#sad steddie idea
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scoops-aboy86 · 1 month ago
Had a sudden sad intrusive thought of like, there are all these fics where Eddie or Steve go down the road of full-blown addiction, but what if it was Robin?
Or what if it was Eddie and Robin, and Steve loves them both so much but he keeps getting calls from them after they’ve gone on a friender bender together and ended up in jail for the night, and he’s so tired and heartbroken and just doesn’t know how to help the two people who matter more to him than anything. Sometimes he thinks it might be better to just join their downward spiral, because at least then he wouldn’t be alone.
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kennahjune · 1 year ago
I’ve been having flustered Steve thoughts.
The Party has NEVER seen Steve flustered. Steve’s always the one flirting and no one ever flirts back anymore so Steve’s never actually flustered.
But then Eddie Munson comes slithering along and he flirts with everyone just cause he can but nobody’s flustered by his attempts because he’s not trying to actually fluster them.
But for some reason he really flusters Steve.
Eddie uses this to his advantage and actually puts forth effort when he flirts with Steve.
Steve is flustered, bashful, embarrassed. He’s twirling his hair and giggling and he does this thing where he taps his fingernails on his front teeth when he gets distracted.
The Party was NEVER seen Steve like this.
Not even Nancy when they were dating.
Steve has described what he was like when he was flustered to them, calling himself stupid and saying he acted like an idiot to try and get them to just lay off.
All anyone sees is an absolute sweetheart.
Steve blushes really bright, starting with his ears and it just travels down from there. And also he’s really bad at hiding his smiles and he smiles so BIG when Eddie flirts with him. Like you can see every tooth and his eyes crinkle so much they basically close and his nose scrunches up.
And Eddie fucking THRIVES in it.
Because NO ONE else gets Steve like that.
Eddie’s witnessed Steve flirting with the girls of Hawkins. Has seen them all flirt back with varying degrees of bluntness.
None of them have gotten Steve nearly half as flustered as Eddie has.
Eddie has Steve come over to the trailer to hang out. Steve by some turn of events ends up cooking and making grilled cheese and tomato soup.
Wayne comes home right as Steve is playing everything and Steve is DISTRAUGHT. Like “no Wayne it’s alright, really. I can make you some to it’s ok I like cooking you’re really doing me a favor.”
So Steve makes Wayne a grilled cheese to and refuses to let Eddie eat until they can eat together.
So they’re all sitting and then they start eating. And obviously it was a damn good grilled cheese— Eddie knew Steve could cook but good GOD.
And then Wayne puts his grilled cheese down, looks between Steve and Eddie, and tells Eddie “If you don’t marry ‘im I’m adoptin ‘im.”
And Steve BEAMS.
It’s that same smile he gets when Eddie flirts with him and Eddie is only somewhat livid.
Cause he totally gets the rush of having Wayne compliment you for the first time. He’s just such an honest man.
And it goes from there that the only people who can fluster Steve are Eddie and Wayne (Eddie romantically and Wayne platonic-fatherly).
They both go out of their way to compliment him constantly just to see him smile like that :)))
Aaahhhhh this makes me so happy!!!!
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queenie-ofthe-void · 1 month ago
A Fairytale Ending
written for @steddiemicrofic
Prompt: Rose || wc: 367 || rated: T || tags: Hanahaki, blood, sick fic
"Steve, what the fuck is this?"
It's a hypothetical question. Or well, a non-question, because Eddie knows exactly what he's holding in his now blood-splattered hand.
It's a full rose bud, fresh from Steve's lungs.
Steve doesn't respond, just closes his sunken eyes and turns his head away. Red stains his chapped lips, either from the crushed petals or his own blood, Eddie can't tell.
Steve's been pulling away for weeks. Cutting everyone off one by one until only Robin could get him to pick up the phone.
Until today, when she'd called Eddie in a fit of sobs, saying she hadn't been able to reach him for days. He'd hopped in the van not ten minutes later, knocking and knocking until he'd finally said fuck it and busted a window.
Like some fucked up version of Snow White, he found Steve lying on his soon-to-be death bed surrounded by bloodied flower petals.
"He doesn't love me." Steve's ragged voice stutters over another coughing fit.
He. Steve has a Prince Charming somewhere out there, and here he is stuck with Eddie instead.
Jealousy squeezes Eddie's chest in a vice so painful it feels like he rebroke the same ribs Steve snapped while saving his life. But Eddie doesn't have time to dwell when Steve's coughing morphs into sobs.
"Steve Harrington," Eddie gentles his voice, cupping his hand around Steve's face, fruitlessly wiping away stray tears. "It's impossible to know you without loving every single part of you. I--"
Eddie doesn't have the excuse of a flower to choke on. He wonders if it's worth it, confessing his love to the man of his dreams when there's irrefutable proof in the shape of a bloodied flower that it's unrequited.
Fuck it. Eddie might not be a knight in shining armor, but he's done being a coward.
"I know I do."
“Yeah?” There's blood between his teeth and a thorn stuck in his gums when Steve smiles like he won the lottery. Like all his dreams have come true.
Eddie bends forward, kisses his fevered forehead. “Yeah, sweetheart, I really do love you.”
Steve hums, content. “I love you too.”
Maybe Eddie finally gets his happily ever after.
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sp0o0kylights · 2 years ago
Part Two
Gareth Emerson had no clue what the hell Eddie was thinking. 
There was “adopting lost sheep” as he called it, and “being the nest baby birds needed before they fly” for some of the other poor, mid-year transfers, and all of Hellfire was used to both these adoptees. 
People showed up, always looking a little hesitant, always a little careful, and all of them were welcomed until they found their place in Hawkin’s High. 
This though? This was neither of those things.
No, what Eddie had done was taken a wolf, or a--fucking tiger, that had gotten hurt fighting other fucking tigers, and decided to keep it as a pet. 
Even if said pet was looking very pathetic, with a face full of bruises that apparently, Billy Hargrove caused.
That did not make sitting across from the fallen King and current senior, Steve Harrington, any easier. 
Judging by the rest of Hellfire’s constant uneasy glances and uncomfortable, awkward joking, no one else was comfortable with it either. 
Except of course, for Eddie. 
“Dude can we like, talk for a minute?” Gareth asked, motioning at Jeff and Grant to distract Harrington. Not that it was hard, the jock was too busy staring at his pathetic packed lunch to notice much. 
(The guy brought soup to school and was drinking it cold. What the fuck.) 
“Ga~ary.” Eddie sing-songed, but it was in warning. 
A warning very much ignored, as Gareth stood, and moved to tug Eddie up with him. 
“Now, Eddie.” He said, his own tone a manic, if suppressed version of his own warning.
Gareth was not known for keeping his temper, but he also wasn’t keen on getting his ass kicked this early in the day if Harrington took offense. 
And considering they had all finally caught a look at Hargrove, and the way he fucking stopped and turned on his heel the second he saw Harrington, there was no doubt in Gareth’s mind that Harrington could kick his ass. 
Even in his current, beaten to shit state. 
Eddie huffed a dramatic breath, making sure at least some of his hair moved with it, but stood nonetheless. 
“I’ll return shortly, friends!” He called jovially, before letting himself be dragged backwards several feet. 
Just fair enough away where they could still see the table, but not be heard. 
Particularly not by any invading jocks. 
“What were you thinking!?”  Gareth started, hands crossed over his chest tightly.  “You didn’t even talk to us first!”
“Garebear, look at him.” Eddie said, placing both hands on his friend's face, turning it to look at Steve’s hunched form. 
“Those big, sad, puppy-dog eyes.” Eddie continued, leaning in to whisper in Gareth’s ear. “The pathetic way he slouches.”
 Eddie leaned even closer, lips tickling Gareth’s ear and making the latter swat at him. 
He dropped his hands to Gareth’s shoulders, shaking him lightly. 
“His giant empty house we can use for Hellfire meetings.”
“Is that seriously why you dragged him over here?” Gareth demanded, a little louder than he’d meant too, if Eddie’s abruptly tight grip was anything to go by. 
“Of course not.” Eddie scoffed. “Rumor has it the guy throws money around for his friends and if we play our cards right, we can be the receiving end of that gravy train.” 
Eddie grinned theatrically while he said it, staring into Gareth’s eyes like his smile alone would convince him to play along. 
It was the fakest thing Gareth had ever seen on his best friends face. 
“Don’t bullshit me man.” He said quietly, eyes narrowed. “What’s the actual reason you decided to go against your own doctrine and adopt Steve Harrington, of all people?” 
Eddie’s eyes flicked to Harrington and back. “There’s no other--”
“Eddie.” Gareth snapped, a flash of his temper breaking through. “You’re my best friend. Don’t fucking lie to me like that.” 
“Has anyone told you you’ve been using the word ‘fuck’ a lot, Gare?” Eddie muttered, but it was more subdued, the playful mask falling from his face. 
As a matter of fact, Ms. Click had called him out on it that very morning, but Gareth knew better than to admit that and derail this conversation. 
“Edwin Dale Munson.” Gareth growled, enjoying the way Eddie flinched from his full, government name. 
“Sssh!” Eddie dropped his hands from Gareth’s shoulder to wave them in his face. “Fine, fine, look. Rumor has it he got cheated on, blew up his friendship with Hateful Hagan and Cocky Carol, and then took a beating from Hargrove. All in the same like, week.” 
Eddie tugged at his hair, the movement harsh. 
“I found him walking home in the dark the other day. Said something was wrong with his car, but Gareth.” Eddie paused, gnawing on his lower lip, before he stopped close once again, voice barely above a whisper. 
“I had to coax him in my car and when he got in he kept flinching.” 
“Flinching.” Gareth repeated. 
“Like I was gonna hit him or something.” Eddie explained. “Worse Harrington’s house was dark when I got home. I mentioned to Wayne it didn’t look like anybody lived there and he said he was surprised anyone did. He thought the Harrington’s moved.” 
“Okay.” Gareth said, not quiet following this part of the conversation. 
“He thought they moved because some coworker of his wife worked for them as a house keeper or some shit. Said they bought a place in Chicago. She helped them pack.” 
Another look, but this time Gareth had picked up on what was happening. 
The flinching. 
Not going with his parents.
Staying in Hawkins, when Harrington had a chance to get the hell out. 
It didn’t paint a pretty picture. 
“Shit.” Gareth said finally.
Eddie nodded. “Exactly.” 
Together, they turned to stare at Harrington, who had hunched further into himself now that Eddie was gone from the table. 
“If he turns on us I’m blaming you.” Gareth grumbled finally, and tried not to let the smile that broke out on Eddie’s face effect him. 
“Glad to hear you’re on board, Garebear.” Eddie said, patting his shoulder hard. 
“You’re a fucking teddy bear, you know that right?” Gareth continued as they turned to walk back to the table.
“Shut your mouth.” Eddie fired back. 
“I don't think I will. In fact, Harrington!” Gareth spoke the jock’s name loudly, making the dude jerk and spill some of his soup. 
Bruised eyes looked up at him and Gareth fired a smug right into Harrington’s face. “Wouldn’t you agree that Eddie here is a giant teddy bear?”
“Don’t answer that.” Eddie cut in, as Harrington blinked slowly, a puzzled look overtaking his face. “Gareth here has a big imagination.”
“Let the man give his own opinions. I’m sure he has some!” 
Steve looked between them. 
“I think I’ll plead the fifth.” He decided on. 
“Smart man.” Jeff muttered, causing the rest of the table to snicker.
For the first time since he sat down, Gareth witnessed a small smile appear on Harrington’s face. 
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hotluncheddie · 8 months ago
Wiggly-Worm Wednesday!!! 🧠🪱
share a recent brainworm and tag your friends to do the same!
ty @scoops-aboy86 @marvel-ous-m @devondespresso & @runninriot for the tag :3
gonna share my most recent brainworm bc my actual WIP's are hidden away atm, not ready to be written yet
Thinking about Steve washing Eddie's hair, because he can't do it on his own, and because Steve wats to. Wants to do this, for Eddie.
Steve tries to set it up as much like a real salon as he can, Macgyvering a chair with pillows so Eddie can rest his head comfortably over the wide kitchen sink. Steve goes all out, double shampoos and leaves the conditioner to sit while he massages Eddie's head a jaw; watching the guy go boneless and sleepy, the pinched scar tissue across his neck and cheek relaxing for the first time since Steve watched Eddie's eyes flutter open in the hospital months ago.
And maybe after, maybe during, Eddie asks Steve how he ever knows what he's doing. 'You're good at this man.' And Steve confesses that after graduating, after losing Nancy and Tommy and Carol. His parents moving more permanently to work on the side of the business located out of state: Steve was lonely.
Working at scoops and only really having to cover the cost of his car; his parents still fine with him using the credit card for groceries and bills (or not fine, but, they never said anything otherwise) and Steve didn't exactly have a lot of social activities he needed to splurge on anymore. Meaning while he saved a bulk in the lockbox in his closet, there was a decent amount that just seemed to be burning a hold in his pocket.
Steve was lonely. Steve wanted to feel good. So Steve started going to a salon two towns over.
He'd go once a month maybe, get a trim and his hair washed. Ask the hairdresser about haircare and oils and moose, not really sure what else to ask about, sometimes getting into shop gossip once they knew him as a regular. Started getting highlights and more layers and sometimes the nail lady would massage his hands while they washed his hair just because, 'You just look so tense honey.'
A little bit of care for a lonely Indiana boy, a little bit of touch, and kindness, and community.
So Steve wanted to wash Eddie's hair, give him a little bit of the same.
(not sure how to make this into a scene that isn't just steve monologuing but, anyway, here is my worm)
no pressure tagging: @scoops-aboy86 @marvel-ous-m @devondespresso @runninriot hehehe
also: @pearynice @steviewashere @someforeignband and anyone else who wants to show me their worms 🪱
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paceprompting · 3 months ago
sticky sweet and silk
written for ‘candy cane’ wc: 1000 # | steddie | rated: e | cw: no warnings apply | tags: established relationship, bondage, d/s elements, it's not that serious--they're just having fun
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“Feel okay, sweetheart?”
Eddie tucked two fingers underneath the length of red silk that ran diagonal across Steve’s ribs, testing the tension. Steve’s body heat had warmed the fabric, and he shivered as one of as one of Eddie’s rings grazed his bare skin.
Steve turned his head toward Eddie with a charmed smirk, despite the fact that he was one tied up.
“Perfect, Eds,” he murmured.
Eddie hooked his fingers into the silk and yanked Steve close, playfully knocking their noses together. Steve looked taller, but it was really just those long, sinful legs, so all that impeded Steve was the fact that Eddie had tied his arms behind back.
He angled his head as though he was going to give Steve a kiss deserving of those deep brown bedroom eyes he was giving, lowered eyelashes and everything.
“Then I should keep going, huh?” he whispered and stepped back.
Eddie knew he was an absolute menace.
He lived for standing on tables, climbing on tall speakers with his sweetheart guitar—garnering attention on every type of stage. He was first to jump on board—if it wasn’t his idea in the first place—to go traipsing around town following whims, playing whatever music they waned at the Hideout, and even making a horribly shaped but boozy chocolate cake that nearly knocked Robin on her ass.
And it didn’t help that Steve indulged him.
So, when Steve got back to the apartment after work to find Eddie thoughtfully staring at a length of red ribbon, clearly distracted from wrapping presents, and twisting it around his wrist and forearm…there was really only one way their night was going to go once Eddie bought a suitable length of red silk to wrap Steve up under their tree.
Steve laughed softly to himself as Eddie moved away, gaze following while Eddie inspected his work so far. The curves of silk along Steve’s ribs, wrapping around his biceps and holding his forearms together. The red was darker in the low light, runs of scarlet contrasting against him.
The only light was from the tree lights, warm multi-colored spots reflected on Steve’s body, completely bare except for the red silk around his chest and arms. Steve had stripped, but Eddie decided on borrowing a soft, cream sweater to wear over black boxers.
Steve was wrapped up in Eddie’s design, but Eddie himself wasn’t without a piece of Steve on him.
Running his fingers down Steve’s chest, silk and skin, Eddie hummed. He’d pictured his own personal present when he imagined tying up his boyfriend, and it was coming together under his heads better then he’d wanted.
“Onto your knees, babe.”
Steve let out a gentle moan, eyes fluttering shut. They’d reached his favorite part, and there was still more to come.
Eddie hadn’t purposefully touched Steve in a way to turn him on, but they’d both been in ropes before. The touches were tender where sometimes the ties and the ropes were rough, and sometimes Steve just had to look at Eddie with that confident smirk.
Then neither of them were to blame for their actions.
As Steve slowly dropped onto the thick rug with one knee, and then the other, Eddie carded his fingers into Steve’s thick chestnut hair. Steve settled into his position, knees hip wide and his pert butt between his heels.
Between Steve’s legs hung his hard cock, pink and wet. Eddie wouldn’t touch him, not yet.
The lights on the tree backlit Steve’s hair, a warm aura of light around his hair as Eddie gently tipped it back, revealing the length of Steve’s throat and the shape of his collarbones. Steve opened his eyes and stared up at Eddie, pupils blown out and dark. He let his head fall against Eddie’s palm, pliant and wanting.
He was ready.
And as far as he knew, so was Eddie.
“Oh, and one more thing.”
Eddie slid his hand from Steve’s hair, hiding his smile at Steve’s restrained whine while he took three steps to the coffee table. He picked an item from their overfilled candy bowl and waved it teasingly at his tied-up boyfriend.
A candy cane.
Steve’s brow furrowed, until Eddie started pulling off the plastic.
Eddie padded across the rug and pressed the long rod of the candy against Steve’s pink lips. He didn’t open, nicely waiting for permission. His sweet Steve.
“Open,” Eddie instructed softly.
His lips parted and Eddie positioned the candy cane between Steve’s teeth, leaving his mouth stuck slightly open as long it remained there. It wasn’t the most comfortable way to hold a candy cane in his mouth, but that wasn’t the point.
Eddie reached for the camera on their bookcase, stepping back as he peered through to center Steve in the frame. Steve stared right at the camera, managing a quirk to the corner of his mouth. Cocky, despite the circumstances. Because of the circumstances.
He let out another moan as the flash lit the room and Eddie took his time shaking the printed Polaroid and waiting for it to develop. Steve closed his eyes and focused on his slow breathing, spit beginning to spill past the candy cane in his mouth and down his chin.
When his legs had started to waver, the picture was ready.
Eddie eyed it carefully with a grin.
Steve Harrington, captured forever on film while tied up in red silk with a candy cane in his mouth.
Perfect for the collection in a locked box under their bed.
Steve made soft grunting sounds to get Eddie’s attention.
Setting the picture aide, he plucked the candy from Steve’s mouth and sucked the end into his own. The mint was sharp and fresh on his tongue and slick already with Steve’s spit.
“What, baby?” he asked, blinking innocently.
Wrapped up and breathless, Steve licked the sticky sweetness off his lips.
He gave one request.
“Kiss me.”
And, well, Eddie figured he had done more than enough to get away with not saying please.
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allthingssteddie · 1 year ago
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Steve feels like he had wasted his youth working all of the time. The year is 2027 and news of Steve’s illness he regrets not doing everything he wanted to do. But when a doctor reveals that there is a simulated reality where the deceased can live and the elderly visits he takes it.
So pretty much the black mirror episode San Junipero. But when Steve visits he sees someone from his past Eddie. One of his regrets is that he hadn’t gotten to know Eddie more and had listened to his father and had took the job at his father law firm.
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shushmal · 9 months ago
I just saw The Bikeriders and
Eddie in his dad’s biker gang and he has this Romeo and Juliet love affair with Steve, and there’s a lot of drama about the gang terrorizing the town and Steve’s supposed to be the all-American boy that fights back, puts the bad guys in their place. And they play that, for a minute. But this isn’t the movies, and Steve is actually just trying to keep the peace between the bikers and the townies. It’s not working so well anymore
Then Al Munson sends Eddie out to take care of that Harrington kid that keeps acting all big and bad with the members.
Eddie goes expecting they’re gonna run away together but Steve has a better idea and just joins the gang. Small internal power struggle the ends with a fist fight between Al and Steve—neither wins, but Al’s like “Yall more trouble than you’re worth” and lets them be. Steddie being together is a never spoken about open secret, and they don’t talk about it because Steve WILL [redacted].
ANYWAYS all this to say Steve blatantly rides around in Eddie’s vest and colors, and they have matching Harleys uwu
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allyricas · 5 months ago
Thinking about an angsty steddie fic based on the great war...
"My knuckles were bruised like violets, sucker punching walls, cursed you as I sleep-talked. Spineless in my tomb of silence, tore your banners down, took the battle underground. And maybe it was ego swinging, maybe it was her. Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur."
Steddie secret relationship post Star Court. It starts when Steve goes to Eddie for weed to help with his migraines. They get to know each other and Steve falls hard. Eddie is into Steve too, but refuses to give him any benefit of the doubt, still thinking of him as King Steve.
Eddie wants to open up but struggles to trust him. He's waiting for things to go bad. So he tries to not fall in love. He fails miserably at this.
"You said I have to trust more freely but diesel is desire, you were playin' with fire and maybe it's the past that's talkin' screamin' from the crypt. Tellin' me to punish you for things you never did. So I justified it..."
The upside down would fuck everything up. Eddie assumes the worst and pulls away. He takes Steve hiding things as proof he was right to be cautious. And then everything goes from bad to worse when he watches Nancy make eyes at Steve. She is patching him up and it's inevitable that he'll choose her.
Every doubt, every insecurity feels justified as he watches the boy he swore he wouldn't love run back to Nancy's arms. He knew this would end badly, he didn't think it'd involve an alternative hell dimension and being accused of murder only for the townfolk to start an actual witch hunt.
Losing Steve should be miniscule compared to everything going on, but it hurts worse than all of it combined.
"It turned into something bigger somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed."
The final blow is hearing his boyfriend tell Nancy about his dream to have a brood of Harringtons. To have the white picket heterosexual dream that he can never give him. So, he ices Steve out. When he later hears Steve tell Nancy that she's there, he walks away before Steve can finish.
Yeah, Nancy is there and Robin and the kids. But most importantly so is Eddie. He tells her that she's family, that he already has his family. He wants them to be close without the past hanging over them. And that he is in love with Eddie.
Eddie and Dustin are still the distraction. Steve and Eddie have their awkward little goodbye. Except in this universe, Steve turns back around and kisses Eddie. Tells him to be safe, that he loves him.
Eddie is pissed and confused but he nods. Doesn't respond which breaks Steve's heart. They all barely make it out, Eddie dies several times only surviving because of Steve and Nancy performing CPR and dragging him out of the Upside Down.
Of course, Steve won't leave his side. And when Eddie finally wakes up, Steve just bursts into tears because he almost lost him. Steve is sobbing, saying how much he loves him and Eddie is so confused.
"Looked up at me with honor and truth, broken and blue, so I called off the troops. That was the night I nearly lost you."
He finally just asks Steve about what he overheard. Steve tells him the rest of it and Eddie is now crying too.
Uncle Wayne and the not-so-dead Chief Hopper walk in on them curled up in Eddie's hospital bed. They are kissing, but carefully and they are both still crying but they're together. They made it through and things are going to only get better.
"Always remember, Uh-huh, we're burned for better. I vowed I would always be yours 'cause we survived the Great War."
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schrijverr · 2 years ago
Red Side of the Moon by Trixie Mattel, but then make it Steddie. Bc Corroded Coffin gets big and Steve is so excited for his boyfriend, who is equally thrilled. They both know it was safer for Steve to not be in the spotlight, so he keeps to the background as he watches from the crowd as Eddie gets bigger and bigger.
He loves him so dearly, loves watching him perform, how he shines up there. Loving Eddie is easy. And Eddie loves him back, but being a star means that they're continuously on the road, always up late and Eddie has fans clinging to him while Steve can only watch from a safe distance, both making sure his name is never printed and tabloids don't catch on.
Steve can't live his life like that. His injuries start to act up. He can't be surrounded by loud music and bright stage lights, he needs enough sleep, he needs stability and a support system. Plus, he is missing how the kids are growing up, how Robin is settling into adulthood. He just can't keep up with Eddie.
So, Steve breaks both their hearts by leaving. He moves to Chicago with Robin and learns to live without Eddie. But he can never let go of the man he loves the most, the man he had to let go.
But when he's alone at night, he'll turn the radio to the metal/rock stations and listen to the songs he has heard a thousand times, the words he knows by heart and that voice that is so dear to him. His heart aches during those nights to all that could have been if he had been in better health, if Eddie didn't get so big, if he were a girl and they looked like a normal couple. But he is also thankful for all that he got to share with Eddie, that he got to have those few good years, that he got to love Eddie and be loved in turn. Bittersweet tears overtaking him as he whispers along to a love song Eddie wrote for him.
Sometimes Eddie will suddenly pop up in an interview on a radio station Steve listens to more often. Steve does not know that Eddie goes on those shows in the hopes that Steve is listening, that Steve also misses Eddie like Eddie misses him.
And who knows, maybe with enough years behind them, they can try again. Maybe if Eddie retires, Steve will be waiting for him to come home...
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steddilly · 1 year ago
You know what would hurt? If someone wrote a Steddie AU of The Crow and Eddie is avenging the murder of the love of his life Steve
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nburkhardt · 2 years ago
Ok but what if I wrote out a small thing based off that one idea of Steve being Eddie’s alibi 👉👈
And it was secret relationship 🥺
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kennahjune · 1 year ago
Current Obsession:
Steve Harrington and the song Bad Boys by Wham!
It’s giving me thoughts and ideas.
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demodoggonetired · 2 years ago
Inspired by Rainbow's The Temple Of The King
-:- What if a Steddie Starcrossed Lovers Fantasy AU? -:-
Where Steve and Eddie were together and happy but somehow ended up cursed.
One to live forever, never aging, in a Castle surrounded by enchanted woods where no matter how far you journey into them, you always return to the Castle's clearing. Always to now be known as the Temple of the King.
The other forced to be reborn over and over again. Some way or another, near-always earning his place as leader of the village/town. Always born without memories of his previous life cycles or his lost love.
It's not until he's old enough in his position of leader, summoned by the tolling of the bell on the year's first solstice, that he'll have a chance to remember.
Teleported to that cursed Castle that holds his Heart. He'll remember it all and cannot help but to mourn once more. For their lost time together, for their seperation. For his Love that's cursed to live forever alone, except those few times are year they're premitted to see one another. But he'll still cherish what time they do have together until his current life cycle ends.
Some years Eddie never does take on the roll as leader, leading to Steve not hearing from his love for decades at a time. Greeting instead someone else whose taken on the position. Because even if it wasn't Eddie that appeared, Steve will still use this cursed magic he was given to renew the shields protecting what was once his and Eddie's home.
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read-write-thrive · 11 months ago
I just picture Steve eventually “caving” my going “you know there’s only one way to get him to shut up, right? Give him what he wants” and next thing you know someone’s setting up professional photo shoots of all the babies of the extended family (and babies meaning basically everyone by the end of it bc let’s be real here—someone has to hold the infants/toddlers, and then the children want to be included too, and the younger teens are embarrassed but do it for Uncle Eddie, and the older teens think it’s hilarious to make fun of the old man, etc etc) dressed up in CC merch.
The first year they do it, since it’s everyone doing it at once, they make a calendar of it (Eddie insists on having several copies to have them in different rooms of the house, and Steve loves having family photos around so who is he to say no). After that, someone puts together a scrapbook (or some online equivalent depending on era) that they add to every time there’s a new baby, or any other important family milestones. At some point it’s more of a running joke to constantly have CC merch around (and throwing up the horns in family photos, of course—it takes a while to convince some of those that marry into the family that this is a real thing, but there are plenty of family photos to back it up by that point, so horns go up at the wedding photos too). Even if the band fades from popularity, the family is big enough to single handedly keep CC merch in demand.
And, just to be sad, imagine the legacy once Eddie’s gone. It becomes more of a tradition than anything else to play CC music at family functions, throw up the horns for photos, and always have a CC t-shirt on hand when taking newborn photos. The scrapbook gets scribbled on, but one of the original babies laminates it, and then one of their younger siblings digitises it so nothing’s lost. When the band is honoured decades down the road for their contributions to music, the place in whatever hall of fame and the corresponding museum exhibition include Munson&Co family names among the donors and a whole section at the end of their family members rocking CC merch for generations 😭
Now that I’m back working retail, I can’t get the image of Corroded Coffin becoming one of the vintage band tees you see on graphic tee walls. They’d be up there with Metallica and Black Sabbath, made for everyone to wear for the fashion of it rather than their love of the band.
Everyone would expect Eddie to be outraged when it first starts to happen — all these fake fans and posers wearing his merch without knowing who he is at all. And at first, sure he didn’t love it but at the same time… money is money and he’s got kids to put through school. His own are already out of college, with their fancy degrees and stable jobs, but a slew of nieces and nephews, and a few great ones now (Jesus Christ he’s old) from the Party that are even smarter than their genius parents and those tuitions aren’t cheap. Famous Uncle Eddie feels like it’s his duty to help with their tuitions to the ivys or whatever, so if Jenny, the wine mom from down the street, wants to wear a brand new, yet distressed tee with the logo he designed across the chest? Let her!
That being said, he doesn’t start loving it until they eventually reach the toddler section. Suddenly, Eddie — who previously had no opinion on whether or not his kids had kids — is begging all three of their kids for grand babies. And he’s not being subtle about it either. He buys the onesies and toddler tees, leaving them where Steve and the kids can see, shipping new designs to his kids “just in case.” All he wants is to see a baby, preferably one he knows, all done up in his merch, repping the band in a matching metal outfit. It’s not his fault all his own babies are two decades past the baby phase!
Steve doesn’t intervene, no matter how much their kids beg and plead. If anything, he thinks it’s hilarious that suddenly Eddie’s the one all baby crazy after the years of him laughing at Steve’s baby fever. Sue him.
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allthingssteddie · 1 year ago
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Rock star Eddie Munson is depressed and is in need of company so when he hears you can hire people to cuddle that’s just what he does but he wasn’t expecting his high school bully to show up.
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