#sabina is pregnant
heresronnie21 · 1 year
I don't know how to explain it but I'm disappointed that it wasn't drawn to attention that both apollo and nero killed a pregnant lover
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asydicsydney · 1 year
Thinking about how Niecelet aired in September 2017, how Sabina stayed over while she was 7 months pregnant, how Cecil read baby books and was practicing how to support a baby's neck, how Esteban was born in January 2018, how Este has a 2 month older cousin to play with and talk to and grow up alongside
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 5 months
Year 1680 - Part 1
TW/CW: Death, Child Death, Stillbirth
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The year in Tartosa began with the family mourning the losses of the previous year and the young Collari twins growing into bigger infants with Sabina having ruby eyes and her brother having pale yellow. Though despite that, the famine and the lack of clean water had not been resolved yet and on January 16th, Alessandro collapsed and quickly passed in the early hours of the morning. He was buried near his late wives and passed surrounded by his family.
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Just a few days later, Clement celebrated his sixth birthday with his family as Orelia and the girls had returned to celebrate with him.
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Sadly the birthday of his much younger cousin was of little joy to Giuliano as he mourned his beloved wife but more pressing was that young Rustico was constantly crying from pains in his gut and the lack of comfort from his mother that he missed.
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Sadly on January 24, Rustico finally slipped away after a fitful sleep that he never awoke from.
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Borthola did her best as a big sister to cheer up Ricciardi as his closest playmate had just passed but the adults were devastated and even more so as Bastiano started showing signs of extreme lethargy not long after Rustico's funeral but they did their best to carry on.
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By the time Orsetta's sixth birthday came around they were back in the islands once more which was fine with her as the waters were nice to swim in and the paths were much prettier than in Newcrest.
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On the ever less common good days Bastiano had with energy, he, Borthola and their cousins would spend the day swimming and despite Giulia wanting the children to study after the past few months she was willing to be more lenient with them. Especially after the loss of Alessandro's mother on February 13th.
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But a bad day came for Bastiano on March 6th and he took a nap that he couldn't wake from after being gripped with intense headaches and cramps. Sadly it was Ricciardi who found him and whose cries alerted the family. But the losses didn't stop there as just a few days later came news that Antea had also passed from similar causes.
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While recently orphaned, Camilla grew up into her infancy in the care of Gabriella. But sadly her cousin, Sabina from the main branch of the Collari family passed away that April and on July 4th, the family Matriarch Bianca passed away as well leaving the family in the hands of Marcello at least until Salvador came of age.
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As the birth of their child approached, Giovanni Cesare and Vivienne decided that it was time to put aside their unfulfilled wishes and make the best of things especially after Vivienne's eighteenth birthday that March. The young couple decided to genuinely attempt a real relationship.
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While other adults of the house were out in town, Vivienne and her brother were happy to get along in secret.
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In late July on the 24th, Vivienne went into labor and when the midwife told her there was a second baby on the way it made sense on how quickly her pregnancy had shown but sadly the joy of her daughter, Elisabetta's birth was quickly dashed as the second girl was stillborn. The young couple called their late daughter, Elena, and while she couldn't be buried in the churchyard, she was buried not far from the home.
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Following the birth Vivienne had difficulties bonding with her daughter as the conflicting feelings of loss for her secondborn and the lingering thoughts of how if she hadn't gotten pregnant in the first place, she'd be free to marry into a similar life of luxury that she had grown up in reared their ugly heads. Giovanni Cesare though, was taken with his daughter. The loss of Elena hurt him dearly but after losing so many family members in his life, he was used to grief and dealing with it so he chose to refocus and give his daughter the love he had for both children especially as Vivienne only seemed to interact with her to feed her or change the occasional diaper.
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Unfortunately for the family the losses did not stop as Giuliano and Ashley's only daughter slipped away on August 29th. Giulia couldn't believe just how quickly their household full of noise and children and young love had changed in less than a year.
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WTNV quick rundown - 113 - Niecelet
Full disclosure I really dislike this episode lol :))))) but I said I'd do them all so! No bias! Co-written with Dessa.
Good evening, fiiine citizens. I’m your late-night host this week, here to keep you company after sundown. Welcome to Night Vale.
This episode is about Cecil's pregnant cousin, Sabina. Cecil is excited that he will soon be getting a new 'niecelet'.
Cecil says there will be an eclipse that Saturday. I can't remember if this comes back at all so I'll note it down.
Carlos is out of town at ErlenmeyerFlaskCon and Cecil misses him very much.
Cecil manages to break off the handle to his radio booth and trap himself into the small air tight room in his professional radio host unitard which does not contain his phone. Luckily he somehow manages to talk to the unborn baby, who listens, and wakes Sabina by kicking around so she comes to his aid.
Weather: “If We Live” by Disparition
Stay tuned next for the sounds of a door opening, a rush of oxygen-rich air, and a wheezing celebration of an overworked respiratory system. Any second now. Any second. Any... second.
Proverb: "Follow your heart. You need it. Where did it ever learn to walk?"
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teamdilf · 1 year
Adrien and Castis get stoned together again, and this time Adrien thinks of the abuse he experienced as a child, and feels a strong desire to tell his family what they mean to him.
“You ever walk into a washroom to find someone injecting themselves between their toes by any chance?” he asks Castis, who blinks several times.
“On occasion, yes. Though, later in my career I was more likely to see red sand used. Cocaine became a common one - that’s a human drug that’s generally snorted, though it makes turians quite ill. I was driving back to my apartment on the Citadel once when I received an emergency call and resuscitated a turian man who had used it shortly after humans arrived on the Citadel. That story wound up creating a minor sensation in some circles - some turians were angry that humans brought their illegal drugs along with them to the Citadel, as if turians did not do the same when we first arrived as well,” Castis says.
He tries to imagine his mother injecting herself in a public washroom - the circles they walked in gave them access to washrooms far more formal and private than one would get at your average restaurant. He chuckles bitterly to himself. “She’d have said that doing her drugs in a toilet stall is ‘too middle class’.”
“Your mother, I presume?”
“Yeah. Guess that secret is out; my mom, in order to cope with the frustration of living with a man like my father, used every drug she could get her talons on. A shock the four of us were born without any issues as a result of it, but I think my dad paid some salarian doctor to keep her in check as best he could while she was pregnant. I have vague memories of a doctor moving in while she was pregnant with Sabina. When I asked the doctor questions my mom threatened to push me down the stairs.”
Ah, the sort of family memories one made in the Victus estate, he thinks bitterly.
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aviandtheseals · 1 year
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge - 1372 Summer & Fall
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As Sabina grew, she wished more and more for friends. Besides the people she was living with, Sabina didn't see many other people, especially not other kids her age. Her only refuge was helping at the family store, where she could help out by talking to people all day. Most costumers ignored her since children should be seen but not heard, but a few costumers were happy to indulge a goofy and social kid.
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In the summer of 1372 Kymmie aged up to an elder. She was lucky to have lived such a long life and was grateful that God gifted her with more time to care for her family. As Kymmie got older, she let go of most of the feisty spirit of her youth, and now prioritized taking care of her family. Kymmie still remembered all the difficult things that had happened to her, and she still got gloomy from time to time, but now she tried to stay concentrated on the present.
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Kymmie's age didn't deter her from her decades-long passion for woodworking. Her magnificent craftsmanship continued to keep the store busy and their home flowing with coins.
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Kymmie and Sabina had also been getting very close. Sabina's father didn't have much time for her after her mom died, and she was glad to have an adult to spend time with. Sabina admired Kymmie's strength and resilience that came from her age. Sabina always had endless energy until she crashed and burned, and Kymmie's spirit helped calm Sabina down. Mostly, Kymmie and Sabina have both been searching for someone to love them unconditionally their entire lives. Now it looked like they might have found one.
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When Edussa was around the family, she put on a mask of happiness. She was happy to have a child to take care of all day, happy that all her energy was going to keep another human being alive, happy that this was her life now until she died in childbirth.
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When Edussa was alone, she completely broke down. Her entire life, Edussa was never really sure what she wanted. She thought once she had children, something would click and her passion as a mother would take over. But Edussa was only frustrated with taking care of an infant and hated being weaker than usual after giving birth. She was coming to terms with the fact that being pregnant and recovering from giving birth would take up a lot of her future.
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Although she stayed quiet, Kymmie saw Edussa was suffering and helped take care of Touilda as much as she could. Having little Touilda around made Kymmie reminisce about her youthful infatuation with the original Toulida, Edussa's mother. After a string of deaths in her family, Kymmie was heartbroken at the death of her close friend, but now that years have passed, she was able to reflect on that time without being flooded with all the emotions that came with it. Kymmie realized she was glad to meet Touilda, even if their story did not end happily, and was grateful to have had such a wonderful relationship.
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Finnian was also very close to Touilda. Edussa was glad to have Kymmie's help in taking care of her daughter, and she knew she should be grateful Finnian was the rare man to cherish all his children, but she was jealous of Finnian's unconditional love. Even though Edussa forced herself to take care of Touilda all day, when Finnian came home from the fields Touilda only wanted him. Seeing the two of them together also reminded Edussa that Finnian would definitely want more kids in the future, a reality she deeply wanted to repress.
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Edussa's fears came true. In the fall, Finnian told his wife he wanted more children. To Finnian, Touilda was a beautiful gem, but he wanted a whole bunch of delightful children to fill up their home.
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Edussa knew that imagining that future made her want to throw up, but she didn't know how to tell her husband that. How could she be a good woman, a good wife, if she didn't want a family? If she didn't agree to what her husband wanted? So she pretended to be alright with more kids.
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Edussa and Finnian continued to try for babies. Edussa always enjoyed the woohoo but feared a pregnancy. Finnian obliviously looked forward to more bundles of joy gracing his doorstep.
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chaoticsimlish · 1 year
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10 Facts: Leda Cho
Raised by her mother until she was four when her mom married Trenton. They then had four more kids. Leda had a set of twin brothers named Archer and Atticus, a sister named Sabina, and another sister named Olivie. Her mom is currently pregnant with another set of twins, though she swears these are the last kids she'll have (she said that two kids ago).
Has been out as queer since she was twelve, originally she was questioning but by the time she was fifteen she knew she was a lesbian. Her mother was hesitant at first to support her but has since come around.
Has always been a big crafter and loves to make things with her hands, she especially loves knitting!
She was briefly a volleyball player, as a setter, but then broke her nose during a match and quit the next day.
Her and her mother lived on her grandma's farm in Henford-on-Bagley until she married, Leda spent her summers helping on the farm and still goes up there to lend a hand on less busy weekends!
She has two jobs, a librarian at the public library in Windenburg and a barista/waitress at a coffee shop in Britchester (which she has an apartment over!) On top of this she's also a student at the university trying to finish up her bachelors in Culinary
Has only ever had one serious relationship with her high school sweetheart, Jodie, that ended on good terms after Jodie moved out to California to persue an acting career. They're still friends and Jodie is currently engaged with Leda as her maid of honor!
She's a spellcaster from a long line of spellcaster's on her mother's side, though she is struggling with her magic more than the other women in her family. Her grandmother works with her on it when she visits
She adopted her dog Rosie after volunteering at an animal shelter when she was a teenager and she rescued her cat Pedro from the streets when she moved to Britchester!
She loves vintage stuff and often hits the thrift stores or dumpster dives or hits estates sales to find goodies to flip! Her apartment is full of stuff she flipped, rescued, or was gifted!
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scleramotif · 1 year
poppaea sabina was pushed down the stairs while pregnant...... someone make sure greg doesn't raid shivs closet....
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
okay so i’m pregnant and i want to give my child a cutesy classy kind of name. i feel like you have a good knowledge of classic things lol. so for girls i have sadie, olive and flora. for boys jude and kit
any recs or which one of those is the best let me know!
I've always been partial to Sabine or Sabina, Amelia, Lucia, Theodora, Rosamund, Genevieve, Christabel
On the other side Giles, Etienne (which is just French for Steven), Edmund, Jacob, Benjamin, David, Finn, Declan
But then I also like the idea from the movie Greencard where the writer dad gave all his kids the names of great authors as their first names: Bronte, Austen etc. Can't remember all the names he picked, but I thought it was an interesting idea.
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themomsandthecity · 15 days
Is It Safe to Get the Flu Shot While Pregnant? A Family Medicine Doctor Explains
Flu season can feel scary even when you're not pregnant. But anxiety around getting sick can increase when you're growing a human, especially considering pregnant people are more likely than others to develop severe symptoms if they get the flu. In some rare instances, it can even be fatal. And having the virus can harm the developing fetus, as well, per the Cleveland Clinic. So, it's strongly advised that pregnant people protect themselves against the flu by getting immunized - aka by getting the flu shot. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists agree that this is the best course of action as flu shots can significantly reduce your risk of catching the flu and can make your symptoms less severe if you do end up coming down with the virus. Still, being pregnant can add an extra layer of caution to everything you do. It's natural to want to be sure that it's safe to get a flu vaccine while you're expecting. As with any health-related questions you may have when pregnant, it's always a good bet to talk to your doctor and get specific recommendations directly from them. But PS also spoke with Sabina Kobylinski-Tognazzini, DO, a family medicine practitioner in California, to ask her about getting the flu shot during pregnancy. And she reaffirms that pregnant women should get the flu shot - and that it's overwhelmingly safe for them to do so. --- Experts Featured in This Article: Sabina Kobylinski-Tognazzini, DO, a family medicine practitioner in California. --- Is It Safe to Get a Flu Shot While Pregnant? Yes, it's actually very important to get vaccinated against the flu if you're expecting, says Dr. Kobylinski-Tognazzini. "Pregnant women are likely to become much sicker after catching the flu than nonpregnant women due to changes in body chemistry," she tells PS. And catching the flu can be potentially harmful to an unborn baby. According to the Mayo Clinic, getting a fever caused by the flu in early pregnancy can increase the risk of fetal birth defects. The good news is that getting the flu shot during pregnancy offers protection for your baby, too. "Pregnant mothers who are immunized with the flu vaccine can pass along protective antibodies to their babies after birth," Dr. Kobylinski-Tognazzini says. When Should Pregnant People Get the Flu Shot? "Pregnant women can receive the flu shot in any trimester," Dr. Kobylinski-Tognazzini tells PS. So in general, you can go by season: the CDC notes that September or October are typically good months to get vaccinated each year, so you'll be protected all flu season long. But of course, it's always best to bring up any questions you have with your healthcare provider, including those about the flu shot and when you should get it. --- Melissa Willets is a POPSUGAR contributor. --- https://www.popsugar.com/family/Can-You-Get-Flu-Shot-While-Pregnant-45458977?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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Nero and how he became on of the most infamous Roman Emperors
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Rise to Power.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Nero rose to power due to his mothers heinous actions. At the age of three, Nero's father died. His mother, Julia Agrippina, killed her second husband to be able to get closer to her uncle, Claudius. They married and she decided she would stop at nothing to get her son on the throne. During her time as Claudius's wife, she killed any of Claudius's palace advisors that opposed her. During this time Nero, at the age of 15, was set to marry Octavia who was 14 at the time. Agrippina Managed to convince Claudius to favor her son over his own for the throne due to her relation to previous Roman emperor Augustus. Soon after this she poisoned her husband and step-son and placed Nero on the Roman throne at the age of 16.
Details on Time as Emperor.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
In the very beginning, Nero wasn't as bad as the Emperors before him. He but an end to the secret trials before the Emperor and the dominance of corrupt freedman during Claudius' reign. He gave the Senate more independence. Up to the year 59 CE he was cited as being extremely generous. He banned capital punishment and he allowed slaves to bring forward complaints against unjust masters. As his reign continued he started to abandon his duties in favor exploring his more artistic interests. In 59 CE he killed his own mother because he felt she was becoming too unstable at seeing her son slip out of her grasp. In 62 CE he also murdered his wife Octavia due to him falling in love with another woman, Poppaea Sabina. He married Sabina in 62 CE but she died in 65 CE. It was rumored that Nero killed her by kicking her when she was pregnant but due to Nero being widely hated these accounts can't be fully trusted. Nero viewed himself as a lyre player and a poet. The Romans viewed these interests as scandalous. He began losing favor in the public eye. In 63 CE he began showing interest in cult activities. In 64 CE a fire ravaged most of Rome. During this time Nero was nowhere to be found. Due to his low reputation and erratic behavior the Romans blamed him for the fire. The end of Nero's reign was near. At this time in his life he was spending lavishly in aesthetic changes to the Roman empire. In 66 CE he took an extended trip to Greece for 15 months. He returned to Rome in 68 CE.
Details of Death.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
The senate condemned him to death by crucifixion. His reputation was so low at this point that even his household guard abandoned him. He committed suicide on June 9, 68 CE
Why Significant.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Nero was Emperor at a time of significant social change. He not only banned capital punishment but he also gave slaves the ability to speak out about unjust masters. Even though he brought on a handful of good changes, he was still an extremely poor ruler. So much so that he was considered to be one of Rome's most hated emperors. Some of his most horrendous actions include killing both his mother and two of his wives. He neglected his duties as emperor in favor of exploring his personal interests.
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radiohalisi · 1 year
I used to drive matatu when pregnant - MP Sabina Chege
Nominated MP, Sabina Chege, has talked openly about her life before entering politics. Speaking during an interview with TV 47 show dubbed Wabebe Experience during an interview with TV 47’s Wabebe Experience show, Sabina Chege said she moved to Nairobi after passing her Form Four. “One day, I watched the Tausi show on KBC because I was very interested. Back in high school, I joined drama. So one…
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incorrect-nowunited · 3 years
Josh: Sabi looked so beautiful today
Noah: ikr I just wanted to keep touching her belly
Sabina: *eavesdropping on them and getting emotional*
Josh: me too. I think I want to move to Mexico after the Josh is born.
Noah: Josh? The baby's gonna be named Noah.
Josh: oh come on its gonna be named Josh. I'm Sabi's favourite.
Josh: So?
Alex: The baby's gonna be named Alex. Whether it's a boy or girl.
Sabina: Shut up you three! It's not gonna be named after any of you
Alex, Noah and Josh: 👁👄👁
Bailey: yes it's gonna be named Bailey, right Sabi?
Sabina: no the kid's gonna end up like you four and torment me for life!
Lamar: I mean Lamar is a pretty good name too. Just saying.
Krystian: Well...Krystian is a pretty rare name...I might add.
Sabina: Yonta I would like to go on my maternity leave now!
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bvgisuo · 2 years
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Hot Snape Summer Week 2-Under The Sea
Severus and his daughter&my oc Sabina are having fun in the sea-1986
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teamdilf · 1 year
For the OC asks, please may I have: -💯, 💔and 💘 for Cecilia pls 🥺 and then maybe... -🥯, 🍃 and 🎮 for Adrien (I know it says OC but frankly you know him better than bioware shh)
She likes to sing! She's not an amazing singer, but it's one of her favourite ways to comfort her kids when they're young.
She's allergic to varrens and the thought of experimenting with allergy medication to find a combination that works exacerbates her anxiety. This is something that was missed during the gene therapy she received while her mother was pregnant with her, and her parents probably could have pursued some sort of claim, but figured a pet allergy is hardly the worst thing that could happen.
She's only had a few sips of alcohol in her life - after her anxiety disorder diagnosis, she resolved to avoid intoxicants. Plus she just didn't like the taste of it and never understood why people would want to drink something that (in her mind) tastes gross.
She's stubborn, and sometimes pushes too hard when she encounters red tape or a rule that prevents her from doing something. Garrus gets that from her!
When she's hurting, she can be blunt in a way that hurts those around her in an attempt to get through to them. This is most apparent following her diagnosis when Castis is struggling with the reality of the situation.
If you buy her the wrong brand of food/personal care products she gets cranky.
I'm gonna cheat and say Castis, Garrus and Solana. Castis would claim that she puts the kids above him (and believes that is the way things should be), but when the kids are old enough to be left with her sister, Val, once a year she travels to the Citadel to spend a week with Castis - just the two of them. Her marriage is important to her and she recognizes the need to have time alone.
Before having children, it was usually a protein bar as he was going out the door, but after the kids are born, he and Tullia really want to get their children into the habit of eating healthy meals for breakfast, so one of them cooks breakfast every morning. When he's home, this means he almost always has a hot breakfast - eggs, toast, sausages and dextro bacon are common breakfast items in the Victus household.
Military tactics and the pre-combat lessons he received in grade school before beginning basic training. He was obsessed with strategy - partially because he wanted to find a way to do things better.
Bad movies! It started out as a form of rebellion for him - his dad wouldn't let them watch action movies, indicating that they'd rot their brains, so as soon as Adrien left for basic training he downloaded as many action movies as he could get his hands on. Unfortunately no one intervened as he wound up with a bunch of really lame ones, but he discovered how fun it was to crack jokes while watching them, and it's something he got his sister, Sabina into, and then decades later, he started watching them with his daughter, Aurelia.
Exercise. Keeping in combat condition is a priority for him, which means he maintains a strict exercise regimen that includes an early morning run and at least an hour in the gym. He doesn't necessarily spar with someone every time he visits the gym, but he does several times a week, and post-retirement often finds himself fighting fairly green young people who haven't been around at the gym long enough to realize that he's really damn good at hand-to-hand. Most of the people his age at the gym are smart enough to stay well away from the sparring ring when he's around!
Photography. As a boy, someone gave him a camera and it became an excuse to escape the estate. He prefers landscape photography and enjoys hiking to photograph captivating views, sunrises, sunsets, and anything else that happens to catch his eye. He refuses to ever sell his photos - at least while he's still alive, because it's important to him that it remain a hobby and not an occupation.
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aviandtheseals · 1 year
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge - 1372 Winter & Spring
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In the winter of 1372, Sabina aged up to a child. Since her birth, Sabina was weak and less energetic than other kids her age, and the adults around her were silently impressed she survived to be a child. Sabina couldn't run around as long as other kids, but she still helped around the house and enjoyed exploring and playing.
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Sabina was a chatterbox and was now confident enough in her environment to talk the ear off whoever she could find, sharing her jokes and tall tales. Edussa and Finnian were too busy for her, but Kymmie always lent an ear. Sabina liked talking to Kymmie because of her patience, and even stayed silent sometimes, listening to Kymmie's stories of the past.
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Kymmie also tried to be helpful to Edussa, who was struggling with her pregnancy. As she got closer to giving birth, Edussa's pregnancy took more of a toll on her body, and she became increasingly uncomfortable. Kymmie tried to reassure the younger woman and describe her own joy of having children. Edussa tried to listen, but her pain was hard to ignore.
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Edussa tried to maintain a pleasant face regarding her impending suffering and didn't share her worries with others, not even her husband. Sabina, however, did not need to pretend. She was excited to have a new baby around and finally not be the youngest.
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Although she pretended to be okay, Edussa was completely miserable. Not only did she hate being pregnant, she wasn't sure she wanted children after all. Was her life meant to be spent caring for young, silly children? What if she couldn't connect with her kids, couldn't love them? Did she really want to be responsible for children possibly growing up to be awful people? Edussa's only hope was that her worries would be sorted out once the baby came.
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In late spring as the end of her pregnancy approached, Edussa was exhausted more frequently and had a hard time helping with the household chores.
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One night, Kymmie tried to cheer Edussa up by playing cards with her.
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In the middle of the game, Edussa felt a burst of pain. She realized labor was starting.
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Edussa gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Both of them were well after the birth. Edussa and Finnian decided to name their daughter Touilda, after Edussa's late mother.
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Finnian loved his daughter from the moment she was born and spent a lot of time with her in her first few months. Finnian loved having a small representation of himself around and was positive little Touilda would beautifully continue the family legacy.
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In the spring, Finnian was often frustrated by having to wake up to a screaming baby and care for his wife after she gave birth. When Finnian was young, this would cause him to punch some walls, but now that he was an adult, he took out his emotions by practicing archery.
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Meanwhile, the village was recovering from the famine of 1369, and for the first time since then, the family was able to plant a full garden.
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