#safe sex??
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Spider (Dates)
Part 30 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: ~5.8K
"Alright, come on, Y/N. Run it one more time. We only got the space for...8 more minutes." I hear a chuckle as I flip Marlana off before her voice disconnects from the booth I'm in.
I take a deep breath before sending a thumbs up to the few people on the other side of the glass.
This song has been killing me for the last two months. Between learning how to play the piano and placing the right words for this song, it's been the opposite of easy. Robbie has offered to help, but I've been very close guarded when it comes to this track.
It's Goodbye.
The one I thought up the night Liz told me we couldn't be together.
So that's why. But also, I want to see the awe on people's faces when they hear it Saturday night.
Especially hers.
Before you ask, yes, we've seen each other since I texted her about the paparazzi pictures. It's going good.
Well it was.
Anyways I'm getting ahead of myself.
Eight Weeks Ago
Aubs POV
"So when do you want to go drop off the guitar?"
Lizzie shrugs next to me. "We can do it sometime in the afternoon." Lizzie looks back down at her phone. "Okay. Be sure to text Y/N back."
Lizzie clicks on a playlist we put together years ago and blushes.
"I just did."
After my second shower of the morning, I find myself parked at James' countertop, eating a bagel sandwich and downing a latte from a shop not too far from here. I was lucky they opened as I was running by because my stomach was starting to become real upset with me.
As I scroll down the never-ending thing that is social media, I'm pretty surprised not to see Robbie, mine, or Elizabeth's name trending. Trust me, I don't want the attention, but after last night I was kinda expecting it. But that's not to say that pictures are starting to circulate.
There's one of Robbie and me at the restaurant.
Here's one of us getting into James' car. Oh, and another.
I roll my eyes as and laugh as I look through the tweets and quote tweets.
@Lizziesfutureex Is Walmart Jesus really with Y/N Y/L/N now?!? Eww
@OlsenMyOlsen Y/N looks so pretty, but wtf is going on here
@Wandaismommy save Y/N!!
@witcheswhores can we just agree that robbie looks healthier now
I close my phone out as I toss the last bite of the bagel into my mouth. Fuck. Bagels might be my latest food obsession now.
Once the trash is put away, and the counter is wiped down, I hear the sound of a key jingling in the doorway.
"In here!"
James rounds the corner looking like a little rough. He stayed with Andrea. Did he not get any sleep- ewwwww, never mind! "What?"
I look up at James' confused face. "What?"
"Is there something on my face you looked grossed out?" I shake my head. "Nothing." James rolls his eyes as he sets his keys on the counter. "Did you talk to Max?"
I watch as James makes his way to the fridge. "Yeah. She was freaking out about pictures of Robbie and I."
"Robbie and you??"
I sigh as I grab my phone and show the pictures along with everyone's hot takes. James laughs away. "What?" He looks to me. "It's just you're you, and yet here you are being photographed and gossiped about." I roll my eyes. He's right. It's funny but frustrating. "Yeah. Anyways Max just wanted to know what the fuck was going on, and once that was out of the way, she started asking me about our dinner before she had to go."
"Is she doing okay with.." James puts his head to his hands. "What's her name?"
"Ivy?" You dummy. "That's it. Are they good?" I nod. "They're great. Ivy's good for her." James smiles. "That's good." James holds a smile on his face. "What?" I smile, wanting to know what he's thinking. "Nothing." Ugh. "Don't nothing me. Come on. Spit it out."
James leans back against the kitchen countertop. "It's just nice to know that I'm finally happy. My sister's happy. My family is great. You're finally here, and about to start you're own little journey." I laugh when he uses the word little. "It's all great." I nod to his words. "It is. Andreas making you soft." James laughs up and lifts himself from the counter. "Is not! Sports Sports. Sports. Fighting. Podcast! There! All better!" I break out into a fit of laughter because of James' very serious face while doing this. If you didn't know that Max and James were related, you would now.
Two peas in an idiot pod.
"Anyways, I'm going to shower and do some errands. Need anything from the store?"
I think for a moment. "Maybe some fruit and veg. You don't really have much going on, Mr. Frozen Chicken Nuggets." James glares at me before laughing along. "It's the inner child in me- you know what? I'm not explaining myself to you." James starts to walk away to his room. "I'll see you later!" "See ya!" I laugh to myself before looking at my phone again.
I watch as text notifications come in.
It's Liz.
Hello Y/N! No worries, I believe you. My interview should be out on Friday! Thank you.
I'm reading through each word I get carefully. Somehow I still can't believe I'm texting her again. It's like my mind and body haven't caught up to the fact that yes. Liz and I are speaking, and I fucking miss her.
Just as I'm about to formulate a response, I get this text:
I do miss you, and I'm not trying to rush you or anything, but whenever you are ready I'd love to take you out. Just let me know. 🤍
See you soon.
A smile spreads its way onto my face. I'll be ready soon, Olsen. Just for you.
I head to my current room and think of a response back to Liz.
Aubs POV
"Did you know I almost married Michael Cera?"
Even behind the sunglasses, I watch Lizzie's eyes shoot open. "Aubrey, what the fuck!" I laugh as Lizzie manages to get that sentence out with a mouth full of food. In contrast, Clay looks at me with his mouth agape. "When?!" I shrug my shoulders. "Years ago. In Vegas." We were both two little weirdos making it in Hollywood around the time. We fell in love, and that was that, but things don't last forever.
"He is a little cutie." Lizzie rolls her head at Clay. "Why are you telling us this?" The Olsen leans back into her chair with a smile. I shrug my shoulder again. "I don't know. I guess I was just thinking about the future or past I guess. Like, what if I did get married? Or do I even want to do that now? I don't know. Love's weird." I start to pick at the remains of my lunch salad.
Clay didn't have breakfast, and Lizzie and I were feeling a little pecking after shopping and walking the rest of the morning.
It made it all worth it to see Lizzie scoop up some books she's been dying to read. Oddly enough, I remember her grabbing some children's books for some reason. Hmm.
Anyways here we are outside a little cafe. A place Lizzie recommends because, according to her, "those idiots with the camera don't know about it." So yeah.
I look up when I realize neither of the two seated at the table have said anything. I look to see Clay watching a happy Lizzie on her phone. "What's up?"
Lizzie doesn't respond, which leaves Clay left to clue me in. Clay leans over. "Lizzie just realized she missed a text from Y/N." Ooh! "What about?" Clay makes an "idk" face and turns back to look at his bestie.
I lift my foot up from the floor and kick Lizzie's chair, earning a look that would kill me. Man, she can be so scary.
"What?" I scoff. "Don't what me, Olsen, what's got you all smiles?" Lizzie looks at Clay, who just looks away, sipping his water, before her eyes come back to me.
"Y/N." She replies a little cheekily. "And?" Lizzie starts to blush.
I shut the door to the Uber as it drops me off in front of Robbies.
With nothing but my good looks, a backpack borrowed from James full of my journals and notebooks, and my phone, I begin walking toward the front door.
I'm still in awe of the house. I know for a fact Lizzie picked this place out. It's modern but inviting. I take my eyes off the hose as I stop at the door and ring the bell.
I feel my phone buzz in my hand.
It's a text from Robbie. "Doors unlocked. Come upstairs."
Seems unsafe, but whatever.
I let myself into the house, and fuck, it's enormous. Like it's vast but small at the same time. Like its full of furniture from wha I can see, and it looks like people have lived here.
I slip my Vans off near the front door. If you walk around with shoes on in a home. Why?
Immediately in front of me, on the right-hand side of the house, is a staircase leading up. "Up we go," I mutter to myself as I start walking up the stair. Each step echoing off the wall. As I reach the top, I come to a split. Left or right.
"Over here!"
I turn my head to the left and follow where his voice came from. I pass by an open door that looks like a home office before arriving at another open door with Robbie on the inside. This also looks kike a home office. Except as opposed to white and sunny, this one is filled with dark browns creating a cozy workspace. Robbie looks up as I open the door wider. "Hey!"
I wave at Robbie as I find myself unable to speak now. I think it very quickly dawned on me where I am and how incredibly awkward this whole situation is. I mean, driving him home is one thing. But being inside this house actually about to sit down and work on something together is another.
I'm pulled from my spiral by the sound of Robbie. "Hmm?"
"I- forget it." Robbie waves his hand as he stands up. Grabbing some books with him before he stops and grabs a big piece of paper. "What are your thoughts on this?" Robbie spins the paper around so I can look at it better.
"What is it?" It looks cute, but I don't know what it is or what it's for.
"It's a storyboard." Robbie moves the paper behind some other things on the desk. I just nod my head. "For what?"
"Children's book." Oh! "Really?" Robbie looks up and smiled. "Really. I'd like to take credit, but.." But we both know who helped.
"What's the fox's name?"
Robbie starts laughing as he comes out from around the desk and starts showing me back down the hallway I came. "It's Hattie." We start making our way back down the stairs before we wind up in a big kitchen.
Yep. Elizabeth has left her mark here.
I watch as Robbie goes to the fridge and pulls out two waters. I try to take a look at what else he might have, but the door closes too quick. I thank him as he hands me the water. "So, not a fox?" Robbie chuckles before getting a move on again.
This time we stay downstairs as Robbie walks us into a soundproof room full of instruments, cables, a monitor, etc. "No. Not a fox." On the walls are records and pictures of Milo Greene, as well as some with Lizzie and the band. In each photo, she's in, she's giving a wide smile and thumbs up to the camera.
I don't think I really ever noticed, but she has some weird-looking thumbs. Still cute, though.
I jump at the sudden strum of some cords, causing my head to snap to Robbie, who wears an apologetic look. "Sorry." "That's alright." Robbie shakes his head and stands his guitar up next to him. I turn my head back to look at a photo of Lizzie with... Taylor Swift?!?
I hear Robbie move behind me as I stare at the two lovelies in the photo. I don't think I've ever seen a celebrity be star stuck, but clear as I day I see it in this photo.
Let me tell you; it's not Taylor who's star-struck.
"What's the saying?" I turn to Robbie, confused. "Pictures taken before disaster?" I tilt my head confused, before he points back to the photo. "This?" I ask, also pointing. Robbie nods. "Lizzie embarrassed herself in front of Taylor that night. You don't know the story?" I slowly shake my head.
Robbie puts his head in his hand before running a hand through his hair.
"Okay, so..."
Lunch with Clay came and went without Y/N messaging me back. It doesn't even say she looked at the text. I know I'm overthinking, but after the events of the last 48 hours, the progress we have made is monumental.
I just want to keep that going.
I just want my Coffee Girl again.
"Lizzie, if you look at your phone again, I will take it." I put my phone away while mocking Aubrey. I turn to look out the window before I feel a slap land on my thigh. "Hey!"
"Don't think I didn't see you, Olsen!" I lean forward so Aubs can see me before rolling my eyes, earning a laugh from the actress next to me. "You know you deserved it."
I lean back in the passenger seat as we pull up to my gated community. I guess Robbies gated- where I used to live! Aubrey rolls her window down as I hunch myself over the center console.
"Ah, Ms. Plaza! It's been a while!"
"Oh well, you know I just couldn't stay away from you any longer, Matt!" I don't know why but Aubrey loves to flirt with Matt. The first time I watched it happen, I thought Matt's cheeks were going to be left permanently red from him blushing.
But after years of it, he's used to it.
They've even gone out once or twice, believe it or not!
Anyways. "Hey, Matt!" Matt leans himself down in his little booth to see me. "Ms. Olsen! I was starting to wonder if you were coming back." I roll my eyes. "Just visiting, and it's Lizzie; you know this, Matt." Matt nods. "You're right. Sorry, Lizzie." Matt opens his mouth before stopping himself. "What?"
Matt glances at Aubs before continuing. "Will you always just be visiting from now on?" I take in Matt's question before nodding. "I will." Matt looks a little disappointed but keeps his face professional. "Would you like me to ring Mr. Arnett and his guest?"
Aubrey shoots her head from me to Matt. "Guest?"
"Yes, Aub-" "Ms. Plaza." "Yes, Ms. Plaza."
Before Aubrey can say anything else, I stop her. "No, thank you, Matt. That's alright." Matt simply leans back up and allows us to enter the gates. "Bye, Matt!" Aubrey gives a little wave before she starts driving us to the house.
"So, are we not going to talk about it?" I turn my head. "Talk about what?" "The guest." I shake my head. "Robbies allowed to have people over." I watch as Aubrey shakes her head now. "Is he seeing anyone?"
"I don't know," I reply honestly. "What does it matter anyways? We're not together." Aubrey smiles at that. "Yes, but it shouldn't take him this little time to get over you."
"Aubs, I slept with Y/N before Robbie, and I officially ended things." Robbie wanted a break, but still... We turn down a street as Aubrey starts talking again. "I know that, but what I'm saying is, is that it shouldn't take him this little of time to get over YOU! You're Elizabeth Fucking Olsen. I'd be pissed if Robert moved on that fast."
I start laughing now, understanding why Aubs is getting worked up.
"I still fucking hate Boyd for what he did," Aubrey mutters as we pull into the driveway. Aubrey turns off the car and unbuckles herself while I do the same. However, I stop her before we exit the car.
"I appreciate it, Aubrey. I really do. But Robbie and I are done. He's allowed to move on no matter how hot I am." Aubrey smiles and rolls her eyes while we pull each other into a hug. "I still fucking hate Boyd too."
"Besides, it's probably his band," I say, closing the trunk with the guitar case in hand.
"His guest." Aubrey makes an ohh face. "But where are the other cars?" I look around the drive and only see Aubreys and Robbies. "Yeah, you're right."
"Did I get in your head?" I sigh. "A smidge." But I take a second to shake it off before ringing the doorbell, and only minutes later am I greeted with Robbie in the doorway.
Aubs POV
I keep my eyes on the bearded man as he welcomes us into Lizzie's home.
I said what I said.
"Sorry to show up unannounced." Lizzie shines an apologetic look towards the man's way. Robbie quickly dismisses the apology saying it's not needed. The whole time he keeps his eyes on her.
He is looking healthier.
I don't bother removing my flats, knowing we won't be here long. But Lizzie removes hers while keeping her eyes on Robbie. It looks like they've moved on and started talking about the guitar in her hands. I would pay attention better, but a pair of Vans resting by the front door has grabbed my attention.
As Robbie and Lizzie make their way deeper into the house, I stop and examine the shoes.
Woman's pair.
I stand up and try to follow the voices of the other two. I find them in the living room. Lizzie has the guitar case resting up against the couch.
"As I said, it's Y/N's, and I was thinking in my free time you could start teaching me some stuff again, or you could just look after it until I need it or she.. needs it." I look back from Lizzie to Robbie and back. "Yeah, it's no sweat. I'd be happy to look after it." She smiles at Robbie, who gives one back before diverting his attention to me.
"Hey, Aubrey, how have you been?" We share a quick hug. "Good. Looking after this one!" I bring my body closer to Elizabeth's before wrapping my arms around her, causing her to giggle. "Then she's in great hands."
I lean in and give a kiss on Lizzie's head. "Yes, she is." This makes Lizzie lift herself off of me. "Alright. Alright. I'm going to check on the garden now. Aubs wanna come? Robbie?" Robbie and I look at each other. "You two head out. I'll be out soon." Lizzie nods as Robbie begins to walk towards a hallway.
"Come on, Plaza!" Lizzie starts pulling my hand to show me her ever-growing garden.
Now I've seen Lizzie smile, but there's something about her looking at her own garden that makes every other smile dwarf in comparison.
"It's beautiful." I pull my eyes away from the green to look at Lizzie, who frowns a little but shakes it away and starts walking towards a covered area that houses her tools and gloves. I follow her and watch as she scans the area around her.
She really misses it.
"Lizzie, you okay?" Lizzie looks at me curiously. "Yeah. I'm happy I can finally use and see my garden again but coming back here hit me harder than I realized." Lizzie walks over to a plant that I have zero idea about and starts snipping some leaves. I briefly asked her why she's doing that, and she said it was time or whatever. I mainly just watched her work, kill a spider she named Tom and work some more before she spoke up again.
"I just thought, what if Y/N was here? Like what if I showed her the garden? The house. You know a place to live.. but we just started talking again, so I don't know.."
I watch as the brunette dismisses her thoughts and continues her tasks.
I pull her onto a side hug and tell her, "It'll work out." Because if I have a say, it will work for Lizzie. No matter what.
I release the Marvel star from my grip and pull my phone out.
It's been a while since Robbie said he'd join us. And when I say while. I mean a whiilleee.
"Lizzie, I'm going to be right back." Lizzie nods her head to me and smiles. Caring more about her plants right now, but I won't fault her this time. I make my way down the very constructed and planned walkways in her backyard before reaching the back doors. As I go to open it, it slides open.
"Oh shit! Fuck Robbie!" I clutch my heart as Robbie looks at me with a face full of guilt. "Oh my God, I'm sorry! I thought you saw me!"
"It's okay. Shit." Robbie laughs to himself as he calms down from the scare. "I was just coming to go use the bathroom."
"Oh, okay! You know where it is so.." Robbie moves out of the way, and that's when I notice the faintest sound of music coming from the hallway Robbie had turned down earlier. I turn my look to Robbie and notice him holding a binder. "What's that?" I ask once inside the house while Robbie steps out.
"Oh, it's something Lizzie and I started working on, and I just wanted to know her thoughts on it since we-" "Oh, okay!" I smile, cutting him off, closing the back door.
I make my way down the hall knowing there's a bathroom there. Not far from it is the room where I can barely make out someone singing.
Maybe Lizzie's right. Maybe it is one of Robbie's band members. What's their name Marlana? That's it! Just leave it only, Plaza. You're just being paranoid. I open and close the bathroom door behind me.
It wasn't much longer after Robbie told me Liz's embarrassing Taylor Swift story that the weirdness was broken, and we could get to work.
We finally got on the same page regarding the song I Love Leaving and started running down lists the two of us had put together. And we were flowing.
We knocked out: Are You Thirsty? (By Johnny Fritz) A solo song for Robbie that needs a little more called That Funny Feeling (By Bo Burnham), and we fiddle around with All Eyes On Me (By Bo Burnham) some more before the doorbell went off.
And then Robbie was gone for a while.
He came back briefly to let me know that'd he'd be a minute, but that turned into way longer, so I just started flipping through my journal pages. Writing what came to mind here and there. Playing on Robbie's guitars while he wasn't in the room and skimming through some unfinished songs until finding Goodbye.
Having lyrics and words is one thing. Finding the right cords to play is another.
But it was working. Whatever I had was working.
So long, goodbye I'll see you when I see you You can pick the street I'll meet you on the other side
So long, goodbye Do I really have to finish? Do returns always diminish? Did I say that right?
I take a pause as I hear the door open behind me. Slowly turning myself around, I was fully expecting my eyes to meet Robbie's. "Hey, Robbie, I just had this-"
Not the eyes of Aubrey Plaza.
Not only that, but she looks pissed.
Her closing and locking the door confirms that.
Under any other circumstances, this would feel like a dream, but with how tense her jaw looks, I'd say it's the opposite.
I calmly put my guitar down to the side without my eyes leaving hers. "You're Aubrey Plaza?!" The Parks and Rec lover in me is freaking out. "What the fuck are you doing here?!"
Safe to say, this was not the reaction I was expecting.
"What do you mean?" I gulp as Aubrey takes a step closer to me. "Are you fucking Robbie?! Don't you dare lie to me!" I almost gag at the words she just said to me. "Are you serious?! No. Not in a million years. He's handsome and caring, but god no!" Aubrey's face softens from pissed to confused. "Then what are you doing here?"
"Me? What about you?!"
"I'm here with-" Aubrey stops and steps closer to me again. "I'm here with Lizzie!" That's when I take note of the hushed tone she's using. She's here with Liz!! "Now, what about you?!!" I quickly gesture to the scene behind me, not using any words at the thought of Liz being just outside this door.
I watch Aubrey look behind me. "Are you two in a band or something?"
"Or something." Aubrey makes a questioning noise. "Does Lizzie know?" I shake my head no. "Robbie and I talked about doing this before I ran into her at the airport, so I haven't had the right time or opportunity too."
"Will you?" I shrug. "Hmm. Y/N?" I sharply look up. April Ludgate just said my name. "Do you still love Lizzie?" I nod without a doubt. A sly smile appears on Aubrey's face. "Well, I'm going to get back to Lizzie, and whatever's going on in here." Aubrey gestures to the room. "I better be the first to know." I start to laugh but stop once I see the look on her face. "And don't worry, Y/N, you're secrets safe with me. I know how much you care for Lizzie. Sometimes all people need is time. Lizzie's willing to give you that. I know you know that she loves you." I nod again to her words and let myself smile. "Thank you."
Aubrey unlocks the door and opens it. "No problem. Although next time you receive a text from an unknown number, you better answer, or I'll die and haunt you for all eternity." Before I can even process the words that were just spoken to me, Aubrey is already gone and out the door.
"Does Aubrey Plaza have my number?" I quietly say to myself before feeling my phone buzz in my pocket. When I pull my phone out, I see I have a text from Liz from a while ago and a new one from an unknown number. That's Aubrey.
I decided to look over the Olsens text first.
So it turns out we're all set to put our finishing writings on Hattie Harmony!!
I couldn't believe I had forgotten about Hattie until I saw Robbie walk out with the papers for it. Ugh, Hattie's so cute.
Robbie and I sat outside talking over how we want the story to connect to younger kids but the more we talked, the more it made sense that it's not just a kid's book. It can be for everyone.
Our thoughts were only interrupted when Aubrey came back outside. She was gone for a bit. Oh God, I hope she didn't go into my bedroom again.
I watch as Aubrey makes her way closer to Robbie and me.
"Hey, Lizzie, you almost done?" Aubs gestures towards the garden, and no, I'm not, but now that I'm in town, I can always come back. "I can be. Why, what's up?" "Nothing. It's just getting later, and I figured Robbie might want some more time with his guest." Aubrey darts her eyes toward Robbie.
Shit. I completely forgot that Robbie has someone over right now. I quickly stand up and look at him. "Oh my Gosh. I'm so sorry. Matt mentioned you had someone over, and we're taking up your time." Robbie seems to relax a little. "Hey, no, it's alright. Truly."
I still feel bad, and now I kind of want to leave. I don't know why.
"No, we'll get out of your hair," Aubrey speaks up for the both of us as I move past her and head to a container of compost and dump the dead stems and leaves I've collected. I set the bucket down and behind, washing my tools and my hands before placing everything in its area. By the time I'm done, Robbie and Aubrey are already inside.
I close the back door behind me, and that's when I feel my phone buzz. I quickly look up to see Aubrey waiting in the kitchen while Robbie walks back down the stairs.
"Oh, my God!"
"What!!" Both Aubrey and Robbie react very quickly. "It's Y/N!" I hold up my phone, catching Aubrey's eyes glancing to Robbie while his face relaxes. Weird. I ignore them and look at the device in my hand.
"Okay, Friday or if not maybe some time next week? Remember something relaxing."
I cover my mouth with my hand, and I can't believe it. She actually wants to!
I double-check my schedule before typing back a cute response and let my mind begin filling millions of date ideas. This will be our first date since everything happened.
"What is it?" I look up at Aubrey, who is now in front of me. I cheekily show her the texts earning a squeal and a hug from her. I look around to see Robbie moving his attention to Y/N's guitar case. Aubrey places my phone back into my hand and gives me a nudge.
"Hey, I can take that to the room if you want?" I watch as Robbie tenses up. "No. No, that's alright. There's someone in there right now."
That's when I do hear the faint sound of a woman singing.
Their voice is beautiful.
"Someone?" I question. "Not part of Milo Greene?" Robbie shakes his head and looks away. That's when my eyes grow a little wider.
"Robbie, it's okay if you're seeing someone." Robbie goes to argue, but I cut him off. "It's fine. We'll get out of your hair. Thank you for taking care of this." I walk up and brush my hands along the case. "I'll let you know if I or Y/N ever need it." Robbie nods along. "Okay. Thanks, Lizzie, and I'm sorry ab-" "It's fine." I walk up to him and pull him into a hug. "I'm just happy you're taking care of you." I hear Robbie sigh into my neck before we release our grips.
Aubrey waves bye as we start gathering our stuff heading for the front door. That's when I notice a pair of Vans by the door. Who's Robbie dating a skater girl? "I'll see you soon!" I call back to Robbie without my eyes leaving the shoes. Hmm.
This time I'm facing the door just in case it's not Aubrey or Robbie who decide to pay me a visit. God, do I tell her? I get trapped in thought before the door opens.
Before Robbie can even speak, I do. "Why the hell didn't you tell me Liz was here?!" Robbie looks shocked. "How did you know?" "Aubrey paid me a visit!" Robbie starts to slightly chuckle. "She's good." "Once again, why didn't you tell me!"
"I figured you'd freak out!" I roll my eyes. I hate it when men are right. "But they're gone, and Lizzie dropped off your guitar." My guitar? Oh! I get up and follow Robbie out of the room and down the hall. On the couch, rest my guitar case. I walk up to it and brush my hands along the sticker Davey made before moving my fingers down to the clasps, unlocking them.
Inside was my guitar, but what was on top of the guitar was unexpected.
"Did you know about this?" I ask Robbie as I reach my hand into the case. "I had no idea."
"Who do you think Robbies seeing?"
Aubrey immediately starts laughing at me, leaving me confused. Aubrey looks towards me before looking at the road again. "Oh, you're serious?" "Yeah.." "Lizzie, we don't even know it was someone he's seeing. Maybe it's a band member."
"Maybe," I say before looking out the window. It was definitely not a band member or a new band member. Their voice was too different for being a part of Milo Greene.
I shake my head and look down at my phone. Smiling at my open texts with Y/N.
I'm taking her out.
I get to take out my Coffee Girl.
Dear Y/N,
Right now, I'm writing to you from my rooftop garden. This is the first letter I'm writing to you. I don't know how many I'll write, but my text and calls don't appear to be getting answered anytime soon. I don't know if you'll ever see this or even want them, but I'm still doing it.
It's been four days since you left.
Believe it or not, I never wanted this to happen. I miss you. Just when we were becoming something more, I fucked up. I will always be sorry and full of regret for the things that I said.
You mean more to me than I think you will ever know. Truly. You captured my heart within our first date. Meeting someone like you made me realize that there is no one like you.
I still love you. I always will. It's not puppy love or me being trapped in the honeymoon phase because we never had one. We sprung forward and back before we even knew what we had.
But when I asked you to be my girlfriend, I knew.
Love like this is real.
I love you, and I'm sorry.
Yours, Liz Coffee Bitch.
I haven't opened the other letters from my guitar case. Over the last couple of days, I've only read and re-read this one. Like I am now.
Re-reading it before my date with Liz.
It's now 5 pm on Friday. It's been two days since working with Robbie, and I've just been relaxing and enjoying my days. I explored LA a little bit. Kept up on my running and have just been waiting for tonight.
Liz didn't give me a dress code, but I decided to dress comfortably.
I felt my phone buzz in my hand and look down.
Aubrey 🔪
She just left Be sure to practice safe sex 😉
Jesus Christ.
A/N: I think this chapter is just okay but idk.
Part 31
#elizabeth olsen#otiweo#elizabeth olsen x reader#fanfic#lizzie olsen#y/n#elizabeth chase olsen#fluff#dates#spiders#aubrey plaza#safe sex??#walmart jesus#dates?#lizzie x y/n#lizzie#olsenmyolsen#fem reader#elizabeth olsen x you#elizabeth olsen imagine#lizzie olsen is the best#lizzie olsen x reader#elizabeth olsen x y/n#x y/n
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Ghost is so petty to me. You tell him he can't cum inside of you once (because you have an important meeting and the last thing you need is to feel him leaking out of you while your boss talks about strategic goals for this fiscal year), and so he spends the next month using nothing but condoms or finishing on your face, back, belly just to piss you off.
Ignores you each time you whine for him to just finish inside of you with a mocking little but you told me not to, pet. M'jus' doin' what I was told and fills the condom instead. Spends next day fucking you until the box is empty, taunting you with each one he ties off and drops on the bed beside your head for you to see. To whine about. Turns you on your belly when you've grovelled enough, forcing you to see all the used condoms scattered around (that coulda been fillin' you up, birdie) as he fucks you until you apologise to him properly and then finally gives your "reward."
#inspired by the biggest disappointment ever tonight#read a book that was gearing up to some NASTY smut but then the mcs started talking about safe sex and condoms?? in MY dark romance???#it pissed me off so much and this is my catharsis#simon riley x reader#simon riley x you#ghost x reader#ghost x you
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main take aways from Halloween (1978) rewatch:
michael myers is canonically 21??? this bitch should be at the club
*sees tiddies* ***MURDEROUS RAMPAGE NOISES***
that's it that's the movie
outside of the fact that everyone who has sex is murdered by the narrative, this is a surprisingly chill portrayal of female sexuality? these teen girls are horny and actively enjoying Getting It On with their boytoys. no pushy boyfriends sneaking in through their bedroom windows--these ladies are taking the initiative to sneak out and GET SOME. one of them gets laid and then immediately orders her boyfriend to get her a beer. (yes she gets Slashered soon afterward, but so does the boyfriend so honestly, gender equality.) yes the Final Girl is the only one not having sex, but she's not bullied for that, nor are her friends slut shamed except possibly by being murdered by the narrative
actually the only character who is shown being morally condemned on-screen is michael myers. specifically FOR his violent overreaction to other people's sex lives. (people he is spying on). metaphorically, the villain is American Puritanism sticking its judgy nose into other people's business.
aka Michael Myers Is A Republican
but actually the real villain is the doctor. guy's a judgemental, shaming, pathologizing asshole. and he's been in charge of michael's care since he was SIX YEARS OLD? kid never had a chance. i'd go on a killing spree too
also the parents. where are the parents? it's halloween night and all the teenage girls are home babysitting their younger siblings? come to think of it, michael's first victim was his own older sister, whom he killed while she was babysitting him. teen girls are really shouldering a labour burden here. maybe parentification is the true villain
side note: mike commits his first murder wearing a clown costume...which is never referenced again? his 'iconic' costume is a generic mask and wig and jumpsuit, when we coulda had a Killer Clown Michael Myers??? travesty
i like how the Final Girl and her friend casually smoke weed in her car. yeah she's an honor student and her friend is the sheriff's daughter. yeah they smoke weed. so what it's 1978
(to reiterate, mike is 21 and should be at the club. im not saying he shouldn't be rampaging, im saying it's sad that he broke out, tasted freedom for the first time in his life, and immediately snuck back into his childhood home to go rampaging. let's have a remake where he goes to a nightclub and has a few beers. maybe some slutty dancing. then rampage)
oh no he's hot

#HALLOWEEN#halloween the movie#michael myers#do you think he's a mike? mikey? to his friends? if slashers had friends?#i'll be honest i was expecting this movie to be way more of a bitch to its female characters#i mean yeah they died but so did some dudes#there's just a lack of cattiness compared to the way most later movies portrayed teenage girls idk#yeah the Final Girl is a Virgin and a Bookworm. but there's no bullying or any strong sense that's she's morally superior to everyone else#mostly she AND the other girls feel a bit sorry for her lack of a social life. one even tries to set her up with a date to the school dance#solidarity! trying to get your nerd friend laid!#overall it's just teenagers being teenagers and then a slasher comes in and ruins everything with his Lack Of Chill#like yeah dude sometimes teenagers have sex. get over it#also something to be said about how while the girl who survives is the one who isn't sexually active and dresses conservatively...#ultimately those things aren't ENOUGH to prevent her from being targeted#you could say that the other girls 'provoked' the villain (the same way women irl are so often accused of provoking their attackers)#but ultimately that doesn't keep the Final Girl safe. it just delays the inevitable.#because violent men never need excuses. no matter how eager society is to provide them.#ultimately she is at the mercy of the same violent whims because it was never her behavior that invited the violence.#gendered violence doesn't need an invitation.#also she doesn't save herself the doctor saves her#it's not her actions or choices that put her in danger OR save her from it--once again it is the whim of a man#no this wasn't intended to be a feminist movie it's just fun how you could argue it that way
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if you think it’s weird or abnormal or intrusive to ask for STD test results before every new partner, you need to change that mindset. And if you think needing to get a STD test after every new partner isn’t important, you need to change that mindset. Full Stop.
practicing safe sex also means being responsible for knowing the person you plan to be with, or multiple people, especially unprotected. Be safe, protect yourself, and importantly, protect others.
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Fuckin Gorgeous....🥵🍆
Would you love to be her bitch boy?

#trans beauty#trans woman#transgender#trans pride#transformers#transfem#transformation#trans queen#trans nsft#trans selfie#trans rights#transaddict#trans questions#trans women are beautiful#trans representation#transequality#trans youth#trans unity#transisbeautiful#trans onlyfans#transparent#trans artist#transsexual#trans sex worker#trans dating#trans goddess#trans journey#trans love#transx safe#trans community
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men who hire prostitues are literally just rapists who buy the silence of their victims
#radblr#radical feminism#radical feminists do interact#radical feminist safe#radical feminist community#terfsafe#terfblr#terfsruntumblr#radical feminists do touch#anti sex industry#anti prostitution#anti pornography#anti sex work#my hatred verbalized
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95% of women in prostitution want to leave, but can't because they don't have things such as financial means, healthcare, housing, treatment for addiction, or job training.
this is not a 'choice', and it is not 'empowering'.
there is no consent when a woman is fearing for her life.
#radical feminists please touch#radical feminist safe#radfemblr#radical misandrist#radblr#radical feminist community#radfeminism#radical feminst#radical feminist theory#radical feminism#radical feminists do interact#radical feminists do touch#swerf#swerf safe#anti pornography#anti sex industry#anti sex work#anti sex trade#anti sex trafficking#anti prostitution
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While women and girls are the primary victims of prostitution, I do want to make it clear that I hate female pimps, too. I hate madames or whatever they call themselves. I hate the women with an OF who glamorize the lifestyle and push it onto impressionable teenage girls. And while I hate the men who pay for sex and the men who sell women and girls to other men most of all, that does not mean I don’t hate the women who are complicit in the oppression of other women.
#radical feminism#radblr#radical feminists do interact#radical feminist community#radical feminist safe#radical feminists do touch#feminism#anti sex industry#anti sex work#anti prostitution
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nothing makes me more insane than the phrase "selling your body" btw. like was i not also selling my body at every other job i've had where i had to be on my feet all day, lifting boxes, working in a warehouse, etc. why is it that sex work is uniquely labeled as "selling your body" while every other job is sorted into another category, no matter how much that job might have a physical impact on your body. lmao.
#personal#sw#in fact i have had worse long term physical effects from my jobs that were not sw. as a matter of fact#anyway also related conversation to be had about how most of the human trafficking in the US is not sex trafficking but is in fact other#types of labor that is trafficked#and that if you include prison labor as human trafficking based on different definitions. there is a lot of important connections we can dr#draw. about labor. power. control. and how to build solidarity to actually fight for people's right to free + safe working conditions and#self determination
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Dustin announces his entrance to the room loudly practically shouting "what the hell are you two doing?"
Steve pulls away to hide his face in eddies neck freeing up his boyfriend to answer
"I know that by why are you two kissing? you're both guys" his tone arrogant like that simple statement explains everything
"Steve how could you not tell me you're a man?" Eddie gasps dramatically pulling away to place a hand over his heart and forcing Steve to address the situation instead of hiding
"eds not helping" he laughs " I don't know Henderson why do people usually kiss each other"
"for sex"
"that not, has your mom given you the sex talk yet I feel like you might need it after that statement. kissing isn't just for sex and that's actually a really shitty way of looking at it"
"okay kissing isn't just for sex and yes I've already gotten the sex talk, multiple times but that still doesn't explain why you were kissing"
Steve places a hand over eddies mouth as soon as the other man opens it "give him a second that big brain of his will catch up"
There was about a minutes pause before "ARE YOU DATING?"
#steve does eventually trick the entire party into a sex ed night#he tells them its a movie night#and surpise youre learning how to put on a condom#nancy helps#he also ropes robin and eddie into helping as well#its the most comprehensive sex ed anyone in small town indiana could hope to have#they include gay sex as well#because everyone deserves safe sex#eddie munson#steddie#steve harrington#stranger things#dustin henderson
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when the safe word is “gentle” because you don’t want them to stop, just be… more gentle.
safe words don’t always have to mean total, full red. safe words can mean go slower, i need a moment but don’t pull out, can you not do specifically whatever it is you’re doing, etc.
sex is supposed to always have open communication, and if you’re like me and struggle to say full sentences or give specific instructions, come up with a list of words that have different meanings to you and your partner(s).
talk, put everything out in the open, be vulnerable, trust this person / these people, make sure you’re all on the exact same page, and most importantly, be safe ~
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Shame to ALL men.
#Mazan#Gisèle Pélicot#crime#shame men#radblr#radical feminism#real feminism#intersectionalfeminist#anti sex industry#anti pornography#radical feminist safe#feminism
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It genuinely makes me really sad that there's such a large group of women who not only believe it's acceptable but also relish being degraded, abused, and treated as an object. My heart breaks for these women, and I wish it was easier to help them understand how they deserve better.
I will always, always be anti porn, anti kink, and anti sex industry. I know some women feel that these things are "taking" something from them, but. I hope some day these women will see that liberation doesn't come from giving men exactly what they want.
#radical feminism#radical feminist safe#feminism#radical feminists do touch#anti sex industry#radblr#anti pornography#antikink
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“My boyfriend watches porn and I don’t mind.” “My husband likes porn! Men have needs!” “My man and I watch porn together. Don’t be a prude.”
Just because you tolerate a man’s bullshit doesn’t mean other women should. Instead of shaming a woman’s discomfort with a man’s inability to not jack it to other women while in a relationship, you should look inside yourself and wonder why you’re so comfortable letting your partner watch porn.
Hint: It’s not because you ‘actually don’t mind.’ It’s because you’re so desensitized to it and men want you to view watching porn as a normal thing for men to do in a relationship when it isn’t normal (even though it is common). Men have convinced you to not question why watching porn is necessary because it isn’t. No one needs porn to survive. Your man is watching porn because he’s addicted to it and can’t even stop watching it to respect you.
#radical feminism#feminism#radblr#radical feminist community#radical feminist safe#radical feminists do interact#radical feminists do touch#anti sex industry#anti pornography
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acknowledging that coercing someone into sex is wrong but believing prostitution is somehow ok is actually insane. “coercion is bad! unless it involves money ofc, then it’s totally ok and she consented! #girlboss!”
#radblr#radical feminism#radical feminist community#radical feminist safe#radical feminists do interact#radical feminists do touch#terfblr#terfsafe#anti sex work#anti prostitution#my hatred verbalized
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