#saiouma fanfic
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Due to the length of the response I will be putting everything in a Read More, but please do read it!! I have so much love and compliments to give!! And there's DEFINITELY more than 10 listed! But this list was hard as fuck and NOT definitive. Did I miss one of your faves? Write them in the replies :D!!!
Other than the #1 & 2, all of these are in no particular order!
Rovelae! THE platonic love of my life and my #1 inspiration. I would not be here and would not be writing if I hadn't read Hologram and all of her amazing other works. Genuinely, I believe that every single thing Rov writes is a genuine masterpiece full of complex thought and strict planning. Never in a million years did I think she'd become one of my best friends, but I always said she was my #1 long before we ever spoke a word to one another. To this day, no other fic has come close to the way Hologram has made me feel over and over again. She'd bashfully list many other things that should top it, but they simply don't. Her understanding of Shuichi and Kokichi, plus their dynamic, is something that speaks to me and my preferences directly. I cannot express the true glee I feel that she regularly asks me to beta and read her early works, and that I get to see inside that brilliant mind over and over. AND that she sends me pictures of snakes daily!!! You should read (among many others): HOLOGRAM (my #1 fic recommendation with ART I COMMISSIONED FROM CELE HERE!! AND ART BY AUNI HERE!!!), Ruin, Potion of Steal Your Heart, The Flat Effect (WITH ART AUNI DREW HERE!!), and Before the Stars Evaporate (She gets five recs because I LOVE HER!!!!)
FrostieFroakie! My beautiful, amazing, perfect, talented beloved <3 Any time someone asked me who my fave author was, I said Rov, and if you asked me who my fave nsfw author was, there was no competition. None whatsoever. And now the former is one of my best friends and the latter... is the love of my goddamn life of almost four years. <3 My faves have never changed and I WILL hold my angel up on the HIGHEST goddamn pedestal and you will too <3 Froakie is one of THE best authors I've ever had the goddamn PLEASURE of reading. Not only does she write the hottest shit ever catered to ME, but she does it all in such a way that you really feel like you're in a new world. She has one of the most vivid and amazing imaginations I've ever experienced in my entire life, and I will GLADLY rub in all of your faces that I get to see and hear every amazing thought that comes out of her gigantic, beautiful brain. Guess who knows the plots to the Orcahara and Wolf/Bunny sequels? ME, BITCHESSSS <3 On a much more serious note, I do genuinely mean it that I absolutely love everything she writes and does. Call me biased I do not give a single shit. She's never written anything bad in her entire life. [Once again, she will disagree with me, and she is always right about everything, but I do not care, her works are breathtaking and brilliant.] You should read (NOTE: all nsfw): Cowhara Sins (this is quintessential Intro to Saiou reading), Orcahara Sins, I Make Them Good Girls Go Bad, Hunting Season, and Despite Everything, (She ALSO gets five because she's my GIRLFRIEND and the LOML!!!!)
Unseeliekey It is with great sorrow that I tell you that all of Eye's fics on AO3 have been deleted. Last I'd heard from Eye in 2022, he was moving on to OC content, but would continue his multichaptered fics in the future. Should he do so, I know we'd all be GIDDY to see them, but for now, my inclination is to believe that won't happen, since his account still existed last we talked. Though I do not know my stance on fic saving and sharing once an author has deleted their works, everything that Eye ever wrote HAS been saved, with (I believe) one exception. If you DO want to experience some of the most incredible, breathtaking, life-ruining fics in the entire Saiousphere, I have the connections to get you the Goods(tm). His works are remembered fondly, and anyone who was lucky enough to be around when his fics were still up will most likely list him in their top ten, even though he's been gone for over two years now. From his magnum opus, Therefore You and Me(...), to You've Got the Right(...), to Kattar Shuffle, to Fob, to (...)Tragedy and Comedy(...), to Put the Knife Down(...), to Puppy Love, to (...)You are the Captain, to All Drama(...) and EVERYTHING in between, his works are remembered, worshiped, loved, and envied. Eye was truly, truly, a requirement of Saiou reading. And if you were to ever see this @unseeliekey, I hope you know that you were an inspiration to all, and it was an honor to have read your things while they were public. I hope you are doing well wherever you may be, and that you come back someday.
Majorinconvenience When filling all of these out, I saved Kam for last, because I knew it would be the hardest due to a falling out between what I thought was going to be an everlasting friendship. However, I also knew it would be a god damn lie if I didn't put them in my top 10. Their work still shines beautifully all these years later, and come hell or high water I am gonna recommend them. Kam's pieces are jaw droppingly, achingly gorgeous. They are filled with emotion and yearning very few are able to match. I could list many things from their time in the Saiou fandom, but the loudest of which is easily Drowned Words followed by "Gymnopédie No. 1" and The Truth is in the Eye of the Beholder. I highly encourage you to check out everything, though.
Chuwuyas Jul is, in my opinion, one of THE staples of the Saiouma Fandom. Not only being the GOD behind everyone's favorite reverse Phantom Thief AU, but also one of the funniest goddamn oneshots of all time, and also some of the best smut. Jul can write, Jul can DRAW, Jul is THE hottest person IN the Saiouverse and it's NOT even close. They are my favorite Komaeda kinnie and one of my dearest friends. Every time you read a Chuwuyas fic, you know you're in for the best goddamn ride of your entire life. They have SUCH a way of absorbing you in one of the best whirlwinds of all time, and it's a ride you never want to get off. Look, I do a lot of bragging in this post because I am truly proud of the friends and connections I have made, but I genuinely believe one of my greatest accomplishments and prides in my entire life is the fact that Jul has called me THE honorary Moriarty Kinnie, and the fate of Catch & Release has been left in my hands should anything ever happen to Jul before ch 5 releases. [Not that anything will happen. But holy shit what an honor????] You WILL learn about Moriarty Saihara (aka me) by reading Catch & Release. And you should also check out How to Fall in Love in Three Easy Steps!
LovingDefiance Did you think I would make a top 10 and NOT put LovingDefiance on it? I don't give a SHIT if they haven't uploaded anything in five years. I am STILL subscribed and if they were to ever make a return I WILL sob the happiest tears you've ever seen in your entire life. Quite frankly, their Love Hotel Collection (nsfw) is a must-read four part recommendation for me. Saiou switch, there's aftercare, and god DAMN are you going to have a good time. But that's truly not all. Everything they've ever written is an absolute goddamn treat that will leave you salivating for more. I have read and reread their entire collection many times, and it truly never gets old. I hope wherever they are, they are happy.
Rannas I fear this description will not be as long as it should be, but truly, all I can say is that Rannas' writing is great. They had my favorite fic in Your Hand in Mine, a Saiouma Zine, and I've been reading their works consistently for a long, long time. Every Rannas fic is something special and unique, with each sentence being filled with grace and care. I've known many people who have claimed Rannas as their #1 Saiou author, and it's not hard to see why. Hell, when looking through their AO3 again to recommend something, I was wonderfully reminded JUST how much I love everything they've ever written. I will not out their nsfw account here, but know that it is ALSO in my top 10, and it's in yours too. Of course, I am recommending Our Deal, but I'm also going to dance and sing about the hilarious Salmon Mode Series and Meeting Your Match!
Teharissa Though I only have one fic to recommend, Teri's writing is by far and in large the best goddamn stuff I've ever read. They are my FAVORITE writer when it comes exclusively to writing style. This one example will not do Teri justice, but you must trust me on this. It was an honor to work with them on Spilled Ink (a DRV3 writing zine) and their Kiiruma piece is the absolute best work in the entire zine. Also, overall, I just loved talking to them and I miss our conversations and getting to hear their thoughts. Truly an upstanding individual who I gleefully recommend with no hesitancy. I am begging you to read A Thousand Paper Cranes!!
Nxllberry Just to prove I'm not EXCLUSIVELY an oldhead yearning for 2020/1 (though I am), I MUST put Nxllberry on this list, but not for the reason you're probably going to assume. Though their fic Godspeed IS a good recommendation, and you should definitely check it and their other works out, I am here to spread the gospel (pun intended) on their fic Rising Tide, which is, to this day, my favorite postgame smut ever written, and the main reason they are getting put in the top 10. Nxllberry's work is absolutely legendary, and though I haven't checked out the MCD works, I'm sure if that's your speed then you're going to LOVE those. Because the way they handle emotions is just delicious in every way.
ME!!!! Ezra Psychiccupid! You should ALWAYS include yourself in your top ten!!! I always know exactly what I want to read in a way no one else does LOL!! If you don't love your writing and think it's the best then what are you DOING? Perhaps you are an aspiring author and you think people are better than you, and that's okay! It's great to have writers you look up to. But you better think your stuff is AWESOME or about to be awesome!!! YOU put that out there!!! I'm still a relatively new writer in the grand scheme of things. Saiou Prom was only done FOUR YEARS AGO. Sep. 2020. I've grown a lot and I've seen many things since then, but I loved what I wrote then and still do. GRR You should always been in your top 10!!! I'm fucking awesome and I write really good stories because I have really good ideas. I'm extremely honored and thankful that so many people agree. Please, please read my fics and also hype yourself up today!!! Feels a little weird to rec myself but if you DO read anything of mine, please have it be King Piece or In the Aftermath of a Killing Game. If you want to get a feel for how much my writing has grown and improved since those two, check out My Stick; Your Bites (latest work), or One Day We Will Both Die(...). Also, would be a fool to not rec my most popular work, Poison Mouth, though I hope something better outshines it one day :)))) Please,,,
HONORABLE MENTIONS: I have many friends and I know SO many talented people that I'm gonna shout out a LOT and you better be READY. (I'll try to be quicker here ahaha!)
Bcschauer! Aka Lulu! Do you want fluffy Saiou? Because this is the QUEEN of fluffy Saiou. I especially rec Behind Pale Gray which I WILL bully her about to finish. :) Cinderous_scrivenings! Aka Sixth! One hit wonder, though I've had the HONOR of reading more than has been posted. Please read What's Yours to Have, you won't regret it! I_Am_A_Ruin! Aka Bee! One of THE most important people in my entire life. I cannot recommend their works more. Bee has such a way of making everything they write whimsical, like you're sitting by an enchanted campfire being told a story. Their brain is so beautiful and massive. Narrowing down my recommended list for them is extremely difficult, but I think I'm going to go with Poor Unfortunate Souls, Bite the Hand That Feeds You(...) (nsfw), and Fluffernutters and Buttons the Bear! Kokichiouma! Aka Hope! Obviously, I'm going to recommend Reaching, THE time loop Saiou fic. But beyond Reaching, Hope is one of the most in-depth minds in the entire Saiou fandom, who has been writing V3 analysis and translation differences for years. I cannot recommend his work enough. Khattikeri! Aka Keri! Has one of THE BEST canon divergent/postgame AUs of all time. Alongside being one of the most talented people I'm honored to call a friend, Keri is brilliant beyond compare. Please read one of my favorite fics of all time, Everyone's Killing Reality. Notchucktingle! Aka Jess! I think now more than ever, Jess' work is not only incredible but NECESSARY to read. He is, in my personal opinion, one of the most incredible authors to read to get an authentic trans perspective and experience. As someone who is too scared to be out, these fics mean a lot to me, and I know they do to other trans people as well. He's also just an awesome writer. You MUST read Come Into the Water, but I think he'd be a little cross if I didn't also recommend his current brainchild Bad Habit, and who am I to ignore good food? ReturnToZero! Has been in this game a LONG time and has so much to show for it. You absolutely get the best of both NSFW and SFW fics with Zero. From Agrypnos and •.¸♡ Dreamweaver ♡¸.• to Wishing it Was You (KISSING PRACTICE FIC!!) and Drop-Dead Gorgeous, you will always find something to read! Thatsrightdollface! is THE current go-to if you want consistent, good works near-daily. How they have the writing capacity they do is beyond me but, genuinely, they are SO powerful. I'll confess that I slept on their works for a long, long time, but on Rov's insistence, I started reading daily and I have not regretted it for a second. My favorites thus far are The Rubber Horse Head Mask Strikes and "Gamest in the Land" even if it HURTS!! Myaami! Whose works are always to die for. Extremely excitedly, they are about to do a raffle for a PHYSICAL, PRITED OUT COPY of their fic Dawn Again, on this Vibrant and Violent Night (and you BET I'm getting on in that), but I'm also going to sneak in a recommendation for Dream with Me, because I LOVE this fic.
And SO MANY MORE!!!!! Seriously. I could list like. 20 more people in an instant.
If I did individual fics that I love??? We'd be here ALL DAY. (I'm working on a doc of every Saiou fic I've ever read, actually). It's impossible to make a top ten, truly. Some days, the honorable mentions are in the top ten, some days, you wake up and a brand new INCREDIBLE phantom thief AU has just dropped and all of a sudden you're talking to one of the newest, most brilliant minds of the Saiou fandom out of nowhere.
If you didn't make the list, please know that I love your writing. Even if I have you muted, even if we have beef, even if you never share your work, I love you for writing.
#saiouma#danganronpa#drv3#danganronpa v3#shuichi saihara#kokichi ouma#saiou#oumasai#ousai#ndrv3#fanfc#fanfic recommendation#danganronpa fanfic#danganronpa fanfiction#saiou fanfic#saiouma fanfic#fanfiction#SO many talented people on this list wow#asks
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| Written for A Picture's Worth 1000 Words' October Prompt |
Rating: T Fandom: Dangan Ronpa V3 Relationship: Ouma/Saihara Characters: Saihara Shuichi | Ouma Kokichi Additional Tags: Alternate Universe | Alternate Universe - Horror | Psychological Horror | Being Lost | Storms | Ghosts | Short One Shot | 1000 Words Challenge Words: 1,000 Chapters: 1/1 Summary: Stranded deep in the mountains with a broken down car, no reception, and no hope of help beyond whoever owns that lonely house, what else is Saihara to do but knock on their door? Perhaps only one other thing: Regret ever having done so.
Read With Me on Ao3
#fic#saiouma#saiouma fic#super dangan ronpa v3#dangan ronpa#drv3#dr#shuichi saihara#kokichi ouma#drv3 fanfic#dr fanfic#saiouma fanfic#midnight's writing
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Bail me out? (905 words, M/M)
For Day 21 of @danganronpashipmonths Saioma month. Inspired by the prompt : Cellmates
It’s almost twelve at night, there shouldn’t be any reason Shuichi is getting a call. To be fair, there isn’t much (good) reason he should be up this late either. He’s working on a case, he tells himself. In reality it’s because something in his brain won’t switch off and let him rest. But at the same time… if someone’s calling, it is probably important. There aren’t many reasons he’d call someone this late on a Tuesday night. --------- Shuichi picks up the call anyway, only for it to be Kokichi calling him and asking him to bail him out of jail - to which Shuichi agrees to do, and comes to pick him up. They talk for a bit in the car, and Shuichi is more honest when he's tired...
Read on Ao3 or below
It’s almost twelve at night, there shouldn’t be any reason Shuichi is getting a call. To be fair, there isn’t much (good) reason he should be up this late either. He’s working on a case, he tells himself. In reality it’s because something in his brain won’t switch off and let him rest. But at the same time… if someone’s calling, it is probably important. There aren’t many reasons he’d call someone this late on a Tuesday night.
Shuichi picks up his phone quickly, squinting at the light for a second before checking the number. It’s unknown, because of course it is. There’s a second when he thinks about declining, but then he does decide to pick up. Almost instantly he holds the phone away from him as noise bursts through, “Shuichi!”
“Kokichi?” He double-checks the caller ID for a second, before frowning, “What are you calling me on?”
“You’re my one free phone call in jail,” the voice says cheerfully, “Oh, by the way - I probably have to tell you this, but there’s a pretty cute police officer leaning over my shoulder right now and listening in.”
“Hold on,” Shuichi takes a moment to process this, before saying the first thing that came to mind, “Why did you call me?”
“What do you mean?” Kokichi asks, and Shuichi can practically picture him turning his head in confusion, a small smile on his face.
“Shouldn’t you be talking to a solicitor?” Shuichi presses, “You need to know your rights, Kokichi. Do you have legal advice currently, what were you arrested for, are-”
“Geez, don’t be such a buzzkill,” a yawn is suddenly heard from the phone, “I don't, trespassing, and can you pick me up and bail me out?”
“Pretty please? With a cherry on top?” Kokichi pauses, “If not I’ll set D.I.C.E. on you.”
“Slow down,” Shuichi says firmly, “Right. Why were you arrested for trespassing?”
“Mmm,” there’s a pause, “No comment, Mr. Police is looking at me suuuper suspiciously.”
“Ok,” Shuichi thinks for a second as well, “Fine. I can come bail you out, how much will it be and where are you being held?”
Just as Kokichi starts to answer, the phone is taken away. Shuichi gets nervous for a second, before a new voice comes in. And then, almost half an hour later, Shuichi arrives at the police station, bail money in hand and with a frown. As he enters, he looks around for a second. There are three people in the room, a receptionist of some kind, a very tired looking police officer, and Kokichi.
“Shuichi!” The way Kokichi immediately brightens makes Shuichi’s heart sing, and he gives a small smile in return. To his relief, Kokichi does stay silent while they sort out all the legal matters, and doesn’t speak again until they’re officially outside the station - and Kokichi is a free(er) man. Somehow, he skips down the street without any worries, “Y’know, thanks Shuichi.”
Kokichi waits a second before continuing, “Shuichi, what’s wrong? Why are you mad? Is it me? Is it? Is it? Is-”
“It’s almost one in the morning Kokichi,” Shuichi looks around, “How do you have that much energy?”
“I actually had a pretty good nap in Ikea, so I’m not that sleepy.”
“I-Ikea?” Shuichi repeats, turning fully around, “That was where you got arrested for trespassing, Ikea?”
“Are you mad?” Kokichi had a smile on his face, “It’s whatevs. I can just pay them later.”
“Of course you can,” shaking his head slightly, Shuichi opens the car door, “Get in.”
“Y’know, that’s the exact same thing the police officer told me. Although I suppose you are with the police, Shuichi.”
“I will set Maki on you,” Shuichi attempts to threaten, although he doesn’t really mind when Kokichi just laughs instead. “Right, to your apartment.”
“To the store.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Can I…” Kokichi trails his voice as Shuichi climbs into the driver’s seat, waiting until he can hear again, “Bribe you?”
“You needed me to pay your bail.”
“Touché.” Kokichi considers again, “I can bribe you without money?”
Shuichi begins to turn the car on, but decides to humour him, “Like what?”
“We could… kiss.”
Something that Shuichi hates about staying up so late is it removes his filter. He becomes incredibly honest, to a more extreme point. And at almost one in the morning, outside of a police station, Shuichi turns fully to face Kokichi. “Alright then.”
His face immediately burns with blush, but as Kokichi’s cheeks become slightly pink too, he stays where he is. Conscious of how fast his heart is beating when Kokichi briefly looks him up and down, before locking their gaze. Shuichi only focuses on Kokichi’s eyes as they become closer, until suddenly their lips intertwine.
Even with the space in between them, it feels completely right - completely natural. Reaching out, Shuichi leans down slightly while his hand tilts Kokichi’s head up. As his hand brushes Kokichi’s face, he can almost see sparkles appearing in Kokichi’s eyes. And when they break, both of their eyes are shining, and both of them are smiling.
Kokichi glances around at their surroundings, and grins, “Wow Shuichi, I wouldn’t expect that from you.”
“W-what do you mean?” Shuichi asks defensively, “You kissed me!”
“Maybe,” Kokichi acknowledges, glancing at Shuichi out of the corner of his eye, with something more in his look, “You’re a pretty good kisser, y’know.”
#danganronpashipmonth2023#danganronpa ship month 2023#saioma month#saioma#saiouma fanfic#saiouma#saioma fanfic#shuichi x kokichi#kokichi x shuichi
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I like saiouma but tbh would shuichi even see kokichi as a person or would he just be a walking mistery in his eyes? Once kokichi found the courage to be honest with him, would shuichi lose interest?
#I’m pretty sure I once read a heavy angst fanfics with this trope#if only I could remember the name#kokichi ouma#ndrv3#shuichi saihara#saiouma
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Fanart for Motive 5: Death Games by @lunarleonardo !
This was such a ride to read but it was a genuinely incredible experience. I'm totally gonna read it multiple times!
Sorry for flooding your inbox 😔
Edit: My bad, it's called Motive 5: Death Puzzles. I read the title so many times working on this and I don't know how it didn't click 😅
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Holyyyy shit, the first art piece I commissioned is done and ??? It’s fucking amazing??? How are people so talented?! I’m so unbelievably excited to show it, but gonna hold myself back until Chapter 4 is done (we ain’t waiting till Chapter 5, I’m too antsy to show it off!!) But here are just the smallest little tastes ‘cause I just love it too much:

#ao3#ao3 fanfic#ao3 writer#danganronpa#drv3 killing harmony#drv3 kokichi#drv3 shuichi#saiouma#drv3#danganronpa v3#fanart#commission#ALSO the same artist may be drawing a comic strip for a scene in Chapter 4#we’re still working out the kinks so it may or may not happen#but if it does holyyyy shit I’m gonna die of excitement
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The timer soulmate au, but one person REALLY doesn't want to meet their soulmate (everything's gone wrong recently, they're so tired emotionally, etc etc) so they resolve to just stay in bed all day. They cancel EVERYTHING.
Unbeknownst to them, their soulmate is having one of The Worst Times.
They meet when their soulmate is bodily launched through their window.
#cant escape fate hehehehehe#fanfic#fanfiction#writing prompt#this could totally work for#iruazz#renga#if you're funny they can break through a wall instead. drywall raining down and getting in their hair and mouth#saiouma#dc x dp#trust me it would be so fucking funny#god i really am just exposing myself and the fandoms i like
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pressing flowers / pressing you
"You're sick."
"And twisted!" Kokichi cackles and throws the pieces one final time. Shuichi zeroes in on them; this is the last part of the game. If Kokichi manages to catch all five of them—Shuichi isn't sure how, exactly, Gonggi works, but he's fairly certain it means Kokichi wins.
The wrappers fall in a tight, spinning arc, just close enough together that Kokichi has the opportunity to perfectly snatch them into the palm of his hand, and then—
—every single piece scatters across the tiles as Kokichi doubles over and begins to hack his lungs out.
a drv3 chapter five hanahaki au in which Kokichi kidnaps Shuichi instead of Kaito, and it makes all the difference.
read it here!
#danganronpa#danganronpa v3#killing harmony#kokichi ouma#oumasai#saiouma#shuichi saihara#drv3#hanahaki au#exisal hangar au#fanfic#danganronpa fanfiction
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lost kitten may or may not be living in my head rent free so I had to draw something for it
PLEASE go read it if you wanna
and read @lunarleonardo 's other fanfics
#art#my art#digital art#artists on tumblr#danganronpa#danganronpa v3#dv3#doodles#drv3#danganronpa fanart#danganronpa shuichi#saihara shuichi#shuichi#drv3 shuichi#shuichi saihara#lost kitten#fanart#lunarleonardo#ao3 fanfic#omasai#saioma#oumasai#saiouma#ousai#saiou#kokichi oma#kokichi ouma#oma kokichi#ouma kokichi#kokichi
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I have also been thinking about posting the Prince Kokichi x Assassin Shuichi on AO3.
So, I have to ask, should I? Like, would any of you be interessed in reading it?
#danganronpa#danganronpa v3#danganronpa au#fantasy#fantasy au#kokichi ouma#shuichi saihara#saiouma#ao3 fanfic#ao3 saiouma#should i write this?#plz be honest
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the world should be grateful i cant write fanfic for the life of me because i swear my ideas are fire (no clue if people would like them but i would 🙂↕️)
#danganronpa#drv3 kokichi#kokichi ouma#danganronpa drv3#drv3#drv3 ouma#drv3 shuichi#shuichi saihara#saiouma#oumasai#danganronpa saihara#danganronpa ouma#danganronpa shuichi#danganposting#drv3 saihara#drv3 killing harmony#idk i love them#fanfic
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So I couldn't help myself.
It's simply too good.

#danganronpa#drv3#kokichi ouma#drv3 kokichi#shuichi saihara#drv3 shuichi#saiouma#fanfic#ndrv3 fanart#chapter 5: death puzzle motive
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The ever weakening army of oumasai shippers clinging onto HGH like a child to its dying mother
Anyways we love you @lunarleonardo please don't let the AO3 authors curse get to you
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The Rain (698 words, M/M)
For Day 23 of @danganronpashipmonths Saioma month. Inspired by the prompt : Dancing in the Rain
“Shuichi! Shuichi!” The excited yells and happy shouting cut through Shuichi’s dreamless sleep, and he blinked once or twice, trying to wake up and make out what the source of the noise was. His room was still barely illuminated, but there was extra weight on him - two hands. Small, and gentle yet very firm, matching the endearing yet annoying tone that continued to speak, “Shuichiiiii!”
It may be almost one in the morning, but it's raining for the first time. The first time since they've gotten out of Danganronpa. And Kokichi loves the rain, and he wants Shuichi to be there with him for it.
Read on Ao3 or below
“Shuichi! Shuichi!”
The excited yells and happy shouting cut through Shuichi’s dreamless sleep, and he blinked once or twice, trying to wake up and make out what the source of the noise was. His room was still barely illuminated, but there was extra weight on him - two hands. Small, and gentle yet very firm, matching the endearing yet annoying tone that continued to speak, “Shuichiiiii!”
“Ko-Kokichi?” Shuichi moved the sheets slightly, throwing them off and pushing himself up slightly, “What are you doing here?”
“It’s raining!” Kokichi told him excitedly, sitting cross-legged at the foot of Shuichi’s bed, steadily moving all of the blankets closer to him, “Now come outside with me, pretty please?”
“What time is it?” Shuichi asked, moving to check the clock before Kokichi answered first.
“It’s one AM-” Kokichi hauled himself off the bed, going to the door and then looking back, “-Bring socks and shoes.”
“Fine,” Shuichi smiled slightly, removing all the covers with a slight sigh, and then a barely stifled yawn. Slipping out of bed was a fairly regular occurrence for him, especially when living with someone like Kokichi. Getting out almost immediately, he briefly grabbed a pair of socks before leaving the door - eyes squinting as the light blared out suddenly. Kokichi was watching from the door, and he reached over and flashed Shuichi a grin, before turning out the light. Eyes incredibly adjusted, Shuichi could still see almost everything.
The white, if more comfortable, almost robe-type thing that Kokichi was wearing, complete with purple embroidery of galaxies and dice, and some fantasy elements. He still had his bandana on as well, tied more loosely - but still there. It was something he tugged on occasionally, as if to remind himself he was still there. And Kokichi was wearing simple velcro shoes, because he could never be bothered with laces this late at night. When Shuich got to him, Kokichi held up his pair of dress shoes - black and sparkling, partially unworn.
“We need shoes for this?” Shuichi asked, raising an eyebrow but beginning to put them on anyway.
“Do you doubt your supreme leader?” Kokichi returned, holding himself up haughtily, “Now - listen!”
Shuichi did begin to listen, immediately. And as he focused, he could hear a soft pitter-patter, the steady beat of light rain. It was raining. And in an odd way, it would be a first experience. As the thought struck him, he glanced at Kokichi - his eyes sparkling as he looked out of their window - raindrops pattering on it, streaking down onto it and distorting the glass even more.
It would be their first rain since the game. And it would be their first rain together, full stop. Reaching out quickly, Kokichi wove his hand into Shuichi’s, looking up at the taller boy and smiling. “Can we go out now?”
“Of course.”
“Yes!” Kokichi grinned, immediately beginning to tug Shuichi out of the door with him; the two heading to the door as fast Kokichi could move, which was pretty fast. Getting to the door, Kokichi briefly opened it before heading outside - his eyes sparkling incredibly, looking around at the rain with a smile; a small ‘nishishishi’ laugh escaping when a few drops landed on him. “Y’know, Shumai - rain’s my favourite weather.”
“Really?” Shuichi asked, looking at his boyfriend as he stood in the rain. It was easy to tell, now that Shuichi looked. Something in his eyes looked as though a joy had settled there, and as more rain went on him - he did seem to smile even more. It was a beautiful, genuine smile - almost as though the water had washed his mask away. Kokichi was still holding his hand, rocking back and forth slightly on his heels as the two just stayed in the rain. Happy, and content.
Checking the street, well-lit and empty, Shuichi had a sudden idea. Gently, he put one hand on Kokichi’s waist, holding the hand with kokchi’s slightly stretched out, in a traditional dancing position. He could see as an extra smile sparked in Kokichi’s eyes, and Shuichi was sure that his eyes looked the same. Shuichi glanced up at the rain again, then to his boyfriend, “Dance with me?”
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I like how in most oumota fanfics that feature the despair desease with kokichi getting the truth desease (or anything that would make it difficult for him to lie) it is stated that taking advantage of the situation and asking him things knowing he can only be honest would be such a low blow it could break any type of relationship ground those two could have
#no using the situation to make him confess#this could be about saiouma too but I’ve mostly seen it on oumota fanfics so#ro.txt#kokichi ouma#kaito momota#oumota
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@not-again-vinne and I finally wrote the first chapter of A Blank Slate! :3
#blorbowrote#blorbocowrote really#ndrv3#shuichi saihara#kokichi ouma#saiouma#slow burn though so be patient#fanfic#not a super serious post so I'm not tagging everything but it's a yay we did it post#not-again-vinne#a blank slate
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