#rwby heresy
~In the Shower Room~
Jeanne: Cardina! What are you doing?
Cardina: *Following Jeanne in* Tsch! What does it matter? I'm just sizing myself up to ... you ...
Jeanne: Look, I know your Taller, but really? the Shower? Have you no shame?
Cardina: *Shocked Jeanne's Breast size* ... whoa ...
Jeanne: Please don't do this now ... I'm so tired of this stuff.
Cardina: Huh? Y-Yeah! Sorry! I gotta go check on the girls! Sorry!
~Later that Night~
Cardina: Stop thinking about her boobs. Stop thinking about her boobs. Stop thinking about her boobs.
Cardina: *Closes Eyes*
Cardina: *Boobs*
Cardina: ... Shit.
Cardina: *pulls out scroll* I can't get some Nerd's tits out of my head, am I gay?
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infoglitch · 15 days
wonderfully put good sir, a new request, should you choose to accept it hot goth ren and jaune. They were gonna go out clubbing with neon after a hard day at work in atlas. Their outfits? all black. Their fishnets? torn. eyeliner? sharp enough to kill a man, croptops? displaying abs. The finishing blow? Black. Lipstick. the others came in right as they were about to leave. They never stood a chance. this is me daring you to go at your goofiest, soldier, pure crackfic, absolute mayham, DO IT. YOU WONT.
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Pug.. you underestimate me and my sheer fuckin GOOFYNESS. So let me show you
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How goofy I shall be!
Jaune found himself applying his lipstick as Ren looked at him.
Ren: may I ask why you decide to go goth?
Jaune: one name, Neon.
Ren:.. why dress like a goth girl, minus the skirt?
Jaune: Ren, my brother from another mother.. I've dressed up like a girl for years because my sisters wanted someone to model them... Plus I may be a tad curious about cross dressing.
Ren: alright then... Can I join?
Jaune: sure thing dude. I should have some extra stuff for you to use.
After a bit they finished up they opened the door and stepped out of their dorm only to stop as they saw team Rwby, Pyrrha, and Nora. The duo and the group stared at each other before Ren gulped softly as jaune spoke with a smile.
Jaune: hey everyone! Don't mind me and Ren, we are just heading to a party neon invited me to.
Nora: ok.. cool.. hey fearless leader you mind if I borrow Ren for a second?
Ren went pale as he looked at jaune.
Jaune: oh sure thing Nora. just be back soon.
Nora: thanks jaune.
Nora grabbed Ren and dragged him away as Nora's face became increasingly more red. Jaune hummed softly as he looked back at the rest of their girls and before he could even speak they pounced on him.
Neither went to the party, they did however go to the infirmary..
their Poor Pelvises are reduced to dust.
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howlingday · 7 months
Cardin: Dum de dum de do... WHAT THE?!
Cinder: (Lights Jaune's hair on fire)
Jaune: (Lifts foot, Blows on it)
Cinder: (Pushes him over) Mwahaha! See you later, whoever you are~! (Leaves)
Cardin: What the heck was that?!
Jaune: Huh? Oh, hi, Cardin.
Cardin: Don't you "Oh, hi, Cardin" me! That chick was picking on you! That's MY job!
Jaune: What?
Cardin: Don't try to deny it! I saw the whole thing!
Jaune: Whoa! Hey, hey, hey! Cardin! It's not like that!
Cardin: (About to cry) Do you hate her more than me?!
Jaune: What?! No! Cardin, you're the worst! I didn't like you the second I saw you at initiation.
Cardin: (Blushing, Swooning) Aw~! Geez~!
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misterlazer · 1 year
Nora: Do you ever wonder why Cardin bullied you so much?
Jaune: No, I figured he was just a jerk.
Nora: Have you considered that he might be...
Jaune: Might be what?
Nora: That he might be a Tsundere?
Jaune: What? Nora, those don't exist.
Nora: But it's a possibility!
Cardin: *Pushing Jaune against a wall* You think you're so cute Arc? With your beautiful blue eyes and adorable smile. Well, I'm not falling for you!
Jaune: Umm... what!?
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doomalade · 1 month
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I’m normal about them
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a just-for-fun rwby rarepair tournament poll featuring only my favourite ships. take two of round three because i accidentally managed to make the polls only a day long this time. sorry about that. im gonna do something for the winner. adorable art by @rubyneo
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weathermanpolls · 11 months
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howdoyoudothedew · 4 months
Rated: G
Pairing: Archester (Jaune Arc/Cardin Winchester)
Word Count: ~500
A/N: Have an old archester wip from a fic I've finally internalized I will never actually write (at least not the way it was when started). At least this part was finished
The first time it happened surprised Cardin, and everyone else who up until then had no idea that they were dating.
It had happened after their team’s battle during the Vytal Festival. They had almost been beaten, but their team had overcome. All of his team members were smiling, red, flushed, and sweating from the exertion. He knew he could look no different.
With pride his team had walked off the arena. To his surprise, right outside the exit stood a beaming Jaune. He was panting like he had run there and his team stood behind him. They looked just as confused as he felt. For a second everything slowed as Jaune grabbed his chestplate and used it to pull him closer. When Jaune smashed their lips together in a chaste kiss, time rebooted itself and it felt like it was over the second it began.
“You guys did awesome,” Jaune beamed, face still close to his lips. Cardin stared for a minute more before he swallowed and blinked.
“Thanks.” The word came out in a croak. He could feel the red-hot heat on his face.
“What?” Nora said, and her voice broke them out of their trance. Jaune slightly pulled away from Cardin and turned toward her. Heat traveled down Cardin’s neck and up to his ears.
“Uh, right,” Jaune stammered out and Cardin knew his face would be red as well.
“... Jaune?” Pyrrha said his name quietly, voice laced with confusion and eyebrows drawn tight.
“What just happened?” Nora voiced the team’s question.
“Well, we- we’re,” Jaune said. Cardin didn’t need to see him to know he had his lip caught between his teeth. He pushed everything aside for a moment, Jaune’s team and everything they had kept from them, to reach out and take Jaune’s hand. When he squeezed it reassuringly, Jaune looked back at him with a small smile. Jaune’s shoulders moved slightly as he took a deep breath. “We’re dating- have been for a long time.”
“Called it,” Nora whispered the words to Ren, and Ren’s lips curled upward slightly.
“For how long?” Pyrrha asked.
“About four months,” Jaune answered her. He gave Cardin’s hand a small squeeze before he dropped it. Then he moved his hand to Pyrrha’s shoulder. “Are you okay?”
“Yes,” Pyrrha told him with a smile.
“You sure?” Jaune gave her a worried look, Cardin could hear it in his voice.
“I am,” she said before she looked directly behind him. Cardin gulped at her glare. He could feel it in his very soul. “But if he ever hurts you, his legs won’t be the only thing that gets broken.” The threat- promise- was made worse when Nora let out a chuckle.
“Don’t worry,” Jaune said and turned to smile at Cardin. A smile he returned before he could even think about it. “He wouldn’t.”
“Never,” Cardin said. The word was just loud enough that all of team JNPR heard it as he brushed his lips over Jaune’s knuckles.
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dragynkeep · 1 year
hmmmm Heresy for the ship bingo?
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not something i actively ship because idgaf about jaune but i'm always appreciative of the bully x former bullied ship vibe ✨
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lonesilverw0lf · 7 months
My take on the RWBY/40K idea. It’s not a ‘Jaune is a Lost Primarch’ that @guardsman-of-remnant or @the-wayward-arc have, or as thought out as @weatherman667 Astartes Chapters.
Juane was a normal guy who���s planet was destroyed. Then he decides to do something about it and potentially changes the course of the galaxy.
Jaune’s early life and world was dealt a bad hand. On a planet considered backwater, ruled over by incompetent lords, an over paranoid and self-righteous Inquisitor, continually and unrightfully drained of resources, repeatedly denied aid and due process, castigated for things beyond their control, and so on. Punished for ‘refusing to pay their tithe’ despite the fact they did pay the tithe but it was attacked by pirates. There was even a time when an enterprising farmer designed a better water pump, really all he did was find an older and better model and made more. Yet somehow the Mechanichum got wind of it and declared it Technoheresy. They destroyed every model and glassed a good swathe of the planet. Those are just a couple of many examples that Jaune was alive to experience. When everyday looks like hell, the Warp starts looking pretty good. Well between a Chaos uprising and a surprise Ork Waaah, alongside the possible threat of a Tyrranid fleet, the planet was declared hopeless and Exterminatus was ordered.
However instead of dying with the rest of the system’s population, Jaune was whisked away to another dimension. A pocket realm in-between the Materium and Immaterium. This realm was reined by a goddess yet not a goddess, who also sits in a weird in between with the materium and immaterium. Said goddess was an entity from another galaxy before the War in Heaven. She started off as just another galaxy conquering dragon, but after a few zillion years that got boring. Seeing the Old Ones and their creations she decided to observe. She’s got nothing but time, so why not? Over time she became loving, a gardener, a collector, a teacher. She doesn’t interfere with the Materium much because of her overwhelming power, and her control over the Immaterium is mostly spent keeping her corner of the galaxy protected from everything else. She’s pretty hands off and lets everyone else do their own thing, hence she didn’t take part in the War in Heaven. Or much else for that matter. She likes to watch the galaxy spin and all its different paths.
In her Library Jaune finds out the truth of the Horus Heresy, along with many other Heresies and major calamaties from alternate timelines that brought the Imperium to its knees and eventual demise. Horus Heresy, Robutian, Dornian, Lion, Erebrun, each and every Heresy and their potential variations. In a desperate bid to prevent these calamities, Jaune convinces his goddess to send himself and a motley collection of volunteers back in time to just before the Great Crusade. A Suicide Squad consisting of those that the Imperium would execute on the spot: Mutants, Abhumans, Heretics, Traitors, Xenos, Abominable Intelligence, and more. I’m sure Big E would get a laugh out of the irony.
Jaune knows that he can’t do half of what he wants to do. They can’t deal with anything big, like E’s journey into the Warp, the creation of the Primarchs and Astartes, the scattering of the Primarchs, the Great Crusade, etc. He can’t just go and tell the Emperor or Malcador about this. They won’t listen first off, and then they’ll just kill him for knowing too much, trying to play with things he has no business in, or just because Jaune refuses to kiss their asses.
He can’t just go out and pick up all the Primarchs and raise them like his own sons post-scattering. They’re scattered too far apart, their homeworlds need them in some fashion, the worlds are too big and dangerous to be looking for them, the Crew is always on the move which would be bad for their personal growth, each of them are too intelligent to not notice something’s different, they grow too fast for their limited resources, and more. Not to mention the unwanted attention they’d bring themselves from Chaos and Big E. That would spell doom in no time.
What they can do is use their knowledge of what happened and what could be to alter small yet key moments. A quick bombing run to eliminate the Butcher’s Nails factories, ensuring Corvus makes it to the surface, eliminating Kor Pheron, erasing Erebrus from the equation, keeping RG’s family alive from the deamon(Robutian Heresy story), warn and prepare several civilizations of what’s coming, plant a few bugs into each of the Primarchs’ flagships regarding certain orders, and more. These guys do not get a day off. They have to move in relative secrecy because who’s going to believe them? And those who may will likely have him killed for ‘interfering with the Emperor’s will’.
He’s met with relative success in his endeavors. Angron wasn’t implanted with the Butcher’s Nails, but with a different kind of device of similar purpose. This new set wouldn’t turn Angron’s brain to soup like the Butcher’s Nails did, this set gave him a form of split personality in the same way that Bruce Banner has with the Hulk. So Angron can be either the Stalwart Paladin type he was meant to be, or the Raging Barbarian type from canon. It’s a flip of the coin with him. Give the guy some more complexity than just rage rage rage.
It eventually comes to a point where he’s too far into the game to know what to do next. He’s changed too much to know the right call. The Primarchs are all gathered and conquering systems, so trying to do anything to them is out. Chaos has to know about his meddling by now, probably the Emperor as well. Despite the anti-aging tech, he's getting too old. His entire crew has fallen one by one. He’s the last man standing in this crusade.
Out of resources, options, ideas, allies, full of desperation, Jaune decides to throw one last Hail Mary. He calls in a favor from his Goddess, and through means that I haven’t decided on, gathers all the Primarchs in one room, locks the door, glues them to their seats, and lays it all out on them.*
He explains who he is, what his mission is, the nature and rise of Chaos, large parts of the Emperor’s plan, and all that. He tells them of all the potential futures, all the Heresies, the one where E decides to make Eye of Terror 2.0, one where all the Primarchs go balls to the wall mosh pit civil war, how each of them could/did fall, the War of Heaven, the Tyrranids, Necrons, Tau, many other subfactions, potential allies, those that would’ve been very helpful but were butchered, allies in one but not another, what E has done and his potential plans, their own half Warp entity souls, lots of history, lots of secrets exposed, what Jaune and crew have done, and so on.
He doesn’t hold anything back either. He rants on about how badly humanity has fallen, how logic and reason are replaced with fanaticism, progress with stagnation, the hypocrisy, the injustice, the stagnation and corruption of the Imperium, the bloated and rotting corpse of a once great civilization, the works. He even has a nice little partial Abominable Intelligence helping him out. It puts up all sorts of data, photos, videos, recordings, etc. to supplement Jaune’s rants. Just a little guy that gives intel like how Astartesanonymous, Majorkill, Isyanderandkoda, Livefromtheblacklibrary, Wes, and them give lore explanations.
 “But it’s only one guy who did a cute trick of keeping us in our seats and talks a lot, why should we believe him?” Sorry to do this to you Sanguinius, but he just casually drops the fact that your legion suffers from the Blood Thirst in front of everyone. The thing that you fought so hard to keep quiet from everyone and only a few even within your Legion knew about? Yeah that’ll get your attention, along with everyone else’s given how badly you react. Dropping a couple less dangerous secrets from the Lion’s assortment of secrets is also on the table. Pretty sure Alpharius wouldn’t mind getting pointed out as the actual first Primarch recovered, #sarcasm. He drops a little skeleton from each of their closets in front of everyone.
Suffice to say he isn’t going to be invited to any family cookouts after this.
He calls out each of them on their critical failures, dangerous shortcomings, hypocritical mindests, how easily they fell to Chaos, all the ways Papa E screwed up and is still screwing up, and more. All while calling them the stupid nicknames the Crew used. Mufasa, Simba, Long Johnson, for the Lion. Rowboat Girlyman, Bobby G, Robot Gorrillaman, for Robute. Fido, Balto, Scruffy, for Leman. And so on. He only calls them by their proper names once, at the very beginning when he was introducing himself and being respectful.
Is it smart to insult a room of the most powerful people in the galaxy and their daddy? Or talk down to them like the emotionally immature people they are? No. If it weren’t for the Goddess favor pinning them to their seats and disabling their gear and abilities he’d be dead and he knows that. They try to use their Primarch Aura on him, but after however long serving his Goddess he’s relatively immune to it. And he’s in such a IDGAF mindset that the most they get out of him is a raised eyebrow. It’d take one of the Chaos Gods’ or the Big E’s aura to really make him shake.
However pointing out flaws without a solution is just bitching. He gives credit where credit is due. He offers help and suggestions to a lot of their problems. He asks everyone to start appreciating Perty a little more, tells the Prophecy duo to get together and speak with some Farseers about their visions, commends the achievements of the Builder Brothers and ways to make their stuff even better, etc. He gives them self-help books, some psychiatric care books, and some insights from various sources to help out with some of their more human problems. God knows E isn’t helping them out with any of this.
Jaune had the foresight to make volumes of his findings. He drops many encyclopedias worth of books in front of them, all scaled up in size for their convenience. They hold everything. Names, dates, quotes, specifications, supply lines, blueprints, maps, numbers, persons of interest, items of interest, planets of interest, deamons of interest, xenos of interest, xenos that are beneficial to the galaxy and the Imperium, xenos that Leman can have fun exterminating, xenos that must be protected, xenos that can be uplifted, xenos that are up in the air, events that could happen, things that Jaune prevented from happening, nothing was left out. Not just books pertaining to the Primarchs and their dealing with Chaos, as both opponents and slaves to it, either. He also dumped books detailing events from the various futures for the next 10 millennia. Greatest victories, worst defeats, the breaking of the Legions, Successor Chapters, betrayals, redemptions, plots, plots within plots, the power of Faith, the detriments and benefits of groups like the Inquisition and Ecclesiarchy, the strength of character in Xenos races, and on and on and on. The Primarchs have quite a bit of reading to do.
Don’t worry Lemon Rush, you can still have your fun hunting down Xenos. Here’s a stack of books detailing all those filthy Xenos that are detrimental to the Imperium and galaxy at large! This lists where they are, what danger they pose, what their biology is, how best to kill them, and so on. Have fun!
Guilliman, here’s a stack for you regarding Xenos that are good guys that could use a hand. Vulcan, here’s a buncha worlds that could really use your more human touch. Horus, these worlds are major players so will be better won with your diplomacy. And so on.
So what is the Primarchs reaction? Do they accept the things he’s said? Do they bring this intelligence to the Emperor and Malcador? Do they take a hard look at themselves and decide to do better? Do they throw themselves at the feet of Chaos? Do they slow down the Crusade to better reinforce the reclaimed worlds? Do they help each other overcome their weaknesses and petty grievances so Chaos has less of a foothold on their souls? Do they exacerbate their flaws? Do they watch each other’s backs for Chaotic influence? Do they start training their Sons in Astartes vs Astartes combat? Astartes vs Chaos combat? Do they purge the corrupt members of their legions? Do they decide to eradicate the dangerous Xenos while uplifting the benevolent ones? Do they go hard in ways to better the Imperium? Do they become the mindless tools that E wanted them to be? Do they start to stand up to the Emperor and call him out on his shit when he needs it?
Jaune has no idea what they decided, or what any of their thoughts were. After he drops everything on them, gives them the books and AI, he walks out the door. His only thoughts were getting blackout drunk and working on the next step after the hangover. That particular conversation never left that room as far as he’s concerned or aware. He’s fully expecting any one of them to turn him into a red mist for his attitude, or a visit from the Banana Squad for a ‘chat’. He doesn’t even care what happens to him now.
He doesn’t even manage to find a bottle before he’s in trouble. He’s hit from the side, a mortal wound that kills slowly and painfully. However his attacker isn’t anyone from any branch of the Imperium. A deamon has been hunting him and his crew ever since he came back to the past. This is the thing that’s been orchestrating the deaths of his friends one by one. It’s very proud of its work and monologues like a cartoon villain. He just saved Jaune for last since he’s the leader. Something about helplessly watching as your friends are picked off as you can do nothing.
Taking this as confirmation that Jaune was doing the right thing he gets up for one last go. As noble as he is he can be a spiteful little shit, so he’s not going down without a fight. Jaune uses a single word of Enuncia to banish the demon, however his previous injuries and the power of the word kills him at the same time.
This is a good ending right? Did everything he could, gave those who hold the galaxy in their hands everything they need to keep things going right, gave a big middle finger to Chaos, the Emperor, and the demon, and died an unsung hero. Good place for retirement right?
However Jaune’s not done! The word quit doesn’t exist in his dictionary, especially when he knows that he was making a difference. Or was at least enough of a thorn in Chaos’ side to warrant a personal Demon after him. He reject’s his Goddess’ offer of a peaceful afterlife to go back for more. He’s a sucker for suffering sometimes. He crawls his way through the warp to be reborn in an Avatar type way. His DNA is identical, he holds the same kind soul and indomitable spirit, but he’s a fresh slate in everything else. The ‘current Jaune’ doesn’t know anything about the potential futures, his past lives, or any of that. The most that his original past self, the ‘original Jaune’, can do is subconsciously nudge him in what should be the right direction. Eventually the Demon, which I dub Little Timmy, comes back from the Warp to kill him again. To which Jaune’s original soul takes over in a sense, like how Ozma fights alongside his current host and body, and the two die in a draw yet again. Then he crawls back through the Warp to be reborn yet again, and so the cycle repeats.
Jaune does most everything during this series of cycles. Was an Astartes for each of the legions at least once even the Lost 2, guardsman, Commisar, Rouge trader, mechanicum, planetary lord, bounty hunter, Psyker, Blank, anything and everything as long as it wasn’t under E’s direct oversight like the Inquisition, Assassinorum, Custodes, and the like. Not to say he hasn’t tangoed with and against such organizations over the cycles.
Despite having the same face and dna, he’s missed completely by those in the know. Besides the fact his Goddess is blocking certain figures’ sight from recognizing him properly, think how just a piece of fabric over the eyes works for most heroes identities, he’s just one guy in trillions of trillions in that particular sector. They might have an idea of ‘that guy seems familiar’ in a déjà vu kind of way, but easily dismiss it. How common are blue eyed blonde dudes? The only confirmation that the Primarchs get that Jaune has been reborn again is during or after his fight with Little Timmy. Jaune leaves a message or calls them or whatever, and the original soul makes sure he calls them by one of the stupid nicknames from the chew out session. Who else would have the balls to call Ferrus Manus Tin Can Sam, or can tell the difference to know which TweedleTwin he’s talking to? Not like they can do much by the time/if they get the message, he died in the duel again. They’re lucky to find parts of his body from the fight. Little Timmy tends to desire a lot of collateral whenever possible, and Jaune isn’t always the roided up transhuman super soldier to trade blows so he has to get creative when he fights.
*As everyone else is stuck to their chairs, Jaune is standing on the table to look them in the eyes and move around easier. Also allows him to move close enough to the Primarchs to drop the reading material in front of them, but not close enough to be grabbed. It’s a funny image, but couldn’t find a spot where it would fit so here it is.
I have no idea where some of this should go, but I know that it should be a mess of things anyway because it’s 40K. As much as I don’t want any of the Primarchs taken by Chaos now that they have guidebooks on what to look out for and just how fucked that would be if they do, I can see a few of them falling anyway. Fulgrim for instance. I can see him taking the Laer Blade just to try and show Jaune that ‘Oh look, I guess you were wrong and I am strong enough to carry a demonic blade and not get corrupted!’ That’s the reason he talked down to you like a child, ya Purple Nurple! I love the idea of Snakegrim and Clonegrim duking it out, a duel of both loyalties and ideals. Although from what I hear from the various fangroups I’m in we probably won’t see that. Dangit GW. You’re missing a trunkful of easy money.
I’m not sure how the other Primarchs should be affected by Jaune’s meddling either. Angron was just an easy picking on how to change things up.
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fatalhdton3 · 10 months
This is what I'm talking about.
Earlier this year, I got asked which RWBY ship community was/is the most toxic. To which I replied was Whiterose shippers.
Now every RWBY ship has its fair share of toxic fans, since its pretty much unavoidable when it comes to this sort of stuff...but man Whiterose shippers take the cake on this one.
Fair warning anybody who is very passionate about Whiterose as a ship, I would advise you proceed with caution or... you know don't.
Again some not all, and Whiterose as a ship it self is a cute ship, honestly have no problems with it, but again the few people that make it unbearable sometimes.
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Then same person had the nerve to comment this on an artist drawing. McMystery has always been super professional at making people's HC come to life mine included, so when a ship you don't like appear and then call it a heresy just because you don't like it is mad level of toxic. Then there also the fact where this person is indirectly call Mc a pedophile since it's not secret Mc activity supports RoseGarden. Normally I ignore stuff like this when it comes to Twitter but this really set me off.
On top of that we have the whole uproar with the again the few very vocal Whiterose shippers that happen when a non-canon version of Ruby called Weiss a sister.
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Like seriously, they know damn well this a non-canon thing yet they still choose to go on a whole tantrum rant about it. But I'll give credit where it's due and they did eventually apologize for their irrational behavior.
This is the kind of stuff that I'm talking about, and in all honesty because of people like this it makes me wish that WR as a ship will sink next Volume. Everyone is entitled to their own Headcanon, but sometimes people confuse their Headcanons and what's actually happening in the show.
WR is cute, but the few people truly make it unbearable sometimes, but that's the power of a main line ship, weather you support or not it's a shipping power house and still at least to me is the RWBY ship with the most toxic fans.
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Fandom Woes: Self-Righteousness of Modern Tragedy
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I think I want to explain my case better about my beef with modern tragic/more-bitter-than-sweet fantasy/sci-fi, such as RWBY, Code Geass, and D.Gray-Man and it’s not necessarily the stories in of themselves
It’s the Self-Righteous Martyr/God-Complex of toxic contingent within these fandoms, to me they seem to ultimately not care the message the tragedy and suffering of these stories are trying to convey, but rather enjoy them and flaunt them for their own self-righteous megalomania
And I know that sounds hyperbolic, but it’s the tone, attitude and behavior of these people that give me that impression
For example with Code Geass and RWBY and the tragic deaths of Euphemia Li Britannia, Shirley Fenette, Lelouch, Pyrrha, and Penny respectively
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As soon as that happened, many among the fandom would come out and theatrically proclaim the necessity of these tragic deaths, how it is so realistic an shows “thats life”, and brag how ultimately hopeful the stories still are and how it taught them how to be oh-so hopeful despite the odds, and I can see them act that way towards the burden of Allen Walker if the fandom was still active today as it was back then.
In any these cases, these people act as if they themselves were righteous martyrs, prophets of God,Life,Reality, usually the latter two because they claim "that's life" or "that's reality" all in a tone that reeks of holier-than-thou arrogance and vanity...
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"Of my virtue, I am justly proud..."
Or worse, they speak with ghoulish glee and bragging about it gives them a feeling of power over these fictional characters as if they themselves are God almighty and it bleeds into how they treat real people who didn't like it by passive aggressively or belligerently belittling, judging, shaming, gaslighting, and sneering at them, implying the worse reasons of their distaste, and tell them to go watch a sitcom or slice-of-life anime or something
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Then they are quick to condemn other fictional characters like Suzaku from Code Geass for being such a SOB and cheer on Watts putting Cinder on Full Blast, all while implying themselves to be such better people than both
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Then they brag about what story was told with these ideas and concepts to be the end-all-be-all of these concepts in any fantasy/sci-fi epics that have even the slightest tinge of darkness and conflict and, lock them down into little theories, formulas, dogmas, and rule out everything else as a corruption, heresy, or a worthless little parasite, because they themselves are the infallible, all-knowing, and all-seeing “literary experts” who got everything all figured out and everyone else, wether the majority or minority, as peon reprobates.
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Which then they pressure onto creatives with less power than them, especially when they disagree. All while they themselves can do whatever they want and do whatever they want with things they are unhappy with because “we know better than you”
I have experienced this expressing my ideas of what RWBY could have been instead, AU and Original work and been told it could only work as a slice of life anymore or a sitcom, or otherwise what I do with this stuff is ultimately meaningless and heresy and spiteful
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All while they supported things like His Dark Materials Trilogy which is the Anti-Narnia written by a Atheist who hates CS Lewis and Christianity with a passion because he made the concepts more “interesting”
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Or how making a sexy magical Captain Marvel with her own sailor scouts like Kamen America and her Kamen Corps because the creators were unhappy with what was done with the concept of Captain Marvel is nothing but a "Porno Captain Marvel Rip-Off"
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while making an evil superman like Homelander and other nasty rendition of superheroes in "The Boys" by a guy who despises superheroes is totally fine because he knows what's the "interesting" end-all-be-all of these concepts.
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All these things I describe can be summed up to figures in the Bible, The Pharisees
“They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.”-Matthew 23:4
They brag about the virtues and necessity of tragedy at the expense of fictional characters and real people, and boss around other creatives on what they do with this stuff, especially when they are unhappy, all whilst they themselves do whatever they want because they are supposedly so “objective”, they don’t need to follow the rules like everyone else
These prigs will tell others to “broaden their horizons” and give them the benefit of the doubt, but will refuse to give others the exact same courtesy because once again, “We know better than you.”
These self righteous people seem to only enjoy these stories not because of the message the tragedy and suffering is trying to convey, thats just a shield for them, but rather for their moral superiority and the thrill of power over others and being the measure of all things, for they know how life exactly works for specific individuals in specific genres and they know how to carry it out exactly.
They they know with a "G"(gnosis) what's the end-all-be-all of specific concepts in ideas in specific genres and how to carry them out and they alone are the alchemists who can turn lead in to gold and everyone else is subjective and suffer from false consciousness.
In fact, I compare them to Digory’s Uncle Andrew in The Magician’s Nephew who though he could control other people by using their values against them to get them to do what he wants, while he himself doesn’t need to follow the rules, and basked in self congratulation of being a “great magician”
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“Men like me, who possess hidden wisdom, are freed from common rules just as we are cut off from common pleasures. Ours, my boy, is a high and lonely destiny.”
And while we’re at it and Code Geass is on the table, let me point to one of the antagonists of Akito The Exiled, Gene Smilas
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He was the mentor and surrogate parent of Lelia Macal who sought to bring Europe to a brighter future, often invoking the tale of the venerable St.Joan of Arc.
But when the time came to supposedly save EU, did he bet on his own life like the Saint did?
He decided to position himself as God and Lelia as Joan of Arc, planning for her to die as a martyr for his own gain and become Emperor of Europe, because she happened to be a young lady with good morals who wasn't afraid to fight alongside her troops.
Like Uncle Andrew, Gene was nothing more than a peddling magician, but worse, he saw himself as God who controlled Lelila's destiny all while basking in delusions of righteousness in his quest for power. While Uncle Andrew was at least scared straight by Narnia.
To use a description of the Pharisees from the TV Series Jesus of Nazareth(1977) but slightly tweaked,
He bowed before the Story of Joan of Arc, but violated the heart of it.
And that's why I am so irritable about Tragedy in these kinds of stories, it feels like they are no longer enjoyed out of humility, compassion, truth, goodness, and beauty.
But rather out of pride, vanity, power, cruelty, and moral superiority
and sometimes it tempts me want to write my inspired stories in a way that gives them all the finger rather than for what I saw these ideas and concepts could have been, just so I can give them a taste of their own medicine
I know that's wrong, but these people test my patience, especially when they keep invading other people's spaces, bypass other people's "curations" because "there's nothing subjective about this, I need to correct and educate you", and getting away with this kind of nasty behavior
@beatricehawthorne @vitamaeternum
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howlingday · 1 month
Cardin: Where you goin', little bitch?
Jaune: Oh, uh-
Cardin: (Pins) Give me your money, man!
Jaune: Oh my god! I don't have any money, dude! I ATE IT! I'M SORRY!
Cardin: Let me tell you something, man! I have a whole bunch of problems at home, so I'm gonna take all that rage and pent-up frustration and put it all on you because I don't know what else to do with it!
Jaune: What?
Cardin: I'm fucking confused about my sexuality. So you know what? I'm going to punch you in the mouth! With my mouth. Softly~.
Pyrrha: ...WHAT THE FUCK?!
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nerdlydelicious · 1 year
Aah, Arkos. The Jaune ship that by which all other Jaune ships are judged. The gold standard when it comes to Jaune ships, and, let’s be real, the only serious Pyrrha ship (though I adore Milk and Cookies to no end).
Arkos took off at a dead sprint from the moment Pyrrha pinned Jaune to a tree (phrasing) and from there it went on to take the top spot as arguably the most popular hetero ship in the entire show. To this day it reigns supreme as the top Jaune ship, despite Pyrrha dying at the end of Volume 3.
There are those who think that Jaune should never move on from Pyrrha, that he should always pine for her and never be in a relationship with anyone else. Those people are wrong, but that’s not what we’re here to talk about.
Obviously I shipped Arkos back in V1-3, like basically everyone who liked Jaune, Pyrrha, or both, and was devastated when she died. It was a simple, cute ship with clear growth and progression and some very sweet moments.
That said, I do think Arkos had some flaws. Heresy, I know, but here me out before burning me at the stake.
The biggest issue with Arkos is that Pyrrha’s entire story is focused on her feelings for Jaune. Most of Pyrrha’s interactions were with Jaune, and he was the focus of her own character story. I mean, even her two songs are focused on her feelings for Jaune. Now, we know that Pyrrha was always going to die. Her VA was told as early as V1 that Pyrrha was going to die, so her role in the story was to be more of a mentor figure for Jaune, whose story would go on, rather than her being part of the story after Beacon.
And having her love for Jaune be a big part of her character is totally fine, but it’s also kind of her entire character, and that’s less fine. It would have been nice to see Pyrrha engage more with the rest of JNPR, as well as team RWBY.
That said, Pyrrha had a massive impact on Jaune as a person, and remains a huge driving force for him long after she died. Pyrrha lives on in Jaune in many ways, as well as Nora and Ren, so in a sense, she’s still here with us.
I give the ship a 7/10. Pour one out for our Invincible Girl.
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doomalade · 18 days
Thinking about Jaune x Cardin still
This yaoi will save me
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a just-for-fun rwby rarepair tournament poll featuring only my favourite ships. who knows maybe ill do something for the winner. adorable art by @rubyneo
i dont know if you'll want it, but if you do @rwbyrarepairs
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