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portraitsofsaints · 3 months ago
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Happy Feast Day
The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated first in Jerusalem in the sixth century.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase. (website)
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catholicpriestmedia · 1 month ago
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"Saint Vincent, Deacon and Martyr, Pray Us!" #SaintoftheDay
📷 Saint Vincent, Deacon and Martyr by Tomás Giner, Spanish / Museo Nacional del Prado via #Wikipedia (PD-Art).  #Catholic_Priest #CatholicPriestMedia #CanvaPro
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thesynaxarium · 2 years ago
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Today we celebrate the Venerable Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne. The earliest information we have about the life of Saint Cuthbert is as a young boy, he was playing childish games and acting in a foolish manner when a three year old boy reprimanded him, prophesying that this was inappropriate behaviour for a future bishop. Taken aback by this comment, Cuthbert began to come to his senses. At age 17, Saint Cuthbert’s life changed as he was watching some sheep on a hill when he saw a beam of light in the distance carrying a soul up to heaven, which he later found out was the soul of the Blessed Aidan, Bishop of Lindisfarne on the day that he reposed. Saint Cuthbert soon joined the monastery at Melrose and lived under the guidance of Saint Boisil. After the Synod of Whitby, Cuthbert moved back to Lindisfarne where he lived a solitary life of prayer and fasting. Because of his faithfulness, God granted him the gift of healing. His fame increasing and flocks of faithful came to meet him to ask for his prayers, the King petitioned Cuthbert to leave his hermitage and to become bishop of Lindisfarne. Cuthbert guided his flock in prayer and love and after much missionary work, he peacefully reposed in the Lord on this day in 687AD. May he intercede for us always + #saint #cuthbert #lindisfarne #bishop #ireland #monk #prayer #love #christian #prophesy #monastery #melrose #whitby #synod #orthodox #saintoftheday (at Lindisfarne, Northumberland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_GSlsrbUv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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findyourzenri · 1 year ago
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Santa Muerte. TW Death.
Death seems like a peaceful release of this loud life. I wouldn't say I'm attracted to death, rather fascinated by it. There are so many questions in this life and there is really only ONE answer; death. Our body in this form will cease to be someday. Some people can look at death and become fearful of it. Death may be an answer but some can't fathom the questions death brings about. There are many talks of an afterlife, of reincarnation. I know for a fact that some places, some people, have a heavy energy to them. It's almost a palpable grip on whatever happens next. Stories & places of ghosts' haunting and appearing. I can't imagine becoming a ghost and wanting to come back..
My theory is that ghosts are simply existing in a different dimension simultaneously with us. Going about their day, and maybe, just maybe, they think WE are ghosts too! Think about it.. some people believe that every THING, all around the world is happening simultaneously. Time is in fact, not real. People talk about "jumping timelines.." or "shifting dimensional consciousness." Have you ever woken up and felt like you were on a different dimension? I have! Maybe when my actions don't align with what I truly need or want in life.. This kind of reminds me of "remote viewing." This is when the CIA asks clairvoyant people to ultimately spy on people around the world.. Essentially, they tap into the consciousness of other people. It's almost like telepathy but super advanced.
I wish for death to be peaceful, deep, rest. At this point in my life, I wouldn't mind not coming back.. I wouldn't want to be stuck because that's somewhat how I feel right now. I'd want comfortable silence, a last kiss of winter's cold lips.
I hope to leave this life old, peaceful and without a trace of fear or regret in my heart. I hope to have an innate understanding that death is neither the end nor the beginning..
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tinyshe · 6 months ago
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cfred-ecards · 1 year ago
Aujourd'hui 30 Décembre on fête les Roger ! Ce prénom (proche des Rodger) est d'origine germanique. Dans sa langue d'origine, il vient de « rogatio », et il veut dire « lance glorieuse ».
N'hésitez pas à liker cette animation si elle vous a plu et à vous abonner si vous souhaitez découvrir de nouvelles cartes virtuelles et animations !Do not hesitate to like this animation if you liked it and to subscribe if you want to discover new virtual cards and animations! Cfred. https://www.youtube.com/@CfredEcards/
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rorypatm · 1 year ago
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Saint Augustine Escape to the whimsical world of Saint Augustine. Lose yourself in its enchanting beauty and let your imagination run wild.
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catholicdailyreflections · 2 years ago
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
June 21: Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious—Memorial
Patron Saint of students, Christian youth, Jesuit novices, AIDS patients and caregivers
Invoked against eye troubles and epidemics
Canonized by Pope Benedict XIII on December 31, 1726
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jamieroxxartist · 6 months ago
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Today Aug 30, our #Catholic & #Christian Friends are celebrating the feast day of Saint #Fiacre (patron of #pewterers, #taxidrivers, #gardeners, #VD sufferers)
( https://www.catholicireland.net/saintoftheday/st-fiacre-7th-century-patron-of-gardeners-and-taxi-drivers )
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ricisidro · 1 year ago
The #GamesOfRome
#TodayIs #FeastDay #SaintOfTheDay
#StIgnatiusofAntioch (c 35-108), bishop of #Antioch of #Syria, successor of #StPeter, Father of the Church
In the year 108 during the #persecutionofChristians, #Rome's #EmperorTrajan visited #Antioch and forced the Christians there to choose between death and renunciation of faith. Ignatius would not deny Christ and thus was condemned to be put to death in Rome by feeding him to the lions.
#God #HolySpirit #Bible #Prayer #inspire #inspiration #WednesdayWisdom #WednesdayMotivation #WednesdayThoughts
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lanaspepsicoke · 2 years ago
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portraitsofsaints · 4 months ago
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Happy Feast Day
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
Feast Day: November 17 (New), November 19 (Trad)
Patronage: hospitals, nurses, bakers, brides, countesses, dying children, exiles, homeless people, lace-makers, widows
Elizabeth of Hungary, T.O.S.F., was a princess of the Kingdom of Hungary, Countess of Thuringia, Germany, and a greatly venerated Catholic saint. Elizabeth was married at the age of 14 and widowed at 20.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase. (website)
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catholicpriestmedia · 2 months ago
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"Saint Stephen, the First Martyr, Pray Us!" #SaintoftheDay
📷 Saint Stephen Painting, Jerusalem / © sedmak / #GettyImages. #Catholic_Priest #CatholicPriestMedia #Christmas2024
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thesynaxarium · 2 years ago
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Today we celebrate the Venerable Benedict of Nursia, the founder of Western Monasticism. At the age of fourteen, Benedict was unsettled by the life of sin of the society around him that he decided to devote himself to the monastic life. He eventually began his own monastery where he developed his own monastic rule which has been passed down from generation to generation and is still practiced today by the Western Benedictine monasteries. This rule he believed to be a way of attaining perfection, or Theosis in this earthly life. Having lived a life of purity and prayer, the Lord granted him the gifts of wonderworking and prophesy before his peaceful repose. May he intercede for us always + #saint #benedict #stbenedict #benedictus #nursia #italy #rome #monk #monastic #monasticrule #rule #west #western #westernmonastery #monastery #prayer #faith #love #orthodox #saintoftheday (at Monte Cassino) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpvo5lUDebr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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substantialsnow · 2 years ago
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Retablo for St. Jude by Emily Hochman, acrylic on paper
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catholic-arts-blog · 3 years ago
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