#Alba Rossi
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Year 1673
While the losses in Tartosa were weighing heavily on the family's mind, in Henford the Carlisle home was a bustle of activity. Sadly everyone there could relate to the losses felt but with the support, Orelia was doing as well as she could given the circumstances.
Gianna and Roberto were more than happy to help their son and granddaughter following their loss though it was hard to think of such a young lady being taken from the family like that they did their best. It was hard though since little Marina was only two when her mother passed. She didn't quite understand beyond that Orsa was gone now. As Spring came again, Roberto was already suggesting that Alessandro remarry as his daughter did need a mother in her life and while they would support him, it wasn't as if they were getting any younger.
It had been months since the loss of his sister but slowly but surely, Giovanni Cesare started to feel more normal as he got back to playing.
In Henford, Sarah was happy to share that she and Antonio were expecting once again and while both of them were fearful remembering the loss of their first son, they were hopeful that this time would be different and they weren't alone as not only were they expecting but so was Orelia.
Now that the losses weren't so fresh, Giulia did her best to cheer up for her sons that were still with her especially Giovanni Cesare as he was young enough to still need her help and support more than her oldest who she supported more by helping with the triplets.
With the triplets getting older and each day growing more independent, Ashley felt more confident in her skills as a mother though she feared another pregnancy as three was a handful already and the idea of a fourth or fifth or a dreaded sixth made her head spin. Giuliano was more than happy to try and avoid another pregnancy but more because he was eager to get back to having time to themselves as a couple, something the pair rarely did with three little ones always wanting attention.
Still as the year came to a close and the triplets were all sleeping though the night, albeit inconsistently, the young couple was happy to rest and reconnect together as they gossiped about how it wouldn't be long now until their kids were old enough to play not only with Marina but Katharine and Leonardo were expecting their first as was the Collari couple even with their issues, so the pair were already anticipating their free time in the next few years and celebrated the fact that they had three healthy children.
#Giulia Morosini#Orion Michaelson#Antonio Carlisle#Sarah Carlisle#Roberto Rossi#Gianna Rossi#Alessandro Rossi#Orelia Morosini#Giuliano Morosini#Ashley Morosini#Giovanni Cesare Morosini#Tess Carlisle#Luisa Carlisle#Marina Rossi#Alba Rossi#Baldissere Morosini#Bastiano Morosini#The Carlisle Chronicles#Decades Legacy Challenge#1673#1670s#ts4
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My Brilliant Friend // 1.08 - The Investigation
#my brilliant friend#l'amica geniale#elena greco#antonio cappuccio#alba rohrwacher#massimiliano rossi
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#pato o'ward#alexander rossi#alex rossi#colton herta#laguna seca gp#indycar#who is the guy next to colton? it's not a driver#right?#taj#salvador de alba
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(repost because my previous reblog was kinda a mess)
questions from @redfountainpostin reblog:
How do you italianify Timmy?
Technically his italian name is Timoteo. i have never met a Timoteo in my life tho so i'd go with "Teo"
Do you have any ideas for the boys?
Cielo Orefice (sky)
Brando Sasso (brandon)
Elia Carta (helia)
Riccardo Spezzati (riven)
Teo Volante (timmy)
Nebo Ruscelli (nabu)
Rocco Goccia (roy)
Pluto Rossi (nex)
Tonio Orefice (thoren)
riven was impossible to translate so I put a common male name similar to riven and then i put a last name that literally means riven
nex was difficult too. since his name means death but death in italian is a female noun (in fact aisha is viviana because alive in italian is "viva") i decided to give him the roman variant of Hades' name (plutone, aka pluto)
nabu is a babylonian god so i searched his italian variant. i don't think anyone would name their son "nebo" tho
thoren made me insane so i gave up and i gave him a random italian name.
little fun fact about "orefice": it comes from oreficeria which in english means goldsmith shop. since it's a typical italian last name and eraklyon's magic is based on gems i decided to give to the royal family this last name. (sasso instead means stone)
i headcanon timmy as solarian so a variant of his italian name could be "Timoteo Alba" alba means sunrise, while volante means steering wheel or that flies.
#winx club#winx#winxclub#winx headcanons#winx fandom#winx riven#winx specialists#shitposting#shitpost#winx italian#idk#just fun#winx italy#winxer
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A list of names you could use with colours: Red:
Cherry Vine
Garnet Anderson
Ember Carmina
Rouge D'Eclat
Strawberry Fields (Delilah's sister)
Merlot Vine
Pinot Rossi
Amber Glau
Pumpkin Leigh
Autumn Woods
Ginger O'Hara
Momo Araragi
Tana Gerine
Canta Loupe
Sienna Saffron
Aurora Day
Dijon De Marco
Daisy Meadows
Buttercup Barnes
Honey Maple
Soleil D'or
Fawna Fawcett
Caramel Luxe
Verda Gris
Jenna Moss
Aloe Verana
Juniper Woods
Olivia Dartmouth
Aqua Verde
Basil Brush
Azure Icelely
Tiffany Case (yes this is a Bond Girl name)
Corey Steele
Bebe Skye
Oiche O'Hare
Allundra Borealis
Marina Veradis
Penelope Peacock
Liberty Belle
Iris Orion
Magenta Morgan
Lilac laBelle
Amy Theist
Acai Berry
Aura Bergine
Ume Tani
Fiona Foxglove
Verbena Bay
Wisteria Lane
Nyx Noir
Sable Davenport
Raven Onyx (Shanelle's sister)
Velvet Crowe (shoutout to Tales of Berseria)
Rich Blackwood
Belladonna Notte
Dahlia Darjeeling
Bianca Neve
Lila Alba
Anita Whittaker
Pearl Di Angelo
Ivory Blake
Dove De Witt
Misty Bianchi
Champagne Orchid
Fuschia Kunzite
Candy Barton
Barbariccia Blush
Jaime Mansfield
Sakura Summers
Cerise Roberts
Amaranth J'Adore
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Enséñame – dices, desde tus veintiún años ávidos, creyendo, todavía, que se puede enseñar alguna cosa y yo, que pasé de los sesenta te miro con amor es decir, con lejanía (todo amor es amor a las diferencias al espacio vacío entre dos cuerpos al espacio vacío entre dos mentes al horrible presentimiento de no morir de a dos) te enseño, mansamente, alguna cita de Goethe («detente, instante, eres tan bello») o de Kafka (una vez hubo, hubo una vez una sirena que no cantó) mientras la noche lentamente se desliza hacia el alba a través de este gran ventanal que amas tanto porque sus luces nocturnas ocultan la ciudad verdadera y en realidad podríamos estar en cualquier parte estas luces podrían ser las de New York, avenida Broadway, las de Berlín, Konstanzerstrasse, las de Buenos Aires, calle Corrientes y te oculto la única cosa que verdaderamente sé: sólo es poeta aquel que siente que la vida no es natural que es asombro descubrimiento revelación que no es normal estar vivo no es natural tener veintiún años ni tampoco más de sesenta no es normal haber caminado a las tres de la mañana por el puente viejo de Córdoba, España, bajo la luz amarilla de las farolas, no es natural el perfume de los naranjos en las plazas -tres de la mañana- ni en Oliva ni en Sevilla lo natural es el asombro lo natural es la sorpresa lo natural es vivir como recién llegada al mundo a los callejones de Córdoba y sus arcos a las plazas de París a la humedad de Barcelona al museo de muñecas en el viejo vagón estacionado en las vías muertas de Berlín. Lo natural es morirse sin haber paseado de la mano por los portales de una ciudad desconocida ni haber sentido el perfume de los blancos jazmines en flor a las tres de la mañana, meridiano de Greenwich lo natural es que quien haya paseado de la mano por los portales de una ciudad desconocida no lo escriba lo hunda en el ataúd del olvido La vida brota por todas partes consaguínea ebria bacante exagerada en noches de pasiones turbias pero había una fuente que cloqueaba lánguidamente y era difícil no sentir que la vida puede ser bella a veces como una pausa como una tregua que la muerte le concede al goce.
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Year 1684
TW/CW: Infant Death, Child Death
January brought with it Marina's paternal aunt, Alba, celebrating her thirteenth birthday as the two girls did their best to adjust to being on their own, Giulia couldn't understand leaving the two young girls and decided at least until her granddaughter was wed she'd move in to help them out as a responsible adult.
Giovanni Cesare did his best to look on the bright side of things which was difficult when his niece Livia passed away suddenly in her sleep on February 8th just shy of his sister's thirty-sixth birthday and news that the young Rossi boy, Iseppo, passed on May 19th reached his ears only to reignite worry he held for his own daughters.
As much as he knew he probably shouldn't, Giovanni Cesare found himself drawn to Nesta and the feeling was mutual. The more they spoke the clearer it became that her marriage was also due to their first surprise pregnancy and that the Carlisle couple barely got along. It felt inevitable that the two began to share a bed when the rest of the household was asleep or otherwise occupied. At least since she was carrying her husband's child there would be no surprise children between the two.
Time simply brought Kathy and Elisabetta closer together though once Elisabetta got comfortable with the girl it was very clear that she was not as reserved as her friend.
On June 18th, Nesta delivered a second daughter named Susana who was thankfully quite healthy though Nesta couldn't help but have a difficult time bonding with her which made her feel horrible.
To combat her feelings towards motherhood, Nesta would leave the children in the care of a nanny at times to slip away to spend time for herself so as to not be caught in the water. Though she wondered if it helped as she often felt guilty for taking the time for herself.
Paola made lovely strides with the help of her father and aunt as she reached her milestones with plenty of support.
Little Susana grew into herself and like her sister, she seemed to favor her father in looks though her parents were fine with that as long as she grew up healthy.
The joy for the family grew as Leandra grew into a lovely girl who seemed to favor her mother though Giuliano's features did seem to blend in well.
Not far behind her cousin overseas, Paola grew into a lovely girl ready to chase down her sister and her sister's playmate as she outgrew her cautious nature into one eager for independence.
Though sometimes that independence left her exhausted and napping in places that were not her bed.
#Giovanni Cesare Morosini#Nesta Carlisle#Alba Rossi#Elisabetta Morosini#Kathy Carlisle#Leandra Morosini#Paola Morosini#Susana Carlisle#The Carlisle Chronicles#Decades Legacy Challenge#tw infant death#tw child death#cw infant death#cw child death#1684#1680s#ts4
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" I neocons si formano nella “Nuova Gerusalemme” della diaspora ebraica a New York City, la Lower East Side di Manhattan. Dallo shtetl alla Jewtown, dallo yiddish all’inglese, in un contesto bianco-anglosassone-protestante (Wasp) carico di veleni antisemiti, il passo è lungo. Fra i giovani figli o nipoti di immigrati si forma una esigua quanto ipercombattiva élite intellettuale marxista e filobolscevica che si batte per affermare il socialismo in America e nel mondo. Di quella New York si diceva fosse la città più interessante dell’Unione Sovietica*. Nel City College della metropoli gli squattrinati giovani destinati a formare la spina dorsale del neoconservatorismo a venire frequentano l’odorosa caffetteria studentesca occupandone l’Alcove 1, fortilizio dell’avanguardia trozkista in dissidio con la maggioranza stalinista, che governa l’Alcove 2. Durante la Guerra fredda, le origini ebraiche e comuniste di molti neocons li renderanno sospetti agli occhi di paleoconservatori e repubblicani mainstream anche dopo che il presunto tradimento sovietico dei loro ideali li avrà spinti verso un bellicoso anticomunismo associato al sostegno di principio per Israele, per niente scontato nell’America degli anni cinquanta. Dall’antistalinismo all’avversione totale per il comunismo, dalla contestazione all’adesione al sistema, contro le derive moderate e compromissorie di liberals e appeasers disposti al dialogo con i tiranni rossi, i neoconservatori già trozkisti faranno sentire la loro voce nel dibattito pubblico del dopoguerra. Nell’accademia come nei media alternativi e nelle anticamere del potere, eminenti neocons quali Leo Strauss e Irving Kristol, Max Schachtman e Irving Howe, Richard Perle e Kenneth Adelman, fino a Douglas Feith e a Paul Wolfowitz, influente vicesegretario alla Difesa sotto George W. Bush, avranno modo di promuovere il globalismo democratico. Fine della storia. Mai come strutturata corrente politica o intellettuale, sempre al loro combattivo, lacerante modo. Il moto perpetuo della rivoluzione come fine in sé – comunista o anticomunista – impedisce di superare lo stadio delle connessione informali, esposte a litigi pubblici e odi privati, conversioni e apostasie. Fino al disastro iracheno, che nel primo decennio del secolo marca il tramonto del neoconservatorismo di governo. Non del movimento. In attesa della prossima alba. Perché in America profeti e crociati non muoiono mai. "
* Cfr. J. Heilbrunn, They Knew They Were Right: The Rise of the Neocons, New York-Toronto 2009, Anchor Books, p. 27.
Lucio Caracciolo, La pace è finita. Così ricomincia la storia in Europa, Feltrinelli (collana Varia), novembre 2022. [Libro elettronico]
#letture#scritti saggistici#saggistica#saggi brevi#geopolitica#Lucio Caracciolo#leggere#citazioni#neocons#Leo Strauss#straussiani#New York City#Manhattan#diaspora ebraica#Stati Uniti d'America#trozkismo#Wasp#comunisti#anticomunismo#Israele#sionismo#secondo dopoguerra#Irving Kristol#Max Schachtman#Irving Howe#Richard Perle#Kenneth Adelman#Douglas Feith#Paul Wolfowitz#George W. Bush
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park sungyu: vinte e quatro anos, estudante de medicina veterinária.fc: oh sehun.
kang dawon: vinte e seis anos, idol (main vocal e visual do nevaeh). fc: joy.
seo hoyeon: vinte e nove anos, dono de uma escola de artes. fc: lee dohyun.
daniela rivera: vinte e dois anos, estudante de biomedicina. fc: isabela merced.
avery malhotra: vinte e seis anos, ex-bailarina e estudante de literatura inglesa. fc: simone ashley.
son haseul: vinte e seis anos, atriz. fc: krystal jung.
melina durmaz: vinte e seis anos, garçonete e fotógrafa. fc: bahar sahin.
nam sunmi: vinte e quatro anos, estudante de moda & administração. fc: go minsi.
aaron jenkins: trinta e cinco anos, arquiteto. fc: richard madden.
harper wakefield: trinta e dois anos, detetive. fc: lily james.
min eunhye: vinte e quatro anos, modelo. fc: moon gayoung.
astrid handler: dezoito anos, estudante de hogwarts e monitora da lufa-lufa. fc: olivia scott welch.
daniel yang: vinte e oito anos, funcionário em uma empresa de roupas. fc: suho.
margo kang: vinte e cinco anos, aspirante a atriz. fc: kim jisoo.
madeleine hawthorne: vinte e um anos, estudante de pré-medicina. fc: madelyn cline.
victor alexander musgrave: vinte e sete anos, duque de devonshire. fc: paul mescal.
heath crawford: vinte e quatro anos, ator. fc: archie renaux.
emre özdemir: trinta anos, roteirista. fc: alperen duymaz.
erik bergström: vinte e três anos, drüskelle. fc: evan roderick.
leonard schultz: trinta anos, músico (vocalista, guitarrista e líder da the guess). fc: fabien frankel.
beatrice willa zhang: vinte e sete anos, enfermeira. fc: jessie mei li.
viviana rossi: vinte e oito anos, atriz da broadway. fc: simona tabasco.
robert cole driscoll: trinta e nove anos, cirurgião ortopédico. fc: chris evans.
lawrence stokes: trinta e dois anos, jogador do san francisco 49ers (running back). fc: keith powers.
marina sampaio: vinte e cinco anos, jogadora de vôlei na seleção dos estados unidos. fc: alba baptista.
charlie gibson: vinte e seis anos, veterinário. fc: corey mylchreest.
connor dempsey: vinte e oito anos, dono do the king’s head. fc: mike faist.
elizabeth ehrmantraut: trinta e três anos, herdeira e acionista da egm (ehrmantraut global media). fc: riley keough.
elaine stewart: vinte e três anos, estudante de cinema. fc: alisha boe.
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aesthetic sideblog to @wandyrlust. do not follow. ✧ main blog ✧ resources.
Wanted Faceclaims Musings Cassian Eris Vanserra Gwyneth Berdara Kallias Morrigan Lucien Vanserra Nesta Archeron Rhysand Emily Nelson Barbie Casteel Da’Neer Kieran Contou Poppy Balfour Aidas Baxian Argos Fury Axtar Hunt Athalar Hypaxia Enador Ithan Holstrom Jesiba Roga Ruhn Danaan Tharion Ketos Tristan Flynn Percival de Rolo Vax’ildan Vessar Matthew Murdock Jess Mariano Blair Waldorf Dan Humphrey Nate Archibald Serena Van Der Woodsen David Kostyk Jesper Fahey Matthias Helvar Cardan Greenbriar Larkin “The Ghost” Garret Dabria Marcie Millar Patch Cipriano Brianna Randall Fraser John Grey Tiberias Calore Evangeline Samos Leon S. Kennedy Velma Dinkley Dean Winchester Chaol Westfall Dorian Havilliard Kaltain Rompier Lorcan Salvaterre Manon Blackbeak Rowan Whitethorn Sam Cortland Omen Reyna Bonnie Bennett Elijah Mikaelson Liv Parker Rebekah Mikaelson Stefan Salvatore Tyler Lockwood Alicia Clark Althea Szewczyk-Przygocki Glenn Rhee Judith Grimes Maggie Greene/Rhee Rick Grimes Rosita Espinosa Geralt of Rivia Bigby Wolf Alba de Rossi Apollo Stockholme Ezra Castor Merritt Ward Amaris of the Night Court Ava Vanserra-Livianus Emil Rose Isolde Taeyang Gray Lambert Kai Wildgazer Zelda Ysiris Isaac Crane Knox of Fenmont Roman Gray Wes Engerman Zariah Arkour Calixta Verak Lore Weaver Magdalena Leblanc Seraphina
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40+ mw?
on my hands and knees , yes please , need them : gina torres , carla gugino , bianca lawson , danai gurira , andrew lincoln , pedro pascal , oscar isaac , daniel henney , aldis hodge , alan ritchson , timothy olyphant , mahershala ali , method man , gong yoo , cm punk/phil brooks , katheryn hahn , ruth negga , david tennant , song hye kyo , luke kirby , alexandra breckenridge , theo rossi , retta , idris elba , kelly rowland , lucy liu , christina hendricks , jessica alba , andrew scott , sienna miller , jake johnson , anne hathaway , lamorne morris , gemma arterton , melanie laurent , alexander skarsgard , & catherine zeta jones !
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Watch (GINSU)
Ed Westwick's leathery tongue
Luke Wilson's leathery belly
Sophie Monk's leathery back
James Denton's leathery ear
Patrick Dempsey's leathery lower leg
Hailey Glassman's leathery leg
J-Woww's leathery waist
Lucy Hale's leathery hair
Kelly Cutrone's leathery breast
Hailee Steinfeld's leathery chin
Gavin Degraw's leathery wrist
Jaden Smith's leathery eyebrow
Jay Lyon's leathery tooth
Winona Ryder's leathery fist
Ace Young's leathery hip
Frankie Muniz's leathery forehead
Louis Tomlinson's leathery calf
Katrina Bowden's leathery wrist
Scott Disick's leathery fist
Miley Cyrus's leathery eyelash
Jessica Alba's leathery tooth
Stephanie Pratt's leathery bottom
Emile Hirsch's leathery forehead
Edward Norton's leathery eyelash
Kate Moss's leathery chin
Jamie Kennedy's leathery foot
Leona Lewis's leathery waist
Kelly Slater's leathery nose
Dennis Rodman's leathery waist
Shiloh Jolie-Pitt's leathery neck
Vera Wang's leathery chin
Neve Campbell's leathery upper arm
Jim Carrey's leathery calf
Portia De Rossi's leathery foot
Kim Cattrall's leathery toe
Jason Aldean's leathery lip
Will Smith's leathery tongue
Jordana Brewster's leathery hand
Guy Ritchie's leathery toe
David Berrie's leathery hair
Isla Fisher's leathery elbow
Ali Larter's leathery belly
Mo'Nique's leathery knee
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// Bogotá Music Video Festival // Selección Oficial 2024 // Competencia Latinoamericana Andrea Martinez & Rossy War - Bombo Vaivén (Alons Román; Perú) Alwa - La Boliviana (Jhonny H. Plata; Bolivia) Cementerio De Elefantes - Atómica (Facundo Quiroga, Sebastían García & Juan Nadalino; Argentina) Daniella Barbarito - Hoy no fío, mañana sí (Daniella Vittoria Barbarito & Jesús Ricardo Ascanio; España) Diles que no me maten - Obrigaggi (Manola Verdes, Inés Verdes & Pelayo Couturier; México) El David Aguilar Ft. Jorge Drexler - Tuyo (Joana Colomar & Giorgio Lorente; México) Inés Errandonea - Arde (Inés Errandonea & Magela Crosignani; Uruguay) Jovem MK - Meu Karma (Paladino & Kaique Alves; Brasil) La Yegros Ft. K.O.G. - Veo (Paula Verrua; Argentina) Lionel Daunais - Doux Temps (Caio Amon; Brasil) Luzmila Carpio - Kacharpayita (Camilo Coba; Ecuador) Noble Savage - Now (José Betancourt & Mariana Saldivar; México) Pabllo Vittar, O Kannalha - Penetra (Pedro Sampaio Remix) (Aline Moreira, Luanna Leonis & Julia Sandes; Brasil) Princesa Alba - Moonlight (Tiara Bustamante; Chile) Siamés - All The Best (Pablo Rafael Roldán; Argentina) Teto Preto - Put You In Your Place (Laura Diaz & Hick Duarte; Brasil)
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A hymn to my desire to do that never ends! New album entirely recorded digitally out on October 24th. A hug
#House #Housemusic #Electrohouse #club #Alternative #Music #Beats #dj #deephouse #dj #disco #newmusic #party #ibiza #discordmemes #clubmusic #love #newrelease
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Scritta nel 2017 in memoria e onore di tutti i giovani caduti durante la repressione dittatoriale in Venezuela di quella primavera 💚
E fu il tempo dei papaveri rossi
alla sfida dei freddi in altalena del tempo
ventati alla vita
del nudo ai cingoli del brivido
a onorare le brezze cadute
di rugiade alle albe
come lacrime di prati violati
Il sangue del cielo infranto
dimenticò gli scarlatti incamiciati ai miti
e ne riconobbe le bugie intessute
e le toppe
alle zolle numerate ai polsi
della fame alle vene
Fu il tempo dei papaveri rossi
polline alle polveri sparate ai vermigli
sorriso ai fumi dei cimiteri
apostrofo d'una terra innamorata all'alto
e ai salti delle acque alle sue fonti
Benedetti i campi
dove le battaglie diedero le vite
e benedette le vite
dove i campi diedero le battaglie
Fu il tempo dei papaveri rossi
e il mondo conobbe agli sgomenti
gli aliti materni
i vagiti alla luce
gli sbocci ai fori delle rondini
Benedette le battaglie
che diedero i campi
e benedette le vite che diedero battaglia
Y fué el tiempo de las amapolas rojas
al desafío de los fríos en el columpio del tiempo
de tallos tensados
de viento a la vida
del desnudo a los cíngulos del escalofrío
a honrar las brisas caídas
de rocíos a las albas
como a lágrimas de prados violados
La sangre del cielo destrozado
olvidó los escarlatas encamisados a los mitos
y reconoció de ello las mentiras entretejidas
y los parches
a los terrones numerados a las muñecas
del hambre a las venas
Fué el tiempo de las amapolas rojas
polen a los polvos disparados a las bermejas
sonrisa a los humos de los cementerios
apóstrofo de una tierra enamorada a lo alto
y a los saltos de las aguas a sus manantiales
Bendecidos los campos
donde las batallas dieron las vidas
y bendecidas las vidas
donde los campos dieron las batallas
Fué el tiempo de las amapolas rojas
y el mundo conoció a los desalientos
los alientos maternos
los vagidos a la luz
los brotes a los agujeros de las golondrinas
Bendecidas las batallas
que dieron los campos
y bendecidas las vidas que dieron batalla
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