ts4 ultimate decades challenge
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currently sims 4 ultimate decades - 1300s also random tv shows
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aviandtheseals · 1 year ago
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge - Fall 1374
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In the fall, Sabina and Touilda both began to recover from their illnesses. The family was very grateful that the girls were feeling better.
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However, the illness was passed on to someone else: little Wolfie soon came down with a fever that didn't go away.
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A few weeks later, Wolf died from the sudden illness.
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Edussa was completely wrecked. Since her conversation with Finnian that summer, she has been working hard in the store, but spending time with her children as well. Every day, she taught Touilda about the different plants in their garden and how to act with the people in the store. Edussa was excited to pass off her knowledge to her children. But now, Wolf was gone.
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The rest of the family was also sad. Of course, many infants die, and everyone in the family has seen death, even young Sabina. But the heir of the family, the first boy in the next generation, left not only a hole in the present but a hole in the future. With him gone, the hope that life would become better by the time Wolf was an adult was sucked out. Who was all their hard work for?
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Finnian and Edussa tried to support each other and their family through the death of their son. The girls were upset by the sudden disappearance of a family member. Sabina didn't remember much from the deaths of her mom and siblings, and Touilda had never experienced death before, so it was one of their first experiences with death. For Kymmie, the death reminded her of Finnian's twin brother, also named Wolf, whom she lost. Finnian and Edussa were heartbroken, but they took comfort in being anchors for the rest of the family in this difficult time.
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Shortly after Wolf's death, Edussa made a discovery: she was pregnant again. Unlike her previous pregnancies, this time she was excited in addition to apprehensive. Her son was gone, but the void he left would not be there forever. She can bring a new life to the world, and eventually love will fill the space left by Wolf.
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Finnian was ecstatic. He was happy to have another child, and happy to finally feel that he was on the same team as his wife when it came to children.
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aviandtheseals · 1 year ago
Sorry I haven't posted in a couple weeks! I just started college and have been busy with school and living in a new place. New post coming soon and I'm hoping to get back to regular updates :)
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aviandtheseals · 1 year ago
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yay 100 likes! thank you everyone!
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aviandtheseals · 1 year ago
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge - 1374 Summer
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While the married couple of the house was in turmoil, Sabina and Touilda were suffering. That summer they both got sick, and Touilda was especially upset she wasn't allowed to go places due to her sickness. She spent her time playing in the garden when she felt well enough.
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Meanwhile, Finnian felt guilty for talking to his former lover behind his wife's back. He was not going to tell Edussa that he was once in a secret relationship with a noblewoman for years, but he felt guilty for deceiving her, so he wanted to reassure Edussa of his love.
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"Can I talk to you about something?"
Edussa nodded.
"I know that you previously talked about how you don't enjoy caring for the children. I wanted to remind you that I love you, no matter what. And I want to see how we can proceed. Perhaps you can talk to some of the wise women in the town about your feelings?"
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Edussa knew that most women wouldn't dare tell their husbands that they enjoyed running the family business more than child-rearing, and she hadn't planned on telling Finnian. But his words felt sincere, and she was touched by his concern.
"Actually, I've been thinking. I've been unhappy since Touilda was born. It's not that I don't love her, it's just that I couldn't imagine my days being filled with only washing toddlers." She took a deep breath. "I have been much happier since I've been running the store. I want to help our family, I want to expand it, but the way that makes me happiest is to make money for all of us. Then I feel like I'm actually making a difference."
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"I have been thinking lately too. I have a vision for this family. By the time we grow old, we will make enough money to buy our way out of serfhood.
"We have both seen what a terrible life this is," Finnian said, shuddering at the memories. "I want our children to be able to choose their own futures, and not be constricted by a lord that can take their land away in a second if he pleases."
Finnian took her hand. "And I want you to be there with me, to be my partner in life. If what you want is to make money, that's wonderful. Because that's what I want too."
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Edussa was so happy she could burst into tears. She never imagined a life beyond a serf's wife. Her imagination went wild. They could leave their land, open their own shop in a city, her sons could learn trades, and her daughters would fight for the wealthiest man around to marry.
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Edussa spoke with the most passion Finnian has ever seen in her eyes. "I love you, and I love our family. I want to have more children, and I want all of them to have a bright future. I want our great-grandchildren to hear about us, about how we helped the family. And I want you."
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That night, they tried for another heir.
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aviandtheseals · 1 year ago
The Rowntrees House Tour - 1374
Here is a tour of the house I currently use for my main family in the ultimate decades challenge! I like to change up my builds once I get bored with them, but I'm really enjoying this house and I hope to continue to expand it through the next few decades.
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The front of the lot has a relatively empty front yard, some plants, and a graveyard for the recently deceased family whose ghosts are still around. The main house has a path leading up to it and two floors. The front yard also has a trash can and mailbox (bottom left corner) and the signpost from ye olde cookbook (in the plants clump next to the front wall of the house. The double door in the front of the house leads to the store, and there's another door on the side.
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Behind the house there is a garden in the middle, a pond with a raised pool on the left, an outhouse and chicken coop behind the field, and an archery range surrounded by trees to the right.
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This is the archery range where the family can practice archery. It is in the more forest-y area of the lot while the garden is in an area clearer from trees. There is also historical money bars for the kids to play on.
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This is the layout of the first floor. From left to right: bathroom, store, crafting room, and kitchen. The bathroom shares a wall with the house, but has its own door on the left. The store has the main entrance of the house and connects to the crafting room. The kitchen connects to the crafting room as well and has its own door that guests can use.
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This is the store. There are tables and shelves for the family to sell their items, and a typewriter in the middle because that's the only off-the-grid computer I have. The nicer-looking furniture are currently for sale.
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This is the bathroom, where Finnian is currently bathing. It's the main bathroom used by the family when they are in the house.
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This is the crafting room, where there are different large appliances use like the woodworking and candle-making tables. The punching bag is also there for fitness skill. Most of the rooms have a fireplace because that seems time-appropriate.
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The kitchen is the main area where the family congregates. In the back corner there is a pantry, and there are stairs to the second floor. There is usually a meal prepared in the morning for people and grab and eat throughout the day.
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The second floor has the bedrooms and family/living room. The stairs lead to the living room on the right and the bedrooms on the left. Bedrooms left to right: master, single beds, nursery.
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In the living room, there are activities like cards and the lute, as well as decorations. There is a bench that people nap on sometimes. If there is money for more nice activities, they will go in this room. There is also a baby sleeping on the floor but we don't talk about that.
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The hallway has a table for fun, and a ladder to the currently non-existent attic. On the right is the nursery, which has infant and toddler beds as well as a potty and a toilet for the adults if they are on the second floor. On the left is another bedroom with two beds. Currently Kymmie and Sabina sleep there, but sleeping arrangements could change once there are more older kids in the house.
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At the end of the hallway is the master bedroom. This is where Finnian and Edussa sleep. It has some furniture and most importantly the money jar on the cabinet, where the family keeps their savings. Which I waste on buying them furniture.
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This is the ceiling of the bathroom, which can't be reached so it hasn't been cleaned since the fire.
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This is the attic currently in progress. There is a chest where I put fruits I don't want the family to eat. Also there is a chair.
I hope you enjoyed the post. What was your favorite of the house? Any suggestions to improve it?
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aviandtheseals · 2 years ago
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge - Spring 1374
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One day in the spring of 1374, Finnian was practicing archery. Whenever there was free time, he tried to improve his shooting. This was his happy space. Then he heard a voice.
He couldn't believe it. He hadn't heard that voice in what, five years? And after their relationship ended, he never thought he would hear that voice again, or see that red dress sway in the wind as those gorgeous legs walked towards him.
But it really was Regina, walking on his property with a smile on her face.
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Regina revealed a rose she'd been carrying behind her back.
"Hey. Since the war ended, I will be moving away this summer. I wanted to give you this gift and leave off on a good note." She paused for a minute, looking around the farm. "And see if you'd like to... do anything before I leave?"
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Finnian was annoyed. He broke off his relationship with Regina years ago, and now she was back, trying to destroy his life? Their relationship was wonderful when it was happening, but he was a husband now, and it was his duty to remain loyal to his family.
"Regina, I have a wife," he spat. "I have a daughter. What in the world makes you think you could come to my land and stir up chaos in my family?"
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Regina was clearly upset.
"I just wanted to say goodbye to someone who was important to me, but I guess you don't care about my feelings at all! And this isn't even your land. My cousins own this land. You are just a serf."
Finnian tried to keep a straight face, but he couldn't take it anymore.
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Finnian tried to deal with this peacefully but couldn't take Regina's cruel remarks about his social class. When they were together, she always complained about the differences, saying he didn't deserve to be a peasant and that social classes were unnecessary. But now that she was unhappy with him, all that went out the window.
"Are you kidding?!" yelled Finnian. "So just because I don't live in a castle, my accomplishments and my family don't matter? You can't just barrel here and destroy my life, even if that's what people like you always do!"
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Regina now started to get angry too.
"You never cared about me when we were seeing each other, and you don't care about me now! You only care about yourself, and keeping up the facade of a perfect life. And yeah, you're right. People like me can bulldoze people like you. But I never treated you badly, and it's rude to say that I did. Go brush the hair of your perfect wife, Finnian. You are all going to pay for this."
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Finnian's head was spinning, his heart beating fast, his emotions all over the place. He was disappointed in himself for making the mistake of ever falling for Regina. Why did he spend years loving someone who didn't care for him one bit, who he could never build a real life with? Why did he give in to his desires rather than listen to logic? Will his family, his life be completely destroyed because of one mistake?
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After a storm of shame and gloom, Finnian's heart turned angry. Finnian spent his teenage years giving in to his passions, but no more. From now on he will work hard to guarantee that his family had all the money in the world, enough to get out of serfhood, so their fates would never be at the hands of a disgruntled noble again. His children will live virtuous lives. He will stop any of them from making the mistakes he made.
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aviandtheseals · 2 years ago
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge - Winter 1374
I'm not feeling as motivated to play and I'm starting college soon, so I'm going to try writing shorter posts from now on. This year will be a story in 4 parts (one each season).
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At the start of 1374, news arrived in the village: the fighting in the war against France had come to an end! A few men who fought came back to the village, but news from Gilbert hadn't arrived yet. The family waited anxiously for Gilbert's return but were not sure when he'd arrive. For the time, Kymmie chose not to say anything to Sabina, to not get her hopes up.
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Since Finnian's injury, the women were left to take care of the garden. Kymmie and Sabina did not have the strength or stamina to work outside for long hours, so a lot of the tasks fell to Edussa. However, having her work in the garden brought down the store, which Kymmie was often too busy to open.
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Edussa loved running the store. She learned simple math from Kymmie when she first married into the family and enjoyed counting up the change and bartering with customers. While gardening, she tried to come up with ideas to make gardening more efficient, so she could return to running the store. Then one day, Edussa came up with a plan she thought was good enough to run by her mother-in-law.
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Kymmie had noticed that Edussa did not enjoy gardening and tried to calm her daughter-in-law.
"I know gardening is boring, but perhaps it would help for you to concentrate on the food and money we will get once the crops are harvested," Kymmie advised. "And you taking care of the garden means Finnian is not stressing about it, and he will heal faster."
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Edussa was not convinced. "Um, yeah," she said distractingly. "Speaking of the garden, um, I had an idea of how we can take care of it without me having to do it. But I'm really not sure it will work."
Kymmie wanted to chuckle at Edussa's nervousness. She went for a joke instead. "What is it, sell me off as hunting bait? Because I think I'm too old to fetch that good of a price."
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Edussa smiled weakly. "So I was thinking, we can't afford to hire a gardener. But... what if we can?"
Kymmie looked on, confused.
"There's going to be a lot of men coming from the war, right?" Edussa spoke quickly. "So, there will be more people, but the same number of jobs. And probably some people who don't have any life to get back to will pass through our village. And all these people will need jobs but won't need to be paid much. If we hire a gardener now, we can pay him half the usual price and still find someone."
Immediately after she said her idea, Edussa wished she hadn't. Kymmie was usually kind to her, but what if she thought Edussa was lazy or ungrateful for not just dealing with the current God-given circumstances?
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But Kymmie beamed at her instead.
"Edussa, sweetie, that's a wonderful idea! You are a very clever young lady to think about the situation like that. You are right. I remember my father telling me that after he came back from the war when he was young, many stragglers showed up on his farm looking for jobs. I will open the shop tomorrow and ask around for someone looking for a job."
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Kymmie wondered how many ideas Edussa had kept quiet about because she feared a negative response.
"Sweetheart, you're a very smart woman," Kymmie told her daughter-in-law. "When you have ideas, even if they end up not working out, you should still tell me about them. It's important to be curious and constantly think about ways to improve your situation."
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After talking to Kymmie, Edussa was ecstatic. Her entire life she thought her purpose was to be a good mother, and she was shocked when her first child didn't bring her the joy she expected. Now Edussa realized her purpose was to be a good mother, just not in the way she thought. She wanted to run the store successfully and come up with tricks to sell more stuff. And one day, by being a successful businesswoman, she would make enough money to guarantee her children didn't have to be serfs. Edussa was grateful that she married into a family where she wasn't just stuck as a farmer's wife.
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aviandtheseals · 2 years ago
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge - 1373
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This winter, Sabina and Kymmie made it official - they are now best friends!
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During the winter, Edussa found herself less energetic than before. Unfortunately for her, it was exactly what she feared: she was pregnant again.
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Edussa couldn't take the overwhelming dread anymore, and decided to tell her husband how she was feeling. Finnian was supposed to be her partner in life, so this would be okay, right? Edussa told Finnian how scared she was to have another kid, but Finnian was upset at her confession. He didn't want his dream of a large happy family disappearing before his eyes.
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Finnian spent the next few months thinking about his wife's confession. All he wanted was to have a happy family, the opposite of his growing up. Finnian always feared that death would take away his children, but his wife didn't even want to have any? If Edussa didn't want kids, why did they even marry? He was confused and frustrated. But regardless of how he felt, he entered into a marriage. Finnian was an honorable man and wouldn't break this contract. If his wife was unhappy with being pregnant right now, he would do his best to support her. And who knows, maybe she will come around to more children. Right now, the most important thing was supporting Edussa.
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Edussa was very nervous after her initial conversation with Finnian, but after he told her he changed his mind and will do whatever possible to support her, she was feeling much better. Edussa wasn't really sure how she felt yet, or what she really wanted in life, but she was glad to have the support of her husband. During her third trimester, she was feeling very confident, despite the impending doom of birth.
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Summer was going well for Edussa, until Finnian came back from hunting one day bleeding and hunched over. He had been mauled by a bear! Edussa was terrified. What if Finnian died, and she had to raise two children all by herself? Edussa didn't want her beloved partner gone, just as she was starting to feel more secure in her place in the family.
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As the summer transitioned into fall, Edussa got closer to giving birth. She was worried constantly, especially about her husband. He was healing nicely from his injuries, but she couldn't help running possible scenarios over and over in her mind. What if he died that first day? What if he now has an infection? What if a tree fell on him randomly? What if he will never be well enough to do housework again? Edussa was also stressed because of all the work she had to do in the garden now, since Finnian was injured.
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Luckily, there were no deaths in the family that year. In September Edussa gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Wolf, after Finnian's deceased twin brother. She was glad for her pregnancy to be over, and Finnian was glad to have a baby to help take care of since he was recovering and couldn't do much around the farm.
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Meanwhile, Touilda aged up to a toddler!
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aviandtheseals · 2 years ago
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge - 1372 Summer & Fall
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As Sabina grew, she wished more and more for friends. Besides the people she was living with, Sabina didn't see many other people, especially not other kids her age. Her only refuge was helping at the family store, where she could help out by talking to people all day. Most costumers ignored her since children should be seen but not heard, but a few costumers were happy to indulge a goofy and social kid.
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In the summer of 1372 Kymmie aged up to an elder. She was lucky to have lived such a long life and was grateful that God gifted her with more time to care for her family. As Kymmie got older, she let go of most of the feisty spirit of her youth, and now prioritized taking care of her family. Kymmie still remembered all the difficult things that had happened to her, and she still got gloomy from time to time, but now she tried to stay concentrated on the present.
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Kymmie's age didn't deter her from her decades-long passion for woodworking. Her magnificent craftsmanship continued to keep the store busy and their home flowing with coins.
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Kymmie and Sabina had also been getting very close. Sabina's father didn't have much time for her after her mom died, and she was glad to have an adult to spend time with. Sabina admired Kymmie's strength and resilience that came from her age. Sabina always had endless energy until she crashed and burned, and Kymmie's spirit helped calm Sabina down. Mostly, Kymmie and Sabina have both been searching for someone to love them unconditionally their entire lives. Now it looked like they might have found one.
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When Edussa was around the family, she put on a mask of happiness. She was happy to have a child to take care of all day, happy that all her energy was going to keep another human being alive, happy that this was her life now until she died in childbirth.
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When Edussa was alone, she completely broke down. Her entire life, Edussa was never really sure what she wanted. She thought once she had children, something would click and her passion as a mother would take over. But Edussa was only frustrated with taking care of an infant and hated being weaker than usual after giving birth. She was coming to terms with the fact that being pregnant and recovering from giving birth would take up a lot of her future.
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Although she stayed quiet, Kymmie saw Edussa was suffering and helped take care of Touilda as much as she could. Having little Touilda around made Kymmie reminisce about her youthful infatuation with the original Toulida, Edussa's mother. After a string of deaths in her family, Kymmie was heartbroken at the death of her close friend, but now that years have passed, she was able to reflect on that time without being flooded with all the emotions that came with it. Kymmie realized she was glad to meet Touilda, even if their story did not end happily, and was grateful to have had such a wonderful relationship.
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Finnian was also very close to Touilda. Edussa was glad to have Kymmie's help in taking care of her daughter, and she knew she should be grateful Finnian was the rare man to cherish all his children, but she was jealous of Finnian's unconditional love. Even though Edussa forced herself to take care of Touilda all day, when Finnian came home from the fields Touilda only wanted him. Seeing the two of them together also reminded Edussa that Finnian would definitely want more kids in the future, a reality she deeply wanted to repress.
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Edussa's fears came true. In the fall, Finnian told his wife he wanted more children. To Finnian, Touilda was a beautiful gem, but he wanted a whole bunch of delightful children to fill up their home.
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Edussa knew that imagining that future made her want to throw up, but she didn't know how to tell her husband that. How could she be a good woman, a good wife, if she didn't want a family? If she didn't agree to what her husband wanted? So she pretended to be alright with more kids.
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Edussa and Finnian continued to try for babies. Edussa always enjoyed the woohoo but feared a pregnancy. Finnian obliviously looked forward to more bundles of joy gracing his doorstep.
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aviandtheseals · 2 years ago
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Have you ever wanted to play the Ultimate Decades Challenge because having death rolls and events from history (wars, famines, plagues) sounds like a lot of fun, but you’re really about 0% interested in history? You don’t want to download hundreds of pieces of medieval CC and mods, and even if you wanted to, you’re just not big on the aesthetic? Well, do I have a challenge for you!
I was having a conversation about the UDC with some friends, @melsie-sims and @gutsberries, and we came up with this really cool idea for a modern version: post-apocalypse.
If you decide to play through this challenge and post it somewhere, please tag it with either #DAClegacy or #deadlyapocalypsechallenge without spaces so I can find it! I’d love to see it!
I have written up the entire thing over on Google Documents, and I will include that here! But first I have a few notes here before you go to check it out:
There will be a lot of death. And since it's in the nature of the challenge, that includes very young children and innocent farm animals. If that bothers you too much, I don't blame you, but this is also not the challenge for you.
I have a lot of rules, but you can modify them for your own gameplay. This does include removing the death rolls if you really want to! You can even mix this with another challenge if you want to.
This challenge is pretty heavily story focused. But you do NOT need to actually write a story for it, it sort of writes itself honestly.
This can be as long or short as you want it to be. It can be 10 generations, it can be 20, however long it takes for you to reach one of the two win conditions. It can also be infinite if you so wish, so you can completely repopulate the barren world.
If you're still interested, go here -
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to send me either a DM or an ask! I'm usually available!
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aviandtheseals · 2 years ago
Poll time
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aviandtheseals · 2 years ago
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge - 1372 Winter & Spring
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In the winter of 1372, Sabina aged up to a child. Since her birth, Sabina was weak and less energetic than other kids her age, and the adults around her were silently impressed she survived to be a child. Sabina couldn't run around as long as other kids, but she still helped around the house and enjoyed exploring and playing.
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Sabina was a chatterbox and was now confident enough in her environment to talk the ear off whoever she could find, sharing her jokes and tall tales. Edussa and Finnian were too busy for her, but Kymmie always lent an ear. Sabina liked talking to Kymmie because of her patience, and even stayed silent sometimes, listening to Kymmie's stories of the past.
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Kymmie also tried to be helpful to Edussa, who was struggling with her pregnancy. As she got closer to giving birth, Edussa's pregnancy took more of a toll on her body, and she became increasingly uncomfortable. Kymmie tried to reassure the younger woman and describe her own joy of having children. Edussa tried to listen, but her pain was hard to ignore.
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Edussa tried to maintain a pleasant face regarding her impending suffering and didn't share her worries with others, not even her husband. Sabina, however, did not need to pretend. She was excited to have a new baby around and finally not be the youngest.
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Although she pretended to be okay, Edussa was completely miserable. Not only did she hate being pregnant, she wasn't sure she wanted children after all. Was her life meant to be spent caring for young, silly children? What if she couldn't connect with her kids, couldn't love them? Did she really want to be responsible for children possibly growing up to be awful people? Edussa's only hope was that her worries would be sorted out once the baby came.
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In late spring as the end of her pregnancy approached, Edussa was exhausted more frequently and had a hard time helping with the household chores.
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One night, Kymmie tried to cheer Edussa up by playing cards with her.
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In the middle of the game, Edussa felt a burst of pain. She realized labor was starting.
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Edussa gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Both of them were well after the birth. Edussa and Finnian decided to name their daughter Touilda, after Edussa's late mother.
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Finnian loved his daughter from the moment she was born and spent a lot of time with her in her first few months. Finnian loved having a small representation of himself around and was positive little Touilda would beautifully continue the family legacy.
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In the spring, Finnian was often frustrated by having to wake up to a screaming baby and care for his wife after she gave birth. When Finnian was young, this would cause him to punch some walls, but now that he was an adult, he took out his emotions by practicing archery.
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Meanwhile, the village was recovering from the famine of 1369, and for the first time since then, the family was able to plant a full garden.
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aviandtheseals · 2 years ago
Poll time
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aviandtheseals · 2 years ago
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge - 1371
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In the late winter of 1371, Finnian and Edussa married in the local church.
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They then consummated their marriage that night.
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In the first year of their marriage, Edussa and Finnian were very much in love. During the day Finnian was working in the fields and Edussa helped make candles around the house, but they spent as much time together as they could in the evenings. They were both very happy.
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Edussa was getting to know Finnian's family as well. At the start Edussa was nervous around Kymmie and feared she would be a harsh mother-in-law, but after a few months she realized that Kymmie truly wanted the best for her. Even when she criticized it was to help Edussa grow, and they became friends.
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Edussa also continued to spend time with her siblings. Her stepfather Nicholas Bridgford went to serve in the war against France, so Edussa went to the house often to make sure everyone was okay. She had good relationships with all her siblings, but especially her younger half-sister Kristen.
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Although Edussa was close to her family, Finnian and Kymmie did not get along with them as well. Kymmie tried to be polite, but she just did like Edussa's siblings. But she continued to come to visit with Edussa and tried to make sure the family was doing well.
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The year went on, and Edussa was getting settled into married life. Edussa and Finnian's frequent ~romance~ led to Edussa finding out she was pregnant that fall. Finnian was excited to have a kid, but Edussa was nervous about being pregnant and giving birth for the first time.
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As her pregnancy went on, Edussa became more excited to become a mother. Growing up in a big family, she always liked helping her mom take care of her younger siblings. However, Edussa did not enjoy the new pains and uncomfortable experiences that came with pregnancy. Being pregnant made her miss her mom, who died when Edussa was a kid. She wished a woman who already survived many births was by her side. Kymmie did her best to help, but there is nothing as good as a mother.
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aviandtheseals · 2 years ago
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge - 1370
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Good weather was finally returning, and more food became available in the village. Sabina was getting used to living with the Rowntrees and recovered from her illness. However, food was still scarce and the fields were still bare.
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Quickly after Finnian's interest in Marigold was ignited, he heard she was engaged. When her family came over to the store, Finnian confronted her, upset about the news. Marigold apologized for confusing him and was dismissive of Finnian's inappropriate levels of anger. She left in a hurry, and Finnian was left to find his next love interest.
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Now that Finnian was open to marriage, he began to notice the eligible women all around him. After a visit with her family, he started talking more to Edussa Zachary, the niece of his late brother's late wife Alexandria. Although their families were related by marriage, after the deaths of Arthur and Alexandria they grew apart.
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Now that they were teens, they got on very well and Finnian and Edussa quickly fell for each other. Edussa seemed like a simple and sincere peasant girl at first, and she was a very genuine person, but she was also quick-witted. She loved cracking jokes and like Finnian, saw through the harsh peasant life and the promise of a better life in heaven. She wanted to be a good Christian, but where was a good life now?
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Throughout the spring and summer, Finnian and Edussa kept meeting up (always chaperoned, of course). They kissed when they could find a moment and chatted about their deepest thoughts when they couldn't. That included talking about marriage. Finnian and Edussa fell for each other romantically, and they saw how marriage to someone with a similar mindset could improve both their situations.
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In the fall of 1370, Finnian talked to Kymmie and Edussa's stepfather Nicholas Bridgford to ask for permission to marry. He got along well with Mr. Bridgford, who was happy to get one of the kids under his wing married off to a good family. Kymmie was also supportive - she had been close to Edussa's mother Touilda, and was happy to welcome Edussa into the family.
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After the proper permissions, Finnian proposed. Unlike his last relationship, he was finally with someone he could have a future with. He wanted their marriage to be completely valid and for Edussa to be well taken care of. She immediately said yes. Both of them were very happy.
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Edussa looked lovingly at her period-appropriate ring, symbolizing the coming years of a loving marriage. She was happy to get to marry a good man for love, unlike other girls she knew around the village.
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These cuties began to plan their wedding that winter.
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aviandtheseals · 2 years ago
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge - 1360s Recap
I started posting this challenge in 1357, so this also includes some major late 1350s events. This decade saw 8 deaths, 3 births, and 1 marriage for the Rowntree family. I've been trying to get back to a large family since the famine, but it has not been working. Hopefully, once Finnian is married a large family will be possible. Everyone died left and right this decade, here's hoping fewer sims will in the next one.
Ursula Rowntree (1359)
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Ursula Rowntree was born in 1359 to Alexandria Butterfield Rowntree and Arthur Rowntree. Her father died shortly before she was born and her mother died at the birth, but she was raised by Kymmie Betts Rowntree, her step-grandmother.
Gilbert Hedgecock Jr. (1364)
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Gil was born in 1364 to Gilbert Hedgecock and Sarah Rowntree Hedgecock. He was loved by both his parents who wanted him to have a happier childhood than they did.
Sabina & Marie Hedgecock (1366)
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Twins Sabina and Marie were born to Gilbert and Sarah Hedgecock in 1366. Unfortunately, Marie and Sarah died soon after the birth, but the family was glad to welcome more children into the world.
Arthur Rowntree (1339-1359)
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In 1359, the Rowntree heir Arthur was mauled by a bear. Arthur was a kind father to his young daughter Jacquette and a loving husband to his wife Alexandria. He was also a protective older brother to his younger sister Sarah. Arthur was a farmer but made most of the family's money by woodworking, which he was talented at. He died at the young age of 20.
Alexandria Butterfield Rowntree (1338-1359)
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Alexandria Butterfield Rowntree was a loving wife and mother. She loved caring for her own daughter Jacquette as well as Finnian, another child in the house. She was also a talented lute player. Alexandria died in 1359, shortly after her husband Arthur, while giving birth to her third daughter Ursula. She died at the young age of 21.
Ursula Rowntree (1359-1362)
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Ursula (left) was a friendly and happy toddler, despite growing up an orphan. She was especially an affectionate sister to Jacquette. She died of chickenpox at the age of 3.
Sarah Rowntree Hedgecock (1345-1366)
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Sarah had a difficult childhood and lost many relatives, but she never let it wear down her spirit. Sarah always worked hard to provide and care for her family. She was a great big sister to Finnian, and always helped Kymmie care for Jacquette and Ursula. Sarah created the life she always wanted and guaranteed her own happiness by marrying her sweetheart, Gilbert Hedgecock. As a wife and mother, Sarah loved and cared for her children. She thought it was important to spend a lot of time with them and for them to always be happy. Sarah died shortly after giving birth to twin girls Sabina and Marie, but her big heart will live on with her family. She died at age 21.
Marie Hedgecock (1366)
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Marie Hedgecock was born with her twin Sabina Hedgecock in 1366, but they were both very weak and Marie died soon after. However, she was loved by her family.
Gilbert Hedgecock Jr. (1364-1367)
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Gilbert Hedgecock Jr. was a curious toddler who enjoyed exploring the house and loved learning from his mom. He died from the mumps at the age of 3.
Jacquette Rowntree (1357-1368)
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Jacquette was a warm-hearted toddler, but after the death of her sister, she became more of a loner child. Although she wasn't the friendliest, she loved spending time with her chickens and always worked hard around the farm. She was also very close with Finnian. Jacquette died tragically in a fire at the age of 11, leaving her family heartbroken.
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Clarice Hedgecock (1346-1369)
Clarice was a mean-spirited older sister to Gilbert, because of their stressful childhood. However, after their older brother Isaac died and Gilbert got married, she became nicer and helped care for GIlbert's kids after his wife Sarah's death. Clarice died from the 1369 famine at age 23.
Sarah Rowntree & Gilbert Hedgecock (1364)
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In 1364, Gilbert and Sarah got married. They were 18 and 19. Gilbert and Sarah met a couple years before and fell in love, but couldn't get married because their families didn't have the money. However, after Gilbert's older brother Isaac died, he became the heir of their farm and finally was able to marry his love. Gilbert and Sarah went on to be very happy for the next two years and had three children, but their marriage did not last long due to Sarah's death.
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aviandtheseals · 2 years ago
Screenshot dump Rowntrees UDC 1357-1369
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I couldn't figure out how to get the teens to marry until after Sarah got pregnant... oops
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