#sally hate for ts
jalwyn21 · 5 months
I'm team joe but I wanna ask you guys: don't you think he probably cheated?
I don't view cheating as something so reprehensible. I don't do it and wouldn't like for it to be done to me or any of my friends, but I don't feel any impulse to cancel someone over it. I think is a very personal issue and it's up for each couple to decide where they stand in it. I mean, I'm sure we all watched joe on cwf and appreciate sally rooney.
that being said, didn't TS said in so long london "I founded the club she heard great things about"? fortnight is about matty but it reads like they're neighboors and she's singing about killing his wife, so that makes me think that the "my husband is cheating" line is about joe. she also sang something in another song in the lines of "he was already dreaming about her" which can mean he was emotionally cheating on her just like she did with matty.
anyway it's okay if they did, but don't we think that's the case? I think it's implied that he did something and that she broke up with him after cheating on him with matty multiple times in her head. I think that would explain kelleigh and the rage taylor had for him the whole past year.
Cheating is something awful and disrespectful and should absolutely be seen as a bad thing. Having morals and being loyal is a good thing. Let's call a spade what it is. CWF is about 4 very flawed people doing stupid, terrible things and hurting themselves and others. Not something to look up to.
Joe did NOT cheat on ts. No doubt whatsoever about it! Not only because Joe is an honorable man who would not dishonor himself like that, but also because there is not one shred of evidence that he did. Let's be real here, ts is the most petty, vindictive and hateful woman on the planet. If she had even the tiniest proof he was unfaithful she would have screamed it of the top of her head. We would be 20 short films deep into the annihilation of Joe. Alas, all she has is: he was sad and I got bored of him.
I worry about your comprehension skills. 🙄🙄🙄 Obviously she doesn't have a husband. Fortnight is about an affair that only lasted 2 weeks and dealing with an imaginary future where they are married to other people. And she hates his imaginary wife and her imaginary husband is cheating on her. It's a song about regretting what could have been. It's a what if the affair didn't end after a fortnight. 🙄
"I founded the club she heard great things about" Why must you remind me of that line. I bloody hate it. The audacity to put that disrespectful line in the song. Actually the more I think about it the more I despise ts. She is lying. She did not founded the Joe Alwyn Club. Ang Lee founded the club we've all heard great things about. And the first member to sign up for the club was Yorgos Lanthimos. He was the second director to give Joe a role back in 2015. And the reason we've all heard great things about the Joe Alwyn Club is because Joe is a great man. Not because of ts, but because of him, and his work and his character. And the fact that she is implying that she is better than the women Joe will date after her is pathetic. No, she is not better. She is richer and more successful, but not a better person. Any woman Joe will date after ts with be a better human than ts. And it's ugly of her to try to take credit for Joe and to attack and attempt to belittle Joe's future girlfriends or wife.
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sketching-pasketti · 8 months
The Jack Duo Headcannons
General Headcannons:
Everyone in the mansion calls them the "Jack Duo" even though they literally never hang out with each other outside of missions and/or parties
You can tell who killed who if they're on a mission together since it's always a mix of neat persise surgical level lines and no kidneys and jagged tears overstuffed with candy
You can also tell if they mixed their styles, either jagged lines with kidneys missing, or neat lines and a shit ton of candy
Individual Headcannons (EJ):
Friends with Ben and Jeff
The coolest older brother figure to Lazari
Chaos calmer
Lost most of his memories after the sacrifice
Vaguely remembers Jenny and everyone else
Sally likes to drag him to wherever she and Lazari are playing so he can play with them
Likes folklore (TS album)
Has a lab in the basement of the mansion
Individual Headcannons (LJ):
1989 is his favorite album (I'm so projecting rn)
Avid sims player
Avoids The Sims 1 like the plague tho
Love-hate relationship with The Sims 4
Loves Jolly Ranchers
Despises the gummies
Loves old movies and also has a lot of really old books (like 1800s old)
Jack borrows his books sometimes to read
Cannot keep up with new slang no matter how hard he tries
"The actual fuck is gyatt?" "I don't know"
Appreciates William since, he too, muders children
Remembering Issac makes him wanna puke
Seeing Will makes him wanna puke too
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sanitysfacehasfallen · 8 months
my unpopular sally face opinions
(this might hurt some of y’all feel free to come at me with pitchforks I suppose.)
Sal is in love with Ash. I don’t even think this should be an “unpopular opinion” when it is literally canon, but I digress. 
Shipping Larvis makes little to no sense, considering one of them isn’t even canonically gay, and Larry HATES Travis for how absolutely awful he is to Sal??? You guys don’t like people bending Travis to be straight, which makes sense, it’s deeply important to his character and why he lashes out, religious trauma, ECT, but don’t bend a straight character to be gay if there is NOTHING POINTING OTHERWISE? I get if there’s lil hints, sexual/romantic tension.. but there just isn’t. You confuse me. I am ftnb and sapphic so I would appreciate keeping the ‘homophobic’ allegations outta my comments, thank you!
Sal is FTM, you can literally kill me and I will die on this hill. I do not care if he is “fully” transitioned (transitioning is a long and practically never-ending journey), he is ftm. Thank you.
People whitewash Larry an insane amount. This man is a second gen immigrant, Spaniards my beloved, ethnic noses my beloveds, as a Mexican, please stop white washing him. His mothers maiden name is literally García.
Random ships are ruining the entire fandom. Boy oh boy look at this game about deep trauma and how trauma manifests in day to day life, I bet the fandom will be respectful of the main characters and how their trauma has built their entire life and not base them off their sexualities alone (loud incorrect buzzer), it is perfectly cool! And awesome! And great! To have your own lil shippy ships. But taking everything about a character and throwing it away to make it all about their sexualities? Man.
oki ts it. down for debating i suppose 🤨
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simmywrites · 2 years
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                                             Larry Johnson x Reader
                                         Warning: Swearing & Crimes
                                     LOADING… LOADED! POV: Y/N L/N
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I said, looking at Larry. “Not if we get caught.” He responded with a huge ass smirk on his face. I was pretty sure we could get arrested, so I looked at him with a look of pure disappointment, “You are a dumbass sometimes, you know that?” He started chuckling, “Love you too, sweet cheeks.” That’s new. Usually he just calls me ‘babe’ or something like that. Eh, a nickname is a nickname. “Uh, Babes? Could you help me?” 
I stop swimming in my own thoughts for a second and I turned to him, “What happened Lar- Oh my god. How the hell did you manage that!?” He got himself caught on the fence. By his shirt. “Magic?” He sighed, “I don’t fucking know either, so just please help me down.” Oh jeez, how did I fall in love with this man again? “Okay, i’ll help but after we egg this god forsaken church, you’re buying me dinner.” He nodded and got to work on freeing my adorable idiot. After I freed him from the fence, he succeeded in jumping over whilst I waited for him. “Let’s go egg a homophobic ass church.” He said, grabbing the pack of eggs we bought from a grocery store that is literally 5 blocks away. He got closer to the church and threw the egg with such strength oh my god, anyway we threw more, until I made one mistake. I was throwing the eggs until I misfired and I threw the egg at a window, breaking it. “Oh shit.” I mumbled “Nice shot.” Larry praised. “Larry.” I turned to him “Yeah?” He said. “What time is it?” “11:42pm, why?” Shit. S H I T. “They would have started preparing for midnight mass, Larry, we should start running.” As soon as I said that, Travis came out of the church. 
“Ay! What do you f*****ts think you’re doing!?”  Larry crossed his arms and said, “Arruinando tu iglesia, pendejo.” (Ruining your church, asshole) He kind of shouted the pendejo part but eh, I don’t judge. “What?” I looked at Travis and said “The joke is less funny if I explain it, Phelps.” Travis started shouting and then his father came out and chased me with a vile of holy water. “Let me save your soul child!” I continued running but I turned to him and said “You can save your mom, bitch!” I flipped him off and he threw the vile at me, missing completely. “Larry! Let’s go!” He turns to me, “Ok!” He flips off Kenneth and Travis, so double birds. We managed to get out of there, and I got dinner from Olive Garden which was their garlic bread. That was probably the best night of my life. 
(Hey Guys! Simmy Writes here! Ok so, some explanation why I have been gone for some time. I have on planes nonstop, so I haven’t been able to write much and also no requests have been requested of me so writer’s block has been kicking my ass. This is my first Sally Face post so please be nice, constructive criticism is welcomed, hate isn’t.)
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squirrelly831 · 5 years
Running Into An Ex [Youngjae, Jongup, and Junhong]
Bit of violence with Junhong’s.
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Teagan wasn’t just Youngjae’s girlfriend, but also his make-up artist. His fans knew about their three year relationship after Youngjae left TS and at first some fans weren’t happy, but they warmed up to the idea. However, there was one girl who continued to send Teagan hate and that was Youngjae’s ex girlfriend, Yunmi. The one Teagan only knew as the gold digger.
First, it was just insults that Teagan never took to heart. They were coming from a vindictive woman and she didn’t find it necessary to react. However, after the insults weren’t working, Yunmi began to start rumors. She spread lies as an anonymous person and told the online cafe how Teagan was a cheater and a former bully at her school. It lead to more hate and Teagan silently took it knowing that no amount of words would change the fans’ minds.
Youngjae had learned about the rumors and had gone through the background to find where the rumors started and even hired a private investigator to look into it for him. He didn’t want to tell Teagan about the hate, but he had a feeling that she may already knew what was going on in his fan cafe. His fear was confirmed when there was a post about a cafe incident with Teagan. He clicked the article and his blood boiled. The picture showed Teagan, her head down as she had a drink poured above her. He glared at the attacker in the photo knowing all too well, even if it was blurred, that it was Yunmi. He bit his lip in anger as his rage grew. Youngjae called a lawyer and made an appointment. He was done.
Youngjae texted Yunmi to meet her at a cafe, the same cafe where the incident happened. He was done with her. He thought he made it clear the first time to back off, but Yunmi wouldn’t stop.
Yunmi skipped into the cafe as if she was there to meet the love of her life. When she spotted Youngjae, she grinned and rushed to the table, “Oppa! It’s been so long!”
“Not long enough” he replied coolly as she took a seat across from him. Her smile faltered as she noticed his demeanor. He wanted so much as to pour his drink on her like she did to Teagan, but he held back. Youngjae refused to stoop to her level, “I’m just going to cut to the chase.” He pulled out a paper from his jacket and handed it to Yunmi. “You’re being sued.”
Yunmi’s eyes snapped from the paper to him, “WHAT?! WHY?!”
“Assault. Harassment. Stalking. Really the list could go on, but why bother.”
“You can’t do that to me!” Her voice was high pitched as she looked at the paper.
Youngjae stood up and fixed his suit as his eyes glared at her, “I can and will. See you in court.” He walked down a couple of tables where Teagan sat waiting for him. “Let’s go, love.” He held out his hand to her. She took his hand with a small smile and the two walked out the cafe to enjoy the rest of the day together.
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Jongup was hesitant to tell his girlfriend, Mariah, about his forced partnership with his ex, Sally. It was an added hatred against TS as they knew his ex was the last person he’d ever willingly work with. However, he promised Mariah to never lie and he was a man of his word. So, one night he asked to meet Mariah at the park and that’s where he told her about TS’s plan to pair him up with Sally for her solo debut.
Mariah bit her inner cheek as she recalled his ex. Jongup rubbed her arm and she met his eyes. She let out a sigh, “I’m not happy about it… obviously. She’s an evil woman…”
“I know…” They both recalled the first few months of their relationship when Sally sent Mariah pictures of her and Jongup in bed together acting as if it was recent. Jongup had to fight hard to prove that it didn’t happen, but she had almost managed to ruin his relationship with Mariah.
His phone broke their awkward silence and Jongup tsked as he saw Sally’s number. Mariah acted first. She took the phone from him and hung up. Jongup looked at her and saw how conflicted she looked, “Babe–”
“I know… You have to talk to her. I know that, and yet…” Her eyes watered. His phone rang again in her hand again. Sally’s number on the screen again. Mariah bit her lip, “She’s a witch–I know I have nothing to be worried about, but she’s so vile and vindictive.”
When Jongup saw her tear fall he took the phone and answered it. There was a high pitch squeal on the line and Jongup held Mariah close in his arms, “Look, we may work together but that’s it. If you try to contact me outside of our scheduled times I will block you” he spoke before he hung up not giving her a chance to respond. He turned off his phone to avoid any further interruptions as he wrapped his other arm around Mariah and pulled her to his lap. He buried his head into her neck as he took in her scent. “I swear, I won’t talk to her or text her unless it is an absolute must. You trust me, right?”
Mariah played with his hair as she let out a small breath or relief, “Yea, I trust you.”
The day of the comeback, Sally hopped up to Jongup, “Babe, you ready to show them how much of a power duo we are?”
Jongup gave her a pissed off look as he fixed his microphone on his back, “Fuck off, will you.” Sally’s mouth dropped. For the past months during practice, she had been all over Jongup and he had denied her at each turn. However, he’d never gone so far as to curse her out.
“Jongup?” He turned to the voice and his mood lit up when he saw Mariah with a small pastry. She smiled as she held it out, “I brought you a snack.”
Jongup said nothing as he approached her and pressed his lips to her not caring about the tantrum Sally began as she stormed off. He broke the kiss and hugged Mariah, “I’m so glad you’re here. I don’t think I could last another minute with her off stage.”
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When news broke of Junhong’s engagement to his girlfriend, Selena, of four years, fans were supportive. They knew of their relationship for about two years and after the little hate they received, the news went pretty good. The only exception to it was Junhong’s ex, Inseul, who had tried to attack Selena right after the news of their relationship. They were able to get a restraining order against her and fearing prison, she did a good job staying away from Selena and Junhong.
However, their peace ended after the engagement announcement. His ex flipped out about it and the restraining order meant nothing to her. As Selena was heading to her shared apartment with Junhong when she saw Inseul in front of her apartment pushing and pulling a cardboard box cutter blade in and out of it’s cover. Selena sent Junhong to tell him that Inseul was outside their apartment with a weapon.
“You really think a whore like you deserves him?” Inseul growled when she saw Selena. She looked crazy. Her hair was disheveled, her eyes looked like she was ready to kill, and her clothes looked like they were just something she saw and threw on.
Selena took steps away from Inseul as she realized how serious she was on trying to hurt her. Inseul leaped forward and Selena let out a scream in alarm as she jumped back. She fell back on her ass and Inseul stood over her.
“I let you have him for a few years and you think you can take him away from me forever? I think not” she growled as she rose the blade.
“Inseul please… We can talk about it.” Inseul’s arm swung down and Selena shielded her face from her attack. However when she didn’t get sliced, she looked up to see an out of breath Junhong holding Inseul’s wrist to stop her from any movement.
Junhong reached up silently and forcefully took the blade from Inseul, threw it to the ground, and stepped on it breaking it. His eyes were dark as they pierced Inseul’s eyes, “What the fuck did you think you were about to do?” His had dropped octaves and his chest vibrated as he spoke. Pissed did not even begin to describe how angry he was. He had half a mind to hit Inseul, but he restrained himself. He kept his grip on Inseul’s arm and grabbed her other as he waited for the police.
The lights of the police flashed as they approached the scene and Inseul was taken into custody. Junhong had Selena in his arms since the moment police took Inseul. He buried his head in her hair as he let out a shaky breath, “I’m so glad you’re okay.” He shook, “I was so scared when I got your text. I thought I would lose you.” She turned to face him as tears fell from her eyes. She took his face in her hands and Junhong wiped her cheeks.“I love you so much.” He kissed her.
“I love you more” she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him again.
Part I
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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skaikruswan · 8 years
The hating game is the book embodiment of the enemies to friends to lovers trope and I LOVE it. 
The tension! The characters! The story! The dialogue! 
Please love yourself and read the book. 
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bisluthq · 3 years
I mean to them it might be because I don’t know how much they watch beyond MCU and Taylor Swift MVs // MCU is garbage and I never watch TS videos. What shady asf comeback can you use now? YA books are often garbage as well
Okay so you hate Sally Rooney? Like is this your point? Because she writes romance? What do you like??? Why don’t you figure that out and go into that fandom and not bother people who like different stuff to you. That’s what I do besties and I promise it’s SO NICE. Like you don’t have to be interested in a person’s life to like their music you can just give about it. You don’t have to be interested in shows, movies, books and music you don’t like.
You really honestly don’t.
But calling the most popular writer in the world rn a flop is a choice my bestie my boo.
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lucia-redman · 4 years
Book Review: Normal People
Normal People by Sally Rooney, what can I say? From the start to finish, it was so draining. I’m a fast reader and read it in 2 days (the book was 266 pages in total). Everything was so toxic. Marianne’s and Connell’s relationship was based off only doing the dirty. In my opinion, throughout the whole book, they were plainly, friends with benefits. Rooney portrayed that Marianne and Connell were hopelessly in love, but they were never right for each other. Which left me extremely frustrated. My experience with the book is like it was addicting, like a drug. I wanted to stop reading it, but I could not. Fun fact, I do not like sleeping during the day, but reading this book was so tiring, I had a 2-hour sleep during the day. The thing I hated about this book is that Rooney was romanticizing these mental illnesses. After Rob committed suicide, Connell was in a dark place, but for someone who has been through that, it certainly was not portrayed correctly and needed more effort on Rooney’s part. Everything in this book just felt childish. Nothing ever clicked. Which was extremely sad. I really had high hopes for this novel. Sally Rooney is a great writer and storyteller, but she needs to point those skills into another direction! Lorraine was such a favourite character of mine. She was so real to me. She reminded me of my own mother. In the end, it’s worth a read but don’t rush. Do I recommend this book? I don’t know yet. It had definitely made me look at the world in a different perspective. But other than that, I don’t know.
Here’s the link on Amazon if you want to check it out. 💖
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hiccup446 · 7 years
Pastas as Told by Twenty One Pilots Songs
Jane: Guns for Hands
“And you swear to your parents, That it will never happen again, I know, I know what that means, I know. That you all have guns, And you never put the safety on, And you all have plans, To take it, to take it, Don't take it, take it, take it. I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep, I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep, But I can't, but I can't when you all have, Guns for hands, yeah”
Masky: Trapdoor
“He wakes up early today Throws on a mask that will alter his face Nobody knows his real name But now he just uses one he saw on a grave He pretends that he's OK, But you should see Him in bed late at night, He's petrified Take me out and finish this waste of a life Everyone gather around for a show Watch as this man disappears as we know”
Hoodie: Fall Away
“I'm dying and I'm trying But believe me I'm fine But I'm lying, I'm so very far from fine And I, I can feel the pull begin Feel my conscience wearing thin And my skin It will start to break up and fall apart I don't wanna fall, fall away”
Jeff: Isle of Flightless Birds
“As time will fly by and the sky will cry as light is fading And he is waiting, oh, so patiently While we repeat the same routine as we will please comfortability Yeah, please don't think about why you can't sleep in the evening And please don't be afraid of what your soul is really thinking Your soul knows good and evil, your soul knows both sides And it's time you pick your battle, and I promise you this is mine (I promise you)”
Homicidal Lui: Air Catcher
“You've stolen my air catcher That kept me safe and sound My parachutes will guide me Safely to ground But now the cord's not working And I see you staring me down I won't fall in Love with falling I will try to avoid Those eyes”
Toby: The Pantaloon
“You have learned Way too soon That your dad is now the Pantaloon You are tired You are hurt A moth ate through Your favorite shirt And all your friends Fertilize The ground you walk Lose your mind”
Eyeless Jack: Holding on to You
“I'm taking over my body, Back in control, no more shotty, I bet a lot of me was lost, Ts uncrossed and Is undotted, I fought it a lot And it seems a lot like flesh is all I got, Not anymore, flesh out the door, Swat, I must've forgot, you can't trust me, I'm open a moment and close when you show it, Before you know it, I'm lost at sea, And now that I write and think about it, And the story unfolds, You should take my life, You should take my soul.”
Nina the Killer: Ode to Sleep
“I'll stay awake, 'Cause the dark's not taking prisoners tonight. Why am I not scared in the morning? I don't hear those voices calling, I must have kicked them out, I must have kicked them out, I swear I heard demons yelling, Those crazy words they were spelling, They told me I was gone, they told me I was gone.”
Clockwork: Car Radio
“Sometimes quiet is violent I find it hard to hide it My pride is no longer inside It's on my sleeve My skin will scream Reminding me of Who I killed inside my dream I hate this car that I'm driving There's no hiding for me I'm forced to deal with what I feel There is no distraction to mask what is real I could pull the steering wheel”
Sally: Slowtown
“I put my socks on my feet, Just so that my soul won't fall through my toes, And I walk through my door, Just so I don't fall through the floor. I remember when my brother and other kids from neighboring houses, Would get together, I'd ride my bike and my brother would ride his, Put cards in our spokes and make our engine sound like traffic, When using Pokémon cards, please do not use the holographics, So bold and fearless in the risks we take, Laugh in the face of gravity as its laws we'd break, On trampolines so high, we reach for the sky, but I, Do not look up anymore and I don't know why.”
Ben Drowned: Forest
“I don't know why I feed on emotion There's a stomach inside my brain I don't wanna be heard I want to be listened to Does it bother anyone else That someone else has your name? Does it bother anyone else That someone else has your name, your name? I scream, you scream, we all scream 'Cause we're terrified of what's around the corner We stay in place 'Cause we don't want to lose our lives So let's think of something better. Down in the forest We'll sing a chorus One that everybody knows Hands held higher, We'll be on fire Singing songs that nobody wrote.”
Slenderman: Stressed Out
“I was told when I get older all my fears would shrink, But now I'm insecure and I care what people think. My name's 'Blurryface' and I care what you think. My name's 'Blurryface' and I care what you think. Wish we could turn back time, to the good ol' days, When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out (oh). Wish we could turn back time (oh), to the good ol' days (oh), When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out. We're stressed out.”
Splenderman: Glowing Eyes
“We all are stranger creatures than when we all started out as kids, Culture forbids, We have romantic fantasies about what dying truly is, Fall off the grid. We live for the night's decor, It reveals what we dream of. I know there's someone at the door, They called for help, of this I'm sure, But do I want to say goodbye to all the glowing eyes, I'm holding on to what I know, And what I know, I must let go, But I would rather play a song for the eyes to sing along. The eyes to sing along, long, long.”
Trenderman: Lovely
“Dear friend, here we are again pretending To understand how you think your world is ending Sending signals and red flags in waves It's hard to tell the difference between blood and water these days I'll pray that one day you see The only difference between life and dying Is one is trying, that's all we're going to do So try to love me and I'll try to save you. [2x] Won't you stay alive I'll take you on a ride I will make you believe you are lovely. Your redemption won't grow stale We are now just setting sail On the seas of what we fear Treason now is growing near to me”
Offenderman: Fairly Local
“I'm evil to the core What I shouldn't do I will They say I'm emotional What I wanna save I'll kill Is that who I truly am? I truly don't have a chance Tomorrow I'll keep a beat And repeat yesterday's dance Yo, this song will never be on the radio Even if my clique were to pick and the people were to vote It's the few, the proud, and the emotional Yo, you, bulletproof in black like a funeral The world around us is burning but we're so cold It's the few, the proud, and the emotional I'm fairly local, I've been around I've seen the streets, you're walking down I'm fairly local, good people now”
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bohemian-toaster · 7 years
Chapters: 17/? Fandom: Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Harriet Watson/Clara, Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Jim Moriarty, Greg Lestrade, Mike Stamford, Anderson, Sally Donovan, Harriet Watson, Clara (Sherlock), Bill Wiggins, Mycroft Holmes, Mummy (Sherlock), Sherlocks Motorcycle, Sebastian Moran, Mary Morstan, John Watson's Father, Original Characters Additional Tags: Teenlock, Greaserlock, Greaser AU, Greaser Sherlock, Nerd John, BAMF John, John Hates bullies, Sherlocks a bully, Bored Sherlock, Sherlock has a gang, baker street irregulars - Freeform, Baker High School, High School AU, Alternate Universe - 1950s, First Kiss, Slow Burn, Dark Sherlock, Angst, Trigger Warning- Abuse, John's dad is a terrible person, John is sad, Sherlock in Love, Hurt/Comfort, Swearing, not at all accurate to the times, DEAL WITH IT, I do what I want, Moriarity is violent, Moriarty wants Sherlock, Motorcycles, POV Sherlock Holmes, Hurt John Watson, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, gay is okay, Period-Typical Homophobia, Period-Typical Racism, Sherlock is a poop, Bullying, POV John Watson, WARNING: Racial slur, Possessive Sherlock, Eye Sex, Scars, Bullet wound, Nosy Sherlock, Drug Use, LSD, casefic, Sherlock is still a poop, annoying phone calls, Motorcycle wreck, Johnny has a secret, motorcycle bullshit, Mycroft's Meddling, stealing from a hospital, is crazy illegal, Don't do it, "friends", Purple Shirt of Sex, Nerd Sherlock, Jealous John, Fluff, Snuggling, Homosexual Romance, Murder, cigarette burns, Torture, Drama, bugger tea! Summary:
“You are fascinating Johnny Boy. You seem to be the average Joe don’t you? Seem to be the simple boy with the good grades and the lily white reputation…” He leaned forward, so that he was pressed into John’s personal space, looking darkly into those baby-blues. “But you aren’t are you? You. Are so. Much. More.” Sherlock Holmes is the leader of a gang of greasers at Baker High. He is also incredibly bored. That changes when the new kid gets in his way, and does something very unexpected. Sherlock is interested, and tackles the new mystery - who is John Watson?
So the prodigal returns. Didja miss me? No?? Well, TS cause I'm back anyway!
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lesbiandeancas · 10 years
also lmao that person from last night hates sally donovan for "sending the police after sherlock" and "almost getting him killed" and surprise, is a huge sheriarty shipper and says stuff like "if moriarty wanted sherlock dead he would be dead" lmao
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lesbiandeancas · 11 years
haha there's a graphic in sally's tag calling her a bully hahaha
meanwhile in season 3, sherlock deliberately triggers john's PTSD and laughs about it
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lesbiandeancas · 11 years
"sally is only mean to sherlock because she's in love with him!"
yeah in opposite world where sexual harassment at work is a turn on and pigs fucking fly
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lesbiandeancas · 11 years
I like sherlock because he's basically created to be the asshole everyone hates to love. I don't like sally because I feel like 1. She's written to be a little too 1 dimensional. But that is very common with moffat writing females. (Groans) 2. Her basic purpose in the show is to insult sherlock it seems. Now if sally donovan was written with more purpose and did something like comfort Molly about sherlock being a dick, or had more personality and stuff, I would probably enjoy her.
But her written personality is flat and unpleasant. That is PROBABLY a fault in the writers. They could give her so many more dimensions but they don’t. Also, I can tag things whatever I want. I will tag things what I want. No one owns a tag. I do not follow the “don’t tag hate” rule. However, if there is a specific tag for sally donovan like I know many people use the ” lol joffrey baratheon” tag for his hate, I would be happy to tag it as that. However I can tag things as I like.
"Probably" a fault in the writers.  Okay. Yes, Moffat can’t write women, but that doesn’t mean that you have to take his shit at face value and hate a female character because he wrote her to be hated.  That’s literally exactly what he wants you to do.  It’s lazy and it’s shit, and I would rather not.
There isn’t a specific hate tag for Sally Donovan.  Do you knwo why?  Because the fandom hates her for no other reason than “she is against Sherlock”  You can start a tag like that if you want to and personally i think it would be great if Sally haters got their OWN tag and stopped cluttering up her character tag.  And honestly I think that if you recognize that that’s a thing that needs to be done, then I don’t buy your “I just don’t follow the rules!” shit either.  You know it’s rude and you still do it and that’s fucked up.
In any case, Sally Donovan embodies a specific trope that is one of my favorites (someone — in this case a police officer — makes a wrong decision that they believe to be right and just, and it blows up in their face).  So I guess I see something in her that a lot of people don’t.  When I am defending her from fandom it’s from people who way stuff like “I hate Sally”  ”She’s a bitch” “I hope John hits her” and other misogynist shit like that just because she and Sherlock have an antagonistic relationship and often because of her role in the Reichenbach fall
You’re basically buying into those attitudes.  I’m not saying you have to interpret her character exactly the way I do.  But you could at least examine your attitude toward this character more closely and ask yourself why you felt the need to make that post in the first palce.  
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lesbiandeancas · 11 years
I replied to another person who made a comment on your comment. So that part addresses why I don think it was necessarily slut shaming. But to your other comments: Okay I'm not holding sally to another standard. Sherlock is an asshole. He is written to be an absolute dick in every single story Arthur Conan Doyle wrote. It isn't okay for sherlock to call everyone an idiot.he does. I'm not saying it's okay. just because sherlock does it doesn't mean she should?
Sherlock gives a shit about no one but Watson. That’s just who Sherlock Holmes is. I EXPECT asshole-ness out of any Sherlock Holmes. However, I do not expect a grown, modern day woman to basically bully someone. That’s my thing. Sherlock isn’t excused. He’s a dick. I’m not a misogynist. I’m female and I’m a feminist. It’s not about her being a woman. I’m not racist. Not in the least. I just don’t like the character. I don’t like moriarty either.
You’re contradicting yourself so much, I can’t even form a coherent argument against you.  You’ve basically done it yourself.  You EXPECT Sherlock Holmes to be a dick, but you don’t EXPECT Sally to, and that’s why you don’t like her?  You can say you’re not holding her to a different standard of behavior, but you are.  You JUST said, “just because Sherlock does it doesn’t mean she should”.
Internalized misogyny exists INTERNALIZED MISOGYNY EXISTS
I literally can’t think of anything I can say to you that will make you realize how hypocritical you’re being but okay
Also lmao he is not a dick in every story ACD wrote, have you read the original Holmes stories bc I have!!!! And he’s not, okay, he’s really not.
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