#safe exercises
pregnancycounselors · 2 months
Learn about safe exercises for early pregnancy to stay fit and comfortable. Discover gentle workouts and tips tailored for the first trimester.
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scealaiscoite · 11 months
“i’ll keep you safe” prompts ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍊 ꒱
⋆ “i can stay the night, y’know. if it’d make you feel better.”
⋆ “try and get some sleep. i’ll stay right here- i won’t let anything happen to you, i swear.”
⋆ “you should’ve told me this was going on. i would’ve put a stop to it the second i heard about it.”
⋆ “no one gets to treat you like that, you hear me? no one.”
⋆ “either go to bed and get some rest willingly, or i will drag your ass down the hall kicking and screaming. you know i’ll have no problem with either option.”
⋆ “you must be freezing- here, take my jacket.”
⋆ “this place is dicey at the best of times. just take my hand until we’re clear of it, yeah?”
⋆ “anyone touches you, says anything to you, so much as looks at you the wrong way- you come get me, and i’ll set them straight. understand?”
⋆ “i’m not jealous. i just know the intentions that someone like that has for you, even if you claim not to see them yourself.”
⋆ “stay behind me, no matter what.”
⋆ "i know you can't believe it yet, but i promise you can trust me. whenever you're ready to rely on me, i'll be here for you. i swear it."
⋆ “i like seeing you this way. so… at ease. makes me wonder how anyone could ever purposely put you under stress and live with themselves afterwards.”
⋆ “shut up and just let me take care of you!”
⋆ “this isn’t up for discussion. i know you’re used to looking out for yourself, but i need you to understand that you don’t have to live like that anymore. i’m here. for as long as i’m around, i’m going to come between you and anything that wants to hurt you.”
⋆ “no one’s ever going to hurt you again. i promise you that on everything i believe in.”
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sensitiveheartless · 5 months
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Chuuya Week 2024 Day 1: Red!
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algrenion · 3 months
the baby seagulls living on our rooftops are starting to leave the nest!! I’ve seen multiple from both sides of the buildings windows who are getting lessons from their parents how to walk and fly AS I TYPE THIS !!!!!!!!!
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
Okay, are belly button piercings "trashy," or do you just associate them with femininity, or women, or sex work and strike it down as inherently less worthy? Are 'tramp stamps' "trashy", or do you just associate them with femininity, or women, or sex work and strike it down as inherently less worthy? Is pole dance "trashy", or do you associate it with women, or sex work and strike it down as inherently less worthy?
These are examples, but I find it interesting when people link things with womanhood or femininity or - gasp! - sex work and then immediately condemn, scrutinize, and dehumanize those who even dapple a little in these things, even if it isn't for sex work or to "look trashy." It's funny how the feminine or woman is seen as trashy until proven otherwise, and it's shameful that people still hold the bias that women must prove their humanity by not "being trashy" or "acting like a hooker."
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pedrospatch · 1 year
Is there anything that Ellie might have seen that made her suspicious of Peach and Joel hooking up? Maybe Joel returning home SUPER early one morning with a giant smile on his face?
Hi my love, thank you for sending this in! I got the best idea while wolfing down my dinner. I did tweak it just a tad 🤍
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Warnings/Tags: Ellie being a lil shit, hickeys, and Joel doesn’t get to have his morning coffee.
Word Count: 445
Joel walked into the kitchen. “Mornin’ kiddo.”
“It’s about fucking time,” Ellie rolled her eyes. She stood in front of the gas powered stove doing her best to keep her eggs from sticking to the frying pan with a spatula. “I thought I was going to have to go find a fucking prince to kiss your ass awake, dude. Don’t you have to head out for patrol in like five minutes?”
“More like ten. I still got a little time.” He stifled a yawn and walked over to get his pot of coffee going. “You cookin’? Since when the hell do you cook?”
She scoffed. “Since you’ve been sleeping in late every morning for the past two and a half weeks,” she remarked, shaking her head. “If I wait around for you to wake up and make me breakfast, I’ll fucking starve.”
“Quit bein’ so dramatic.” Joel glanced into the frying pan. “There’s a shit ton of shell in there, kiddo.”
“What can I say, I like a little extra crunch,” Ellie deadpanned. She turned to him, watching as he opened the cabinets to grab a mug. Just like every morning for the past two and a half weeks, he was smiling from ear to ear. “What the hell are you so damn happy about, Joel?”
“Can’t I just be in a good mood?”
“No, because then that would mean hell’s frozen over.” As he turned around to lean against the kitchen counter, her eyes widened in shock. “Whoa! What the fuck is that thing on your neck?”
“Huh?” Joel’s smile faded as he reached up and touched the spot she was staring at. “What the hell are you talkin’ ‘bout?” Whirling around, he picked up the stainless steel toaster on the counter and glanced at his reflection. His eyebrows shot up in surprise to see a bruise the size of a silver dollar on his neck, right above his collarbone. 
You’d left him with a love bite.
Ellie’s mouth fell open. “Is that a—?”
He was quick to shut her down. “No.”
“It sure as hell looks like one, Joel.”
Joel set the toaster down, shaking his head. “Well it ain’t,” he said. “Somethin’ must have bit me.” He winced, realized he’d open the door nice and wide for the little shithead.
“Something or someone?” Ellie smirked. 
“Ellie,” he warned her.
“Could it be the same someone who’s had you walking around every morning with a big stupid fucking on smile on your face?” she continued to tease him.
“That’s it, I’m fuckin’ outta here.” Joel spun around on the heel of his boot and stalked out of the kitchen—without his morning coffee.
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avephelis · 1 year
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emoji charadesign requests ✨✨
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bia-bonne · 1 year
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"This is how it should be"
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tinytalkingtina · 6 months
You can't fool yourself forever
Written for the @steddiemicrofic April challenge prompt "fool".
454 words (according to wordcounter.net) | rating G
Tags: Eddie Munson has a sexuality crisis, denial of feelings to self-acceptance, grappling with internalized homophobia briefly, getting together
Ao3 link
Dawn is slowly breaking, the grey light beginning to fill his room. Somewhere outside a bird trills, bearing witness to the end of yet another night of restlessness. A robin his brain unhelpfully supplies. Except, he can’t think of robins, because then he pictures Robin. And he can’t picture Robin. Absolutely can’t, because if he does then he’ll think of hazel eyes and a smile that meant—nope. No, he wasn’t going to think about the robin. Had been avoiding any thoughts of robins for 3 days, 5 hours, and 15 minutes. 3 days, 5 hours, and 15 minutes since a smile made him realize the shape of his feelings. Feelings that sent him retreating into the relative safety of his and Wayne’s new trailer. Shivered in the tub the rest of that night while he did not and could not think about it. Since then he’d dodged talking to anyone in person, but he knew couldn’t skip out on the morning checkins. If he avoided everyone altogether, at best, one of the kids might show up. At worst, Ste-no. But it was going to be fine, because he’s forcing himself out of bed to grope around for his walkie, just as Dustin begins roll call. It’s going to be fine, even if after his tepid “Munson here…over” came the sound of Ste-his voice softly pouring out from the walkie. Even if that alone simultaneously sent butterflies swooping into his stomach and icy dread dripping down his insides. You’re a fool Edward Munson. He had to be, to think that after half the town set out on a witch-hunt, he’d ever be perceived as anything but the freak. Before it was something he took pride in, to spit back at their faces. Now, he’s just terrified. A few hours of circular thinking later, the birds silence as a car pulls up. Eddie gets up to help Wayne with the groceries. Except it’s not Wayne, it’s Ste— “Hey man. It’s just been a few days since we’ve seen you and Wayne said you came down with a bug or…something? He wasn’t super clear when I called and you didn’t sound great on the checkin. So. I figured I’d bring some food over.” “Oh, uh, thanks, come in?” Eddie’s brain supplies on autopilot, too panicked to formulate a reason to slam the door shut. Ste-he sets the Tupperware down before raising a hand to Eddie’s forehead. “You don’t have much of a fever.” He just smiles and slowly strokes his fingers down the side of Eddie's face and-Oh. Maybe Eddie will always be a freak. But he doesn’t have to be a fool forever. He can raise a shaking hand to Steve’s face, finally meeting him halfway.
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andromeda3116 · 8 months
no seriously though i cannot stress enough how a daily walk is not really a less healthy option than a gym membership with all the bells and whistles like if you're just trying to be healthy literally all the exercise you need to do is walk
i mentioned it there and i've mentioned it before but when my dad had his heart attack the doctors told him that all the walking he did for his job saved his life
and it was just walking. not running. not lifting weights. not even walking up and down stairs. not even pushing his limits further and further. he walked at a steady pace -- and not even a fast steady pace -- up and down sidelines to cover sports and he plateaued at however much that was per day on average and that's all he did.
and it saved his life. it made his heart healthy enough to withstand a heart attack and triple-bypass surgery and now sixteen+ years with no complications.
just walking.
you don't have to do ''exercise'' and you don't have to run and you don't need to feel like walking is somehow the weaker option or not good enough -- if your exercise goal is to improve your body's health, then walking is not only all you need to do but it's fantastic at accomplishing that goal.
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maculategiraffe · 8 months
had an actual damn panic attack today because I had to talk to a surgeon about a surgery. it's not even really the prospect of the surgery (dental. wisdom teeth. no big, everybody does it) it's the surgeon. honestly didn't realize how viscerally I still hate and fear surgeons. like damn they weren't kidding the body really does keep the score
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radfem-polls · 1 month
I recently found out that getting high (a feeling of happiness & calm & emotional wellbeing combined with some pain relief) from exercise is considered unusual and difficult to attain. I've been wondering if this might be because researchers only study high-level athletes, who might find it more difficult to achieve this state than the average person would.
Do you experience exercise high, sometimes known as "runner's high?"
No, never
Only after a long period of intense exercise (I'm very active)
Only after a long period of intense exercise (I'm moderately active)
Only after a long period of intense exercise (I'm not very active)
After a moderate period of exercise (I'm very active)
After a moderate period of exercise (I'm moderately active)
After a moderate period of exercise (I'm not very active)
After a vigorous warmup of 10 or 15 minutes (I'm very active)
After a vigorous warmup of 10 or 15 minutes (I'm moderately active)
After a vigorous warmup of 10 or 15 minutes (I'm not very active)
It's happened once or twice
It sometimes happens but not consistently
I can make it happen but only under certain conditions
Thank you for the poll! Sorry I can only fit 12 options in so I had to leave off a couple choices
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not-gray-politics · 9 months
#I see so many transfems say they want to have “flat stomachs” or do diet and exercise regimes to try and get an “hourglass figure”#and it really worries me. girls you do not have to destroy yourselves to fit into unachievable beauty standards#the vast majority of cis women don't even fit those standards#and the same goes for you transmascs! I see you! I see you trying to get smaller chests and hurting yourselves with weight loss routines#and excessive workouts. it's not worth it. weight loss has OVER a 90% long-term failure rate and there's a reason for that#I assure you whatever diet you think you've found that “works for you” won't be working so well 5 years from now#and you're going to blame yourself for “slacking off”. but it's not you. it was never you. it was designed to fail.#these standards are made to hurt people and then sell them a false solution at the price of your health#I encourage you to transition if you'd like and live your best life I really do. but please please please do so SAFELY.#if weight loss is part of your transition goals please reevaluate WHY you believe thinness is necessary for achieving femininity#(or masculinity or androgyny but this stuff particularly affects women in the way it's marketed)#do research on fatphobia and the roots of weight loss culture. Learn where these ideas come from and why they're so prevalent.#It's extremely important#take care. stay safe. love you very much#trans#fat liberation#transgender#lgbt#trans rights#fat positivity#diet culture#fatphobia#transfem#trans positivity#transgirl#trans women#trans woman
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sillynarcissist · 5 months
npd culture is despising when you have to be on the objectively wrong side of the mandatory class debate. that's the side for idiots. I'm not an idiot. I argue for Correct Things, but you have forced me to make a fool of myself. may as well kill me.
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
My biggest piece of advice for folks who want to get into fitness would be: Do not follow fitness influencers (or do so very sparingly).
Please be very critical of what is being said when people talk about fitness. It's important that you learn how to exercise properly for your body, and to learn safety and harm reduction, and that isn't what I mean when I say not to follow influencers.
When you want to get into fitness, think about what piques your interest. Do you want to do cardio? Weightlifting? Yoga? Running? A mix of any of that (or none of these examples)? Think about what you think would spark interest and joy, and learn to do that fitness in a safe manner.
I think the biggest reason I even have a healthy relationship with fitness over food is because I haven't followed any fitness influencers, and out of all the ones I've seen, I would only follow one of them, maybe two. Out of all the ones I have seen, and there have been plenty. What I have done instead is research what I want to get into to make sure I am not accidentally harming my body, then, I think of my own goals and work toward them.
I'm sure this won't work for everybody, and that's okay. I wanted to make this post because I think there can be this pressure to "look fit" when you're into exercise and I think that can be a slippery slope.
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pedrospatch · 1 year
omg vee i love you sm! 💜💜
but how about if you do a drabble of joel telling reader about sarah?
idk if you've done this before i have dory memory lol if you have plz disregard this
Hello nonnie! Joel did finally tell reader about Sarah in chapter six of the series, BUT how about we dive into another little scene where the two of them are laying together and he’s missing his babygirl? 🥺
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Warnings/Tags: Bit of angst, just a father missing one of his daughters.
Word Count: 534
You lightly traced feather-soft circular patterns on Joel’s bare chest with the tip of your index finger as you laid with him on a bale of hay in the barn, your legs tangled together with his.
“You’re quiet tonight,” You stated. “Too quiet. Is everything okay?”
“Everythin’s fine, Peach.”
Lifting your head off of his chest, you looked at him and rolled your eyes. “I’m a little insulted that you think I don’t know you well enough by now to know when you’re lying to me,” You said, shaking your head at him. “What’s going on?”
“It’s really nothin’ at all, sweet girl.” He noticed the expression on your face and sighed, admitting, “It’s just somethin’ that happened while I was out on patrol with Tommy this afternoon.”
You stiffened. “Did you guys find more signs of raiders?”
“No, we didn’t,” Joel assured you. He lifted a hand, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. He detected the nervousness in your gaze and swore to you, “Jackson’s safe, baby. I promise.”
“Then what is it?”
He sighed again. “Tommy and I were patrollin’ out west alone for a while,” he started to explain. “We stopped near the river for the horses to take a drink and we got to talkin’ a bit. He told me that if Maria has a girl, they wanna name her Sarah.”
You frowned. “And you don’t want them to.”
It’d come out as a statement, not a question.
“That ain’t it at all, Peach. I know Tommy wants to do it to honor Sarah’s memory and it’s probably the nicest thing that asshole’s ever done for me in our entire lives.” A low, dry chuckle rumbled through his chest. “And I appreciate him for it, I really do. But part of me worries it’ll be too fuckin’ painful seein’ a dark-haired little girl named Sarah Miller runnin’ around this place, y’know?”
“So what did you tell him?”
“Told him I’d need some time to think ‘bout it. He understood, of course. He knows how hard it is for me, after all, he was standin’ right there beside me when she took her last breath—” Joel’s voice went thick and he quickly cleared his throat. “I know it’d mean a lot to him if he and Maria could name the baby Sarah. Hell, he loved that girl ‘bout as much as I did. And boy did she love the fuckin’ hell out of her Uncle Tommy.”
His voice broke once again.
“Come here.” You shifted positions, laying on your back on the bale of hay and pulled Joel into your arms. As he laid on your chest, you wrapped your arms around him, fingers gently stroking his dark curls.
“Not a single fuckin’ day goes by that I don’t think of her,” Joel confessed, melting right into your soothing touch. “Even after twenty fuckin’ years, I still miss her so goddamn much it hurts.”
His body shuddered and you held him closer. Even though you didn’t know what you could possibly say to ease the heartache, at the very least, you could be a shoulder for him to lean on—as long as you were around, Joel never had to go through his pain alone ever again.
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