#sailor splat
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nosleepgummitato · 2 years ago
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The bbg is officially finished now.
This is our Sailor Splat folks, I hope y'all like it.
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clannfearrunt · 4 months ago
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some Shark guys biology musings from the span of the past year or so. Don't ask me what their hands are shaped like I'm basically re-inventing it every time I draw it right now
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The gills have closed up forming a buccal pouch filled with blood vessels, now used for thermoregulation rather than gas exchange. They might pant out of their mouth when particularly hot/out of breath, but because sharks will also gape their mouth to communicate stress/aggression they tend to avoid it whenever possible. Their faces don't have a lot of muscles to form detailed expressions; the extent of facial expressions for sharks tend to be seen through the openness of the eyes and mouth.
Here's a rough thing of the evolution of terrestrial sharks:
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The bulk of modern terrestrial sharks can be found on the eastern half of the Big Continent (I'm not naming it bc what if SQL names their landmasses officially), where crocodilians have gone extinct. The other lineages of salamander sharks can also be found along the many islands stretching across the ocean off to the southeast of the continent as well. None of them are in traditional cephaling territory but lmao
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Crocodile sharks are. Well. They're a group of larger freshwater sharks that frequently occupy a crocodile-like niche. Smaller species can be confused with salamander sharks, but they're much more resistant to desiccation and can wander away from water to look for food and new territory. This is where true endothermy begins cropping up in terrestrial sharks; the largest extant species don't bother with it, but several smaller guys seem to have developed it independently of each other.
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The Haye are an iconic megafaunal predator of the so-called Mollusk Era. Lots of mythologies around them I'm sure. It used to be believed that they were the Shark folks' closest living relative, but modern research has found that to be untrue. They're endothermic and can be found even in fairly cold regions, but usually don't stick around for the winter in polar regions.
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Mud Hounds are a diverse group of mid-sized, endothermic terrestrial sharks. Pictured is a beloved little digging guy usually known as dorghai. Many species rely on their keen sense of smell and electroreception to track their prey; they get their name from the common behavior of sticking their nose into wet mud to feel for the electric signatures of smaller burrowing prey. Even species that don't make active use of their electroreception often retain the ability. Seems they just haven't gotten around to losing it quite yet, even though electroreception isn't very effective in air. The Shark folk are no exception; some people report being able to "feel" active thunderstorms or faulty electronics. With practice they can actually do fuck all with it, but for most people it's just an occasional vague annoyance.
I didn't draw other examples of the group Shark folk are in, dubbed the walking hounds, because they're the only living member of the group. The reason for the group developing bipedalism isn't known right now. Also, I tend to draw Sharks standing fairly upright, but the most natural standing posture for them is more raptorial. Upright postures are associated with alertness/nervousness, or temporarily trying to take up less space in crowded areas. It becoming a default/preferred posture is seen commonly in "city" sharks used to living in high density areas with smaller species.
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Yeah or an anxious city shark. Lol
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fantasblog · 4 hours ago
What if megalomaniac Ford babysitting splat colours.
Characters and belongs:
- megalomaniac!Ford belongs to @orxinus
-splat colours aka sailor painter(divinepainteraccident child/offspring) by me
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luveline · 2 years ago
Eddie and Roan taking care of R when she gets sick?
thank you for your request! dad!eddie and his daughter roan taking care of almost stepmom!reader <3
"Still nauseous?" 
You look up from your makeshift den on the bathroom floor to Eddie's tall figure standing in front of you. He has the mouth of an open water bottle hanging between his fingertips at his hip, and a hopeful look on his ridiculously pretty face.
“You look nice,” you say. 
Eddie sits down on the floor beside you. It’s not every day he comes home smelling like diesel, but he had today, and the smell had turned your stomach unexpectedly. You worry he’ll still smell like it and try not to breathe in, despite his immediate shower after your first… eruption. 
“You always look nice,” he says, pressing the water bottle into your hand. 
He doesn’t have to ask you to drink. You take a bigger sip than you should, then another, swishing water around your mouth as your eyebrows pull together. 
“Not true,” you say as you swallow. 
“It is true.” He rubs down your cheek with the pad of his thumb. It’s not overly fond or anything, he’s just close enough and loves you enough that touching you is second nature. 
“I’m a fucking idiot.”
“No you’re not. And what does that have to do with looks?”
You’re close enough and love him enough that you know he won’t care if you hug him, despite your sick smell and puffy face. You ease your head over his shoulder and your arms around his waist, eyes wet but not crying. Life is full of a thousand different cause and effects but all you can feel right now is the abject unhappiness of having thrown up. It sucks. 
“Shouldn’t have eaten off of that food truck,” you mumble into his shoulder. 
You can feel the solidness of his arms against your upper back as he squeezes you lightly. 
“You’re not the first person to make that mistake,” he says. 
You feel sick, and you feel like an idiot, and your feelings are taking precedence now that your actions aren’t your own — you have no control over being sick, you can’t will your neck to stop aching from the strain. But you can take selfish comfort in the way Eddie’s shirt smells, relieved that the stick of diesel is gone. 
“You’re not an idiot. You’re just unwell, baby,” he says. You love how he says baby; it rolls off the tongue with his light-hearted tone. “You feel gross ‘cause you projectiled.”
You squirm in his arms. “Yikes.”
“Are you gonna throw up again?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Let’s get up. Go sit downstairs… away from the smell.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You can’t be sorry for throwing up. It’s like saying sorry for going number two.”
You snort. Roan’s not even in the room and he’s talking like a dad. “Wayne said you used to curse like a sailor ‘n’ now you won’t say crap?”
“I was the fucking worst,” he says, laughing before he’s finished at his overused joke. “But I learned my lesson when she started saying fuck at the park when the swings were taken.”
Eddie doesn’t need to help you downstairs, but he grabs a chunk of your shirt like that’ll stop you from splatting if you trip. Roan’s music becomes clearer with every step, until you reach the bottom, and the cassette mix Eddie made for her last week is crystal clear, along with her excited singing. She’s listening to Footloose, and she’s dancing around the living room with Teddy the pink rabbit. He’s missing one ear, has been since you met them, and you don’t have to wonder why. He’s swinging from her pale fist by the remaining ear at force.
“You’re back!” she cheers when she sees you. She stops spinning and, clearly dizzy, stumbles a few steps in your general direction. 
“You’re gonna make your brains mush,” Eddie says. 
“Like potatoes,” she agrees. “Is it time for Swan Princess?”
“Yes! It’s absolutely time for Swan Princess. But dinner, Ro, sorry dinner’s late. Are you super hungry?” Eddie asks. 
You make your way through a maze on the floor of dolls, dress up shoes and Lego bricks. Every toy she could pull out of her toy chest has been pulled. You barely flinch as you step on a pair of doll’s sunglasses, used to bric a brac by now. 
“Not super hungry. Me and Teddy had those ants on logs.”
“Yeah, babe, but that’s not dinner, that was just a snack,” Eddie says, arms held out to offer Roan a lift. She steps into his reach. He pulls her up to his chest. “We are practising listening to our body, right? What’s tummy saying?”
“Tummy is saying we should have macaroni and double cheese.”
“Do we have any cheese?” Eddie asks you. Roan’s princess dress today is much too small for her, a turquoise mass of satin that you’ve watched her grow out of over time. “Sorry, I should know.”
“We should probably break up,” you say agreeably. How dare he not know if there’s any cheese in the fridge. “I think there’s a huge chunk of it by the butter on the top shelf, but check the best before.”
“We’ll check,” Eddie says. 
They leave, supposedly to check the best before and make dinner, and you stretch out on the couch feeling fragile and sorry for yourself, as is your right. Everybody gets sick, there’s no point in punishing yourself for it, but you can’t help that slither of self-hatred every time you think of that gross food truck. Food trucks are amazingly convenient and mostly delicious, and usually don’t turn out so badly for you, but when you saw that guy in the front coughing into his hands you probably should’ve turned around and walked away. 
He wasn’t cooking, you argue with yourself. 
But he was in the truck. 
“Bah,” you say, pulling Roan’s small heart-patterned throw blanket over your lap. You’d been hot as a furnace when you got home, but now you’ve thrown up you’re wracked with chills.
Who goes to culinary related work with a sick bug? you lament. 
Roan races in with a bottle of water in her hands. “I brought this for you,” she says, stopping at your knees. Her skirt tickles your calves. 
“Hey, thanks,” you say, clearing your throat. “Dad find the cheese?”
“Yeah, he’s chopping it.” She relinquishes her hold on the water, takes a step back, and then takes a step forward. “Do you want a kiss?”
“I think a kiss might be a bad idea. I don't know if I’m sick because the food wasn’t cooked right or if it’s a bug.” You frown at her. “Thank you anyways, princess.”
“What kind of bug?” she asks with a wrinkled nose. There’s a dawning horror in her small eyes. 
“Not that kind. A germ. When people don’t wash their hands,” you explain. 
“Yeah. Best not get too close to me.”
Roan looks at you steadily. She squares her shoulders, turns her face to the side to suck in a big breath, and then throws her arms across your thighs. She squeezes you rather roughly considering her child-appropriate level of strength, and then dives backward like she’s going to burst. 
“I love you, I’m going back to the kitchen!” she announces, short of breath. 
You end up dozing off uncomfortably on the couch to the sounds of Roan’s cassette, the TV, Eddie’s unintelligible rambling and the sound of a wooden spoon scratching the bottom of a saucepan. It’s a credit to you how you’ve learned to sleep through most anything, even sick as a dog. 
You’re woken up by a hand on your shoulder later. Eddie’s perched on the arm of the couch, looking down at you with plain pity. “Poor baby,” he says, only half making fun as he kisses your forehead. “Made you some toast.”
“I can’t eat.”
“It’ll make you feel better. Probably.” He puts a plate in your lap. He hasn’t gone overboard, it’s one slice of white bread with a scraping of butter. 
“Sorry for making a mess,” you say. You pick up a triangle of toast hesitantly. “Defeated by a three dollar burrito. It’s sad.”
“So sad,” he says. 
Eddie’s hand climbs to the nape of your neck. He traces your hairline messily with the tips of his fingers. 
“Did you eat?” you ask, nibbling your toast. 
“We did. We saved you some. I don’t know if you’ll want it, but Ro insisted.”
“Where is she?”
“She’s trying to decide which one of her plushies to give you tonight. In case you can’t sleep.”
You lean back against the couch cushions with a small smile. “That’s really nice. You made a good one, Munson.”
He puts his hand back on your shoulder, leaning in to give you a quick squeeze. The toast is toast, nothing special. It certainly doesn’t make you magically better but it doesn’t make you feel any worse, either, so you finish most of it and delight in your reward — Eddie noses your temple, his breath hot on your face as he says, “I’ve had help... Don’t worry, sweetheart. You’ll feel better soon.”
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strayheartless · 25 days ago
Since people seem to want it so much (me too honestly) here Org XIII swearing:
Xemnas: Doesn’t often swear unless he’s seething with anger. He’s very calm and collected most of the time but he will get in a persons face and punctuate his threats with expletives to get his point across.
Xigbar: very casual about swearing. Knows where to pepper it to get a point across, but tends to save it for relaxed conversation with surface level org “friends” to keep up appearances. Luxu doesn’t swear often at all and it makes Xigbar seem like a complete pastiche of a low level villain in hindsight.
Xaldin: it’s hard to get him to speak let alone swear. Nobodies heard him but does that mean he doesn’t? Nobody knows.
Vexen: claims he’s above such language but has dropped a C bomb at Marluxia more than five separate times in quick succession. He’s actually really easy to provoke.
Lexaeus: same as Xaldin, except Zexion has heard him mutter fuck under his breath after dropping a spoon that bounced under the counter.
Zexion: he does. He’s not a sailor or anything but a casual “fuck you” or “bite me bitch” has been flung around when he feels so inclined. He’s a sass master at heart.
Siax: same as previously mentioned. Deep, resounding, Geralt of Rivia style “Fuck”… though it’s usually followed by a ��you” and aimed at Axel. Has dropped a C bomb at Sora and Riku before.
Axel: still a sailor. Tries to tone it down for “the kids” ends up swearing then apologising and swearing again. “Fuck, oh shit sorry! Fuck! No! Damn! Dang! Aaahhh fuck this is hard! SHIT!” Roxas and Xion had to learn it from someone.
Denyx: does swear but it never sounds very impressive. Like a stoner throwing out loose insults really. He has the same dilemma as Axel around Xion and Roxas.
Luxord: swears in British because I said so. Bloody hell, wanker, bollocks, twat, pillock, pissing hell, it’s all on the table with Luxord. He traditionally swears too, but he finds a firm satisfaction in calling Siax a complete “c*ck splatting wanker” for sending Demyx to fight when he was injured.
Marluxia: more likely to insult your very existence in elegant flowery language than actually swear at you. Think Genesis Rhapsodos but pink.
Larxene: savage vile swearing in over fifty languages. She can level a man with a look sure, but why leave it there when you can flay him alive and leave him twitching in agony with your words? She’s… scary.
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simp999 · 9 months ago
Please Rest.
Army x Reader Coroika
Wc: 0.7k
Requested by: @blackholequeen
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You sniffled as you got splatted once again. No, you weren't sad- only stubborn. You refused to stop training just because of a measly cold. You dragged yourself forward to the center stage once again, how many times was this now? You were cut off by the massive buzzer which rang much too loud in your head, only worsening your headache.
A loss- to be expected, but it was still frustrating. You simply couldn't seem to win. You teammates offered you a glare, walking off to find someone else to join them. You slumped, embarrassed by your lack of skill today. Usually you were an extremely agile and skilled individual, but today you only grew more frustrated by your slower actions. There were many times where you thought you usually would have dodged or splatted your opponent.
Your brow furrowed and you sighed as you queued up for the next battle. You didn't have the energy to pay attention to anyone walking in, you didn't really care who your new teammates were at this point.
It didn't take long before you 'rushed' in to one of the sides of the stage, away from your other teammates. Albeit it took you longer than usual to get there, you came face to face with an opponent- they must have taken their time inking their path.
One shot of their weapon had hit you, but only that one. You hissed at the attack, too slow to defend. They paused in place for a moment before walking up to you. You lowered your weapon and squinted at them in confusion, trying to figure out what was going on- you hadn't recognised him until he was right in front of you, worriedly asking you questions about your health. You shook your head as you tried to make out the questions, somepletly lost.
Was all you managed to make out.
"You look unwell, you need some rest - immediately."
Worry was laced in his words despite his usual sterness.
"I'm.. fine. I need to train." You mumbled.
"No! You're-"
Before he could finish, you had slumped against him, much too close to passing out and too weak to stand on your own.
Before you knew it, you heard Army's booming voice shouted something to his teammates, your headache pounding, before all went black.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You woke up in a soft, cozy bed, with blankets wrapped tightly around you. He walked into the room, checking in on you once again. You wondered how often he checked in on you with the chance that he happened to walk in just as you woke up.
"Ah, you're awake. Please have some water while I make you a tea."
You frowned, wanting him to stay. You were about to object, but your throat hurt too much to speak- all that came out was a garbled noise. h e turned around to ask what was wrong, but all you did was stick out your hands, making a grabby motion.
He whispered and leaned in, not wanting his teammates to hear, though it's likely they already had an inkling that you two were together;
"I can't snuggle you, my dear, you have a fever. I'd love nothing more than to take care of you, though."
He gently held and kissed the top of your head despite his body telling him not to.
He caressed your hand before leaving to make you tea. He came back soon, juggling tea and soup. He placed them down on his bedside table, next to a box of tissues.
He refused to let you get up, only allowing you to if you had to use the washroom. He (very reluctantly) allowed his teammates to check in on your and spend time with you while he made everyone curry for supper. You overhead his specifying that the soup was only for you, and you giggled alone in his room at that. B-sailor has snuck you small candies while Army was away, making a shushing motion while grinning as he handed them off to you.
He continued to take good care of you, spoonfeeding you your soup.
You kept wanting to get up and take care of yourself, but he'd never allow you.
"Please rest, dear."
Wc: 0.7k
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forge-octarian-jacket · 2 years ago
Yay! Adding onto what the girls would be.
Usagi is a inkling. Ami is a Inktoling [Inkling and Octoling hybrid.] She’s actually pretty lucky cuz she takes after her mom, who’s an Inkling.
Rei is an Octoling, Mako is also an octoling.
Minako is an inkling.
Haven’t fingures out the Outers yet besides Hotaru being an octoling
Oh what a lovely day to have two fandoms co-existing in my br-
*gets hit with a Splatoon/Sailor Moon crossover AU idea*
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blossoming-sun · 1 year ago
another pj masks au (villain swap au)
I'm not changing anything except the villains motives for hating the pj masks, so the villains powers and stuff will stay the same.
NN: orticias motives. Night Ninja was new to the city and didn't have any ninjalinos (yet). Ready to begin his career as a ninja, he started making sticky splats in the park one night. An Yu, who had already been released from the gong by the PJ masks at that point, went to go stop him, remembering how the ninjas in her time acted. NN was attacked by an yu for seemingly no reason, making him hate her and her allies.
Luna: Octobellas motives. Since she's from the moon with no way to return (motsuki isn't her sister in this au, and therefore she can't teleport) everything that comes from the moon is as precious as gold to her. When she left her moon crystals unprotected for a night to go and steal a smoothie, gekko (without knowing it was hers) took it back to HQ, where PJ robot found a way to feed its energy into the PJ crystals, draining it of its power. Luna has never forgiven gekko for this, and vows to make him pay.
Romeo: Speedy twins motives. He's still a scientist, but is less obsessed with taking over the world and more obsessed with making his lab the best lab on the planet, so everyone will recognise him as the greatest scientist of all time. In order to do this, he needs to steal equipment, which makes the PJs his enemies as they try to stop him.
Wolfy kids: Muki Gu's motives. The wolfies aren't evil, they just love pranks (which is canon), and sometimes take things a bit too far. They don't care about becoming full wolfy, they just want to have fun at night to get away from the boringness of daytime, even if its at the expense of others.
Motsuki: Night Ninjas (s1) motivation. She was romeo's lab experiment in this AU, and similar to her canon counterpart, struggles with being told she's not as good as he is. Although the duo live together, she spends most of her time alone, and wants to prove she's the best at everything to spite romeo. She does this mostly by stealing stuff from school: if nobody else can paint/play sport/read comics, then she'll have to be the best at it by default.
Munki Gu: Luna's motivation. After being trapped in a statue for 1000 years, he's pretty bored. He steals toys, books, games, anything he wants, just for fun. He hates being bored, and will do literally anything to not be bored. He's fairly friendly with the PJ masks, due to gekko being th one to free him, but that doesn't mean he's willing to not steal things when they ask.
Octobella: wolfy kids motivation (hear me out) after reading stories about cthulu, krakens, and other octopus-style mythical creatures, she decided that they were cool as hell and wanted to figure out how she too could become giant and scare sailors. She hasn't found a way too yet, but this hasn't stopped her from stealing many crystals and other magical artifacts from the museum in the hopes that they will magically turn her into a much cooler version of herself.
Pharaoh boy: gloops motivation, or part of it, at least. After 4000 years, he is shocked and annoyed that the world is nothing like the one he's used to, and thinks that he could make it way better if he restored it to the glory of the ancient egyptian days. He still wants to rule until the end of time, but he's also pretty fond of redecorating- aka, using magic to create sandstorms and make the city much hotter. He's also built a night ninja statue-esque pyramid in the park one time.
Orticia: Motsukis motivation. When octobella was messing around with stuff from the museum, she accidentally messed with orticias seed, creating her. Orticia is now Octobella's self-proclaimed little sister, and wants to help her achieve her goals no matter what. The two fight occassionally, but octobella is happy for the extra help and they have a pretty good relationship for the most part
Pirate Robot: Romeo's motivation. He wants to take over the world, believing that robots are superior to humans. He is actually terrible at starting the robot uprising, as most of his plans involve attacking the museum with pudding or putting robot propaganda posters up at the school, but the pj masks have to stop him anyway. they still think he's silly and kind of like him, just like in canon though. He's just that bad at taking over the world.
Speedy twins: Pharaoh boy's motivation, but instead of wanting to rule the world, they want to rule the racing world. They tend to cause destruction with their reckless driving, and refuse to stop no matter how much damage they cause. They have stolen the PJ vehicles before, not to take their parts, but so that the PJ masks couldn't have any vehicles that could possibly stand a chance in a race against the flashcar
Gloop the third: pirate robots motivation. He loves shiny things, and wants to collect cool treasure from earth to decorate his home back on planet gloop with. He has no other motivations, he just flies around in the gloopster looking for earth treasure
did you know that this post is almost 900 words. Thanks for getting through the whole thing (:
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batmannotes · 3 months ago
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Looney Tunes Volumes 1-4 Blu-Ray Set Review
Here they are in one mega set! All four of the recently released Looney Tunes Collector's Choice Blu-rays together at last. Across the four discs inside this release covers the golden era of Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies with 97 remastered cartoons, all looking better than ever on Blu-ray in HD. All the great WB cartoon stars share the spotlight here, including Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Elmer Fudd, Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote, Tweety & Sylvester, and many more. There are over 642 minutes of fun here.
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If you have read some of our recent reviews you know a lot about what you are going to get here. In short, this is the best you ever seen these animated shorts look and sound. While I appreciate the expansive selection of cartoons here, I really wish they would have been more concentrated to certain years instead of the hodgepodge represented here. I also wish there were more extras included in these bare-bones releases. Regardless, this set will provide viewers with hours of gut-busting humor.
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"Beanstalk Bunny" (1954)
"Catch as Cats Can" (1947)
"The Unruly Hare" (1945)
"His Bitter Half" (1950)
"Daffy Doodles" (1946)
"Cracked Quack" (1952)
"Little Orphan Airedale" (1947)
"Hip Hip-Hurry!" (1958)
"Hot Rod and Reel" (1959)
"Greedy for Tweety" (1957)
"Stooge for a Mouse" (1950)
"A Mouse Divided" (1953)
"A Fractured Leghorn" (1950)
"Plop Goes the Weasel" (1953)
"Tale of Two Mice" (1945)
"The Foxy Duckling" – (1947)
"Two Gophers from Texas" (1947)
"Doggone Cats" (1947)
"What's Brewin', Bruin?" (1947)
"The Bee-Deviled Bruin" (1949)
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"Behind the Meat-Ball" (1945)
"Brother Brat" (1944)
"Catty Cornered" (1953)
"Cross Country Detours" (1940)
"Daffy's Southern Exposure" (1942)
"Ding Dog Daddy" (1942)
"The Eager Beaver" (1946)
"Fair and Worm-er" (1946)
"Fin 'n Catty" (1943)
"From Hand to Mouse" (1944)
"Ghost Wanted" (1940)
"Greetings Bait" (1943)
"Hamateur Night" (1939)
"Hare-Breadth Hurry" (1963)
"A Hick a Slick and a Chick" (1948)
"Hiss and Make Up" – (1943)
"A Hound for Trouble" (1951)
"I Wanna Be a Sailor" (1937)
"The Leghorn Blows at Midnight" (1950)
"Lickety-Splat" (1961)
"One Meat Brawl" (1947)
"The Penguin Parade" (1938)
"Rabbit Rampage" (1955)
"The Rebel Without Claws" (1961)
"The Wacky Worm" (1941)
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"A Feud There Was" (1938)
"China Jones" (1959)
"Cinderella Meets Fella" (1938)
"Dumb Patrol" (1964)
Egghead Rides Again" (1937)
"Elmer's Pet Rabbit" (1941)
"Hobo Bobo" (1947)
"Honeymoon Hotel" (1934)
"Hop, Skip and a Chump" (1942)
"I Only Have Eyes for You " (1937)
"Mexican Joyride" (1947)
"The Mouse on 57th Street" (1961)
"Mr. and Mrs. is the Name" (1935)
"Of Rice and Hen" (1953)
"Pre-Hysterical Hare" (1958)
"Punch Trunk" (1953)
"Quentin Quail" (1946)
"Riff Raffy Daffy" (1948)
"Saddle Silly" (1941)
"Sheep Ahoy" (1954)
"The Sheepish Wolf" (1942)
"There Auto Be a Law" (1953)
"Tugboat Granny" (1956)
"War And Pieces" (1964)
"Wet Hare" (1962)
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“Along Came Daffy" (1947)
"A Bone for a Bone" (1951)
"The Cagey Canary" (1941)
"D’ Fightin’ Ones" (1961)
"Dangerous Dan McFoo" (1939)
"Devil’s Feud Cake" (1963)
"Double Chaser" (1942)
"Double or Mutton" (1955)
"Fox Pop" (1942)
"Henhouse Henery" (1949)
"Holiday for Drumsticks" (1949)
"Hopalong Casualty" (1960)
"Hyde and Go Tweet" (1960)
"The Impatient Patient" (1942)
"Leghorn Swoggled" (1951)
"Meatless Flyday" (1944)
"Mouse-Warming" (1952)
"The Mouse-Merized Cat" (1946)
"Muscle Tussle" (1953)
"Muzzle Tough" (1954)
"Peck Up Your Troubles" (1945)
"Quack Shot" (1954)
"Road to Andalay" (1964)
"The Sneezing Weasel" (1938)
"Streamlined Greta Green" (1937)
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With the 1080p resolution and 1.37:1 aspect ratio, this is definitely the best I’ve ever seen these animated shorts. It’s always a fine line Warner Bros. has to toe while restoring these older animated classics. Although scrubbing the video is somewhat necessary to present these cartoons in high definition, WB still has to make sure not to wash away the original film grain. A lot of people complain when too much film grain is washed away, but for me, it’s never a big deal. I always look for clarity and popping colors. Overall Warner Bros. has done another fine job with these volumes
The DTS-HD Master Audio is solid for a simple 2.0 mono presentation. Both music, sound effects and dialogue are clear and compliment the picture nicely. 
EXTRAS 📀 :  D-
The only real drawback to this collection is the lack of extras. No digital download, no booklets and the only disc extras are a very small dash of shorts.
The replay value of all these discs are extremely high for me. I still love throwing these classic cartoons in my Blu-Ray player on Saturday mornings and reliving my childhood again and again. Yeah, I’d love to have more extras, but I’ll eat up every release Warner Archive is willing to deliver. All four of these discs included in one set should make it a no-brainer for fans of the Warner Bros. cartoon library. I highly recommend this set as a fan myself!
You can purchase this release at Amazon.
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darling-saturn · 7 months ago
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He/him • It/its
Genderfluid lesbian 🫶
Aroace umbrella
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Homophobic • Transphobic • Xenophobic • yk general stuff... • Misogynistic • Religion pushers / Converters [Don't tell me to believe in Jesus or to change in the name of God] • Anti-therian / furry • Anti-age regression / dreaming • Anti-pet regression / dreaming
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the yappening - just me talking lol
Planet Posts 🪐 - Answering asks!!
Lost Cosmos 🌌 - Anon responses! Feel welcome to make any kind of anon post, as long as it's respectful!
Saturn Sketch 🖊 - My drawings! This is a new tag as of 10.24.24, but I'm hoping to add to it in the future!
ddlc 4♡ - My literal FAVORITE ddlc story creator on here, I reblog all of her works [go check her out if you like polydokis!]
Click here for my DDLC animation idea masterlist!
My Roman Empire art:
t4t MikuRin
splat dokis
sleepin with the fishes
jorts (also jean ig)
jeckole but sailor moon
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Some of my interests include, but aren't limited to, the following! :D [The ones with stars are my special interests! ^^]
☆☆🎤 Taylor Swift 🎶☆☆
☆☆🎀 Doki Doki Literature Club! 🖋☆☆
☆🌙 Sailor Moon 🎀 ☆
☆🦑 Splatoon 🎨 ☆
☆☕️ Coffee Talk 💚☆
☆🦄 My Little Pony 🍭☆
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nosleepgummitato · 2 years ago
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Here are two parts of the sketch for Sailor Splat.
I'm certainly far further into it now, but forgot to share this, so here. :)
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maguro13-2 · 9 months ago
Legacy of Shinra Reboot ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 1 Remake Pt. 9 ~
Naoko : Hmmm...Where in the hell is Sailor Moon? I mean, she should be back here to have brought back witj the ink from the storage department by now
Sailor Moon/Usagi : *panting*
Naoko : Mrs Tsukino! Thank goodness! You're alright, you made it safe and sound, but why are you covered in ink?
Sailor Moon/Usagi : Guys. Big problem. When I finally got all the ink that is here for you, I just discovered something horribly in the studio from that door that I entered. But there is a better explanation for that.
Naoko : Okay. This is just what I needed. So how did you know that door would lead to the secrets of Toei Animation storage deparment?
Son Goku : How come you so sure that wouldn't go to that door all by yourself, did you?
Sailor Moon/Usagi : Yeah, it nearly cost me a life for it. I didn't have the ability or the consequences of having troubles but this is the thanks what I get for...for...*coughs violently*
Minako : Usagi! Usagi! Are you alright?!
Rei : Do you like need some help?!
Usagi : No guys! Get away! This isn't sitting well!
Ami : Usagi, what's wrong? Is there something the matter?
Usagi : *continues to cough violently* There's...There's something... inside me!
Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask : Usagi! Speak loudly! Do you need something, do you need a cure!?
Ami : Hey, I'm getting readings that are from Usagi's body. There's somekind of substance that she swallowed from some kind of creature, but I don't know where it came from.
Usagi : Oh man. I think I'm gonna...I'm gonna be...(straining)
Haruka : Hey now, what the hell is going on?
Ami : Guys! This is bad news! Usagi went into the ink storage department from that door over there and she is getting some ink for the Author's ideas. But when she came back after acquiring some Ink, something's wrong with her and some creature gifted her with ink in her body. It wasn't the work of our enemies. It was something else.
Setsuna : Really? Then who did?
Usagi : (straining) Oh man...! (to the viewers) This is going to be gross. *retching+vomiting*
Usagi : *Coughs out+breathes heavily* What...the heck...was that? There was something in the store department and some girl given me the power of ink to give me that it was some kind of gift! There is no way, that a mysterious door that appeared in the studio had some connections with the workshop!
Rei : A shop, in another country? Toei Animation had a connection with some kind of workshop in America? Who owns that workshop?
Haruka : Believe it or not, it could be a clue or probably a mystery that could easily get to the bottom of this.
*The Ink itself suddenly transforms into a figure*
Setsuna : Worse, I betmight be the evil forces laying down from that door! If I would get fired for sure, I'll be reinforced myself into Flagstaff Arizona, where the they founded Pluto first before I was!
Ami : Maybe it had to be some clue that doesn't know about being pluto.
Setsuna : Oh, relax, Sailor V. Pluto doesn't get demoted by science by the year 2006, it won't my effect my entire career until there's danger within me.
Usagi : She's right, and Setsuna is more than welcomed to join the force.
Usagi : Sorry, Mamoru. Can't think of it right now, we're trying to think our problems to solve this mystery of the studio's connections.
Mamoru : I'm right over here, Usagi. On the right side with your friends at.
Usagi : Wait a sec, if you are there, then who is this right behind me.
Makoto : Uhh, Usagi. I think you might wanna turn around.
Usagi : Huh? (Turns around)
Other Usagi : Thank you for creating me, Sailor Moon. I am pleased for thanking you for the responisbility of my birth and my creation.
Usagi : Okay...What the hell is that!?
Haruka : Holy mother of...Usagi! You spewed Ink to created another you!
Usagi : Other me? You mean I created another of one's self and therefore I created a superhero demon.
Other Usagi/Inky Moon : True. Which is why I go by the name, Inky Moon!
[Echo Night/Nebula BGM : Track 4]
[the group are in shock]
Usagi : Oh man! This is messed up! What have I been eating!?
Makoto : This does not look good!
Ami : I'm gonna be sick!
Minako : Another Sailor Moon!?
Mamoru : Usagi. How did not get infected with Ink while you created a copy of yourself!
Usagi : I didn't know! I didn't know!
Luna : This is bad!
Inky Moon : Now that since you were too kind of saving the troubles from your arch enemey, an evil queen who steals energy from your people, I guarantee that I welcome thee. So, you'll be interesting of saving our world from evil by us, me who is an Ink Demon.
Usagi : An Ink Demon? Are you saying that you're an Ink Demon?
Inky Moon : Of course, you will experience the powers of a real superhero. Check me out, I'm in color, and you are my creator. I would be thanking you and my friends to do all the forbidding in the caretaking of this planet. Will become the new superheroes of Japan, despite even you.
Usagi : Hold the phone what are you going to do?
Inky Moon : How to exactly replace you. *SNAPS FINGERS* Allow me to introduce you to my friends who are exactly like the copies of the original Sailor Scouts.
Rei : What the!?
*DBZ SFX : Surprise*
[Echo Night Beyond/Nebula : Track 7]
Inky Moon : Say hello to my other friends, meet the Inky Scouts! Named after the solar systems finest planets in the galaxy! Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and don't forget our last member of our little comrade, Inky Pluto...
Setsuna : Inky Pluto, she's the name of that planet who is small...She's not that dangerous.
Inky Moon : ...who is also that tall.
Setsuna : Okay, I think she's dangerous. So what now? What are you going to do with us, eh?
Inky Moon : Oh, I know how to deal with you guys. *snaps fingers*
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Eh? What was that for? What are you even trying to do, escot us out? What? No, stop! Don't come any closer! I wasn't made like this to die! I'm a superhero in Japan for God's sake! Don't you know any contex that I have bare witnessed!?
Inky Moon : (chuckles evilly)
Usagi/Sailor Moon : NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
"years later..."
[Tokyo Harbor/Port of Tokyo - Tokyo]
Inky Mercury : Can't believe it's been over a year since we put the real Sailor Moon and Scouts out of commission. She'd been dead beat along with these wretched superheroes.
Inky Venus : Don't rely on that one, Akira Toryiama had it coming to find out that the studio was being connected to a workshop in Brooklyn, He would not been fooled by us that we are Ink Demons made by the same superhero that we thrown her and her friends like garbage.
Inky Jupiter : (eats a takoyaki) I would have too if were gullible enough to feed us for the frenzy of what not to eat. Demons eat human flesh, but not their blood, we aren't vampires like Alucard from Hellsing or that other Alucard from Castlevania. Demons eat flesh and blood together like a perfect combo and a tasty snack.
[Navigation - Fumie Kumatani]
Inky Mars : Don't believe you're in a second fiddle? You got news about whether the Ohkuboverse is cringing up the planet or it's gonna be history when the Time Eater returns to get it's exact vengeance on the boy who truly created the world of Souls.
Inky Venus : Come on, Mars. Couldn't you tell Inky Moon about the boy who created Soul World and was finding out that he was alive?
Inky Mars : Of course, I would give the opportunity to have an important wake up call if means necessary for all what it means to save others like ourselves. Don't forget, I wouldn't mind demonstrate the facts that are true or false. Hopefully, I will do it as bait. Hey, Inky Moon. Do you remember the day Soul Eater's world was made before the Time Eater destroyed it in half all those years ago?
Inky Moon : Well, might be. But that was all history when Shinra and his people were scolded for creating it and of course, his man-made son Death as well.
Inky Venus : Oh, please, Moon. You gotta know that the Ohkuboverse have existed for thousands of years in it's early stage and Demon Vibe was the one who created it. Soul Eater was the creation and foudation of Shinra Kusakabe's hope for humanity, was even just a simple gift from the light itself since Demon Vibe's plan to put the whole galaxy in darkness have foiled. After that, Soul World chosen three heroes that wanted to protect the legacy of the devil himself that truly creating the world of Soul Eater, not to imagine the fact that the crazy stories of Soul World was just bunch of make believes. This is the real world that we all live in, which is exactly and alternative universe for Soul Eater's heroes and villains.
Inky Moon : Soul World choosing it's hero that is just a one lousy girl who really wanted to protect his legacy. Can't be too sure about that. (spits out wheat) Why should I, the Grim Reaper and his army of robot men took her away after we discovered that we the Ink Demons were repsonsible for these crimes that put the blame on her. She's just an outcast like others do. What's the use of information from you, Mercury?
Inky Mercury : Three kids were chosen as heroes of Soul World were actually slaves by the one who isn't Lord Death, it's real name is Darkside Death, a heartless who smuggles hearts and souls from others and is the one who hid the truth from the public eye, knowing to you all that Darkside Death was keeping truth out of it from ever winning. Just to make teenagers like Sailor Moon to be just pawns to his corrupt game. Soul Eater had no sense and is still making humans and witches being arrogant at once. If only they had the chance, not getting backed down and finding out that they would uncover the truth about their existence.
Inky Jupiter : So much as you think of it, I desperately had to get the attention, but...I do not want to seriously burn of those interests to carry off that weight. (takes another bite of the takoyaki)
Inky Mars : It's best that the queen should be arriving here any soon. I bet the king knows it all. We can't be ib Japan any longer, we gotta get back to the shop before nightfall. Our time will be soon unveiled to bestow upon the king's return. Plus, I even had to encapsulate Sailor Moon's brother into a frozen popsicle for the next years and of her course her family's been frozen if they were my only frozen dairy treats.
Inky Mercury : Oh come on, that's a stinkin' idea. Freezing Sailor Moon's family is like--
Inky Scouts : Who trespasses there!?
Neoshadow : I never thought that I would the see superheroes in the modern day. But now that I found you Sailor moon and your sailor friends, this will be the last of your role as Superheroes before you die. Now, I've got you cornered.
Inky Moon : Sorry. But I don't take my advice from a bunch of eye sores that needed to pick me for a fight. If that's what you wanted, *does a jump kick* THEN COME AND GET IT!
inky Moon : And now then time for the finishing move! (throws her tiara like a boomerang )
Neoshadow : !?
Neoshadow : (yelling in pain)
Inky Moon : Heh...(catches Tiara) Not bad for an opponent. Sorry, Like I said, I don't take advice from eye sores. Either stand down and surrender or beat it.
Neoshadow : You're beginning something to understand, Sailor Moon. I was only giving you and your friends a warning. When Soul World would meets it end from around 10 years, Darkside Death would be able to conquer this whole planet for eternity and every inhabitant of this here world shall be his slave. Once our diversion, the evil forces of Soul World, will be wiped by Maka Albarn herself, Darkside Death will arrange his plans for Demon Vibe and then he turn the planet into true utterly total Chaos, and eventually, he'll spread the whole planet into DARKNESS! (laughs evilly and laughs hysterically)
Inky Moon : ...(annoyed) Oh my God! WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP!?! *uses an energy beam of light of the heartless*
Neoshadow : (screams in pain) *vanishes*
Inky Moon : So, Darkside Death's plan was to conquer the planet in his clutches? Yeah, I think not. I won't let this planet, cause this is our world, even if it means to the galaxy itself from Demon Vibe.
Inky Jupiter : Talk about an instant barbecue for a heartless, you never know how these guys would just pop up and came out of nowhere! They're monsters all right.
Inky Venus : These Heartless scum bags are more than meats the eye.
Inky Mercury : Talk about cutting us some slack, a heartless wanted to conquer the planet. Maybe that creature was right, The Universe of Soul Eater had some connection with that jerk reaper they call him Lord Death, but he's not even lord death. That's no more than a stage name for a heartless. The Real Lord Death is the King of Death himself, aka the father of that Deathless-Needless girl Seto. *Hears hands clapping slowly*
[Navigation - Fumie Kumatani]
Inky Albarn : Congratulations, my servants. You did well taking care of that Glooper Blooper. I'm impressed that you finally found some information about this planet's fate. (eats a takoyaki)
Inky Moon : M'lady, you have arrived. We are indeed humbling your service. (bows and greet)
Inky Mercury : We hardly took care of these threats that scourging through the streets, we did what we we're told by you, my queen.
Inky Mercury : All orders, are finally drawn out. Our demon brethren don't know what hits ya when they occupy the lands of Japan. But rest assure that Brooklyn and the city of New York will be safe from our hands. We are Anti-villain that we truly act ourselves as heroes.
Inky Jupiter : That could be an arrange. So, what's next on our agenda? I don't play by the rules.
Inky Mars : You're guaranteed that we'll make fine use of glory that will make us all proud. Don't hesitate on all that is living in this world of ours, I can't wait to see the King when he arrives to meet our faces. We should be told of what we were told to do.
Inky Albarn : Okay, I'll give you exactly the moment of once we take care of business, I can finally meet the one that I've been adored since our marriage. I've spent years of having marriage with the son of the Ink Demons that I have been linked to the guys that I've known before. So in order to go by the rules, I'll make the shadows of these wretched beings and throw them into the abyss of Purgatory. Now then, all we have to do is make things clear for ourselves and do not fail our duty. Protect the royal bloodline, do I make myself clear.
Inky Scouts : Ma'm, yes, ma'am!
Inky Albarn : I'll be happy to let you all know when you're ready to drink some blood, sweet juicy red blood. (voiceover) Maka Albarn, it's been 70 years since I've become queen of the royal bloodline that has been shattered by filthy ants. Now then, I will make those ants to be crushed by the hands of the Ink Demon, who will return when once risen by the powers of Darkness itself. Finally, justice to all puny beings will be served and love shall be conquer the world once and for all to dispose of all the hatred they've grown! (chuckles)
~ Scene 8 : A Demon Queen's Pride
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pankomako · 2 years ago
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felt like actually making a ref of my splatsona this afternoon. so i did that
also as much as he's a representation of me he's kinda his own character too lol (like im not so sure im bi at all but i've decided mack is to a degree. but the way he plays matches is exactly what i do)
some extra fun facts i couldnt fit in the ref:
total sailor mouth. says fuck almost every other sentence
can get SUPER pissed during matches. sounds like a dad yelling at a football match on tv, worse combined with his sailor mouth. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST STANDING AROUND" "CLAIM THE FUCKING ZONE" "HOLY SHIT LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE I WAS OUT OF INK" "THATS RIGHT BITCH THATS WHAT YOU FUCKING GET FOR CROSSING ME"
loves his body hair. everyone else thinks it's freaky as fuck. his friends have gotten over it though
often says he's part shark, sometimes to impress people. nobody believes him. unclear whether or not he believes it. he's not
has ADHD. probably should've put that in the ref. i just thought of it as im typing this out. explains a LOT of his behavior though
severely attracted to guys; experiences a very shallow attraction to girls. will flirt and offer to make out with either one but is more likely to date a guy (basically how i feel?? idk it's confusing im still thinking)
hangs out with shiver sometimes after meeting her in story mode. sharks bro (occasionally hangs out w the other characters too but not nearly as much)
is friends with my friend failboat's oc liv. they sometimes do salmon run together + he babysits her smallfry l'il chatty. like "hey im doing anarchy w/ jay can you watch lil chatty for me on the sidelines" "ya sure no problem lol (VERY reluctant)". she finds him kinda weird n annoying but they're still like besties
stingers HATE HIM! is the first target of stingers like 90% of the time. absolutely despises them for this reason. will angrily rush over to annihilate a stinger that targets him as soon as he is able. very likely to get splatted in the process. (NOT EVEN EXAGGERATING THIS IS MY EXPERIENCE WITH SALMON RUN AUUUUUUGH)
has a personal grudge against any dapple dualies players he encounters. for literally no reason. he just has an urge to prove that he's better than them as a dark tetra dualies player (also very much real)
rarely has a successful use of reefslider. usually gets splatted immediately after either activation or when it explodes. wishes it had invincibility like kraken. refuses to main anything other than dark tetras because he's stubborn as fuck (just take a guess whether this is real (spoiler: it is))
literally so silly and goofy about everything. tends to lean into annoying. im tellin ya it's the adhd
yknow i think that's enough for now. thanks for reading all this i guess LOL (assuming you actually did)
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saiilorstars · 2 years ago
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ch.14: The Siren
Story Masterlist
Fandom: Sailor Moon (Crystal)
Rewrite of season 2, AU-ish in that there’s new OCs and the fusion of plots from the manga, crystal and the og series
Pairings: Eventual OFC x OMC, Usagi x Mamoru
Taglist: @ocappreciationtag​​​​ @arrthurpendragon​​​​​​​​​ @anotherunreadblog​​​​​​​​​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​​​​​​​​ @stareyedplanet​​​​​​​​​​​ @foxesandmagic​​ @kmc1989
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"No, go left! Sailor Venus take the route towards the central and - no, wait! Take a right!"
"WHICH IS IT!?" came the roaring voice of Sailor Venus over the comm. system.
Azula blew some air out and rubbed her face. She splat a hand on the monitor and gazed at the screen again. Street security cameras allowed her to see where the blonde Sailor Scout was headed - along with the others - but Azula was still having trouble locating the precise location they were searching for. Thankfully, Luna hopped onto the stool beside hers and Artemis took the other on her left. The two cats started directing Sailor Venus towards their assumed location.
"Thanks guys," Azula said to the two cats afterwards. "I'm a bit...under stress…" Her blue eyes gazed over the multiple tabs opened on the computer. Some belonged to Koan, the Black Moon Clan, Chibiusa, Senka, Reign...it was way too much for one person.
"Don't worry, we're a team after all," Artemis reminded.
"Well this team needs to find our newest member who seems hell bent on dominating animals everywhere," Azula leaned back in her chair.
Sailor Siren was definitely awake and causing havoc in her disoriented state. They hadn't been able to capture her yet but since she had practically every animal worshiping the ground she walked on, Azula theorized by finding where the animals were disappearing to they would then find Sailor Siren.
"Azula, we're here, but there's nothing," Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury reported from one location across the city.
"It's just business as usual," Sailor Mars added.
Azula zoomed in on their location and confirmed this was the case. Animals were still freaking out but people were going on about their business like nothing.
"Azula," Sailor Jupiter reported in, "we've got the same thing over here with us. Are you sure this is the place?"
Once more, Azula set to work. "Yeah, it's where the traces were leading to. Hold on, let me—"
"Azula!" Sailor Hemera called in.
"What!?" Azula snapped under the pressure.
Sailor Hemera snorted. "Cracking under the pressure already?" Azula groaned and muttered under her breath but otherwise continued to locate them.
Sailor Hemera was crouched over a rooftop overlooking the mall. Her sister, Sailor Asteria joined her.
"Don't mess with my human," Sailor Asteria scolded lightly.
"What?" Hemera gave her a weirded look.
Asteria faced the city, completely calm. "I adopted her. She's my human pet—"
"No I am not!" Azula shouted through their comms., absolutely offended with what she was hearing. "I am not your human pet! Would you quit saying that!?"
A smirk spread across Sailor Asteria's lips hearing Azula ramble on about how offensive it was to be called someone's pet. Sailor Hemera gave her a look. "You're awful," she couldn't help chuckle.
"Guys!" Azula suddenly called, serious now. "An unidentified figure has been spotted just a corner from where Sailor Asteria and Sailor Hemera are at. She's causing quite the havoc…"
Sailor Hemera straightened and listened up for any strange noises. Sure enough, there were shrill screams of humans. "Oh Sailor Siren…"
The two Shadow Scouts ran towards the noises and were of course the first to get there.
A tall, blonde haired girl was laughing in the air as dozens of pigeons pecked at numerous people. "I can make it all stop, petty humans, so long as you kindly direct me to Princess Reign."
"The same story, I see," they heard Azula through the comms. "She's radiating a lot of energy just like you did, Asteria."
Both Shadow sisters gazed at their third comrade from a rooftop. Sailor Siren was by the far the tallest of the four Shadow Scouts. Her blonde curly hair swooshed in the air. There was no recognition of herself within her light blue eyes. But for her comrades, she remained the same youthful beauty she had been back then; Sailor Siren lived up to her mythological name.
"Siren…" Sailor Asteria cautiously stepped towards Sailor Siren, her hands making a gesture she was no enemy. "It's us," she nodded to Sailor Hemera just a step behind, "We're your comrade sisters, remember?" Sailor Siren's eyes flickered from one Shadow Scout to the next. "I know you're confused but you have to calm down. You're overflowing with power and you can get hurt."
From the base, Azula watched intently. "Hm, that's the first time she speaks with actual kindness," she murmured to the cats with her.
"I heard that," Asteria scolded.
Sailor Siren balled her fists on her sides. "If you were truly my comrades you would have already scoured this planet for Princess Reign! There would be no human left in existence! It's their fault after all!"
"Siren, please," Sailor Hemera begged. "Let us take care of you right now."
"Ha! I am going to search every last corner of this planet for Princess Reign! And if I have to I will ask help from Obscurius!" Sailor Siren held her arms to her sides. "Their gifts will help me find the Princess!"
From the base, Azula reacted to those words. "What kind of people are Obscurians?" she looked at Luna but the purple cat had no idea either.
In the streets, Sailor Siren still could not be coerced. She was throwing punches at Sailor Asteria who only deflected them with her own fists.
"Sailor Siren!" Sailor Hemera shouted and, at the same time, flung forwards her golden boomerang.
Sailor Siren growled when the boomerang smacked her on her forehead. Sailor Asteria whirled around, furious for Hemera's move. "What the hell was that for!?"
"She was about to punch you!"
Sailor Siren used the sisters' quarrel to introduce her own attack. She began to whistle a soft, rhythmic tune that froze both sisters in their spots.
Azula squinted her eyes at the screen. "What are those two doing?"
The two Shadow sisters were beginning to fight against each other. They threw punches, dodges, kicks, everything but their attacks.
"Oh you've got to be kidding me!" Azula groaned and reached for the comms. "She's living up to her Siren name," she mumbled just as she got in contact with the other Scouts. "Girls! We've got a situation! Sailor Siren is hypnotizing Sailor Asteria and Hemera into fighting against each other. They could seriously hurt each other!"
Sailor Venus arrived first and threw her love chain to capture Sailor Hemera. Sailor Jupiter grabbed Sailor Asteria back and kept her still.
"Use the sedatives!" Azula shouted.
Sailor Mars whipped out her sedative but Sailor Siren landed in front of her and kicked it out of her hand. Before Sailor Mars bad the chance to react properly, Siren backhanded her to the ground.
"Sailor Siren, we're your friends!" Sailor Mercury attempted to reason with her.
"I don't have friends anymore!" Sailor Siren roared and went to punch her next. "I only want to find Princess Reign!"
"Well you're not going to do it that way!" Sailor Mars rubbed at her chin as she got up. "Burning Mandala!"
Sailor Siren backed from Sailor Mercury and had to duck to avoid the fire. Slowly, Sailor Asteria and Hemera came out of the trance Sailor Siren put them in.
"We will not stop until you come with us!" Sailor Venus warned.
Sailor Siren backed a step, one hand towards them. "I will find Reign." Sailor Mars prepared another attack with her paper slips, something Siren picked up on. "Don't get in my way! Sonic Scream!" Sailor Siren then released a high pitched scream that echoed in every corner of the street. Everyone collapsed to their knees, hands clutching ears to drown out the awful noise in the air.
Even Azula had to take measures by turning off audio to avoid bleeding in the ears. Sailor Siren proved to be a deadly opponent.
Five sedatives were dropped on a circular table in the Moon base following a bumpy match.
"What even is Sailor Siren?" Azula rubbed a finger in her left ear as if Sailor Siren was still screaming. "How could she possibly be a good Sailor Scout?"
Asteria was quiet and serious. She wasn't too pleased their friend had ran off but even she knew it wasn't their fault. "Sailor Siren was a deadly Scout back in our days. Her songs hypnotized those in her way and she could make them do just about anything. But nothing was more powerful than her Sonic Scream."
"Was this just with humans or with animals?" Minako inquired.
"Back then it was just humans."
"The excess power is probably letting her songs reach animals for the moment," Ami theorized. "This is more dangerous."
"I can't believe Shadow housed this sort of Scout," Rei mumbled under her breath. She could still feel echoes of pain jabbing at her chin from the backhand Sailor Siren had given her earlier.
"Our powers do not make us evil," Meroko frowned. "Sailor Siren was a kind Scout. Her sole purpose was to make sure people in Shadow never harmed Reign."
"Look, whatever she did then does not matter right now," Makoto interrupted the small lecture. "She's out there putting people in danger and we need to stop her."
"But how do we sedate her if we can't get near her?" Minako huffed from her spot. "One song and we're all going to fight each other."
Azula tilted her head in thought, her finger tapping against her chin. "What if we create devices to block out her voice?" Everyone in the room turned to her for a better explanation. Azula uncrossed her arms and went on to elaborate. "We send in only a few of you guys to meet with Siren, but we send you with devices equipped to block out her soundwaves. That way, one of you could use the sedative and put her down."
"Could we really do that?" Makoto looked unsure of it but Ami seemed more inclined with the idea.
"I think we can," the blue-haired girl nodded. "There's already devices like that in regular stores. All we would have to do is amplify the effects."
"We can do that, no problem," Azula grinned.
"Alright, so we have the new plan. Who's going to inform Usagi?" Meroko asked but Asteria huffed.
"You mean little miss Moon Princess who's overly irresponsible she couldn't even come to help us today?"
Azula rolled her eyes at the girl. "Calm down Star Queen. Usagi got roped into babysitting Chibiusa. She couldn't very well leave the little girl on her own right? Now that would be irresponsible."
Asteria huffed again. "And the Prince?"
"Him...I have no idea."
Have a safe return, Sailor Hemera,' Princess Reign waved goodbye to her sunny Scout. Sailor Hemera gave her traditional bow before exiting the Earth palace and headed back for the Shadow Kingdom.
Beside Reign, Endymion appeared with a studious expression. "It's odd for Sailor Hemera to visit the kingdom."
"Well, Asteria is on guard right now and I suppose mother sent Hemera to see how I was doing."
"And to see if I was keeping my word in protecting you."
A light smile slipped through Reign's face, not that Endymion would see due to the enchantment on Reign. "I could not lie about that. My mother knows I am a danger to myself and the world. She has to be sure that I am guarded at all times."
"And yet, even then, you refuse to have my Generals accompany you."
Reign sighed and leaned over the balcony to stare up at the shiny Moon in the dark sky. "I wish to be free, Endymion. You granted me a little bit of it. Please don't take it away from me."
"I only allow it because you're within the palace. But you know that if you were to ever want to leave the palace you would need to be accompanied."
"Me? Leave? Never," Reign said with utter regret. "It is my fate to stay locked away forever. Even when the world looks so beautiful…"
Endymion assumed she was watching the Moon. She often expressed (to him and Serenity) wishes of seeing the Moon Kingdom, or just about any other kingdom. "Maybe one day…"
Reign shook her head. "Mother would never allow it. My existence must always remain a secret. Even my sister planet probably doesn't know about me."
"Obscurius?" Endymion recalled the planet similar to Shadow.
"Mhm. Their people are the only people who can match Shadow's gifts and abilities. I know they have a royal line, rules and laws...but I think they are free unlike my people. It's my fault, like always."
Reign expressed herself with utter sadness. Endymion hated that he could not do anything to help his friend. She didn't deserve to live the way she did: feeling like a burden.
Mamoru blinked out of his memory trance. He looked down at the mug of coffee he'd been nursing. He didn't even realize at what moment he had began to remember. The images just came to him without warning. But with each new memory, he felt like he began to know Reign even more. The sense of friendship was strong, along with lingering feelings of pity and sorrow for the girl. It was clear that Reign never got to leave Earth and travel.
But he was curious about her abilities. All day he'd been getting blips of memories concerning Reign and her abilities. Mamoru knew of her healing abilities, agility and illusion tricks, but he wanted to know more. He was sure Reign confided in him about those abilities, he just needed to remember more.
"Reign, please, talk to me…" Mamoru whispered, for some reason believing this would help him. He couldn't explain it but he felt like Reign was close to him. Something within made him sure of it.
Usagi thought she was loud up until she met Chibiusa. The girl screamed and yelped at least twice as loud as she would. It was why the knocks on her front door took at least five minutes to get noticed. By the time Usagi went to answer, Azula was mad with impatience.
"Do I need to get a bullhorn or something to get your attention?" the red-haired girl demanded with a frantic tapping shoe.
Usagi sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. "Sorry, Azula. Chibiusa is just too loud!"
Hearing her name, Chibiusa poked her head out from the living room. "I am not loud! You're — hi Azula!" she beamed at the sight.
Azula gave a small wave with her free hand. "Hey, Usa."
Chibiusa beamed at the new nickname. "You can call me that all you like!"
Usagi growled at the girl for her uber kindness at Azula. Chibiusa always yelled at her for the littlest of things.
"Usagi, I came to talk," Azula pulled the blonde from her thoughts. She motioned to the notebook in her hand, indicating to Usagi it was theory time.
Usagi brought Azula into her living room and warned Chibiusa to stay out of it. The pink-haired girl of course huffed and muttered a few words here and there but ultimately entertained herself with some television in the room. Her LunaP ball mildly bounced beside her on the couch.
Meanwhile, Azula and Usagi sat on the ground with a coffee table between them. Azula had opened her journal which was full of notes and diagrams. Usagi had to rub her eyes from so much color.
"Is that a family tree?" she pointed at a purple square encasing the name 'Reign'.
"Mhm," Azula nodded. "I wanted to map out the Royal Shadow line."
Usagi saw 'Queen Nyx' written inside another purple box with a line going down to Reign. Next to Queen Nyx was another square, presumably Reign's father, but was intentionally left blank.
"So the Royal Shadow Line has a very long lifespan," Azula remarked. She dragged her finger down the Queen's and princess's names and onto the four Shadow Sailor Scouts. "These people lived for centuries but I suppose the oldest was Queen Nyx. Though since there's no real truth of her ending we can only presume she's actually dead."
Usagi squeaked at the prospect. "You think the Shadow Queen still lives?"
Azula gave a small shrug. "Maybe. Only Sailor Circe knows what truly happened to the Shadow people, after all."
"I don't know…" Usagi said quietly. "It's already a wonder of how Reign survived…"
"Well, that's because your other mother knew Reign needed to exist in order for the Shadow Dominion Gates to remain closed. She reincarnated Reign for safety." Azula passed the next page of her notebook to reveal notes on the previous Queen Serenity and Queen Nyx. "Which means that Queen Nyx had to have held some communication with Serenity. I also believe Queen Nyx communicated with Obscurius, the sister planet of Shadow."
Usagi furrowed her brows. "But Meroko said that planet was destroyed."
"Doesn't mean they couldn't build a new one. That's what I came to talk to you about, actually."
Azula passed the next page, and at the top of the first page was 'OBSCURIUS' written in black. She pointed a finger at the name. "Sailor Siren mentioned this planet. She mentioned their people and their gifts. She said they could help find Reign. Usagi, you wouldn't happen to remember anything of this planet?"
Usagi blinked out of surprise but she ultimately thought about it. Her memories of Reign were still scarce. She knew Mamoru remembered far more than her but perhaps she did know something about Obscurius.
From the couch, Chibiusa pretended to be watching the television but she was way too listening in on the conversation. She didn't know they were barely looking into Obscurius. Mommy said never to divulge information, she remembered. Timelines are sacred, she told herself.
"I'm only thinking that maybe finding this planet, their people, would be key to finding Reign," Azula shared her thoughts. "It's obvious they still live today."
Chibiusa began biting her lip to keep quiet. They're making it too hard for me...
"But how?" Usagi asked. "We already have enough people to search for and that hasn't been easy."
Azula sighed. "Yeah, I know. This is stupid. Sorry." She closed her notebook and frowned. "I don't have powers so I like to think myself useful by making all these notes and theories."
"And they're great!" Usagi didn't hesitate to exclaim. "You're amazing at this. You give us new ideas."
"Just not the one I had about letting humans have their Crystals taken, huh?"
Usagi sheepishly smiled. "All your other ideas are amazing."
Azula laughed. "Fine. I'll take the compliment." She began to get up from the floor and gathering her things. "I have to go. Ami and I are making devices to help us fight Sailor Siren."
Usagi was in the dark about the new plan, Azula remembered then. "Did I forget to mention? Sailor Siren has a killer voice, literally. Girl can scream and hypnotize people. She had Sailor Asteria and Sailor Hemera fighting each other. It's actually less hilarious than one would think."
Usagi blinked. "What!?"
"Ami and I are going to make devices that will allow the girls to drown out Sailor Siren's voice. That way we can sedate her and bring her in."
"Sounds good. I'm in," Usagi stood up but Azula refused it.
"Are you kidding me? The last thing we need is a rogue Sailor Moon on us. It's better if you stay out of this one, Usagi. Trust me."
"But…" Usagi bit her lip, nervous of the idea.
Azula put a hand on Usagi's shoulder. "Believe me, it's better this way. Rei will come over here later today just to make sure you're protected."
"But what about the others—"
"They will be fine," Azula assured. "We'll keep monitoring them from the base. But seriously, please, stay in doors. You too Chibiusa."
Chibiusa pretended to come out of her television moment. "What?"
"There's going to be a new Sailor Scout in the air today and it's better if you stay in here with Usagi."
Chibiusa nodded her head obediently, once again causing Usagi to growl. All day it had been a battle just to get Chibiusa to clean her room. Maybe Azula should take care of her, she thought. No point in making Azula suffer, she later added with a smirk.
On her way to the base, Asteria found Azula buying a milkshake in the café shop. Of course unable to resist, Asteria walked in to join her. "I thought you were supposed to be in the base already?" the platinum blonde inquired.
"I needed to replenish my strength," Azula responded.
"Humans require more than sugar, no?"
Azula rolled her eyes and thanked Unazuki for giving her the milkshake. Just as she turned, Asteria noticed the notebook Azula was cradling in her free arm.
"Oh, what's that!?" Asteria plucked the notebook from Azula's hands, ignoring the protests of the redhead.
"Give that back!"
Asteria did no such thing. She headed for a circle table and took a seat to better read the notebook. With a roll of her eyes, Azula followed.
Asteria had already found the profile on her by the time Azula joined her. "You're good at storing information."
"Thanks?" Azula dumbly responded with. With Asteria she could never be sure if a compliment was actually just a compliment and not a setup for a harsh insult.
"You got this wrong though," Asteria tapped a small note on the side of her profile. "While I don't own any powers of the sun, I am also descended from their people. Hence why Meroko and I are twins."
"It was like...two a.m when I wrote that," Azula huffed and sipped from her milkshake.
"Overall" — Asteria passed through the pages of the notebook, eyeing them carefully — "this is actually really good. That's why you're my favorite human." She looked up with a wide smile.
"Would you quit saying that?" Azula hissed. "I'm not your pet."
"No, pets wouldn't talk so much," Asteria agreed, ignoring Azula's scowl.
"How about you make yourself useful and tell me everything you know about Obscurians," Azula surprised her with. If Asteria was going to stick her nose in her notebook, then she would help too.
Asteria blinked, surprised for a second before making a face. "Why would you wanna know about them? They're dead."
"Are you sure?"
Asteria didn't like the sharp stare she was getting from Azula. It made her squirm a bit. "Of...course I am."
Azula didn't think so. She cleared her throat and moved her milkshake a bit to the side. "When death came for you all, where were you, Asteria?"
"I was on my way to relieve Meroko and guard the barrier."
Azula made a mental calculation of where that would put each of the Shadow Scouts during the final hours of their previous lives. "So then, Meroko was barely getting to the human Kingdom trying to save Reign, you were on your way to the barrier dividing both the human and Shadow Kingdom, and Sailor Siren and Sailor Circe were left in the Shadow palace with the Queen."
Asteria followed as much as she could but she truly understood no point. "So?"
Azula shared a small laugh. "Then you don't know what happened in the Shadow Kingdom. You don't know what led to your millennia sleep. Queen Nyx had to have contact with Queen Serenity and Obscurius in order to put you, Sailor Siren and Sailor Circe to sleep."
Asteria looked at the redhead with horror. "What—"
"You said Queen Nyx had been growing ill which probably meant her powers were diminishing. What's to say she didn't have help from Obscurius?"
"Where is all this coming from!?" Asteria nearly shouted.
Azula sighed, she too frustrated with the lack of answers of the mysterious planet. "I just want to know more about Obscurius."
"It's dead," Asteria spat. "It's been dead since the Sailor Wars, alright? Their people fled before ours did. We were lucky enough to find safe haven on Earth but who knows where Obscurians ended up. They're most likely dead, Azula. Give that up."
At the moment Azula felt like there was nothing left to say during that moment. She gave a small nod and bring her milkshake back in front of her to finish.
There were four sets of hearing devices sitting between the girls in the base. Usagi and Mamoru, however, were not present.
"Okay," Azula picked up a pair. The silver devices were like earplugs but were silver metal. "So these things work like any other Bluetooth devices. You just-" she plugged one into her ear and then the next, "-put them on and then I'll activate them from here." She gestured to the computers behind them.
"And you're sure it'll work?" Rei picked a pair up.
"Ami and I worked on them," Azula pulled the devices from her ears. "They of course work."
Ami blushed at the compliment and chuckled. "We're confident."
"Good because it looks like they'll be needed soon," Luna called from the computers. "The monitors are picking up Sailor Siren's location again."
The rest of the girls ran towards the computers to see for themselves.
"What's she doing now?" Makoto dreaded to think of the humans succumbing to Sailor Siren's voice.
Azula helped Luna get into the security cameras of the street Sailor Siren was and allowed the others to see the new Shadow Scout raging for Princess Reign's safe return. Azula groaned and sat on a stool beside Luna's. "Girl doesn't take a break."
"We should go," Meroko told her sister. The two sisters returned to the table and picked up two hearing devices. Along with them went Minako and Makoto.
Ami took the stool next to Azula since both would be commandeering the mission this time. Both girls got ready as the others started heading out.
Sailor Siren was indeed out and about causing havoc. She had several of the humans aching on the ground, forcing traffic to stop. Others were at her beck and call crashing things.
The blonde was happy.
"Terrorizing innocent people is not the Sailor Scout way, Sailor Siren!" Sailor Venus forced her to stop and turn.
Sailor Siren gazed at the four Sailor Scouts standing across her. Her gaze lingered on the two Shadow Scouts but did not react. "You think I do this because I want to? Of course not. I do what I do to find Princess Reign. Hand her over safe and sound and I can make all this—" she waved a casual wave at the destruction around her, "—go away."
Sailor Jupiter sighed. The story was getting a bit tiresome. "We don't know where Reign is but we're searching for her."
"They are right," Sailor Hemera stepped forwards. "Siren, we're your comrades, remember?" she gestured to herself and Asteria. "We swore to protect Reign above everything."
Sailor Siren seemed to consider the idea of seeing her comrades again but it faded all too soon. "Tricks will not deceive me."
Sailor Asteria took her turn. "Siren, you know Queen Nyx allowed us a peaceful sleep until Reign would reawaken in a new time. Hemera was reincarnated. It's us. Don't you feel it?"
"Enough!" Sailor Siren gave a loud shout.
'I think she's about to go opera on you guys!' Azula warned the girls through the comms.
Heeding the warning, the four Scouts activated their devices and Ami boosted the signal from the base. Sailor Siren lurched forwards with a killer cry that forced all the humans save the Scouts to get on their knees and cover their ears.
"Ha! It's working!" Azula intently watched the screen in front of them. "We are good!" she laughed. Ami agreed with a small chuckle.
Luna and Artemis were much more focused on the work. Luna used her paw to turn the communication on through the activated devices. "You must sedate Sailor Siren fast!"
Sailor Jupiter took her chance first and fired with a thunder attack. Sailor Siren was struck by the lightning due to wondering how they had survived her scream in the first place. She was blasted against the top of a car.
Sailor Venus ran forwards. "Venus love me chain!" her golden chain threatened to capture Sailor Siren but the Shadow scout rolled off the car first. "Damn!"
Sailor Siren jumped back on her feet and began her deadly scream. As soon as she did, Ami and Azula activated the hearing devices. Both girls, and Luna and Artemis, watched with a bit of nervousness as the screams' vibrations rippled through the street.
"It's working!" Sailor Jupiter was the first to notice. Her voice rang perfectly in the others' ears thanks to Azula's tapping.
"Well don't waste time! Get her from behind!" Azula was quick to advise.
"Glimmering Boomerang attack!" Sailor Hemera threw her golden boomerang and struck Sailor Siren on her back, causing the latter to tumble forwards in the ground. "Venus! The chain!"
"Venus love me chain!" Sailor Venus successfully wrapped her chain around Sailor Siren. "The sedative!" she quickly looked around for the needed tool.
Sailor Asteria dropped beside Sailor Siren. "Don't worry, Siren, you'll be better after this," she promised the struggling Scout and plunged the sedative into her arm.
Sailor Siren yelped at the initial pinch but slowly fell under the effects of the sedative. Her head lulled to the side and her body went limp. From the base, the group cheered. Their plan had worked.
"Yes!" Azula high-fived a chuckling Ami who hadn't expected the action. "Boom! That's how we do it! Told you my plan would work!"
Luna punched a paw on the comm. system to communicate with the others. "You better bring Sailor Siren in so she can rest. We'll have to keep her down until the excess of her powers fades away."
Azula snapped her fingers and looked to Ami again. "That is gonna require some math. Care to join me? And by join I mean help me," she cheekily smile.
"Of course," Ami once again chuckled.
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cherokeegal1975 · 2 months ago
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Paint Splat
You have no idea how much I hate that stupid duck taped banana that sold for thousands of dollars. I'm actually getting decent as an artist and worthy of sale even in my overly critical opinion of my own works. It took a lifetime to get that good and I really need the money...and that idiot earns more money that I've ever done in my lifetime with that....my lists of profane expletives is absolutely inadequate for expressing how I feel about that. If I had what I needed, I'd be tainting the air in noxious colors and rivaling that of the most legendary foul-mouthed sailors.
So, in something of a snit over it, I created this minimal effort abstract. Some people like it. I basically told my computer to use every color of the rainbow and utilized my splatter brushes. Didn't even use my graphics pad, just pointed and clicked with my mouse. I figured maybe I could make some money off of it...and of course I didn't. But I did make some free resource stationary out of it I posted earlier, so there's that. And it's deceptively cheerful.
It is available on Redbubble if anyone wants to help me out. I'm CherokeeGal1975 there too and I use my username as a search term to make it easier to find my work. I posted pretty much everything there. Even some of my photos.
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andivmg · 5 months ago
omg heres my halloween list!!
cruella deville
glam horror (making blood splats out of gems/ glitter)
anne hathway princess diaries (with the headphones)
Max and caroline (2 broke girls)
Austin powers and fembot
cher and dionne
eminem and christina aguilera (VMA's specifically)
mavis and johnny (hotel transylvania)
sailor moon + co
regina, gretchen and karen
magic mike
sonny angels
spice girls
u guys are so creative omg
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