#sabine ; muse
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“Who taught you how to build a lightsaber, anyway?”
“Kanan Jarrus.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah. He was my Master. Taught me everything I know.”
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lionofchaeronea · 8 months
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Hersilia Separating Romulus and Tatius, Guercino, 1645
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xxlittle0birdxx · 1 year
You know Hera and Kanan made up pointless supply runs just to get the kids — Chopper, Zeb, Sabine, and Ezra — off the Ghost for a few hours so Mom and Dad could have some alone time.
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aripithecus · 2 months
I absolutely love how the mainstream Star Wars fandom was so completely blindsided by WolfWren that they never really talked about or got into arguments about it. The ones who did cover the phenomenon immediately outed themselves as queerphobes and the rest were left scratching their heads.
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socialdisease609 · 11 months
Someone make a better version of what I just amaturely put together lol
"Hysteria" - Muse
I felt Wolfwren was lacking in some sexy rock 🤘
I'm talking about that **Tim Curry voice** toxic love lmfao
Anyway, it ended up looking like it's all one-sided from Shin, but at the end, Ahsoka knows what's up lol
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stcrprism · 4 months
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shaepschift-a · 8 months
honestly rn this blog is 90% sabine content, 9% spn gang content and 1% fnaf : I'm so sorry it's the vibe rn
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seas-of-silver · 2 years
Imagine... a new baby brother AU by peakwonderfulness
So @peakwonderfulness said they were doing an AU where Tom and Sabine had another child when Marinette is 15, and subsequently made my brain go into overdrive 😂 so here are some imaginings I had from our discussion in @frostedpuffs's discord server...
(btw we had decided collectively that the baby would be a boy and that Adrien was 1000% invested in the baby and helping out wherever and whenever he can - I mean, Alya, Nino, Roland and Gina would be also, but they're not in this scene)
Imagine Marinette and Adrien encourage Tom and Sabine to have the night off and go for a date night, and so Adrien stays over to help Marinette look after her baby brother. Imagine Adrien heating up the baby bottle and feeding the baby while Marinette makes dinner for them both. Imagine that while one of them is out of the room (say, for example, to go shower or change the baby's nappy), the other lets their kwami fly freely around and interact with the baby, and the baby absolutely adores the kwamis, and vice versa. Imagine Adrien and Marinette taking turns trying to settle the baby, and once the baby finally drifts off into dreamland and placed securely in his crib that Adrien back-hugs Marinette, and she rests her head on his shoulder with his cheek resting on the crown of her head, standing there watching the baby sleep soundly, content in the peaceful visage and hypnotic rhythm of breathing while in the arms of one another before they eventually slip out of the room.
Imagine Adrien telling Marinette that he was already loving his first ever sleepover, and upon hearing that Marinette decides to treat Adrien to some staples of sleepovers - including a pillow/blanket fort (complete with the baby monitor because they are responsible teens). Imagine Adrien wanting to try braiding Marinette's hair, and he keeps losing his place because he really likes how smooth and soft her hair is. Imagine Adrien insisting they paint each other's nails and gossip (which was less gossip and more swapping stories from their childhoods - Marinette's memories of their classmates and the shenanigans they all got up to, and Adrien's recollections of the antics and friendships with both Chloé and Félix). Imagine Adrien is so focused on painting her nails that he unconsciously bleps and Marinette can't help but find that adorable. Imagine them having to stifle their giggles so they don't wake the baby, leading to silent fits of laughter, rolling on the floor as tears stream down their faces, the only sounds are the hiccups of breaths as they try and fail to calm down.
Imagine that they decide to watch a movie together, and because they don't want the baby to wake, they opt for making a batch of cookies instead of popcorn - as well as a plate with some vegetables and dips - to snack on, and while Marinette is looking after the cookies, Adrien finds some tea lights and votive glasses, so he lights the tea lights because he thinks the ambience would be really nice when watching the movie with Marinette. Imagine that they cuddled up to watch the movie and at some point Marinette falls asleep against Adrien as the movie plays, and he just holds her contently. Imagine the baby awakes and Adrien carefully extracts himself to go look after the baby.
Imagine Marinette wakes to find the movie paused and Adrien gone, but before she could panic she hears his voice coming through the baby monitor and she sees through the camera that he's just finished changing the nappy and he starts to try and settle the baby. Imagine Marinette hearing Adrien confide to her baby brother that he thinks Marinette is absolutely amazing, and that the baby is so lucky to have her as his older sister, because she's the most amazing person Adrien knows. Imagine Adrien goes on to gush about how wonderful Tom and Sabine are as parents, and how blessed the baby is to be so loved and cared for by so many people. Imagine she gets up and goes to her parent's room (where the crib is) and leans against the doorway as he promises her brother that no matter what happens in the future, that he'd always be there for him. Imagine Adrien turning to see Marinette in the doorway and smiles at her before putting her now sleeping brother back in the crib. Imagine Marinette hugging Adrien and whispering to him that he is just as loved as her brother is, and how grateful she is to have him in her life.
Imagine Tom and Sabine come home to find Adrienette snuggled up together in their pillow/blanket fort with the baby monitor still directly in front of the two teens as they slept soundly. Imagine them placing bets as to when the two teens would get together, because they know it's only a matter of time.
Imagine the next morning Adrien wakes up first, and he spends some time admiring the sleeping Marinette with her head on his chest, and he entertains the notion of falling for her (even though something in him tells him he has fallen a long time ago), before falling back asleep. Imagine Marinette waking up some time later, watching Adrien peacefully sleeping and reflecting on the way he looked after her brother the night before, and all the words he said, and thinks to herself how wonderful of a father he would make one day. Imagine he wakes once again and they greet each other with soft whispered "hey"s that are as gentle as the morning sun, with smiles to match. Imagine they quietly set about cleaning up the area before Marinette offers to teach him how to make omelettes, which is a fun yet slightly chaotic experience, but it works out well, and they once again realise they make a great team together.
Imagine many more such sleepovers are had, and one time as Adrien is settling the baby as Marinette sleeps, Tom and Sabine come home and overhear Adrien telling their son that one day he hopes to marry Marinette, if she'd have him. Imagine Marinette had, again, awoken to find him missing only to hear his voice saying those words over the baby monitor.
I can't wait for more of this AU (so you might see me obsessing over it every now and again) - I have more thoughts/ideas about this AU, so if you want to see them, let me know!
Thank you Peak for this AU and I will probably be bombarding you with things I come up with for it XD
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bleedingovereden · 1 year
//i deserve to be a little egotistical and really proud of how this carrd's turning out (preview under the cut) (probably gonna keep futzing with the formatting and swap out these specific icons for some other images, but at least for base layout i like this so far)
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one thing i'm having a lot of fun with is that this is like. the first time i'm really leaning into something i've always kinda done with my muses--they're all color-coded in my spicy little brain. they've always been color-coded. ink is purple and arthur is orange. i am so fucking big brained.
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maydaymadier · 1 year
Tagged by @joycrispy
Rules: Make a new post and post your latest/most recent line from your WIP and tag as many people as there are words.
Okay, the 'active' wip has been on the back-burner a bit since the 5e campaign I'm running is about to wrap the current arc so we're gonna have bits and pieces from a few different things.
This is actually the follow-up to something I wrote and then decided 'No, there's more, I need to write a sequel.' So the original is called Fox in the Hen House, the current project is The Quickest Way to a Man's Heart is Through His Stomach. I will say that this is a vampire project where everyone is trying to communicate but no one wants to change. A tagline I wrote for the series: Vampirism as self-destruction. Love as consumption. Eat his heart to keep it close to yours.
LINE from the wip:
"What am I supposed to say to that?  What do you want to hear?  That I have a problem?  Do you think I don’t fucking know that?  This was never a problem for you before."
TAGGING PEOPLE: @shaylogic @doccystrangelove @liquid-fire-hazard @renaissaniccatherine @vigothebloodprince
DND STUFF!! Bc I'm excited about it and wanna show people
So there's a 20-card fortune-telling deck in my campaign setting and I'd like to get all 20 done soon-ish, I've already made one, card 4, The Vestibule, they would all be in this style. Doing a minimalist/lineless thing so I don't get stuck designing the individual details of things for 5 million years.
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This was the response my wizard got to her Divination spell when asked if she would ever see her deceased friend again (whose ghost she saw recently)
Rings forged from the same metal have a habit of finding each other.
And if we're sticking to art things for a bit I did a test line-up of the party I play a paladin in (Reverence, tiefling redemption paladin), to get a better idea of everyone's relative heights and to see how all the colors and shapes look next to each other. I've been meaning to come up with proper designs for these characters for ages.
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generalsyndulla · 2 years
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“Hera had other friends she could lean on”
This line at the end of Victory’s Price could be easily overlooked but it makes my little found family heart jump with joy.
Even though the Rebels crew are physically distant, I choose to believe that the familial bond between Hera, Zeb, and Sabine is as strong as ever. There is no reason to think otherwise.
Which leads to something that I want to see beyond anything else in a post OT world: a strong friendship/sisterly relationship between Sabine and Hera. We know they were close during Rebels but we never actually got to see the full extent of their bond which is one of the biggest flaws of the show. How powerful would it be to see the decade plus bond between these two characters after the history they went through? It would be interesting to see Hera go from a mother figure to Sabine to a sister where Hera relies on Sabine for emotional support and guidance.
I hope that in this new era for Rebels characters we will see the depth of this bond more clearly and that their history will not be ignored.
side note: Sabine totally looked over Jacen while Hera was with the Rebellion. Lothal is safe from the Empire and be relatively easy to get if she needed to. Also according to Victory Price’s, Hera still doesn’t have the best relationship with her dad so I can’t see her leaving Jacen with him. Plus lol her dad is still probably in the fight.
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“The Emperor died?”
“That’s what people say.”
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
//also last sabine thought for the night but yeah i think a lot about that one moment in i think volume 2 where brother riley asks jack directly about sabine and doesn't seem to remember her name, or even really what happened to her.
literally obsessed with how sabine haunts the narrative while also having such a small impact that so many people don't know a goddamn thing about her. her parents never even mention her.
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qceensofkings · 2 years
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luxmaeastra · 2 years
Mordoc sighed and set the tinsel down and moved to grab Danika before she climbed up the window sill.
"Enough of that Danika. Why don't you come help me hmm?"
He set her before the tinsel and went off to check the food. He frowned and ducked a knife. He glared at Sabine.
"Will you relax? I was checking I wasn't about to ruin your super secret cooking process."
//lol idk//
Eyes narrowed as she watched him, he was lucky he had ducked this one, maybe the next time would hit its mark. As much as some stated that they had a passion, maybe there was a point when passion shifted.
How long had they been together? Had the honeymoon side already worn off? She looked towards her daughter in his arms, huffing as she shook her head and returned to cooking.
"Just coming in here you're ruining the process, you're being a distraction."
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spikemuthtoothfairy · 2 years
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Sabine evolved from the Applin that James gave to Jasmine to signify his feelings and intent towards her when they first started dating one another (as is the Galarian custom) before being traded back. Jasmine also recieved her Appletun this way.
Sabine is the only Dragon type that James has ever trained (and probably will ever train) but her small size, dual grass typing and relative docility makes her ideal for him. She was frankly very easy!
She’s a sweetheart outside of battle, and honestly isn’t typically much of a fighter. That isn’t to say she doesn’t enjoy battling but its not a huge deal for her as compared to some of the others she shares the home with.
She (naturally) enjoys sweet foods a great deal! Honey especially goes down very well with her.
She’ll often sleep tucked away in James and Jasmine’s bedroom, resting on a small bed on the windowsill. 
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