#saitama genderbend
kaison07 · 4 days
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A Quick Guide to Recognize Which Saitama I´m Drawing. Fem! or Masc! I have some old drawing I never posted, scribbles and sketches. I have some headcannons and half assed story for Fem! Sai that didn´t match the (rather small pool) of other´s art of her. Like, at first, she´s bald but due to an unrelated issue to his broken limiter of power,,, Out of universe is for making her look like her other version, but in universe due to her autoimmune disease. Also, they would have bought the same hoodie. Because its cheap and kinda silly. Doesn´t matter if it´s a bit bigger or in the man´s section of clothes. And the skirt is just a find she made, a good deal and a known sturdy material. I would like to believe in universe the blue color isn´t used anymore in school uniforms for like a decade, so it wouldn´t look weird. Not that she cares too much about it. Also, living as a girl made her perceptive of a bit more social clues and expected ways to act. Not by a lot, and she mostly wouldn´t use it, but you know, like being associated to Genos would make his fangirls get crazy jealous, would recognize creep dudes more easily, also would notice Fubuki´s tactics to influence Genos to get into Blizzard. And well, people overall hate her in a bit different way. I may draw some interactions. Also! she´s the only character genderbent, usually. And here a compilation of her!
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and now the usual Saitama heh
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And my take of the Evil AU
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And a 3v1
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And if someone actually ended this long post, I thank you and I´ll be posting some old drawings I made of them but never posted. Stay tuned!
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captainpluto13 · 10 months
Hey! This is a bit of an intro to my personas, since I’m gender-fluid I just like to interpret myself as 3 people on the sides of the gender spectrum, they are all me and can coexist in one space. (This is just masc and Fem, androgynous is not shown) 🩷🩵💛
If you know me then you know I just like to draw my favorite male/masc presenting characters as female/fem presenting, I just like too ahah enjoy!
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In conclusion… women
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eliseuocscreator · 1 month
Now I want to make an AU, where Female Saitama is a single woman, and adopts a beast child (since she had hair, the child would be 3 years old). And the child is inspired by Fem!Saitama to be a hero, and in this he (the child), he has problems at school because of his appearance, but she always says:
"It doesn't matter what you look like, the important thing is that you are kind and have a personality that is lovable to others."
The child would totally be one of the only reasons for Fem!Saitama to smile.
Fem!Saitama also loves her son very much and takes great care of him.
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gengan341 · 2 years
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Slight NSFW ahead LOL . . . . . . . . .
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More SG re-post LOOOOL
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dragongirldg · 2 months
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Saitama :3
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dgknightblue · 3 months
I couldn’t stop myself from imagining a rival brake up between female Saitama and Sonic. She dumps him while acting hot and cold.
Her saying, I was only rivals with you out of pity.
Then she ignores his existence hard core and doubles down when he gets fed up with her pretending he’s not there.
He’s like, are we rivals or not- make up your mind!
She’s like, are you telling me what to do?
He back tracks so fast.
I don’t know, it was funny in my head.
She’s like, I can threaten anyone I want- I’m not tied down to anyone in particular!
God if she storms off and the girls watching it all happen are like you stupid xsshole!
“Why are you acting like we were in a relationship!?"
"thats what we're saying! you were! what did you think rivals meant!?"
"there is a difference between being rivals and being rivals! if you can't tell, then its pretty fxcking obvious which one it is!"
“Rivals are when your try to kill each other??”
“Yeah and? Again. There is a difference! If it’s straight forward there is no confusion or connection! If it’s complicated then it’s not just rivalry, it’s a whole xss relationship!”
“You can’t just do whatever you want, you need figure out real quick what you want or you’re fxcked!”
“Do it fast, or you don’t have a rival!”
“Whichever one that is!”
“Either you lose her or you didn’t even want her in the first place.”
“Also if you decide on one without apologizing then she’s not obliged to do the other.”
They kick him in her direction.
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dawn0 · 1 year
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belladonazeppole · 2 years
I made you something! @greeneyedsigma​
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imsosocold · 1 year
“ Genderbends” of Saitama who make it so she loses her bust size instead of her hair…is… so gross…   
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no1monstersimp · 2 years
14 and 15
Sorry this took a bit to answer haha, I was thinking about these ones for a little bit and I wanted to be able to type it out on my laptop because this may be long(and my laptop is slow). This will be a pretty heavy one.
So lets start with 14 -sigh-
TW rac*sm, h*m*phobia, ped*philia, r*pe, inc*st.
I'm sure this isn't unpopular, but my opinion about the fandom is it's pretty bad. Of course I love most of the users on here and have overall been very pleasant to interact with, but the issues are very overwhelming and become more apparent on the Reddit. You can say, it's just the Reddit, but I've seen these issues on Instagram, Twitter, and pretty much everywhere else. Some of the major issues are homophobia, racism, and the very concerning amount of pedophilia jokes/normalization.
So let's start with the homophobia portion.
As I'm sure everyone has experienced sometime in the fandom, there is an overwhelming amount of homophobia within the fandom. Let's take GenoSai for an instant. Whether like the ship or not, there is definitely a double standard among the fandom. Art where the ship is Genoko(Genos genderbend) x Saitama, it is perfectly fine and little heads are turned, but as soon as you mention Genos x Saitama, everyone goes batshit. They like to say it's because "ships don't belong in the fandom" but then turn around and ship Saitama and Tatsumaki or Saitama and Fubuki. They even go as far as to say "making them gay is disrespectful to the character or it ruins them". I'm sorry but if you're that delusional, I don't even know what to say honestly. Certain users got up and arms about the Batarou ship as of late after the reveal of Kiro in 170. Many users were sent unprovoked abhorrent asks or comments all because they ship them. Some have also downplayed the fact that bisexuality exists as well because of this, just stating "Garou isn't gay" or "Garou doesn't like men". There have been some that have written amazing essays on it so I won't go too deep into it here. Another thing is the downplay of LGBT voices in the fandom. They constantly harass LGBT users for having gay ships or other LGBT ships, when all we literally want is representation. It angers me when they say "well you have Puri Prisoner" and I'm sorry, but fuck that. I literally hate the character. They have no right to speak over us and preach what an acceptable character to represent the community is. No right at all...
Anyways... back to double standards, lesbian ships are more accepted because they are fetishizing them. Some of the most popular are Psykos x Fubuki, Fubuki x Do-S, and...ugh...Fubuki x Lily. So they ignore a literal 14 year old and 23 year old and think it's okay but somehow two consenting male adults in a relationship is worse??? Same thing with incestual relationships such as Fubuki x Tatsumaki.
A smaller section is the way they excuse Darkshine. I understand the intention may not have meant to be racist, but at the end of the day we can't keep excusing it. I feel awful when I remember his backstory because he's not a bad character, in the sense that he's a good guy.
Ah the pedophilia jokes and the normalization. I can't tell you how many times I've seen really disgusting jokes about the child characters in sexual situations. The thing is, they aren't even funny. As mentioned before, they already normalize the relationship between a 14 year old and someone she looks up to, who is 23. Well, let's dive into their favorite thing, One Hurricane. There is a volume of this lovely series , I say sarcastically, in which Child Emperor( a 10 year old) is raped by Fubuki (yet again, a 23 year old) and I sadly laid my eyes on a panel. Fubuki is sexually assaulted by Saitama multiple times throughout the series as well as Do-s in one volume. They still celebrate the series as "so good" when it literally excuses rape ad pedophilia. It pisses me off so bad. There are many users who draw or post incest, pedophilia, rape and are celebrated. It's sad I can think of so many off the top of my head, BY NAME.
I have some other things I want to talk about but the post is getting long...
I'll do a briefing of things I don't like about the manga itself. I don't like the way Kama is treated, she's way too beautiful to be presented the way she is. Especially in the webcomic when her name was "Slicing Shemale". I understand that there is apparently some translation issues, but sometimes I wonder.
I already talked about Darkshine and Puri.
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bloomylee · 3 years
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I was thinking what if after Saitama defeats Boros, she finds a worthy man who can marry her because in her planet the way a man must propose someone is in a fight. So, she’s convinced that Saitama must be her husband xDDDDD.
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kaison07 · 2 months
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leave the baldie baddie alone!
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pumpkim-art · 3 years
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Genos and Saitama hehe
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clairlycreature · 3 years
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helpin the gf with their wires
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gengan341 · 2 years
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Saigenos re-posting p. 2
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dragongirldg · 3 months
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Another redraw, just as bad as the first but is okay.
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