#sage mythology
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sagemoonstone · 2 years ago
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The Shadow Tree
In the Waterfall of Dreams
Too far away to be Seen
Somehow you move closer and
Look through the Mist to See
A huge Shadow like Monster
Dancing on the Screen
Until you Realize
They are Branches of a Beautiful Tree
And Each patch of Red you Feared was something you’d Bleed
Are really Roses of All your Dreams
Just waiting for you to wake up and
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sarnai4 · 4 months ago
Zeus (grandly): We are gathered here today in respect to a funeral.
Rest of Mount Olympus (gasping): A funeral?
Zeus: Yes! Yesterday, there was a great loss among our members. This funeral is to honor the death of Poseidon's dignity.
Poseidon:...I hate you.
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chernobog13 · 2 months ago
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Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, pestering the Dragon King, Ao Guang, for a weapon.
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cosmicourple · 4 months ago
yooooo, where all the Poseidon x Odysseus x Zeus fics at????
n I don’t mean tagged separately, AKA Poseidon/Odysseus & Zeus/Odysseus, no, I mean Poseidon/Odysseus/Zeus.
srs where the threesome smashin’ fics all at 😭😭😭 there’s literally only TWO WORKS ON AO3 LIKE-??????!?!!!!!??????😭😭😭😭😭
No, guys, Guys seriously, BELIVE me when I say I need to read more stuff about these three:
1#: fucking aggressively (& Ody’ getting sandwiched)
2#: fucking around, homoerotic fights & hateful tension style (AKA typical God(s)-and-Mortal shenanigans which may include kidnapping, murder, tragedy, complex + shitty feelings n emotions, Death, lots pride + arrogance/ignorance on the God(s) part (& also prob Odysseus bc come on,,), onesided feelings, brutality against Mortal(s), Immortals somewhat trying to rap theirs brains around the views, opinions + generally jst how that Mortal sees n feels about the world around em’ & more-)
3#: fucking aggressively but Odysseus somehow takes charge (blame my fucked up thoughts of the Vengeance Sage for this one 😋👍👍)
4#: dealing w/ each others insufferable personalities (and families oh ho ho, dont get me STARTED on the potential tomfuckery to be had that that heffsaas >:))) (lol I would O.O.C so many characters for my crack-treated-(sometimes)seriously thoughts :”))
Anniflamma started dis, I’m going to (try) and make it bigger >>>:3
(edit: I am aware there are already threesome fics of them jst tagged separately but bc it’s a threesome, I would prefer if they were tagged all together bc????? That’s what it is anyway right?????????????????? Idk lol)
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darksaiyangoku · 2 months ago
RWBY Christmas Tales
Blessing of the Hunt
It was Christmas Eve in the Kingdom of Vale and Jaune, Blake, Sun, Scarlet, Sage and Neptune all gathered around a table inside the Crow Bar tavern. Each of the boys guzzled on a large pint of beer, much to the concern of Blake.
Blake: Jaune, that's the fifth beer you've chugged down. Let me get you some water.
Jaune: Nononono, *giggles* I'm fiiiiiiiiine~
Blake: Jaune, sweetie, you're drunk.
Sage: Ah lay off him! *hic* After being dragged by that Nevermore, he's earned himself a treat!
Scarlet: Barkeep! Another round for my friends! *smashes cup on the floor*
Blake: *shakes head* I don't think so. *carries Jaune* Come on, Jaune.
Jaune: Wha? But we're having fuuuuuunnn!
Blake: You've had quite enough fun here, Mister. Besides, I'm not cleaning up after you again.
Jaune: Don't worrrrrrry, I got it *burp* all under control!
Blake: *groans* Let's just get out of here.
Blake waved goodbye to the SSSN Knights and carried her drunken boyfriend outside. She felt a cold tingle on her nose and looked up to find that it started to snow. She and Jaune trudged along the path to their house, with the snow falling faster and heavier. Soon the air turned biting cold and a low howl rumbled in Blake's ears. Her eyes shrank and her breath became sharp. They needed somewhere to hide. Fast. Blake's eyes darted around the landscape and they fell upon an icy forest. It wasn't perfect, but it should suffice for now. Blake quietly grunted as she trudged along, dragging Jaune. As she continued stepping forward, the howls grew louder and they were followed by the violent galloping of hooves. Blake had no time to think and hurled herself and Jaune behind a nearby tree.
Jaune: B-Blaaaake? Wha-
Blake: *covers Jaune's mouth* Shhhh. We have to be quiet. Otherwise we'll be seen by them.
Jaune: *whispers* W-Who?
Suddenly, a loud bang cracked the air and a pale horse appeared right in front of the couple. It had ghastly, glowing blue eyes and sat atop it was a cloaked man wearing a crow's mask and wielding a sword and chain Slowly, he turned his head and growled.
Wild Hunt Leader: Well, well, well. Looks like some travellers dared to venture into our forests. This place is off limits to mortals, I'm afraid.
Blake: *gulps*L-Listen, o' honourable leader of The Wild Hunt, we were only trying to escape from the snow and-
Wild Hunt Leader: I don't want to hear your excuses, dear. Those who trespass here have to pay the toll; your lives. *points sword* Don't worry, I'll be sure to make it quick.
The Wild Hunt Leader raised his sword to hack at Blake, but Jaune quickly rose up and grabbed the blade, wincing at cuts in his hands.
Jaune: Grrrr! Don'cha *hic* lay a fffffinger on herrrrrrr.
Blake: Jaune, no! What are you doing?!
Wild Hunt Leader: I'd listen to your beloved if I were you. No one has ever dared to fight us and survive. You're completely outclassed.
Jaune: Whooo ssssssaid anyshing abou fightin' ya? *giggles* I gotta bedder idea!
Blake: Oh for the love of- *facepalm*
Jaune: You and I play tugofwar! If we win, we go bye-bye! If you win, you can lemme be a while hunger!
Wild Hunt Leader: *chuckles* I assure you that we are not that desperate for new members, especially the living.
Jaune: Oh come onnnnnn! You chicken? Bawk-bawk-bawk.
Wild Hunt Leader: *laughs* Very well. *gives chain* We'll go three rounds. Good luck.
The Wild Hunt Leader gave one end of the chain to Jaune as he held onto the other and rode far away to other side of the forest. Blake was in complete shock. Jaune was impulsive and reckless, but she never known him to be this stupid. Her blood was boiling with anger and her brow furrowed.
Blake: What the hell were you thinking?! How could you gamble our very lives like this?! You do not stand a chance against him, you know that! Why would you even-
Jaune: *covers Blake's mouth* Shhhhhhhh, I has a plans! Look.
Jaune wrapped the chain around the tree trunk several times, gritting his teeth from the heavy weight.
Jaune: Watch this. *shouts* Ready!
From the distance, the Wild Hunt Leader tugged hard, making the chain rattle. However, it still stood wrapped around the tree. He tried again, but the same thing happened. The Wild Hunt Leader roared and tugged again for a third and final time. But the chain still stood intact. Blake looked at Jaune, who grinned at her.
Jaune: Neat, huh?
The Wild Hunt Leader rode back and found out what happened. He dismounted his horse walked towards Jaune. Jaune backed into the tree and felt his heart race. He was going to die. He knew it. But then something peculiar happend happened. The Wild Hunt Leader took the sword from his belt and placed it Jaune's hands.
Jaune: ....huh?
Wild Hunt Leader: You have bested me, mortal and for that, I congratulate you with this gift.
Jaune: B-B-B-But I cheastesd.
Wild Hunt Leader; No you didn't, you beat me. Battle is not just about strength, it's about wits too. That is what truly keeps you alive. I honour with this gift; the sword Crocea Mors.
Jaune: *smiles* Shank you! *bows clumsily*
Wild Hunt Leader: Farewell, mortals *mounts horse*and Merry Christmas.
The horse gave a booming neigh as the Wild Hunt Leader rode off to join his troops. Blake gave a warm smile and wrapped Jaune in a loving hug.
Blake: *giggles* This is the last time you're drinking, mister. I mean it, no more.
Jaune: Awww, okays. *hugs her*
Blake: *kisses Jaune* Merry Christmas, sweetheart.
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voxoleous · 1 month ago
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孫悟空 齊天大聖
Sun Wukong, Great Sage Equaling Heaven
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choisyleconin · 1 year ago
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Lorelei by Ludwig Lutz Ehrenberger
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sagemoonstone · 2 years ago
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Royal Court
Crisp Evening Air
The Sun already below the Horizon
The Moon,
Perched High above a Mountain Ridge,
Still Standing watch over the Last Liquid Drops of Colors that Played in the Day
Twilight Transitioning into Pastels
As Time itself Slows and the Colors begin to stretch.
The Sky Filled with Longing Heavily Perceptible in the Stillest Moment of this Ancient Evening Ritual
Wisping Trails of the few Clouds Brave enough to Chase the Sun
The Aquamarine Waters roll slowly back and forth against the purple sand of the shoreline
An Inlet Cove
The Perfect Place for an Evenining Filled with Wonder
As The Two Great Illuminaries are Change Shifts preparing for Another Night of the Royal Court…
Available as a Framed Poster at Printify
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starryknight-dragonarts · 1 month ago
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I was thinking more about the potential future of Kaida and Morgan with Children. Kaida would have her genetic clone daughter Kyden but I imagine they certainly wouldn't stop there and would still also want to adopt as well; Kaida was an Orphan once herself and doesn't want any kids to feel unwanted so they would end up having a very big family! I figured since Kaida has her Salandit daughter, why not make the rest of them Eeveelutions like Morgan and each of them get a name after a Trickster god or hero from different cultures.
This is Coyote named after the trickster spirit of Native American Myths and Folklore. I specifically based the design of her outfit off of the Aztec version: Huēhuehcoyōtl, the Aztec god of the arts, lord of music, ceremonial dance, storytelling, guide of adulthood and adolescence, and deception. I really like Aztec culture.
The Coyote character in various Native american myths is not all that different from Wile E. Coyote from the Looney Tunes. He is a comical trickster who is sometimes a hero, sometimes a wiseman with creative divine power, and sometimes a total fool who gets duped and suffers some karmic punishment. The Coyote character is found all across the North American Continent and in different tribes as a sort of common archetypal character so there are lots of different stories about them. One I remember was a story that explained the changes of seasons form the pacific northwest region. A council of animals got together to decide how the temperature should be. The Lizards and Snakes wanted it to be Hot all the time, the Bears wanted it to be Cold all the time. Coyote who wasn't invited jumped into the argument to say "HEY IDIOTS! What if you split the year between being Hot and Cold!" Which they agreed was a good idea, but they all hated that it came from Coyote.
Coyote is a trouble and mischief maker, she likes to mess with people playing the fool but she thinks outside of the box, she is creative, fun loving and takes pride in her brilliance, though thinking she knows better also actually makes her foolish sometimes.
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chernobog13 · 2 months ago
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Heavenly maidens welcome the Monkey King to a banquet in Heaven.
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months ago
The last part of my Justice League Canada idea series. It's been exhausting transcribing all this, and I barely have any energy left now. So i'm just tagging this and then promptly taking a break.
Issues #74-80: Some filler issues. Issue #81 would be the beginning of the war against Kronos/Saturn and Gaea/Terra, so we need some filler issues now. Since i haven't mentioned these topics yet, maybe we'd check in on jemm's wife cha'rissa and their adopted uranian son d'avood. Or maybe we'd get to see a kid's adventure starring zook, sequoiah and d'avood? I feel like stories like that could make for good relaxing filler before the big storyline starts.
And we'd definitely need a story focusing on Power Ring and Johnny Quick recovering. They've finally got a chance at living normal, healthy lives in this positive matter universe, and they're going to brave this new world together. A timid and incredibly fragile coward and a sluggish and overly relaxed slacker trying to take on the world. Not as supervillians anymore, but just as themselves.
1. Jemm, Son of Saturn
2. The Question (Vic Sage)
3. William Nielsen
4. Willow/Mantis
5. The Admiral (Sam Heartsea)
6. Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter)
7. Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)
8. Nubia of Themyscira
9. Green Lantern III (Guy Gardner)
10. Aqsarniit
Additional Members:
11. Johnny Quick (Barton Allen)
12. Power Ring I (Harold Jordan)
Issue #81: This is where my first major storyline comes to a head, the saga of saturn/kronos and gaea planning to conquer earth. The story would come to a slow-ish start here, with the book opening as the Justice League Canada get a call from their old member, The Red Bee. He needs help in BC ASAP! So the team rush to save him, only to find that the entire province of BC seems to be stuck in a time freeze.
Confused by all of this, the Justice League Canada begins investigating. As they investigate, The Phantom Stranger shows up to help them find the man responsible for this time freeze. And with him guiding them, they find the real culprit. And the revelation shocks them: it's Kronos and his roman form of Saturn! But he's not working alone. No, Kronos and Saturn have gathered a council of nearly 20 people (Some gods, some merely supervillians), and this was a trap for the Justice League Canada…
With that information in mind, the team puts up a valiant fight. But kronos still wins over them all, and manages to freeze them in time (making them as hard and rigid as statues). Thankfully, The Phantom Stranger knows what to do from here. He needs to contact Doctor Fate immediately. This leads us into some crossovers with other books, starting with The Protectors #68.
Jemm, Son of Saturn
The Question (Vic Sage)
William Nielsen
The Admiral (Sam Heartsea)
Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter)
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)
Nubia of Themyscira
Green Lantern III (Guy Gardner)
The Phantom Stranger
The Red Bee (Richard Raleigh)
The Protectors #68: The Protectors have just gotten off of solving another case together, when all of a sudden The Phantom Stranger breaks into the Tower of Fate, warning him that what they've been dreading has come to pass. Kronos/Saturn has risen. The full might of DC's supernatural characters is needed to temporarily exorcise his presence from BC. If they don't stop him now, his influence will just continue to spread all across the globe, and it'll be a disaster for life as we know it.
So the main members of The Protectors (plus The Phantom Stranger) head to BC to confront whatever lieutenants kronos has left behind him. More specifically, we find that Vandal Savage is the one who was left in charge of guarding the Justice League Canada members, all of whom were frozen in time. Now it's up to The Protectors and The Phantom Stranger to defeat Vandal Savage, free the Justice League Canada, and begin preparing for war with kronos/saturn.
Doctor Fate (Kent Nelson)
Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz)
Ocean-Master (Orm Marius)
Solomon Grundy
Power Girl (Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr)
Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
The Huntress (Helena Wayne)
The Phantom Stranger
Issue #82: After The Protectors save them from Vandal Savage, the Justice League Canada confers with them. The Phantom Stranger leaves to go meet with an old friend who can help him, while the Justice League Canada calls all it's old members back up, and The Protectors go to warn the Justice Society. So we get more branching paths here. But this story does feature some exposition.
Since I probably can't get away with an explicit percy jackson crossover, we're just going to talk about how kronos/saturn has tried to invade and conquer the world many times before, on many different universes and planes of existence. But The Phantom Stranger and Doctor Fate both pool their magical might, and manage to summon up a list of all of kronos/saturn's lieutenants. So I'll list that below, once I'm done listing the members of the teams featured here.
But either way, the story begins going in many seperate branching paths around this point. But i will cover everything else as i write more of these notes.
Justice League Canada members:
1. Jemm, Son of Saturn
2. The Question (Vic Sage)
3. William Nielsen
4. Willow/Mantis
5. The Admiral (Sam Heartsea)
6. Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter)
7. Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)
8. Nubia of Themyscira
9. Green Lantern III (Guy Gardner)
10. Aqsarniit
11. The Red Bee (Richard Raleigh)
12. The Angel of Dawn/Ange de L'aube (Samantha Guizzon)
13. Captain Marvel/Shazam (Billy Batson)
14. The Geomancer (Emily Harrison)
15. Jean Boudreau
16. Deadman (Boston Brand)
The Protectors members:
1. Doctor Fate (Kent Nelson)
2. Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz)
3. Ocean-Master (Orm Marius)
4. Solomon Grundy
5. Power Girl (Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr)
6. Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
7. The Huntress (Helena Wayne)
Also starring:
1. The Phantom Stranger
Villians/Kronos/Saturn's main council:
1. Chronos (David Clinton): Kronos's new host body on earth.
2. Hourman (Rex Tyler): Saturn's forced new host body on earth.
3. Hyperion: Titan of Light and of the East.
4. Krios: Titan of the Stars and of the South.
5. Koios: Titan of Knowledge and of the North.
6. Atlas: Titan of Endurance. He's the new lord of the west, since iapetus is missing (if you read the rick riordan books, you'll know what i'm getting at here). Although atlas is the only one at the main council, he is aided by his brothers Prometheus and Menoetius, the titans of foresight and strength, respectively (but epimetheus, atlas's other brother rebels against them).
7. Vandal Savage
8. Circe
9. Power Ring II (Jessica Cruz)
10. Per Degaton
11. Doctor Psycho
12. Jerome Spiegelman
13. The Virus (Thomas Anderson)
14. The Amp (Adrianna Andrews)
15. The Aresian Barbarian (J'edd J'arkus)
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sage-way · 3 months ago
me trying to make friends with the other Greek mythology kid at school: soooo ya listen to Epic?
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sagegreenfrogs · 7 months ago
ok i know i already made a "see you on the other side" post but i rewatched 5x09 and immediately had a thought about...
the "I swallowed her" line. it reminded me of something ever since I heard it... but I just realized what it is. in greek mythology, Zeus literally eats and swallows Metis, Athena's mother. but, this isn't the first time a god does that. Kronos, Zeus's father, and king of the titans, ate and swallowed his children.
when Zeus swallowed Metis, she was pregnant, and her child (Athena) was sworn (by Gaia, the EARTH HERSELF,) to bring about an end to Zeus's reign, just as Zeus brought an end to Kronos's.
something something mythological parallels something something it all comes back to the cycle of violence something something father and child relationship something something
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thevideogameshutterbug · 2 years ago
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No single scene, just some of my favorite Sonic franchise references throughout the game - at least, of the ones I haven’t posted already.
Of all of these, surprisingly the biggest one for me was the nod to Music Plant Zone from Sonic Advance 2. It’s my favorite stage in the Advance games, and high on my wishlist of stages I’d love to see make a return someday. Though the Sage reference is also pretty great. As is them rolling past the opening area from Sonic CD.
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journeytothewestresearch · 2 years ago
New JTTW Idols
Here are new additions to my collection of Journey to the West-related religious items:
1. Great Sage Equaling Heaven (Qitian dasheng, 齊天大聖), a.k.a. the Monkey King. He has the face of a Buddha. This is fitting as his hat is labeled "Buddha" (Fo, 佛). He's roughly 20 cm (7.87 in) tall. The idol is supposedly from China.
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2. Nezha (哪吒), a.k.a. the "Third Prince" (San taizi, 三太子). He's adorable. Not counting the spear, he is roughly 21 cm (8.26 in).
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3. Earth god (Tudi gong/shen, 土地公/神) - This one is quite old, something you might see on a roadside shrine. I prefer this "earthy" look as opposed to something shiny and new. Not counting the walking stick, he is roughly 22 cm (8.66 in).
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magstorrn · 1 year ago
having just finished the prophecy arc in valhalla the decision NOT to make eivor a hidden one is more baffling to me than ever - were they worried that they were retreading ac4's plot or something? because the groundwork is there!! it's all there!! her entire story is about how the search for glory to the exclusion of all else is ultimately meaningless and it's more important to love (and be loved by) the people she cares about! and all of that is encapsulated in the prophecy arc right at the end of the game: eivor turns away from odin and rejects his desire for her to become just like him, craving glory, to be the last one standing. she stabs him with her hidden blade (!!) that was given to her by basim and hytham (the former still being her friend for all intents and purposes here!) and turns to her friends and family, including hytham front and centre. she embraces her father and shares a tender moment with him after spending her entire life abhorring his legacy and thinking that making it right was all that mattered! even when the hamtunscire arc begins she says she's going to join guthrum because she owes it to her clan and her people - not just because she wants the glory. this would evolve so naturally into her seeing the hidden ones as a better cause, acting in the shadows without credit for the betterment of others (including her clan), which are qualities she snubs at first but clearly still values and appreciates when you consider her conversation with hytham in the last chapter. it makes sense! it's all there! WHY
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