#Elisabetta Morosini
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Year 1688
TW/CW: Child Death
In Tartosa, the year the Morosini family had lived in their new home had made them finally feel established in the islands as permanent residents though the thought of finding a proper wife so that his girls could have a mother was starting to cross Giovanni Cesare's mind though he was content with his relationship with Nesta so the thought was just that.
In Tartosa, Benetta was coming to terms with the fact that she was likely expecting again which scared her as she couldn't help but remember that she had lost her first pregnancy. So while she hoped for good news the worry clawed at her stomach which did not help the sickness that came from carrying a child.
But as the year continued on, Benetta was not the only one with child as Nesta learned that she was as well but while she still had no clue of Francis's paternity this one she knew was Giovanni Cesare's child though when she informed her husband of the new addition she didn't let him know that he was not the child's father and simply let him continue to assume that he was.
Young Francis grew into a boy with a rather rambunctious streak as he followed after his mother and sister eagerly.
On September 3rd, despite her fears of another loss, Benetta delivered her son Angelo safely and the boy was healthy.
Young Victor Dupont also grew into a happy boy with his aunt and sister lavishing their attentions on the youngest member of their home.
In October on the 13th, Chanel delivered a newborn daughter they called Vendramina.
November came and Nesta was once again faced with labor pains as she anticipated the arrival of her fourth child.
By midday on the 23rd of November, Nesta had delivered a second son she named Cesare after his father which her husband didn't think much of since Giovanni Cesare had been going by Giovanni for the past few years since he had arrived on the islands so it was more of an inside secret that the boy was named after his true father.
In Tartosa, the young Angelo grew into his features more and at least in his infancy to his mother's secret delight, took more after her.
Though tragedy was around the corner as Francis's adventurous nature led to the boy falling down a ledge near the cliffs the Carlisle home was nestled in and on December 15, the announcement came into town of the child's passing. With that news, the Morosini family returned from the funeral deciding to try and give the grieving family time to themselves since they decided not to take visitors for at least the rest of the year. Elisabetta kind of understood, at least enough to not push it, but Paola needed more answers as to why she wasn't going to be playing with her friend Kathy for a while.
#Giovanni Cesare Morosini#Chanel Collari#Nesta Carlisle#Jaxsen Carlisle#Benetta Ludovici#Elisabetta Morosini#Paola Morosini#Francis Carlisle#Victor Dupont#Angelo Ludovici#Vendramina Collari#Cesare Carlisle#Blake Carlisle#The Carlisle Chronicles#Decades Legacy Challenge#tw child death#cw child death#1688#1680s#ts4
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CHIARAVALLE, 8 giugno 2018 – Ultime battute, ultimi comizi, ultimi incontri pubblici di una campagna elettorale elettrica e caratterizzata da molte polemiche.
L’attuale sindaco Damiano Costantini, che guida la lista civica Chiaravalle Domani, è certamente il favorito alla rielezione.
L’ultimo incontro pubblico dove alle 18.30 ha salutato i cittadini al centro sociale L’Incontro è stato molto partecipato. Tanta gente ha ascoltato i candidati al consiglio comunale di Chiaravalle Domani. Costantini ha affermato con orgoglio la voglia di proseguire nel cammino intrapreso ed ha salutato con entusiasmo i tantissimi cittadini venuti ad ascoltarlo.
Nello stesso tempo, in piazza Risorgimento, Alessandro Bianchini della coalizione di centrosinistra Per la Città era accompagnato sul palco dalla sen. Luciana Sbarbati, dal segretario del Pd locale Giovanni Brandoni e da alcuni candidati al consiglio comunale tra cui Luciano Frittelli, Simona Sartini, Moreno Menotti, Stefano Mosca. Anche Bianchini ha fatto il suo ultimo appello al voto.
Al bar L’Incanto, Claudio Bolletta della Lega ha accolto la sen. Bergonzoni e il coordinatore provinciale Milko Mariani. Con loro i candidati della Lega al consiglio comunale tra cui Carlo Campana e la Zito.
Alle 19,15 anche Fabiola Ceccarelli di Rinnovamento ha parlato in piazza Risorgimento. Con lei Elisabetta Foschi di Forza Italia e Lorenzo Rabini di FdI. Molti giovani nella lista di centrodestra e un certo entusiasmo per l’appello al voto della Ceccarelli. “Vi chiedo di votare Rinnovamento perché siamo l’unico centrodestra e siamo gli unici alternativi ad un modo di governare tipico della sinistra che anche Costantini ha adottato. Hanno messo le mani su enti e associazioni dimenticandosi però dei cittadini, di quelli che hanno più bisogno. Non lasceremo indietro nessun chiaravallese”.
Anche Davide Fiordelmondo di Rifondazione Comunista e Pierpaolo Morosini del Movimento 5 Stelle hanno concluso la loro campagna con i loro elettori.
Domenica le urne daranno il loro inequivocabile responso.
Damiano Costantini, a poche ore dal voto, appare favorito per la riconferma.
Gianluca Fenucci
CHIARAVALLE / ULTIMI COMIZI PRIMA DEL VOTO, COSTANTINI FAVORITO PER LA RICONFERMA CHIARAVALLE, 8 giugno 2018 - Ultime battute, ultimi comizi, ultimi incontri pubblici di una campagna elettorale elettrica e caratterizzata da molte polemiche.
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Year 1687
TW/CW: Child Death
In Tartosa, Giuliano celebrated his 35th birthday though his age showed more from years in the sun and the losses he faced.
As the year began, Giovanni Cesare and his daughters were given a plot of land. The land used to belong to a local family but after a storm came by and flooded some of the buildings and the previous owner passed, it was put for auction and now for Giovanni Cesare's service it was his land.
The girls adjusted quickly while Giovanni Cesare set about planting though he was never all that invested in crops like his family back in Tartosa were, he figured he could do the work for a few years until his girls were big enough that he could work back on the docks that he adored so much.
Orelia's daughter, Orsetta became a teenager and during Giovanni Cesare's frequent meetings with his sister learned that his niece was spending time with a local boy on the islands which made Orelia have mixed feelings about her daughter growing up and Juliette was annoyed having to play chaperone more often.
In Tartosa, Katherine's son Luca celebrated his sixth birthday looking more like his mother each day.
Despite the loss of her older son the previous summer, on March 18th, Luisa delivered her second son who was very clearly a lot stronger and named the boy Victor.
At the Carlisle home, Francis grew into a delightful young boy who took after his mother in that he was going to grow into his merfolk features in time much to his mother's pleasure.
Between the farming and his illicit visits to the Carlisle home, Giovanni Cesare enjoyed spending some of his time fishing when he could.
But unfortunately the joy wasn't to last as Nesta arrived in early June in tears as her young daughter Susana had passed away on the the 30th of May.
Orelia's younger daughter celebrated her sixth birthday a few short months after her older sister's thirteenth.
While the Carlisle home reeled from their loss the Dupont family was happy to see their daughter Marie grow into a sweet little girl while their son Victor grew into a stronger child.
The year came to a close as back in Tartosa, Giovanni Cesare's namesake grew out of his infancy as his parent's sighed in relief watching their son grow stronger.
(The lot that Giovanni Cesare is living on was also made by @greatbritishsimchallenge)
#Orelia Morosini#Giuliano Morosini#Giovanni Cesare Morosini#Nesta Carlisle#Luisa Dupont#Orsetta Morosini#Elisabetta Morosini#Luca Ludovici#Rosa Morosini#Paola Morosini#Marie Dupont#Giovanni Collari#Francis Carlisle#Victor Dupont#The Carlisle Chronicles#Decades Legacy Challenge#tw child death#cw child death#1687#1680s#ts4
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Year 1684
TW/CW: Infant Death, Child Death
January brought with it Marina's paternal aunt, Alba, celebrating her thirteenth birthday as the two girls did their best to adjust to being on their own, Giulia couldn't understand leaving the two young girls and decided at least until her granddaughter was wed she'd move in to help them out as a responsible adult.
Giovanni Cesare did his best to look on the bright side of things which was difficult when his niece Livia passed away suddenly in her sleep on February 8th just shy of his sister's thirty-sixth birthday and news that the young Rossi boy, Iseppo, passed on May 19th reached his ears only to reignite worry he held for his own daughters.
As much as he knew he probably shouldn't, Giovanni Cesare found himself drawn to Nesta and the feeling was mutual. The more they spoke the clearer it became that her marriage was also due to their first surprise pregnancy and that the Carlisle couple barely got along. It felt inevitable that the two began to share a bed when the rest of the household was asleep or otherwise occupied. At least since she was carrying her husband's child there would be no surprise children between the two.
Time simply brought Kathy and Elisabetta closer together though once Elisabetta got comfortable with the girl it was very clear that she was not as reserved as her friend.
On June 18th, Nesta delivered a second daughter named Susana who was thankfully quite healthy though Nesta couldn't help but have a difficult time bonding with her which made her feel horrible.
To combat her feelings towards motherhood, Nesta would leave the children in the care of a nanny at times to slip away to spend time for herself so as to not be caught in the water. Though she wondered if it helped as she often felt guilty for taking the time for herself.
Paola made lovely strides with the help of her father and aunt as she reached her milestones with plenty of support.
Little Susana grew into herself and like her sister, she seemed to favor her father in looks though her parents were fine with that as long as she grew up healthy.
The joy for the family grew as Leandra grew into a lovely girl who seemed to favor her mother though Giuliano's features did seem to blend in well.
Not far behind her cousin overseas, Paola grew into a lovely girl ready to chase down her sister and her sister's playmate as she outgrew her cautious nature into one eager for independence.
Though sometimes that independence left her exhausted and napping in places that were not her bed.
#Giovanni Cesare Morosini#Nesta Carlisle#Alba Rossi#Elisabetta Morosini#Kathy Carlisle#Leandra Morosini#Paola Morosini#Susana Carlisle#The Carlisle Chronicles#Decades Legacy Challenge#tw infant death#tw child death#cw infant death#cw child death#1684#1680s#ts4
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Year 1681
TW/CW: Death, Stillbirth
With the new year, Giovanni Cesare and Vivienne's marriage remained turbulent as the pair would alternate between hushed arguing and passionate apologies when they weren't caring for their daughter.
Between his work and family, Giovanni Cesare was happy for the respite swimming brought him.
Back in Tartosa, Iseppo grew into a darling little boy who was more than happy to follow his siblings around.
But sadly, in late February, Leonardo Ludovici drifted in from a swim leaving his expectant wife a widow.
Katharine was distraught after losing her son and now her husband but with her unborn child to think of she did her best to push through and on March 5th, she delivered her second son, Luca.
At the Collari household, Salvador became a toddler to the delight of the household especially his mother who had already lost two young children recently.
Luca grew into a sweet baby and Benetta was happy to dote on her little nephew especially since after her wedding in February, she suspected that she too was with child as the months passed.
Camilla became a little toddler as well and while her parent's were no longer around to see her grow up, her extended family was overjoyed to see her growth.
Sadly back at the Bailey home, while Vivienne bonded with Elisabetta, her mother was devastated when July brought with it labor pains and a stillborn son.
As the Bailey household reeled from their loss, Orelia in her crew's encampment, went into labor in early September. On the ninth of the month she delivered a healthy daughter she named Rosa.
Though it didn't take long until Orelia was spending more time with her ship's captain both in and out of his quarters.
As the year drew to a close, Mr.Bailey discussed with Giovanni Cesare that once the original end of Giovanni Cesare's now extended contract was up, his remaining time would be spent at with a different employer so as to add some more separation between the households. Giovanni Cesare was shocked and worried about how Vivienne would react to the news since even 'disowned' she was living a life of relative luxury at her family home but when the contract was up her lifestyle would reflect his and not hers anymore but that was still a ways off.
Little Rosa grew into herself as news of Marcello and his wife welcoming their own daughter spread and young Juliette received the belated news that her brother had also had a daughter that May. Orsetta was happy to close out the year with her cousin being happy at the safe delivery of both of her nieces and her little sister growing up even if she was too young to play with properly.
(The lot that Orelia lives on with her girls is made by @greatbritishsimchallenge)
#Orelia Morosini#Katharine Ludovici#Leonardo Ludovici#Giovanni Cesare Morosini#Vivienne Morosini#Kayleigh Bailey#Joshua Bailey#Benetta Ludovici#Orsetta Morosini#Juliette Arnault#Iseppo Rossi#Salvador Collari#Camilla Collari#Elisabetta Morosini#Luca Ludovici#Rosa Morosini#The Carlisle Chronicles#Decades Legacy Challenge#tw death#tw stillbirth#cw death#cw stillbirth#1681#1680s#ta4
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Year 1680 - Part 2
TW/CW: Death Mention, Child Death
While Giuliano reeled from the devastation that was losing his wife and three more of their children, life still went on.
Orelia found the time to seduce locals, mostly wealthy individuals who's idea of adventure was sharing a bed with a sailor.
The Bailey family was grew as the youngest was old enough to start walking around behind her brother but when Giovanni Cesare wasn't working he more concerned with his own daughter than his wife's half-siblings.
Elisabetta grew into a sweet child to her parent's delight and maybe it was because she was less fragile as she grew and less likely to pass but Vivienne began to make an effort to bond with their daughter now that she was a few months old.
Back in Tartosa, Katharine was delighted that her dear sister became a teenager in October especially as she was finally expecting again after years of trying but that didn't last as her son passed away in November and her Aunt Gabriella in December.
Giuliano spent a few minutes each day speaking to his late wife in hopes that she would feel his enduring love for her beyond the grave.
Marina spent more and more time at the Morosini home because of their shared loss and the fact that she could tell that her father's widow was just waiting for the appropriate time to remarry and it was uncomfortable being in a home where the adult was clearly just biding their time though admittedly, Alessandra did her best to care for not only her late husband's children but his young orphaned sister as well despite it all.
As the losses softened with time, Giuliano did go out of his way to give all his love to Ricciardi as his only surviving child. They had both lost a lot that year and doting on the boy made it easier to move on and the relief they felt when the rains finally came to wash away the illness of stagnation made things feel hopeful once more.
Ashley's spirit returned to the family to watch over her beloved and her last remaining child as she shared news with Giuliano that their other children had already moved on to whatever came next for them which they could only hope was a good thing but the both of them were glad to see each other again after nearly a year apart.
The year ended in the Bailey house as the attempt for a son for Mr.Bailey was confirmed to have resulted in a pregnancy.
#Giulia Morosini#Orelia Morosini#Katharine Ludovici#Kayleigh Bailey#Joshua Bailey#Giuliano Morosini#Ashley Morosini#Giovanni Cesare Morosini#Vivienne Morosini#Everly Hernandez#Chiara Taroni#Marina Rossi#Jeremiah Datta#Ricciardi Morosini#Anika Bailey#Elisabetta Morosini#The Carlisle Chronicles#Decades Legacy Challenge#tw child death#tw death mention#cw child death#cw death mention#1680#1680s#ts4
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Year 1680 - Part 1
TW/CW: Death, Child Death, Stillbirth
The year in Tartosa began with the family mourning the losses of the previous year and the young Collari twins growing into bigger infants with Sabina having ruby eyes and her brother having pale yellow. Though despite that, the famine and the lack of clean water had not been resolved yet and on January 16th, Alessandro collapsed and quickly passed in the early hours of the morning. He was buried near his late wives and passed surrounded by his family.
Just a few days later, Clement celebrated his sixth birthday with his family as Orelia and the girls had returned to celebrate with him.
Sadly the birthday of his much younger cousin was of little joy to Giuliano as he mourned his beloved wife but more pressing was that young Rustico was constantly crying from pains in his gut and the lack of comfort from his mother that he missed.
Sadly on January 24, Rustico finally slipped away after a fitful sleep that he never awoke from.
Borthola did her best as a big sister to cheer up Ricciardi as his closest playmate had just passed but the adults were devastated and even more so as Bastiano started showing signs of extreme lethargy not long after Rustico's funeral but they did their best to carry on.
By the time Orsetta's sixth birthday came around they were back in the islands once more which was fine with her as the waters were nice to swim in and the paths were much prettier than in Newcrest.
On the ever less common good days Bastiano had with energy, he, Borthola and their cousins would spend the day swimming and despite Giulia wanting the children to study after the past few months she was willing to be more lenient with them. Especially after the loss of Alessandro's mother on February 13th.
But a bad day came for Bastiano on March 6th and he took a nap that he couldn't wake from after being gripped with intense headaches and cramps. Sadly it was Ricciardi who found him and whose cries alerted the family. But the losses didn't stop there as just a few days later came news that Antea had also passed from similar causes.
While recently orphaned, Camilla grew up into her infancy in the care of Gabriella. But sadly her cousin, Sabina from the main branch of the Collari family passed away that April and on July 4th, the family Matriarch Bianca passed away as well leaving the family in the hands of Marcello at least until Salvador came of age.
As the birth of their child approached, Giovanni Cesare and Vivienne decided that it was time to put aside their unfulfilled wishes and make the best of things especially after Vivienne's eighteenth birthday that March. The young couple decided to genuinely attempt a real relationship.
While other adults of the house were out in town, Vivienne and her brother were happy to get along in secret.
In late July on the 24th, Vivienne went into labor and when the midwife told her there was a second baby on the way it made sense on how quickly her pregnancy had shown but sadly the joy of her daughter, Elisabetta's birth was quickly dashed as the second girl was stillborn. The young couple called their late daughter, Elena, and while she couldn't be buried in the churchyard, she was buried not far from the home.
Following the birth Vivienne had difficulties bonding with her daughter as the conflicting feelings of loss for her secondborn and the lingering thoughts of how if she hadn't gotten pregnant in the first place, she'd be free to marry into a similar life of luxury that she had grown up in reared their ugly heads. Giovanni Cesare though, was taken with his daughter. The loss of Elena hurt him dearly but after losing so many family members in his life, he was used to grief and dealing with it so he chose to refocus and give his daughter the love he had for both children especially as Vivienne only seemed to interact with her to feed her or change the occasional diaper.
Unfortunately for the family the losses did not stop as Giuliano and Ashley's only daughter slipped away on August 29th. Giulia couldn't believe just how quickly their household full of noise and children and young love had changed in less than a year.
#Giulia Morosini#Gianna Rossi#Alessandro Rossi#Alessandra Rossi#Giuliano Morosini#Giovanni Cesare Morosini#Vivienne Morosini#Jeremiah Datta#Marina Rossi#Alba Rossi#Bastiano Morosini#Borthola Morosini#Clement Carlisle#Orsetta Morosini#Rustico Morosini#Ricciardi Morosini#Nicola Rossi#Sabina Collari#Salvador Collari#Camilla Collari#Elisabetta Morosini#The Carlisle Chronicles#Decades Legacy Challenge#tw death#tw death mention#tw stillbirth#cw death#cw death mention#cw stillbirth#1680
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Year 1689
In Tartosa, young Vendramina grew into a little girl who definitely appeared to take more after her mother than her brother did.
While Cesare was also looking quite a bit like his mother though it was a bit too soon to tell who he truly favored but he had his mother's hair color at least.
While Nesta worried about her son's paternity coming to light her biggest concern for the time being was making sure he was healthy and growing up properly especially after the family's recent losses of two of their young children.
But by the time the Carlisle family was ready for visitors again and Giovanni Cesare could finally meet his son, Nesta was feeling ill again and she worried about having another child since it almost felt like each time she had one, another one of her children were lost not long after. But Giovanni Cesare was more concerned with the newest Carlisle member to pay too much mind to the potential pregnancy Nesta was trying to deny to herself.
From Tartosa, Giovanni Cesare and Orelia got news that their niece Leandra celebrated her sixth birthday with all the fanfare their family could afford.
But the joy of Leandra's birthday kept going as Paola also had her sixth birthday not long after her cousin.
With Paola's birthday, both of Giovanni Cesare's children were big enough to really take lessons from Talia's tome and while Paola was enjoying them, Elisabetta just liked knowing how to read and write like her friend Kathy was learning.
But despite the girls having perhaps inherited a love of the finer things in life, they both loved that their father had gifted the pair fishing lines so they could spend their days together.
Of course the gift had an ulterior motive of keeping the girls out of trouble as Giovanni Cesare spent more of his time in the company of the Carlisles but not just Nesta as time had brought him close to the head of the household as well and though he felt conflicted, Giovanni Cesare, was the partner in both of the Carlisle couple's affairs with neither knowing about his time with the other.
After his sister's sixth birthday that spring, Ricciardi grew into a young man who greatly favored his father in looks as summer came to a close.
The Morosini girls noticed their father's patterns as the year drew to a close that he would clean himself up after they were supposed to sleep or were busy and he'd leave returning hours later smelling sometimes of perfumes. After talking to themselves the girls came to the conclusion that he was courting someone in secret but while they were somewhat correct in that assessment they decided that their father was nervous about their approval since the passing of their mother years ago but seeing how he was happy about his secret love, the girls decided to confront him especially after talking with Kathy who was eager for gossip after December brought with it her mother having giving her a baby sister.
Elisabetta ended up being the one to speak with Giovanni Cesare and after telling him what she and the other girls had been talking about he seemed to relax. He was deeply grateful that his daughter didn't know about the affairs even if she knew he was seeing someone but hearing that his girls were okay with him finding someone else was a relief for a fear he hadn't even realized he had and that relief was visible to his young daughter who was content that her father no longer had to hide that he wanted a partner. Giovanni Cesare decided that now that his children were okay with a mother in their life maybe it was time to break away from his affairs and settle down properly.
#Giovanni Cesare Morosini#Nesta Carlisle#Jaxsen Carlisle#Ricciardi Morosini#Elisabetta Morosini#Kathy Carlisle#Leandra Morosini#Paola Morosini#Vendramina Collari#Cesare Carlisle#The Carlisle Chronicles#Decades Legacy Challenge#1689#1680s#ts4
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Year 1686
TW/CW: Infant Death
Nesta began feeling off in a familiar way as spring came into bloom and she was excited for another child that she hoped would be a son after two daughters though she had a problem... she had no clue who the father was.
Even so, she told her husband about the new arrival though she simply omitted any mention of her paternity doubts and he was excited for a third child as well.
Nesta also told Giovanni Cesare about the pregnancy and while he was happy for her the moment it sunk in that it might be his, he panicked as he didn't want drama to start but since Jaxsen was unaware of their dalliances, well, no need to make a fuss when it was just as likely to be Jaxsen's anyways.
In Newcrest, Luisa delivered twins on March 2nd. The older one, the girl, was named Marie and her twin brother was named Jacques.
On April 25th, Marcello and Chanel welcomed their son who they named Giovanni after Marcello's dear friend and uncle Giovanni Cesare.
Both of Luisa's twins grew up well as it appeared that Marie favored her father and Jacques favored his mother but it wasn't to last as on July 13th, Jacques burned up with fever and slipped away in the night.
Elisabetta grew up into a rambunctious child with plenty of energy to her father's great relief. Though sometimes she had too much energy and her father would have to talk to her about getting in the way of his work and send her to spend time with her aunt when Orelia was in port.
Baby Giovanni grew up into a darling boy though his parents fussed over him excessively especially after the news of Luisa's son's passing and the memory of the loss of their firstborn, they were determined to lavish their son the best they could.
Young Kathy quickly joined the ranks of bigger children behind Elisabetta and while the girls became more distinct in the personalities they remained close.
But what the girls loved the most was when Orelia could visit and tell her stories of life on the ocean. The way Orelia spoke made life on the water seem magical though growing up on the islands they couldn't quite understand how it could be so interesting to the aunt when they were surrounded by water and boats all the time.
On December 27th, Nesta got her wish as she delivered her son Francis in good health. It was too soon to tell who the boy took after but she hoped that he would look like her and her fears simply wouldn't matter.
#Orelia Morosini#Giovanni Cesare Morosini#Luisa Dupont#Jaxsen Carlisle#Nesta Carlisle#Elisabetta Morosini#Kathy Carlisle#Marie Dupont#Jacques Dupont#Giovanni Collari#Francis Carlisle#The Carlisle Chronicles#Decades Legacy Challenge#tw infant death#cw infant death#1686#1680s#ts4
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Year 1683
TW/CW: Death, Child Death
January passed with not much to note for the family but sadly that didn't last into February where Antonio and Sarah's youngest son passed on the third of the month. The family tried not to let their sorrow overshadow their youngest's sixth birthday though.
Then March came and Orelia's daughters grew into themselves with Rosa finally being big enough to chase after her older sister and cousin and little Livia grew into looking like her father.
With her older girls being more independent and the younger two old enough to play with their cousin, Elisabetta, Orelia and her young ones would frequent the servant's quarters of the Bailey home to meet up as family.
In Tartosa, May rolled around and on the 25th, Katharine delivered her and Giuliano's daughter, Leandra.
With a more significant age gap between the children and Giulia's help none of the children went without attention for too long.
A month later on June 20th, Vivienne went into labor and safely delivered a third daughter who was thankfully healthy. Despite her parent's fears of jealousy, Elisabetta loved her new baby sister Paola straightaway.
Marina celebrated her thirteenth birthday with her family but with her new stage of life, Alessandra decided that it was time to move on and now that both she and her extramarital lover had been widowed from the famine years back, Alessandra began wedding planning.
Leandra grew into a darling girl to the joy of her parent's who were both all too familiar with the pain of losing a child and both were happy to see her grow.
Vivienne did her best to try and bond with her sister-in-law but they had very different views on the world and more often the only thing they could relate with each other was about their daughters.
Paola grew into a cautious little girl as she grew though it was abundantly clear she favored her mother in looks even as young as she was but she was always happy to spend what little time Giovanni Cesare had to offer with him between his work but she was content with being in her mother's arms as well.
In the crew's encampment, Juliette celebrated her thirteenth birthday with her aunts, uncles, and cousins. Maybe it was her upbringing with her father's family but she had a taste for the finer things in life and Orelia wondered if her life on the seas could give her niece the life she would want or now that her niece's half-brother was more established in their household, Juliette should go back to her paternal side but with the younger girls too small to travel and Juliette being barely thirteen that line of thinking could wait.
October came and it was the night of a full moon when the howls that Giovanni Cesare heard seemed to get closer and closer. Normally he was busy at work or giving his wife the night off to spend with her brother during the moon not that he kept track of it but the howls made it stand out. The young children were with him in the servant's quarters and the noises scared them when the door burst open and a beast broke into the room with him and the children. It didn't matter that he could get caught using magic when his children were in danger so he used his magic to catch the rampaging beast's fur alight. But when the beast went back to its human form as it died... the beast was Vivienne.
Giovanni Cesare barely had the time to mourn the loss of his wife when her mother came yelling at him for the murder of her daughter though nothing could really be done to him officially since her family were beasts and being caught would put the rest of the family in danger so all she could do was yell. But to get him out of the house, the Bailey family made a premature match for Jeremiah with a dependent from another wealthy family so Jeremiah was wed within a week of his sister's funeral and Giovanni Cesare was to take his girls to the new family after moving the young lady into the Bailey home.
The new family turned out to be a young couple, the Carlisles, who moved to the islands around the time Giovanni Cesare did. The patriarch of the family, Jaxsen, explained that he was married to a widow with three children and they moved to the colonies at first but when the youngest of his first wife passed to smallpox they decided to start anew in the islands but his wife didn't survive the journey which is why he had two dependents since he couldn't bear to separate the siblings but when the opportunity came to make a match with an already established family in town for the girl, well he couldn't pass it up. Jaxsen had remarried shortly after arriving to his new wife, a local named Nesta, and their daughter was a little younger than Elisabetta and they were expecting their second. Giovanni Cesare was glad that his new employers were friendly though he supposed that being new to wealth was a factor since the young man had grown up on a farm plot not unlike the one Giovanni Cesare did.
Elisabetta and the Carlisle girl, Kathy, very quickly got along despite Elisabetta's shy nature.
News came that Alessandra remarried in December back in Tartosa but the Carlisle home had little care for events so far away between the girls and Giovanni Cesare's work but time was easing up on the grief felt by the loss of his wife and the guilt that came with the manner of her death as the year came to a close.
(Nesta is a sim I found off the gallery who married into the family, her original name was Nesta Calypso from the ID: Izusibizu)
#Orelia Morosini#Katharine Morosini#Giovanni Cesare Morosini#Vivienne Morosini#Kayleigh Bailey#Marina Rossi#Juliette Arnault#Blake Carlisle#Anika Bailey#Elisabetta Morosini#Kathy Carlisle#Luca Ludovici#Rosa Morosini#Livia Jones#Jaxsen Carlisle#Nesta Carlisle#Leandra Morosini#Paola Morosini#The Carlisle Chronicles#Decades Legacy Challenge#tw death#tw child death#cw death#cw child death#1683#1680s#ts4
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Year 1682
TW/CW: Miscarriage, Infant Death
As the year started, Marina's brother Nicola celebrated his sixth birthday with his siblings and step-mother.
At the same time, young Elisabetta grew into a delightful little lady and while Vivienne had conflicting feelings about being a mother to her daughter before, now that they were both older they were incredibly close.
Ever since the loss of their respective spouses, Giuliano and Katharine began to grow close again as friends. It was a nice change of pace from their losses and when the sad news of Benetta's miscarriage came, Katharine did her best to keep clear of her sister-in-law by having her son over to play with Ricciardi while the adults enjoyed their time together.
But life went on as Marcello and Chanel's daughter grew into herself taking quite a bit after her mother though it was still early to tell if that would always be the case.
April brought with it news from Newcrest that Antonio and Sarah's youngest son celebrated his sixth birthday with Orelia and her girls making it just in time to spend a few weeks with them even in the midst of the drama following the passing of Orelia's captain.
As the days turned to weeks of the pair growing closer from their mutual losses, it was little surprise when it turned to romance. Katharine couldn't help but be reminded of her teenage crush on Giuliano back when he only had eyes for her cousin and yet fate brought them together though in the worst of ways but it was nice.
Things moved quickly for the pair after that as neither saw any point in waiting and putting off something that would be good for them for very long. They were also grateful that their sons got along well enough as well and so as June came around they made their engagement official though they did plan to wait for the wedding until after Ricciardi's birthday.
With her sister engaged to Giuliano, Chiara spent quite a bit of time at the Morosini household since she'd be moving with her sister after the wedding but late June brought sad news as Marcello and Chanel buried their young daughter.
Ricciardi grew into a good child to the great joy of his entire family. Seeing him grow older made Giuliano release a breath he hadn't quite known he had been holding on to ever since the loss of the rest of his children.
Not far behind him, Katharine's son Luca also grew into a little boy who was more than happy to trail behind Ricciardi and keep him company.
Seeing that time was simply bringing their boys closer, Giuliano and Katharine married on September 12th though the wedding was a bit more rushed than intended since their frequent meetings made them suspect that their family might start to grow soon.
While Vivienne's relationship with her mother had cooled all things considered being that they weren't speaking, Vivienne was still close with her brother though they were less secretive about it since their mother's husband began showing disapproval towards the young man since he started to grow up and thus their mother shut him out too though they were less combative. Family was tricky for Vivienne but she was also excited for the upcoming year as she was certain that she was with child once more and this time she was a lot happier about it than before.
With news that they were expecting once again, much like his wife Giovanni Cesare was much more receptive to the news though he would have liked to have waited until after his contract officially ended before growing their family, he couldn't help but think that perhaps it was a good thing to have their family grow while his wife was still happy in her childhood home before things got upended for them. More importantly though, Giovanni Cesare made sure to spend extra time with his daughter before the baby, she was definitely more attached to her mother but that didn't make her relationship with her father any less special to the little girl.
Orelia made it back to the islands just in time to deliver her daughter Livia on December 27th. Knowing that the child was her late Captain's she decided to give her his name which thankfully didn't upset the captain's widow too much. While her girls were still young, Orelia was deeply grateful for the fact that she had three healthy children.
#Orelia Morosini#Giuliano Morosini#Ashley Morosini#Katharine Ludovici#Katharine Morosini#Giovanni Cesare Morosini#Vivienne Morosini#Chanel Collari#Jeremiah Datta#Chiara Taroni#Nicola Rossi#Skyler Carlisle#Ricciardi Morosini#Elisabetta Morosini#Luca Ludovici#Rosa Morosini#Chelsea Collari#Livia Jones#The Carlisle Chronicles#tw infant death#tw miscarriage#cw infant death#cw miscarriage#1682#1680s#ts4
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