#ryoshu x reader
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cuddling Ishmael from limbus company
I went way off course on this one. Also, I added Don Quixote, Rodya, and Ryoshu as well.
Either way, your wish is my command!
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Ishmael’s love is like the ocean.
One moment, it is calm with gentle waves and good winds.
The next, the wind is blowing you to and fro, the sea froths and foams in passionate, loving madness as waves like skyscrapers attempt to swallow you whole.
You are the only one permitted to see this part of her in its entirety.
The part of her that festers under her skin, begging to be let out onto those she loves.
The part of her that is held back by her fear and rage.
The part of her that you let loose, if ever so slightly.
The part of her that wants her to crush you in her arms as she holds your hand.
The part of her that wants to kiss your lips raw whenever she looks into your eyes.
The part of her that wants to have you with her for all of time.
The part of her that, when you saw all of her, held her close despite that, took control of her and shook her too her very foundations.
That is Ishmael's love.
That is the love only you are privy to.
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Don Quixote’s love is like lightning.
It is burning, it is viscous, it is quick, it is loud, it is wild, and it is most definitely Don’s.
To say the girl sweeps you off your feet is an understatement.
She will take you in her arms and promise you the world, promising to show you the most incredible of sights as it is the bare minimum of what you deserve in her eyes.
The conviction in her eyes, the force of her words, and the gentleness of her promises makes it impossible for you not to believe her.
Don Quixote’s words and actions, no matter how grand or mad, always have endless passion and love in them.
And so, rain or shine, day or night, alone or in public, Don Quixote will show you her love whenever she so wishes.
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Rodion’s love is oppressive, greedy, and all consuming.
Like a starved animal biting down on prey, she will hold you in her clutches and won’t let you go until she wishes.
Rodya knows that if you want something desperately, you take it.
However, the concept of giving something invaluable and fragile like her heart…
It’s something she is terrified of.
Yet, she still tries to give her love to you as best as she can.
It is not subtle, it is not gentle, it is not measured.
And yet, it perfectly encapsulates everything she feels for you.
Her love is massive, impossible, kind, passionate, and filled with more emotion than she can stand.
And it is all for you.
It is something she gives to you without desire of reciprocation.
She only hopes that you know just how great her love for you is.
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Ryoshu is not someone who shows love in any way that could ever be considered traditional.
However, even she is not immune to the cold.
So, on the nights when the temperature runs ever so slightly chilly, she will wrap her arm around you with an abbreviated mutter and nothing else.
As the two of you lay there, she will absentmindedly run her finger across the small of your back like it was a brush (or knife) and you were her canvas.
Simple nonsensical doodles, complicated designs, sketches of half formed thoughts and memories.
If you were anyone else, she may have entertained the thought of cutting you open at this moment.
Unfortunately for her artistic side, you had wormed your way into her heart like a caterpillar eating through an apple.
For better or worse, you were a part of her now.
For better or worse, she was a part of you now as well.
Ryoshu was in turmoil over this fact.
And yet, for some reason she felt a small flame of hope in her chest when she thought of you.
Could it be caused by sentimentality? Connection? Love?
Ryoshu did not know.
That did not bother as much as she thought it should.
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inkbitten · 5 months ago
i like your writing i wanna see how you do some of the other sinners…so maybe yi sang, faust, and ryoshu with a reader who has a lot of weird creative/philosophical ideas but no one wants to listen to or understand their nonsense ramblings
( WAHHH THANK YOU FOR LIKING MY WRITING SOBS,, also. some of these may or not be inspired by my friends' portrayals. )
he enjoys your rambles, especially the drunken ones that come after you two have enjoyed a few bottles of soju.
“ do you think a trash can knows it's a trash can? ” you ask, and he bursts into inebriated guffaws.
“ i'm serious! ” you whine. among the other abnormalities and beasts you've encountered, your drunken mind believes that a sentient trash can is not out of the realm of possibilities.
“ i don't.. haha. “ he clears his throat, taking a moment to think. well, if a pair of shoes can possess someone.. “ perhaaps so. how do you buh—leef.. belieevee it would occur? ”
yi sang adores the way your eyes light up, features almost aglow each time he inquires further. he doesn't drink anymore, wanting to be able to recall your rambles come morning.
faust is one of the more attentive ones when you ramble to her. most of your ideas and concepts involve her magnum opus, mephistoles.
“ hey, don't you think it'd be cool if the bus had a UV light option on the headlights? ”
“ ..faust believes this could prove fruitful. ” comes her always——calm response.
if the headlights had such a feature, perhaps they could unveil things to aid in procuring more boughs.
“ can i help? ”
“ no. ” her voice becomes firmer than usual, but softens once more. “ ..however, you may watch. ”
your creative rambles seem to usually involve art, and art history. she listens with a lit cigarette between her lips as you go on a tangent, arms waving around for emphasis. you're usually a little more reserved, so she always likes how animated you become. like watching a doll come to life.
she has several sketches of the poses you make as you speak to her—— arms extended at the side with palms facing up, fingers curled at your side as you resist the urge to move. ..she hates when you're still as you ramble. where is the passion she loves to see?
eventually, it is not you seeking her out, but the other way around.
“ S.P.T.M, “ she says one day in the bus's kitchen, aiming to get you to ramble once more.
” ..? ” oh. speak to me. “ uh, sure. ” you awkwardly reply, unused to the usually self—kept ryōshu coming up to you first. “ can i rant about calarts again? ”
“ mmn. “
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thirstyfortaglines · 2 years ago
R.B. Chef de Cuisine Ryoshu content cause I can’t find any elsewhere
A 1.5k word fic for Ryoshu from Limbus Company. No sexual content but contains mentions of gore and implied cannibalism. Chef Ryoshu has tainted my perception of affection irreparably, but I hope you enjoy regardless.
You awaken to find your arms pressed firmly to your sides by leather belts while metal cuffs restrain your wrists on the arms of what feels to be a plastic chair. Prying your eyes open proves a painful task as your eyelids feel heavy and sealed shut; upon finally getting them open you immediately shut them again, as a bright light shining above sends my mind reeling. Upon a more metered approach, you manage to slowly take in your surroundings: an iridescent bulb hangs barely in sight at the center of the room, illuminating at the opposite end to you a door with a small, barred window. You lazily trail your gaze to the left of the room, seeing hooks upon hooks of meat, some clearly in the process of decaying given the pungent smell wafting in the air. Your groggy state had kept you in a sedated state despite your current situation, but soon adrenaline began coursing through your veins, waking you from your fog.
Because you just noticed the pile of human corpses on the right of the room. 
Splayed ribs. Arms removed from their sockets. Human skulls, some of which still have eyes, others being completely removed. You can’t tell which is more horrifying. A river of blood snakes from the scene towards the center of the room and into a drainage pipe clogged by bits of skin, flesh, and hair. You fight the urge to hurl as terror wells up within the deepest parts of your mind, screaming at you to leave. You begin to jostle desperately at your constraints, giving into panic as your arms and wrists burn from your struggle. Panic quickly gives way to hysteria; you begin shaking harder and scream out in a rugged voice for help. A voice in the back of your head tells you you’re being irrational but to no avail. You scream louder, stomp your feet harder-
Until you hear footsteps from the door.
Every footfall is muffled, as if covered by cloth. Is your killer wearing a cloak, to embody death itself? 
Your heartbeat quickens as your imagination races unhelpfully to paint every gruesome death you might experience at the hands of whoever trapped you here; your breaths quicken and become shallow, cutting off oxygen from your already pounding head. The footsteps continue to get closer. In some cruel turn of luck, your breaths become slow and shaky, in rhythm with your oncoming demise.
(Breath In) 
3 steps until they reach the door
(Breath Out)
2 steps until they reach the door
(Breath In)
1 step until they reach the door.
This time, you hold your breath, hoping, praying, that somehow they might-
“I know you’re awake.”
A rough female voice comes from outside the door, temporarily replacing your terror with morbid curiosity. “Usually, the serial killers are men, especially the ones that eat people” you thought to yourself, still holding your breath. You hear the jingling of keys as the woman presumably goes to open your cell; the keys, you think, solidify your fate as you begin to come to terms with your death. “At least,” you think, painedly, “I want to see the face of my killer.” Your vision tunnels on the door as you
Listen to the keys slot into place, jingling cheerfully as though to mock you. 
Hear the locking mechanism become undone, once your obstacle and now your last hope, dashed. 
And watch as a short woman with a sword almost her size walks into the room, dressed head to toe in a chef’s uniform. Blood stains spot her white clothing, giving the air of a butcher more than a cook; nevertheless, as your terrified eyes trace her body your gaze settles on a single name tag hanging above the left of her chest: Ryoshu. 
“So, you’re up” she said without a trace of emotion, looking at you as though the only difference between you and the meat in the corner was that you could still talk. She walked over to you, her stride never breaking as her eyes continued to be locked with yours; the entire scene felt like something from a nature documentary, where the predatory stalks up to their prey in the middle of the day, because the prey has nowhere left to run. You were the prey here. And she
She was your predator. 
As she gets closer, your heart rate begins to climb again while your mind, still foggy, tries to comprehend everything that is going on and how you might escape. Of course, there’s nothing you can do now, as the chef looms over you, reaching out a hand towards your face. You squeeze your eyes shut as the the hand of death
Tenderly touched your forehead. 
You open your eyes to find her own staring back at you, concerned. Relief is soon overrun by confusion as you continue to watch her as she traces the side of your face, grip still light but firm all the same. Her hand follows your jawbone towards the back of your head, feeling around. You hadn’t noticed before but your head is badly injured and her touch sends waves of splitting pain ricocheting around your skull and down your spine. “Tch” she scoffs, upset, “I told him to be gentler with this one.” As she takes her hand back you notice the array of tools hanging from her waist: stabbed into the fabric is a kitchen knife covered in a concerning amount of blood followed by several syringes filled with a red, gelatinous liquid. She catches you eyeing her tools and lets out a low, half chuckle as she grabs both the knife and a syringe. “This,” she said, waving the dirty knife, “is for kids who don’t listen.” “This one,” she continues, now holding the syringe in her free hand, “is for obedient kids. I wonder which one you’ll be.” 
Ryoshu continues to watch you, her eyes flitting across every stretch of skin as if she were browsing her inventory rather than a detained, terrified person. A warm hand is pressed against the underside of your ribs, pressing directly into your gut as if to feel around for further damage; her eyes are filled with professional care as she moves on to the rest of your torso, being as thorough as she is gentle. Were it not for the restraints and surroundings, you might’ve mistaken this for romance. Your breaths are shallow again, hitching whenever her fingertips inspect another portion of your flesh; she mutters to herself as she touches on different muscle groups across your body, noting their quality before ever learning your name. She stands over you again, seemingly done with her inventorying, and once again presses a hand to your head before nodding to herself. “Because you behaved yourself,” she said, eyes looking almost past you, “I’ll give you a treat.”
Her hand moves towards her weapons again, sending you back into a panic. Tears begin to roll down your face but you refuse to scream out of fear of her retaliation. 
The hand hovers over the knife for an excruciating length of time before moving on to one of the red syringes. With the other hand she cups your chin, securing your face and steadying your trembling lips.
“Say ‘Ahh’.”
Her thumb peels back your bottom lip, touching your teeth and rubbing them absent-mindedly. You know whatever’s in that vial will lead to your death, but your fate was sealed the moment you wound up here in the first place. Your vision swirls as your head churns both from nausea and terror and yet, in your haze of hysteria, tears, and sweat, her red eyes never stop watching you; the blood red dots in your vision, despite how long you felt like you were sitting there, never ceased their observation. 
Well, the syringe will hurt less than the knife.
“Good choice.” 
Your head swims as the concoction enters your bloodstream, leaving a residual sweet taste on your tongue. Your eyelids grow heavy as your heart slows, making your fight to remain conscious all the more strenuous. “It’s rude to refuse a gift,” the girl says, leaning in close to your ear, “especially one that cost so much.” You can’t tell if she’s talking about the syringe or you. Not that it matters to your half-conscious brain much. Her hand once again approaches you, settling on your neck this time. Her thumb plays at your jugular, circling. You can’t decide if it’s endearing or threatening. Out of the corner. of your vision. you see her lips move. but you can’t hear. anything.
She smiles at you. Or maybe it’s. A sneer.
It doesn’t. matter. 
because you. can’t. 
The shop opens for the day, bearing a sign for a special they’ll be offering today. Patrons pour through the door, frothing at the mouth like rabid dogs for the promise of a new flavor. “Chef Ryoshu! What’s the special?!” a curious, frantic man calls from the crowd. Her thin figure appears behind the counter, lips spread thin in a smile only fanatics of the craft could appreciate.
“Meat pies: Baked with L.O.V.E.”
Living Objects Voluntarily Exterminated.
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pvlvsdog · 5 months ago
How experienced are they and would you finish
Nsfw themes!
Dante has no idea if they are experienced or not so they are pretty much ruled a virgin until further notice. They didn't forget everything but they still manage to stress over getting something wrong. They’re clumsy and stressed out the first few times, but receptive to feedback. Just kind of too frantic to really follow through on it fully. If you're really into them, finishing is not out of the question, they are trying really hard. But the situation is really hard to navigate for them. They do care about you finishing more than getting to a climax themselves. Something about being constantly conditioned to be seen as a mere tool does that to a person
I firmly believe Ishmael has the knowledge surpassing all humanity when it comes to that area. Being on the sea does that to a person. So she knows exactly what to do and though she might judge you a bit (or at least tease you), she will go along with your fantasies and needs. There is not a thing that she wouldn't at least consider. And so you will have no problem finishing
I'm sorry but Heathcliff, to me, has not had sex. Ever. He’s not very experienced to put it lightly and im low-key bordering on making a claim here that you would probably have to put it in for him. He’s far to repressed/sexually frustrated and inexperienced not to miss the hole (either hole, really). But! He is certainly… eager. And wants to please you. To treat you good. Might be a leftover from his past, the same thing that I mentioned in the skinny dipping headcanons. So, while it would be clumsy sex for sure, he would do his best to make you orgasm. Make sure to praise him when you do, it'll make him very proud
Well, I would assume that Meursault fucked? I think he has decent experience and enough of deeply buried desires to be decent in bed. No problems with making you finish either
Rodya is a bit tricky because despite being experienced and knowing what to do with herself, your orgasm really depends on who you are to her. In sexual encounters she prioritizes herself. Learned that from an early age. If she won't take care of her needs, nobody will. So she might as well lead sex in such a way that satisfies her. If you're a drunken one night stand or she's not ready to consider you as a permanent part of her life, sex life included, she will do everything to finish herself. You're just along for the ride. Nothing personal, its not like she would do anything to prevent you from reaching the climax. But before a certain level of commitment, she wouldn't see it as a priority
Don also has a solid amount of experience. She does her best so that both of you finish, since she thinks that's just fair. And way more fun for her to be honest
With Ryoshu it’s 50/50 because I think she definitely had sexual encounters before. She’s a bit rusty though, since she hasn't had sex in a bit. You finishing is more so about what you're into because, just as she is with the act of killing, this too is art for her. She doesn't do quickies, doesn't do fast, desperate spikes of desire. The act of sleeping together is an experience she wants to live through fully and thus, there's a lot she will do before letting you come
Hong Lu is a mystery to me. I mean… he definitely isn't a virgin but im not sure how many sexual encounters that man had had. It could go anywhere between 3 and 300 and it wouldn't be any more surprising to me. But I think his willingness to try out your suggestions and openness to go with the flow would definitely make it easier for you to come. Like, if the current position isn't doing it for you, he’ll switch no problem, searching for a way to also give you pleasure. Sure, it’s a new concept for him. To not be the sole center of things. But he goes with the flow easily. It’s just a fun switch up for him to take a more active role
Outis fucked. And definitely made love too, but that was before the war took its toll on her. She's more familiar with quickies these days. If she actually puts you somewhere high in the hierarchy, she’ll do her best to please you. But if you're just ‘the best thing there was’ don't expect her to try hard. If you don't come she might actually act disappointed in you honestly. Are you really going to make her do all the work? She did her part, it’s on you if you didn't orgasm
With Faust it’s a bit unclear because I can't really see her seeking out sex too often but also like… she is a woman of science, she definitely tried in the very least. So she isn't totally inexperienced but making advances on someone to sleep with them is not an initiative she often takes, I think. Her actual skills might be a bit lacking but again, she has knowledge, so she’s definitely got a rough idea as to what she’s supposed to do to make you finish. I do see her as a more passive party in general, though
I might be a bit rough at writing Yi Sang. In my head, he definitely has had some sex, more than most would assume. But it’s not a very recent thing for him either. Not a very distant memory but there was a little break he had since the last time he had sex. Don't think about what I could be implying too hard (especially since I'm not sure how that would work physically). His skills are pretty good and the ability to just go along with things definitely helps. So in the end you have a pretty good chance at finishing. He’s not the best on the bus, but the probability is pretty high
Oh, it’s a bit tricky with Greg. If he were just an average soldier, he would have a much more extensive list of experiences. But as the “poster boy” it’s less likely that he got to have some undetected casual sex on the side. I mean, historically speaking, it’s not uncommon for those that have to partake in wars to blow off steam in such way. He wasn't an average soldier though so it hindered such possibility for him. And to sleep with a civilian after he got out… well he probably tried. Maybe succeeded once or twice. But even that is up for debate. He’s way too repulsed by his own body and even more scared of that same body acting up. So he’s very nervous and clumsy, restraining himself for a very long time. He feels like he has to “make it up to you” (and by ‘it’ I mean having sex with him, he see that as a charity case kind of situation) so he will do his best to make you finish. He lacks a lot of stamina and experience though. Feels awful if he doesn't make you come and does wonder if a part of it is because of his physique. Especially since it's not that hard to make him finish so he doesn't like when he doesn't manage to return the favour
Now I firmly believe Sinclair is a virgin. I think he and Heathcliff could be in competition for the place of the least experienced. And given Heath’s past, Sinclair would win, I recon. There are two possible routes sex with him could take. Most likely is a nervous, shirt-on encounter born out of pure hornyness that often overcomes him. There is a possibility that his anger issues aid him and he takes more initiative (while making things definitely more rough). In both cases he’s going to be clumsy, sexually frustrated and very fast to finish. You on the other hand… have less of a chance to do the same. Post nut clarity hits him hard and he will grow silent and distant, withdrawing whilst letting his insecurity flood his brain with double the force
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average-limbus-fan · 1 year ago
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patchedrabbit · 2 years ago
das Ende
Pairing: Gregor Samsa (Limbus Company)/Fixer!Reader Warnings: Emetophobia Commissioned by @wizardofwoof Previous | Next
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Gregor’s dreaming was always restless, troubled, agitated.
Usually plagued with nightmares, he thought he’d get used to it at some point. That point never came. In fact, it just made him more uneasy when his dreams weren’t horrific in nature.
Like this one. Too good to be true, the warmth holding him tightly and telling him everything he ever wanted to hear. How his work was finally done, how many people he saved and how he could rest. How he was loved, and how he could rest. To settle down with that Fixer from the Zwei, someplace far away from the City — such a place had to exist, didn’t it?
He doesn’t respond much in his dream, in the sense that he brought not much to the conversation. He did speak a lot, in quiet I love yous as he shivered in the embrace.
Dreams like that made him uneasy. But when he awoke, with everything ripped from him, he nearly ripped himself apart with it.
He lay in bed for a while, not doing anything, slowly catching his breath. Eventually, slowly, he forced himself from the not-comforting-enough sheets and trailed along the walls of Mephistopheles to meet up with the other Sinners.
“Vergil~ Ver… c’mon, don’t you think you owe us a little stop?”
Red pierced the dull light filtering through the bus windows, causing Gregor to squint and grumble under his breath. Rodion causing problems already? “I’m not sure what makes you think I owe you anything. Need I remind you that you work for the Company? You take on whatever I tell you to, with no complaints.” The manager’s ticking sped up as Dante tried to calm their boss. The Color placed a hand on their shoulder as he stepped away, instead opting to converse with Charon (but not before ordering them to get their Sinners under control with a huff.)
<Where exactly are you wanting to go anyway, Rodion?>
“Any number of places… ah, what were they… South Section 1? …3? 6?” “EAT,” Ryoshu spoke pointedly, once again not being clear with her intentions, despite how confident she sounded. And, as he usually does, Sinclair was the one to pipe up to elaborate on her odd acronyms. “I… think that means ‘Everything Already Told.’ Something like all of the above, right?” As if affirming Sinclair’s assumption, Ryoshu flicked her cigarette out the window and turned to face the group. “The areas listed belong to that of the Zwei Association,” she explained with a smirk, “the last group of Fixers we worked with.” With a nod, Dante turned their attention to Rodion again. <What do you want with them?>
Rodion glanced at Gregor from the corner of her eye, and instantly he felt hot. She wasn’t trying to set him up, was she? “I’m pretty sure one of them pocketed my chicken voucher off me… you don’t want to start paying for my meals now, do you? We’ll be in and out, I promise!”
What a load of shit, Gregor held back the spiteful phrase as he bit his lip and waited in his seat. It took quite a bit of asking from Dante (and quite a bit of translating from Faust), but eventually, Vergilius gave in on the pretense that he really didn’t want to spend more money than he had to on the Sinners — and, they argued, their money was his money. So they were going to find the Zwei Association, wherever they were.
The first stop was the 3rd South Section. Or was the ‘3’ part of the title, and not a method of categorizing? Such useless questions bounced around inside Gregor’s head, distracting him from the growing pit in his stomach that Rodion was slowly digging deeper. “You owe me for this.” “No, I don’t… I didn’t ask for it either.” “But you know it’s for the best, don’t you?” “...I didn’t say that.” Despite averting his gaze, he can still hear the woman stifle a chuckle, informing him that he was still as poor an actor as he ever was.
When Dante came to a stop and Faust began speaking in their place, it was clear to the rest of the Sinners that there was some sort of negotiation taking place. Rodion even sneaked to their sides to continue spreading her web of lies, leaving her friend to hope she wouldn’t cause more trouble.
Though, if she had gone through that much trouble, he should at least follow through on what he had said that night. Slipping past the crowds and into the office, he squinted his eyes as he searched and even began calling out one name in particular. Eventually, he saw a hand raised, and before it had even dawned on him, he was rushing to the spot with his heart pounding in his ears.
You had returned only moments ago from an individual mission, unloading your weapons and other necessities from your aching back. You laugh, amused at seeing the same brunet consecutively every other week, but you didn’t mind. The first meeting was a welcome one, after all, and your feelings remained genuine.
“I- I need… to tell you something,” he spoke through labored breaths, clearly having sprinted to your spot. “Shoot!” “Uh… I don’t think- not here, is there any chance I can pull you away for a minute?” The interaction seemed increasingly awkward, which only made you feel more worried about him. What could possibly have gotten him so riled up? How naive you must be.
Regardless, you agree, and just barely mention to get away from the eyes of the Company and the Association managers. You can’t tell if he’s averting his eyes due to the lowering sun, the light dancing on his face, though the words heavy on his tongue are all too obvious to himself.
“I love you,” Gregor says.
“Huh?” “The mission, the other day… I said ‘I love you.’ You didn’t hear me.” Your eyes widen as you’re shot with an almost cartoonish flashback. “Oh… oh, hah. Haha. You see, what’s funny is I did hear that, but I thought I made it up…” The soldier’s shoulders slumped, seeming to take the response as a negative. “Me too,” you add. It was his turn to respond, “Huh,” with the most dumbfounded look.
“I guess ‘I love you too’ would’ve worked better- sorry for the confusion!” He continues staring at you, not really registering the phrase. You grab the insectoid arm again, appreciating the texture once more.
Wordlessly, he grabs onto your other hand and just stares into the interlocking of your fingers.
“This’ll be convoluted, won’t it… promise you’ll visit more?” You question with a tilt of your head.
“Promise.” He opens his mouth again to add more but suddenly jerks free from your grasp as a round-up is called, causing his hair to frizz up. “Guess Rodion’s problem was solved…” “See you, Gregor Samsa.”
The look he gives you has the innocence of a newly formed butterfly.
“See you.”
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mothhuuny · 7 months ago
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If you write a fic with Ryoshu x reader, i don't care if it's smut, i don't care if it's wholesome, i don't care if it's dead dove do not eat and @ me I WILL draw a scene from it. ryoshu nation rise up. PLEASE. i've read everything that was available.
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limbuscompanysituations · 7 months ago
W-Corp sinners hearing rumors about a ghost on the warp train, appearing with unharmed/sleeping passengers. Through investigation they encounter the ghost, only for said ghost not only to recognize them, but recount the previous times they've encountered them. (Ghost Reader x W-Corp Sinners)
I'm not joking when I say this is VERY LONG. It goes as follows: a brief meeting about the WARP Train ghost, and then every sinner's individual meeting with them. It took me a while to get to this request because I was unsure about how to tackle it to begin with. Thank you for your patience!
As the meeting goes on, the head of the group, or rather the one relaying information to them, finally approaches the main topic at hand.
"It goes without saying that this matter should not be spoken of outside of this group, as it pertains to corporate secrets." Faust begins, "As every employee in this meeting, regardless of ranking, has encountered a strange phenomena within the boundaries of the WARP train, higher management has decided to address this... situation."
The word they gave her was "issue", but as far as she was aware the anomaly had yet to negatively affect any train trips.
"I would not like to assume, knowing that secrecy is of utmost importance here, however, am I correct in suggesting that this has something to do with a certain unexpected passenger?" Yi Sang speaks.
Faust nods and glances around the room. Her other coworkers have varying reactions to the mentioned passenger.
Hong Lu stares off into the distance, lips pressed into a firm, thin line. Don Quixote's usual high energy self is silent and pensive. Meursault shows no signs of emotions other than briefly closing his eyes with a low hum, while Outis crosses her arms and looks away. Ryoshu lits up another cigarette and huffs. Rodion has a slight smile on her lips but her eyes are as cold as ever.
"All of you seem to be on the same page. This saves us time." She nods, "You are to proceed with your work as per usual, and report any encounters with the anomaly to an appointed senior manager."
"Ah, so nothing changed, really." Rodion clicks her tongue. She didn't know what she was expecting.
"Are you sure this event will not cause any..." Hong Lu raises his hand, trying to pose his question.
"I cannot speculate on secrets that pertain to WARP Train functionality." But Faust swiftly cuts him off.
He lowers his hand and nods.
"Comrade Faust," Don Quixote begins, "Can't we do a thing about it...?"
Faust shakes her head. "There is no way to say for certain whether this anomaly is dangerous to passengers of the WARP Train, be them employees or customers. You're to observe but not interfere."
The bright blonde woman seems dejected at that response.
"Listen to those above you, and you may learn a thing or two." Outis scoffs. It seems she had already made up her mind regarding this matter.
Ryoshu clicks her tongue, "Boring."
Faust politely dismisses all of her coworkers. There is nothing else she can tell them, given their contracts, and also nothing else she can reliably say about it. This is something beyond the scope of information he has access to.
From here onward, they all have to handle the passenger as they see fit.
Yi Sang:
He's almost done with his part of the job when the ghost appears. He doesn't startle or react in any way to the sight of it. The passenger sits on a surprisingly clean bench, gazing at him with a longing that's familiar to him. They've met many times like this. He looks around and sees that as per usual, three or four asleep passengers are huddled in a corner. None of his coworkers have made it to this carriage either.
Yi Sang sits by their side, and they sigh.
"This trip is taking a lot longer than advertised, don't you think?" They say. He doesn't respond, merely resigning himself to stare out the window. "That's what the usual passenger thinks when the train departs from the station, did you know?"
He knows it would be better if he didn't interact with them, but cannot help it.
"I am aware." He keeps his thoughts about the corporation's methods to himself.
"It's alright, I think. As long as every passenger reaches their destination and the horrors are erased from their minds..." They stop to ponder for a second.
They sit together in silence. This is one of the many times they've met in the train, and yet Yi Sang can't seem to remember when was the first time. He somehow knows that in spite of his quietude, in spite of trying to keep his thoughts to himself, they seemed to already know every single one of them.
"When... Have we met?" He finally asks.
"A million lifetimes ago." They respond calmly, "Even though you forgot, I cannot let go."
Yi Sang shuts his eyes tight. For some unknown reason, the phrase makes him want to cry. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself.
"It's okay, because you will keep coming back, and as long as you do, so will I." They reassure him.
He doesn't know if that's for better or for worse.
It's clear that their pristine looking self does not belong in the middle of a train that's otherwise filled to the brim with carnage. This is the anomaly W Corp is trying to understand. They stare at each other briefly, before he makes note of the group of unharmed passengers who sleep on a bench not too far.
When they smile at him, that sad smile he knows too well, he can't help but feel lonely. This must be one of the anomaly's many effects.
"You are a passenger." He is the first one to address the being in front of him.
They nod.
"Your destination is soon approaching." He thinks these words will comfort them, but instead they only make their smile disappear.
"There's no destination for me, as you know." They speak then smile again. A wave of melancholy takes over Meursault's heart.
"There is always a destination for a passenger. As certain as the sun rises and sets, you will go from point A to point B." He insists even though he knows the truth.
"You're always hopeful about it..." They laugh, "It's okay if I'm going nowhere. You're always here with me when I feel the most lonely."
"I'm an employee at W Corp. A cleanup agent will always-"
"Yes, yes, I'm familiar." They wave a hand in the air and dismiss his explanation. "It makes me happy that you're still this predictable."
He raises an eyebrow at them.
"Following a routine has always been soothing for both of us." They clarify.
This voyage will soon end, and the passengers in this carriage are already safe. Soon the unknown passenger will disappear.
Meursault hopes to meet them again.
There's only so much Faust knows, and yet inside the WARP train, she's as clueless about anything as every other employee. This anomaly, however, seems to know everything she's not privvy to and she's been trying to get it to open up. If only so she can for once have knowledge that belongs to her alone.
"Why do you think you keep coming back?" She asks.
They roll their eyes at her and then shake their head, chuckling a bit.
"You keep asking the same questions... At least you're as curious about me as ever. That's nice. It would be a lot better if you could remember me too..."
"It is impossible for me to remember you if I am not given-"
"Directions? Yes... yes, directions. Both of us would benefit from having them.
Faust frowns.
"What's with the frown? You're not the only one allowed to be cryptic." They laugh and that has Faust genuinely annoyed. She tries not to pout but fails.
"To pursue knowledge is a worthy endeavor, and one I am not ashamed of." She retorts.
"Aren't you scared I might make you just like myself, though? Are you not scared you'll become a ghost too, if you talk to me too much?" Suddenly the mood shifts, and the passenger's expression is taken by concern.
"Faust already expected this question." Faust can finally say with a smug smile, and she relishes on them being the one annoyed now, "It is a risk, as the source of your condition hasn't been uncovered. And yet..."
She pauses and ponders on it for a second longer, staring at the group of passengers that are uncannily still intact even if asleep. The passenger patiently waits for her answer.
"I cannot rest, unless I find out who you are."
The passenger crosses their arms, sadly staring out the window.
"It's not like it will change anything..."
"It will change me." Faust replies confidently. "I want you to change me."
The passenger smiles and shakes their head, but their eyes fill with tears. Their emotions are growing more volatile with each of these encounters, and this is something she notes. If she could ask any of the others, she would, but she knows that's not a possibility.
Could she be running out of time? She couldn't say. The best she could do was to keep returning to this passenger, and hope to find an answer before it became an impossibility.
Hong Lu:
He's overjoyed to see them still unharmed, along with a group of unscathed passengers. It not only is a sight for sore eyes, it also makes his work much easier.
"You're still here, how nice~" He chirps and strolls over to them, "Ah, I suppose it's not nice for you, is it?"
"Not at all." They reply, but they're smiling and walking over to meet him in the middle of the carriage, "You haven't changed a bit ever since our last meeting."
"I don't think I could change in a a little over a day, haha..."
"You have no idea how much you've changed already... Ever since the first time we..." Their words drift away.
Hong Lu casually kicks at the floor with the tip of his shoe. At least there weren't any corpses to butcher in this wagon. He hated the stench of blood and how it would stick to his hair even after washing it multiple times.
"It's not the first time you say this, and yet you never tell me when we met before. That's a little mean, isn't it?"
They shake their head, "If you don't remember, then why should I tell you?"
"Ah~ so you're hoping I will remember eventually, if only you keep coming back." He wonders if this is the reason this passenger in specific can never leave the train.
He knows very well how it feels to be confined to a role one does not want.
They shrug, "I can't say if you're right or wrong, I guess I'm just here."
He can't help but question himself if the roles aren't reversed here, if they're real and he's the ghost. After all, he always felt like he was simply a passenger inside his own body; never able to choose the destination of his journey and never able to get off the ride.
"I guess we will have to find out, isn't that fun?" He smiles but he feels anger and frustration bubbling inside himself.
Life is such an unfair succession of unfortunate events.
As much as she likes working with W Corp passengers, she has begun to despise her job as a whole. It is repetitive and boring, and most of her time is spent teaching new hires. Being able to enter the train once in a while and unwind is nice, however. That's what the ghost has earned her: a little downtime to herself.
They silently watch as she casually builds a statue of a varied assortment of limbs. She met them a couple carriages away, and since there was no carnage there she walked out of it, only to have them follow.
"I never understood why you do that." They comment as Ryoshu thinks about weaving a bunch of eyes and their nerves together into a crown. "I can see what you're doing, and it could be called revolutionary in the artistic fields but..."
She turns around and glares at them.
"I- I mean, I'm not saying I don't like it!" They frantically wave their hands in front of themself.
"As if I asked your opinion." Ryoshu scoffs. They give her an awkward smile.
"Don't you feel sad you'll have to dismount the statue later? You've assembled the passengers together where your job is to disassemble and separate them..."
"Don't care." she shrugs. "Hm..."
"It's like playing with clay for you, isn't it?"
She grins at them and her eyes glimmer with excitement.
"Did I say something wrong...?"
"You understand." Ryoshu hums and tosses her burnt cigarette to the floor. "Since when?"
"I keep saying we know each other, even if you don't remember, but you never believe me..."
"Hn." Ryoshu turns her back to them.
Normally, in a train full of abominations, one does not turn their back to the other passengers. She knows they are harmless, though. Even if the higher ups want her to report on their appearance in the train, she already made up her mind about refraining from doing so.
First because she does not owe those assholes anything more than what's in the contract, and second because she feels strongly about this passenger. She has yet to figure out if it's in a protective or possessive manner.
Don Quixote:
"After me, helpless civilian! I shall guide thee towards safety!" Don Quixote exclaims.
"They're all dead already..." They try to explain to her for the hundredth time.
"Tis uncertain when the abominations will return! Come!"
They sigh and shake their head, already knowing there's no getting through to her. She's trying to guide them to the exit once more. They know this attempt is fated to failure.
"I told you I can't-"
"Nay! I shan't accept that as the undeniable truth! One day I shall bring you to safe harbor then-"
"Don..." They hold her bloody hand gently, a sad look in their eyes and a slight smile on their lips, "Thank you. You really are my hero."
Don Quixote blushes and freezes in place. She starts vibrating a little, as if about to have one of her usual outbursts of energy. Then, when her vibrating calms down again, she takes in a deep breath.
"Thou compliment is deeply appreciated," She begins to say in a solemn voice tone, "However, I have yet to save thee."
"You're already doing a lot, it's okay." They reassure her.
"Nay! Tis only when thou see the light of dawn again- only when thou art capable of exiting this damned place- only then I will accept being called a hero! This I swear on my honor, verily so!"
They shake their head and sigh. There is really no getting through to her. At least they aren't alone, and she keeps coming back often too.
"Okay... It's a promise then." They know it's an empty promise, but this seems to make her happy.
Working with W. Corp. is thoroughly soul-crushing, she hates it and can't admit that one of the Wings she so dearly admires is in truth a den of lies and injustice. This passenger is the only tether to her wish of becoming a knight of justice, and one of the few good souls who still care about the other passengers.
Don Quixote will gladly keep trying to save them again and again, no matter how many times it takes.
And even if all her attempts are doomed to fail.
She was already expecting this to be a difficult task. The Wing doesn't want to forfeit any bit of information to them, it's pretty much an impossible task. Perhaps higher management hopes to keep throwing them at the mysterious passenger until it disappears. She wouldn't put it past them.
Still whenever she meets them, she hopes that doesn't come to happen.
"You took a little longer to clean up this time." They say. They're sitting on the train's floor, leaning back on one of the tight-shut doors. Their eyes are closed and they seem to be tired.
Not too far from them is the usual three or four passengers who remain safely asleep.
"A second longer was the price for a job done to completion." She replies and takes a seat by their side, "You're still here."
"It took a little longer than a second, didn't it?" They retort and Outis squints at them.
"You're trying to tease me."
"You've gotten a lot better at picking it up!" They chuckle and she huffs.
"That's rich for someone confined to the space within the WARP Train. You should be trying to gain my favor, so then you could-"
"I'm never getting out of here. You know this."
Outis presses her lips into a thin line, lowering her head and looking at the metallic floor. They always gave her this odd sensation- a feeling that she couldn't explain into a single word. It wasn't longing or loneliness or anything in that spectrum it was... a feeling that she could never return home, or that there was no home to return to. She absolutely loathed it.
"If you have your mind set on failure, then you will not achieve anything."
"Of course you'd say that..." They sigh and rest their head on her shoulder. She doesn't feel it in herself to push them away, rather having the sudden urge to pet their hair. She refrains from doing so.
She wants to know them and what they mean to her, but can never seem to ask about it upfront. Instead they repeat this dance, back and forth trying to figure each other out.
Maybe one day they will return home, and maybe one day, so will Outis.
"Alright, I'm all in!" She says as she pushes a pile of finger bones towards her opponent. "Whatcha say~?"
"Ugh..." They inspect the cards in their hands with a disgruntled look, "Can I still fold?"
"You don't remember the rules of the game? I thought your entire deal was remembering." Rodya laughs as they fumble with their own pile of finger bones and cards.
"I didn't think you'd remember promising to bring a deck of cards!"
"It seems like one of us doens't take gambling very seriously~" She teases them.
"Ah... I'm out anyway, look, my hand is terrible." They show their cards to her and she sees that they got at least two pairs, "Just take everything."
She happily claims the pile of finger bones which are being used as currency here and then reveals her hand. Not a single match worth a thing.
"What?! Not even a pair?! How?!" They throw their hands into the air, thoroughly infuriated with her bluff.
"You played well, but you weren't really playing." She grins wide as she shuffles the cards again, "Rematch?"
"Agh!" They hold their head in their hands. "I- I don't know!"
"C'mon, it's not like you have anything better to do. But then you'll have to find your own finger bones to bet, I'm not giving them back." They aren't worth a single thing and will be returned to their owners when her shift is over, but having them alone giver her a sense of power.
"I don't have a weapon like yours, you expect me to go disassembling hands and feet from the corpses?"
"What? I thought you were bored of being here all alone. At least now you'll have something to do with your time."
"Of all people to be stuck with..." They sigh.
Her assumption that smuggling a deck of cards within her uniform would give her something was right. People always reveal themselves when there's something on the line. This was all meaningless to Rodion, of course, she was just glad she could have a break from her exhausting work.
She watches them dig around corpses a small distance away from her. She'd met them in another carriage, one that was clear of blood and whose passengers remained safely in one piece.
"Oh yeah, where was your destination again, by the way? I mean, were you going home as everybody el-"
"You already know this..."
It was a long shot, and she missed it by far.
"Ah, right. After all we are good friends from way back and everything~"
They turn their head to squint at her.
"Somehow you're still terrible at lying outside of gambling."
"Don't be so mean out of the blue." She huffs, "Maybe you were just so bad at cards that I ended up forgetting."
She means it as a light jab, but their expression turns into one of agony and extreme sadness.
"Don't say that..." Their eyes well up with tears.
"Ah- I meant it as a joke. I didn't- I didn't really mean it..." She isn't used to apologizing like this, but the moment she saw how much they were hurt, she felt the instinct to comfort them immediately.
"It's not a big deal..." Their lie is as clear to her as a diamond.
That's one of the things she hates about them. No matter how many times she finds them, she cannot remember. No matter how much she wants to completely forget, to abandon them and to do whatever with her life, she keeps coming back to them. No matter what, she still has these painful emotions swirling inside of her that she can't even trace back to an origin. She resents the fact she can't resent them either.
"Okay, I'll lend you a few of my chips." She concedes, "Come here, let's have a rematch."
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ruinaimagines · 2 years ago
I love you and I am throwing money at you mentally (drop that link if I can do it genuinely)
Can you write Dante x Reader where they're both healers but the reader is more "if you get out of bed after spraining your ankle I am wrestling you to the ground" (to compliment Dante's "PLEASE DONT HURT YOURSELF" vibes)
First of all, I love this dynamic, and second I am kicking my feet at this THANK YOU SO MUCH! My goodness, I don’t have anything special set up because I was unaware of the potential support I’d get, but if you are interested I do have an ol’ cashapp with the name $Aeroroot or VIA paypal! https://paypal.me/aeroroot?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US . I want to specify it is totally optional as I get a lot of joy solely from your enjoyment alone, but if you want to go the extra mile then I thank you especially!
Dante x Healer Reader Headcanons:
I love Dante but lord do they need this extra help. Both recovering memories from amnesia with no clue on how they got here, in charge of a group of unruly sinners who get killed practically every single mission, and going through excruciating pain every time they have to bring them back. Not pleasant!
Honestly a bit of a pushover and I say that with love. Do I blame them? No, but sometimes someone else needs to help out a little around here. And that someone happens to be you, which Dante is very grateful for, if not a little… Concerned.
You seem to be the only one aside from Sinclair maybe who pays attention to the strain that bringing people back puts on them, whenever anyone approaches them for trivial injuries you snag them into your grasp and usher them to sit down.
They look up to you a bit for your strong sense of self, and lack of fear when it comes to dragging people back into their seats no matter the complaints so you can patch them up. Some are easier and more patient than others, some are a little more rowdy (cough Heathcliff cough Ryoshu cough). Still, you seem to have no fear putting someone into a headlock so you can bandage them even if your main skill isn’t meant to be combat.
Dante has witnessed you firsthand tackle sinners to the floor who were about to be staggered with very little sense of self preservation. Despite being so determined that the people around you are in good shape, it doesn’t seem to extend to you in your mind.
Will insist that you need to be just as aware of your own quality as you do anyone else’s. Surprisingly not that afraid of scolding you, probably because they know you won’t retaliate. It’s all out of care too.
As stubborn as you are, you are very appreciated by your colleagues, even ones like Heathcliff who may complain but ultimately are thankful. You have a sense of authority without even intending to, many follow your advice because they know that you’ll just haul them back to bed.
As for your and Dante’s relationship, I can see them being initially intimidated but glad for your assistance. You even check in on them from time to time, claiming that they are as important of a patient as anyone else. They’re a bit confused because they don’t directly participate in fighting, but you reason that the pain they feel from rewinding time counts as enough of a reason to look out for them. 
They do make the mental note to just comply with you if ever they get injured themselves. Your sheer will to keep people in best condition, including the force you are willing to apply to do so, is something they do not want to reckon with.
I imagine that if they did get injured and attempted to leave, likely with the reasoning of ‘the sinners need me to bring them back’, a single glare from you would shut them up and sit them down. You tell them that they can resurrect them later, right now they are not budging.
Despite not really having a face to make expressions with you have learned to understand how they feel from body movement alone. When other sinners are pestering them to heal them back up, and you visibly see the hesitance, then you will step in. 
You don’t really see Dante as your manager (sorry bud lot.
Dante doesn’t actually know the first thing about healing. They just rewind back time and through some miasma of events everyone is back in one piece. Watching you get to work yourself is so interesting because you actually know what you’re doing. They will stare over at you to try and figure out what is going on and take little notes, like you’re teaching them.
Upon your repeatedly voiced concerns, your colleagues have learned to stop relying on Dante to fix the smallest of wounds, most of them at least. Your manager appreciates this greatly as it gives them a breather from the repeated experience.
When neither of you are busy and some questions have been brought about, Dante will come to you to ask them. It’s easy to forget that they remember almost nothing about the city or who they are, but they find that you seem to be willing to answer even the most minute of inquiries.
You are a lifesaver both literally and figuratively and they appreciate that you take some weight off their shoulders. That said, you also give them constant heart attacks by the fact you are not afraid to plunge into extreme danger to drag someone else out. Are you two exploring a building and you hear someone familiar yelling outside? You will do whatever you can to get to them quickly even if that means jumping out a two story window. It’s like a summoning call for you.
Dante is very adamant on restoring you even if you tell them not to. They see it as the least they can do when you’re so willing to sacrifice yourself not only for the sinners, but them. Your words to stop letting people walk all over them come back to bite you, because they will not take no for an answer.
Generally more comfortable in coming to you for advice considering the trust that you have gained from them. They quite literally have been thrusted into a position they know almost nothing about, and chances are if they don’t learn fast then things are about to go downhill real fast. You yourself aren’t a manager – you’re a medic, but your decisive nature is something they respect even if you can throw yourself impulsively into situations to save another. 
Considering how you put others before yourself, you likely are on the more empathetic or compassionate side too, even if it may not show in the same way that Dante’s does. Obtaining the Golden Boughs is a rigorous and emotional process for every sinner, and Dante doesn’t always know what to do. There isn’t ever one clear answer, but they may come to you for how they should approach it.
The confusing things going on in their own head never really got to be talked about until it came to you. Not always are they looking for a fix, because a lot of the time there isn’t one, but just someone to rely on.
Dante is adorable, and I think that a large reason why you care deeply for them is because of how they are like a fresh canvas, free from the city’s imposed expectations. They’re just some honest, worried person who has yet to become shut off to being vulnerable like so many have. It’s refreshing, and yes most of that is caused from memory loss, who they were beforehand is a complete mystery, but that doesn’t change who they are in the moment.
Dante likes you too because there’s a sense of special camaraderie between you two. Whether it’s because you both deal with the aftermath of battles together, or because they find you both genuine and look up to you, they often stick by your side. You both stay exhausted and overworked, but it’s not too bad because hey, you’re in it together.
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ovniaonmain · 1 month ago
I feel like writing some Ryoshu X Reader Eroguro as soon as I get home. I can't handle this stupid baka university anymore
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All Of My Current Works Pt. 2
Genshin Impact
Seeing How Your Body Works-Furina X Vamp! Reader
Lobotomy Corporation & Library Of Ruina
Limbus Company
Cuddling-Ishmael, Don Quixote, Rodion, Ryoshu
Outis's Love
Girls Front Line
Honkai Star Rail
Dear, would you be so kind as to help me with this?-Kafka X Reader
Supply Run-Natasha X Reader
Serval, Yukong, Stelle X Fighter Reader
Hard Work-Qingque X Reader
Incorrect HSR X Reader Quotes
Never Fade Away-Firefly X Reader
A Few Seconds Too Late-Himeko, Kafka, and Yukong x Reader
Hypnotize Me!-March 7th X Vamp! Reader
A Friendly Sparring Match-Seele X Reader
Zenless Zone Zero
Kresnik Pt.1: Meeting-Belle X Reader
Kresnik Pt. 2: The Butcher-Belle X Reader
Belle X Mech Pilot Reader
Belle X Reader Who Likes To Be Stylish While Fighting
Reverse 1999
Penny Polendina X Reader Relationship Headcannons
Yang, Weiss, And Nora X Kobeni-Esque Reader
Yang And Nora X Reader After Breaking Your Pelvis
Fatal Illusion-Cinder Fall X Reader
Revers Death By Snu Snu-Kyoko, Elphelt Valentine, and Yang
Shoot The Works-Tier Harribel X Reader
Retsu Unohana And Sui-Feng X Powerful Himbo Reader
Rukia Kuchki And Retsu Unohana X Eternally Sleepy Reader
Isane Kotetsu x Secret Admirer Reader
Rukia Kuchki And Artist Reader
Elisabeth Blantorche And Rangiku Matsumoto Taking Care Of Sick Reader
Chainsaw man
Jujutsu Kaisen
Fate Grand Order alongside Fate and TYPE MOON in general
Cold-Barghest X Reader
Death By Snu Snu-Tamamo No Mae, Nero Claudius, & BB
Death By Snu Snu-Penthesilea, Caenis, Medea, Medusa, And Atalante Alter
Fighting Off The Summer Sun-Rin Tohsaka X Vamp! Reader
Luvia With A S/O Who Grew Up Poor
The Pumpkin Menace-Various Fate Ladies X Reader
Tsukihime X Reader Incorrect Quotes
Stargazing-Ishtar X Reader
Ann, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, And Sumiere With A Reader Who Flips A Coin To Make Decisions
Granblue Fantasy
Beatrix With A Shy Reader Who Can Make Her Blush With Ease
King Of Fighters
Death By Snu Snu-Leona Heidern And Mai Shiranui X Reader
Death By Snu Snu-King, Mai Shiranui, and Chizuru Kagura
King's Reaction To Being Called Hot In Her Suit And Tie
Nina Williams X Reader Who Was Frozen Around The Same Time She Was
A Vampire, A Devil, And Lycoris-Reina X Reader
Guilty Gear
Sleeping With Testament As It Storms
Revers Death By Snu Snu-Kyoko, Elphelt Valentine, and Yang
Testament Struggling To Find An Engagement Gift For You
Death By Snu Snu-Nine The Phantom and Litchi Faye Ling
Kokonoe And Nine Having A Mother Daughter Rivalry Over You
Enjoy The Ride-Noel Vermillion X Reader
What Spending Time With Them Would Be Like-Nine, Kokonoe, Bullet, Makoto, Noel, Litchi, And Tsubaki X Reader
Spending Time With Them-Mai Natsume, Trinity Glassfile, Es, and Celica A. Mercury
Glad To Be A Problem-Tsubaki X Reader
An Apple A Day-Litchi Faye Ling X Reader
Alarms-Kokonoe X Reader
Hers Forever-Izanami X Reader
Kaguya And Eltnum With A Stoic Reader Who Is Easy To Fluster.
Wagner Comforting You After A Nightmare
Wagner X Touch Averse Reader
Soup?-Kaguya X Reader
Street Fighter
Death By Snu Snu-Karin Kanzuku And Cammy White
Death By Snu Snu-Marisa, A.K.I., And Poison
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy
Hi-Fi Rush
Peppermint With A Reader Who Tries And Fails To Not Look At Her Ass
Trails Of Cold Steel
Fear And Hunger & Fear And Hunger: Termina
River City Girls
Revers Death By Snu Snu-Kyoko, Elphelt Valentine, and Yang
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inkbitten · 1 month ago
Can you please do a limbus company Hong Lu x reader fluff headcanon
it doesn't matter if you're on the bus, walking in town, or literally on a mission. it always seems like he needs to be touching you.
his favorite form of affection to grant is holding your hand. sometimes, it feels as though he's scared to let go.
but, in a job such as this, perhaps it would make sense for hong lu to wish to cling to you. in the city, any moment could be the last time seeing you. not to mention, he was raised as comfortably as one could have been in the city. he isn't accustomed to needing to worry or fret over others. only you bring that side of him into the light.
sure, dante can bring either one of you back. but seeing you of all people with blood pooling from the corners of your mouth keeps him up at night. alas, he assures you with a practiced smile that all is well when you see his eyebags. don't be so silly, y/n~. he certainly does not take anything so seriously to the point of it keeping him up at night. ..certainly not.
at times like this, he's a little clinger than usual, encouraging you to rest your legs in his lap as you sit together on the bus. you probably would have, if not for ryoshu's little scoff.
you swear, for a split second, hong lu had scowled at her..
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ifuckingloveryoshu · 10 months ago
Self Indulgent Ryoshu X Vocalist!Reader
HCS (Or How I Got Myself into A Vocal Rabbit Hole)
This is self indulgent because one day I think I'm going to try to work on a project moon oc from the streets of music who sings. Also I'm too lazy to read all of this right now but it seems like a cool research thing and I will get some ideas from this. X Im blatently picking and chosing whatever. I'm also so out of the loop and like, I'm not reading all of these fully. I am an illterate Project Moon Enjoyer. Trust and go at your own discression.
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I treat this like singing would help out with the lungs but the article claims that reseach on this area are poor and few.
(also feel free to give me constructive critisim because i want to learn how to write Ryoshu)
Just three bullet points in and fuck. I was just searching about neurotoxins a few moments ago. Aughhhh. If I find out me embedding links didn't work, I will gut someone.
Wall squats. Y/N is doing wallsquats to better train their lungs and Ryoshu is supervising. May god have mercy on your soul. She does it too sometimes and you both compete who can stay there the longest. Y/N also has to sing while doing wall squat. Ryoshu is exempt but sometimes she'll do it with you.
Y/N and Ryoshu run laps around the area together.
Y/N regularly takes waterbreaks with Ryoshu and the both of you are well hydrated. Hydration is very good for the human body. X
Y/N is not stopping her nicotine reliance but singing and doing exercises like this helps offset the lung damage. X
Just for a moment, when your together working like this, she puts down the cigarettes begrudgingly.
Its annoying but she must admit, it shows results. It's also quite usefull being able to hold your breath, pretend your momentarily dead only to suprise the enemy, or go in for an ambush.
As far as Y/N knows, their walking on eggshells. Ryoshu's not going to do anything though. She's not going to tell you this, she takes amusment in Y/N's underlying feeling of never being completly safe? There has to be some sort of unspoken trust to keep you two relaxed to sing well enough and the excersising helps. Respiratory tension gets removed when you've been running laps, huffing for air.
If Y/N lets her, she has the skill to cut into cut into Y/N's chest and neck, carefully showing how the things expand and the vocal folds narrowing, seeing the airflow. Its disgusting but also very useful information. (warning, graphic videos) X X
Sinner karaoke night. Ryoshu refuses to sing with the other sin-gers. Y/N can not force her. When everyone's packing up to go to bed, she stays behind and sings to herself a gentle lullaby she used to sing to Yuzuki. She knows your there. Tell anyone and Y/N gets a B.E.L.C.A.N.T.O. (Beat Entirely, Left Concious, and Neck Totally Offuscated) wrung out from their lungs.
Y/N and Ryoshu have excellent posture. Sometimes, to improve singing, Y/N and Ryoshu get to sit on the floor together and lay down, backs on the ground and heads touching each others. This is called breathing into your back. X X X
Other workouts include sit ups, proper breathing exerices, core muscles exercies, stuff that removes tension on your upper body
Being relaxed is also very important for singer's not to sound bottled up? The only reason she can momentarily stop smoking is because the singing is a sufficient enough distraction for the moment. X X
Ryoshu has a deep voice because of the cigs. She can still sing well though. X X
If Ryoshu's somehow gets a high or so into music herself, this is a possible thing that can happen. Y/N's job now is to try and make sure she takes breaks or chills out somehow because through this, she's still smoking her cigarettes. X
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Sinclair is just with Y/N and Ryoshu sometimes because Ryoshu bullies him into it. The moment the other sinners got curious, she stopped. Indecisive if she stopped for good or stopped roping Sinclair in with Y/N. She just loses interest when other people start catching on. Sorry.
After that, she brings Y/N to her room sometime and you two only do the working out part together. Singing part is done on Y/N own time.
Put this somewhere idk (images of inside the vocal fold)
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pvlvsdog · 5 months ago
How would Sinners react to a proposition of skinny dipping? You don't have to write all of them ofc :3
Ohhh, you are going to be the end of me /pos /nm the way I had to ponder this for so long. I’m dying
Unedited! Slight nsfw themes (mentions of nudity) ahead!
Hmm, I think Don is all for it as a fun adventure. Like, oh cool you want to swim in a lake together, this will be so fun, you can find something to jump into the water from or splash each other. If she’d be excited for having sone fun in the lake with someone, it’d be you. Those are her thoughts for exactly ten seconds before it hits her that skinny dipping also includes both parties being naked, preferably away from everyone else and pretty intimate. Her eyes get a bit wide as she’s hit with that realization but she’s Don, of course she won’t back down. Might blurt out something like ‚naked?’ Just as that thought enters her mind, not that she minds. She just doesn’t have a filter. And is very eager to do the activity with you still. Still, her openness doesn’t mean she’ll be normal about it. I could see her making quite a ruckus about sneaking off with you (not even to show off and let others know, she’s just like that plus you gave her a lot of positive emotions to process) so your little skinny dipping session will be anything but a secret. Bonus is that for a good while after you ask, you could swear her cheeks turned a semi-permanent shade of pink. The shoes stay on of course. Even when you question her about it, she’ll respond like you’re the one being silly for expecting anything else
Again with sinners being anything but normal, we have Sinclair. He’s another one who will ask the same question of „…Naked?” But in his case it’s not prefixed with excitement and joy. Not that he wouldn’t want to do it. He just didn’t expect you to propose that and even if you did, he’s still a bit surprised that you proposed that to him. He just simply… wasn’t expecting this. And with the insight I have from reading his book, I would guess that the whole concept would bring him more stress than joy. First of all, he doesn’t like himself all that much, so the perspective of stripping in front of somebody he likes… is anxiety inducing. Besides, despite keeping it all well hidden and marinating in his brain, his mind - more often than not - leads him uh. Places. He starts thinking about things he… really feels bad for thinking in relation to his favourite coworker. About your body and the connotations of your proposition. Lewd possibilities cross his mind and with each one he feels more and more awful. This is much worse than the ambiguously wet dreams plaguing his mind (as they do in the book), since at this point he at least doesn’t realise who the motherly figure in them is. But he knows you. And he feels like he shouldn’t be thinking about you in that way. You’d find that disgusting, find him disgusting. You probably already do. And he wouldn’t blame you for that. In the past (again, in the book), it took one lewd comment about a local shopkeeper from his schoolmates to get him flustered to the point he gave up on coming to the store. And he’s not much better now. A huge part of him, one that dislikes both the inside and outside of his own self, is screaming at him to decline. But there is something in the way you look at him so kindly, waiting for his response, that pushes him to ignore his innate instinct to run. You swear you could see cogs turning in his head and steam rising (sorry, that metaphor was uh, not purposefully crafted) as he mulled everything over to finally agree. But not before asking if you’re sure. I mean… you did ask. But he’s so stressed, he would rather make sure that you mean what you’re saying. The last thing he’d want is to make a fool of himself in front of you. You reassure him that your proposition still stands and you meant it. However, when push comes to shove he probably would still, albeit apologetically, ask if he could maybe stay in his shirt and boxers. Especially after seeing you strip. With a lot of encouragement you could maybe get him to give that up, but it would take a lot and he would be… rather guarded. Either way, as time in the lake goes on, he would relax a tiny bit and it would be fun. Mostly staying emerged in water though. Give him time. And uh. Don’t look down when you two get out of the water. We all know what is happening there as his eyes nearly drill holes in your figure, but I think he would actually die permanently if you acknowledged his hhh. Reaction
Rodya is much more chill with it. She gets excited right away and praises you for the good idea. When you tell her that it would be just the two of you and that she was the first person you thought of when the idea popped into your head, she grins. Well obviously she was, who’s more fun on this bus than her~ despite the self assured words and tone, there is a bit of pride as she says it. She proposes to make it a little adventure, to sneak out and make it a fun secret between the two of you. Definitely not because she’s a bit salty that you were the one to come up with the idea. I mean she likes you, she “should” come with something special to add here to impress you. Though it’s a bit reassuring that you thought that she was the best person to share this moment with. She makes the whole event ten times better, coming up with a way to sneak off unnoticed. Even if you are concerned about Vergilius finding out, she waves you off. She’s been in deeper shit than this, no need to worry. She has a way with words, as she claims. As you two strip, she teases you a bit and shamelessly takes off her clothes, fighting against herself not to show just how much she’s seeking out your starstruck gaze. Again, she tells you to relax as she watches you strip, letting slip a comment or two that are bound to rattle your brain for the next week. But for now you two enter the water. She yelps a bit and complains that it’s colder than she’d like. Overplaying the act a little bit, though you can definitely tell she’s cold. If you’re taking the temperature worse, she’d comment on it, saying how it’s crawl who the ‘cultured’ folk is. ‘Lowly ones are too used to freezing colds, it’s very easy to see~’ she says about ‘commoners’ in a playful but matter-of-factly tone. You could easily imagine Heathcliff contemplating drowning her on the spot on a bad day if he was present. But there’s no one around. Only you and her. And despite her poorly masked insecurities, this little activity you share is sure making her feel special
I firmly believe that asking Outis to skinny dip would leave you more flustered than her. Maybe she’d be surprised at first. Taken aback. You could see something in her demeanour shift as she lets out some semi-flustered explanation that it could be amateurish considering your “service” to the company. But she has a soft spot for you. So, after asking Dante (yes, she has to ask them, it’s the ‘professional way to conduct such procedures’) she informs you at what time she’ll be waiting for you. The initial surprise has worn off and from then on, oh, you’re cooked. She’d strip in a very matter of factly fashion and when she stands in front of you in all her glory, it’s hard not to blush. At the slightest hesitance she informs you that this is nothing to be embarrassed about. Her tone both confident and a little… affectionate? You could swear there was a glint of warmth in her eyes when she said it. Genuine warmth shining through her collected exterior. Times at war are (you don’t dare to correct that with a ‘were’) tough and back in her day she had seen contless soldiers in such situations. This is nothing to be ashamed about. Didn’t you request this bonding time between the two of you? It’s a good way to bring you two closer. She proclaims so with confidence, but as her words hit her, she adverts her eyes and adds that it’s good for teamwork. So what are you waiting for? It’s hard to disagree or prolong the ordeal, so soon enough both of you get into the water. She sways effortlessly along with the current and for once you can see her expression soften a little as she goes along with your attempts at small talk. Sure, that civil, personal part of her is a little rusty, but it glimmers though the cracks as she recounts some little facts and situations from the passing days. It’s hard to let her guard down. But as she watches you, submerged in the water beside her, she feels like it’s not impossible to feel something else than a calculated need for survival
As you ask Ryoshu to indulge you in your request, she takes her cigarette out of her mouth and quirks her eyebrow at you. ‚What For?’ She questions you with amusement. No matter your reasoning, she ponders for a second, snickering a little. It’s… sort of cute you want to involve her in your plans like that. Especially since it’s a bit of a bold ask, all things considered. Finally, a smirk plays on her lips as her eyes travel up and down your figure and she replies. ‚Alright, Why Not’. She’s not bothered by the whole concept, though your daring request is for sure positively interesting to her, as I said. You two set the time (well, you do, she’s chill to go along with anything really) and she tells you to lead the way. She’s not too bothered to just walk out even if you want to go during company time. She’s curious to see where it’ll go. Only when you two did yourselves of your uniforms does she change her demeanour a bit. She’s a woman of the arts after all. And there’s nothing shameful in her gaze as it drags across your body, noting every curve and scar. She definitely has eyes of an artist. And in that moment, you feel like the finest muse she had ever had (which… could be concerning considering the type of art she dabbles in, but this time her thoughts are definitely going different places than gore. For the most part). She’s fun to spend time in the water with. Witty and attentive, she gazes at the scenery around, though each time her eyes end up on you again. Albeit she’s an enigmatic woman, it’s very clear that this experience made you two somewhat closer
The real issue when asking Faust to go skinny dipping with you is to get a straightforward answer from her. Or just any answer that would tell you what she’s thinking. But it’s Faust we’re talking about. So, when you ask her if she’d be down to go skinny dipping with you after Dante officially ends the work day (you know she wouldn’t agree if this wasn’t the case) she tells you that ‘all employees are permitted to use the next twelve hours as they please, to rest, use the restroom or destress’. She says it as if she was stating the obvious. Well, she is, in a sense, but it doesn’t mean she’s making herself clear in this context. She’s doing anything but that. After you press her a bit and explains, that her response was, indeed, a “yes”. Although a very faint smile is tugging on her lips, as she asks you about the time and for the briefest of times you could swear that her (usually very distant) gaze settled on you. Still avoiding the eyes, but as it falls below your face, you wonder if it’s about something different than her habit of avoiding looking at faces this time. With how enigmatic she is, she isn’t giving you much to go off on in terms of decoding her thoughts. Even when she shows up at the time you two agreed on (seems like she appeared just as the clock struck the exact minute, but after getting to know her, that doesn’t surprise you at all). Gracefully, her hands work their way around zippers and buttons until the last item of clothing slides off of her body, only to be folded and set aside for later. Her soft, pale skin seems radiant and she waits for you to rid yourself on the uniform as well before emerging herself in water beside you. When you look at her, her eyes barely leave the surface, tracing the lines of the ripples her movement makes against the current. However, each time you look away, you can almost feel the burning gaze that settles on your figure and takes it all in
A gentle, happy smile settles on Hong Lu’s lips as you present him with the idea. How curious! Is this some sort of a ritual or a pastime poor people have? He would love to do it, he never had the chance to~. First being hungry and now taking clothes off and getting into dirty water for fun, this job is giving him so many new experiences! He asks what the purpose is. Of being naked and swimming in some (probably at least slightly contaminated) water. You didn’t suspect he knew about the horrid state of things outside of his bubble, such as water being bad/polluted, but his state of surprise seems to be contagious when you find yourself wondering about the degree to which his ignorance is a choice. As your expression clearly changes at his words, he gives you a lazy, quizzical smile. His questions need to be answered and I, dear reader, wish you good luck because you will need all of it to explain to him why you want to be in the water - alone and without clothes - with him specifically. After he seems satisfied (though you’re sure the last one or two questions were asked in an effort to fluster you), he tells you to get him when you’re ready to depart and head towards the destination of your ‘curious activity’. Once there, he gently pulls off his clothes with a bit of excitement, clearly looking forward to taking part in your plan. Before you get a chance to lead him into the murky liquid, he happily shows you his folded stack of clothes. They look… a bit unconventional in the way he had put them, but he acts with such glee that it’s hard to stay indifferent to his achievement. He tells you that he had other people handle such things before, but since that’s a thing of the past, he had learned to do it on his own. He’s very happy to share this new skill with you. It’s after that, that you two finally go thought with your plan fully. Shivering a bit, he asks if the water will be heated up. It’s up to you if you want to inform him that it’s not how natural bodies of water work or spare him such information and assure him that the longer you two stay emerged, the warmer he’ll feel (omitting that it won’t be due to any manmade mechanisms). All in all, even something you wouldn’t personally call “and exceptional experience” is like a brand new adventure with Hong Lu by your side. His musing and eager inquiries never let you drift off or grow bored. And if you’re unsure about how stimulating a chat with him can be, I assure you that his body will provide a whole array of visual stimuli as well, all on display for your eyes to explore
Next 3 couldn’t have been written without the help of my friend (you, dear anon haha^^) and I hope I didn’t disappoint~
If you were hoping for a distinct reaction from Heathcliff, you are in luck because it is indeed, definitely strong. When you ask him if he would like to skinny dip with you (either because you like the idea and want company or have just heard of the concept and want to try it out, having picked him as the best suited companion) he looks a bit… taken aback. Sure, he can be loud and most definitely wouldn’t categorise him as shy, but he’s also not blind to the implications of you offering to strip in front of him like it’s some casual activity (it’s not to him, definitely). There’s a lot of things left over from his past and even now, it clearly shows in his approach to intimacy. Not only was he ‘undesirable’ before, he had grown to expect to not have his desires met easily and without fighting for each instance of genuine affection (such as his… favourite coworker offering to be so intimate). In his head it’s still more easy to accept being The Other, the one who pleases those he cares about, someone who constantly tries to earn each instance of affection. Despite his… quite innate state of emotional constipation, he is fond of you and by extension- thinks quite highly of you. For someone who had it so reinforced from an early age that he is below the good and pure people (well, especially one person), it makes sense for you to just be your lovely self instead of initiating anything on you own, directing your attention and intimacy towards him so blatantly. Besides that he uh… well, he is all bark no bite in a sense that he didn’t have a lot of instances where he could get experience. At best he had something like this happen once or twice when he was much younger. Both the way he is and the lingering idea in the back of his head of ‘saving himself’ prevented him from familiarising himself with more. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if the question came from someone else. But you get him worked up on daily over much less than skinny dipping. Heck, even when you look at him a bit too intensely during a bickering session he looses track for a moment each time without fail. But he wouldn’t be Heathcliff if he unpacked all of that. So instead your question will get a very annoyed ‚what for’. I mean. Your intentions aren’t that clear to him, like I said, he feels more natural when he’s chasing an idea, than when his desires become something writhing reach, something he doesn’t have to work for. Whatever you tell him to explain your request, it won’t be completely understandable to him because of that. But in the end a strange pull he feels on the inside (again, he’s not unpacking that) pushes him to grumble out something that is almost in agreement to your question. In turn he spends the remaining time being filled with way more tension that what would be considered reasonable. He’s not snappy, but something about the way he holds himself is very different. So much so, that Rodya calls it out at one point. Only then does he let his full annoyance out and while a few sinners muse on what could have set him off like that again, you’re left to wonder if you were the reason for his strange behaviour. He’s stuck between snapping at your coworkers and spacing out. His mind going back to the plans you two made. Each time, he finds that his gaze landed on you again and lets out a frustrated huff. As you two finally depart on your off time, he walks right by your side. His eyebrows knitted together and his eyes looking somewhere off to the side. On the inside he is torn. A part of him wishes to rush towards the body of water and the other part tells him to run back to the bus. In the end he simply walks shoulder in w shoulder with you. Saying nothing until you two arrive at the place. Something stops him from undressing and compels him to instead aim his gaze at you for the first time since you guys departed. It’s then that he finds himself stuck, watching you slip out of your uniform, fabric sliding off of your form 1/2
Hungrily he notes each soft curve and sharp edge that makes up your form, his eyes taking in all the ways in which light and shadow engulf your body, creating a sight he realises now, he yearned so hard to see until now. No beauty mark, no hair, no scar escape his sight. When you turn to him, you could swear that his pronounced chest is rising up and down way pre intensely than it has any business doing so. Heath doesn’t know what to do with himself for a moment. Seeing you so bare, so purposefully there - it makes all the repressed urges inside him turn into a devouring fire that leaves his body sweating and muscles tense. It somehow feels both wrong and cathartic to have someone be here with him so wholly, with such intent. This is not like fleeting glances and meek brushing of the skin that he was told over and over he was undeserving of. This here doesn’t feel wrong or undeserved. Whatever you meant by your invitation here, he can feel that you meant it. He can’t think of what he did to deserve to be chosen out of all the coworkers you two are close to. In all fairness this is so unusual because he is sure that he did not do anything. He didn’t have to dress up nicely, speak differently, act more “civilised” (we… won’t unpack that here hhh). No amount of favours and flowers caused you to trust him enough to bare yourself like that. Somehow, you just did on your own accord. Undressing takes him a second, all those notions racing in his head, having a hard time getting through over his much more thirsty thoughts as he is battling a hard time of his own. The mere fact that his is not sporting a full on erection is more of a miracle than whatever Dante does to bring him back from the dead after battles. Finally you two are naked and if he wasn’t as worked up over you, he’d get an ego boost from the way you looked at him as well. As strong as his self restraint is, even the cold water can’t keep his member flaccid once you two get into the water and he looks at the way droplets explore your body, dripping down each time you emerge from under the surface. They shine and shimmer on your soft skin before falling down and it’s safe to say he’s getting more worked up with each second. It’s even more evident when you try to hold a conversation. Although you will have to deal with his frustrated demeanour and lack of focus, he still makes it worth a while and there’s nothing to regret once your little adventure comes to an end 2/2
As soon as the question exits your mouth, Ishmael cocks her head at you. It that really what you want to do? She also asks you ‘what for?’ Though she’s certainly not as worked up about it as Heathcliff was. There’s no doubt that she has experience with bodies of water and she is the first person to inform you that bathing without any clothes is about the least practical thing you can do. Of course, jumping in with your full attire on wouldn’t work well either, but a minimal amount of clothing is actually very beneficial. She’s not judging you, but don’t expect her not to question what kind of ‘fun’ there is in skinny dipping. So it’s a whole thing and people like to partake in it? Doesn’t make much sense from a practical standpoint, but as you explain to her why it’s actually the whole point to take your clothes off when you two do it, a little smile tugs on her lips. Perhaps she does find your methods of seeking alone time… unique, but she’s not oblivious to the fact that this is you initiating an intimate moment with her. The length to which you’re going to convince her of the vital part of being naked during skinny dipping makes it hard for her not to point it out. She asks you one or two final questions that are solely spoken to fluster you a bit, but ultimately she’s open to try this out. It’s Ish that insists on setting the time and follows through to a minute, waiting to be lead by you towards your set destination. As you undress, she checks out the body of water, humming to herself and giving you updates on her finds. When she’s satisfied that no harm could be caused by your little activity, she turns to face you. Though she acts very casual, her cheeks and ears come close to matching her hair as she eyes you up and down. After a brief pause she begins to take her own clothes off. The sudden change of temperatures leaves you shivering as you two go deeper in, but Ishmael acts unphased. She notes that she did warn you that your fun adventure could turn unpleasant and lead to you catching a cold. With a small sign, she swims closely to you. Body heat transfers underwater just as easily as it does on the surface. Thus, she proposes that you two entangle your bodies closely to keep you from suffering the cruel coolness of the liquid you were so eager to submerge yourself into. Her strong arms wrap themselves around your frame and your chests press together. Though decently athletic, she’s soft and definitely warm. She holds you until it’s time to get out, making sure you don’t freeze. At least that’s the reason she gives you ;3
Right from the start, though calm and unassuming in his demeanour, Yi Sang would be pretty receptive to your idea. All nervousness you might have felt disappear as soon as he responds to your question. He might be a little quiet but it doesn’t mean he’s prudish or judgy, quite the opposite actually. So all he does is nod in agreement and ask what would be the most convenient time for you two to depart. After that, if you are vigilant enough, you might feel his eyes on you a decent amount of times. At one point you can even hear Rodya question why he’s ’smiling to himself like that’ though his answer it too quiet to decipher (and probably a bit too ambiguous to get a proper read on him). In the end he approaches you as your working hours come to an end, asking you if you’re ready to go. He’s so casual about it that it’s hard not to feel at ease, even though his veiled eagerness is definitely a bit flustering. On the way there he engages in pleasant musings with you, listening to your thoughts about the latest happenings or life in general and gladly sharing his own. He’s a bit more relaxed now, whether it’s because he’s off the clock and away from the crowded bus or because he’s speaking with you. He grows a bit more flustered when he sees you take your clothes off and avoids eye contact more than usual when he sees you looking at his naked form, but still manages not to make things too awkward. All in all it’s not a bad time and despite being somewhat a distant person, he is definitely staying pretty close to you physically, sneaking glances each time you gaze at the water you two are submerged in
With Meursault I can’t imagine a scenario that wouldn’t be a bit silly and surreal because that man really just considers private affections and urges to be not a part of his work contract and thus fails to see the purpose in carrying them out. I firmy believe even getting morning wood is a conscious choice to him. It’s not in his contract, thus he refuses to succumb to it. However, he does value your input. Whether it’s affection or ‘simple appreciation for your efficiency in the workplace’ he is willing to hear you out. It doesn’t mean you won’t have to explain and validate skinny dipping as a pastime, both in excruciating length and detail. You might have to get Dante involved, asking them to please issue an official statement allowing you to depart in purpose of decreasing stress and thus increasing productivity. Yes, it has to be phrased like that. If you get your dear (and confused) manager to comply, Meursault won’t argue. It’s not that he doesn’t want to go. But his wants are not relevant. He is an employee first, after all. It shows in the way he completely disregards any of his personal feelings on the matter. Just hums quietly and agrees. If he is flustered or nervous, it doesn’t show. The best sign you will get from him is that he seems pretty receptive, all factors considered. Another sign that he might be a bit more interested than he is lettting on is that, after your work hours end, he heads towards you with such purpose that one could assume that Vergilius himself had ordered him to. With little to no shame he says ‘the work day ended. We can go through with your plan to go skinny dipping now’. It’s said in front of everyone and you can be sure that at least a few of your fellow coworkers will have a blast bringing it up and teasing you for the next week or two. But it is a worry you will have to mull over later as, just like Meursault said, it is time for you two to leave and head towards your destination. As you lead him towards the water he stays silent and promptly begins taking his clothes off when you two stop. Even in such an intimate action he is very stoic and graceful, leaving his uniform folded by the shore and offering to fold yours as well. Without any shame in his naked, exposed self, he submerges himself. If he is cold, there’s no indication of that. It is after hours though and if you are attentive enough you will see his eyes trailing across your figure. He is yet another sinner that, if you find yourself shivering, will offer to transfer some of his warmth by standing and holding you closely. The action seems almost formal, but it’s doubtful he would propose such thing if it wasn’t you. Silence with him is comfortable. In case you initiate a conversation though, he will respond, carrying the talk effortlessly and casually. Or well, as much as his usual uptight demeanour allowed him to
There is no other way to describe the state you put Dante in other than ‘sheer panic’. For a split second they even start to wonder if they should be getting into the water at all, given their mechanical head. Only to realise that this is no different than the showers they take and will not jeopardise their life or ability to bring sinners back. If it was physically possible, you would definitely see more than one droplet of sweat rolling down their face as they look around and fiddle with their fingers. Suddenly it feels like their limbs had grown too long and their body is all wrong. They shift under your gaze, making a few surprised sounds. If you were hoping to make your poor manager a flustered mess, you sure got it. Finally they ask <is that even allowed?>. And I mean. They are the manager, so it’s not like you’re the one to tell them. They get flustered at that realisation even more. Muttering something that almost could be considered a coherent confirmation they look mortified with their own decision making skills. I mean. They are used to being mocked and used by the sinners, disregarded as a weakling by most (and that doesn’t even cover the way they get treated by those who can’t hear their speech). So it’s surprising that out of everyone you could invite, you felt the most comfortable undressing in front of them. Sure, you make a point to treat them well on the daily, but they always assumed you didn’t think very highly of them, that it was pure courtesy. The more they think about your proposition, the more anxious they get. They like you. A lot. But your question could mean that you are more fond of them than they initially assumed. And they like you so so much. Oftentimes your interactions make their day, making them feel better even after the worst of days. But they always thought it was one sided (why wouldn’t it be? You’re so lovely and they are, as of now, not even the bare minimum. Just some incompetent ‘resurrection machine’ with no memories of the past and ‘questionable humanity’). If this is some sign that you’re sending, if you really like them, they would feel bad for giving into their selfish urges. You deserve someone stronger. Someone more capable. They get so worked up over that, that when you two finally get to it and it’s time to undress they are hit with a new wave of anxiety. Once again their whole body feels so inadequate and out of place. As you stand there naked they can’t help but shrink into themselves the more your beauty hits them. They don’t even remember what is considered attractive. They know their head is definitely a turn off but as they stand with their arms folded tightly like a shield, they start to wonder if any part of them is even remotely appealing by common beauty standards. You have to snap them out of their half horny-half self deprecating gaze and lead them towards the water by their hand, making their stomach fill with butterflies. It certainly takes a while for them to relax, though they do their best to respond every time you say something. All whilst desperately reminding themselves that you aren’t able to see where their eyes are looking 0///0
Gregor is no less caught by surprise and the half grumble-half squeak he makes is definite proof. Your surprising question is definitely at least a bit dreadful. Unlike in the the scenario above, Greg is more so concerned with the physical aspect of things. He treads carefully, trying to gage if you’re not making fun of him, mocking his appearance like so many have done before. Of course, up to this point you were nothing but kind, but after being let down and made to feel lesser by everyone, there is a (rather large) part of him that wonders if you’re not about to join the rest in reminding him just how much of a lowly gross looking pest he is. His suspicion is not very subtle, so you would easily catch on. I mean, after having witnessed so many times just how awfully people spoke to him/about him, you wouldn’t struggle to, at least partially, understand the source of his approach. All you can do is be kind and hope he can read your true intent (since he won’t verbalise his exact fear, he doesn’t like to bring up his modifications if he doesn’t have to). Surprisingly, it somewhat works because he reluctantly agrees to at least try. If he changes his mind, he can just stay on the shore. That kind of setup does make things a bit better for him. If push comes to shove he figures he can just opt out, you’re not putting much pressure on him. Still, he sighs deeply and sighs, muttering something about how he ‘should be smarter at his age’. Please, that man is acting as if he’s on his deathbed whilst being 35, someone talk some sense into him…. Well, either way he follows through in his promise and goes with you at your agreed time. When someone comments on you two ‘sneaking off’ it does nothing to make the situation any more loaded. The closer you two get to the body of water, the more visibly stressed he is. Instead of engaging in his usual small talk, he stays silent as he often does when he gets reminded of his painful past. If the walk was any longer you could safely assume that he would go through his whole pack of cigarettes, if not two. He sort of catches himself spacing out by the end and tries to act like everything’s fine (I mean, in the improbable - in his eyes - scenario that you just genuinely like him, it is a pretty bad look for him to be so silent and gloomy), but there is something heavy in the air. As you reach the shore, he stands to the side. Piece by piece your uniform uncovers your naked body. Only when you’re fully undressed does he start to contemplate yet another issue that could put him in a horrific predicament. While a decent chunk of other sinners, in they were in his place, would be most worried about getting a very obvious boner, he is too preoccupied with just now beginning to stress over the sudden upsurge of strong emotion making his body transform or act on its own. And there is a definite upsurge of emotions when he lets his gaze settle on your figure. He almost doesn’t hear you when you ask if he wants to join you. He’s somewhere between flustered and worried, looking anywhere but at you whilst telling you all the ways this could go bad. Hurting you. Scaring you. Making you repulsed. That last one he doesn’t say out loud but it weights on him nonetheless. Eventually you could maybe convince him. Pressure doesn’t work but letting him know that he has a choice and you are simply glad he accompanied you is going to go a long way. Something something being denied autonomy his whole life. Or something. Aaanyways. That might just get him to join you in the water, after having taken off his clothes as well. He… doesn’t like his looks in general. As a friend of mine put it - he figures the arm at least takes the attention away from everything else. Ouch. But undressing in front of you is a huge step! Kind of has a what are we????? Ringing in his head and making his face red but he won’t say that hhhh. Only when you two go in deeper (he’s very actively trying to submerge himself in the water, though he wishes he was a bit more secure if only to have you above the surface) does he chuckle nervously
2/2 and informs you that he cannot swim. At all. You're happy to learn more about him as always but also that kind of information would be handy to know beforehand. He still doesn't trust his modifications not to act up if your naked body were to get any closer to him, so you two stay a reasonable distance away but refrain from getting ant deeper. As he relaxes a tiny bit, you get to experience his uninterrupted yapping and forget about the earlier worries for a bit. His subtle cynicism shines through his goodnatured jokes and comments and for the first tine in a while he gets to relax a bit. It might take him long to let his guard down fully but it's hard not to smile seeing him at least a bit less beaten down. All i can guarantee is that he will absolutely go over this adventure again and again in his head and for days to come will get flustered in the most random moments. But out of all the outcomes, it's not so bad to have that effect on him, is it? ;3
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average-limbus-fan · 1 year ago
Pt3 of Limbus Speed Dating?
Yi Sang
After your odd flower shop “date” with Faust you were given your usual few hours of respite before Charon came to collect you for the second daily sinner draw. The remaining half of the sinners had finally seemed to become more relaxed after seeing the examples those before them had set. Charon then once again plucked a name from her hat and promptly called for Yi Sang to come to the front which he did silently. “Well it looks like you’re up” you said trying to motivate him somewhat, he however remained blank faced. “So… I am to take you to an appropriate location for a date I presume” he asked, “well we can really just go anywhere you’d like it doesn’t have to be anywhere specific” you responded quickly. “I see…” he trailed off as he walked off the bus with you in tow. You followed him to a large building, it seemed to be an art museum of sorts. After he had payed for your tickets he then walked back over to you to interlock his arm with yours before leading you inside. Yi Sang had continued to remain silent for most of the “date” while the two of you wandered around the museum looking at the different pieces they had on display, you had noticed however that he had taken a few short glances at you multiple times, you suppose he was trying to gauge your interest in his chosen location. “It seems there aren’t many museums in this city” you said trying to start up some sort of conversation with your “date”. “Yes… this was one of the few I could find on the map Charon gave out” it seemed he had given some thought to your expected time together, he gave a faint smile at your realization. The rest of your time at the museum together was spent in complete silence, however Yi Sang had seemed to become a bit happier although he hid it well. As you two exited and prepared to head in the direction of the bus he stopped you and handed you a small clock charm, “I found it at a pawn shop… I hope you don’t mind… it probably isn��t as extravagant as the other gifts you’ve received…” he trailed off again but you interrupted “no no it’s lovely” you reassured him drawing a faint smile out of him once again. You returned to your quarters to add the charm to your ever growing collection of gifts, thankfully none of the sinners had gotten you anything too ridiculous which was an unexpected surprise, save for Outis of course, …but alas you still had 5 more sinners to go which left a lot of room for something to go terribly wrong… as per usual.
You awoke the next morning to find that you’re thoughts had sadly been correct, as Ryoshu stood outside your door with a piece of paper in her hands “I got tired of waiting, time to get this over with” she said, causing you to start sweating as she led you back to her room. She had laid out some cooking ingredients… and a large assortment of knives, you considered running out while you still had the chance as you thought back to her “cooking” a while ago during her cookoff with Gregor, …you could still taste the bile in your mouth. How many times would she stab you if you tried to run… you thought to yourself, you knew she wouldn’t kill you but she certainly wouldn’t have any qualms about putting a few non-lethal holes in you either, so you reluctantly stood your ground. A decision you immediately regretted as she started cooking with what looked to be whale oil… if that stuff killed you would Vergilius or the sinners even be able to find your body… your anxiety ridden thoughts continued to distract you until Ryoshu unceremoniously dropped a plate in front you with a bored expression. The plate had a black mass on it… it seemed to be completely charred and reeked of burnt meat. You had no idea if it was even safe for consumption but Ryoshu’s icy glare forced you to reluctantly take a bite… you had to force down the urge to vomit as Ryoshu continued to stare coldly, you did your best to give her a thumbs up as you couldn’t bare to open your mouth. She smirked cruelly at you before packing the leftovers and telling you to scram, an order you happily followed as you grabbed the box and ran back towards your room where you barely managed to reach your bathroom in time to regurgitate the contents of your stomach. The questionable “leftovers” would then be promptly thrown into a toxic waste bin.
Don Quixote
With your stomach still reeling from it’s torturous “meal” earlier in the day you reluctantly made your way to the front of the bus where Charon handed you a piece of paper with directions, it seems your sinner was already waiting for you at a planned destination. Vergilius however was nowhere to be found… you hadn’t seen Hong Lu or Ryoshu in the past few hours either… well best not to think about it you concluded as you left the bus and did your best to navigate your way around the city. Luckily the blinding lights of the carnival weren’t too hard to spot in the darkness of the night, nor was the lumpy figure approaching you, upon closer inspection it seemed to be a pile of plushies moving on two stubby legs, “BEHOLD MANAGER-ESQUIRE THE SPOILS OF MY VICTORIES” a loud voice proudly proclaimed before the pile of plushies was promptly dumped onto you. As you looked over your newly acquired collection you were finally able to see the beaming short haired blond in front you. She then grabbed your arm and rushed towards the entrance of the carnival “Come now manager-esquire we mustn’t waste any of our time together” she said excitedly as you were pulled along with her. As you looked up towards the carnival rides your stomach turned once again still in shock from your “breakfast” in the morning and you silently prayed that Don wouldn’t take an interest in them. Thankfully she seemed more intrigued by the carnival games although it seems she had already won at quite a few… “Worry not manager-esquire for I shall double thou’s boon before the night ends” she said before making her way over to a water gun game stand. Oh dear… you thought to yourself as you tried to find something to carry around all the plushies you had been gifted. After purchasing a wheeled cart you quickly to returned to find Don with another pile of plushies which she then dropped into your newly acquired cart… thankfully you had planned ahead and gotten a larger one just in case. You then spent the rest of night running after Don and pulling an ever heavier growing cart, with the night finally coming to a close when the two of you stopped at a churros stand where you watched Don eat as you still couldn’t bare to stomach any food. “Aww how hast the time past so quickly” she said sadly, “we see each other everyday…” you trailed off but Don still seemed teary eyed as you comforted her while leading her back to the bus. You moved aside the slightly wilted bouquets and portraits of yourself to make room for your newly acquired plushie collection, your quarters seemed more lively then ever.
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mothhuuny · 1 year ago
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im writing a new fic and im very proud of it so far so im posting this lil bit here. tis a spider monster ryoshu x reader fic that ill post to ao3 eventually. i love women
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