r0ttenb0n3s · 1 year
I really want to get high but no one has enough to share and I think it wouldn’t be such a big deal :/ i mean.. they always say to just ask and be open?:)
Maybe I can get around to those coolers if I can too xp
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r0ttenb0n3s · 1 year
When your therapist calls CFS 😰
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r0ttenb0n3s · 1 year
People are weird
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r0ttenb0n3s · 1 year
One shot
Two shot
Three shot
All my friends are on the floor
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r0ttenb0n3s · 1 year
God is not a good man
I don’t see why people look up to him
He has killed many
He is responsible for everything that has happened
And if he was real why hasn’t he done anything to help the people
He is supposedly the one who created the earth and humans
But that’s not true, it’s proven
If he is such a good man why has he killed many, why has he not helped with world hunger
Apparently he makes things happen, so that means if it was real he is the cause for all of pain and suffering in the world, If he created us humans then why did he make bad humans too
The killers, the rapists, the kidnappers, all of them, he made them if he made humans, therefor he is the cause of all of the world’s suffering
If he’s real why isn’t he lifting a damn finger to help out the people who need help, who are on there knees every night begging for him to save them
I mean look at the facts, it’s proven humans grew from animals, from apes, he’s a made up story that the white privileged onion eyed pricks came up with
He’s a story that so many people believe in and it’s sad
Someone made him up so people can fear him, if people didn’t fear him the world would be Chaos, people believe that if you do something bad like kill someone, you’ll be sent to hell and burned, and people fear that idea so they believe that made up story
And plus, “god” made people just for them to worship him, so they can be so venerable to him
And they say when you die you go to “heaven” but why would you want to spend your life worshipping god”, then spend your afterlife worshipping the same guy, it’s like your trapped, your stuck, your gonna be there forever worshiping this guy, why would you wanna be stuck forever?
Ask your self why does the bad stuff that happen to you, happen, some even cry to this “Jesus” or “god” and what do they get in return?
Nothing, absolutely nothing
Sincerely, rotten bones
#Jesusbad #fuckgod #satanist #baphomet
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