#rwby bandit knight
therealmofamorus · 6 months
Original male au: shortstacked au
Does Ying consider Jaune a short king?
Ying think he’s a weak little midget…who got a big donkey dick but still a damnable midget thar she is not definitely attracted to nonetheless.
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linkman447 · 11 months
Yang: (7 years old) one day I’ll meet my rusted knight
Summer: oh I’m sure you will my sunny little dragon
Ruby: ewww boys are gross * secretly wanting to marry the rusted knight
Weiss: sister one day I’ll marry the rusted knight
Winter: I wish so as well
Whitley: you know he’s dead right
Winter/ weiss: shut up
Blake: mmmm ya oh my yes I can work with this, the rusted knight escapes from the evil lords mansion with the Faunus princess
Kali: yes my darling make your mother proud
Jaune:*shivers* what was that
Mama arc: what’s wrong sweet heart
Jaune: I feel like someone’s hunting me
Mama arc: maybe it’s a cute girl who will let you give me grand babies
Jaune: ewww mom gross
Mama arc: oh jaune your an arc, when you get older, women will be fighting over you
Years later
Rusted knight: team rwby *removes helmet to reveal jaune arc* your finally here
Yang: MINE
Grabs him and runs off
Weiss: get back here with my husband
Ruby: ya yang we can share him like our moms did dad
Blake: no the rusted knight is supposed to rescue the Faunus princess not be kidnapped by the bandit princess
Yang: we going to have so many babies
Jaune: mom was right
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madman479r · 1 year
This was it. For decades Jaune had longed for this moment, the time he would finally leave the Ever After and return home.
It honestly seemed sureal. Every now and then, Jaune feared he would awaken and be back in his cabin, ready to start a new day of keeping the Paper Pleasers safe and failing to find a way back to Remnant.
But no such soul crushing reality came.
He... he was really going home.
Jaune watched as team RWBY stepped through the portal and made to follow them until the voice of the Blacksmith stopped him.
"One last thing, Knight." Jaune turned as the Blacksmith came towards him, her larger form towering over him, but not in a form of intimidation.
"The Tree watched over you, saw what you did, how you put your own life at risk to save the Afterans. Such nobility, such heroism." Despite the Blacksmith's encouraging words, Jaune only frowned in disagreement.
"Nobility? Heroism? No. I was selfish, I forced the Paper Pleasers to live in such frail bodies. I played the hero just for the rush, the feeling of being the hero because I could never be one back home." Jaune was no hero. He was, and always will be a fraud.
The Blacksmith only shook her head. "You thought you were saving the Paper Pleasers because you come from a world where death is the end with no new beginning. You became a hero because that's what the Afterans needed. For all you've done, the Tree has decided to repay you."
Now Jaune was confused. "What do you mean "repay me"? I already have my youth back and I'm going home. What more could I need?"
"The gift of youth was from Alyx. The Tree has her own gift for you, she sees potential within you. The same potential your partner saw. Untapped power."
Jaune nearly choked. "Pyrrha?" What was she talking about? What did Pyrrha see in him? What untapped power?
"This gift will be given to you when the time is right. The unlocking of your true potential."
Now Jaune was baffled, but figured it was another Ever After strangeness he had come to expect. With a grateful nod, Jaune bid farewell and left through the portal.
Jaune gritted his teeth as his shield took the brunt of Cinder's fireball, the force of the blast pushing him back a few feet but he remained standing.
Damnit, this was bad! He and Winter were on patrol in Vacuo, having received a mission about a few bandits attacking a settlement. That's where they met Carmine and Bertilak, a pair of veteran hunters and members of The Crown.
The Huntsman and Winter Maiden then found themselves ambushed by a new ally to the Crown, Cinder.
Winter was currently occupied with fighting off the veteran hunters, their combined skills and coordination giving the magic wielder a challenge, leaving Juane to fight Cinder alone.
Cinder smirked smugly, fire dancing in the palm of her hand, though she also had a twinge of respect in her eye. "I must admit, you certainly have gotten stronger, a better warrior altogether in such a short time. But it's still nothing compared to the power of a Maiden." Cinder then aimed her hand at Jaune and shot forward a wave of fire, completely engulfing Jaune.
Jaune put his shield up for protection but the fire came over him like water, simply crawling over the shield and directly into him. He felt the intense heat all over, his Aura working overtime to try and keep him safe but even his Aura had limits. His vision was becoming blurry, black spots clouding his eyes and he felt his body losing strength.
This was it. He was going to die. At the hands of Cinder no less.
It was a shame, he never got to avenge Pyrrha or Penny's deaths. Now he could at least join them in the after life.
But a voice called to him, one he never expected to hear again.
"This gift will be given to you when the time is right. The unlocking of your true potential."
And then Jaune saw a bright, blinding light.
Cinder felt satisfaction killing the annoying knight. He had been a bigger thorn in her side then she ever thought he'd be. Especially when he denied her the Winter Maiden powers, but she'd have that power soon anyway.
Though she did feel a little disappointed, he didn't even give an scream of anguish in his final, fiery moments. Maybe she shouldn't have done it too hot, it completely evaporated him before he could even feel any pain.
Cinder's eye then widened in pure shock as a golden pillar of pure aura came from the flames, where the fraud stood in the blaze of heat.
Cinder was too focused on the sight, not noticing how the Schnee, Carmine and her partner also stopped in the middle of their fight to see the light.
Her fire vanished yet the pillar remained and a silhouette stood in the centre. The light then disappeared and the silhouette became clear.
It was a tall, and powerful looking Knight with rusty armour, complete with a helmet that showed only two glowing blue eyes in the darkness of the visor.
Cinder stood in disbelief. What... what was this? Was this the fool? What was that light?! What was this?!
The Knight, with Aura practically flowing out from his body, took a step forward and readied himself for a fight.
Cinder growled in frustrated rage. Why wouldn't this idiot just die?!
"Come on." Cinder used her magic to hover in the air before shooting at the Knight like a javelin. "What now?!" She screamed and shot her hand forward, directly into the helmet as a fireball formed, exploding on impact. The explosion was powerful enough to send dust, rocks and debris flying away, even the other combatants were pushed back slightly.
When the smoke cleared, Cinder expected to see a smoldering, melted mesh of metal and flesh but her heart dropped when the smoke parted, revealing the fraud to still be standing without so much as a scratch!
Cinder looked up and saw the blue glowing eyes glaring down at her, making her feel like the weak, helpless child she once was all those years ago.
Before Cinder realised what was going on, Jaune pulled back his fist and delivered a devastating haymaker right to Cinder's cheek!
The blow sent Cinder to the sandy ground, the force behind the punch made her bounce up only inches from the sand the before falling to the ground again. Cinder lay there dazed as her head shook, her eyes came unfocused and her ears rung, her disoriented mind needing a second to register the pain, only then did she also taste the bitter iron taste of blood in her mouth.
Jaune looked at his own hand, seeing the familiar rusted armour now in place. He could feel strength unlike anything he felt before coursing through his body, through his skin, his muscles, his veins and bones. He also saw what looked like gold vapor coming from all around his form. Was that his Aura, was it literally pouring out of him?
"Huh. Thanks, Tree. That gift came in handy, and not a moment too soon." Jaune clenched his fist again as he finished admiring himself before focusing on Cinder again. His determination saphire eyes meeting her bewildered and angry fiery eyes.
"Alright. Now the real fight starts." Jaune, the Rusted Knight said and launched himself at Cinder.
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howlingday · 1 year
Dr. Jägermutter
Salem: Guten tag. I am Dr. Jägermutter, und zis... is my resume.
Jaune: (Reading) "Freelance huntsman business consultant and motivational coach." Hm... I don't know. Money's tight enough as it is-
Salem: I vork pro-bono.
Jaune: You're hired! ...Once I figure out what pro bobo means.
Salem: Your financial status is an unfortunate case, but you must not let it limit yourself. To overcome zis, you vill need a full-time staff.
Jaune: Whoa...
Salem: (Gestures to the full-time staff) As you can see, gazering retired huntsmen togezer for a common goal is a bit of a skill of mine.
Jaune: Wait, but who's paying for them?
Salem: Ze Kingdom vill. Zey are all part of a vork-rehabilitation program. I call zem, "ze Knight Angels." Get it? Knight? Night?
Jaune: No, no, I get it, but this is all just so much at once...
Nora: Jaune! We found some Grimm tearing down the forest!
Ren: Very unusual for Grimm.
Pyrrha: Everyone stay calm. We'll rally together so we can-
Salem: Zer is no need. Zose vere not Grimm, but ants. Ants building und expanding upon your leader's empire.
Ren: That's... a lot to take in.
Jaune: Right?
Nora: Wow! You're like some kind of magic girl!
Salem: Nein. You are ze magic girl! (Pulls lien out of Nora's ear)
Nora: WOW!
Salem: (Places it in Nora's palm) Here you go. I suggest you place zat into a high-yield mutual fund.
Salem: (Turns away) Now if you'll excuse me, I have much vork to do.
Salem: Ladies und gentlemen, esteemed members of ze Schnee Dust Company, Mistrali Spiders, und Torchvick gang, I have read our demands regarding Jaune Arc's tuition, und your grievances in his tardiness to repay zem.
Lil Miss: And what the hell's it to you?
Salem: A minor inconvenience zat will be remedied shortly, if you vill allow me.
Jacques: Where the hell is Jaune Arc then?!
Salem: I vill be representing Herr Arc in zese matters.
Roman: What- Who the hell are you?!
Salem: I am Dr. Salem Jägermutter, und zis is my magic murder hand. (Opens palm, Closes) So, zere is a deal on ze table. Any takers?
JLR: (Dust and ash)
Oscar: E-E-EVICTED?! But Jaune said I was-
Salem: Herr Arc has more important tasks ahead of him und cannot be saddled by raising children. Might I suggest you stay mit Team RWBY, or stay in ze local orphanage?
Oscar: No! I don't want to-!
Salem: Zese are grown-up matters, child. Or should I say... Ozma?
Ozpin: (Shifts) Wait a moment... There's... There's something familiar about you. Almost as if... as if... Ngh...
Salem: Oho...
Ozpin: NGH... NGH... NNNNNNGAAAH! (Falls)
Salem: You have until noon tomorrow to vacate ze premises.
Ruby: And she just kicked Oscar out! Like she owns the place!
Pyrrha: I know, and I don't like it either, but... (Sighs) She won't let me get anywhere near Jaune. Says I'm a "weak" influence on him. Honestly, I would have done something sooner if it wasn't for Ren and Nora. They're really grown on her.
Salem: (Outside) Vere's Nora~?
Nora: (Giggling, Sneaking around)
Salem: So, vat did ve learn?
Ren: Uh... I learned that even though the Grimm destroyed my village, it was the bandit attacks nearby that brought them there.
Salem: Und vat vas learned?
Ren: That... humans are worse than Grimm?
Salem: Mm... It's a start.
Salem: (Hands Nora a knife, Points) Zis man stole from your leader! Teach him vat is ze meaning of loyalty!
Nora: (Timidly approaches with a knife)
Salem: Vould you prefer ze hammer?
Ruby: That's... really weird.
Pyrrha: I agree, but she says she has a PhD in Child Psychology, so... I can't really argue with her.
Jaune: I'm sorry, I just don't understand what you're saying.
Salem: I vas very clear; you cannot become ze leader you vish to be mitout confronting your deep-rooted fear of success! Now get into ze bag!
Jaune: ...What's in it?
Salem: Only vat you take mit you.
Jaune: (Steps in) Uh, okay? I'm, uh, standing in the bag.
Salem: ARE YOU?.
Jaune: Wait... This... This is my old kitchen back home! (Looks at Pumpkin Pete box) Oh, and here's Pumpkin Pete!
Jaune: Wait, I thought I was fixing my soul, or something? Ms.- Er, Dr. Jägermutter? Hello?
Papa Arc: Hey there, Jaune! (Wearing boxers) You're up pretty early, huh?
Jaune: (Kid) I couldn't sleep. You and Mommy were fighting again.
Papa Arc: Oh, uh, no, we weren't fighting, we were just, uh... sparring. Say, whatcha eatin there?
Jaune: (Turn) Pumpkin Pete! If Bunnerific-! (Gasps, Turns away from massive dong) B-But I don't think I like the pumpkin flavor.
Papa Arc: Yeah, I prefer the Peachy Patty, myself. She's such a cute bunny.
Jaune: (Regular age, Shutting his eyes) Blueberry Barry is my favorite, too, but he's supposed to be a bad guy... (Peeks) AGH! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME?! (Gulps, Slowly turns)
Salem: (Papa Arc's penis) This is the moment where your feelings of inadequacy first began to develop; when your father's status changed from role model and hero to rival and tormentor! (Tentacles envelop Jaune) WHAT WILL YOU DO?
Jaune: (Closes his eyes, Kid) Ngh! Rgh! P-Pyrrha, help!
Pyrrha: (Goddess appearance) I'm coming, Jaune!
Salem: NO! Do not call out to Pyrrha to save you! She and your father are the very reason you are trapped here, doomed to die with your dreams in this damnable tomb!
Jaune: (Opens his eyes, Sees Grimm RWBY)
Salem: Defeat these creatures of the dark! Fear! Self-loathing! Stinkin'-thinkin'! Und dilly-dallying! FREE YOURSELF! DESTROY THIS TEMPLE OF FAILURE!
Jaune: AAAAAAAGH! (Blinding flash of light, Standing before two marble statues)
Papa Arc: Jaune? What was that noise?
Salem: (Behind Jaune) The colossi will crush and continue to subjugate you unless you fight back! Kill them! Kill them and assume your rightful role as Leader!
Pyrrha: Jaune, let us help you.
Salem: (Transforms into a sword) DO IT! SLAY THEM WHERE THEY STAND! (Slashing about, Kills Pyrrha and Papa Arc)
Jaune: I... I did it... (Nugget hits his head) Oh! (Eats it)
Salem: (Pats his back) Ze son has become ze fazher, und ze pupil has become ze master. Rejoice, as your kingdom avaits.
Jaune: (Shoveling nuggies into his craw, Smiling)
Ruby: (Sneaks in, Steals nuggies)
Salem: Aaaaah, but who is zis tiny girl, stealing from your kingdom vat is yours?
Jaune: (Coughs, Chokes on nuggies)
Salem: (Places wallet in Jaune's mouth) Careful. Careful. (Jaune spits it out) Clearly, your experience vas so traumatizing, zat you had a seizure.
Jaune: (Covers himself) B-B-BUT WHY AM I NAKED?!
Salem: Because you have been reborn! Und your old clothes vill no longer fit you. (Reveals box) But zese vill... Und I vill need my vallet back.
Jaune: (Wearing black armor with silver trim)
Salem: Zis suit vas hand-crafted by myself, using your measurements. Ze spandex should comfortably expand following your new vorkout routine.
Jaune: (Looks in the mirrors, Hums) Ya know what? I like it!
Salem: Ah~! (Sits, Covers her face) Es tut mir leid, I... I have become ze proud mama... (Crying, Clasps hands) I LOVE MEIN JOB~!
Jaune: Ow! Why did you cut my hand?!
Salem: Much like how a fish needs gills to svim, a man such as yourself needs ink to write.
Jaune: Yeah, but blood? (Sighs) Whatever. What am I signing for anyways?
Salem: Your are signing to join an elite brother- und sisterhood of associates dedicated to ze destruction of mankind's truest enemy.
Jaune: Oh... Wow... Anyone I might know?
Salem: Oh, ja, (Flips page) you certainly do.
Jaune: Wait, but that's Ruby! She's my best friend!
Salem: Indeed! It is a classic friends to enemies tale!
Jaune: But that doesn't make any sense! Ruby can't be my enemy! She isn't even a-!
Jaune: (Looks at himself) Oh my god. This is... B-But I'm not-!
Salem: Aren't you?! You've lied! You cheated! You've stolen, und you have survived! Iz zis not what your heat vas telling you in your visions?! SIGN IT! BECOME WHO YOU VERE ALVAYS MEANT TO BE! KNIGHT ANGELS ARE STANDING BY FOR YOUR ORDERS! ASCEND!
Jaune: (Gulps)
Pyrrha: (Kicks down the door) RUBY!
Pyrrha: Have you seen Jaune?!
Jaune: (Sitting on the bed) I'm right here.
Ruby: He's been sitting on my bed for, like, an hour, and hasn't said a word since.
Jaune: Pyrrha, am I... a bad leader?
Ruby: I don't think so. Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: ...Um, w-well, you, uh, have your faults, but ultimately, uh, well-
Nora: Yup!
Ren: Nora!
Pyrrha: Jaune, where's Dr. Jägermutter?
Jaune: Gone. I... I told her I appreciated the work she put in, but that I wasn't... that what she offered just wasn't for me.
Salem: All of ze world's a stage, und ze men und vemen in it are merely players.
Tyrian: Ha ha! You said it! And you can learn more in The Bible!
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epic-arc · 1 year
Spider Knight 1: Spectacular Spider Knight
A mysterious figure would be swinging through the city of Vale using webs jumping from building to building until in a last swing he would climb on the largest building in the city and look from there seeing the city and the Beacon Academy in the distance.
Jaune(Mind voice): The city is very calm today but I didn't want to say I shouldn't be on alert but a little action would be nice. Oh if this takes too long I'll probably sleep in Mr Port's class…
When jaune said that the alarm of a store being robbed would ring then he would jump from the top of the building and go to the place. On top of the roof of the store would be two thugs with bags of money on their backs and would be near the edge of one building to another.
Thug 1: We just throw the bags to the next building and jump until we go to the docks and we can get out of this city.
Thug 2: So let's do this at once I don't want to get caught in that webhead's webs or get caught by some hunter or huntress.
Jaune threw web on the bags, sticking them to the walls and the bandits looked at Jaune who would be on top of a water tank looking at them.
Spider Knight: Oh wow guys leaving town so early but I don't think you guys can leave the city with these jewels, you know they are the city's prize.
The bandits would pull pistols from their pockets and they would start shooting in the direction of jaune but he would dodge and then throw his webs in the direction of his hands making their weapons stick to the wall and while the bandits tried to get out of jaune's web he would ask them and would put them upside down on a pole with a note written ''from your neighborhood knight''
Both team rwby and (j)npr would be having breakfast together and watching the news and the news commented on last night's spider knight act.
Pyrrha: I think it's cool that there's someone who's running the city while hunters are busy but he doesn't have to walk around in anonymity why doesn't he join a academy.
Yang: Maybe he had some secret he dont want to show to the world or something.
Blake: The most curious thing about him and his abilities is like a semblance or is he a spider faunus?
Weiss: Look, I'm happy that it's good to see that bandits are being arrested but even he is a hunter with no license so he can be considered a threat!
Ruby: Hey weiss don't be such a spoiling fun it's important he's helping people and saving them like us! And I'm really curious what kind of weapon he uses oh maybe it's a spear or a sword!
Nora was listening to that conversation and noticed that jaune was out of the conversation so she would get a plate of pancakes and go to the dorm until she saw jaune fixing his spider knight costume and she would stay with her mouth and soon after jaune would come at her closed the door and picking up the plate and placing it on a small table.
Jaune: Nora, I'm asking you please don't tell anyone about this..
Nora: Ok but you will explain this whole situation to me later!
(Was a good start?)
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logo-comics · 5 months
Knight!RWBY: Ruby and Raven Title: That Is Not Supposed To Burn Like That.
"I know!" Ruby cheered, "Do you know how much work it takes to light a river on fire?" She chuckled. "Worth every second..."
Raven was beginning to miss the simpler days of when she was managing a bandit clan...
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do you like Qrow and Raven's outfits design?
Qrow's outfit is great. Prime example of "not over-designing what works". A message the rest of outfit designs seem to not share (poor Weiss).
Raven's outfit is...complicated.
How do I put it...the more we saw of her the worse it looked.
And its not because the outfit is necessarily "bad". The outfit just feels pointless?
One of the aspects RWBY does (supposedly) is display a certain level of storytelling via outfit designs. Plenty of characters honestly just feel in line with contemporary fashion (in a good way) and those who don't tend to have specific reasons to. Ruby imitates Summer but also Qrow, Weiss is absolutely governed by colors and their influence (even if the show takes it to absolute opposite direction by dyeing her in blue for some reason), Yang and Raven's overall designs elicit similarities (and Yang's anger brings her design even closer to her mother's with red eyes), Jaune dresses like (his imagined) stereotypical "manly" corny Knight, etc. Cinder's outfit plays into her backstory. Qrow is dressed up like your average middle-aged dude with issues. At least before they went over-board with absolutely awful redesigns, Outfits would tend to speak for themselves and quite a few of them would tell a story.
What does Raven's outfit really tell us about her?
Why does she do the mask thing? Why does she have this elaborate battle armor thing if she is just bandit-ing around hiding FOR YEARS doing nothing? What do we know of Raven's backstory that justifies this get-up? Why does Raven dress in this specific way?
What about her sword? Why is it designed this way? Why does it elicit specific parallels to certain other weapons in design/power? Her introductory scene in V2 places emphasis on the weapon and even Neo feels threatened.
Her design can scream IMPORTANT, but We don't really get anything that would be important.
Add in the fact that overall model feels somewhat off (because most of them do), and by the time V5 rolls over it feels like she's just wearing a weird elaborate pointless cosplay.
That's what you get when you put the most mysterious character of the first three volumes into this battle armor, give her cool mask and sword and then spend volumes upon volumes of her being coward and "bandit" (the whole bandit tribe nonsense is one of biggest mistakes show ever did), as she just off-screen runs around aimlessly.
And that's REALLY sad because the color scheme is great, the sword is badass and the mask is REALLY COOL.
I am not a fan of the overall outfit itself that much, but it can work if she was a proper character. Alas.
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starlightsaphron · 10 months
You know what? Send me an ask about my rwby au’s. I’ve got:
A Weissfang fic inspired by najio’s griffin
The most convoluted rusted knight yang fic
What if raven raised yang and ruby but not in the tribe
A totally normal beacon fic where things are definitely the same
What if salem was in charge/the one in power au where the main cast winds up post v8
A different background au staring bandit Weiss schnee and public figure Blake who’s been pulled back into the white fang.
Sorta-kinda-not really Star Wars au that I’ve been working on for years in my head
Last women standing Weiss send back but she’s a complete train wreck and doesn’t know that she’s back in time
Crack raven fic with multiversal kindered link
I think that there’s a few I’ve forgotten too. Some are more worked out than others but all try to answer with something for all of them
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weatherman667 · 2 years
Jaune Ships by Challenge Level
Pyrrha:  Already loves him.  Jaune would do anything for her.  The only problem is fate, but fate can be a fickle thing.
Lancaster:  They instantly have chemistry.  Not insulting this ship in any way, but it doesn’t take much to do it.
White Knight:  Defrosting ice queen.  But, if you want to ship her, she already defrosts over the course of the story, and Jaune already makes a play for it.
Knightshade:  Blakedoes not verbally communicate her emotions.  You need someone that can read her emotions.
Dragonslayer:  She’s not as overt about it as Ruby, but she’s been supporting Jaune from day one.  Maybe day two?  The secret isn’t making them fall in love, but having her admit she’s broken and open up to him.
Knightfall:  This seems like the hardest one, when it actually one of the easiest, outside of RWBY + P.  Have Jaune forgive her.  Have him be kind to her.  She literally won’t see it coming.
Link:  Might seem easier than Cinder, but she has the major obstacle of being in love with Cinder.  She either has to join Knightfall, or work through her feelings for Cinder to find out that Cinder has been toying with her emotions.
Neo:  She just needs a hug.  The problem is that if you try to hug her, she’s going to stab you.  At least Cinder and Emerald can be talked out of it.
Raven:  You might think that the problem is that she’s the bitch queen of a bandit tribe.  Which, admittedly, she is.  The bigger problem, however, is that she’s secretly in love with Taiyang.  She needs to not be forgiven by Tai, or not forgive him.  Either way, tread lightly and watch out for lightning.
Vernal:  Take Raven, but switch the love from Tai, whom abandoned her, to Raven, whom is right beside her.
Glynda:  You don’t just have to deal with Glynda, but the fact it’s highly unethical.  You have to climb a mountain just to face her, but if you do, she’ll appreciate you climbing the mountain.
Ilia:  She’s basically as broken as they come.  She needs to be yanked out of her shell, giving love and affection, AND be taught the difference between right and wrong.
Winter:  She pretty much opposes everything about Jaune, and everyone around him.
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doomalade · 1 year
RWBY but fighting game like MK
Character roster:
1)Ruby / 2)Weiss / 3)Blake / 4)Yang / 5)Jaune / 6)Nora / 7)Pyrrha / 8)Ren / 9)Qrow / 10)Raven / 11)Ozpin / 12)Glynda / 13)Ironwood / 14)Oobleck / 15)Port / 16)Emerald / 17)Mercury / 18)Neo / 19)Cinder / 20)Roman / 21)Sun / 22)Neptune / 23)Cardin / 24)Coco / 25)Salem
DLC Roster:
#1: 1)Tyrian / 2)Watts / 3)Hazel / 4)Tock
#2: 1)Clover / 2)Marrow / 3)Elm / 4)Vine
#3: 1)Adam / 2)Velvet / 3)Robyn / 4)Maria
Crossover Roster:
1)Deku / 2)TMNT / 3)Jessica Cruz
1)Beacon Courtyard/ 2)Vale Streets / 3)Amity Arena / 4)Kuroyuri / 5)Branwen Bandit Camp / 6)Argus Limited / 7)SDC Mine / 8)Atlas Academy / 9)Forever Fall / 10)Emerald Forest Ruins / 11)Junior’s Bar / 12)Rose-Xiao Long Home /13)Grimmlands / 14)Red Prince Chessboard / 15)Ever After Tree Portal / 16)Vacuo Outskirts
Character Skins:
Ruby - Beacon Uniform, V1-3, V2 Huntress, Dance, V4-6, V7-9, Pajamas, Ice Queendom, Summer
Weiss - Beacon Uniform, V1-3, V2 Huntress, Dance, V4-6, V7-9, Pajamas, Ice Queendom, Winter
Blake - Beacon Uniform, V1-3, V2 Huntress, Dance, V4-6 (coat on/off option), V7-9, Pajamas, Ice Queendom (Nightmare Adam version also), Kali
Yang - Beacon Uniform, V1-3 (prosthetic arm remains), V2 Huntress, Dance, V4-6, V7-9, Pajamas, Ice Queendom, Tifa
Jaune - Beacon Uniform, V1-3, Dress, V4-6, V7-8, Rusted Knight, Pajamas, Ice Queendom
Nora - Beacon Uniform, V1-3, Dance, V4-6, V7-8, Pajamas, Ice Queendom
Pyrrha - Beacon Uniform, V1-3, Dance, Ice Queendom
Ren - Beacon Uniform, V1-3, V4-6, V7-8, Dance, Ice Queendom
And that’s what I got for now
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deedeli-liveblog · 2 years
RWBY ReWatch Volume 5: the one where jaune learns to heal and that’s the only important thing that happens, trust me
From here on out, I’ve only seen these episodes a grand total of once, during my initial liveblog of them. I have not rewatched Volumes 5-7 at any point, so these episodes are going to be the major refresher for me, as far as plot and details I’ve forgotten.
That being said, I remember liking Volume 5 least of all, but I don’t really remember why. IIRC (and I probably don’t) it felt like Volume 5 should have picked up the slower pace that Volume 4 set, but because the story was so divided, it didn’t really accomplish that. It ended up being pretty disappointing.
So, let’s see if Volume 5 fairs better with a rewatch.
I’m trying to remember the song for the Volume 5 OP before it plays, and I have NO idea what it was, or what it was even about. The same for Volume 6, but I adored the Volume 7 and 8 OPs, so I remember those pretty well.
Going through the character shorts now, and I forgot that the action in Volume 5 took a dip in quality too. It’s not anywhere near bad, but it’s noticeably slower than the action in RWBY usually is. Not nearly as exciting.
Sad to know that the reason Lionheart was so happy to know where the Spring Maiden is was so he had new information to funnel to Watts.
How did Oscar find Qrow? Did he just happen to see him, or did Ozpin tell him to walk into every bar in Mistral until he found Qrow, lmao.
oh my god, I never noticed when Qrow was drunk, he boops Oscar on the nose before he walks inside akfhklsdjhlasd
Hm, yeah, I don’t remember this OP at all. The song is nice, but not as immediately catchy like some of the other songs are.
Adam’s new model in Volume 5 make his horns much easier to see.
I forgot how absolutely gorgeous Sienna Khan’s design is. It’s such a shame how underutilized she was.
So. Why does the leader of the White Fang need a whole ass throne room?
God, I hate Adam SO much.
“This curse was bestowed upon me by the Gods, because I failed to stop Salem in the past.” Isn’t it interesting that the Gods are always far more interested in punishing someone than just giving them the tools they need to accomplish their goals? I’d think it’d have been far more useful to Ozma to make him immortal in the same way Salem was, than to just have him reincarnate himself over and over.
There was probably a reason for that that wasn’t just punishment, but like I said, only watched Volume 6 once, so the finer details escape me.
Kind of funny that the bandits thought they could keep a Schnee contained. I mean, even without her weapon, her semblance is pretty versatile, as she later demonstrates. 
The scene with Yang just calmly whooping bandit ass is soooo *chefs kiss*. Like, god, I love her. 
This is the first fight she’s been in since she fought Adam, right? Such a simple spat that she easily wins, but the rush of adrenaline just reminds her body of her last fight, so she can’t even enjoy it. :c
The hug between Yang and Weiss is so beautifully framed. The lighting, the colors, the way the knight shimmers away, Weiss’ feet not touching the ground, she’s just holding onto Yang for dear life. But also the fact that she fully trusts in Yang and her strength that she knows Yang could easily hold her up.
ALSO Home starts playing?? Cause Weiss is finally ‘home’ with a piece of her family and why am I crying???
So. Who is that a painting of that Corsac and Fennec are standing in front of? I have to assume a family member, cause it looks like they have Fennec’s ears.
It’s almost funny what a poor job Raven does at trying to convince Yang to stay. “You’re family and friends that you’ve known for so long have been lying to you, but I, family in name only and a practical stranger to you, will tell you the complete truth if you stay with me.” And she says this after being antagonistic to Yang the entire conversation. 
hehe, get fucked raven
Yang says “no more lies” if they’re gonna work together, and Ozpin agrees, and then immediately proceeds to keep lying alkdhskhahfks
“I know all about your master.” Wait, that’s right. Raven must’ve found out that Salem can’t be killed, that’s why she ran away from helping Oz.
“... a fall maiden with a surname so appropriate, she probably picked it herself. Something tells me you’ve got a slight case of ego-mania.” afkjsdkhalsfsfs
Cinder was so blinded by her ego and the chance to enact revenge that she readily agreed to inviting Ruby and Co. to Haven, and couldn’t see how obviously that was part of Raven’s plan. Like, if they had just followed the plan the way Watts wanted to, Cinder would’ve had the spring maiden’s power and the relic relatively easily. Then she could’ve just  hunted Ruby afterwards. 
Ohhh, the song that plays when Ilia and Blake finally face each other and grab their weapons is soo good. A dramatic swell that highlights the tragedy of the moment.
Knowledge, Creation, Destruction-- all of these are pretty self explanatory in what they might do. But what the hell could the Choice Relic possibly do? Something big, I assume, if Oz wanted it hidden directly under his guard, and he made it much more difficult to find than the others.
Also, I’m sure there’s something to be said about Choice being the most powerful of all, but I’ve not the brain power to put that into words, and being hidden under the incredibly manipulative Ozpin.
And speaking of the relics, I imagine the first thing Salem would ask Jinn is how to find the relic at Beacon.
“I’m not afraid, I’m smart.” What?? lol Salem’s goal is the destruction of Humanity, and you are human. There’s nothing smart about not choosing to fight her because if she wins you’ll still die.
what the hell is Kali’s tray made of that it can block bullets
oh my god, she killed a man with that tray
I love Ilia’s character arc this volume. I hope we see her again.
This entire volume the captions have been delayed on Rooster Teeth’s site. :/
“Take out the Aeris” who the fuck is doing these captions. Not only have they been delayed, but they’ve also been completely wrong multiple times, and now we’re just making words up
It’s kind of sad to see how reliant on her summoning Weiss became. She’s trying very hard to summon her knight, even when she doesn’t really have the opportunity to, and gets taken down by Vernal in a few hits because of it, but she’s normally such a capable fighter.
Hazel and Gretchen, Hansel and Gretel is the inspo, I suppose.
Hazel’s motivation is so weak. Like, Ozpin wasn’t even the one who killed her, he just didn’t tell her no. And Hazel’s really willing to kill all of humanity just to spite Ozpin??
Ohhh, damn. It’s crazy to see just how far Cinder’s Grimm arm encroaches onto the rest of her body in the future. In the reveal she still has her shoulder at least.
hehe, get fucked adam
Holy shit, I forgot Weiss stabbed Hazel in the kidney with the lancer stinger.
Raven’s lucky that her daughter is actually a good person, and didn’t tell anyone that she was the spring maiden.
i mean... blake could’ve still apologized for abandoning them like that :V she had her reasons, but it was still fucked up. Ruby at least left a note when she left and apologized to Yang when she later saw her.
That was Volume 5! All in all, not bad. I still enjoyed the volume, there’s nothing immediately wrong with it. Plot wise it was good, and I wouldn’t say it was slowly paced. Just that the story being split between so many characters made it feel a lot slower, at least until the last 5 or so episodes. There was also a notable lack of action this volume, in comparison to previous volumes, and what little there was was just... alright. For a show like RWBY, whose action segments was a major selling point, it is pretty disappointing.
That being said, I enjoyed a lot of the character moments and plot threads that we were given here.
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linkman447 · 9 months
The married life (Raven)
Raven having left her bandit life was returning home to her family
Raven: oh my faithful knight your bandit queen has returned
Jaune exiting the kitchen with an apron on: oh my beautiful raven
The two embrace lips on one another
Jaune: so are our friends coming for the holidays
Raven: sadly not all but your sister saphron and her wife are
Jaune: what why not my team and team RWBY
Raven: that’s the thing-
Raven: daughter
Yang: you thieving bitch you leaven me and dad, then run off with a boy half your age
Raven: jaune is my husband
Tai: so was I
Raven: oh were we I don’t remember having a wedding or at the vary least a courthouse meeting
Blake: you stole our mate
Weiss: that knight belongs to us
Pyrrha: no he’s my partner and soulmate
Raven: well I guess my bandit life is still alive if I’m still stealing
Everyone try’s to jump her but with a swift swing of her sword a red portal opens whisking the group to another location
Flashback ends
Raven: -I have not clue
Jaune: well darn
Raven: don’t look down my knight
She gets a wicked look on her face
Raven: I know how I might cheer you up
She takes his hand and leads him to the bedroom
Qrow: and that’s how Raven trapped me in this cage and put that cage in this cave
Ruby: so you got drunk and Raven just kidnapped an inebriated old man
Qrow: I like my story better
Tai: dumbass
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rarasdomain · 7 years
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The Reunion of Weiss and Yang! Many feels, such happy. 
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noneatnonedotcom · 3 years
Dark rwby smut:
Raven has Yang and Weiss hostage and won’t release them. It’s up to Jaune to challenge the bandit leader for the sake of his friend’s freedom.
A knight strode into a bandit camp with purpose.
It sounds like the start of a grand story, some fairytale you’d tell children before bed.
The truth was very different. Jaune Arc had long since abandoned the ideals of heroism. But there was one idea he held onto even now.
An Arc always kept his word.
That’s why he was doing this, he’d sworn to help his friends no matter what and by the gods if he had to take on the most dangerous bandit tribe in fucking Minstral then he would do so. An Arc NEVER went back on his word.
He ignored the squelching mud under his new boots. Or the way his armor sat a little heavier on him than he’d like. The new gauntlets were closer to a robotic hand than the armor most people thought of. A side effect of telling ruby that he was off to save her sister. He’d only just avoided muscle armor. Still, there were worse things than having a suit of armor tailor-made for you by the best blacksmith this side of the afterlife.
It at least let him look the part.
Still, he’d stalled long enough, time to deal with reality.
Raven stood before him.
“You’re a long way from home, boy,” she said, not looking up from the drink she was enjoying. The scantily clad Weiss poured for her. Both her and Yang were chained around the neck.
“I’m here for them”
“Then you have the ransom?” she asked with a raised brow
“Yeah, I'll just be giving it to you in steel rather than gold,” he said, working hard to keep his voice calm as he drew his blade. He didn’t deploy the shield; he'd need the element of surprise if he wanted any chance of surviving this.
Raven was worried, she’d heard about the arc family, hell she’d gone to school with the boy's father. There was a good reason why the area around the arc ancestral lands was so safe. Everyone who crossed the family died, or worse.
And his mother was definitely worse. A tribal just like her she’d fought Arc to prove a point, now thirty years later she was still a breeding sow for the family. Her warrior stock probably only made them more powerful. And now here he was ready to take her daughter and the Schnee.
If she had it her way she’d just give the boy both and be done with it. They weren’t worth her head. But that wasn’t an option. No, instead she’ll just have to offer something better than the satisfaction of her death.
“Very well boy, I'll take your steel. And if you manage to beat me I’ll even give you my body as well”
She only prayed that the Arc would accept it
Jaune wasn’t sure what to do, frankly, he wanted nothing to do with a woman who abandoned her daughter but if he didn’t take the deal then he’d likely be jumped by her entire tribe, who had begun forming a circle around the last patch of dry grass that hadn’t been turned to mud from them walking through it.
“Fine,” he said, annoyance in his voice, he just wanted Yang and Weiss back home with the team where they belonged now he’d have to deal with this too.
He took his place across from her, taking his sword in a two-handed grip that his father had tried teaching him when he was a boy. It was Pyrrha who taught him how to fight with a shield. Who taught him to protect others but jaune wasn’t looking to protect here. Only to slay.
There was no signal, Raven just rushed him. Normally he wouldn’t have been able to react to the speed. But months with Nora had taught him to use her peripheral vision. The added context to the attack that was about to hit him prevented panic and allowed him to dodge the blow as an ear-splitting screech tore through the air as dust-enhanced steel met angled armor. It was only sheer luck that let his pommel slam into her chin.
The boy was strong, Raven had a habit of toying with those weaker than her but for strong opponents, she tried to end it in a single strike. Using her aura to launch herself like a rocket at her enemy then causing another boost of aura to swing her blade fast enough to make a sonic boom like a bullet.
Not only had this jaune blocked it, but in the same fluid motion, he’d counterattacked. And now he was coming at her.
Gods’ why didn’t she just give him the girls?!
Jaune stumbled forward catching himself just in time to almost run but not quite. Still, he was out of time bracing his shoulder he jumped forward slamming into her gut just as her sword would have split his head.
He’d told ruby he needed a helmet!
Raven was knocked on her ass and fear began to take hold, she couldn’t die here, this boy, this man was too strong and
She would defeat him, rolling to her feet she charged as much aura as she could into her blade and swung down, she’d be exhausted but the monster would be dead. Off to the side, she noticed that her daughter had freed herself and the Schnee. That would be a problem but it was too late for her to save her little boy toy.
Just as her daughter screamed the world went white
Jaune felt more aura coursing through him than ever before. And down there in front of him, on her back trying to crawl away in fear was raven.
“I give up!” she screamed as jaune lifted his sword, “please just take them and go!”
Jaune glared at the woman “I’d love nothing more than to leave your weak tribe and be fucking done with this” he said honestly. The longer he stayed here the more likely it was these guys would jump him. And even if he got lucky with raven he doubted he could take all of them “but unfortunately I made you a promise”
With that, he began to unarmor himself. Taking a step toward the retreating woman with each thunk of the heavy armor falling away until as he stripped his pants and showed off his cock to the world he once more sighed pulling raven back by her legs to him. He hoped yang and Weiss weren’t watching, he was pretty average and didn’t have much to show off. Then again, he didn’t have much to compare him with.
All the guys at beacon refused to shower with him in the locker room
He was carrying around a foot of cock and it was surely gonna ruin her. But as Raven tried to crawl away, her own aura utterly depleted she felt him drag her back in front of him by her ankle. Her hands pulling up tufts of grass in vane as she tried to avoid her fate
“Just hurry the fuck up and strip raven, I have better shit to do!” came the annoyed voice of the monster behind her
She froze and jaune growled in frustration ripping her clothes apart and lining himself up with her snatch
She was tight, that was about all Jaune could say on the subject as Raven squirmed and struggled underneath him. He really wasn’t enjoying this. She was too shallow, too unused to him and SHE KEPT FUCKING CRAWLING AWAY!
Like, he got it, it was probably annoying to have to deal with him shoving himself into her, but damn it this wasn’t his fucking idea. And an Arc always keeps their word, so here he was trying to hold this whining bitch down so he could finish up and be done the entire fucking thing.
Finally getting tired of her bullshit jaune wrapped her hair around his hand and pulled her back into him. She screamed louder as he hammered into her, probably pissed that he was touching her hair like yang would be. Damn it he was starting to lose his boner! Think about Ruby Jaune! Think about that big, bubbly, Rubooty!
Raven was going to die, she was sure of it, his massive cock was sticking out of her stomach and she could feel her body struggling to accommodate him as he shoved that fucking pillar deep into her. Having already gone as far as her womb.
Then he told her he was halfway in! The fuking idiot didn’t seem to get that there was NO MORE FUCKING ROOM FOR HIM.
She screamed as her body was flooded with pleasure as he pulled her hair. Bringing her back into him as he fucked her like a common whore. Her daughter was watching with her friend and… oh gods he just got bigger!
He must have seen Yang masterbating to this.
He smacked Raven’s ass, disappointed it didn’t jiggle like Ruby’s when she ran, and struggled to maintain the fantasy. With a grunt, he pushed in deeper and held her there as his first orgasm finally came.
Thank the Gods’
Only two more holes to go.
Raven thought it was over when she felt herself fill with cum, groaning in relief as jaune pulled out of her now leaking cunt. Ruined for all the world to see. But then she felt herself being pulled up by her hair. And suddenly she was being throat fucked, her vision filled by a sneering Jaune.
She felt herself cum again as he used her
It was official, raven sucked at this. It was a fucking blow job! How hard could it be? Nora had given him plenty when she was bored on the road and Ren couldn’t keep up with her anymore. Let alone when he imagined Ruby to be able to do it. No, that wasn’t fair. Maybe she was just out of practice. After all, it's not like many guys around here would give her the time of day.
Okay Jaune just lay close your eyes and imagine Ruby, you can do this
He was thinking about someone else, Raven was sure of it now, the way he kept his eyes closed. The way he tried to force her deeper. Was it Yang? Was that why he was here to save her? She didn’t know she didn’t care. Right now that massive dick was being used for her, it was hers!
Her nose filled with his scent, her tongue slipping out from her mouth to lap at his balls. Oh gods what a man. To take her so utterly. To ruin her and have her be just another of his conquests. She wept with joy as she felt him cum down her throat.
She couldn’t give this up
Jaune stared down at the clearly delirious Raven, he was a little worried that he’d gone too far as he had forgotten to let her breathe. Normally he’d just wait for the tap on his thigh but she obviously didn’t know about that.
Oh well, just anal left and he could head home with yang and Weiss. He hoped they weren’t too bored.
“Turn around slut,” he said, trying to sound authoritative. He’d heard girls like that, and he was willing to try with Raven since it didn’t really matter if she didn’t like it. Not like he was ever gonna see her again
He was pleasantly surprised to find he was right as he watched Raven squeal in glee before she put herself face down into the grass. Huh… good to know, maybe Ruby would like it if he used his leader’s voice?
Lining up with the older woman’s ass Jaune decided it was about time to wrap this up so he wasn’t gonna go with the slow and steady pace he had before
Raven’s world was one of sensations alone as she felt her master slam his cock into her ass. Her eyes swam with colors and her body twitched as she felt orgasm after orgasm. Pain and pleasure mixing in a delirious cocktail that her brain drowned in. and her hands, no longer being used to hold her up, Rubbed along the imprint his cock made in her. Trying to give him the same pleasure she felt
Every breath was praise for him.
This was heaven.
Raven was annoying as hell.
“Please just shut the fuck up Raven!” Jaune screamed back as he tried to finish himself off. Groaning in relief as he felt another set of mouths on his balls. Turning around he saw Yang and Weiss doing their best to help him through this chore. They were great friends and jaune owed them for this.
What they lacked in skill they made up for in enthusiasm. And Jaune soon found himself about to cum slamming home in the bandit queen jaune moaned in relief as he flooded raven’s body with his seed. Slowly pulling the still hard cock out of the twitching mess of a woman and letting Yang and Weiss try to clean him up.
Oh yeah, he owed these two a lot. Though he did come to save them in the first place. But that was only to help his friends so yeah, he’d still owe them.
Nodding in agreement with his train of logic, he said out loud “welp time to go home” to his surprise the Raven opened a portal to …. Qrow?
Ruby was a very happy girl, her sister was safe, as was her bestie Weiss. And Raven had even learned the error of her ways. Yeah, today was great.
It was also great because she was slamming her nice thicc ass back on Jaune’s dick like nature intended. Honestly, what was Raven thinking trying to take a dick this amazing with an ass like that? At least Yang had the common sense to use her tits to get jaune off. And Weiss…. Weiss was willing to help however she could.
So that’s why she let her sister and friend join in on her fun with her boyfriend.
Slamming her ass down on his dick faster, Ruby relished the attention that was on her as Raven whimpered in the corner.
Yeah, Yang and Weiss got to help, but Raven had to study hard if she wanted to be a good slut. That’s why she was being forced to watch her and Jaune go at it for hours on end.
It totally wasn’t because ruby liked putting the snobby bitch in her place. Ruby would never do that.
Moaning in pure pleasure as she arched her back and Jaune came inside her. Ruby smiled before resuming her work with a kiss from Jaune.
And they all lived happily ever after
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sinqrowithascythe · 3 years
Torn Families, a RWBY story
Hello there! it has been a few days now and the story is ready, so here it is!
Just a warning first though, this story does feature gore, character deaths and angst.
Everyone had their reasons for attending Beacon academy, and most would tell you without so much as a second thought.
“As a girl, I wanted to be just like those heroes in the story books... Someone who fought for what was right, and protected people who couldn't protect themselves!” Ruby Rose, 15yr old combat prodigy and leader of team RWBY.
Others, however, aren’t as comfortable in disclosing the truth about their circumstances, like: The beautiful, yet closed off Blake Belladonna, Faunus in hiding and secret Ex-White Fang agent.
“The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They're a collection of misguided Faunus.”
Most would assume that this is where the list ends, but there is another. A third option, or category, where they’ve been truthful but they just haven’t shared the full truth.
This is where the scraggly hero of our fable is found.
When asked for the reasons behind which Jaune Arc has strived to be a Hunter and train in Beacon (which is a regular occurrence among the student body, it’s pretty obvious why), our bumbling blonde will reply with something along the lines of “To become a hero” …. “To become a great Hunter, like the warriors in my family” or “To help people” which is true….
But…there’s more to it, there always is.
Rarely does someone ever question the reason he chose this path or after any event that led to such a decision, but it does happen occasionally. Some of the first conversations with his friends and even Ms. Goodwitch herself raised the question, with Jaune himself being quick to dismiss it or just repeat himself. Forcing the subject to be left alone question, with, replacing the young Arcs would-be interrogators interests with dissatisfaction and a quick change of topic. This is where the truth remains hidden, a burden laid heavily on our young Knight’s shoulders, where he intends to keep them.
But that wouldn’t make an interesting story, so here we go!
This tale sheds light upon that which our very own Jaune Arc would keep hidden, partially for the sake of his friends, but also to keep Jaune from crying himself to sleep… again…
Long before Jaune was launched from the school’s cliff faces into the emerald forests or the acquisition of his “Vomit Boy” moniker, as courtesy of Yang, the Arc found a burning resolve to fight the creatures of Grimm and protect those who could not protect themselves that rivalled the very star he stood under.
The Arc family estate was a large, dark brick house held deep within a forest, found on an island located beyond the western coast of Sanus. Close enough to still be considered a part of the kingdom, but also far enough for people to be left in relative peace from large city environments, bandits and any extremely dangerous Grimm.
Here, the Arc family lived and prospered, laughed and loved for days and years on end, with the only real worries being the evil bath times and dreaded bedtimes, family’s patriarch receiving minor wounds from guarding the small island village (But everyone just said he looked cooler anyway, so it’s a win!) or the sisters engaging into yet another fight over something that seemed to shake the very foundations of reality to them at the time.
“That’s MY hairbrush!!”
“You have, like, 10, just let me borrow this one!”
The house was run by the matriarch and the eldest of the sisters when their father was away, keeping Grimm from presenting danger to the village where they lived. The younger sisters and Jaune often played their days away, when their mother wasn’t home schooling them in the study where she spent most of her time, even outside the education of her children.
One sunny, beautiful day, with the sun was streaming through the leaves and trees and bringing light and life to all the woodland, waking to every insect, animal and plant found within, this family would be shattered.
The green glow of the forest created a feeling similar to a protective aura of warmth and protection. Here, the four youngest Arcs find themselves running past all manner of compassionate and cool streams with looming, yet comforting trees, hiding amidst the natural playground formed by the rocks of landslides long past and prickly piles of twigs that once held strong to their larger companions. The day was not unlike any other the children had been allowed to previously play in, perfect.
The juvenile Arcs were playing their usual rounds of “Hide and Seek” or “Tag” or some of their own invention, when the eldest of the assembled four found an oddity, one which had never caught her attention before. The Arc estate held no boundaries, save the forest itself as it was separated by a long stripe of a field before another forest began, not five meters away from their own, yet the children had never travelled, nor noticed this odd circular emptiness beyond their own patch of trees. “Yeah, that is weird” The three younger members of the Arc clan agreed, “Let’s try playing in that other forest! I bet there’ll be even better hiding spots and even bigger trees to play in!”
And so, they did just that.
Back at the Arc family homestead
The eldest four daughters of the house were treated to a rather large shock while preparing lunch as their mother had, seemingly from no-where, screeched “NOO!” like a banshee might and flung herself out of her chair, falling to their kitchen floor. You see, Jaune’s mother was paralysed, on the account that after her thighs reached halfway down, they were missing, an incident that predated Jaune’s memory and of which she refused to speak, hoping she never had to tell her children and shatter their innocence. And though it placed her within a wheel chair that stopped her from performing the tasks that the oldest of the Arc spawn find themselves occupied with most days, her smile was as radiant and genuine as when her first child was born, finding real purpose in her role as a mother.
Each did their best to help their fallen mother, only to be thrown aside, much harder than they even knew their mother could push. “One of you, run to the village wall as fast as you can, find your father, tell him that Jaune and the triplets have left the stave!”
“Why?” “What does that mean?” “Huh?” Each questioned, their faces twisted with confusion and fear.
“Just GO! Right now! We don’t have time!” The oldest among the females of the home all but roared at her children, her terror evident on her face, scaring the 4 younger women. Pushing her fear aside, the eldest to ran out the door and sprinted down the trail into the town, where the guard and her father stood vigilantly, while her younger two sisters helped their mother back into her chair and checked to see what had happened.
“Mom, what’s happening?” “You scared us” “Why’d you tell Saph to get dad?”
“I’m fine, but your siblings are in danger…”
“How? We thought they were playing outside” “Yeah, they play in the forest every day! Why’s it so dangerous all of a sudden?”
“Hmmmmm…. The forest that surrounds the house is… special, you’ve seen how there’s something of a circle-like-field around the house cutting us of from the rest of the woods?” She questioned, obviously impatient and uncomfortable, much to the dismay of her daughters, never before seeing her so scared in their lives.
“Yeah” “uh-huh” They replied in kind.
“Well, your mother has a special power and can sense, and almost see, what happens in this circle, if you can imagine” Chuckling the last part, the nerves still very present in her voice. “Normally, your siblings always play in this circle, where it’s safe and where I can see them, but, because we live so far from town the woods next to ours can be filled with scary, dangerous creatures. I don’t know why, but, the triplets and Jaune have wandered into that forest and your father needs to find them, before something bad can happen.” looking away through the kitchen window, into the picturesque scene of the serene forest outside.
Meanwhile, Jaune and his elder sisters were playing a renewed game of tag in their new playground, their eldest sister rushing for her father, while the three under her found comfort in their mother, as a new found fear grew for their youngest sibling’s lives. This new version of tag involved a “Strength in Numbers” strategy, where the title of tag didn’t pass on to another player after contact, but spread so that the match only ended when everyone was ‘it’, basically creating two teams of ever-growing chasers and continually dwindling chase-ies.
Jaune, despite taking part and enjoying himself immensely in the game, found himself growing rather nervous, as he could have sworn, he had heard his mother mention not to go into the forest beyond their own at some point before, but none of his sisters could remember and said he just imagined it. Which inevitably led to them teasing him and saying he was a “Scaredy cat!” which, to a seven-year-old boy, was an offence of the highest order. So, with new resolve and determination, Jaune played with his sisters in the forest, running deeper and deeper into the unknown woods, finding a new and magical parts of the surrounding nature with each new game.
Nothing, it seemed, could go wrong for out four young Arcs, however, we all know what follows these kinds of observations.
The fight had started as nothing more than a simple debate. “I SO DID tag you!”
“Nu-uh! You only got my dress!”
“Did not! I tapped your shoulder! You’re it too now!” “Nu-uh” “So, too!”
This repeated for a few minutes, the two eldest of the triplets bickered back and forth until…
“Jaune!” Both shouted in unison, the fire in their eyes and voices startling the poor boy “Y-yeah?” His anxiety growing, as each girl looked ready to throttle one another all the way home.
“I totally got her, right!?” “No, she sooo missed me, you saw right!?”
“Uhhh…” Was his only response. Truth be told, Jaune hadn’t seen the incident in question, he was too busy trying not to get caught himself, he only came up to them when he saw they were fighting again, wanting to help.
“C’mon! I’m fine, right!?” “No, I definitely caught her!”
Jaune was not comfortable in this situation. In fact, he was scared, scared that his sisters were fighting and felt useless that he couldn’t do anything about it. This is until an idea came across his mind.
“What about Rock, Paper, Scisso-!” “AAAGGGHHH!!!” The high, piercing wail that blocked Jaune’s solution had come as a shock to everyone. They were all frozen in place, the fear and pain that filled that scream had turned them all to stone. And a sudden realization donned upon Jaune, one that only seemed to strengthen the anxiety currently lacing his blood.
“W-w-wait, th-there’s only three of u-us here…” Upon a quick count, they found that they were, indeed, one sibling short. “The scream must have come from her! We have to find her, she’s in trouble!”
“Maybe she just found a big spider! She’s terrified of them!” The oldest of the group stated, a fact which was well known within the Arc household.
“We just have to find her and get her away from wherever she found it!” The younger of the girls offered. This conclusion helped each of them relax, as spiders were the most dangerous of the creatures that they knew to inhabit the forests that surround their home. It brought them comfort, but they weren’t in their woodlands anymore.
They moved quickly towards the origin of their sister’s scream, until they unfortunately found her.
In a small secluded area of the forest, a clearing in the trees where the river widened considerably and was surrounded by large stones that easily dwarf the giant that was their father (as far as they were concerned), where the sun seemed to shine atop the water so bright that you could swear it was fragmented like the moon and resided in the river itself. This was where they found her.
However, the beauty of nature wasn’t what made them stop, nor was it the sight of their sister happily frolicking in the water after overcoming her original fear and relief flooding the trio of loving family members. No, it was the exact opposite to all those beautiful and much more preferable sights (Hell, they’d prefer to have found a spider, really).
What stood in the clearing, over their sister, was a monster.
A monster so dark, it made the moonless night sky seem bright. With markings so red, the blood that splattered its maw seemed pale by comparison. All of this packed onto a fur-skinned nightmare product between man and wolf. And their sister… stuck underneath.
No, stuck wasn’t the right word.
The creature didn’t hold her down, it didn’t need too, the girl below it simply couldn’t move. She was missing large chunks of her little body. They could see her shoe on the other side of the clearing, her foot still occupying it. A few feet from her there was some bloody assortment of meat, maybe something from inside, no-one could tell. Her neck had also seemed to disappear and had replaced itself with bloody chunks of something.
Each child, each one that still had a beating heart, remained completely still. No movement, no thought and no emotion, still enough were to make a statue jealous. The shock they felt was all they could feel, their brains refusing to process the sight before them. The first to break free of the paralysing chains holding his mind was Jaune, still looking into the large, half lidded and dull eyes of his older sister. The eyes that had once been so full of colour and everything right with the world, Jaune had found comfort and happiness in those eyes’ countless times before, being the two youngest of the family had created a close and tight bond between the two. And now, they laid in the red, stained grass, upside-down, staring at him with nothing, endless nothing, a perfect void, drained of any and all life.
Fear and sadness welled within Jaune, faster than the tears that had decided to occupy his eyes could, with his sister’s emotions following in turn.
The negativity had come crashing out of them in waves, comparable to a landslide, only cursing them further. This alerted the creature, its posture bolting upright slouching over the corpse of the young girl turned lunch. It turned at the waist, revealing just how long its arms really were, easily twice Jaune himself, each one holding a different end of the girl’s right arm. What was most terrifying was its canine-shaped head. The lupine resemblance almost uncanny, the bloody maul full of teeth as long as it’s claws and wet with a liquid that Jaune tried his best to forget the source of. The ears atop the skull of the creature pointed toward the sky, looked sharp and swivelled around, until stopping, pointed at the children.
What scared them the most were its eyes, the cold, harsh eyes that were the antithesis of its prey. Where the girl’s eyes had been full of life, joy and hope, the creature’s own orbs reflected hate, despair and death. It’s fitting really, that the eyes of love and hope had been filled with the deepest and most alluring of azure blues and the ones that killed them were as red and terrifying as hell itself would be.
The creature dropped its piece of lunch on top of the rest of its forgotten meal and lowered itself onto all fours, its impossibly long arms stretched forwards and its rear in the sky behind it, as a low yet rumbling growl escaped from between its teeth. Now, instead of pure shock rooting our children to the ground, it was the very fear and anxiety that told the beast they were there. And, in the space it took for Jaune let go of the breath his fear forced him to hold, the creature pounced.
In the few precious seconds, it took for Jaune to turn and push his sisters, the nightmare before then had covered the distance between them and stood right behind Jaune. This registered for Jaune as three large, ragged, diagonal cuts in his tiny back. Falling into the grass of the forest, quickly watching the green around him fill with his own red.
The creature ran after the girls, desperately attempting to flee, knowing its second victim had no chance of moving now. The two remaining girls were screaming and running, terrified of the lupine monstrosity behind them, not knowing that the very fear fuelling their escape them was exactly what made them even more delicious prey.
Jaune watched from his position, chin first in the dirt, as the beast caught up to them and doubled their pace, springing forward and turning to face his sisters, seeing the very same claw that had Jaune glued to the ground tear one of them in half, before she could even stop running. Her pieces staining the grass red in front of her remaining sister. The final sibling came to a stop before the stalking nightmare. Sobbing messily, she looked up from her tattered sister into the eyes of the monster that killed some of the best people in her life and seemingly paralysed her only brother. She began to beg, praying to the brother gods that, by some miracle, some stretch of the universe, that she would survive and make it home to her loving mother, sisters and father.
Her prayers and begs fell upon deaf ears as the beast shot forward, grabbed her temples between the daggers that made up its teeth and separated the top half of her head, sounding off with a sickening crunch mixed with a strangled cry of pain and torment.
And just dropped her body to the ground, discarding her like a toddler drops a toy they’re bored with.
Jaune watched the entire scene in front of him, unable to move or even think, terrified beyond all action or comprehensible thought, not that the he would have been able to move anyway, as the creature made its way closer to him, no longer moving in leaps or flashes, but walking, as its prey was rendered immobile by the large injury in its back. Jaune closed his eyes, tightening them as he braced for the pain he knew was coming, just as it had come for his sisters.
Jaune was so focused on biting back anything he felt and so drowned in his own fear and blood, that he didn’t hear the gut-wrenching scream of agony and desperate sorrow. Nor did he hear the heavy foot falls as something approached him and the beast, racing from elsewhere. What he did hear was the sound of his father’s shield deflecting the bloodstained claws, he heard and watched as his father, blinded by pure animosity and heartache forced the creature of death back and, eventually, decapitate it. In that moment, time had seemed to freeze, Jaune saw the fury and heartbreak on his father’s face, twisted into a cruel grimace, the image burned into his memory, alongside the corpses of his sisters.
Time only began to move again as Jaune’s father let out another cry, louder than all his previous screams, as he began to hack, slash and break any part of the Grimm before him, only stopping when its corpse had fully dissipated, as all Grimm do.
Only then did his father stop, drop his weapons and fall to his knees, weeping at the loss of his four youngest children, screaming and sobbing with his face in the dirt, almost seeming to burrow into it, wanting to find the blood of his children. Jaune watched as his father broke apart, small pieces at a time, tears flowing down his face, almost unending. But, as all things must ends, so too did the tears, sniffles and sobs of the town guard, his face steeled into a grimace of loss and sorrow, the piece of himself being replaced with a resolve, a vow to return his children to their home and never let thing happen again.
The Patriarch of the Arc family stood to survey the damage done to his blood. And here he froze, seeing the unsteady rising and falling of his son’s chest, missing pieces being filled properly again as new tears of joy and relief flood the father’s features. Sprinting to the wounded boy’s side, screaming his name and asking question he already knew the answer to, Jaune’s father dropped to his knees once again, but this time to help his damaged son, searching himself and the land around for any way to comfortably bring his son home. With the frantic search proving to be utterly fruitless, he simply, yet gently, picked Jaune from the ground and placed him on his unarmed shoulder.
Jaune’s father began the trek back to the family home, creating false promises, repeating apologies and crying, for the duration of the trip, moving as fast as possible, without causing the silent boy on his shoulder any more pain that what was already silencing him.
Jaune, however, heard none of these promises, “sorry” ‘s or sobs, only seeing the gleaming, blood-spattered shield, collapsed around the sword at his father’s hip, only able to focus on the warmth his father spread and the thought “That would have been useful” while staring at the blade’s handle, before the pain took his consciousness from him.
Jaune spent the next few days drifting to and from the conscious world.
He knew that he had been taken home, he remembered hearing gasps and cries upon his return, pain from the dressing of his wounds and more crying. Curiously enough, he also heard shouting, which would be normal enough in a house of ten... now seven. But this was different, most shouting normally came from his sisters, arguing about one thing or another or when his parents needed to discipline them, these bouts of shouting, however, came from his parents. They seemed to be arguing over something called “aura…?” Jaune wasn’t sure what if was or even if it was a word, but he did hear his mother scream “I CAN’T LET WHAT HAPPENED TO ME HAPPEN TO THEM, ESPECIALLY HIM!!” To which his father pleaded. “CAN’T YOU SEE IT ALREADY HAS, WE CAN’T LEAVE HIS LIFE IN DANGER JUST BECAUSE YOU FEEL HE SHOULDN’T KNOW ABOUT YOUR PAST OR THR WORLD!!” This is where the screaming stopped, hearing only loud and quiet sobbing and whispering coming from wherever the shouting had. All he really knew was that it scared him.
Jaune also remembered a doctor coming from town once or twice during those days. It was probably more, but he couldn’t stay awake half the time, what with the pain in his back knocking him out every few minutes after he woke.
It wasn’t until a week and a half had passed since the deaths of his family members that Jaune regained consciousness properly. He awoke to the tearstained face of his mother, the tears seeming to have cut long furrows down her face. She almost squealed with joy upon being woken up by her son trying to brush the tears from her face, the pure elation of her son being alive and awake causing more water to leaks from her eyes.
When the rest of Jaune’s remaining family burst into the room, each had similar reactions upon seeing his mother hugging him gently, with him awake this time. Which was then preceded by the inevitable questions, Jaune explaining everything, each detail clear in his mind, when the tears from his own eyes didn’t impede his speech as the emotions finally caught up to him. Often his family sat together for hours at a time, waiting for Jaune to finish crying before he continued.
No harsh accusations followed his tale, nor any blame, simply hugs, tears and promises from his family.
After that day the house flowed back into normalcy, albeit quieter, until three full years had finally passed. The wounds Jaune had received were not lethal nor debilitating, the claws not digging deep enough and missing anything important along his spine, “a small miracle!” The town doctor had claimed.
The town’s people had helped organise and set up, even pay for the funerals. Everyone knew the Arc children and none showed any particular hatred, only the same small loving-malice that followed mischievous children’s pranks and activities. Any and all real hate was directed towards the Grimm that resided in the forest, evident by the furious stares many levelled towards the trees beyond thew village walls.
Eventually, the dull gleam that seemed to cover the eyes of each family member, the same gleam that held the stars and oceans contained within their eyes at bay, disappeared as they could finally move on.
But, never forgetting.
Whenever the children played, they were always supervised, never left alone. Their father had managed a change in occupation and now worked from home as a writer of sorts. Their mother had grown more possessive of her family and Jaune’s elder sisters followed this attitude when it came to him, never letting him be by himself. At first, Jaune was okay with this, even feeling happy and safe from this caged lifestyle due to having seen the reason for its inception.
However, this did not last. Whenever Jaune had asked about the creature, his father only bitterly replied to ask his mother, to which she would say “an evil creature, but, as long as you stay here, you’ll be safe and not have to worry about it”. This never sated Jaune’s mind, but, was the only definition either parent would ever give him. When Jaune would ask to be trained like his father, to protect and kill the “Evil creatures” in the forest, his mother would shoot the idea down in the exact same way, forever denying combat to her remaining children. On this, his parents agreed and Jaune began to lose his feeling of comfort in his protective cage.
Jaune would eventually learn more of his family’s legacy through omitted records of their deeds in the study and from stories his mother told her children and discovers his own drive to become one of the Arc heroes, prompting him to become a Huntsman, despite his great lack of knowledge on the topic (What’s worse is that he doesn’t know just how much he doesn’t know about it).
He finds a way into Beacon and creates some of the best memories he’s ever had, the best friends he’s ever had and even a new family.
And everything happens as we know it will. Friendship. Growth. Happiness. Accomplishment. The Fall. And new beginnings.
Hiya again!
thank you for reading my first actual piece of RWBY fanfiction. I made this concept up a few years ago, back when I was (possibly) obsessed with why Jaune knew so little of the world around him, despite a lot of it being vital to being a Huntsmen, So i wrote this little number (I don't know why i made it so dark of a story, but eh).
After rediscovering it, I thought I'd fix it up and post it here and thus, here we are indeed.
I know this doesn't answer how he got into Beacon, but that's not the point of the story in the first place. Please leave any notes of criticism, I'd really love to hear what you though about my story
Anyway, Thank you so very much for reading my work.
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rwbyvein · 3 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 703: Minas Levain:  Part II/III
"Wait?" Yang asked, "Does that means he actually wants her to give him a blowjob?"
"She's hot," Jaune stated, "and cute, but as I said, I'm not looking for more wives. Four is plenty."
"Then, perchance?.." Weiss asked.
"I was raised to mean what I say." Jaune replied, "Kind of important for a knight and whatnot, but, I honestly believe that the only way this is going to work is if we are completely honest with each other. We're here for each other, and no one is being forced into this."
"He does have a point." Ruby said, "Wait, does that mean you are going to spank us if we lie?"
"Yes." Jaune simply stated.
"I didn't think I was asking?.." Ruby asked.
"Rhetorical." Weiss stated.
"Literal." Blake said, looking at Jaune, "So, my choices here are let Aurora stay in exchange for blowing Jaune when we need it, or getting a spanking."
"You should go for the spanking." Yang said, and everyone quickly looked at her.
"Qrow did say you are like Raven?" Ruby asked.
"What does mom have to do with this?" Yang asked.
"That you seem to take after your mother." Weiss stated, "And aside from her hair, once you think about it, the resemblance is uncanny."
"And you called her mom." Blake stated.
"What does Raven have to do with this?" Yang asked.
"Nice save, sis." Ruby said to her.
"Uh-huh, yeah, thanks..." Yang sarcastically said.
"I do think we should be completely honest with each other." Weiss stated.
"Even if we get spankings?" Ruby asked her.
"If my pert posterior has to be sacrificed?.." Weiss happily asked.
"Try not to sound too eager." Yang said to her.
"...then it will be sufficient if it means harmony amongst our family." Weiss finished.
"So?," Ruby nervously asked, "are... we going to let Aurora give Jaune blowjobs, or?.."
"Am I the only one who's ever given one?" Blake asked. Ruby and Weiss would be expected, but Blake just glared at Yang.
"I may..." Yang voiced, "or may not - be all talk. I've never actually..." she said, and trailed off.
"You have?" Ruby asked, "How was it?"
"Nothing quite like that feeling of direct sevice..." Blake whistfully said, "though, my memories... I'd rather replace them with someone who's not a monster, nor will turn into one."
"Are you?.." he said and paused, "That confident in me?" Jaune asked her.
"Of all of us here, you are the least likely to turn to the darkside."
"The I don't give a fuckery," Yang stated, "is strong with him."
"Stolid." Blake quipped, and Weiss eagerly nodded at that.
"Implacable." Weiss added.
"Even when I was... you know... crying?.." Jaune asked.
"Give the circumstances," Weiss stated, "that was understandable."
"The ancients created tragedies to give men an excuse to cry." Blake added, "But the pain of that loss marked your soul. I can see the scar burning, a scar you never want to happen again."
Tears started to form on Jaune's face.
"What about me?" Ruby asked, raising her hand.
"You," Blake said to her, "are like me, you can do the wrong thing because you believe it's right. I honestly don't know what I believe anymore."
"What about me?" Yang sheepishly asked.
"Your strength needs strength to temper it." Blake said to her.
"And... if I might ask?.." Weiss asked.
Blake looked her deep in the eyes, "What you want most is to do what is right." Subtle tears started to form on Weiss' face.
"And?.." Yang asked.
"And?," Blake asked Yang, and looked back to Weiss, "what is that?" Weiss looked lost and distant in reply. "That's the thing." Blake stated, "we don't have to do this alone." She stepped forward to embrace Weiss in a deep hug. "We love you." Blake whispered, and then stepped back. "To think I'd love a Schnee. You were like Satan or Dark Brother."
"And, no offence," Weiss stated, "but you as well."
Yang powerfully punched her fists together, "Heaven help us. Hell's afraid of us."
"The power of RWJBY!" (ruj-by) Ruby exclaimed.
"I do believe we need to work on that." Weiss stated.
"Or we just call ourselves Arcs." Blake stated, "That is how it traditionally works."
"Because we're so traditonal." Jaune sarcastically stated.
"A knight and his concubines?" Weiss asked.
"Well, yeah?," Yang asked, "but wouldn't one of us be his wife?" Weiss and Blake looked at her curiously, "I mean, the knights always had wives right?, and concubines aren't wives, which means he had to have a wife and maybe concubines?" RWBY eyed each other narrowly, as if a fight could break out at any time.
"No fighting!" Jaune's deep baritone stated, and the girls quickly relaxed.
"Now that this is resolved," Weiss said, and looked at Blake, "don't think we forgot what you said about Aurora."
"Are we really doing this?" Blake asked.
"Indeed." Weiss stated.
"But?.." Blake asked, and then trailed off. "No, I'm the one who said it, so I'll have to stand by it."
"Who knew Blake was that kinky?" Yang asked.
"I suspected." Weiss said to her, and then turned to Aurora. "Aurora?" Aurora simply nodded. "Well, now that this is out in the open, I'll have to object."
"WHAT?!" Blake and Yang shouted.
"Did you really think I would accept this?" Weiss asked.
"I'm honestly completely lost here." Yang stated.
"I knew you would decline." Aurora stated.
"Then?.." Weiss asked.
"Then," Aurora said, "I have made myself clear."
"And then," Jaune stated, "she can't stay in the master's apartments."
"You heard his daddy voice." Yang stated.
"I'd pefer a mommy voice." Aurora said, and then with a shocked look, looked about bashfully.
"Well, that explains it." Blake stated.
"Explains what?" Weiss asked.
"She's a lesbian submissive." Blake stated nonchalantly.
"That," Yang voiced, "doesn't really explain as much as you think it does."
"Hm?" Blake asked, and Yang vigorously pointed between Aurora and Jaune.
"I think we've embarassed her enough for the moment." Jaune stated, "Aurora?," he asked, "guest apartments or servants quarters?"
"The guests apartments are closer to my mistress," she stated, "unless they are otherwise needed, in which case I will take the servants quarters."
"She's part of the family, isn't she?" Ruby asked, and everyone looked at her.
"Yes," Blake said with a smile, "just not in that way."
"Alright," Jaune stated, "I'm going to go check out the kitchen. Assuming Contrary is going to explore the library."
"I will accompany Jaune-dear," Weiss stated, "and prepare us coffee."
"The library is like an entire floor, so I'm sure she's going to love it." Yang stated.
"And what are the sisters going to do?" Weiss asked asked.
"I know this is going to sound corny," Yang replied, "but I'm going to guard our... apartments."
Before she knew what was happening, Jaune had pulled her in for a passionate kiss, causing Ruby to huff. When Jaune pulled away he opened his arms, and in a burst of rose petals Ruby was there, and he picked her to kiss her before putting her back down.
"Ruby?" Weiss asked.
"I'm going to see how Ilia is doing." Ruby stated.
"Very well." Weiss said, and gave her a peck on the cheek. * * *
Ruby used Crescent Rose to launch herself from the roof of the tower. Mid-way she burst into rose petals to cover the remaining distance. She reverted as she landed on the roof of the turret. She looked at the parapets, unsure of what they were. I mean, all castles had them, right? She looked around, opened the trap door, and started running down the stairway. The turret was round, about 20-30 feet across that descended anticlockwise. It was about four floors high, but the floors were much lower than the main tower. More like a regular house. The 4th floor was a large, open room with 3 beds. Ruby Petal Burst across the room to the next flight of stairs down. She got down on all fours and looked at the 3rd floor, to see Ilia looking through drawings. "Hey!" Ruby exclaimed, and Ilia turned towards her.
"Hello." she said.
"Getting comfy?" Ruby asked, and Ilia just looked at her for a moment.
"Yes." she said. "I've never been comfortable in luxury..."
"It is like REALLY BIG." Ruby stated, "But also REALLY OLD. Nora and Ren have gone to look for the ghost."
Ilia smiled, "I doubt there's a ghost."
"Well, yeah, but," Ruby stated, "REALLY OLD. And it's all ours. Isn't it exciting?"
Ilia turned to sit on a bed. She was still smiling, just a bit more weak than before, "It's all yours." Ilia stated. "I'm just tagging along. You are Huntresses, and I'm?.." Ilia asked, and flopped back on her bed, "an... assassin?" Ruby ran down on all fours and ended up at the end of Ilia's bed. When Ruby didn't say anything, Ilia nervously lifted her head. "That... isn't?.."
"You WERE an assassin!" Ruby said, wagging her tail.
With this Ilia sat up and looked at her questioningly, "Isn't that," she nervously voiced, "a problem?"
"I really don't know?" Ruby asked, "I mean, everyone else seems good with it, and I'm not really the best socially... Jaune's happy to have you."
"He is?" Ilia asked.
"He relies on you." Ruby stated.
"Doesn't make me part of the family."
"FFIINNE!" Ruby exclaimed, "We'll just hire you."
"As a what?," Ilia asked, "assassin?"
"I don't know?" Ruby asked, and stood up properly, "What's between Huntress and assassin?" Ilia just rolled her eyes. "Okay?," Ruby asked, "but Uncle Qrow was apparently a bandit, and he's still my uncle."
"So?.." Ilia nervously asked, looking at her hands, "you're... fine with it..."
"Nope." Ruby said with glee, "I mean... this is awkward... that an inside joke with me and Jaune." She stood up properly, pointing at Ilia, "Anyways!, you can't change what you've done, but you want to help us save the world, so you can't be all bad, can you?"
Ilia flopped back on the bed, and her colours changed to camouflage herself into it. Ruby pounced on Ilia. "As someone who hides in her cloak, I know how well that doesn't work."
"Can't you leave me to mope?" Ilia.
"Nope," Ruby excitedly said as she stood from the bed and held our her hand, "Weiss is making Coffeee." Ilia took Ruby's hand and let herself get pulled to her feet.
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