#s2e6 attila
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l3v5ha · 8 days ago
#SEVERANCE: what can i say after i say ‘i'm sorry’?
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aardvaark · 8 days ago
severance s2e6 "attila" thoughts and theories (SPOILER WARNING):
reghabi saying "the gemma you know is still in there": ???????? is she ????????? is this true and lumon really straight up kidnapped her and somehow affected her far more than any other employee but still left an outie-gemma portion of her brain to exist, or an empty promise? and if it’s untrue, is reghabi lying or just not privy to whatever super weird experimental stuff that lumon was doing with "employees" like gemma? i’m really unsure whether we’re gonna actually get gemma back, considering she is clearly not like the other innies.
"did everyone sever their balls in the elevator this morning?" lmao i love helly
miss huang is interesting. she’s particularly indoctrinated in the kier culty shit. i did suspect it was some kind of internship she was doing but whattttt is windertide? is it related to that school thing that cobel was a part of? what the hell is the aim of all that, anyway?
"shared vessels" oh mark
oh god i already felt very bad for mark (re: sex with helena… well, considering she was pretending to be helly, surely that’s some kind of sexual assault, right?) but now i also feel awful for helly. not even just because he didn’t realise it wasn’t her, but because in some way, even though it’s really not his fault, that would feel so violating. the way she was shaking and needed to leave and just sat in the hallway with her arms wrapped around her… "[helena] used my body to get close to you" exactly. but i’m glad helly’s decided to take back her autonomy and have sex on her own terms.
dylan’s innie vs outie relationship with his wife cannot end well, can it? if outie dylan thinks of it as cheating, or if his wife starts to only care about innie dylan, or if she resents outie dylan, or if innie dylan becomes too jealous of the life with his wife and kids that he’s being prevented from remembering… someeeething is gonna go wrong.
milchick being so focused on doing the paperclips "right" that his hands are shaking and being cruel to himself in the mirror. this terrible company!! he’s not even severed but lumon still treats him like shit, like he’s lesser than them, and there’s so much pressure on him to be 110% perfect. cobel got away with so much more when she was in his position (not just in secret either) as a white woman.
shit, lumon knows petey was reintegrating so if they realise any of mark’s current symptoms match petey’s from just before he left… that would probably not be very good.
nooooo outie burt is very pro-lumon/pro-severance procedure! and lowkey it sounds like he did something particularly bad in his youth, to be so certain that he’s not going to heaven (especially while his husband does believe he’s going to heaven and also thinks burt is going to hell. that’s pretty fucked up).
HELENA ALERT. the way i would run if i was mark. but of course outie mark only knows a tiny fraction of what she’s done. for now.
um. so helena says she "can’t imagine" what the overtime contingency felt like for outie-mark. so she’s still acting like she really wasn’t *also* affected by the OTC. surely that Situation TM during her speech made enough news that outie mark would hear about it, and surely he’d realise it’s not a coincidence that it happened right when he really did have his innie take over?? can’t believe people would buy that she was just drunk and "joking" during that speech, but it makes sense that helena would assume outie-mark believed it considering he’s still with the company. i bet there’s a huge "she was joking" vs "it was really her innie" debate going on in the general public.
at least now outie mark knows helena is dodgy because of how she brought up gemma and all that.
OH. burt’s been with lumon since about 8+ years before the severance procedure was (apparently) invented! and it’s all very hush-hush and implied that he perhaps WAS severed all the way back then. maybe that’s what he’s thinks he’s going to hell for…
fields is lowkey more fun than outie-burt. wrt thinking innies deserve love and whatnot.
"let’s do it. tonight" [camera pans to reghabi eating ice cream or soemthing straight out of the tub curled up on the couch]. i love reghabi. damn it mark, she was having a quiet night in! oh well, it seems like ethically & legally dubious neurological experiments are her passion anyway. she’s probably having fun prying his brain open. she does look worried though…
i love the two wave forms implying one consciousness can be so perfectly distinguished from the other. i feel like that’s not a thing but i’m gonna go with it.
devon! my beloved! ooo she kinda has a crush on a woman? awesome. hope she exposes what that lady + her husband from baby camp are doing.
imagine ur at ur brothers house and he collapses and ur really worried and then a woman youve never seen before who was clearly hiding up until now appears and tells you not to touch him. devon’s not having fun!
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whumpingmydarlings · 8 days ago
What the FUCK do you *mean* we have to wait a week to see if Mark Scout just died!! HELLO???
Fuck you, Ben Stiller.
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ahumanlifeformprobably · 7 days ago
holy shit severance (CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!!)
season 2 episode 6 (attila) is arguably the best episode not only for the show but for television as a whole and i will not be taking questions
love. gay love. everyone was workin for that grammy i stg. IRV AND BURT AND FIELDS POLY WAS NOT ON MY BINGO SHEET (like,,, "whats mine is yours" is CRAZY). also this episode just furthers my feeling that season one was the innies "childhood" and season two is their adolescence. just so. much. sex. (thank god i didn't watch this with the three other people i usually do bc no way am i sitting through that with other people around). SO MUCH LOVE. also helly's "did everyone sever their balls in the elevator this morning" was just beautiful. we missed u girl. anD INNIE DYLAN AND HIS OUTIES WIFE TOGETHER IS JUST SO GOOD AND THE HUG WAS FS THE MOST INTIMATE MOMENT OF THE WHOLE SHOW SHE DESERVES INNIE DYLAN (no hate to outie dylan). also just the beautiful cinematography with helly sitting in the hallway so far away from us and ms huangs manerisms and facial exprassion were SO INTERESTING and i feel like this episode more than any other fufilled the thriller and almost terrifying aspects of this shows genre. and mr milchicks whole scene with the mirror shots pulling closer in and the shaking hands after the paperclips like. not to mention outie marks bit in the beginning
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markhellyna · 7 days ago
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Ben Stiller: Again, it’s the question of like what permeates? What permeates, what is-y’know, what pheromones are there? What’s the memory there? What’s the connection, what’s the love feeling? All those things. Just so much going on to - I’m sure as actors, there’s just so much there to have just sort of waiting to call up, y’know, play with.
Adam Scott: Yeah that’s part of what was interesting about it. That there was something there… and it was entirely different from whatever connection or flirtation exists in either of the versions that we had done before. It was like this new, weirder, more lived-in thing. Cause both of these people have lived a lot longer than the innies, they’re “grownups” more. — The Severance Podcast with Ben Stiller & Adam Scott, S2E6: Attila
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ahn-maria · 7 days ago
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phemiec · 8 days ago
holy shit that might have been my favorite Severance episode yet
(Spoilers below for S2E6 “Attila”)
The razor sharp tension throughout, everything is so thick and messy right now, the fucking ETHICS of it all. The most fraught fucking 50 minutes of moral conundrums I’ve ever seen. It had everything: Sex, consent, love, death, god, the soul and afterlife, lies and betrayal, sweetness and connection in the most unfuckingfathomably dark and complicated situations.
I can’t fucking handle this show. Every single plot thread and relationship is driving me completely apoplectic.
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mlobsters · 4 days ago
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severance s2e6 attila
love triangle vs throuple part 2 (part 1)
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ananke-xiii · 7 days ago
This post contains spoilers for the lastest episode of Severance "Attila" (S2E6, I believe?), so big FYI here.
I've already shared my disappointment for how this season was headed and I was really hoping that, as the season progressed, I would've changed my mind but, alas, I haven't. Personally, I don't think the story is currently being told in a way that's engaging to me. Secretly, I just don't think that the storytelling in S2 was either planned or executed well enough for a show with that time and that budget at its disposal (I'm not talking about camera work and acting performances because they're genuinely the only two things I enjoy atm). Like, I can genuinely feel they're buying time for S3.
"Attila" didn't change my mind about it. However, it gave me an important clue as to why I'm not enjoying the show as I used to and it's also making me think that I might've been wrong in the sense that's not about poor planning but purposefully misleading planning.
With Burt's storyline, we've officially entered "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism" territory. It's text now, it's clear as day, they couldn't actually spelled it out more than this for us in a way that wouldn't be boring and pedantic. There's not takesies-backsies now.
So I've been thinking... what if... and hear me out because this is a big "what if", the show's actually poking a little (a lot of) fun at its audience?
'Cause one of the things people love about "Severance" and shows like it is coming up with theories, collecting all the details as if they're evidence planned since the dawn of time by the Author that are there to reveal something to us and us alone, the only one who can interpret them just the way they're supposed to be interpreted via our obviously unique relationship with God, ooopsie, sorry, I mean the Author.
Because this is the attitude of lots of fans of this show, lol. Like, chill.
But also, this is Luther. This is Protestantism. This is Burt (allegedly) getting severed because he's been "a very bad girl Gaga" and now he knows he won't go to heaven with his good, good husband. This is Protestantism at its core.
By contrast, it's a Protestantism that's actually doing propaganda for Catholicism which is an INSANELY FUN concept and I actually PRAY that's intentional.
'Cause the facts are these:
Luther's core belief was that Christians didn't need the mediation of the Church. This meant that good deeds cannot be earned and also that everybody could interpret the Bible because everybody is their own priest and has direct access to the word of God.
Now, the fun thing in Severance is that, apparently, the actual, in-universe Lutheran Church is literally saying that the severance procedure can help people get to heaven. Which means that Kier is acting as a substitute for the Catholic Church. This is why rituals are so important in its office culture, because they give meaning to that reality.
Kier, as a corporation, has appropriated the importance and the centrality of rituals for humans to the point that it can now "bestow" salvation to them. Through rituals. The severance procedure being one of them, the most important one. It's a baptism, in a way. However, Kier's also a huuuuuge company. Which means that work has a central (protestant) role in how they run their operations. So we have a creepily fun hybrid between Max Weber's thesis and the emptiness, preoccupations and anxiety that people feel in-universe: "Normal" work is not enough. If you want to be saved, you must get severed. You need a Church that can provide you with this service. You need Kier.
Ngl, this is good shit.
But why did I say that the show was poking fun at its audience? Well, because the show itself has inundated us with soooo many signifiers (the goats, the forest, Ricken's second book, the dentist-like tools, the MDR substitutes, the reintegration process, Miss Huang, the Kier's twin brother fairy tale, the holograms etc.) and has given us so little meaning so far that we, the audience, are actually supplying meaning to the show to the point that, I think, we've reached saturation: forms and symbols don't actually mean that much, because there are just too many meanings.
As of now watching Severance feels like a job: after each episode you have to do homework to understand half of what you've just watched. I honestly feel like I'm working trying to keep up with the show. And this is not enough! Because the following week there's a new episode and new signifiers and new shit and absolutely no trace of payoff and I'm like, wtf? The setups in this show feel like fucking traps atm.
And yeah, of course nobody wants to be spoonfed but a girl also wants a story. Which means that a girl wants to be given meaning. A girl wants an Author that can save her from the excess of signs/interpretations. A girl needs a Church. A girl needs Kier. Boom, here I'm faced with an interesting dilemma: I am just like the people getting severed in the show, I'm also looking for someone to give me meaning, to save me from the meaningless of... excess of meaning. This is good!!!
If they're doing what I think they're doing,
aka a critique of the over-"protestantization" of art to the point that art disappears in the background because what counts is only the discourse around Art, aka each individual interpretation of Art holds the same weight and how this is fertile soil for Kier-like corporations that just can't wait to become the New Catholic Church and give us rituals and meaning and salvation!!! not in exchange for money but in exchange for our Time and half of our Life!!!...
well, if they end up there, I'll totally change my mind about the show.
I'll be waiting.
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pikslasrce · 7 days ago
s2e6 got me so fucked up im on the wikipedia page for attila the hun....
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l3v5ha · 8 days ago
...a second plane just hit milchick nation...
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mlobsters · 5 days ago
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serverance s2e6 attila
stop looking at mee
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mlobsters · 5 days ago
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severance s2e6 attila
some weird optical illusion happening with those strange lights on the steps lining up with lighter parts of the steps? it's only really on the first post/step but my brain carried it over to the others. granted i was watching the episode with my screen brightness pretty low but i was so confused LOL
very visually interesting show and i have stuck to watching it without reading other people's thoughts/speculation/theories as to not contaminate my experience (lol) but there's often this nagging, is this for a reason or is just cool/weird looking
i have this magnum opus of s1 burt and irving gifset i've been working on trying to edit down for a while but can't resist making something from this episode first with the old man love triangle / could-be throuple so that'll be up, just was reminded of this little moment of intense confusion while i get that edited 🤪
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