#rwby Russel Thrush
juanarc-thethird · 4 months
Not that I know of...
At a coffee shop
Jaune: *Drinking coffee*
Cardin: Jaune?
Jaune: Hm? *Turns his head* Cardin?
Cardin: *Happy* Jaune! Long time no see.
Jaune: Yeah, how have you been?
Cardin: All good. and you? How are you? Any family any kids?
Jaune: Oh no, I mean not that I know of *He said jokingly* You know what I mean. How about you?
Cardin: *Serious* Excuse me.
Jaune: Um... I'm just saying like if I do have kids, I don't know about them, you know. What about you, you got any kids?
Cardin: So you've created multiple single mothers forced to raise children.
Jaune: It... It was a joke.
Cardin: So you're telling me there's just a bunch of little kids, little Jaunes running around growing without a father. Because you couldn't be bother to stick around or back them up!
Jaune: It's a joke. Have you never heard that phrase? It's a guys joke.
Cardin: Wow... Russel!
Russel: *Walks to them* Sup...
Cardin: Do you remember Jaune from Beacon?
Russel: Yeah.
Cardin: Well he's just been knocking up woman left and right and not raising them.
Jaune: Is was just a joke!
Russel: That's messed up man. I can't imagine not being in my son's life.
Jaune: I'm not!
Russel: He's my pride and joy. Look...
Russel then takes out his phone and shows a photo of a blonde boy playing soccer.
Russel: And I love him, even if he wasn't an absolute stud at soccer.
Jaune stares at the image and begins to see some similarities. Similarities that, strangely, he also has. He's really confused.
Cardin: That's amazing. I'm proud of my boy too. Look...
Cardin also shows a photo of his son. He is blond and is playing the guitar. Jaune looks at the photo and finds the same similarities. He begins to worry you.
Cardin: He's quite the musician.
Russel: You must be proud.
Cardin: Pretty sure he gets his talent and good looks from his mother. Because he sure looks nothing like me.
Russel: It's beautiful. Maybe Jaune here will understand the joys of being a dad someday.
Jaune: I gotta go. *He said quietly*
Cardin: And this is my oldest son.
Cardin shows another photo that is the spitting image of Jaune when was is in middle school.
Jaune: I gotta go! *Runs away*
Russel: I bet he feels embarrassed.
Cardin: He deserves it.
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arc-misadventures · 1 month
Science Team!
Blake: Are you seriously watching porn by yourself? Cause… maybe I could…?
Jaune: No! I’m with the science team!
Blake: What…?!
Jaune, Ren, Neptune, Sun, Scarlet, Sage, Bolin, Nadir, Cardin, Russel, Dove, Shy, Fox, Yatsuhasi, Nora, Brawnz, Roy, Nolan, Ozpin, Port, Oobaleck:
Blake: What the fuck…?!
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reashot · 5 months
Red Like Roses... (It's period 🔴)
Warning: fluffness inside. Also really long.
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At Beacon during a more peaceful time.
Pyrrha: Hmmm it's quiet, too quiet.
Ren: I agree. It's never a good sign. We should be ready for something.
Jaune: Ready for what?
Nora: Oh you know usually things never stay quiet for long especially when we're right next door to the main characters.
*yang burst into the room*
Pyrrha: And speaking of the devil.
Yang: Quick hide! *brace the door behind her*
Jaune: Oh Shi- okay gangs we trained for this! Quick initiate Pattern Delta Phi.
Nora: Aye, aye dear leader, let's initiate plan hiding under our bed's like cowards.
JNPR: *Bracing for Impacts.*
*Yang holding the door with all her might*
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Ren: Wait what are even hiding from in the first place?
Yang: No time to explain. Here it Comes!
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A large sounds resembling explosion came from across the hallway. The door starts to violently shakes and rose petals soon violently burst into the room. Even with Yang putting all her strength into the door. Some rose petals still managed to get inside.
Yang: .... I think we're in the clear now.
Pyrrha: What just happened?
Yang: Eh, promise not to freak out?
Jaune: Okay, I guess...
Yang: Good enough. *shows team JNPR the source of the roses*
Ruby: Huee~ *sniffs* huee~ 😭
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Jaune: Ruby?
Ren: It seems to be her.
Pyrrha: Wait. Where are Blake and Weiss?
Nora: Found them. They're buried under all of this Rose petals.
Blake: *coughing up a bunch of petals* Eww I got some of it in my mouth.
Weiss: .... I just saw my grandfather.
Jaune: Okay, can someone now please tell us what is going on....
*Cardin burst into the room*
Cardin: Why the Fuck are there Roses all over the damn hallways!?
Russel: Don't try to lie we know it's coming from team RWBY!
Yang: Wow, wow! False accusation, much?
Dove: Well we can't help it. Because whenever something bad happened It's usually always you four.
Sky: Fucking Main characters shit...
Nora: I know right!
Pyrrha: Nora! Which sides are you on?
Nora: Oops my bad... (I mean, I'm not wrong 😒.)
Ren: *shrugs his head* Nora...
Jaune: Can all of you please stop being aggro for just one second!
You're upsetting Ruby for brother's sake.
Ruby: Wah! Wah! Wah! 😭
Jaune: Also can someone please tell me what just happened?
WBY: *looking at each others*
Yang: *sigh* (I guess I'm the one that should tell everyone.)
How do I gently put this? Ruby is in her special time of the month...
Jaune: Oh...
Cardin: The fuck does that even mean?
Russel: the month?
Dove: I see... (Maybe if I silently nod people will not think I'm dumb.)
Sky: (okay, she had her period. What does that have to with anything?)
Blake: Typical.
Weiss: Can you guys be anymore of a dudebros cliche?
CRDL: Hey!!!!
Yang: Let me put it this way. Every time Ruby has her "special month" her semblance's goes all haywire for some reason.
Jaune: Okay I get the gist of it. Team CRDL go outside and clean the hallway.
Cardin: What! Why the fuck should we clean up their mess?!
Jaune: Because I fucking said so. Now go!
Cardin: Geez... Whatever. C'mon boys, we better clean up team RWBY's mistakes. Again!
*slams door*
Blake: Thanks Jaune.
Weiss: Geez Arc, when did you grow a spine?
Yang: I gotta say Vomit Boy. I never knew you had it in you.
Pyrrha: *blush* (So manly.)
Nora: That's our Jaun-Jaun.
Jaune: Blake, Weiss. Please help Cardin & his team with the clean up outside.
Weiss: What! No way. Why should we help those dunderheads in the first place.
Jaune: Because they're right that the mess was started by your team.
Weiss: I'm sorry, our? For the record it's just Rub...
Blake: We're on it Jaune. C'mon Weiss let's help clean up all this roses. *drags Weiss away*
Jaune: Pyrrha, Ren, Nora. I also want you to go out side and help them.
Pyrrha: I understand Jaune. I will do as you ask.
Nora: Oh c'mon Jaune, why us too?
Jaune: Because they're our friends, Nora.
Nora: Well I'm about to go back to my room... *gets yoinked*
Ren: It's okay Jaune. I will get her to help us.
Nora: *grumble* (Fucking Main characters....)
Jaune: Thanks Ren. And Yang I want you to stay and find Ruby's "hygiene" products.
Yang: Wow, wow! Settle down cowpoke. I don't think you being a man is qualified to be the one to help with Ruby's "issue."
Jaune: I have seven Sisters...
Yang: Sweet brothers in heaven!
Uh, I take that back you're clearly overqualified.
At least I don't have to help clean up. But what're you going to do Jaune?
Jaune: I'm going to go back to my room to make a tea for Ruby.
A few minutes later.
Jaune: Here you go Ruby. A sweet herbal tea with plenty of honey and sugar.
Ruby: ... *sniffs* Thank you Jaune. 😢
Jaune: It's okay Ruby you don't have to thank me.
Ruby: But I caused so much problems for everyone. *sniffle*😞
Jaune: *headpat*
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There, there Ruby it's okay that what's friends are for. And you didn't troubled me one bit. In fact I'm happy to be of use to you. It reminds me that I'm still useful to someone.
Ruby: Jaune please don't think like that. You always were important to everyone.
Jaune: *kiss forehead*
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It's nice of you think that Ruby. But I'm not. I'm not special like you. You're destined for great thing while I'm.... Just me.
Ruby: 0-0
Jaune: What's the matter... Ohhh, ohhh no. I'm so-so sorry Ruby I didn't realize that... I usually did that to my little sister whenever she's sad.
Ruby: *blush*
I-I don't mind it at all Jaune. It's just that if you want to do it to me again a little heads up would be nice. 😖
Jaune: I'm so-so sorry Ruby I promise that I... Wait, what do you mean by again?
Ruby: Uhh....
Yang: *clears throat*
I seems to have interrupted something here.
Jaune: Y-Yang!
Ruby: Sis!
Yang: Look Rubes I don't need to say this but remember what dad said. No boys. And Jaune please don't take this the wrong way but please for your sake please don't get any idea with Ruby. It will not end well for you.
Jaune: O-of course. I will never-ever think of Ruby like that. We're just friends after all.
Ruby: Friends... 😭
*starts crying*
Jaune: Oh, what's the matter Ruby?
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howlingday · 1 month
Jaune Deals With Bullies
Jaune: (Sits at desk, Stares at rude grafitti)
Russel: Hahaha!
Sky: He looks so sad!
Dove: Ssshhh! He'll hear you!
Jaune: (Stands up, Walks over)
Cardin: Huh? What do you want?
Cardin: (Falls over from Jaune's punch) Agh...
Russel: ...
Sky: ...
Dove: Somebody call a professor!
Oobleck: Mr. Arc! I believe I made myself perfectly clear that I will not tolerate any violence within my class! You are in big trouble, young man!
RDL: Yeah! Tell him, sir!
Oobleck: (Falls to ground, Clutching nose) ARGH! IT HURTS!
Jaune: (Walking to RDL)
Sky: What?!
Dove: How did that happen?!
Russel: Waaagh!
Russel: (Falls over)
Sky: Take him! (Shoves Dove)
Dove: H-Hey! What the hell-
Dove: (Collapses into a heap)
Sky: (Running)
Jaune: (Running)
Sky: (Runs to Ironwood) SIR, PLEASE, YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!
Ironwood: Huh? Hey, you! Stop!
Jaune: (Runs to Ironwood)
Ironwood: (On his back) Aaaaah...
Jaune: (Sprinting after Sky)
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howi99 · 3 months
Pyrrha: It's getting annoying.
Ren and Nora: *turn their heads to look at Pyrrha*
Pyrrha: I mean Jaune and Cardin. Cardin keeps being a jerk to Jaune while Jaune does nothing.
Nora: *goes to speak*
Ren: You can't break their legs.
Nora: Aw, why not? They only use those to bully!
Ren: *sigh* I know, but it's Jaune's decision to ask for help.
Jaune: *entering the dorm* Gosh, Cardin pushed me inside one of the lockers and activated it. *Yawn* Man, there was a lot of grimm in the emerald forest.
Ren: *looking at Jaune then at Nora* I'm beginning to think i should let you do what you wanted to do.
Nora: *grinning* Really?~ Can i?~
Jaune: *Yawn* Don't go after him. I don't wish for you to be expelled just because of him.
Nora: But Jaune! You can't just continue like that, you will get hurt!
Jaune: And he will be punished when we get there. *Pat Nora's head* Beside, you wouldn't bully someone weaker than you, right?
Nora: *conflicted* B-but they hurt people!
Jaune: No, they try to hurt me. *Goes for the bathroom* I'm taking the shower. *Leave the rest of team JNPR*
Pyrrha: *sigh* It's not better, Jaune...
Russel: *laughing* Man, we should have done that a lot sooner! It was so funny to see him fly!
Sky: So, what next?
Cardin: Well, i was thinking, that pushover is beginning to bore me... His team, on the other hand.
Dove: You mean the team with Pyrrha Nikos? The girl who kicked our ass during training?
Cardin: *shrug* They need to learn their place, don't you think so? *Look at his scroll* Next week we all go to forever fall and i know a guy who can give us some rapier wasp. And they loooove tree sap. *Looking at his team* Know where i'm going with that?
Russel: Man, it's going to suck to be them!
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Russel: If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous
Jaune: What if it bites me and it dies?
Dove: That means you're poisonous, Brothers, Jaune, learn to listen
Nora: What if it bites itself and I die?
Ren: It's voodoo
Penny: What if it bites me and someone else dies?
Weiss: That's correlation, not causation
Sky: What if we bite each other and neither of us die
Velvet: That's kinky
Cardin: oh my oum.
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neopoliitan · 10 months
Wowie zowie! It’s episode 5 of the RWBY Evermorrow AU!
Teams RWBY and CRDL venture to Chalk Dustworks in pursuit of Roman Torchwick, who recently escaped jail.
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lyriquette · 18 days
Remnants of RWBY: Vytal Festival - Day 3: Alternate Universes
The next offering is part of the Becoming AU, the Crack Taken Seriously fic where Ruby is mistakenly believed to be a Beacon professor by the rest of the school and Ozpin rolls with it. Antics ensue. But you don't need to read it to understand this chapter, which will probably be posted 2 weeks after to AO3.
Becoming AU / Perspective: Jaune
After Forever Fall, Cardin makes the mistake of disparaging Crocea Mors within Ruby's earshot.
It had been an...awkward couple of weeks after Forever Fall. 
He had expected Cardin to leave him alone after saving his life. He did not expect him to try and get all friendly instead. It was just extremely awkward, having Cardin try to include him in all of his team's activities and you know pretend like the whole blackmailing stuff never happened.
What's worse was that Cardin was genuinely sincere about these invitations too, which made it really hard to decline.
His team noticed too. And Nora was really getting hyped up on breaking Cardin's legs this time around, and no one believed him when he said that Cardin was trying to be nice instead of bullying him.
Which was why he was in this situation now. In the middle of the hallway, stuck making small talk with Cardin and the rest of his team, under the watchful eye of Ren and Nora a classroom away.
As for Pyrrha, well, she was suffering with him. Even her normally brilliant smile started to dim after fifteen minutes of this awkward situation - what could she do when Cardin was genuinely trying to be nice?
Well, at least his team won't think Cardin's trying to bully him anymore.
“I’m telling you that I’m perfectly fine with a sword and shield. It’s what I practice with, it’s what I know,” Jaune said wearily, mostly just wanting this conversation to end.
Unfortunately, Cardin didn’t want to comply with his silent wishes.  
“Look. You could definitely do better. Your sword and shield’s boring, outdated, and probably needs to retire in a museum somewhere. I know a couple shops where you can get a discou-” Any further words Cardin wanted to say seem to have gotten caught in his throat. Cardin's gaze was no longer on him but past his arm, where he caught a couple of red fading petals blowing in from behind.
That’s when Ruby just walked past him - from wherever she came from - and straight towards Cardin. He couldn't see her face, but from the way she was trembling, Ruby was not happy.
“Y-you’re kidding, right?” The normal bubbliness in Ruby’s voice was replaced with so much incredulity and anger that he believed Ruby had beef with Cardin over something unrelated entirely. Enough that Pyrrha and he immediately walked to their side, instinctively prepared to defuse the situation. 
At least until she dropped the bombshell.
“..Y-you’re seriously insulting Crocea Mors?” 
Seeing the intensity in Ruby’s steel eyes was scary - almost like watching a cat about to pounce a mouse. And Cardin clearly thought so too because he stumbled trying to step back and knocked into the wall behind him. 
It always confused him as to why Cardin would try his very best to avoid Ruby after his duel with her, despite Ruby losing that fight. Actually, it was a little funny that Mr. Tough Guy was so afraid of shy, cheerful Ruby.
...But looking at the slightly unhinged look in the younger girl's eyes, he’s starting to have an idea why. 
“I-I-I wasn’t…” Cardin stuttered to the amazement of the other members of his team. 
Ruby forwardly just stepped up and placed her hands on Cardin’s shoulders, which looked a little comical given that the guy had over a foot of height on her. 
“...Crocea Mors isn’t a weapon that you can ridicule,” Ruby whispered in dead seriousness, “It survived at least three generations in a Huntsman’s family. It survived the Great War. And it’ll probably survive you too.” 
He’s…pretty sure Ruby didn’t say ‘and that might be sooner rather than later' but oh boy did he feel it. And from the deer-in-headlights look Pyrrha’s giving him, she felt it too. 
“H-h-hey. Come on now. Let's not fight over that antique -” Russel remarked with a genial smile, sliding between Cardin and Ruby to try and make peace. And that smile wilted immediately after Ruby turned to him with a blank expression. Hell, even his mohawk looked like it wilted too. 
Gotta give him props though. 
What a true friend. 
“That antique was made with the best that Vacuoian steel-forging and Vale’s blacksmithing had to offer!” Ruby scathingly replied as she pushed Cardin away and stalked over to Russel, “Even today, blacksmiths and fabricator machines could only hope to match Crocea Mors’s durability and sharpness. 
“You wanna pit Shortwings against it for a couple hundred swings?” Ruby stomped a foot down and swung her arm to punctuate her point, “I will bet any amount of Lien that Shortwings shatters first!” 
Russell vigorously shook his head as quickly as he could - like a grade schooler knowing he did wrong. Unfortunately for him, it's clear Ruby was determined to hammer the lesson home.
“More importantly,” Ruby lowered her voice once more, “that antique had more thought put into it than most weapons today.”
“Crocea Mors was created specifically with the hope that its wielder would survive the Great War,” Ruby confidently declared, “And to do that, it was made to be both strong and reliable. Do you know what sand or water does to intricate mechanisms? It gums them up and then makes them useless.”
“Now of course, I built Crescent Rose here with a wicking system to deal with that,” Ruby affectionately added with a pat to the collapsed weapon hiding behind her cape, “but back then, who would know how to make that kind of mod?”
“Furthermore, whatever joints Crocea Mors had were made so well that the shield appears seamless when deployed,” Ruby lectured on, clearly calmer after her brief aside about her own weapon. It still didn’t stop her from prodding Russel’s chest every couple words though. “And as strong as every other part of the shield too.” 
So entranced he and Pyrrha were by this super assertive version of Ruby that they didn’t even realize Cardin and the rest of his team had already skedaddled. Only when Russel desperately gazed over at where Cardin was - and the indignant disbelief in the guy’s eyes - did they realize that the rest of team CRDL was just gone.
“Do you know which kingdoms preferred guerilla and ambush tactics the most? Mantle and Mistral!" Ruby continued on, gaining steam again, “Under those circumstances, a sheath that turns into a heater shield is a brilliant idea! Not to mention there’s a robust spring-loaded mechanism that can deliver a counter blow when the shield is deployed or even create a makeshift barricade to block a narrow passage.” 
"As for the sword, its excellence speaks for itself," Ruby then huffed as she closed in on a shrinking Russel, "but if you had any proper weapon knowledge, we wouldn’t be here right now."
“Keeping an edge that keen over three generations - an edge that can cleanly decapitate an Ursa Major in one swing - is a testament to both the blacksmith’s metalworking and Jaune’s family who maintained it well.”
…Well, now he was feeling guilty again about stealing Crocea Mors from the family.  
“Heck! Given how old this "antique" is, chances are it cut down someone who would’ve ended up killing your ancestors, giving you the opportunity to say such ignorant words today. ” Ruby continued on, “Really! You should be calling Crocea Mors your Granddadd- Wait Pyrrha, what are you-” 
Pyrrha had begun pulling the younger girl up and away from Russel, elbows latched underneath the other girl’s armpits.
Yeah, probably a good place to end things.
It still didn’t stop Pyrrha or himself from trying to stifle a laugh at the uncharacteristic Yang-like insult.
Definitely sisters, alright.
Still staring at Russel and being restrained by Pyrrha, Ruby frowned as she nudged her head towards him, “Come on, Jaune! He’s insulting your weapon! You should be defending Crocea Mors's honor!” 
“Errr…Ruby, I actually didn’t know all tha-”
Pyrrha shook her head violently, mouthing the word no. 
Russel, from the corner of his eyes, looked at him with an expression of gratefulness. 
Ruby slowly turned her head towards him. 
Oh. Crap.
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fanstuffrantings · 9 months
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Rwby volume 2 rewrite concept: Grimm Eclipse takes place, CRDL, RWBY, and JNPR are sent to investigate odd occurrences with Professor Ann Greene following a test Ozpin had them undergo in the previous Volume.
Vytal festival characters start arriving in volume 3 instead. I do have ideas for that one as well.
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darksaiyangoku · 5 months
RWBY Witcher Tales
—The Seventh Paladin—
It was a cool morning in the Kingdom of Céline and outside of a small cottage was a young, blonde-haired boy named Jaune Arc. In his hands, he he held a long stick and came face to face with his opponent; a crudely made dummy of rags and straw. Jaune circled the dummy and delivered several hacks and whacks to it.
Jaune: Hah! Hiyahh! Hah!
Jaune was channeling every ounce of strength into each attack, smirking as he saw bits of straw fall to the ground. With a deep breath, he held the stick up high and smacked the "head" of the dummy with tremendous force, tearing it off.
Jaune: *pants*...maybe I overdid it a little. *chuckles*
The sound of trotting hooves alerted him to a nearby horse and cart. The driver, an elderly man named Barry, arrived on the road to pick up Jaune for work.
Barry: Still messin' around with that stick, young man?
Jaune: It's called 'training', Barry.
Barry: *chuckles* Oh Jaune, I thought you would've learned by now that your trainin' is worth dirt. No commoner in the history of Céline has ever rose to the rank of knight.
Jaune: *smiles* Then I'll be the first! Prince Carson is holding a competition to find worthy candidates and I'm gonna beat every single one of them!
Barry: *laughs* You'd have a better chance of findin' lost Elven treasures than beating a noble! Stop dawdlin' and get on the cart, you'll be late!
Jaune tossed the stick onto the dirt and jumped onto the cart. As Barry rode off, Jaune looked at the bright blue sky as he tried to cheer his spirits. No one ever took his ambition of being a knight seriously, as the only ones who were eligible were the children from the noble class. When he was younger, Jaune used to read fairy tales of simple folk who would accomplish great deeds, like fighting dragons, saving people and becoming heroes. He'd imagine himself in those stories and was desperate to show that they were possible. That a common boy could be something more.
Jaune: *whispers* Just you wait. I'll show all of you and become the greatest knight in all of Remnant!
[Kingdom of Céline - Claremont]
Claremont was a tailor shop located in the city of Céline, owned by Robert Claremont. He was a white-haired man of middle age, yet had the spirit of a youth. He could work on 10 or 15 clothes a day, and they would come out absolutely pristine! Jaune had been his apprentice since he was 10 years old and while he wasn't at Robert's skill level, he was showing good signs of improvement. Today was especially busy and Jaune was sweating from the workload. His eyes strained as he tried to focus on the last stitch of a green tunic.
Robert: Are you alright there, Jaune?
Jaune: Yep! Just gotta finish this... almost there... got it!
Jaune stood up and inspected the tunic, making sure everything looked good. It wasn't the fanciest of clothes but he was happy with his work and wanted to make sure the customer felt comfortable.
Robert: Not bad, my boy. I'm sure the customer will appreciate it. He'll be arriving today. Make sure you have your chin up, we have a lot more orders to complete.
Jaune: Yes sir!
Throughout the day, Jaune was hard at work measuring, cutting and sewing, nearly pricking his fingers a few times. One by one, the clothes were flying into the hands of satisfied customers. Soon, the last 5 minutes of work time was approaching and Robert was about to close up the shop. However, he was stopped when someone placed his foot between the door. Robert raised his eyebrow in confusion and remained calm as he tried to shoo the unruly stranger away.
Robert: *ahem* I'm sorry, but we are about to close now. You're free to visit on Monday morning, now please remove your foot from my door.
Stranger: I'm just here to collect my order. It won't take long at all. Please?
Robert: I- oh alright, but make it quick.
The stranger opened the door and stepped inside. Jaune's face turned pink as soon as he saw her. She had messy, white-blond hair and wore an ashen black leather corset, a tight green shirt, ripped black trousers and long, cream-coloured leather boots. On her back, she carried two shortswords, a bow and a quiver of arrows. Two features stuck out to Jaune the most; a pair of violet, cat-like eyes and a silver-coloured medallion in the shape of an eagle's head.
Jaune: *blushes* U-Uh um *ahem* D-Do you have y-your ticket, ma'am?
Stranger: Right here, darling. *shows ticket*
Jaune hurried to the back room and returned holding a crystal white sleeveless dress.
Jaune: I-I hope it's to your s-satisfaction, Mademoiselle.
The Stranger glanced at it and picked it up. She gave Jaune a satisfying smirk and bowed her head to him and Robert before departing. Jaune leaned over the counter, still smiling from ear to ear.
Jaune: Wow.
Robert: I wouldn't get too attached with the likes of her, Jaune.
Jaune: Hm? Why not? She seemed nice.
Robert: If you knew the line of work she does, you'd stay far away from her as possible. But enough about that, you did very well today. *smiles* Good work. Here you go, *tosses purse* your month's pay.
Jaune's hands nearly fell to the floor as he caught the purse. It was quite heavy. He slowly opened the bag and his eyes gleamed. Inside were 150 silver lien coins.
Jaune: My god! M-Maître Robert, this is way too much. I-I can't accept-
Robert: *chuckles* It's perfectly fine. You've come a long way these past two years and I am proud to have you as my apprentice. You've earned this coin. Take it.
Jaune was in awe and rushed over to hug his Master. Bidding goodbye, he left the shop and strapped the purse on his belt. Jaune walked with a skip in his step, not caring about who looked at him. But the further he walked, his happiness started to fade. He stopped in the middle of the street as the image of the silver lien pieces burned into his memory. It was a lot of money and Jaune knew that if he kept improving, he could make enough for his family and support them alongside his two older sister's jobs. But what would that mean for his desire to be a knight? Should he just give up? Stick something more normal and safe?
Suddenly, Jaune was knocked over as a sharp pain hit his back. He stumbled across the floor and his purse tore from his belt, the silver flying everywhere.
Jaune: *grunts* Agh! Ow!
Jaune looked up and glimpsed at his attackers. His eyes shrank as he recognised Cardin Winchester, son of the Bishop of Céline. Surrounding him were his friends, Dove Bronzewing, Skye Lark and Russel Thrush. Each of them bore an emblem of a golden cross that was crudely sewn onto their chests.
Cardin: Well, well, well. That's a lot of coin there, Arc. Now where would a commoner like you find such treasure?
Jaune: *pants* Agh... it's mine... I... earned from my job...
Cardin: *snorts* Why would a tailor waste his good fortune on someone like you? In fact, this *takes purse* should be donated to those who rightfully deserve it. The Eternal Fire thanks you for your contribution.
Jaune: Hey give that back!
Jaune sprang up and tried to grab his purse, only to be kicked in the stomach by Skye and Dove. He doubled over and fell to his knees and Cardin laughed sadistically.
Cardin: Oh give it up. You've been weak as a lamb ever since we were little and even if you could beat me, your ass would be sent straight to prison along with the rest of your family.
Skye and Dove held Jaune's arms while Cardin and Russel started punching and kicking him. He tried to escape, but the grip was too tight. His face and body stung with intense pain. Cardin was about to deliver the finishing blow when a hand gripped him tight and pulled him away.
Cardin: Hey! What do you think you're-
Cardin backed away in a rare moment of fear as he saw who interfered. Jaune gasped as he recognised the woman who purchased the dress from his shop.
Cardin: W-We need to run. Now!
Russel: What? But-
Cardin: Do as I say! If we stay here, she'll place a curse on us!
Skye and Dove dropped Jaune to the ground and followed Cardin and Russel as they ran away screaming. Jaune coughed and wheezed, still feeling the injuries dealt to him. The Stranger offered her hand and lifted him back up.
Stranger: Are you okay, darling?
Jaune: Agh! A-A little. T-Thank you, Madamoiselle.
Stranger: It's no trouhle and please, call me Robyn.
Jaune: O-Oh. Well thank you, Robyn. I'm Jaune. Jaune Arc.
Robyn: Nice to meet you. Who were those boys ans what was their problem with you?
Jaune: Ugh, they're Cardin Winchester and his little gang called 'The Eternal Fire'. They like to cause trouble for all the kids here, but especially nonhumans. Lately, I've been their favourite target. Why? I have no idea.
Robyn: Kids can be pretty cruel. What's stopping you from fighting back?
Jaune: *sighs* Even if I wanted to, I'd just get into trouble. They're all sons of nobles and if I defend myself, I'll be the one blamed for everything.
Robyn: Hmmm, I see. Tell you what, why don't I get you cleaned up and give you a hot meal?
Jaune: Wha-? I-I don't-
Robyn: *ruffles Jaune's hair* It's absolutely fine. After what you've been through, you could use some cheering up.
[Reynard Tavern]
Inside Reynard Tavern, Robyn chuckled as she watched Jaune devour a plate of sausages and baked potatoes.
Jaune: *munches* Ow!
Robyn: You might want to slow down a little. You haven't even healed yet from the beating.
Jaune: *feeble laugh* Sorry. I guess I was a little hungry.
Robyn: Clearly.
Jaune: *mouthful* Sho waz za dreff fo?
Robyn: ...
Jaune: *gulps* I meant to ask what the dress was for? Are you going to Prince Charles' banquet?
Robyn: Oh I wish. No, I have a mission to take care of that involves me looking my best.
Jaune: Hm? What is it?
Robyn: *chuckles* Nothing to worry yourself with. *ruffles his hair*
Jaune: Hmph. *small pout*
Robyn: So tell me, Jaune, what's it like working for a renowned tailor like Robert Claremont? He doesn't let just anyone work for him.
Jaune: Well he and my father used to go to the same school when they were children and, on my 12th birthday, it was decided that I'd become his apprentice as a favour. I wasn't sure at first, but I grew to like it. We get to meet so many interesting customers. Some of them local and some of them from other parts of Remnanf.
Robyn: That's wonderful to hear. I bet your family must be proud.
Jaune: Yeah I guess, but... being a tailor isn't really what I dream of.
Robyn: Hm? Then what is?
Jaune: I want to be a knight. A hero to defend my kingdom! Riding on horseback in shining armour! Brandising a sword at my side! Earning the glory of the kingdom!
Robyn: So you want fame and fortune? Not very chivalrous.
Jaune: Hey, it isn't about that! I just... I wanna prove to everyone that a commoner can be jusf as worthy as a noble to don armour. *clenches fist* That blood and status don't determine success.
Robyn: Hmmmm, I see. That does sound admirable and I do agree with you. Blood and status mean absolutely nothing. It's a flawed system designed to cause mistrust and anger among us all. *taps table* But first thing's first, do you even know how to use a sword?
Jaune: Um, I do practice a lot every morning before I go to work. I don't have a waster, but I use a stick.
Robyn: And do you practice with anyone at all?
Jaune: *shakes head* The things I know about sword fighting were from old books. The stances, the techniques, everything.
Robyn; I won't lie to you, you won't have a chance at joining the knights.
Jaune: ...o-oh. *hangs head*
Robyn; Which is why I'll train you myself.
Jaune: *looks up* What? Really?
Robyn: Of course. If you are serious about this and willing to put in the work, then I'll train you.
Jaune: Thank you so much! *grins*
Robyn: *raises hand* Don't expect this to be an easy ride, however. It will be gruelling. You will be beaten, bruised and bloodied almost daily. We'll treat our sparring sessions as real fights. Can you handle that?
Jaune: *nods head* Yes Robyn! I won't let you down!
Robyn; *smiles* Good. We'll start tomorrow. *leaves table* Bonne nuit.
Jaune waved goodbye as she left the tavern. His eyes sparkled with elation. For the first time in his life, someone didn't mock his ambition and was actually going out of their way to help him achieve it. He smiled again and made a vow not to let Robyn down.
[Arc Cottage Field]
Jaune yelled out as he was forced to the ground from Robyn's waster. His face, arms and legs were covered with bright red bruises and his lungs were burning fiercely. Robyn stood over him playing with her waster.
Robyn: I think it's time we took a break.
Jaune: *wheezing* No... I... can still... carry... on...
Robyn: Jaune, we're stopping here. You're tiring yourself out and that's dangerous. Your enemies will take advantage of that and kill you. So let's take a break.
Jaune: *groans* Fine.
Jaune and Robyn sat by a tree and she pulled out a small, glass bottle filled with light blue liquid. She gently poured some of it over Jaune's wounds, making him grit his teeth as it stung.
Robyn: I know it hurts, but you have to bear it. This medicine will help and you'll be fighting fit in no time.
Jaune: What is this thing?
Robyn: It's called Sunshine. It's a mild form of potion designed for healing.
Jaune: *winces*This is mild?
Robyn: Compared to the other potions I have. If you took those, you'd be in big trouble.
Jaune: *chuckles* I have to say, you're much nicer compared to what everyone says about Witchers.
Robyn: *raises eyebrow* I don't seem to recall mentioning I was a Witcher.
Jaune: Well you're not exactly hiding it. Aside from your eyes, your medallion is giveaway.
Robyn: *laughs* I suppose I haven't done a good job of blending in. I am curious that you never mentioned anything until now, though.
Jaune: That's because I wanted to see if any of the rumours were true and so far, you're not living up to them at all. You saved from Cardin, bought me a hot meal and are even going out of your way to train me. I'd say you're a good person.
Robyn: *smiles* You're a kind boy, Jaune. Never lose that. How are your wounds?
Jaune: They should be healing up soon.
Robyn: Excellent! Although since you know I'm a Witcher, I'm going to take this up a notch. *taps waster in her hand*
Jaune: Ehehe, you're joking... right?
[6 Months Later]
For many days and nights, Jaune trained hard. His body had seen a slight growth in height and muscle, he was more agile and his technique was more focused. Today was the last day of summer and many of the citizens were invited to Prince Charles' castle for a banquet. No matter their social status, everyone eas welcome be they peasant or noble. The Arc Family gathered with everyone in the courtyard and clapped along as Noir and Blanc, the youngest twins, joined the dance circle.
Saphron: Whooo!!! Go Noir!
Rouge: Show them how it's done, Blanc!
Verte: Hey Jaune, why don't you join in? Who knows, you meet even find a lucky lady. *winks*
Jaune: Wha- Verte! *blushes* Th-That's not why I'm here!
Rouge: Yeah, yeah, you're here for the swordfighting contest. Try to lighten up a little, we're just having fun.
Jaune: Hmph!
As the morning turned to evening, the main event was about to be begin. Arriving in the courtyard was the young man himself, Prince Charles of Celiné. He had ashen black hair with a large, cyan streak at the front, emerald green eyes and wore a long, white linen tunic that stunned the crowd. Beside him was his best friend and leader of his Six Paladins, Orlando Lima. He was tall and green-haired, with brown eyes and wore lightweight green armour. Charles turned around to see his audience as they bowed to him. After a few minutes of speeches, it was time for contest to commence. However, this was no ordinary contest, as Charles had made an interesting addition to the rules. The winner would be offered an official membership into the Paladins. Within the crowd, Jaune soon became nervous. There was no way he could compete with the other swordsmen, he had only trained for six months. One by one, many of the compeitors had been defeated and standing victorious was his old enemy; Cardin. Jaune was about to turn away until his brothers blacked his path.
Blanc: Come on, big brother! Go!
Noir: Yeah! You got this!
Jaune: Hold on, I- gwagh!
Jaune was pushed into the centre where he came face to face with Cardin, who laughed mockingly..
Cardin: Oh this is too perfect! The Eternal Fire has blessed me with victory if he sent you as my challenger.
Jaune: L-Listen Cardin, I-
Cardin: Don't worry, Arc. I'll make this quick as to not humilate you. Haaaaah!!! *runs*
Cardin raised his waster high into the air and tried a downwad slash. Without even thinking, Jaune parried the incoming attack and elbowed him in the chest, staggering him. For a moment, Cardin was in shock but quickly regained is composure as he resumed his attacks. Jaune dodged each one with graceful agility and thwacked him from behind. The crowd gaped in excitement and intrigue, as did Charles and Orlando. Cardin, however, was gerting angrier and carelessly thrashed around. Jaune blocked and countered each strike and landed several blows across Cardin's stomach, arms, shins and his face. Cardin reached his limit and yelled as tried to thrust, only to be kicked to the ground as Jaune disarmed him. He couldn't believe it. He had lost. Jaune put his waster back in its sheath and bowed his head to the Prince.
Charles: *claps* Marvellous! Absolutely marvellous!
Jaune: Thank you, Your Highness.
Charles: What's your name?
Jaune: It's Jaune. Fourth child of the Arc family and the first son.
Charles: Hm. I don't think I've heard of the Arc family before.
Jaune: *chuckles nervously*We're not exactly famous. We're a common family with jobs like servers or tailors.
Orlando: And yet your technique with a sword was impressive. You must have had an excellent teacher.
Jaune: You could say that.
Charles: *smiles* Well now since there's no more challengers, I declare Jaune Arc as the winner!
Jaune: Excuse me?! Y-You mean I get to be one of your Paladins?
Charles: *nods head*
Cardin: What?! *gets up* Your Highness, I demand that he be disqualified from this contest! He had no right to join this contest in the first place! He's not of noble blood!
Orlando: Now, now settle down. The contest was open for everyone to compete in. Status doesn't matter at all.
Charles: And Jaune won fair and square. As such, he will be a squire for the Paladins. *turns to Jaune* Do you accept?
Jaune: *bows* Yes, Your Highness!
The room erupted with applause and Jaune's face turned rose red with embarrassment. But the loudest shouts and claps came from his family. He had done them proud. Amidst the cheering was a violet-eyed woman in a hooded cloak, smiling proudly. History was made that day; the day when the Seventh Paladin had arrived.
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rocknroll7575 · 8 months
Jfom club jaune hands the shirt to cardin's teammates
Cardin: *Busts into Dorm room* Guys! You're not going-!
*RDL wearing JFOM shirts*
Russel: Too late dude
Dove: Yeah...
Sky: *simply playing games on his scroll*
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jay5464 · 9 months
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A world where magic is common knowledge and creatures beyond splendor roam free. Team RWBY and friends are about to embark on a journey of a lifetime. They have one very important mission, to save a lost kingdom from an evil dragon king. However, their journey will be extremely difficult, even with a powerful magical princess accompanying them.
Art Cover by ARSONicARTZ
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reashot · 1 year
Ruby's Got A Quick Hand
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Ruby: *sitting alone in the corner minding her own business*
Cardin: Hey dork what are you doing sitting alone, too tired from being a weirdo all the time?
Russel: Yeah ya freak, too busy torturing little animal or something?
The room then suddenly filled with laughter and mockery directed towards Ruby.
Jaune: H-hey cut it out. She doesn't do anything. Leave Ruby alone.
Ruby: You're cute... Don't come to school tomorrow. 😉
Jaune: Ruby w-what did you mean by that? What Did you mean by that?!
Ruby: *Listening to Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People.*
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howlingday · 4 months
Lunchtime fight between elephant jaune vs Rhino cardin and Nora is making bets
Jaune: You guys want some of this pie?
Nora: Nah, I'm good!
Jaune: Oh, well, more for me~!
Jaune: (Eats pie, Smiles)
Jaune/Cardin: (Glare at each other)
Cardin: Feh... Whatever... (Chugs juice, Grins)
Cardin: (Stands up) You got something wrong with your mouth?!
Jaune: (Stands up) You got something wrong with your head?!
Russel: Easy, easy, Cardin! He ain't worth it!
Nora: Ooh~! Fight, fight, fight, fight~!
Cardin: ...
Jaune: ...
Jaune/Cardin: (Sit) Eh... Whatever...
Fun Fact! Elephants and rhinos are very similar due to their thick hides, incredible strengths, and relatively docile natures. As a result of being similar, these animals will rarely fight each other, though there are rare cases in which one provokes the other to fight.
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im bored so i want to try out writing x male reader rwby smut. so, what character?
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Russel: Look, guys, I need help.
Dove: Love help?
Weiss: Financial help?
Penny: Emotional help?
Velvet: Help moving a body?
[Everybody looks at Velvet]
Velvet: What?
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