#salt fic prompt
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sunsetosirias · 10 days ago
I may be misremembering things, but it was a common detail in Lila salt fics to have her lie about having food allergies and had Marinette discover this by watching her eat the supposed allergen without issue only for no one to believe her. I don't recall any fics for certain as any Lila salt fics I've read have been a few years ago and felt too mean spirited and they all blended together for me. However, it gave me an idea for a Marinette salt fic set before Season 5 Confrontation.
Why allergies are no lie - A Marinette salt fic idea.
Marinette is told about a food allergy Lila has but she thinks Lila is lying for attention as usual, so she sneaks the allergen into the next baked product she brings for the class and waits for Lila to eat it and be fine so she can expose her for the liar she is. Two possible outcomes for this:
Lila really was allergic and has an allergic reaction, causing everyone to panic and Marinette has a "My God, What Have I Done" moment.
In her determination to expose Lila, Marinette forgets that another classmate shares the allergy and they have an allergic reaction.
To my knowledge, Lila never lied about an allergy in canon, but it still seems like something Marinette would have ranted and raved about her lying about if there'd been a dedicated scene to it in canon.
Also, Marinette's canonical jealousy made her stalk Lila into the school library, follow her to a park, and abuse her social position as Ladybug to publicly ridicule a girl she'd never met before in front of Adrien in hopes he'd never talk to her again, simply because Lila dared to talk to the boy Marinette had a crush on. This was all in Volpina, Lila's introduction episode. I know there are other examples of Marinette's jealousy in other episodes - with most never being called out by the narrative - but I'm trying to keep the focus on Marinette and Lila for this post.
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marinettesaltprompts · 6 months ago
Not sure if you're still active, but here's a 'prompt':
Maribat, but without the wish-fulfillment:
The bats-family comes to Paris, and the usual Maribat stuff happens. Shadowmoth is found, Lila gets revealed, Marinette gets to castigate her friends to the bone beofre dimissing them as vile people beneath her notice and Adrien gets summarily replaced because Plagg's Miraculous is apparently Ladybug's engagement ring and Damian is "just better". To top it all off, Marinette is taken under Batman's wing, and without an active threat in Paris leaves for Gotham.
It's not what she expected.
She realises the true depths of human cruelty without the insanity of Akumatisation to hide behind,
She gets to learn what it's like to be the last person to know plans because SHE'S not the one calling the shots anymore, indeed: she's the most junior person int eh chain of command. She's the one who has to shut and obey when push come to shove, and get excluded from decisions that effect her and information that she should have but Batman keeps locked up under "need to know". And she's not on the list.
Because why would she be? She was the child who struggled to find Shadowmoth while she had a box of magical superweapons- including one that could give her any power she asked of it- when it took Batman his Robins maybe a week at most to do the same with conventional methods.
She even finds out that Batman has a dozen contingencies in place to take the box and Miraculous from her if she goes rogue. Based on information he's accumulated from her while she spent time under his roof and trained to impress him.
Oh, and to add salt to the wound: Damian makes it clear that he doesn't consider her his equal. Guardian or not. Certainly not someone he's going to take orders from, or someone he's interested in romantically for that matter. It takes more than a reasonably attractive face and talent for magical devices to interest Damian Wayne; and beyond those things what's exceptional about Marinette Dupain-Cheng compared to the other potential love interests he already had?
Did it occur to her that he might already be in a relationship before she gave him the ring? Because it seems like she's committing the same sin that Adrien Agreste once did in assuming the bearers of Destruction and Creation have some special destiny to be together.
(Adrien could tell her how that works out).
So now Marinette's stuck in a new, far less friendly city, speaking a foreign language and in a home filled with strangers she impulsively threw her old life away to be with. And she has to live with it because of how she burned her bridges.
Great Post! You put a lot of thought into the prompt, and the idea of Ladybug being brought into a situation where she's way in over her head and not instantly the main person in charge (just because she holds a powerful set of magical earrings) actually sounds great! Though that itself could be its own fanfic idea.
I myself am not personally fond of the Maribat part of the fandom or the idea of even mentioning it, given that it and the the idea of Marinette and Damian ever being a thing represents everything bad about the salty part of the fandom, especially from people who likely never read any actual DC comic involving Damian.
However, I do appreciate how you deconstructed the idea of not only Damian instantly being Marinette's love interest, but also how Marinette meeting the Batfamily would instantly make her part of it or even their favorite, since neither of those would likely ever happen given the dark and gritty nature of Batman comics contrasting with the light and generally perfect world of Miraculous.
I mean, the idea of Marinette relating in any way to the BatFam would be ridiculous in canon, considering her generally perfect and happy family life in comparison to everyone in the BatFam differing flavors of trauma. By comparison, Lila being a bitch or her friends not believing her seems mundane by comparison.
Anyways, love the post!
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nana-mizu-shiki · 1 year ago
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It good. Read. Kudo. Do it.
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aoparteilee · 11 months ago
Alya With a Chance of Defamation
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Words: 1,230
Part 1 (here) - Part 2 (Soon)
Summary: Alya Césaire wasn't stupid. As an aspiring journalist, she knew to fact-check, double check, and every other check. She could connect details faster than her phone connects to the school wifi. And while she wore glasses, her eyes are ones of hawk's when spotting holes in a story.
She's also not a suck-up, or too much of a snitch. If something isn't harmful, she's gonna let it slide. What she won't let slide, however, is the deliberate dragging of her best friend's name.
or, Alya isn't as dense as she is in canon
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When Lila Rossi first comes to Dupont, stories of travels and claims of connections spilling from her very bangs, involving a certain red and black clad super-heroine, Alya is a bit hind-sighted. Ladybug is not an easy lady to come by to request an interview, and while her partner in crime-fighting was a bit more open to conversations, the looming threat of identities that came in the form of beeping noises often pulled him away before he could share more.
She had many questions. How did they acquire their miraculous jewelry? How many miraculi were out there? Are there other ways besides Ladybug's yoyo and Chat Noir's Cataclysm to terminate akumas and prevent akumatizations? Do they have any leads on Hawkmoth's whereabouts and identity? Will they leave once Hawkmoth is gone?
Marinette had snagged her an interview with the heroine before, but it had been more about her thoughts surrounding her heroism and how the super suit worked.
She is brimming with excitement to question the new student when she remembers one, tiny detail: How could Lila even know Ladybug before coming to Paris?
According to the girl, she first came from Italy before moving here because her parents were important Italian diplomats. Knowing about Ladybug's existence is possible. By this point of time news of the superheroes has become old and accepted as something that just is and another weird thing about France. But how could a girl all the way in Italy personally know a superhero in Paris who most likely, lives in Paris.
Alya won't write it down as fact, but judging from how akuma attacks were always in Paris, whomever had given Ladybug and Chat Noir their miraculi must have given it to people from Paris. If, hypothetically, Ladybug were from Italy, she gets to Paris so fast it's unreal. How do person all the way across the continent hear about an akumatization so fast they get to Paris in around 5 minutes?
She looks beside her, to her best friend, and from the looks of it Marinette is thinking along the same lines. She's wearing a frown and her nose is scrunched in that manner that she only ever does when Chloe is being more irritating than usual.
Something is rotten in the state of Lila Rossi.
Okay, Alya will admit, she- as a little kid, mind you- had lied to her fellow students about whatever was trending being something she followed to sound cool. Everyone at one point lied about something to sound cool in front of their peers. It's a part of the beautiful cycle of life! But this is getting out of hand.
Lying about knowing celebrities is one thing, but making promises about helping her classmates reach their dreams with her "connections" was just mean. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes when Lila had told her about setting her up an appointment with Ladybug for an interview. She politely declined, wrapping her arm around Marinette's shoulder and saying, "Thanks, but there's no need, Lila. Miss Dupain-Cheng over here happens to also be friends with Ladybug. In fact, my blog's most viewed video, an interview with Ladybug, was arranged by her! I think I'm all set."
Marinette gives a small grin and flicks the hand by her shoulder playfully.
Lila's expression falters, her mouth twisting down from her welcoming 'I-can-grant-you-opportunities' smile into a displeased downturn.
She quickly smiles again, and moves to harass Mylene with her actor connections.
Alya is not a genius psychoanalyzing scholar. She's never been too good at reading people, often being labeled a bit naive back in her old school. But she's not stupid, nor is she blind. She saw and she knows.
Fortunately for Lila, she hasn't lied about something stupid and illegal enough that Alya would feel the need to call her out for.
She's lied before, so what if this girl's a little more intense? No harm done. Her friends aren't stupid nor blind either.
As long as no one is getting hurt, who cares if the new girl is trying to show off a bit?
Marinette cares. Marinette cares a lot.
"You do know Ladybug wouldn't publicly have a best friend right?" she squished Alya's cheeks, making her laugh a bit. "That would be dumb, because then the said best friend would be targeted by Hawkmoth and-"
"Babes, relax, I know she's a little bit of a liar," Alya reassures. "Just don't bother with her. Soon enough the hype will die down and she'll realize we're humoring her. You never lied to sound cool before?"
Marinette paused, then seemed to relax, slumping against her. "Oh. Good. Okay, so at least you know."
Alya laughed again.
What was Marinette worried about? Lila's a harmless liar. It'll die down in a few days, probably.
"Marinette, I don't know what rough fight you and Ladybug might have gone through, but that's no excuse to threaten her identity!" Lila exclaimed the very next day to confused but listening class, if only to humor the girl. "Don't you know what could happen if Hawkmoth were to find out?"
Marinette blinked tiredly up at the girl, bags under her eyes and hair askew. "Say that again? My ears are still ringing from that commotion last night."
Yesterday's akuma had been a little boy who loved New Years and was frustrated that the date was taking so long to come. With Hawkmoth being the negativity leech he is, he had turned the boy into Fireworker, who made loud booming noises across Paris that resembled fireworks and shot beautiful lights at the two heroes who tried to get a grasp at what the akuma's object was while trying not to explode in beautiful lights. It had gone until 2 AM, when they realized the boy had actually left the object in his drawer figuring it was the safest place in the world.
Poor Marinette lived in the bakery that was right on the street where the akuma and the heroes were fighting and couldn't sleep with the noise.
Lila flusters, but goes on. "Yesterday! Ladybug told me how selfish you were and wouldn't help with the akuma! Then you threatened her identity after calling her annoying! For sake, the fight was right next to you!"
She expected people from the class to back her up on this, but no one did. They all looked at her like she'd grown two heads, both of which were empty.
Alya is the first to break the awkward silence. "Ladybug avoids asking civilians for help unless she's absolutely desperate. Beside the usual dangers of the akuma last night being destructive to buildings, it was nowhere out of the ordinary and Ladybug and Chat Noir ended up defeating the akuma on their own."
While her classmates back her up, and Lila begins to panic, Marinette is still looking groggy. She looks as if she hadn't heard a word. Alya couldn't blame her, while the Miraculous cure worked wonders to property damage, it didn't really change the effects the akuma had on people.
Encouraging Marinette to sleep, she silently fumed. She hadn't cared for Lila's lies at first. Everyone lies sometimes, after all. But this was deliberate. Trying to slander her best friend of all people?
Lila forgets, Alya is a journalist. And she knows a thing or two about bringing someone down with words.
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miraculousystuff · 4 months ago
Enigma with a J: Chapter 1
𝕆𝕟𝕖 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕕
This is a prompt by @sayuricorner. I’m sorry it took so long to get back to you, but I hope you like it!
The Riddler, or Edward Nygma, walked into a bar, his usual extravagant attire and infamous question mark insignia swapped for ripped black jeans and a tight button up shirt that showed his arm tattoos to full glory. An extensive collection of various flowers, skulls and swords decorated his biceps, along with a large snake along his left forearm. However, on his right forearm, a large question mark branded it, surrounded by hundreds of fingerprints in pale black ink. “Vodka. Straight.” he said to the bartender, who stood paralysed at the sight of him. He looked up, his emerald green eyes shimmering in a deathly promise. “Do I need to repeat myself?” The bartender quickly shook his head and ran to the back, grabbing his drink in a minute, tops. He nodded gruffly and took a large swig, almost drowning half the glass. Smacking his lips together, he smirked and put his legs up on the table as everyone hesitantly went back to their casual conversation. Suddenly, a girl placed a hand on his thigh. “How are you doing?” she purred, looking him in the eye as she did so. Edward’s eyes peaked with interest. Either the girl was too naive to know who he was or too drunk to care. “Just fine m’lady.” he said in a deep voice, and the girl moved her hand to his inner thigh, smirking even more. “Really? Because you look like you’re in need of a good time~” she said insistently, and the Riddler shrugged, as if to say, why not. "What's your name?" she asked, her voice barely a murmur in the dimly lit room.
"Why, it's a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma," he replied with a playful smile. He leaned closer, his green eyes piercing through the shadows.
The girl, young and unassuming, laughed nervously. "Come on, really?"
"Alright, let's just say I enjoy puzzles," he conceded, his smile growing wider. "What's yours?"
Her heart raced as she whispered, "Call me...yours." She didn't know why she didn’t just answer, but something about him made her feel like she needed to protect herself. They had met at the Gotham City nightclub, a place where the music was loud and the lights were low, and secrets were as plentiful as the drinks, but had left and arrived at a shady apartment in the many nooks and crannies the city was so desperate to hide. She had been swept away by his charm, his wit, and the thrill of the unknown. Now, in the quiet of the apartment, she wished she knew more about the man who had captured her attention so completely as he took off his shirt, and hers alongside it. As he pulled her into the sheets, and made her adrenaline rush like it had never been before. As she felt like she was drowning and floating at the same time when she finally drifted off into a deep sleep.
The next morning, Ivy woke to the harsh light of day filtering through the blinds. She sat up with a start, her eyes scanning the unfamiliar room. It was small and compact, but you couldn’t say it didn’t look elegant. It had a way, she determined as she examined the neat double bed in the centre of the one room, a small kitchen in the corner and a large TV in front, a way that made it look larger than it really was. As her eyes analysed the room, they landed back on the man in front of her. She smiled at his sleeping face and his arms draped over his head, his hair a mess on his eyes. As her hands moved it away, her gaze caught a tattoo on his forearm. Furrowing her brow in confusion, she examined his arm more closely. Then she saw it—the question mark insignia on the man's forearm, stark against his pale skin. The realization hit her like a freight train, her eyes widening as she almost choked. She had spent the night with The Riddler, Gotham's infamous trickster and nemesis of the Dark Knight. Panic flooded her veins as she threw on her clothes and bolted out the door without a backward glance.
Three weeks later, Ivy faced an even bigger shock than her fateful encounter with the enigmatic villain. Two pink lines stared back at her from the pregnancy test. The world seemed to tilt on its axis as she tried to process the gravity of her situation. The Riddler, a father? Her mind reeled at the thought.
Torn between fear and wonder, she made her decision. She couldn't abort the child—not after seeing the look of innocence in her own mother's eyes when she had been born. But she couldn't keep the baby either. Not with the kind of life she had. So, she waited until the day came, the day she knew she had to let go.
The night was cold and unforgiving as she placed the tiny bundle wrapped in a soft, pink blanket into the alleyway. She whispered a silent prayer to any deity that might be listening before walking away, her heart aching with every step. Little did she know, her decision would set in motion a chain of events that would forever link her to the caped crusader's world, a world of shadows and riddles, where her baby girl would one day play a part she could never have imagined.
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trashyangelic · 11 days ago
Just had an idea but its mainly Lila Salt & Lila Exposed...
I don't mind if anyone makes this though. But also tagged me once you are done. Make sure its your own words not someone else. I rather read people's other version when making this prompt or fic if you decide to make it.
What if those past crimes that Lila has done came back? As the past victims of Lila begin to tell their story in a blog where Marinette had found it but also told them her story how she met Lila and how she ruined her life after she told her classmates but got backfired.
Then adults like Nadja also found the blog and was honorally horrified at what her goddaughter Marinette when she explain when she met Lila but was now pissed decided to what journalists had to do but also ask Tom and Sabine to help behind the scenes so that their daughter can be happy away from those toxic classmates.
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fast-burn · 2 months ago
The hot flash inducing idea you’ve just put into my head that is max + poppers. Just imagining all the various possibilities… max trying poppers in a seedy club daniel brought him to his first year at red bull…max getting caught with them in his suitcase…etc…
(fic here)
the concept of daniel corrupting max in every way, changing him forever, making him both better and worse………literally the PEAK of dirtbag-daniel
like yes daniel shows him how to have fun, how to be silly for the cameras, how to talk to the media and how to keep the important parts private, how to brush off a loss, how to celebrate a win, how to be unabashedly himself, how to love so deeply that it sends him flying
but also daniel is the one who cuts max's first line of coke, and who convinces a girl to blow him under the table at a club, who teaches him how to hit so it doesn't hurt, and how to hit so it does, who does an eiffel tower with max, who spitroasts him, who brings him to a drug-filled hazy orgy where no one quite knows where one body ends and another begins, who brings him to the mile high club, who bakes him suspiciously strong edibles, who gets max to take the whole roster of party drugs one at a time, then all of them at once, who gets him drunk drunk drunk drunk, who takes him on inebriated joy rides where they nearly ramp off a cliff, all of it until max is so hooked on partying and the adrenaline rush that it's gonna fuck him up completely, and all in the name of "isn't this just fun? aren't we having a blast, maxy?"
except then daniel leaves for renault, and all of it feels empty without daniel next to max
maybe he's just not doing enough of it?
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howhow326 · 2 years ago
Nino salt prompt: What if Rocketear had consequences
Basically, everything that happens in Rocketear happens the exact same way (Nino assuming the worst of Alya, Nino assuming Chat Noir is Ariana Grande, Nino breaking Ladybug's AND Alya's trust at the same time by revealing his/Alya's identity to Adrien, Nino slut shaming Adrien to his face on accident) except the very end of the episode, where Alya tells Nino she is now Rena Furtive.
Instead, Alya tries to reassure Nino that she will always love him no matter what, while lightly asking him "hey, you followed me to my house without permission and took a video of me without my knowledge, wtf?!"
Nino then proceeds to show his ass like usual ("I needed to protect you from that homewreaker!" "I'm your boyfriend so it's perfectly okay for me to stalk you!!").
Alya really dosen't like this side of Nino, so she asks if their relationship can go on break for a bit (and Nino tries to manipulate her more with his "you don't love me!!!" Shtick)
The next day at school, Adrien pulls Alya aside and jokingly asks her "hey, are you Rena Rouge haha lol".
Alya is horrified.
Adrien then gives Alya the full story: Nino wanted to convince Adrien that Chat Nior had seduced Alya and revealed their identities as proof that Alya was only now kerping secrets. Adrien wanted to forget he heard anything, but he decided to ask Alya anyway because he knew what Nino had done wasn't right.
Alya is now infuriated. She can't believe Nino had the gall to be upset about her secrets only for him to go behind her back and violate her privacy this way. Especially since what Nino just did puts his identity at risk!
Alya thanks Adrien for being honest with her. After school, she marches straight to Marinette's house and tells her everything. Alya thought her best friend would be even angrier than she had been.
Marinette is heartbroken when she hears the scoop. How could someone she trusts do that, especially after what happened with Chloe. Marinette decides that Nino news a new secret identity since Carapace has been compromised, but Alya orders her to cut him loose. Nino can't be trusted.
When Ladybug pulls Nino aside and tells him he can't be Carapace anymore because he revealed his identity, the only thing he feels is surpise. The boy really didn't think this was a possibility.
The realization eventually sets in and he gets akumatized. He becomes Shell Shocker and goes after Adrien for "ruining his relationships!" Adrien tries to encourage Nino to give up the akuma, but then Nino reveals he willingly accepted Hawkmoths deal... this is who he really is.
Ladybug, whith some assistance from Rena Furtive, takes him down. Nino tries to play it off, "oh uh, i was akumatized??? Thanks for saving me Ladybug!" But Adrien shuts him down right quick, "He's lying! He willingly accepted the akuma just to get back at his girlfriend!" Adrien calling him out like that takes Nino by surpise, but it's the least of his worries.
Alya secretly recorded the whole fight and posted it onto the Ladyblog. Everybody in Paris now knows who Nino truly is. All of his friendships are destroyed; Marinette and Adrien cut him off for good; and Alya finnaly dumps him. His family decides to leave Paris for his own good.
At the airport, Nino has a chance encounter with Chloe. "Well well well, if it isn't the loser who got exposed for working with Hawkmoth! Even when I did that fashion victim a favor, I made sure that nobody in Paris could see I made a deal with him. You're ridiculous, Lahiffe, utterly ridiculous!"
"Sh-shut up Chloe!" Nino stutters out.
"Waaa, shut up! God, even your insults are basic, bitch. Well, before you go, I have a new scoop for you Nino... News flash! Alya dosen't love you anymore, and it's all your fault!!! It's hilarious, utterly hilarious!"
When Nino finnaly gets to his new bedroom, he cries himself to sleep realizing that he ruined his own life because didn't think there would be consequences...
Edit: optional shipping: Nino x Lila, Alya x Marinette, Alya x Adrien, Marinette x Alya x Adrien
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verfound · 1 year ago
FIC: "How Do I Look?" (MLB; Lukanette; Sprint Fic)
Rating: Teen & Up
Characters/Pairings: Luka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng; Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Summary: Alya’s making Marinette go out, and Marinette really doesn’t want to.  Luka’s not sure he wants her to, either.
Author’s Notes/Warnings: The week before Thanksgiving is always a little nutty at work, and I did some sprinting to unwind.  From November 2023’s Sprint Challenge Prompts over at @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers, using the social media prompt that said: “The single most important thing a man can do to be an ally is give his woman friends permission to give dudes at the bar his number so when they call he can angrily say that’s not funny because she died 15 years ago that very night.”
Just a reminder: LBSC Sprint Challenge Guidelines: Three 15-minute sprints to write the fic.  24 hours to edit/post.
“How Do I Look?”
“I really don’t want to go out tonight.”
Luka looked up from his Cheerios at Marinette’s voice, his spoon still in his mouth.  His eyes widened when he saw the red dress she was wearing, and he almost swallowed the spoon when she sat on the edge of the table and gave him a pouting look.  Between the smoky eye she had painted on and the deep red lipstick that drew his focus to those kissable lips…yep.  He was swallowing his spoon.  And tongue.  And…
“You…you’re going out tonight?” he asked after a moment, when he finally felt like he had regained some sense of composure.  Barely.
“Unfortunately,” she sighed, bending to slip on a strappy pair of heels that just…weren’t fair.  She glanced back at him, a smirk on her lips like she knew exactly what she was doing to him.  “I’d much rather stay home in my comfy jammies, with my favorite emotional support musician and a tub of ice cream.  Binge watching bad movies.”
He…liked the sound of that, actually.
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thelyingspectre · 2 years ago
What would you think if Chloe and Audrey heard rumours about the way they were going to be portrayed in Astruc’s new movie, so they went back to Paris in an unsuccessful attempt to stop the movie from being completed? Then an evilized villain (maybe a wishmaker-like villain or maybe even a villain that's unrelated to the butterfly miraculous) caused Chloe and Zoe to switch bodies somehow, and nobody fully understands what's going on, so Zoe (in Chloe's body) is taken by Audrey back to New York, despite Zoe desperately trying to explain things. But Chloe enters a fugue state (heavily due to trauma caused by the neglect of her parents) and genuinely thinks she's Zoe, and is even able to recall many of the things Zoe did due to being in Zoe's body. The class thinks “Zoe's” change in behavior is due to the psychological effects of method acting, since “Zoe” is playing Chloe in Astruc's new movie, but they gradually convince “Zoe” to let them help her relearn how to be “herself” again. Meanwhile, in New York, Zoe is trying to get back to Paris, but when she gets there, “Zoe” thinks she’s there to try to hurt Marinette.
Eventually, after listening to “Chloe”, Marinette starts to suspect that “Chloe” might be telling the truth, so she decides that she must test “Chloe” and “Zoe”. She fakes being in danger to see how they react. “Zoe” reacts slightly faster than “Chloe”, so Marinette comes to the conclusion that “Chloe” is lying and that “Chloe” has an evil and manipulative plan. Marinette thinks that “Chloe” must have picked up a few tricks from Lila, because she thinks no version of Chloe could possibly react faster than Zoe when it comes to protecting her. So Audrey takes “Zoe” back to New York again to “correct” her after “Zoe” fails to convince anyone of the truth.
10 years later, “Zoe” gets seriously injured after fighting a villain when Ladybug isn’t around, which causes “Zoe” to not have long to live. Then Ladybug accidentally stumbles upon the truth about “Zoe” while trying to help “Zoe” using magical powers. Ladybug decides that the moral thing to do is to switch Chloe and Zoe back to their original bodies. Once Zoe gets her body back, she blames Chloe for her impending death and for leaving her with 10 years of loneliness, while Chloe got off scot-free. When Lila gets defeated, Zoe steals the Butterfly Miraculous to get her hands on Ladybug and Catnoir’s miraculouses, hoping to “make things right”. Zoe gets defeated by the heroes (including Chloe, who has gotten her memories back) and Ladybug manages to cure Zoe’s injuries.
am I officially in the mlb fandom now? Is this a rite of passage? Getting this spam ask?
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arkive78 · 8 months ago
One Piece Fic Recs that occupy my mind nonstop
After really getting into One Piece this past spring, I've been reading as much as tumblr and AO3 have offered me in terms of One Piece content. It's been hard to keep track of everything that I have read, however, certain stories/headcanons/posts linger in my mind and I thought I'd share them with you!
Minors DNI with fics marked as NSFW and for anyone, be sure to read the content warnings the authors have mentioned!
Hope y'all enjoy!
Updated: October 1, 2024
Childhood Crush by @analogwriting
does involve violent themes, please be sure to read content warnings for each chapter
Will You Let Me? by @fanaticsnail
NSFW, Pollen AU
Dreaming of You by @fanaticsnail
this also includes Heat and Kid
The Break (Kid x reader x Killer) by @standfucker
Gore, graphic description of injury/pain/first aid, hurt/comfort, confessions, highly oblivious reader
Rotation (Heat, Kid, Killer, Wire x reader) by @standfucker
explicit NSFW content
Loving you is easy by @sheerxfiction
Three Times Killer Tried to Confess and The One Time That He Did by @nina-ya
Acid, Salt, Fat, and Heat (w/ Kid) by @fanaticsnail
A world we are both in by @my-love-is-sunlight
Kiss by @my-love-is-sunlight
Patching Up Ace's Wounds by @nina-ya SFW
there are more of this prompt with different characters btw!
Help by @sanjisprincesswifey
Blinders On by @froggiewrites
Taking the hit for him by @grandline-fics
Open Flame by @willowbelle
Ace + back dimples by @tetzoro
Fated Reunions by @tetzoro
Coward by @mimi-ya
Need by @maddddstuff
Ass or Tits? by @cloudzoro
Follow Through by @froggiewrites
My Pretty Little Thief by @turtletaubwrites
Bloom by @tetzoro
brazen by @mydearlybeloathed
"we should get married" by @grandlinedreams
wake him up! by @sleepymarimo
He Loves Me by @clare-875
Got me losin' my cool by @bitchimasnake-sss
Insomnia: owner's instruction by @revasserium
The Right Direction by @willowbelle
with hearts aligned by @eelnoise
2 years overdue by @heyitsdoe
pumpkin by @cloudzoro
beg for me by @angel1010xx
Waterflow by @otkuhotgirl
touch-starved Law by @maroronoa
the death of me by @weneeya
too sweet for me by @my-love-is-sunlight
there are no conditions by @cozage
Hidden symptoms by @escenariosinfumables
Unspoken affections by @avocadorablepirate
Tethered Together by @tetzoro
A secret by @missmugiwara
18+, suggestive
you can talk to me, but you already know by @mydearlybeloathed
clueless by @grandline-fics
Bachata by @fanaticsnail
Sapsorrow by @fanaticsnail
has both SFW and NSFW so make sure to read the chapter warnings!
Creative Cures by @discordantwritings
Remember Me by @fanaticsnail
Dancando Lambada by @fanaticsnail
Always return to you by @discordantwritings
Citrus by @otkuhotgirl
Multiple characters
Hey Doc by @fanaticsnail
some NSFW themes depending on the drabble
so very very funny
The Kissing Booth by @fanaticsnail
Paulie, Luffy, Hongo, Smoker, Aokiji, Heat, Crocodile, Sanji, Shachi, Law, and Zoro (right now)
my favorite ones are: Luffy, Smoker, Heat, Shachi !
Competency, Stupidity, Duality by @fanaticsnail
kid, zoro, and killer
Post Injury by @standfucker
law, shanks, rosinate, blackbeard, mihawk
gore content warnings
Gremlin Reader by @standfucker
Straw Hats, Whitebeard Pirates, Heart Pirates, and Kid Pirates
literally the funniest fucking thing I've ever read
they hurt you while controlled by a devil fruit by @grandline-fics
zoro, law, shanks
angst, descriptions of injury, and hurt/comfort
Beauty scars by @cozage
law, kidd
borderline NSFW
Truth or Dare by @cozage
Ace, Shanks, Luffy, and Law
SFW + NSFW, the NSFW section is clearly marked by the author
Oblivious flirting by @cozage
Law, Luffy, Ace
A Plushie Substitute by @cozage
Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Ace, Law
Five things he says when he thinks you're asleep by @imasimpforshanks
Law, Ace, Shanks
the moment they knew you were the one by @imasimpforshanks
Luffy, Zoro, Ace, Sanji, Shanks, Law, Sabo
Falling in love with them by @imasimpforshanks
Ace, Law
OP to you being clueless to their flirting/feelings part 1 by @astelren
Ace, Luffy, Sabo, Zoro Sanji, Izou, Cavendish, Rayleigh, Law
there's a part 2!
Being scared to have sex with them by @strawhatsoraya
Zoro, Law, Kid, Ace
obviously NSFW
Calling them my love by @lehguru
Law, Sabo, Ace, Kid, Killer, Bartolomeo
Kid, Zoro, Law, & Sanji with a s/o afraid of having sex by @eustasskidagenda
there are 2 other parts with different characters!
A celestial dragon wants their fem!s/o by @uramakimochi
Zoro, Sanji, Law
there's another part too!
Hand placement by @cloudzoro
Ace, Crocodile, Law, Mihawk, Nami, Reiju, Robin, Sanji, Tashigi, Zoro
god the ones about the girls are SO GOOD
affectionate + strawhats by @lehguru
OP boys in a relationship by @moonydustx
growing old together by @usernameforaboredcat
Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Ace, Sabo, Law, Kid
one piece boys rescuing you by @badgerbl00d
law, zoro
heartstopper by @sleepymarimo
luffy, sanji, zoro, law
party games they'd play as an excuse to kiss you by @imasimpforshanks
luffy, zoro, nami, ace, law, shanks
Op characters reacting to you kissing them and running away by @princeoftheeternalbog
luffy, zoro, sanji, nami, robin, usopp, ace, marco, izou, sabo
slightly suggestive, mdni
Number Games by @turtletaubwrites
multi-chapter story with Cross Guild x reader
very NSFW, read the tags very carefully
Random Flirting Headcanons by @feral-artistry
Shanks, Buggy, Sanji, Ace, Law, Zoro
Here's part 2 with more characters
Jealousy fueled kiss w/ “Do you have any idea how much I want to kiss you right now?” by @grandline-fics
Ace, zoro, law, kid, lucci
Thinkin about: the monster, trio, ace ‘n law! Vs breeding kink! by @bitchimasnake-sss
luffy, zoro, sanji, ace, law
Habits of touch by @clare-875
Zoro, sanji, luffy
Butterflies -- how they realize they have feelings for you (touch edition) with Luffy, Zoro, and Law by @radishaur
luffy, zoro, law
multiple versions! this one is just my favorite hehe
2K notes · View notes
hihomeghere · 6 months ago
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Here is my collection of Red Dead Redemption fics! I hope you enjoy! All of my fics are f!reader if not specifically mentioned
Smut 💋, Fluff 🪽, Angst 🗯️
Rdr2 Boyfriend vibes
John Marston
Burning Love Set in the epilogue of RDR2. You stumble upon John in Blackwater after being alone for years. When he invites you to visit Beecher's Hope, will you be able to fight feelings that have been building ever since you were kids? 🪽💋
Gloves John goes crazy over you dressed up for a job, more specifically your white gloves 🪽💋
Based off an ask 💋
Right Person, Wrong Time You and John have constantly been at each other's throats until you left the gang after he chose Abigail over you. When you return you find him gone, leaving Abigail and Jack. You create a relationship with Abigail and Jack, but what will happen when John returns? 🗯️💋
Part Two of Right Person, Wrong Time
Arthur Morgan
Fakin' It After a botched robbery, Arthur and you take refuge in a hotel, hiding from the O'Driscolls outside your door. When they do decide to search for you two, how will you throw them off your track? 💋
Fishing in the Dark You and Arthur have a private evening away from camp on the Dakota river. 🪽💋
Dreams Arthur starts having dreams of starting a family with you 🪽
My Eyes Only Arthur thinks you look like a work of art 🪽
Salt and Pepper Arthur notices his hair is starting to gray 🪽
Deserving. 6. I won't let anything happen to you, I swear. 34. I think you're showing. 36. You're glowing. 41. The baby loves hearing you sing/speak. 83. Was that a kick? 🪽
Blue Ain't Your Color Loosely based on the song, Blue Ain't Your Color 🪽
Little Things Arthur returns from a successful job and wants nothing more than to bury himself in you 💋
Prompts : #30 I just want to be yours. #50 We need to talk about last night 💋
First time : You want Arthur to be the one to take your virginity, you just dont want to tell him💋
Prompt : #4 "god, here- just hold my hand." Low Honor!Arthur
Baptized by Fire, Arthur Morgan x Reader x Charles Smith
Series masterlist
Charles Smith
Knight in Shining Armor 1. "Kiss me" "What-", 81. "Your heart is racing." 🪽💋
Prompts : 12 "You look so much softer, so much calmer, I wish you could see yourself as you sleep."13"Sleeping with you was the best sleep I've gotten in years." 54“Here, take my blanket.”55 “You’re cute when you smile, you should do it more often.” 61 “I said I’d take care of you.” 🪽
Desperado Set four months after Charles leaves with the Wapiti. You and Charles try to figure out what to do after the gang falls apart. Comfort fic 🪽
Javier Escuella
Prompt : #19 You're leaving now? 🗯️
Prompt: "You heard me. Take. It. Off.” "Do I look like I’ve moved on?”
Kieran Duffy
Prompt : #66 Were you touching yourself? 💋
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pennyellee · 1 month ago
𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐗𝐈𝐑 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰
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title: ELIXIR pairings: mafia hoseok x female reader genre: dark romance, smut, porn with plot, 90s, arranged marriage, childhood friends to lovers word count: 22K/tba release date: 02.18.25 beta read by one and only @chaoticpuff17
prompt 1: "And I won't be satisfied till we're taking those vows" prompt 2: you were apparently promised to the heir of Jung's criminal empire since birth, not that you ever took that ongoing inside joke seriously. You grew up alongside the said man, yet your mind is conflicted about upholding your part and saying I do until one drunken night reveals a lot more than you'd like.
warnings: minors dni 18+ | explicit language, hurt men's ego, mild yandere behaviour (warnings were reduced to avoid spoilers)
author's note: ionoiafhoianfoaif, yalllll, I was writing this like foreveeeeerrrrr. So this is where it all basically started in my head when I created the retelling of what happened around the year 1996. Still, somehow Champagne Confetti and Anubis got out first, mainly because I will continue them, but this is one shot exclusively (I'm open to filler tho). Why? The story of Princess and Hoseok never dies throughout both the fics that are already out and those that will only come. Mainly with Anubis' chapters, you'll get to see them. I'm just as nervous to put this out as I am with every fic but very excited to throw Elixir in the world. I'm simultaneously working on my MA diploma thesis so bear with me when I'm radio silent, but I love you all! I appreciate you reading my stuff my good little fairies ♥ I'll see ya at Hobi's birthday! ♥ Enjoy!
disclaimer: this story is purely fictional, it does not depict real-life events or involve any actual members of BTS. This story will contain depictions of violence, bloodshed, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking, illegal activities, and old social norms and traditions, which we do not condone.
main masterlist 𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐗𝐈𝐑
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Winter 1995 You spotted Hoseok seated at the table, a serene picture of composure, his fingers curled around a steaming cup of coffee he enjoys in the mornings.
He looked up at your approach, his eyes locking onto yours. There was no trace of anger on his face, no sharp edge to his expression. If anything, he seemed calm, almost disarming.
"Hobi—" you started before he quickly interrupted you.
"Sit down," he said a bit more firmer than he'd want to, gesturing to the seat across from him.
You hesitated for a moment before lowering yourself into the chair, acutely aware of the weight of the moment. A plate of food sat before you, untouched. Your stomach churned, but the thought of eating felt impossible.
"Are you?—"
"I'm not mad, no," he cut you off gently, surprising you, as if he knew what you were suggesting before you even managed to let those words roll on your tongue.
"So?—" you echoed hesitantly, your voice barely above a whisper. You didn't know what to expect now. Maybe it would be better if he'd be mad and you knew that you have to make it better just like it used to be, instead he is not showing any kind of position in this situation and that was making you uneasy beyond comparison.
Hoseok leaned back in his chair, exhaling deeply.
"You're still here. That's what matters to me for now." He began, his tone measured. For now. Hoseok was always skilled at this—at saying something that sounded kind but felt like a command.
"I panicked," you admitted softly, the honesty slipping out before you could stop it.
"I know, baby, you chose wrong—" he replied, his gaze unwavering.
"—twice," he added fuel to the fire, salt to the wound. But you knew why. He wanted you to submit to him, and he needed to work overtime to do so.
"You need to show me you're willing to make this right, love," you swallowed hard, the tightness in your throat making it nearly impossible to respond. His aura and magnitude of how he could move you however he liked now was overwhelming. You cannot run away, not when he dragged you back to this place instead of his brownstone at 57th street. You're not only under his surveillance here, but the Kkangpae and the rest of the family.
“What’s it gonna be? Cuz’ I can’t fucking pretend anymore–” 
His gaze dropped to the table for a moment before he reached into his pocket. You stiffened instinctively, already guessing what he was about to do. Sure enough, his hand emerged clutching the familiar black velvet box. The sight of it made your chest tighten.
"Hoseok," you said softly, your voice trembling with unease. "Please—"
"I don't think I will be so forgiving if you'll choose wrong for a third time, Princess." He ignored your plea, opening the box to reveal the ring again. The one you'd angrily thrown at him that fateful night when he tried to force it down your finger after you explicitly said no to him.
The one that symbolised everything you were not ready to accept, but you had to. It glimmered in the soft light of the room, deceptively beautiful.
"I'm done asking," he said firmly, his eyes locking onto yours. Your breath hitched, but before you could speak, Hoseok reached across the table and took your hand in his. His touch was warm, grounding, yet the weight of his action was suffocating.
You tried to pull your hand back, but his grip tightened—not painfully, but enough to make it clear you weren't going anywhere. With deliberate precision, he slid the emerald ring onto your finger.
"There," he said, his voice softening just enough to send a shiver down your spine. "That wasn't so hard, was it?"
You stared at the emerald ring, your mind racing. It looked almost serene on your finger, as if it had always belonged there. Hoseok sat back, satisfied, his lips curling into a faint smile.
Before you could respond, the soft thuds of certain leather shoes announced another arrival.
"Joon-ah!" Hoseok greeted, leaning back in his chair. "I assume there's news?"
Namjoon glanced at you briefly, then back to Hoseok. "Yes. We've made progress with the Anubis situation. The distilleries have been secured, but the reports of interference need attention."
"Anubis situation?" You echoed Namjoon's words. Hoseok's smile didn't falter, but there was a subtle shift in his demeanour. His gaze flicked to you, and for a moment, you thought he might dismiss your question. Instead, he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, his fingers interlacing.
"Nothing for you to worry about," he said smoothly, his voice laced with a quiet finality that suggested the topic was closed.
Namjoon, however, wasn't as careful with his expression. His brow furrowed ever so slightly, a crack in the façade of calm efficiency he usually wore. It was gone as quickly as it came, but you caught it, and it only fuelled your curiosity.
"Anubis is my responsibility, Hoseok, you cannot—" you pressed, your tone sharper now. You'd learned long ago that brushing things under the rug only meant tripping over them later.
"Not anymore."
Hoseok's words cut through the room with an authority that left no room for argument. He leaned back in his chair, exuding an air of complete control, his eyes locked on yours with a quiet intensity.
"What?!" You breathed out rather loudly now.
"Not anymore," he repeated, slower this time as if daring you to challenge him. And challenge him you did.
"Hoseok," you tried again, your voice quieter this time, laced with both frustration and fear. "This isn't—"
"I gotta punish you somehow, Princess," his one was calm, almost casual, but the weight behind his words was anything but. Your stomach churned as his lips curved into a faint, disarming smile—a predator's smile hidden beneath a veil of warmth.
"Punish me?" you repeated, your voice trembling despite your best efforts to steady it. "Exactly for what you gotta punish me, Hoseok?
"For running," he said, the amusement in his voice doing little to soften the hurt he felt inside. "For throwing the ring. For abandoning me this morning after we made love last night—"
You opened your mouth to argue, but he cut you off with a raised hand. "Don't misunderstand me, Princess. I'm not angry. But actions have consequences."
Your heart pounded against your ribs, the rhythm chaotic and uneven. His calm demeanour made it worse. It took one wide-eyed glance for Namjoon to excuse himself and quickly retreat to Kkangpae's office to leave you two alone.
The sound of the door clicking shut behind Namjoon seemed louder in the heavy silence that followed. Your eyes darted to it, half-hoping for an interruption, but it was futile. Hoseok's gaze was fixed on you, unrelenting and unreadable, trapping you in this moment.
"Hoseok," you began, your voice trembling. "This isn't fair. You can't just—"
"I can," he interrupted his tone steady but brooking no argument. "And I will. You know I don't take betrayal lightly."
"Betrayal?" you repeated, the word stinging as it left your lips. "Is that what you think this is? Hoseok, I—"
"You ran," he said simply, leaning forward, his elbows resting on the table. His fingers interlocked, creating a casual posture that only heightened your unease. "You left me, you threw the ring at me, you abandoned what we're building. Call it whatever you want, Princess, but to me? That's betrayal."
Your breath caught, the weight of his words pressing down on your chest. "I needed time," you whispered. "Time to think, to—"
No, you needed Mark. But you also needed your best friend.
"Think?" Hoseok's laughter was soft, almost amused, but it didn't reach his eyes. "What is there to think about? You're mine. You've always been mine. And this?" He gestured to the ring now firmly on your finger. "This makes it only official."
"You can't force me to—" you said, the defiance in your voice surprising even you. This was never a discourse you or Hobi ever had. Everything was thought to be just platonic. Not for him.
"To what?" he asked, cutting you off again. His tone was low, dangerously calm. "To wear a ring? To stay by my side? To stop running every time things don't go the way you want?"
You flinched, the truth in his words hitting too close to home. Hoseok sighed, his expression softening just enough to make your heart ache. You were running each time you did not feel like the family was doing you justice. And each time it was Hoseok who came to talk sense into you. But this is different. You are not kids anymore, or teenagers. This is serious. Hoseok is serious this time.
"You know what Anubis means to me—"
"And you still thought it was something you could just walk away from?"
You clenched your fists, your nails biting into your palms as the urge to argue warred with the fear.
"I didn't walk away from Anubis," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "I just... I needed space, Hoseok."
"You said you were tired, love."
"You misunderstood—" Hoseok shook his head slowly, cutting you off once again, his gaze hardening.
"I never wanted it to come to this," Hoseok said, his voice softening as he reached across the table, his hand brushing against yours. "But you forced my hand, Princess. And now, you don't get to run anymore. Not from me. Not from us."
"But Anubis—"
"It's still yours. But until you learn your place, Namjoon will suffice."
You bit your lip, caught between the suffocating desire to fight back but all you could do is shut your mouth and obey, telling yourself that this is only temporary.
He was, indeed, not mad.
𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝟎𝟐.𝟏𝟖.𝟐𝟓
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©pennyellee. please do not repost
tag list: if you want to be notified once the full story is up for reading, you can write in the comments and I'll create a tag list!
Don't be a silent reader, let's be friends chummers! ♥
lots of love, p.
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reiding-writing · 1 year ago
Hi 💜 can i pretty please request a fem!Reader where she looks younger than she actually is and people are often condescending to her but bf spence always has our back
(under)qualified [ s.r ]
WARNINGS: fem!reader, ageism, dick of a character that i made up, reader gets angry
spencer reid x cold!reader | hurt/comfort? | 2.1k |
series masterlist!!
a/n: so i unintentionally self projected on this and it ended up as an unintentional sequel to my cold!reader fic sorry 😭🫶
main masterlist!!
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“Yes I understand that but if you’d just let me-“ Your attempt is immediately shut down by the man in front of you raising his hand like you’re a child who’s spoken out of turn.
You’d been trying for almost forty five minutes to reason with him, but every single thing that you said was dismissed like you were asking him for cookies after bed time instead of putting your two cents forward as a qualified psychologist on the mental state that the unsub you were tracking down was likely to be in.
“If you want to be useful, why don’t you go and make me a coffee? You can do that can’t you?” The look he gave you made you want to tear out your eyes so you couldn’t see him anymore and then force them down his mouth so you didn’t have to hear him anymore.
You swallow your pride with a clench of your fists, exhaling slowly through your nose. “…Yes Sir,”
“Splenda and skim,”
If he weren’t your superior you’d shove his splenda right up his asshole and watch it leak down his legs like a five year old who wets the bed.
You stuff the urge to slam the door on your exit into the back of your head, although you’re sure you are basically steaming from the ears by the time you reach the coffee machine.
You may well have been physically steaming from the ears if the looks from your teammates had anything to say about it.
“Something tells me she’s not getting along with Dr. Lancaster too well-“ Morgan’s assessment was met with agreement from Emily and a concerned glance in your direction from Spencer.
“Does anyone get along with him? Even Hotch can’t stand the guy,” Emily’s eyes turn towards where he stands in the conference room. “I still don’t get why he’s even here,”
“Strauss thinks he’s a valuable asset to the team-“ Spencer speaks as he stands, eyes still locked on your back as he leaves Morgan and Emily at the desk to make sure that you’re alright.
“Hey,” You look like your about to rip him to shreds as you turn towards him, although the minute you realise that it’s just Spencer and not the pain up your ass that is Dr. Lancaster your expression softens tenfold. “Are you- uh- Are you okay?”
That split second of venom in your facial features seems to knock the wind out of Spencer’s sails, and he’s increasingly glad that he’s not the one on the end of your rage.
“Oh i’m just grand,” You tone is dripping with sarcasm, and he watches as you unscrew one of the salt shakers and scoop a half teaspoon into the mug in front of you.
“Uh-” He has half the mind to question your actions, but the contempt that returns to your eyes as you turn them down to the coffee in front of you tells him that it’s most likely for the Doctor still in the conference room, and considering you were practically burning holes in everything you saw when you left the room yourself, he figured that this was you playing nice.
“You’d think that nobody under the age of fifty is allowed to have a PhD I swear-“ You don’t need any prompting to start spilling all of your anger for Spencer to hear.
“‘You’re too young to have a PhD’ he says, ‘go and make me a coffee’, oh I’ll make you a cup of coffee alright, and hopefully it’ll rot your intestines as you drink it,” You’re just rambling to yourself at this point, and Spencer purses his lips into a line as he listens to you, unsure whether to interject or just let you rant. “I’m a qualified psychologist for god’s sake, not a fucking coffee runner.”
He definitely knows how it feels to have your intelligence questioned because of your age, but in your case you weren’t even exceptionally young for your education, even if you looked a few years younger than you actually were.
You were 23 when you got your PhD. Which yes was a few years younger than the average person, didn’t make you any less qualified than someone like Dr. Lancaster who’d had his PhD for over two decades.
If anything it probably made you more qualified. Social sciences like Psychology changed all the time, and someone who was stuck in the mindset of what it was like twenty years ago would probably overlook things younger specialists would see immediately.
He guessed that was probably what was happening with you and Dr. Lancaster back in the conference room.
“Would you like me to speak with him?” Spencer’s tone carries nothing but sweetness, as well as a slight hesitation in the possibility of increasing your frustration rather than helping you quell it.
“It’s fine Reid, I’ve got it.” You tone is notably filled with much lest resentment as you turn down his offer, but he can still hear the lingering frustration in your words. He trails behind you regardless, following as you re-enter the conference room with the coffee mug held in your hand and a feigned smile on your face.
He’s sure you can handle yourself, he’s just there for backup. Just in case.
“There you are, I was starting to think you couldn’t even find your way to the coffee machine,” You force yourself to bite your tongue and just give him the coffee before retreating to the opposite side of the conference room to watch him drink it, ensuring a quick escape if he doesn’t take kindly to the salty beverage.
You could see the instant shift in his facial expression as he took the first sip, his eyes immediately turning towards you and Spencer with a disgusted look on his face. “You call this coffee? It’s disgusting.” He discards the cup on the table, glaring daggers into your forehead.
“Guess I’m not qualified enough to make it,” You shrug with an overly nonchalant expression. “You know what they say, you want something done right you gotta do it yourself,”
“You little-” Dr. Lancaster was the one steaming from the ears now, and Spencer had to step in to stop the two of you getting into a full blown argument.
“You know studies have shown that if you view something pessimistically before you experience it, you’re more likely come out with a negative opinion afterwards,” Spencer’s sentence accuses the doctor of mentally disregarding the coffee because of his distaste for you rather than the fact that you put half a teaspoon of salt in the drink.
You have to suppress a small smile at his interjection. Spencer Reid. Helping you get away with purposefully tampering with a superior’s cup of coffee because you were petty over his condescension. Who would’ve thought.
You can see Dr. Lancaster open his mouth to retort, but Spencer doesn’t give him the chance. “Is this the psychological profile you’re working on? There’s still a lot of gaps in it,”
Spencer reads the board with a raised eyebrow. Some of what’s written makes absolutely zero sense and he’s beginning to wonder whether Dr. Lancaster was even a ‘doctor’ at all. Although it was at least much easier to read than when you’d scrawl out your own profiles. But he’d leave that part out when talking to you about this later.
“You’ve ruled out the possibility of deluded fantasies as part of the MO?” That was the oddest part to Spencer. The unsub showed a clear repetitive pattern in how he’d kill his victims, making the idea of delusion the literal first thing to look into as part of their psychology. He glanced at you as you spoke and you gave him a shrug of your shoulders and a shake of your head that told him exactly how frustrating the last hour of your life had been.
“Are you questioning my decisions?” Dr. Lancaster’s voice was just as harsh to Spencer as it was to you, and you had half the mind to pour the rest of the coffee you made him over his head and hope the salt got in his eyes and blinded him.
“Well, I do have my Bachelor’s in Psychology so I feel I have an adequate knowledge on the subject, although I’m sure our psychological expert would be a better person to assess the holes in your profile,” Spencer gestures his head over to you as he speaks, and you can see the anger rise into Dr. Lancaster’s face like one of those baking soda and vinegar volcanoes.
By now your sure your smile at Spencer’s interjections is visible, and your not even sure that you’re trying to hide it anymore.
“How dare you suggest that my methods are inadequate,”
“With all due respect sir, psychology is an ever-changing science, and your… methods are not as effective as they used to be back when you used to work with the BAU twenty years ago,”
“We’re on a time limit here, so either you can work with me, or i’ll make my own profile and pitch it to Hotch separately,” You take a seat on the edge of the conference table and gesture your hands outwards.
Dr. Lancaster looked like he was about to blow a fuse, and if he was any older you’d be convinced he was about to have a heart attack and die right there in the middle of the room from rage.
He looked absolutely astounded at your tag teaming, and you’re sure that the both of you being in your early thirties whilst he was in his late sixties was not helping with the seething anger that was showing all over his face. “You two have some nerve speaking to your superior like this. I will be bringing this up to Chief Strauss, believe me.”
He didn’t give either of you the time to say anything else as he pushed past Spencer to leave the room, slamming the door behind him.
“Talk about immature, you’d think he was a child,” Your final jab is met by a small laugh from Spencer, and you shoot him a small smile of thanks that makes his cheeks heat up.
“I’ll let you get back to work,” Spencer gives you that perfectly awkward endearing smile as he retreats to the door of the room and you almost melt at the sight.
He’d really gone out of his way to deal with the asshole plaguing your work to no real benefit of his own. You wouldn’t lie, it was kind of attractive seeing Spencer shut him down like that, but you’d keep that to yourself when you talked about this later.
You caught him with the door half open, hand he looked at you with the eyes of a puppy who’d just been praised for spinning in a circle rather than an FBI agent who’d been called his first name by his coworker.
His eyes were big and round and blinking softly at you, his pupils blending into the honey brown of his irises and making his gaze even more puppy dog like.
“Thank you,”
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utterlyazriel · 30 days ago
Oh, that's good to know, darling! I was just worried someone was robbin' you! On the other hand... Would you give us your Arthur Morgan fics recs? Tumblr or ao3? <3 if its not too much trouble!
[rubs my hands together like a devious lil fly] why nonnie i would be delighted to share as i've been far too slack in sharing what i've been reading!! in no particular order <3
the leather and lace series by the oh so talented @photo1030 this one is a big currently twenty five (25!) chaptered fic with that dynamic u hunger for when you play the game... like oof, it hits the spot, it scratches the itch, etc etc big ol chefs kiss from sloane <3
as far as dreams go / part two by @serawritesthings mutual pining my goddamn BELOVED this is a big long juicy fic with that sweet, sweet miscommunication! incredible prose and someone who loves arthur the same way i do i reckon <3
of horses and men by @eaaaazygurl any fic that lets the reader be there for arthur is one i'm gobbling down fr. i actually couldn't believe this beauty doesn't have more notes
the caretaker by @immajustvibehere MY BIG SOFTIEEEE like this guy gets it, the prompt was tasty but the delivery? freakin scrumptious
graphite and gratitude by @bimrsadler oughhh something about this dynamic actually tickles me pink, getting wound up but arthur being the one who easily unwind you like that's the stuff man
salt and pepper by @hihomeghere cos i also eat up any fic that lets me live out the fantasy of grabbing gorgeous arthur morgan by the face and telling him that he's HAWT
same goes for sweet dreams by @cowboydisaster like ough toothrotting fluff actually, what fanfiction was created for, amazing, showstopping, unbeatable, etc etc
give me my sin again by @messrmoonyy we love a little devoted secret relationship.... and sin, we love sin 🙂‍↕️
conflicted spaces by @not-neverland06 WHEWWW a whole ass story to devour, i love love love having a plot to sink my teeth into and the hurt/comfort aspect of the whole thing just sweetens the deal <3
one warm day is all i really need by @threadbearsweater i'll be real with u i don't remember this one off the top of my head BUT i have high standards to have things shelved away in my likes, waiting to be properly rbed, so i trust in my heart its spectacular
ok that's all for now <3 i should really make an effort to do some occasional recs because this was hella fun! thank you for asking nonnie! hopefully you find something new!
mwah x
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daeniradraconis · 18 days ago
omg i love your stories so much!!! you're such a great writer. i'm so glad i stumbled onto your fics somehow. can i please request prompt number 10 "i'm pretty low maintenance" with jack hughes?
Thank you so much for your kind words! 💖 I’m so happy you’re enjoying my stories! And thanks for the request! I hope you will love this as well! 😊✨ --- High Maintenance & Low Expectations
“I’m pretty low maintenance.”
Jack leans back against the kitchen counter, arms crossed, looking very pleased with himself. He’s wearing a sweater that probably costs more than your rent, and his perfectly styled chestnut waves look like they were arranged by a professional hairstylist rather than just existing naturally. You, on the other hand, are elbow-deep in mashed potatoes, sweating like you’ve just run a marathon. 
The kitchen is a battlefield—flour dusted across the counter, butter slowly melting near the stove, and the unmistakable, sharp scent of something definitely overcooked lingering in the air.
Luke snorts from his spot at the island, where he’s lazily peeling a carrot. He’s managed to peel more of his own skin than the actual vegetable, but he doesn’t seem bothered by it. The occasional "aww" and "oops" are the only clues that he’s once again being clumsy with the knife. "That’s the biggest lie I’ve ever heard," he mutters, barely looking up.
Jack gasps, clutching his chest dramatically. “Excuse me? I’m the easiest person to live with.”
You burst out laughing, not even trying to hide it. You jab your wooden spoon in his direction. “Jack, you literally refused to eat a bagel last week because it wasn’t from your ‘preferred’ bakery.”
“Because it wasn’t real cream cheese! It was that weird, low-fat nonsense—”
Luke cuts in, his smirk widening. “Also, you order groceries like you’re a Michelin star chef, but can’t even make toast without setting off the smoke alarm.”
Jack lets out an exaggerated huff, shrugging his shoulders. "I just like quality ingredients," he says, a teasing grin on his face. "Sorry I have taste."
“Ohh, shut up!” you groan, wiping your forehead with the back of your hand as you turn toward the stove. The gravy is on the verge of boiling over. You lower the heat, hoping it’s not too late. The turkey’s still in the oven, but the stuffing smells like it’s burning. The mashed potatoes have lumps, and the cranberry sauce—oh god—is now all over the floor. How the hell did that happen?
Luke looks genuinely concerned. “Do you, uh, want help?”
You whip around so fast Jack actually takes a step back. “No. Absolutely not. I need to impress your mom and dad because it's Christmas, and if you two help, this entire meal will end in a flaming disaster.”
Jack blinks, insulted. “I resent that.”
“You once confused salt with sugar when making cookies,” you say, raising an eyebrow like this is a fact everyone should know by now.
Luke winces, his face going pale at the memory. “Oh yeah, that was bad. I could still taste it for days—even after brushing my teeth.” He shudders, as if the very idea still haunts him.
Jack pouts, arms folded defensively. “That was one time.”
“And,” you continue, pointing at Luke, “you somehow managed to burn a salad. A salad Luke!”
Luke goes bright red, practically sinking into the counter. “It was a pasta salad! And you promised you’d never tell anyone!”
Jack’s jaw drops in disbelief. Then a grin creeps across his face. “Dude, how do you even—?”
“Tough luck, Lukey,” you say with a smirk. “Some secrets just aren’t meant to stay buried.”You wave them off with a flick of your wrist. “Again, no help. I’ve got this. Just—just go be useless somewhere else.”
Jack smirks, leaning in to kiss your forehead, completely undeterred by the fact that you look like you just ran through a hurricane. “You’re so hot when you’re stressed.”
Luke makes an exaggerated gagging noise. “I’m leaving.”
Jack just grins, like he’s having the time of his life. “Love you, babe.”
You groan, shooing them both out of the kitchen with your spoon, praying to every holiday deity that Ellen and Jim will see the effort you put into this meal and not the absolute disaster it’s turning into.
Jim and Ellen finally say their goodbyes, wrapping things up with warm hugs and reassurances that everything was great—despite the cranberry sauce never making it to the table and the turkey being a little on the dry side. You exhale, sinking into a chair at the dining table, swirling your glass of wine, feeling relieved that the dinner is finally over.
Jack, however, has made it his personal mission to ensure you don’t lift a finger for cleanup. “You did everything,” he insists, “now it’s our turn.”
Big mistake.
Luke’s at the sink, sluggishly stacking plates, while Jack wipes down the counters like he's trying to scrub away the entire kitchen with one swipe. The clinking of dishes and the lingering smell of burnt stuffing fill the air.
“Luke, if you’re going to load the dishwasher like that, you might as well toss the plates in the garbage,” Jack says, his voice dripping with mock horror.
Luke rolls his eyes. “It’s not a big deal, dude. They’ll get clean. Chill out!”
Jack gasps, as though Luke has committed a cardinal sin. “You can’t put the knife facing up! That’s how people lose fingers.”
You take a sip of your wine, watching the chaos unfold like it's your own personal reality show. You loved Jack—really, you did—but you couldn’t deny that dealing with him required an extra dose of patience. And you knew Luke well enough to sense he was running low on that.
Luke sighs deeply, way too loudly, as he sets the plates down. Uh-oh. Here it comes. “You are so fucking high-maintenance, dude!”
Jack scoffs, his voice full of offense. “I am not! I just like things done right.” He drops the towel he’s been aggressively wiping the counters with.
Luke raises an eyebrow. “Jack, you rearranged the sponge at least three times.”
Jack crosses his arms, baffled by why his brother finds this so problematic. His genuinely confused expression makes it hard for you to keep a straight face. “It has a drying position and a scrubbing position,” he says, as if it’s the most logical thing in the world. “You wouldn’t understand.”
Luke smirks, and you catch that mischievous glint in his eyes. Oh no. You’ve seen that look before. This is the calm before the storm. The smile just before all hell breaks loose.
And then, without warning, Luke flicks a few drops of water at Jack’s face, his grin spreading wider. “Oh, I understand,” he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “I just don’t give a shit about it.”
Jack freezes, staring at him in disbelief. “Did you just—”
Luke, still grinning like a maniac, flicks more water at him. “Oops.”
Jack narrows his eyes, looking way too calm. “Oh, you are so dead, Lukey.”
Before Luke can react, Jack grabs the sprayer from the sink, aiming it at Luke with deadly precision. The stream hits Luke right in the face, and he yelps, ducking behind the island. “HEY! Did you just spray me with the cleaning stuff?!”
Jack laughs, clearly enjoying the chaos, but there's a brief moment where his brow furrows as he watches Luke’s reaction. Luke sticks his tongue out, squinting in disgust at the taste of the rosemary cleaner. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “Ugh, that’s disgusting!”
Jack quickly checks the bottle in his hand, his smirk flickering for a moment. “Don’t worry, it’s organic!” he says, his grin widening. “You can thank my high-maintenance nature, you little shit."
“You idiot didn’t even check what you sprayed me with! You just grabbed it!” Luke’s voice is rising with each word.
Jack shrugs, still grinning like he’s just won some kind of battle. “Should’ve thought about that before you disrespected the sponge system!” He winks, patting the sprayer like it’s his prized possession. “Now run!”
Luke, now fuming and ready for payback, spots another bottle on the counter. Without missing a beat, he snatches it up and sprays Jack with it. The organic cleaner hits him right in the chest. The two of them laugh maniacally, both dripping with rosemary-scented spray as they tumble around the kitchen, completely lost in the moment, like a couple of kids in a water fight.
You lean back in your chair, wine glass in hand, watching the chaos unfold. They’re so wrapped up in their little spray battle, you can’t help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all.
“Careful, you’re going to slip on the water or…” you start to warn, but, of course, neither of them listens. No sooner do the words leave your mouth than one of them knocks over a stack of glasses on the counter, the sound of glass shattering echoing through the kitchen.
You roll your eyes, taking another long sip of your wine. “This is why we can’t have nice things.”
Jack pauses, wiping water off his face, then turns to you with that mischievous grin. He’s soaked and sweaty, but it doesn’t seem to bother him at all. Slowly, he makes his way toward you, his eyes gleaming with playful confidence. “You love us,” he teases, pulling you close by the waist, before leaning down to kiss you.
You laugh, trying to pull away from the damp mess of him. “Jack! You’re gross! Let me go!”
But he’s persistent, kissing whatever he can reach—your lips, your cheeks, your forehead—his grin never fading. You giggle and squirm away, attempting to escape. But Jack’s not done yet. He grabs your arm to pull you closer, pushing his body against yours, his hips pressing into you.
“You’re not the girl who runs away from a little sweat, sweetheart,” he says between kisses, his voice teasing but affectionate. “I remember when—after practice—you licked…”
You press your hands against his lips, laughing in disbelief at his idiocy. Your face flushes instantly, the heat creeping up your neck. Of course, he just grins wider, that same stupid, adorable grin.
Jack pulls back slightly, his sparkling blue eyes locking with yours. As his hand gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, he brushes his thumb across your cheek. “I love that you do all the wild things with me in the bedroom without hesitation,” he says, his voice still low and tender. “But just mention the most vanilla thing we’ve done, and you turn into a blushing mess. You’re adorable.” His smile softens, his gaze deepening as he looks into your eyes.
Luke, standing off to the side trying to maintain some distance from the kitchen, turns around with a look of pure disgust. He glares at the two of you, arms crossed tightly across his chest. “Oh, no. Not this again. Can’t you two go five minutes without turning everything into a romance movie set?”
You and Jack just giggle, completely unfazed, while Luke dramatically turns his back to you both. “I swear, if I see one more kiss today, I’m going to lose it.”
Jack doesn’t even acknowledge his little brother’s complaint, leaning in for another kiss. And you don’t protest—not really. You’ve always been a sucker for his sweaty, silly kisses, even if Luke’s gagging in the background.
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