#rusty the good dalek
lilbeanz-wibblywobbly · 11 months
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A short fic! A little experiment 🤷‍♀️
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lazer-screwdriver · 8 months
Awww it’s rusty
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cherrych4 · 2 months
i'm literally never going to get over the episode where rusty tells the doctor that he would be a good dalek. ohhhhh my god
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aslanscompass · 3 months
Empire of Death live watch
Okay, so creepy dust. I still have issues with some of this stuff.
Not killing Kate, will not accept.
Genius kid has lasers in his scooter. Okay, I guess.
Three different intensities
taking the time for helmets now? seriously?
And why destroy all of London? Like, what's the point? And how'd Sutekh get off the alien planet anyway?
Ms. Flood. ? still don't get it.
Another dig at prayer.
wait, what? Flood and Carla and Cherry? Okay, you've got 50 minutes to fix all this, Rusty.
why smiling?
inside of time window TARDIS looks different
CLIP FROM Pyramid of Mars? I would not have expected that? WHat? More credit for the TV reality theory. His head is just too hairy.
Saving with memories is very much Death of the Doctor. Susan clip in COLOR
Okay, so all the Sue Twist creatures are 'seeds' from previous TARDIS trips.
Is he still the Last of the Time Lords? Claiming that back again? Last I checked, you weren't even Gallifreyan.
oH MY WORD every doctor's everything! Mel gets to fondle the coat
Memory hodgepodge , so that's 'where' the Tales of the Tardis stuff was
It's more interesting than his 'actual' TARDIS. Smaller, more cluttered, but much more interesting.
Are we finally getting the answer of Ruby?
This whole 'idea' thing is very Clara. Time Echoes everywhere.
Okay, you're going to have to undo this somehow.
"Dust of Death" would have been a great title. Or just "Dust" The former is a bit too spoiler-y.
I saw a letter in the most recent DWM complaining that the novel "Empire of Death" shed no light on the season finale. And I'm just like... so... yeah...
But if it's happening now....just, like... if Susan Twist was at multiple points in time, shouldn't it be an un-happening, like the Pandorica?
Screamy Doctor. Not crying Doctor. Pika liked my 'little April shower' joke.
Ruby as greater than the Doctor? Really?
Random woman talking to the Doctor. Hmm. Baby? Baby Ruby?
B-city? Death ray. Unsure name. It can't be that long ago, because baby is still baby.
Where did Ruby and Mel go?
A spoon? Okay, is anybody else feeling that we missed something here?
Oh, wait, dead baby? Oh. Not good.
For some reason, I 'bought' the destroyed universe in Pandorica Opens.
"I swear to you, this spoon..." most narm-y moment ever.
'cultural appropriation' Really. End of the world and you have to make that joke.
Oh no. It's catching up with Mel.
What about her father? Someone mentioned that online ---
Sutekh can't gronk Ruby's mother?
Okay, Ap dude.
DNA testing. Hmm. So now, we get some idea what was going on. Doesn't remember the 73-yard timelord.
Manditory DNA testing. Something is going to go wrong with Mel. Too much red lights.
Does the death-wave affect animals too? It must, And trees? How alive must a thing be? Coral?
I ain't seeing no computers here.
So Sutekh thinks Ruby's mum is important. I'm starting to doubt it.
26 minutes left and...
Ominous music. Sure, send the mole to keep watch.
And now the sonic's orangy. Seriously.
Okay, if she was born in 2004, the native "her" would be 42 in 2046
Her mum is the Rani, Romana, SJS, Mel Bush, Ace, River Song, AMy Pond, Darkel, Missy, snow.... the Great Intelligence, I'm just putting that out there.
"When did it ever help?"
Oh, I'm sure thatBonnie Langford LOVED getting to play a baddie.
"Silence will fall"
please SOMEBODY, DO AN EDIT WITH "MY EMPIRE OF DIRT" on scenes from the episode.
This had better be good. Very good.
Child of the TARDIS??
MEMORY created?
Are you still leaving it undisclosed.
Rope? Serious? Real Elvish rope.
Whistle? Oh, TARDIS on command. Is that a Dalek eyestalk in the TARDIS
Lassoing him with a rope? okay, dumbest plot boomerang ever.
"he put death to death"
oKAY, still very stupid.
eVEn last episode's soldier dude. Okay.
But Ms. Flood? being all cozy? just... AGH
Okay, roughly 20 minutes left. So.... more stufF? I guess
Too much time left.
really, why. Become a monster? Lame. Still not seeing the emotional nuance of Smith or Capaldi here.
All this travel with open TARDIS doors. Really.
That makes no sense. Jack survived the Vortex. Okay, bad data point. Clara survived specifically bc the TARDIS protected her.
And what's with the white shirt and sweatpants? just showing off his body?
YES, I knew they wre gonna hire Sutekh's splinter. Pizza party.
Such a long wrap up.
Like, I 'bought' the Pandorica collapse because--the whole coalition of evil that teamed up to prevent it.
Huh. She's just an ordinary woman? Louise Alison Miller-- Still doesn't answer
William Benjamin Garrant
seriously? "She was important because we think she's important" ARE YOU Kidding me!? That's taking your 'humans are special' thing to a whole new level.
ARE YOU F' ME? Just giving me I thought the paramedics or whatever chose it too.
11 minutes left. PLEASE tell me we get answers.
I think the whole, 'birth mother not wanting contact' thing is... well, it's a thing, but... F**
they just... no...
'no hatred in this house' such a pride month statement.
'REAL MUM!' NO no no no --Birth Mum, Ruby, she's your Birth mum. Carla raised you. She's the mum who matters.
jUST, AGH! My fears about the adoption storyline is totally true. Like, it's totally a thing that does happen, but it's not the only thing. Cheap cliches.
RTD was shopping at the Cliche market and they had a two-for-one special, so he cleaned out the bins.
I mean, half a point for the existence of a Birth Dad, but otherwise, minus several score.
Okay, Ms. Flood narrating. That is a very Romana outfit.
That waas the worst.
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically 31
Fun fact! The timelines have intersected, almost - if we were watching this show in the normal order, this episode is actually only one out from where we would be. It's 1930! And we all know what that means - it's time for some terrible stereotypical New York accents as we watch Daleks in Manhattan.
Martha's back! Very exciting, Martha put herself into God Tier in the companion rankings with her last episode, and frankly she is very solid in this one as well. She and Tennant arrive in New York, discover it's 1930, and immediately launch themselves into the mystery of working class people going missing during the Great Depression as they live in a Central Park slum in sight of the Empire State Building being built, a tale that is so richly anti-capitalist the only thing they don't do is turn to the camera to break the fourth wall and say "The real monster here, children, is capitalism."
(Also, side note, if you watch in this order, you do feel the devastation of the First World War).
Plot-wise, this is a two-parter! Our second one that is actually intentional. In fact, the plot is fairly basic and simple, meaning the emotional stories and anti-capitalist morals can take centre stage, which is nice - homeless people are vanishing from the slum. They are being turned into pig slaves, by which I mean, humans in fetching brown boiler suits with pig heads who squeal a lot. This is being done by a sort of wannabe mobster who wears stylish spats in the Empire State Building, who insists his workers risk their lives to attach Dalek bumps to the top - because, as the title made clear and the episode wisely chose not to hide from us, the real bosses behind it all are Jeff Bezos inhuman monstrous perversions with no morals or emotions other than hate or racial purity aka Daleks.
Which is exciting! Because you see, while we have SEEN Daleks before, next to the big cube in the second episode, and we got that brief cameo from Rusty... this is actually the first time we get to meet them properly! First Dalek episode, to show us why they're scary!
Except it turns out there are only four of them and they're a cult.
Also the Doctor is proper freaked out by them. We get SO MANY PLOT THREADS HERE
"How are they still alive?" he asks the showgirl who has followed him into a sewer (she is played by Her From Spooks). "How do they always live, while I lose everything?"
Later, Martha, having been kidnapped for experimentation by Daleks and literally shaking with fear, steps up to the Daleks and stares them down.
"I demand to know what's going on," she proclaims (god she's so fucking cool.) "Report."
"Our planet and species were lost in a war," a Dalek says (HOW MANY FUCKING WARS -) "We're the Cult of Skaro. Dalek Sec is hybridising with a human so we can evolve to live outside the shell."
(The other Daleks do not approve. Racial purists. I foresee a mutiny.)
And the merge is complete! The final cliffhanger is that the wannabe mobster now has a single eye and a beard made of penises.
Far be it from me to agree with Daleks, but I also think that's a bad design, actually.
Anyway, other little stories in this episode include Rick Griffin from Holby City playing a man called Solomon, the sort of leader of the slum, who in his first scene resolves a conflict by splitting a loaf of bread in half I-see-what-they-did-there; Her From Spooks playing a showgirl whose boyfriend gets turned into an incomplete pig slave, so he just has the snout and that's it (on being reunited she is very good about it, good for her); and ACTUAL LITERAL SPIDER-MAN IS HERE. That is. Andrew Garfield. Like, THE Andrew Garfield. His name is Frank and he's from Tennessee and he is also about to be experimented on with Martha. And he's played by Andrew Garfield.
The Doctor jokes at one point that he'll let Frank kiss him if he wants, and all I can think about is Andrew "I want to play bisexual Peter Parker" Garfield's eyes lighting up at the line.
But, a nice moment for us watching: the showgirl bonds with Martha (of course) and offers to let her watch the show from the wings.
"Have you ever been on stage?" she asks
"Oh, yeah, a bit," Martha says. "Shakespeare."
Anyway! New plot threads again!
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest.)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole
(And Nardole was “reassembled???” Nardole had glass nipples and invisible hair?? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
What has happened to all these companions and where are the new ones coming from?
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
What’s With The Silence?
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Who is Captain Jack Harkness? (Is he the one who gave the companions a warning about the lone cyberman?)
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window?
What’s with the Doctor’s future involving getting shot by an astronaut?
Is Amy pregnant and why is it inconclusive?
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
Who did the Doctor lose to Cyber Conversion?
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What’s with the Weeping Angel statues, and why can’t you blink at them?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
What happened with Amy’s pregnancy?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory?
Is Rory plastic or not?
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
Does Martha get to go to an ice cream planet with 12-fingered massage aliens?
How did the Doctor forget Clara?
Who is Bill’s puddle girlfriend Heather?
How did Nardole die?
When does Bill get Cyberman-ed and die?
When does the Doctor shrink and enter a Dalek called Rusty?
Whittaker is falling to her death rn
Was that ring relevant?
Does anyone know the Doctor’s name?
When did Yaz talk to Dan about fancying the Doctor?
When did Dan talk to the Doctor about fancying Yaz?
Who was the Doctor’s wife?
What's happening with the bees?
What happened with Donna's ex and a giant spider?
What war wiped out the Daleks, and is it one of the ones already mentioned?
What did the Doctor mean when he said "The (Daleks) always live, while I lose everything?"
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jupiter049 · 9 months
Happy christmas everybody! Today marks the 10th anniversary since The 11th Doctor regenerated into The 12th Doctor. So I felt obligated to make a compilation of some of my favorite Capaldi moments to celebrate that.
He appearing in The Day Of The Doctor 1 month before his introduction.
He calling Clara an egomaniac.
He telling Clara she doesn't see him.
He trying to resonate with Rusty.
Rusty telling him he is a good Dalek.
He asking Clara if he's a good man.
All of his banter and fights with Robin Hood, which leads to him getting shut up by Clara.
He being so desperate in trying to prove Robin Hood isn't real that he speculates the villain created his own enemy.
His theories about what the creature from Listen could be
He picking up the phone and suddenly appearing somewhere else alongside Clara.
He figuring out that they aren't in a heist but a rescue mission.
His discussion with Clara at the beginning of The Caretaker.
He interrupting Clara's class to explain that what she is teaching is wrong.
(I know this one is disliked but) him abandoning Clara so she can decide the fate of the creature in Kill The Moon.
He wanting to talk to Clara about the planets during their last hurrah.
"Sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones, but you still have to choose".
All his bickering with Clara during Flatline.
He avoiding getting run over by a train while crawling from inside the tiny Tardis only to later make a little dance to celebrate.
He trying to communicate with the 2d monsters but giving up to defeat them because he is the man that stops the monsters.
He explaining that the superpower of humanity is forgetting.
"Do you really think that I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?".
"Clara, I'm terribly sorry but I'm exactly what you deserve".
That entire scene of him and Clara in Dark Waters if I'm being real.
"I am... AN IDIOT" followed by him thanking and kissing Missy.
Almost anything in Last Christmas.
Him fighting vikings while playing electric guitar while riding a tank.
He noticing Clara in between the crowd and immediately starting to play Pretty Woman and flirting with her.
He taking over Davros chair because he believes Clara is dead.
He deciding to give Davros regeneration energy.
He trying and failing to explain to Clara his duty of care.
Believing he has to die and being totally chill about it while Clara is in total dread.
Admitting that he is rewriting history for the main objective of saving Clara.
Trying to trick the vikings with a yo-yo.
He realizing the message of his face and saving Lady Me.
Discussing with those two zygorns in the kids playground.
The zygorn speech obviously.
The entire ending of Face The Raven.
Pretty much everything in Heaven Sent and Hell Bent.
He finally getting his turn of entering The Tardis "for the first time".
The entire ending of The Husbands Of River Song.
Trying to erase Bill's mind only to get called out by her and getting tormented by the photos of River and Susan.
He celebrating christmas with Bill and going back in time to take photos of her mom as a christmas present for her.
His handshake with Nardole when Bill finally says that it's bigger on the inside than the outside.
"Nobody is from space. I'm from a planet like everybody else".
Explaining to Bill why he is so unphased by horrible deaths happening in front of his eyes.
He getting cornered in Knock Knock and solving the conflict by solving the villain's relationship with his mother.
Starting a domino effect that would lead to a revolution that would cause the destruction of capitalism.
He saving Missy from being executed and scaring of the executioners.
Reading the veritas.
Calling The Doctor.
His propagandist pro-monk broadcast.
"Hidden amongst 7 billion there's someone like you".
All of his scenes with Missy tbh.
He eating with Bill while they sit on a bench as he explains why he cares about Missy so much.
The Doctor Falls speech of course.
His final stand against the Cybermen.
He finally remembering Clara.
"Doctor, I let you go".
These are just some of my favorite moments but I didn't want to name every single one because I didn't want to be here all day so these are just the ones that came to my mind.
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voidaxolotl · 9 months
The Metaltron, Dalek Caan, Rusty. Funny how all the anit-Dalek Daleks have the same Opinion on The Doctor. Three different doctors, three different daleks, 9th-12th.
They all say The Doctor would make a good Dalek.
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thealogie · 10 months
oh thank god you hated the end of dw s10, i've seen so many people talking about it positively lately but i thought it completely ruined what had up until then been some of moffat's most watchable work. i'll never stop seething about bill getting turned into a cyberman and killed, but she's ~not really~ dead so it's all ok! (and she has an equally baffling appearance in peter capaldi's final episode, i'm assuming you haven't gotten there yet so i won't say more)
No I just finished capaldi’s final episode and like wtf was that?? Literally one of the most incoherent dr who episodes I’ve ever watched. For some reason we have a glass woman, bill but she’s all memories now (where the fuck was her puddle gf they forcibly brought back in the previous episode?), the first doctor (wtf did he add to the story?), rusty the good dalek, wwi captain played by mark gatiss (again with this guy??) all thrown together in a plot that doesn’t connect or make any sense??
Season 10 was truly one of the strongest seasons until these final two episodes (the finale plus the Christmas special).
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omegaremix · 7 months
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Winter 2014 Mixtape:
Robert Rental Mental Corrections
Dalek “Abandoned Language”
End Of A Year / Self Defense Family “Apport Birds”
aTelecine “Armour (Cut)”
A-Frames, The “Black Forest”
Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement “Black Magic Originated In Nature”
Cleanteeth “Pushing Rope”
Rubberoom “Bleach”
Unsane “Body Bomb”
Cabaret Voltaire “Crackdown”
Wild Nothing “A Dancing Shell”
Serengeti “Directions”
Thomas Lear & Robert Rental The Bridge
Tying Tiffany “Drownin’”
Leather Nun “Ensam I Natt”
George Duke “Feel”
Tony Hymas “Final Inspection”
Killing Joke “Goodbye To The Village”
Curve “Horror Head”
Rustie “Hyperthrust”
End Of The Year / Self Defense Family “It’s Not Good For The Man To Be Alone”
Bikini Kill “Jigsaw Youth”
Tunnel Canary “Jihad”
Professionals, The “Join The Professionals”
Sleaford Mods “Jolly Fucker”
Cabaret Voltaire “Just Fascination”
Chi-N.Y. Network “Keep The Fame”
Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti “Kinski Assassin”
Fantome “Love”
Nite Jewel “Lover”
Minks “Margot”
Neon Indian “Mind, Drips”
Sleaford Mods “My Jampandy”
Grimes “Oblivion”
Young Galaxy “Pretty Boy”
Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti “Round And Round”
Chrome Sparks “Send The Pain On”
Leapling “Seventeen”
Teen Daze “Shine On, You Crazy White Cap”
Zombi “Shrunken Heads”
Black Dice “Smiling Off” (DFA RMX)
Rubberoom “Style Wars”
DIIV “Wait”
Teen Daze “Waves”
General Lee & The Space Army Band “We Did It Baby (Pt. 1 & Pt. 2)”
Phil Western “We Have Come To Bless This House”
Severed Heads “We Have Come To Bless This House”
Xray Eyeballs “X”
Death Grips “5D”
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darksideofparis · 5 months
So I've been re-watching Season 8 and 9 of Doctor Who, and HOLY SHIT. I forgot just how cold and cruel 12 can be and how arrogant and demanding Clara can be. How will Alex react to it all? To 12 dismissing Danny Pink and Journey Blue and Rusty? To Missy? To Clara being so arrogant as to demand an apology for 12 hoping his oldest friend survived? To The Cyberman Brigadier after meeting Sir Alastor? I have so many questions and so many ideas and little prompts and snippets with both Alex and our OC Sky.
Lol, yeah, 12's personality is definitely a 180 compared to 11's!
To be honest, I'm not completely sure yet just how Alex will react to everything you've listed. I will say she doesn't like Danny Pink, so in that regard, she'll probably team up with 12 in disparaging Danny. She will be a lot kinder to Journey Blue; Rusty I think she'll be leery towards, understandably so since she doesn't have a good history with the Daleks.
Missy is . . . a whole different ballgame, so I won't say much about that. Same on the Clara situation.
I do think Alex will be horrified that the Brigadier was converted after his death (she and the Doctor attended his funeral and offered comfort to Kate) and it definitely brings up worries on what happened to her parents after their deaths. . . So yeah, that's not a fun situation.
Ooh, ideas, prompts and snippets? Feel free to share if you'd like!
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More doodles of companion!Rusty the Good Dalek -- my fave lil' squishy squid 🐙 💖
Part 1 here
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whoify · 2 years
hiiii dalek post. ik we all know the daleks are overused but i was thinking about all the stories earlier and wanted to do an episode by episode breakdown and see where i personally think they’re utilized well.
overall i think daleks have a tendency to be used as a villain in stories where it doesn’t really matter if they’re daleks. like think of a dalek story and if you could replace them with cybermen sontaran alien of the week etc and not see a difference. then it doesn’t need to be daleks. and they are used like this a lot. two things dw writers should keep in mind when creating dalek stories are that daleks should be used sparingly and strategically. so let’s look at the episodes and see which ones fit the bill:
series 1: dalek and bad wolf/parting of the ways. dalek is incredibly good and that’s pretty widely recognized. it’s the first dalek story of the revival and we see the doctor reconciling with what he thinks is the lone other survivor of the war. you definitely can’t swap out the dalek for anything else. the bad wolf/parting of the ways villain doesn’t technically have to be daleks, but their use still feels impactful since it’s the first big nuwho story with them and it establishes that they’ve survived the time war.
series 2: army of ghosts/doomsday. this does not have to be daleks. these are good episodes but the cybermen are definitely the more relevant enemy here what with the established parallel world business. nothing hinges on the fact that specifically the daleks are there.
series 3: daleks in manhattan/evolution of the daleks. i don’t have a very good memory of these episodes but i don’t think they need to be daleks. there’s like a human-dalek hybrid (insert hybrid joke) that has some philosophical consequences for the doctor but other than that it’s more of a new york story than a dalek story.
series 4: the stolen earth/journey’s end. hopefully we can all agree that these are wonderful episodes. but i need us to be real with ourselves and ask if the daleks need to be there. if this was a cyberman story instead, would anything about the plot fall apart or need to change? the answer is no. this is textbook example of overuse of daleks.
series 5: victory of the daleks and the big bang. victory of the daleks is kind of a suck episode. but it does matter that the dalek is a dalek! you can’t change it so that the british army accidentally builds a slitheen or whatever. plus we get the doctor’s moral compass freakout over there being a “good” dalek, a la series 1 which is always good to see. the big bang has A Dalek in it in which it shoots the doctor and river makes it beg for mercy. that in itself is significant because of the whole daleks don’t do mercy thing.
series 6: no dalek episodes!! rejoice!!
series 7: asylum of the daleks and day of the doctor and time of the doctor. asylum is a very good dalek episode. it raises and answers the question of what you do with a defective dalek and shows us daleks in a completely new setting. obviously the fact that they’re daleks is crucial. day of the doctor is like. yeah it’s the time war there’s gonna be daleks. time of the doctor has a whole host of enemies which the daleks are a part of. they could be removed but so could any one of the other enemies. it’s the sheer number that’s making the story work, so i don’t feel like their use is unnecessary.
series 8: into the dalek. another “good dalek” concept!! another completely new way to show us daleks, this time from the inside. this is definitely a unique dalek story where rusty’s use is crucial to the plot.
**an aside here to say that yes there have been three separate episodes dealing with the concept of a “good dalek” where we get to see the doctor’s moral compass go haywire about it, but i don’t think that that is a repetitive storyline. the doctor will always abhor a dalek that deviates from their idea that they are all irredeemable, because then the things the doctor has done to the daleks as a whole are no longer justified. they could meet 100 “good daleks” and go through this every time.
series 9: the magician’s apprentice/the witch’s familiar. this is a davros story so it makes sense that the daleks are there. they’re kind of side characters in comparison to davros and missy, but obviously you can’t replace them with anything else. satisfactory use of daleks.
series 10: pilot. definitely moffat’s laziest use of the daleks lmao, they’re there for two minutes for absolutely no real reason. i think everyone was officially tired of the “one dalek story per series” rule if that was even still a thing.
13th doctor era: resolution and revolution of the daleks and eve of the daleks. i’m gonna be real i don’t remember a thing about the first two episodes. i think one of them is about dalek cops which is admittedly funny. eve of the daleks is a very good episode buttt the dalek could be replaced with almost anything else.
that’s all of them!! after going through each episode i’ve honestly come to the conclusion that moffat’s dalek stories are some of the better ones, at least considering the qualities of using them sparingly and strategically. he doesn’t have a single dalek finale (while rtd has 3 and chibnall has 3 dalek specials), rather he works them into existing stories or creates stories that really delve into like. the dalek psyche. rtd’s daleks mostly feel shoehorned in to me. again, not to say the episodes are bad, but the daleks don’t have to be daleks. and i think a good dalek story should necessitate the use of the daleks.
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gnougnouss · 1 year
hbomberguy did a twice upon a time is garbage and here's why as well, so if you want to see some more of the worst doctor who takes to ever grace the internet, that is a thing that exists
i don't even like twice upon a time (because of the way 1 is written) but the reasons he doesn't are nonsensical. its been a long time since i watched it, but apparently tuat is bad because it doesn't have a villain, as if the entire fucking point isn't that the doctor needs to accept he needs to regenerate and needs to stop looking for excuses to stick around. like come on
also i vaguely remember a point about the good dalek being named rusty is somehow a slight against RTD. I mean what
he also claims the moffat era has NO characters people would want to go back and see how they are doing as in tennants end of time victory tour, like its taken as fact as thats something that should have been in the moffat era finale. im pretty sure he says rusty being in the episode was an attempt at that. its genuinely awful
I don't really like TUAT for the same reasons as you but This is so funny actually. Rusty is a slight againts RTD...lmao. Just because YOU have a personal vendetta against Steven Moffat and a bad case of hero worship of RTD doesn't mean THEY have to be bitter ennemies. They are pals. What even could possibly have Moffat against RTD, the guy gave him a one or two episodes in his series you'd think they wouldn't work together if they hated each other guts smh.
Males can really say any old shit on the internet and some people will listen and even agree. Get some media Comprehension dumbass
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thirddoctor · 2 years
There is a lot of talk recently about how hypocritical it is that the DW as a show condemns Daleks for being racist against everything non-pure-Dalek and at the same time considers the one to be beyond redemption for the "crime" of being born Dalek even if they try to be good ("Evil of the Daleks", "Dalek", "Daleks on Manhatten"...). Do you think we need to see a redeemed Dalek (who lives after having redemption)? We already have one redeemed Sontaran, which was unthinkable even as recently as during RTD era
I thought I was basically up to speed on all the stupid discourse in the fandom but that's a new one. If people are struggling to grasp that the actions of the show's main villains are not being presented as morally correct then that's on them lol. I think there are interesting ways you can explore the Dalek philosophy and use it to say something about the nature of fascism and racism/xenophobia but like... I don't think we need Dr. Who to look directly into the camera and say Daleks are bad to get the idea.
As for whether or not we should have redeemed Daleks, I'm fine with that. I love Rusty, the Dalek from Dalek, Alpha, Beta,Omega, etc. I was genuinely interested in the random Dalek in Power of the Doctor who was trying to stop the other Daleks and was disappointed when they completely wasted its potential. I'd love to see more complex Dalek characters.
My opinion is that it's very difficult for Daleks to break free of their hatred, because it's basically been programmed into their DNA, but if they have any level of free will/autonomy at all then I think it's possible and I'm always interested in stories about individuals overcoming their society/upbringing/nature and choosing to be something better. I don't think that's in any way endorsing or excusing fascists - quite the opposite.
So yeah, I'm not sure we need to see a redeemed Dalek, but if RTD wants to do that kind of story then I'm totally open to it.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
Power of the Doctor - Quickfire Thoughts
So it's time for a New Doctor to take the reins
It's been a mixed tenure for Whittaker - by no fault of her own, moreso the writing - but let's see how her final effort goes
Spoilers for the Episode
Hang on, isn't that Luther from Umbrella Academy?
Didn't expect the Cyber Masters to be back, let alone be shot down by laser blasters
Bit reckless from the Doctor to drop her 'fam' into a Cyberman raid
They were still opening the box, this is not the time to do the speech
Ace the poor museum lady's not gonna tell you some alien shit is going down with the painting
Inevitable write-off for Dan even though we've had a whole season to come to terms with mortality, y'know to push the whole Doctor and Yaz thing he was thirdwheeling
First time? Dalek Sec Doctor? Rusty?
Of course the Master is Rasputin
Got some classic stuff going though; Kaled mentions, Tegan and Ace, Master's hypnosis and action figuring, referencing the Second Doctor's Forced Regeneration someone has been doing their homework
Joker was here and he stole a TARDIS!
Doctor you do have a Time Machine, time should be all you have
How polite of the Master to message UNIT at that exact moment
Vinder! Why aren't you with your girl?
Sacha Dhawan's Master is at its best right now, but seriously how many times do you have to bring the Master into a secure and sensitive facility for it to be part of his plan before you think twice?
As dangerous as jumping a train full of Cyber Masters Yaz?
Oh so the Lone Cyberman is just a pawn again? Bit of a waste
UNIT aren't aren't so ready if they just have simple machine guns...
To be fair the garb works
United in a common goal and all you could get is Daleks and Cybermen? I mean, the Pandorica had a bigger alliance
'Yo Dalek is this a bop?'
So does Sacha technically become the Fourteenth Doctor or are we gonna count this the same way as War Doctor and Metacrisis Doctor? I mean he's even wearing a wardrobe mismatch of other outfits, even the flute and celery.
I mean, couldn't this have been achieved by just...changing your name?
CGI Hartnell (well, David Bradley but a bit of work done), also irl Colin, Davidson, McCoy and McGann
McGann could still play the Doctor I'm just saying
Guess no CGI Pertwee, Troughton or irl Baker, no Eccleston, Smith (guess he is housing dragons at this time) or Capaldi either
I miss Osgood, anyone else miss Osgood?
Okay so if they can shoot through the window what's stopping them from escaping the building?
Sorry Ace it's kinda a NuWho thing; River, Clara, even the sentient piece of jet fuel
So UNIT has a laser shield but not a laser gun?
Technically he never accepted the terms...
So does the original Master just chill in a box forever?
Wait, how can the AI turn into Fugitive Doctor? Yaz never met her didn't she?
We're...just gonna leave the Master there?
Guess Kate isn't liked enough to have AI Doctor helping her out
Daleks can survive bullets but not a baseball bat
Good thing Vinder was here to shoot the Master once
Won't doing that still disrupt the tectonics on the planet?
What about the other Brother Eye Death Star thingy?
Aw man no more Graham :/ if we were just gonna cameo it would've rather we just swapped him and Vinder for Dan and Karvanista
I mean, you were hit with a laser from a being of pure energy
The fact that we will never get Dan and Graham as a comedic companion duo is the true tragedy
Companions of future past being cameo'd too, would've thought there'd already be a support group
So he's not a past iteration for the special? I guess the Curator did say we'd be revisiting a few old faces in the last special
So is DAVID counted as the Tenth AND Fifteenth Doctor or is this also gonna count as another War Doctor or Metacrisis Doctor?
If we had a penny for every time the Doctor unexpectedly turned into David Tennant again we'd have two pennies, which is not a lot but it's still surprising it happened twice
So there we have it. I liked the episode, but I didn't cry. I think it's just that I wasn't as attached as previous, part of that does come down to me never really being a fan of Yaz. Even in this episode the most impressive thing she does without help is pilot the TARDIS with the help of post-it notes, I could've told you from the get-go that the episode would find a way to write out Dan as well. It was nice seeing past companions like Ace, Tegan and Graham, but most of them had a limited role, also UNIT were extremely ineffective, as were the Daleks and the Cybermen really, especially the lone Cyberman who was just a named redshirt. The plot felt a bit convoluted as well, the interesting stuff didn't get as much time you know? We could've had like a full 3-parter on this to flesh it out more, the train stuff at the beginning was a bit meh, plus the CGI and wiring were a bit iffy.
But it was still good, end on a surprise and we had a lot of fanservice, a lot of clever callbacks, we'll have to see in 2023 how Tennant course corrects to Ncuti Gatwa
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