#salvatrice muselli
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kortacqueen · 2 years ago
Hutch, my man, is a computer genius
However his true power remains long unknown UNTIL a bet comes around
During one of the team game nights, König loses and is forced to reveal a story about a scar not gotten in the field
He shares a long scar running up his forearm and says it’s from a dirt biking accident, mentioning that there may be footage of it somewhere
He doubts anyone actually saw it since it was only aired locally
Hutch says ‘if I find it, can I show it to everyone?’
König responds (he is a little drunk) ‘I bet you can’t find it, but if you do I’ll owe you one favor AND tell you another story of a scar, just you.’
Time passes and people move on. It’s a while before they are all able to have a full team game night together
Before they can start, Hutch gets them all to the rec room, his computer hooked up to the TV
A long video file ready to play as everyone sits down.
‘I win our bet König’ was the only warning everyone got before Hutch started a video of a 15 year old König dirt bike racing in the mountains on old footage.
Clear as day, near the end battling for 1st, a kid nicks König’s bike and he falls off the hill into the deep mud on his arm
Quickly getting back up, he fights for the top spot. In the final stretch, König passes the kid and flips him off
Then proceeds to mock him while on the podium with his still bleeding arm, gesturing that he’s crying then laughs and points
Safe to say a fight broke out and the footage cut off
Hutch was standing there a little to proud of himself, and he does receive his special story
Out of solidarity, he has not looked at anyone’s search history on base.
Hutch, Declan, Oni, Roze, Zeus, and Horangi are great singers and have amazing range
Stilletto, Zero, and Askel should never be allowed to sing and aren’t banned but they will get glares
All of KorTac are a little sadistic in battle, but there is definitely a range.
Surprisingly König, Stiletto, and Oni are at the top of this list. Callisto is the only one who will force them to stop.
Oni can, will, and has cut off arms with his katanas just to leave them to bleed out
König likes to use a sledgehammer when available, he swings so it hits the enemy’s head but there is usually a wall of floor to meet them.
He has a biting problem too. If you put your hand on or near his mouth he will bite you through the mask if need be, fingers have been lost and König thinks it’s hilarious.
All of them carry a spare balaclava in case comeones is ripped, most often Horangi’s or König’s.
Some of them take medication for many things
Most for PTSD and depression, König for those and anxiety and insomnia (caused by his anxiety and depression)
The man is bad WITH his medication, without it he is so much worse. As an unmedicated kid who needed meds, he would hardly leave his room and would panic attack upon returning
The days that he misses, he locks himself in his room and cries all day
Though one of the lesser religious of the group, Klaus embodies the Christmas spirit the most
Though, he acts more like a demented Santa
Singing carols with twisted lyrics as he completes his missions, finishing with a ‘ho ho ho, and have a merry Christmas in hell’
He gained an affectionate nickname of ‘Krampus’ given to him by Fender and König who grew up with it.
It was not out of kindness or humor that they gave him this name like everyone believes.
To strengthen his bond with the name, he researched several different traditions over many countries with the creature and began to terrorize them all.
Fender and König were terrorized the most and their childhood trauma/fear was used against them.
Declan found this especially funny. You could tell Klaus just pranked them is Declan was seen with tears in his eyes.
Eventually, Fender and König call him Krampus throughout the year, while the rest stick to just Christmas time.
Zeus, although very polite, can be incredibly judgemental.
If someone eats something he deems as disgusting, he’ll scrunch up his face and give this horrified look.
This look has spared no one and made several people cry.
The reveal of König as a Colonel had shaken everyone. Apparently Zero was the only one who guessed right but was under the impression König had no idea how he got there
Which, to be fair, is kinda true
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creaturefeaturecommando · 10 months ago
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trashland-llamas · 2 years ago
Keegan; Awe come on, look at me, I’m not a red flag. Just put on those dandy little rose tinted glasses on again and everything is fine
-- -- --
Price; Ima need y’all to chill out cause I’m having to explain to my wife that I’m not watching porn and I am indeed playing Valorant
Farah; Bro tell her I say hi, thanks for last night
Price; Okay, she—uhhhh, y’know what? I was gonna say she said hi but then you put the end in there.
Price; If I disconnect, its because she killed me…you don’t wanna say hi? Can you please say hi?
Laswell; Hi
Price; Say it again
Farah; Hi kitten
Laswell; Hi
Price; She says hi, now listen
Farah; I’m—I listened, beautiful voice, what?
Gaz; You just called this man’s wife kitten
-- -- --
König; I’m gonna quickly uuh go to the bathroom
Stiletto; Is everyone pissing?
König; Yeah, we’re all holding hands and pissing
Stiletto; Can I come?
König; Yeah, yeah! You have to sit in the urinal
Stiletto; That’s okay
König; Alright, I’ll be right back
Stiletto; Do you bring your headphones to the toilet? Can you still hear me? Are you pissing while listening to me?
König; Okay, listen! I can’t! Please don’t! I do. I have wireless headphones. Be right back
Stiletto; Ahh, taking a little piss boy.
König; Stop!
Stiletto; Little piss boy, taking a piss
König; Stop! Shut the fuck up
Stiletto; I can’t piss, the only toilet in my house is all the way upstairs
König; Shut up!
-- -- --
Horangi; Ever blown a motor?
Nikolai; Never blown a motor, but I’ve blown a trans
Horangi; wait, which car?
Nikolai; uh no…it was a..he/him (Price)
Sources; x x x x
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children-of-epiales · 2 years ago
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Thank you @felrijarija for the gorgeous comms!
Top: Renata
Middle: COD crossover ReaperxStiletto
Bottom: God of War AU LaraxSage
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bl00dysavior · 2 years ago
I honestly still haven't settled on an origin story for her scar yet that I'm 100% happy with, but that doesn't stop me from thinking about it nonetheless.
But yeah, I tend to consistently think of her having gotten it before she had joined the Carabinieri, when she was still working with her family in the Camorra. At the very latest it was sustained the same day as the attack on her family, but anyways.
It wasn't as sensitive as a topic back then, if only because she just thought of it as something she got while 'on the job'; nothing to dwell on.
But after? When she joined the Carabinieri she essentially kept any mention of her background, her more illicit actives in particular, behind locked doors. Nobody knew anything about her except for the bare minimum- she was from Naples, she was scarily effective with knives, and her motivations for joining the anti-Camorra and anti-drug trafficking task forces was intimately personal for her, or at least seemed to be the one time it came up.
And that scar was something those serving in the Carabinieri with her quickly learned was something firmly off limits to ever ask about. Part of her was honestly a little ashamed of it, not necessarily self-conscious but definitely aware of the irony of a former Camorra member working with the very organization with a focus on dismantling the organization. Truly among the wolves, she was.
Nowadays, it's just a grim reminder of who she used to be, what she lost. A small part of her sees it as a symbolic mark of Cain, also reminding her of what she's done, what she's capable of. That she isn't capable of changing, not at this point. She's still the same woman, just with skills... redirected towards a more productive (legal) goal .
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sharkys-disco-stick · 2 months ago
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missing my modern warfare ii ladies
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cariadlovescodwomen · 1 year ago
while everyone obsesses over ghost, price, soap, könig, and graves (give more love to gaz, ale, and rudy, though)
i am pathetically enamoured with the cod ladies
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these four in particular, lmao
just look at kleo, holy fuck
i’d let roze shoot me
calisto would probably hate me, but, oh well 😍
and stiletto just does things to me, man
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seriously-mike · 2 years ago
Stiletto (knife-flirting with Valeria): Do you know what goes between fear and sex? König (popping up ass outta nowhere): FÜNF!
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nouns-are-bad · 2 years ago
All the women in kortac take one look at König and decided to adopt him no matter if he’s older or younger than them
He’s kind, he’s respectful, and he’s invited to girls night outs/ meetups because no one messes with them when he’s looking over their shoulders terrifying the creeps away
Plus he’s a great bag holder and scouter for stores
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indefenseofkara · 2 years ago
MWII Operator Headcanons: Kortac edition
Hello! It’s time for my Kortac headcanons! I’m doing the base operators that came with the game (except Oni because he’s a playstation exclusive so I can’t play him.) Like before, all images are screenshots from my game.
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“Fender” Takacs
momma's boy, in the positive sense
can be loud and rambunctious, easy to view as a "mans man"
but very respectful of women and doesn't tolerate any of that "locker room talk"
the whole "mystery dad" thing has maybe gotten out of control
and when he's drunk he might let slip that he thinks his dad is someone like Reagan or maybe Elvis
or a time traveler. Seriously
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I like the cleft pallet head canon
definitely a guy who crafts
there's already a ton of fan ideas about him, I don't really have anything to add
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“Calisto” Allard
thinks she's better than you, but she's right
honestly one of those people who is good at everything and it's just not fair
refuses to look unkempt. No messy buns, no old t-shirts. Even her lounging around or doing chores clothes are high quality and well coordinated
still coming to terms with the fact that she isn’t straight
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Darnell “Hutch” Hutchinson
competitive to a fault
seriously, just say "bet I can (blank) better than you" and he's ready to go
really good singing voice, a deep baritone
I think he has sisters. idk why, it just feels right
he’s actually the most meta character because he worked with the Call of Duty Endowment, which implies CoD exists within the world of CoD
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Kim “Horangi” Hong-jin
has attempted to bet on the fact that he's a terrible gambler
it did not work
because he is a terrible gambler
can really hold a grudge
dyed his hair blue one time and kinda wants to do it again
likes to paint his nails
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Rozlin “Roze” Helms
I like to think that she put Graves in his place a couple times when in Shadow company
like can you even imagine? He'd say some sexist remark and then say "not you/you're different/you don't count" or some "boys will be boys" nonsense
as if Roze isn't ready to throw down on behalf of any and all women in the fucking world
has been the "only woman" or the "first woman" in organizations for so long, and she's sick of it
maybe that’s one reason why she split from shadow company?
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Sami “Zero” Zakaria
his call sign is the answer to the question "how much sexual attraction do you feel?"
(I'm trying to say he's ace)
yeah he had his rich party boy days, but that was more of a performance; a persona molded by societal expectations
when not in the battle field he's surprisingly chill
cannot stand low quality alcohol
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Declan “Conor” MacConor
this mf-er blinked in my first screenshot of him
will play up the accent to get laid. No shame
if people get annoyed by his filthy mouth he talks about how cursing is a part of his ~culture~
guilty pleasure: reality tv
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Tor “Aksel” Eriksen
serious about sunscreen. He's Scandinavian and has scars and tattoos. Gotta protect that skin
definitely owns a motorcycle
probably part of a heavy metal band at some point
he’s one of those guys who will wear shorts and sandals when it’s snowing and tell everyone “it’s not even that cold!”
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Salvatrice “Stiletto” Muselli
biggest issue with her scar is that it makes it hard to do covert/undercover work
due to working on anti-drug task forces, she always carries narcan
has definitely threatened to castrate someone. Like holding a knife to their sack and everything
pretty good at giving herself manicures
she’s my fave, tbh
Thanks for reading! You can find my Specgru headcanons here. 
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bl00dysavior · 2 years ago
Stiletto: People always shoot down my ideas and I’m sick of it. Two sentences in and everyone’s always shouting “what the fuck? that’s illegal!” and “you can’t do that!”. Like, c'mon, let me talk!
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gxldensxldiers · 1 year ago
Salvatrice Maria Muselli my fucking beloved
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cariadlovescodwomen · 1 year ago
listen, i get it, i really do, i get that there is a lot more male characters in the game to obsess over, buy could ya please acknowledge the women? pretty please?
i’m scared of annoying people with repeating myself so much, but this is my blog??? 😭 i’ll post about this as much as i want, lmfao
i love them so much that it’s killing me, or the lack of content for them is
re-reading the same four headcanons, two fanfics, non-stop checking one blog over and over again
i’m happy for ghost/soap/price/könig stans… i am not at all envious… not at all… (but why do some of you guys exclude gaz from 141 stuff??)
i’m fed when it comes to valeria, thankfully, but that’s about it (any cod writers that write for valeria, kate, and farah, i love you so much, but i’m way too scared to ever make an ask, even anonymously)
(does anyone else’s social anxiety extend to the internet?? i find posting these things incredibly nerve-racking, i could never ask a STRANGER ON THE INTERNET to maybe write something for me)
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seriously-mike · 2 years ago
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So I'm reading all those weird COD MWII headcanon posts and I would like to add one more thing:
Stiletto steals König's clothes. It's canon. Just look at the skin pack above. No denying that.
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unchartedperils · 2 years ago
Rumors have it there’s a Al Qatala and Ultranationalist unit dedicating to kidnapping some of these notable ladies in cohesion with regional allies across the globe. And they’re starting out in their home turf of Urzikstan with the trio of Urzikstan Libertation Front leader Farah Ahmed Karim, her lieutenant in Urzik-Russian fighter Iskra Volkov, and former Shoreline PMC Commander turned Chimera PMC mercenary Nadine Ross.
But now the Las Almas Cartel in Mexico is playing it’s part in this scheme and in their clutches is Venezuelan Special Forces lieutenant Marisol “Mara” Rojas and Italy’s recently famed military police officer Salvatrice “Stiletto” Muselli.
Linked below is so far my 2 part series of crossovers between Call of Duty and Uncharted, set in the Modern Warfare Reboot Universe of the 2010s/early 2020s as we know it. Ross’s Call of Duty was written in 2021 and split into two chapters while Ransom’d Reporter was written in 2022 and unofficially completed 2 weeks ago. They contain geopolitical sensitivity as shown in both 2019 and MW2: 2022 Edition (mentions and references to real life wars and war tragedies since the 1930s), acts of war and terrorism with blood, gore, torture, character deaths, kidnapping, non consensual bondage, groping, spanking, and implied sexual slavery. If this darkness that can hit close to home isn’t for you, DO NOT PROCEED (especially in Ransom’d Reporter). Otherwise, enjoy and also hope you enjoy the manips.
Ps, we’re planning on a AU Fix It of MW22’s campaign that is still crossed over with Uncharted, but trust me it’ll still feel like COD and it’ll fix all the mistakes that 22’s made in scrapping originally planned canon. Take a guess at which Uncharted character will fight on the front lines and no, it isn’t Nathan Drake or Elena Fisher this time.
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Welcome everyone to the start of our Women in COD Celebration Week!
We will be kicking things off with a day to celebrate all women in Call of Duty Modern Warfare - so please share your fandom creations with us!
As usual, make sure to @onlycodcanjudgeme or #womeninCOD so we don't miss out.
We will also be sharing prompts throughout the week, so stay tuned!
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ttlurking · 2 years ago
A set of Stiletto (+ König) doodles i did today
@almaspasta proposed the shipname kingheel and I quite like it ngl so any new Stiletto/König art shall be posted with that tag for anyone interested, definitely planning on more and especially have plans for a few digital pieces 🤭
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