ranboo is saved by a fox hybrid named Fundy who bring him to his home. There, he introduce himself as the Archbishop of the Dream SMP and explain that, since the Warden usually captures and kills the players before they reach the Greater Land and he was still a child when the Hunt had first begun, he had been curious about Ranboo and had spied him using lots of cameras scattered around the Underground. Fundy explain to Ranboo that he feels sympathy for him and approves his cause of running back home, and that so he has paid two friends so they could escort him to the Barrier. He then introduces Ranboo to Jack Manifold and Niki Nihachu, who are ready to be Ranboo’s guards in the Greater Land.
Ranboo, the ghost boy, Niki and Jack proceeds in their journey, quickly becoming friends and interacting with the other inhabitants of the area.  Ranboo constantly receives calls from the people he befriended: Sam, Quackity, Sapnap, Karl, but also Puffy and the other Royal Guards through Sam's cell phone. Fundy also had given him his numer and helps the trio (or rather, quartet) cross the Greater Land areas.  Despite everything seems to be going well, Ranboo begins to be the victim of strange, particular accidents: a bridge that almost breaks under his feet threatening to make him fall and die, objects falling on him from the sky, badly placed TNTs, explosions. Thanks to his skills, the help of the ghost boy and a bit of luck, Ranboo practically survives all the time, hardly noticing what's going on. At a certain point of the journey, Ranboo is separated from Niki and Jack and is attacked by a mercenary, Purpled, who tries to kill him by the order of “someone” until he realize that Ranboo had financed his and his brother Punz's financial business back when he was in the Ruins, thus deciding to let him go.
While searching for Niki and Jack, Ranboo and the Ghost Boy stumbles upon a strange corner of the Greater Land, where they find an abandoned, dilapidated structure, lying on the water and made of bricks and crafting tables. The doors and windows are barred and it seems that no one has set foot there for years.
Reaching the end of the area, Ranboo finds Niki and Jack who, however, seem to have abandoned the "friendly" facade they had had up to that moment as they aggressively reveal to him the truth of what had happened. Fundy's plan was definitely not to take Ranboo to the Barrier, but to escort him directly in front of the King to be imprisoned, as Fundy actually holds a very strong grudge against players from other servers because of what they took away from him. Niki and Jack should therefore have pretended to be Ranboo’s friends, but they had tried to kill him several times and even now they are "fed up". Their intention have indeed become to kill Ranboo themselves and steal his soul to cross the Barrier themselves. The three begin to fight. Niki, exactly like Fundy, seems to be holding a grudge towards other servers' players, and it is only thanks to the words of Ghostbur, who arrives there to kindly try to make her desist, that the girl stops, realizing that since the people she hated were already dead, she had used Ranboo as a "substitute" for her anger and hatred. Jack stops too, as his friend's well-being is more important to him than whatever plan they were planning. The two and Fundy, having arrived there, apologize, having realized that Ranboo is a good person, and Fundy shows Ranboo the way to reach the capital of the Dream SMP, where he will find the King and the Barrier. 
Ranboo and the ghost boy then leave the area and set foot in L'Manburg where, advancing towards their destiny, they hear the inhabitants of the city tell a particular tale...
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 4 years
my personal interpretations & hcs on dream smp characters
i like keeping things on the fine line in between popular fanon and canon-typical; this post is long
the SBI biologically is just Philza, Wilbur, and Fundy. Techno is best friends with Phil, and Tommy kinda just got adopted into a younger brother role by Wilbur himself. Philza legally adopted Tubbo sometime later. 
Wilbur’s desperation for acknowledgement and attention and his tendency to hold on to personal idealizations explains his tendency to double down on a family dynamic that isn’t exactly canon/true; he deadass perceives Techno as a twin brother due to the mere sharing of birthdays.
Phil sees Techno as a family friend; Techno only has genuine affection for Phil, his orphan backstory making him hesitant to engage with the rest of Philza’s family which he knows the Angel of Death already rarely spends time with.
Phil is an angel, just as the hubbabaloo surrounding him suggests. Being an angel kinda negates any questions concerning him and his Samsung Smart Refrigerator. Neither of the two are sure as to who gave birth to Wilbur but they both know they’re the parents.
Phil lost his wings due to derbis from Wilbur’s blowing up of L’Manburg; the lack of Elytra in the Dream SMP has prevented him from “restoring” them.
The origins of Wilbur’s conception make him not human; Wilbur is some unknown entity but a human passing one–he takes on more biological abilities from Philza.
Wilbur’s relationship with Sally is not as alright as he makes it out to be.
Let’s be real, Wilbur was the one who gave birth to Fundy.
Fundy inherited whatever “mysterious entity” bullshit + abilities his father and his father before him had; however, he manifested as a fox for some unknown reason. Phil and Wilbur don’t see this as an issue and just accepted this fox as a family member.
Wilbur is a better partner to Friend than Sally. A lot of this has to do with Ghostbur being Ghostbur; Ghostbur is convinced “Alivebur” would be disliked heavily by Friend, just as everyone else disliked him.
Whatever Phil said about how Tubbo was found is correct; Captain Sparklez is out there somewhere outside the SMP still looking for his son.
Based on that, Tubbo’s accent is the way it is due to being raised by Philza instead of Sparklez
Bold you to assume I like Dadschlatt AUs, like, have you seen his Babysitting Mama video?
Quackity is a shapeshifter. Wilbur and Fundy are distinct from actual shapeshifters like Quackity. They’re entities with shapeshifting abilities but aren’t necessarily shapeshifters. What makes Quackity distinct is that whoever/whatever he shapeshifts into (i.e. his various skins) all have a set 3 canon lives distinct from his own, Mexican Dream being the most notable one. Of course, Quackity must have some lives in order to continue shifting, in that if Quackity loses all his lives, all the forms he can shift into die with him automatically.
I present and imagine Quackity with the lower torso of a duck’s for aesthetic and thematic purposes. This is why he has the fattest ass in the cabinet. Arguably also how he gave birth to the Mexican L’manburg landmass, which I firmly believe is fathered by Schlatt.
BadBoyHalo is a demon who made a mysterious bond with Skeppy, thus explaining the functions of their canon lives system being connected. (According to Bad, he cannot die unless Skeppy does, apparently.) Skeppy’s sentience as a diamond entity may or may not be due to his connection with Bad. The two are literally soulmates due to this aspect of their relationship. The Crimson is currently threatening this.
Bad’s demon nature may have a connection to Church Prime. The YouTube Church established by Boomerville may or may not harm him.
Being a demon let Bad beget Sapnap by mysterious means. Sapnap is a human passing entity, similar to Wilbur but having Bad’s demon biology in contrast to Phil’s angel one. Sapnap’s demon lineage explains his particular penchant for chaos, as well as his partiality to the art of arson. Just as his father is soft and wholesome, so is he deep down, but has difficulty expressing this due to the reputation he made for himself. It’s for these reasons he sought love, respect, and refuge in El Rapids.
Awesamdude counters their creeper penchant for destruction with the study and utilization of redstone. This has also helped them form good relationships with many people in the server, especially his father-esque relationship with Quackity.
Awesamdude explodes his surroundings like creepers do when they suffer a canon death. We are yet to see this happen, since he still has all their canon lives intact.
Animals have varying levels of sentience, the highest manifesting in player animals like Antfrost, Captain Puffy, and Jschlatt. (Corpse Husband too, since I heard Karl’s whole Tales of the SMP thingy he’s doing is canon and I heard Corpse will be in the one this coming Saturday? He is akin to Antfrost in this aspect, should this be the case, since his skin is Bingus, a cat). Fundy isn’t exactly a fox and is therefore an exception. (As in Fundy is an entity that identifies as a fox, and Wilbur is an entity that identifies as a human.)
Same rules apply to player mobs like Sam, Ranboo, and Techno.
No one but Eret knows what he is, but it’s agreed upon by everyone in the server that they’re not human. She refuses to disclose that aspect of his identity. Not even Dream knows.
No one knows what Dream is either, but I’m choosing to believe that Ponk is definitely correct in the statement he said in one of his streams in that Dream photosynthesizes like a plant.
LazarBeam being a sentient gingerbread person ties to being a member of the YouTube Church he founded with Vikkstar.
Following the way Ranboo described his reaction to water, being half-enderman causes him to be uncomfortable with eye contact but has the strength to keep from lashing out. At most, violent urges would be restricted into intrusive thoughts.
Everyone else is relatively human, unless proven otherwise on their own accord and if new people come over.
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cmyknoise · 4 years
yooo any thoughts on the badlands in your mid hybrid au? also the au is very cool!!
Here’s some Badlands stuff!
Badboyhalo - Magma Cube - Hostile 
Bad was born within the Nether, but he wasn’t there very long, practically being raised completely in the overworld. 
A witch had found him and captured him, finding him to be a steady source of magma cream which didn’t require hunting and and the dangers of the Nether. 
Despite the intentions of the witch, the first several years of Bad’s life were pretty decent, but it wasn’t until something was...off with the witch that things went downhill, and the witch got a little risky with experiments. 
He escaped in the night without the witch seeing him, but he’d never forget those vines...crimson in color, nor could he rid the marks of the vines on his skin. He left at the age of 15.
Bad met Skeppy a few nights later under the full moon within the swamp. They were instantly inseparable, and left the swamp together, settling far away in a forest together, building a home for themselves. 
Bad learned a lot about potion making from the witch. 
Due to being a magma cube hybrid, he can jump really high and he’s completely immune to fire and lava as well as fall damage. Unlike other nether hybrids, he’s fine within water and can swim, he just doesn’t like how cold it gets. 
If Bad concentrates, he can split himself into up to 4 copies, which is great for combat and to cause distractions. As long as his core isn’t hurt, he’ll be fine. If he loses a copy or few, he’s just smaller until he can replenish that slime back. A lava bath usually does the trick. 
He didn’t meet Sam or Ant until many years later. 
Bad has met a handful of people from various other factions, but doesn’t speak to them often. 
He’s friends with Dream, George, and Sapnap, and has taken part in many of their hunts and games, eventually convincing Antfrost to do the same. 
Skeppy - Slime - Hostile
Skeppy was born in the swamp and stayed in the swamp until he met Bad.
He has a very similar skill set to Bad, making them a great duo when it comes to attacking and holding their ground. 
Skeppy can summon slime which allows him to climb many surfaces as well as to trap foes. He can very easily attack multiple enemies at once, which is another benefit
He has an affinity for shiny things and collects them.
He’s the strongest under the full moon, but he can’t shift into a human form while the full moon is in the sky.
He’s known for pranking and joking around, and despite Bad’s protests, he’s gotten the duo banned from several villages. 
Skeppy has seen the markings of the vines on Bad, and it worries him, he doesn’t know a lot about the Nether, but if anything happened to Bad there would be a lot of destruction that follows. 
He met the other two at the same time as Bad.
Sam - Creeper - Hostile
Sam found caves his home for a long time, longing to reach the surface. Watching humans create mineshafts, railway systems, and various means of getting to the surface, he eventually made it there.
He lived amongst villagers for a long time under the guise of his human form. Here he learned redstone, brewing, enchantments, and other various tasks. He educated himself, learned about the different dimensions and biomes, and decided that he wanted to explore and adventure. 
He has a natural fear of cats, which left him antsy whenever he was in villages, but over time this fear has dulled. He met Antfrost in one of these villages, and had to ignore this instinct further. 
He met Bad and Skeppy in his travels, and taught them both basic redstone. Skeppy seemed to be very interested in traps. 
He came by and visited them many times throughout the years- it wasn’t until he noticed other hybrids making factions and groups that he offered them to make their own. That was the start of the Badlands.
Whenever he gets spooked or nervous, he hisses, and has to take sometimes minutes to calm down and control his instinct to explode. 
He’s met Eret as well as members of the ‘SBI’, Dream Team, and other factions. He’s built many devices and farms for them. He provides a lot of information to Eret whenever he comes across it
He became friends with Phil, who also knew a great deal of redstone. He started teaching Tubbo some bits of simple redstone. 
Sam has given Tommy armor, weapons, and items that he finds cool and interesting. He finds the fiery attitude of the moobloom to be endearing. He also gives him any music discs he finds, if Tommy doesn’t have them already.
Sam doesn’t want to explode accidentally, but he can do so purposefully if he’s careful. It’s a great defense tactic. He’s also learned that with certain enchantments, he can summon lightning in the rain, which makes his explosions much more powerful. 
Started research on the marks Bad has
Antfrost - Cat - Passive
Antfrost was born and raised in the village, in particular raised by the village’s iron golem and cleric. 
He met Sam in his early adulthood and they’ve stuck together since. 
He has a good sense of where objects are and often is able to find missing things with ease. 
He’s very fast and can slide into small passageways and spaces easily. 
For some reason, Phil and Sam seem to need to keep a distance from him by at least a few feet. He’s hissed at Phil on a few occasions.
He’s not very good when it comes to fighting, however he is very quick when it comes to collecting resources and tracking, which is what he mainly does when the Dream Team, Bad, and himself partake in games or hunts. 
When he met Bad, he noticed the red vine marks, and spoke to Sam about them. Sam has started research on them, but Antfrost pointed out that they’re from the nether. He remembers them on one of the cleric’s books. Whatever it is, it seems to draw him, and that scares him a little. He’s not told anyone this. 
He doesn’t take fall damage. He also hates water. He’s a natural hunter. 
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houndsharkk · 4 years
alright alright, do yall want my dreamSMP headcanons?? keep in mind that i only watch a few of them
Possible TW's: trauma, manipulation, death, suicide, overdose; the basic dreamSMP stuff, unfortunately.
ok here we go:
Dream - a separate entity from DreamXD, though they are related; perhaps XD is from another universe? anyways, Dream was possessed by a 'Dreamon' at a young age, making him think that things like manipulation are ok simply because he didn't know any better. he says he's trying to get better, but is he? no. this is just another trick to make Tommy think he can change. Jacob Sheep horns are slowly growing (sheep-hybrid thanks to his mother, Cpt. Puffy). Him becoming family with George and Sapnap made him realize that he can make his own family, an idea which he twisted and turned into manipulation. In his words, paraphrased, he "did a bad thing but for good reasons" which were "bringing the server together"; he wanted to be a family with him in control, a dictatorship, a hivemind.
Drista - Dream's sister, more related to XD than Dream is. somewhat OP but has morals unlike her brother.
George - Mooshroom hybrid!! Has a little mushroom crown and cape because he thinks of himself as royalty (he isn't) - has little horns and a little tail. Misses Dream the most out of the Dream Team, but somewhat afraid of him. Wants 'the old dream' back, which was partly a persona and partly Dream learning about found family. He tries not to get involved with politics or the server after the events of the first wars, because he's scared. Sleeps through things as an excuse. Awesamdude's kid - doesn't tell anyone.
Sapnap - Dragon hybrid - has small horns and a tail, with burn marks at the base of them. His hands and feet are clawed and burnt. He also wants their Dream back, but understands that he was always corrupt and has mostly gotten over it. Wants to help with the Egg but, like George, doesn't like getting involved with big things on the server. He's ashamed of his dragon heritage, covering up his head burns with a headband and covering his horns with his hair; he hides his tail under a cape and wears gloves as well. Sapnap has unnaturally orange eyes, which he would change with contacts, if they didn't melt anytime he tried. Battle-scarred and hungry to start fights and sever friendships out of boredom. Badboyhalo's child.
Callahan - Cervitaur (deer-centaur). Distantly related to Puffy, Captain Sparklez, and Schlatt. I will admit, I have never watched him, and I don't think he's ever been too involved in server politics? Just a simple deer man trying to live his life.
Awesamdude - Creeper centaur thing (he and Callahan are... cousins? i guess?). Incredibly insecure about his morality and the fact that George doesn't talk to him much. Thinks he's a bad person. He becomes a father figure to Tommy through his Sam Nook persona - slowly gaining his confidence back through his real estate and his (illegal) adoption of the gremlin. Badass. Runs the prison by himself because he feels the need to prove himself, and he doesn't know anyone that would be up to the job.
Alyssa - inactive :[ probably human
Ponk - Human!! One of the few humans on this server, actually! He quite likes building and terraforming; he makes very aesthetic builds (see; war campsite). He and Sam are close friends. Ponk is also a parental figure to Tommy, but is closer to the fun uncle. The three of them steal together and then Ponk and Sam cover for Tommy because who could accuse them of lying?? Hesitant to join in with politics.
BadBoyHalo - Demon. Very, very tall demon. Large. Pretty wholesome. I honestly don't know what else to say about him lmao I haven't been paying attention to the Egg much. He and Skeppy are a thing though. Wishes his son would stop killing people's pets to start wars.
TommyInnit - He doesn't know what kind of hybrid he his, but he isn't human. His eyes change color with mood, going from a light grey to an extremely vibrant cobalt blue. He believes he may be part raccoon, or part bird(?) on Philza's side. Phil wasn't around during his childhood; Tommy only knew him as the hero from the strories that his older brother Wilbur told him. Philza killing Villain!Bur cemented his heroship, which is why Tommy sees him as a father figure. Wilbur never told him that he (Phil) was their father. Tommy is actually part siren, but his gills and fins haven't appeared yet. His PTSD is triggered by Dream, blackstone, tnt, people asking for his armor, and a few other things. An extremely traumatized kid. Best friends with Tubbo.
Tubbo - Sheep hybrid. His horns started coming in during Schlatt's presidentship, making him think he was a goat and following in his footsteps. In reality, he's Captain Sparklez's son; related to Schlatt yes, but not at all like him. He likes headbutting the people he loves, including his best friend Tommy. Wholesome, but still a chaotic being of destruction. He and Ranboo are also very good friends!
Fundy - Fox shifter; unlike most of the other hybrids on this server (other than Techno), he can turn into an anthro fox. Canonically transgender! Son to WilburSoot and Sally the Salmon (another shifter). Wilbur was an amazing father while Fundy was small, but started neglecting him during the Presidency, when he really needed a father. The two grew apart further during Pogtopia, and Fundy still tries to refuse his father's attempts at redemption. Despite this, Fundy and Ghostbur, even though they've had arguments, have a better relationship. Fundy is even one of the people who are attempting to bring back Wilbur. He sees Phil as a somewhat father figure despite him trying to be bitter towards him. Very involved with L'manburg and DreamSMP poilitics, but has taken a step back since his dad's death. Fundy also canonically misses Schlatt and wants him to be proud of him. He picked up smoking from him.
Punz - gonna be honest, I have never watched Punz.
Purpled - Enderdragon hybrid. Like Sapnap, but purple lol. Use to have a healthy rivalry with Technoblade, but doesn't talk to him anymore. A bit reserved. I don't watch him either idk if you could tell.
Wilbur - Bird hybrid, like Philza; his wings were clipped by Dream when he first began fighting for independence. Good friends with Technoblade. Wilbur was an idealistic person, and he was probably the most loyal member of L'manburg. He was so upset about the betrayals, he thought of them not as betrayals to the country, but to himself. When Schlatt took over, he began to panic. His perfect nation was being ruined, his nation, HIS nation. He thought of it as his and his alone; all those other people? They were side characters. L'manburg his unfinished symphony wasn't his anymore. It scared him. He began planning to take the country out because, well, if he can't have him, then no one can. He manipulated Tommy, making him go along with his plan, slowly becoming more insane and destructive. Deep down, Wil still loved his family, and his country, and his lost lover, but that didn't matter to him anymore. After blowing up L'manburg (the first explosion), Wilbur broke down. He realized what he had done, he'd become a bad guy; he'd worked with Dream. He asked his father to kill him. And so Philza did.
Ghostbur - Wings work again. Ghostbur pretends not to remember, he pretends that he's changed in death, but he remembers all of it. The bad memories hurt him now, more than ever, and he just can't deal with it; so he doesn't. Water makes him melt, and that includes tears. He's trying so hard to be a good person, he's trying so hard to be a good father, a good brother, a good friend. But it isn't working. He's still, though unintentionally, hurting people, and he feels so bad about it.
Schlatt - Ram hybrid. Brother to Puffy and Jordan (Sparklez). Schlatt is a smoker and an alcoholic, and a power hungry dictator. Or well, that's the persona he puts on. Schlatt, in reality (still /dsmp) genuinely does not give a fuck. He didn't care what happened, because he knew that people disliked him. He knew for a fact that he would be killed. This is why I believe he offed himself. He planned his stroke, or heart attack, the fandom doesn't seem to know which. He probably ingested some bad protein powder or poison or something, maybe he drank himself to death, maybe he OD'd and then drank, we don't know. But it seems unlikely that someone like him would let his body give out like that without a reason. Oh yeah, and he and Quackity were married at some point, but it was too short to really mean anything.
Ghlatt - Ghlatt, though still addicted to alcohol and various drugs, feels bad about being a bad person in his life. He thinks that it's a good thing he died, that the server benefited from his death, and that he shouldn't have become a ghost. He's right, of course, but I like to think that he's regained morality. Maybe now, in the afterlife, he can work on himself. Ghlatt isn't strong enough to take a physical form, so he borrows Ghostbur's occasionally.
Skeppy - Some sort of Diamond Ore man?? I think he's human. He and BBH have a thing. I don't think I've ever watched a Skeppy DreamSMP stream. Uhh Egg?? Egg. Badlands boys woo.
Eret - Herobrine is his cousin. Like. Yeah. That Herobrine. Anyways, they're a king, and they're more of an Awesomedude morally grey type character. Her only interest is survival, and I respect that. I haven't really paid much attention to him though. Their crown has bi flag colored gems on it :]
Jack Manifold - Jack Manifol! Jack Manifall~~ Jack Manifall.. off bridge!! Jack Manidrown :} OH SHIT- (i dont watch him)
Niki - Human. Wears Wilbur's old coat. Though she did go through a tough spot after Wilbur's death, she now runs a flower shop with Puffy. Dyes her hair often. I don't watch her either.
Quackity - Duck hybrid; wings were clipped upon his joining the server. His face scar was canonized :] Alex genuinely liked Schlatt, but realized he was being mistreated so he joined Pogtopia. He felt bad about it though. I don't have many headcanons for him to be honest.
Mexican Dream - ok am i the only one that wasn't into this arc?? i didn't even watch any of it. i saw him like once and was like "oh this is just a bit" and left wtf. was he important???
Karl Jacobs - Time Traveler man; human. Karl is slowly losing his memory due to his travel between timelines. The more he does it, the more he loses. I look forward to seeing this progress. Are he, Sapnap, and uhhh someone else actually engaged?? I like that headcanons :] I don't remember who the other person is though.
HBomb - Cat maid.
Technoblade - Piglin shifter. Techno is softer than he seems, and he genuinely enjoys the company of Ranboo and his friend Philza. Technoblade met Phil after saving him from wither skeletons in the Nether, making short visits to the Overworld until he built up an immunity. He likes the cold because it's the opposite of his terrible home dimension. Techno really did want to help Tommy, but their ideals clashed too much for it to work out. Very destructive anarchist. Though, he is pretty chill nowadays.
Antfrost - Cat shifter. So I lied, there are three. Uhh wizard!! I like that HC!! Wizard catboy go brrrr. In reality, I don't watch the Badland Boys often and I haven't seen any of the Egg plot so idk what's up with him lol. I like to think that before the Egg, he and Fundy were friends.
Philza - Wings were beat up during the explosion; he tried to protect Wilbur with them, but still ended up failing. He's the father to Wilbur and Tommy, with Techno being an old friend of his. He canonically really likes cobblestone. Phil tries his best to be the dad, but his morals are all over the place. Lately, he's unofficially adopted Ranboo, helping him with his uh. Issues.
Connor - Human in a Sonic onesie idk i dont watch him
Puffy - Sheep Hybrid. Sister to Schlatt and Jordan, mother to Dream. I really don't know tbh; she's everyone's adoptive mom. She's what Philza and Awesamdude wish they could be.
Vikkstar - Human. Has he?? Done anything?? Ever??
Lazarbeam - Isn't he a gingerbread man or something.
Ranboo - Half Enderman Half [REDACTED]. I dont have headcanons for him tbh I just accept his canon. May be related to XD?
Foolish Gamers - A literal god. He can revive people, but it takes one of his lives. Uhhh he's really good at building what.
Hannahxxrose - I don't watch her :[ I should though
Slimecicle - CHARLIE SLIMECICLE. Slime hybrid obviously. New to the server, very scared [/j] and confused. Doesn't know what's going on and that's ok because he's funny I like him
I got really tired of this towards the end oops
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Tell me about Sam. The dude who is awesam. What's his deal
Say no more, Blocks. Say no more.
- He is very much not human. There are two design ideas I have, one being that he looks mostly human but with green hair and a gasmask (the anime design) and the other being that he is covered entirely in mottled green fur and has a mouth shaped somewhat like a cat's but filled with teeth like an anglerfish. Both designs are creeper centaurs, however, because that is simply Too Badass of a design to NOT use.
- Sam really only ever uses one weapon, and it's his trident. Firstly, it's useful for more than just fighting, as he can use it to move avross the server faster than anyone else wwho doesn't have a trident. Secondly, a trident can be both thrown for long-range and used for fighting close-range, meaning that he only ever has to carry one weapon instead of multiple. Third, given how freaking tall he is (dwarfing pretty much everyone else on the server given that most are human and not gigantic creeper hybrids), he needs a long weapon just to be able to reach that far down, which a trident is great for. Fourth and arguably most important, he IS a creeper, and holding a trident enchanted with Channeling 'charges' him, making him faster, stronger, and tougher by far. No need for a beacon when you're carrying a trident.
- Why he is more intelligent than the rest of his brethren, has arms, and can respawn is mostly dependent on what story fits best, but I like to think that he was a small creeper that a baby Dream accidentally made a player before he had any handle on his powers and was subsequently raised by very confused adoptive parents. Who are those parents? I dunno, make it up
- He can explode. Under normal circumstances his explosions are stronger than normal creepers (being around the same strength as TNT), and when he's charged via Channeling Trident, that explosion size/power doubles. He respawns after he explodes, of course, but he hates doing it for various reasons, including but not limited to it feeling too similar to sui/cide.
- Sam has pharyngeal jaws (basically a second set of extendable jaws that come from the throat). It is physically impossible for him to talk while eating, because he has to chew and swallow with his second set of jaws extended. It freaks most humans out, which is why he usually eats only with people he knows and trusts.
- Sam definitely feels most at home with the Badlands, as they're his oldest friends and none of them are completely human. However, he feels somewhat conflicted on some of their founding ideals. Gaining more power on the server was cool, yeah, but did people really need to die for it? Not to mention the whole issue with the Crimson and the entire rest of the Badlands essentially being consumed by it. He sticks with them, of course, but lately he's been spending more and more time with Dream and Punz and even Tubbo.
- Sam sucks at making potions. He's terrible at it. He knows the recipes, sure, that's not nearly as complicated as the redstone circuitry he does on a daily basis, but brewing stands are so small and fragile that he keeps accidentally breaking them. Not to mention that he's always covered in redstone dust no matter how much he swims through the ocean, meaning that it's not uncommon for some to get into the brewing stand before it's meant to and mess up the entire potion. Eventually, he just got other people to make potions for him.
- Sam's eyes (whether he's humanoid or full creeper) are completely black without a visible iris or sclera. However, if he's feeling extremely emotional (whether that be happy, angry, sad, etc), his eyes will start to glow red, starting from the middle and spreading outwards the more emotional he is. It makes for a terrifying sight when he's pissed off and hissing, but also an unnerving one when he's excited as hell. Sam hates that he scares people even when he's happy, but it's not anything he can change.
- Sam has a short little duck-like tail. It wags. Everyone agrees that it's cute.
- This creeper man really just hates fighting in general. It's too bloody and painful and cruel. So he tries to be kind to everyone on the server, no matter who they are or what they've done. This includes Dream and Punz, who he's begun to side with more and more after Dream explained that all he wanted was to end all wars on the server. It made sense. Besides, Dream was his close friend, and so was Punz, and while George and Sapnap and Tubbo and Tommy all argued that they were the bad guys, they were also less rational than Dream and Punz tended to be, he knew. Sam values relationality and doing the thing that will be best in the long run rather than be the most immediately gratifying, so siding with the two that he knows think the most like him only makes sense. Not to mention the mkney he's getting out of it.
- And oh, the money. While he doesn't openly flex his riches like Punz does, Sam does greatly value material goods. The dude walks around wearing nothing but golden armor and a crown made of pure gold and emeralds, gives people expensive tools for free, and mentions the sheer number of tridents he has pretty regularly. It may not be as obvious as Punz, but he does like to flex his wealth. Can't blame a guy for taking what he can get, y'know.
- He's a very touchy person. If you are someone rhat he cares about and have expressed that you're okay with it, you WILL be getting clung to whenever he's around. Friendly hair ruffles and shoulder pats, sudden hugs and soft cuddles... Yeah, it's pretty great. If you stay near Sam long enough, you WILL end up using him as a pillow, whether you intend to or not, and that's just the way he likes it to be.
- Some more tomorrow most likely if people like these enough, Sam is a great dude and we all love him, he deserves all the recognition
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themeatlife · 4 years
the Meat Life Stay-At-Home Watchlist
Chronicling what I have watched or rewatched through the pandemic so far
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The world has changed around us the last few months, particularly in the United States since March 11.  With the lack of events to hit up, like most Americans I’ve been catching up on some watching through the various streaming services and my own digital copies of movies and shows.
I didn’t really think of keeping up with what I have been watching until just recently, but here is what I can remember hitting up so far since I’ve spent the majority of the time at home.  Some are favorites that I would have watched anyway.  Some were unfinished until I got a chance to get back to them.  And others just became available.
Here’s what I remember of the watchlist:
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The Office (Netfilx) This is a favorite of me and the wife.  We watch this on the regular though.  My wife uses The Office as her lullaby of sorts, putting it on in the evening as she gets ready for bed and is in bed to fall asleep.  I did a post on the 15th anniversary, so I won’t really deep-dive.
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Gossip Girl (Netflix) Another one that my wife rotates with The Office as her lullaby.  The series is not bad, it’s basically The OC in Manhattan (both are created and developed by Josh Schwartz).  It also takes on a new perspective when you think about star Penn Badgley is the creep in You.  So Dan Humphrey gets this weird creeper Joe Goldberg vibe at times.
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Parks and Recreation (Netflix) I never got into Parks and Rec on its original run.  I was encouraged to check it out by some coworkers since I liked The Office.  It is a great show, very funny, and poignant in a way.  It feels like a throwback to when people could disagree politically and still get along.  There is a lot less of that nowadays.  We might need more Parks and Rec in real life.  I started this right before the pandemic and finished around the beginning of things getting locked down.
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Frozen II (Disney+) The sequel debuted on Disney+ early on in the quarantine period.  My family enjoyed it.  I thought it was entertaining, but I felt like it was weighted down a bit by the mythology explaining.  It seemed too busy explaining a lot of things.  Still an enjoyable movie, but the first is better.
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Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness (Netflix) Intriguing.  The series debuted early in the quarantine period and became a staple of stay-at-home viewing and a runaway hit.  Lots of WTF moments.  It was like the train wreck analogy to the Nth degree.  But you can tell it was made in a way that leans in favor of Joe Exotic, making him look like a victim in the last couple episodes.  Also gave way to memorable memes ever since.
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The Rocketeer (Disney+) I haven’t watched this movie since I was a kid.  Looking back, you can see a lot of The Rocketeer in Captain America - The First Avenger.  Easy to see though, since they share the same director Joe Johnston.  Prior to America’s involvement in World War II, a movie star Nazi goes after an experimental rocket pack developed by Howard Hughes.  The rocket pack is retrieved by accident from a down on luck stunt pilot.  Fun movie.
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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Disney+) I should have watched the entire Skywalker saga leading up to it, but I figured I have a ton of time to do that later.  This was a May the 4th watch.  I haven’t watched the Skywalker saga finale since it was in theaters.  It’s not a bad movie, I just feel it could have been a lot better with some modifications here and there.  Also, I believe this was going to be the Leia movie.  The Force Awakens was Han’s swan song, as was The Last Jedi for Luke.  I feel like this would have been great for Leia but obviously they were limited due to the untimely death of Carrie Fisher.  The scene where Ren/Ben speaks with Han after battling Rey would have hit harder with Leia instead of Han.
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Trolls: World Tour (VOD) Cute kid movie.  Was nice to hear a lot of familiar music.  Sucks that rock was the villain in the first couple acts.  Seeing it once was enough, though.  Like the first Trolls, I am glad my kids enjoyed it but did not participate in excessive multiple viewings.
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Onward (Disney+) Didn’t get a chance to catch this at the theater before they closed them down.  Great movie, but gosh.  Why does Pixar always pull at the heart strings like that?  I was quietly crying to myself at the end.  I’m glad we made our living room dark theater-style, otherwise my kids would have seen me all torn up.
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Fast and Furious 5-7 (Fast Five - HBO, The Fast and the Furious 6/Furious 7 - Digital) I ended up not watching the entire series.  There is a great trilogy within the series, 5-7 was that trilogy.  Fast Five was the best of the FF franchise and where it perfected their movie formula.  It was like an action Ocean’s Eleven with cars.  6 and 7 expanded on that formula, upping the humor and ridiculousness factor.  6 had the exits of the Han and Gisele characters (they found a way to tie in Tokyo Drift to the rest of the series, Gal Gadot was on her way to becoming Wonder Woman for DC).  And 7 had that great ending with the tribute to Paul Walker to the sounds of Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth.
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Toy Story 4 (Disney+) Another Pixar hit.  Didn’t hit me quite as hard as Onward or Toy Story 3 did emotionally, thank goodness.  I thought this story was over the way Toy Story 3 ended.  But Pixar did a good job adapting to prolong these characters stories.  It did feel like it was a bit of two and three combined looking back.  Still very good, Pixar knows what it’s doing.
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The Marvel Infinity Saga (Disney+/Netflix/Digital) Leading up to the one-year anniversary of the release of Avengers: Endgame, I went through and rewatched all 23 MCU movies.  This time, I went in chronological story order by starting with Captain America - The First Avenger.  I chronicled the order I watched in my last post.  Even after viewing many of these movies multiple times, I’m still amazed at how much I enjoy them and the scope of what Marvel was able to achieve leading into the climax in Endgame.
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Community (Netflix/Hulu) I loved Community on its initial run on NBC but never watched any of the episodes when it was on Yahoo for its sixth season.  It has been great to rewatch the meta-humor and sitcom trope parodies.  And since Ken Jeong and Joel McHale started their own podcast called The Darkest Timeline (half COVID-19, half Community pod), it has been a good companion viewing.
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The Back to the Future Trilogy (Netflix) Recent add to Netflix for easy viewing, these movies have been a favorite of the Mitra boys since childhood.  Upon viewing as an adult, there is some humor that I didn’t recognize as a kid that is hilarious to me now.  It is also crazy how well this teen time-travel sci-fi comedy works.  Some of the effects in Part 2 are dated and 2015 didn’t quite end up the way it did in the movies.  But overall very enjoyable on the rewatch!
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Extraction (Netflix) High budget action flick funded by Netflix?  Written by the Russo Brothers?  And staring Chris Hemsworth?  I’m in!  Directed by long-time stunt man and Russo Bros go-to stunt coordinator Sam Hargrave (you can tell the Russo influence).  It has an awesome 15ish minute one-shot action/chase sequence that is top notch.  Don’t think much about the plot or the controversy of cultural representation, just enjoy the action.
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The Mighty Ducks Trilogy (HBO) Another childhood favorite of mine.  Nevermind that the hockey itself isn’t accurate.  This is about pure fun for an hour and a half at a time.  Come for the hi-jinx, stay for the heart.  Triple-deke, knuckle-puck, taking out the trash.  And leave it out on the ice!
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The Harry Potter Series (Blu-Ray/Digital) This was not a go-to for me until Linda made me watch the entire series.  I guess when the first movie came out, it was too much of a kid movie for me (I was a high school senior at the time).  But from the second movie onward, it felt like the storytelling and movie making got better and better.  The Deathly Hallows was an epic ending, even if they did change the ending from the book.  I didn’t watch the newer Fantastic Beasts movies along with this though, my wife did.
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Westworld - Season 3 (HBO) Recently got HBO back, so I caught up on Westworld Season 3.  I haven’t rewatched the previous seasons yet, but I may revisit it soon.  Season 1 was spectacular, Season 2 was confusing as hell but still entertaining.  Season 3 is somewhere in between, expanding on the ongoing storyline.  It was more straight-forward because its storyline is in the “real-world.”  For those of you that have watched, didn’t you think it was highly ironic that the Incite ball was basically the AT&T logo? (AT&T is the parent company for WarnerMedia and HBO)
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The Last Dance (ESPN/ESPN+) The Michael Jordan docu-series has been a god-sent for sports fans devoid of live American sports for the past couple months.  Is it Jordan-biased?  Sure.  But it is full of drama and intrigue and full of nostalgia.  The NBA had commissioned a camera crew to follow the 1997-1998 Chicago Bulls on their run for their sixth NBA championship.  Jordan owned the controlling rights to the footage and unlocked it after the 2016 NBA Finals.  So this documentary was years in the making and with the pandemic the release date was moved up.  Although it featured a lot of unseen footage, it also chronicled the years leading up to the 1998 Bulls title.  The last 5 Sundays have been awesome.
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The Princess Bride (Disney+) I haven’t watched this movie since I was a kid.  It wasn’t one of my recurring watches back then.  So this was actually my second viewing of this movie ever.  I found it quite enjoyable.  It was cheesy, but fun, and a good family watch.  One of the many older titles available on Disney+.
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Scoob (VOD) My kids had some of the older Scooby Doo episodes on DVD and watched them when they were younger.  This was a fun revisit for them and for us as parents.  It was actually cool seeing a lot of the Hanna-Barbera characters in one movie.  We watched this shortly after finishing Community, and my kids recognized Ken Jeong’s voice as Dynomutt.  My daughter hilariously shouted “Senor Chang!” when she recognized him.
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The Indiana Jones Series (Netflix) I introduced my son to Indiana Jones a few months ago watching Raiders of the Lost Ark.  He loved it.  He lost a little bit of interest during the Temple of Doom, I think the character Short Round lost it for him (character hasn’t aged well).  The Last Crusade reclaimed his interest.  Harrison Ford was at his natural apex playing Indiana Jones.  I did not watch the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.  I didn’t feel the need to revisit that installment, while it was enjoyable the alien ending ruined the lead up to it.
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The Dark Knight Trilogy (Batman Begins/The Dark Knight - Hulu, The Dark Knight Rises - Digital) Every few years I try to revisit this series.  It is the best thing DC has ever put out cinematically.  While Begins and Rises is more comic book, TDK is a straight crime drama set in the world of Batman.  My favorite is Rises, but the absolute best comic book movie remains The Dark Knight, even with the advent of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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Jurassic Park/Jurassic World Series (Jurassic Park/The Lost World: Jurassic Park - Blu-Ray, Jurassic World - Digital, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - Cinemax) The original Jurassic Park is such a great movie.  Rewatching, it’s crazy how well the effects for the dinosaurs hold up.  Steven Spielberg, Stan Winston, and ILM did a great job mixing animatronic and CGI dino effects that stand the test of time.  The Lost World was enjoyable but not as good as the original.  I skipped JP III, such a bad movie.  Jurassic World was a good way to reboot the series, basically a remake of the original but incorporating a lot of references to it.  I just finished Fallen Kingdom today.  Although Fallen Kingdom was entertaining, it fails to recapture some of the magic of JP and JW.
I’m not sure what I will hit up next.  I might hit some Keanu Reeves movies like Speed, the Matrix Trilogy, and/or the John Wick Trilogy.  Maybe Top Gun.  Maybe rewatch Friends or How I Met Your Mother.  Maybe something on HBO Max when it comes out like The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.  Maybe Terminator.  Possibilities are endless, at least until some American sports return.
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jadegrey711 · 5 years
Turn the Page
Chapter Three is now up!
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Summary;  Sam Winchester has run away from home many times, this was only one of those times. But he’ll never forget it. Nor will he forget her… the girl with wide blue eyes, and chesnut hair. And the small town of Stars Hollow where he hoped he could have maybe one day called home.
Chapter Preview:
When I got back down from Fran's apartment and out onto the front of the store, I began making my way down the street towards the diner. As I walked I began to take in all of my surroundings and get a better look at some of the things happening around Stars Hollow. I noticed that all of the shops that I passed were small businesses; mom and pop types. There wasn't a single Walmart or big chain store in sight, it's like this place has been completely untouched by big corporate business. Each of these little stores even had hand painted window displays, all of the colors of the wordings looking bright and clean, almost as if they had been painted on today. As I continued walking down the street, I noticed that there was a cluster of people gathered in what seemed to be the middle of the small town, where the large white gazebo rested. Everyone was gathered around the gazebo which held a bunch of boxes, and people were pulling out various colored Christmas lights, giant maple leaves, large plastic pumpkins, scarecrows and other various assortments of decorations.
This must be one of the festivals that Fran was talking about. Or maybe they just go this hard core for every season?
As I continued walking down the street, trying to not look like some suspicious creeper as I checked out the busy bee townspeople, who were all busy decorating their stores for the approaching Autumn season. I also tried my hardest not to just stop and burst out into laughter as I saw quite the spectacle happening under the gazebo. Which was that a rather portly looking old man seemed to be yelling at a smaller and thinner younger man. The older man was yelling at the younger one who was on a ladder arranging golden autumn leaves, twining them together with white lights under the gazebo's ceiling. The older man seemed to disapprove with how the younger man was arranging the leaves/lights display
Read it Here! (AO3)
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11/11/11 Tag (22/11/11? Tag?)
Another one of these! This time, I was tagged TWICE by the wonderful @sassypandacandy (go read her books,, i love them). I’ve gotta answer the questions, come up with my OWN questions, and then tag 11 people to answer, only I’m not going to tag eleven people because I still don’t think I quite KNOW eleven people yet. Also, because I got tagged twice with two different sets of questions, I’m going to answer both sets in one post, and then just come up with eleven questions of my own, because it takes me yonks to come up with questions and I’m lazy. Eso si que es, y’know?
What’s the first thing you remember writing?
A four-page story about a Diplodocus when I was… definitely before I was ten years old. Maybe like five or six. I was very proud of it.
What’s the last thing you wrote purely for yourself?
Actually, I pretty much always write for myself, so the last thing that I wrote/started to write… ooh-er. That’d be the Warrior Cats fanfiction I’ve been working on. :P
Are you a WIP playlist person or a WIP aesthetics person?
Playlist, probably. I tend not to make playlists specifically for WIPs – instead, I’ll assign songs and soundtracks to specific characters and scenes – but I’m still better at throwing together playlists then making aesthetics LMAO
What’s a book you wish you’d written?
Uuuuh… maybe it’s just because I’m young (barely an adult), but I don’t have anything where it’s like “ah I wish I’d used that idea” or “wish I’d written this book”. I still have a lot of writing ahead of me, hopefully, so all my ideas I hope to actually get out some day. (Assuming that’s,,, what the question is asking me)
What’s your favourite book adaptation?
Ironic because it doesn’t follow the books that closely, but I love the How To Train Your Dragon films very much.
Which of your characters would you like to have a conversation with? What would you like to talk about?
The downside to Pandemonium’s Bane being filled with eccentric personalities and cooky characters means that there’s actually few of them I’d LIKE to have a conversation with, because most would be too dickish or too annoying for my tastes xDD That being said, I think me and Plue are on very similar wavelengths, and we have a lot in common (such as both of us wanting to write), so I wouldn’t mind chatting with her for a bit if I had to.
Which of your WIP worlds would you most like to live in?
The Power of Ages stories are mostly set in one universe (the Nimbus System) so I guess I’d have to go with that one by default. There’s Neil’s dimension, I guess, but it’s destroyed, so…
Have you ever written anything inspired purely by a song? If so, what song was it?
I haven’t written anything inspired just by a single song, but I HAVE got certain scenes or character backstories based off of songs, or even the concepts they’re based around. I have a whole battle between brothers planned out to the soundtrack that plays when Shifu fights Tai Lung in Kung Fu Panda, and listening to the Iron Man soundtracks helped me with both the conception of a new character and her placement in my roster (and yes, she does invent things and fly around, although there are also some major differences)
Have you ever written poetry? Do you still? Why or why not?
I… haven’t written poetry. And the reason for that is… I mean, I guess it doesn’t really jibe with me? Granted I haven’t considered it heavily, but it was always my least favourite aspect of learning English at school, and I just never fell in love with it the same way I fell in love with writing conventional narratives.
Who would direct an adaptation of your writing?
I ain’t big on directors, so IDEK. I guess in terms of the rewrite of Maelstrom (my current main WIP) I’d pick Sam Raimi, who proved with his Spider-Man films that he can blend fun superhero narratives with slightly darker elements pretty well.
How do you motivate yourself when you don’t feel like writing?
Mainly by having multiple projects to work on! That way, if I ain’t feeling what I’m working on, I can switch over to another one, and bingo bango, I can keep writing. (Hypothetically. Sometimes it ain’t that simple, obviously.) I also use music, and I also take advantage of being in situations where it’s like, I’d rather write then do the alternative. Do you know how much writing I got done in lessons? So much. :P
What scenes are the worst to write?
The ones that I haven’t planned out – sometimes I have very specific ideas for how I want scenes to happen, and I’m excited to get to them, but other times they’re just obligatory because there’s certain information I have to convey. That makes it a challenge to write it in a compelling way, because why should the reader care if I don’t?
What can you say is a thing you love most about your writing?
I’d say I like the dialogue/character interplay/narrative description-y sort of stuff. I think I’m good at giving everything levity, and keeping it breezy and entertaining even if I myself find the writing process to be a bit of a slog. Plus, it’s funny to read back over, and it’s also funny to watch my discord quote a line and then keysmash at it. :P
What is writing advice that you take to heart?
It’s from Aaron Sorkin’s writing masterclass – the idea that a story is defined by the main character’s INTENTION, the OBSTACLE facing them, and the TACTICS they use to overcome it.
How do you keep yourself from quitting writing together?
Honestly, it’s not like I have to try that hard! By this point I’m desperate to tell these stories that I have in mind, so I have a sort of innate compulsion to write because I wanna get it all out there. I’ll get back to you if that compulsion runs out, but for now, I see myself writing long into the future.
What is the strangest thing you’ve searched up on the internet for writing purposes?
Probably the capabilities of medieval-era people to recognise nuclear technology. (And for the record, the answer is “pretty low”.)
Not a question, but shoutout a writeblr (or multiple) that you think needs to hear that they are awesome and doing a great job (by the way everyone, you all are awesome and doing a great job. Keep it up.)
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Well obviously I’m gonna shout out the person who tagged me in the first place – Kels. I await the final(?) book in the DOOT series with great anticipation.
Your OCs are trapped on a deserted island, what would they be doing?
I WANNA say they’d try and work as a team, but, uh. It may not go so well. Dante and Plue would probably be the most practical. Gaia would be good at grunt work but not focus on the task at hand, Rose would be functionally useless but good at moral support, Jacen would try to organise things but Gaia would just push him in the sea for jokes… I reckon they’d escape eventually, I suppose, but it wouldn’t exactly be a clean-cut affair, you know? xD
What is your biggest inspiration for your WIPs?
I actually have various inspirations – I think collectively my biggest inspiration is the MCU, in that it’s a bunch of interconnected stories set in the same universe about different characters and also there are superpowers. xDD
A habit you have when it comes to writing?
Not doing it (thank you writer’s block)
A fact about your world and/or characters?
I have debated killing of MANY of my characters, but have only actually come to concrete decisions one way or the other with a few.
If your WIP/s got turned into a movie or series, what would be the quote on the promotional poster or trailer?
Oh, I’m gonna do this for ALL the WIPs, this seems fun!
Of Encounters and Trysts – Two Hearts, One Soul (or something equally cheesy)
Hit and Run – Even the indomitable aren’t invincible
Maelstrom – Destiny Begins
The Destroyer of Worlds – One Case, One Team, One Superpower
Survivor – It’s every man for themselves
Savants – Not so different
Omnia Vincit Amor – Good things come to those who get traumatised
Cometh the Hour – Six thousand years from home
  Alright, now it’s (finally!) time for my eleven questiones:
1 – Does music help you write, or does it just distract you?
2 – What’s your favourite writing tool? A laptop? Notepad and pens? Quills and inkpot?
3 – Do you have to physically go to places to get a feel for them and feel as though you can set writing in them?
4 – What got you into writeblr?
5 – How well can your OCs dance, do you think?
6 – Do you have a favourite writing snack? If so, what is it?
7 – Bionicle. Thoughts?
8 – Is there a specific piece of media (movie, show, book, w/e) that you could say has been more of an inspiration to you than anything else?
9 – What’s the best soundtrack you know for getting pumped and hyped up?
10 – If you could only write one genre for the rest of your writing career, what would you go with?
11 – What’s your favourite music-based meme? (Examples include “LET’S GO”, “CREEPER/AWW MAN” and “We Are Number One But ___”)
 Tagging… @thelimeonade, and @dawnuchiha!
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sebeth · 6 years
Crisis On Infinite Earths #5
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 Psycho-Pirate’s master is very upset – he’s destroyed the two prime universes, murdered the Monitor, and he still isn’t able to level up!
The Monitor - via pre-recorded message – reveals the he used his death energies to create a netherverse that absorbed the Earth-1 and Earth-2 universes.  However, the two universes are merging and will cause the other’s destruction.
Alex Luthor (son of Earth-3 Lex Luthor and Lois Lane) reveals the Monitor left him with instructions to save the two universes.  The rapidly aging Alex is now a teenager.
The Flash and Red Tornado are prisoners of the mysterious master.  Psycho-Pirate abuses poor Barry out of sheer boredom.
Lana Lang for WGBS-TV reports on the current insanity of the newly-created planet. In one city, you have dinosaurs, Neanderthals, Viking ships, blimps, horse-drawn carriages, and buildings from the 30th century.  
Sinestro himself has a “What the hell?” look on his face – and he’s seen some stuff!
Alex Luthor and Harbinger have gathered an assembly of heroes and villains.  Big two page spread of the assembly.  We have the Legion of Super-Heroes, the Outsiders, Infinity Inc., the Metal Men, Cave Carson & his team, the Teen Titans, the Sea Devils, the survivors of Easy Company, Dr. Light II, Swamp Thing, All-Star Squadron, Ragman, Riddler, Captain Boomerang, Kamandi, Rag Doll, Star Sapphire, the Persuader, Elongated Man, Steel, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Captain Comet, B’Wana Beast, Bir Sir, Solomon Grundy, the Mist, Aqualad, Tula, Lori Lemaris, the Blackhawks, Phantom Stranger, the Cheetah, Robotman, Per Degaton, Dr. Polaris, the Creeper, Cinnamon,  Monsieur Mallah, Phobia, the Legion of Substitute Heroes, Batgirl, Batman, Earth-2 Robin, Earth-2 Superman, Earth-2 Huntress, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern (John Stewart), Martian Manhunter, Celsius, Arion, Scalphunter, Green Arrow, Killer Frost, Firestorm, Deathstroke, and Plastic Man.
The main thing I love about George Perez’s artwork – the man is not afraid to draw a large group of characters.   The groups are never standing in straight formation either.  The characters are reacting and interacting.  A few examples:
1)      Easy Company is clearly freaked out by Swamp Thing.
2)      Beast Boy (Changeling) re-uniting with the missing Cyborg.
3)      Aqualad and Tula assisting Lori Lemaris.  Lori can’t stand because she’s a mermaid.
4)      Solomon Grundy is very annoyed.
5)      Couples are standing next to each other: Nightwing/Starfire, Brainiac 5/Supergirl, Lightning Lad/Saturn Girl, Bouncing Boy/Duo Damsel, etc.
6)      Elongated Man, Plastic Man, and the Metal Men are using their stretching abilities to great effect.
Lois Lane – also from WGBS-TV – interviews people on the street:  Tomahawk and Grixx of Ceti Alpha 6.   Poor Tomahawk doesn’t even know he what a television is – only moments ago he was fighting with George Washington’s troops.
Back to the assembled heroes.  Adding to the roll call:  Sargon the Sorcerer, Firehawk (the Western character), Black Orchid, Gizmo, Deadman, Gypsy, Penguin, Brother Blood, Validus, Jemm (Son of Saturn), Amethyst, the Warlord (Travis Morgan), Catwoman, the Atom (Ray Palmer), Jonah Hex, Vibe, Captain Cold, Earth-2 Wonder Woman, Ocean Master, Dolphin, and Black Canary.
We take a quick peek at Rann where Adam Strange battles monsters from the pre-historic era.
Superman steps up with the big hero speech: “Maybe I’m wrong talking for everyone but I will. Send us back. Let the doubters decide. But I promise you this, if we can save the worlds that remain, we will!”
The series has consistently shown Superman as the standard bearer of the DC Universe – the one you turn to when the end of the world is here. It has also demonstrated the struggles Clark has with the role: he has fears and vulnerabilities but has to ignore it and order to be the “shining light” for the other heroes.
A team of Green Lanterns, including Arisia and Katma Tui, arrive on Oa.  They discover the Guardians in stasis but are quickly taken out themselves.  
Lois Lane is attacked by a sabretooth tiger but is quickly saved by Earth-1 and Earth-2 Superman.  
Rip Hunters and his Time Masters are adrift in time.
Alfred and Jason Todd call for aid as Anthro, Embra, and a host of Neanderthals are invading Wayne Manor! Batman responds and he brings back-up. The back-up consists of Earth-2 Robin, Earth-2 Huntress (logical as they know the secret identity and are part of the family, Katana & Halo of the Outsiders (Batman’s team, also in on the identity), Nuklon (he’s trustworthy), Per Degaton, Kung, the Brain and Monsieur Mallah, Poison Ivy, Plastique, and Weather Wizard.  What?! Bruce is obviously not concerned about maintaining his secret identity at this point.
We have a brief panel of Batman putting his arm around Jason Todd’s shoulders. Jason is in civilian attire, not in his costumed identity. Earth-2 Robin (an adult Dick Grayson) is clearly looking at the duo with an unhappy “Who are you” expression. Again, George Perez – master of small details.
Unfortunately, my adorkable Anthro has no dialogue. The world is missing out on what would have been an awesome Alfred-Anthro interaction.
Starfire, Sun Boy, Firebrand, Firestorm, Polar Boy, and Killer Frost head to the Soviet Union to assist Red Star.  Killer Frost has reverted back to her lovable “I will kill you all” self.
Red Star refuses the aid until Starfire reminds him: “It’s our world. Please, we have to work together if we’re to save any of us.”
Red Star concedes: “Your words should be heeded by all. I apologize. You are right. Perhaps if we all survive, the politicians will remember this cooperation and build a better world for us all.”
Good luck with that!
Psycho-Pirate is still picking on my poor sweet Barry.  Meanwhile, the master is transforming the Red Tornado from machine into a primal force.
The Legion, The Justice Society, Zatana, and Sargon are attempting to combat the out of control weather only to discover that it’s being caused by the Red Tornado. Wildcat’s spine is shattered by a lightning bolt – he will never walk again.  We also get a quick two panel glimpse of Yolanda Montez.  Yolanda will become the second Wildcat.
The heroes and villains unite to save the universe.  Alex Luthor informs the group there are five universes that need to be saved.  
The master reveals himself to Psycho-Pirate and Flash:  Call me…the Monitor!”   A very corpse-like Monitor.
We end on Earth-X: “An earth where World War Two had continued for more than forty years.” AKA the home of the Freedom Fighters (Uncle Sam, Phantom Lady, The Ray, the Human Bomb, and Black Condor).  
So…Five Universes to save…
We have:
1)Earth One
2)Earth Two
3) Earth X
4) Earth F – Marvel Family
5) Earth C – Charlton characters – Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Question, Nightshade
Earth One and Earth Two are DC’s golden and silver age characters. The remaining three earths feature characters from various comic book publishers DC bought out over the years: Charlton, Fawcett, Quality, etc.
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Dream SMP Recap (July 6/2021) - Prime Path Renovations
Ponk experiences a setback. He and Foolish discuss Plan 69 together. It’s only a matter of time.
Tommy decides to clear some of the crowded area along the Prime Path by working with Foolish, Antfrost, Ponk, Sam and Bad to tear some unused buildings (and Pride decorations) down. 
After Puffy discovers that her L’Targay was one of the builds destroyed, she decides to retaliate.
Captain Puffy
- Ponk tests out his TNT launcher and attempts to fly
- After one of the test runs goes wrong, Ponk dies in an explosion and loses all his items, including the trident. Sammy Wammy is lost forever
- It may be time to activate Plan 69. As Ponk says, it’s all about leverage...
- Ponk retrieves some items, puts on the creeper head and grabs Warden’s Will, Sam’s sword, from his underground base 
- Later, Foolish comes online and Ponk meets him at the bank, doing his best Sam impression in the creeper head. She informs him that the plan is coming together, but there is a setback (Ponk claims she was testing the security system on the bank with Sam’s voice)
- The time is soon for Ponk’s arm plan. They show Foolish a chest. Foolish opens it and looks at the contents -- the leverage -- with his screen hidden. He’s shocked
Ponk: “Foolish! It was never in vain! I am twenty steps ahead, Foolish! I am a master of chess! I am the master!”
Foolish: “Do you realize that thing -- that is nuts! Does anyone else know about that?”
Ponk: “No! No one knows, Foolish! No one knows!” (laughs)
Foolish: “And that was like -- I guess I may have to ask you later to explain where you got it, but...”
- Foolish gives Ponk some resources
Ponk: “Our time will come. We will meet again. Very soon, hopefully.”
Foolish: “But you realize -- like, what you have, though -- there’s more than just the thing that we could do, like there’s a lot more--”
Ponk: “Foolish! I am a self-centered person, Foolish. It is only for my gain! And maybe yours!”
Foolish: “Yes, but we could also do it for other gains!”
Ponk: “No! No, Foolish. No, Foolish...Some people are meant to be, in the places they are meant to be. Okay? Alright. I will see you -- I’ll see you later, Foolish.”
- They part ways
- Tommy establishes Spud Lore
- He meets Foolish on the Prime Path and asks about BadBoyHalo’s promo codes. Tommy takes down the charity sign
- He gets Foolish to take off his armor as they continue. He has figured out that no one likes rich people
- They make it back to Tommy’s house. Tommy takes his riches out of his Ender Chest and puts them in a chest
- To clear out some room, they start taking down the gingerbread house and Antfrost logs on, telling them to get away. Ant meets them at the house and they talk
- Tommy informs Antfrost that it is no longer Christmas. Ant is willing to help them take down other things, and Tommy claims partial ownership of the gingerbread house
- Next, Tommy sneaks into the Targay. They decide it’s suitable to bulldoze
- Mario interrupts. Tommy informs him that Targay has been “opening soon” for half a year. Yoshi arrives as well, but they quickly start taking it down
- Technoblade logs on just to suggest they tear down the prison
- Tommy asks Ant about his love life and how it’s going
- Tubbo joins the call and informs him of the copious amounts of TNT in his possession
- Tommy cleans up the Definitely Not Blood while Tubbo pokes Ranboo
- He also wants to make a trapped Freebies Chest
- Sam logs on while Tommy burns down the rainbow wall. Since Antfrost is there, it’s allowed
- The biggest challenge is the flag above the Community House, which is immensely prideful and an unfortunate image to destroy. Tommy takes down the Pride Flag. Antfrost simply watches
- They put the blocks in the Freebies Chest
- Next, they go to inspect the prison. Tommy hates the prison. Antfrost states that it would be a conflict of interest for him, since he works there
- Sam appears at the prison entrance and tells them to stop. Foolish tries to bargain with scaffolding
- Foolish puts on Sam’s head and they face off with Warden Sam. Tommy puts on his own creeper head and proclaims that they should get rid of this prison, as the prison system is flawed! 
- Foolish brought pot. Antfrost brought weednip
- Tommy and Foolish go through the prison entrance portal and it gets deactivated by an explosion
- Tommy has a flint and steel and Sam begs them to try and re-light it. Tommy has leverage. Sam says he has something on him that Tommy would like. Tommy takes the deal and they go back through the portal
- Sam gives Tommy stacks of TNT and the group heads off again to the obsidian Nether Portal cube
- They start deactivating it and Ponk logs on
- Tommy takes down Dream’s honeymoon resort (the iron door structure)
- Sam suggests they take down Ninja’s house, but Tommy protests. This is iconic. He tries to call Ninja
- Foolish starts taking it down to test how it feels. They explode the rest and Tommy keeps the bed for good luck
Tommy: “i’m not gonna Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss Ninja Fortnite Blevins, Sam! It just wouldn’t work! I’m no girlboss. I’m merely a manloser.”
- Tommy goes to mine dirt in sorrow. Ponk speaks to them, arriving in his Robin outfit. They explore the invisible staircase
- Next, they go to take down Ponk’s pumpkin trap
- Foolish wonders what would happen if they tried to kill the dragon. He says if you kill the dragon, you get “XD” in your name and get Creative mode. Tommy doesn’t want to risk it
- Foolish kisses himself on his elbow. Self-love
- Antfrost’s eyes turn red from the weednip and he hands some to everyone. Foolish gets high and turns into Batman
- Tommy towers up and gets rid of the last of the Y:7 sign. They start talking about Tinder
- Tommy gets Phil to join VC, asking him to tell them about Big Russ
- He calls Bad to ask about the YouTooz codes. Bad says to ask Sam. Sam does not know
- They go to the Hall of Fame and debate killing Drista’s dog. Drista’s dog dies
- Everyone goes to the graveyard by Punz’s backyard and stand on the grave. Foolish says it would be very spiritual for Tommy to blow up his own grave
- Tommy suggests they bring back the Socializing Club. Ponk says it’s the essential oils shop
- Sam runs over to blow up Wilbur’s ball (owned by Tommy) but Tommy refuses, saying he would kill Sam if he did
- Tommy leaves the group to go get some more dirt
- Ponk tells Sam that he lost the trident today as well as all his things
- They chat some more and Sam tells Foolish that Bad is "on grinder.” Foolish asks him if he’s verified on it. Sam asks if he’s spoken with Skeppy about it
- Tommy joins the VC again with a “’sup, bitches.” Sam tells Tommy that Bad is “on grinder for the experience”
- Tommy says he wants more people to be on the server more often and Foolish and Sam start comparing their server statistics. Tommy has 13 days on the server. Sam has 95 days
- Tommy concludes that he must be Foolish’s father figure and calls Foolish “son”
- Once Tommy leaves, the three go to destroy the ball but Phil joins VC to tell them that if they did that, Wilbur would cry, so they don’t 
- Bad tells Ant they should go to Foolish’s summer home to destroy the things that aren’t being used there. They discuss what to destroy and destroy a red tulip
- Then they destroy Ponk’s essential oils shop 
- Bad and Ant argue over who gets claim to Alyssa’s house. They go around various areas debating what to destroy
- They go to L’manburg and take down Fundy’s election whitehouse
- Afterwards, they go down into L’manhole and clear the Blood Vines off of the flag
- Foolish and Antfrost go back to Las Nevadas
- Puffy has heard that some damage has been done. She’s been told that there were several people there, including a certain muffinhead, a furry, and most importantly, a child (and also Foolish and Sam)
- Puffy turns on the slow Able Sisters Theme and logs on, immediately seeing the cleared-out L’Targay plot
Puffy: “What in the corporation is this shit?!”
- She walks down the Prime Path, surveying the damage, until she sees that they got rid of the flag as well
- There is now room for retribution. This seems to have been targeted at her
- Puffy goes to Tommy’s house. She could either destroy Tommy’s base, or cover it in rainbows...or...
- She spies the Big Innit Hotel in the background. They could take it a step further...
- She pulls up the stream footage for receipts. She sees Tommy start to destroy the gingerbread house and learns that Antfrost stopped it. Puffy is enraged
- She wonders what Tommy’s favorite tower is and makes her way to the Disruption Tower
- Puffy gets disrupted by the Disruption Tower and then takes part of it down. She gets Disrupted for a few minutes mining before finding out that it was the wrong tower, and it was the Power Tower that was Tommy’s favorite
Puffy: “Blackstone? I thought Tommy hated blackstone.”
- After walking past it several times, Puffy finally identifies the right tower as the Power Tower
- She gets some TNT and explodes Tommy’s house. While storing the dropped items in chests, she notices that Tommy has Schlatt’s bones
- She still remembers when she was living out of a turkey and the turkey was destroyed. While others helped, Tommy was the one who incited it. The others will get repercussions as well though
- Puffy builds Tommy’s house into a mini L’Targay so that when Tommy uses his house, he will finally be using L’Targay as well
- Next, Puffy takes down Antfrost’s gingerbread house and comes across the bathwater chamber 
- She goes to Foolish’s summer home to put mustaches on all the statues, but is disappointed to find that they already have mustaches. She starts putting a brown hat on the sphinx when Quackity joins VC
- Quackity asks why Puffy is putting hats on all of Foolish’s builds, and Quackity tells her to leave him alone. Puffy informs him that Foolish is her son. They go back and forth about Puffy’s full name (Puff Big Daddy)
- Quackity is not BadBoyHalo’s mistress
- Puffy tells him about Tommy blowing up all the rainbows, so she blew up Tommy’s house. They chat a bit
- Foolish logs on, Puffy asks him why he helped in the destruction of Targay and Foolish says it was character development
- Then Quackity tells Puffy about how Tommy got exiled. Namely, that Tubbo betrayed him (he does an impression of Tubbo). Foolish sneaks around behind them
Puffy: “Do you think it would be wrong to kill my son on the server?”
Puffy: “Like do I pull a Philza?”
- Quackity says not to even think about touching Foolish. Puffy invites Foolish to the call and Quackity tells Foolish that he is Quackity’s beloved and then starts talking about metabolism articles
- They continue chatting. Puffy shows Foolish the top hats and Foolish says they actually used to have hats not too long ago
- Foolish shows off his Batman skin and Quackity becomes the Joker. They roleplay until the Joker suggests they have a threesome and abruptly cease the bit
- Foolish and Puffy head over to Las Nevadas. Foolish shows Quackity the progress he’s made on the sand and the hotel. They keep doing the Batman impressions, now with an added Bane impression
Quackity: Imagine Bane and the Joker kissing
Foolish: Can we do that?
- They talk quite a bit about Wattpad
- Foolish changes into his Superman skin
- Quackity leaves and Foolish and Puffy continue to talk in Las Nevadas
Upcoming events remain the same.
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