makiisms-blog · 6 years
when will rxsilientidol, makethem-smile, defensiveyoungertwin and ichigoshiroppu return from the war?
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upbeat-melody · 8 years
@rxsilientidol [cont.]
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   "No, no, no." Otomi shook her head. He had this all wrong. "You're the cute twin, he's the hot one." She’ll ignore the comment about Otoya. For now.
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@rxsilientidol || starter call
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“Syo chan~” Kaoru smiled when he saw his twin and approached him, pulling him into a brief hug before pulling back, the smile still present on his face. “I’ve missed you.”
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@rxsilientidol​ liked for a starter 
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“Syo!” The younger twin called out to the other, walking towards him. It`s been a while since the two of them had a chance to meet ever since STARISH had gone popular. “Sure has been years since I last saw you. How have you been doing? You`ve been eating properly- right?”
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fratergemina · 8 years
   -- && @rxsilientidol
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   -- ; “OH THERE you are, Syo-chan! How have you been taking care of your health? I hope you haven’t been overworking yourself.”
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ichigoshiroppu-blog · 9 years
   He didn’t forget about her birthday; he had did shopping a week before it and sent a big box of gifts a couple days before her birthday. However, mailing services had been slow, and Kotori hadn’t received the package until nearly a week after her birthday had passed. But, hey at least she got it, right?
   Attached to the box is an envelope, and inside the envelope is a simple, light pink card with glitter. Inside it reads:
Kotori,     Sorry that I haven’t been around recently. My mother dragged me along with her overseas and it’s hard to say no to my mother. I’ve been working hard in other countries, and I’ve been taking pictures of the scenery so you could get inspiration for outfits. 
    I didn’t forget your birthday, so on top of the pictures, I bought you a few things in the last country I was in. I hope you enjoy them.
     Happy (Belated?) Birthday, Princess.
                       -Love,                              Kurusu Syo
Upon opening the box, Kotori will find a yellow envelope labeled ‘pictures’, the ones that Syo has mentioned before. Then there’s a lovely brown and pink apron (Third one; top row), a black and white sweater, a pair of white winter boots, and a coat (pick a colour). Not only those, but a cook book for french desserts and a few fashion magazines he figured she would like. 
He feels bad for not being there for her birthday, however, hopefully she’ll enjoy his gifts.
   It had been a while since Kotori had actually met up with Syo. She knew the life of a professional idol was a busy one, but she hadn’t totally anticipated not seeing him for a few months. It saddened her that they could barely talk, but the moment she noticed the package addressed to her from him, her mood soared.
   The letter accompanying it brought tears to her eyes with each line. Kotori would read it over and over, not sparing a single detail. His handwriting, his wording, she could practically hear his voice speaking to her. Kotori missed Syo so much. 
   Ages later, she summoned enough strength to open her gift. Of all the emotions overwhelming her, the one she would never feel was disappointment. Every article of clothing he had sent was a gem, with Kotori ooh-ing and ah-ing at how cute everything was. “He knows exactly what I love,” Kotori whispered to herself, holding the sweater up. A tiny smile curled on her lips. As joyful as she was to have received anything from her boyfriend, deep down the number one present she longed for was to see him. "I hope you're taking care of yourself. I miss you," she mumbled.
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curry-and-melodies · 6 years
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The male hummed as he wrote on the card. ‘Neh, Syo, Happy Valentine’s Day. I know we’ve both been super busy, but I hope when you come back and see this you’ll be able to relax and enjoy the chocolates I made. Sorry they’re a little sloppy!! I promise they taste fine. Anyway, I just... I love you, a lot. You mean the world to me. I hope you know that. Love, Otoya Ittoki.’
Otoya smiled, getting up to go drop off his gift at the other’s room. “Heh, I’m happy I was able to make them in time!!”
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ichigoshiroppu-blog · 9 years
in prelude to this
For several years Syo and Kotori lived in a foolish lover’s paradise. Following the binding vows that bonded them so long as they both should live, they had a tranquil life that consisted of waking up to kisses on their face, and an endless string of cuddles before drifting off to sleep. Syo continued his work as an actor, and Kotori had pursued the path of a fashion designer and stylist. Not far off into their marriage was a beautiful baby boy born from their perfect union, an infant by the name of Taisuke. Yes, it seemed as though they had every thing they could want in life without the terror of greed overcoming their hearts. And yet, they were still made to suffer a fate worse than that of even the saddest of tragedies.
It had been six months since Kotori had given birth to their second child, a gorgeous girl. Taisuke had only recently turned three, and was already the hefty troublemaker for his parents. The beaming mother had her hands full, both from watching over the toddler and quelling the screaming baby who only seemed to act up when her father was absent. It felt like the hundredth time it had happened, with Kotori herself still in the process of piecing herself together after suffering from post-partum depression. Usually her husband would be insistent on bringing the child with him to work, but today he looked awfully worn-out. As concerned as his wife had been, she saw him off for another day of filming for some action movie.
Evening pierced the sky, and what had sounded like an innocent chime of a cellphone ringing would soon strike an overwhelming sense of terror into the one that would answer it. With the two children in tow, Kotori rushed to the hospital. He had an attack again, after such a long time! I thought he would be okay, but...but! Passing her son and daughter over to her in-laws, Kotori collapsed to her knees at her husband’s side. This was worse than anything that had happened in the past. The sounds of machines supporting his very life formed knots in her stomach. Doctors had taken her and his family into a private room to reveal the worst--Syo’s heart was failing. 
Sobs had never sounded more strained and anguished than what Kotori let rip through her throat. Her head had fallen into her hands. If she hadn’t been sitting, she would’ve been lying limply on the ground. For a moment the tears had blinded her, unable to see her mother-in-law bury her face into the chest of her father-in-law, who had the most pale of complexions and a stony expression. She couldn’t look at Nico, who had grabbed the edge of the white lab coat her cardiologist husband (and Kotori’s brother-in-law) wore, begging to know if there was anything he could do to save him. In the corner on a couch slept their children, as their bedtimes had long passed and they had grown tired. It was for the best anyway, no one wanted them to witness this travesty. 
Throughout the course of the week they waited and prayed to every single deity they could think of. Kotori never left her husband’s side, tightly holding his hand in both of hers while recounting the memories they made together. A day passed, and then two. But still no word on a potential donor. Anxiety grew and tension rose. Kotori was thankful that Nico had agreed to watch over Taisuke and Airi in her stead. 
One day when her own mother visited with a fresh change of clothes, Kotori fell into her arms and had almost reverted to a child. “Mama, this hurts!” she wept. Her mother could only comfort her daughter in silence, sorrowful at the fact she also had to go through the same torment of losing her soul mate. It was a mere countdown now until his heart would no longer be able to function, they were almost out of time. 
Kaoru was the first to volunteer himself. He had been prepared to make such a sacrifice all his life, though his marriage to Nico did cast a few doubts. Their parents had also put their hearts on the line, claiming that they had lived their lives and wanted to grant more of it to their beloved son. Kotori, however, was the most persistent after discovering she was a blood match.
“...I love Syo, and he loves me. But he can always get remarried, he can mend the wounds and find love again. You know what he can’t do? He can’t replace his mother, his father, or his own twin brother. All of you must stay in his life. There are no better people he’ll need than you guys to keep him from straying off of his path,” Kotori boldly spoke for the first time since Syo had been admitted into the ER. She looked like a ghost. Her skin was light from the lack of sun, her face stained with dried tears and was probably only dry because she was unable to produce any more.  The weakest of smiles appeared on her face just then. “We had a wonderful run, but at least I can leave him two amazing children as a reminder of our love.” It would take a while for the family to concede and allow Kotori to donate her heart.
The goodbyes were brief, yet afflicted with agony. Her former μ's members tearfully wished their condolences, citing Kotori as one of the most generous and kind people they had ever known. Childhood friends Honoka and Umi were beside themselves, with Umi unable to properly exchange glances with Kotori for fear she’d faint. All of them, especially Nico, made a solemn promise to look after the children and Syo. Her mother, who was on the brink of retirement as Director of Otonokizaka, sobbed more than she had when Kotori’s father passed all those years ago. “It was hard enough saying goodbye to him, but now my own daughter is going before me!” 
Swallowing the lump that had built up in her throat, Kotori requested privacy as she spoke to her husband one last time. “You’re going to be really upset with me when you wake up, but this is all for the best. Thank you, Syo. Thank you for making these last years the best of my life,” she bit her lip, inhaling deeply as more tears decided to fall. Leaning forward, Kotori pressed one last kiss to Syo’s lips before preparing for surgery. 
“Kao-chan, please continue to take care of your brother for me from now on,” she sniffed as the anesthesiologist in the room had placed the mask over her mouth. Her life flashed before her eyes, and even in sleep Kotori would never stop crying. She wanted to live, but not if it meant living without Syo.
Thank you, everyone. 
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dxlicatespunk · 9 years
Yui: ....................... //goes to find a boyfriend;‏
Yui: First off, it's true! I'll even ask mama. Second, I was trying to boost her self-esteem!‏
Syo: It's not true! Mom will tell you it's a lie too! And.. why did you need to boost it?‏
Yui: We'll just see about that! Hm? I told her that you were lucky to have her and she said she wasn't that special. So I told her all that stuff about you to prove that we all are dorks and have our flaws but are special to those that care about us. ....You're still special to me, fan boy.‏
Syo: I'll admit being a fanboy.. but did you REALLY have to tell her those LIES? You could have AT LEAST made up something else that didn't sound THAT EMBARRASSING.‏
Yui: //stares; Syo, stop. We all have embarrassing stuff. It just so happens I know a lot of your stuff.‏
Syo: /folds arms over his chest/ That stuff still isn't true.‏
Yui: //lifts up her foot; You sure?‏
Syo: I could just easily tell Kotori your embarrassing secrets.‏
Yui: Like what? And why would I be bothered like that? She ain't my girlfriend.
Syo: ...Fuck. I'll tell the press then. You won't know until it's spread aorund.‏
Yui: Right. Then you can hear it from my manager. She'll actually kill you then me.‏
Syo: Ugh. Never mind. You know what, Yui, do whatever you want. Get a boyfriend or whatever. I don't care anymore.‏
Yui: ...... Fine then. //crosses her arms; I'll do whatever I want. Looks like I'll just have to go to Kaoru and not you anymore.‏
Syo: Be my guest. I don't give a damn anymore.‏
Yui: //tears up; Fine! I don't need you to care anyway!
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chibisyokurusu · 9 years
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ichigoshiroppu-blog · 9 years
oh oh the platonic ask meme thing for kotori and kaoru 8D
so leave a brotp/platonic ship in my ask and i’ll tell you:
who steals french fries off the other’s plateNeither because they’re both way too nice to steal, but Kotori might ask Kaoru if she could have a few if she notices he’s barely eaten any.
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a coupleKaoru. He doesn’t think the joking gesture is that bad, and he doesn’t take it very far to begin with.
who has to bust or bail the other out of jailGOSH I HOPE THIS NEVER HAS TO HAPPEN BUT Kaoru might have to bail his sister-in-law out of jail because she freed alpacas that weren’t hers.
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issuesKotori’s more likely, because she finds herself as a source of comfort for a lot of people, and even if she might not have the most experience in something, she’s read up on plenty of situations to gain some sort of understanding to give decent enough advice.
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyesCan’t see either for this one also but if I had to pick it’d be Kotori. Instead of cheating, she just doesn’t want Kaoru to see how bad she is at playing games.
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunkKotori, she likes feeling taller and being able to see things from above.
who starts and who wins the pillow fightsAs shy as she can be at times, since Kotori’s comfortable around Kaoru she’ll initiate the pillow fights and probably win because Kaoru doesn’t want to accidentally hurt her with any sonic pillows.
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crushOh my god Kaoru might jokingly say that to Syo when Kotori’s in the room just to see the two blush what a little shit
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oyasumiaine · 9 years
[ rxsilientidol ]
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❤ { i figured it'd be funny if it was a wrong number sort of thing }
Text Meme
❤ for an affectionate text
┓text┗  Baby you’re like a fairy tale come true
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