scoopsgf · 2 years
So we know Jess and Rory have to have their ice cream in cooones but what are their go-to ice cream flavors??
(ps sending you hugs and encouragement)
jess is definitely vanilla (which i think might be canon?) but i feel like he also occasionally goes for something more extravagant like salted caramel. as for rory, it’s either coffee ice cream or cookie dough <3 OH and she goes crazy for peppermint ice cream in the winter time too
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jojoblessed365 · 2 years
Hiii 29 and 45 for the ask game!
29 do I quote from any TV show?
I have adapted Jess Mariano's "Oh zing I've been snapped"
45 do I own any TV shows on DVD?
Sadly, no. I do want a DVD of Veronica Mars season 1 though.
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missroller15 · 2 years
1, 3, and 10 for the deep question ask!!!
ahhhh okay so I’ll answer now <3
1. what's the fic youre most proud of?
- ahhhh this one is so hard. i feel like im stuck between remember that night? bc of the formatting and it technically being the most complex story i’d kinda worked with and the magnificent north’s grinch simply bc its been an absolute light happy fluff write
3. what fic are you emotionally attached to?
- the tale of evangeline and her foxes is so <3
10. how has writing positively impacted your mental health or overall mood?
- aw man, this question is pretty big. writing, as a whole, has become such a large aspect of my life this year in incredible ways. i always feel happier, lighter when i write simply b/c doing it makes me happy. its kinda difficult to explain but it has allowed me to let loose, to do something goofy or fun or completely pointless but meaningful b/c i made something fun out of it anyways. :,)
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iscahmckrae · 2 years
Okay.... I'm trying to find a post AYITL Literati fanfic I read awhile back about Jess being at the hospital when Rory's in labor. I THINK the title was just:
I had thought it was written by @sagestonefanfiction but looking at their fanfiction profiles, I'm not seeing it.
Anybody have any clue what I'm talking about?
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stellaluna33 · 2 years
Last Sentence Tag Game
Write the latest line from your WIP (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
Thanks @mrsmess for tagging me!
My last sentence is:
"They'd gone on a bender and gotten married on a whim, so… we had to move."
Tagging... @love-hope-faith-feels-like-a-lie @windowsandfeelings @sagestonefanfiction @nelllover @whereisyourdragon @slumped-in-the-arms-of-fiction @georgianadarcies @jojoblessed365 and anyone else who wants to do it!
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clerati · 2 years
The comment thread off of @sagestonefanfiction post has actually got me thinking of a real life phenomenon.
In the US, we tend to think of class as conflated with money. You're higher class if you're rich, and lower class if you're poor. But it's not like that in a lot of Europe for exactly this reason.
Rory grows up poor, but she's a Gilmore. By virtue of being a Gilmore, she has both financial (her grandparent's money and eventually her trust funds) and social (she had an easier time getting into Yale because her grandfather went there, and her grandparents were good friends with the headmaster at Chilton even if the series itself never dives into whether or not that might have helped Rory get in) resources to take advantage of. Those resources help her recover her "rightful" financial place even though she technically grew up poor by ways of education and connections.
Idk if ASP meant to explore that, but she did a great job of demonstrating it.
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georgianadarcies · 2 years
Hey hi hello I've been deeply enjoying following your 2022 gilmore girls rewatch. has this rewatch changed your opinions on anything so far??
I’m glad you’ve been enjoying it!! I always worry it’s going to be annoying or something so I’m happy that it is not. and so far not really, I’m only eight episodes into the first season as of right now. this is my fourth time watching the show all the way through so I don’t know how much my opinions will change, I feel like they’ve kind of cemented but there’s always time!! so far I’m feeling a bit more for luke and lorelai than I have in the past, I’ve always shipped them but haven’t been super loud or passionate about it so maybe this is the year! but we shall see
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scoopsgf · 2 years
10 and 19 for the new year ask game!!
10. your personal song of the year
oh damn uhhhh probably standing outside of a broken phone booth with my money in my hand by primitive radio gods. there is just something about that song that makes me unhinged. i have listened to it an unhealthy amount of times.
19. which month was the most fun this year?
WHY IS THIS ONE SO HARD i wanna say either october or like… this month maybe? it’s been good so far and i have quite a few fun things coming up so it feels like a safe bet to say december. i do remember april being a pretty good time too tho.
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jojoblessed365 · 2 years
I loved this compilation of Milo's passionate (and often bad) singing!!! I can definitely see shades of Jess Mariano on this!
Agree or disagree?
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jojoblessed365 · 2 years
Tagging @tvtalk247 @kimberly-stocks @sagestonefanfiction @stellaluna33 @thehedgehogsdilemmaa
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jojoblessed365 · 2 years
Tumblr media
I literally did a reread of @sagestonefanfiction Literati fic- Our Future and I pictured (spoiler) like this-
Aww man, to see this if the Palladino's ever took this route...
I mean - this is how I picture Doula if they took the canon and I have this in-joke that Doula passes off as Rory and Jess's kid and they try (but fail) to deny it, and have discussions paralleling Rory-Lorelai-Luke in the OS!!!
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jojoblessed365 · 2 years
Okay, I'm just curious:
Does Rory know when Jess's birthday is? Cause I'm currently writing a scene where Jess celebrates his birthday and I'm kind of debating whether to make it a Jess and Rory moment or a Jess and Doula moment?
What do you Literati shippers want to see?
Tagging @stellaluna33 @sagestonefanfiction @windowsandfeelings @thehedgehogsdilemmaa @mrsmess cause you guys are the best at writing Literati Fanfics!! 😃
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jojoblessed365 · 2 years
Okay, out of real curiousity-
What would a Bid-a-Basket picnic date look for Luke-and-Lorelai aged Jess and Rory???
I really, really want to write a fic on this!!! So, I could use some thoughts!!!
Literati Fanfic writers, assemble!!!!
And I'm looking at @stellaluna33 @sagestonefanfiction @anxiouspotatorants @missroller15
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jojoblessed365 · 2 years
Okay, this is just a theory and really more of a question I want to ask to the fandom -
I'm curious to know why the Luke-April-Lorelai storyline was so cringy and something that fans hate when quoting the most hated storylines of the series. I'm not on any side, it's just that I'm... I on hearing it, thought it was interesting and at the same time, too much?!
I also have to say that if, and that's a big IF, ASP was incorporating a big twist for Rory and Jess's relationship, would she put a similar twist like this but aging it to a point that Jess has to contend with a lot of things that he missed, and that's even without Rory in the picture. I'm thinking of a legal-age child with enough boy trouble and education trouble and he has no say except guiding her as much as he can. Would that be fun?
Sound off!!!!! Please reblog, comment or DM me about this! Thanks.
@sagestonefanfiction and @stellaluna33 would love to know your thoughts!
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jojoblessed365 · 2 years
1, 9 and 10 for the ask game :)
@talkingfandomsintheemptiness Is this for the fanfic writer ask game?
If that's the case-
1 which topic/trope do I like to tackle the most when writing a fic?
I'm definitely a sucker for the best friends to lovers trope, because it's a very tricky conflict to balance- because it's imperative that you create a friendship which isn't too toxic and the back and forth to a relationship doesn't become frustrating. Another one would be the slow burn trope- the will they/won't they trope is very overused and if not done well, its bound to fail. Hence I like writing out for these tropes.
9 do you tweak/make changes to a story from a comment?
It was actually on my one fic Are You Listening? where @stellaluna33 and @sagestonefanfiction posted comments that really had me digging deeper and really questioning the story that I had adapted; sometimes it's really great when you get a comment, because your readers see something that you don't and when they let you know that angle, it really helps you become a better writer. Unfortunately, on my other fics, I don't get that much support, hence my mental break from Ao3 (particularly for Literati; I'm very invested in writing Jess and Doula at the moment). But yeah, sometimes if it's a really good comment, then yes I incorporate an idea or so into my fic.
10 what do I consider as T content and M content?
T content for me is just a mere mention before a couple has sex and the aftermath; M content is being explicit in every detail and what is going on in the mindset of the characters during a love scene. In terms of angst, the former would be arguing and M would be sensitive and triggering content.
Thanks for the ask! 😃
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jojoblessed365 · 2 years
Fanfic Writer Asks:
Which tropes do you like tackling the most in your fics?
Do you read your own work while you're publishing? Or after publishing? Or not at all?
Comments or kudos?
Oneshots or multi chapter fics are your preference?
Do you write for endgame couples or those who should've been endgame?
Do you write fics with OCs?
Do you imagine actors when writing these OCs?
Do you create a music playlist before, during or after you write a fic?
Do you get inspired to change/tweak your story from a comment?
What do you consider as T material and as M content in a fic?
@stellaluna33 @sagestonefanfiction @whereisyourdragon @capricornmom @mrsmess @anxiouspotatorants @literarybullshitismylife @rhiawriter @thehedgehogsdilemmaa @kimberly-stocks
Answer as many as possible and tag any fanfic writers you know!
Pass it on!!!
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